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The ground shook.

Bullets ricocheted off of metal beams.

Explosions ripped across the concrete floor.

Inside the abandoned warehouse, you hunker down behind stacked steel crates. Small rays of sun leaked through the holes of the roof. Some mercs engaged in melee combat, locking in blades and trading blows. You pop out, letting off some shots then quickly sink back into the cover.

This was your life.

And your life sucked.

A stray grenade landed on your lap. You take the risk of throwing it back, thankfully, the grenade landed on the second floor office through the window. The office lit in a flash of light as a bellowing explosion obliterated the office’s interior.

“Just hand over the goods and I won’t kill you!” Your client said.

“Like trag I will!”

In this miserable, violence-filled life, you are Fluellen Holliday: Wanderer, unlicensed bounty hunter, unregistered mercenary, and a damn good cook.

“What are you doing you lazy zuck? Shoot them!”

You blind fire without much of a thought. You were tired of risking your life just to make a living. You stare back with a blank expression.

“Why did I even bother hiring you!” Your client groaned.

Technically speaking, your contract was over. All you had to do was escort your client to the warehouse over the Unofficial Waters. Three of the five hired mercs were dead and the other one fled, you should have done that first. Better to live than getting paid you guessed. The bullets whizzed above the steel crates.

“Do something!”

You shrugged “Do what?”


You sighed, as if this was a winning fight. He was acting like this wasn’t your fault. What did he think, threatening the gang lieutenant to hand over more than the agreed goods? Was he high or something? It didn’t matter now. You peek out from the corner of the steel crate. Fifteen enemies, armed with long arms. You were armed with a Blackwind’s Model-14, an old but effective semi-auto rifle, a smoke grenade, and an high explosive-incendiary grenade.

>Throw the smoke, grab your employer, and get the trag out.
>Throw an explosive grenade and make an offensive
>Just run for it, your job is done here
>Throw the smoke, grab your employer, and get the trag out
>Throw the smoke, grab your employer, and get the trag out.
Unless we have "something else" under our sleeve, this is extremely disadvantageous. So, we grab our shit and leave.
With nothing in your inventory, you pull the pin of your smoke grenade and toss it forward. The can landed and hissed as the gas seeped out of the canister. You scooped your client into your arms and made a run for it.

“Hey what the trag!”

“I’m doing you a favor by rescuing you!”

“Put me down!”

You ignored his cries and kept running. Without much of a thought, you weave through the alleyways between the warehouses. You hear the engines growl, angry shouts spreading, and the ground rumbling with stampedes. You need to find a place to hide, or better yet, a way to get out of this situation fast.

“You idiot what are you doing!” Your client whispered.

“Trying to save our ass, that’s what I’m doing.” You whisper back.

You were at Rattaya Docks, one of many in the Unofficial Waters. Your client is simmering in quiet rage as you lead him into one of the empty warehouses. The damp air cooled your skin, and your steps echoed inside the vast open area.

“Why did you take me out?”

“Take you out? I just saved your ass!”

“You were supposed to help me get that package!”

“With the two of us? Are you serious?”

“Trag!” Spit sputter from his lips. “You’re useless!”

You lean on the wall, trying to think of a way out.

>Wait until night, and hope they don't find you here
>Try to make a run for it after an hour
>Leave your client and go on your own
>Try to make a run for it after an hour
Tempting to leave but we're professional.
>Try to make a run for it after an hour
You waited inside the warehouse, watching every corner, waiting, patrolling. Your client is sitting on a crate with a simmering frown, his slick brown hair puffed into a mangled mane. Holes and singes tore his expensive suit into rags. His sharp chin and skinny nose crinkled, but he did not say any more words, and stewed in his own anger. Fatigue soon gnawed at your mind, and your heavy eyelids threatened to close.

You need to move, unless you wanted the fatigue to pile on you.

"We're moving."

