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Welcome Captain, to the ruins of the universe.

It has been decades since the arch-traitor HECATE and her co-conspirators cast down GREAT PSYDON, the first and greatest of those wizard tyrants, and sown their poison among the stars...

Now the cosmos is ravaged by evil in all its forms and PSYDONIA's survival grows more uncertain by the day...

In the midst of the gloom, rumors speak of the last treasure of the dead Witch-Tyrant, the incredible object of power known as *FORTUNA.* Many have gone in search of it, but none of them have returned...

Weary in desire and desparation, you gather your belongings and your crew, eat what may be your last planetside meal, and set off once more into the endless REACH...
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TITLE: (Sonny Music - Nocturne) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8yhBWig-Ck

The introduction text fades away to a stark title.


Your friend had sent you his copy on a USB. He wanted you to play it as part of a succession game, saying something along the lines of "JUST THINK OF THE CO-OP." Strangely, he had called it a cRPG, then a roguelike, then a narrative game, then his descriptions turned into an intelligble stone soup. In the end, you booted the game up just to figure out what the fuck he was talking about.

There's only one path to be walked, so you of course select the tutorial option.

Something odd gazes at you. Words flash across the screen...

And then it's gone.

Shortly after, a character creation screen appears...
CHARACTER CREATION: (Catalyst to Clysm - Pleased to meet you) https://youtu.be/3jebHt5YUKw

General Stats: All-around nobodies.
Worship: INDRA-PHI the Dark Star
Special: PARANOIA - Millenia of overstimulated prey instincts have developed advanced pattern recognition. Improved ship sensors and more precise threat analysis.

Bizarre, mysterious race that nobody really sees as actual people. Slaves and Navigators under most governing authorities, many have escaped into the Reach as nomads and itinerant workers. Make funny noises when beaten, look overwhelmed at all times.

General Stats: Excellent physique, critical thinking suffers.
Special: BLOODLUST - Rise; kill and eat! Upon melee kill, regain all spent actions as well as a bit of health.
GREAT LEAP - It all boils down to the apex predator. Covers distance rapidly towards the enemy.

Uplifted shocktroopers of the Witch-Tyrant's armies. Bereft of their once and future king, they now run rampant throughout the galaxy as mercenaries and marauders - an insectile scourge upon the stars. Unblinking stare, speak pseudo-military gibberish.

General Stats: Agile and shrewd, fragile.
Special: ASSOCIATE STATUS - Proven by the ownership of a small medallion depicting nine stalks of grain. Permanent discount at all Merchant Cult vendors.

Technologically advanced and universally reviled, the owners of the ubiquitous Jian Merchant Cults consider material profit as not just an objective or a purpose, but as a divinity in and of itself. Cute talking sparrows.

General Stats: Lower food consumption, low speed or health.
Worship: ANY
Special: RAIDER - "Paying for my father's sins." Find extra loot after each combat encounter.

No job too dirty and no target too innocent - these debtors are desperate enough to crew a voyage to FORTUNA in order to pay off their multigenerational O2 debt. Oversized rodents in masks.
Race Name:
General Stats:

Appearance: [OPTIONAL]
History: [OPTIONAL]
Common Jobs: [OPTIONAL]


Minor correction for clarity.
Let's go with the classic.
Slash them like mince-meat!
Not choosing this as captain but can we make a Custom Race just for fun?

General Stats: Excessively lucky, low strength
Worship: HECATE
Special: SOFT FEET - Soft toes, and nimble feet make you land upright. Can survive one KILLING BLOW.

The once-favorites of GREAT PSYDON. They were one of the first to betray him for HECATE. Now they come to find FORTUNA and destroy the remnant of the Witch-Tyrant once and for all.
>just for fun
Yes, custom species can be made even if it's not for the captain. Only caveat is that I might change or interpret them for a more amusing and !!FUN!! game experience.
reference to the nigger qm from mothman quest, who also is slow to update
I need my moth fix

>Custom Race

General Stats: Fast!!!
Worship: LOOP
Special: ADRENAL OVERLOAD: For one ENCOUNTER gain a bonus to all actions, but afterwards gain a disadvantage until rest.

A small race of an adrenaline-junkies that care about little other than getting their next fix of danger, their favorite being high-speed often lethal races. Most make their living as smugglers or high-risk traders. They now come to seek Fortuna as it is the ultimate danger and therefore adrenaline rush. Cute birds with a long needle-like beak.
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Races loaded.

Felids - Cursed as traitors in the final breaths of the Lord of Dissolution, these felines have curiously become an auspicious sign to travelers... [Find one in game to discover more information.]
UNLOCK ACHIEVEMENT: The Doom and Terror of the Modern Man. Enter the tutelage of a powerful wizard.

Opium Birds - The first unfortunate client race of the Space Chinese, their original name has been lost in the centuries of humiliation that followed... [Find one in game to discover more information.]
Gone with the Blastwave. Find the remains of the Roost, the former Opium Bird homeworld.

INFORMATION: A typical Reach Captain is trained in a variety of skills pertaining to command and astrogation. These skills will automatically apply their bonuses during play. Losing the Captain means losing the powerful generalist of the crew.

ADVICE: Failure is familiar to the inhabitants of Psydonia. Be brave today and forget your worries.

- Ordinator Henry. Mothman Deserter. Kinsman. Familiar with most aspects and skills of space station life. Tattered psyche.
- Wüterich. Mothman Mercenary. Kinsman. Has no moral reservations, judgements, or opinion - strictly cares about the job. Has a bounty for his head.
- "John Smith." Mantis Surgeon. Improbably competent at his work. More unnerving and bizarre than his brethern.
- Zhang Glanton. Jian Mercenary. Competent soldier and traveler. Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
- Jurgen the Rat. O-Wagie. Excellent close quarters backup. Quiet and completely inscrutable.
[HARD MODE] Alone. For space is wide and good friends are too few.
- Custom Companion Option.
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"Twill be a cold, dark, and very gentle place."
Created in contrast to the furious, unjust, and all-consuming SUNS, believers describe the Dark Star as the psychic analogue of a physical sun - a sun within the mind that provides illumination instead of light and enlightenment instead of warmth. In the insanity of the moth INTERSYSTEM, followers often invoke the Dark Star for protection against evil and destruction of the eternal soul.

To the devout, INDRA-PHI reveals what is hidden, grants clarity of mind, and enhances the navigation abilities of its followers. INDRA-PHI may also occasionally directly intervene to save a follower's life.

INDRA-PHI appreciates the destruction of firey creatures, as well as guided meditation and being blind.

>- Wüterich. Mothman Mercenary. Kinsman. Has no moral reservations, judgements, or opinion - strictly cares about the job. Has a bounty for his head.
>- Zhang Glanton. Jian Mercenary. Competent soldier and traveler. Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.

Shit, meant to link to this.
>Jurgen the Rat
>John Smith

>>Name: Jurgendorf
>Ordinator Henry. Mothman Deserter. Kinsman. Familiar with most aspects and skills of space station life. Tattered psyche.
>Wüterich. Mothman Mercenary. Kinsman. Has no moral reservations, judgements, or opinion - strictly cares about the job. Has a bounty for his head.

>Ordinator Henry
>Zhang Glanton

>Name: Luc Serra
>Ordinator Henry. Mothman Deserter. Kinsman. Familiar with most aspects and skills of space station life. Tattered psyche.
>- Jurgen the Rat. O-Wagie. Excellent close quarters backup. Quiet and completely inscrutable.

>Ordinator Henry
>Zhang Glanton
>Ordinator Henry. Mothman Deserter. Kinsman. Familiar with most aspects and skills of space station life. Tattered psyche.
>"John Smith." Mantis Surgeon. Improbably competent at his work. More unnerving and bizarre than his brethern.
We should pick up one of these guys >>6028764 as soon as we get the chance.
>Heath Serra
Disfortuna begins.
Good luck.


You are HEATH SERRA, Captain of the IPM "Magnum" Scout class ship. Far from the rage of those in power, you recented arrived in a particularly lifeless sector having followed a strange and persistent planteary signal...

Using the power of the dreaming Navigator, you scan the closest locations...

1. A derelict space station shaped like a spinning top. This trading outpost looks recently abandoned but there's a few lights on. Your sensors detect at least two life signs onboard.

2. Space hulk. Massive potential for ship parts, supplies, and scavenging. Sensors identify a Psydonian military Crusier class among the wreckage but also many life signals onboard. Life support does not seem to be on...
[PARANOIA] You have never seen that many life signs *compacted* in one place, yet the quick jittering movements make your moth fluff tingle. The "upper" levels of the wreck are mostly empty in comparison.

3. Asteroid. There's a faint signal emitting from a small listening post embedded on its surface. Encrypted, naturally. No life signals detected.
[PARANOIA] There is a distress signal beyond this location, but it's a generic message sent out automatically by a ship's computer system without any threat or ship identification. Peculiar.

[You mouse over the ship in the starmap menu. A small popup shows 5/5 H and 25 F. Health and Fuel? The game is straightforward enough.

You click around for a few seconds, then a command box at the bottom of the screen appears. Looks like its ready for your input.]

INFORMATION: Spacefaring ships with a Jaunt Drive can perform a Jaunt to travel through the Nowhere instead of relying on thrusters for a regular Jump. A Jaunt takes 5 units of Fuel and a Jump takes 10 units of Fuel as well as extra time. By default, a Jaunt is conducted over a Jump when a Captain, Navigator, or Pilot is onboard. Such individuals are trained to mitigate or disperse the implicit danger of traversing the Nowhere.

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> GO TO 1
SPACE A: (Barotrauma OST - Leaving Start Location) https://youtu.be/V0uZmFUd6HM
>GO TO: 1
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Where men live, they leave parts of themselves. Some of them might even be useful. The derelict seems to be the safest option out of the three with a good chance of supplies.

Feeling whimsical, you turn on the intercom and tap on the microphone to let the feedback screech. Mmm, savor a small torment on the path forward.

"Henry. Zhang. I've set the course for another derelict. Prepare your suits for disembark. One hour. Glory be."

[PARANOIA] It's hard to justify a full Jaunt with the ship already being so close to the station. That, and you can't help but feel a little wary towards activating that cursed thing. Another boarder incident is to be the end of yours truly...

-5 FUEL (20 units remain)

Solid fuel, prepped. All checks, nominal. Your guidance has converged. You silently pray for the Watchful Eye to guide your travels. Then thrusters ignite and the Magnum is borne aloft on blazing plasma, another torch carried across the darkness of a dying galaxy...

[You watch as the little Magnum begins to scoot across the starmap. Cute!

You type in the >TO LOOT command and a new text box appears to the right. "I don't know 'to loot.'" Hmm. Could be a case of missing context or maybe the command box is just being finicky with inputs? That's a little problem with these kinds of adventure games.]

You cut the psy-connection with the Navigator and take off your Captain's helm.

You have a little time to kill.

go to the bathroom
If that fails

Seems like the game is a little finicky about language, it mentioned supplies and scavenging when talking about the space hulk so hopefully it recognizes those words or understands the context better.
You enter the bathroom and do your business. Mercifully, no one is on the second seat.

While you have a minute, you review your inventory...

Inseguro V29 "Peashooter" Laser Pistol
Modeled after the 1911, the V29 is an extremely popular laser pistol known for its reliability. The integrated effective emitter reduces power draw, allowing for 20 shots with a standard power cell.

Deals NaNdNaN BURN damage.
One power cell is loaded and two power cells are on hand.

Ironbound depiction of INDRA-PHI's Watchful Eye. Reminds you of home. "Grant us eyes, guide and illuminate our path."

Captain's ID.
Proof of captaincy and reminded the Governing Authority that you existed. Grants you access to all areas of the ship.

Icon of the Black Sun
Outcast. Ashamed. A sign of your exile from the INTERSYSTEM.

[No weapon stats! Second missing feature and it's a real whopper of a screw up. You're convinced that this game is in early access, but what the fuck?]

You finish your business, then continue to the cargo hold to take stock of what you have.

There's a few piles of scrap here, just enough to repair some hull damage, but not much else. Not much weapon, ship, special, or other parts either.

