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The year is 298. King Robert Baratheon reigns from the Iron Throne. You find yourself in Westeros, a nobleman from a minor house. Where is it that you call home?

>The North: Ruled by House Stark from Winterfell.
>The Riverlands: Ruled by House Tully from Riverrun.
>The Vale of Arryn: Ruled by House Arryn from the Eyrie.
>The Westerlands: Ruled by House Lannister from Casterly Rock.
>The Reach: Ruled by House Tyrell from Highgarden.
>The Stormlands: Ruled by House Baratheon from Storm's End.
>Dorne: Ruled by House Martell from Sunspear.
>The Crownlands: Directly controlled by the Iron Throne, with King's Landing as its centerpiece.
>The Iron Islands: Ruled by House Greyjoy from Pyke.
>The North: Ruled by House Stark from Winterfell.

'Ate wildins, 'Ate iron men, 'Ate southerners, 'Ate Boltons. Not racist, just don like em, luv me fens, moars and pines, simple as
>>The North: Ruled by House Stark from Winterfell.
>>Dorne: Ruled by House Martell from Sunspear.
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You hail from the North. Wildlings, ironborn, southerners, and Boltons—they all stir a deep-seated disdain within you. It's not about prejudice; you simply love your fens, moors, and pines. It's as simple as that. So which northern house are you from?

>Pick one other than House Stark or House Bolton
>Or make a new OC house
>>Or make a new OC house
House Dorf - a minor but ancient noble house in the northern mountains
>>Pick one other than House Stark or House Bolton
>House Magnar of Kingshouse
Time to go full Skagg
>Or make a new OC house

>House Magnar of Kingshouse
Let's go snip at the Unicorns
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You belong to House Magnar of Kingshouse, a noble house from the island of Skagos in the North. Your banner displays a green lobster on a white field, its claws gripping a black harpoon. The name Magnar, rooted in the Old Tongue, signifies "lord."
In theory, your island is part of the north and subject to House Stark of Winterfell. However, Skagos has little contact with mainland Westeros and the Seven Kingdoms, and in practice, you rule yourselves. The island's name means "stone" in the Old Tongue.
Northmen believe you ride shaggy unicorns, perform human sacrifices to weirwoods, lure passing ships to destruction with false lights, and engage in cannibalism during winter. Are the stories true?

>It’s true, all of it.
>Some of it is true, but much is exaggerated.
>Those are just tales to scare off outsiders.
>Actually, it's worse. Much worse.
>Write In
>>Actually, it's worse. Much worse.
If only they knew how bad things really are
>It’s true, all of it.
>It’s true, all of it.
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The tales about you are true, all of them. The people of Skagos are known as Skagosi or Skagossons to outsiders, but you call yourselves stoneborn, as Skagos means "stone" in the Old Tongue. The unicorns, or horses with a single horn, are native to your island, and the lords of the stoneborn clans often ride them.
Clans frequently war against each other, and your people often perform human sacrifices to weirwoods, lure passing ships to destruction with false lights, and engage in cannibalism during winter. In ancient days, men of Skagos sailed to nearby islands, seizing all the women, killing all the men, and feasting on their flesh for a fortnight. Long ago, your people even raided the mainland until Brandon IX Stark, King in the North, broke your power, destroyed your ships, and forbade you from the sea.
What is it that you desire now?