"Good, I've had enough of this place. And I'll hire someone better than you."

A loud thunk echoed.

"Hey we didn't check this one!"


The gate howled a rusty creak as it opened from the sides. You saw the sun dipping into the horizon, and the silhouettes of the men chasing you. Or, so you thought.

“Holy shi—”

A burst of gun fires tore through the silhouettes. You see a new group of people arrive, armed with uniform weapons and gears. Rabbit ears, cat, dog, horns, they were from different sovereignties, a mercenary band? From the center, a woman with a pair of black hair and cat ears walk out.

>Stand between your client and the woman
>"I don't know who you are, keep your distance."
>"I don't know who you are, but thank you for the rescue."
>"I don't know who you are, keep your distance."

Best to be polite
>"I don't know who you are, keep your distance."
“I don’t know who you are, but keep your distance.”

The woman stopped. Behind her were platoons worth of mercenaries. Dressed in white button shirt, snug black pants with a silver buckle belt, she swished her long black hair back. A wicked grin split across her lips, her golden eyes aimed toward you.

“We’re not here as enemies, so you may relax. Though I commend you for standing tough despite the odds you would be up against.” Her black gloved hands trace her jian sword. “Unless you want a fight?”

“I’ll pass.”

“Hm, a shame.” The woman shrugged, “Kai Liao get your ass here now!”

Your client flinch. The entitled and angry brat attitude froze, leaving only an apologetic gaze and sheepish steps. Your client, Kai Liao, shrunk, his legs were together, hands folded and his back was straight. But you saw his eyes not meeting the woman’s. The woman’s fist raised in the air, then struck Kai Liao’s cheek, sending him skidding across the floor. Two mercenaries dragged Kai Liao away.

“Hey he’s—”

“Your client, I’m aware. But he’s under our family, our gang. He’s under my authority.”

“It is, I understand.”

“Wait. Knowing Kai Liao he probably gotten you into some trouble, why didn’t you ditch him or better yet kill him?”
>“He’s still a client, it was an obligation to see him out.”
>“I didn’t want to just leave him to die.”
>"Judging by his attitude, I knew he worked for a powerful group. It wouldn't do me good to leave him to die even if I hated him."
>“He’s still a client, it was an obligation to see him out.”

Professionals have standards
>>“He’s still a client, it was an obligation to see him out.”

You shrug.

“He’s still a client, it was an obligation to see him out.”

“A professional.” The woman nodded. “What’s your name?”

“Fluellen Holliday.”

The woman moved her hair back. “Ling Liao. As gratitude for getting Kai Liao out, allow me to escort you back to your home, or somewhere you are comfortable at.”

“Then if you please, drop me off at Albatross Port.”

“Truly? Very well.”

You followed Ling Liao to the sleek airship composed of four rotaries. Inside, cool air swept your hair and caressed your cheeks. Red carpets and wooden floors creaked under your weight. Glass chandeliers lit the interior with warm orange glow.

“Sit if you like.”

Ling Liao sat on a leather chair and you sat across on the same chair with a coffee table between. A maid placed a cup of water on your side of the table.
>Wait for her to talk
>Ask about Kai Liao
>Drink the water
>Ask about Kai Liao
>Drink the water
>Ask about Kai Liao
>Drink the water
Be at ease. if she wanted us dead, we'd already be dead.
Seriously need to learn the damn board thing, I'm gonna assume that's the votes. Not sure why there's two so I'm gonna take the top on.
New, huh? When someone select two options, it usually means they want to do both. In this case I'm suggesting we drink the water AND ask about Kai Liao to show we're at ease as we enter into conversation (and maybe negotiations? I bet she has a proposal for us).
Yes I'm new! Not sure if I can let two things happen but in this context I don't see why not. Thank you for your vote and explanation.
If only one can be done drink the water. Wait for her to talk. We're here for a reason.
“So, what’s the story on Kai Liao?”