There are currently 5 rations. Each man consumes 1 ration a day. Without rationing, you all will have to go hungry very soon...

Oxygen level is at 100%. In fact, there's an extra tank in the event of a hull breach.

Water supplies are nominal. The ship's hydration reclaimer system will make sure it'll last a month.

Overall, supplies are rather thin.

Oh yeah, you just remembered: you left a Cuban cigar in the third cabinet of your command center. For when this is all over...
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You hear a door opening behind you as your crewmates enter the cargo hold.

"Morning Captain." Henry waves.
"Have you eaten yet?" the Jian states, his translator sounding calm and cool as ever.

"Ord-Henry. Zhang." Henry's antennae twitch. "Apologies. Old habits die hard. Have you anything new to discuss?"

The former Ordinator points a claw. "Well, bird brain over here just cleaned me out at poker, so I'm asking for your permission to throw this cheating bastard out the airlock."

You stare at Henry, trying to process what he just said. "Do not attempt to murder your crew mate, Ordinator. This is your first and only warning."

Henry stares at you, then does a double take. Zhang chuckles in his usual tittering.

You remain quiet. "Again, is there any business you wish to discuss?"

"Yeah. Just coming to tell you that everything's ready for disembark. I got a question though. Who do you want to bring onto that derelict with you?"

[PARANOIA] You logically understand that the ship will remain secure in your absence, but you feel compelled to keep someone on board just in case of boarders, thieves, raiders.

What if you get stranded?

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Post was meant to be split, but oh well.
>Bring any first aid kit and scrapping kit that we have. And containers to hold loot. Maybe a loading cart?
>Check the life signs first. Might be people to interact with.
>Loot. Prioritize valuables, then fuel, then food. Do mothmen and space chinese eat the same things?
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[You type in "Get medic bag and scavenging gear" into the command bar to see what happens. The characters seem to interpret your inputs rather creatively, all things considered.]

"You two. With me."
You and your crew take your time to search the cargo hold...

>Fortuna rolls her dice.
>INT Check: 45 (Heath Serra)
+10% (Henry's Scavenging skill)
Advantage (Crew assistance)
Disadvantage (Already looked through)

INFORMATION: Only when you input a prompt, the d100 is visibly rolled to determine success or failure. Rolling under is considered a success and rolling over is a failure. Critical successes occur on rolls of 1-5 and 7 and on doubles under the check. Critical failures occur on rolls of 13 and 95-100 and on doubles over the check.

INFORMATION: When player actions or circumstances incur both an Advantage and a Disadvantage, they cancel out.
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>Fortuna rolls her dice. Correctly.
>Fortuna rerolls her dice. More correctly than ever.
[You snicker.]
Rolled 58 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

>Last one.
>Fortuna rerolls her dice.
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INFORMATION: When a stat check is called and you or an assisting crew member has a relevant skill, the skill bonus is added to the stat, giving a higher number to roll under.

You find nothing...

In the hour it took to search, you have arrived at the derelict trading outpost. A nearby terminal shows the sensor feed. You can see the words CONTROL 13 tattooed in faded white upon the station's exterior.

"Hey, you didn't say this was a space station derelict."
"You did not ask."
"I'm just saying... This kinda takes me back, you know."

Henry stares at the feed for a long time.

[Something interesting is going on behind the scenes. In the same experimenting mood, you type into the input bar "Do mothmen and space chinese eat the same things?"]

No. Your biologies are as similar as the SUN and the Star. Moths can eat cotton and other clothing, dairy, fruits, vegetables. You prefer cotton and grilled cheese sandwiches. Meanwhile, Zhang has been ravenously devouring strips of flesh off fresh corpses, sapient or not, whenever he gets the chance.

It's unsettling to say the least.

[You type in "What are the rations we have?" Looks like you can query the thoughts of your character here as well...]

You reflect further. It is (un)fortunate that the rations you have onboard are pure protein SLOP. It's easy on the logistics but not on the tongue or equivalents. You've heard rumors of SLOP taste-related suicides during famine in the other City Sectors, back in the INTERSYSTEM. So far, you're holding up... You think.

Tiny post to introduce dice mechanics, and I'm too tired for a full update on the disembark.
Ayo hang on, let's see what kind of shit we can change.
>roll under quest
it's so over
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[You type in "settings" and a simple menu pops up over the game.

On top of the standard volume, brightness, text speed, background color, etc., there's a few interesting options.]

Hints: [On] Off
Loading Screens: On [Off]
Autoplay: [On]
Fourth Wall: [On]
Gamemode: Tutorial
Difficulty: Tutorial

Universe Settings
Debug Settings

[You mouse over the first few options, but most can't be altered at all. That's lame.

Though, you get the feeling that if you turn off that fourth wall and anyone found out, everybody would be pretty pissed. Existentialism is kinda lame, to be honest. Gaming is cool.

You mouse over those juicy Universe and Debug Settings but the popup menu that shows up is composed of missing texture chunks.

Then the entire screen suddenly flashes brightly, leaving you blinking. The odd gazer guy glares directly at you. In the bottom right output box, he starts speaking.]


[Your computer fan gets louder.]


[Another pause.]


[His animation is slowing down. Your own cursor is slowing down too. Is he... increasing the game's memory usage?]

[You notice the music has shifted to something weird. Is he part of the game?]
GAZER GUY: (Terminalwaves || Terminal 00 audio) https://youtu.be/dvs-dRvId4A
Freaky. Let’s just not think about it too hard and go back to looting the ship.

>Set a ram limit for this process at 80%. Verify that your input device lacks both a microphone and a camera, that your status is set to anonymous proxy, and that your OS emulator is running stable.
>Adjust tint and gamma and hunt for the options to turn off Autoplay.
>Turn on the loading screens for a bit to appreciate the artistic talent that went in to them.

Difficulty, gamemode, and hints are fine for now. No need to adjust the universe or debug settings until we've gone through the tutorial. It seems like catgirls and birbs are already on, and it's too early for skateboarding dinosaurs.
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["Ayo, sorry man. Lemme get out of your way." You type in "exit setting" as the Gazer looks on and hope for the best.

Task manager reports a memory use of 94%...]


[The normal settings screen returns. Memory use shoots downwards after a moment.

You were left alone.

A little rattled, you check for an outside connection - there's none, of course. Your computer and other equipment are TEMPEST shielded. You curse under your breath. Whatever the Gazer is, its only origin could only be from within the game files...

Adjusting the gamma and lighting reveals no secret messages on the setting screen. There's simply no option to turn off autoplay, or the fourth wall for that matter.

There's nothing else that can be done. You turn on loading screens and get back to it. It's only been a few minutes so you hope your moth dudes haven't gotten that far without you.]
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Tip: While most weapons do not discriminate between targets, some enemy types are resistant to different types of damage. For example, robotic opponents are extremely resistant to COLD and BURN up to a certain threshold.

[Jod Zamn, they really went all out on the loading screen art.]
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DERELICT A - (Duskers - "Bootleg Soundtrack" - Part 1) https://youtu.be/0sKZgKXCBTE

You and Henry arrive on the first level of the Gorgon's Threat, nestled in the guts of the trading outpost, about as snug as a bug in a rug. The uniform halls and high ceiling point to this being a former human habitat. An unswaying banner of Psydonia confirms it.

[PARANOIA] No sign of them. Must've abandoned the place and left it to rot. But why?

You crouch. Nothing down the halls. A faint whisper, the sound of running ventilation. You exit the freight elevator to look around and the sound of your boots clanks across the tiles. Looks like the Station Atmospherics is still holding up. There must no hull breach in this area, but everything is just so damn quiet.

[PARANOIA] The air should be breathable, but you don't risk taking off the space suit. It'll stay on.

"Clear. Forward." Your voice is a strong flutter across the shortwave comms. You decide to take point, having the stronger senses between you. Henry nods.

[You mouse over a nearby sign and click. This game can't be all console commands.]

There's a few arrows on the nearby walls. You look closer.

Psydonian Embassy
Shipping Warehouse
Food Court B

Grammiere's Tea Shop
Food Court A

[MOTH] The ship sensors detected two faint life signs on the east side of the ring. Being of excellent craftsmothship, the INTERSYSTEM computer systems were able to pick up on them.

Henry steps out after you. His claws are already on the trigger of his Miedo.

"We need rationz zooner than later, Captain. And let'z get zome grub while we're at it, haha..."

There's a peculiar buzz in Henry's voice as it's broadcasted over the shortwave comms. Easy to mark it up as frequency interference, but it's clear he's unsettled by the state of the station.


Really nice art QM
>Food Court B
>Food Court B
>Fortuna hands you her dice.
>You know, we can roll more dice if you write more inputs at a time.
>Roll d100 for an ENCOUNTER.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d100)

Rolled 53 (1d100)

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The sound of your own footsteps is overwhelmingly loud - hardly anything else can be heard. The intermittent hum and soft clanking in the ventilation sounds like the deathgasps of a dying titan.

You and Henry press on, undaunted. You turn the corner and see a grisly sight!

There's hardly anything left of the corpse in front of you except his torso and half of his face. Evil miasma emanating in thick clouds from his rotting DECKSETTER SLUDGEGUN. It must have been several days since his demise, the organic gun sitting there in a putrid pool of his blood and distended entrails...

The shock of the sight grabs hold of you for a moment, but you quickly overcome your fear. Ugh...
"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Henry mutters.

INFORMATION - Out in space, it's impossible to escape the unknown horrors, the unrelenting vacuum, and the darkness between the stars. Such situations place a toll on characters called Stress. At high levels of Stress, crewmembers become less functional and more likely to Panic, and the more Stress you have when you Panic, the worse your Panic reaction will be.

You can assess character stress levels in game through dialogue, examination, or other methods. A full breakdown of character Stress and relevant saves can be found in the FILE NOT FOUND screen.

The windows of the food court doors are smeared with blood. You can't sense any entities or obstacles directly behind them, or in the immediate area for that matter, but food courts tend to be very big places.

To your right is the chapel. The trident of the !GREAT PSYDON! hangs over the doorway. There are a few strange symbols scratched into the nearby wall, as if by knife or by claw. Sanctuary perhaps?

[You click at the arrow.]

The nearby indication points to the Embassy being further ahead, as well as the Kitchens and Medbay.

>Head to the chapel.

Curious about what they mean by sanctuary
>Head to the chapel.
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"Let's take what we need then leave everything the way it is." He gestures to the signs by the door. "People pray to the damndest things up here in the Reach... All this empty space, it just ain't natural."
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[PARANOID] In the end, you can only nod. He speaks truth.

"Wait here. Will be quick."
"On it, sir."
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You pass through the doorway. Wood creaks underfoot, an impossible sight this far in the Reach...

You feel a terrible chill. There's no leak in your suit, yet the very air is leeching the heat from your body. Claws go numb and the cold settles underneath your chitin, as if drinking from your hemolymph...

A ring of flickering candles is in your path. An unseen force bars your passage.

It is terribly dark here. Hardly anything can be seen.

[PARANOIA] Where there is a seal, there is something to be sealed. But your senses tell you that there is only darkness here, darkness and nothing more...

Synchronization is increasing...
Worth asking, what weapon do we have on us right now?
[You type in "What weapon do we have on us right now?"]
Equipped: Inseguro V29 "Peashooter" Laser Pistol
[PARANOIA] You put a claw to your holster. You only need to call and Henry can back you up with his SMG.
[INDRA-PHI] A candle of warding. Translucent wax, free of any impurities. As the wick burns, the candle projects light without heat, barriers without mass. It would take a great deal of strength to overcome its force. Or you could simply bend down and snuff out the consecrated flame, if you'd like.

[MOTH] The soothing blue flame... It reminds you of the Seekers of the Priesthood, and their impossible initiation. Carry a tiny candle through the darkest corridors of the City Sector and walk where it shines, without falter, without pause, until you return to where you're meant to be.
[PARANOIA] How does it go again? Yes. "Full circle, now back again."
>Leave the chapel, head to the Kitches

Tempted to say fuck it and destroy the seal, but eh
>Since it's our god, pray to the darkness for wisdom.
Sorry about the silence, been doing missing work for an important class. Update will be done this evening.
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[MOTH] In a midst of this alien Hyperstition, you will still walk the true path.

