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Because why not.
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Previous quest:

Madoka Magica spoilers. Do NOT read any of this if you haven't watched the original anime series. If little girls in frilly suits shooting pink lasers give you cringe, fucking swallow it and watch it you weak-ass motherfucker. It has great moral values. Suck it up.

INTRO (don’t skip this)

◕ Meguca Royale is a fixed multiplayer quest based on Puella Magi Madoka Magica. We will be using famous vTuber characters as stand-ins for NPC Magical Girls. It's all there already, after all: the cute dresses, the strong personalities, and the sheer suffering hidden behind cute smiles.

◕ Meguca Royale follows Richard 'Sad Richard' Abramovich, a man who wishes everyday he was a dog. It never happens. One day, a wishing star falls on his house and wrecks it beyond recognition, not even granting him his wish. Alone and homeless, he one day wakes up to find himself the only one spared by the exotic 'Mandela' epidemic, a virus that slowly but aggresively turns the phyisonomy and psychology of those affected into that of Morgan Freeman's.

◕ The update format this quest will follow is ‘sporadic, retardedly huge multiple gigaposts’. Because of capitalism, this quest will likely update at irregular intervals.
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STUFF (you can skip this)

◕ A few notes on narrative: Players are the consciousness of their character. Me, on the other hand, am the african american magical lamp peddler in charge of the /subconscious/ of the characters. This means that if for some reason you say ‘fuck it’ and decide to go full yuri menhera on an npc your character /will/ have to roll against the fear of being rejected.

Unless it’s Lucinda (but, she ain't here!).

Try not to build on top of the assumption that things are going to happen like you think they will: face everything as if poking strange, alien machinery. Red-eyed.

To keep with tradition, I'll use "Punching Jimena in the face" to illustrate my point: don't assume that she won't bend her face sideways to avoid it.

◕ FAQ:
Q: Six. Fucking. Months. Six.
A: Between the burnout piling up and having been assigned a completely different programming language than the one I applied for (yup, all that C# is in the trashcan) I just couldn't risk it. There were both the risk of fucking up all that building up and of fucking up /my/ building up my life back, so I think I might deserve a little mercy.

Q: Meguca Royale:Buenos Aires ain't even done yet. Really makes me wanna commit to your long-term turbo loli fanfic amigo.
A: Which is why I'm planning for this spin-off to be short! I'm planning it to be three threads long at most with the usual month-in-between interval if my niggucas still care. We will be taking it easy for now.

Q: Will the mechanics remain the same? Will Soul Gem tainting and traveling speed ever be relevant? What about. All. That. Shit. In the Mental Condiitons document?
A: Oh, that won't matter for now. Maybe it will! For those who memorized all that stuff I'm so sorry, I'll try to make it relevant I promise!

Q: Is bigguca ever coming back? Didn't we have enough of her in Lifathread already?
A: As I stated like six months earlier, yyyyyyyup. Even if you don't want her. Especially if you don't want her, lawl she comin.

Q: Hey fuckhead what about Jimena, Emma, Erika, Lucinda, Rita, and Helen with the edgy-ass background?????????
A: Not here; we will be starting from scratch with three new players! Guess what: I'm finally stable in my full-time job. If you think about it, that's actually good news. Think about this mini-spin-off as a way to shake the rust off my fingers, and as a way to see if people still care enough for me to suck that up again.

And trust me: I've thought about them.

Q: What happens if a player drops because life/got bored/etc?
A: The character they were playing becomes an NPC until they come back if they ever do.

Q: I jack off to megucas.
A: Hey, I won't judge; I'm into maids myself. But, we don't do that here. Right off the bat, I'll have to disappoint my fellow coomer brethren, since I can't see magical girls like that at all. We do a lot of handholding here though!
so! first things first:

first thread here will be to
a) see if anyone gives a shit
b) just like with the old quest, /chargen/.
a scary word, but trust me, not what you think. ill pick three players and, unlike last time where I wrote up the settings for their characters, give them each a background story for them to resolve as they want. in madoka magica, normal girls with personal problems are offered the opportunity to make a wish in exchange of becoming a magical girl that has to fight witches (i mcfucking insist: if you havent watched it, quit this shit and go you fuck). there won't be magic or jack shit now, it will be all boring-ass emotional love-dovey stuff until y'all make your wishes and see what's what.

the format for the request will be as following:

-Name: (write your shameless little girl self insert name here)
-Appareance: (write how your weird-ass menhera will look like. clothe descriptions are more than welcome)
-Quirks: (give her a little personality here. examples are very welcome. this space is vague intentionally, write what comes to head. feel free to be extense, but beware: simplicity has power.)

last thread went for like a year at least with 6 very gentle, devoted, and kind african american gentlemens, so you can take my word for it that your chargen efforts wouldn't go to waste

bit of a warning: i'm gonna pick up whichever ideas /I/ like the most. no rolling here, selfish as that. if i don't pick it, it won't mean your idea is bad, it will mean just mean that i found something to connect the others with (and i henceforth reserve the right of using yours later on in this quest should I please with or without your permission)

aight thread open
Oh shit it's megukin' time

Koizumi Wakoko (Insists on being called 'Koko'. No one calls her this)
Short, fluffy purple hair in a perpetual 'just-rolled-out-of-bed' state. Wears knee-high fishing galoshes (courtesy of her fisherman dad) and a ratty old hoodie her brother threw at her before leaving town to become a famous baseball star or some shit. Her mom left her a hair barrette in the shape of a dead fish before dying in a boat accident.
Years of ingesting the local fish have given Koko a bad case of 'Mercury Brain'. She's a real space cadet even at the best of times, and spending her formative years watching her dad butcher fish like a budget slasher movie villain hasn't helped her personality much. TL;DR: definitely on the spectrum.
Alright, but could you spell out the core premise driving the game for the folks who only have a surface understanding of what a 'magical girl' is?
As players, what's our actual objective? Is this a cooperative or competitive multiplayer game?
Are we killing everyone else or working together towards some grand goal?
> Meguca Royale follows Richard 'Sad Richard' Abramovich, a man who wishes everyday he was a dog. It never happens. One day, a wishing star falls on his house and wrecks it beyond recognition, not even granting him his wish. Alone and homeless, he one day wakes up to find himself the only one spared by the exotic 'Mandela' epidemic, a virus that slowly but aggresively turns the phyisonomy and psychology of those affected into that of Morgan Freeman's.
What the fuck am I reading?
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>Alright, but could you spell out the core premise driving the game for the folks who only have a surface understanding of what a 'magical girl' is?
my titan of a man, if you haven't watched madoka magica i can only re-re-re-re-recommend that you skip this thread until you do- it's that good. that's, of course, your choice. the core premise of the game is that magical girls have to kill witches in order to purify their Soul Gem, which corrupts over time or as they use magic; everything else spans from this simple fact of the world

>As players, what's our actual objective? Is this a cooperative or competitive multiplayer game? Are we killing everyone else or working together towards some grand goal?
you can take the very first thread from the archive as reference if you want to be sure what you are in for, but tldr players will share a setting with each other, will be given a context, and can choose whether to cooperate or not accordingly. as for the 'actual objective', it's too early for that. just know that shit will go down after we are done with chargen

>What the fuck am I reading?
that's it. that's Meguca Royale. looking forward to your submission!

you commited a few cardinal sins by giving her a background yourself, but lucky you i do dig our new Wakokokokoko! now do me a solid and look for a pic of her yourself while I give her some of my soul cause i really like her
> Name
Rin Nakamora
> Appearance
Messy shoulder-length black hair with a heavy, eye-obscuring fringe. A rather plain face only notable in how it lethargically oozes from one vapid expression to the next. A lithe frame, bound with minimal muscle or fat, all wrapped in alabaster skin. No real conception of fashion sense, outfits are typically composed from the first things she pulls from her closet.
A blunt and profoundly dense girl, with no particularly outstanding qualities. However, through some unprecedented cosmic cock-up she has enjoyed a outrageous streak of serendipity over the course of her life so far. Mistaking this string of unveiled flukes as actual competence, this girl has grown rather arrogant.
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Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite sissy bitch weeb just in time for pride month. Hope you don't mind me backseating for the whole thread cuz that's what i'm gonna do
We are starting out strong I see, you got the right vibes for our ensemble.
Just follow your heart, make a girl, have fun and for the love of Madoka, put your foolish ambitions to rest. This place will humble you hard otherwise.
Good luck with this quest, Lumina. I would’ve thought the EoS of that Gacha game would’ve laid you out.
>I'm planning it to be three threads long at most with the usual month-in-between interval
So, Buenos Aires in December?
Took ages finding something that wasn't AI-made, but here it is. That said, I think I may have committed another cardinal sin due to being confused.

Namely, are you looking for three completely new players? Or is this open to people from the last one? No problem either way if you want some new blood. I'm happy to watch like Jime's doing!

If you're fine with old players, though... I'll be happy to come out of RITArement....
i like this one because it's interesting yet leaves a lot of room to work with. the effects of good luck in psychology are always fun to explore

>if it isn't my favorite sissy bitch weeb just in time for pride month.
yuri is inherent to megucas for strictly logical reasons, so it felt fitting.

>Hope you don't mind me backseating for the whole thread cuz that's what i'm gonna do
i won't stop you from being merciful, but! would you stop yourself from letting the lulz flow? that is the true question and is up to you alone

>This place will humble you hard otherwise.
lawl senpa'ing from minute zero i see

not gonna lie, that might be the core reason why im back despite still having work. magireco deserves as much, and since im a poorfag from a third world this is what i can do to honor it

>So, Buenos Aires in December?
not making promises!

...awwwwwww. well, damn, i guess that's my bad for not being specific enough. yeah, the idea was to greet new players only. i always recall having left some of them out in the first thread, so I wanted to give them another shot. no wonder the design felt so in tune with the tone of the quest, it was our very own Rita still here and kicking. tell you what, i already spent like 3 hours working on the backstory lawl, so lets do this: if we are short on players you get in only cause i fucked up, but if we get three new ones (and y'all don't try to lie cause at this point im pretty sure i could smell you out) then Wakoko be an NPC

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Like glitter on a cake, sunlight sparkled against the lazy sea by the shores of Osaka Bay. The sun spied from the window as little Koizumi Wakoko, age five, laughed like a retard on fire while smashing the flailing fish’s head against the edge of the desk, over and over. No hit would quite kill it. His father’s grimace loomed over her shoulder, the man thankful for not being born a fish, who was yet considering that at least its suffering should end soon enough… while his own would last at least thirteen more years.


Finally realizing that the fish had gone limp (at least a full minute late), Wakoko’s big eyes pierced into it to see what had changed, but her curiosity had been left lingering as the golem of a man that was her dad took it and put it on the table. The knife had a long handle, a small, sharp blade, which, under the two suns in her eyes, went into its belly and slowly made its way across. Pink guts came out; bloomed open by dad’s big fingers, the flesh had a reddish tingle that Wakoko wouldn’t quite forget for as long as she lived.

Knife goes in,
Guts come out.

Knife goes in,
Guts come out.

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In 1971, Japan had seven hundred thousand seagoing workers.
In 1990, it had half of that,
and while Wakoko was smashing that poor fish who must have been Hitler reincarnated, it had less than eighty seven thousand active workers.

The advent of new jobs and commodities, the introduction of options that came with the rise of technology had left people with other choices than going bay fishing, which was risky and required physical strength. Not only that; sonar radars, GPS trackers, the advents in large-scrape deep-sea fishing… Traditional fishermen like the Koizumis, barely scraping by through grit and white rice, were also being left behind by the huge leaps in technology. Not without putting up a fight, of course; for some of them, fishing was all they had. The small boats would leave even in the cold winter mornings, carrying nets, rods, spare reels, and boxes filled with cheap bait and colorful lures, manned by grim men whose attitude was sculpted by the fresh winter winds. Inside her dad’s little cabin, chopping fish just like he taught her, little Wakoko was oblivious to how this lingering sense of impending doom was shaping the culture around her. Because she’s, well, not a very sensitive girl, or very empathic for that either, not really,

but she is, and nobody else knows, quite the scientist.

This time, instead of just taking the guts out, she took a good luck at them- almost burying her nose on the shit and intestines. The knife then became a scalpel, and fish after fish would end up less than the last, open wide on the table like a map to a buried treasure. The heart, the liver, the pancreas, the kidney and stomach; fish after fish, knife after knife, certain parts would always look the same. It couldn’t be, mini Wakoko thought, that they all had such a specific shape for no good reason. Laid out bare in front of her like a puzzle to be solved, neatly arranged in careful order, it was like the rotten organs of dead fish were taunting her.

Then it happened.

It happens to all of us; most don’t even remember it. One time, during our childhood, something makes us as happy as we’ll ever be- and we spend the rest of our lives chasing a high like that. Wakoko is fully convinced that even back then she finally understood, after weeks spent with dead fish with vapid, stupid stares, how the organs fit together in a system, and what each of them does. Only many years, eight years later, would Wakoko finally be able to explain it properly to his father, as the man is having the breakfast that will have to carry him to the end of his shift. Who even now is still thinking about that fish.
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Wakoko: -and then there’s the Pyloric Caeca! The one that looks like a finger? Well, that one helps the whole process by secreting enzymes that help to absorb the food that the fish ate. Oh! An enzyme is like, um, a liquid! It’s protein, mostly. And we have it too!

From under that woolen black beanie, stained with white paint, Wakoko’s giant of a father simply ‘hmmd’ almost in reverence, the sound reverberating from behind his massive gray beard. He knew of few things that could make his daughter smile as much as talking about awful shit and gore, but he liked seeing his daughter happy, so he just ‘hmmd’. There was not much point in following her speech, though: it was as if in a different language. At some point, though, even Wakoko would remember that the rice was getting cold, and he patiently waited for it to happen before spitting words himself.

Wakoko’s father: How’s the dog?

Wakoko: Lbivbelby!

Wakoko’s father: Mouth.

Wakoko: Oh!

Regardless, it was good to hear. Lately, there are a lot of things that the girl doesn’t notice. The first dog he found her with was, well, half a dog, but at least she was wearing a mask and using gloves. Puking was all that kept him from slapping the ever living shit out of that eight years old ass, but it also was what gave him time to reflect and tackle the moment carefully. After all, people sell their boats sometimes to pay the doctors.

No one else has to know.

Wakoko: It already woke up this morning, but it’s still moping about ‘cause anesthesia ain’t cheap, you know? The poor little thing (shakes head): it had a Sakura Cardcaptors toy blocking its anus. Do you want it? We can put it over the bow of Mom’s ship.

Wakoko’s father: No.

More rice. The man stands. It’s 6 AM. The sun isn’t even out yet, but college won’t pay itself and fishing, like his son said, is a dying business.

Wakoko: I love you, dad! Have a nice day!

The old, jaded fisherman doesn’t answer as he leaves . Wakoko knows it doesn’t matter: working hard is how he hugs. Wish she had some of those, though. Outside their private cabin, the dock extends into the endless dark, and the dark merges with the sea below, as if dark and cold was all there ever was.

When she stands, Wakoko takes a moment to grab her head. Slowly but surely, she’ll be fine again
it’s just another headache.

Of the clawing noises of the streets of Osaka only a faint, dying screech reaches here; after all, this is the secret world that keeps it alive. Oh well. She’ll have to follow it soon enough. Although it’s early, the school she attends is far.

What is this?

The alarm is still blaring wildly from the wreck that was a car; it all happened too fast or Wakoko was too slow to notice or both. Still dazzled, the shaking girl looks at her own hands, her own arms, her own legs, her own feet, feeling the veins and the blood pulsing through them. She’s still standing; it’s all still there, still inside, all the components of the system-

-unlike the contents of the girl that's splattered across the floor, almost split in half like a dirty, ragged cloth. Wakoko blinks, still stunned by the heavy sounds. Pancreas. Intestines. Liver. She’s seen these before, she sees these all the time. The head: the cranium is shattered, the eyes look vapid and stupid, as usual. Dead; she’s dead. Like always, Wakoko finds herself grabbing guts with her own two hands, only this time the guts are pretty big. Inspecting. Analyzing. Learning

until the shrillest scream she’s ever heard reminds her of the world.

People have gathered around. There’s light, flashes, a ton of cellphones much more flashy than the humble A11 she uses to steal wifi from the neighbor by hiding in the dog’s house.

Then reality sinks in.

that's the idea for the format right now: give each girl a context and see how they deal with it, like a miniquest for each. aight! let's wait a bit and see how many people care
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oh also i'll let only ri-wakoko vote for this one, since its hers and we still don't know what will be of her questwise. at worst this is a demo or somthing lele
I'm happy to bow out if other folks come in--don't want to make shit too tricky for ya. And no worries--if 3 people show up then I'll be happy to watch from the sidelines. Just glad you're running something again, dude!

Ha ha! Awkwaaaaaard.
Normally Koko'd stick around for this prime research material, but all the lights and flashes are really irritating. She HATES that shit, man

>I'm finally stable in my full-time job.

>What the fuck am I reading?
Don't worry about that, become meguca first, thoughts later.

>the idea was to greet new players only.
No problem with me, I'll be here if you're short of players or decide to increase the roster.

Eyyyyy, the menhera sextet is back together.

>Good luck with this quest, Lumina.
Tha gatcha quest was yours? Got to check the archive now.
Glad to see you and Jime are still alive! Was worried Meguca was lost to the sands of time...

Gonna have to check out this Gacha game too. Been a while since I had my Lumina fixxxx

QM's a goofball and likes to joke around, but writes some fine stuff. Would definitely recommend checking out the archived threads and making a character! Lumina's one of the good ones
Well, this is unexpected, and in a good way!
Welcome back QM, though apparently you were around running a gacha quest. Was it Deus Novus? Not many gacha quests in the suptg archive.
Good to see you doing better, and thanks for the heads up about a potential Buenos Aires thread in a few months. I'll probably need that much time to re-read everything, and the Lifa-posting, and the prequel thread with Lifa, and track down that Twitter link of yours you said was somewhere.
Honestly, I'm kinda glad it's newbies only for this one. I don't think I could make another guca to put through the wringer of cursed rolls at the worst possible time I seem to attract. Also because I have just last week been told my current workplace is letting me go at the end of July, and I am now looking for a job again. This feels familiar... There go my vague plans for quest-running most likely.

I played it and I still don't know. Mostly because we're still in chapter 1, despite everything going to crap. I tried making a guca with a solid support network who'd outlast the others with the mental health mechanics, and then I got bad rolls in a 1-year timeskip (in the prologue, yes) which broke my guca so hard half of my actions were trying to put her back together and failing, and the other half were general moping about while the world was ending. 10/10 though, would keep playing. Definitely different from your usual 4chan or even qst fare, but then again my favorite quests are the small committees where everyone knows each other despite us being anons still, so be aware of that, and same goes for anyone wanting to try this out. Your guca may start as a throwaway joke (just look at a certain someone's anatomically improbable wish), but she probably won't stay that way for long.
Marie-Antoinette Desire (Or "Marie". She doesn't like her name but she didn't choose it.)
A dark-skinned girl with large, black, kinky hair that's still kept under control. A foreigner who would stand out in any crowd you could put her in. She usually wears brown or black boots and a sweater in the same colour, trying her best to not stand out. She also usually carries a large backpack filled with random electronics.
She's a mostly calm girl. Except when she talks about something she's knowledgeable or skilled in, then she rambles a lot, very loudly, and without letting the other person talk. She also dislikes it when others insult her hair, she spends an unbelievable amount of time taking care of it. Overall, a normal girl, unless you count the part about her being obssessed with breaking into places.

This looks interesting. I looked a bit into your previous thread and you seem like a very talented, if not hard-working, QM. I hope I'm doing this right and can join.
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only now am I finally free from my job. sadly enough, we'll all have to get used to this pattern from now on. i'll try to pitch in when traffic is slow, but at least now we'll finally have a proper schedule. time to reply!

>Just glad you're running something again, dude!
aww thanks man. i'm glad to be running too. i think im gonna like not having to worry about interviews while i write

and you guys too! i wasn't expecting to find so many of you here already. i hope lucinda and helen are doing fine too

>Tha gatcha quest was yours? Got to check the archive now.
oh no, that one's not mine. i haven't run (or even written) anything for over half a year other than code and my own book

>Gonna have to check out this Gacha game too. Been a while since I had my Lumina fixxxx
but that ain't mine! if it doesn't have a) megucas and b) hard-working and honorable african american citizens making meets end it ain't mine

>Lumina's one of the good ones
no no don't make me blush, it'll go to my head and i'll start acting all stacy-like and condescending, i'll say stuff like 'if you don't like it there's the door'

>though apparently you were around running a gacha quest.
im getting increasingly curious about said gacha quest, but i get where this coming from. Magia Record, the gacha from which pretty much inspired all of this, is shutting down two months from now on after seven years, and not even because it's doing poorly. this really, really hurts me like to the point of tears because there's the very real chance that i'll never get to see anything quite like it again so i decided that running again was the right way to cope and honor it

>I'll probably need that much time to re-read everything
don't worry about that, read it only if you feel like it. if we end up back in Buenos Aires after a year i'll take my time to make a summary and tl;dr that will have all of the information that could be relevant. im still not making promises, and i recall that it was hard for you to read through my walls of text so don't force yourself to. im already happy enough to see you back here pitching in!

>and track down that Twitter link of yours you said was somewhere.
at this point my twitter account is just an endless collection of meguca pics. i made it my hobby to comment on what the japenese artists posts to tell them how pretty i think their stuff is and they seem to really like it, so that became the whole point of my account by now. just like two days ago one of my favorite artists drew my favorite character for me. pic related!
but if you still want to track me down, there's the clue

>the spoiler
what a kick in the balls. but don't lose heart, even the experience you've accumulated in these months should be enough to land you somewhere else, or at the very least it should make things easier one way or the other. that being said, even if job comes first and quest comes second you can still run something light!
a dark-skinned girl in my japanese animes! not gonna like, i'm getting some low-key-stacy vibes over here. question: besides abandoned buildings, amusement parks, concerts, aquariums, and school at nights, does this 'breaking in' tendency include other people's houses? this is more important than it seems

>and you seem like a very talented, if not hard-working, QM
with the experience i have i can attest that doing any kind of art is 1% talent 99% sitting in front of the pc clawing your hair not fucking because the sentence doesn't sound right, or is too long, or you've already used it too much, or the phrasing looks weird, or it could lead to a plothole or because it contradicts the character's personality, and when it's good prose it's not clear enough and when it's clear enough it's too plain and boring like a paragraph on a medical book about testicles- so you write it again. but thank you!

aight thing is like this: if by tomorrow (like eight hours from now) we don't have a third guca then we'll roll with wakoko. for now, i'll continue to write her and her alone so that, if we get a new trio, i can start them up at the same time in parallel. writin in a bit!
>Mostly because we're still in chapter 1
I'm going to be stuck in that cursed tower till the end of time and you on that boat arc. Good to see you all tho

>all of the information that could be relevant
why can't helen whistle? why does the hair color description keep on changing from reddish-gold, crimson, or blood red?
>why can't helen whistle?
some fucker at the orphanage punched her in the throat, which is irrelevant cuz that got fixed when she became a magical girl. so, it's still a mystery

>why does the hair color description keep on changing from reddish-gold, crimson, or blood red?
i recall helen being very convinced that there was something living inside her hair, even before making her very interesting contract. but, coordinators can't use magic, now can they? and her magic was sealed by A-chan so that she wouldn't explode or something. strange, isn't it?

this is my way of saying: i don't give secrets for free. also good to see Helen-a back! you guys showed up on such short notice

rinanon and marianon, im also tasking you with finding a pic you'd like for your guca, cause
a) you'll run her so might as well like her
b) im lazy
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>question: besides abandoned buildings, amusement parks, concerts, aquariums, and school at nights, does this 'breaking in' tendency include other people's houses? this is more important than it seems

No, unless they ask.
People generally don't like it when you break into their house, even when you explain that their keyway is vulnerable to wave rakes and kinetic attacks. In fact, especially after you say that.
So she got rid of inhabited houses from her list of targets at Age 12.

I'm very sorry Wakoko, but this seems too fun of a quest to pass up (though I probably won't be able to come up with as fun a character concept)

Akiko Okaya
Long white hair in a ponytail (may or may not be bleached) with purple eyes (may or may not be contacts over normal brown eyes). Thin and rather weak, but always has a confident good-natured grin on her face. Dresses up well, because looking cool is everything!
Unfortunate tendency to use strange metaphors she thinks are cool instead of being comprehensible. Despite how she comes off, surprisingly insightful and offers good advice, if you can decipher it through the layers of nonsense she buries it in. Thinks of herself as the cool mentor/rival to whoever the protagonist is, there to be the beacon of hope in the darkest hour and sacrifice herself in the process since that's what all the coolest characters do. Secretly afraid of death and a huge coward who won't follow through
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No problem at all! I gracefully and happily withdraw--lord knows I've got enough on my plate with Ritaliiin. Who knows--maybe the Buenos Aires gang will have a field trip to Japan and meet you fuckers!

You've got a third player, pal--go ahead and retire Wakiki and let some new blood have some fun!
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Dazzling lights, deafening sounds, and constant flashes overload Wakoko’s senses as tender flesh keeps her dripping hands warm in this cold, dark world. Still mesmerized by the alien texture her fingers touch, the blurry faces from the crowd seem to lose their shape until Wakoko swiftly darts away from the spotlight, not out of a sense of worry or danger but simply because her eyes and ears hurt. If she was being chased, she didn’t notice. Osaka is one of the busiest cities in the world. Once lost in its veins, flooded by sleepless salarymen and takoyaki stands, finding anyone would be like finding water in a river of blood. Wading through the faceless, Wakoko felt /grumpy/. After all, that was very inconsiderate of them- she was already nursing a headache to begin with.

The bus ride is half an hour long, spent, as usual, staring at the void behind the tarnished window next to her seat. From the outside, she would seem lost, a bit dead even, but inside her head dots kept coming together in all kinds of ways. She couldn’t fully wash out the blood that had coagulated on her hands, and the shape and texture of a human organ lingered in her mind, even its scent. But then her mind would wander on its own to more terrenal things, to more normal things most would say. Yesterday, she was included in a group assignment without having to ask herself. And then that day, that one guy in class had asked for her opinion on the band their friends were talking about. She didn’t and doesn’t know anything about that kind of stuff, nor does it interest her, and to this day she can’t even begin to grasp why no one else is as fascinated by anatomy as she is, or at least find it important to learn about- since they all have a body to look after. And yet, and yet, and yet; little by little, grinding it up, Wakoko knows she’s getting close to finally making a friend.
Stepping off the bus, or more like falling off it, Wakoko is still grumpy. She thought the scene was as interesting as everyone else, but that was just… mean! Bitching in dreamland, her eyes vacant, she joins the wave of students gently crashing into the school, all wearing the same white shirt and long tie combo that Wakoko hides under the thick black hoodie she brings to the sea. Oh, the sea… you grow to like it, she thinks. So quiet, so peaceful- even though, when the sun rises over the horizon, the crewmates get all touchy and feely for some reason.

As Wakoko steps into the classroom and eyes, she asserts with absolute certainty, if such a thing is possible, that no one will be touchy and feely with her today. After all, that’s Junko Imeredala sitting by the desk stacked next to hers.

Junko: Grand Autismo 8 came out today.

As Wakoko sits, Junko is still trimming her nails, not even looking at her. Then she sniffs, sniffs, sniffs.

Junko: You took a bath. Good for you, good for you…
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Although Japanese schools are often very strict regarding the position of the desks, this is Osaka. And although this is a very distinguished school, although Wakoko is piss poor, this is still Osaka. As the usual chatter grows, as the desks merge into islands, the fisher girl takes out the blowfish-shaped pillow she keeps in her bag, where the textbooks should be. Junko is not the prettiest girl in school, not the most popular, and not the smartest either, but she’s always a strong contender for first place in more areas than most people would consider. Long black hair, green emerald eyes, bulky breasts, and the resting bitch face that all other resting bitch faces pray to every night; she doesn’t look Japanese at all.

Wakoko: You missed the mark, Junko. The last Grand Turismo to come out was the seventh one.

Junko: Dear. If only you knew as much about shampoo.

Wakoko: Hello Junko-san.

Junko: Hello Wacko.

Yet Wakoko smiles- even though she still feels dizzy.

Wakoko: I only know because I play the third one a lot with my dad when we have time. It’s kinda fun, I guess!

Wakoko doesn’t really like it, and she doesn’t know that her dad doesn’t like it either- but, both think that the other does, and that’s what matters.

Junko: Did I ask?

Wakoko: No?

Junko: Oh, you are right.

This, whatever this is, is the closest thing to a friendship that Wakoko managed to pull off so far; this secret, tacit arrangement with Junko, the top bitch of her class. It, well, still seems kinda far from one, but there’s always room for improvement in anything. It was never spoken aloud, never agreed upon, never broken, and is still there. Wakoko doesn’t want to be the loner of the class and Junko doesn’t want to be the bully of the class; Wakoko gets to look like a friendly geek and Junko like a kind sister

and neither could be further from the truth.
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The teacher walks into the classroom, apparently nursing a headache himself. Junko stands from her seat.

Junko: Kiritsu! (Stand up!)

The students stand.

Junko: Rei! (Bow!)

Then bow.

Junko: Chakuseki! (Sit!)

Then sit, except for Wakoko who was sitting and now stands- until Junko drags her down by the hand.

Wakoko: ow

Junko: What’s this?

It’s Junko’s hand that’s now slightly sticky and reddish. Eyes wide open, she gazes upon the loner. Who shrugs.

Wakoko: It’s just blood.

Junko: …Shit, girl, why was I even worried?

Grimacing and shaking her head and hand (mumbling ‘disgusting’), Junko just looks away. Perhaps she keeps Wakoko close because she’s a great metric on what not to be. The teacher clears his throat. He knows what’s coming. At the very first word, no, at the very first sillabe to come out of his mouth- six rows of cellphones come out in perfect unison. He doesn’t even sigh. Earlier this year, Junko had spearheaded the school council into encouraging the use of cellphones in class, armed both with solid arguments and charisma, that and like thirty-seven guys that wanted to fuck her brains out, and maybe one or two actually in love. It worked. Wakoko, who already spends most nights doing actual, honest-to-goodness, high-level research through her humble apparatus, instead slides right over her beloved, ironically spiky fish- even though she’s right in front of the teacher. In every single other Japanese highschool she would be called out on the spot, and she did spend many awkward hours in front of that blackboard- but everyone gives up some day.
Today, however, her nap got cut short.

Wakoko: ow. Hey, that hurts.

…The usual resting bitch face is nowhere to be seen. In its place, the eyes of an owl stare right at her, distracting Wakoko from the screen almost shoved to her nose. Reeling back, accumulating grumpiness, Wakoko just mumbles harsh words as her eyes focus on the bright screen

and sees herself.

Junko: …Bitch. What. The. Fuck.

Ignoring Junko, Wakoko visibly turns around, a bit lacking in subtlety- only to find many eyes stabbing her back like spears. Some glance from over their cellphones, others straight-up point at her- all whispering. Even Junko.

Junko: It’s- it’s in the group chat. It’s… it’s on Twitter, X, whatever. That’s- you. You killed someone.

Wakoko: What? No, she was already dead. That liquid coming out of the craniu-

Junko looks at the screen with piercing intent, for a while, as the teacher, still talking, remains oblivious (or outright doesn’t care already) to the hysterics unfolding. The Wakoko on the screen runs away, casually dropping a chunk of meat on the way out-
and Junko can’t stop shaking her head.

Junko: Ok. So this girl just like /was fucking wrecked/ in an accident right in front of you and you just… grabbed her guts. The shit inside her.

Wakoko: Yes, that’s it! I study-

Wakoko finds herself chewing on a hand sandwich, her words blocked. The whispering grows behind them like a tsunami.
Junko: Ok. You are a psycho. You are a fucking idiot, also. And dear, you are in such deep shit.

Wakoko pushes the hand aside. Those mean words were finally beginning to get her upset. The new headache wasn’t helping either.

Wakoko: No- no, I’m not! I just touched it! She was already dead. It didn’t matter anymore.

Junko: …You don’t know. You truly can’t take a guess.

Still shaking her head, Junko is speaking tenderly when she isn’t biting her lower lip- which only makes Wakoko even madder, mad enough to feel scared of herself.

Wakoko: And wh-wh-why do you care?! You don’t get to be mean to people just because! It’s not even your problem!

Junko: Yes, it is.

The honorary president of the student council grabs her head. Whatever Wakoko was going to say decides to back off to her throat the moment she sees Junko’s face. Which is scary as fuck.

Junko: Yes, it is.

Yet, Wakoko’s anger is strong enough to overcome dizziness for the first time in years. She feels fooled. She feels… pranked, the target of a very mean, needless joke. All this aside, what problem could someone like Junko Imeredala have? What would she even know about real problems? About starving? About getting caught in a net? She’s just the perfect girl with the perfect image and nothing more- and she will now say all that to her face, all those mean prejudices that she had accumulated all this time, that she swallowed to be polite-

Junko: Turn yourself in… as fast as you can.

Yet before Wakoko could-

Junko: Don’t let them find you on their own.

-more sharp words come her way. It did take a while; but Wakoko managed to be worried. She considers: if this, for some reason /is/ that grave, if it /is/ that bad... She looks at the video again; the girl does look like her, and all of her classmates seem to think so as well, and there may be many more videos like this one- but maybe it’s still not enough. If she turns herself in, it’s guaranteed that the entire world will know that it was her who did that, her name will be on a big screen, and if it’s that bad then this will haunt Koizumi Wakoko for the rest of her life. But if she hides… if she manages to play it dumb, and dyes her hair and all that… Wakoko, thankfully, isn't that distinctive, certainly not as much as Junko. With some smarts, all of this may come to pass, and maybe only come back every now and then as nothing more than a bad dream.

>Turn yourself in.
>Pretend it wasn’t you.
>Write In!
Imeredala, of course. This seems to be going south pretty fast but fuck it, I don't have to tell Ritanon shit, not while my character is on stasis at least
oh boy, the gang is almost all here, or it is all here if that anon that came after me is Luci like I think. Not even six months of fuckery can keep us apart!
a very neatly balanced trio of autist, very good, not the complete insanity that's the BA 6. That's a very high standard to live up to, rookies, but I'll watch your careers with great interest

Akiko still needs a pic though
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Just wanted to say very sorry again- Wakoko's story is extremely interesting right now, and I have no clue how you're going to get her out of this one! unless a certain little creature is involved
It's going to be hard to match up to a magical girl with literal shit themed magical clothing, but we'll certainly try, I'm trying to catch up on what went down in Buenos Aires

Also here's Akiko, just imagine her as more smugly chuuni (hard to find good pics of chuuni white haired girls)
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ok so i already got attacked to Wakoko so we'll at least finish her story. not sure i'll manage today, but it should be one or two more posts at most. let's consider this an introduction

pic related

ok, so she does care a bit at least. i like that design, we can now tackle that diversity quota that Jimena used to fill

this one has potential, gonna take my time. find me a pic peter parker. wait, jimena beat me to it.

>maybe the Buenos Aires gang will have a field trip to Japan and meet you fuckers!
The day had come. Five, no, six, no, nine, nine players at the same time, nine menheras with very severe emotional issues. The bag of coke was ripped apart like the clothes of a cheap hooker, then down came his face into that white beach. Nine players; that's a lot of oni-chan yamete. No one else would do it.

>You've got a third player, pal--go ahead and retire Wakiki and let some new blood have some fun!
who knoooooooooooooooooowsssszzz

>I don't have to tell Ritanon shit
lmao jimena is only senpai to her kouhais, and yes we can talk weeb cause this is megucas japan

>a very neatly balanced trio of autist, very good, not the complete insanity that's the BA 6
it does seem congruent so far. but we'll see

gotcha. akiko certainly strikes me as a tribal leader, those guys putting up huge masks, screaming high, doing rain dances. its a hard pattern to explain

aight, we finish wakoko while i think up the new trio. no more entries; these are the new girls. i was tempted to say 'team', but technically the BA6 only share a cloud- altough going by that logic the holy quintet (for those in the know) wouldn't be doing that great either

i'll very likely come back with a list of questions to flesh out the newcomers
>anon that came after me is Luci like I think
No that was me

It would be interesting if the time comes that Helen being a public character sees use and anons can join me in scheming.
I've built an EMPIRE on making shitty decisions in Meguca Royale and I ain't gonna stop now, damn it! This feels like a 'damned if I do, damned if I don't' situation, especially considering everyone at school has pretty much zeroed in on Koko being at the scene, so...

>Write-In: Go to the police and explain how it's pretty much impossible for her to have done that to the girl. REALLY PLAY UP THE 'TISM!
If I'm reading correctly there was a car wreck. If Koko really plays up the autism then that'll understand the morbid fascination with the organs... it'll only get worse if she denies it and it seems like literally everyone has zeroed in on her and thinks Koko's a fuckin' creep already, so short of fleeing the city, well...

Wishing you all the best, Ime. You'll get there!

>I don't have to tell Ritanon shit,
The more things change the more they stay the same, ey you old salt

No need to apologize, just glad we can all enjoy Madoka Menhera together! And yea, this is pretty on-par for how shit goes.
I can only hope to live up to the Ass-eating power of Jimena. Though Wakoko is a kindred spirit.
by 'that' you mean 'kill' or 'grab her guts'? what she could be accused of is veeeeegy impogtangt
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While you guys figure shit out lemme just say man, chainsaw man is crazy good this week. Doesn't quite reach the peaks of part 1 or early part 2 but y'know, its kinda like Meguca Royale itself, the guy still got it even if the pace took a dip
>when the post-nut clarity hits
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im free

and i've been thinking, yknow what? let's make this fun. no char roll this time, i want our wakokokokokokokokoko to explain our kind and considerate law officers and therapists, with her words why she was found picking up 1kg of roast beef off the ground. lesse how this goes

i see a very different fate for our marie desu. but who am i to talk

damn. i'll pick it up once im done drinking my own bitch tears over magireco

ill be here slappin gucas together
Almost done reading the first thread, and this is some damn good shit
The timeskip was a smart idea, everyone already had a good idea of how things were going to go, and it had the chance of being mega-boring going through the same old discovering witches are megucas slowly when the show already did that. I really enjoyed the first post setting up all the characters and their starting positions, then boom the megasuffering core hits. Sorry Emma and Rita, it's only literary common sense to have the happiest get hit the hardest (even if it was just the dice lol). My favorite timeskip thing was Erika's really interesting encounter with "I wonder how a normal girl would've reacted to this" straight into "all of the friends I made are dead or hate me" Emma
Also there was a good balance of fucking vtuber comedy shenanigans, wholesome Erika being a good person despite the pragmatic weight of knowledge, badassery, self-destructive suffering, and ultra depression throughout
>no char roll this time
I'm sad that no dice rolling is happening, but I'm just a dice roller addict. Though thinking about char rolls, we never saw them used against a player.

Charisma's enemy stat is charisma according to that opening webm; if Salome had rolled against Erika to convince her not to go to that cafe meeting with Hush, Erika would've totally lost.

It is also a bit finicky, considering wisdom rolls are used to determine intent when charisma is used to convince, such as the Coordinator telling Helen that her life was in danger, which had an opposing wisdom roll rather than opposing charisma. If you had a high enough charisma stat, you could know that the person is lying to you/not be swayed, but you fail the wisdom roll part, and you don't know why they are lying.

Then again, I have no clue how squeezing some dead gal's guts like a lunatic by Wakokokokokokokokokokokokokookokoko can be talked out of exactly.
Of COURSE you ask me to do this the one week I'm away from my computer. Dick. Alright, here goes...

1) First thing's first: Wakoko didn't kill anyone! The victim was hit by a car! She just happened to be watching at the time--unless the cops are suggesting a Japanese School Girl can really enact this much damage on a person? Puhleeeeze!
2) Touching gore isn't a crime! It's merely a faux-pas! Koko's been really into anatomy and how organs work and got a little carried away, is all--anyone at her school can tell you she's a weird egg, but that's not harmful!
3) No evidence or anything was destroyed! It's an open and shut case!
4) Wakoko ran because she panicked! The photos and people gave her anxiety and she dipped! She even decided to come back and explain herself--thst's got to count for something!
5) Sorry for all the hubbub, but honestly it's also their fault for not sealing off the crime scene fast enough! What's happening to this town?
6) I have no idea if Wakako has some autism papers or not, but I'd recommend she whips those out too just to be safe
> explain to our kind and considerate law officers and therapists, with her words why she was found picking up 1kg of roast beef off the ground.
My two cents.
Trauma shock would be the obvious explanation.
She's a teenager, out walking the streets minding her own business.
Suddenly, a human collides with the pavement at terminal velocity a few feet away from her and literally explodes.
In her shaken state, she moved to help them, to see if they're okay, to futilely try and pull them back together.
As other people crowded around she snaps back to her senses and understandably panicked - by the gore, the overwhelming attention settling on her, the fact she was very nearly pulverized by a human-shaped ballistic payload, or a combination of the three - defaults to an instinctual flight or freeze response, going with the former.
Excellent stuff, Rinachan! Add this too!
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yaaay that works. so, then: the excuse for touching the guts is because she really likes anatomy- we go with that

oh wait, if you are gonna be a week away from the PC will you be able to answer the next post? wakoko's story is giving me some good time to flesh out (lel) the newcomers, but a week might be too long. also whatever you are doing: have fun! i was considering self-exiling myself from the pc for at least a week to see what happens

>Though thinking about char rolls, we never saw them used against a player.
char rolls represent confidence, which is used as a substitute for actual arguments. this is why you never see it used against players: the reaction of the player itself is the result of the roll

>Charisma's enemy stat is charisma
both intent, intellect, and confidence matter when convincing. let me try to get technical:

-charisma is a matter of association. we base our assumption that someone believes in what it's saying in specific factors such as its pose, manner of speech, tone, gestures, etc, anything other than the actual content of what's being said. charisma is charisma's enemy because other person with charisma may know these patterns as well, and know when they are being used either wrong or forcefully- ergo, smell out that the other is sure. a charisma fail is someone calling you out on the way you talk and present yourself

-wisdom is about perceiving intent or determining implications. a wisdom fail is when the other perceives your message correctly but fails at gauging what it means

-int is about, well, not being a dumbass

that being said: you can overcome int and wis defenses through charisma alone. 'this shit doesn't make sense to me, but this girl's cocky enough!' would be a common answer. int doesn't work against wis, wis doesn't work against int, both work against charisma, and charisma is the joker that works against all in exchange for not being useful on its own

>If you had a high enough charisma stat, you could know that the person is lying to you/not be swayed, but you fail the wisdom roll part, and you don't know why they are lying.
a high enough charisma lets you know if the person truly believes in what it says, if it's actually confident whether it's lying or not. wisdom is what tells you if they are lying since it's used to explain /why/ people do things, and it's wisdom again that tells you why they are lying

i appreciate you paying attention to the technical details of the quest. if there's an overlap between wis and char then it would be good to catch it early on. i won't mind changing it to something that makes sense

i often tell my players that there's no need to scavenge the archive, but it does make me pretty giddy that you are having fun akikanon. i don't know how much text it's at this point, so don't feel obligated to go through it to keep up with the quest. i'll explain everything once again here if needs be

>and ultra depression
farmed with love and care
and in it goes then. i can roll out an update today but behind the scenes is looking quite pretty already. tomorrow we wrap this up for sure! and then i may take a little time to make some solid ground, since i kinda rushed into this blind and i wanna learn from the mistakes of the past
I can answer, yes, just not immediately! Out of town at the moment so I'll be a little busy this week, but I should be able to reply sporadically.
>the reaction of the player itself is the result of the roll
Noted. However, I'm a fan that if I can use a stat against the NPCs, they can also use it against me and make me take a different course of action.
If a person runs into someone with high charisma, resisting them is an issue that must be considered. It's like making a mind roll not to succumb to fear when faced with something terrifying but charisma instead, and the bastard is getting you to join their cult and call them Lisan al Gaib and go on a space jihad.

>specific factors such as its pose, manner of speech, tone, gestures, etc, anything other than the actual content of what's being said
It does seem strange to me that charisma is considered confidence, but I see it as more of command over expression. A highly charismatic character is more effective at convincing, intimidating, lying, feinting, or pretending to be cowering in fear. A matter of presentation/influencing.
If it's all these things as you've described them. It seems to me that opposing a lie or convincing attempt requires two parts: catching the signs/not being convinced (charisma) and understanding why (wisdom).
Charisma would read body language, while intelligence and wisdom would gauge the message's actual content. Rather than just a single wisdom roll.

But it's your system in the end, though I do question how you described the wisdom stat as morals in the past, but it's possible to understand people well but still be a bastard.
Not gonna lie the second thread was getting a little meh for me even as necessary build-up but third thread, holy FUCK holy FUCKING shit the Hush cafe encounter was kino, Erika and Hush debating philosophy, Jimena on the fucking razor's edge of pulling that trigger, a fucking micrometer away from doing it, enough that Hush herself was spooked, but she just couldn't do it, she couldn't become a murderer
Also intense anime action sequence using megapowered crossbow shots to get across an abyss while fighting a giant ferris-wheel metal gear abomination was metal as fuck (rope was mvp for the witch's team though)
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Fear of the unknown takes over. To her, to Koizumi Wakoko, someone picking meat off the ground shouldn’t even be worth a glance, let alone a night in jail, let alone this much of a fuzz. But with what little she knows even she stumbles upon the same conclusion as everyone else: that it’s a weird world where we live in, and that people are weird, and that she’s not weird enough to pick up on its weird rules yet. And while this may be a crystal-clear reason to run away, from the sound of chalk scratching shapes into the black board and everything else, she’s anchored by a single thought:

that Junko would know of them.

Teacher: “...yet despite the fact that trains are bullshit because nobody is hearing me and that no quarter should be given in our sacred task to decimate each and all dolphins-” Yes, Wakoko?

Wakoko is standing; the tsunami of whispers crashes against her back, then rolls back quietly. For a second there, it’s like she’s choking on her own words- then something does come out.

Wakoko: Good morning. How are you doing? Me too. I want to turn myself in to the police.

The teacher, a young, short man with a very big mustache, just stares- likely waiting for the laughter to erupt. It’s not happening. Perhaps a punchline is waiting.

Teacher: Ok, I see. So, why do you want to turn yourself in to the police, Koizumi-san?

Wakoko: Because I didn’t do anything wrong.

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The kōban (the small police station) almost looks like just another convenience store from the outside. Its smell, once inside, makes very short work of that notion, and not being able to pinpoint /why/ makes Wakoko’s heartbeat all that faster. It feels dry, yet clean, and it reminds her of ink as she follows the steady officer’s sharp hat past the scary door that was behind the reception counter. What she’s met with, however, is not unlike the classroom by much. Smaller, yes, and it has a whiteboard instead of a blackboard, with some thick markers scattered around instead of chalk. Thinking of chalk makes her teeth grit; but, at this point, she doesn’t know if that’s the actual reason.

Man with hat: Sit.

Wakoko sits where she would sit in her classroom: right in front of the teacher’s desk. Schools and prisons do seem very similar.

Man with hat: Do you want some water, young lady?

Wakoko: I want to go home.

Said sheepishly, but with feeling.

Man with hat: Look, whatever happens next won’t be that bad. Some friends of mine will come with takoyaki, ask you a few questions, and then we all pay for our part. You too. You don’t pay, you don’t eat.

Wakoko: Oh… okay. Thanks.

That curt informality did make her feel at ease, at least. For a split second, Wakoko wonders: will not paying her part end up being why she sleeps behind bars tonight? After all that? Before she noticed, the policeman had left back from where they came from.

The loner sighs; and she finds herself /pissed/. Angry. Nothing makes sense here. She’s already seeing it coming: Junko laughing her ass off tomorrow. Her prank paid off, alright. Wakoko is sure she won’t ever hear the end of this.
When the men come, however, there’s no takoyaki. That dry smell reigns unchallenged. They are three, and dress quite alike. One has glasses, one is smoking, and the one that came with her first is still keeping that hat on. All three of them greet her as they come (even the first one), then pick up a seat each, and place them awkwardly in front of Wakoko’s desk.

Then sit at once.

Man with glasses: Alright, sunshine: what happened?
Straight to the point- and Wakoko is already sweating enough to feel dizzy. But, she did nothing wrong, and of that she’s quite sure.

Man with hat: Just state what happened. Take your time.

>First thing's first!

Wakoko: I didn’t kill anyone! I didn’t do what happened there? How could I even do something like that?!

Man with cigar: You aren’t being charged with murder.

Wakoko looks at him; then she coughs. Fishermen believe that the fish can trace the smell, so they don’t often make a habit out of smoking; she isn’t used to it either.

Man with cigar: We know. That is not the point here. Just answer the question.

The man with the cigar seems… special, to say the least, even though he looks normal at a glance. There’s something robotic about him, as if even his gestures were precise and measured- not to mention the fact that he’s a police officer yet he’s smoking.

Wakoko shuts her eyes. It’s just too much, and she needs to focus.

Wakoko: There was, um, a traffic accident, yes. And, a car started spinning, not horizontally, but vertically, I mean, not just vertically- and it ended up upside-down.

The one with the hat nods.

Man with hat: Go on.

Wakoko: A… female person came out of the windshield, full force. She was shot from her seat while the car was spinning vertically. Then, this female person, which was dead because the cranium was leaking, and and it wasn’t leaking cerebrospinal fluid, it wasn’t an CSF leak, no, there was visible gray matter, it was-

The three men share silent glances with each other- yet they don’t say a word. When Wakoko stops, the one with the hat nods at her.

Wakoko: Um. Um. That means I have to keep talking, right?

Man with hat: Yes, please.

Man with glasses: Did her research, this one.

The shaking, the memory issues, the mood swings… It’s only in such an extreme situation that Wakoko is finally face to face with the reality of what only ever eating fish did to her, that it’s clear enough to trap her. Because she had known about the symptoms for a while… but denial is a luxury we sometimes can’t afford. Mercury poisoning. Scared, Wakoko opens her eyes.

Wakoko: Ok. So,,. This female person is dead and there was abdominal leakage and… there were- intestines. I grabbed an intestine. And people took a lot of pictures. And then I ran. Because it hurt… my… ears.

The three men share yet more quiet glances- yet right as the one that’s smoking open his mouth the one with the glasses gestures at him to stop

then shrugs himself.
Man with glasses: Why?

Wakoko: Whywhywhy what?

Man with glasses: Why did you pick the intestine of a person that just had an accident right in front of you?

Wakoko: You said there was going to be takoyaki!

The man with the hat doesn’t answer.

>Touching gore isn't a crime!

Wakoko was /this/ close to saying that touching gore isn’t a crime. That we do it all the time when we buy meat at the butchery shops. That she likes anatomy. That liking anatomy is not a crime, and that neither is getting carried away just once.

She doesn’t.

>Trauma shock would be the obvious explanation.

It’s the Junko inside her head that stops her. The reason why? Unknown. It’s beside her, out of her reach. But she does know that the Junko inside her head told her to stop, because the real Junko told her it was bad
and that is the reason she stops.

Wakoko: …Shock. Trauma… I… I was shocked.

It’s a lie, and she’s bad at lying- but people are bad at taking the truth. Through the reflection of those glasses Wakoko can clearly see the sunset, the same beacon of light her dad often sails towards.

Wakoko: When that happened, I… wasn’t really thinking. I was just going to school and… someone died in front of me. Just like that. Puff.

She gestures the ‘puff’ with her hands. It doesn’t really come out well, but neither man comments.

Wakoko: I just thought… I wanted to help. I know a lot about organs. I like the subject. I-

Man with cigar: Hold on.

The man takes the cigar off his mouth, and becomes a simple man. He takes his time to check through a file- then stabs a page with his finger.

Man with cigar: Here it says that you are at the bottom of your class in Anatomy and physiology.

Wakoko puffs both cheeks automatically. That is because she often disagrees with what the book says, and writes her own vision of how organs work in turn going as far as to draw examples. Maybe she shouldn’t say that either though. Right now, she doesn’t know what’s safe to say and what’s not, so the less she talks, the less she risks.

Man with hat: Look, that doesn’t matter, alright? Young lady, keep going.
Wakoko: Ok. I- that girl. I did that because I… I wanted to pull that girl back together. To- fix her. Brand new. And then everyone else came. And I… I ran away.

Man with glasses: Because of the noise. It’s what you said.

Wakoko shakes her head.

Wakoko: Because I was confused.

Man with glasses: Wasn’t it the noise?

Wakoko: That, too, I think? I… don’t really know why I did that.

Man with hat: Were you afraid that people would think the wrong thing about what you did?

Man with no cigar: No leading questions. Don’t do that.

Wakoko: I don’t know? I think that… maybe I was afraid that this would happen?

It’s not true. It doesn’t matter. Everyone always thinks organs are weird and disgusting. And that’s not true either. The man with no cigar becomes the man with a cigar again- he fills his lungs with gray and carelessly spits a cloud above.

Man with cigar: Alright. I think we all here remember you saying that this female person was already dead. Then; why help her, then?

Wakoko is so nervous that she swallows. The very real reality that any wrong step could send her to a madhouse is slowly creeping through her spine, slowly, as she also considers how the mercury poisoning could be perceived. It closes her throat, it makes her brain try to be somewhere else that is not here, that is not now

but problems are only fixed here and now..

Wakoko: I… said… that… because… I… didn’t… want… you… to… think… I… killed… her.

It’s almost as if her head is burning.

Man with hat: So you found out later.

Wakoko: YES!

The man with the cigar looks at the man with the hat- yet the other doesn’t return the look.

Man with glasses: You need to understand that what you did is unusual. Very unusual. You need some help. A calm place, fresh air. A good friend to listen to you.

Wakoko's heart sinks.

Man with hat: Wait outside, Koizumi-chan.

But now is just not the time.

Wakoko: Um- where?

Man with hat: Where we came from. Just don’t run away.

Wakoko stands, and heads for the door-
but turns around.

>Wakoko ran because she panicked!

Wakoko: I came back.

Right as they just started talking to each other, touching her chest, Wakoko announces the truth almost proudly. They have to know, and she has to make sure that they know.

Wakoko: I ran away but I came back. I turned myself in. I did!

…Yet neither man says anything

Man with glasses: Wait outside, please.

and Wakoko, deflated, just leaves the room.
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Wakoko may have taken the order a bit too literally, because she ends up standing right outside the door instead of waiting in the waiting room like any other normal person. This comes with an advantage: she can hear what they say decently enough, and it’s technically not her fault- yet soon enough she starts to wish she didn’t. She’s being demeaned. Odd terms and labels are used to describe her. Someone mentions that she was obviously shell-shocked. The lines drawn by the patterns form a clear enough picture, and the core of it, shockingly enough, isn’t what she did or her odd, unique behavior- but that the people who saw those videos think that Wakoko is a dangerous psychopath. It’s the main topic of conversation. Because it wouldn’t look good for the police to just let a dangerous psychopath roam the streets and that’s the point- not one that is still basking in the spotlight.

Because that’s what people think

and what people think is what matters the most.

Eyes quite open as her mind continues to adjust to that reality, Wakoko almost doesn’t notice the man with the hat as it opens the door right in front of her. First, he sighs, of course, as scaring people shitless just in case is both their culture and their job- but then he talks.

Man with hat: Alright. Off you go.

His words are a silver lining in the dark cloud that Wakoko had barely just noticed.

Wakoko: …soooo…?

Man with hat: You will be seeing a therapist weekly. Soon, you will be interviewed. And I /need/ you to say that you are seeing this therapist weekly. Young lady, do not forget to say this.

Wakoko: …and?

The man with the hat shakes his head.

Man with hat: That’s it. No ‘and’. It’s a travesty, an overreaction, all of this.

He nods towards the receptionist.

Man with hat: Go give that woman your address.

Wakoko: But the takoyaki.

The man /stops/ to look at her from under that hat, a man who with absolutely certainty has at least once killed another with his bare hands. He takes up his wallet and hands her over some bills, then pats Wakoko’s puffy hair and leaves.

The address Wakoko had given the receptionist for the cab was that of the dock where her father works. She still had to earn back his trust after losing the keys to her own house for the seventh time, so besides going back to school (which, despite it all, would still be heresy) her only option was heading for their private cabin. Once inside her safe, lonely place, she still feels dread, she still feels dizzy. How tremendously close that was, that is something only now she’s beginning to digest. But; free day.

“A psychopath”, a sad Wakoko thinks, as she absentmindedly smashes a desperate fish over and over against the edge of the table; that’s what the people think she is. “A psychopath”, yet she isn’t the one being mean to other people- yet even the dogs she saved are afraid of her. The young lady sighs. Her dad always told her that life wasn’t fair- but would she know how right he was? How would she know, even right now?

When her dad comes back, late at night, she gives him a big hug.
And he lets her.
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Stepping out of the bus, she steels herself. The night had given her enough time to chew on reality; armed with the belief that she is, in fact, a good girl, she will step into that classroom again- because I didn’t do anything wrong. As she again joins the wave of students crashing into the school, as heads turn and whispers sprout, Koizumi Wakoko gives no half a shit and continues striding forward because someone gave her takoyaki.

When she steps into that classroom, it’s as if the echo of her steps swallows all the sound. All eyes glue to her instantly as if she had forgotten to get dressed. Steadily, she walks up to her desk, sits in her chair, clears her throat, and takes out her reliable blowship-shaped pillow as is her duty. She knows she’s anxious, she knows; but she knows now too well not to show it.

Then the murmurs get loud enough for her to hear them.

Psycho. Freak. Weirdo. Dolphin-lover. The words thrown around carelessly pile up, and Wakoko soon finds herself wishing her pillow was much bigger. Then she suddenly goes ‘oh’, totally ready to tell Junko about what went down in the kōban- and that’s when she realizes that the classroom’s turbo-stacy had already merged her desk with some other girls. The spot right next to Wakoko’s was pretty much a very noticeable crater. When she looks at Junko, Junko looks away. No greetings, no insults, no nothing.

It’s slow: but Wakoko does feel all that steel crumbling off of her.

The teacher walks into the classroom.

When recess comes, Wakoko just leaves next to everyone else as usual- but stops at the door. No one stops for her. She feels utterly lost in a way that she had never felt before, in the realization of just how little she understands what other people think. Like with what happened: maybe it’s not that bad. Maybe it is. Who knows? Not her. And that’s the thing; where do I go, then? And so, she stays right by the door to the classroom, feeling her own heartbeat, finding a little comfort in imagining how the blood is being distributed all over her body- because her heart hasn’t given up yet.