Ling Liao raised her hand then sipped on her water slowly, she sighed with a satisfied smile. The lounge room was dipped in red, from the walls to the ceilings, and paintings of nature were plenty.

“He is the seventh son of the Liao clan, and as you can see he is eager to prove himself.”

“That’s one way to put it.” You sip on the cool water, there was a flowery aftertaste. “Huh. I thought this was water.”

“Infused with hibiscus. Us Liao Clan are known for our hospitality.”

“Am I a guest?” You cautiously watch her arms, the exits, and look behind you.

“Of course.” Ling Liao nodded, she crossed her legs and leaned back. “However, I would prefer a professional relationship rather than being a simple guest. I can tel you’re a man who separates business and pleasure. Unlike Kai.”

“I can consider it.”

Two maids arrived and placed a plate of moon cakes with red colored tea. A suited man brought a vanilla folder on a tray. Ling Liao read the contents of the folder. You take a bite of the mooncake and quietly sip on the tea.

“Done reading my past?” You go for your second mooncake.

“What little of it there was. You must have paid a substantial amount to have your past scrubbed cleaned. That, and you have red hair yet the traits of a huma-sapien. So I can assume one of your parents are from Beatha Beinn and the other Vespera.”

>“Am I supposed to be impressed?”
>“That can’t be all you have, I know the Liao Clan isn’t just known for hospitality.”
>“Am I supposed to be impressed?”
>“Am I supposed to be impressed?”
>"Because I am, but it doesn't tell me why you brought me here."

Votes counted,
Hey sorry guys I'm too tired for an update today I'll get one or two out tomorrow
Sounds good. Thanks for the update, QM.
“Am I supposed to be impressed?”

Ling Liao’s head tilted, her lips curved to a mischievous smile and her brows twitched. She switched her crossed legs and folded her hands together. Ling Liao’s tail flicked and her ears flattened. She wasn’t happy about what you said, the felis-sapien weren't as good at hiding their emotion as they thought they could.

“You’ve been working as a gun for hire. Bounty hunting, mercenary work, and even some security details. You could’ve registered, why didn’t you?”

“Guild fees are expensive.”


The airship finally arrived at Albatross Port. Warm breeze danced with the breeze, the sun poured its hottest beams of rays, you already noticed the damp sweat slowly forming on your skin. Ling Liao wore her sunglasses and handed you an envelope containing your pay.

“Once again, thank you for escorting Kai Liao.”

You exchange a firm handshake.

“Any jobs you might—”

“I will give you a call if there is.”


The streets were densely packed with old buildings and stores in need of renovations. Wires hung haphazardly from disheveled roofs and grimes formed thick black layers on the walls and windows. Shattered windows and rust was a common sight. You walk through the busy market place that sold the usual goods of guns and groceries.

“Guns here get your guns, fresh from the manufacturers!”

“Hey big guy, how about some rice pudding?”

“Custom plate carriers starting at seventy laurels, you won’t find anywhere cheaper!”

You step on thrown beer cans and tossed cigarette butts, then walk past armed gangsters, mercenaries, and civilians. No one ever walked alone or unarmed. With fresh payment, you wondered what you should do.

>Go to a bar
>Go straight home
>Visit your local weapon store

Thank you for waiting everyone
>Go to a bar
>Go to a bar
Wonder if anyone here's heard of the Liao clan?
>Go to a bar
>Visit your local weapon store

Time to get druk
Dryk Tcendent, or in Common, The Storm Dragon, was one of the most popular bars on the island. The double door’s bell rang as you pushed opened the door. The wall sconce orange light dimly lit the room.

“Ah, Holliday, what can I get you today?”

“Southern Plum wines would do good.”

Sojyu, one of the bartenders, nodded. “You got it.”

You drag your feet across the checkered floor, walking past the thick smoke from all manners of leaves and pipes. You smelled the tangy scent of pax to sweet hand rolled julyp leaves. You nearly crash on the seat, letting your body spread on the cool surface of the marble counter.