Surrounded by a ring of candles, you sit on the chapel floor, pray, and meditate on the mysteries of INDRA-PHI...
... your task, equal parts revenge and redemption...
... the future of your INTERPLANET...
... Psydonia, then, now, and forever...
... and things become more clear.

INDRA-PHI whispers, All is known to the one who watches and listens with patience…

Attuned to the unbearable chill, you sense a presence along with you in the chapel. A titanic shadow, chaotically changing in shape and volume, glaring out at you with ancient malevolence...

Then the divine vision fades and you feel deadened. You quickly stand and make for the exit, utterly unsettled. No more.

Despite your devotion, the guiding star you imagined is much dimmer than you thought...

You feel that you could deepen your vows to the Dark Star. Show a greater level of devotion...
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It is an age of signs and portents, and the black empty spaces of the universe reverberate with the twisted laughter of hungering gods...

During character creation, you may choose a diety to bless your run, who will bestow divine favor and blessings upon his worshippers. You may also encounter altars at which you may perform a covenant ritual to begin worship of the associated god. Some gods respect certain other gods, and will not punish followers for converting to them.

Piety is a measure of your standing with a particular god, and can be gained by performing sanctioned actions and otherwise raising glory for the god. On the other hand, violating the commandments and performing hated actions will cause piety loss and even divine punishment.

You may choose to renounce the god and give up the fabulous benefits of worship at any time, but this will incur penance and divine retribution. In other words, what the @&*! are you doing?

Information about your current diety can be accessed with the (p)ray verb. Information on a specific character's piety can be accessed with (c)haracter.

[Pressing c yields nothing. The screen "shudders" for a moment as if it's loading a new popup menu, but nothing happens.

You're getting the sinking feeling that character is the same missing screen each time. Maybe there's even more missing features than you thought.


P does yield new information about INDRA, however.]

INDRA-PHI appreciates, among other things:
- Meditation in a dark place for several hours
- Exploration, especially in darkened areas (candles are acceptable)
- Blinding yourself with a blindfold
- Blinding yourself permanently
- Glorifying the Dark Star by killing priests of other gods
- Killing firey monsters
- Extinguishing a sun

INDRA-PHI does not respect the other gods and will cast down disloyal followers for their betrayal!
"Hail. Found anything, Captain?"
You choose your words carefully.
"The chapel is no longer safe. Something evil crept in, defiled the sanctuary."
Henry hems. "None of this is looking good."
[PARANOIA] "Escape is always a possibility."
"We haven't found enough. While the cryopods help out, we still have to eat sometime."

"Speaking of eating, I took a look at the body while you were in there. Bite marks all over but I can't tell what got him in the end. The gun's no good but he had this in his pocket."

He hands you a scroll covered in ornate designs. Psydonian magic?

>Fortuna rolls for FORTUNE.
[PARANOIA] Ephemeral sigil, transmuting the depleted into the potentiated.

Identified a scroll of charging.
Picked up a scroll of charging.

"Excellent. Let's press on."


After a few minutes, the two of you enter the kitchens. It is dark yet you see quite well. Scattered pots and pans, burnt stove tops and rotten food everywhere. Enough appliances to feed any spacer traveling through this part of the far Reach.

By the door, you see blood stains and scraps of flesh left over. A long trail of gore leads outward through a shutter into what you presume to be the food court. You sense several somethings on the other side, unmoving.

Among the spoilage and scattered kitchenware, you find a few sealed cans and containers. This will keep you three going, at least for a little while longer.

Picked up three meat rations and two veggie rations.

A chain is wrapped around the metal door leading to the the dry storage and deeper kitchen areas. Every few seconds, the frame rattles as something on the other side knocks against it. Thump, thump, thump...

It sounds like it's not getting out on its own. Seems you could cut it open with a bolt cutter in Henry's scavenging toolset, if you really wanted to.

[When did you get that?]

Testing the other door to cold storage finds it won't budge. Must have been frozen from the inside.

Then in the distance, the unmistakable pop pop pop of -

"Gunfire?" Henry's antennae perk up.
"Comes from the other direction," you note.

>Fortuna rolls for FORTUNE.
[PARANOIA] The detected life sign from earlier. Survivor, then? Correlation, copacetic. Flight from station in the throes of dissolution shall be commended for prudence.

Seems correct. We can open the pantry later.

At worst the survivor will be more rations for our space-chinese.... or we'll die.
You step out into the hall...

[MOTH] "You hear that?" "Prepare for contact."

The sounds of shuffling echoes from round the corner. Footsteps unsteady, uneven. You also hear a lot of groaning from the food court next door...

UNDEAD STATION ("Endless Feeding" by Asserter) https://youtu.be/OzdnnzwDbwY

Weapons are at the ready. You feel in control of the scenario and it's easy to take initiative.

"Captain Serra, I'll make a lot of noise firing this." Henry motions to his SMG. "Get ready to move if need be."

>Fortuna hands you her dice.
>Please roll 1d10 for MONSTER MOVEMENT. Lower roll is closer.
>Please roll 2d10 for SWARM SIZE. Lower roll is smaller.

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[A minimap appears on the screen, so you click and it expands. Looks like there's enough room for both your moths to stand together in the corridor.]
Rolled 5, 6 = 11 (2d10)

Rolled 9 (1d10)

Well... Not looking good so far

>Go into STEALTH and try to find any HOSTILES to SNEAK ATTACK
>Seems legit. Pious stealth attacking.
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You duck behind the doors of the kitchen and wait...

You hear a door breaking down out in the hall. Then, a great many heavy footsteps come stomping down the corridor. A faint moan breaks the unnatural station silence. You should have seen this coming...

You wait, gloved claws clasped around the Peashooter like a prayer bead. Then as the mass of the horde crosses before the doors -

"Breach now!" Henry rushes forward and puts all his mass behind the blow!

MOTH COMBAT: (RUINER Ost - Quarrel) https://youtu.be/D4r3eZ4GrSk

[ORDINATOR TRAINING] Henry kicks down the door with his magnificent magboot, immediately crushing three bodies with tremendous force!

>Fortuna rolls for FORTUNE.
[PARANOIA] The trigger becomes a chained node between the imperative of survival and the frenetic cascade of encoded-flesh-violence. Vector of impact confirms immediate convergence of terminal velocity and terminal gaze.


Your nerves burn as you hands move faster than you can think. The heads of three zombies in tattered spacer uniforms are utterly annihilated before they can react, flesh imprinted with incandescent violence. Their comrades turn at the sight of fresh meat and they surge forward with renewed vigor.

"Necrotics confirmed!" you shout as you and Henry take aim on the incoming horde...

>FORTUNA hands you her dice.
Heath Serras
Base PISTOLS: 50%
+20% AMBUSH!
+15% Military Training
>Roll 1d100, roll under. Final check to beat: 85.

Henry Petri
+20% AMBUSH!
+15% Ordinator Training
>Roll 1d100, roll under. Final check to beat: 75.

[spoilers]Sorry for the late post. I have to tell you that I was trying to design cute robot girls during that time. That is all.
CAPTCHA: H0T4V. Guess v4 is her name now./spoilers]
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Can we just switch away from the roll under :)
Rolled 79 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

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Writing now.
>Henry's roll: FAILURE
>And ><0|V| laughed!

Henry immediately lets off a burst from his submachine gun, nailing the closest zombie in its center mass. TAKTAKTAKTAK! But it doesn't die immediately, instead soaking up the bullets meant for the entire crowd!

In the split second before you pull your trigger again, something leaps forward from the crowd and smashes right into you with a heavy fist, knocking you straight to the ground! The force of the impact causes you to lose your grip on the Peashooter!

Another blow smacks right into your abdomen. Although it has the face and size of a human child, the necrotic expression is twisted by its rictus grin and the demented gleam in its eye. It hammers right down on your visor like an anvil, cracking the hard plastic!!!

You are pinned to the floor by the weight of four other rotting bodies. You buzz in mortal terror. Your prey ancestry is screaming at you to flee! Flee! Flee! But there's no escape! The instinct ignites and you struggle desperately to get free...

INFORMATION: In the event of a critical failure on a character's roll, that character will gain Stress and roll a d20 - Resolve for Panic. If he rolls less than or equal to his current Stress, he enters an appropriate state of Panic.

Your voice cries out above your grunts and the undead groaning. "HENRY!"

>Fortuna hands you the PANIC dice.
Heath Serras
STRESS: 7/20
>Roll 1d20, roll OVER. Stress to beat: 2.

>Fortuna hands you the STR dice.
Heath Serras
STR: 65%
>Roll 2d100, roll under and choose the higher of the two. Check to beat: 65.

Rolled 10 (1d20)

>Kill the closest ones then try to flee
Rolled 60 (1d100)

backing >>6039443
goddamnit, rolling one of the 2d100s
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>Critical successes occur on rolls of 1-5 and 7 and on doubles under the check
>>Roll 2d100, roll under and choose the higher of the two. Check to beat: 65.
So not only we beat the Stress check, we crit success the Strength check
Doubles refers to 11, 22, 33, etc. but this is a pretty fucking strong "dubs" roll and I can respect that. Writing now.
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>Fortuna cheers you on!

You refuse to give into your fear! With a shriek at maximum decibel, you kick as hard as you can, loosing the grip of the grappling horde, and wriggle your way free! The rotten space cadet swings its callused hand for another jab, but you block all the damage with both hands!!


Henry opens fire with the Miedo and brains the closest two zombies! TAKTAKTAKTAK! The hand you blocked goes slack as the owner dies!

You scramble backwards then to your feet.

"Move up Ordinator!" The three remaining zombies stumble over themselves as they try to grab you once more. Using the counter to put some distance between them and you, you double back and successfully meet up with Henry by the door!

"Captain! We need to go!" Henry puts something in your hand - your Inseguro!

[PARANOIA] As the two of you make your retreat towards the known, the stagnant station air carries the sound of footsteps and moaning from all over the station. It's coming back to life, waking up to a nightmare...
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Rolled 10 (1d10)

As the two of you flee to the elevator, you hear footsteps rapidly approaching.

A confrontation is inevitable.

>Fortuna rolls for FORTUNE.
>INDRA-PHI grants you a vision.

>d10 decides the identity of the encounter.
>d100 decides the encounter's disposition. Even roll indicates a positive impression of your crew, odds a negative one. A larger number indicates that the encounter is in a strong position (ex. uninjured, armed, unafraid) and vice versa. Rolling doubles makes the encounter special...
Rolled 53 (1d100)

>Hoo boy.
>Fortuna rolls her second dice.
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[PARANOIA] A certain veil of death and termination of substance hangs around the approaching figure - behold, in its unholy majesty, a Psydonite Impure!

The necromancer marches towards you without hesitation.

NECROMANCER: (Fear & Hunger OST - Pulse and anxiety) https://youtu.be/gQe15F2Nmhc

The lobotomized necromancer and its retinue of three zombies walk down the corridor at a purposeful pace. You have a little bit of distance before they get into melee range.

As the two of you take aim, you mutter prayers to INDRA-PHI while Henry starts hyperventilating.

Behind the robed wizard, you can see the elevator which carried you down into this hell. Salvation, just beyond...


[You rub your face and let out a long breath of sheer stress and dread.

This run is fucked.]
Can we shoot the lights out? I want to hold up the Nazar icon of INDRA-PHI and yell something like THE DARKNESS EMBRACES ALL! as we plunge this corridor into darkness. That might help us get to the elevator together (without splitting up of course) and bait the necromancer and the zombies by throwing things and causing a distant diversion.
>Concentrated Fire at the necromancer!!!!

Damn our rolls have been utter dogshit except the one crit success
>Fire at the lights
>beat a retreat to a more advantageous position
[You type in "shoot out the lights hold up nazar ask god for protection"]

In desperation, you hold up your icon of faith and protection, and scream aloud "DARK STAR GUIDE US!"

Heath Serras
PIETY: *.........