>Remain in complete isolation. Let the Starks kill the Boltons, and the Lannisters kill the Baratheons. You care not who rules Winterfell or sits on the Iron Throne. Skagos has always stayed out of it and always will.
>Reform your ways. Skagos has been isolated for too long. You wish to increase trade and exchange information with outsiders, bringing Skagos into the modern age.
>Bide your time. The Starks and Boltons will eventually weaken. When they do, the stoneborn will resume their raids, killing the men, feasting on their flesh, and claiming the women for breeding, just like in the old days.
>Establish a new order. Unite the clans under a single, strong leader to create a more cohesive and powerful Skagos. Look to conquer nearby lands and islands, extending Skagos's influence.
>Write In
>It’s true, all of it.
>Establish a new order. Unite the clans under a single, strong leader to create a more cohesive and powerful Skagos. Look to conquer nearby lands and islands, extending Skagos's influence.
>>Remain in complete isolation. Let the Starks kill the Boltons, and the Lannisters kill the Baratheons. You care not who rules Winterfell or sits on the Iron Throne. Skagos has always stayed out of it and always will.
>Establish a new order. Unite the clans under a single, strong leader to create a more cohesive and powerful Skagos. Look to conquer nearby lands and islands, extending Skagos's influence.
>Remain in complete isolation. Let the Starks kill the Boltons, and the Lannisters kill the Baratheons. You care not who rules Winterfell or sits on the Iron Throne. Skagos has always stayed out of it and always will.
>Establish a new order. Unite the clans under a single, strong leader to create a more cohesive and powerful Skagos. Look to conquer nearby lands and islands, extending Skagos's influence.
I'd prefer biding time, but fuck isolationism
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You seek to establish a new order. Your goal is to unite the clans under a single, strong leader to create a more cohesive and powerful Skagos.
Currently, Skagos has three noble houses: House Magnar of Kingshouse, House Crowl of Deepdown, and House Stane of Driftwood Hall. These houses often find themselves in conflict. Your plan is to conquer the other houses, bringing all of Skagos under your banner.
Once the Skagosi unification is complete, you will look to conquer nearby lands and islands, extending Skagos's influence.
However, you have no interest in the lands beyond that. Let the Starks kill the Boltons, and the Lannisters kill the Baratheons. You care not who rules Winterfell or sits on the Iron Throne. Skagos has always stayed out of the larger wars and always will. You will not march your men to fight some distant war for some distant king in some distant land.

>You are honorable by stoneborn standards, valuing loyalty and tradition above all.
>You are cunning and ambitious, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve power.
>You are ruthless and sadistic, deriving pleasure from cruelty and bloodshed.
>Write In
>You are honorable by stoneborn standards, valuing loyalty and tradition above all.
>You are cunning and ambitious, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve power.
>>You are cunning and ambitious, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve power.
>You are honorable by stoneborn standards, valuing loyalty and tradition above all.
>You are cunning and ambitious, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve power.
You are cunning and ambitious, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve power. You don't seek out cruelty or bloodshed needlessly, but you won't let honor, loyalty, or tradition stand in the way of your ambitions either. So, what is your name?

>Write In
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Your name is Hardrada Magnar, and you are the eldest trueborn son of Lord Cotter Magnar of Kingshouse. Your cunning and ambition have always set you apart, giving you an advantage over the more simpleminded stoneborn. But no one is flawless. What is your greatest flaw?

>You are weak and sickly, not the hardened raider your father desired, and the stoneborn warriors do not respect you.
>You have a preference for men, making you less interested in continuing the bloodline, much to your father's frustration and disgust.
>You harbor incestuous desires for your sister, which is considered an abomination even among the Skagosi, as incest is known to result in defective offspring.
>You harbor incestuous desires for your father's women, which could potentially lead to conflict between you and your father.
>Your ambition often turns to obsession and restlessness; you desire your father's seat and power even before he has passed.
>Your mother was Ibbenese, making you incredibly ugly by conventional standards. You are also likely sterile, as is common among those of mixed Ibbenese heritage.
>Write In
>Your mother was Ibbenese, making you incredibly ugly by conventional standards. You are also likely sterile, as is common among those of mixed Ibbenese heritage

We can just choose a favorite nephew as an heir.
>>You harbor incestuous desires for your father's women, which could potentially lead to conflict between you and your father.
>>Your ambition often turns to obsession and restlessness; you desire your father's seat and power even before he has passed.
Why have one flaw when you can have two?
>Your ambition often turns to obsession and restlessness; you desire your father's seat and power even before he has passed.
We mustn't sit on our hands
>You harbor incestuous desires for your father's women, which could potentially lead to conflict between you and your father.
Risky but still less bad than sick, gay, inbred, potential patricide, sterile etc.
>Your ambition often turns to obsession and restlessness; you desire your father's seat and power even before he has passed.
Anything that inhibits fighting or (normal, childbearing) fucking is no good.
But do you really you want neanderthal genes?