“Tough day?”

“More like a tough week.” You sip the wine and sigh. “I’m tired of jobs like this.”

“What do you want to do then?”

“I don’t know…” You sip again. “I don’t have any records to get a normal job so this kind of work is all I’ve got.”

“They give you a identification documentsin the mercenary guild, there’s that.”

You shake your head. “I’ll pass.”

“You know, an old man is selling his old restaurant. Down by Monroe Street.”

“Jose’s Fresh Meal 2 Go?”

Sojyu nodded. “That’s the place. Maybe cooking might be your calling.”

You shrug “Maybe.”

>Stay in the bar longer
>Leave the bar to go home
>Leave the bar to go to your local weapons store
>Go to Jose’s Fresh Meal 2 Go
>Stay in the bar longer
>Stay in the bar longer
>Ask about the Liao clan

Votes are called in, let's get durkner
“How about some ailag?”

“Sure thing.”

Sojyu poured a milky white liquid into the cup. The sweet yet sour flavor spread across your tongue. The taste was good. But the alcohol did not hit you yet.

“Alright…” Your vision multiplied. “Uh, I'll take a shot of Tanegashima sake.”

“Coming right up.”

The sweet and flowery taste flowed down your throat. Drinks after drinks, the world grew hazier. As the clock ticked toward the evening, the bar boomed louder, the thin screen of smoke became a fog. You continued to sit alone at the counter as other patrons took the couches and chairs.

“A round of the strongest you got!”

Drinks flowed, and laughters echoed. A patron took a seat next to yours as the better seats got snatched by the earlier patrons. Someone tapped your shoulder, you look back to see five suited men, two with felis-sapien ears, one with human-sapien ears, and two tall and dark skinned men with horns.

“Hey trag-face, take a different seat for— hey I know your face. You’re the one that saved Kai!”

“It is!” Another shouted with a finger pointing at you.

“Shit, man, forget about what I said, you want to drink with us?”

>Drink with them
>Drink alone
>Go home
>Write-in: Party with them but pace yourself, do some networking
>Drink with them

Get shitfaced
>Drink with them
>Write-in: Party with them but pace yourself, do some networking
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Write-in: Party with them but pace yourself, do some networking

>Drink with them
You moved to a bigger table where you met more of the Liao clan’s men.

“C’mon Holliday we’re partying, drink! Drink!”

The men cheered on, they drank liquor as if they were water. You noticed their gazes and their disappointed looks, you were pacing yourself after all. By your third drink, most of the men were slushed, slurring words and moving like slugs. Your attempts to network with them was fruitless, most were low leveled enforcers, figures, higher ranking members would be somewhere else.

“You’re not drinking much.” The man said with a low growl. “Something wrong?”

“Just pacing myself.”

The man snorted. His dark skin and horns told you he was from Drakarai Qunos, The Black Dragon Clansdom.

“Are you the leader of these men?”

“Something like that.”

You finish your third bottle of beer. “Your name?”

“None of your business. I know you were looking for jobs before you pissed off Da Jie, you won’t get much from me. I’m just an enforcer.”

From his wide shoulders and tall frame, he was made for those work. Then again, everyone, eben women, that were draco-sapien were.

“Dai Lo!” One of the men, a young man of early twenties, stumbled ove with a shot glass and a clear bottle. “May I pour you a drink?”

The stern square jaw faced man nodded with a small grin, he held his glass out and swallowed the shot.

“What about you man?”

“I’m good.”

The young man shrugged and joined his friends.

“I think it’s about time you go. We’re here to party, not networking.”

If there was one thing, men of the Black Dragon Clansdom respected strength. A dangerous idea sprouted, though you weren’t sure if you’d let it bloom.

>“Make me.”

I also have a live fiction version with a different story!