Junko Imeredala: they’ve known each other for at least half a year already. Back then, after a school concert, Junko’s grandpa was praising his granddaughter’s performance and telling her to ‘not waste her best years’, a speech that Wakoko had unceremoniously interrupted by telling Junko to ‘eat ice cream every day!’. Junko had played it off by laughing and saying that Wakoko was a special needs student from a program because Wakoko, at the time had no idea that the Imeredalas were that big of a deal, and that the man had come from mainland Russia for this concert alone- and so they’ve spent time together ever since. As usual, Wakoko finds herself wondering why.
???: OMG it’s you!!! hey look it’s her!!

Stunned, Wakoko doesn’t know what to do when a turbo-gyaru, a high-level gyaru, suddenly hugs her arms and starts rapid-firing selfies.

Turbo Gyaru: like OMGG you are so super famous! ok like trade me info

Wakoko: Ehmm… info.

Rainbow-colorer hair, makeup up the ass, unintelligible slang; poor Wakuku had simply not been exposed enough to these fascinating organisms.

Turbo Omega Gyaru: i wanna be a meme too11!! like wutchu think bae

The S-tier Gyaru strikes a silly pose, then laughs loudly at herself. Then, of course, her friends join in.

‘OMG besti you right its her’

‘pic it up bae like frrrr!

‘move bitch my bangs don’t fit’

Doing her best with what life gave her, Wakoko settles for smiling to the best of her ability (which still looks as if she was being held at gunpoint with a railgun) and doing the peace sign as many times as it takes.

The pattern surprises her- continuously, over this single recess. Many students from the other classrooms, who to Wakoko at this point might be even less than NPC’s or background music, came up to her, all talking friendly, all asking for photos and asking why the fuck did she pick up someone’s intestines off the ground. They are invasive, sure, but so far most were nice and polite, even considerate when Wakoko sheepishly demanded a bit of space. Of course, there was scorn and those subtle glares all over the place, but those were there from the start, and this much, at least, is a step up.

And so the same question, in different shapes kept coming up,

“So what’s your Twitter or X or whatever?”

“Girl you have like instagram right?”

“Hey, what’s your blog about, Koizumi-chan? Is it gory and stuff?”

and Wakoko kept thinking about it. Yes; she was already a denizen of the Internet, but she had never, ever, had any kind of social media account yet. Her main and almost sole interest was anatomy, and if any teacher would have cared to check how earnest she was about her pursuit of science they would have realized that she could give the class herself at this point. Professor Wakoko doesn’t sound so bad; but she had never thought about it until now.

Yet, as it keeps happening, as Wakoko’s popularity continues to soar for whatever reason, she keeps finding Junko peeking. What little people would give the time of the day in that classroom have pretty much exiled her- like Junko. So much for this also being her problem.

But then again, Wakoko is taking something from this awful experience- something very important. If anything, painful as it may be, and it is very, very painful because she spent half of the night crying herself to sleep, having woken up to the fact that she doesn’t understand how people work as much as she thought so early might even make all of this nightmare worth it.

Which means that, perhaps, she doesn’t understand Junko enough either.

>Apologize to Junko.
>Make a social media account.
ok so i may or may not be going full retard, i may or may not be coping over wakoko. but! for those a bit impatient, keep in mind that everthing else is getting fleshed out as well. like wakoko when she sails with her dad, you'd rather make sure the boat doesn't have any plot holes before you head into the seas- so be patient!!!!!!!!!1111!!11

i will never forget how hard i had to cope when jimena decided to fucking erase the mc from the previous quest right off the bat, and how that turned out to be for nothing, so im glad you at least find it amusing lawle. getting attached to the future is a trap, the sweet aroma of rails fucks you up and makes you stupid. also the rope was the true witch

also inb4 'jesus fuck a-chan talks a fuckton'

i'll give this the thought it deserves tomorrow, cuz its fucking 4 am almost
Well shit, that could have gone much worse! Didn't lose a water park this time, at least.

>Apologize to Junko
She did throw us to the wolves and betray the shit out of us, but these people don't TRULY appreciate anatomy and fads dissppear. Not sure how much I wanna apologize to her, per se, but....
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Who knew that some guts make a girl popular!

>fucking erase the mc from the previous quest right off the bat
The true comedy was reading Hush's thread and discovering her name was Lumina Kanima. Jim got close to killing the QM's insert, who had to kiss magical girls to survive.

However, the whole freedom deal offered by Hush makes me wonder why they can't just give it to the girls tricked into incubators rather than just sealing them. If an incubator girl loses her magic, the girls she contracted will become normal. There's probably a good reason why they can't.

Still, it isn't as bad as the whiplash as reading what the two Coordinators preach: love, hope, and believing Magical Girls to be good. How they're highly praised by NPCs. Then, their hypocritical actions. You enter into black comedy territory when one talks about love and turns out to be a groomer withholding vital info, while the other says to trust them and then proceeds to use a threat, a lie, and fear to instill lessons all under half an hour. As Jim put it, "fucking insufferable bitches the both of them."

There's also the whole 'believe in Magical Girls' thing, which I find rings very hollow when a million faces have been turned into one in Mexico City, Rome is a crater, and in Buenos Aires, the options being faced are death or brainwashing on top of drought caused by Magical Girls.

It might be just a difference in personal takes/interpretation, though. QM says magical girls are the kindest of humanity. While I think magical girls are no better or worse than the average person.

I remembered a line from Aloe's description that stood out to me: She is cute even by the standards of magical girls, which I find bizarre because Kyubey doesn't choose by looks. I don't see how that standard is different from normal. But then again, the descriptions in Hush Quest Pastebin were a bit weird. Though it proves Lifa's claim that Weird Eyes is the only girl to ever deserve to be considered 10/10 is utter horseshit.

Anyway, enough harping from me. I'll pipe down on Buenos Aires. I'm curious what the Japanese trio(quartet?) will accomplish. Christ almighty, 10 player characters...
Alright I just finished reading all five threads of Buenos Aires (went full /omniscience/ on this bitch, every detail absorbed every word noted every ounce of autism acknowledged) using every second of free time I had in the past three days, and I think I may be developing schizophrenia with all the words bouncing around in my brain
It was worth it, one hundred percent
I'll refrain from bringing up the past too much, both because we shouldn't be shackled to it/cuck a new beginning, and because it's more kino when you encounter references to past events without knowing every detail about them, but I do want to say I'm sincerely glad you're still here and megucking around, Lumina

I know only Ritanon is supposed to be able to vote, but I'd agree
I don't know if it's the self-induced schizophrenia or the Wakoko wakokoing in me, but we didn't do anything wrong, Junko distanced herself from us by her own choice, so if anything, Junko should be the one to apologize, but I do think it would be a good idea to have a conversation with our one friend and hash things out
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>Apologize to Junko

It makes sense. It’s a logical conclusion. If she doesn’t understand people, Wakoko thinks, then people don’t understand her either- and what she did wasn’t so bad, and Junko was just confused as well. The epiphany hits her right as a boy from another class was showing her a video of someone getting swallowed by a machine in a factory accident, which wasn’t so interesting to her because it was recorded with a security camera and the organs came out kinda blurry. She didn’t know what these people just asked her; she did know that Junko just turned around, yet again, to take a peek at her. Now, Wakoko knows how Junko looks with wide open eyes because the ender of fishes is walking up right to her.

Wakoko: Junko, I’m sorry.

Just like that; plain, simple, and efficient, with no honorifics whatsoever, right in front of her big group of ascended, five-stars bitches (some of which, despite it all, are actually good persons) who had now decided to fall into silence yet again. As for Junko herself; it’s like the blood on her face got scared and left.

Wakoko: You were right. I did something bad. I was wrong.

Yet that blood is a bit too quick to return- and a bit too eager.

Junko: So? Fuck off.

Wakoko: You mean that I should go away?

Junko: Yes! Do I speak English or what? Quit talking to me and go.

Wakoko: But; why?

There is disheartenment; there’s also genuine curiosity there. But in Junko’s face? There’s only panic. She just turns around and leaves. Not knowing any better, Wakoko follows Junko, squeezing her way through the horde.

Wakoko: Junko. Junko. Junko. Hey, stop.

She gets her wish granted. Junko turns around

Junko: Bitch, don’t you fucking know what harrasment is?

Wakoko: What is harassment?

Junko: I’ll beat the fuck out of you. GO. AWAY.

But Wakoko doesn’t.

Wakoko: I’m sorr-

The slap could even be heard even by that guy in the bathroom jacking off to a graphics card who was later going to use it to emulate-Banjo Kazooie. Wakoko herself, so far a complete stranger to physical violence since not even her dad ever raised a hand on her, simply kept looking at Junko aimlessly as she caressed her now red cheek.

Her heart started beating faster.
Her fingers became numb.
Her lungs felt shallow
and, suddenly, everything seemed a lot bigger.

The scowl on Junko’s face was quick to twist, like a towel being squeezed, into one of ‘I fucked up’ tier worry. Leaning against the wall, Wakoko’s shaky legs were quick to give in, and even though everything inside of her screamed to run away she just covered her ears because this is as much as she could take-
yet her heart just wouldn’t stop pumping blood regardless,
tears wouldn’t stop building up,
and regardless,
nobody came to help her.

Junko just stood there.

Back home, Wakoko would learn what that was: a panic attack. Perhaps she had been anxious all this time, and she’s as bad with her feelings as she is with anyone else’s. At the time, more than fear, she had felt confusion- lately, it’s hard to tell what’s good or bad. Just like yesterday, she had ended up alone in the private cabin, rocking herself back and forth in the old chair, pushing that spiky fish pillow into her chest as hard as she could. That had been the single most horrible experience she ever had, and right now Wakoko is giving herself all the time in the world to swallow that things like that can happen. Checking up her cell phone just to see when dad’s coming back, Wakoko finds that the wifi signal she often steals is being a bit more generous today; on a whim, she looks for that Twitter place. The people at school, after all, had been very nice to her, and if she could find more people like that then maybe she could finally make a friend. People that aren’t like Junko.

Not even checking up her own meme, she stops.

All of these years she had fought, a little every day, to make friends at school. Perhaps it was silly… but if she makes friends online, people she doesn’t even have to see or talk to, to her, it would render all of that effort meaningless.

And yet, everyone hates her now, the Internet thinks she’s a freak, nobody in class talks to her anymore, her brother left her, Junko left her, mom died, and dad works all day and night.

This time, Wakoko just cries without any hint of shame, but that still doesn’t stop her. If it isn’t the Internet, if she’ll have to keep pushing, then she needs something to hang on to. Checking upon Junko’s Twitter handle for the first time, which she had known for a while, Wakoko hopes that something there will help understand her so she knows what to apologize for next time. It’s full of, mostly, activism, motivational quotes, some cats, pictures of her in exotic places, flowers… nothing that remotely resembles the Junko she knows, and the posts are few and far between. Yet one comment that Junko had ignored, as Wakoko sips her own tears because they are sweet, appears particularly striking to her; a link to another channel. Forgetting that she’s sad, Wakoko blinks. That’s Junko. Like a year ago, and she’s playing music.
Wakoko squints her eyes. The songs are mostly covers of famous bands, and she picks one among the bunch. The Junko playing in it, alone in a pretty room, is using an instrument that Wakoko had never seen- and judging by the comments, an instrument that nobody had ever seen either. A little research is enough: Junko creates her own instruments out of trash, out of broken electronics or furniture, or even out of pottery. The instruments themselves don’t resemble any other or each other and the way to play each is unique- yet the sound is beautiful. The numbers don’t hit the millions, but they get close- yet the last one was uploaded many months ago, in a date that Wakoko finds oddly familiar.

She blinks.

It’s the day they met.

/ 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: I see. Human creativity isn’t bound by efficiency. That’s perplexing.


At some point, Wakoko finds herself huddled against the wall, her chest going crazy as the white, quiet figure looms closer from the shadows. In this sacred sanctum she’d only ever expected the sound of the faint waves

/ 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: Koizumi Wakoko, make a contract with me and become a Magical Girl!

and not… whatever this thing is. White all over, long ears, looks maybe like a cat- and those red, shining eyes like cameras are perfect circles.

Wakoko: Who are you?! Go away!!

/ 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: I mean you no harm, Wakoko. In fact, even in your current state, you are more dangerous than I am.

Wakoko could see that. She did study the anatomy of various feral beasts, and whatever this is doesn’t fit in any of those patterns.

/ 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: My name is Kyubey. I can grant you any kind of wish that you want if you become a Magical Girl and fight Witches. Anything at all.

Wakoko: Wishes? Witches? You aren’t making any sense.

Kyubey licks its paw.

/ 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: Communication between our species is always hard. The way our thought process works is very different from yours, Wakoko. But the message should be clear.

Wakoko dares to unglue herself from the wall. A wish, anything she could ever want.

/ 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: Make a contract with me, Koizumi Wakoko! And become a Magical Girl!

Goddamn, OP, you know how to twist those heartstrings around... welp, it wouldn't be a Meguca game without bad decisions, sooooo.....

>I want EVERYONE and EVERYTHING to appreciate my genius!

>Finished reading all the threads
You've got some mental fortitude there, anon. A lesser meguca would be a frothing pile of pink goo by now...
Look, thats him! He said the thing! Oh boy, oh boy, isn't this one of those things that's always exciting? Lets see what our pal comes up with this time, I gotta admit the Waterpark wish was a real hit.

Whew. Not what I'd have asked for but you know that already.

I am supremely proud of the impact I've had on our qm's blood pressure, I only hope to live up to that accomplishment by actually derailing the quest when it comes back. Despite this, I'm glad things went the way they did. Sometimes you gotta lose, to see the truth.

>QM says magical girls are the kindest of humanity. While I think magical girls are no better or worse than the average person.
No, I kinda agree with the sentiment. Their lows are low by design, when everything is stacked against you decency kinda goes out the window. But their peaks, well, you've seen it already. I think that more than makes up for it.
To be fair you set the bar pretty damn high with your wish, Jime. Hard to measure up to that kind of competition!
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And everyone still believes I made it as a joke. Oh, ye' of little faith...

Brother, 3 days? You've got what it takes. I'm thrilled more people get to see this rollercoaster, now imagine what it was llike being in it. Anyways, I won't bring up the old days though it would do us well to keep the thread somewhat lively while we wait. Its par with the course, here on /qst/. I hope the other anons used the time to do their homework on the series at least...
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White cats that talk and grant wishes- once over her initial dread, Wakoko can’t keep her curiosity in check, not with something so undeniably alien.

Wakoko: How- how can you talk? Cats don’t talk. Do you have vocal chords? How-

She notices them

Wakoko: -are those rings around your ears being held in place by magnetism?

/ 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: I am not a cat, and I am not talking, Wakoko. I’m speaking directly to your heart through telepathy. As for my composition, the technology employed in it is too advanced for your civilization to understand. It would take humanity millions of years to grasp these concepts.

It’s the telepathy that sells it; all of the rest could be explained, all of it could be an expertly designed artifice. But she’s hearing it inside her head. It’s hard proof of the kind that makes her shiver, even in her current sorry state.

/ 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: I don’t have much time, Wakoko. Do you have a wish in mind already?

Wakoko: Wait! What… what are Witches? Are they scary?

/ 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: Yes. Witches are dangerous. They attack innocent people, and are the cause of many crimes and even incidents that human society considers natural disasters. You would be saving a lot of people if you become a Magical Girl.

‘Witches are dangerous’. People are dangerous, and she’s already going to have to live with them. But despite those hints of hatred that she still keeps from her heart, Wakoko does give the wish the thought that it deserves. First; guts aren’t disgusting, they are squishy and frail, and people treat them poorly with the way they eat- and it would be nice if they were nice to them. Second, she always wanted a friend, and has been pursuing that goal in earnest for a long time already. Asking for one could defeat the purpose, it would be cheating, Wakoko knows, but… at this point, she truly wonders if that would be the only way. And third, but not least, it’s the fact that everyone hates her right now. True or not, but it’s what she feels, and that feeling is fierce enough to haunt her. So; Wakoko thinks about it for a bit. She has set the filters, the conditions: now she has to fulfill them all at once.

/ 人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: I see. You are a cautious person, Wakoko.

It is true; but, at the same time, she wouldn’t mind fighting Witches if it saves people. It’s what a good girl would do. Dad is people. The man that gave her takoyaki is people. Junko is people. After all went through, even if she wanted, Wakoko still can't believe that people aren’t worth fighting for.

Wakoko: I know.

It wasn’t hard. Wakoko ponders it some more, looks for holes in her logic, spends her newfound hope overheating her head to test her wish relentlessly. But like driving a Ferrari into a wall she’s met with the dread that Kyubey leaves, and so, on impulse, with no more second thoughts, she closes her eyes and speaks:

>I want EVERYONE and EVERYTHING to appreciate my genius!

It’s like the words are left lingering in the air, as if they are of solid matter. Wakoko doesn’t know how people turn into Magical Girls, but she hopes that it isn’t painful and that it’s over soon. Daring to open her eyes, looking around, she finds nothing different from before. Maybe she’s seeing things. Maybe the panic attack did things to her brain. Maybe that’s why she’s seeing Junko by the door.

※ Junko: Everything, Koizumi-chan?

Wakoko was going to say something; she did it. Junko looks… ominous. As if she came from space. Although Junko is standing in place, to Wakoko it’s as if she’s floating.

※ Junko: As in, you also want the rocks and cars and to tell you that you are a smart cookie?

At a loss of words on how to describe her attire, the fisherman’s daughter can’t do much but gaze into it. There’s leather, black and brown. There’s white, and copper flowers. The sound of whirring cogs is peaceful and soothing, as a million tiny gadgets share the industrial city that are her clothes, some hiding under layers of white silk and black leather, some resting on her shoulders, all doing something, all working together, the whole dress covering little more than her waist. Her legs are entirely wrapped in shining black, the leggings, unlike the dress, holding no pattern whatsoever; sharp, white high heels with small steel wings cover her feet. The blood red beret, looming over so much black, white, and brown, holds a single steel flower; inside it is a clock.

As for Kyubey, well; it has now become a chair, its stretched, still emotionless face being the cushion at the center. Junko sits on it, crossing a leg over the other.

※ Junko: Funny: I asked for the exact opposite thing. My wish was: ‘I don’t want to care about what people think’.

Wakoko: …Junko?

※ Junko: Hello.

Wakoko: You are a Magical Girl.

※ Junko: Hmh.

Wakoko: …Why are you a Magical Girl?

※ Junko: Because I want to be like you.

The thought of it all being just a dream becomes tempting enough. Junko chuckles.

※ Junko: What a wonderful thing; now I can say it without any kind of worry. I don’t even have to mix insults with my words to feel normal. I can finally be considerate without feeling weak.
And this all being a dream is starting to make more sense by the second. Wakoko just… walks up to her blowfish pillow, grabs it, and leans against the wall on the opposite end, just looking at the ground, just hugging that blowfish. She doesn’t talk. Junko walks up to her.

※ Junko: Is this too much at once?

Wakoko nods a little, not even looking up, holding onto her pillow as if it was the stray plank keeping her afloat in the middle of the ocean. Junko just stands by her side. She doesn’t say anything either. She waits. She had waited many months already.
Wakoko: Um. Junko?

※ Junko: Yes?

She giddied up too readily.

Wakoko: You always say that I’m an autist. That I smell bad. That all the smell of fish actually comes from my vagina.

※ Junko: And when you talk you never look at people in the eye, when you gesture as it’s as if you had fucking Parkinsons disease, and your breath sometimes puts garlic to shame, and that’s why you don’t even have any friends, but! Koizumi-chan, you are perfect. You truly are perfect.

Junko casually rests her hand against the wall, right over Wakoko's shoulder.

※ Junko: I don’t say that because it’s true; it’s just what I think. If I told that to anyone else, they’d... explode!, you know?- but not you. You don’t care. You care about things that matter. You care about your dad. You care about your organs- and you can’t even imagine why other people wouldn’t care about them either, and that is so obvious. It… feels so good that I can say it! It feels so free!

Wakoko: I care.

Junko looks at Wakoko; but the girl is still just staring at the ground, teary-eyed.

Wakoko: I care. And it hurts.

Wakoko is startled when Junko grabs her hands tenderly, and puts them between hers.

※ Junko: You don’t have to care- they all are miserable anyway. I was miserable. Why would you care about what miserable people think? Or say?

Wakoko: But I wanted to be like you.

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Junko’s smile lingers; now it’s her looking at the ground.

※ Junko: You have no idea… how much time I spent doing something I didn’t like because everyone else was telling me to do it. They all say it’s going to be great. It was supposed to be great a long time ago already, but there’s always more to do, more to climb, and it always gets harder. And the moment you step out of line /just once/, well- you are alone. Very fucking alone.

Now Wakoko knows what would have happened if she made that social media account.

※ Junko: Let’s go, Koizumi-chan. Let’s be free.

Wakoko: But I want to make friends.

Junko lifts an eyebrow amicably.

※ Junko: What do you think it means to be a friend? Going out? Shopping together? Laughing at other people? Why do you think I was sitting with you and not with them?

The realization that she had always had a friend all along hits Wakoko like a truck-

and yet; she stills pulls her hands out from that warm embrace.

※ Junko: Koizumi-chan?

She knows. That gap between them… became larger than ever. Impossible, like magic- because Junko had taught her to care about what others think. Silently, Wakoko lingers there, scared- because what little she could build up by herself over the years suddenly seemed to matter a lot.

And when she looks up, the Magical Girl looks just like her pretty usual, normal self- only infinitely different. Junko opens the door to the private cabin.

※ Junko: Do not become a Magical Girl. This is /my/ punishment for letting them live my life; not yours.

The honor student hesitates at the door.

※ Junko: Take this from me and I’ll kill you.

Wakoko: Junko; where are you going?

Perhaps surprised by how unphased Wakoko was at the threat, Junko allows herself to turn around and address her one last time.

※ Junko: To live today.

aight boys and girls and african americans, we done with wakoko, and im happy to say that i did my homework in the meantime. fingers feel a little less rusty, qst feels kinda dead but that fits cause i wont have as much time as I used to

yet, you know what comes next: maybe not tomorrow, but be ready to say hello

>I gotta admit the Waterpark wish was a real hit.
SEANANNIGANS IS DEAD!!!11 that fucking label in the archive still makes me laugh

>I only hope to live up to that accomplishment by actually derailing the quest when it comes back
too fucking bad, at this point ive learned how sinful it is to plan ahead. these backstories require some serious bones, though, but im sure its gonna get faster once we treadin on solid ground

>But their peaks, well, you've seen it already. I think that more than makes up for it.
thing is, gucas are either good or fucking explode. they always shine one way or the other cause they have to; it's an actual, factual matter of life and death to them. i think i said this a couple times

>And everyone still believes I made it as a joke. Oh, ye' of little faith...
motherfucker don't poison the youth, i'll go to sleep fearing the kind of wishes the new generation will bring to my old conservative ass. im already too fucking ready for the 'I WANNA BE A BOY' wish but im not sure how much more my old ass heart can take
jk, do whatever you want guys

jesus fucking christ, you really did. what the fuck, this is like being seen naked, im not sure i like it. buuuuut! since we are already here, what did you like the most? what did you like the least? what did you think of lifathread? and boy, fuck, am i impressed (and a little pressured) by your dedication lawl

>It was worth it, one hundred percent
>I'm sincerely glad you're still here and megucking around, Lumina
super glad to hear it. mark twain said that he could live two weeks on a good compliment and i used to poke fun at him- but i think i get the point nowadays

>who had to kiss magical girls to survive.
i'll never live that down. to me, 100% honestly, it was a good mechanic to force players to both empathize and think creatively- and as it turns out also very easy to view as pedoshit. worst thing is that i still think it would have been a great mechanic. just in case anyone is wondering, yes, it is canon because some things shouldn't be forgotten

>If an incubator girl loses her magic, the girls she contracted will become normal.
if you kill a Kyubey the megucas remain megucas

>QM says magical girls are the kindest of humanity
like i told jimena, megucas are either nice or explode. that doesn't make your interpretation invalid though, but there are some very clear constraints to how they can behave unlike us

>She is cute even by the standards of magical girls
Aloe is, in fact, very cute, and this is an important cheat fact that the newcomers could find very useful going forward. shh i said nothing

also yes; Lifa biased
also sike in case you thought wakoko was gonna end up meguking
I am going to need to make the most outrageous, poorly thought out Wish ever. Well- not really, but I am probably going to be incredibly selfish.
Probably for the best. It's tricky enough wrangling one meguca autist already-Ritaliiiiin's high maintenence like that.

All the same, thanks for being a good sport and letting me fuck around for a little bit, OP! I'll still be watching, judging, and offering words of priceless magical girl wisdom to the fresh meat.

Go for the gold, Marie! The dumber the wish, the better the girl, I say!
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>mental fortitude
>you've got what it takes
I'll try my best to match your expectations!
*Akiko salutes to her senpais while stepping backwards off a cliff because it's cool*

Well, I wasn't going to bring up the past too much (want me and my two new best friends to not be too influenced trying to 'match' it), but if you're asking for it... gives me a good excuse to spill my thoughts on some things lol
The final witch battle (SSS) was hype, but my favorite thing still has to be the Hush cafe sequence, that was peak kinography, that whole sequence is why I read, why writing exists
Hard to pick a least favorite thing, but I actually have a small personal frustration with characters like Emma (not indicative of her writing quality, which I can appreciate objectively despite personal feelings)
Lifathread felt long as hell, probably due to the fact that my mind was nearing capacity (limit-testing the hell out of that shit, reading a 55 post chunker at 5 am with no sleep and work in five hours), but in the end I liked it. (Yeah not my smartest decision but with sunk cost and general "nah, I'd tank it", it was fine). I was a bit wary at first, since it felt like there was a large chance of Lucinda's character being retconned with bigguca trying to force yuri shenanigans, but it ended up okay, then better than okay/bordering kino because of Jim's genius plan to include her in the chapter 1 finale. Glad you stayed with us Lumina, because otherwise we wouldn't be here today :(
Been rereading the quest and man did things change
>inb4 we go back to Helena's POV and the niji-gucas are killing eachother
>inb4 vsho-gucas, holo-gucas and the unholy sextet have to team up to defeat an invasion of phase-gucas
I was going to say Junko worst girl, but now she's based. Interesting how she was a semi-foil to Wakoko, semi-dumb she abandoned us in our greatest time of need, but she is a teenage girl, maybe was jealous of Wak's new-found fame, and I'm not sure when she made her wish. Possible she made it the day she met Wakoko, since that's when she stopped playing music, but if she wanted to be like (what she semi-idealized) Wakoko was like, she'd have to probably make it later? Her wish is basically a less bullshit version of Lucinda's
Glad Wakoko gets to be free of the cycle of death, she's a good girl and should be happy with her pops and her fish guts. Curious how Junko knew the cat was there, and also curious if we'll get to see the two of them somewhere as NPCs
It was nice to see someone not meguck out

If the cat approaches Akiko in the same way, since she's an insightful girl, I'll probably have her ask why no one has wished for there to never be witches again if they're so bad, but I don't know what kinda hyper suffering position the madman's gonna cook up, so that could all go out the window
well well well, look what we have here.
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Looks like a bunch of FUCKING KOHAI MEGUCAS and a NERD QM back from the grave.

I really missed you guys. And I'm pleasantly surprised to see some new blood! Welcome in everyone!
Welcome back, Ghost Lady Blender Fucker Lu!
Oh my goodness, it's the Phantom Fucker herself!
The Mistress of Not Giving A Shit!
The prodigal son returns! I knew it was a matter of time. Welcome back, Miss Newhorn.

This family is fucked up. Least Wakoko will live.

We'll see about that!

The whole lifathread is just the qm spewing out hit without filter, starting with a dumb framing of bigguca fucking around and escalating into deconstruction of the characters and setting, what a masterpiece.

man, I got no idea what goes on in the vtuber scene this days. Ironic.
LUUUUUUUUCE! I missed you, bitch!
Alright fuck it, since it might be months before a Buenos Aires thread and I gotta say it before I forget it, you senpais remember when there was that one wish spread in the second thread, and you were theorizing which wish was for who?
I think that second to last wish from the bottom, instead of saying I wish for everyone on the planet to die, I think it says "I wish for every incubator on this planet to die"
You senpais take that as you will
If that was already known from the ultra prequel thread sorry :P
that does make more sense, but is it really a PMMM quest without world-ending stakes? Well, there's not a lot of these actually...
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There's our heroine!
>if you kill a Kyubey the megucas remain megucas
Not a human incubator, though. As what happened with Minou, who contracted with Isabeau, turning back into a normal girl after Isabeau lost her magic/died, a human incubator is imperfect. The Kyubey contract persists because they have a million bodies and are a hive mind.
I had assumed it was A-chan’s wish, the giant witch of peace reminds me too much of the mirror witch from Magia record for me to shake off this hunch, and that bastard could punch holes in time.

Though I suspect the girl wishing to be the strongest magical girl is Aloe, it would explain why she’s mentioned to not have good control over her magic but horrifically strong.
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Joining forces, Mr. Desire and Mr. Okaya held down a squirrel so that Mr. Nakamora could take a dump on it, but an atom bomb fell on their exact location and consequently vaporized 140.000 people. To many, it was right then and there, and not on August 15 of 1945 when Japan signed its surrender, that World War II came to an end.

After six long, bloody years, the war was finally over.

That very same year, the U.S. occupying forces under General Douglas McArther led the efforts in the occupation and rehabilitation of the Japanese state, both in order to hinder the temptations presented by the communist doctrine and to secure an important ally against it. The Land of the Rising Sun was forbidden to have its own army, and instead had to host American military bases on its soil. As if from morning to afternoon, it grew dependent on the flag that had committed, against it, the only use of nuclear weapons in armed conflict history,

a fact that remains unchanged even seventy years later.

Six years later, in 1951, 48 nations would sign the Treaty of San Francisco, also known as the Treaty of Peace with Japan. It ended the Allied post-war occupation of Japan and returned full sovereignty to it after due compensation to the Allied Nations, and to the prisoners of war who had suffered Japanese war crimes during the war. The yankees had left, leaving behind their military bases.

Something else was left behind.
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Back then, as part of its three-part plan ,the U.S. had enacted policies to help Japan regain its former glory, including the open access to U.S. market and a weaker, more accessible Yen. Japan’s knowledge and ingenuity allowed them to build an industrial base as good as that of the yankees, yet with each dollar pegged at approximately 386 Yens they could produce similar goods at one third or even a fourth of the price. Taking advantage of the economic roar of the mid 1900’s, Japan exported their way in cars and electronics into becoming an economic powerhouse, directly damaging the U.S. market, who at the time had a strong dollar and therefore severe issues when competing in the global market.

By 1980, right on the other side of the globe, the United States of America was entering a recession.

And while the US needed Japan to remain capitalist,
they still didn’t want it with an army again.

On September 22, 1985, at the Plaza Hotel in New York City, between France, West Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the Plaza Accord was signed. It was meant to depreciate the U.S. dollar in relation to the French franc, the German Deutsche Mark, the Japanese yen and the British pound sterling by intervening in currency markets in order to even the economic playfield. To the US, this meant the dollar would be more accessible to the foreign market; to Japan, a rise of over 13% in the yen’s value overnight.

To the trained eye, this meant chaos. It had been only twelve years since the Bretton Woods system, the “Golden Standard”, had ended. Back then, currency was backed up by something tangible and measurable which was gold, and therefore money was but a representation of said physical gold that was in a bank- now without those constraints, speculation could run rampant. Every country was free to give value to its money in its own non-tangible, non-measure way, faith itself had become proof. At first, it was expected that the free market itself would balance out the value of each currency, that the good old law of offer and demand would keep everyone on the table.

That didn’t happen.
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If you ask many people who know of the subject you’ll be surprised by many, sometimes wildly different answers. Some attribute it to the Plaza Accord, others say it’s completely innocent, some will mention the policies enacted by Japan that enabled pretty much anyone to take huge loans, and some will say it was all a conspiracy by the U.S. government- or all of it together at once. We won’t know. What we do know is that, during the Bubble Economy, people would have to fight over taxis by waving wads of bills at them, that coffee shops were serving 15 dollar cups of coffees and cakes with gold foils, that English teachers could earn 10000 yen an hour, high-end cars became the norm, that everywhere every time was a party. Corporations would spend lavishly on perks, such as extravagant buildings and stranger entertainment, while even single mothers, who nowadays work full time just to stay afloat, would leave the supermarket with carts filled to the brim not even minding what the wind could take from them as they rushed back home. There was money. There was hope. Their efforts to rebuild the country from the ground up, the endless hours spent feeling nervous at a small desk, were finally meaning something and they welcomed whatever that was with wide open arms

but light can be blinding.

Japan was basking in a never before seen inflation of asset prices, particularly in real estate companies still considering selling their stocks as admitting defeat .People were willing to pay exorbitant prices for lands and buildings, leading to a major construction boom in the whole country. They would continue to invest heavily in these assets, dead sure that their value would continue to rise, unwilling to give up this newfound, earned sense of freedom that they endured so much to attain.The prices were so inflated that the Imperial Palace in Tokyo was worth as much as the entire state of California, and everybody was sure it was going to be worth even more. Jaws dropped when Mitsubishi Estate Co. bought New York City’s Rockefeller Center in 1989; suspicions that Tokyo aimed to reassert itself as a military force in Asia also caused consternation.

People weren’t investing in real estate or stocks because they saw some inherent value or utility in them.

People were investing because other people were investing.

That was the only reason.

There was no other.

And by the time most of them realized, at the very moment when a specific single person decided not buy to single specific property to re-sell it in the near future,

the bubble burst.
Jobs were cut. Companies folded. All the conspicuous consumption stopped instantly- the myth of the shushin-koyo, or life-time employment, was destroyed. The older salarymen were let go from work; many couldn't go home to face their families. They took such pride in being the breadwinner they just couldn't break the news at home. So, what did they do? Many went to the park, or coffee shop, to kill time until it was time to go home. Some couldn't hide their lies any more; then they killed themselves.

Overnight, a third part of the labor force of Japan was replaced with temporary workers, to whom job stability and security were a dream dreamed by their parents. Some grew on fantasy tales of the bubble economy, told by their tired parents in what little time they had before having to sleep to do it all over again; some others grew on their scorn, others by themselves

all Children of the Lost Decade.
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The students started leaving right as the bell rang, the hustle and bustle drowning the teacher’s final words. A sunny day still awaited outside but not for long. The school gates couldn’t stop those chasing the sun, pouring out at measured, fast steps, and neither could the cold, gentle breeze. The uniforms were all black and formal. The flowers were of many colors. And yet someone, however, seemed willing to risk the sunset. Kagura Akemi was simply standing there, doing nothing of note or consequence, as if managing to simply exist- until she found Akiko Okaya’s grin looming millimeters over her shoulder. She tried to turn around, but couldn’t.

Akiko: No, no! Don’t let me getchu distracted!

Kagura: Is that you, Okaya-chan? What do you mean by that?

Akiko giggles suspiciously, with utter giddiness.

Akiko: I wanchu focused- and nervoused! Cause we gonna jump to dat pool right now! Togetha! So look!

The voice employed a mix of the Kansai dialect and- something from the dark depths of space. Delicately but firmly, Akiko grabs Kagura’s chin and points it towards a very specific point in space and time. At first, the girl meekly plays along, perhaps even hoping to be playing some sort of game- then she blinks and blinks.

Kagura: …Keiko-chan? You think I was looking at Keiko-chan!

Akiko: Saw how chummy chu got when she picked up your books- can’t hide it from me, eh! No, keep looking!

Kagura swallows a scream; realization of what’s going on has hit the poor girl like a step-father comet on crack and steroids. Those who don’t know Akiko Okaya wouldn’t understand.

Kagura: …nononoNO! That’s not it at al-

Already more than a bit flustered when Akiko turns her around by the shoulders, Kagura then sees that full, innocent smile- and swallows. So warm; it evoked something primal. Even despite Akiko’s hair and ponytail being white now, which she had already grown used to. A month had come and gone since she had bleached it with zero hesitation because a kid was being bullied for drawing manga, to look like the character he was drawing; a month later, she still has the purple contact lenses on. Akiko Okaya goes that far.

Akiko: Kagura-chan: Chu’re gonna be happy!

Hastily, Akiko buries a hand in the pocket of her blazer, finds nothing, and looks in the other pocket- then remembers it’s in the bag and takes it out. The ‘it’ that Akiko presents her, Kagura determines after some careful inspection, is a little box that says ‘Meiji Milk Chocolate’, and Meiji is an expensive brand. Realization is slow to down, gentle, and patient, but does so in full force and with no mercy. By the end of it, Kagura’s face is as twisted as if her saliva was replaced by lemon.

Kagura: -it was you. The one that’s been putting chocolate bars in Keiko’s shoe locker was you.
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Akiko tilts her head, very surprised, pointing at herself.

Akiko: Whaaaaaaaaaa?? Mee???? I ain’cha kinda money. No, no; it was you! You did! But now Kagura-chan is goncha get caught- causa she got reckless! ñakañakañakañaka

Kagura: All that stuff about staying to study after class- you missed out on going out with your friends for two weeks, for karaoke… for me?

Akiko: For you.

There it is. That smile. That fucking smile.

Akiko: Kagura-chan doesn’t talk a lot, and when che does dey usually don like it, but i know she chus teachin us to be nice..

Then she llicks her lips and winks.

Akiko: And che’s alchu quite a hottie in case chu’re feelin a bit inchecure.

Kagura: aaaaaa… aaaAAAAaa…!

Kagura experienced a very, very mild, and super harmless, panic attack- but Akiko was never that good with details.

Akiko: Wait in the lockers. When chu hear her, open her locker and just, like, hang there. When che asks, tell her that chu just like seein her happy. An that it!

Kagura: BUT-

Akiko looks at the left, looks at the right; then grabs Kagura’s hands and holds them so close between hers; then looks at her eyes and whispers.

Akiko: You are super brave, Kagura, it’s just that you get stuck in the first step so I’ll make it for you. But, not for free. In exchange, you will have to show me how to be brave too.

And just like that, she lets go of the “Red as a Tomato” version of Kagura.

Akiko: Go. I’ll be watchin.

With that and without a single more letter, Akiko Okaya leaves Kagura Akemi lost mid-sentence and advances towards Keiko Kaname like a hitman with a concealed pile-bunker. In a panic, Kagura runs the fuck away from the place. She ends up back at the lockers.
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Two weeks later, staring out of the window of the classroom, Kagura sighs as one of his classmates desperately tries to lick its own elbow. Back then, she didn’t had the heart to tell Akiko that she was so violently heterosexual that her mere presence kept people straight, or that she used to imagine Keiko as an NPC with scripted dialogue that repeated every few clicks then gave you a carrot, or that, at the moment Akiko found her, she was looking at the huge fucking balls on that dog on the park and imagining people she met with those very same balls stuck to their crotch. No; she still doesn’t have the heart to tell her. She never will. Because, after all, it ain’t so bad. Keiko turned out to be surprisingly thoughtful and caring, slow but super attentive with details, her parents stopped hesitating when they saw they weren’t just following a fad, they both became popular in school, and being in the place of the one heard and cared for was something she never thought she needed so badly. So; Kagura sighs, looking out of the window. Now she’s in a happy lesbian relationship. Completely out of fucking nowhere, but whatever.

This is by no means an isolated case; it’s a dot in a pattern that had been spraying for years. One of the guys was trying yoga for the first time and Akiko thought he was praying towards Mecca, so she got everyone to build a small muslim mosque in secret just for him. A boy kept mocking a dog behind a fence every day, Akiko thought they were playing so she got the two families to let him adopt it and even make a surprise party for it. There was that one teacher who Akiko thought wanted to climb Mt. Everest and still hasn’t come back. And then there’s Yamada-kun, who’s now balls-deep into writing a full length yaoi novel because Akiko caught him writing a friend a letter that just said ‘faggot’.

In hindsight, it had to happen at some point.
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In hindsight, it had to happen at some point.

Yamada: OI! Is the teacher coming today or not?

Despite it all, the classroom is as rowdy as ever.

Akiko: Oi wassat?

Startled, the nerdy boy sitting alone at the desk looks around with big eyes- but then relaxes when he sees Akiko.

Nerd: Oh it’s just… Mario Kart. It’s very well known.

He squints those eyes behind the thick glasses.

Nerd: Is that… a newspaper on your chest?

Akiko: Eyyyyyyy, werechu lookin at??

Nerd: S-Sorry!

Akiko watches him play the racing game on the Nintendo Switch. Although he keeps it together, his nerves cause him to lose his shit at the track and hit the walls over and over.

Akiko: Man, you suck balls at chis! Gimme!

She gently pries the device from him, then tries to keep up herself- only to fall into pits over and over, cursing all the while.

Nerd: Not as easy as it looks, huh?

Although the comment was delivered dryly, Akiko just laughed it off.

Akiko: Man, I suck balls at chis too! Can we like play at che same time?

She treated every ‘shy person’ and introvert like this, and would continue to talk with them despite their rude remarks, sudden silences, and crude attempts at hitting on her. Given time, all of these would stop.

Yamada: Okaya-san, you suck fucking balls man. He’s beating your ass.

Akiko: But why do I suck so much balls at chis?

Nerd: It- it’s just practice in the end, haha. E-sports are sports like any other sport.

Thankfully, she wasn’t always that off the mark when it came to what people truly wanted. One time, a delinquent kept drawing graffiti on the school walls, so Akiko got permission for him to make a mural and now there’s a gigantic tulip on it. Then she consistently hit the gym with one of the fat boys that was getting bullied until he kept going on his own; he now has a ‘Do It For Her’ poster of Queen Elizabeth with Akiko’s face cropped over the queen’s.
Yamada: Ramadan soon, brother.

He’s met with Hibiki’s middle finger, who is still wearing his muslim Taqiyah to school. ‘It won’t be me’, he had said once, but very few people understood what he meant. Another enthusiastic student crashes through the door.

Hideaki: Hey, guys! Fujio-sensei won’t be coming today either. We can leave early!

Sachiko: Oh- I’ll stay to clean up, then.

Akiko: No chu won’t! Not again!

And so Sachiko is dragged away like a doll, the most notorious evidence of Akiko’s influence. There was once a girl with diagnosed autism who, one day, came to school dressed like a magical girl from some anime, to cast spells on students and turn them into her friends. Nowadays, she uses that story to cheer up other people who felt they did or are about to do something embarrassing- but Sachiko Sato remains Akiko’s best friend. She’s, also, her only true confidant.

Akiko: Aight. Seeya guys!

Yamada: Bye!

Kagura: Goodbye, Okaya-chan.

Because, whenever they leave the school, it’s always only Sachiko that’s with her. Although she sometimes goes to the bars with her friends, they never follow her back home. Because only Sachiko knows, out of the whole school, except for a certain secret someone pulling strings up there

that Akiko Okaya is homeless.
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The re-urbanization of the Land of the Rising Sun after World War II left the Japanese little room for anything else. The sweat of the working class was often spent entirely in the tasks at hand, and for little more than enough pay to survive and getting drunk on the weekends with the boss- yet some had children regardless. Combined with their exploitation, the lack of social support, the unsteady employment, the economic hardships, all of these had led to the destruction of marital relationships, to single parenthood, to mental issues, to social isolation- and to many hidden cases of parental abuse. Given what they had to invest to raise them, expectations on children were high; those who didn’t meet them often fled or were kicked out of the house.

Thirty or so years later, the asset price bubble burst.

By the beginning of the Lost Decade, it was estimated that over 25000 people were sleeping on the streets nationwide- a number that even then was impressive considering Tokyo’s population of 32 million at the time. Nowadays, Japan is known for its 0% homeless ratio- the actual number dwelling under 4000- which led to the social stigma that being homeless is a choice. In Japan, it is considered that they are responsible for their situation, that they’ve chosen to lead irresponsible lives, that they bring shame to both themselves and the public- but this statistic doesn’t account for those cases where the homeless themselves don’t want to be contacted by their families. A registered address is a core requirement for both being able to rent and getting a job, and for those who lack one of their own the only choice is to sleep on the streets- or to pay a night in a net cafe. The rampant amount of people who went to net cafes just to stay and sleep has gotten them to adapt and now these establishments often offer both showers and free drinks, along other commodities for people to live in them. These drifters, these ‘hidden homeless’, aren’t offered much more than scorn in a society where people often die to overwork.

Around a third of Japan's 25000 homeless are based in Osaka.
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Akiko Okaya walks with big steps as Sachiko Sato keeps up with many more small steps, because Sachiko is small and Akiko isn’t. Over her long, black hair remain the dog ears she was wearing back when she pretended to be a magical girl, a self-imposed reminder of atonement both for her and everyone else.

Sachiko: Let me put it this way; what would Okaya-chan do if I asked her to be my girlfriend?

Akiko: …OOOOH, naruhodo! So chat’s what chu’ve been building up to. So, Sachiko-tan is confessing to me too! Hehehehe!

Akiko had already been confessed to over ten times over the course of this year alone. She keeps those letters under her desk at school, not to show them off but because she sees each as a happy memory.

Akiko: Chu’ve gotten so brave so fast. But! Sachiko-tan: you should know the seas before you cast throw that bait, by like using a sonar or something or asking someone or, like, watching stuff about it on the net? Anyway, people are like seas. Thing is, bait isn’t free and-

Sachiko: Answer me.

Akiko: But I was chuing just dat?

Sachiko: No, you were taking a walk through the park on the way home. Like we are doing right now.

That they are, in fact.

Akiko: Eh- Eh… hahaaha..

Sachiko limits herself to puffing her cheeks in utter disdain and contrarianism.

Sachiko: Let me guess. You gave anyone who’s in love with you the ‘no’, but they assumed you rejected them because you gave them advice on the spot.

Akiko feels as if Sachiko’s piercing stare is looking straight at her brain.
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Akiko: Don’t do that. aaaaaa

Sachiko: What?

Akiko: Reading minds is totally so not polite basedkno!

Sachiko: Ok. If you answer me directly, with only yes or no, if you’d be my girlfriend if I asked, I’ll stop reading your mind.

Akiko: …hahahha, what’s gotten into you chuday?

Sachiko just crosses her small arms over her small body- and waits. It takes a while- and Sachiko is surprised to find Akiko's face being the one growing red by the second.

Akiko: Well- ok, yes, sure, why not- fuck it!

Sachiko had given up the right to her personal space long ago.

Akiko: Let’s try it. Let’s be lessbeans togetha!

-and yet; Sachiko scoffs. From over her shoulders as she grabs her from behind like an octopus, Akiko witnesses that scoff in disbelief.

Sachiko: I knew it.

Akiko: W-what?! What’s with chat reachtion!? We are maichens in love now!

Sachiko: No, no, we are /not/. Okaya-chan is too selfless! Do you ever think about what ////you//// want?

Akiko: I wanna make you happy.

And there’s that smile, but Sachiko, a veteran of the wars, instantly looks away, and pushes her away just in case. This time, it’s Akiko that scoffs.

Akiko: Sachiko-tan is hard to please.

Sachiko: You shouldn’t please me! That's the point!

Akiko: OOoooohh naruhodonaruhodo!

They keep walking in silence through the path of the park, enjoying what little sun remains. Enjoying it more than they ever will.

Akiko: ‘but eeey, don’t you feel a little tempted for a piece o this?’

Sachiko: No.

Akiko: Bitch. Why?

Sachiko: Because I know you.

Akiko: …’so you reject me cuz you know me? That’s like, totally depressing.

Sachiko: You’ll live.

If only her broken-hearted pretenders knew

that it was Akiko that didn’t feel good enough for any of them.
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Tall, green trees loom over the blue tarpaulin tents, as if ready to catch the now gray sky; that sun wasn’t getting caught today. A rusty bicycle lies tied to a tree over wet grass, its basket full of bottles. A dirty tatami is surrounded by small wooden boxes, housing a few stray tea cups. An old dog yawned. Akiko quickly kneeled to pat it as she walked into the homeless camp, a piece of the park that had been buried under many tents of blue and green, under stacks of cardboard.

Akiko: Chiieeef!! Tadaima!!

Sachiko: Um. Tadaima.

Wires connect the brown tree trunks spawning everywhere, socks and briefs float in place like guardian spirits. In front of the entrance to every tent lay open umbrellas, tied to wooden sticks that hold them in place; next to them are buckets. Chairs from all over the world litter the place, scattered almost haphazardly all over the brown ground; for some reason, a steering wheel rests on one of them.

Akiko: Chiieeef!!

From one of the tents emerges a very old, skinny woman wearing at least five layers of shirts at the same time, mumbling as she takes off the hoodie that covered her still blonde hair. She smells like vinegar.
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Chief: For crying out loud, why so early…

She checks her wristwatch.

Chief: So it is early. What happened?

Sachiko: Fujio-san still hasn’t come back.

Chief: Oh, that. Sato-chan, sweetheart, there’s no need for you to come here. And you, big dumbass, won’t you shut up. It’s nap time around here.

Akiko: Chief. Look.

Akiko opens her bloated bag: in it, there’s nothing but compressed tin cans, now leaking to the ground.

Sachiko: Wha- but, when??

The chief sighs as Akiko giggles and Sachiko grabs her head.

Sachiko: I- I didn’t even see her pick them up. I’m so sorry… you task me with just one thing and I can’t even do that.

Akiko: Chu task what?

Chief: Don’t worry, Sato-chan: you can’t keep an eye on her all day, and I appreciate that you try. As for you, Akiko, you won’t get any thanks. What you did was as stupid as it was risky.

Many years ago, the Chief had kidnapped Akiko off the streets, then kept her in the camp against her will for two weeks. It was dangerous and illegal, and everyone involved could have ended up in jail for many years, but at the time it was agreed upon that Akiko, who was afraid of everyone, would be in danger if left to her own devices. Two weeks later after they took her in and fed her, the Chief let her go. Little Akiko could have gone to the police. She didn’t.

Akiko: We jus gonna be a while, aight? There’s chis pajama party- an someone’s sneakin booze!

Chief: I’ll beat your sorry ass red.

Akiko: But am not gonna drink it!

Chief: Sato-chan, dear, would you watch over the idiot.

Sachiko: Yes, Chief-san.

Despite the litter infesting the grass, despite the strong, sticky smell, most of the tents remain neatly organized and even show off decorations; some even have actual gardens. The denizens of the homeless park try to take care of it as much as they take care of themselves, because to be tolerated, to be presentable, is a matter of life and death to them.

Akiko: Sachiko-tan, come here!

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As the sun was setting, Akiko was already feeling lonely. She had dragged Sachiko to a net cafe so she could take a shower before the pajama party, but was then met with the news after changing her clothes. The host, their classmate Ayame Hayashi, had been keeping from them that she was sick with a cold since the weekend, but guilt struck her at the last minute and she confessed. Walking down the streets with her hair still wet, Akiko is starting to regret Sachiko’s offer to do the party in her home. The thing is, she had been invading the place at least twice a week- sometimes even thrice.

But she feels more surprised than lonely to find the homeless camp empty when she comes back. Not even the usual mahjong gamblers are hanging around, or even the marijuana tourists who actually pay to come here.

Almost sneaking around, Akiko’s not-so-keen ears finally pick up a signal- then many, all coming from the same place. She follows it to a clear beacon of light, a small trash can bonfire surrounded by a circle of familiar faces.

Chief: No. That bag is still too cheap.
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The Chief, the one in charge of the whole camp, is looking at a magazine. Akiko can’t quite see its cover, but it does seem to be about fashion- or about the struggles of a melancholic supermodel.

Abraham: But Chief! She’s just gonna wreck it anyway like she always does. It’s gonna be like the shoes all over again!

Abraham, also known as ‘Donald Duck’, is a VHS porn collector who makes a living by buying and reselling rare tapes. Akiko had made such a habit of barging into his tent unprompted that he developed a spray with a special liquid, whose label just says ‘in case of Akiko’, to defend himself and his way of life. It has seen widespread use all over the camp.

Chief: Yes; but she has to be seen with something decent every once in a while, and it has been enough time already. Do you have any idea just how often her classmates change their clothes? Their styles?

Takeshi: Chief; buy this one.

‘Big Guy’ Takeshi, whose name already means ‘strong warrior’, is one massive motherfucker who failed as a sentai actor and ended up training dogs. His services are both cheap and good, but his looks and status are often too intimidating so most of his time is just spent looking for prospective clients.

Chief: Hmm. It is -pretty- enough, at least. Yes; I think this would do.

Hiro: Fine let me see just how expe- god dammit, Chief.

And that one is ‘Roronoa Luffy’ Hiro, a man with such a strong grudge against capitalism that he has swore to never buy anything ever again. Other than that there’s nothing really wrong with him; he has his family still awaiting his return. Once, he ended up in jail after begging for hamburgers so nowadays he just picks up coins under automatic washing machines- and gives them to other people.

Hiro: Look, all’s good and dandy, but if we go this way the food money is taking a hit.

Abraham: And we can’t be sure we’ll always have fish. We need that backup plan!

Hiro: Not having those 15.000 yen from the Universal Child Allowance anymore will shake things up, huh…

Besides them are some other nine or ten people at least, all park dwellers that share this dirty sanctuary with Akiko, all mumbling among themselves. The Chief takes a deep breath. Her blinking is slow and heavy. She looks tired; but in a different way.

???: And what about the World Rose Convention?

Far from the light of the bonfire, hidden from the light of the setting sun, the features of the woman’s face emerge from the dark. It’s Shiori “Rosetta”, a talented violinist who makes a living by doing street performances. The lady in the dark often tells Akiko to leave her alone, but has admitted to having very severe attachment issues. She helps from outside.

Shiori: It already happened eighteen years ago. Do not look at me like that for bringing it up.

Chief: Rosetta-san, no one’s looking at you like nothing.

Shiori: We could get evicted a month from now. Plan for that too.


>(To be continued!)
aight so here's the story. i got sick and got a long weekend this time so i figured that man fuck it i should do a little research on japan, since i absolutely know like jack shit other than kyaa onichan aaaaand then my tabs ended up like pic related. fuck

thing is, when the unholy sexted landed, i wasn't even planning on making it like a long term thing with a story, it was like ok fine now go fuck each other up lmao and thats it; but that didn't happen. and when it didn't happen, mah nigga, i realized the importance of structure. so im doing structure

however there is no excuse for this lmao

real shit here: i went full retard with akiko and before i realized her intro was 10 posts long, the weekend was over, and now i gotta give rin and marie the same love or otherwise it wouldn't be fair. i know you guys wanna vote and soak those dices in your blood, and trust me, its coming, but let me set a few things in stone and the quest will become much more spontaneous

i know this isn't a quest but a novella right now. trust me: it comin
Sachiko: Let me guess. You never gave anyone who’s in love with you the ‘no’, but they assumed you rejected them because you gave them advice on the spot.
Kek, I suppose it was to be expected
Already knew I was in for a wild ass ride when the opening was about the economic development of Japan after World War II and how the removal of the gold standard may have contributed in part to the massive speculation bubble born in the late eighties

Okaya-chan turned out way more based than I expected, truly the queen, I gotta do it for her
Definitely did not see the homelessness incoming, but I should've known based off the intro, then boom fucking kidnapped by chief too?
"Ramadan soon, brother" is hilarious, Yamada should look into writing slice of life comedy after he finishes his fifty novel yaoi series
Somehow Sachiko transformed from the magical girl autist tearfully trying to make friends with her 'magic' into the tard-wrangler for yours truly, now that's the Akiko influence right there
Got to almost see the glory of based fishing metaphor to its fullest extent, but no-fun-allowed Sachiko-tan just had to interrupt

Only questions are how the fuck did she get so many cans of mysterious substance, what even are the cans, (food I assume), and what was Akiko even doing in the first place just wandering the streets before being kidnapped (might be revealed in the later upcoming twenty post flood, in which case no need to answer!) (also that edit makes a lot more sense)
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jesus i can breathe

kyoko would be proud

np dawg, it was more of a selfish thing cuz i just like wakoko

>but my favorite thing still has to be the Hush cafe sequence
apparently, the more i suffer, the better the scene. fuck you jimena. i should say 'fuck you erika' too to be fair, but, im gonna be an asshole

>but I actually have a small personal frustration with characters like Emma
i thought it was kinda fitting how both emmanon and emma herself were having an actual hard time. even if she did take a very passive route, i think that having her tap out to look after her own mental health first left a pretty nice lesson that made writing her worth it. watching heroes go bananas is nice when you don't imagine the burden, but someone like emma who can see it clearly ends up frail

>Lifathread felt long as hell
in hindsight, maybe a 55 long post was a bit too long

>Glad you stayed with us Lumina, because otherwise we wouldn't be here today :(
im glad to be here too

they've been quite on the rise, haven't they? and niji, well, its getting fucked so hard now. hard to believe how many in the story aren't in the company anymore lawl

>Her wish is basically a less bullshit version of Lucinda's
the point is a bit to blatant so i cant say it myself without shame

when i saw that 'well well well' i knew, but i can only reply so much without updating and not looking like a lazy niggatron. was genuinely worried about you based on what last i recall, so it is a relief to see you here and kicking lucindanon, you'll always be welcome here

>The whole lifathread is just the qm spewing out hit without filter
you know what, i think that's a very fair description. i have to be careful not to turn the quest into a fucking novella

>man, I got no idea what goes on in the vtuber scene this days. Ironic.
drama, and drama starts when a scene is out of juice so that people keep paying attention. that alone says enough

>I think it says "I wish for every incubator on this planet to die"
it says 'I wish for every DOLPHIN on this planet to DIE"

i always want someone to do it so i can play it. i wanna make my own guca and see how many clinical mental issues i can stack like a card tower but without ending up 100% paraplegic

wish i was moot so i could edit my fucking posts man. the japanese are wild, happy you liked your government assigned okaya
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damn took like a week to get to this one

>It's like making a mind roll not to succumb to fear when faced with something terrifying but charisma instead.
thing is, i don't see a reason to roll for charisma for players when the actual effect that the stat represents, is already there: the words on the screen. for example, we roll for physical affinity (strenght in d&d terms) because there isn't a nigga there punching us in the throat, or mind because we can't see or feel the effects of the traumatic event. it could be argued that we can't also emulate the mindset of the guca when she has to consider an attempt at persuasion since they have a personality of their own- but, that's when the player voice comes into play, the voice of reason, the true driving force behind each character, there is yet another argument to be made. i think that if we have players roll for charisma we'll end up having to removing player agency even sporadically, or outright have to limit their choices so that they won't contradict what they were convinced of- which just aint fun

here, your mind and the gucas are one and the same. you simply are face her fears instead of your own

>It seems to me that opposing a lie or convincing attempt requires two parts
sometimes you can tell something is a lie by its contents alone, and thus a char roll isn't required. other than that i think that we are on the same page. with char, you realize someone is faking. with wis, you figure out why. with int, you figure out how

>I do question how you described the wisdom stat as morals in the past, but it's possible to understand people well but still be a bastard.
i am a firm believer in that this is not the case. catching superficial patterns on how people react when you do X, like the psychopaths do, is one thing; deeply understanding the reasons behind their actions, I have been led to believe, leads to mercy. it's impossible how to care when you see what you are hurting- and how it relates to what makes you happy

that's just my shit of course. we all have our theories on how to enjoy life best. it's like different models of cars

>Not a human incubator, though.
you are assuming these human incubators work the same. you could be right, you could be wrong

>the mirror witch from Magia record for me to shake off this hunch, and that bastard could punch holes in time.
if the Witch of Peace is anything like Winchester then Emma is the only one getting a happy ending

>I suspect the girl wishing to be the strongest magical girl is Aloe
you are correct and i can only say it cause erika decided to peek at hush's memories back then

also writtan. ill try to at least finish the intros before the weekend. sorry, but considering i have actual work that's as much as im willing to promise
>i realized her intro was 10 posts long, the weekend was over, and now i gotta give rin and marie the same love or otherwise it wouldn't be fair.