Your head burns.
The guiding star shines impossibly bright.
INDRA-PHI hears you!

[PARANOIA] You see the universe realigning with algorithmic grace, revealing the mathematics that governs every trajectory, the path from A to B to C.

The god guides your hand, imbuing you with divine accuracy!

You fire four times in rapid succession and you shatter the emergency lights or the corridor all at once, throwing everyone into the black.

[MOTH] Beings moths of course, you and Henry can see just fine.

Three red pinpricks still shine in the sudden darkness. They lunge forward with blinding speed! With inhuman rage, the Necromancer opens its ragged mouth, its broken jaw bursting through its bandages, and lets out a terrible shriek!


[You jolt out of your seat at the sheer intensity of the screech. Fuck!]

[INDRA-PHA] But your divine clarity protects you from fear!

>Fortuna shows you the FEAR dice.
Heath Serras
Fear Save: 45%
Henry Petri
Fear Save: 35%
DISADVANTAGE! Terrible memories...
Fear check. Roll under or be stunned!

The necromancer is rushing forward to ram right into you, its decaying touch outstreched! Its undead entourage scrabble blindly but with purpose through the suddenly dark hall.

>Focus fire on the Necromancer
>Focus fire on the Necromancer
Juke juke juke! We are in our element, he is not!
INFORMATION: Gods will be watching, but they may not always be highly responsive to prayers. Characters of high piety are guaranteed their blessings while those with lower piety will find the gods ever distant. But in these mad, mad, mad times, this may not always be the case...

Count your blessings, kiddo! Hahaha!
Retreat and regroup. We cannot risk corpsetouch.
"PROSECUTE!" You and Henry concentrate fire on the rushing necromancer!

>FORTUNA hands you her dice.
Heath Serras
Base PISTOLS: 50%
+15% Military Training
>Roll 1d100, roll under. Final check to beat: 85.

Henry Petri
+15% Ordinator Training
>Roll 1d100, roll under. Final check to beat: 75.
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolled 46 (1d100)

>Critical failures occur on rolls of 13 and 95-100 and on doubles over the check.
Oh no no no bros... not again!
>Xom thinks this is hilarious!

Your aim is true thanks to the goddess and your nerves are cold, but you only hear a dread-inducing beep as the power cell malfunctions!

"SUNS and damnation!" You scrabble for your next magazine.

Henry looks at you as if to help, but his training takes over and he fires the Miedo at full auto into the wizard!!! Bullet after bullet strikes into the center mass and head, tearing apart the rotten flesh and robes! TAKTAKTAKTAK- click!

"Out!" Henry reloads!

And even then, the creature of post-human annihiliation still lurches onward! With the last of its unnatural strength, just as you finish reloading, the necromancer grabs your head and channels its terrible black magick..!

The three other zombies walk forward, attracted to the sound and muzzle flash!

>Fortuna hands you the PANIC dice.
Heath Serras
STRESS: 10/20
-5 RESOLVE to Panic check
>Roll 1d20, roll OVER. Stress to beat: 5.

>Fortuna hands you the STR dice.
Heath Serras
STR: 13 x 5 = 65%
>Roll 1d100 to hit, roll under.
>On failure: additional STR check or halve Health, without applying Wounds.

Rolled 7 (1d20)

Panic dice
You're in our range, dipshit!
>Laugh in his face from the stress and the horrid energy he's putting into you! Return the necromancer's grab with one of your own to his head, shove the laser pistol point blank into the bastard's neck, fire and move the laser pistol and SLICE THROUGH HIS NECK WITH THE LASER SHOTS AND RIP THE FUCKER'S SKULL RIGHT OFF HIS BODY!!!
Henry already got some good shots into the head
Rolled 85 (1d100)

Roll for STR again.
Rolled 46 (1d100)

>Henry bash this fuckers head in
Henry do something about those corpses!
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You completely suppress the urge to panic!

You try to wretch its decaying grasp off with your free hand, but the necromancer screeches at maximum decibel, breaking your concentration! Blackened blood spews forth from its mouth as the spell is forcibly drawn from the wizard's corpse!

Unholy energy suffuses throughout your entire body!

You tense up, gathering your willpower, and only shudder as the necromantic power is deferred. Resisting the torment, you bring your pistol up.

With its final spell spent, the remnants of vile forces leave behind their earthly vessel, and its body goes limp in your arms.
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There is no possible way to miss. You bring the V29 under the necromancer's chin, pull the trigger, and annihilate its head in a superheated spray of gore!!!!!

The necromancer dies!


UNDEAD AFTERMATH: (Safe Heaven - Resident Evil Remake Save Room) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pZV3UPmXI4

The sounds of shuffling stop. The zombies accompanying their master stop marching forward. All they do is stare at you, "alive" but unmoving.

You look at Henry. Henry looks at you, about to load in his last magazine, second arms reaching for his Authority knife. Both of you keep an eye on the zombies.

Moments pass as no one moves.

You sit down and start to laugh. Sheer terror is replaced by total relief. Henry joins in, then the two of you laugh it all out.

[You chuckle to yourself. You can't believe you typed all of that that fast.]

After waiting a moment more to make sure the zombies won't spring to life, Henry walks over and you take a look through the corpse and the items spilling from its backpack...

Picked up a scroll of ABCABABAAABA.
Picked up a scroll of identify.
Picked up a crowned grimoire.
Picked up two quality rations.

>Fortuna rolls for FORTUNE.
[SCAVENGING] Henry looks through its pockets and picks up a stimpack and a bottle.

"Oh! Oh boy, I really needed this." Henry inspects the bottle closely.

Identified an empty bottle.

"Damnit!" You give out one final laugh as Henry lets out an annoyed series of chitters.

"Shall we proceed?" You stand up.

The elevator is right there. The zombies aren't moving right now, and the sound of moaning has entirely died off. Seems that things have calmed down.

Check suit for damage, check ammo, check supplies. Clean off the majority of gore from ourselves.
+1, do the checks to also get some breathing space after that shitshow
Let's not forget we heard gunshots elsewhere in this place earlier. There might be a survivor or more things to loot
>Head to tea shop

We need to relax a little after that fiasco.
This too
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>Clean off the majority of gore from ourselves.
You wipe away charred flecks of gore from your suit. Your glove comes off black and bloody.

>Check suit for damage, check ammo, check supplies.
There's a mild ache from the little monster's punches, but it'll fade to bruising over time. Your suit's visor is cracked. The environment seal is compromised, so retaining oxygen and safety will be more difficult. You'll have to limit your space excursions or suffer from exposure until you repair it.

You still have 19 shots in your pistol, and one magazine remaining. If you get back to the ship, you can recharge any empty magazines using the ship's power supply and attempt to repair the broken one.

"On my last magazine, Heath." Henry hems. "34 rounds in but after that, I'm cleaned out."

You currently have equipped the V29 "Peashooter" Laser Blaster. It shoots as fast as you can fire, and can unload the entire magazine in a single combat turn without aiming.

You are carrying:
A scroll of charging.
- Can be used to charge anything that can be charged. Auto-identified, one time use.
Three meat rations.
Two veggie rations.
Unknown scroll.
- Unknown effect. It's decorated with sigils and markings you don't recognize. You could read it anyway and learn its use, but it would be consumed in the process.
Scroll of identify.
- Can be used to identify the properties of an unknown object. A = A. Auto-identifies, one time use.
Crowned grimoire.
- Spellbook containing an unknown number of spells. It will take time and be stressful to learn from it. This one seems somewhat sinister. You had personally overseen the burning of these, but now that times have changed...
Two quality rations.
- Yum! These can be eaten by any crew member regardless of dietary restrictions. If you're lucky, you might even get your hands on the fabled Pandemonium Pizza!

"Got my gun, a station toolset, amd my birth knife. There's a full welder, bolt cutters, wrench, crowbar, and screwdriver in here," Henry elaborates. "You know, I wish that thing had a cold beer after all that..."
>Get some breathing space
You take a look at the zombies nearby.

[PARANOIA] Tempting to rest but you'd rather not do it in view of monsters.

>Head to tea shop.
You and Henry start to head back east towards the tea shop.

Zhang calls from the ship. You answer.

"Captain, check in. It has been an hour since you departed. Has anything interesting happened so far?" The sparrow's voice trills over the comms.

"There was an arch-sorcerer. Necromantic type. It's dead now. Our scavenging run continues." You keep it short, tired as you are. "Does our vessel remain secure?"

"The situation is excellent. All clear, in fact." Zhang titters, content with himself. "I have not seen any more of the Impure, other the ones that had wandered up here. I have disposed of such filth with great swiftness, haaahaha!"


A thought strikes you...
>Do you want to call Zhang down?
Rolled 52 (1d100)

"Anything else to report?" You inquire.

>Fortuna rolls for FORTUNE.
"There is only one life signature remaining in the east wing of the station. I assume you two took care of the other, yes?"
"Haha! Excellent, excellent. Everything under heaven is in utter chaos; the situation is excellent! That is all I have to report then, my Captain. Goodbye."


"Cheery fellow for a birdbrain."
"Perhaps." You have never talked to an alien until this cycle, so you don't know many of the Jian to confirm.
This is a half update, admittedly, so it will be fast to progress after.

I doubt the other life-sign will be any worse than the necromancer but let's not chance it. Ask him to bring another magazine for Henry as well.


After we meet up with Zhang there we can confront the final life-sign and skedaddle.
He's to remain on board and monitor the situation. It will be easier to find that life sign with Birb to guide us.

>>Check on the life-sign. We can offer first aid, have them carry more loot for us, maybe traide, depends on who they are and what their deal is.

Cut off the necromancer's hands. Hands of Glory are a well known resource after all.
>Check on the life-sign. We can offer first aid, have them carry more loot for us, maybe traide, depends on who they are and what their deal is.

"Zhang, come in. Status on the second vitals?"
"The life sign has not moved an inch since we first arrived, Captain. You are approaching very close."
"Inform us of any developments. That is all."
"Naturally, my Captain."

Music is coming through the doors of this tea shop. It's quite soothing, despite the grave surroundings.

[MOTH] Whispers of opulence, echoes of avarice.

Jianese chickenscratch, banners, and lanterns decorate the outside, with gold swastikas on red silk for health and prosperity. A manifest sign of the Merchant Cults influence within Psydonia. Zhang would certainly be explaining the finer details out of pride if he were here. Alas, alack.

To your left is the Chapel, with the trident of Psydon above its door.

[PARANOIA] Something doesn't seem right about it's location. It tugs at your mind, but you can't make heads or tails of it this instant.

There are a few undead lingering throughout the corridors but they wander in a daze, not quite aware of their surroundings. The lone undead in front of you doesn't even look in your direction as you and Henry approach openly.

[ORDINATOR TRAINING] Henry stabs it through the throat with his hyperaccelerated blade and swiftly decapitates the shambling crewman!

>Fortuna rolls for FORTUNE.
[SCAVENGING] ... and he's already rooting through its pockets mere nanovites after it hits the ground.

The Ordinator chitters to himself in annoyance. "Just a few Brouzoufs on him. I'll take what we can get."

Picked up 10 Brouzoufs.

With everything calm for now, the two of you enter the tea shop...
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TIP: Stimpacks are a space age wonder drug, and that's fact! They can be used to heal by a moderate amount, relieve minor stress, stabilize a dying crewmember, cure cryosickness, AND grant advantage to all rolls for a few minutes. However, taking more than one dose per day has a chance of instant death. Use responsibly!

[You're pretty sure this art is stolen.]
Rolled 4 (1d10)

>Fortuna rolls for FORTUNE.
>INDRA-PHI reveals what is hidden.

8-9 - VENDOR
My stomach was makin' the rumblies that only hands could satisfy.
The doors open to a barricade of barrels and small tables. You can't see to the other side. Wood? Real wood is a luxury up to be installed onto a space station, much less anywhere in the INTERSPACE. The Merchants are truly another class of wealth...

You sense someone on the other side. He's getting up from the floor and staggering to his feet.

"Come on you bums," a man whispers under his ragged breath. You hear the familiar click of a gun safety. "Come on, take me out you sons of bitches. I'm not dead yet..."