Patricide isn't a negative if the dad is an asshole
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Your ambition often turns to obsession and restlessness; you desire your father's seat and power even before he has passed. What sort of man is your father, Lord Cotter Magnar?

>A hardened warrior, respected and feared by the stoneborn. His stern demeanor leaves little room for warmth or compassion, making him a difficult man to please. His expectations are high, and he tolerates no weakness.
>A ruthless and sadistic man, deriving pleasure from cruelty and bloodshed. He has made many enemies, even among your clan. No one would particularly miss him if he were gone.
>A cowardly and indecisive lord, preferring the warmth and comfort of his hall, his ale, and his women over the brutality of battle. He is mocked by the stoneborn, who wish to be led by a more ambitious lord.
>Write In
>A ruthless and sadistic man, deriving pleasure from cruelty and bloodshed. He has made many enemies, even among your clan. No one would particularly miss him if he were gone.
Indecisive father will be too easy to depose, hardened father too hard. Ruthless sadist seems juuuust right.
>A ruthless and sadistic man, deriving pleasure from cruelty and bloodshed. He has made many enemies, even among your clan. No one would particularly miss him if he were gone.
What kind of "Unicorns" are these? The Goaty kind, the Not!Rhinos, or the Weird Horses kind?
>A hardened warrior, respected and feared by the stoneborn. His stern demeanor leaves little room for warmth or compassion, making him a difficult man to please. His expectations are high, and he tolerates no weakness.
>A ruthless and sadistic man, deriving pleasure from cruelty and bloodshed. He has made many enemies, even among your clan. No one would particularly miss him if he were gone
We can be the lesser of evils
>A ruthless and sadistic man, deriving pleasure from cruelty and bloodshed. He has made many enemies, even among your clan. No one would particularly miss him if he were gone.
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Your father is a ruthless and sadistic man, deriving pleasure from cruelty and bloodshed. He often beat you bloody in the name of 'discipline' when you were a child, and you still bear those scars. He is also a ruthless raider. In his youth, he once raided another settlement, raping and carrying off the women, killing all the men, and feasting on their flesh for a fortnight, even when there was plenty of other meat available.
His cruelties do not end there. He continues the practice of the first night with the smallfolk, a custom begun by the First Men of the Dawn Age, who only followed strength and virility. It was considered a blessing for a highborn lord to bestow his seed upon a lowborn bride on her wedding night, and if a child came of such a coupling, the husband had the honor of raising his lord's offspring. While this practice has more or less ceased in the rest of Westeros, your father still insists on it, if the bride is comely. His perverse actions have made him many enemies, even among your clan. No one would particularly miss him if he were gone.

>You plan to arrange for him to die in a unicorn riding accident.
>You plan to have his ale poisoned by one of his mistresses.
>You plan to trap him in a burning building, aided by a servant whose bride he 'honored' on their wedding night.
>Write In
>>You plan to have his ale poisoned by one of his mistresses.
>You plan to trap him in a burning building, aided by a servant whose bride he 'honored' on their wedding night.
>You plan to trap him in a burning building, aided by a servant whose bride he 'honored' on their wedding night.
>You plan to trap him in a burning building, aided by a servant whose bride he 'honored' on their wedding night.
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You plan to trap him in a burning building, aided by a servant named Hakon, whose bride your father 'honored' on their wedding night. "He says I should feel honored my wife's belly is heavy with his bastard," Hakon mutters when you get him drunk one evening. You plant the idea in his head, saying, "If a man did that to me, I would burn him alive." Then, you wait, knowing Hakon will do what you need done.