>now i gotta give rin and marie the same love or otherwise it wouldn't be fair.

Based Antientrophy Palico, you don't need to do this! You're already based enough!
In regards to the charisma rolls and whatnot, I actually like your logic in that the words on the screen are the result of their charisma, only caveat being intimidation attempts may require mind? Though if someone tells me my character will die if she continues and I have no reason to disbelieve them, that may or may not be intimidating enough

It should be a lot easier to pull off those realistic persuasion attempts since /omniscience/ is no longer in play- you can and should have NPCs actively lie to us, with us not knowing whether to believe them or not except based on what reasoning they provide to back it up (and if they're low charisma or bad liars, subtle clues in the text like them looking away can spice it up too, but if everyone is a bad liar, then it's not fun :P)

Noooooooooo I can't believe all the dolphins are dead wtf
Also the Hush cafe sequence was just the perfect combination of moral dilemma plus philosophical debate for me (Erika's if we keep advancing, we can make things better, versus Hush's that's what everyone says, it's just naive optimism and we need to take measures to stop the unnecessary suffering NOW, then Jimena's struggling with when is it justified to actually kill someone, cause actual death, would I be able to live with myself or would it be better to just let Hush have it and go out knowing I didn't do anything wrong). My favorite two things to read about are moral dilemmas and philosophical debates, so a scene with both was bound to hit me in the kino-sensor
And yeah, Emma is a very realistic character, which is perhaps why I get frustrated, because I've had to take up the Angel role myself at points to try to get them to DO things to get out of their worsening situation, without them becoming completely dependent on someone else, and didn't succeed every time
>which just aint fun
Fair. I was mostly curious about what would happen if a PC used charisma against another PC in a duel to say, "What's that behind you!?"
>with char, you realize someone is faking. with wis, you figure out why. with int, you figure out how
Wait, so if an NPC tells a PC that her life is in danger or that her cat loves her, can she ask to do a charisma roll to determine whether they actually believe in what they're saying?
>you could be right, you could be wrong
Alas! If only someone had foresight.
I still don't know how the OG incubator-girl turned into a witch. Did she just never use a grief seed? And for that matter, why didn't she or her trio just think of wishing for Tart's soul gem to teleport into their hands and shatter it?
>Aloe the strongest
Now I'm just curious if she can kill the Witch of Peace, but then again, it took two countries to take the bastard, and the witch is still alive, and those are stronger than its magical girl.
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Kyosuke Sakata, a handsome student who lived to hone the craft of slapping ass and hiding, /felt/ Rin Nakamora’s presence as she walked past him on the way to school. He didn’t hear her. He didn’t see her. As it usually goes, he simply knew she was there and found himself following the tall, slender body under that messy, black hair without thinking.

Not Naka‘mura’, as the whispers often call her; Naka’mora’.

???: OI!!! YOU!!

Barely a few steps in, a man jumps out of an obsidian, light-absorbing car, wearing nothing above but a yellow boa print snakeskin blazer. Out from the back and from the car behind it spawn many others; one is wearing glasses, another an eyepatch, and another, the driver, is wearing an eyepatch for each eye. Although the man in the blazer and the other finely dressed gentlemen behind him (most over their 50’s) keep their distance, his mannerisms remain loud and frantic in contrast.

Rin: Bitch Slapper.

No one called him that, no one; until Rin saw him slap a bitch. In his defense, that woman was being too rough with her son’s ear just because the kid tried to bite the box the juice comes from instead of drinking from the straw.

Bitch Slapper: Bitch, where’s my parrot?

Rin: The webcam I stuck to his head only shows all black.

Bitch Slapper: …nah, nah, no way you bitch ass sent my parrot to SPACE!

Rin’s, on the other hand, are blunt, grave, and quiet like her voice, which is just another way of saying that she barely moves. Just like with those retarded dogs, her eyes can’t be seen behind the dark curtain that is the fringe of her hair, so it’s always hard to tell how she feels. Pale as the prettiest dead, she’s like a walking old picture. As more and more students gather behind Rin, instead of running away from an obvious criminal organization, the man with the blazer couldn’t help but pause.

Bitch Slapper: BITCH you can throw me like thirty-thousand slimy ass teenagers and I aint even gonna sweat I did image training punching dragons and shit! You are getting my parrot back even if you have to fly by flapping your… ass…cheeks?

His voice begins to fade and falter as Rin simply walks up to him, then past him, totally fixated on something beyond the eyes of those who gave up on adventure. Upset, the man in the blazer licks his hand, perfectly ready to deliver the bitchslap that turns musicians into accountants- but one of his own gets in the way.
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Yakuza Underling: Boss; wait.

Bitch Slapper: But she’s doing it! She’s doing the same weird shit as last time! We shouldn’t let it happen!

The underling nods in acknowledgment. Yet, he simply steps up to Rin. Who doesn’t even see him.

Yakuza Underling: Ok; what is it? What do you see this time?

Rin: That guy.

He points at a particular guy that isn’t even near, who seems to be arguing with a lot of intent with his mechanic. Although it has a flat tire, the car sports a full-length spanning cart sticker of Hatsune Miku with an ahegao all over it.

Rin: That guy has a price tag.

Bitch Slapper: A price tag?

People from both sides walk closer, for whatever reason. Ugly-looking school bullies with rectangular heads, frail freshmen who sell pantie shots to buy Pokemon Cards, fat guys with sunglasses who live over ‘protection’ money they demand from shops in their area. One of the students, a tall fucker, walks up to a yakuza and takes off its thick black glasses to wear them himself.

Tal student: Man: I can’t see shit in this.

He is punched in the face. The yakuza next to Rin squints his eyes, hard to notice on his face wrinkled by age.

Yakuza Underling: Aye. I see it. That’s something many stores do, they put the price tags on each piece of clothing. He must have forgotten to take it off.

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: Aight, it has a bloody price tag. So what?!

Rin: If it has a price tag…

Rin strokes her chin thoughtfully, letting the holy words flow.

Rin: …you can buy it.

Some people curl their lips. Other’s grimace out of doubt.

Yakuza Underling: You mean, the shirt?

Rin: The guy.

Bitch Slapper: The guy? The guy wearing the shirt?

Rin: Yes.

Bitch Slapper: For like (squints) 1200 yen? The whole guy?

Rin: Yes.

The yakuza look at each other. The students look at each other. The students and the yakuza look at each other. Then they look at the guy with the price tag. Gradually, mumbling erupts softly like boiling milk left forgotten- into all-out insults.

Student that shits in the girl’s bathroom: That’s so STUPID!

Yakuza who pimps: Stop talking shit, you idiot!

Kyosuke: That’s total bullshit, Rin-san! Even for you!

The snakeskin blazer yakuza lets out a heartily cackle himself, seemingly basking in relief.
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Bitch Slapper: That’s so dumb, Rin-chan! Even for you! It’s just a shitty piece of paper. A man is its own owner.

Rin: If it has a price tag, it means someone else owns it.

Bitch Slapper: Come on, stop talking shit girl. Where’s my parrot?

Rin remains unphased, untouched, as if she was deaf and blind to the sound of non-believers.

Rin: If I pay him and then I own him, I could also take the money I paid him. He would be winning nothing. He can’t be the owner and sell himself.

The man with the blazer laughs, opens his mouth, lifts a finger, and then just, stays there, stuck in time. Blinking, looking at the back of his hand, his mouth twists open as if to shoot fire, yet not even air comes out.

Kyosuke: …then, who’s the owner?

Crook: Yeah! Who would you even pay then?! It’s stupid!

The lowlives are angry, but more than angry, they are scared. Scared of the truth.

Rin points at a pebble.

Rin: That’s mine now.

Bitch Slapper: Huh? Congratulations, you own a shitty rock. And?

Then his lips get sucked into his mouth.

Bitch Slapper: No way. Really?

Kyosuke: Hold on! Does that mean that the guy belongs to whoever looks at him first?

One of the yakuza walks up.

Big Yakuza: I looked at him first.

Then one of the students walks up.

Big Student: Did you claim dibs, motherfucker?

Big Yakuza: The fuck did you say?

An old, wise man walks between them, a man of the dark world, sporting a massive pompadour. Looking the student in the eye, he crashes a bottle of glass against his own head. Then he falls and stays there. After some seconds lost to time, violent threats spawn anew like flowers after winter. The guy with the price tag, alien to the context a few feet from him, drills the tips of his fingers against his head as the mechanic points at Miku’s face and talks.

Desperate Student: Wait!! Stop!! How would we even know who owns the guy then?!

Desperate Yakuza: Damnit! Now how do we know who called dibs first?!?!

They look at Rin, of course.

Rin: We can’t know who saw him first. We can’t know who called dibs first.

Kyosuke: Meaning?

Rin simply picks up the rock.

The voices die.
A few steps away, the argument seems to be going badly because the marked guy began flailing his arms like a madman.

Man with price tag: YOUKAI. FUCKING. CHRIST. LOOK; I’ll pay for the damn hentai shit as well. Ok?! Just do something about my tire, man. I have to be at the wedding!

Something approaches. The mechanic looks at it. The man looks at it. Lowlifes; too many of them. That ball of meat, of fists and greed and rage, swallows everything as it approaches. The criminals and soon-to-be criminals push each other back, kick each other’s shins, hold onto each other’s shirts, bite and scream as the price tag looms near; there’s friendly fire. And the man wearing it becomes possessed by a vision: millions of years ago, his ancestor had carved a warning in his blood. He runs as the mechanic disappears from history, never to be seen again or remembered.

Man with price tag: AAAAA WHAT THE FUUUUCKK

Chairs, bottles, and traffic cones litter the skies. An angry kid slams his ice cream into the ground because it isn’t of the flavor he asked for, ‘Super Saiyan Banana’, which doesn’t even exist. The man slips. The man falls. He looks around. He smiles, as he understands he has lived a good life.


He is welcome into the blender of bones. After some good, important things happen, it’s a student, and not a yakuza, who is holding the man with the price-tag over his shoulder. Sweating, panting, bleeding; standing over piles of men.

Man with price tag: Let me go, motherfucker!

Eiichiro Izumi, whose jaw is permanently a bit to the right, doesn’t. As the apex, he knows he now holds the responsibility to be the living embodiment of the values of the fallen; they deserve to believe that it was the better man who won. Clawing her way from under a sobbing Kyosuke, a mauled, bruised Rin stands from the river of flesh, unsteady on her feet… only to be met with that yakuza and its blazer, both tidy, neat, and grinning.
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Eiichiro: Yrrr undrliinggs wrrrrn’t engghh!

Rin: You look clean and boring.

Bitch Slapper: Heh, no need to get your hands dirty when you got brain. Anyway.

He pulls off a few bills, amounting to… 1200 yen, as he walks towards the student. Eiichiri scoffs in disbelief.

Eiichiro: I wn’t slllll himmmm ttttoo yyyuuu, bsssttrrddd.

The crime lord giggles long and hard.

Bitch Slapper: You don’t seem to have as many neurons as I have, so let me spell it out for you. You can only own that fella because it has a price tag. if it doesn’t have a price tag, then you can’t own it. That means that you can only own it because you are selling it.

The man prize continues to kick and scream as Eiichiro, desperate, looks over at Rin.

Bitch Slapper: You gonna deny it, Rin-chan?

‘Rin-chan’ finally stands- as she pulls off some bills herself; she had gotten into the fray just because she wanted to beat people. The man in the blazer laughs like a maniac.

Bitch Slapper: You want to outbuy me!

Rin: I don’t need to. Jaw Man is free to sell to whoever he wants.

Bitch Slapper: Yes, that is true. So, boy…

The lord of the night takes off his wallet- and makes a fan out of many bills.

Bitch Slapper: …who are you selling to?

Rin: Eiichiro.

One step from the dark side, Eiichiro glances over at Rin, but just barely.

Rin: Think about friendship and stuff. And like trees and a rainbow and shit.

Then Eiichiro hands over the innocent civilian to the yakuza, the sorry dude who at this point is just demanding to know what’s going on by barking like a dog. As if heeding a cue, the obsidian, light-absorbing car comes back; the poor man is slammed into it like a ball at the NBA Finals.

Bitch Slapper: It was a lovely evening, Rin-chan! Almost like a date.

Rin: Pervert.

Bitch Slapper: I’ll be back for my parrot- and you better have it.

The door to the car is sealed shut, sucking in the scream of the man with the price tag. It leaves behind a carpet of grumpy, empty-handed sinners- even its own.
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1945: Japan was in shambles. It wasn’t just Hiroshima and Nagasaki; all major cities except for Kyoto had been extensively bombed, like the firebombing that took place in Tokyo during March. Factories, infrastructure, supply chains, all had been left in total ruin. The few production facilities still standing had been meant for war material, and retooling them for times of peace was expensive. Many working men were dead. There was starvation. Crime ran rampant.

With disaster comes opportunity, and what this meant for Japan at the time was the proliferation of black markets. Legally gray, the government was left with little choice but to turn a blind eye, since they quickly grew to become the backbone of the poor man’s survival. And naturally, an unsupervised, legally gray area like these are ripe for criminal activity. Protection rackets, kickbacks, counterfeiting, scams, contraband; ten times out of ten, it was always the yakuza being whatever shady shit was going on. Those who dominated the gray areas turned to the lucrative business of post-war reconstruction: the removal of debris, the building of roads, sewers, and factories- the rebuilding of Japan itself. Come 1950, they had already become a piece of the foundation of the Land of the Rising Sun, key players in its economy and politics.

The yakuza is the Japanese gangster; yet so different do they operate that they fall into a category of their own. Their strict codes of conduct, their unconventional rituals, those full-body tattoos done by hand with metal needles that take years to make; they live in a world of their own. Even to this day they maintain the traditional hierarchical structure of oyabun-kobun, in which the kobun is the foster child that swears loyalty to the kobun by sharing sake from the same cup; the kobun is to cut ties with its real family and swear loyalty to the oyabun. Patriarchal, the few women in their world are the wives of their bosses- the rest are slaves, hookers, or strangers.

Involved in scams, prostitution, gambling, and human trafficking, the yakuza are met with both derision and idealization from the public. Not every clan participates in these activities; some of them outright punish them. A necessary evil, they drastically reduce petty crime in the areas where their protection racket is enforced; they move through the shadows that the light of law enforcement can’t reach. During the Lost Decade, in 1995, they mobilized disaster relief services when an earthquake hit Kobe; following the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in 2011, the yakuza sent trucks by the hundred, all filled with food, water, and blankets, faster than the government.

Their numbers peaked at 184,100 in 1963.
By 2023, only 20,400 active members were reported.
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After all that, the man with the price tag did make it to the wedding; it was quite the sight when he made his entrance escorted by eleven or so yakuza. He felt, for the first time since he took his first shit, powerful- and he liked it. From then on, he was to act as a butler; should everything be clean and steady, he was free to own his time. Suddenly exempt from rent and from having to work 12 hour shifts, of the constant fear of being fired that haunted him every day (instilled by his superiors so that he would work harder), he became a new man overnight. The novelty of free time had allowed him to revisit old passions, and before long he found himself the caring ear of his clan- by taking in their pain, he developed unbreakable bonds.

Rin, on the other hand, is still spitting blood from the teeth she lost to an elbow. Like zombies starving for coins, staggering with what bones still stand, the boys of class 1-A and 1-B struggle their way through the school gates Any of them right now could have been the proud owner of some dumbfuck who would have to take care of all their homework. But, no. They took elbows to the teeth for nothing. They don’t like that. Strolling into the school amidst the undead, ignoring their grumbling, Rin notices a little boy beckoning a fat, orange cat with a taiyaki, a fish-shaped cake filled with red bean paste.

Bleeding student: Fucking Eiichiro, man! I’ll get him for this.

Student with one less rib: You and what army, asshole?

Coughing student: Ginko-san, you gonna let him call you an asshole? Break his fucking jaw.

There wasn’t much more she could do for that guy, but finding that parrot… no, that’s a challenge for another day. Distracted by the weird shape of some guy’s chin, Rin didn’t see the two gyarus blocking her path and bounced right off them, suddenly surrounded by gyarus in gyaru prison.

Gyaru 1: Kyaaa! Rin-chan is so daring today.

Gyaru 2: You kept us waiting, ugly freak fuck. Been waiting all day to make you prettier.

Rin’s face has blood, dirt, bruises, and cuts across the cheeks.

Rin: Bitche One. Bitch Two.

Gyaru 3: Shut up. Don’t you dare move, you piece of shit.

Rin doesn’t. Not that she could. A little black box spawns in one of the gyaru’s hands as if spit by her sleeve. Lip liner, powder puff, foundation, face powder, sponges and brushes, she wastes no second switching them with each other as she works on Rin’s face with commendable focus. By the end of it, the girl that looks like a dog now also looks like an actual clown. The gyarus break into laughter like lovely hyenas, making a ruckus and taking pictures everywhere. Rin grins, because she likes people that aren’t frail. She never smiles that much.

Gyaru: 6: OMG you look so fucking stupid!!

Rin laughs like a monkey getting swallowed by a wood chipper.

Rin: It’s true.

They aren’t bad people; they are just bored. That’s what Rin thinks, that everyone would be bored in a place like this.
Kyosucker: Nevermind that.

All the girls look at Kyosuke at once. He’s sweating.

Kyosuke: Shoo shoo whores! We are all whores getting fucked now!

Gyaru 1: The fuck is wrong with you, incel virgin weirdo?

Kyosuke: No, not with me. It’s a surprise exam. A pop quiz.

The gyarus grimace as one; even they know what that means. And, again as one, as Kyosuke’s words bounce from wall to wall, Rin’s class (that should have been in class ten minutes ago) find themselves silently sucked into her orbit once again. Thing is, Rin’s class hardly ever attends lessons. It’s not because they are lazy (they are) or because they love skipping class (they do) or because they spend their time messing with the rest of the school (all the time), but because of Rin herself. Aware of what happens if you drop out of school, she had made it her life’s goal to spend as little inside that classroom as she could without getting dropped- a sentiment that, as it turns out, was shared with pretty much everyone else.

Gyaru 5: Oi so like, who the fuck has the answers? We could just write them on our arms or something?

Bleeding student: We don’t even know the questions you dumb bimbo.

Student with black eye: Hey, fuck off.

Bleeding student: She ain’t gonna suck your dick for this you know?

Back then, when Rin realized that you can’t talk if it’s loud, students at random started playing a very loud and annoying BEEEEEEP sound from their cell phone whenever a teacher talked.

When Rin realized that you couldn’t be in the classroom and somewhere else at the same time, everyone began to beat the ever living shit out of each other before the start of class so that they would end up at the nursery.

And when Rin realized just how hard it is to see through the fog, the classroom would end up inside a cloud minutes before anyone stepped into it because someone had plugged a hose to a car’s exhaust pipe.
Guy with an almost fractured cranium: You are thinking it too much. Let’s go oldschool and beat each other up.

Gyaru 4: They don’t care no more, dumbass, they said we’d all get detention if we do it again.

It’s automatic; all of the hostilities blur into the air as soon as people turn to look at Rin again. That one guy is going to end up on drugs, then as a loan shark. That girl will end up cleaning the bathroom of a neko cafe; she won’t have kids. That one bald dude, the one full of tattoos, will end up becoming a femboy and fucking a rich guy because he can’t take the pressure of a full-time job in Japan. Yet, right now, they all are looking at Rin, almost pleadingly. True hope shines in their eyes- but no one dares ask for her help.

Yet Rin nods to herself unprompted.

Rin: Right. Yes.

Some gasp. Everyone walks even closer.

Kyosuke: What? WHAT?

It’s the same fixation Rin showed back then, when she had the idea to tie a webcam to a parrot to spy on the guy that multiple people swore had Kirby tattooed on his ass- which was true.But, the parrot never came back; the reality is that Rin just wanted it to be free.

Rin: If you have food…

Patiently, the dog-looking girl ponders about it for a bit under the pressure of the gazes; yet nods once again, fully committed.

Rin: …the cat comes to you.

…Puzzled, the failed generation shares glances.

Kyosuke: So?
The cat has been completely mummified with the pages curtly ripped from the textbook, stuck to it with duct tape. Regardless, it purrs. Kyosuke and others dig their fingertips in their heads as they shake them.

Guy with broken nose: We are so screwed.

Gyaru 1: Girl are you like for fucking real? You think I won’t beat your ass?

Like any other of Rin’s ideas, this one is, as usual, being categorized as ‘utterly retarded dogshit’. Rin herself, in the meantime, is simply distributing cat food from a package.

Rin: 200 yen.

Kyosuke: Nah bitch you ain’t. 200 yen?! For like five shitty little rocks of shit? Do you also suck my dick or what?

Rin: You want this.

He does. Biting his lower lip without subtlety, Kyosuke hands her 200 yen. So does everyone else, cursing her each time.

Guy with an almost fractured cranium: Girl, 200 yen is going too far, too far you hear me? If I don’t get out there alive I swear to motherfucking Youkai God that I’m sticking a price tag on your ass.

Rin chuckles softly, almost tenderly.

Rin: It will.

Faced with those words, any sort of derision is wiped clean from the heavy boy’s face. Class was canceled for like a week that time the teacher came in and found a living cow just walking around in the middle of the classroom. “TEACHER, I CAN’T STUDY LIKE THIS! IT MOOS TOO MUCH!” had said someone as the teacher screamed. Then that one time, one teacher was about to give them an exam and someone hijacked the cab to take him partying; he quit his job and went on a crusade to South America. And when they all said they were depressed, that their dad was beating the shit out of them and that they were too scared to tell her mom (everyone using the exact same story), they had yet another week of total freedom just because Rin had said something earlier on. So, when Rin says

“It will,”

even if it’s arrogant,
they all hang onto her words.
Red-eyed, most likely because he’s been crying of rage or joy or both, the director addresses Rin Nakamora, who still looks like a clown, from behind the wide desk. He’s a Japanese man with a fat face and a fat body, and maybe he’s grinning.

Director: You are henceforth expelled from this institution, Rin Nakamura.

Rin: Nakamora.

Whatever face he’s wearing twists into something different, but regains its shape quickly. Rin’s teacher, the mild-mannered, aged woman with glasses sitting next to the school’s director, can’t look at Rin’s eyes. Or fringe, at least.

Rin: I’m not expelled.

Director: I see, I see?? Is that so, young lady? If so, do tell me, the director of this institution, why aren’t you?

Although mockery leaks from his voice, so does sincere concern. Surviving Rin has taught him of The Bullshit, and so he hates her with the sincere passion that only toddlers are capable of.

Rin: That paper has my name on it. That doesn’t mean I wrote it.

She points at the still mummified cat, who was quietly licking its own balls.The correct answers to the test, written on the paper all over it, had been marked with markers as it continuously chased food around the room- the whole class had made it through the test with flying colors. A very interesting feat considering they attended less than a quarter of the lessons.

Yet, the director shakes his head.

Director: It doesn’t matter. It has been determined that there’s a deterministic pattern-

Rin: What’s a pattern?

Teacher: A… repetition.

Rin: Of what?

The director bares his teeth without modesty. This is the girl he sees in his nightmares.

Director: A repetition of /you/. /You/ are the common element in /many/ cases. That means that you are the cause. That means you are getting expelled from my institution.

Rin: You need proof.

It had never happened; no one had snitched on her yet. Rin knows. The director knows. He won’t try that lie again.

Director: That is the proof. I just gave it to you. You are the cause.

Rin: I could sue you.

…his face slowly devolves into more normal, human features. He shouldn’t even be considering the possibility that Rin knows of laws despite her abysmal scores, and yet he doubts. The director is neither a bad man nor is he an unfair one, but simply the result of continuous exposition to bullshit, of being denied logical and sound reasoning over and over.

Rin: I’m not expelled.

Rin stands.

Director: Sit do-

Rin leaves.
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Right outside still waits for her, as usual, Aniki’s red car. And, as usual, Rin slams the door shut too hard after she gets in.

Aniki: AAAAAA goooOOood. Would it kill you to just, be, for once, careful?!?

Rin: Sorry aniki.

Yakuzas don’t have secret hideouts full of knives, booze, and dart dart boards. Their offices are right there in the open; their presence is still noticeable in many cities. Rin had taken the trip to headquarters so often that she could get there walking from school. Aniki puts on some music. It sounds like: ‘dame dame…’.

Aniki: So, what took you?

Rin: Director tried to expel me.

Aniki: Oh. Damn. Why?

Rin: I made a cat mummy.

Eventually, the car stops. The building looks like the front to a factory. Inside, however, is a neatly organized office. Just like the men Rin fought in the morning, the yakuza of the clan are mostly old people.With the advent of the Internet, fresh blood had found new routes.

Oyabun: Oh, if it isn’t my stars and sunlight! My little Rin-chan!

The oyabun of the Hitodama Clan, a direct subsidiary of the Azuma-gumi, is an old, bald japanese man with severe vitiligo skin. Rin sees herself reflected in those thick and round black glasses.

Rin: Oyabun. I want to join.

Oyabun: Join?

Aniki: Sir, um-

The aniki bows to the boss.

Aniki: -she was almost expelled from school today. Again.

Oyabun: …oh.

He scratches his head, taken aback.

Oyabun: Gentlemen, if you would excuse me for a moment. Rin-chan.

Rin follows him to his room.
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He waves at her. Rin follows the leader of a public criminal organization to his room. The desk is bulky and made of wood, behind it is a padded black chair in which the Oyabun takes his sweet time to sit. Many frames hang from the wall, most house to black and white pictures of normal looking men- the founders and previous leaders of their ‘glorious organization’ as they call it themselves.

Oyabun: You can’t join, Rin. There’s no room for you in this world.

Rin nods. This is what she likes about the Oyabun the most: he doesn’t take her for a ride with the way he talks.

Rin: Because yakuza aren’t women.

Oyabun: No, it’s not that. Not only that.

He’s looking at the pictures on the walls. Often, the Japanese would idolize the yakuza as the modern samurai, as fabled heroes who fight for the weak and poor.

Oyabun: We strayed. We got greedy and forgot our place. We got into the stock market, in real estate, in politics, in all that stuff about numbers and statistics. Back then, some of us knew our place. It was the shadow of the law, it was the streets at night, it was punching idiots who took advantage of legal loopholes to screw over their neighbor. We covered the holes, but then we tried to cover it all. We built a place for the rejects and exiles that weren’t born foxes but dogs. Then we ruined it.

From a nameless black bottle, the oyabun serves himself some liquid in a flat cup called sakazuki. It’s sake.

Oyabun: This world is dying, Rin. The five-year yakuza clause won’t let anyone leave, either. So don’t get expelled from school.

Rin just shrugs.

Rin: Nothing in it for me, oyabun. I either work a 12 hour shift in an office or suck a big fat dick so I can wash dishes. I can’t even sit still at my desk.

The oyabun visibly deflates, but he doesn’t seem angry at all.

Rin: What will happen when my luck runs out, Oyabun?

Oyabun: Nothing. It never will. I can make something happen.

Rin: I don’t want money I didn’t earn.

The man smiles to himself. So far, he hasn't managed to get Rin to ask anything from him other than the cheap ramen they share when he has time.

Oyabun: I know. You just want to have fun. I’ll think something up. You’ll see.

He waves for Rin to leave the room, who this time doesn’t forget to bow before she does- who, for the first time in many years, realizes that she’s genuinely sad.

From the very bottom of her heart, Rin Nakamura is just a girl who wants to have fun

who wants everyone to have fun.

>(To be continued!)
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radio silence for like three days and then the nigga drops a 13 post novella. good news, though: if i keep up the pace we may just make it to the weekend yet and run like normal decent human beings with actual choices dices and shit. i plan on going for short posts after this, but desu im enjoying making introductions as through as these. wutchu guys think? is it overkill?
Rin-chan's the master of bullshit, huh
Wonder if that string of miraculous luck somehow manages to continue or not
Didn't see the yakuza tie-in incoming, unsure if I buy the hidden altruism of her wanting everyone to have fun based off her actions, but we'll see where she heads from here on her character arc

I dunno if I have any authority to speak given that this is someone else's introduction, but I find them entertaining enough thus far, and if you enjoy it then it should be fine
I may or may not be getting withdrawal symptoms from binging five threads then trying to return to a normal schedule of not pumping words into my brain every second of the day, but that's my fault lol
If you feel like you're forcing length to match up to some standard, you shouldn't have to, and if you're reining yourself in, then you should only rein yourself in so that you can cut the excess fat off the story you want to tell and make it clearer/more poignant for the reader
Basically, well actually I don't really know what I basically want to say, but ganbare Lumina-san
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yknow what, fuck it, lets try something different; you are getting the classic introduction.

ask for a wish. no context, whatever you want; just like the unholy sextet

the idea was to give akiko and rin a context to make wishing make sense, but the niggucas loved owning their characters fully so lets try that once more

marie will start being a magical girl

>then you should only rein yourself in so that you can cut the excess fat off the story you want to tell and make it clearer/more poignant for the reader
while i think this is a good point, the thing is that, while i feel like im writing what i want, i also suddenly feel like threading on holy ground by defining our gucas too much right off the bat (even if the wish is going to turn them upside down). so; we'll try going back to the roots to see the difference
That's actually a good point I didn't think about, probably because I got used to being a passive reader during my archive days
Doing it that way and starting in media res definitely gives the player more control over their character, like how you thought Erika was going to be a bookworm but became the mad scientist, and by leaving the background vaguer, you get more of a sense of what the player thinks their character is like through their actions and can write/adjust accordingly (and pretend you planned it all along)
It's kinda like the difference between the Helen start and the first five nigguca start, Helen(a) started with a whole bunch of backstory posts meaning she was defined from the outset, while the first five just started with a situation and their actions effectively chargenned for them (Jimena chose to jump out the window rather than talk to her dad, giving you the sense that she's pretty rambunctious, Emma tried to juggle math homework and breakfast for everyone at the same time which fits her character even more now in retrospect, Rita's first action was to fucking throw the suitcase of money across the room and make fun of Marco Aurelio, Lucinda's was petting the dog, and Erika's was to begrudgingly help out randomfemalename and create the school tradition under the rain). Honestly all of their first actions were pretty pivotal in definin their characters, sorry for peeling back the magic
I'm phoneposting

Assuming Marie is just being approached by Kyubey, she's at a low point in her life so...
She would want to do what she likes (Breaking, Entering, Reconstructing) without hurting or angering others. But that's more of a behavioural problem that a wish won't solve (she thinks. Or is she just using that as an excuse to not solve that problem- no time for introspection now!). And so she would probably make a wish that allows her to do what she likes at a higher level. People like people with skills, right?

>I wish to be able to analyse anything I find. So that I can deconstruct, trespass, and reconstruct any system I see.

On this:
I believe that Consistency is the best thing to go for. Burn-out is the great killer of quests, and inconsistency can lead to it. You should go at a pace where you are sure you can get an update out at or before a certain time. If that pace happens to involve Mega-Posts every 3-4 days then so be it. Frankly, I'm fine with waiting as long as you don't leave.
You are completely correct about the whole "Defining our gucas" thing. Part of the fun of these kinds of quests is seeing how characters develop and what difficult choices they make. Collaborative Storytelling makes the experience exhilarating.
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>Doing it that way and starting in media res definitely gives the player more control over their character, like how you thought Erika was going to be a bookworm but became the mad scientist, and by leaving the background vaguer, you get more of a sense of what the player thinks their character is like through their actions and can write/adjust accordingly

>You are completely correct about the whole "Defining our gucas" thing. Part of the fun of these kinds of quests is seeing how characters develop and what difficult choices they make. Collaborative Storytelling makes the experience exhilarating.

you know: this is exactly what I was thinking while I was working on rin and akiko. something was missing, and it was that. the new idea was to set up a context to give the wish some direction, but, in the end I think I figured out that it's the wish itself that gave the direction all along


i have a proposition for both rinanon and akiko anon. reroll. use the old template. besides Name, Appareance, and Quirks. add Wish. the reality is that by this point rin and akiko are both girls of mine, and i think that a great part of the charm of thread 1 was, to my dismay, just how much of a fucking mess that chargen was- so i propose let's do it again. we barely just getting started and i had like 6 months of rust to shake off anyway, so thankfully no harm done yet

>I wish to be able to analyse anything I find. So that I can deconstruct, trespass, and reconstruct any system I see.
ill have to go ahead and tell you what the cat would say: wishes that abstract have unpredictable side effects. if you still wanna make it, you are good to go

>"Wha- Too abstract?! I don't accept that, but I will accept any consequences of this Wish. I may be a habitual trespasser and intruder, but I don't escape the consequences of my actions."
>"Do your magic, you White Cat-Fox-Chimera!"
>I'm keeping my Wish. Megucas always make wishes without necessarily thinking of the consequences all the time, and I won't break that trend.
On a short break right now so can't give my usual (unnecessary) commentary on stuff but I'll submit things so you got time to ruminate on it, feel free to pick and choose whatever works
Same name appearance and quirks as earlier >>6031882 obviously, did you want that mess of stats too?

If the cat introduces it in the same way he does to Wakoko and explains that Witches are dangerous natural disasters
"...If these Witches are so dangerous, why hasn't anyone just wished for there to be no more Witches?"
Depending on whatever answer the cat gives the following wish might change, but
"...Without just changing my mindset or how I think or whatever, I... I wish my life will mean something in the end."
If the cat understandably asks what exactly she means by that, she'll get flustered and say "Y-you know, like how we say everything has a reason, or there's a purpose to life? I want my life to have meant something, so that... I dunno..."
Also obviously even though she's super serious during this chat with the devil, that's just because for some reason she feels like she has to be for this one/it feels life-changing/she's alone so she can be a bit more honest
Pretty much the rest of the time she's laughing/grinning ("heh heh hehh") and being the classic Akiko she always is
Curious what the fuck you'll do with this one

if only helenanon was here

my fellow ashen tarnished cursed one african american, what i meant was that i'm giving you the chance to reroll, to make a new character from scratch- one you own completely. thing is, i figured out setting the context for a wish makes the character mine and not yours, so i'm offering you the same route that the unholy sextit and now Marie took

that being said, there's also the choice to stick by akiko's side. at this point she's already her own monster even if you gave her the soul, but you could still try to shape her like with any other classic quest mc exactly like you are doing with that post

as for the wish, although it would still be early, i'll keep it in mind of you stick with her

aaaaaaa i want rinanon to come so we can get shit started already, its been like two weeeks
It seems that abstract Wishes with far-reaching consequences that weren't thought through are the theme with this team.
Oh, who am I kidding, that's the theme with nearly every meguca.
Awww shit nigguca, if you're giving me this much wish power we got a ton of options, from
"I wish I were the Prime Minister of Japan"
to "I wish everyone was a good person"
to "I wish 1+1 equaled 3"
to "I wish there were two moons around Earth"
to "I wish the industrial revolution and its effects weren't disastrous for the human race"
and I'm still curious about what the outcome of the "I wish to be a boy" wish would be though I wouldn't personally choose that for my guca

And on top of that I still kinda like Akiko too and don't know if I want to stick with her or not

I'll decide when I get home
I am here.
rinanon, wutchugonna do then? cmon i wanna post gucas
I'm sticking with the background OP has written.
On the rest, I have no strong opinions.
I can make a wish now based on the existing context, or if OP wants something else we can do that.
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then rin is yours. desu i feel kinda bad giving so much of myself to them, but from now on i have no veto in their background beyond what was already stated. for example, only you know which kind of chocolate rin likes- or her favorite bone to punch

i'll wait for akikanon to choose and go from there then, starting with all at once. i'll try to start this up like i started the first thread a year and a half ago to keep up with tradition, so there will be little dialogue, many small posts, and no more planning whatsoever

look forward to it
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Alright sorry I'm here
I can't decide whether I want to stick with Akiko or not, but being indecisive is a bitch move, so since I accidentally hyped myself up by coming up with outrageous wish ideas, I guess I'll make a new character? (I do like Akiko though, and white hair would've been a great addition to the cast, maybe we'll see her around somewhere as an NPC)
Also sorry Marie, this wish isn't gonna be abstract at all, but I gotta see what happens

Miharu Fukugawa
Pic related, but she also has a pair of sunglasses and a detective hat for when she gets excited
Wants life to be like her favorite stories, with satisfying character arcs and interesting plot threads (as opposed to the anticlimactic mess it usually is). Thinks life and the world is simple and easy to understand, may be right. Usually hard-headed in her beliefs, but can flip on a dime if she thinks the opposite side has a good argument (rare). Likes looking into problems and trying to solve them, usually not half-bad at it despite seeming immature. Acts arrogant "Heh, so you've come to the great Miharu for help," and may be a little chuuni, but is actually helpful
"I wish the Earth had two moons!"
Would have wished for there to be a satisfying arc for every life, but thinks unearned endings are cheating, and also she just likes the aesthetic of two moons
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that's one motherfucking wish aaaaaaaaaaaa

btw i fucking love her already

OK THEN, we've got the whole weekend to run, no more planning, no more structuring, we get into the shit >votes and the Rolled 1 = 1 (1d1000 ) tomorrow. niggucas are rin, miharu, and marie-antoinette. gnite!
also i really like the wish too

it's kicking my fucking ass

but it is creative
Glad I could be of service :P
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Holy shit yes Rita would be best goddamn friends with this bitch. Excellent wish, anon!
Oh my goodness. It may not be abstract, but it is absolutely ridiculous which gives you more points.
Also... is Miharu a fan of Star Wars' Original Trilogy?

>captcha: KYSD
Gee, thanks
we are here. we are writing. we do not forget. expect us. nigger
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It is eight in the morning of a Saturday. It's cloudy and windy, but the sun still pierces through to bring its warmth about

and welcome to Meguca Royale.

--Day 1--

Ӝ Miharu Fukugawa Ӝ

When she wakes up, Miharu Fukugawa's hair looks as if it was shaken by an earthquake, then washed up by a tsunami, then fire had rained on it. Cursing with gentle words because headaches shouldn't exist, she reaches for the executive bunny clock to turn off the alarm only to be bitten by her cat and let out a girly scream.

That certainly woke her up.

Brushing her teeth, still in her pajamas, she asks the Miharu across the mirror how she's doing. Do you like how the pop-up book is turning out? Are you still mad about those kids kicking that frog? Is being a Magical Girl too tiresome? Then she answers, and both sides end up happy.

Coming down the stairs, Miharu is still waiting for the new moon.

Anytime soon.

Even though it's eight in the morning, her two dads are already bickering about. One is white, the other black, one is the day, and the other the night. Not really, though; but Miharu loves pissing them off by making that comparison. Even when it doesn't make sense. Especially when it doesn't make sense.

From what she's hearing from the dad that cooks, the thing is as follows: the taco stand they manage gets a lot of costumers during the weekends, but the dad that drives says that they should take a break because they busted their ass all week.

>Hmm... what to do!
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Marie-Antoinette Desire

Nigger; lately, that's all everyone at school calls her. Not out of ill intent, at least, she knows this to heart because even his best friend (who is pretty much an angel) fell to the fad. Some idiot used Google wrong and thought that was the right word for 'black people', and then everybody tried to surprise her, to make her feel 'included' as if she wasn't already. Even right after waking up in her American-sized bed, Marie can't escape thinking about it. They were just trying to be nice to her, and yet she got very mad about that.

It can't be helped. After all, her magical powers are still going haywire.

Walking out of her room, a tall, bulky black man already dressed like a policeman asks if can a nigga get a hug, to which she obliges after scoffing a bit. The man works even weekends; he deserves at least this much.

As her mother and three sisters flock into the kitchen, as the usual lovely mess of a saturday's morning kicks in, Marie can't help but worry from the very depths of her heart. She had passed out three times already after using her power, and each time she never felt the same as before. But today is a free day, and the world is a big place, and she's widely awake.

>What to do with this rainy-ass day?
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Rin Nakamora

Cock; still sleeping, still dreaming, Rin Nakamora still cackles at the word. She had been laughing all day yesterday, and she was even laughing the day before that; there's something about English words that gives them too much power.

When she wakes up in her wreck of a room, Rin is not alone. She's greeted by an otherworldly presence as she stands, an elegant woman with long, white hair that's wearing the magical equivalent of a men's business suit. Who slyly tells Rin that she has been saying 'cock' and laughing over and over during her sleep.

Our of sheer innocent curiosity, Rin punches her in the face, so hard that the mystery agent is knocked flat into the ground.

After she stands, after she fixes that tie that look like a piece of galaxy, the mysterious woman comments that she won't smack Rin back because her head would be sent flying and bouncing like a fucking basketball. She looks pissed. Rin tell the 'bitch' to try, cause that, of course, would be awesome.

Taking a seat on Rin's pile of unwashed shirts and panties, the woman makes the effort of acting all slyly again and asks the delinquent if there's something she would really want to happen, something she'd be willing to sell her soul for. Rin thinks; not too much because it hurts.

Yesterday, one of the boys willingly took the fall for her and got expelled; the director had finally snapped and gone corrupt, going as far as to plant evidence to get at her. The loyalty of her classmates had proven solid, but it was taking a toll on them.

The day before, the oyabun had been summoned to court; back at headquarters, the anikis were all grabbing their heads silence because of the yakuza five-year clause. Even if oyabun's clan was hardcore about going the old yakuza way, about fighting drugs and slavery, they were still taking the fall.

And last but not least, she still couldn't find that parrot. It's not like it's a big deal and at worst she'll have to pay for it. Nevermind, fuck that parrot, Rin can't fly with her asscheeks.

When she looks back up, the woman's hair is now black. Awesome. And then the magical woman, whose face is bleeding, tells Rin that she can make any wish of hers come true. Cool.

In exchange of becoming a Magical Girl.


The woman, who introduces herself as Dolores Smith, explains Rin that, in exchange for her wish, her soul will be encased in a Soul Gem. That she will be duty-bound to fight Witches. That her Soul Gem will grow dark, and that only killing Witches will cleanse it. That she will eventually become a Witch herself, and that all of the Witches she'll have to defeat were, at some point, Magical Girls as well.

Rin laughs at all this bullshit and goes back to bed

until someone drags her by the leg like she was a rag.
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Being princess-carried over buildings ain't so bad. As the wind caresses the dark fringe over her eyes, Rin soon finds herself laughing giddily like a walrus on cocaine. But eventually she isn't bouncing off buildings anymore, there aren't clouds in the sky, the air feels weird, light flashes all over everywhere, and where the floor would be there's only towers of cameras coming from the white fog below- which is awesome.

Then she sees it from afar; and when Rin sees it, she doesn't have enough words to describe it. A bucket- a transparent bucket, with with what look like fishes in it, being held by a massive, single broken arm that's rooted in a tower of cameras, flailing wildly as it tries to catch a blitzing, darting light that's bouncing all over the place.


When it's all said and done, Dolores drops Rin at the top of a very tall building. The world is the world again. There's a floor, and it's boring.

That, the suit tells the delinquent, was a Witch; what was fighting her was a Magical Girl. And with a grave voice she says: they don't always win.

Is there a wish that would be worth this life?

>Is there?
One day, it'll be time for the disastrous duo to take the stage and solve every problem in the world! ...As soon as we scrounge up enough money for airplane tickets, find out if we even have passports, and figure out whether anyone will even make it out alive by the end of this

I see Miharu as more of an avid manga reader as opposed to anything else, and besides, that's an old man show! A New Hope came out 47 years ago

A white man and a black man taking care of a Japanese girl by jointly running a taco truck of all things in Osaka? Maybe that extra moon wish changed more than just the lunar cycles lol

>Miharu sighed. She thought becoming a magical girl would make everything more exciting, but there were still the same old boring dilemmas as always. Money, work, blah blah blah. This problem wouldn't even be interesting enough to show up in a filler arc! Where was the orphan with the tortured past, learning that the world could be beautiful? Where were the shadows haunting the streets, waiting for a hero to arrive? Where was her mysterious masked mentor??? At the very least, the new moon would make everything a little more magical at night... whenever it showed up...
>However... fu fu fu. If she couldn't solve a problem like this in five seconds, she wouldn't be the great Miharu!
"If you really did work hard all week, then that means you had to have already had a lot of customers this past week! That means you don't have to work this weekend! Unless you want to make more money or something I guess, bye!"
>With that, she runs out the door, eager to see if anyone was talking about a new moon suddenly appearing on the other side of the world! If that cat lied to her when it said it would grant any wish she had, it would have a thing or two coming!
Stretching as she levers herself upright, Rin turns her head to the sky.
The high-altitude winds tussle her fringe momentarily uncovering a Byzantine Blue mirror wildly sparking with excitement.
There is one wish she can think of that would be worth the price.
One wish where she could inflict fun on herself and others effectively forever.
When she speaks next her voice rings out over the gusts howling around the tower in a loud, firm monotone.
> I wish to be disparity. Such that all instances of disparity, both literal and conceptual, are me and vice versa.
im gonna have to level with you, rinanon: rin doesn't even know what 'conceptual' means. she's 'profoundly dense'. you are gonna have to word it like an idiot would say it
also that description was awesome, i finally have an idea of how her eyes look like

>that spoiler
i forbid you to say that again in this thread. it hurts

>A white man and a black man taking care of a Japanese girl by jointly running a taco truck of all things in Osaka?
must be magic or some shit

>She thought becoming a magical girl would make everything more exciting, but there were still the same old boring dilemmas as always. Money, work, blah blah blah.
fuck man, becoming an adult is just like going guca

>With that, she runs out the door, eager to see if anyone was talking about a new moon suddenly appearing on the other side of the world!
info gathering, then! lets hit some folks up

waitin a bit on marie, but shit is oonnnnnnn
> I want to be disparity - every disparity that exists, whether you can touch them or not, will be me and I them.
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>Let's see if anyone is talking about a new moon suddenly appearing out of nowhere!

A new moon: it will be as if the night had eyes! Eyes that will be watching over many fun stories. All of the good sci-fi stories have two moons, and all of the people in them live life as it should be lived: by taking risks, by caring, by being good or evil- but being something. Every day under two moons will be a new adventure- and then the characters in this story will finally stop caring so much about money.

...that it, when the moon comes, because it's not on TV, it's not on the newspapers, the internet isn't talking shit about it, and the guy who sells cabbage doesn't know.

But Miharu doesn't let that get her down. Great stories are about pushing through adversity: every good story has conflict!

A new moon... how should it even be called? And does that mean that the old moon gets a new name too? How will we call it from now on?


If only that nee-san Dolores was a bit easier to find. She'd know; she'd know for sure!

Because Miharu had already asked the milkman, the barker of that weird bar, the cute shopkeeper, her dog, the dude at the convenience store who seems soulless, that super strong guy at the gym, the yakuza who is always smoking- and someone else

but nobody knows.

>Well- maybe tomorrow! Who knows? It's coming, that's for sure. But, today is still a free day. Big world! If a bit dull.
rinanon, /I/ don't know what disparity is. what's the point of the wish?
> Disparity
The difference in {something} between two or more [things].
For example, there is a difference in {temperature} between a [lit campfire] and your core [body temperature].
> What's the point of the wish?
The disparities between things defines them.
In the absolute absence of disparity everything collapses into a stagnant, maximally uniform state.
To Rin this state sounds very boring, and if boredom is the absence of fun, then disparity must be fun.
So by becoming disparity, Rin becomes fun and provides fun for others.
With all that said, the wish is incredibly stupid - which is half the point.
The idea of the difference between things may randomly be replaced by an anime girl is completely absurd.
Its a monkey's paw that can curl several different ways, and almost all of them are catastrophically dangerous.

I am willing to choose a simpler wish if this is too unwieldy or high-concept.
im kinda surprising that rin would choose something so complex, or even know such a complex word. cause i mean:

Dense: slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity. “So dense he never understands anything I say to him”.
Synonyms: dim, dull, dumb, obtuse, slow stupid. lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity.

at this point it'd be safe to say she wouldn't know neither the word, nor the concept, and maybe not even what a contrast is. you seem like a very smart anon from which i could learn a lot int stat stuff, so i think you'd be veeeery limited by what would make sense for rin to do going forward considering the abysmal gap in intellect

if you want to, reroll. i don't mind making another char. i expected this thread to be slow anyway because i'd rather suffer structure than rush along like the first time and be met with the same kind of burnout that i can't afford anymore. so think about it. and if you still wanna keep going, i'll have to warn you about rin's unique trait which may be a dealbreaker for you: the more simple her plans are, the higher she rolls
I was asleep. It's currently 4:30 A.M Here.
And I'm phoneposting again, fuck.

Headaches and passing out hurts, sure, but she said herself to that white monster that she doesn't "Escape the consequences of her actions".
With that said, she might as well combine her favourite thing with magic. "That's what the Wish was for, right? You dense nigga?" Marie says to herself. It also helps as a distraction from people calling her that with a hard R.

>First: Get a notebook, laptop, anything to write or type on. Then write down my previous experiences of passing out. What was I even trying to do those times? And sure each time felt different, but how did they feel individually?
>Go to a lock located inside the house and focus my power on it. If I gain information about the lock from the "Analysis" part of my wish then compare it to the information on it I had before. Is there more information? Less? In what way does it present itself?
>...In fact, do my own powers count as a system for the purposes of my powers? Alright, I am not high enough for that. That comes later.
>If the lock breaks apart then try to fix it, magic powers or not. My family probably already know about my... interests. But I don't want to hurt them with it.
>Hm? Why am I breaking into my own house? The lock is small, I've probably taken it apart more times than I can count to the point where people are expecting me to just fix it after, and it's something I already know about. The fact that it's a small thing I know about is the most important part, maybe I tried to use my powers on a too complex system and passed out from information overload?

"Passing out is really not good." Marie thinks, for completely selfless reasons. "I shouldn't make my family worry. And if I'm going to have to fight 'Witches' as a 'Magical Girl', I need to do that without fainting. I don't think anyone is going to get me out of that situation."
Oi where the actual fuck is my wish, fucking cat gypped me what the hell Also lmao I just remembered that there's supposed to be a veil over magic shenanigans, fuck that shit, my wish will rip it to shreds
That philosophy that everyone should live life as it should be lived by being something is perfection
Also sorry, I spent some time with my grandma

Hmm, the dull scientists will probably get to be the ones to decide what the new moon is called, but still... it could be fun to think of some! Maybe she could even make cool names for her magical girl special attacks based on them! Luna... Selene... Artemis... Lunar Slash... she'll have to decide later

She hasn't transformed yet, and she feels tempted to try, but... she knows that she's only supposed to do that when all seems lost in this first act! Transforming now would be super anticlimactic, especially if she was just doing it to make things less boring or make sure last night wasn't a dream...

>Miharu uses what little restraint she has to hold back the urge to transform to see what happens...
>Hmmmm, what to do, what to do... only boring protagonists are the passive ones that let things happen to them, she needs to be active and pursue some kind of goal! She's a magical girl now, after all- it's a classic set-up for a riveting tale, but she needs to be able to play the part!
>But first, before we start, let's go find a gachapon machine, put a few coins in, and see what plush comes out! Whatever she gets, she's sure it'll turn out to be important later down the line as some kind of symbol or a callback, and those kinds of things only happen if you purposefully set it up in the first place!
Hm. You make a reasonable point.
Though I'd sooner choose a different wish than recreate an entire character.
Perhaps something more straightforward.
Worries were expressed over what would happen if Rin's luck ran out, so perhaps a more suitable wish would be:
> I wish that the wheel of fortune only ever turns in my favor.
> I wish that, no matter what I do, I always gain more luck than I use.
>Do shit.

Even rainy-ass days have their uses, and thankfully it's not raining yet. A dense nigga she may be, but not a quiet dense nigga, neither a boring dense nigga. She made the wish. She got in shit. She's getting something out of this shit alright.

>First: Get a notebook, laptop, anything to write or type on. Then write down my previous experiences of passing out. What was I even trying to do those times? And sure each time felt different, but how did they feel individually?

The safest way to know why shit happens is to nail the pattern; dad came home late eleven times and the eleven times he smelled like roses. There's got to something else that happened the three times her power took her lights out.

"ATTEMPT 1: unlocking Dad's drawer to get some money.
-Seen some weird shit.
-Got knocked out.

ATTEMPT 2: unlocking Dad's door when he left to attempt to unlock the drawer again.
-Seen some weird shit.
-Got knocked out.

ATTEMPT 3: got stuck outside because fucking Margaret took my damn keys cause she's lazy. tried to use power on lock
-Seen some weird shit.
-Got knocked out.
-Dad saw and he took me to the doctor."

Marie finds that the similarity couldn't have been more obvious: her dad. All three times it was something related to her Dad. In conclusion: either my power is to die on command or my dad punched me in the head from behind all three times.

Nah, nigga, she thinks. That ain't it.

>Go to a lock located inside the house and focus my power on it. If I gain information about the lock from the "Analysis" part of my wish then compare it to the information on it I had before. Is there more information? Less? In what way does it present itself?
Hesitation feeds on Marie regardless as she, this time, settles for the lock to her own room. There won't be much to gain from breaking her own lock, but if that woman wasn't fucking with her then she should be able to rebuild it comes to it. Trembling a bit, awareness of the fact that she's fucked anyway is quick to dawn on her. Focusing on her lock, Marie uses her unique magic: Analysis.





This time, she woke up in bed, at least- but surrounded from all sides by a very worried looking family. When Marie sees her mother, the hard working woman breathes a sigh of relief, touching her chest, as her sisters just greet her awkwardly- and her dad just stares. The obvious questions come out: have you been doing drugs, did you drink anything strange, how long has this been happening, etc. The problem is that repeating 'i'm fine' over and over isn't a good strategy for the long run, and just standing up and leaving doesn't seem to have done Marie family any favors either.

...fuck. If only they knew.
Marie has a lifelong habit, a hobby, or perhaps even an addiction, of breaking into places people wouldn't want her to be- for many reasons she's still learning. One is that people lie a lot, that people hide their secrets- and that thankfully enough for her, some of those secrets can't remain in their head. There is true wisdom, Marie knows to heart, to seeing things others hide, to threading forbidden ground. One of his classmates had a collection of dolls in his room, one of her kind teachers had leather clothes and collars to spare; that weird guy who talks like shit was keeping a zoo of exotic animals. The truth hides; threading where it hides is an addiction.

>...In fact, do my own powers count as a system for the purposes of my powers? Alright, I am not high enough for that. That comes later.
After convincing her mom that, yes, she's hitting the doctor later, and that no, she doesn't need drive her, Marie opts for making herself some tea. It's what she does when she has to think: fill herself with sugar. The topics are how to keep her family off her back- especially now that their fears just got worse, and how her damn powers work. It's puzzling: she took her time to make her wish being /very/ explicit. She sips the tea, adds more sugar as she sits at the bar where she and her sisters have breakfast.

"I wish to be able to analyse anything I find. So that I can deconstruct, trespass, and reconstruct any system I see."

It should be simple, Marie thinks: get all the information I need on shit and then use said information to do with shit as as I please. Doors, cells, walls, even niggas; nothing should get in her way, and yet she's still where she started.

Thinking back on it, she thankfully remembers Dolores's words accurately.

"Abstract wishes are dangerous; the more abstract, the more that can go wrong with them. If your parents died in a fire and your wish was worded such as: 'I want you to make it so that what just happened never happened' then you would just forget how they died. Generalization is always dangerous- not only in wishes."

She had also said something more along the lines of having a power granted by a wish as a consequence vs asking for one directly, but at this point Marie is too pissed to think about it. She was scammed; end of story.

And she still has to kill motherfucking Witches.

>At least there's still some sun out there...
if you wanna walk this path, then pick one of those yourself. desu im already kinda worried cause you seem very different from rin herself, but maybe you'll have fun playing someone that's a lot dumber than you so there's that! it /will/ be a challenge for you, that's for sure
give it some thought

lets see if i can spit one more at least. writing straight on the 4chan little box makes things faster, but i have to compromise on quality and orthography

>Also sorry, I spent some time with my grandma
never be sorry for this. spending time with your grandma is the manliest shit
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>Miharu uses what little restraint she has to hold back the urge to transform to see what happens...
No. Not yet. Not in the middle of the street- and not before one of her friends is in grave danger! Well, that could take a while; Miharu doesn't have that many friends, really. She's a very social and helpful, and gives the best advice ever when her classmates ask for it- but her classmates don't often ask for it. They like taking pictures. Like, a lot of pictures. Of things... like food.

Not. It /will/ be climatic! Even if the desperation to see how her magical form looks like is slowly chewing her out.

>Hmmmm, what to do, what to do... only boring protagonists are the passive ones that let things happen to them, she needs to be active and pursue some kind of goal!
The moon will come when it comes- which is tomorrow, of course!- but Miharu won't just stand and wait for it. Especially because lady Dolores told her it's hard to tell the way a wish will be granted... or how long it will take... or if it was going to happen anyway... aaaaaah! The passersby glance at the girl clawing her head, who is absolutely sure that the moon will be here tomorrow.

Bur first things first:
the hero needs a goal!
The princess will storm the castle to save the knight from the dragon.

>But first, before we start, let's go find a gachapon machine, put a few coins in, and see what plush comes out!
For things, to happen, things have to happen; it may seem simple, but it's not. Anything can be the trigger that sets in motion your happy ending, and even spilling all that oil on dad that drives yesterday will lead to saving a toddler from a car. And then to being thanked by her brother. And then to dating said brother. And then to realizing that said brother has a dark past with the underworld and that only you can help break him free. Oh, but then he dies sacrificing himself for you. And that's when he says: i'm free now, because saving your life has redeemed himself and therefore freed him from his guilt. But now he's dead.

Miharu is already crying when she's about to put the coin in the gachapon machine. She hesitates: but she'd rather that man live a single moment of light than a life in darkness! And so the coin goes in.