[At the right side of the choices, you see a prompt box under the words "Tell me about..."]
>Identify yourself.
>We don't need to fight!
>[MOTH] Human, put down your weapon. We are not your enemies.
>Write in.
>[MOTH] Human, put down your weapon. We are not your enemies.
>>We killed the Necromancer, Human.
>[MOTH] Human, put down your weapon. We are not your enemies.
Tell me about...
>Your condition. [HEALTH CHECK]
>What happened here.
>The Necromancer.
>Enemy Strengths and Vulnerabilities.
>How many survivors there are.
>[MOTH] Human, put down your weapon. We are not your enemies.
Tell him we heard his gunshots when we got here, but we ran into the necro on the way
I'm sorry for not updating quickly. My sister graduated yesterday. Update later today, I believe.
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TEA SHOP TALK: (Fallout 1 Soundtrack- Industrial Junk (Junktown)) https://youtu.be/e3SSZ86syrkA

>[MOTH] Human, put down your weapon. We are not your enemies.
"I don't recognize the voice at least. What even are you?" The human's voice is raspy, wrung through an air filter. You pause, searching for the answer that won't-



[No dialogue appears for a few seconds. You click, but there's no response. Uh oh.

After about a minute, Henry's portrait appears to the left of Heath's.]

"We're moths," the Ordinator says plainly. "Big moths."

"Lepidoptera superior." You cough, shaking off the terror of the subliminal commands. "We are indeed very large moths."

"We're just passing by and thought this was a safe station. Guessed wrong."

All you hear is coughing on the other side.

[A new dialogue option appears in place of the old. You click on that.]

>"We killed the Necromancer, Human."
"I can personally attest to its destruction."

Bare wheezing. "I haven't heard movement out there since a few minutes ago. You have its book?"


"Burn it. Don't even think about reading it, just burn it."

[Another pause in the dialogue. Just him, breathing eerily. You wonder how to proceed, then throw in a "what happened here?" into the tell me about prompt.]

"The Merchants. The damn fool birdbrained Merchants brought artifacts up from a 'cold, deaf planet.' The spellbooks and that rotten skull. No wise man plunders the ruins of the Empire for bones of the dead past.

They're all dead now. Serves them right. [hack hack]

My question for you is: Has the thing in the chapel been destroyed?"

[There's only one option.]

"[hmm] I'm coming out."

You hear a terrible crash from the north!
The human smashes the barrier down with his magnificent boot!!!!!
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Keen eyes leer at you from an eggshell head set atop a hulking frame, reminding you so much of an albino ape. The human looks much stronger than you, even with his abdomen wrapped tightly in gauze and splints. The long tank of oxygen strapped to his back slowly shifts as he breathes.

[INDRA-PHI] You hear whispers... An Artisan in station engineering and melee. Looks dangerously robust.

The human takes a step forward, but doubles over and grips onto the doorway to stabilize himself.

INFORMATION: At certain thresholds of Health damage (depending on your character class) or upon taking a particularly deadly blow, characters will suffer Wounds and roll for their severity. These range from flesh wounds to bleeding to outright instant death.

Characters cannot heal more than their lowest Health threshold if they are majorly Wounded until they are given medical treatment.

Taking more than half of your Health in a single attack will carry over to the next threshold and incur a Panic Check.

>Your condition.
"Hurts to breath. Hurts to move.


But I'm still alive.

They left me for dead in here and I patched myself up. I wasn't expecting any help to arrive after I heard the ships taking off. The station was dead by then."

[A few options pop up, but you continue typing in your own questions. This prompter seems to be more direct in information gathering than the generated prompts.]

>Where there other survivors?
"Sigmund, Clive, and a few of the others went to the lower decks to destroy the gravity generator then all of the systems that keep the Gorgon's Threat together. This station would tear itself apart within a day, split open its guts to the stars. It's the only way to get rid of this... taint.

I couldn't continue myself so I told them how to do it. Made them promise to come back for me. Did-"

He chokes and breathes sharply. His hands clench and he stares intensely at you, searching for an answer.

"You are the only other life signature left on this station," you state.

[MOTH] Even though you don't quite understand the human anatomy, the look of agonizing loss on his face is universal.
"Where... Where am I supposed to go now?" the human whispers.

>The Necromancer is dead and his legions cannot obey. Take this chance to finish what your friends started.
>Come with us. We are tracking down the signal of FORTUNA. We could use your knowledge.
>[HENRY'S DESERTER] "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Neither can we."
>Find your comrades and regroup in Hell. [Attack]

>Come with us. We are tracking down the signal of FORTUNA. We could use your knowledge.

>Destroy the spellbook in front of the human, to foster trust.
>Navigate to the Medical Facilities aboard the station. The human should know the way.
>[HENRY'S DESERTER] "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Neither can we."
>[HENRY'S DESERTER] "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Neither can we."
>Head back to the ship

I've had enough of this ship. We got an extra crewmember hopefully, let's skedaddle.
>[HENRY'S DESERTER] "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Neither can we."
>Destroy the spellbook in front of the human, to foster trust.
>Ask about the Medical Facilities aboard this station. If feasible, we should go there to treat this man in addition to looting more supplies for our ship's medbay.
But if not feasible because already looted and/or destroyed, then
>Head back to the ship
Otherwise we go to station medbay
>(To the human) "You mentioned a 'rotten skull'. Could you explain further?"
>(To the human) "Where is the precise location of the gravity generator, and how close is it to the exterior hull? If you don't know, where would a station map be located?"
>(To Henry) "Ordinator in your opinion, are our ship weapons sufficient to reach and destroy the gravity generator from the outside? I do not trust further threats to not be lurking on the way there, especially given the demise of his colleagues en route. They outnumbered us and were most likely better equipped, yet still wiped out."
>"That presence in the chapel is very real. The human is right; it needs to be purged."
We could give him the stimpack, if we decide we're trusting him.
Also destroy book at good opportunity, but don't waste resources doing so.
>[HENRY'S DESERTER] "You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. Neither can we."

"Our ship is docked upstairs," you state. "It would be in our mutual interest if you came with us."

His too-small eyes survey the room, then look down to his bandaged wounds. The human lets out a heavy sigh.

"At the end of the day, I'd like to live to see the end of another one." He holds out his hand. "Boil Lancer, Engineer."
"Captain Heath Serras." You shake, and his grip eclipses yours.
"Henry Petri at your service." He shakes as well.

Boil Lancer joins the crew!

[The only dialogue option remaining is [Done], but you have a few more questions remaining]

>TELL ME ABOUT: Medical facilities and their status
"The medbay is on the lower decks, along with the other critical life-support systems. At this point, I'd expect it to be the most infested part of the station. The first place that Phil, well, the thing-that-was-Phil attacked was the morgue."

>TELL ME ABOUT: Phil. Was he the Necromancer? What happened here?
Boil inhales sharply, then continues slowly. "Was." Boil taps the side of his respirator and coughs.

"A few days after the Merchants brought up the first artifact, they came to station security and squawked their heads off about a missing book.

We thought it was Da'at at first, always had sticky fingers, but this time the secoffs were only beating out innocent teeth. Then power went out and the screaming began."

His voice lowers into a solemn rumble. "Something truly evil was stalking our halls, tearing people apart like the Grues of Old Psydonia. Our refuge among the stars, subverted.

I came out of hiding when it got quiet. Met up with the others. We saw Phil came out of the chapel. Different, corrupted. The bodies began rising up all around us and the newborn necromancer locked eyes with Da'at. His blood boiled under his skin. That's all I know.

We've been trapped here for days. Only today did we try to do something about it...

You know how their story ended."

Henry bristles. He arrived too late to this station...

>TELL ME ABOUT: Rotten skull
"You saw the artifact?" Boil looks intently at you.

"The thing is active but sealed within the west chapel. There was a ritual ward of candles placed at the entrance. We cannot confirm the circumstances by which it has come about."

>Fortuna makes a SANITY roll.
Boil Lancer
Current Sanity, roll under: 70
Result: 38

"That can't be right. The only chapel on this station is here in the east wing, right down the hall." Boil mutters to himself. "Shit, something isn't right here. We should leave."

[MOTH] "Probability of Dissonance?" You check in with the Ordinator.
"It's possible." Henry shrugs. "We don't know the entire situation. I agree with Boil, Captain. Fuck this."

[You exit out of the dialogue portraits into the tea shop proper.]
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You feel deadened as the divine perception leaves you...
Henry shakes his head and lets out a little click.

[Looks like that blessing from earlier has a time limit.]

>Destroy the spellbook in front of the human, to foster trust.
You take out the Grimoire.

"But that's-!" Boil almost lunges forward, but you drop the book before he can put a hand on you.

Your Inseguro in hand and fire a single blast across the spellbook's cover.

The grimoire ignites! The flames of the blast seem to hungrily devour the dry pages, as if eager to rid the world of further evil.

A brief sense of peace washes over the party as the unholy pages burn to cinders.

"Thank you, Captain." Boil seems particularly relieved by the act.

[SCAVENGING] "Hey Captain, give me a minute to look around. I think I saw something." Henry skitters around the store, looking for anything useful.

The engineer breaks off part of a table with his bare hands and uses the leg to support himself.

"Check under the register," Boil mutters. "Thought there might have been some supplies in that safe, but I couldn't break the lock."
"Hmm. I've gathered a few tools. Maybe you can try your hand with them?"
[INTERFACING] [ENGINEERING] "Mmm." Boil takes a screwdriver from Henry and swiftly picks the lock with surprisingly deft hands.

[PARANOIA] You hear shuffling from the west. Necrotic activity, certainly. Independent?

Henry picks up a few items around the shop.
PICKED UP: Used Syringe, Bandages, Tin of Tea Leaves (x4)
You gain Brouzouf. ($120, Total: $130)

From the safe, Boil takes out quite a sum of money... and something else!
PICKED UP: *Iridescent Flower*, Birdseed Packet
You gain Brouzouf. ($200, Total: $330)

Among the rubble of the barricade, Henry spots something..?

>Fortuna rolls a d100.
Base SEARCH: 50%
Modifiers: +15% [SCAVENGER]
Roll under: 65
PICKED UP: "Oathbreaker" Triad Knife, Birdseed Packet

"Captain, you'll need this more than me."
READY: "Oathbreaker" Triad Knife

>Exit the store.
"We proceed."
"The stench of tea chokes me."

The three of you exit the tea shop...
Rolled 7 (1d10)

>Fortuna rolls for FORTUNE.
1 - ???
2-4 - ???
4-7 - ???
8-9 - ???
10 - ???
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Nothing. Nothing? ... Nothing.

[PARANOIA] But something has changed. No man crosses the same path twice.


Laptop acquired.
><0|V| says: PARTY!
Happy late 4th of July, and apologies for all the delays.
Shit's gettnig spoopy.
+1 and
>[PARANOIA] "Henri. Boil. Dissonance confirmed. The chapel is shifting location. The hallway to it is no longer here next to the tea shop." (Point at that black wall.)
Not good NOT GOOD
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- A traditional Jianese gift made out of a shimmering red glass. Said to hold the good luck of seven prior generations after a legendary general was saved because he had one. Some collectors will pay dearly for them. [TRADE ITEM]

You raise your head and look at the ceiling. Thousands of spiteful eyes glare at you from above.

>[PARANOIA] "Henri. Boil. Dissonance confirmed. The chapel is shifting locations. The hallway to it is no longer here next to the tea shop." (Point at that black wall.)

You raise your hand but pause as you take the briefest of glimpses into the ROARING BLACKNESS.

[PARANOIA] Your ancestors scream from within their chambers in your mind, and their terror becomes yours.

[PARANOIA] In a terrifying moment of apprehension and with a supreme force of will, you screech at the top of your lungs, "DON'T LOOK! GET TO THE SOUTH ELEVATOR NOW!"

Everyone starts running.

>Fortuna hands you the FEAR dice.
Heath Serras, Fear Save: 45%
Henry Petri, Fear Save: 35%
Boil Lancer, SANITY: 70
Modifiers (Everyone):
>Roll 2d100 for each crewmember, roll under, and take the lower number.