>Roll D100, DC: 75
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolled 24 (1d100)

Rolled 43 (1d100)

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Your father survives the assassination attempt, escaping the burning building with only minor burns. Hakon is caught and executed by flaying. If your father suspects you had anything to do with the assassination, he keeps his thoughts to himself. However, he insists that you join him and his men on a hunting trip the very next day. "We leave at dawn," he declares with a steely gaze that tells you more than words ever could.

>You flee Kingshouse under the cover of night, leaving Skagos to escape your father's wrath.
>You reluctantly join your father on the hunt in the morning, no matter the dangers it may bring.
>You plot another assassination attempt, convincing one of his mistresses to poison his ale tonight.
>You plan to sneak into his room at night and personally slit his throat.
>Write In
>You plan to sneak into his room at night and personally slit his throat.
>>You plan to sneak into his room at night and personally slit his throat.
>>You plan to sneak into his room at night and personally slit his throat.
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Out of desperation, you plan to sneak into his room at night and personally slit his throat. Your father is an experienced raider and warrior, and you wouldn't normally try your luck against him directly. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and you hope to kill him in his sleep. However, when you sneak into his room that night, knife in hand, you find him already awake, his sword gleaming in the dim light. "I knew it was you, you worthless bastard," he says coldly before lunging at you.

>Roll D100, DC: 90
Rolled 29 (1d100)

Rolled 94 (1d100)

Rolled 45 (1d100)

hope I'm not too late
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Knives are sometimes the better tool in close quarters. As your father lunges at you, you sidestep, narrowly avoiding his blade. The two of you grapple, his strength formidable, but desperation fuels your resolve. You twist and turn, managing to evade his sword, and finally, with a surge of adrenaline, you drive your knife into his throat. His eyes widen in shock and rage, blood bubbling from his mouth as he chokes out a curse. With his last breath, he damns you to the deepest hells, but it doesn’t matter. He falls, lifeless, at your feet.

>Send the ravens! My father was poisoned by our enemies.
>The Crowls will pay dearly for my father's murder!
>Those damned Stanes will suffer!
>Write In
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Control the coast and isolate the interior for maximum leverage, assuming we win the war that follows
>>Those damned Stanes will suffer!
>Those damned Stanes will suffer!
>Those damned Stanes will suffer!

Liking the old style of questing. Don't see it around on this board. Its nice, seeing the old /tg/ rapid fire updates again.
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In the morning, when your father's body is discovered, you raise a cry, blaming one of the other noble houses on Skagos for the murder. "Those damned Stanes will suffer!" you shout, your voice echoing through the halls. If anyone bothered to look into the murder, they would know it wasn't the Stanes, but an inside job. However, when a man as hated as Cotter Magnar dies, few people bother to investigate who killed him.
You seize the opportunity to take your father's title, becoming known henceforth as Lord Hardrada Magnar, Lord of Kingshouse. The weight of leadership settles on your shoulders, and you feel a sense of triumph. You have achieved your ambition, and now, with your father's shadow gone, you can begin to shape Skagos according to your vision.