Miharu can't help herself from looking at the transparent storage pool, trying to figure out already which of the balls is going to come out. When she puts the coin and flicks the tiny level, she's presented with the little show of that ball going down an elaborate set of tunnels, playing little sounds whenever it hits a certain checkpoint. It ends; Miharu grabs the ball from the mouth of the gashapon machine. She opens it; from it, it's like the tiny Charizard is greeting her.

???: Oi.

Yes!! Before even looking, Miharu is already glad to have set things in motion somehow. But... what her eyes find is a very peculiar character, enticing character: a man nothing but a snakeskin blazer on his naked torso.
The fact that he approached her, looking like that, in such a crowded area; it's raising more than a few eyebrows alright. Miharu can't help herself furrowing the brow a bit at the presence.

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: Sorry for the interruption, young lady.

He bows. A lot. So formal; it leaves Miharu's mouth gaping.

???: That's the Charlizard, right? Got a boy that loves those stupid things. How about we trade, eh?

Miharu... still feels defensive, but not so much. Before, when she wasn't a Magical Girl, she'd have all of the right reasons to be afraid- but now? Muhuhuhu, you shouldn't try things on the great Miharu! Why would the wakuza want a little toy? Is it a super expensive super rare edition-

or is something else going on???

>A Yakuza wants to buy your newly-acquired little Charizard. It's quite the coincidence, is it? What to do?
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I'll be fine.
Anyway, going to leave my decision to chance. Seems fittingly ironic.

> 1) I wish that the wheel of fortune only ever turns in my favor.
> 2) I wish that, no matter what I do, I always gain more luck than I use.
so be it

this is the hour i go to sleep. i hope it was enough postin at least for today
Grandmas just keep winning

...ahh, I see what's going on here. Should have guessed from Dolores' description... I seem to recall that the cats try to fulfill the spirit of the wish to the best of their ability, so if this bitch pulls some technicality like "welllll the Earth HAD two moons at some point just not anymore" I'm gonna hunt her the fuck down myself and avenge Miharu's wish
Also immensely based romance plot, Miharu

This guy...
>Miharu looks rapidly between the tiny dragon in her hands and the large strange man. Hmm... either this cute plush will be important and she'll be dealing with dragon kings in the near future, or it's meant to be the bridge between her and whatever this man is offering...
>"Trade for what, pal?" Miharu puts on a cool yakuza tone to her words (or tries to, at the very least, yakuza was never really one of her interests). "If it's just money, I could find those slips of paper anywhere!"

God, Marie really does not want to make her parents worry too much.
...Wait, she's going to have to make everyone worry when she starts hunting Witches. Shit.
Dolores must be a woman of her word, or else.

>Try to recall what that Weird Shit I saw was, or at least looked like. It's the only common point apart from my Dad. And my dad wouldn't hurt me, right?
>Try to open my own lock completely regularly (by that, I mean with lockpicks) with no magic. The excuse I'm making is practice (to make sure these powers won't accidentally pop-off), but I'm really doing this to calm down and try not to hurl from recalling the Weird Shit
>Make a reminder in the notebook to go to the doctor later. Fainting four times in a row cannot be healthy, magically induced or not.

All newbie Magical Girls have to deal with some... performance issues at the start right? Just do what you're good at, and eventually the magic will come naturally as an extension of your experience, right? I mean, you can't create an entirely new Moon out of nothing without some training for example!
>Miharu looks rapidly between the tiny dragon in her hands and the large strange man.
One way or the other, this plushie is important; it's a plot device. To what? To life, of course! To actual life, like the ones that live the characters in her mangas.

Ӝ Miharu: Trade for what, pal, eeh?!

That kansai dialect may have come out a lil bit too great- cause the man, the yakuza, the guy who kicks people in the shin for a living, is recoiling and going 'shhh shhh!!'. Then again, this is a /very/ public space, and he is talking to a little girl. Suspicious!

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: LOOK, just...

Ӝ Miharu: If it's just money, I could find those slips of paper anywhere eh! Eh!

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: -huh? You don't want money?

No. Miharu doesn't want money.; it's the most boring thing ever. It's what's got Dad & Dad stuck in that van everyday making tacos instead of slaying dragons, and now making tacos is all that they know! Granted, those are great and sell like bread; Japanese food, healthy as it is, is too tame. But... there isn't much worth telling about a day spent making tacos.

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: Eeeeh... kid, I don't know about that. I'm not slaying dragons either.

He scratches his head, shooting glances around almost sheepishly. Oh wait, she said all that out loud.

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: But, like, you can buy a sword with money. To kill dragons. If that's your thing.

Ӝ Miharu: But I want the sword!

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: I'll give you the money and you buy the sword, deal? C'mon, I'm looking weird out here.

Miharu HMMS. Yes, you /can/ buy swords with money- or whatever other literary device you'll need to kill whatever your dragon may represent, but... Is there a 'but' in this? Isn't this just going to be a normal trade, then?

Maybe that's the problem. That we still only have one moon.

>What do, what do? Who's the dragon, where's the sword?
>Try to recall what that Weird Shit I saw was, or at least looked like.
For someone who lives to trespass on sacred ground, being stuck like this is nothing short of torture. Things should be happening already, she should be using her power to get into Area 51 and steal some aliens- but no, nothing is happening. It's NOT fair- but what is, anyway. Still lounging around the kitchen restlessly, as the empty tea cup still lingers on her hand, Marie does an honest effort to at least remember anything of what happens before she passes away, still somewhat worried that even that could knock her out.


Marie is coming up with nothing. Dad already left for work, Mom went out grocery shopping, two of her sisters are already out there living the life- and she's still here, the only one with magical powers. Nothing; she's coming out with nothing.


.../almost/ nothing, but not nothing; an impression, at least. When she tried to analyze the lock under the latch to her own room, Marie remembers it, faintly, being- bigger. Much, MUCH bigger, much more complex, unbearably big, as if the lock was a galaxy in its own right. The memory alone makes her shudder, and Marie even wonders if it's safe to keep thinking about this.

>Try to open my own lock completely regularly (by that, I mean with lockpicks) with no magic.
It's either chill or die at this point; whatever fuckery is going on is clearly not to be taken lightly. Marie goes into her room, grabs her back (which almost chimes like a wind chime), leaves her room, and then locks it down with the key. Then it's time. Faint dread creeps over her back and seeps through her fingers as Marie takes out her trusty tension wrench and pick rake from her bag; if she can't even do this right, she'll die, she knows, because to live is to move. As she lifts the pin sets of the lock with her pick, she adds some tension on its plug so that it rotates just enough. The driver pin will catches the edge of the plug; now the tension wrench is like a key, and there you go, door open.


Teeth gritted, Marie can't help sweeping the sweat off her forehead. This was just... too important. Relief washes over her; magic or not, she can still move.

>Make a reminder in the notebook to go to the doctor later. Fainting four times in a row cannot be healthy, magically induced or not.
Maybe Mom and Dad and the Robot Trio are right; maybe she does just need some g'old medicine. That Dolores told had told her Magical Girls get a much stronger body that almost never gets sick, but- shit is weird. I dunno. At this rate, there won't be much left of the weekend to just fuck around.

>Not every day is a weekend! Monday is coming soon- and Mom will have my ass if I keep missing school. What else can I do?
>Gah! There has to be a plot thread here, somewhere, there has to be! Random guys in snakeskin blazers don't just show up out of the blue and talk to anyone, you know!!! lmao, if only she knew
>"Final question before I decide, buddy! Who's the boy that wants this dragon then? Is he someone important???"
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Luck; luck is all Rin had. No dad, no mom, no cock; luck is all that ever was. The lucky girl stretches as she levers herself upright, turning her head to the sky above. Is luck something that you have? Where can you find it? Do lucky charms work, then? She hadn't pondered the nature of luck yet because Rin would rather see than think, but if there ever was a time, it is now.

Because perhaps there /is/ one wish she could think of that could be worth this price.

One wish to make things fun forever, once and for all.

Even though punching Witches seems fun, Rin knows she has to make sure. The high-altitude winds tussle her fringe momentarily uncovering a Byzantine Blue mirror wildly sparking with excitement. It's here, Oyabun; the way out. No sucking fat cocks for Rin, no slaving away at the kitchen. When she speaks next her voice rings out over the gusts howling around the tower in a loud, firm monotone.


Dolores, whose eyes had betrayed a hint of melancholy at Rin's little trance, frowns and purses her lips just a bit before resuming her job of acting all sly and mysterious. She reminds Rin, maybe just in case, that 'COCK' isn't a wish. Who laughs anyway at the mention.

Rin: I wish that the wheel of fortune only turns in my favor.

Dolores: You are sure of this.

Rin says nothing. As the howling wind lets her take another peek at Rin's wonderful eyes, Dolores simply nods.

Dolores: Then this contract is sealed.

All at once, Rin feels that all of the air inside of her, and something else, leaves her violently. Soon she's gasping heavily over and over, and immediately takes out her inhaler in case her asthma just got worse.

Dolores: You won't be needing that anymore.

Rin looks up: right in front of her nose, a very pretty gem is floating. On impulse, she punches it- but Dolores's dainty hand gets in the way and she's pushed back to the ground again.

Dolor stands and cleans her magical suit violently.

Dolor: You idiot. You jester. You absolute buffoon. You... motherfucker! Do you have ANY idea of what you almost did? You nearly killed yourself. This Soul Gem is your life!

Dolores shakes and shakes the pretty little gem energetically as to make sure her point is drilled in Rin's head, her mysterious and sassy persona already a forgotten afterthought.

But Rin just shrugs.

ع Rin: I'm lucky now.

To which Dolores finds nothing to say but infinite curses. So she just clears her throat, stretching the Soul Gem to Rin.

Dolores: Then take it, this Soul Gem: for that is your destiny.

ع Rin: Cock.

Rin laughs with all her heart, kneeling, grabbing her chest, laughing some more. She's free from school. Cock. She's free from work. Cock. She's free from old creepy salaryman who fuck hobos. Cock.
When she remembers Dolores, the woman is still there, still wearing the cool suit with the galaxy tie, still defeated. Her character now less than dust and broken, leaves, she can't do much more than sigh once Rin acknowledges her existence.

Dolores: Fine, so... this is the part where I take you Witch hunting for the first time, only that there aren't any Witches near at the moment...

ع Rin: I wanna do magic.

Dolores: ...so, I find one, I'll come gather you and some of the other rookie Magical Girls that haven't had the chance yet. Very few Magical Girls contract in Osaka compared to the rest of Japan, so there are less Witches, but this also means that the energy consumption is much lower so it evens out.

ع Rin: I wanna do magic.

Dolores: Are you even hearing a word I'm saying, Rin Nakamora-san? Using magic will make your Soul Gem grow dark. Use it sparingly.

ع Rin: Ok. How do I do magic?

Dolores just stares.

>I got magic now!! What now?
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>Gah! There has to be a plot thread here, somewhere, there has to be!
Miharu is unwilling to let this end in normality. A man wearing a weird blazer, out of nowhere, wants the toy Charizard she just got on a whim, and he's willing to trade for it. This has to end on some kind of note! It's a great chance to prove that this world doesn't have to be /so/ boring.

>"Final question before I decide, buddy!
Ӝ Miharu: Who'd this /boy/ who wants this dragon, then? Is he someone important?

The man doesn't sigh; but with the way his expression twists, it's like he's doing it mentally.

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: Ain't no 'boy'; it's a grown-ass man who's got the blues. Look kid, if you don't wanna trade I'm tailing it, I'll get that shit on eBay or something. An ugly-looking killer like me talking to some lil rose ain't a good look.

Well, that is fair- and it would be even if he looked normal, sadly. Is this where the plot ends? Is the end of Miharu's saga just her handing a toy to some old henchman who doesn't even have the face to get it himself? What a disapointment.


So, locks hold the secrets to the universe.
But seriously, that must be why Marie faints everytime she uses her magic: Her body and mind can't handle an entire galaxy's worth of information being drilled in her head at once... What if she tried to do it slowly? Or took apart an object and just Analysed a single piece?

She's not trying that today, she already fainted once today and no-one would be there to rescue her again.

Also, what the hell would've happened if she wished for omniscience? Would her mind just have exploded? She sure doesn't want to be the girl who made that wish...

>Look at my... Soul Gem? Dolores called it? What color is it?

>Look for an umbrella and grab it. Go outside even if I don't find one.

>Try and look for an abandoned area, building, prime marks. If the weekend is going to end soon and I might faint again I might as well get in as much B&E as possible before I'm bed-ridden.
Normalcy is fucking me in the ass too Miharu, don't worry (sorry I had some errands to run)

>"O-oh... then... then...!"
>Miharu's eyes flash with determination. It won't end like this!! She'll get something from this, at the very least!
>She glances down at the small dragon for a second, before holding it out toward the man. "You can have it- no money necessary. Instead, what I want is..." She briefly considers asking for them to find nee-san Dolores for her with their network, but shakes her head. Bad idea, too many ways it could go wrong at the worst possible moment. She wouldn't fall into that classic trap. "I want a favor! At some point in the future, if I need you for something, I want to be able to ask you for one favor!"
> Flying was pretty neat. Let's do that. Break into a running start then launch into a swan dive off the roof.
eatin an then postin gucas!111 it seems quick, short posts is the way to go for now
It's definitely very fun writing/controlling Miharu from my end!
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It doesn't matter. Now it's not the time to fuck around. Marie sold her soul for that wish: she /has/ to get something in return.

>Look at my... Soul Gem? Dolores called it? What color is it?
Marie transforms the ring on her finger into it's bulkier Soul Gem shape; it's orange. It's also murky already. Should it become completely black, she will become a man-devouring, pain-sowing Witch, completely clouded by despair.

It's like she's barely taking notice.

As fear threatens to seize her senses, Marie sees in real time how her Soul Gem, that pretty gem, grows slightly less orange and slightly more black- then unglues her eyes from it violently. No; it doesn't matter. She had already chosen to live hard and fast, to spend a day like a lion and not a hundred like sheep. It's going to be worth it.

>Look for an umbrella and grab it. Go outside even if I don't find one.
For some reason, staying home feels like a very bad idea, so Marie grabs the black umbrella hidden behind the cupboard, the one with dolphin patterns, and takes to the streets in a rush. Fucking magic. Fucking dolphins. And fucking Dolores if you dared scam my ass.

>Try and look for an abandoned area, building, prime marks. If the weekend is going to end soon and I might faint again I might as well get in as much B&E as possible before I'm bed-ridden.
Knowing that her power doesn't trigger automatically it's the silver lining the sky isn't giving her. Making path through Osaka, haunted by the thousand words from the flashy screens, Marie is having a hard time focusing on dodging all the people surrounding her from every side, all drops of a water from a single river.

She doesn't want people right now.

The fresh breeze threatens a downpour as the gray above grows solid, yet Marie's black boots have already taken her to a silent place. The factory, very away from home, could very well be a graveyard. Although the voices of kawaii anime girls trying to sell her stuff is omnipresent, the sound of cars feels like a soothing whisper, and so Marie decides that she is exactly where she wants to be.

Tension wrench-kun.

Pick rake-kun.

Flathead screwdriver-kun.

Humming a tune, Marie gets out of that dark place, only to break into another dark, humid place. The reality most people like to dismiss is that people could barge in at your house at any time they please. Lockpicking essentials are sold on the Internet, including even manuals, and there are even videos of people teaching it how to do it step-by-step. The justification for their existence is well beyond Marie; she can't bring herself to deny that all this information has led to people getting murdered. But, she's grateful to have it, and that's good enough for her.


Right as Marie unlocks the door, it opens with such a heavy creaking sound that it might as well be a security alarm. Excitement takes over; now she won't even have to worry about getting caught because she's a Magical Girl.
Stepping into the unknown, the stagnant cold wraps all around her, but it can't even begin to quench Marie's burning excitement. Yeah, it could just be an old abandoned factory; maybe there's like a dead cat there or somewhere. But, people didn't want her to be here, and yet she's here, and there's already much value in that alone.

That being said; this is some big-ass factory, isn't it?

>What to do in the middle of nowhere? Will I find something? Will something find me?
The yakuza man is staring expectantly- and apparently more or less annoyed. Miharu finally stops Miharuing for one second and takes the time to step into the poor criminal's shoes: asking a teenager for a toy in the middle of the streets must be pretty awkward, yeah. Glancing down at the small dragon, then deciding to put an end to his misery, Miharu holds it out towards the man, hand wide open.

>"You can have it- no money necessary. Instead, what I want is..."

Ӝ Miharu: I want a favor! At some point in the future, if I need you for something, I want to be able to ask you for one favor!

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: Like what? Stabbing someone?

Ӝ Miharu: Yeah!

The man just... pouts. Like a little kid being told that enough candy is enough.

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: I ain't doin that. Screw this.

Ӝ Miharu: No, no, not killing someone! Like, saving me from bad guys. Or making me a cake.

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: I ain't risking my ass for some dumb girl, girl! Dumb girls are already risky enough as they are!

Ӝ Miharu: Me?

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: No, not you...!

Ӝ Miharu: You mean you wouldn't come to save me if you knew I was in danger?

The man glances at Miharu almost with disdain- but then just, doesn't.

Snakeskin Blazer Yakuza: Youth this day lives with their day up their ass. I'm a bad person. I do horrible shit. And I don't even know you.

Ӝ Miharu: But you are a good friend, Yakuza-san.

He just takes the tiny Charizard and walks away. Miharu wonders what kind of favor she'll be calling one of these days.

>And that's one side-quest done! Now...
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> Flying was pretty neat. Let's do that. Break into a running start then launch into a swan dive off the roof.
The last thing Rin notices from the corner of her eye is Dolores's grimace of sincere terror, as she dives from the roof like a swan or like a paraplegic kid who decided that things weren't getting better. Flying is awesome. Being a Magical Girl is awesome. Being lucky is awesome.

As she zooms in toward the street ahead, hypnotized by the feeling of the wind crashing through her fingers, Rin wonders aloud: 'what is luck in a void'? If there's nothing that could intervene in one way or the other... how could one get lucky? Her lips flap like crazy, her fringe becomes one with the rest of her hair as her eyeballs freeze against the cold air.

Like a mountain goat getting dropped by an eagle, Rin limply crashes against the solid pavement in full force.


>(Rin is out for today!)
Just for reference, what time is it for Miharu?
kinda like 11 am. she just woke up, had breakfast, heard manly bitching, and then took off because going back to bed was going to mess up her schedule again
Alright, we got some time before our destined sunset appointment on the rooftops to watch the stars come out

"Yakuza-san... we'll meet again one day. Be sure of it!"
>Miharu hums to herself, content. That was a pretty perfect character introduction right there! Life really can be pretty fairy-tale like at times, if you just try hard enough!
"Chapter one- A Gem in the Rough- end. Fu fu fu!"
>After taking a few seconds to let that scene soak in her memory, she heads off. It was time for her to set the scene for the pivotal climax of chapter two! Sunset was still a whiles away, but it would be good to prepare in advance- Miharu sets off to find a tall building from which she can look out over all of Osaka!
As it turns out, life /can/ be fun. Miharu fufufu's to herself, satisfied with so little, maybe because reality doesn't need to challenge fantasy so much to be interesting. Two moons would be enough. Walking around, Miharu keeps running into people and tripping on cats, saying sorry sometimes, as she tries to imagine the scene that just unfolded in manga panels.

>Miharu sets off to find a tall building from which she can look out over all of Osaka!
The main character is ALWAYS looking at the distance in the intro. It always makes her think: what is he or she thinking? About all that's coming? About what fuels its resolve? Is it the memory of the fallen that keeps it looking ahead? Whatever that is, Miharu doesn't know. Even though she's looking at the distance from the rooftop of an hotel, all she feels is fear of getting too close to the rails. Should she? Would a Magical Girl survive that fall? Is this the toll she's paying for staying too much inside? It still beats going to those parties. At any rate, she should start going out more often.

The view is grand, but the prospect literary devices are like little dots from this high up. Miharu thinks about it. How would a Magical Girl start her journey here? By jumping? Then crashing? Then getting rescued? Ending up in some strange place with strange people that asks for your help would be convenient. Would there be a dog? Miharu considers that maybe infiltrating here was adventure enough.

>But then what?!
>Alright! The hard part is done! This hotel rooftop will be the perfect setting for her evening plans, when she comes back here in... er... six hours?
Miharu's plan for a breathtaking chapter two final scene!!!!!
-Eat lunch (filler scenes, but she's getting a little hungry...)
-Find some kind of picnic blanket
-Get a thermos of hot chocolate
-Walk along the river for fun, see if she can finally get the hang of skipping rocks
-Get back to the top of the hotel thirty minutes before sunset
-Watch the sun set and eagerly wait for the stars to begin appearing in the burnt orange-purple sky on the picnic blanket
-When you see the two moons in the sky, stand nearer the edge of the roof (not too close, it's a little too tall) for an epic shot
-As night falls, watch the unparalleled beauty of the two moons in the dark night sky!
-When a chill breeze blows through, sip the hot cocoa, curl up in the picnic blanket, and marvel at the constellations and the moons!!!!
-"Heh... I knew it... so there's still some magic left in this world after all..." (cool ending quote subject to change)
-Chapter 2- The Stars in the Sky- END
>It's going to be so great!!!!!!!!!!
If it wasn't clear, this is just Miharu's plan and what she's going to set out to try to do, not what I expect to happen
She'll try to do the things on the list, but don't feel pressured to make them happen exactly as planned- in fact, I expect things will go wrong and things may end up more anticlimactic than she would have hoped
Her waiting with bated breath for a second moon that never comes is probably going to be kino
Also may be a little shameless to share what music I've been listening to, but I've been listening to this while thinking up what Miharu would do
Just hits the feel of a girl desperately wanting life to be magical like her stories, and maybe she finds something, but maybe she doesn't
Also unironically that final exchange with yakuza-san is based

O-okay, don't get too excited yet- This is so cool!
Marie should really become an UrbEx YouTuber one day. She would make bank, she knows it!

>Snap pictures of the place with a camera or phone. Make a note of how I broke in.
This is for people who think I don't actually break into places so easily. You would be surprised how many people think locks are this magical instrument that prevents trespassing. (It's also so I can reminisce on this later. Ah, happy memories~)
>Look around the area, try to figure out what was being made in this factory before it was in this state.
Breaking into a Vehicle Manufacturing Facility or a Chocoloate Factory is a feat to be celebrated. Breaking into a Clothing factory is meh.

Now let's just hope a Witch isn't here... or do they have to develop their domain and Marie is standing in the danger zone of a developing Witch? She sure hopes not.
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Then what? Everything! Chapter 2 comes after Chapter 1. Then 3. Then 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Then the epilogue, where someone gets married- then the sequel. And then nothing more because at that point the series have been stretched for too long and not even the writers are the same.

Before spoiling her own mood, Miharu decides: let's just enjoy Chapter 2!

>Eat lunch.
Most of her favorite main characters have this thing in common: they eat a ton. Miharu approves of this attitude: if getting fat is the risk for eating great tacos, then so be it! A bit short on pocket money, she just runs back home, already drooling, to haunt that fridge like a vengeful widow.

>Find some kind of picnic blanket.
A tight budget is great for creativity; maybe that's why Miharu is the great Miharu now. Dad that cooks used to be in this weird cult, and they used these weird robes with drawings all over them. And it's made of cotton!

>Get a thermos of hot chocolate.
Thermos are so expensive... and Dad and Dad are always hogging theirs. They use it for taco magic so it makes sense, but where could Miharu put the hot chocolate now? That's the only thing she won't compromise on: it /has/ to be hot chocolate. Her mouth can't be deceived.

>Walk along the river for fun, see if she can finally get the hang of skipping rocks.
As the tall grass tickles her butt, Miharu flings rock after rock towards the innocent river, but she has yet to get one bouncing- which is surprisingly upsetting. It can't be a lack of strength, no, Magical Girls have very strong bodies that can fight Witches, which she'll do with Dolores sometime soon. Already unfairly mad because the rocks go 'PPPPLUUUSHHH' instead of 'plin plin plin plin', Miharu throws a last one out of spite that does bounce like seven times, but she was already walking away so she didn't get to see it.

>Get back to the top of the hotel thirty minutes before sunset.
Back on the rooftop of the hotel, Miharu can't help but pout just like Yakuza-san did back then; it's gonna be hard to see the sunset behind those clouds. Or the moon. Or the second moon. The picnic blanked had already been laid out, she somehow got a thermos (that's has barely any chocolate left already), the onigiri are still fighting for their lives, and the bento box is starting to remind her of friends long gone.

But it's coming.

The second moon is coming.

And once the people get a taste of true thrill, they won't be as moody as grumpy and intolerant as before. With adventure also comes pain- but with pain comes understanding. In a world so convenient and safe, Miharu thinks, people don't suffer like she did, and so they don't become kind.


Maybe the second moon is already there, behind that one gray cloud over there. Miharu sips on what's little left of her cocoa, trying to make out any constellations with whatever star she can catch. A single drop hits her square in the eye;

it's a warning.
Thee door behind her is violently sealed shut. Miharu witnesses, with wide open mouth, the sound of keys getting twisted- she's been locked in the roof and it's about to rain. Didn't they notice her here? Did they even check? Another drops explodes on her head- then another.

>And it's kinda high up here! What doooo?
>...haaa... She should've checked the weather, she guessed. Done the boring thing she should've done to make sure it was going to work out. Winging it and hoping it would all line up perfectly was too much to hope for.
>A-at least she met Yakuza-san today! That's a plot thread for sure, has to be. And rain's not so bad... it can be a nice setting for dramatic moments...
>Miharu grabs all her stuff and sets it near the door (or anywhere under cover, if there is any), then sits down next to it, pulling out an onigiri to nibble on. She'll wait a while, maybe she'll meet someone up here, in the rain! That would be a cool scene! (She'll prepare some lines in advance for it, just in case). Or maybe the rain and the clouds will clear out, and she'll get a breathtaking view of the night sky and its two moons, made even prettier by the contrast from the rain before!
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>Snap pictures of the place with a camera or phone. Make a note of how I broke in.
The inside of the factory is so dark that it's the flash from the camera that reveals the truth. Couples and families save up for months or even years on end to go on trips, to make happy memories. Well; Marie-A Desire is doing exactly that right now, each time she presses the screen of her cellphone with a thumb. Cheap, isn't it?

When things get dark inside, Marie will look at these pictures again.

>Look around the area, try to figure out what was being made in this factory before it was in this state.
Having already written the details of she broke into this facility, by sending a message to herself in LINE, Marie turns her cellphone into a flashlight and begins her wandering. A cockroach hides. There's litter on the ground. Her friends would often describe such a scenario in nightmares, or in horror movies they went to see with whoever the fuck they'll be breaking up with next week. As she takes a turn in a dark corner, as the lantern that is her cellphone shows her heavy machines, Marie realizes that she's different. She'd take someone here on a date. She'd show her special someone a hidden world that is only for them.

Going into the big room, the heart (or the stomach) of the place, Marie takes her time bathing every single piece of machinery in light. There's an assembly line of sorts. There are terminals, scattered computers, and some of those super precise robotic arms looming above like overseers. There are no products. No failed results. And even after some serious googling, Marie is still at a loss as to what this system of steel is meant for.

???: Perfection.


She must have said something aloud- because someone heard. Because of her trembling hand, her cellphone fails to illuminate the dark figure that spawned from the depths of the underworld- until her hand remains fixed in place as the very tall, shirtless man holds her wrist. A goatee. A ponytail. The eyes of a man that still rage at people telling him he can't change the world. He flings Marie's arm aside, not too harshly, but not too slowly either, and before she catches him again with the light, the man is gone.

Marie freezes like a lamb under a spotlight.

A few seconds in, every cell in Marie's body, neurons included, had decided that it's high time to clock it the fuck out of there. But then, as if to answer her, the machinery starts, the screens shine, the thick lights overhead turn on- and the shirtless man is staring at her from across that living, breathing, metal goliath of a room.

???: Perfection, dear miss; that is what we produce.

๑ Marie: J-Jesus Christ, who the FUCK are you, I'm sorry, I was just lost, please don't shoot me.

???: Stay.

Marie does; even if it's her life at stake. A deep part inside of her feels like she owes it to this man- who isn't even looking at her as his stabs a screen over and over at lightspeed.
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When the machinery starts roaring like a demon of steel, Marie has to clench her ass so hard that not even her magic would be able to trespass it. Absurd thoughts flood her head about what this factory is all about- and the possibility of herself being raw materials for it.

However, once it gets going, once a single product starts being built and dragged across the assembly line, she finds herself enthralled and it all quickly becomes fascinating. A brilliant liquid is poured into the mold below, which is then routed to an electric oven, then through the claws, then, then...

then the product is made.

๑ Marie: Is that- No, is that-

She squints her eyes. Then frowns. Then sniggers.

๑ Marie: -is that a motherfucking dildo?

Mysterious Man: It is an artificial phallus, yes.

Marie's little grin is quickly beaten down into a scowl.

๑ Marie: Look you creepy-ass cracker-ass motherfucker, are you trying to tell me something?!

The man scoffs as loudly and with derision, with what a certain elegant flair.

Mysterious Man: How quaint of you to assume I'd lack resources in the pursuit of perfection. I have no need for your assistance.

He grabs the dildo like it was a rose, studying it carefully.

Mysterious Man: Alas; it is a failed product. Good enough for the market, not good enough to steer humanity in the right direction.

๑ Marie: With a DILDO?

The mysterious shirtless man presses a button on the magnificent looking dildo: a soothing voice comes out of it.

Magnificent dildo: "Despite your shortfalls, your essence will forever be perfect."

๑ Marie: what

Magnificent dildo: "Your kindness matters. It reaches farther than you can imagine."

๑ Marie: what

Magnificent dildo: "You already are beautiful."

Dumbfounded to the very perfect essence of her being, Marie can't even formulate a coherent answer to address this situation with.

Mysterious Man: It is my knowledge that binds me; my knowledge that perfection must also involve feelings! Functionality, aesthetics, accessibility; yet optimized, in the end, those agents are but the driving force for something bigger. Something- I can't find. Thus I remain stuck in my pursuit of perfection until I understand how feelings work.

He throws the dildo at Marie, who catches it without thinking.

Mysterious Man: A failed product for a failed intrusion. Now leave me.

Marie looks at the dildo she's holding, with a mix of disgust and a newfound, tingling admiration at the clear craftsmanship.

๑ Marie: Um... Mr? Mr. Dildoman? I don't understand. I mean, you got THAT kinda money already. Just close shop. Get a yacht or something, Jesus!

The man, naked from the torso up, dirty, with bags under his eyes, infested with a spiky neckbeard and hair on his chest, looks at Marie with a special brand of mercy.

Mysterious Man: I will not live my life wasting sacred time that could be spent in the pursuit of perfection. Sweat is what feeds the roots of dreams; not regret.

>Dude what the fuck
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>...haaa... She should've checked the weather, she guessed.
Well... the sunset can still be seen, somehow- under that thick blanket of gray clouds. In fact, it's even better! Having the implication of something instead of the thing itself lets the imagination run wild; the sunset can be however Miharu wants now.

She... does wish there was a bit more to work with, perhaps.

>>A-at least she met Yakuza-san today!
At least /something/ happened today! Not a wasted day at all, no. Yakuza-san is the bad man who is going to redeem himself when someone shows him al the good things, and it's all going to be thanks to the favor she'll ask of him.

>She'll wait a while, maybe she'll meet someone up here, in the rain! That would be a cool scene!
Because it's a bit kinda TOO high to come down over here. Still looking at the sky, Miharu chews on some onigiri. She huddles against the locked door so the small ceiling above will be enough to cover her feet- because the drizzle is already here. Thankfully, there's a step between the door and the floor, so her butt is safe. And if it rains, that means the sky will clear out- and then who knows! She might find two big eyes looking at her.

As time flows, nothing happens. Killing time is a chore like any other, so Miharu sets out to the task. She wonders: what would she tell someone if they met like this? How would she greet this obviously magical person? 'Hello! I'm the great Miharu!' is too easy of a choice, so Miharu considers how to perfect it. 'Took you long enough' is a good one; 'what are you doing in my house' could also work. No, those are jokes and this is a serious fantasy story: it has to be epic! Then, 'we were meant to be here' should do the trick, because- how would anyone else get here with the door locked and why? It would be nothing but destiny. It would be perfect.


It would be nice to share the sunset, even the rain, with someone else

is what Miharu thinks as her very own thought tire her out, as she begins to find the gentle drumming of rain very soothing.

Someone who doesn't take pictures of it

that would be great like her.

>(Miharu is out for today!)
>Dude what the fuck
Okay, something is telling me that Witches are not the only Supernatural forces that are detrimental to Humanity here.
Also, did this motherfucker say FAILED intrusion?! I got in! Is he saying 'failed' because he found me? Whatever.

>Inspect this... Phallic Object.
I have no interest in these kinds of toys or the acts they help with. Even if I did, my hands and fingers would be Much more efficient for the job. I would know.
However, I have to admit that the craftsmanship on display is worth looking at. Especially if it takes an entire factory to produce this. This... eccentric man must care a lot for his craft, I have to at least respect that.

>It was time for Marie to leave. She had seen everything.
I did not even get this man's name and I do not want to. Anyone who insults my skills like that doesn't deserve a name.

He does have a point on wasting time... I should practice or find some other form of my magic that won't immediately knock me out.
Can I transform? Dolores talked about "Magical Girls", and while I was not very interested in those shows (not much intersection between "Mahou Shoujo" and "Trespassing Addiction". You don't see a Magical Girl using a Wave Rake as a weapon, for example), I do know they often have transformation sequences. Often with really frilly outfits. I always thought those were really impractical, but that's probably because I would want sometime easier to sneak around in.

But after all of this? I need to rest.
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That man is... clearly a man, by some definition at least... and yet Marie would be lying if she told herself that his words didn't strike a chord in her. Somehow, somewhere, she has been touched. People laze about when 'there's nothing to do' or 'they are tired', both valid excuses she uses as well; but she's never lazy about breaking into forbidden ground, and she's never tired when it comes to her research.

People blessed with a passion, like her, could be much more rare than she thought

and weird.

>Inspect this... Phallic Object.
But what the fuck is this. A dildo, of course, by all and any metric. And yet, this meticulous craftmanship wouldn't escape anyone. The 'phallic object' looks more like a thick magical wand; greenish and transparent, it houses a single red rose inside of it, surrounded by twisting golden branches that grow around it from the base.

It looks like a dick, of course.

Magnificent dildo: "All beauty comes from pain. Your suffering is a rose that will bloom in winter."

>It was time for Marie to leave. She had seen everything.
Well; fuck this, anyway. Marie is, indeed, upset: she may be as invested in her craft as he is in his, so calling her intrusion a 'failure' did leave a sour taste in her mouth. Not even asking his name, the Magical Girl simply turns around and leaves- and no one calls her, and no one stops her. After all, whoever that weirdo was does have a good point: time should not be wasted.

>Try to transform.
Thankfully, Marie didn't find any homeless in the abandoned dojo near her house. Ghost stories often lure students in, and at least half of them are her fault. From the very first time they broke in when she just happened to be there, Marie made it her duty to scare the ever-living shit out of them by wearing the Tengu mask on the wall; it kept the rumors going.

Now, the Tengu mask is watching over her as Marie takes a deep breath and gets ready for whatever is going to happen.

Because if her magic doesn't work
if her magic causes her to faint just like that
then straight-up transforming can easily end up badly.

But if she can't even transform then that's it: it will be safe to say that she'd been scammed to fuck out of.

Relax, Marie: no use getting angry yet. She looks at the Tengu mask and the Tengu mask looks back at her. As if saying: 'there is no escape, so relax'.


Let's go.
Keys flood from Marie's sleeves, from her socks, from her skirt, from under her shirt, by the hundreds. As if taken by a tornado, they surround her, then stab her, then twist-

and each time they do, something unlocks.

The keys unlock the sabatons from her feet, the greaves from her shins, the poleyn from her knees, and the cuisse from her thighs. Her black hair, unlocked, flows like a river from over her shoulders; like a brooch, a tiny lantern hangs onto the right side of her head. Then all the keys stop, and then all the keys stab her at once- and when the do, they merge into a silky-soft black robe made of chainmail that barely cover her waist. Wings in the shape of doors behind her back; and Marie unlocks, from her own, a very particular scabbard- that looks like a very long lock.

There are no mirrors, so Marie takes a selfie of herself- and the contrast between how heavily armored her legs are and how silky-soft her chainmail robe is surprises her. She wonders what the golden engravements on her robe could mean, written just like a letter- but it's the weapon she took out of her chest on instinct that surprises her the most. It reminds her of a katana- only that katanas can be taken out of their sheath. And this one... won't budge! Marie takes a closer look at it; it's locked. Summoning tiny pick rakes as if it was second nature, Marie even curses as she sets about the task of breaking into her own damn weapon.

๑ Marie: Mother. Fucker. You better. Not need. Magic-

-the explosion makes Marie let out a shrill scream. After making sure she still has her head, Marie-A looks at the scabbard: it's open, empty, and smoking. The weapon, a massive, red-hot wave rake, has been shot so violently against the wall that it got stuck in it. As her weapon cools down and regains it's metallic, blueish color, Marie wonders if the damn thing just tried to unlock her skull.

>(Marie has had enough for today!)
aight guys, that's it for day 1! mechanics and bullshit incoming soon, so brace. im happy to see this format is doing nicely, going back to the roots was a good idea. it worked back then for some reason, so maybe its just working again now

up next is char sheets, dice rolling, and despair mechanics. im still thinking on how to go about it in a way thats not too cumbersome or mathematic, but it /will/ be a very relevant mechanic going forward- so don't take buenos aires as an example when you make your next choices
>don't take buenos aires as an example
Wow, Lumina already playing favorites I see. Guess we're all chopped liver now, gals...

Glad to see things in Meguca Royale haven't gotten any normaler!
Yeah nah sorry AkikoNERDS, I'm all in on Miharu now

dude what the fuck marco (or his japanese branch manager)

Kino magical girl outfit, love the keys and lock theming, and all the tiny keys being the chainmail is great
I'm eager to see what's in store for Rin and Miharu

Haha senpais, we kouhais get to have the new and improved mechanic system which may or may not be a good thing for our girls...
And I'm definitely enjoying this format, Lumina, so I hope you do too!
Also now that the first day is done, I gotta say that I didn't expect the moon wish to be integrated in such a kino way, full applause for that
Waiting for that second moon to light up the night sky... it's a beautiful dream
sweet fuck re-reading some of my fast posts and im already noticing some butchered sentences and missing words. yknow what, i'll do a section that is just about fixing shit up, maybe at the end of the thread or whenever niggucas mention too many

>Guess we're all chopped liver now, gals...
that's how i play favorites: by introducing them to a despair system and upholding it mercilessly

>Glad to see things in Meguca Royale haven't gotten any normaler!
that's all I can afford to promise, bullshit for everyone, the rich and the poor, the ■-■'s and the 凸's

>I'm eager to see what's in store for Rin and Miharu
if she's still alive somehow, rin will just say cock over and over until she's a radiant maiden of hope
and miharu will be so excited about her transformation that she'll ruin it by continously saying how cool it is and forgetting to pose

>that spoiler
someone understands

>And I'm definitely enjoying this format, Lumina, so I hope you do too!
it's definitively a lot easier to swallow, although a lot more messy and error-prone. however, i have to admit i enjoyed a lot working on wakoko, akiko, and rin, but, that's not how quests are

>Waiting for that second moon to light up the night sky... it's a beautiful dream
miharu, gimme some of that innocence. if i saw that second moon i'd just shit myself on the spot
>but, that's not how quests are
Damn... well, it's not like it needs to be this fast-paced/off-the-cuff all the time, I'm sure that would get exhausting for both you and us
You still can and should do more structured gigaposts, especially if you enjoy writing them more; for example, this chunk of time after the first day is the optimal time for structure. Not just saying that for the sake of it either: from a literary standpoint it's necessary too, otherwise we run the risk of either devolving into mundane drudgery or aimless shenanigans
I can only speak for myself, but these sorts of things are only fun if both sides are having fun (meaning you need to have fun too!!!), so you should do what you want- it's simply a privilege to be here
I have a boob-sword. There's a mind-boggling amount of possible jokes. I guess I'm the only Magical Girl with a Wave Rake as a weapon. Given the power of the Wave Rake, and the fact that I have to open a lock to use it, I'm going to consider it the equivalent of a Magia from Magia Record. In other words, it's an extremely powerful attack designed to be used as a finisher. Like Tiro Finale

I will call it "Clé squelette" (Skeleton Key). I'll need to practice opening that thing quickly.

Also, an interesting Magical Girl Outfit. Reminiscent of the French Romantic Ideal of a Knight. One could say that it doesn't fit Marie's nature of a universal intruder, but perhaps that's not really true. Showing your special someone a hidden world that is only for them, honing your craft so that you can show others the threats they are open to, respecting others' skill even if they aren't... on your side, all are Romantic qualities.

Oh hey, new despair mechanics! I can't wait to go through advanced suffering!

The key (hah) with spelling and grammar errors is that as long as everyone reading still understands what you mean, you're safe. We will probably tell you if you mess up to the point where we literally do not understand the context of the sentence or paragraph.
I also agree with Miharu about the Structured Gigaposts. Generally, you want to be more structured in places of downtime/less importance, and more fast-paced and off-the-cuff in fight scenes and situations where particular actions by players will lead to big diversions in plot.
In the end, I want you to have fun. I'm the kind of person who haves fun when other people are having fun. I'm a QM of a different quest on a different site, and if I wasn't having fun (with others), then I would've burnt out long ago. I don't want you to burn out.
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∿Hands tied together, monkeys dance round and round around the forest of the fairies. The giant cat asks Miharu three questions: if the sky is purple, if the dog’s barks are lies, and if she ever truly felt the sun on her face. The trees are rusty swords, the clouds hide cities, and the helmet she’s wearing is an old ruler cursed by a hag. Her comrade, the knight whose head is a joystick, lifts a hand to answer the question, but it’s the cleric, of short stature and massive, all-enveloping pink hair, that steps up to the cat and does. When she turns around, Miharu is treated to her pretty smile, her sleepy eyes, and then dragged by her hand- but not past the giant cat.∿

∿The committee of cocks in suits had been debating what to do with the traitor for too long. Tied, begging for mercy, screaming, crying, sweating, sniffling, and shitting all over the place, the banana man couldn’t do much but hear the others bicker over its fate. A punch is flung, then another, then another, then the cocks ravenously try to fuck each other as president Rin wheezes so much that she can’t breathe. But one of the suits, of short stature and massive, all-enveloping pink hair, hushes everyone quiet by suggesting long-term business plans, then sets the banana man free. When she turns around, Rin is treated to her pretty smile, her sleepy eyes, and then dragged by her hand- but to walk in the air through the window.∿

∿The lantern tied to the rope was carefully cast down to the dark rift, faintly illuminating the alien sunken city. Climbing down herself, Marie marveled at what little the blinding light could show her, slowly letting go of the rope coiled around her shoulder to keep going down. Ancient statues bathe in the light, strange devices fall prey to her eyes, and when she finally steps on ground lost forever she finds herself surrounded by round doors of many shapes and colors but someone opens one of them. Then a coffin opens behind her, and the mummy, of short stature and massive, all-enveloping pink hair, solves the puzzle to the empty switch that opens the right one. When it turns around, Marie is treated to her pretty smile, her sleepy eyes, and then dragged by hand- but not through the secret door.∿
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∿Miharu Fukugawa, Marie-Antoinette Desire, Rin Nakamora; strangers to each other, the three Magical Girls gaze with wide-open eyes- even Rin. They stand in a tidy and clean, wet park full of grass and flowers, in a playground for kids- in the middle of a juxtaposition of things that shouldn’t be there, some that shouldn’t even exist, and others that the laws of physics wouldn’t allow.∿

???: Hello.∿

∿Sitting by a round wood table, choke-full of bento boxes, sushi, onigiri, tempura, yakitori, and juice, stares at them a girl of short stature and massive, all-enveloping pink hair. Her voice is slow and soothing; she’s in her paper-white pajamas, which have many names written all over in many colors and many styles. Instead of saying something else, she takes her time to look at someone behind her.∿

???: Dolores, would you mind introducing us?∿

∿It’s the Magical Girl who made all their contracts, and she looks hungover- untransformed, all she wears is a very long, very red shirt. As if any strong sound could shatter her, the woman pretty much limps over as she mumbles under her breath; yet, once there, she still says nothing.∿

???: Dolores, would you mind introducing us?∿

Dolores: mhmhsmhsmm… why am I even here? I’m just… going back.∿

???: Miharu, Rin, and Marie-Antoinette still don’t know me. If you introduce me to them they won’t have to be afraid.∿

๑ Marie: First name already? No honorifics? Bet your ass I’m afraid.∿

∿Miharu looks around, and her mouth goes wide and WIDER by the second. Trees that are swords, cocks in suits arguing logistics over picnic, magnificent, decrepit towers looming at the distance. A giant cat is chasing a crying, shitting banana man through doors that teleport them all over the place. From holes in the ground, the gist of a crystal cathedral in the dark can be seen

and right above, past the flying cities and dick shaped spaceships, two moons loom.∿

Ӝ Miharu: Eh… huh?!∿

∿Then Miharu realizes that a whole arm is going through her chest- even though she can’t feel it.∿

ع Rin: A ghost.∿

∿Rin punches Miharu a few more times, who cowers and screams at the quiet volley of fists- as Marie watches in horror.∿


∿And yet, the pink tower of hair is still just giving that same shiny little smile.∿

???: Dolores; would you mind introducing us?∿

∿Which finally seems to do the trick.∿

Dolores: Yeah, I guess I’m sober enough now.∿
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∿Finally, at least some of the Magical Girls are sitting by the round wood table. Marie is still standing, pacing back and forth frantically, Rin keeps going up and down the slide, and Miharu keeps munching on the food like it was made out of foam.∿

Dolores: This is Osaka’s Coordinator, Ciel Auclair-san. She’s my associate.∿

Ciel: And beloved friend.∿

Dolores: …that too. She can enter other people’s dreams and connect them, which should explain most of what you are experiencing at this moment.∿

∿Transformed, Dolores still looks as if a truck had blown its horn right next to her ear. Even in a dream.∿

∿Dumbbell: Most of the Magical Girls I care for call me ‘Dumbbell’. I won’t mind if you three call me that too.∿

๑ Marie: Aren’t you like ten or something?∿

Dumbbell: I was born with dwarfism. I am currently nineteen years old.∿

ع Rin: Do you like cock?∿

Dumbbell: I do. It is natural for teenagers like us.∿

Ӝ Miharu: Is Coordinator-chan from France? Does she come from that tower?∿

∿Both Dolores and Marie open their mouths to say that not every frenchman is born in the Eiffel Tower, but-∿

Dumbbell: I was born and raised in Osaka, Miharu; but I do like that tower. Do you like it too?∿

Dolores: Say no.∿

Ӝ Miharu: Yes!∿

∿Whatever Dolores says is muffled by the loud, yet not ear-shattering sound of the Eiffel Tower /drilling/ it’s way out of the floor in the distance.∿

Ӝ Miharu: AWESOME!∿

ع Rin: Make a dick.∿

Dolores: Oh for f∿

∿Whatever Dolores says is muffled by the loud, yet not ear-shattering sound of a veiny, skyscraper-sized penis emerging from the dark depths of the dreamworld in the other distance.∿

ع Rin: YES.∿

∿Dumbbell looks at Marie.∿

๑ Marie: I’m good.∿

Dolores: Please pay attention. The role of Coordinators like Ciel-san is to enhance your magical capabilities by tuning your Soul Gems. Being supported by a Coordinator is mandatory at this point, since most Magical Girls you’ll meet from here on out will have had some work done on theirs already. Do not engage them if you haven’t.∿

Ӝ Miharu: Engage… Magical Girls?∿

∿All that thrill was quick to drain off of Miharu’s voice.∿

Dolores: Yes. Magical Girls often compete over Soul Gems, but when they can’t kill a Witch themselves they’ll try to take them from each other, or fight over hunting grounds, or try to turn each other into Witches that can be harvested- as the number of Witches are limited.∿

∿Even Rin is paying attention at this point. As for Marie and Miharu…∿

Ӝ Miharu: But- you didn’t say anything about having to fight other Magical Girls!∿

๑ Marie: And I sure as hell didn’t sign up for any survival deathmatch bullshit!∿

Dolores: ...I figured it was implied enough. You had time enough to think about... something of such importance and magnitude.∿
Dumbbell: Daijobu.∿

∿…it’s something in the way she said it. Hearing words a million times, humans draw patterns from the tone in which they are said, the gestures made along them, the eyes of those who say them- and something primal about Dumbbell’s is felt as fundamentally soothing.∿

Dumbbell: My beloved Osaka is a very special place for Magical Girls. Here, the candidates already know what will happen when they make a wish, and contracts are only allowed to be made with a clear mind. For this reason alone, this is the city with the least amount of Magical Girls in the whole wide world.∿

∿Marie feels like she’s got a LOT she wants to say, but she doesn’t. Miharu feels the same: having the whole picture feels so important that her legs are shaking.∿

Dumbbell: There are few Witches, that is true, but there isn’t much competition either; the ones that escape from other cities mean nourishment enough for us. So, fights over territory are rare, because we can’t quite cover all of it yet. Don’t be afraid. It’s going to be ok. You will live as long as any other Magical Girl. Be kind to yourself and use your magic sparingly. I will help with both.∿

∿Dolores glances at Miharu and Marie, who remain silent yet. Even with all of the information, people can still make the wrong call- perhaps that’s that’s the thought they share. As for Rin, she’s just happy gazing towards the east from the summit of the slider.∿

Dumbbell: Ever since you became Magical Girls, I’ve been watching over your dreams. Those can be strange, but you learn a lot about their dreamers from those; I’ve learned enough to love you. At last we met, so let’s talk. Let’s talk a lot and be friends. I want to learn all about you. I want to protect you.∿

∿Even Rin feels awkward. Miharu's feet is digging itself into the soil and Marie's is struggling to keep up the bitch face. Not everyone is used to being told 'I love you'.∿
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(Your core attributes are based on your personality. They cannot be changed.)

(Your current unique magical traits remain unknown, so increasing Magical Affinity is a gamble. However, improving this stat will make it easier to figure those out. This stat can be increased in the future.)

>Select stat magnitude. Add up to 11 across all stats:

£ Physical Affinity: 2
λ Magical Affinity: 1
彡 Dexterity: 3
メ Perception: 4
⸫ Wisdom: 4
π Intelligence: 2
ღ Charisma: 4
φ Mind: 2
Ω Constitution: 2

£ Physical Affinity: 3
λ Magical Affinity: 1
彡 Dexterity: 4
メ Perception: 4
⸫ Wisdom: 2
π Intelligence: 4
ღ Charisma: 2
φ Mind: 2
Ω Constitution: 2

£ Physical Affinity: 5
λ Magical Affinity: 1
彡 Dexterity: 2
メ Perception: 2
⸫ Wisdom: 1
π Intelligence: 3
ღ Charisma: 4
φ Mind: 3
Ω Constitution: 3

>You can ask one question. If you ask many, only the first one will count.
lmao i took your advice to heart
A wish for fortune.
A wish for the moon.
A wish for fabrication.
Interesting wishes! And none of you exploded! I'm a bit sad to see Akiko go. Miharu's symbol reminds me of a country's flag, but I don't remember its name. This Coordinator seems a bit strange, but being exposed to people's souls is bound to affect a person's psyche, for better or worse. Though why a ~ is being added at the end of lines is beyond me.

>defined from the outset
I gave sparse descriptors and assigned the stats. Lumina gave me the most mentally unstable of the sextet. I've wondered if Helen was more of QM's creation than mine. Interests and core beliefs are what my mind flits to, as I didn't assign those. It's a fun character to control, but it messes with my head when I try to think like her. It's also been quite a bit since I was a eight.

Oh boy, the stats. If there's any advice I can give the new
players, it's to heavily consider dexterity, perception, and constitution. Crits exist, and a lucky soul gem shot could take you out. If I recall correctly, a stat of 4 is average for magical girls. It seems you started off with more stat points than I did. We might get to see some 7s.
> (Your core attributes are based on your personality. They cannot be changed.)
What are 'Core attributes'?
Are you referring to the initial distribution of attributes?
The ones highlighted in green.
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>You still can and should do more structured gigaposts, especially if you enjoy writing them more; for example, this chunk of time after the first day is the optimal time for structure.
yeah! for now ill try striking a balance between dumb fast posts and planned posts, maybe at the end of the days. hard infodumping can be done in between fun days

>One could say that it doesn't fit Marie's nature of a universal intruder, but perhaps that's not really true.
there is a very fun pattern going around all magical forms. i won't say it lel

>Oh hey, new despair mechanics! I can't wait to go through advanced suffering!

>We will probably tell you if you mess up to the point where we literally do not understand the context of the sentence or paragraph.
yeah, do so. i expect to fuck up a lot at this speed, so it would be nice to keep track of uncertainties that could evolve

>Generally, you want to be more structured in places of downtime/less importance, and more fast-paced and off-the-cuff in fight scenes and situations where particular actions by players will lead to big diversions in plot.
we are taking this route then. theres still a fuckton i have to figure out as a qm, even after all these years. it helps to have help

>I don't want you to burn out.
you gave me this stupid idea. imagine if burning out for a qm would be exactly burning out, like you post and end up on fucking fire screaming. the posts would be awesome

>And none of you exploded!
there is a ceeertain degree of explosion you might be familiar with.

>I'm a bit sad to see Akiko go.
me too. and wakoko. both their concepts are really good

>I've wondered if Helen was more of QM's creation than mine. Interests and core beliefs are what my mind flits to, as I didn't assign those.
in hindsight, Helen may have been the first one to suffer from this pattern, and now only her and Rin remain my illegitimate child. i've given context to all the others, but not to the point where it's me that has to come out and say their quirks and preferences because they already have a background set that won't allow contradictions

>but it messes with my head when I try to think like her.
this is what i see that could be happening to rinanon and rin: so far, they seem very different from one another, but time will tell. that why i gave rinanon the chance to reroll

>Oh boy, THE STATS.
i am so fucking curious as to how this is going to end. why? because stats reflect personality- and 11 points is a LOT of leeway

>you started off with more stat points than I did.
Helen intentionally has less points than any other guca- cuz she's, like, guiness-record smol. still pretty smart. i grew to really like writing her

>What are 'Core attributes'? Are you referring to the initial distribution of attributes?
yes. those numbers you already see there are the Core attributes. those can't be lowered; you have to work from there
£ Physical Affinity: 3
λ Magical Affinity: 1 + 1 = 2
彡 Dexterity: 4 + 2 = 6
メ Perception: 4 + 3 = 7
⸫ Wisdom: 2 + 2 = 4
π Intelligence: 4 + 1 = 5
ღ Charisma: 2
φ Mind: 2 + 1 = 3
Ω Constitution: 2 + 1 = 3

>Total Points Spent: 11

The goal here is to strike hard and fast, and dodge because my Consitution is not worth raising over other stats that I'm actually decent at. It will be very funny to see a Magical Girl in full armour doing acrobatics. Hopefully Perception + Dexterity + Wisdom will make a direct shot into my Soul Gem unlikely, but I kind of appreciate having higher chances of living so I'll put one (1) point into Constitution.
Identify weakspots and dismantle a Witch's System, or a barrier of lies. Like breaking open a lock.

The ∿, is likely her Soul Gem symbol. A Sign that we're in a dream that's within her domain. That's a really convenient ability for a Co-ordinator, makes it so Magical Girls don't need to locate you and you can just forcefully pull them to you... I also wouldn't be surprised if she's manipulating our mental state in this dream.
>Dolores: Yes. Magical Girls often compete over Soul Gems...
*Grief Seeds
I don't think Magical Girls compete over other Soul Gems... This does make me wonder what a Magical Girl can do with another Soul Gem.
>"Mon amie-" Marie stops, weird choice of words. "You can't just say that you love someone that easily, you are not my mother."
>"If it is not too personal, what was your Wish, Ciel Auclair-san?"
Yeah... I was in full Miharu brain earlier, but I really did like Akiko too... (and Wakoko of course, but I have a personal attachment to the concept I helped create!) You did a marvelous job putting her into reality, Lumina, better than I expected. If only I had been creative enough or put enough time in to make a really nice wish reflective of her character... but the allure of two moons got to me, and I had to come up with a character based on that to see what would happen...
And I'm glad to hear we'll still be getting gigaposts! That's a huge part of the charm, and it just wouldn't be a Lumina quest without them (and I enjoy reading them greatly). The initial dreams into us all being here was quite nice, and Dumbbell and Dolores are interesting characters

>Eh...? Miharu frowns. This... wasn't as heroic as she thought it was going to be. She thought there was going to be some grand villain they would all have to fight, something they needed to overcome to make the world a better place... this... this scenario was more like those sad only-one-can-live short stories, where everyone dies and the only survivor is broken from grief...
>but... within the dark depths of despair, eternal hope shines forth!
>Even if they're destined to fight one another, even if this story is a darker genre than they all would've liked, there's still a story to be had! There can still be heroes, even in such overwhelming darkness! Characters can still grow and change for the better! Even if everyone is more likely to become villains in such difficult circumstances, that just means those who choose goodness shine even brighter! Even if everyone is destined to die in the end, that just means they should all strive to have noble deaths!
>...Death would come for them all, anyway, regardless of if they went down this path: that just means they need to have lived a life worth living!!!!!

£ Physical Affinity: 2
λ Magical Affinity: 1 + 4 = 5
彡 Dexterity: 3 + 1 = 4
メ Perception: 4
⸫ Wisdom: 4
π Intelligence: 2
ღ Charisma: 4
φ Mind: 2 + 5 = 7!!!
Ω Constitution: 2 + 1 = 3

Fuck the meta, Miharu and I are here for a good story!!! (I also don't want to just instantly die though, so I will listen to Helen(a)-senpai's advice at least somewhat). Mind was set at 7 from the outset, but I initially had a point into physical affinity to try to balance things out a little more, then I decided nah fuck it slap that shit into magical affinity we're going all out on the mystery box here! (...even if it can be increased more in the future, as opposed to physical affinity which can't... all for the sake of kino!) And unlike the other two whose wishes imply what their power is pretty clearly, I have no clue what the actual FUCK magic Miharu has, but that just makes it even better!!!

As far as Miharu's question: uh... I gotta think on that, I gotta go for now, I'll come back later
I see that we embody the two different kinds of philosophies of Chargen. I can't say it doesn't fit for Miharu's character. With that much Magical Affinity she's going to create the next Luna.
Now for Rin.