>“Make me.”
>“Make me.”
It's a neat change playing someone who's not entirely always taking the safest of choices because "much optimization".
“Make me.”

The enforcer’s face scrunched to a scowl. “Don’t make me kill you.”

You chuckle. “You act tough for someone that always travels in packs.”

The group’s party halted. As they stood the draco raised his hand to stop them. You watch him stand and follow up.


Outside the bar, a crowd soon formed. Everyone loved a brawl after all. You noticed several gangsters. Warlock Inc, dressed in their iconic bone charms and track suits. You saw the sword patch on the arm of the Crusaders. Several smugglers, mercs, and of course, the locals. You raise your arms, put your right foot back, and wait.

The draco charged.


You dodge, parry, and block the punches. He fought like you, using basic techniques and relying on raw strength. Jabs, then right hook, then the occasional kick or the gut punch.

“Come on do something!”


“Punch him back!”

You walk back, making a small distance between you and the frustrated draco.

“You heard them, do something.” You said with a sneer.

A vein pulsated.


The draco unleashed a furious assault.

>Answer him in kind, fire with fire
>Take the beating, wear him out, then knock his ass flat, humiliate him
>Play it smart
>Play it smart
he's a natural-born warrior, right? Punch-for-punch we'll likely lose. Humiliating him won't get us an in with him, and we were doing this ostensibly to earn his respect. So... This.
>Answer him in kind, fire with fire
Odds are we're less drunk than him so
>>Play it smart
Playing smart it is
You had pride in toughness, you’ve taken plenty of hits in life. Most of the hits from draco left a lasting impression. Better to play it smart. You continued to dodge the attacks, keeping yourself bouncing and ready to pounce. The draco launched forward, bellowing a war cry.

The draco threw a barrage of punches like a mad beast. You duck and parry each attack, and once you saw the gap, you struck; Ducking under a right hook then torpedoing your fist into the draco’s stomach, you buried your knuckles deep into his stomach. As he fell you grabbed the back of his head then smashed his face into your knee. The nose crackled and blood stained your pants.

The crowd finally cheered. The smell of alcohol and smoke spread in the small ring of people. The taste of the beer still lingered on your tongue. You could go for some chicken wings. Other trivial thoughts occupied your mind. If being honest, you expected better from the draco-sapien, not even pumping your blood. Even so, you never kept your vigilance dull.

“Dai Lo get up!”

“Dai Lo!”

The draco laid on the ground, blood seeping out of his nose like water in a cracked cup. Now you just needed to wait for him to get up. The draco slammed his fist on the ground, then quickly stood back up. The draco leaned down, spread right leg back, and charged once more.

“That’s enough!”

Ling Liao and her guards behind her arrived. The crowd quickly dispersed, realizing that the fun was over. Ling Liao ordered her men to drag the draco away, then walked toward you.

“I’m going to let you go today for saving Kai, but if you show your face next time you’re dead. Understand?”
You see the crowd watch, whether you fold or not, people will talk.

(Choose carefully)
>“Don’t threaten me.”
A quick doodle of the draco
>>"Really? Because I think I just showed off one of the many reasons I'm more useful alive."
Let's leave on that parting line, let her stew on it.
>“Don’t threaten me.”
Update will be tomorrow so meanwhile why not check out the akun version where Holliday is reading about the entertainment industry in Yore?

Sorry QM, I'm not visiting Akun. Not right now, anyway.
Rolled 1 (1d2)



To the two anon that is consistent thank you for voting, I really appreciate it. I hope it gets more popular soon cause I could use some more votes.

Ling Liao scowled. “Really. You saved Kai, so I suggest you stop it, now.”

“Hey, I just showed off one of many reasons I’m more useful alive.”

“The Liao clan doesn’t need mercs.”

You glance at the draco being dragged back. Ling Liao’s scowl deepend as the pirates of East Dragon Sea and North Vespera Collective snickered. It wasn’t as if you wanted to humiliate them. Maybe you should’ve worded it better but…

“Yeah, the Liao clan doesn’t need mercenaries.” A gangster said with a sneer.