>You prepare your forces for an impending war against House Stane.
>You send a letter to House Crowl, proposing an alliance to divide the lands of House Stane between you.
>You write to House Stark, demanding justice for your beloved father's unjust murder and seeking their support in your war against House Stane.
>You celebrate your newfound power and lordship with a feast of alcohol and unclothed women.
>Write In
>Pay your father the respect he deserves, and let the waves take his bloated corpse. Then, with a few disposable servants, fake a stane raid on crowl and engineering a heroic deed for yourself, while also disposing of those who'd know the truth of your valiant ride
>You send a letter to House Crowl, proposing an alliance to divide the lands of House Stane between you.
>You prepare your forces for an impending war against House Stane.
We didn't go this far just to stop now.
>>You send a letter to House Crowl, proposing an alliance to divide the lands of House Stane between you.
changing my vote to this. We're taking the whole pie. One of our second sons can become the vassals of the first, fuck diplomacy, we in real skagosi hours now
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You send a letter to House Crowl, proposing an alliance to divide the lands of House Stane between you. Your words are carefully chosen, emphasizing mutual benefit and the promise of shared power. Of course, you fully expect the Crowls with their ply flame and black banners to turn against you once House Stane is defeated, but the truth is, you are planning to turn on them as well. First, you need to get rid of the Stanes, and you would rather do it by sacrificing mostly Crowl soldiers instead of your own Magnar warriors. You craft the letter with a steady hand, sealing it with your family’s crest, and dispatch it with your fastest rider.

>Roll D100, DC: 60
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)

Rolled 67 (1d100)

Oh how many of them can we make die? Axe flash, broadswords swing, shining armor's piercing ring...

Also, what are the words of our house of bastards?
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A messenger arrives shortly after from Deepdown. House Crowl has agreed to your proposal to attack House Stane together and divide their lands amongst yourselves. You nod as you read the message, already planning how to maneuver the Crowls into attacking first. Let them suffer the brunt of the casualties; your own forces will sweep in and conquer with minimal losses.
As you finish reading, another arrival catches your attention. A merchant, breathless and wide-eyed, brings news from beyond the island. "Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, is dead. King Robert Baratheon is coming to Winterfell to meet with Lord Eddard Stark."

>Who cares? Arryns, Baratheons, Starks - none of them matter on Skagos. You care not for which among them live or die, only what happens on your island.
>You deem the news insignificant. Nothing particularly interesting will probably come out of the king's visit to Winterfell.
>You wish for a war to break out, keeping the outside world distracted from what you are planning on Skagos. Unfortunately, Westeros is too stable for such conflicts.
>Write In
>Also, what are the words of our house of bastards?
Not mentioned in the books or games
>Send a messenger, sending our condolences to our warden for the lost of his foster father, but note that, for a time, we will be grieving our own father and be unable to reply to any summons he may send

Just in case Wolf boy gets wind of our shittery
Then lets come up with some, always like that part of asoiaf quests
>Also, what are the words of our house of bastards?
As hard as stone
Oooh I like it.
>>You deem the news insignificant. Nothing particularly interesting will probably come out of the king's visit to Winterfell.

Well Hardrada does mean "Hard Ruler"
I've kicked Harada's ass so many times in Ck2 and 3
We can spare it some attention but we aren't that significant yet so we must focus on our island first.
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Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, has invited all his bannermen and lords to Winterfell in honor of the king's visit. The stoneborn cares little for such invitations, preferring to remain isolated on your island. You decide to send a messenger, offering your condolences to Lord Stark for the loss of his foster father, Jon Arryn. You add that, for a time, you will be grieving your own father and unable to respond to any summons he may send.
In truth, you have no interest in Winterfell or the Iron Throne, and would rather not bother yourself with them while you are preparing for war on Skagos. Your focus at the moment is convincing House Crowl to attack Driftwood Hall first.

>Tell Lord Crowl he should attack Driftwood Hall, assuring him that you are right behind him with reinforcements.
>Tell Lord Crowl that his life is in danger, claiming House Stane hired a Faceless Man from Braavos to kill your father, and that he will be the next victim unless Driftwood Hall falls.
>Disguise yourself as a member of House Stane, then approach a cutthroat, claiming that House Stane wants Lord Crowl dead, so when the cutthroat is captured and tortured, he implicates the wrong house.
>Bribe a trusted advisor of Lord Crowl to convince him that attacking Driftwood Hall is the best course of action.
>Write In
>>Disguise yourself as a member of House Stane, then approach a cutthroat, claiming that House Stane wants Lord Crowl dead, so when the cutthroat is captured and tortured, he implicates the wrong house.