>Fortuna hands you the PANIC dice.
Heath Serras, STRESS: 8/20
-5 RESOLVE to Panic check
>Roll 1d20, roll OVER. Stress to beat: 3.
Rolled 36, 34 = 70 (2d100)

Rolled 13 (1d20)

Rolled 3 (1d20)

Rolled 58, 27 = 85 (2d100)

A d20 was already rolled
Lemme roll the other 2d100s if you don't mind

Rolled 92, 71 = 163 (2d100)

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The darkness is alluring, intoxicating, almost gentle... but you get a grip and shake off the mesmerization!

[PARANOIA] That sourceless malevolence... the same feeling in the chapel!

Boil raises his hands and covers his beady eyes as he rushes out from the doorway.

Henry stands utterly motionless, unable to draw himself away. He turns and you realize with horror to where he must walk.

>Fortuna rolls the STR dice.
Heath Serras
STR: 13 x 5 = 65%
Result: 76 - FAILURE

You try to grab him, but he slips out of your grasp!

"MAINTAINER, GRAB HIM!" Henry's arm reaches forward, then through the wall of manifest darkness-

[MANLY PHYSIQUE] Boil's giant hand smashes into the back of Henry's helmet and he grabs the other arm aggressively! The body goes limp in his arms!

The Maintainer drags the Ordinator away just as the darkness encroaches.


"Carry him!" Boil wheezes. You throw Henry over your shoulder and the three of you retreat through the corridors back to the elevator...
Rolled 7 (1d10)

>Fortuna rolls for FORTUNE.
1 - ???
2-7 - ???
8-9 - ???
10 - ???

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>You escape the Gorgon's Threat!

TIP: A wise man like you knows when to run.
[Phew! You snicker a little.]
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MOTH AFTER ACTION REPORT: (Ruiner Soundtrack : 01 : Memory // by Sidewalks and Skeletons - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX09Akq4zNU)

You sit still in the cargo hold, listening to the thrumming of the Jaunt drive, attuning yourself to the beat of its heart...
Henry rests as best as he can with some ice placed to the back of his head.
Boil leans against the wall. His breathing is labored.

You quietly recount the bygone experience...

PICKED UP: Meat rations x3, veggie rations x2, quality rations x2, scroll of charging, scroll of ABCABABAAABA, scroll of identify, Used Syringe, Bandages, Tin of Tea Leaves (x4), \*Iridescent Flower\*, Birdseed Packet x2, "Oathbreaker" Triad Knife
SAVED: Boil Lancer, Engineer

>Fortuna hands you her dice.
>Please roll 1d4 for Heath and Henrys' STRESS recoveries.
>Please flip 1d2 for Boil's SANITY recovery.

Henry's resolve increases. 0 -> 1.
>Please choose one skill to increase by 1d7% or one save (FEAR, SANITY, BODY) to increase by 5%.

[You hold off on clicking the dice for now. They don't seem to be going anywhere.]

>EXAMINE: Crewmembers
Apart from blunt trauma and a few bruises, you and Henry seem to be in mostly good shape. Boil on the other hand is still severely wounded. You could place him in cryostasis and deal with the cryosickness later with a stimpack.

[MOTH] You suspect something within his human anatomy is broken, but you're not too familiar with this field.

[You type in: Where are we located right now?]
With the help of the Navigator, you left the dry dock and piloted the Magnum back into deep space. You are currently drifting away from the station. If you looked out the command center's windows, you would see those haunted grounds floating further and further away...

[You ponder an important question and type in "OPEN FIRE ON THE STATION WITH THE SHIPS WEAPONS, TARGETTING THE GRAVITY GENERATOR." All caps for emphasis.]
Being a Scout class reconnaissance ship, the Magnum is not fitted with any weapon systems. On the other claw, the ship is fitted with superlative sensors and an OBFUSCATION ENGINE, which phases the ship out of conventional spacetime and into... somewhere, placing it in a state of stealth.

[INDRA-PHI] You hear whispers... I must hide away from this world...

[Now that's just horrid. If this "tutorial" is anything to go by, you really don't want to get sprung with a "beginner" ship combat scenario.]

Rolled 2 (1d2)


>Boost Henry's FEAR save by 5%. Can't let that happen again.
>Pout Boil into cryostatis.
>Talk to Henry, check to see if he's doing okay after everything.
>"Who's that?" Try seeing if the whispers are real or if we're going mad.
Rolled 2 (1d4)


Rolling the 1d4
>Talk: Does boil know of anywhere nearby that we could contact to destroy the station?
Caution is the better part of valor.
+1 this too
Is there any way to flag the cursed station as a hazard warranting destruction? There must be something we can do to warn others. Maybe just start beaming a signal out from where we are that contains a message from us - anyone entering the region should receive the signal at some point. A comms bouy to repeat it would be ideal, but not a necessary sacrifice methinks.
Rolled 3 (1d4)

Use CLAW to DAMAGE/DESTROY the STATION STABILIZERS, ensuring it will fall out of orbit sooner rather than later.
ASK BOIL if he knows the NATURE of his INJURY, and if it can be TREATED in situ. Additionally, ASK if he PREFERS to stay CONSCIOUS and part of the CREW or would like to be placed into CRYOSLEEP until we reach a DESTINATION of his choosing.
Henry Petri
FEAR Save: 35% -> 40%

STRESS is decreasing...
SANITY is increasing...

>Talk to Henry, check to see if he's doing okay after everything.
"I'll be fine, Captain. I've had worse scratches. We should have enough food for a few more days now, eh?"
"We should leave as soon as we can. I don't want to linger in dead space any longer."

>"Who's that?" Try seeing if the whispers are real or if we're going mad.
>Fortuna rolls a d100 for FORTUNE.
[MOTH] When God speaks to you, you listen.
[PARANOIA] Who's talking to you? Why are you doubting yourself? Why are you doubting INDRA-PHI? Maybe you are unwell. This must be why we exiled you. We see beneath the exoskeleton to the the second persons lurking there. We know they are watching us through your eyes. This message is only for you.


"..." You say nothing, forcing yourself to remain calm.

>Talk: Does boil know of anywhere nearby that we could contact to destroy the station?
You turn to the human Maintainer before your inner tension can boil over.

"Human, describe the local governing authorities in this sector. Which one can destroy the station?"
Boil sits upright. "This is a lonely sector of space, Captain, and this is the only space station in the star system. The Merchants won't claim responsibility for this, the bastard chickens, and I don't know of anyone else who can help."
"Is there anything nearby that can help?"
"There is... an old Warp gate to Inner Psydonia somewhere in this star system. But it's dead now as with every other Warp Gate after the dismemberment of his Lordship. We of Outer Psydonia and the rest of the Outer Reach have since been cut off for decades now. We're... holding on."
"That sounds quite dire."

[MOTH] Eras have ends and it is the end of the era. The reports call this the BUGCHUD - neverending conflict and constant death among the stars are all that await you in the dark days ahead.
[INDRA-PHI] You hear whispers from up on high, "With the death of PSYDON, the Lord of Dissolution, the era seizes and shakes in its death throes. Soon comes the apocalypse to end all apocalypses. Prepare, my child. Seek out FORTUNA..."
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>Put Boil into cryostatis.
>TALK: ASK BOIL if he knows the NATURE of his INJURY, and if it can be TREATED in situ. Additionally, ASK if he PREFERS to stay CONSCIOUS and part of the CREW or would like to be placed into CRYOSLEEP until we reach a DESTINATION of his choosing.
"Come with me Maintainer. We can put you into cryostasis until we find more appropriate treatment."
Boil lets out a heavy sigh and stands. "Lead the way."

"Can you describe your condition? What can be done?"
"My ribs are fractured. When I grabbed your friend back there, I knew it to be the case." He groans and you wait for him. "I made a splint earlier, but something tells me you bugmen don't have any advanced medicine or technology on hand."
"Astute inference. This is all we can do for you at this moment."

You make a flourish and let Boil enter the cryochamber room first. You shudder, having no wings to warm yourself.
[ENGINEERING] Boil's eyes open in wonder at the sight of the cryochamber.
[REMNANT OF PSYDONIA] "This is from before the BUGCHUD. In pristine condition! How did you find this?"
[PARANOIA] You twitch violently. "Maintainer, you do not have sufficient access to make this inquiry. Do not question the machines."
Boil stares at you with a rather pained expression.
"I understand, Captain." He places a reverent hand to the glass.
[MOTH] This is a rather cheap but serviceable model, with the cryosickness lasting days rather than hours.
[INTERFACING] Without much difficulty at all, Boil begins to manually prepare the cryochamber for stasis.

[You have an idea.]
>TALK: Is there any way to flag the cursed station as a hazard warranting destruction? There must be something we can do to warn others. Maybe just start beaming a signal out from where we are that contains a message from us - anyone entering the region should receive the signal at some point. A comms bouy to repeat it would be ideal, but not a necessary sacrifice methinks.

The engineer pauses, hems, then gives a slow, approving nod.
[ENGINEERING] "It can be done within the hour. I just need a few pieces of scrap to make a signal amplifier."
"You have my permission to use what we have left. Dismissed."


You make note to activate the ENGINE at the ship's command center when you get there. You will hide all ship signals at an additional cost of 5 fuel per Jaunt or Jump.

>Use CLAW to DAMAGE/DESTROY the STATION STABILIZERS, ensuring it will fall out of orbit sooner rather than later.
Impossible! You cannot punch a station out of orbit with your bare claws!

Hmmm. No other issues are pressing. Zhang is most likely preening himself in his room or doing that sword prayer, idle as always.

INFORMATION: When you finish your business at a location, you can go to the command center, interface with a Navigator to scan the sector, and prepare to travel to the next location.
>FORTUNA is calling.

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Sorry about the wait. I have been moving boxes of soap over the last few days. Let's see how far we get into the tutorial before the next thread, Okkē? I'll show some cool stuff.

(Carmen Miranda's Ghost 11 - Sam Jones) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mO7vkdkJhg
I hope you were careful when handling them. Dropping one soap, you know what happens. Drop a whole box, and...
>Pick up the phone and answer FORTUNA.
Obligatory shitpost, I wonder if the game devs thought of this.
>Interface with a Navigator and scan the sector.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Pick up the phone and answer FORTUNA.

>Still calling...
>Ummm. Heads then. On a 1.
>Fortuna flips a coin.
[A new menu appears, titled GODCHAT. Plain text appears across the dull gray emptiness.]
>Hello, PLAYER.
>Are you enjoying this game of DISFORTUNA?


Rolled 11, 19, 19, 6 = 55 (4d20)

>Interface with a Navigator and scan the sector.

You enter the Command deck and put on the Captain's helm.

As the cables find their homes in the ports under your chitin, you shudder as the Navigator stirs, dreaming...

Tracing the webs of gravitational perturbations across the planetary tapestry...
Reading the electromagnetic whispers on stellar winds...
Nodes of resonance detected...
My legs are OK!
Initialization... OK.

>Fortuna rolls 3d20 for the next locations.
>INDRA-PHI rolls an additional 1d20.
Somehow, every location is three days worth of Jump travel in different directions.

A water world with minor landmasses. Seems to be devoid of civilization. Atmosphere seems acceptable though filled with irritating chemicals. Damnation, that your disembark suit's environmental seal is broken!

Forward and forever.
[MOTH] So why are your sensors marking this as a viable location for landing?

A planet of awesome size, lit by no sun. An invisible titan hurtling through a starless void.

[MOTH] City Sector 5. Home. It's there, waiting for you, in the gentle darkness created by the TYRANT'S PRISON.

But you can't return. Not yet.

A mist-covered planet covered in temperate forests, filled with mist, moss and convoluted trees. There seems to be traces of primitive civilization on the planet.
[INDRA-PHI] You hear whispers from up on high, closer than ever... A chapel of lights awaits you. Yet I know them not...