I actually don't really know much about the stats in this iteration. I know a bit from the previous but Perception and Wisdom seem to have been split now. No matter what decisions I make, I will live with the consequences.
Honestly this may turn out to be a completely disastrous idea, especially if my magic isn't offensive in anyway, since I won't be able to kill any witches whatsoever with that measly physical affinity stat, and plus I like knights/melee way more than coward bitch-ass mages, but fuck it we ball
Maybe I really should've put those points into physical affinity, since melee is way fucking cooler than magic, and also having trouble figuring out what your magic does is a based plot thread, but you dangle unoptimal stat choices in front of me and I go all in
On the plus side: You will take forever to Witch out if Mind works similarly to the last iteration.

Also, I could share Grief Seeds occasionally... And I have a crazy idea involving my ability and Grief Seeds. It will likely require a lot of Magic Affinity though.

Honestly, I did not think of Physical Affinity being Melee. If the numbers are roughly the same as last time then I have a sub-par Physical Affinity. But hopefully improving Magic Affinity will give me more attacks like Clé squelette. Then I will become a Spellsword.
I mean, you can still pussy out of that. If there's an update then no take backs, before that anything goes.

I've been meaning to give advice but man, I gotta read ALL that shit? Its so easy to procrastinate when no one is waiting for me.

Also should have said that "The Earth had two moons" could kinda mean that it doesn't have them in the current era but too late for that!

I kinda prefered Akiko
Awwww shit some serious buyer's remorse coming in now, Akiko's definitely a much more unique character and could've been more interesting to read as opposed to Miharu, who's a more classic brainless anime girl with story flavoring (at least, the way I've been playing her). Though her wish was a creative idea, my execution of her from my end has been rather subpar

Bleh, grass is always greener on the other side, as opposed to bitching out again I'll stick with magical affinity and make it work
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you two make miharu sad
shame on you!

>I don't think Magical Girls compete over other Soul Gems... This does make me wonder what a Magical Girl can do with another Soul Gem.
technically, Dolores is still right: Grief Seeds are still Soul Gems, only gone sour. this is like the perfect excuse to mask the fact that i messed up and take no accountability whatsoever

>This does make me wonder what a Magical Girl can do with another Soul Gem.
if you are a Coordinator, wageslave. otherwise, you can touch it to mess around with or seriously hurt the Magical Girl- which is the actual gem and not the girl herself

>If only I had been creative enough or put enough time in to make a really nice wish reflective of her character...
you are being hard on yourself for no reason. the two moons is very unique, and it fits

>and it just wouldn't be a Lumina quest without them
that 55 posts doomed me to a trademark. i'll take it, for that is my destiny. the more i giga post, the darker my soul gem grows, but its for everyone's sake! glad you like to read them, i enjoy all the in-character paragraphs you guys write

>...even if it can be increased more in the future, as opposed to physical affinity which can't...
my bad. it's not just MA: every stat can be increased later on up to a limit (which is the whole point of Coordinators). also motherfucking Mind 7, it's too stupid funny how it does fit miharu as a character. she just /knows/ there's good stuff worth fighting for. after all, all the games and mangas she likes so much must be based on something real

>I actually don't really know much about the stats in this iteration.
ask away, but Erika's book should still get the job done. perception is: what the fuck is this? wisdom is: what the fuck does this mean? and int is: how the fuck does this work?

>especially if my magic isn't offensive in anyway
unique magical traits aren't usually offensive by nature, but they are often used to make offense easier (time stop, ribbons, omniscience, emma's absolutely OP unity she never used cause she needs a hug). as for being a mage: both magical attacks and weapons attacks are covered under PA. everything that does physical damage is PA; mages and warriors use the same stat here. it's the weapon that makes the difference in /how/

kyoko is a good example of MA1 PA7.

>having trouble figuring out what your magic does is a based plot thread
some people just don't like surprises: it's a way to measure their personality. jumping into the void or playing it safe defines people

>But hopefully improving Magic Affinity will give me more attacks like Clé squelette.
i have to tell you in advance that Clé squelette depends entirely on PA. as for how to unlock that scabbard: well, that's up to you! lawle

>I mean, you can still pussy out of that. If there's an update then no take backs, before that anything goes.
yeah, that's solid advice. once it rolls, it rolls
I'm sorry Miharu, I'll make it up to you!

The two moons wish was great and fits Miharu perfectly, but I was having trouble coming up with a wish that Akiko would want, since she didn't really seem like a character that would ask for something to happen without trying to do it herself (which perhaps is fitting, because I have no clue what I'd ask the demonic cat for either and probably wouldn't wish for anything)

And yeah, had to give Miharu Mind 7, it's just too perfect for her. Ironically, you telling me that magic affinity doesn't increase magical damage and that physical affinity covers all attacks makes me want to go into magic affinity even more lmao, damn I love being unoptimal
Also I love surprises and jumping into the void, so even if her magical affinity is high as balls I still wouldn't mind it being a surprise, gotta wait to pull it out in the darkest hour of act one, after all
Forgot to mention it, but that clarification about the stats helped, I legitimately thought we could only increase MA this time around

The most obvious question is so obvious that I can't believe I didn't think about it earlier- where the fuck is my moon, bitch?
>Hey, you guys said I could wish for anything and it would come true! Where's the second moon????? Also what's it gonna be called, and what is the old moon's name gonna be then, it'd be really confusing to just call it 'the moon' like always, and also I had a really cool dream a few days ago but I don't reeaally remember it, do you know what happened in it, Dumbbell? Was it actually cool? Also can you help me with my pop-up book, I don't really know how to make the ancient tree pop up as much as it should, since it's supposed to be a really cool tree different from the other ones, but if I make it too tall then it'll stick up out of the top of the book even while it's closed and spoil the reveal???
Oh no no no going too meta about how I get into the Miharu mindset may have proven the death of me, you gotta let me know if I do shit too weird and I trust you to keep Miharu true to herself, Lumina, but my logic is Dolores and Dumbbell are the opposite of boring regular life so of course she'd be excited

And yeah, since no one answered your question Rin-chan, I'm 98% sure the core attributes are the initial distribution, and it's saying you can't subtract points from your initial loadout to make other things higher
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> so increasing Magical Affinity is a gamble.
> Magical Affinity is a gamble.
> gamble.
> gamble.
> gamble.

>+10 to Magical Affinity
> +1 to Mind

£ Physical Affinity: 5
λ Magical Affinity: 1+10
彡 Dexterity: 2
メ Perception: 2
⸫ Wisdom: 1
π Intelligence: 3
ღ Charisma: 4
φ Mind: 3+1
Ω Constitution: 3
this would be very funny
very rin
each stat has a limit of 7 which I somehow forgot to clarify because it had been that way for all buenos aire's run. 7 is already super talented by guca standards, 8 is like a god or something, and 9 is Mami tier

also that +1 to mind made me smile

>And yeah, since no one answered your question Rin-chan...
but I did
you make your qm look evil
Absolutely devastating.
Very well.

> +6 to Magical Affinity
> +3 to Mind
> +2 to Charisma

£ Physical Affinity: 5
λ Magical Affinity: 1+6
彡 Dexterity: 2
メ Perception: 2
⸫ Wisdom: 1
π Intelligence: 3
ღ Charisma: 4+2
φ Mind: 3+3
Ω Constitution: 3
but you didn't > them dummy
>that dex+per
oh boy. well, you are now the designated charisma monkey. supposing you are all working together because why wouldn't you
I saw no >> reply :P
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oh true

chargen is done. we move! tomorrow
>dat spoiler
Miharu's background and mindset are yours since I didn't established them myself; my role here is simply to interpret what you set up and to see how it would fit with the current context. her memories and background are up to you; im just here to keep it consistent

which just means like, do your stuff! it aint weird. i only call for clarifications when stuff is contradictions, like rin having something remotely resembling an elaborate lexico or jimena being white

aight im sleep
i am here to artificially increase the post count
nah srsly i keep forgetting shit

rinanon, so no question for the dumbbell? had to make sure so i can roll all it all at once
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>supposing you are all working together because why wouldn't you

Normally, I would say "The inevitable scramble for Grief Seeds and territory due to scarcity."
But according to Ciel and Dolores, there isn't much competition. I'm not sure I can believe them however, and in the future that may not be true.
7 is already super talented by guca standards

I somehow knew the limit would be 7 even before re-reading the Buenos Aires Run to reaffirm. I'm guessing Madokami (Our Lady and Saviour) has a MA of 10/??
>it's not just MA: every stat can be increased later on up to a limit (which is the whole point of Coordinators).
>i have to tell you in advance that Clé squelette depends entirely on PA. as for how to unlock that scabbard: well, that's up to you! lawle
Unironically, the best route would probably be to advance MA enough to where I can use my Magic to immediately open it, then upgrade it with PA. Fits the character too, destructive entry wasn't really her style but she could do it with enough preparation.

Also, the potential for other lockpick-related weapons is hilarously immense.
>Tension Wrench Scythe
>Disc-Detainer Pick Spear
>Half-Diamond Pick Sabre
>Ball Pick Club
>Saw Rake Serrated Blade
The potential is limitless.
> No questions move in Rin's mind.
> The only question that she would have asked is 'How to do magic', but as she is clearly some kind of sorcerous savant given her near-instantaneous mastery of flight voicing such queries seem like a frivolous waste of Rin's valuable time... also she wasn't really paying attention to anything that was being said.
> So no, no questions.
> Besides, as of right now, in the wake of whats-her-face's disconcerting proclamation of affection, the cerebrospinal fluid soaked cinderblock that passes for Rin's psyche is far too preoccupied furiously hurtling down a different train of thought, one pertaining to a matter of earth-shatteringly incomparable importance.
> Rin wets her lips, arches her back, puffs up her chest with a draw of breath, then yelling at the maximum volume her frame will allow she drones out a single torturously elongated word - delivered with an uncompromisingly deadpan intonation.
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>You can ask one question. If you ask many, only the first one will count.

The smile under those drowsy eyes contradicts them: it’s earnest, and what many would call ‘pure’. It doesn’t help Marie or Miharu look at her face, or even face her, and yet Rin is stuck as if she had seen something catch fire. So far she hadn’t taken in a word that had been said not because she didn’t care or because she didn’t understand- but because none of that had any kind of importance. This does. This is the line. Someone has to say it; to Rin, it’s duty. Jaw shaking, mouth gaping, Rin wets her lips and puffs up her chest; then, she points at Dumbbell, and loudly claims


like a walrus who is always absolutely correct. As if accusing a witch, an actual witch, to be cast to the fire

and yet the witch seems largely unphased. Until she takes a deep breath herself- and says

Dumbbell: I’m- gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayywwwwnn!

and the long word ends in a yawn. Rin is… very confused. This isn’t how it goes in the classroom. That long word, bouncing inside Marie’s head, gets some gears turning in it. Creeping in, her thoughts whisper of the kind of dreams that Dumbbell- could have seen.

๑ Marie: …nah bitch, no way. You mean, like, gay like…

Dumbbell patiently shakes her head.

Dolores: Ciel-san, that’s /not/ the point. Look: you just /don’t/ tell people you’ve just met that you love them. It’s not normal. It’s embarrassing.

Dumbbell: But it’s true. I love Rin, Miharu, and Marie, and… and I want to protect them.

๑ Marie: Bitch get outta here with that weird fluffy shit, you don’t even know me. This girl right here is sussy as fuck, man.

Dumbbell: What does it take to know someone?

Dumbbell’s rhetorical question is left hanging in the air, but, although embarrassed, Miharu does give it some thought. At what point do you decide that you love someone? When can you say that you understand other people? Is it a matter of time? Is there a line to be crossed? Whatever the case, it’s Rin that answers the call, who takes the legacy of justice upon her shoulders.

ع Rin: It’s still GAY.

And Dumbbell pauses until a little grin visits her face.

Dumbbell: Is that bad?

And it’s over. Even Rin knows not to fight that battle, not in this age and era. Dumbbell’s little grin is what’s left standing in the end.

Dumbbell: Rin, Marie, and Miharu, and you, Dolores, too; whether you like it or not, I love you all.

Rin just mumbles ‘cock’ repeatedly in desperation.
After that, Osaka’s Coordinator gave each of the rookie Magical Girls some room to talk about themselves, and they all got to know each other a bit, grateful that Dumbbell didn’t tell them ‘I love you’ again. Dumbbell would mostly just drop a topic and let everyone else fill the air, at times asking questions when there was something she didn’t understand. Other than that, it was mostly Miharu talking about the series that she likes.

Ӝ Miharu: They could just say that life isn’t fair and take the least worst choice, but they always take huge risks to investigate what could be a bit better! That’s what makes Magical Girl Drillface stand out so much in the genre, that the authors are very daring and put her in situations where she’ll always come out looking bad somehow. There’s a lot of people saying she’s the real bad guy of the series! But then I always say: put your favorite heroes in this situation and then tell me what they’ll do. They always say they wouldn’t end up there in the first place because they don’t know what else to say, which is so cheap! People can be such jerks online.

๑ Marie: You know, I always thought those were for stupid little girls or degenerates that wanna fuck little girls, but now that I /am/ an actual bona-fide Magical Girl myself shit does hit home. Drillface-chan gets the pass.

Ӝ Miharu: See?!

ع Rin: The N-word pass.

๑ Marie: Nakamora-san, I wanna like you, so don’t you fuck with that. But… wait, you actually know that’s a bad word?

ع Rin: …like you in what way?

Rin looks… scared. Marie can’t help but roll her eyes at the still-smiling Coordinator.

๑ Marie: Mon amie- nevermind. You can't just say that you love someone that easily. You are not my mother. Or Nakamora-san’s.

Marie couldn’t let it go, in the end.

Dumbbell: If it bothers my dear Marie, then I won’t say that I love you anymore.

๑ Marie: Yeah. Also the ‘dear’, just… don’t do it. You know- at least not yet, ok? It’s still weird. And don’t forget the honorifics.

Dolores: It’s as simple as that.

Dumbbell: Ok!

Still smiling. Ahead of the awkward silence, Marie clears her throat.

๑ Marie: If it is not too personal, what was your wish, Ciel Auclair-san?

Dolores: Word of advice, Desire-san: in this world, that’s a sensi-

Dumbbell: My wish was to sleep forever, Marie. Marie-chan.

…in the end, that awkward silence was as unavoidable as rain. And yet, those words were delivered just like all others; Dumbbell remains the same.
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ع Rin: I get it.

Ӝ Miharu: I don’t think she’s talking about that moment when you wake up and the bed is too comfortable, Nakamora-san…

ع Rin: Then what?

๑ Marie: …jesus. Fucking. Christ. Now I feel like a total fucking bitch for correcting you like that, I am so sorry Ciel-san, I didn’t know.

Dumbbell: Daijobu. I think that telling me how you want to be treated is brave, so please don’t regret it. My mom works at a suicide hotline, and she often talks about her job during dinner. Hearing her every day, my outlook on the world ended up bleak before I noticed, and I had grown so depressed that I hardly left my bed. That’s when Kyubey found me.

Ӝ Miharu: Is Kyubey-san another Dolores?

Dolores: Not exactly.

๑ Marie: I’m so sorry to hear that, girl.

Dumbbell: It’s ok, Marie-chan. I’m happy now, and surrounded by wonderful people. I was a very sensitive girl eight years ago, but death scared me so much that I decided to live in my dreams.

If it’s a long night, they wouldn’t know: the passage of time is blurry in the world of dreams. As the topic of conversation drifts to greener pastures, as Miharu’s attempts to ask questions are buried under Marie’s determination to be considerate, it’s only Rin that’s thinking. Only inside her head is the question blooming: then how the fuck is she still awake?
Laughing at something she said herself, Miharu is shocked by an important memory and interrupts her own sentence to talk.

Ӝ Miharu: HEY! You guys said I could wish for anything and it would come true!

๑ Marie: Huh?

Dolores pauses, likely to absorb the sudden change- but Miharu’s pleading, nigh-desperate voice gives the wish granter no quarter.

Ӝ Miharu: Where’s my second moon?!

Miharu’s words are infused with a confusing mix of expectancy and dismay- and certain strength. Then, as if waking up from her own dream, Marie finds her own mouth open.

๑ Marie: My wish! I never got my wish! I can’t trespass for jack-shit, I just faint!

Ӝ Miharu: Where’s the new moon?! How’s it gonna be called?

๑ Marie: Why do I faint? How do I use my magic?!

ع Rin: When did I go to sleep?

Dolores endures the blizzard of questions that leave no room for answers, failing to find a gap in the air she could fill with a word.

Ӝ Miharu: How’s the old moon going to be called then? We can’t just called it ‘the moon’ too!

๑ Marie: Am I using it wrong? Do I have to chant a spell or some shit?

ع Rin: Can I get like 500 yen, I’ll give them back.

Ӝ Miharu: I had this really cool dream a few days ago but I don’t remember it anymore, do you know what happened in it, Dumbbell?

Dolores whispers something in Dummbell’s ear to which the tiny Coordinator just nods- and a then clouds form into a whistle in the wish granter’s hand. But when she blows into it- the sound coming out is that of a lullaby sung by a woman. It’s not loud enough to drown the frantic questions; but the confusion does the trick anyway.
Dolores: Thanks, I suppose. Now… /one/ at a time.

The three say something at once.

Dolores: God damnit. Fukugawa-san. Talk.

Ӝ Miharu: Where’s my moon?

She just sounds so dejected.

Dolores: As I told you right before we made your contract, there is no telling how or when wishes will be granted. It is guaranteed that it will, yet the reality remains that you may not even be living to see it. It could happen in 500 years.

Ӝ Miharu: …in 500 years?

Dolores: Correct.

Miharu’s eyes just… get watery. As if being summoned, Dumbbell walks up to her and stands on her heels to say something to her ear- yet Miharu still has to kneel a bit.

Dolores: Desire-san.

๑ Marie: I can’t analyze, trespass, destroy, or rebuild fucking nothing! That was my wish! It’s guaranteed to happen, isn’t it?!

Dolores: It is. However, as stated beforehand, abstract wishes tend to be granted in unpredictable ways. Inherent powers acquired as a side-effect of a contracts are natural by nature, and therefore stable. A power asked for directly, on the other hand, is dependent on the way in which it is asked. Let us analyze your wish.

Dolores takes a little notepad from the pocket of her very classy yet oddly mystical suit.

Dolores: “I wish to be able to analyse anything I find. So that I can deconstruct, trespass, and reconstruct any system I see.” Hmm… Hmm…. and it says here that… “you don't escape the consequences of your actions.”

Dumbbell: I have a theory. Can I say it?

Dolores: Go ahead. And don’t ask for permission, you are the Coordinator.

Dumbbell: I’m bad with rules. My dear Marie’s wish is to deconstruct, trespass, and reconstruct systems, which are things made of other things. To do all that to things, you need to know things, and that’s why she made that first part of her wish. Right, right?

๑ Marie: Yeah, I guess.

Dolores: We already know all that.

Dumbbell: So you need to know things to do things with things, but; how many things would you need to know? So, say, if the things that are made of things are made of things too, and the things those things are made of are made of things like so- then maybe that’s too much, right?

Dolores: I don’t understand you.

ع Rin: It’s a tongue-twister.

Dumbbell: Systems are made of systems.

Marie feels the click.

๑ Marie: What- what? Like- infinite? Infinite information?!

Ӝ Miharu: I don’t think that’s the case.

Miharu, still dejected and gloomy, still interjects as Dolores’s hair suddenly turns white and shiny again.

Ӝ Miharu: Coordinator-chan, I learned in school that systems have a common goal. If Desire-san’s wish was to know enough things to do things, then her wish would be limited to the things that help that goal.

Dumbbell: I think that makes sense, Marie-chan.

๑ Marie: ...what the fuck does ‘abstract’ even mean?!

Dolores: An abstraction is a generality.

ع Rin: I thought it was something dead people wrote in books.
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Dolores: Desire-san, take your time to think about it. Nakamora-san.

ع Rin: Cock.

Ӝ Miharu: I’m sorry for contradicting you after you’ve been nice to me, Coordinator-chan…

Dumbbell: Why would you apologize for that, my darling moon and stars? You are trying to help Marie.

Dolores: Ciel-san, show some restraint. You are relapsing. Nakamora-san, would that be enough?

ع Rin: If I’m lucky, then why did it hurt?

Dolores: So you remember. Let’s see.

She takes out the little notepad again.

Dolores: You asked for… “the wheel of fortune to only ever turn in your favor”.

Ӝ Miharu: You don’t know how your luck may show up, Nakamora-san. Maybe your painful event happened to prevent something worse. There are a lot of stories that cover that. I’ll lend some to you if you want.

ع Rin: F U C K. But I said ‘ever’!

Dolores: Very clever theory, Fukugawa-san. However-

Ceremoniously, the wish-granting Magical Girl lifts an arm up as she points towards the sky: the two moons are now sharing it with a rising sun.

Dolores: I’m fairly certain that this is as much information as you can swallow for now. Now, hear. Not tomorrow, but the day after, I’ll come get each of you to go on Witch patrols until you find your first mark. After that, you are on your own.

Dolores finds Dumbbell just staring at her.

Dolores: … on your own and with Ciel-san here.

Dumbbell: Magical Girls often work in teams. You four are still rookies with much to learn; consider sticking together even after this so that you can support each other’s dreams.

Dolores: Should I take offense?

Dumbbell: No.

Dumbbell glances at Miharu; then winks.

Dolores: I suggest that you spend time getting familiar with the nature of your magic- especially you, Desire-san.

๑ Marie: It doesn’t make any sense.

Rin screams at the top of her lungs, scaring everyone, then ends up laughing.


Dolores: Ciel-san. If you may.

Dumbbell moves her lips to say something.

She doesn’t.
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get yours asses ready for day 2, coming soon

>I somehow knew the limit would be 7 even before re-reading the Buenos Aires Run to reaffirm. I'm guessing Madokami (Our Lady and Saviour) has a MA of 10/??

>Tension Wrench Scythe
damn fucking straight, tho it would have a lot to live up to considering Lucinda's swiss knife bullshit

mfw 3 con across the board
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this shit is doomed
>Errybody has low CON
You heard 'em, Buenos Aires Bitches: Japan is ripe for the pickins! I'm thinking the girls all pitch in for an impromptu 'Field Trip'....
Or I would if we weren't all dealing with our own shit back home
you could have stopped this

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Helen warned them, I told them they could still turn back. It fell on deaf ears, I wash my hands on everything.

But hey, what matters is we have fun!
>500 years
that... that's fucking heartbreaking... I'm so sorry, Miharu...

In other news, I'm liking the interactions a lot
Also wondering about the fact that Coordinator-chan still seems to have her magic
That "you four" seems to imply Dolores is gonna be part of our team

I already knew we were gonna be in for a rough time, Marie's gonna have to dodge-tank for Rin-chan and I and carry our asses, but hey, we have the highest average Mind ratings across the board! Despair won't be knocking on our doorsteps any time soon, just certain death!
The voice of a sunkissed gremlin rumbles in your head.

ᕗ: このように考えてみてください。あなたの願いは叶えられるのと得られるのとどちらが楽しいでしょうか?このようにして、新月は天文学的なチェーホフの銃のように、プロットに関連する瞬間にいつでも現れる可能性があります。それは興奮しませんか?

You don't understand a lick of Spanish but something about a Chekhov's Gun is kinda reassuring?
...Thanks senpai...
And yeah, setting up for all kinds of things across the board here, the way the wish was implemented is still unfathomably kino, and even if it does only come in 500 years from now that's kino too
So it's almost what I thought. My mind can't take almost infinite information.

>Ӝ Miharu: Coordinator-chan, I learned in school that systems have a common goal. If Desire-san’s wish was to know enough things to do things, then her wish would be limited to the things that help that goal.

This is interesting though, I never thought of this. Going to have to figure out what that means later.

>Dolores: I suggest that you spend time getting familiar with the nature of your magic- especially you, Desire-san.

The fact that Dolores specified me means that I'm either a ticking time bomb or the living embodiment of potential, there is no inbetween.
Good luck touching me when I get 7 Dexterity and move at LUDICROUS SPEED.
More seriously, I'm going to boost my Con soon. Probably after my first near-death experience. Which will likely happen in two days.

>Magnitude 7 Witch appears and wreaks havoc.
>It's absolutely tough.
>Marie uses Clé squelette to unlock its insides.
>It fails, of course it does.
>Miharu looks up at the clouds. "Even if you destroy Earth, The Moons always exist! Whether in our wishes, hearts, or in the Skies!"
>A massive Natural Satelitte crashes into the Witch.

A good delusion. But unfortunately we can only hope for that to happen, Jimena-san
Until then, I will pledge my life to opening the door to that day, Miharu deserves it.

>Captcha: W0W2W
Oh shit, I think Miharu might be a genius
Whenever you analyzed stuff before, maybe you were too focused on your goal of "using your magic" or "analyzing the lock in general", which means your magic would give you every single bit of information about every atom in it while trying to reach that goal, which would overload your brain, but if you just analyze it for the specific goal of unlocking it maybe it'll work out better, so your power will be limited to just giving you what you need for that goal?
aaaa dont think i can post today
i mean i can, but not fleshing things out fully can and WILL come and bite me in the ass later
so no promises!
Just do what you gotta do! We'll still be here kickin around
Makes sense. My Wish was made with a specific goal, so my Magic must be used with a specific goal.
If I just Analysed an object with no goal on what to do to or with it, I would be told everything and it would overload my brain.
If I Analysed a lock with the purpose of "How do I unlock this with lock-picks?" I would be told about the Key and Drive Pins, along with where the Shear Line is and therefore the Binding Pin.

This would also explain why Dolores specified me. If it works the way I think it does, if I analysed a piece of paper with the goal of "How do I burn this?" I would be told the Flashpoint of the paper. And If I Analysed a Witch with the goal "How do I cut this in half?" Then I would be told the Cleavage Plane of the Witch. This would be very powerful.
This is, of course, assuming it works the way I think it does. And If I can even get that good.

Don't worry, I'll still be here. I'm used to waiting.

Also, while I was doing my obligatory lock-picking research, I found this:
>Japan's law prohibits possession of any lock-picking tools and imposes a penalty of one-year imprisonment or a 500,000 Yen fine.

I'm pretty sure I would get the equivalent of a Life Sentence and bankrupt my family if was ever caught and/or someone snitched on me at this point. It's a good thing none of my family are snitches and I have completely shorn off any guilt related to B&E from my psyche.
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It is eight in the morning of a Sunday. The pools scattered around show the still gray clouds above the thick, damp air.

----- --___⋆༺༻⋆___-----
-- ----- --Day Two-- --------
---- --- ⋆˖+‧+◯+‧+˖⋆ ---------

Ӝ Miharu Fukugawa Ӝ

When she wakes up, Miharu Fukugawa's hair looks like a nest full of happy chirping chicks. She yawns. The phrase 'God hates Shrek for being alive' is stuck in her head for some reason as she shakes herself out of the crude gray blanket.

She fell asleep on the roof of some nameless hotel
yet the second moon never came.

As she considers that there's always tomorrow, that she just has to be patient, memories of nowhere assault her all at once, memories of someone punching through her over and over. Was that all just a dream? Was Coordinator-chan a dream? Suddenly pacing about with unrest, recalling events that never happened, Miharu is reminded of Dolores's remark about her wish maybe taking like 500 years.

Yet it all seems so vivid.

...dreams aside, Miharu is reminded of the cold fact that she, in fact, just spent the whole night outside- without telling her parents. Although her mouth is open no sound comes out, and yet she's screaming in the only way that matters.

>Oh my god what if they called the police?!
Marie-Antoinette Desire

Nigger; Marie wakes up concerned about giving the N-word pass to a Magical Girl called Drillface, haunted by the thought of her actually using it. These blurry, shapeless worries blend together into nothingness as Marie opens her eyes and more solid thoughts bury them. It's not a playground. It's her room. Right there at the ceiling is the large, flower-shaped fan she's used to, anchoring the Magical Girl to reality.

But when she kicks the bed sheets off her, slips her feet in the slippers, opens the shelf, and sees that masterwork of a dildo still there,

she closes the shelf.

Dad: Hey babe can a nigga get a hug?

As Marie walks out of her room, the familiar scene greets her. She gets on with her mandatory pointless bitching, gives her old man a hug anyway (who works even Sundays), goes to the kitchen to make herself some coffee, and plays some music on her Pikachu-looking cellphone. Once the ritual is concluded, everything else. The Magical Girls, the Witches, Dolores, Ciel, and her powers, everything else.

As she hums a tune, her sisters flood the room like piranhas smelling eggs and bacon, a habit that the healthy Japanese food couldn't take away from them. Shaniqua, Shaniqua, and Shaniqua: two of them were adopted, one is white as snow.

Shaniqua 1: Nigga that bacon shrinks like balls or some shit.

That's the one that's white as snow, age eleven.

Shaniqua 2: It's Nippon. It's healthy, and much better.

That's the one that's a huge weeb, age twelve.

Shaniqua 3: Hi dad. Good morning y'all.

And that's the third sister, the normal one, age thirteen. Who, glancing from over her coffee, Marie notices to be hiding a black eye under all that makeup. Oh well; she does sports after all. Neither of the three is too giddy about breaking into forbidden ground, why with the strict Japanese laws and all. But if laws are what keep you from being happy then what can you do.

>Mom's still not here, but it's another comfy day in the Desire family.
ع Rin Nakamora ع

Rin wakes up and instantly sinks someone with a right hook to the jaw; then she yawns. The furniture is weird. The place is weird. It's small but long, like a Japadog hotdog. Standing from that couch, finding an extravagant, full sized mirror, Rin sees herself dressed in unfamiliar pajamas; all over her, cute dangos with faces play around. Gay. It is, indeed, gay. Just like that Coordinator.

Who, Rin realizes in abject horror, is the one staggering her way to standing behind her.

ع Rin: G-Gay.

She points, with her witch-burner finger, at the very real, very tangible Dumbbell that is still shaking. That gigantic pink hair, like a thick robe, is almost hiding that same paper-white pajamas with names all over it.

ع Rin: GAY! It's the gay Coordinator!

Dumbbell: Good morning, Rin. I'm so happy to meet you. Welcome to the Coordinator's Shop.

Surrounded by rows of windows to darkness, it's the very same smile Rin remembers from her dream, which can't be there because dreams aren't real. Stuck trying to make sense of this contradiction, she can only watch as the Coordinator walks up to a round table made of glass and sits by it.

Dumbbell: Would you like to have breakfast with me? I'm not a good cook, but I got us some white rice, natto, fried eggs, tofu, and miso soup, and-

Even Rin can tell that there too much food on that table, and it's like whenever Dumbbell mentions something it just happens there so Rin stops her before they get buried in breakfast.

ع Rin: Why do I look gay?

Dumbbell: Oh. You body was very wounded so your clothes were soaked in blood. I took them off so I could wash you.


Dumbbell: My powers don't involve healing, so I had to call one of my customers to come help you. She said that you were seriously wounded... that many of your broken bones had pierced important organs.

Even Rin's genuine despair is cut short by Dumbbell's subtle, yet primal signals of sadness. Alien than magic, it's as if she could see her feelings directly.

Dumbbell: I'm sorry for startling you awake, Rin. I was monitoring your Soul Gem after our gathering ended in case you were suicidal. Dolores bought you here, but she didn't understand why you did that either.

Rin just sits at the table and starts eating breakfast. It's good.

Dumbbell: Did you think that luck would save you?

Rin doesn't answer: only her fork and spoon do the talking. Dumbbell stares at her, then drinks some juice herself.

>What is this place?
i can't find any pics that would do ciel san justice. i think i made her too unique. tamaki ui is the closest we got to her, even though she's even less tall, her hair is MUCH fucking bigger, like retard big, like bordering on cousing itt tier

>Japan's law prohibits possession of any lock-picking tools and imposes a penalty of one-year imprisonment or a 500,000 Yen fine.
i gotta be real: i didn't know this LAWL. marie is fucked if they ever catch her

>Oh shit, I think Miharu might be a genius
Miharu isn't a bone fide genius, but she isn't far off either. she can draw sound conclusions with very little actual data, a skill that is almost exclusively applied to predicting plot points and ruining her own fun

>A massive Natural Satelitte crashes into the Witch.
>A massive Natural Satelitte crashes into Jimena.
wishes can take many forms
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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it, but Miharu being scared of Rin punching through her and cowering down into a ball was cute as fuck
>Gah!! Gotta run home as fast as possible! Gather up all the stuff and go go go!

I basically see her as pic related but with pink hair and sleepy-happy looking, an absolute blanket of fluffy hair everywhere
Also lmao rin
Also I wouldn't expect anything less from the great Miharu, use those extrapolation skills to their absolute fullest in the only way that matters!
> What is this place?
A homosexual hotel.
A faggot flophouse.
A sapphic shanty.
A dyke domicile.
A lesbo lean-to
And, for the record, Luck absolutely did save Rin but more importantly it supplied breakfast.
Rin sees the events of last night and her current circumstances as nothing less than a decisive victory.

> Rin does not dignify this perverted weirdo - this dream stalker - this reviled adversary of Rin's every correct assessment - with a response. Instead electing to chew her food with exaggerated chutzpah while squinting at her from across the table in a fashion that teeters between derisive and constipated.
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>Gah!! Gotta run home as fast as possible! Gather up all the stuff and go go go!

Oh. Yes. Miharu is looking at the gray sky, imagining how pretty it would look beyond those clouds

because she done fucked up now.

The thermos, Dad's weird robe, the bento boxes, the surviving onigiri, it's all swept by the tornado that is Miharu as she rushes to the other

only to smack her face against it because it's still locked.

Ӝ Miharu: .......awwwwwwwwwwww aaaaaaaaaaaaa....

It hurts; but then again, the door being locked is why she's still here in the first place. The fall, as she verifies by peeking over the ledge (which she regrets) would hurt- a lot, lot more. Her cellphone still has some blood left in it, but Miharu could always just scream until someone comes to help-

maybe a staff-san who knows everyone here and will ask her who she is.


>I'm still STUCK!
>Rin just keeps eating and squinting at Dumbbell.

A homosexual hotel.
A faggot flophouse.
A sapphic shanty.
A dyke domicile.
A lesbo lean-to.
A gay guildhall.

Whatever this place is, it will not beat her. Even in her mother's womb, Rin knows, she had been calling the other sperms 'faggot' while winning the race. Rin looks at her, at this degenerate, from the corner of her eye as to not make her feel important. This thing, the thing there, that's just looking at her like a retard on a wheelchair, has seen her naked

and she could tell everyone. That's when Rin's repulsion turns into fear; it's out of fear that she keeps swallowing all of that food like a waterfall. Now how the fuck do I keep her quiet?!

Dumbbell: Oh, Rin, there-

ع Rin: Rin-san.

She hadn't planned to grace Dumbbell with words- or even the slightest illusion of fraternity- but a first name basis was too much.

Dumbbell: Rin-san: after Dolores lifted you from the floor, the blood there looked like... something. I think it's a face.

Dumbbell takes out her cellphone, looks through it, and then shows Rin the picture; it's enough to make the girl draw her bangs back. Red, the silhouette on the floor, oddly perfect, is that of the top half of a specific guy with very bad teeth smiling and doing a thumbs-up; he's wearing a straw hat.

Dumbbell: Do you know what this means? I could help you figure your magic out.

Whoever that guy is, it looks too happy about having an almost dead girl spattered all over it.

ع Rin: No.

Dumbbell: Oh, then we could-

ع Rin: No.

No 'we', under any circumstances whatsoever. Lesbians are all the rage everywhere lately; but fuck that. She will remain a disciple of Cock, and bring down his word onto this filthy land. Rin just keeps eating and occasionally glaring at Dumbbell, hoping to get his point across.

The Coordinator just keeps smiling at her.

fuuuuuuuuck i wanted to post more. ill try to be more present tonight and tomorrow
Alright; A dream about a teenager with Dwarfism, a girl who likes cock and accuses people of homosexuality at the mere mention of sincere feelings, and an extremely hopeful (some would say naïve, I wouldn't) girl, along with that Wish-granter Dolores. Yep, all of that was absolutely real. No doubt.*
*Many Doubts.

There is one way to confirm it; Drillface was mentioned and I know almost nothing about Magical Girl stories, so that was either made up wholesale from my mind or it's real, all of it was real. That Weeb Kuro-chan (Shaniqua 2. Imaginative, I know) would know about Drillface.
But first: Where is mom?
>"Blanc (Shaniqua 1), you should listen to Kuro-chan. She may be biased as a hopeless Weeb, but she has a point. You don't want to get too much greasy fat at your age, it's not even going to go to your hips and make you attractive, it will just make you chubby and bloated."
>"And Shaniqua (Shaniqua 3)... I'll talk with you later, alone. Don't be afraid, I do not and will not want to make you worry."
>"Papa, did anything interesting happen at your job yesterday? Also, where is Mama?"
>Eat Breakfast and drink the coffee.
>"Kuro-chan? Do you know about... Magical Girl stories? Maybe one called about a girl called Drillface?"

Makes sense I haven't been caught.
>Dad is a policeman.
Something tells me the local law enforcement is at least a little corrupt.
>Awawawawaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! It's super tall, but go back to the ledge of the hotel roof and peek over, are there any windows or balconies on the floor below that are open?
Using the cellphone is for uncreative LOSERS, jumping from roof to roof may require transforming, and no way we're wasting that on getting off a roof, and kicking down the door is property damage, so therefore a last resort!
Also just calling home to say we're sorry is lame, showing up and being sorry is way more forgivable since it sounds like we actually did try our best to get home
>Awawawawaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! It's super tall, but go back to the ledge of the hotel roof and peek over, are there any windows or balconies on the floor below that are open?
Reluctantly (very much so), Miharu crawls her way to the edge of the abyss, yet again, to check for open windows or balconies on the floor below. Nothing. Then, she checks, one by one, taking her time, all of the other ends of the world.

Nothing. There's no-
oh! She /does/ find one, at least. One of the balconies below has its door open, but there's nobody in there. Perhaps whoever lives there forgot to close it? Just to make sure, Miharu calls:

Ӝ Miharu: Heelllooooo!!! I'm stranded up here!!! Come and get meeeeee!!

...but, nobody answers.

>Is it really a good idea to go down there...? Wouldn't the door be closed anyway?
>Talk to the girls.

All that make up is a job well done, sure, but not enough to fool Marie who had done the same. Hmm... but how would you get a black eye like that? Playing what sport? As Marie figures that out:

>You don't want to get too much greasy fat at your age.
The first Shaniqua, the one that is white enough to pull the best dead people pranks, is already sitting at the bar instead of helping at the kitchen; Marie calls her 'Blanc'. Checking her cellphone, she still manages to complain about the bacon.

Blanc: My ass won't even have to shit if I can't get like five of those anime-ass bacons and we don't even have that many.

Kuro: EW! Gross! Are you even a girl?

The second Shaniqua, which Marie calls 'Kuro', was already familiar with Japanese culture before moving- only that her sources for said culture are limited to fantasy mangas, video-games, and visual novels.

Dad: Girlie: if you don't mind that mouth of yours you's getting palm for breakfast, y'know what am sayin??

Blanc: But dad! This is a fucking, man, look!

Marie opens her mouth to speak the soft and proper language that she enjoys, and not the ghetto nigga slang she grew up with- but that won't work here, not with her. She sighs. Experience demands sacrifice, and Marie is willing to pay at least this once.

๑ Marie: Blanc, that ass of yours should be listenin to Kuro-chan here, weeb'n all. Like; look, bitch. All dat greasy shit? Ain't going to your hips, nanana, dat shit's aaaaaall goin straight to your belly you fat bitch- and then you'll be a fat bitch!

It's not Japanese, but the language of the other world: English from the Bronx. Two of her sisters are still struggling to learn the tongue of the Rising Sun, but they all remember the dark days.

Blanc: So?

๑ Marie: Fuck do you mean 'So?'?

Kuro: If you don't care about your weight then you definitively need to learn the code of Bushido!

๑ Marie: Maybe not, but foreal, what?

Blanc reveals a cheeky grin.

Blanc: I dunno, that you bitch-ass of yours was soundin fat-phobic to me, eh?

Marie just smiles, nods, and then feints a slap hard enough that Blanc cowers and screams.

Blanc: Nigga you go too far!

๑ Marie: Mah hand here is to slap politically correct bitches. It is what it does. It also slaps the asses of lazy-ass bitches that don't wash dishes since yesterday.

Kuro: Um... actually, it was my turn yesterday.

Blanc looks at Marie, who understands. The rules are sacred- like a whip, her hand slaps Kuro's butt and makes her scream.

Kuro: What the hell?! I'm having breakfast you baka!

๑ Marie: Clean. Your. Shit.

Blanc: Hahaha, damn straight nigga.
>Papa, did anything interesting happen at your job yesterday?
Dad: Ain't no shit going on, Marie babe. Nothing happens here. If it ain't the folks themselves helpin each other find shit, it's the yakuza beating punks before we even get the news you know what am sayin?

๑ Marie: So your old ass ain't like doin much fo the community, huh?

Dad smiles.

Dad: An I like it!

And who could blame him; included in his long list is a shot to the neck that almost left him paralyzed. The man stands, more aware that anyone else of what a blessing it is to do just that.

Dad: An today; guess what? A ain't doin shit today either!

Kuro: Sounds like a dream job to me!

Dad: Bye, bitches! Don't have too much fun, and don't kill each other while am out.

Blanc: Nigga watch yo mouth!

The hard-working man waves a hand before he leaves. Marie knows it ain't that easy.

>Also, where's Mama?
A voice echoes from what could well be a cavern.

Mama: Toilet's clogged, since yesterday. Ain't nobody coming in till its fixed! Not even the plumber!

๑ Marie: Mama: call the plumber. I'll pitch in. Please.

Mama: You shut up.

Kuro: Mom, please!

No answer.

>Do you know about... Magical Girls stories?
Fidgeting on the table, already grumbling about the next one or two hours after breakfast, the three girls keep plucking away at the bacon with newfound hesitation. A little sparks in Marie's eyes: there's someone here who should know.

๑ Marie: Kuro-chan? Do you know about... Magical Girl stories?

Blanc: Nigga what's this 'chan' bullshit, hahaha, like nigga just say her name! Nigga it's shorter!

Kuro: Marie onee-san is using the proper honorifics! It's you imouto- who is out of place here!

Blanc: Yeah yeah, Shaniqua-nigga.

Kuro: As for your question, onee-san: it is a very wide genre. Why do you ask?

๑ Marie: Eh, there's this one... Magical Girl Drillface? Name is weird as fuck, like is her face a drill or some shit?

Kuro visibly livens up.

Kuro: It is, but the whole point of the series is how little that matters! The main character gets-

๑ Marie: -continuously put in morally gray situations, right?

Kuro: Yes! Who told you about it? If you are interested, we can watch it together!

Whether she's interested or not is, for now, a different story: Marie looks as if she was choking on a chili-pepper. So it was real. All of it, all of that shit. The dwarf, the wish-granter, the idealist, the homophobic, and the fucked up place; someone had been scanning her dreams for god knows how long.

๑ Marie: ...fffffffuuuckkk...

Kuro: What's that, Marie onee-san?

๑ Marie: Nothin. Never mind. Watch it later, yeah sure, ok.
>Talk to Shaniqua.
The final Shaniqua is the only one Marie calls by her name. All this time she had kept silent, absorbed in her cellphone as she kept pecking away at the dish resting on the bar. Nobody else was going to ask, and Marie figured that, as the older sister, it was her job to do so anyway.

๑ Marie: Hey, Shaniqua, all cool over there?

Initially startled, the youngest of all, the only Shaniqua that wasn't adopted, soon looks at Marie as if she was a cop.

Shaniqua: Yeah, sure, what's up?

๑ Marie: ...I'll talk with you later. Alone. Don't be afraid, I do not and will not want to make you worry.

The Magical Girl is finally having her breakfast and drinking her coffee, neither cold yet, but already not warm.

Shaniqua: About what? About how my boyfriend finally punched back after all the times I've beat the shit out of him?


Blanc: ...ddddddddddaaaaaaaaaayyuuuummm...

Marie just... just looks at that neutral face, unable to recognize her sister in it.

๑ Marie: Sis? Are you alright?

Kuro just- looks, with wide open eyes.

Shaniqua: What? Did I say something weird?

Blanc: Um... you just said that you hit your boyfriend? And that he hit you back?

Shaniqua: Oh.

Neutral still, tears start flooding all over the cheeks on that face. It's all she says before she stands up like a jack-o-box and storms out of the house, leaving three dumbfounded girls behind.

Kuro: ...what just happened?

Marie does stand from her seat

but then her rationality takes over and she does wonder if she'd be able to find her sister, of if she wants to be found right now. Amidst the sudden gloom and silence, Blanc still stabs that bacon with her knife.

>Well; off to a great start today.
Hotel doors are supposed to be opened from the inside, dummy
>Aaaaaaaaaaaaa the thought is already killing her but she just has to do it before she thinks about it too much...! Jump down to that open balcony with your stuff!
Okay, normally I would just let Shaniqua be by herself. We all sometimes need space and alone time to process our feelings, But she just ran out into the streets! I can't let an emotionally compromised young girl out there like that! Who knows what people could do to her?! Or worse, what she could do to herself?!

>Call my dad. Tell him: "Hey. Shaniqua, the one who does sports, just stormed out of the house bawling after she admitted to beating up her boyfriend regularly, because he finally fought back. If you hear crying or see a black girl running while looking upset, that's likely her. I'm chasing after her."

>"Kuro-chan, tell Okaa-san that Shaniqua-chan just stormed out and I'm getting her back."

>Get a jacket and grab my bag (never know when you might need it). Run outside and look for Shaniqua.

>IF I don't find her, ask some nearby people if they've seen a black girl running through while crying.

Also, Rin Nakamora's Homophobia just reminds me of:
(Apparently she just jokingly talks about "Forbidden love" in the original Japanese, who knows though.)
The fact that Rin is so vehement in her homophobia and love of cock just makes her look like an Armour Closeted Gay rather than an actual homophobe. It's hilarious.
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>Jump down to that open balcony with your stuff!
No. No thinking! Bad brain, bad brain: hesitation keeps you bored! It makes you miss out on so many things. No; Miharu always takes her chances, and today will be no different. Wrapping up the thermos and bento boxes on the creepy cultist robe, holding the Last Onigiri in her mouth, Miharu jumps. Just like that; she jumps to the balcony below, at least landing with some grace. She thinks to herself: 'Step One: Done!' because people don't say their thoughts out loud when they are alone, that's just so dumb

and then she turns around towards the house.

Three guys; all wearing make up. All putting make up on each other. All wearing dresses so frilly that even a Magical Girl would envy them.

They stare at Miharu. Miharu stares at them. One of the Boys is still carefully applying eye-liner on his 'bro', as another is drawing a red line on his 'soldier' cheek with lipstick because he's stuck looking at the girl that just jumped on the balcony.


The one with the tiara and the violet and teal Victorian royal gown is the one that finally dares to stand.

Violet Royal Princess: L-LOOK. Clothes /don't/ have a gender, alright? In fact, scratch that. Gender doesn't matter. Even if they did, so what?!

Ӝ Miharu: Eh-

Gothic Vampire Bride: There is no logical reason for which men shouldn't be allowed to look pretty and delicate as well!

Frilly Scarlet Maid: YEAH!

Violet Royal Princess: Damn straight!

Frilly Scarlet Maid: Some men want to be protected too! To be pampered, and cared for! Is that so bad?!

Violet Royal Princess: That's not the point! In Scotland, men wore kilts even to go to war!

Frilly Scarlet Maid: Are you saying that we can't be weak?! Why can't we be weak and caring, huh?!

Gothic Vampire Bride: None of you understands!

Whatever this is, it devolves into a somewhat complex and undeniably heated argument that leaves Miharu somewhat forgotten on the balcony.

im gonna wait for rinanon to catch up so we dont leave rin too far behind. ill wait like one or two hours

>(Apparently she just jokingly talks about "Forbidden love" in the original Japanese, who knows though.)
nope, i think she really meant it lmao. same thing happens in scene0 in magia record and mabayu, the mc, comments that it's an old fashioned idea of love. i could be wrong though, but im sure that there is some hitomi in our rin
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>Call Dad.
The memory of her sister's face just now is enough to convince Marie that whether she wants to be found or not doesn't matter enough now. Like a cowboy drawing a gun, Marie takes out her cellphone and stabs it with her thumb at lightspeed.

Dad: -Hey, whassup babe.-

Dad's voice from the voice brings about the melodies of cars and wind.

๑ Marie: Hey, Shaniqua, the one who does sports,

Dad: -Which one?-

๑ Marie: The one who does sports, I just told you, let me finish. She just stormed out of the house bawling her eyes out. Help me find her.

Dad: She broke up, didn't she?

Marie knows she has to tell him and that she will tell him- yet she doubts claw at her throat. It is absurd, and it is unjustified, and yet Marie dreads this to be betrayal.

๑ Marie: ...she admitted to beating up her boyfriend regularly because he finally fought back.

Dad: -...damn.-

๑ Marie: ...yeeeaaaah. So, if you hear crying, of if you see a black girl running-

Dad: I'll get her.

The sound of wind and cars fades instantly. Marie looks at her cellphone as if it was a window to a dangerous place.

๑ Marie: ...tell Okaa-san that Shaniqua-chan just ran away crying, and that I'm out to getting her back.

Kuro: Yes, sure. Wow, um... Okaa-saaaan!

Marie is already putting on her jacket as her Bushido-loving sister heads to the clogged bathroom. No time to waste.

Blanc: I'm coming with!

๑ Marie: No. Wait for Kuro and go look around together. Do NOT stray away too far from home or I'll make whatever shit that could happen to you a reality when I find you.


Wasting enough seconds, Marie just rushes out of the house. By the time she had reacted to Shaniqua running away her track was already lost, so now there aren't any clues as to where the youngest could have gone. Going anywhere could already get her further from her sister- so plan B.

>Ask some nearby people.
๑ Marie: Excuse me, sir! Have you seen a black girl running around?

Random Salaryman: Oh, yes. You!

He laughs. It's the third person to already make that joke. Marie is afraid of what will happen to the fifth. Running in the opposite direction, she stops the next person: an old, venerable lady.

๑ Marie: Excuse me, lady! Have you seen a black girl running around?

Venerable Old Lady: Oh, yes. You!

Marie doesn't even answer: she rushes to the person right behind her.

๑ Marie: Sir! Have you seen a black girl running around?

The man, thin and slender, wears a hat and sunglasses; he's carrying a dakimura.

๑ Marie: Nevermind.

Man with Dakimura: A black girl runner, yes, I saw one!

๑ Marie: Wha- really?!

Man with Dakimura: Yes. She went that way.

He doesn't point with his hands, but with the fingers of the big tits anime girl with torn clothes in the long pillow.

๑ Marie: T-thanks man.

Man with Dakimura: Hope you find her!

With that, Marie flows down the streets.
๑ Marie: Any luck, dad?

Marie dodges passersby while holding the cellphone against her afro.

Dad: -No, love, nothin. But this isn't the Bronx, y'know, so don't go crazy y'know what am sayin?-

Japan may be considered one of the safest countries in the world- but that's still her sister and she could get lost.

๑ Marie: We'll find her.

Dad: -Of course we will. Don't worry.-


she doesn't find her.

๑ Marie: Sir! Sir! Sorry! Have you seen a black girl running around? Name's Shaniqua?

๑ Marie: Hey... little girl! Have you seen a black girl running around like crazy?

๑ Marie: Oba-san! I'm... looking for a black girl... just like me... running like crazy?

And so the trail goes cold.

๑ Marie: SHIT.

Marie cleans the sweat off her forehead- and realizes that it's not just sweat; it's the eve of a rainy day.

๑ Marie: God damnit. Fuck. Damn. Fuck. Stupid bitch. Jesus.

The Magical Girl is left there, standing alone in the rain, standing out from the crowd now more than ever. She doesn't feel tired, but as it stands all of her energy won't be of any use. As something wraps tightly around her chest, Marie tries calling her sister yet again: no answer. It's turned off. Unwilling to admit it, Marie feels angry.

>...Do I know Shaniqua's favourite place? Where she goes to feel good and/or relaxed? If so, go there.

>If I somehow don't know that much about my sister...do I know anything about Shaniqua's Boyfriend? Where he lives? Places he often goes to?
>If so, go there. Preferably where he lives.

>IF I'm an idiot who didn't even ask my sister about her boyfriend... What's that thing wrapping tightly around my chest? Is this a heart problem? Or... my emotions hurting me?
>Get to a secluded place and check my Soul Gem. That thing is going to be dark as hell after all this, I bet.

Damn, it's been raining a lot recently. It's a good thing Magical Girls are less likely to get sick. Also, I really should've just started with Shaniqua's favourite place rather than asking random strangers.

Shaniqua's going to get a serious talk after this. I may regularly break the law, but at least I never run away from the consequences like this bitch. That's partially the reason I'm doing this, if I didn't talk to her then she likely would've just moped in her room. But I did, and now this is happening. So I need to fix it.
Gonna have a different IP for this post and probably some future ones, but it's still me, pretty busy day
Also sorry Lumina, know you wanted to write write write
>Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... seems like there's a lot going on here, and she has no idea what's happening, but there's way more pressing matters at hand! We gotta go! While they're arguing amongst themselves, just quickly walk through and head out the front door!
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>While they're arguing amongst themselves, just quickly walk through and head out the front door!
No matter what befell them through the ages, Men (and Women) had and will remain to have, as long as there is an universe, the sacred, ever-present choice of getting the fuck out. It manifests in many ways. Sometimes in a daring escape, others in madness, and this time as a teenager story addict tip-toeing her way across crossdressers. Who don't even notice her.

Almost sighing (almost, because that could be a fatal mistake) Miharu slowly but surely twists that doorknob

and it doesn't open.

Miharu glances behind: it's too early for despair! She scans the walls for hooks, then the small kitchen of the apartment, then each of the cupboards filled with store-bought instant ramen


Miharu grabs her head: they are still arguing. This is happening. She can't shake the feeling that this whole situation is somehow forced, that a script is leading her to an avoidable conflict. If so, Miharu can only hope that at least the lesson will be worth it or whatever gag has to happen to her happens to at least be funny

or that she can find the keys in the trashcan.

Miharu whimpers: they keys aren't in the trashcan.

>Gah!!! What kind of dumb hotel is this???? Weren't hotels supposed to be fancy and modern and have those auto-locking doors with keycards???
>She peeks back in the trashcan one more time, just in case she was wrong. Nope... Guess there's no other option... Miharu whimpers again as she tentatively starts moving closer to the three crossdressers, still arguing. This script is so dumb! Everyone knows the most interesting conflicts are the ones that felt like they always had to happen and were a natural build-up from prior events!
>Unless... she can jump down to the next balcony again...? She's already shaking, unsure how she even managed to get herself to do it the first time, but right now it seemed a lot less scary than getting involved in such a high-tension debate over whatever it was they were arguing about!!
>Unless... she can jump down to the next balcony again...?
Miharu is surprised by the fact that old things still exist in present Japan, and in Osaka of all places. No matter how many times she looks into it, the trashcan remains a trashcan. Something as silly as that makes her sad: it's as if that meant that people can't redeem themselves. Upset at fate itself and its many random whims, Miharu decides that giving up now and engaging with a bunch of insecure cross-dressers will mean her destiny was already written from the start.

She doesn't like that.
Not one bit.

Frilly Scarlet Maid: LOOK. All I'm saying is that, If I want someone to princess-carry me, then it's fine, alright?!

Violet Royal Princess: What's wrong with wearing a dress and doing the carrying?!

Gothic Vampire Bride: You aren't even disagreeing on anything right now!

The tip of Miharu's feet had never felt so soft. The goal is there, so close, so warm and soothing is the wind that flows from it, the balcony... she makes it. Yes! She made it!

...the balcony to the right of this one is closed, the other balcony is closed too. It's not only that. Both of them are entirely surrounded by metal fences made of mesh, which even Miharu deigns a wise design considering how sick she's feeling simply being there. But then, Miharu giggles to herself. That's it. There's just no way that the balcony below this one is locked up too. It's simple statistics!

The balcony below is locked too.

Miharu's whole face twists as her mouth opens wide.

>And they are still arguing.
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>This is fine. Everything is fine. Breathing is nice. Air is nice. Hahaha!
>Like a robot, Miharu walks back into the room with a dazed look on her face. "Hiya! Could one of you let me out the front door, please?"
>This is too much.
Like a robot, Miharu walks back into the room with a dazed look on her face.

Ӝ Miharu: Hiya! Could one of you let me out the front door, please?

Frilly Scarlet Maid: YOU. IGNORANT. PLEBIAN.

The one in the Victorian royal gown gasps.

Violet Royal Princess: HOW. DARE. YOU!!

Frilly Scarlet Maid: Of /course/-

He stands.

Frilly Scarlet Maid: -I dare! Weak men; we are like a myth in this society! 'Carry this, carry that, take it like a man, BLAHBLAHABLAH-' LOOK! Do you see /ANY/ muscles here?! Some of us just aren't built that way! Why can't we still like girls and be weak?

Violet Royal Princess: But why what logic shouldn't strong, capable, muscle-masses of MEN be able to wear GLORIOUS FRILLS?! It's unacceptable! Leonidas on a wedding dress is still Leonidas, leading the Spartans against two million Persian soldiers in the Battle of Thermopylae! There can be muscle behind silk!

Gothic Vampire Bride: This. Isn't. An argument!! You aren't even argui- wait!

The man that's dressed like a bride points at Miharu.

Gothic Vampire Bride: You; an actual, cute girl; what do you think?

Enduring the intense stare of not one, not two, but three crossdressers shunned by society, Miharu can't help but wonder who this storyline would appeal to

and what point could it have

and what is even expected of her to say.

>Hiya! Could one of you let me out the front door, please? Hiya! Could one of you let me out the front door, please? Please?
>Haha... hahahaha! This is really happening, isn't it? Maybe she should've just tried jumping directly for the ground floor after all!
>Miharu smiles. "A lot of people like to pair sweets with bitter tea, but I think there can be a time for dark chocolate with coffee, or cookies with hot chocolate! Could one of you let me out the front door, please?"
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>Check Shaniqua's favorite place.
How quickly they grow: that is the though assaulting Marie. That, one day, she was the dependable old sister, the spare mother of the other three- and the next, she doesn't know what her little sister likes. Shaniqua hates school. Shaniqua likes jazz. That's it. There should be more- but where is it?

Right. At some point, her shy, lonely little sister developed. She stopped watching Dragon Ball Z with her. She stopped playing karate too. Drilling her brain, Marie tries to remember her sister's favorite place or at least where she hangs out- or anything at all about her. This mystery boyfriend of hers that she only scared the crap out of once; where does he lives? What does he do? Had my head, Marie thinks, been buried so far up my own ass all this time?

This... doesn't feel right. First order of events, Marie decides, will be to asses her own damage.