Well, you got attention. You need more work once you run out of funds. In a way, this was a success and a failure.

“Stay out of my sight, Holliday.”

The rest of the crowd who didn’t run from the Liao Clan left. Well, no use staying around here either. Time to go home. Through the abandoned streets littered with trash and shady stores, you open the rusty gate to your apartment. After climbing six flight of stairs, you jiggle the key and open the wooden door to your home.

You fling off your shoes then turn on the light. Concrete walls welcomed you back. Inside the empty room, unkept and untouched due to the nature of your job. After a quick shower, you sit on your bed, ripping out a long yawn. You glance at the table where your laptop laid dormant for months, then the fridge full of cheap beers and frozen food.

>Read some idol news
>Read some mercenary news
>Read a different topic (write-in)
>Go to sleep
>read some idol news
Idol time
>Read some idol news
What are the Vtubers of the Furry Future (?) like?
>Read some idol news

There are two types of idols, puppet idols and free idols. Puppet idols are sponsored by a sovereignty, whether it is to boost tourism or sovereignty’s presence. Puppet idols can be considered a pawn of a sovereignty’s political game but also the best trained due to the government support in both dancing and combat. The most famous idols being Tanegashima’s Teppou Gals and Goreyo’s Gaya-Geum.

Free idols, as the words suggest, are not supported by a sovereignty and are part of a talent agency or are independent. Within free idols there is a subset of free idols: Mercenary Idols, the epitome of the idol spirit. They do not care where the stage is, be it a ghost town, war zone or a desolate desert, they have one goal: to bring happiness with guns and songs. The Mercenary idols operate in small towns or cities oppressed by gangs or despots.

With a cold beer and freshly boiled sundae blood sausage, you lean back on your heavy duty recliner chair and scroll through Pretty Powder, the least biased news source for all idols.

Felidae Klaws Reveals The Dirty Secrets In Obsidia

Merc idol Group Trauma-Dolls: Confirmed KIA?

Triple T Launces Counter Concert
As usual, there weren’t much world breaking news about idols. Same old same old, for both regular idols and merc idols. You continue to read more of the idol news, merc idol news to be more specific. You let out a long yawn. While you had some money saved up, they weren’t going to last long.

The next morning, you drag yourself out of bed and dress up. You enter a small store named Madam Nari’s Mystical Menagerie. You walk through the bead curtain of a small corner shop that smelled of rain. The candles dimly lit the room, dancing with the cool and humid wind. By all means, it was impossible to have such a damp and cool room with no fans or AC, but you learned to not question it, that was just how it was.

Shiny trinkets and old books in wooden shelves filled the already cramped room, you walk by a mannequin dressed in a red and white hooded robe studded with gems. A dark skinned woman sat at a table with a crystal ball, she looked up, a thick veil covered her lower half of her face and her golden hoop earrings glimmered. This woman was your fixer and for other the unlicensed or the unregistered.

“Solomonari.” You say the full name with respect.

“Ah, Holliday.” Madam Nari said playfully. “Back so soon?”

“Gotta pay the bills, please tell me there are better jobs than the last one.”

“There is actually. I heard this morning you beat up Dirknar of the Liao Clan. There were three clients who were eager to hire you.”

“Go on, what is it?”

On the table were three vanilla folders, she opened the first one and you immediately noticed Ling Liao.

“First, the client wants you to disrupt a deal involving the Liao Clan in Guan Dao. Our client doesn’t want whatever they’re buying in their hands. Destroy it or steal it, your choice. It’s in League of Sovereignty territory so it shouldn’t be hard to travel too.”

“Sounds straightforward, the second one?”

The second folder showed gangs in shoulder capes and ceremonial armor, The Crusaders, a gang that originated from Vespera, your birthplace.