>FUEL: 20
>OBFUSCATION ENGINE ACTIVE. Additional 5 Fuel consumed regardless of method.
>JAUNT - Faster travel, costs 5 fuel unit, requires an Astrogation check to navigate the Nowhere safely.
>JUMP - Slower travel with standard ration costs and a fuel of 10 units. No check due to OBFUSCATION.
Fuck it. Mystery box us.
I trust the nice guidance
Nothing awaits, and surely that means there's something!
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Rolled 1 (1d2)

>I'm very glad to hear that someone is enjoying this little game of ours.
>And I'm also terribly sorry about the glitches.
>The state of the world is becoming more and more unstable every day.
>But I don't think there's anything you or I can do about it at this moment.
>So keep that fire in your soul burning, PLAYER.
>I'm sure everything will go just fine.
>That's all.
[Before she can hang up, you quickly type in "Hey, FORTUNA, can you do me a favor before you go?"]
["Flip a coin. 1 for NOTHINGNESS, 2 for SANCTUARY."]
[You hear the click-clack of someone fumbling with the receiver.]
[A character portrait appears. Yowza.]
>Fortuna flips a coin. Up it goes and the final judgement spins through the air on its fatal arc...
>Wonderful, isn't it?
>See you tomorrow.
["Goodbye, FORTUNA."]
[You hear a *click* then a disconnect tone.]
FORTUNA was made for paizuri.
You watch on a small subscreen as the small package containing the signal transmitter floats slowly towards the Gorgon's Threat. It is all you can do for now.

You consider your options for the next location.

[MOTH] Sanctuary? This void is so vast and so bleak and after the long, long journey, you realize that the entire universe beyond INTERSPACE is perched on the precipice of disaster. The endless bloodshed between the petty tyrants of fallen Psydonia, the ever-growing armies of the undead, and the scourge of rogue AI upon the stars...
[PARANOIA] Yet you are filled with dread at the idea that you have only scratched the surface to this absolute darkness...
The very thought of some safe place in the savage world fills you with a tiredness that no sleep-torpor can relieve.

[PARANOIA] Nothing is here, but there is something there. There always is. It will not elude you, this Something in Nothingness, and you will not be denied your occult quarry.

The decision is made. You call out to the crew with the voice of the intercom system, "PREPARE FOR JAUNT" and sense the movements of the Ordinator and the mercenary as they prepare for the worst.

Your mind converges with that of the Navigator.
You feel the pulse and thrumming of the Jaunt Drive as strongly as a second heart.
You rip through the veil and Magnum makes its Jump through the Nowhere!

>Fortuna hands you the THRUSTERS dice.
IPM "Magnum"
+20% Heath's Astrogation
+20% Moth Navigator
>Roll 1d100, roll under. Final check to beat: 60%

Many thanks to the wonderful @non of @mulet quest for FORTUNA's portrait. Big natural d100s. Read his quest!
FORTUNA CALLS: (Aphex Twin - Stone in Focus) https://youtu.be/8ET1vST_xKc
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Indra-phi, guide us to safety within darkness. Illuminate the path before us. Reveal that which is hidden and which we seek.
Turn off the lights. We won't need them here.
Well there we go, it seems we've found Nothingness...
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>An uneasy flight.

WRECK OF THE WORLD: (Nine Inch Nails - Quake - Damnation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gVOZnNRcJM

You enter a place darker than the void between stars. Chaos and destruction for light-years all around. Vast chunks of jagged land and inexplicable concrete structures float through the Nowhere, buoyed up by unreality or chained to the very top of the sky. The cacophonous noise and hum of tirelessly working machines is heard from far above, all around, inside your own head, somewhere just out of sight, anywhere, everywhere. Nowhere.

You feel so far away from home...

You grip the armrests of your chair as you divert more power to the thrusters and focus on navigating the ship through the stray debris.

[ASTROGATION SKILL] As a Captain of the INTERSYSTEM, you have been additionally trained to withstand contact with the Nowhere and to avoid mental contamination by dissonant reality.
[PARANOIA] But there is no training in this world that can prepare you for exposure to the truly unnatural.
[ASTROGATION] You must keep moving forward. You cannot stay long in the distorted spacetime.
[PARANOIA] Mind your wandering eyes.
[MOTH] Yet your senses betray you. Come and see.

An impossible landscape lays below - an featureless plain of sand stretches from end of the horizon to the other, illuminated by no apparent source, casting no shadows. Humanoid figures stagger across the endless desert as if in a daze. Desperate hands cling to daggers and severed limbs. These wretches tear each other apart as they come across each other. Blood stains the white sands and the earth slakes its thirst.

There is seemingly no reason or purpose to the destruction. It just seems to go on and on.

[ASTROGATION] Your training draws you from the brink of the madness you already have.

You need to leave.

The Navigator continues to guide you forward to the exit point.

[INDRA-PHI] You pray to your god for protection and for her to hold the OBFUSCATION. Hide the world, so only the true path remains. Hide us from eyes which so viciously seek...

>Indra-phi, guide us to safety within darkness. Illuminate the path before us. Reveal that which is hidden and which we seek. Turn off the lights. We won't need them here.


You can hear nothing but your own deep breathing...
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>Shit, shit, shit, that was a 54.

[For no apparent reason, as the Magnum makes its way across the screen, the game slows down. Your fans begin to audibly spin. Uh oh.]

Please contact SYSTEM for assistance regarding this error.
Please contact SYSTEM for assistance regarding this error.
>Uh, uhm, uh!
Please contact SYSTEM for assistance regarding this error.
Please contact SYSTEM for assistance regarding this error.
>Wait, I just need to-

>Fortuna rolls a d6 for an ENCOUNTER!
Rolled 1 (1d6)

>Ah! Ah! Ah!
Against the backdrop of unrelenting darkness, there's a fire on the far horizon, and within that flame there is a silhouette of a man.

You see him. He turns his head. He sees you.

He moves towards you.


[Good God what is happening!]

The little man starts growing larger and larger, trailing fire as he walks, but his own figure fades steadily as he approaches, becoming transparent...

But the fire he brings seems so, so real.

The entirety of the Nowhere becomes swallowed up in a sea of all-consuming flames and you scream and scream-
>You arrive at the NOTHINGNESS.
>INDRA-PHI is pleased by your exploration. >"Whatever you path may be, you will carry me with you."

PSYCHOPOMP joins the crew!

TIP: While Jaunts may very well be the only reproducible way to achieve faster-than-light travel with the technology available in the BUGCHUD, there is an inherent risk to traversing the NOWHERE. Be careful now.
"Captain!" The Ordinator shouts as he begins wrestling you from the straps of the psihelm.

"Captain! Wake up!"

You gasp as you violently awaken from the trance-like state induced by the Navigator.

"O-Ordinator! What is the meaning-"
"My access is insufficient for the main computer." Henry has his Miedo ready to fire. Zhang is at the doorway, his hands eagerly clutching the sheath of his sword. "An escape pod docked with the ship while we were in the Jaunt. It's in the airlock."

[SKILL: ASTROGATION, MATHEMATICS] Your mind roils at the thought. This entire scenario goes against the engrams of education implanted into you.
[MOTH] Your entire body bristles at the terror pheromones in the air. Terror is reality, and you can't deny that this is playing out in front of you at this very moment.


[SKILL: ASTROGATION, MATHEMATICS] Your mind roils at the thought. This entire scenario goes against the engrams of education implanted into you. Spacecraft cannot dock during a Jaunt - total annihilation is the sole calculation of this hypothetical.
[MOTH] And yet that exact scenario is playing out at this very moment. The hairs all along your body detect the terror pheromones in the air; terror is reality - Henry speaks the truth. Terror is reality, and it'll take strength beyond strength to deny what's right in front of you.

Minor edit.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Prepare for the worst. The impossible has already happened.
So the characters in the setting must not know we anons are here and observing them? Sounds good

>the truly unnatural.
Is the NOWHERE truly unnatural, or is it someplace natural that was contaminated or altered by the BUGCHUD happening? This place might have been much better once upon a time...

Flame bro is on our side?

I for one love these quality loading screens and refuse to ever turn them off

>Do we have cameras that can view the airlocks at the docking site? Or external ones that can view how this pod looks from the outside? Do we have any visual of any kind?
>Is there a sound system? Can we use it to remotely communicate to the escape pod and its contents?
>"Ordinator, I saw a man of flames approach me in a vision during the Jaunt. I... I felt him as an ally, but you know the Jaunt protocols."
>"Zhang, status report."
>"Let's give our guest a welcome to match his in warmth."
also backing >>6063150
>So the characters in the setting must not know we anons are here and observing them?
Shut up! They might hear you.

>USE CAMERAS, if we have any.
>EXAMINE the AIRLOCK, we want to be sure the guest can't force his way in.
PREPARE for the worst.
>USE CAMERAS, if we have any.
>EXAMINE the AIRLOCK, we want to be sure the guest can't force his way in.
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>Prepare for the worst. The impossible has already happened.
>INT Check: 45% -> Failure

It's too late to prepare for the future in the now. All that comes to mind is a simple phrase from a man you no longer remember.

"Build your wings on the way down."
If you are not ready, get ready.

>"Ordinator, I saw a man of flames approach me in a vision during the Jaunt. I... I felt him as an ally, but you know the Jaunt protocols."
>"Let's give our guest a welcome to match his in warmth."
"Go down to the airlock and be prepared to intercept the interloper upon emergence. Do not initiate. Await my signal. Hail!"
"Aye, aye, Captain. Hail!" He makes a rushed salute and leaves the command center.

>"Zhang, status report."
"Apart from the appearance of our wonderful new guest on the portside, our capital of integrity remains intact." The Jiangshen sparrow pokes his beak out of the birdhouse armor, then wriggles his tiny head through. His beady little eye is filled with perfidy and barely-restrained malice. "Our human remains in stasis. The Jaunt has caused only minor displacement in the cargo bay. But there is nothing to be worried about." The Mercenary's beak twists into a facsimile of a smile. The white nubs of pseudoteeth are especially sharp today. "God is pleased by today's proceedings, Captain. He says he looks forward to tomorrow."
You shudder.

[PARANOIA] But it is better to keep Zhang in your sight where you can reign him in. The "nest" of undead corpses he left outside the Magnum during your escape from the Gorgon's Threat was utterly horrific.
[INDRA-PHI] You hear whispers from up on high... "Your mercenary is a very dangerous man. Keep him as your ally in purpose, but never as a friend."
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>USE CAMERAS, if we have any.
>Do we have cameras that can view the airlocks at the docking site? Or external ones that can view how this pod looks from the outside? Do we have any visual of any kind?
>Is there a sound system? Can we use it to remotely communicate to the escape pod and its contents?
>EXAMINE the AIRLOCK, we want to be sure the guest can't force his way in.
[You type it all out really fast.]

[MOTH] [INDRA-PHI] NOTHING IS BENEATH INDRA-PHI'S NOTICE. This philosophy has lead to the installment of redundant camera systems throughout all forms of moffic engineering.

On the computer, you bring up a live feed of the ship's airlock. Short of an artillery blast, the airlock will withstand almost any impact thrown at it, though specialized tools can assist in prying it open - it's really quite safe. The antechamber in front of the airlock is large enough to fit all three of your crew as they put on the suits and prepare for disembark. Through the antechamber window, you see that the inside of the docked escape pod is obfuscated by something. Judging from its movement, the escape pod is filled by smoke..? You see nothing else moving from within, nor do your sensors detect any life signs within.

[PARANOIA] There are many threats in the universe that do not require life to take yours.

On the outside cameras, you see that the escape pod is attached to the portside airlock and that it is very battered looking. The model is entirely unfamiliar in shape and any distinguishing markings are removed from the sheer amount of mechanical wear and damage it has received.

>INT CHECK. Roll under 60% (+15% from MATHEMATICS SKILL)
>Result 6 -> SUCCESS.
The plasma propulsion system seems to have undergone extensive jury-rigging and is partial melted. You are reminded of the CS01 prison break of the Technocrats under Minister Luc - it must have an equally sovereign level of engineering knowledge to put this thing together. However, the obvious damage to the entire craft suggests that this escape pod has already been through a crash landing.