>Get to a secluded place and check my Soul Gem. That thing is going to be dark as hell after all this, I bet.
The ring on her left finger twists into an orange Soul Gem floating over the palm of her hand- which was already murky. Air escapes Marie's lungs when she decides that it hasn't grown any darker yet. Perhaps... perhaps she had been busy dealing with her own sorrow after all, all this time. Marie didn't neglect her sister to entertain herself... but to stay afloat.

>...Do I know Shaniqua's favourite place?
Yes; she does. The Soul Gem becomes a ring once more because Marie remembers that her little sister always sang the openings to whatever they were watching. And with what yen their Dad can throw their way... there aren't many karaoke places she could afford.
(Oh. I'm supposed to do something.)
> Find your stolen clothing, change out of these pajamas, then leave.
Karaoke Clerk: Irasshaimasee!!

To Marie's unexpected disappointment, the clerk running the karaoke club near Shaniqua's school is a tidy, smiling, perfectly normal japanese woman- who hasn't even been infected with the Kansai dialect.

๑ Marie: Oh hi there. So, I, I'm looking for my sisteeeer...?

The clerk squints her eyes at Marie- but then goes 'oh'!

Karaoke Clerk: But of course! Right that way. Third door. That one?

Marie SIGHS- for once, she's grateful about always standing out. Walking like a sergeant ready to scream a lung out, the stern older sister deflates at the sight of her little sibling just sitting by the couch- not even singing.
Apparently, she didn't even notice the intruder.

if i make it to wrapping up miharu and marie i'll try to at least rin a bit before hitting bed. we are close
If they actually let her out the front door, I'm gonna hit you with a
>"Step two... done?" The fact that she just said her thoughts out loud while she was alone was completely covered up by her utter confusion. Hopefully that scene would be worth it later down the line? "Step three... aaaaaaaaaa gotta run!!!!!!!!"
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>Just let me go.

But there is at least a certainty in all this: she /is/ expected to say something. And, by the looks of it, something significant. So; Miharu smiles.

Ӝ Miharu: I... think... that... a lot of people like to pair sweets with bitter tea, but I think there can be a time for dark chocolate with coffee, or cookies with hot chocolate!

Their brows furrowed, the men that look like very cute girls who fight crime when nobody sees them glance at their tea-cups, at the sugar, at Miharu

then their eyes meet.

Violet Royal Princess: SEE? Skirts don't hinder movement, in fact they free legs from the scourge of pants! The Scottish knew! Power and beauty were always meant to be together, not split apart by role!

Frilly Scarlet Maid: You didn't understand what this girl said AT ALL! Sweets and bitter tea, dark chocolate and coffee, they are all the treats of refined, sensitive souls! Men can partake in these rituals too! Men CAN be delicate flowers to be shielded from the breeze! They have that right as well!

Ӝ Miharu: Could one of you let me out the front door, please?

Gothic Vampire Bride: For the eleventh time: you idiots can be both! Strong, weak, it doesn't matter, arrgghh! Just stop!

But they don't. It's hard to stop arguing when you aren't talking to someone in the first place.

Gothic Vampire Bride: In the name of royalty, that didn't solve anything. Please- I beg you.

Ӝ Miharu: But I wanna leave?

Gothic Vampire Bride: Look; you are trespassing. That's illegal. I don't care, I'm not looking to blackmail you. But- you must be here for a reason, right here, right now! So please!

Miharu would be so mad if this was the plot hook of any of her favorite manga- but now she's genuinely wondering if the script would allow her to leave without doing anything. This- is taking a toll in her sanity. And patience.

>Gahhhhhhhh!!!!!! This scene is so dumb!!!!!!! Who's even writing this thing?????
>"Okay, first of all, you're not even royalty!" She points at the Violet Royal Princess. "He's the one that's royalty, not you! Second of all! Even the strong can be protected or comforted, and even the weak can stand strong! The warrior returning from battle is comforted by his wife, and his wife stands strongest of all when she's defending her home while the warrior is away! No one's strong all the time, and true courage is found when the weak decide to stand up against someone much stronger! Third of all! My explanation was perfect! Sweets are beauty, and bitter tea is strength! They can pair nicely with one another, and balance each other out, like the princess was saying! However, I think there's time for bitter to be paired with bitter, and sweets to be paired with sweets! No one can stand bitterness forever, and too many sweets ruins everything, but even then, sometimes you're in the mood for dark chocolate with coffee, and sometimes you want your cookie with hot chocolate!"
>Miharu pants, tired after a long tirade. "Finally, fourth of all, why don't you guys have a place for you to put down your keys?? What kind of crazy people keep keys in their pockets all the time??? They're sharp and they're metal and they jab into your leg and are super uncomfortable, and I don't even think your dresses have pockets at all???????????"
As an addendum or an edit or whatever for the tirade
>There are times when even the strong have to rest and be comforted or protected, and there are times when even the weak have to stand up for what is right!
>Gahhhhhhhh!!!!!! This scene is so dumb!!!!!!! Who's even writing this thing?????

Ӝ Miharu: Okay, first of all, you're not even royalty!

She points at the Violet Royal Princess.

Ӝ Miharu: He's the one that's royalty, not you! Second of all! Even the strong can be protected or comforted, and even the weak can stand strong! The warrior returning from battle is comforted by his wife, and his wife stands strongest of all when she's defending her home while the warrior is away! No one's strong all the time, and true courage is found when the weak decide to stand up against someone much stronger! Third of all! My explanation was perfect! Sweets are beauty, and bitter tea is strength! They can pair nicely with one another, and balance each other out, like the princess was saying! However, I think there's time for bitter to be paired with bitter, and sweets to be paired with sweets! No one can stand bitterness forever, and too many sweets ruins everything, but even then, sometimes you're in the mood for dark chocolate with coffee, and sometimes you want your cookie with hot chocolate!

Miharu pants, tired after a long tirade.

Ӝ Miharu: Finally, fourth of all, why don't you guys have a place for you to put down your keys?? What kind of crazy people keep keys in their pockets all the time??? They're sharp and they're metal and they jab into your leg and are super uncomfortable, and I don't even think your dresses have pockets at all???????????

And- cut. Miharu is still panting- but it's done! Her audience, very pretty men, had almost devolved into Greek statues while she was yapping about, in an almost literal, eerie way

very notorious as life surges back into them and they start clapping.

Violet Royal Princess: Yes, girl! Preach!

Gothic Vampire Bride: No way vampire brides aren't royalty, though?

Frilly Scarlet Maid: Vampire can be poor too!

Gothic Vampire Bride: But they are always portrayed as aristocrats?

At least they've stopped bickering among themselves like actual, high-class ladies with nothing better to do than wallow in husband's earnings.

Violet Royal Princess: So to close things up: you can be strong AND pretty.

Frilly Scarlet Maid: Or pretty AND weak.

They lock eyes. Aww come-oooooooooonnn!!!

Violet Royal Princess: And both at the same time, as our intruder explained. The weak have to rise and be strong-

Frilly Scarlet Maid: -and the strong have to let themselves be weak to be comforted and princess-carried.

Gothic Vampire Bride: And there was no doubt about any of that and you would have known if you listened to a word the other said!

They sure like to talk... Miharu helps herself to some cookies without even asking because she earned and that's final. Hmm... wait, are these the real deal? Suddenly worried, she looks at the gothic bride.

Gothic Vampire Bride: Good, huh? Straight from Europe, help yourself.

Miharu knows that this cookie alone would devastate her allowance.
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"Come again soon!"

"And bring your dress!"

The door shuts behind Miharu; ironically, she's the only one that doesn't have a dress. Whatever that was; nah, she ain't gonna lie, those European cookies made the whole hassle worth it. Japanese sweets just don't have /the punch/. And now that she knows it, she'll miss it, she'll think about it every time she eats dango. Miharu has ruined sweets forever.

Walking down the stairs, Miharu forgets the floor she had to call so they'd open the gate, so she'll have to try every button. Whatever; she can just wait for someone else to leave or enter. Surprisingly tired, still, even now, panting, Miharu is surprised to find that the body of a Magical Girl can get so easily tired

but then again, maybe it's all mental.

>Oh wait- my dads!!
>Miharu lightly slaps herself a few times to get back in the game. Step 2 was finally done, even if it was in a long roundabout way, now it's time for step 3- book it! We gotta run!!!
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moar miharu later! i'll try catching up to rin and marie tomorrow. today was good
oh btw just to win some time

what would you do if...
the clothes were still drying?
just asking
just in case
>Perhaps... perhaps she had been busy dealing with her own sorrow after all, all this time. Marie didn't neglect her sister to entertain herself... but to stay afloat.

Damn, I better solve all the issues I can before tommorow, which is when my Magical Girl career begins proper.

>"...Sis, Shaniqua, I love you. I really mean it. When you stormed out, my first thought was to go after you to make sure you were safe. I don't want to be the one that makes you feel like this and I'm deeply sorry if I did, hell, you can ask me to do something for you for proper reparations."
>"But first, I'll need context and will preface this by saying you don't have to answer any questions beyond the first."
>"Why did you start beating your boyfriend?"
>"How did you feel while doing it?"
>"If your boyfriend said that he still loved you despite everything, would you go back to him? And would you stop beating him after this... incident?"

As much as I would want to shout at her, she's in an emotionally intense place. Shouting will escalate the conflict which is the last thing I want. I need to understand why this happened so Shaniqua and I can come to a solution together. And I'll maybe meet up with her boyfriend.
Oh, and the reason I post around these times is because I live in the GMT Time Zone (UTC +0)
>Rin would plant herself down and stare intently at the wet clothing, as though the sheer pressure of her willful gaze could somehow hasten the drying process. She will diligently persist in this endeavor until the clothing has become dry enough to wear.
Some nice wacky slice of life shenanigans to soften the blow and make whatever the fuck happens in the witch fight hurt even more if things go wrong :D
also nice you found her, unfortunately she doesn't have too much art from what I've seen
Yeah, I've been trying to prepare myself for having lived a good life.
Best case scenario is that holding on to these memories will help us get through tough times, Rin uses the 5 Physical Affinity she has to eviscerate the Witch on the hunt, then I use Clé Squelette on it. But that's a pipe dream.
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> Find your stolen clothing, change out of these pajamas, then leave.
What this place is, is a place she doesn't want to be in. Easy as that. Ignoring Dumbbell's permanent smile, she sets out to scrounge around for her belongings so she can leave.

Dumbbell: Oh; are you looking for your own cellphone? I think it's over there, in that drawer.

You can't 'think' something is 'over there' in your own place; that's what Rin mumbles to herself in anger. Yet, then again, her own room is a mess; when we don't like someone, even the way they hold a cup is a trigger. The cellphone is there, at least, so Rin picks it up- but no sign of her clothes yet.

Dumbbell: ...Oh! Could you be looking for your school uniform, Rin? If that's so, it's in the next wagon over there, but-

Wagon? The door Rin stumbles upon as she turns around, elegant as it looks, does open to a very similar room but only after a certain gap on the floor. Rin turns around, and around. This is a train.

Dumbbell: Over there.

At some point Dumbbell managed to get close enough to make Rin sweat, so Rin pushes her back. Eww. In silence, she walks up to the antique coal stove. Her uniform, still dripping wet, hangs crudely over it- but Rin knows she'll make it dry faster by sheer force of will

so she can get away of the smily thing standing next to her.

Dumbbell: I'm sorry. I did what I could. To be honest, I am no good when it comes to practical things- even some that most would consider basic.

She giggles.

Dumbbell: I get scolded by Dolores a lot, even though I'm supposed to be her senpai.

Rin doesn't giggle. Rin doesn't even look at her. That thing must watch those super safe family friendly cartoons about bunnies playing tag.

Dumbbell: My clothes wouldn't fit you, but- Dolores keeps spares here too. Oh! And we have some left-overs from that fashion competition we held two weeks ago. Would you like to see if something fits you?

No. Wearing something other girl already wore is GAY. Talking to gay people is gay. Gay people have to be bullied so they stop being gay and people don't bully them anymore-

-but bullying a gay Coordinator seems risky even to Rin. The girl has her own train. That has to mean something.

Dumbbell: ...then again, maybe those would be too flashy for you? Rin is still such a young girl after all, your thirteen birthday is just around the corner.

No. No. NO; Rin's two wandering neurons finally connect in the wasteland that is her brain. If the thing saw her naked... if the thing had to wash her... that means that the thing TOUCHED her!

Dumbbell: Oh; that's right. Neither of you have undergone coordination yet. I do have to charge for this service, and Dolores even put that poster over there to remind me not to do it, but... Rin? Is everything alright?

Dumbbell's concern is founded, because Rin is /this/ close to breaking into tears. No, no, no, crying is SO gay aaaAAAA!

>But- noooooOOoO!
Gazing upon her lost sister, Marie decides that she will feel mercy for her.

>Go soft on her.
Violence solves conflict, whether people like it or not; just not this one. If Shaniqua got punched square in the eye, then odds are that intimidation won't do the trick here. So; Marie knocks on the already open door.

Shaniqua: It's not here.

๑ Marie: Dead sure it is.

Obviously startled, her little sister turns around; although not wet anymore, there's still red in those eyes. Marie sits right next to her. The older sister knows she's bad at this, but, she also knows that it has to be done.

๑ Marie: So, um... how are you feeling?

Shaniqua doesn't answer; instead, she stands, but Marie stands as well.

๑ Marie: No; not that. You could get lost. You could get kidnapped. Raped, even. The streets are no fucking joke, Shaniqua.

Shaniqua: This-

๑ Marie: Not even in Japan.

Already teary eyed again, Shaniqua sits back on the deep couch, but Marie does not. Instead, she opts for resting her back against the wall this time.

๑ Marie: ...Sis, Shaniqua, I love you. I really mean it. When you stormed out, my first thought was to go after you to make sure you were safe.

Marie pauses to let her little sister answer- who isn't even looking at her.

๑ Marie: I don't want to be the one that makes you feel like this. I'm deeply sorry if I did, hell, you can ask me whatever for some proper reparations.

Still no answer: beating up your boyfriend does break a few norms. Sighing, Marie sits next to Shaniqua again. If her sister tries to make a run for it, she'll just chase her down and maybe that'll knock some sense into her.

๑ Marie: But first; I need to know what's going on. You don't have to answer any questions beyond the first.

Shaniqua: N-no.

Marie furrows her brow. That's a new one alright.

Shaniqua: I-I don't know why I told you. You don't know me. Just stop, ok? Stop doing... that!

๑ Marie: Of course I know you, girl. You are my lil sis. I saw your ass running naked down the shopping center when that ass of your was little.

Shaniqua: You just do all this because you want to be the good sister. You are so fake.

๑ Marie: Just... look; why did you start beating your boyfriend?

Shaniqua: Because my friends told me he was oppressing me.

๑ Marie: ...oppressing you doing what, now?

Shaniqua: Like opening the doors and stuff.

As Marie stands at a loss of words (or at least of sentences that aren't demeaning in some way) Shaniqua literally slaps her own mouth shut, stands, and is blocked by Marie when she tries to leave.

Shaniqua: No, let me go, you fucking bitch! Stop doing that!

But Magical Girls are strong. Marie simply pushes her to the couch, on which Shaniqua starts bawling her eyes out as the rain outside grows stronger.

Shaniqua: Stop doing that... stop doing that...!

And yet, Marie is /still/ trying hard to be nice.
The feminist movement isn't as strong in Japan were woman are basically treated like shit- yet there's still the Internet. Talking to other people had never been easier: people who agrees with you on anything is but a click away.

๑ Marie: How did you feel doing that? Hitting your man for that?

Shaniqua: GOOD! I felt strong! I felt empowered! WAAAAAAAAHH!!

Marie is, at least to some small, sincere degree, terrified.

Shaniqua: Go away! I don't want to talk to you!

๑ Marie: Hey, but, if-

Shaniqua: GO AWAY!

It's getting so bad that it's scary. On instinct alone, Marie steps out of the room; it was just too much truth at once.

>Well... so much for that.
Rin practically radiates discomfort. The drum of rain on metal sheeting.
Lines of crude arithmetic grind with noisome friction to their destination behind glassy fringe-veiled eyes, each interjection from Dumbbell momentarily interrupting The Process in a squawk of metaphorical sparks.
Between cognitive derailments, Rin wrestles to retrieve pertinent information from the gravel trap that is her recollection of last night. The vague impression that Dumbbell will be useful to her... somehow... for some reason... nags from some obscure corner of her psyche.
Elsewhere, something far more instinctual and supplied with far more concrete information, throbs and rumbles with skyrocketing aversion to... mental blurs of surreal landscapes and vapid smile.
A voice by her shoulder. Another jolting halt. Whiplash and sparks.
Thoughts are turned over one by one, dogged some stubborn intangible resistance, like levering something up through a meter of water.
Frustration mounts, disrupted sediment swirls and clouds. Rin's head aches a little.
Rin wracks her mind, interrogating her memory a little more sternly. Why was Dumbbell useful again? What did she offer Rin?
These answers simply aren't available. They don't exist. Because Rin didn't pay attention.
She wasn't going to ask now. That would be an admission of weakness, or guilt, or something. And she absolutely definitely isn't going to ask HER.
This is dumb. How was she supposed to know that dream monologues contained actually useful knowledge? She only recalls dreaming a handful of times, and there was never a quiz afterwards.
Gah! There has to be som-
A shiver passes through Rin. A encroaching presence. The warmth of a hand hovering mere a nail's width away.
The shrill screech of stressed metal, showers of sparks, then cacophony. The train is off the tracks.
Rin has become profoundly agitated.
She immediately reverts to some *very* primitive impulses.
> Rin choses violence. No specific target. No plan of action. No further clarification.
This bitch, I swear. If she doesn't want to talk to me now, then fine. But she can't stay out forever, she'll have to return home and deal with the consequences of her actions.

>"...Alright, Shaniqua. I'll see you at home."

>Leave. Get back home, fast. This rain is like a Pathetic Fallacy.

>Call my Dad: "I found Shaniqua. She was at a Karaoke place and pushed me away while saying some... really disturbing stuff. It turns out that she's turned into the worst kind of Feminist. You know, the ones who feel empowered by beating men even when it doesn't solve anything? I'm thinking of cornering her when she inevitably has to come back home, do you want in?"

>Also, Tell Dad the location of the Karaoke place so he knows.

These last two days (and the day Dolores approached me) are some of the most eventful of my life, and that's not necessarily a good thing. I haven't even hunted a Witch once yet-
Oh God. If I don't resolve this then Shaniqua might...
>Shaniqua starts bawling her eyes out as the rain outside grows stronger.
Why does the rain get stronger the more she cries?! It's like the rain is a manifestation of her grief or something!

If only I was as good at opening hearts as I am with locks...
am gonna have to be real rinanon, i've read that post like five times and i still feel like im missing something. i think i'm not that smart after all
>No further clarification.
You'll have to figure it out.
i think i get the general gist, but it's like there may be details i'm overlooking. rinanon prose is complex
>Leave. Get back home, fast.

๑ Marie: ...Alright, Shaniqua. I'll see you at home.

All Marie gets back for her words is more sobbing. Not all tears are a step closer to redemption, and whether or not her sister intends to atone is yet to be seen.

It's good enough, though. Whatever happened there is good enough because Marie dug out the truth. Again, she takes out her cellphone with the mastery of an old gunslinger.

๑ Marie: Guess what, Daddy? I found Shaniqua.

Dad: -Oh thank God... thank God! I don't even know what I'm going to do when I see her. Where is she?

๑ Marie: All this time she was at a karaoke place near her school. She pushed me away while saying some... really disturbing stuff.

The line falls silent, which is unusual when it's her dad on the other side of the phone. Not even the wind and cars pitch in as background noise.

Dad: -Go on.-

Again, that tense feeling in her chest. But she has to. Marie isn't betraying anyone.

๑ Marie: It turns out that she turned into the worst kind of feminist. Y'know, the kind that feels good, er, 'empowered', about beating men who can't fight back? When it doesn't even solve anything? The kind Blanc always pretends to be to fuck with me.

The sigh of relief is strong enough to cause static.

Dad: -Damn. Thought it was much worse, yknow girl? She's just fucking stupid, is all.-

๑ Marie: Yeah, well, I think that's pretty bad. I'm gonna corner her when she comes back home. Want in?

Dad: -'Want in?' What kind of question is that?-

He hangs. Dad didn't even ask for the location of the karaoke for whatever reason, but Marie just sends it to him just in case. These last two days., so far... have been the messiest yet. At least in general. And even though she's still in the dark about whatever her magic could do, Marie will be hunting a Witch tomorrow.

...seriously; what a fucking mess. As Marie simply walks back home, she wonders if there's redeeming all of this shit.

>Is there?
"Want in" was the worst choice of words, I really should've said if he wanted to join the impromptu Intervention.

I would experiment with my magic (my original plan for this day) but I don't want my family having to deal with me fainting in addition to all of this... instead-

>When I get home, tell everyone I found Shaniqua (3) and that she wants to be alone.

>Approach Kuro. "Hey, Kuro. Are you still up for watching Magical Girl Drillface together?"
>Rin choses violence. No specific target. No plan of action. No further clarification.

No one knows who was the first Coordinator- and that makes sense. The strict secrecy with which they handle themselves is meant to even the tables, after all, it's meant to ensure that only the Magical Girls who can't hunt can coordinate.

That their bargain chip remains on the table.

Thus, through secret years, Coordinators have been the backbone of their Magical Girl communities, the neutral party willing to even the field, and their shops the safe haven to which every one of them hopes to return to.

Rin doesn't care much about any of that, though.

As everyone knows, punching people in the jaw solves problems- and Rin, unfortunately, isn't familiar with many other methods. And right now there is a problem, right there, so naturally she should punch it, but-

Dumbbell: ...Rin; it's ok. It's going to be alright. I'm here.

-something in the back of her mind is screaming that she's about to shoot herself in the foot. Rin is losing control. Agitation is being too quick to take over as she finds herself, Cock forbid, /thinking/.

Then genius strikes.
If punches solve problems
and the problem is in the back of her mind

Dumbbell: Rin? O-oh-!

all she has to do is punch the back of her mind!

Heaven is a lovely place; if a bit weird. The fucked up grandma at the orphanage who had the crows was right all along: if you are good, you go to the clouds. Well, whatever. The gay won't reach this far up. Only the massive cock behind her, rising from the land of gay people, is allowed to reign the skies. Here, she is safe from gay.

Dumbbell: Hellooo.

...Rin has to lift her bangs to get a good solid look at the dwarf gently waving at her.


Dumbbell: ...oh! I'm sorry if this place looks too much like heaven. This

Dumbbell twirls with wide open arms.

Dumbbell: is my dream backyard.

Rin doesn't look around as the Coordinator's posture seems to entice her to.

Dumbbell: And that over there is my dream house.

It's a boring looking shack, a violent contrast to the dreamlike scenery. Rin doesn't care. Not even the dead are safe from the gay.

Dumbbell: Nothing bad could happen to you here. So, Rin... Rin-chan.

Rin glances at her on reflex. Although worried, the Coordinator is still acting all mushy and love-dovey as usual- but punching her won't work here.

Dumbbell: Would you like to tell me what's going on? Your Soul Gem is still very clean, so...

>I wish I could punch feelings.
>Rin's repertoire of actions consists of jumping off skyscrapers, calling things gay, and punching violently
Unbelievably based
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oh wait this is good info. i live in the gmt -3 time zone. what about rin and miharu? maybe we could find the perfect time for updates. also i'll let rin catch up while i patch things up on my end, but the pacing is good
> I wish I could punch feelings.
Wait. Hang on.
Who says she can't.
Dreams don't have rules.
And if there are no rules, then anything goes.
Clutching her eyes... her dream eyes?... her mind's eye?... closed, Rin feverishly sculps the notion of an outstretched arm bulging with veins and steely musculature and tipped with a bulbous knuckleduster fist from the nebulous black-maroon aether of her imagination.
Inhaling once, then twice, she envisions the disembodied limb lancing through the air and into one of the windows of Dumbbell's dream house, propelled with the anxious energy of a runaway bullettrain stuffed to the gills with crackrock cocaine and office workers 20 minutes late to their shifts.
Rin imagines the rusting displacement of air as the hypothetical projectile hurtles away from her.
Rin imagines the chiming symphony of shattering glass and the clatter of small items sent flying.
Rin imagines the reverberation and meaty thud as the arm drives itself into a more solid surface.
Rin vividly imagines the dumb look on Dumbbell's dumb face as she surveys the carnage.
A hopeful moment passes.
> Hesitantly, Rin cracks one eye open to survey the status of Dumbbells house.
>propelled with the anxious energy of a runaway bullettrain stuffed to the gills with crackrock cocaine and office workers 20 minutes late to their shifts.
this is such a solid fucking line, it's going straight in when i have time to write, thank you so much lmfao
rinanon give me your schedule! i wanna know when your free

also you guys too. maybe theres a space in common. my time would be like from, one hour from now (10AM -3 GMT) to like 16 hours from now (2AM -3GMT). i work part time and my boss doesn't give a fuck about schedule, so i can accomodate easily
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>After all, this is a dream.

No, you can't punch feelings
in reality!
Well, maybe you can't punch feelings in a dream, maybe you have to settle for twisting the ankle of their imaginary avatars. Rin doesn't know. She's going to find out.

The Rin inside the dream closes her eyes shut. Creativity won't ever be her forte; but no one will find her memory lacking. From there it's that Rin rips it off: an outstretched arm bulging with veins and steely musculature, tipped with a bulbous knuckleduster fist, from the nebulous black-maroon aether of her imagination.

Dumbbell: ...wow, Rin. That's as big as a plane.

Taking not one but two deep breaths from the imaginary air all around her, drinking from the clouds through her nostrils, Rin envisions the disembodied limb lancing through the air and into one of the windows of Dumbbell's humble dream house, propelled with no less than the anxious energy of a runaway bullet train stuffed to the gills with crack-rock cocaine and office workers 20 minutes late to their shifts.

She imagines the displacement of air.

She imagines the shattering glass

the reverberation and the sound of meat meeting solid.

Then, just because, Rin pictures the look on Dumbbell's face as the gaylord surveys the carnage. In her mind, she looks retarded enough to please Da' Vinci.


Like a shy girl watching the boy she writes about in her fanfics pass her by, Rin peeks from the corner of her eye, from under all that dense mass of black hair

and it's beautiful.

The carnage is beautiful.

Dumbbell's face as she bears witness to the crater that is her shack, Rin notices, is just like she pictured. However, the Coordinator goes back to her original mindless smiling almost too fast, just like the house that is rebuilding itself in mere seconds.

...Well, of course.

Dumbbell: You are pretty smart, Rin-chan! You figured it out. But; would you mind keeping this a secret between us?

Rin looks at Dumbbell directly.

Dumbbell: You see... if the others figure out that they can do anything in these dreams I won't be able to keep their attention for too long. So, let's let this be our little secret.

Same vapid smile; no one can be happy for so long. But then it's gone. Oh.

Dumbbell: Rin; what's wrong?

Rin doesn't answer. She's considering what to imagine next.

Dumbbell: I wouldn't be such a pest, but Magical Girls can't afford to leave their worries unchecked.

What a pain in the ass- but at least messing around in a dream is awesome! Dumbbell is right, no one would give a fuck about her attempts at therapy if they knew there's no need to dream here.

I'd probably get skewered alive if I told anyone that this thread was what finally got me to watch Madoka. No regrets. Just finished reading MR: Buenos Aires too QM and.. I love your autistic megaposts, never fucking change. Never.
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no fucking way MR:BA is someone's first exposure to madokas. i'm not sure how to feel about this. super happy indeed that you had a fun ride, anon, but if you ever get into magia record and keep expecting the megucas to call each other a 'bland-ass mother-fucker' you don't get to blame me!
You don't have to tailor update times around me, just update whenever you can! If anything, I'm more concerned with not being a burden on you
If my general schedule for existing in this world would help, though, for the remainder of this week, I'm pretty good between 11AM to 3AM in your timezone, maybe even 24/7 if I go really wild, with the caveat that sometimes I gotta be doing things for some irregular hour blocks on random days. For next week on for the foreseeable future, my schedule becomes more regular but a lot more restricted on weekdays, it'll probably be only from 7PM to 1AM in your timezone, and even then no promises

You shouldn't worry about any of that, however, just update whenever, and if we're lucky and hit that groove like we did two days ago then that's awesome. I can guarantee you I'll always be checking in whenever I have time, and I unironically mean that!
also fuck, miharubrain has infected me, I'm tossing out exclamation marks like drugs in a crackhouse
> if the others figure out that they can do anything in these dreams I won't be able to keep their attention for too long.
Dumbbell's words wildly bounce around Rin's skull. Their meaning degrading into a buzz of pure elation as a dawning realization curls the corners of Rin's lips into an expression of pure, weapons-grade smugness.
That dunderhead dandy!
That foolish faggot!
That thoughtless thot!
She'd tipped her hand and in doing so had dropped the key to supreme ultra liberation from The Gay directly into Rin's her grasp! What a lucky break!
Once more, Rin had devised a solution to an impossible problem!
Of course she always knew that she would of course, she definitely hadn't lost her cool. Everything was, is, and will forever continue to be under control.
With a sly side-eye, Rin fixes her gaze upon the imposing phallic majesty of the cockscraper (skyscocker?) dominating the mundanity of the horizon and threatening to defile the virginal skyscape with its piercing profile.
Rin mutters something inaudible.
A vein on her forehead throbs irksomely. Seconds pass.
Failing to evoke a response from Rin, Dumbbell's lips part perhaps intending to redouble her efforts to establish an emotional connection with her newest charge, but is interrupted as the ground shudders with a soft rumble.
In the distance, the phenomenal penile pillar sways as an errant twitch runs its length, then steadily intensifying spasms overtake the formerly stoic formation causing it to bob and shudder vigorously until finally the cockhead erupts disgorging an exaggeratedly voluminous quantity of inky sludge into low orbit.
Rin's unfettered animosity roils like steam off her surface thoughts, she grits her teeth and channels it.
The convulsions do not cease, nor do the ominous expulsions spraying out from the provocative spire in regular spurts.
Such is the quantity of skyborne ejaculate, that the sky itself dims in patches as gravity asserts itself dragging the mystery goop towards the ground at velocities that begin to rival orbital reentry.
As the wall of fluid discharge bears down on, an keen eyed onlooker might notice that the incoming meteoric bukkake is not fluid at all. They are battering-ram arms capped with fists of street justice, much the same as the one just used to deconstruct Dumbbell's shack, however each splattering globule descending towards the girls must consist of hundreds of them, possibly thousands.
Rin shoots Dumbbell a shit-eating grin and then, enunciating each syllable with meticulous emphasis, she says.
My schedule is highly inconsistent
I can be present at this time, or the exact opposite of this time.
Trying to plan around me is a futile effort.
wow the posts write themselves
also cockscraper
let see if i can steal a few minutes to update
Hundreds of tree-trunk sized projectiles hammer the ground in waves.
Impacts rupture the ground sending debris shrapnel flooding skyward like angry confetti.
Billowing dust chokes the air perpetually, replenished with each new bombardment of ejaculate.
Rin is glanced by a fist, the force sending her ragdolling body skipping across the torn-up landscape.
Rin is launched briefly out into the open air by an explosive collision.
Rin is nailed by a corkscrewing projectile, her dazed body pirouetting in a flailing arc.
Another round of rattling impacts mark yet more high-saturation cumshots punishing the unsuspecting region, the onrush of devastation carrying Rin away..
Rin is caught in a cascading series of shockwaves sending her limp form whipping away in a new direction.
Rin violently pinballs between newly generated rock formations and various arms embedded the earth.
Hm. Cork*screwing*. Heh.
Between the moments of weightlessness, the adrenal thrill of abrupt momentum, the enveloping clouds of billowing dust, surges of dream-dulled pain, and the dear familiarity of being cold-cocked out of the blue - this environment greatly soothed Rin, senseless violence and disproportionate demolition is her element and to be submerged within it evokes a sensation akin to the tranquility of a mother's womb, concussions and tinnitus not withstanding.
But most important of all, while lost here in the thunderous bedlam Rin didn't need to worry about tolerating lame diatribes about emotional openness, or being subjected to probing inquiries, or the slack easygoing visages of meddlesome midgets.
> Rin has no idea where she is, or where Dumbbell is, but she literally does not care. Another wave of ejaculate artillery careens into the tortured wonderland around her, and Rin blindly rides the chaos with a whooping howl.
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>All of that actually happens exactly as described.

Dumbbell is left gazing upon the titanic fist-cumming cocks-craper ravaging her carefully crafted dreamland

and she just sits on her butt, quietly watching Rin as the rookie is sent flying and howling for the seventh time in a row, leaving yet another crater amidst the clouds. That perma-smile, it softens into a mischievous smirk. After a while, and since Rin is still being flung around by her own machinations, Dumbbell stands from the clouds and for the first time the rain of havoc hits her too, rag-dolling her around over and over as she keeps getting hit.

At some point, the cock rising from the horizon goes limp and quiet. Left splattered on the clouds near each other, neither Rin or Dumbbell speak until the first one slowly shifts to a sitting position. She still doesn't address the Coordinator, not even when Ciel's shadow hugs because she sat by her side, not even when the endless dust settles.

What the dust leaves behind is a graveyard of endless gigantic arms, all veiny, all rock hard, emerging from the ground like the tombstones of every bodybuilder that has ever been, extending as far as girls can dream. Also, this graveyard is on the surface of the moon. Also, someone jacked off all over the moon for one eternity or two.

Dumbbell: Rin-chan: why do you like penises so much?

Rin shrugs.

Rin: They look funny.

Both are dripping wet, covered in dust, and in complete disarray, yet their clothes retained their shape. Dreams lack details; at times, not enough to lose their meaning.

>Rin feels like a Buddhist.
make no mistake rinanon, i enjoy your posts plenty and it makes me happy that someone is willing to put so much of themselves on our little story. but, just like with helen last year, fully processing those posts to ensure i get the most out of them costs quite a bit of time, and even then i'm sure that im missing quite a few cool things. i won't tell you how to post, but: the simpler your input is, the faster i can update

ill try to get shit done at work (which i had already promised yesterday) and then squeeze some time miharu, marie, and rin if she moves on

gotcha. i'll try to keep my own posting consistent so you can know when gucas are likely to go up

i see, so weekends its only early on, thank you for giving your times in my own timezone. im trying to formulate my own schedule both for consistency and pacing reasons, since the faster i get answers the faster we move (we ended up fucking around a lot more than expected, which means that this is going far too similarly to mr:ba first thread lmao)

>I can guarantee you I'll always be checking in whenever I have time, and I unironically mean that!
i'll still try to make it easier. structure can be boring, but it does help squeeze more things in your day

just imagine how fucked i am
Oh, sorry, my weekends should still be generally free-ish in the future, I meant that the weekdays would become more restricted, but the weekends should still be okay at any time for the most part
>ill try to get shit done at work (which i had already promised yesterday)
Work comes first my brother, don't be a dumbass and mess up the job by getting too attached to these girls

And don't worry I'm sure your boss will appreciate tons of exclamation marks and energy in your conversations with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (maybe not cockposting though)
got busy. sadge. think that after rins post i'll do a little timeskip to the night. wonder if we'll make it it witch before thread ends
cliffhangers are based if we can make it there
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>We gotta run!!!
The door to 'not gay, but very feminine' castle closes behind Miharu- who slaps herself in the face lightly. Then, hard. Otherwise, she won't be able to keep whatever happened up there- and why- out of her mind,

because it's time to run.

The streets of Fukushima Ward aren't as crowded as those of Umeda, the second heart of Osaka. But... jumping from roof to roof, as Magical Girls are wont to do, it's still too risky without any sort of trick. Miharu doesn't have one. If she has it, she doesn't know it. Thus, she runs at runs at magical speed, and tackles people at magical speed too.

Ӝ Miharu: Sorry!

Ӝ Miharu: Excuse me!

Ӝ Miharu: Ups!

It keeps happening. Does she slow down? No. She speeds up. Dad and Dad will be worried until she gets back, so Miharu is sure that everyone else would forgive her for taking her chances.

Except maybe that guy with the box full of lemons.


Ӝ Miharu: I'm sorry...!

By the time Miharu finishes that sentence the man is far enough to not hear the end of it. Miharu feels bad, sure, but she can feel bad /and/ be fast like Sonic, so why not.

That, until a patrol car stops right in front of her, and Miharu realizes that most of what Sonic does is highly illegal. The window in front of her sinks into the door of the car; behind it, a black, bald man with a second chin is gauging her face.

Then he smiles.

Black Cop: Aight, come in.

Ӝ Miharu: What, no, I'm sorry, It's just, gotta go, ok bye!

Black Cop: Nah, don't break the law, don't make me work, come in.

Baring her teeth as she glances at the medal on his uniform, Miharu considers the possibility that the main character of her story (herself) has fucked up. But when the back door opens, she just slides in, slowly, like a living slime. The ride starts. No words are spoken. Magical Girl or not, Miharu's heart is pounding fast as she considers far too many possibilities and all at once: she's getting kidnapped, she's getting framed, she's going to jail, she'll have to hit a cop, etc etc etc. After all, how many fantasy stories start with the hero getting dragged in a blue car while shouting 'I DIDN'T DO NUFFIN'?

Black Cop: Aight, here we are.

Miharu blinks: it's her house! She hadn't been in that car for a minute yet! But, the worst is yet to come. The policeman steps out of the car, knocks on the door with the Mexican Goku graffiti, and, as if they had been waiting right behind that door all night long, Dad and Dad open it from behind.

Black Cop: Look what I found, eh!

And Dad & Dad both lose like ten pounds each from air alone.

Black Dad: Oh my god... she's ok!

White Dad doesn't even talk.
Both Black Dad and White Dad are insultingly stacked, veiny, solid, Bar-Bros tier soldier made entirely of grade A meat. It's as if behind their skin one would be met with a wall of dusty bricks.

Black Cop: Aight, so, I brought her here, aight? When the boys come asking, you tell em that, aight?

Ӝ Miharu: But I was like three blocks away-

Something in White Dad's stare tells her she shouldn't be talking.

Black Cop: Yeaaaaah, but a man's gotta live, y'know what am sayin? Aight, gotta get my own now. Peace, nigga.

Black Dad: Peace.

White Dad: Peace, nigga.

Miharu watches the cop get in the patrol car, and even the car itself as it vanishes in the distance- because she does not want to turn around.

White Dad: Miharu.

Full name, just like that. Although Miharu's jaw is a rock, a long, screeching whimper still manages to escape it.

White Dad: Come in. We need to talk.


>Miharu will be busy (getting scolded) until dusk!
...good luck, Miharu.
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>Tell everyone I found Shaniqua. Ask Kuro to watch Magical Girl Drillface.

Marie took the long road back just to think. She thinks about her sister, about the Internet. Just how... how do you counter such influence? Through reason? With evidence? When ten thousand million persons all over the world say the same, and you are left the lonely heretic- will that be enough? As she twists the key inside the lock, this time the normal way and to her own house, Marie sighs and curses.

Blanc: Wassup nigga.

Squatting on the couch, the whitest human being ever is loudly chewing on Cheetos as she watches a streamer on the wide TV. It's an obese girl whose content is exclusively about eating large portions of food.

๑ Marie: Are you out of you damn mind, girl? That shit will rot your brain even worse.

Blanc: Bitch, shut up. I wanna know why people watch this shit.

๑ Marie: Cause people are crazy.

Blanc: Yeah yeah, good enough for you. That's why we niggas be oppressed.

Marie digs her fingers on her temple.

๑ Marie: No. Don't even get me started on that shit. I found your sister, in case you give a fuck.

Blanc: Wasn't even worried. Nigga this ain't Detroit.

Although she does have a solid point, Marie can't help feeling just a bit angry. As the woman on the screen says to like and subscribe before biting on a double cheeseburger, Marie sits on the couch as well.

๑ Marie: Sit your ass like a normal human being.

Blanc: Make me, bitch.

๑ Marie: Ain't you gonna ask what happened to your sister? Are you like mad at her or somethin?

Blanc: Nah. Nothin. But you ain't scratching your head and 'OH MY GOD' and telling me to shut up and shit. So why even.

Marie curls her lips, but she ends up stopping herself to think; that is a solid pattern she got there, actually. That one time, Kuro had to be taken to the hospital because she dived into the canvas pool like it was the ocean- and Marie did all Blanc mentioned. That other time, her dad got stabbed with a Woody toy from Toy Story- it was the same.

๑ Marie: Fine. Whatever. She was hitting the boyfriend cause she felt oppressed and shit cause he opened doors and shit.

It's like Blanc is making an effort to chew those Doritos as loud as possible.

Blanc: U gonna beat her ass?

๑ Marie: ...I don't know. I really don't know.

The white sister's eyes are stuck to the screen. Maybe she already knew something.
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>Approach Kuro.

Marie would be very surprised to meet Kuro on the streets. Her sister's fuse is simply... short, when it comes to other people, even her older sister. They do, however, share a propensity to never shutting up when it comes to something they like, to 'open the floodgates' as they've grown to call it. So, they share their interests with each other- if at least to let the other nerd out.

Knock knock. These locks are even challenging to Marie.

Behind the door: -I'm busy!-

๑ Marie: Doing what? Losing or jacking off to werewolves?

There is a pause.


Marie would rather be called a 'dumb motherfucker'.

๑ Marie: I found your sister. She's, um... not okay.

No answer.

๑ Marie: She wants to be left alone. All of the shit she said this morning... real. Man. Jesus.

Still no answer. Marie sighs. Perhaps neither of her sisters knows how to suffer properly yet... or they still have to learn the weight of things.

๑ Marie: Hey, Kuro. Are you still up for watching Magical Girl Drillface together?

Kuro: Drillface?

The door opens fully. Yet Kuro looks puzzled.

Kuro: Why?

Marie tilts her head and shrugs at the same time.

Kuro: You never liked this... genre.

๑ Marie: This one got a lot of advertisement going for it, so, yeah.

She's thinking about Miharu's passionate rant. If someone can like something so much then it must be good, right? Kuro's face relaxes- into something resembling excitement.

Kuro: I mean... sure! Here or in the living room?

๑ Marie: Living room what?

Kuro: Do we watch it here or in the living room?

Marie glances back at the living room, at Blanc, at the streamer.

Blanc: What the fuuuuuuuuuuckkk!

Blanc looks positively dismayed at having her laptop's USB port disconnected from the TV.

๑ Marie: I've got like ten excuses, bitch. One, family time. Two, you can't hog the TV. Three, your own god damn mental. Four-

Blanc: Bitch, you's falling to the dark side.

Marie sniggers.

Blanc: Why do you even want the TV?

Kuro: We... we are watching... a famous anime series! It's very good, it's deep and complex.

๑ Marie: Watch it with us.

Blanc: Nigga, please. You don't wanna suffer alone!

๑ Marie: Hang on a sec.

It was her cellphone.

๑ Marie: Dad?

Marie doesn't answer. Marie still isn't answering. Both Kuro and Blanc, each from their side, lean sideways to see their older sister's very pale face.

Dad: -Now hear me out: don't tell the girls. I no need you panickin girl, y'know? Got aaaaall of my niggas on the case, so just hold down the fort, and everything will be alright.

When Marie comes back into being, she notices her sister's heads from each corner of her eyes.

Blanc: That looked like some bad news.

๑ Marie: Nah.

She plugs Kuro's laptop to the wide TV. For split second, it's filled with her yaoi wizard werewolves background.

๑ Marie: Lets... let's watch some anime.

Shaniqua wasn't there.

>Marie is busy until dusk!
Looks like we might be seeing a certain feminist in a certain labyrinth tomorrow
Also pretty sure Marie's dad is the one who picked Miharu up, but then again I could just be letting out my inner racist, I'm sure there's plenty of black cops in Osaka that also happen to be looking for their daughter
Don't worry, I also had the niggling feeling that it was my dad who picked Miharu up.
How many Black Cops in Japan do you know of?
Also, oh man. Part of the reason I was going after Shaniqua was to prevent Witching out or something. Or worse: Her becoming a Magical Girl.
aight i give it like 4 hours and rin will just stay there so we can move
its been two days
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Marie's dull, downcast gaze goes through all the colors of the rainbow as the action scene on the TV flickers and flashes. The sisters had wasted the sunlight watching Magical Girl Drillface's first season, and they weren't even halfway through it.

Not a word from Dad or Shaniqua.

Kuro: Ok, so, Shaniqua, you did get why that happened, right?

Chin resting on her hand, Blanc only shrugs with one shoulder, and only barely.

Blanc: Eh.

Kuro: Lord Hateseveryonealot was only pretending to be redeeming himself to pull on Drillface's strings! And yet, he didn't shoot her with the Cat Shotgun that shoots cat. Why do you think that happened?

Blanc: I dunno. This kinda cringe.

On instinct, Marie glances at Kuro's face to see it change from liquid to solid.

Kuro: No, it's not 'cringe'. It's about friendship and being brave.

Blanc: Nigga I dunno, I gave it the benefit of the doubt for like FOUR HOURS and nobody even died. FOUR HOURS watching crackas talk like this.

Blanc had been talking only moving her mouth, managing somehow to keep the rest of her face completely still.

Kuro: Oh, come on, that doesn't matter.

Blanc: Nigga look, you put a cap on a nigga and that's it. No crying no talking no dancing no buuulllshieeet. Shit would last like one chapter at most.

Kuro: Marie?

What a pleading voice.

๑ Marie: I think it's cool. Yeah.

Kuro: Why do you think it's cool?

๑ Marie: Eh, I dunno, I like when they like shoot hearts and shit. The animation is pretty good.

Kuro: ...right. The animation.

Blanc: Let me ask you somethin. Dem niggas just like, stare while bitches get naked and put on other clothes? Cause I'd rather get my head blown the fuck off on the spot, man. You won't catch me breathing and wearing that shit at the same time.

Kuro: Not everything has to make sense in fantasy!

Blanc: Well it's too real to me, causa a ain't seen ONE nigga in like four hours, not even in the public, not even like working a cafe or something, and daaayuum, let alone shooting hearts.

Kuro: There aren't black people in Japan!

Blanc looks at her sister straight in the eye wearing her natural poker face.

Blanc: So like does fantasy has to make sense or not, girl? What is it, then? Cause if it doesn't- then why don't we niggas get to be in it?

The shock makes Marie forget about Shaniqua for a very solid second. The damage already done, the real Magical Girl looks at Kuro; her sister wasn't crying yet.

Kuro: ...what the hell are you talking about? IT'S NOT YOU THAT DOESN'T GET TO BE THERE!

๑ Marie: Oh fuck no. Wait-

As she expected, Kuro storms out off the room straight to hers. Locks are locked with faint cracking sounds. Marie feels both relief and guilt at feeling relief that at least this sister doesn't run off to the streets.

Then, of course, she turns towards Blanc.
Blanc: Did I fuck up?

The white sister doesn't look apologetic at all. Marie knows, however, how little that matters.

๑ Marie: Yeah.

Blanc: How?

๑ Marie: You's sister was just... showin you somethin she likes, you know? Tellin people that what they like is shit is, emm...

Marie gestures with her fingers as if trying to draw the idea she can't get out of her head.

๑ Marie: I dunno.

Blanc: What if what they like /is/ shit?

๑ Marie: You don't tell em.

Blanc: Bitch, for real? What if they are like nazis or somethin?

๑ Marie: Man, I dunno...

This... comes with the package. It's not all rays and sunshine when you have siblings.

Someone has to take the risk- of leaving the others with an even worse mindset.

>What do I even tell her...
Awww fuck it's the classic teenage girl scenario
If I can't tell my bro something he likes is shit, we're not bro enough, but for teenagers especially these things can hurt, sometimes it's just a matter of taste
Better to be honest than lie though in my opinion, though you could always word it in a way that doesn't sting as much
Also some other deep seated issues but I don't even know how to handle those so I won't, it's not me that has to deal with it :P
>"You know how I like breaking into shit constantly? Like it's an addiction? Hell, I haven't even broken a single lock once today and that might be why this day has been ass."

>"I think treading upon forbidden land and abandoned ruins is fun. Crackas would say that I'm being a criminal and a nuisance. That's the thing: anything that you like will be cringe to someone else, so you might as well keep your mouth shut or else someone might say that every aspect of your being is cringe and sucks."

>"The main difference between us, and Nazis, is that what we like doesn't hurt others or ourselves. I make sure to keep my targets to abandoned or low-frequency places so I don't get caught, and I never steal. Kuro likes Anime, Manga, and Weeb shit. She doesn't hurt anyone by enjoying it and it enriches her life by making her happy and occassionally teaching her life advice."

>"In all honesty, you ain't wrong for spitting from the heart. You just gotta learn that other people's hearts are different than yours, they don't speak the same language as yours. Once you have good Heart-to-Heart communication skills, you can tell all the niggas you want that their stuff is cringe and they'll listen to you this time. But you better be ready for what they'll say back."

>Do I even know what Blanc likes?
>If not, ask "Speaking of: What do you like, my Blanc Nigga?"

If only the Désirés could be as empathetic as the Imeredalas. Unfortunately, things will be even harder for us, but I will try to keep this family happy.

How ironic that a girl who specialises in breaking into things has the task of strengthening and reconstructing something as fickle as family. But perhaps that's why my wish involved reconstruction as well...
fuuuuuck i didn't make it to post miharus
miharu in the morning!
My dad not being around is expected, he's a cop.
But Shaniqua isn't here yet... I fear the worst might have happened to her.

Do we not all have deep-seated issues? I just have the unenviable responsibility of dealing with multiple people's.
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Miharu's dull, downcast gaze goes through all the colors of the rainbow as the action scene on the TV flickers and flashes. The bar bros had wasted the sunlight doing deadlifts at the barbell rack in the living room, and they weren't even halfway through their routine.

Not a word about being free to go.

Black Dad: Ok, so, brother, you did get why that happened, right?

Chin resting on his hand, the White Dad only shrugs with one shoulder, and only barely.

White Dad: Eh.

Black Dad: Lord Hateseveryonealot was only pretending to be redeeming himself. He was pullin on Drillface's strings. And yet, he didn't shoot her with the Cat Shotgun that shoots cats. Why's that?

White Dad: Alright, dog. Let's hear it.

Miharu yawns: this is her fault. Trying to understand her, the dads got into Magical Girl Drillface as well. They've been doing that ever since she was a cat tail grabbing toddler- but never this hard.

Black Dad: The man hates everyone, alright? That's is out of the question, non-negotiable. So: he wants her alive because he thinks Drillface can't put up with the pressure. He thinks she'll turn.

White Dad: Nigga that's just superficial, I gave her the benefit of the doubt for like FOUR CHAPTERS and nobody even died because of her. FOUR CHAPTER getting shit from crackas talking like this.

White Dad had been talking only moving his mouth, managing somehow to keep the rest of his face completely still.

Black Dad: Oh, come on, that doesn't matter.

White Dad: Nigga look, if she woulda put a cap on a nigga, then that's it. But she didn't. That one Shotgun Hands girl, the one that broke down from the pressure when she was eatin momma's ramen and shot the whole shit when she was tryin to hold them chopsticks? That's how you know it, man. That's how you know they bein realistic about them feelings and shit.

Black Dad: Bro, Drillface is just strong.

White Dad: Nahw, dog; she's got somethin else. Somethin special, like love and shit. And you know what? Lord Hateseveryonealot knows it too. And that be why he didn't kill her, dog.

Black Dad: Nah, man, you flying WAY too high bro. Miharu?

What a pleading voice.

Ӝ Miharu: Eh- I don't want to spoil it. Can I go now?

Black Dad: Are you done with those taxes?

Ӝ Miharu: ...almost?

Taxes: that's how the Fukugawa's punish their daughter. They've promised themselves to never use physical force to educate, which is /much/ easier said than done. And after some careful deliberation over the years, they did manage to stumble upon Miharu's true nemesis:


White Dad: That doesn't sound like 'yes sir, they are done.'

Ӝ Miharu: Can I finish them later?

The dads look at each other

and laugh.
As Miharu is in genuine despair, someone knocks on the door.

Black Dad: Someone's knocking.

White Dad: Then go, nigga, go.

Black Dad: You are so lazy.

Happy to look at anything that's not the documents right in front of her, Miharu peeks as the black dad opens the door. Behind it, was a small girl

Small girl: Hellooo.

with short, pink hair. Soon, she's under the shadow of a shadow, as the black dad steps to the porch to meet her.

Black Dad: Hey, little sunshine. Are you selling cookies and yummy things?

Small girl: Konnichiwa; a pleasure to meet you, sir. I'm here to visit my friend. Miharu.

The man's lips linger, and so does his eyebrows, at the refined way the girl speaks.

Small girl: Do you happen to be her father?

Miharu's eyes widen- and so does her mouth. Small, pink hair, first-name basis; just how many people are like that? Instantly, the grounded daughter teleports to the front door.

Ӝ Miharu: It's the Coordinator-chan!

Black Dad: Coordinator?

Dummbell visibly perks up at the mention of her title. The lack of that gloriously massive blanket hair may have fooled Miharu, sure, and she is wearing a very mature (albeit small) attire, but Miharu remembers the dream.

Black Dad: Oh... oh! You are a friend of our Miharu-chan!

Dummbell: I'd like to think so.

White Dad' voice: Sorry. The girl is grounded.

That black man glances back at the living room- then at the pink stranger.

Black Dad: Would you, um, excuse us for a minute? We'll be right back.

Dummbell: Ok.

The door closes.

"look man, how many times are her friends that come over? its always her going out"

"nigga that's how lessons work, bet your ass she'll remember missing out"

"get outta here man, it was you who said the whole thing about that chapter the other day! about exceptions and all that"

"maybe but you are spoiling the girl rotten"

The door opens.

Black Dad: Come on in. Make yourself at home.

Dumbbell smiles. And when she steps inside, Miharu and her both dads get their eyes glued to the girl's back.

White Dad: ...now that's some big-ass ponytail.
Miharu's dull, downcast gaze goes through all the colors of the rainbow as the action scene on the TV flickers and flashes. Even with the tiny Coordinator sitting by her side, she still has to do the rest of the taxes of both the house and the taco van. Those were the terms.

Black Dad: Damn. I can't believe you are already in college! I mean, I'm sorry if I'm still talking about it, but wow, I mean, sorry.

Dumbbell: There's nothing to be ashamed of. It's only natural to be curious when something is unusual.

Black Dad: Yeah, but I'm like, making you feel all self-conscious...

White Dad: Then stop asking, fool. Go make the guest some tea.

Black Dad: How about you move your ass for once?

White Dad: Brother, you's been given a chance to make amends. I say take it, aight.

The black dad sucks his lips in.

Black Dad: Yeah, fair enough. What kind of tea do you want, Ciel, um...

Ӝ Miharu: Chan!

White Dad: She be like five years older than you.

Black Dad: Yeah. Ciel-san. Tea?

Dumbbell: Thank you. Any kind is fine.

Miharu mumbles deep dark curses and scribbles. There is nothing worse. This is why people shoot each other. She knows why the Coordinator came over; in fact, she invited her. But now, she has to do the inventory aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

Dumbbell: May I ask: is Miharu's mother present in her life?

Miharu stops hating papers for a second. Yet, neither of her fathers seem even peeved at the question.

White Dad: Nothin to be ashamed of; it's only natural to be curious, aight. That idiot right there? That's my daughter. She's not from my balls, though.

Ӝ Miharu: EHHH that isn't wrong, but-

Black Dad: Oh my god I'm so sorry Ciel. DUDE COME ON.

White Dad: Hey, she looks like she can take it. Lady right here just hits right.

Dumbbell: Thank you. I'm glad that you feel safe with me.

White Dad: Man here got cheated on and then left with a baby that wasn't even mine. Her loss. That guy over there was helpin out the whole time, y'know? So we married as a joke like thirteen years ago.

Black Dad: Yeah, we just messing around.

...silently, Dumbbell giggles.

Dumbbell: Aren't the two of you in a romantic relationship?

Just like that, Miharu has two white dads.
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Black Dad: What, no, no, we just bros.

White Dad: Nah I mean I get it, it's the whole marriage thing aight? That was more like, a symbolism thing, like, we bros for life.

Black Dad: Yeah. That.

Dumbbell: Oh. I see.

The tiny Coordinator isn't giggling anymore, but her head is still spasming as if she was.

Dumbbell: It did seem like a sensible guess- since it does seem that the two of you do share a room.

Doorbell's guess is correct. Despite the second floor, the house /is/ small, and besides the living room, the bathroom, the small yard, and the room upstairs, there is just one more.

Ӝ Miharu: AND- they sleep in the same bed all the time! Yup yup!

White Dad: That's cause we poor cause we have to support your sorry ass you god damned dumbass! Go back to work, you still grounded.

Dumbbell: Would you mind if I borrow Miharu for a minute? I'd like to ask her something.

Neither answer, as Dumbbell turns to Miharu. Perhaps it's the power of the first name basis.

Dumbbell: Miharu, dear; what do you think about love and friendship?

An answer surges from Miharu's mouth: but she swallows it back, and gives herself some time to think.

Dumbbell: For example: would it bother you if your parents were more affectionate in front of you?

Miharu's eyes go orbital as she imagines it.

>UM. Wwell-
Damn you Lumina, when I said "it's not me that has to deal with it", that wasn't an open invitation to throw shit on me Marie and the teenage girls still got it worse though, don't even know what to say to Kuro's "it's not you that doesn't get to be there" other than "that sucks bro" or straight ignoring it and hoping for the best, good luck Desire-san
And damn you again Lumina, they're just bros who've been married for 13 years and raising a kid as a funny prank and a way to get back at the ex, don't read too much into it

Also very cool that we're also watching Drillface
Well I say "we", a certain girl's busy doing some math

Interesting question on friendship and love here, what even makes something "romantic", just physical desire? Because in the best marriages (in my opinion), the couple are each other's best friends, committed to weathering life's storms together, and each of them is the first person the other asks for help, but if you go off that, it doesn't actually necessitate romance at all? Unfortunately that's not the actual question, so I can't wax poetically on that like the pseudo-philosopher I am

It'd be easier if I could go full omniscience on the dadbros to see what they're thinking, but this is real life and such convenient things don't just happen (lmao). Not gonna lie, bros for life is an aesthetic I'd be reluctant to let go of as a meta-reader, and also not gonna lie again, I'd be probably pretty uncomfortable if my parents suddenly started acted differently toward each other after knowing them my entire lifespan, but saying that shit straight up in today's day and age about a bromance? Send the thought police after my ass, I'm getting a life sentence (also it'd probably hurt day and night if they actually did want to be more affectionate and were just hiding it out of fear of making Miharu uncomfortable, only for their fears to be semi-confirmed)
So then the question is be honest or shove down those personal feelings for the sake of others, and whether Miharu can even sell that, or maybe I'm letting too much of myself into Miharu and she really does just see sunshine and rainbows and is a better person than me that can accept any change that comes pretty easily
So I'll have to think on that, Lumina you bitch-ass african american gentleman
Oh yeah also I'm probably gonna be stuck on this IP for the rest of time

Still did not come up with an answer in the 2-3 minutes between these responses
Okay maybe I was being an overdramatic little bitch, I already came up with the 'best' response for the situation (without compromising my belief that honesty is essential to any functional relationship (not just romantic, but friendships and family and whatever too), and that lying just to make others happy while you hide your own problems is a shitty way to handle things)

Basically it'd be admitting that, well, if I'm going to be honest, it would make me a little uncomfortable, at least at first, but that's just because it would be something new and a change from the normal, if you two want to do it then you should be true to what you want to do, I'd love you guys no matter what
Or some other flavoring of that, but then the question is if Miharu actually would feel any discomfort at all, and if she would, do I want to make her a mature enough onee-san type like Desire-san to be able to word it like this, and those I do have to think on more, but I got a movie night with my family so I gotta run for now
>Lay some fair wisdom onto lil Blanc.