“The Crusaders lauded your prowess and wanted your hand in a raid against their rival gang. Again, simple and easy.”

“Again, straightforward, I like that. The final one?”

Madam Nari opened the last folder. Idols?

“The Trauma Dolls, this is a big one, apparently a fan saw you and wanted to hire you to confirm their deaths. You know the saying, no body no confirmation.” Madam Nari leaned forward, propping her hand on the interlocked fingers. “What will it be?”

>The first job, “The Loot Box Job”
>The second job, “The Ceremony Job”
>The third job “The Puppet Job”
>Don’t take any jobs
>The third job “The Puppet Job”
>The first job, “The Loot Box Job”

Liao clan can suck our I'm guessing furry cock.
Trips wills it
We're mostly a 'huma-sapien', so I think we are normal-ish human man.
>The first job, “The Loot Box Job”
Guess Liao clan is getting that networking after all. I'm counting the votes.
The merc idols were always in a dangerous area, and get in more troubles than you were paid for. The Crusaders? You weren’t looking to become a gangster. Madam Nari watched as you hover your hands above the folders and landed on the first folder.

“Ah, the Loor Box Job,” Madam Nari said. “I suppose you don’t mind being an enemy to the Liao Clan.”

“If I don’t get caught.”

Madam Nari chuckled huskily. “Holliday, since when were you ever good at stealth?”

“Every job is a new opportunity.”

“To fail?”

You bite back an annoyed snarl then tuck the folder between your arm. Past the bead curtains you return home. The folder’s detail was straightforward as the description that Madam Nari gave, she never did lie but the job itself always did. But a dash of explosives and a sprinkle of problem solving never fails you. Back in your home, you open the folder.

The trade off will be set in Guan Dao City, Hanfu, in a week. The folder already gave you the specific location so finding the deal would not be difficult. The problem was the deal itself. For now, that was a problem you could think of while traveling. What mattered was equipments, your Blackwind’s M-14 would not be suitable and so would be your armor, belts, and support tools. While the pay from Liao Clan was good, it wasn’t enough. You have enough funds for either equipments or new weapons.

>Get new equipments
>Get new weapons
>Try to do some odd jobs, -2 days before the deal

Sorry for the late update, heat wave and work is a killer combination.
>Get new weapons

>Get new equipments
Rolled 2 (1d2)


>Get new equipments
Might help with stealth, since we're bad at it?
That's A-ok

While there were many weapons store, Trigger’s was the most affordable and dependable. That, and Trigger was a good man. You walk through the concrete hallway and inside the store. The fluorescent white lights illuminated the concrete interior. Guns of all sizes and caliber hung on the racks, grenades were polished and stood on display cabinets, and sharpened knives gleamed with pride.

“Hey Hal, I’ll be with you in a moment.”

Trigger swept his brush across the canvas. Various paints smeared his apron and some parts of his cheeks, locks of curly blond hair leaked out from the black beret.

“Take your time. I’m going to do some browsing.”

“You could have came in a good time, there was a sale yesterday.”

“And today?”

“None. Your broke ass can get what you usually get.”

Trigger pointed at the discount section, read as: Used.

“C’mon Trigger…”

Trigger shrugged. “Should’ve come here earlier.”

“Fine, asshole.”

You grab “new” gears. Plate carriers, holsters, goggles, the works, all focused toward a stealthier approach. Though you see several more that would be a good addition, but not enough laurels.

>20ft of HMPE (High Modulus Polyethylene) rope.
>dozens of bargain bin support grenades
>High Quality (but used) Sticky Camera
>High Quality (but used) Sticky Camera
Might be useful to gather intel, or blackmail.
>dozens of bargain bin support grenades
>dozens of bargain bin support grenades
Votes are counted, let's hope the bargain bin grenades work.

Also sorry I've been gone, been playing Rogue Trader.
Sticky cameras…


A lot of support grenades.