Lets be a complete blackguard. Pa may have been a monster, but the gods old, new, pre-owned, refurbished and fucking ancient hate a kinslayer, even if the slayed kin had it coming and ate people
>>Disguise yourself as a member of House Stane, then approach a cutthroat, claiming that House Stane wants Lord Crowl dead, so when the cutthroat is captured and tortured, he implicates the wrong house.
>Disguise yourself as a member of House Stane, then approach a cutthroat, claiming that House Stane wants Lord Crowl dead, so when the cutthroat is captured and tortured, he implicates the wrong house.
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Disguised as a member of House Stane, you approach a cutthroat near Deepdown—more of a drunken thug than a skilled assassin. "Lord Crowl must die," you say, masking your voice and offering him a pouch of silver. The thug agrees, swayed by the promise of coin and the alleged simplicity of the task.
Your plan is set in motion. The cutthroat, reeking of ale and desperation, waits for his moment. Under the cover of night, he slips into Deepdown, aiming to fulfill the contract.
The next morning, chaos erupts. The cutthroat's attempt is clumsy and loud, but it is enough to stir suspicion and panic. Lord Crowl survives the attempt, his guards capturing the would-be assassin before he can escape. The thug, under torture, spills the name of House Stane, just as you had hoped.
In the confusion and anger that follows, you watch from the shadows, satisfaction curling at the corners of your mouth. The seeds of discord are sown, and you are now another step closer to your ambition of establishing a new order in Skagos. The Crowls, believing the threat to be real, begin preparations for war against House Stane in all haste.
Meanwhile, you retreat to Kingshouse, preparing your forces for the aftermath of the all-out war between the Crowls and the Stanes. As you ready your men, you can almost taste the power that will soon be yours, each step bringing you closer to uniting Skagos under your banner.

>Roll D100, DC: 60
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Get bamboooozled
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

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You wait a few days and then ride to battle on your shaggy unicorns. When you finally arrive at the battlefield near Driftwood Hall, you find the aftermath of a bloody battle. Both forces are broken. The ground is littered with the dead and dying, the air thick with the stench of blood and smoke. Lord Stane and his sons lie among the fallen, as does Lord Crowl.
You command your soldiers to kill off the stragglers, ensuring no one is left to tell the tale. As you move through the carnage, you come across Lord Crowl's son and heir, the only male heir left in his line. He is clutching his wounds, defiance still burning in his eyes. "What took you so long?" he demands, blood seeping through his fingers as he struggles to stay upright.

>Silently stab him in the heart, finishing the job, and claim he was dead when you found him.
>Treat his wounds and send him back to Deepdown as a puppet leader under your control.
>Take him hostage; he might be useful someday.
>Write In
>Silently stab him in the heart, finishing the job, and claim he was dead when you found him.
>>Silently stab him in the heart, finishing the job, and claim he was dead when you found him.
>Order your maester to treat him, but actually "Treat" him in a way so that his demise will appear as the result a tragic fever

So hypocratic oath in westeros
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You pause, looking down at him. "Ensuring a complete victory takes time," you say coldly. Without another word, you stab him in the heart, finishing the job, and tell your men that the heir of House Crowl was already dead when you found him.
The battlefield falls silent, save for the groans of the dying. Your men begin to gather, waiting for your next command. You stand tall, surveying the scene. The Crowls and Stanes are no more, their power shattered, their lines extinguished.
"Clear the field," you command. "We return to Kingshouse."
As your men carry out your orders, you feel a sense of grim satisfaction. With House Crowl and House Stane extinguished, House Magnar is now the only power in Skagos. You have successfully completed your objective of establishing a new order. The stoneborn clans are now united under a single, strong leader, creating a more cohesive and powerful Skagos.
All of Skagos is now under your banner. You, Hardrada Magnar, are the undisputed Lord of Skagos.

Nicely done

Nice - a quest that actually ends! Well done QM
Well that was a fun little romp, thanks QM

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