Earlier in your life, you might as well have a sponge for a brain; there would be no difference. Emotional outbursts, sad moments, random gestures; the dumbest, most unexpected little thing can become the surface on top of which a castle will be built upon.

Someone has to make sure it isn't on mud.

๑ Marie: You know how I like breaking into shit constantly? Like it's an addiction?

Blanc: Yeah. You've got issues.

It's that cold, matter-of-factly way of talking that give the sentence an edge. With anyone else, you could just pass it as a joke.

๑ Marie: Yeah, well, people smoke. I haven't even broken a single lock once today and that might be why this day has been ass.

Blanc: I thought that was cause our sistah is a man beater at twelve.

๑ Marie: If I was out there breaking into some dumb dildo factory I wouldn't have asked Shaniqua shit.

Blanc: Nigga, what a sad line of thinkin. It's like, 'I shouldn't have had sandwich cause some nigga stole my shoes.' I'm havin my fucking sandwich.

Marie sighs. Let me get to the point, pretty please.

๑ Marie: I think treading upon forbidden land and abandoned ruins is fun. Crackas would say that I'm being a criminal and a nuisance. No bitch, let me finish. I talk, you talk, ok?

Blanc: You talk a fucklot girlboss.

๑ Marie: Bitch you asked for MAH opinion!

Blanc: Eh. True, that, yeah.

๑ Marie: Ok, so! That's the thing: anything that you like will be cringe to someone else, like me with breakin into shit, so you might as well keep your mouth shut or else someone might say that every aspect of your being is cringe and sucks.

Blanc: Liiiiiiiiiike?

๑ Marie: You testin your luck, girl.

Blanc: Go on. Do it.

Something inside Marie eagerly tempts her to go on. In fact, she does.

๑ Marie: You's the whitest cracka on Earth AND the Moon, YET you use the N word, consistently, daily, and whenever you can.

Blanc: Nigga that's just not true.

๑ Marie: It is. And some people would say it's cringe. Not me. I'm your sister. I know you. Don't go runnin off to your room yet.

Blanc both grimaces and frowns. Yet, she looks up.

Blanc: There ain't no niggas on the Moon anyway.

๑ Marie: I'll bet you got the point and carry on. The main difference between us, and Nazis, is that what we like doesn't hurt others or ourselves. I make sure to keep my targets to abandoned or low-frequency places so I don't get caught, and I never steal.

Blanc: Yeah, and Kuro likes all that weeb shit and doesn't hurt anyone and whatever, your too easy.

Wow. Marie feels slightly slow and predictable.
Blanc: You say that shit doesn't hurt others- but what if it does? What if you watch all of that shit and it fucks up your brain?

๑ Marie: Bitch, she ain't hurtin anyone. You ain't either, so come on.

Blanc: Not yet, and I mean her. If Kuro ends up an autistic fuck, what are you gonna do then, nigga? How you gonna cure that autisms when it gets too bad, huh?

๑ Marie: It's just anime, girl.

Blanc PFFFFFF so loudly that her cheeks become balloons for a second.

Blanc: 'Just anime', she says. Mah lovely ghetto NNNIIIIGGGAAA-

๑ Marie: Cool it?

Blanc: -do I have to show you some good o'l shit in the net, Marie.

Marie shrugs.

๑ Marie: So what? You gonna police what your sis sees now eh?

Blanc: No but you won't see me bein an accomplice either you fool.

'You fool'. The devil on her right ear tells her to slap a bitch; the angel on the left ear is saying the exact same thing. Yet, Marie will not.

๑ Marie: Blanc. Look; you ain't wrong for spitting from the heart. You just gotta learn that other people's hearts are different than yours, they don't speak the same language as yours. Hang on a sec, phone.

Blanc: Taking a call durin a serious conversation is bad manners bitch nigga. Disrespectful!

๑ Marie: BITCH you don't get to talk bad manners /no one/. Hello, good evening. With who am I speaking?

Only the hand holding the phone starts shaking slightly, as the rest of Marie's body remains steady as if ready to pounce. Then she stands.

Blanc: And now you leavin.

๑ Marie: Yes.

Again, it's the tone of voice. Having known this person for all her life, Blanc simply doesn't talk back.

Blanc: Ok. Be careful.

Marie was already putting on her jacket over her sweater.
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It's Marie's favorite dojo, the one she haunts when she gets bored.

Dolores is there.
Shaniqua is there.
And now Marie is there too, entering through the big front door.

How Dolores figured out this place may have to remain a mystery for other day and time.

Dolores: Stop. Stay there.

๑ Marie: Huh? Wh-

Dolores: Stay there.

The wish granter's voice doesn't strike Marie as threatening... but the fact that she's talking loud enough to ensure she hears seems to bear some meaning. So she stops.

๑ Marie: Ok, first of all: Thanks so, SO fucking much for finding my sister.

Dolores doesn't answer.

๑ Marie: And you, well...

Marie looks at Shaniqua, who almost cowers behind Dolores.

๑ Marie: I really, reaaaally don't know what to tell you, girl...

Neither Dolores nor Shaniqua respond. Marie takes it as her cue.

๑ Marie: Right. Why do I have to stand here?

Dolores: Your sister Shaniqua meets all the requirements to become a Magical Girl.

๑ Marie: ...

The distance is slowly starting to make sense. Dolores remains composed, and, as usual, already transformed. If it wasn't for that tie and some of the other majestic details, her magical form would almost pass for a normal business suit.

Dolores: I want her included in our Witch hunt tomorrow.

Slowly, Marie is swallowing implications.

Dolores: Marie-Antoinette: what are you going to do?

You know I don't wanna say our dearest qm is anything less than a visionary with endless imagination but something about these bits of background feel very familiar.

Yeah, give the manbeater superpowers, she can be trusted with power.
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I KNEW IT. i knew you'd notice!! and that's not even where the similarities end

>If only the Désirés could be as empathetic as the Imeredalas.
don't worry, the Imeredalas come with their own brand of problems. even the best intentions are lost to miscommunication, and it something that happens all the time.

>But perhaps that's why my wish involved reconstruction as well...
we all got something broken

>Damn you Lumina, when I said "it's not me that has to deal with it", that wasn't an open invitation to throw shit on me
what can i say, im a fair main, if i lift shit off the street i try to share it equally among my people

>Well I say "we", a certain girl's busy doing some math
the correct term is 'despairing', like your truly working backend

>Unfortunately that's not the actual question, so I can't wax poetically on that like the pseudo-philosopher I am
no one is stopping you

>but I got a movie night with my family so I gotta run for now
have fun dude! i watched mad max fury on the road the other day with a friend. it has no right to have such solid worldbuilding in only two hours
oh wait nevermind i think you didn't notice what i thought you would
I am beyond mortified. I wanted to avoid this outcome as much as possible, but I guess some things are destined to happen even if they make my life vastly more complicated.

Fuck, Shit, Merde, Putain!
Okay. Dolores has approached Shaniqua and she meets the requirements to be a magical girl. This isn't the end of the world but it does make the entire relationship between me and her much more complicated.
Maybe I should actually think.about this rather than say what first comes to mind like every time before.

If Shaniqua becomes a Magical Girl, we may need to kill each other later, I (The Player and Marie) know that, so I want to at least make sure that Shaniqua is ready for that inevitability. If she just says she would kill me with no second thoughts then I would be sad but consider her prime material.

Speaking of Prime Material: What even are the requirements to becoming a Magical Girl? What situation and state was I in when Dolores approached me?

Believe it or not, I've been making all of these long-ass posts from the top of my head, so I need to think better to make them more concise, which is needed here. I'll be back later.
>Ummmmmmmmmmm??????? Miharu's face turns bright red. "I-I don't really think about those kinds of things too much, so don't ask me!!!"
>The accounting for the taco truck was getting really interesting!!!
Ah yes, how could I forget my good friend "run the fuck away from the issue", she's just a kid, shame on you for putting her in this situation, that's gross :P

Now, I'm not you, Marie, but if my little sister was about to be roped into this shitty mess, some bitches are about to get slapped, I'd rather fight Dolores and die like a dog than let my dumbass teenage sibling throw their life away for nothing, only exception being if they're about to die anyway and get an extension on life with this, all other dumbass reasons and they're out, I don't care what the fuck they say

If that's not a sign we're missing something I don't know what the fuck is, better figure it out Jimena-senpai! Best I got is that your dad is also taking care of a kid that isn't even his but his ex dumped on him, but I think that's the bait similarity
Also rip that backend a new one, Lumi, you got it
>What even are the requirements to becoming a Magical Girl?
basically, you have to be very special in your own way. for a person to be unique much shit has to converge which takes a lot of luck (or fate), thus the more unique the situation, the more the 'karma' (the weight of destiny) and therefore the higher the chances of being guca. thats why some gucas contract earlier than others

>What situation and state was I in when Dolores approached me?
she scared the fuck out of you when you met her inside an abandoned shopping mall about to be demolished. you weren't sad or desperate or anything like that, you just wanted more

>Also rip that backend a new one, Lumi, you got it
actually, it's beating my ass worse than Malenia
>aaa... aaaa!!

Dad&Dad have always acted super manly, with not a single exception to the rule- and that is exactly what raises the alarm. No exceptions? Not even once? Not even joking? Friends loosen up to each other over time- so why would that not happen?

And why, Miharu wonders, is everyone looking at me like that?

Ӝ Miharu: I-I don't really think about those kinds of things too much, so don't ask me!

Dumbbell blinks and blinks. Then defaults to her usual smile.

Dumbbell: I must admit that I'm surprised. I did expect you to have an opinion on love and friendship given how much you enjoy stories.

Miharu doesn't answer, instead opting for sheepishly study the taco van taxes, suddenly very interesting.

Dumbbell: Or perhaps Miharu is of the kind that gets embarrassed easily?

Guilty as charged, as those reddish cheeks accuse. She /does/ think about love and friendship, and a lot, in fact, a whole lot more than other people

but these are her parents! She lives with them! There's no running away from whatever comes out of her mouth!

Dumbbell: I'll give you give you mine, since I did ask. My opinion is that the shape of love doesn't matter. You won't be able to love anything evil from the bottom of your heart, so take it in whatever shape it comes- because there's not enough of it these days.

Nothing about that makes Miharu any less red.

White Dad: Ciel-san, homie, you are invited for tea whenever we havta punish the fool.

Black Dad: Eh, let me save her. So how do you two know each other? Chasing the same dude?

Dumbbell: We are Magical Girls.

White Dad: Ain't you a bit old, eh?

Dumbbell: Only if I tell you.

Dumbbell winks. The white dad cackles. The black dad giggles. Silence.

White Dad: You know what? Fuck it. I love you, bro.

Miharu feels her hands turn to stone. Her black dad doesn't seem to be faring much better. But...!

Black Dad: Yeah bro, I love you too.

White Dad: C'mere, nigga.

The rookie Magical Girl stares, perfectly uncomfortable, as both walls of meat engage in a bear hug that would crack a bear's back. Dumbbell claps

Dumbbell: Good job!
Ӝ Miharu: And this- is Miharu's world!

Dumbbell: It's so, so pretty, Miharu!

It is. Miharu's room, blue for the most part, is crammed with antiques and esoteric looking objects, like a small museum with a desk. Dumbbell, with those sleepy eyes, glances at the astrolabe, the fake skull, the sword on the wall, the dream catcher, the big, thick crimsoon book with the golden borders... Wildly different religions peacefully converge in Miharu's room. The ceiling is tall, and although it was a hassle Miharu managed to hang from it a solar system held in place by a structure of many steel rings inside each other.

Yet, it's kind of a mess.

Ӝ Miharu: Hmh!

A mess Miharu seems very proud of, as her humble puffed chest begs to imply. The desk with the PC has but a single chair, so Miharu stacks some strange artifacts on top of each other and then sits on the pile.

Ӝ Miharu: Oh! Almost forgot!

She stands up as if something stung her and ravages her drawer until she comes back to Dumbbell with a book. When she opens it against the desk, paper bushes, trees, and medieval knights in cars pop up from it in front of only the huge trunk of a tree.

Ӝ Miharu: See? See? It has to be BIG, like to where my hand is, but if it's too big then it'll stick up out of the top of the book, but if it's not too big then it won't make any sense because it has to be a GREAT tree, you see!

Dumbbell: It has to be a GREAT tree.

Ӝ Miharu: Yes!

Dumbbell takes out something out of her bag. It's a little book, and she seems thrilled to just take it out. When she opens on top of the keyboard, a tall, very poorly drawn, three-dimensional oak stretches out of the pages. She closes it, then opens it, she closes it, then opens it, and all the while Miharu watches through wearing the same silly, huge grin.

Ӝ Miharu: Yes! Coordinator-chan, you are a genious! That's exactly what I want! But how did you pull it of? It has rubber, right?

Dumbbell: No, there's no need. The paper folds on top of the ones at the root are linked together, so when they fold so do the ones on top of them.

Ӝ Miharu: Hahahha, it looks more like a tower than a tree.

Dumbbell: I do have to admit that I cheated a bit. I found this idea in a tutorial series on the Internet.

Ӝ Miharu: Whaaaaaat, but I didn't find anything!

Dumbbell: Sometimes, you just have to keep looking. Speaking of which...

The Coordinator opens the previous page in Miharu's book without permission. The character that pops out from the book is... pretty much Miharu herself holding the bastard son of a magical wand and a rocket launcher. The real Miharu laughs nervously.

Dumbbell: Miharu, have you figured out what your magical power does?

Miharu doesn't know if the first name basis ever bothered her or if she already got used to it before realizing it.

Ӝ Miharu: Um... no! But a lot of weird stuff has been happening lately!

Miharu tells Dumbbell all about it. Who ends up blinking heavily.
Dumbbell: A Yakuza asked you for a toy and then you ended up in a room full of European crossdressers.

Miharu nods, suddenly serious as one of her legs bounces up and down frantically. It's the suspense: what does her power do?

Dumbbell: Tomorrow is your first Witch hunt. If you still aren't sure about it, we may have to postpone it and wait for another time.

Ӝ Miharu: No! I want to figure it out now!

Dumbbell: I see.

Slightly, Dumbbell furrows her brow.

Dumbbell: Hmm. What do you think it does?

riiiiin where are you
Being able to say "I love you" to your bestest bro is the manliest thing of all, I'm shedding a tear

Oh shit the pop-up book came back, GREAT ANCIENT TREE coming soon to a book near you

Well, it would've been a rehash of a prior event if we had to figure it out in the middle of a fight, so I suppose it's apt to try to figure it out here
Problem is I have no fucking clue how they relate, other than the fact that they're odd situations, but if my power is to get in odd situations that's one odd situation to be in since I can't actively use it
I'll think on it a bit, current hypothesis is I can make the world fit plot lines or something, with set-up and pay-off but that's weird as hell, so gotta ruminate
I'm here.
Alright, I've done approximately 0 (Zero) thinking on this through a whole day. So I'll just say what's on the top of my mind like I always do!

Marie has had a tough day. Her weird dreams were actual events, her sporty sister stormed out of the house and is a manbeater, her Weeb sister is feeling alienated from her White sister. And worst of all: She hasn't even broken open a single lock or broke into a place today! With so much pressure on her mind, she opens her mouth and shouts:
>"Dolores, avez-vous besoin de transformer toutes les filles qui répondent aux critères en Filles Magiques?!" ("Dolores, do you need to turn all the girls who meet the criteria into Magical Girls?!")
And she slams her mouth shut with her hand. Did she just speak French?! Again?! And it was in a perfect French accent. Okay, she needs to calm down. Focus on what important to her.

>Take a deep breath. "Shaniqua, if you become a Magical Girl you may need to kill me in the future or I may need to kill you in the future. So you should only accept this after you're ready for the possibility of being hunted down like an animal by your own sister, or you hunting your sister down like an animal."
>"Not only that, but you will still have to deal with your regular life at the same time. You will have to deal with your schoolwork, your family, your relationship, or what's left of it. It's a very tiring situation to be in. Although you can make a good difference hunting Witches, you also need to use your power responsibly. And don't be stupid with your Wish, please."
Marie is slightly regretting ignoring Dolores' warning. And as much as she wants Shaniqua to not accept, she wants her to make her own decisions, and mistakes, and live with them.

>"Dolores, why do you want my Sister to be a Magical Girl? I wouldn't be asking this if you were some alien entity who just suddenly turns people into Magical Girls, but you're a Human, or at least have a Human mind. Do you need to turn all the girls who fit the criteria into Magical Girls? Why? I'm not going to stop you, but I really don't want to hate you, or people in general. Hatred is a bad emotion to have, especially as a Magical Girl, and I feel like understanding you, and others, will help me like you more. You could also tell me your Wish, but that's very personal."
Marie is being honest here. She asked Dumbbell about her Wish to figure her out better. She watched Magical Girl Drillface to see why Miharu and Kuro like it so much. She wants to like people through understanding, to break open their heart and look at the mechanisms.

>"As for what I'll do... She's already in on the secret, so I would protect her if she doesn't accept, and accompany her if she does. As much as I don't want her to accept, it's ultimately her decision, and fighting against you is a losing proposition. That much I know."
Marie is likely going to be as green as Shaniqua, but there is strength in numbers.
but ive been waiting for your post for like 4 days

The last scene involving Rin (>>6050427) seemed fairly conclusive.
There's no real impetus for continuation with the prompt provided.
Rather, I have nothing to add and no reason to divert from Rin's current pattern of behavior until something new happens.
To be clear, the intention flowchart driving me is as follows.
> Rin will wait to awaken, avoiding Dumbbell all the while.
> When Rin wakes up, she'll check if her clothes are dry.
> If yes, she'll leave.
> If no, she'll avoid Dumbbell until yes.
> Avoiding Dumbbell may involve knocking herself unconscious again if no easier alternative exists
Beyond simply having no interest in humanizing herself to Dumbbell or gaining a better understanding of Dumbbell as a person, Rin will reflexively become more adversarial to the notion the more Dumbbell insists upon it.
Trapping them both in a vicious cycle of headtrauma, grinding teeth, and perverse fever dreams until the stalemate is resolved.
my guess is that
was easy to misunderstand. that post was me waiting for you. thing is, the silly things i write in the prompts, like '>Please no.' were always just a way or saying 'your turn now nigguca'. rin's last prompt was also just a way of asking 'what now?'. since you said that your schedule was chaotic and there was no more rin post i was like, well damn, guess that's how it is

> Rin will wait to awaken, avoiding Dumbbell all the while.
dumbbell already left for miharu's, so what i wanted to know all along was what she was doing in the meantime, all the way till dusk

hmmm, while I do like it, im gonna have to tell you the same i told rinanon earlier: though they make me happy, long posts take a lot of work and time to mow through. could you make it as short as you can? try to keep only the core points
> dumbbell already left for miharu's,
Not entirely certain how Dumbbell's dreamsharing power works, whether she can act in reality while retaining a presence here, so I'll specify an action for both possibilities just in case.

[Assuming Dumbbell isn't present in the dreamscape]
Rin fools around with lucid dreaming until she realizes that if Dumbbell isn't in the dream then she must be in meatspace, with Rin's unconscious body. The revelation that her body is at the mercy of some deranged she-dwarf is sufficient to compel Rin into attempting to wake herself up.

[Assuming Dumbbell is still present in the dreamscape]
Rin continues to obstinately rebuff Dumbbell's efforts at fraternization by whipping up vulgar and chaotic dream mirages, at least until she awakens naturally.
Alright I've come up with the most schizophrenic idea possible for Miharu's magic (inspired by the moon and solar system)
My basis for this? She's attracting weird ass fucking shenanigans. Yes that's all I've got
>Miharu leans back, loudly HMMMing while she looks up at the solar system on her ceiling, when an idea appears. "Maybe my magic has to do with gravity! My wish is related to space, and I've been... uh... sucked into some weird shenanigans lately?" The girl looks at Dumbbell eagerly. "What do you think, Coordinator-chan?"

Even if I get it wrong, that just makes the suspense better
damn. my bad there again not being specific enough. timeskips kinda weaken my grip. to clarify, both rin and dumbbell already left the Coordinator's Shop already. given that rin was in better spirits, dumbbell just ended the dream, woke rin up, offered her to stay, rin said fuck no, and so each went about their ways. thing is; what did rin do until dusk?

fixin some shit and postan!!


Marie has had a tough day. With so much pressure on her mind, she opens her mouth and shouts:
>"Dolores, avez-vous besoin de transformer toutes les filles qui répondent aux critères en Filles Magiques?!" ("Dolores, do you need to turn all the girls who meet the criteria into Magical Girls?!")
And she slams her mouth shut with her hand. Did she just speak French?! Again?! Okay, she needs to calm down. Focus on what important to her.

>"Shaniqua, if you become a Magical Girl you'll have to either kill me or vice versa later. Make sure you come to peace with that before choosing."

>"Dolores, do you need to turn all the girls who fit the criteria into Magical Girls? Why? I'm not going to stop you, but I really don't want to hate you. Hatred is a bad emotion to have, especially as a Magical Girl, and I feel like understanding you will help me like you more. You could also tell me your Wish, but that's very personal."

>"As for what I'll do... I'll leave the decision to Shaniqua. She can make her own mistakes, I'll be there to catch her when necessary."
I see.
> Rin spends the day 'parrothunting'
(translation: wandering around the city outskirts and destitute areas in search of trouble and treasure)
got kidnapped to a thermal waters place out of nowhere and i barely just got back. couldn't even let you guys know lawl. i'll try to fit something
Damn, kidnappers know how to show their kidnapees a good time nowadays, back in my day
I don't know how to complete that sentence in a funny way
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>Hunt parrots.

That was fun. Not the whole mushy mushy icky talk, no, the cock that rained fists was what was fun. Rin's clothes are still wet and they stick to her alabaster skin, but they'll dry like her blood often does, so whatever. Dripping water all the way, leaving a wet line behind, the brand new Magical Girl walks up the stairs towards the subway exit after the Coordinator's train dropped her near the outskirts of Osaka. It's Minoh Park; a forested valley just 30 minutes away from the massive Osaka Station. It's brimming with waterfalls and trees both red, yellow, and green, and there's shops, touristic spots, and large red bridges across the rivers. Halfway through one of those- Rin stops. Like a robot running out of battery, Rin finally stops her crass strolling. She only turns her head around, like tank aiming its canon, and fixes those eyes on the newfound target.

A parrot.

Of course: it's a park, so it's bound to have parrots. That's why it's called a 'PARk'. It may not be the one that Rin stuck a webcam to, the parrot that got all of those yakuza after her, but she could just stick another to that one and call it a day. Then again, the red and blue parrot is standing in a far branch across the river, and Rin doesn't even have where to put it.

Left to his luck many years ago, a beggar sitting at the end of the bridge looks at Rin. He stands. He walks towards her.

Smelly Beggar: Huh?

Passerby: Hey, what's going on?

A man who was passing by with his girlfriend silently leaves her behind and walks up to Rin, who doesn't even turn around as people gather around her.

Punk with Pink hair: The fuck's going on?

Cop: What's going on?

Man with scars on face: Huh?

They all look at the parrot across the river, as it mindlessly licks its claws.

Smelly Beggar: It's a parrot.

Man with scars on face: It's not a bear, shithead!

Cop: But how do we get it?

Rin 'hmms' in tranquility.

Passerby: What if we hit it with a rock?

ع Rin: That wouldn't work.

The branch is over the river, so the parrot would get dragged by the current if she tossed a rock at it- which would already kill it if doesn't drown afterwards.

Cop: Hmm... what if we lure it with food?

Man with scars on face: Do we even know what these fuckers eat?

Smelly Beggar: I know! I know! Almonds, cashews, macadamias, walnuts!

Punk with Pink hair: Wait! Look!

The parrot takes flight, followed by a dozen eyes; it lands on top of a restaurant in the middle of a row of shops. The shops are at the side of a small road that separates them from a streaming, rocky river through which water flows fast.
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Man with scars on face: Hmm...!

The parrot is doing parrot things on the edge of the old restaurant's roof as five men and a teenager look up at it from the thin street. People pass by them; but some stop to look.

Passerby: Actually, this is a good thing. We got lucky.

Cop: I agree.

Passerby's girlfriend: Gakuto-kun, what the hell are you even doing?!

Passerby: Hold on honey, be right there with you. How about you buy us some ice-cream?

Passerby's girlfriend: I'll leave you behind!

Passerby: Ok, ok, catch you later then, go get that ice-cream.

Like a volcano, the girlfriend storms off- yet the man doesn't even see her go.

Man with scars on face: Luck won't be enough. We need a plan.

Punk with Pink hair: Yeah!

Smelly Beggar: Look what I found!

The beggar came back with a dirty wooden tray with both walnuts and almonds cut in small pieces.

Cop: Good job. But how should we use the bait?

ع Rin: It won't come for it if there's people. Even if it does- there's people.

Passerby: And we don't even have where to stash a parrot.

Man with scars on face: Hmm. Damn it. Yeah, so what, then?

The men and teenager scratch their head as one- as normal people stop to watch and whisper.

Cop: Go away! Nothing to see here.

Punk with Pink hair: Whatever we do, we do it fast! It's gonna fly off any second now!

Rin thinks. The men turn to her; hope glows in their eyes. Then she nods, quietly, unprompted.

ع Rin: If it's a tree, it will stand on it.

Smelly Beggar: ...Well, it also stands on other places.

Punk with Pink hair: It's not even standing on a tree right now!

But the scarred man stops them.

Man with scars on face: No time. Let's hear it.
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Man with scars on face: That was the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard.

Punk with Pink hair: And now, it will be the dumbest fucking shit you've ever done!

The scarred man's death glare falls flat because of the myriad branches coming out of his head, hastily glued together with duct tape like the others all over his body. The punk just laughs and hard- but is soon slapped shut by the cop.

Smelly Beggar: You idiot! The parrot!

They all look at it from the tall trees behind the restaurant, the ones they had to climb by hand; the parrot is still pecking at the piece of popcorn Rin flung near it.

Passerby: Alright, let's take our chances. Climb there, get the parrot on your head, and then we'll take turns passing it down to the one below. Don't shake it too much. All in position?

Smelly Beggar: All ready!

ع Rin: Ready here.

Man with scars on face: Shit. Fuck.

But he does. The scarred man dressed like a tree, likely an ex-yakuza scorned by society, gritting his teeth through the five-year yakuza clause, jumps from the tree to the roof of the restaurant so hard that he ends up rolling because of the momentum-

but he stops himself short just in front of the parrot.

Parrot: PARROT!

Bleeding, angry, but with a mission, the man bends his head forward as if bowing. He's showing the red and blue bird the branches with almond glued to them with honey.

The bird steps on the tree-like helmet.

ع Rin: YYYYESS!!

Punk with Pink Hair: SHHHHH!!!

Cop: ...step two! ...step two!

It's pecking away at the tasty food, as the obvious criminal slowly crawls across the roof to where the trees are. The punk has to bend forward enough to almost fall off his tree, stretching his arm hard towards the helmet as a drop of sweat fall from his nose into the far ground below-

but he manages to take it. The parrot is still there.

Gritting his teeth, he hands it over to the cop below, who hands it over to the beggar, who hands it to the passerby, who then gives it to Rin who waits for the punk to come down again.

Man with scars on face: Damn. There's too many people. Go! Don't waste time!

Cop: But what about you?!

Man with scars on face: I'll buy us some time! Move you fuckers!

Punk with Pink hair: No! We won't leave you behind!

Left on the roof of the restaurant, he takes out a small black flask and drinks hard from it. Standing on the ledge, he clears his throat.

Man with scars on face: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! It's time for forest karaoke!

He starts singing, and he sings horribly; but people stop to look. People gather; as Rin and the rest sneak from behind the shops, making their way across the humid gaps between the trees and the back of the shops. Rin, carrying the helmet with the branches with the parrot, runs behind everyone else.
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Cop: Step three, everyone. Focus!

There are no pet shops around these parts, let alone any that would sell parrots. Although such birds are legal to own in Japan, not having one in a cage would raise suspicion, especially in an area with no specialized shops around, especially if it's a teenager girl that's carrying it in broad daylight- in a public park

so 'step three' is simply to cover the parrot with their bodies as they rush across the park.

People already turn to stare as they make their way across the red bridge, but no one brave enough to stop the party or even ask.

Passerby: I can't believe it's not flying away yet.

Smelly Beggar: If it starts screaming, we are done for.

Little girl: MOM! They are stealing that parrot!

As her dad, a hard, tall man that likely lives by the Bushido code and climbs mountains by hand turns to look, the beggar tackles him down.

Smelly Beggar: GO! GO!

The cover has been blown: all that remains is to run. As Rin covers the mindless bird's eyes, she doesn't turn to look back.

Old Man: H-hey!! That parrot! Look!

No matter how fast they are run, the voices spread even faster.

Woman with baby cart: Stop them!

The police officer coming onto them screaming is instantly bulldozed by the thin pink-haired punk, who falls to the river with him. The screams all around keep growing stronger: even the parrot is making noises at this point.

Cop: We aren't going to make it to my car!

Passerby: Yes you are! Keep going!

Cop: I'm losing my breath!

But he keeps going. The red and green and yellow trees blur together in a fog as the mad dash carries them through the dry leaves, as the crunching sound underfoot follows them like a vengeful guardian.

Passerby: Just keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

But his voice sounds fainter each time, and soon it isn't heard because this unknown man stood on the narrow bridge alone against the avalanche of people chasing from behind. Rin keeps going. The cop keeps going. Rin isn't tired. The cop is choking on air.


Like Noah's Ark, the patrol car awaits to save them from endless rain. The cop's hand shakes so much that the key falls to the ground and slips right under it-

Cop: N-NO!!

But another car, a black Toyota Century, stops between them and the angry, well meant, and actually fair crowd approaching.

Mysterious Man: Get in! Quickly now!

Rin doesn't recognize neither the ponytail or the goatee, but right now it doesn't matter. What does matter... is that the cop calmly shakes his head.

Cop: No. I'll stay.

Mysterious Man: Are you mad?!

Cop: Take the girl. I'll pin this on them. I'll cover the tracks.

Before Rin even says anything, the cop himself just shoves her into the backseat of the luxury car and slams the door shut. The Magical Girl looks at his face from the rear window as the cop grows smaller. He doesn't look sad.
Rin doesn't shed a tear, but she does hold the parrot steadily as to honor their wishes. Above the clouds, as the car takes the highway, she sees the faces of men who were brave enough to give it all for the cause... and she feels so envious. Would she? Would she have the balls? When the time comes, would she, too, earn her place among the stars? The thought of dying of old age passes through her mind like a cold winter breeze, even if she is a Magical Girl, and makes her tremble. Will she ever have her moment? Or will this life of hers be like a sundae without a cherry on top of it?

The parrot had calmed down already, but it did shit on her skirt- a small price to pay for salvation. For now, she'll have to find food and a cage- then time will tell.

>And that's what Rin did until dusk!
aaaaa it got too late. miharu and marie tomorrow! also rins after dusk post
Whether that whole parrot adventure was due to luck magic or Rin just being Rin, the world will never know
Also she has the based warrior mindset, dying of old age is for chumps, it's all about goin out in a blaze of glory

Also I forgot to mention it yesterday, but I hope you had a good time on your adventure, Lumi, a brief reprieve from backends
And I apologize in advance, my schedule from now on may be even more hellish than I thought it'd be, so it may take me a while before I respond to stuff but I'll still be trying the best I can to make it seem like there's no change at all
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...and a narrative kind of gravity! The Moon's gravitational pull causes the oceans to bulge out and create high tides. No; the Earth pulling the Moon all around it is a much more fitting pattern!

Ӝ Miharu: So! HMMM....

Dumbbell tilts her head sideways, perhaps wondering if Miharu, who is looking at the ceiling, realizes that she said all of that out loud. Silently, the tiny girl copies the story-monger, even the posture, as both look at the rings of steel hanging over their heads like the fabled sword of Damocles. Watching that crudely hanged thing about to leave a hole where she is gives Miharu some ideas.

Ӝ Miharu: Maybe my magic has to do with gravity! My wish is related to space, and I've been... uh... sucked into some weird shenanigans lately?

Dumbbell: Sucked into... Hmm, I think I get where you are coming from.

Ӝ Miharu: Yeah! Gravity!

Miharu looks at Dumbbell eagerly.

Ӝ Miharu: What do you think, Coordinator-chan? Is it gravity?

Dumbbell: To be pulled by gravity and to pull things by gravity may have different meanings, but both ideas are related to the moon. I think it makes sense.

Ӝ Miharu: It does, doesn't it? So how do I use gravity magic?

Dumbbell: We still aren't sure that that's your magic, Miharu. Why don't you try transforming first? Some magical powers can only be used while transformed.

Ӝ Miharu: But I've been attracting weird stuff all the time already?

Dumbbell: That is true. Try manipulating gravity then.

Fully super serious, Miharu raises a hand over her handmade Mr. Purrs-a-lot puppet and- focuses! She imagines it rising under her fingers as if being abducted by an UFO. She imagines the gravity breaking, the void formed in space as even air is pushed aside, the cold vacuum, the rift in space. Gritting her teeth, she channels all of her focus onto bringing her imagination into reality.

Dumbbell gasps; but that's because Miharu's face is too red.

Dumbbell: Miharu, dear, um, I think you can stop now.

Ӝ Miharu: Is-it-moving?!

Dumbbell: I don't think so. No.

Miharu relaxes so fast that she ends up dizzy.

Ӝ Miharu: ...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Dumbbell: Maybe... you've been using your magic unconsciously. It's actually very common among new Magical Girls, and we even have some veterans that still can't reign their in, even after all these years.

Ӝ Miharu: If I fall unconscious now tell me if I did magic.

Dumbbell: I don't think that needs to happen.
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Two and a half seconds later, Miharu is back to normal.

Dumbbell: Try transforming for now.

Ӝ Miharu: Alright!

A flicker of light after, Miharu is transformed. What looks the most like what covers her torso would be a hard, thick, very short-sleeved, very cropped trench-coat, fully closed at the front with many star-like buttons; some sapphire, some ruby. Half scarlet, hard ocean blue in a stripped pattern, its colors glitter with intensity in contrast with the thin arms stretching almost from her shoulders, velvet black. Looking at the white gloves on her hands, Miharu stands and looks down. Fat jester bloomers hide the top of her thighs, as massive black boots hide what they can of her naked feet and legs.

Dumbbell claps.

Dumbbell: Miharu! You look amazing!

And yet, the girl she's talking about doesn't look happy in the slightest. One could say that the face between the two shiny moon earrings looks blank. Dejected, even.

Ӝ Miharu: ...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh...

Dumbbell: What's wrong?

Ӝ Miharu: Shouldn't this, like... have happened when Rin-chan was about to be stomped? Or while Dolores-san was fighting to save Marie-san from the Witch?

Dumbbell: I hope from the bottom of my heart that none of those things come to pass.

Ӝ Miharu: Yeah, but... this is anti-climatic!

Dumbbell: Miharu, um...

For a second there, Dumbbell looks widely awake.

Dumbbell: Oh.

Ӝ Miharu: What?

Dumbbell points at the Magical Girl's knee, which... is more just a ball joint than a knee. Even after several seconds, Miharu just keeps looking at it. Dumbbell stands as wel.

Dumbbell: Excuse me.

She grabs Miharu's forearm, almost wrapping her tiny hand around it, because it's a black, metallic tube.

Ӝ Miharu: ...WHAT?

Dumbbell: I had never

she grab's Miharu's other arm

Dumbbell: ever, seen, or even heard, about anything like this.

and then her forearm, moving it back and front to trigger the ball joint that Miharu has for an elbow now.

Who is actually suddenly radiant.

Ӝ Miharu: I'm unique! I'm a unique Magical Girl.

Dumbbell: Um... yes, I suppose. What is that?

She's pointing at a small white cable coming out of the back of Miharu's hand; it ends on her back. Miharu draws, from her back, an enormous cross shaped like two half moons back to back, from which tips come out the white cables connected to her

On a whim, she let's go of it in mid-air to see how much it weights.

It just stays there not even floating, simply stuck to the space.
Miharu moves the moon-shaped magical weapon around

Dumbbell: That certainly IS defying gravity.

Ӝ Miharu: It's giving gravity the middle finger!

Voice from outside: Yo girls, you want some cookies?

Ӝ Miharu: Dad, I'm doing magic!

Voice from outside: You sure are, hun.

Dumbbell: Gravity magic it is, then. Try moving that puppet again.

Miharu lifts her now apparently metallic arm-

Dumbbell: With that.

Ӝ Miharu: Oh.

Miharu grabs the immovable weapon and then places it on top of the puppet

which starts floating.


Dumbbell: W-what?!

Ӝ Miharu: LOOOOK!!! It's so COOOL!

Dumbbell: O-oh, I'm glad!

Likely, Dumbbell is wondering if she should have said that- because now everything in the room is starting to levitate. And orbit around them, like an asteroid field.

Ӝ Miharu: This thing controls gravity!

Dumbbell: I wonder why it's tied to you through those wires.

Ӝ Miharu: Coordinator-chan! Look!

Dumbbell: Oh, what should I-

But when she turns, Miharu isn't there.

Ӝ Miharu: Up!

And when she looks up, she's met with Miharu's upside-down, stupid shit-eating grin and glittering eyes, as she too is slowly but surely turning upside-down.

Dumbbell: I'm, uh, more used to the gro-

It doesn't matter. Laughing, Miharu simply grabs the tiny Coordinator by the waist and dances, happy like we are only once because fantasy can be real.
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After a while, the Coordinator ended up nauseous. She had put up with it for Miharu's sake, who only hours ago was dreading to go near the ledge of the rooftop. The room, of course, was left a huge disaster even worse than before.

Dumbbell: I do still... oh, I'm so sorry.

She grabs her mouth.

Ӝ Miharu: Are you doing ok there?

Dumbbell: It's nothing, really. Seeing you so happy makes everything worth it.

Ӝ Miharu: Hahaha, thank you! Don't worry if you puke, my dads end up doing all the time because of their weird competitions.

Dumbbell: I will be fine. I was wondering about the strange coincidences that you've encountered and how they... relate to your magic... oh...

Ӝ Miharu: You mean there's even more magic?

Dumbbell: Perhaps what we saw is only what your weapon can do.

Ӝ Miharu: OH I see.

She scratches her chin.

Ӝ Miharu: Then I have NO idea. Hahahaha!

Dumbbell: I should be off to check on Marie soon. Personal magic is very often, if not always, based on personality. Since you like stories as much as me, maybe your power is narrative in nature?

Ӝ Miharu: Ha! No way you like books and stories as much as me.

Dumbbell: I'm a published picture book author.

It's only then that Miharu looks at the Coordinator like she was an alien, despite her list of already notorious traits. Yet she PFFs.

Ӝ Miharu: And humble at that too, huh!

Now it's the Coordinator that finally looks like a little mischievous kid.

Dumbbell: This isn't something I can gloat about with anyone, so you'll have to put up with it. At any rate, what do you think that your personal magic does?

Hmm, the Coordinator has to go visit Marie. Maybe one more try.

>So I still got even more magic left??
what the actual FUCK we're a puppet, I'd be staring at my balljoint knee scared the fuck outta my mind too, not even mentioning the metal rods for arms
Also when she put the puppet controlling thing above her head and started screaming, I was scared as hell that it was over for Miharu and some weird puppetmaster was about to take over, but it turned out a lot more wholesome, dancing in zero-gravity was based, I'm a ballroom waltz enjoyer
Also also I have no idea how the fuck to use that puppet cross weapon as a weapon, and I'm a little scared as to what would happen if the puppet strings were cut
Almost can't believe I got the gravity magic right, I pulled that completely out of my ass

That's not a very child-friendly picture book Dumbbell...
And my reaction is the same as Miharu's, we have even MORE magic??? I'm out of bullshit to fabricate
>More magic, huh...? All of that was just the moon cross? There's personal magic for magical girls?? HMMMMMMM
>Personality... narrative... "Can I make life like a story or something...? I have no clue, I don't even know what that would mean! Maybe because of that magic, yakuza-san will come back and redeem himself in the darkest hour? But that's not because of magic at all! He just offered me a boring trade, I'm the one who set up the favor!"
>"I guess I'll have to think on it............ anyway, you're heading to visit Marie-san? Do you want me to come with?"
So we have a "Knight" (Habitual Trespasser) and now a "Jester" (Person who lives for the narrative). Are all of the Transformations based on the subjects of a Royal Court? Is Rin going to be a Princess??? God forbid.
>Let it happen.

It's not Shaniqua that Marie is fixing her eyes upon, nor is it Dolores: it's on the hole on the wall behind them, the one she made yesterday with the Clé Squelette. Because if something like that were to hit Dolores...


The physical distance between them, the fact that they are in a dojo, Dolores's question... Finally digesting those implications, Marie still decides that, no, she won't transform.

She won't fight-

>"Dolores, avez-vous besoin de transformer toutes les filles qui répondent aux critères en Filles Magiques?!"

-but she does indeed shout, and in French at that. Dolores raises an eyebrow. French? Did she just speak in French? Slamming her mouth shut, Marie pays attention to the matter that matters.

>"Shaniqua, if you become a Magical Girl you'll have to either kill me or vice versa later. Make sure you come to peace with that before choosing."

๑ Marie: Cause if Dolores-san wasn't crystal-clear about that, then damn girl has a looot to explain.

Shaniqua: Then it's true. You... you are a Magical Girl.

Shaniqua is shaking.

Shaniqua: ...and... you'd kill me?

Dolores: I did explain her those facts. Both of them.

From one of her sleeves Dolores wipes out a cigarette; from the other a lighter. She lights it up, and smokes as if she was still learning.

Dolores: Here's another fact: there is no shortage of Witches in Osaka. And here's yet another: there is a shortage of Magical Girls in Osaka. The scenario you mentioned is very unlikely to happen here.

Then blows a thick, gray smoke aside.

Dolores: Quite the convenient situation for us, isn't it? It spares us from delving in morality.

๑ Marie: It can still happen.

Dolores: True.

The Magical Girl in a suit flicks the cigarette away.

Dolores: Yet I would rather die than hunt my own flesh and blood.

>"Dolores, do you need to turn all the girls who fit the criteria into Magical Girls? Why?"

The cold air feels dry and sharp; it's like breathing tiny blades into the nostrils.

Dolores: As I mentioned, we are, as it's often said, understaffed. If Witches are left unchecked in such a desolate area, the casualties would be much more... vast.

This whole thing... it still doesn't sit well with Marie. Even after being shown a Witch, even after being told that turning into one would become her fate, she still feels like it wasn't enough to make a choice.

๑ Marie: I'm not going to stop you, but I really don't want to hate you. I can't afford it, now that I'm a Magical Girl.

Dolores: So you won't stop me.

Marie shakes her head.

>"I'll leave the decision to Shaniqua. She can make her own mistakes, I'll be there to catch her when necessary."

Shaniqua: You think it's dangerous, but you'll still let me go through with it?

There's no short amount of reproach in those words- even after all that went down this morning.

Shaniqua: Even if you have to k-k-k-kill me?

She's straight-up crying.

๑ Marie: It's your life. I made my choice with mine.
Dolores: Then it's settled. Tomorrow, your sister shall be joining our hunt. After that, she'll be given a choice.

Shaniqua: No.

She's looking straight at Marie, red-eyed.

Shaniqua: I want to make my wish now.

Dolores: That won't do.

Shaniqua: HUH?!

Yet under Shaniqua's intense gaze, Dolores remains in steady calm.

Shaniqua: Do it. I want to do it, so do it! You already convinced me!

Dolores: No.

Shaniqua: Do it, you jerk! It's your job!

Dolores... puffs her cheeks like a little kid, then bends forward over Shaniqua, towering over the child.

Dolores: This is more of a volunteer gig like that of a fire fighter's to me, little missy. Which means: I can say 'no'. And until you've seen the truth for yourself, I will say: 'no'.

Shaniqua: DO IT!

Dolores: You may keep insisting. It's your right.

Shaniqua finally doesn't.

๑ Marie: Dolores.

Dolores: No?

>"I feel like understanding you will help me like you more."

๑ Marie: I don't want to hate you. If you want, tell me your wish. I know it's personal.

Dolores: If that helps you not hate me, if that makes my job easier, then you are more than welcome to know. My wish was to be able to grant wishes like Kyubey does. I was bedridden in a hospital, soon to die, and my help was requested.

Marie blinks: Dolores's face just now felt too neutral, but for a few seconds. Then, the colors come back, and Dolores finds herself frowning.

Dolores: Why did I tell you that?

Marie shrugs.

๑ Marie: So I don't hate you for ruining my sister's life?

Dolores: Maybe. Your sister will be staying with me tonight. I'm sure you can understand.

They walk away. But Dolores turns around near the exit.

Dolores: I do have to appreciate in earnest that you can keep a cold head, Marie-san. Despite what many would say, it is a wonderful attribute that lessens suffering.

Then she turns around to leave, and Shaniqua follows suit. But Dolores turns even once more.

Dolores: Perhaps too cold.

And then she leaves.

>Marie is done for today!
>Marie is done for today!
maybe not

>Is Rin going to be a Princess?
you are going to fucking hate me

>I have no idea how the fuck to use that puppet cross weapon as a weapon.
miharu already knows how to control gravity with it and its sharp. also how would you even name the thing

>Almost can't believe I got the gravity magic right, I pulled that completely out of my ass
you did. its not like i asked for input, you actually guessed it. that being said, being the moon and all, i think it was easy lawl

>I'm out of bullshit to fabricate
lmao its too soon

>but I hope you had a good time on your adventure, Lumi
relaxing like that was so fucking weird, at some point you aren't thinking anymore and its kinda scary. but having all of that hot water up your ass? sheer bliss, would pay again

>And I apologize in advance, my schedule from now on may be even more hellish than I thought it'd be
its sad, but it is to be expected. i think we'll just default to casual gigaposts like usual so no one has to worry about scheduling or feel rushed. id feel guilty doing short post with so much free time, so i think its a fitting format as long as you guys like it

>Damn, kidnappers know how to show their kidnapees a good time nowadays, back in my day
back in your day COCK

i had a /lot/ of free time stolen from me aaaaa, i wanted to go total retard on the weekend but if its not my job then it's a party or someone is playing football. still, a gigapost a day keeps the doctor away, so i guess its still good pacing despite it all
Let me go to Marie's place, Lumina, you know you want to
Miharu would have some choice things to say about this situation, those stubborn ideals are about to come into play
Or you could save it for tomorrow, it'd probably be more dramatic, up to you

Also I'll have to come up with a name for that thing tomorrow, it'll probably be seeing use pretty soon
it's almost 3AM or i would. thing is, dumbbell would 100% first ask marie for her permission to even give miharu the address, so it's pretty much up to her

ill make tea to make rins post before going to sleep
Oh lmao, my bad, that was confusing wording, by the first 'tomorrow' I meant the day of witch-hunting. I gotta sleep too, I'm about to fuck my future self over if I stay up much longer

ع Rin: I'm home.

Nobody answers. Her dad continues to stare at the TV screen from the couch, with one of his balls out of the boxers. Rin just walks past him carrying a cage with a parrot and into her room. It had been like this ever since she was sent back home from the orphanage.

Many years ago, mom and dad divorced; but neither wanted to have Rin since they each had new families now. So, away she goes. To the orphanage, to new lands. Yet many years later, already a master of that jungle, Rin is taken back from her new natural habitat, back home,

only to be ignored like this.

But that's ok. As long as she cleans the dishes that she eats from and unclogs the toilet, she has meat and somewhere to sleep. Why this man took her back remains mystery, but not one that she cares about enough now that seven years have come and gone.

Rin places the parrot cage on a broken chair near a window: the bird looks at her.

ع Rin: Cock

Parrot: RRHAG?

ع Rin: Cock.

Parrot: HMMR??

No problem: it will learn. Mastery takes patience. The cage has food, one of those water dispensers, and a place to shit, so the parrot will be fine. She still doesn't even know what to do with it; maybe glue a webcam to its forehead? Whatever the case, tomorrow should be that Witch hunt they told her about in the dream- but dusk is just getting started.

>I have a parrot. What now?
>Marie blinks: Dolores's face just now felt too neutral, but for a few seconds. Then, the colors come back, and Dolores finds herself frowning.
>Dolores: Why did I tell you that?

Was that my Personal Magic activating subconsciously?
It fits the hypothesis we have on how it works: I made a Query ("If you want, tell me your wish.") for a specific purpose ("I don't want to hate you.") and Dolores just gave me the details, seemingly without even thinking until afterwards.
Either way, Shaniqua going with Dolores makes me wonder something I never did before: Where does Dolores live? Does she live with Dumbbell? I somehow doubt that a bit, but it would make sense, I guess.

>you are going to fucking hate me
Well, this would not be the first princess who likes cock a bit too much. Also, lol, Princess: The Hopeful Crossover.

I’m also going to comment on this:
>Let me go to Marie's place, Lumina, you know you want to
>thing is, dumbbell would 100% first ask marie for her permission to even give miharu the address, so it's pretty much up to her

Marie would likely give Miharu the address herself. She’s not a bad girl (as far as Marie knows) and they’re going to be teaming up anyway, Hell, Miharu is going to meet Marie’s sister.
Also, Dumbbell knows where we live? Rin is going to explode when she realises that.
> Contemplate plucking the Parrot naked and then dressing it in a tiny suit.
but that's what you are doing already lawl
> A few minutes pass and Rin is utterly subsumed by crippling boredom. As twilight deepens, Rin steps outside and wanders the narrow streets and alleys closest to home. A mischievous artistic impulse strikes the girl and she rolls with it. Collecting garbage bags and other miscellaneous urban debris, Rin constructs a crude facsimile of the human form - a garbage golem, a filth figurine, a trash snowman sans the snow - before leaving her creation to menacingly lurk around a sharp corner or in a shaded nook.

>Marie would likely give Miharu the address herself.
it is done

>Also, Dumbbell knows where we live?
she knows where Miharu lives, so, maybe
>Can I make life a story?

Isn't dancing upside down in the air magic enough? There's even more? Weird stuff had, certainly, happened, but even Miharu is already satisfied by... being a gravity-manipulating puppet, apparently.

Ӝ Miharu: All of that was just the moon cross, then...? HMMM...

Dumbbell: The strange things that happened to you have yet to be explained, Miharu. Taking happenings like that as coincidences is a bad idea when there's magic involved.

Ӝ Miharu: What even /is/ magic?

Dumbbell: Magic? To us, it's simply anything we can't explain.

'Anything we can't explain'. Personality, narrative; maybe Miharu can turn life into a story? Is her yearning for adventure coming into play in the form of magic? Even if that were the case, and it's still a long shot, how would anyone cause something like that?

Ӝ Miharu: Yakuza-san will come back to redeem himself in my darkest hour, I'm sure of it.

Slowly, slooooowly, Miharu finds her cheeks growing, puffing, as if they had a will of their own- and that will was angry.

Ӝ Miharu: But that isn't because of magic! I mean- that would be so BLAND! Right?! Magic makes stories so weak! It solves anything without giving any good reason, it kills any good point the plot could have because magic fixes everything! And don't even get me started on the power of 'frenship' and all that!

Dumbbell: Oh, it's not so bad. The 'what would happen if' can be very fun and they are magic.

Ӝ Miharu: Anyway! I have

Miharu nods wisely.

Ӝ Miharu: NO idea, AT ALL, about what my magic does.

Dumbell 'hmms'. Her 'short hair', at least the front of it, makes her seem like an elementary schooler that stole mom's clothes and earrings- from behind, you can't even see her legs.

Dumbbell: In that case: how about doing experiments?

Ӝ Miharu: Like what rats and OH, I get it, like random things! But- aren't you heading to Marie-san's, Coordinator-chan?

Dumbbell: I am. But I'm sure someone as smart as you can manage on her own.

Ӝ Miharu: Do you want me to come with?

Dumbbell looks Miharu in the eye, blinking. In japanese culture, it isn't exactly common to just tag along to someone else's house without making an appointment- especially when you aren't even direct acquaintances. Lifelong friends, at times, plan their meetings even as far as three months in advance- and Miharu and Marie barely saw each other once. In a dream.

But; Miharu doesn't exactly care much for formality.

Dumbbell: Hmmmmmm...

Dumbbell looks at the ceiling. Then grins.

Dumbbell: I think we can at least afford to ask.
White Dad: The girl is grounded.

Standing at the door of the living room in front of both her dads, Miharu's face drops; Marie had already said 'yes'.

Ӝ Miharu: But dad; can't I be grounded later? After this?

White Dad: Aight lemme think.

The man takes a deep, exaggerated breath.

White Dad: -nope!

He said the word bouncing up and down, like it was music.

Dumbbell: Oh, I see...

Black Dad: Miharu-chan, look; you spending the night outside? That isn't a joke. That was real danger you got yourself into. And you didn't even tell us.

Miharu grabs her head: what awaits her should she stay is /taxes/. But it's not the taxes this time, no: it's the fear of missing out eating her alive. It's... this!, Miharu thinks. It has to be this moment where she suddenly figures out what her magic does and she beats the odds at the very last second

but that ain't happening yet? What about now?

Dumbbell: Almost forgot.

From her bag, Dumbbell takes out a very neatly organized, very pretty paper bag with a very specific round shape. She hands it over to the white dad. Who opens it instantly.

Dumbbell: It's a fruit tart cake. I hope you like it.

White Dad: Daaaaaaaaayuumm nigga!

Black Dad: Awwwwwww, Ciel-san, you shouldn't have.

Dumbbell: Thank you for taking care of Miharu. I may be visiting often, if you'll have me.

White Dad: Girl like take the keys with you at this point.

No no no no! Miharu thinks: maybe there is salvaging this!

>The first roll in the entire quest! Roll Char ღ to convince, M4! Miharu can make up to three points to help her argument, each can either add or reduce from the total if they make sense or not.
Awwwwww fuck, maybe I should've put some of those points in charisma, but too late now
Not gonna lie, if my daughter did the same thing it'd also be fucking tough to convince me, there's basically no good reasons, so the only thing that would work is bargaining for an even worse punishment in exchange? It's either that or trust in the fifty/fifty emotional appeal... gotta think
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>Make the best garbage golem.

Parrot: SAHUKEH!

The parrot isn't saying 'Cock' yet so Rin is very quick to lose interest in the ignorant beast, despite all the sacrifice that went into securing it. With towering steps, as boredom weighs her down, Rin walks past her father and into the endless streets outside.

Under the orange sky, Osaka's fading sun greets her.

The veins of the city remain crowded by salarymen even at this hour, but Rin doesn't flow with it. The narrow streets, the back alleys, the dark spots beckon her; nothing fun remains under the sun for long in this world. Wandering about, burping, kicking cans, Rin doesn't think and that is fine

but when the girl sees that dirty traffic cone she /does/ answer the sacred call of art.

Smoking Lowlife: Huh?

Man in Jumpsuit: The fuck is going on?

A broken microwave, plastic bottles, half a chair, broomsticks, a black cat, an old lantern shaped like an umbrella: piece by piece, Rin is building a golem. The men behind her can't look away, the little kids stop chasing the rat and, with retarded faces, get stuck watching Rin work. One of the old guys steps forward.

Shady Manager: No, don't do it like that. That bottle looks sturdy, but it's still plastic.

The man replaces the plastic bottle Rin had stuffed in the golem's stomach with a double bag filled with crushed cans. Rin chuckles.

ع Rin: Those are its guts now.

Kid with ugly face: Look! I found this!

It's a broken PC monitor.

Kid with broken front teeth: Where do I put this?

It's a tire, likely from a motorcycle. Rin bites her finger pensively.

ع Rin: We are going to need duct tape.

Man in Jumpsuit: I'll handle it.

He leaves, as the rest keep gathering broken things from the nearby alleys.

Shady Manager: Where are we going to put it?

...Rin grins: And it's one toothy, shit-eating grin.

After a while, he golem is complete. And it's huge. Stupidly, pointlessly huge. A small crowd carries it on their backs, as if it was a forgotten god of the age of sacrifices, as Rin checks around the corners to see if anyone is coming or going.

ع Rin: It's clear. MOVE MOVE MOVE!

Through many grumbles and much bitching, the golem is finally dropped behind a sharp corner; it won't be noticed unless it's in someone's face. The sweating people stop to look at it.

Smoking Lowlife: Damn. It's beautiful.

The trash golem doesn't greet anyone back. It has a traffic cone for a dick.

Man in Jumpsuit: No, it's one ugly asshole, but that's the point.

ع Rin: Let's hide.

The whole crowd hides in a dark corner. It's a calm street, but this is Osaka so someone is bound to come by at any moment.



Rin laughs like a mentally challenged panda bear being launched from a catapult, but even that is drowned by the cacophony all around her.

Shady Manager: Man, that was good.

Some look at their cellphones; all walk away.

Little kid with brain damage: Did you see the...