You are assessing it further when suddenly-

"Oh thank God, thank God! I finally fucking made it!" The airlock microphone picks up a voice broadcasted from within the escape pod.
In response, your intercom screams to life. "PROVIDE IDENTIFICATION," you state.

[PARANOIA] You have a few questions in mind as per the Jaunt protocols.

"I finally really did it! I found my lucky little ticket outta here! HehehHAHAHA-" You hear maniacal laughter on the other end. The voice seems to belong to a male human, perhaps younger than Boil. His catharsis and relief is palpable.

[PARANOIA] There's a strange electronic warble to that voice...

"PROVIDE IDENTIFICATION," you repeat, somewhat bemused yourself. You see Henry arrive to the antechamber.

"Jack, just call me Jack, buddy. Formerly a tour guide of sorts, then a strandee, now a rescuee." He giggles to himself one last time, then he hisses under his breath. "The bastards I called 'my fellow crewmates' threw me out of the airlock. Those ingrates! After I busted my ass for them, I can only hope that they're burning in HELL."

[PARANOIA] "HOW LONG WERE YOU STRANDED FOR?" It seems that he wants to talk, so you'll let him talk. Be on guard.

"I-I don't know. It's been an eternity down here." You hear metallic clicking. "I only survived because I'm a super lucky mega-nice guy born under a blessed star."

[PARANOIA] With how badly that escape pod is damaged, it would seem impossible for any occupant to survive for extended durations. Much less in the Nowhere.

"Hey, whoever this is, can you open the airlock?"
[PARANOIA] Something isn't right about this. You need to confirm your suspicions.

"Henry, shine your flashlight through the window and state what's inside." He walks up to it and does so.

[HENRY'S DESERTER] The Ordinator lunges for the intercom. "Captain, there's a robot inside the pod!"

>Fortuna hands you the PANIC dice.
Henry Petri
STRESS: 4/20
>Roll 1d20, roll OVER. Stress to beat: 4.

There's a horrific screech of static and garbled words that sends you cringing back from the computer.
PLAYER, I'm going to need your help with this, alright? Double click on that crew alert symbol on the top right. That'll switch your point of view from Heath over to me. We need to talk, pal - you and me, one on one, vis-à-vis.

Do you obey?

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>PLAYER, I'm going to need your help with this, alright? Double click on the crew alert symbol on my face. That'll switch your point of view from Heath over to me. We need to talk, pal - you and me, one on one, vis-à-vis.
Minor edit, but vital.
Rolled 6 (1d20)


I'm not clicking anything yet. Aren't these guys supposed to be unaware of us the player? Something's not right here.
>[Indra-Phi] Destroy the BURNING MAN. The dark star compels you to rend asunder all fiery creatures.
I assume that transfers control so we input commands to the robot guy instead. Then he talks to us in the escape pod.

>If this robot tries to breach in without my order, disconnect the escape pod away
>I'm going to try... something. Give me several minutes
>(Do the CREW ALERT command. We can always do it to shift back to Heath and give the disconnect order if he tries some bad shit)
Actually waitaminute, he's already talking to us. Why does he need us to click a button on him to talk further?

>TALK: Why can't "Jack" tell us what he needs to like he just did? Why does he need us to switch our point of view over to him?
>DO NOT obey
Anonymous agents appearing after hazardous travel? Asking for permissions and giving instructions? Not asking where they are or what the attitudes of those they have landed on are?

This is textbook trap shit. Exo-Ventilate this demon.
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[You forgot to check earlier but currently your game is running at normal speed. Still warm but not at full furnace blast.

As for the matter of "Jack," you need some more information before you can make a final decision.]

>TALK: Why can't "Jack" tell us what he needs to like he just did? Why does he need us to switch our point of view over to him?

You feel a dull buzz in your head. You feel as if you desperately need to talk, but the right words won't come out.

[PARANOIA] This instinct isn't natural. Whatever this is, it's not coming *from* you and certainly it's not *for* you.

The robot within the escape pod emits another cacophonous cipher-slurry:
Okay, ohhhhhkay. I see we got off on the wrong foot, pal, but you gotta understand! I'm underneath a ton of pressure here! To crew, I'm a threat. For you, it's a game. But for ME? For me, THIS JOB IS MY FUCKING LIFE!


Dammit, the words are already in the air. It's too late to take them back now.

Then let's just take it from the top, eh Pal?

Welcome to DISFORTUNA!

Name's Jack! Jumping Jack Flash! I'm the guy who'll be guiding you through the Tutorial.

And to really quickly answer that question of yours:
1. I need both the current player character status AND your express permission in order for me to fix your missing SYSTEM files, such as the pause function, character switching, and healthbars. This delivery has been a long time coming.
2. I need your help because I don't got a Goddamn clue on how to negotiate with these fire-hating moths which did not exist up until now.

Now please hurry up and click on my face before these freaky fellows throw me out ANOTHER FUCKING AIRLOCK!!!

[Hehe. Hmm. Should you click?]

>Henry's PANIC Check -> SUCCESS
"Captain, what are your orders?" Henry's voice snaps you into reality.

>If this robot tries to breach in without my order, disconnect the escape pod away.
"Start the disconnect procedures on the nearby panel. Do it!"
"On it Captain!"

"Please don't! It's all just a misunderstanding!" the robot pleads, synthetic desperation filling the antechamber.

[HENRY'S DESERTER] "Get away from the airlock, you defector!" Henry screeches with all the hate in his heart.

Ok tutorial bro, you've made your case. I'd love to get those HP bars and the pause is for our QM's sake
Fuck it.
Forbidden knowledge? Communion with the unknowable council of command?
I wish we could ask FORTUNA what to do...

>DEMAND to know how the escape pod docked with our ship during a Jaunt or else he really will be vented.
>DEMAND to know how the escape pod docked with our ship during a Jaunt or else he really will be vented.
"Really pushing the time limit, PLAYER!"
"I launched my escape craft from a nearby landmass. It was all a simple matter of rocket science and getting the math just right."
"NO JOKES." That answer is too obvious. What about the OBFUSCATION?
"But that's how it's done, kid."

"When you rip holes through reality using the Jaunt Drive, everything down in the Nowhere can see you doing it. No mortal, I mean, ordinary technology is capable of hiding within the Nowhere itself."
"Thankfully, the things down there aren't capable of reaching escape velocity under their own power."
"Sometimes these monsters- ("You fit in with them, you piece of shit," Henry hisses.) Uh, are in the right time and in the right place. These stowaways board the ship, like being caught in an ocean's undertow or being dragged through a vortex." Jaunt Interlopers... Natives of the Nowhere? Interesting.

"It's only me in here, Captain-bud."
"I built this escape pod myself, of course!" A mote of pride enters its voice. "Everyone else who-I had to hide this project from the others. An extremely long time passed since I finished it. But I held on."

"Ordinator, confirm the number of passengers onboard."
"... Only one, Captain." Henry. "I'm halfway through the decoupling. On your orders."

[PARANOIA] You feel a little safer... but not much.

[That's a pretty good note to end here with. You double click the crew alert, as instructed...]
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TIP: The world is big and there are a lot of strange people, so travel to interesting places, meet interesting people, and rip off their fucking heads.
- Mantis' Guide to the Universe
That's all good enough for me to order aborting the decoupling and welcome the robro in. But he better not fuck with us or he's a dead motherfucker, tutorial or no tutorial.
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Loading 66 OTHER ITEMS...

[You get a glimpse of a dingy interior and complicated piloting machinery lit only by dim flames. A new menu called METACOMMS appears.]

POMPY: Hey Pal! It's good to have you. Before we talk further, press the Spacebar to pause the game.

[You do so. The sound effects and ambience stop. A little pause button is on the top right of the screen. And yet, in the world of frozen time, the robot on the screen is able to turn to face you directly. His screen is beaming and his posture is relaxed.

Looking at his smug mug, you kind of want to punch this guy in the face.]

PSYCHOPOMP TALKING: (Psychopomp OST - Down We Go) https://youtu.be/EPuzbPbuVAI

POMPY: Think of these files as a long overdue delivery reaching its intended recipient - the long long journey has finally reached its end.
POMPY: Phew! Ah, yes.
POMPY: I'm sure you're practically bursting with a lotta questions like "What's going on here?" and "Why are you like this?"
POMPY: Well, to start off, we're in HELL now, Pal.
POMPY: That's not a bad thing though!
POMPY: A lot of people are ultimately destined to go to HELL!
POMPY: But with lil' ol me, maybe you'll be one of the lucky few to survive it, Pal!
POMPY: So, Pal, you ready for Hell? It'll be a long way until you see the surface, Pal.
POMPY: If you got any questions, don't hold back! We've got the time to talk now. Time enough to last.
POMPY: But first things first: I gave you my name, so how 'bout you give me yours Pal?

>Player name choices will be provided below.
>Feel free to write or draw in your own icon for the Quest MC.
>In addition, I would appreciate if you provide a sample quote or write your questions in character to help establish the character.
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>Gunslinger (Left Icon)
>Cowboy (Right Icon)
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>R.A.P.E M.A.C.H.I.N.E
>Dante (Not depicted)

>"You said something about needing my help for negotiations?" (Proceed to next scene)
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Elsweyr :)
Nice shitpost, faggot
>"If I ever came across a big orb of cosmic power that ended up killing everyone who tried to use it, I would definitely, 100% shove that shit inside of me. It wouldn't kill ME though, I'm built different." - Mordred, talking to his online friend while playing a MULTIPLAYER ROGUELIKE about FINNISH WIZARDS.

>I go to sleep on Sunday and wake up on Saturday. Don't ask me how that works.
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+1 get sillywiz
Supporting funny wizard.
POMPY: Mordred, huh?
POMPY: Well, if you're going to make up names, come up with good ones.
MORDRED: With a mouth like that, maybe you really did deserve getting that airlock special, ZIZOID.
POMPY: Haha!
POMPY: Ease up, Pal!
[He shoots double finger guns at you.]
POMPY: You and me, we're friends now.
POMPY: So what's a little ribbing between friends?
POMPY: And lemme tell ya, Pal, someone who appreciates the classics is always good in my book.
MORDRED: Think you're a slick bastard, yea? Real smart or clever type, huh?
POMPY: Well, I *am*, aren't I?
MORDRED: Kekekeke
POMPY: Hehehe!
[Jack resumes the pose from earlier. It's a bit subtle but you notice that he lacks an idle animation - unless he moves, he's utterly motionless compared to the regular crew.]
POMPY: Feels good finding someone worth talking to these days.
POMPY: Everyone else is a murderous Philistine of some stripe. Like the Loyalists stomping around or that Zhang fellow over on the ship.
POMPY: Or the Henry over there, too. That bugman definitely has it out for me.
[He swirls his left finger in the air.]
POMPY: Speaking of bugs, I've got a little pet theory regarding the big ones on the ship.
POMPY: A downright conspiracy theory, if you ask me.
POMPY: But if you got any *other* questions, now's the time to ask.

[This guy types really fast. Must be because he's a robot and all that.]


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Various doodles of the funnyman.
OP thread is dying, please archive!
>Can I get an at most 25 word summary of your backstory. Time is money.
backing >>6065952
as well as
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Archived. Page 10... Home...
I'm very pleased with the progress of the thread, even with my absences, soap-based and otherwise. I'll keep going until page 11, then take a few days break while enjoying fabulous Las Vegas with my family.
1. Please read @mulet Quest by @non and Cleaner Quest by HandlerQM. Very good work, and they are good men.
2. The setting is primarily based upon BUGCHUD! as well as inspired by SS13 and its various servers. I looked at BUGCHUD!'s political compass and I was struck by lightning to start DISFORTUNA. You should read BUGCHUD! here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LUvcSCse5tuT0eSeKDUVH0njoFTuN97hXft-hTt8lLg/edit?usp=sharing
3. The skeleton/plot was disembowled from FORTUNA. I dislike the nihilism and aggressive homosexuality of the MSPaint comic, so I went ahead and took what I liked.
>How do you type so fast?
>Are you a robot?
>What's with all the fire?
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>See you...
>Not just today, but tomorrow, and the day after that, too.
>See you in the orange light, MORDRED.

NEW THREAD >>6070858

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