Heads for grenades, tails for sticky grenades

You launched the coin with a flick of your thumb. The laurette sailed in the air then landed on the back of your hand: Tails. At the register, Trigger raised an eyebrow.

“The whole bin, seriously?”

“Hey it’s a bargain.”

Trigger shrugged. “Well don’t get mad at me when one doesn’t work. It’s secondhand for a reason.”

“Yeah yeah…”

Gears, check.
Weapons, check.
New equipment, check.

With a printed itinerary and a digital ticket on your phone, you first took a ride out of Albatross Island. A one-way ticket to Guan Dao city with no stops. You enter the airship, a rusty and ugly-shaped ship, you weren’t sure if the rotors would work. A rabbit-eared man descended from the airship steps, he was dressed in greasy jeans overall and a green shirt underneath, the tip of his left ear was missing its tip.

“You must be our final passenger, well get a move on!”

You climb and enter. The interior smelled of cheap but pleasant air fresheners, and the seat’s thin leather made the skeleton frames poke your behind. On the bright side, having little passengers meant you saw no one and had room for yourself.

“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, we are on bound for Hanfu, Guan Dao city. Please don’t kill or fight one another or work on your firearms before we safely land. Thank you.”

After a heavy rumble, the airship took off.

>You sleep the whole eight hours, (Skip to Hanfu)
>Feeling restless, you explore the airship
>You sleep the whole eight hours, (Skip to Hanfu)
>You sleep the whole eight hours, (Skip to Hanfu)
Well-rested and ready for action!

To Hanfu We Go
Guan Dao City, Hanfu.

Past the busy docks, you took a ride into the city. Tile roofs, circular archways, sliding doors, circular windows, hung lanterns, rickshaws, all wrapped by a bustling population. Flower petals rained as a gentle wind swept the streets. Nature did not compete against civilization, but intertwined harmoniously, like brothers who never separated. Your inn was located past the market district, a narrow street full of vendors showing off their wares. You saw diverse people walking the streets, though most were merchants or mercs.

“Hey big guy, how about some xiaolongbao? I make it cheaper for you!”

“Try some silk to replace your tie!”

“We got emeralds and ivory all for a fair price!”

Hanfu represented the root of many eastern sovereignties, and most untouched by modern civilization despite being the largest of the east. No one knew why the emperor and his council chose to remain this way, but the people here seemed content. You buy some dan juan, egg cookie rolls as you do some light window shopping. At the end of the vendor street, you finally see your new base of operation for this job:

The Crouching Tiger Inn.

At the entrance you see a group of men and women dressed in various traditional Hanfu clothes consisting of long sleeves, robes and generally long garments. They had a look of The receptionist and the man in charge spoke in their native language.

“P—Please, at least let me take care of this customer first before we talk first.”

A short man but with broad shoulders turned away from the receptionist. The man was dressed in green robes with gold accents. The receptionist seemed troubled, his shoulders were bunched and he avoided eye contact with the man in charge of the group.

“By all means, apologies friend.”

“Thank you.”

You sign in and are given the room key but after climbing the stairs and out of their sight, you listen in. Your Han is awful, but you learned a couple of words.

Liao Clan… enemy… deal… evil… foreigners…



And that's the end of thread 1, thank you so much for participating.

Thanks for running! Do you know how to archive your thread on suptg?
Oh right, I'll go do that, I've read some stuff there so I think I know how
It is now archived, and don't forget to check out other quests


It is the same quest but in this one, Holliday is in good standing with the Liao Clan and received a job to protect the Sixth Daughter of the Liao Clan during a peace talk.



In Counter-Idols, you play as Konstantine Ipsilantriss, a student in the Adonis Flos Academy, an all-girls school for society's elite. After an incident during a field trip, you become a mercenary idol, fighting with both guns and concerts.

Please give it a read if you are interested. I will post a new thread soon.

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