>Now what?
> That was an awful lot of work. Tearing out a length of loose thread from the stitching inside of her sleeve and securely tying it around her finger, Rin goes to coerce a nearby vending machine to donate a free snack by subjecting it to the grandest and most potent magicks known to mankind: Amateur. Magician. Tricks.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

I was trying to think of how we could get out of this or what deal we could make, but then I realized
Miharu's not the type of person to be a little bitch or a conniving rat trying to weasel her way out of a fair punishment
We may hope for mercy, but if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, we take what we get
Let those dice roll

>Aaaaaaaaa there has to be some way out of this, there's no way she can miss out on a visit with her fellow magical girl the night before they're all supposed to work together! It's the optimal time for really important plot points!
>As Miharu furiously racks her brain, clawing at her head while Coordinator-chan moves closer and closer to the door, she comes to a sudden realization. She... did mess up. It was a dumb decision to stay out so late without letting anyone know where she was going. Her parents must have been scared out of their minds, thinking she'd gone missing. They'd stayed up all night last night, waiting for her to come home. She... deserved to miss out for being irresponsible.
>Miharu's lip trembles. She turns to her dads, before taking a deep breath. "Dad and dad... I'm sorry. You guys are right. It's my fault for being irresponsible, and... this is a fitting punishment. But..." She should've stopped there. She knew the right thing to do was to stay home and accept the consequences of her actions.
>But, on the cusp of such great potential events and discoveries, Miharu couldn't help herself. "I know this is completely shameful of me to ask, and I'll accept it if the answer is no, but... please...!" Miharu looks at her dads pleadingly. "This is the first time I've ever been part of something bigger than myself! I promise I'll finish the taxes before I go to bed tonight! If you want me to do something else to make up for it, I can do that too! Please! Let me go with Ciel-san!"
Damnit, my internet's been weird in the last couple of hours, I was hoping the IP would go back to the past one but it's still me
Also if that response is too long you can just ignore it, didn't realize it was getting up there in length until I posted
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>Get free snacks.

After tying loose thread around her finger, Rin keeps trying, over and over, to wrap the other end around a coin. She's being too rough, so the knot keeps sliding from either side of it when she tries to secure it. By the end of it, there are like 30 knots along the thread hanging from Rin's finger- but the damn thing /is/ at the other end, swinging like a pendulum.

ع Rin: Easy.

From vending machine to vending machine, Rin keeps trying to feed them the fake coin that she then pulls out, but she isn't having any luck yet. Her wish isn't making this any easier. She sold her soul but no free juice. It's starting to get so annoying.

Policemen: HEY! What are you doing?!

Rin hasn't even turned, yet the man in uniform is already looming over her skull.

Policeman: That only works on very old models. You won't find any of those near the main roads.

ع Rin: But they took the one at school.

Under that sharp hat, eagle eyes focus on the machine in front of them, but are soon to close as the paladin is clouded by his thoughts.

Policeman: Damn it! These are super safe.

ع Rin: What if I kick it real hard?

Policeman: Don't, you idiot! You'll trigger the alarm. That's the first thing they've prepared these for.

ع Rin: Then what do we do?

Policeman: ...I know of one with a broken hatch. It doesn't look like it's broken, so nobody even bothered to fix it. But it's very close to the shopping district.

In a visible flash of insight, the man smashes his closed fists against each other.

Policeman: I know. Get a branch or something long, then pass it through the hole at the bottom and push out any items you can reach so that they fall there.

ع Rin: What if they find me?

Policeman: I'll come out of nowhere, bust you up, carry you away, and then we come back.

ع Rin: Brilliant.

And that is what happened. By the end of it, Rin ended up with a metric ton of sweets and juice, including frozen cake, cake-in-a-can, roasted sweet potatoes, and even hot pizza that was still hot- all from the same machine. Eating by the park with the police officer, Rin is still surprised by the variety as both of them chew and swallow.

Policeman: That last woman, screaming so hard... for what reason? It's not like you were killing someone.

ع Rin: Some people are crazy.

Policeman: Bet on it. Hand over the pizza.

ع Rin: It's the last piece.

Policeman: You already had yours. I saw you.

ع Rin: Fuck.

She gives it up. People pass by and stare, but none for too long. The man stands.

Policeman: I've got to finish my shift. Don't be too stupid.

ع Rin: Alright.

He leaves. For half a millisecond, Rin wonders if eating all of this junk food will give her a stomach ache

then continues with the sweet mashed potatoes.

>It's getting late. But today was good so far.
what would that something bigger be? or are you hoping that they won't ask?
> She sold her soul but no free juice.
A tragedy to rival Mcbeth. I cry every time.

> Rin plots a needlessly roundabout, thoroughly convoluted route back home. However, in the interest of actually getting a solid night's sleep unburdened by residual excitement or blood-sugar-based jitters, she does not simply walk the distance - Rin sprints, gallops, and skitters through the tenebrous concrete sprawl like some sort of feral cryptid.
>Run back home, but like a bear on coke.

This sugar rush feels like catching on fire; Rin would know, since she did end up in flames that one time. It was fun. Going back home right now would leave her running circles in her room, likely even through the walls and ceilings, so that won't do. No; Rin will channel her inner, spasming autist, she will haunt the eternal night of the shifting back alleys until it's satisfied

or at least until she's tired.

But as she blitzes and rushes, as she jumps from wall to wall, as she says fuck it and starts bouncing from roof to roof frantically in a frenzy, Rin slowly begins to realize that maybe getting tired is a bit harder when you are a Magical Girl. Jumping higher each time, running faster every second, it's like Rin is trying to run away from her own shadow- and succeeding.

Suddenly, she's in an empty football stadium

then inside some voice actor's audition room

then in a male's bathhouse

then in her room.

Finally, it looks like she managed to leave all that sugar behind somewhere, lost in the city. Falling like a plank on top of her bed, Rin is snoring the moment her forehead crashes against the pillow.

>Rin is done for today!
If they ask she'd probably inadvertently start explaining being a magical girl (since she's trying to be fully honest) but then catch herself and say a group of friends, with maybe an implication that the whole magical girl thing is like a game they're all playing, but I think she'd try to avoid ever outright lying to her dads
likely won't make it today, lot of stuff going on out of nowhere. mainly social. at this rate i don't think we gonna make it to witches aaaaaaaa, so i think i'm gonna call thread over once shit is about to get real
It's all good you social butterfly
>Convince Dad and Dad to let her go with Dumbbell.

'The cake', Miharu thinks, 'the cake will help'. Happy people are easier to convince, and just the smell of the fruit tart cake is getting her drooling. Miharu isn't a patient person by any means, but she isn't dumb either, so she invests her efforts in holding herself back until her dads take a few bites.

White Dad: Mmmhmmm... daaaaaaaaaaayuuumm! This is some good shit, Ciel-chan.

Black Dad: Ciel-san. And man, I agree: this is why people get fat. Where did you buy this one? How much did it cost?

Dumbbell: Oh, I'd rather not say the price.

Black Dad: I'm gonna figure out anyway when I go there, so you'll have to brag.

Dumbbell: That is true. It was 11000 yen.

White Dad: Hbhbashdbngga, wbbhatt!

Black: Hot. Damn! Now I don't wanna buy it. Or eat it. Nevermind.

Miharu's black dad just takes another slice, ignoring the economy. Aaaaaaaaa there has to be some way out of this, there's no way she can miss out on a visit with her fellow magical girl the night before they're all supposed to work together! It's the optimal time for really important plot points!

As Miharu furiously racks her brain, clawing at her head while Coordinator-chan moves closer and closer to the door, she comes to a sudden realization. She... did mess up. It was a dumb decision to stay out so late without letting anyone know where she was going. Her parents must have been scared out of their minds, thinking she'd gone missing. They'd stayed up all night last night, waiting for her to come home. She... deserved to miss out for being irresponsible.

Miharu's lip trembles. She turns to her dads, before taking a deep breath.

Ӝ Miharu: Dad and dad... I'm sorry. You guys are right. It's my fault for being irresponsible, and... this is a fitting punishment. But...

She should've stopped there. She knew the right thing to do was to stay home and accept the consequences of her actions. But, on the cusp of such great potential events and discoveries, Miharu couldn't help herself.

Ӝ Miharu: I know this is completely shameful of me to ask, and I'll accept it if the answer is no, but... please...!

Miharu looks at her dads pleadingly.

Ӝ Miharu: This is the first time I've ever been part of something bigger than myself! I promise I'll finish the taxes before I go to bed tonight! If you want me to do something else to make up for it, I can do that too! Please! Let me go with Ciel-san!

And- cut. Miharu is panting after all those dread-soaked words; so many branching paths are at stake. When she looks at her dads, though, they seem- very still? But it doesn't even last a second.

White Dad: EY, yo girl, you gotta say goodbye before you leave!

The dwarf with the giant ponytail, finding herself in front of the door, blinks and blinks as she turns around.

Dumbbell: Uh? Oh. I apologize, I must have spaced out. It happens often.

Now it's Miharu tilting her head sideways.
White Dad: Aight, so you wanna go that bad.

That sun titan of a man almost has to kneel to meet his daughter face to face.

White Dad: What be this 'bigger' thing then, eh? S' why you couldn't be assed to send a message whole nite?

Ӝ Miharu: That...

Miharu swallows.

>"No. I fell asleep in the roof of an hotel last night because I, I went stargazing."
>"Yes. It has. I'm a Magical Girl."
felt like this one deserves a prompt of its own. the char roll still applies, but still
holy FUCK that's expensive send me a slice

We're on the cusp of being able to go, but... sorry Miharu, we both know we gotta tell the truth... and while us being a magical girl is the truth, that's not the answer to that question...
>"...No... I fell asleep in the roof of an hotel last night because I went stargazing..."
Though I am curious as to what Dumbbell would do if I just started spilling everything about being a magical girl to the dads
>"...No... I fell asleep in the roof of an hotel last night because I went stargazing..."

Honesty is the best policy... for getting shot in front of a lot of people. Dad, Dad, and Dumbbell aren't a lot of people, but Miharu still feels that bullet coming.

She'll take it.

Ӝ Miharu: No. I fell asleep in the roof of an hotel last night because I, I went stargazing.

Then the rookie Magical Girl closes her eyes shot, waiting for it.

White Dad: ...girl, what? Are you stupid for real?

Black Dad: So, like, no drugs? No drinking? No gambling?

White Dad: No sellin your panties to dem old freaky fucks out there for some extra good green?

Ӝ Miharu: W-What?!

Miharu's eyes bolt open, only to find Dumbbell blushing as much as her, and neither speaking a word. The black dad just looks at the white dad.

White Dad: What, man! Them fucks exist, eh! Aight, Ciel-san; what'd you'd have me do?

Dumbbell: I do not think that it's my place to decide Miharu's education?

White Dad: Yeah, well, you picked the girl as a friend, so in a way, yeah.

Black Dad: No, and you don't have to listen to him, at all.

But Dumbbell, still a bit reddish, seems to be pondering.

Dumbbell: If I may at least offer advice... I think that Miharu's honesty should be encouraged. It's a wonderful piece of her that can leave everyone in peace. Even if a bit upset.

White Dad: So you sayin that we just forgive and forget the fuckups just cause she said them out loud?

But Dumbbell giggles in silence at the suggestion. She either likes doing that or someone said that her giggling is annoying.

Dumbbell: I'll dare to say that, to Miharu, worrying the two of you was punishment enough.

The both Great Walls of China of muscle look at their walking responsibility- who seems apologetic enough. Like a puppy that just ate the hamster, a crestfallen Miharu glances at each of them from below.

And the white man sighs.

White Dad: Fuckin hell.

>>Ӝ (M4 Charisma ღ Roll: 54 = Success!)<< (Convince Dad and Dad to let her go with Dumbbell.)
it got too late too fast. we movin tomorrow!
>11000 Yen Cake
How did Dumbbell get enough money for that cake? I find it hard to believe that Mahou Shoujos just pay her in regular JPY.
Also, yay. Miharu is going to meet Marie in-person. I wonder how the hell I'm going to explain my "Hobbies" to her.
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Back home, Marie is mindlessly watching Magical Girl Drillface next to a baffled Blanc; the events of barely an hour and a half ago got stuck in repeat in her head. Her littlest sister, the one she shares blood with, looked as upset as when she talked to her at that karaoke bar.

Blanc: …

The whitest sister peeks every now and then from her cellphone to look at Marie, who knows. Kuro is still locked in her room. Mom is still fixing the bathroom. The oldest sister had told everyone that Shaniqua was at a friend’s, angry at something, and to just let her be, but she hadn’t felt any of the relief that she shared.

Blanc: …

And tomorrow, there’s school. Tomorrow, there’s another day of ugly chink-fucks calling her ‘nigger’ for free. Tomorrow- there’s a Witch hunt and she could die in it.

Knock knock.

What was her sister about to wish for?

Knock knock!

Blanc: You goin or im goin?

Knock knock!!

Blanc: Fine-

๑ Marie: Stay there.

Blanc: Fine jeez!!

The door opens. Marie is greeted by Miharu’s wide and creepy facsimile of a smile. And Dumbbell.

๑ Marie: …You. You are the girl from my dreams. Miharu-chan.

Who does a military salute

Ӝ Miharu: Miharu Fukugawa, at your service!

copied by Dumbbell.

Dumbbell: Ciel Auclair, at your service too.

Yet they look too giddy and lively to be in the force, both physically incapable of looking serious.

๑ Marie: Ciel-san, it’s a pleasure to meet you, girl. You, damn, you look… like an adult here. Why are you here?

Then Marie grimaces.

๑ Marie: …and how do you even know where I live?

Ӝ Miharu: …that’s right! Coordinator-chan, how did you know where I lived??

๑ Marie: It’s ‘Ciel-san’ here.

Dumbbell: You did tell me over the phone, Marie.

๑ Marie: …Yeah. True. I’m getting paranoid, then.

The black magic girl heads inside the house. When the other two don’t follow her, she beckons them in. Miharu and Dumbbell step inside.

๑ Marie: And, Ciel-san? Honorifics. My sister’s gonna think I’m a pedo lesbian.

Dumbbell: I keep forgetting.

Blinking, Miharu wonders what her dads thought.
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As it turns out, Dolores tracking down any candidates is just standard protocol.

Dumbbell: (Magical Girls are very prone to emotional ups and downs, so we arm ourselves with any information we can get beforehand. After the contract, they become our responsibility.)

This is what Dumbbell had told Miharu and Marie over telepathy as the latter went behind the bar to make tea. Both visitors sit by it as the Desires are wont to do every morning, as Magical Girl Drillface plays silently in the background.

๑ Marie: (Makes no sense to me. Why would we be your responsibility?)


Dumbbell: (I was under the impression you had done so before, Miharu? Miharu-chan?)

Ӝ Miharu: (WHEN?!)

Dumbbell’s answer is cut short as she notices the shadow rising from the corner of her eye- the white shadow.

Dumbbell: Hellooo. I’m Ciel. Happy to meet you.

Blanc: Nigga why would you be happy to meet me? Nigga I could hit you.

She feints a punch, and Ciel recoils.

Blanc: Hahahahaha AWAWAWAWAW

Blanc’s white ear is red under Marie’s thumb and index finger.

๑ Marie: Apologies, Ciel-san. This one bites, but she means well.


๑ Marie: What do we say when we fuck up?

Blanc: I did no fuck up! I was educating!

๑ Marie: The woman that’s eight years older than you?

Blanc: WHAT?

Marie lets go: the point has been made. Not even angry, Blanc can’t take her eyes off the Coordinator, who is smaller than her.

Blanc: Girlie did you like slip under an hydraulic press like in those videos or somethin

She notices Marie looking at her with a less than friendly face.

Blanc: I’m sorry. I’m Shaniqua, happy to meet you nigga.

Dumbbell shakes her hand.

Dumbbell: No harm done. I think it is very sweet of you to go so far for others so they’d learn.

Bland: Hahaha…

Ӝ Miharu: Oh my god! My dad also says ‘nigga’ all the time!

๑ Marie: He. What.

Dumbbell: (Marie…-san.)

๑ Marie: (You gonna tell me Magical Girl stuff, right?)

Dumbbell nods, leaving Blanc glancing until the girl notices the endless ponytail and goes apeshit in silence.

Dumbbell: (Have you gotten far figuring out your unique magic and powers? I do have to admit, that is the reason for my visits.)

๑ Marie: (Was just gonna ask that. Hmm…)

Ӝ Miharu: Oh my god! Isn’t that when Lord Hateseveryonealot sacrifices himself to save Drillface?

Blanc: Eh, I dunno. Shit’s cringe.

Miharu puffs her cheeks, provoking a very specific reaction in Blanc.

Dumbbell: (It is very important that you do- that you both do. We do not have the luxury of time, sadly, and Rin is a very free soul, so I’d rest easy knowing at least the two of you are prepared for tomorrow.)

>What do?
>("Huh, has Miharu already figured out hers?")

>("Either way, no, I haven't gotten closer to figuring out my unique magic and powers. My day was far too... eventful, for that. But I do have an idea of how they could work.")
>Grab a piece of paper, anywhere.

>("The way I see it, the problem is two-fold: I can't handle a large influx of information, and Systems are made out of other Systems. So I need to be both specific and simple.")
>("Yo. Miharu-chan, Ciel-san, I might faint in a moment. Don't worry.")

>Analyse the paper: ("How would I burn this paper with Heat? What is the Autoignition Temperature* of the paper?")

*("Autoignition Temperature" is a term given to the lowest temperature a substance needs to spontaneously combust.)
>Constitution of 3s across the board
Playing with fire, eh? Not that I have much room to talk. Well, as long as you guys play smart during the witch fights and don't take out the stage from underneath your ally's feet or make a love confession in the middle of a battle, you should come out alright.

The highest physical affinity is Rin's 5, which makes me wonder how you guys will output damage. We might see /connect/ or curses flung about when the fight arrives.

>8 is like a god, Madoka is 9
That's one hell of a jump from 7 to 8, super talented to god. It makes what you've said about the faction leaders' stats concerning. Jim can be like a god with the gum body stat boosts, I guess.

>Dolores the incubator
Interesting. Now, here's food for thought: What happens when Dolores dies? Or if someone wishes her to be a normal girl again. Do the girls she contracts turn back to normal? Would anyone be desperate enough to take that gamble?

> No shortage of witches, but a shortage of magical girls in Osaka.
Witch farming, I can guess for the former; the latter might be because of Dolores. Where is the cat?

>Coordinator upgrade
Just use Rin's 6 charisma against the bastard, and maybe you'll get lucky, and Ciel will upgrade your stat pro bono. Helen's 6 convinced the Coordinators in Buenos Aires to let her make a wish and support an outrageous lie. Or maybe you could become her apprentice somehow, and Ciel might upgrade your stats like A-chan did for Helen.

>Actual A-chan retired.
Man, time really does change stuff. However, I am curious about how Lumina feels about the new Magia Exedra stuff.
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>Playing with fire, eh?
they are so fucked. oh no, im not saying that as the qm, it's just an objective and totally non-biased opinion. lel

>That's one hell of a jump from 7 to 8, super talented to god.
oh don't take that literally, i was just messing around. and didn't i say Mami? realistic power level is very hard to nail down in a satisfactory, logical way that people can predict, especially when magic is involved. let's just say Jimena's possible 8 in PA would make her /very/ /fucking/ /strong/

>Now, here's food for thought: What happens when Dolores dies?
i like where you are going

>Where is the cat?
doing meow somewhere else apparently

>Or maybe you could become her apprentice somehow
i wanna see that m9 char roll of rin convincing herself just to try. jk, she can just try if she wants. the gay is always there for everyone

>I am curious about how Lumina feels about the new Magia Exedra stuff.
not gonna lie, when the magia record eos hit i shat tears and even started this thread because of it. i've scavenged the world of fantasy for more than people think, and even after all those decades nothing had come close to hitting that sweet spot as elegantly as magia record, so seeing it go got me seriously sad. but, with the exedra news, and watching my immigrant african american dice-teethed lamp peddler conga dancer Tamaki Iroha there on full fucking 3D made me, a full ass jagged grown man with responsibilities, scream like Rin seeing a dick for the first time. of course, fear still remains. bad things could still happen. they could focus more on the game than the story, they could put gekidan inu-curry at the front of the story like they did with the anime, they could just squeeze the old content and add nothing, they could focus too much on the spinoffs, they could NOT add mabayu-

but; gucas are all about hope. so i hope. and meanwhile, i write
waitin on miharu btw
>they are so fucked. oh no, im not saying that as the qm, it's just an objective and totally non-biased opinion. lel

Ah, you see, the goal is to make sure only one of us get fucked and not all of us.

>not gonna lie, when the magia record eos hit i shat tears and even started this thread because of it.

Yeah, I did see you say that in this thread.
Even though I knew Magia Record existed, I never played it despite being in the exact target audience and wanting to play it.
If Magia Exedra turns out to be at least a bit good, then I will play it to make up for missing Magia Record.
Sorry, just got back
Also I like Miharu being excited as hell about talking with our minds

>Resist the urge to debate Marie's sister on Drillface, while it may seem slow at first it's all super necessary to set up the finale for season 1 and the main arc through season 2!
>"Yeah, my magic is really cool! Coordinator-chan said I was supposed to have some other one too, but I don't even know what it is or if it exists at all!"
>Observe Marie's attempt to use magic excitedly! Hopefully it works!!!
>Marie: ("Hey, I might faint.")
>Miharu: ("Oh boy, I hope she's successful!"(Clueless))
Classic Miharu.
my last post yesterday had been at 14:36: i've been busy ever fucking since. i just wanna writeeeeeeee. going to sleep so i can postan tomorrow, i don't like this pacing anymore
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>Analyze the paper.

>Don't nerd out on the person you just met.

Dumbbell's point, that they should know their magic, lands like finding a stray grain of rice while drinking a cup of soda- at least on Marie. The reality that we face death every day, when we cross the street, when we are doing an exam, when we are trying to make friends, isn't lost even in teenagers. But... it had never been so plain. Never so simple. Witches straight-up crush you, break you, rip you to shreds, and eat you.

๑ Marie: (...Huh. Has Miharu already figured out hers?)

Dumbbell: (Miharu? Have you?)

Miharu is perfectly ready to unleash LORE and EXPLANATIONS upon this heathen, Blanc, who just said the Bible is cringe. But, she gets distracted by some cute little voice.

Ӝ Miharu: Have I? Yeah!

Blanc: ...You have what now?

Ӝ Miharu: My magic is really cool! Coordinator-chan said I was supposed to have some other one too, but I don't even know what it is or if it exists at all!

All this say while looking at Blanc straight in the eye.

Blanc: ...eeeeeeeeeehhh, that a game or sum shite?

Dumbbell: Yes! It's one of those. (Miharu, I think that you are just saying what you are think?)

Ӝ Miharu: (Oh, right!)

Then Miharu freezes.

Ӝ Miharu: (But isn't that how it goes?)

๑ Marie: (Either way, no, I haven't gotten closer to figuring out my unique magic and powers. Day was far too eventful for that. But I do have an idea of how they could work.)

Marie grabs the crumbled gas bill that her dad uses as a cup holder.

Blanc: Girlieboss, would you like stop looking at my face? Your friends creepin me the fuck out Marie.

Ӝ Miharu: Hahahahahaha, sorry!

Miharu smiles apologetically.

Ӝ Miharu: Sometimes I just get lost in my head. Then it's like I'm staring at nothing.

Blanc: Ah whaddayknow, same, same.

๑ Marie: (The way I see it, the problem is two-fold: I can't handle a large influx of information, and, systems are made out of other systems.)

Dumbbell: (You remember.)

๑ Marie: (I do, Ciel-san. So, I need to be both specific and simple. Watch.)

But Marie does nothing. So much nothing that even Blanc takes notice.

Blanc: Bitch, you livin?

๑ Marie: (Yo. Miharu-chan, Ciel-san, I might faint in a moment. Don't worry.)

Dumbbell: (Faint?)

Ӝ Miharu: What?!

Eyes fixed on the paper as if its wrinkles, of which are plenty, formed letters and then words. Trying to read those, she wonders, to herself: how would she burn this paper with Heat?


It's unexplainable; and that is important. Perhaps, if she can understand it herself, Marie can translate this knowledge so others could as well. Right now, what she does know is the exact temperature at which the paper would spark a flame, and the small variances in each of its sides- and nothing more of it.


Dumbbell: Marie! Daijobu?

Blanc: Eh-

Ӝ Miharu: Marie-san!
๑ Marie: ...the fuck? My head...

Marie grabs her head: it ain't so bad, and, by the looks of it, she couldn't have been out for too long.

๑ Marie: Well... you know? I'll take it, yeah. It's good news.

Blanc: Marie what the fuck.

The whitest sister looks scared.

๑ Marie: (So this time I thought something instead of just analyzing as is, I analyzed for a reason, for a specific goal.)

Dumbbell: (Isn't that what Miharu had said before?)

Ӝ Miharu: (Hehe, did I?)

Blanc: Jesus fuck someone say something.

๑ Marie: Aight. Shut up. Go make your sister tea.

Blanc: Fucking hell no, what was that just now?

๑ Marie: It's called 'being very tired cause i have three gremlins for sisters', and if you don't mind you mouth at least around visitors then I'm gonna knock you out too. Now make me tea.

Blanc: Fine bitch, sorry for worrying. What do you two want?

Ӝ Miharu: I'll have what she's having.

Blanc: I don't even know what I'm giving her. You?

Dumbbell: Anything's fine. But green tea would be more than fine.

Blanc: I'll check.

Miharu defaults to just watching Magical Girl Drillface on mute.

๑ Marie: (It worked. This time, for the first time, shit worked.)

Dumbbell: (But it did seem to affect you...)

๑ Marie: (Still a step forward.)

She looks at the crumpled gas bill.

๑ Marie: (Yet it's just a piece of paper...)

i can finally fucking post! so let's post! aaaaa!
'I'll have what she's havin' and watching Drillface on mute is unbelievably based
>Uhhhh seems like Blanc is getting a little confused, let's go help her out and let Marie and Coordinator-chan talk in the background! She'll still get any cool updates through the mind-chatter!
>This scene of Drillface is really cool though... even on mute... but agh just watch it later!
>Follow Blanc and wander into the kitchen. "Hiya! What's up, Shaniqua-chan?" Ask about her other sisters if you run out of things to say, Marie mentioned she had two other ones too!
And of course we'll forget to actually help out with the tea at all and just trail around behind her like a chatterbox unless she asks us to do something specific

Just makes things easier for me, makes it seem like I'm always around :P
As long as you're having fun
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>As long as you're having fun
i am having fun and i want to have more fun, in fact, i don't wanna work anymore aaaaaaaaa i just wanna have fun
ignore me. im setting a bad example. work has to be done. but mother of fuck am i happy when i get holidays

btw i had an idea for the month in between i use to prepare the next thread. im always the qm, and i still havent found i quest i want to play consistently other than the good old ogre civ quest. so! would anyone have the balls to pull its own meguca thread for me to play in? oneshot or spinoff or whatever, i think i need to see that side of the coin
We just gotta keep on truckin my brother, gotta be the cool responsible adult and do what has to be done

I've got balls of steel, but I'm pretty busy for the foreseeable future and though I enjoy writing, I've never really written a quest before so it'd probably be ass and the responsible thing to do would be to say I can't
That being said, if you were to play in a meguca thread, would you rather be able to make your own guca like the style of guca royale, or would you rather play a predetermined main character
I do kinda feel like I gotta pay my nigguca Lumina back somehow for the quality reading material, and also fill up any free time with something productive, but I'm not promising anything, in fact it'd be better not to expect anything from me, and this is information that might help others if they were to do something
my man, questing can be very demanding. i work a part time job so i can afford it, and even then there are days i can't cuz life. or i feel like tired out of nowhere, so don't feel pressure. you playin is more than enough for me

that being said, i would, of very very course, love me some guca char gen, but i dont know how common multiple mcs are in quests

btw homura is using her timestop magic wrong. if i were me id stop time to do jack shit
>Internally thank Dumbbell and Miharu, and remember to get them a gift later. It's embarrassing to admit, but I might have been stuck fainting with nothing to show for it if it weren't for them. Now I actually get something out of it!

>Remember the temperatures that I found out, write them down in a notebook, on my phone, wherever. This is proof that my Magic exists and works, proof that Dolores didn't lie or cheat me, and proof that I can get better.

>"I wasn't out for as long as the other times –which I failed– but it's still a problem."
>"Do I need to expand my brain capacity or something?"
>("Or be even more specific and simple? Maybe I could've just asked for the exact weight of the paper to pick it up, and I wouldn't have fainted? Or maybe I need more experience in handling the flow of information? Or maybe I could slow down how fast the information comes in? Or-")
>I remember that Dumbbell can hear my thoughts.
>("Sorry for bombarding you with my thoughts like that. Once I start, it's hard to stop.")
>("Dumbbell-san, you might have experience in watching people like me flounder around like this. Did you know of any Magical Girls with Magic similar to mine? What did they do to adapt?)

>("Perhaps I should learn about new things regularly so that my Magic won't have to 'Fill in' so many gaps, so to speak.")

This is an interesting spot. I need time to develop my Magic for on-field use, but time is a resource that you only lose, not gain.

I actually do have a lot of free time, and I do have experience writing a Quest. I wouldn't say my writing is great (probably something everyone says), but it's servicable enough that people come back regularly to partake in it.

I will ask the same question as Miharu: would you prefer being able to make your own Mahou Shoujo or being a predetermined Main Character?
Would you want multiple players like this game?
Any places you want the setting to be in? I was thinking the U.K, as the Mahou Shoujo population there must be messed up and... interesting.
Wow, I was making that post before you answered Miharu. Char Gen is a go then, I'm probably going to use a heavily modified version of your system.
Now for location... still thinking of U.K. Unless you have suggestions?
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>Keep Blanc busy.

>Ask Dumbbell stuff.

Even a crushed piece of paper is more than nothing, even if it is the gas bill from that time Dad forgot the chicken wings in the oven and went to sleep. Like a gunslinger from the west, Marie takes out her phone and unlocks it in half a second, yet she finds her finger still. What was she about to write? A word? A number? Which number? 200? 250? Marie perceives the data in her head as almost perfectly accurate, it even considers the variances of degrees all over the page, yet it's hard to pin a number on it.

๑ Marie: ...crazy shit.

Blanc: Was was dat?

But she's met with Miharu's far too happy face instead of Marie's- and far too close.

Ӝ Miharu: Hiya! What's up, Shaniqua-chan?

Blanc: You greetin me twice?

Ӝ Miharu: Let's make tea!

Blanc: ...it's just making tea, but sure? ...help yourself?

Miharu is getting weird looks as she laughs. Marie, in the end, just wrote 'From 200 to 250' without specifying anything else. It doesn't matter if it's vague: it's still proof that she didn't fuck up her only life over nothing.

>"I wasn't out for as long as the other times –which I failed– but it's still a problem."
>"Do I need to expand my brain capacity or something?"

Dumbbell's ears perk up as Marie mumbles to herself aloud.

>("Or be even more specific and simple?")
>("Maybe I could've just asked for the exact weight of the paper to pick it up, and I wouldn't have fainted?")
>("Or maybe I need more experience in handling the flow of information?")
>("Or maybe I could slow down how fast the information comes in?")

๑ Marie: (Damn. Right. You can hear my thoughts. Sorry for the mental bombardment girl, It's hard to stop once I start.)

Dumbbell: (There's no need to worry, Marie-san. I only heard you mumbling.)

๑ Marie: (Oh, you didn't catch all that? But I was, like, thinking it loud.)

Dumbbell: (You can still choose which thoughts to share through telepathy. Think of it as talking in silence.)

๑ Marie: (Right. Aight, let's talk in silence. Dumbbell-san, you might have experience in watching people like me flounder around like this. Did you know of any Magical Girls with magic similar to mine?)

Dumbbell: (Yes... quite a few. It isn't uncommon for candidates to ask for a specific magical power. Most have a personal problem they want fix, but they also want to decide how they are going to try to fix it, so there is a logic to it.)

๑ Marie: (The way you talk makes it seem like it's a bad idea.)

Dumbbell: (I don't think it's a bad idea, but... I do think it's very hard to carry out properly. Natural magical powers, granted automatically, always come with their own logical set of rules and limitations, which is logical because it's based on very real factors like experiences or personality. However, magical powers that had been requested strictly adhere to the way the wish was worded- which can lead to irrational rules, sometimes impossible to fulfill.)

๑ Marie: (Damn.)
Ӝ Miharu: Tell me about your sisters!

Actually, Miharu wasn't doing jack shit at the kitchen behind the bar. Pouring the water in the cups with the teabags (which isn't that hard), still under Marie's law, Blanc can't do much but just look at the girl.

Blanc: Are you like fucking with me? Cause its working.

Ӝ Miharu: Nope!

No change in Miharu's expression whatsoever; she doesn't falter. Not even under Blanc's scrutinous gaze, of the eyes of someone who spends her life watching streamers who do things for fame only.

Blanc: ...Fair enough, fuck it. So there's Marie, who's like the white man with the whip, then the three black slaves: me, the autist, Shaniqua, the weeb WHO'S A LITTLE BITCH, and Shaniqua, who hits men.

Ӝ Miharu: Who hits men?

Blanc: Yeah. The patriarchy ain't got shit on her, RIGHT SIS?

๑ Marie: Shh shh, shut the fuck up for like two seconds.

Blanc: Anyway, I'm adopted.

Ӝ Miharu: Oooh. Me too!

Blanc's face drops.

Blanc: What. Fo real?

Ӝ Miharu: My Mom told Dad that I was hers, but I wasn't because Mom had me with my real Dad, who I don't even know. But Mom didn't want me so she left me with Dad anyway, who isn't my real Dad, but now he is.

All delivered with a perfectly straight face as if she was talking about a cat she met on the sidewalk.

Blanc: Well. Wow. I'm so sorry.

๑ Marie: Well, well, would you look at that.


Ӝ Miharu: Hmm, I don't think that you are an autist. I just think that you are super smart!

Dumbbell: I agree with Miharu, um, Miharu-chan. I think that you are a nice girl.

๑ Marie: Cool it or she's gonna believe it.

Blanc: I'm getting all sentimental, I'm outta here.

And she pretty much vanishes from the scene. Marie, however, remains stuck in her thoughts, not out of apathy but because she knows her sister too well.

Dumbbell: (I do remember a few specific cases worth considering. There was this Magical Girl whose wish was something along the lines of "I wish to control luck and Fate itself, to become the most fortunate person imaginable.". Her wish was granted, and... um...)

๑ Marie: (It's gonna be ugly, dead-ass.)

Ӝ Miharu: (Yeah...)

Dumbbell: (Um, Miharu, Marie...-san, I'll try to say something that makes sense. It's like... I think her wish was like letting a normal person touch the circuitry of its television. The way a television works is very complex for most people, so even if you can touch the thing that makes it work that doesn't mean that it's going to do what you want it to. Does that make sense?)

Ӝ Miharu: (Yup! That wasn't hard to follow at all.)

It's Marie herself who ended up bringing the tea to the bar.

๑ Marie: (Isn't that how all this magic business works though? We don't know jack shit cause it's magic, right? It just works.)

Ӝ Miharu: (Yes, that's true! Her magic should have just let her control fate without having to worry about how it happens.)

Dumbbell: (Then my example is no good.)
Dumbbell: (To steer fate in one direction is one thing; we all do it all the time. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But, controlling fate, affecting the chain of cause-consequence directly... is quite another. Her fate-controlling powers were oriented only to making her 'the most fortunate person imaginable", with no regards as to how that was going to happen, so often the consequences of her powers would hurt other people. And when she tried to prevent that hurt using her powers yet again, there was still a third party suffering somewhere. Her twisting of fate wasn't refined since it didn't control the path of things but their final destination only. But that wasn't all.)

๑ Marie: ('That wasn't all', she says. Give it to me straight, Ciel-san: I fucked up. I fucked up hard.)

Dumbbell: (But your powers did work, Marie. Don't give up hope.)

Ӝ Miharu: (What else happened to this Magical Girl?)

Even mentally, her voice sounds concerned.

Dumbbell: (Her magical powers did work correctly, unlike Marie's... and that turned out to be the true reason for which they had to be sealed.)

๑ Marie: (Huh?)

Ӝ Miharu: (Wait, how come?)

Dumbbell: (She did become 'the most fortunate person imaginable'. That is why she was so sad all the time.)

Miharu and Marie share a physical glance. Neither of them gets it, at least for now.

>It's getting kind of late. Was there something else?
>That sucks... seems like a lot of people didn't really know what they were signing up for when they became a magical girl too...
>"So, where are your other sisters and your parents, Marie? It's getting a little late, are they all coming back home soon?"
Marie's face morphs into a grimace.
>"Ironic, they were the luckiest person in the world and couldn't gain the most important boon: Happiness. Perhaps whatever controls fate doesn't consider happiness a thing worth acquiring."

Marie's face becomes truly unreadable at Miharu's question.
>"My dad is likely out working. He's a Police Officer and works a lot."
>"My mom is probably sleeping in her room. Or... is she still repairing the toilet? I hope not."
>"My biological sister, 'the one who hits men' as my sister so eloquently put it, is with Dolores until we go on the Witch Hunt tommorow. Got no idea where she lives."
>"As for my other adopted sister, Kuro..."
Marie's makes a grin. Part-Impish, Part-Genuine.
>"She locked herself in her room because Blanc, the White one, made fun of her for watching Magical Girl Drillface. She's probably the show's biggest fan—unless you want to challenge her for that spot? Kehahahaha!"
That laugh from Marie sounds unfitting to anyone who doesn't know much about her, or her 'Hobbies'.
>"But seriously, I really should introduce her to you. Meeting a super-fan like you would really lift her spirits after talking to a super-hater like Blanc."
>Do I have Miharu's phone number? If not, ask for it. We need to be in contact since we will be working together.
>...eh? Miharu blinked.
>"Sure, I don't mind chatting with Kuro, but... did you say your other sister was with Dolores-san...? Why?"
Marie's face becomes stern.
>"... Dolores says she meets the requirements to become a Magical Girl. Shaniqua is going to join us in the Witch Hunt to get the full picture and then make her decision."
Marie sighs.
>"I really do not want her to sign that Contract. But she was chomping at the bit for it, so seeing a Witch is likely not going to stop her."
>"Not to mention there's a shortage of Magical Girls in Osaka, so I just look selfish in trying to stop her."
>"...'selfish'? 'Shortage of magical girls'?"
>Miharu's eyes widen.
>"Why does any of that matter?! If you don't want your sister to become a magical girl, to throw her life away over nothing, we need to stop her!"
>Miharu abruptly stands from the chair. "Where did you last see her? How long ago was it?" An idea pops in her head, and without thinking, she acts on it. "Oh! Coordinator-chan, you knew where we lived, so you probably know where Dolores-san lives too! Where does she stay?"
Marie blinks, twice.
Then speaks calmly, in complete juxtaposition of Miharu.
>"Miharu-chan, it's nice that you care so much about my family drama, but are you sure you want to just storm into Dolores' demesne?"
>"What are we even going to do once we get there? This is Dolores-san we're talking about. Who knows what she could do. I would rather not go against the same girl who pulled my soul out of my body and stuffed it into a piece of jewellery."
>"And besides, we have an entire day ahead to convince Shaniqua to not go through, if we want to. If we're lucky, then the Witch will scare her straight. But I wasn't the Magical Girl who made a wish for fortune..."

>"But... I am willing to take extra chances to stop Shaniqua. I would prefer it if it was ultimately her choice to refuse, but I wonder if that's just a pipe dream at this point..."
>Miharu stares at Marie, confused as to why she was so calm in this situation.
>"...If we were going to have the opportunity to convince your sister not to go through with it, why would Dolores-san keep her from going back home with you tonight...? You said it yourself, seeing a Witch isn't going to stop her! If something's wrong, we have to do what we think is right!"
Instead of "confused as to why she was so calm in this situation", it'd be better written as "confused as to how she could remain so calm in this situation."
>Marie looks down at her lap, trying to avoid Miharu's face. Her voice is coated in sadness.
>"What if we attempt to do what we think is the right thing but it's ultimately detrimental to all parties? And even if we were truly doing the right thing, but we fail? Wouldn't our lives-"
>Marie stops her negative speech abruptly. She looks up from her lap, and at Miharu's face. Filled with anger‐ no, Righteous Indignation would be a better term.
>("Ah, right. What would I know about 'The right thing' or 'Living a good life'. My Wish was ultimately selfish and partially self-destructive. And I'm a criminal.")

>"Miharu-chan, you have a strong sense of justice. I can see why Ciel-san said that she loves you. What she sees in me, I don't know. But..."
>Marie extends her hand for a shake. "My time here is temporary, I understand that now more than ever with the Contract. I might as well live a life worth living, and you seem to know how to do that."

>"As for why Dolores-san separated me and Shaniqua, she likely thought I was going to do something rash. To be fair to her, I contemplated it, but decided not to."
>"Not to mention Shaniqua and I had a... falling out beforehand. Due to the aforementioned man-beating."
>"I want to understand her. I want to understand Shaniqua and why she was so desperate for a Wish. What would she do with it?"
>Miharu takes her hand without a second thought.
>She smiles. "There's only one way people can understand one another, Marie-san. Even if that abyss between human souls seems insurmountable, our words are all we have to try to cross that gap. It can be scary, building bridges into the dark... but if two hearts are earnestly striving to connect, I firmly believe they can reach one another! Let's go find your sister!!!"
aight! if marie gives the ok and its a go

>I wouldn't say my writing is great (probably something everyone says)
can confirm. as you write, you become familiar with your own pitfalls and patterns, so it becomes easy to say that your stuff aint good. however, fuck that
i was kinda expecting for one of the pure souls i tortured for a year to take the torch (especially jimena) but this is very welcome development

>I was thinking the U.K, as the Mahou Shoujo population there must be messed up and... interesting
my grandma once gave me money as a christmas gift and dumb as it seems i was so upset. if you are gonna make a guca story i want absolutely no say in it whatsoever, except in this: do something you think is funny

writin in a bit unless marie has something 2 say
Okay. It's a go.
oh buddy, i've been thinking long and hard about doing it, believe me. But my experience with qst has been exclusively on the player side and taking that first step into losing qm virginity requires bravery I currently lack. Motivation is a flaky mistress after all.

no promises yet but give me some time. if I do something it'll be on classic qst fashion though, all collective voting behind one mc. And no chargen, i'll say that much.
i'd still play it
also have balls motherfucker
be cringe with the working class people
>Let's chat!

No matter the circumstances, selling your soul just to be sad is... nothing but sad. It's why Marie finds herself grimacing.

๑ Marie: Ironic. They were the luckiest person in the world and couldn't be assed to be happy.

Begrudgingly, people grow to accept that there are, in fact, things too deep for them. The price for this acceptance is one's blind conviction and explosive fanatism for ideals- a price even Miharu ends up paying little by little.

Ӝ Miharu: I wonder if any of them knew what they were signing up for...

๑ Marie: (Miharu-chan, telepathy.)

Yet Marie doesn't sigh telepathically.

๑ Marie: (Guess we are about to find out.)

She takes a sip of her tea, followed by Miharu, like two drunkards talking past loves.

Dumbbell: (I don't think anyone know what they are signing up for. Not just Magical Girls. College isn't really fun, and five years down the line I don't know if my job will be any fun either.)

Neither Marie nor Miharu say it. Four years; that's the entire life expectancy of a Magical Girl, at least according to Dolores. It will save them from adulthood, from a life spent trying to find what they want by giving it to them at once. That was the plan, at least.

Ӝ Miharu: So, where are your other sisters and your parents, Marie? It's getting a little late, are they all coming back home soon?

Marie lifts an eyebrow; but this is normal conversation, so it makes sense to talk.

๑ Marie: My dad is likely out working. He's a police officer and works a lot. You'd be surprised, but most of it is dealing with abusive parents. Crazy shit, if you ask me.

Ӝ Miharu: Wow....

๑ Marie: Mom is probably sleeping already. That, or... still fixing the toilet. Sure hope not, Jesus Almighty-

Dumbbell: I was hoping for the chance to greet her. I've splurged and got a cake for your family.

Ӝ Miharu: No way! Another???

๑ Marie: Well; hide it. (Right now. My biological sister, 'the one who hits men' as my sister so eloquently put it, is with Dolores until we go on the Witch Hunt tomorrow.)

Dumbbell: Oh.

๑ Marie: Got no idea where she lives.

Dumbbell: I do know, but I think that she should tell you herself. Please, trust Dolores. If your sister is with her, there's nothing to worry about.

๑ Marie: (So both you and her think I'm gonna drag my sister's ass back.)

Dumbbell: She is your sister, and you are caring person, so it would be natural, Marie.

๑ Marie: Her choice. I made mine.

Neither Miharu nor Dumbbell look at her in the eye. Even if it does make sense.

๑ Marie: As for my other adopted sister, Kuro...

Marie grins, part impish, part genuine.

๑ Marie: She locked herself in her room because Blanc, the white one, made fun of her for watching Magical Girl Drillface.

Ӝ Miharu: She WHAT?

Dumbbell: I think I heard your sister say her name is Shaniqua?

๑ Marie: Had to give em nicknames. The three of them share the same name, even if two of my sisters are adopted. What are the odds.
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Miharu is visibly boiling like a kettle, considering if Marie's white sister truly fits the 'good girl' archetype.

๑ Marie: Kuro here is probably the show biggest fan- unless you want to challenge her for that spot? Kehahahaha!

Dumbbell: Oh! Is that your very own One Piece laugh, Marie?

๑ Marie: Eh-

Ӝ Miharu: I don't need to challenge anyone. Because that would go against the spirit of Magical Girl Drillface!

Yet Miharu stops herself short.

Ӝ Miharu: No. You know what? I DO need to challenge someone! And that someone... is Blanc! Blanc and her BAD TAKE.

๑ Marie: I seriously should introduce you to her. Kuro, I mean. Meeting a super-fan like you would really lift her spirits after talking to a super-hater like Blanc.

Miharu blinks.

Ӝ Miharu: OK!

๑ Marie: Do I have Miha-wait, what?!

A loud, echoing 'thud' is heard, followed by a scream, the 'thud' likely because Miharu kicked the door down and the scream likely because Kuro screamed.

"Don't hide! Let's talk about Magical Girl Drillface!"

๑ Marie: Oh, fuck. So that's what she's like.

But when Marie rushes to the action scene, it is a lot less dire than she expected. The door hasn't been kicked down, Kuro wasn't just watching porn, and, although surprised, she isn't hiding.

๑ Marie: Kuro-chan, I'm so fucking sorry. This is Miharu Fukugawa, a buddy of your sis.

Kuro: No! Nothing to be sorry about! It was exactly how Drillface invaded Lady Weightless in chapter 3!

Ӝ Miharu: I knew you'd know!

And yet, for whatever reason, Miharu's energy cools down.

Ӝ Miharu: (Did you say your other sister was with Dolores-san...? Why?)

Marie's face becomes stern despite whatever's going on.

๑ Marie: Sis, I'm giving her back in a while. She ain't going anywhere.

Kuro: Um, yes, sure.

Marie closes the door. She'd rather not remain silent for minutes on end in front of her, perhaps, most normal sibling.

๑ Marie: (... Dolores says she meets the requirements to become a Magical Girl. Shaniqua is going to join us in the Witch Hunt to get the full picture and then make her decision.)

Sitting back at the bar, Marie sighs. There's only escaping reality for so long.

๑ Marie: (I really do not want her to sign that contract. But she was chomping at the bit for it, so seeing a Witch is likely not going to stop her.)

Marie recalls her first time seeing one. It... didn't seem to belong to the same reality as her. Yet there it was.

๑ Marie: (Not to mention there's a shortage of Magical Girls in Osaka, so I just look selfish in trying to stop her.)

Dumbbell: (It is likely, Marie.)

Both rookies look at their Coordinator.

Dumbbell: (It's one of the reasons why there are so few Magical Girls here. Many of them renounce their contract after seeing a Witch, then many others quit when Dolores tells them about the fate of Magical Girls.)

'Turning into Witches', is what both Miharu and Marie think in unison. Neither dare to say it. Neither wants to look at their Soul Gem.
One word wouldn't stop ringing in her head.

Ӝ Miharu: ...'selfish'?

Tainted by the memory of Witches, Marie only glances as the lively girl's eyes widen.

Ӝ Miharu: 'Shortage of... Magical Girls'?

Dumbbell: (Miharu?)

Ӝ Miharu: Why does any of that matter?! Marie-san! If you don't want your sister to become-

Marie teleports to a standing position to seal Miharu's mouth shut, and yet-

Ӝ Miharu: (-a Magical Girl, to throw her life away over nothing! We need to stop her!)

The force which the magical puppet herself stands from her chair, still with Marie's hand on her mouth, makes the tiny girl next to her emit a faint, shrill shriek.

Ӝ Miharu: (Where did you last see her? How long ago was it?)

Her eyes are fixed on Marie's, who has trouble keeping up the stare contest- but then an idea makes her look somewhere else.

Ӝ Miharu: (Coordinator-chan, you knew where we lived! You probably know where Dolores-san lives too! Where does she stay?)

Recovering, the Coordinator-chan peacefully drinks green tea.

Dumbbell: (Miharu; I believe in Dolores's judgement. I can ask for her address on Marie's behalf, but, if she says no, then I will stand by her side.)

Ӝ Miharu: (But Shaniqua is going to ruin her life!!)

Dumbbell: (Is that what you think that you did?)

Ӝ Miharu: I...!

She looks to Marie for support- who blinks twice. Then, the trespasser speaks calmly, in complete juxtaposition of the very avid reader.

๑ Marie: (Miharu-chan, it's nice that you care so much about my family drama, but are you sure you want to just storm into Dolores' demesne?)

Ӝ Miharu: I...!! (Um... demesne?)

Dumbbell: (Demesne?)

Marie gestures.

๑ Marie: (-House. What are we even going to do once we get to her house? This is Dolores-san we're talking about. Who knows what she could do. I would rather not go against the same girl who pulled my soul out of my body and stuffed it into a piece of jewelry.)

Ӝ Miharu: (But your sister shouldn't be there! She has right to hear an opinion other than Dolore-sans! What if she's being brainwashed to make a contract?)

Dumbbell: (Were you, Miharu?)

Ӝ Miharu: (No. But still! There is no reason for which she shouldn't be able to hear us out too! To hear what Marie has to say!)

๑ Marie: (Look; girl you are thinking like ten steps ahead. Cool it. We have an entire day ahead to convince Shaniqua to not go through, if we want to. Sit down.)

Reluctantly, Miharu does sit down.

๑ Marie: (If we're lucky, then the Witch will scare her straight. Then that's it. Witches, thank God or not, are nasty enough.)

And yet, she's stopping herself. Yet, her drive falters.

๑ Marie: (But I wasn't the Magical Girl who made a wish for fortune...)

And almost dies down right there.
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The only sister Marie shares blood with is about to become prime material, to become food
-that Marie, come worse, had considered eating. Because, if it comes to that… why not?

๑ Marie: (I am willing... to take extra chances to stop Shaniqua, regardless. I would prefer it if it was ultimately her choice to refuse, but I wonder if that's just a pipe dream at this point...)

Dumbbell remains quiet, stealing glances as Miharu stares at Marie, confused as to why she remains so calm in this situation.

Ӝ Miharu: (...If we were going to have the opportunity to convince your sister not to go through with it, why would Dolores-san keep her from going back home with you tonight...?)

๑ Marie: (My guess? So that her choice is only hers. So that I wouldn't influence her.)

Ӝ Miharu: Exactly! (Which we'll be able to do anyway tomorrow! You said it yourself, seeing a Witch isn't going to stop her! If something's wrong, we have to do what we think is right!)

Marie looks down at her lap, trying to avoid Miharu's face. Her voice is coated in sadness.

๑ Marie: (What if we attempt to do what we think is the right thing but it's ultimately detrimental to all parties? What if we mess it all up for everyone? And even if we were truly doing the right thing, but we fail? Wouldn't our lives-)

Marie stops her negative speech abruptly. She looks up from her lap, and at Miharu's face. Filled with anger‐ no; righteous indignation would be a better term.

๑ Marie: (Ah, right. What would I know about 'The right thing' or 'Living a good life'. My wish was ultimately selfish and partially self-destructive. And I'm a criminal.)

Marie feels a little hand tugging at her sleeve. She turns around from her slump, and of course it’s Dumbbell, and Dumbbell’s sleepy little smile.

Dumbbell: (You do know. You care for your sisters. You hurt no one in your crimes. And wanting to live a good life is not self-destructive.)

Marie simply smiles with her eyes at the dwarf, no telepathy needed. Then faces Miharu.

๑ Marie: (Miharu-chan, you have a strong sense of justice. I can see why Ciel-san said that she loves you. What she sees in me, I don't know. But…)

Then extends her hand for a shake towards her; the magical puppet looks at it with no pretense or judgment.

๑ Marie: (My time here is temporary. I understand that now more than ever with the contract. I might as well live a life worth living, and you seem to know how to do that.)

Ӝ Miharu: (I… don’t think I do, Marie. Hahahaha…)

Miharu looks away.
Ӝ Miharu: (Things just keep happening to me. But before that, it was just… there was no second moon, you know? It was just parties, and karaoke, and flirting, and going out, and… normal stuff.)

๑ Marie: (Good for you then, because… well, things are about to get very not fucking normal, one way or the other. As for why Dolores-san separated me and Shaniqua, she likely thought I was going to do something rash. To be fair to her, I contemplated it, but decided not to.)

Marie rests her hand on the table. Dumbbell takes Marie’s own, forgotten and lukewarm tea, and starts sipping quietly as if to go unnoticed.

๑ Marie: (Not to mention Shaniqua and I had a... falling out beforehand. Due to the aforementioned man-beating. I want to understand her. I want to understand Shaniqua and why she was so desperate for a wish. What would she do with it?)

But it’s when Marie is about to take her hand off the table that Miharu snatches it without a second thought. Smiling.

Ӝ Miharu: (There's only one way people can understand one another, Marie-san. Even if that abyss between human souls seems insurmountable, our words are all we have to try to cross that gap.)

Miharu, for some reason, vaults backwards from her seat instead of standing like a normal person, startling both rookie and Coordinator.

Ӝ Miharu: (It can be scary, building bridges into the dark... but if two hearts are earnestly striving to connect, I firmly believe they can reach one another! Let's go find your sister!!!)

This time, it’s Miharu extending a hand, and, this time, it’s Marie that takes it without a doubt

and surprisingly Dumbbell grabs it as well. Dumbbell, who had remained quiet all this time except for the occasional sips and stolen cookies..

Dumbbell: (Marie, Miharu: I am here to help you, but I am sorry, I’m so sorry, I will also have to be honest.)

Osaka’s Coordinator remains seated, facing the two Magical Girls. Her feet won’t reach the floor from that seat.
Dumbbell: (The two of you: you made your wishes. In doing so, you erased yourselves from your families lives. Marie: you deprived your Shaniquas of their older sister. They won’t grow old with you at their side. Miharu: your dads will miss you. One of these days, your room will be empty.)

…Both of them feel it, something clutching at their chest. Something piercing.

Dumbbell: (You gave up your future for your dreams; to be happy, something most people never achieve, even living one hundred years. You made your loved ones suffer, yet you, Marie, are going to stop your sister so you don’t suffer yourself.)

Dumbbell takes a little leap from her seat, falling in a dignified manner at least.

Dumbbell: (I will not stop you. I will ask Dolores for her address, and try to convince her so that she’ll share it with you. But I will not help you find her- because I care for Shaniqua and her dreams as well.)

๑ Marie: (You think I don’t?)

Dumbbell: (I think you do; you simply are afraid because you love her. But please, listen to me. If her dreams persist even after seeing the truth, if her drive is still that strong… then they may be worth the leap of faith. And if she takes it, no matter the outcome, I will support her, as the Coordinator, like I will always support the two of you too.)

Miharu is straight up sobbing by the time Blanc comes back from her room.

Blanc: You knoooww; you bitches are like, fucking weird. I mean, the fuck have you been doing just sitting in silence all this time?

She leans her face forward.

Blanc: …and you are crying?!

Feeling like her head weighs twice as much, Marie at least manages to show Blanc her cellphone.

๑ Marie: We were just sharing memes.

Blanc: In silence? And crying?

She shakes her head.

Blanc: Why even be together then?

>The day extends into the night!
>“…Coordinator-chan, that’s not fair. You know that's not fair.”
>Miharu grits her teeth, trying to hold back her tears.
>“You’re right, I gave up my future. I threw away any hope I had of living a long life, all those long happy years with my dads, all those lazy afternoons reading stories. There’ll be no one there to take care of them when they’re older. I’m going to take away my dads’ only daughter and leave them nothing in return.”
>Miharu’s hand shakes.
>“I saw how worried they were when I was missing for just one night. When I die… it’ll be even worse.”
>Miharu looks up at Dumbbell, face twisted in agony.
>“I did all of that, gave up all of that, for a wish I won’t even get to see.”
>The girl chokes back sobs, trying to keep going. “I did it all to try to make the world a little more magical for everyone, show everyone that there could be something out there worth more than all the money in the world, and I didn’t even get that.”
>“You think I’m completely happy being a magical girl? That everything is fine and dandy? That I have no regrets? The only reason I can keep smiling, keep finding and appreciating every cool new thing I have left is because I still believe there’s a reason I’m here, that there’s a story my life is still able to tell, as short as it is! And maybe that reason, right now, is to stop Marie’s sister from making a decision she’ll regret for the rest of her life.”
>Miharu sits in her chair, looking down at the table sullenly, voice barely above a quiet whisper. “If she has a good argument for becoming a magical girl, I’ll let her. But if we leave things as they are tonight, with the last thing Shaniqua remembers of home being a fight with her sister... she's going to make the wrong decision for the wrong reasons. I just want to make sure that doesn't happen.”
If you're wondering what's not fair, it’s not fair to tell the girl who didn’t even get her wish granted, who’s been hanging onto hope, watching the night sky outside her window every night for a moon that would never come, that that was a worthy trade for giving up her entire future and hurting everyone she ever loved

Marie's side glance is enough to let Blanc know to evacuate the area post-haste; the risk of dealing with /feelings/ is enough to get the non-black girl tumbling to her room.

Ӝ Miharu: (…Coordinator-chan, that’s not fair. You know that's not fair.)

Miharu grits her teeth, trying to hold back her tears.

Ӝ Miharu: (You’re right, I gave up my future. I threw away any hope I had of living a long life, all those long happy years with my dads, all those lazy afternoons reading stories. There’ll be no one there to take care of them when they’re older. I’m going to take away my dads’ only daughter and leave them nothing in return.)

Miharu’s hand shakes.

Ӝ Miharu: (I saw how worried they were when I was missing for just one night. When I die… it’ll be even worse.)

Miharu looks up at Dumbbell, face twisted in agony.

Ӝ Miharu: (I did all of that, gave up all of that, for a wish I won’t even get to see.)

The girl chokes back sobs, trying to keep going.

Ӝ Miharu: (I did it all to try to make the world a little more magical for everyone, show everyone that there could be something out there worth more than all the money in the world, and I didn’t even get that. You think I’m completely happy being a magical girl? That everything is fine and dandy? That I have no regrets? The only reason I can keep smiling, keep finding and appreciating every cool new thing I have left is because I still believe there’s a reason I’m here, that there’s a story my life is still able to tell, as short as it is! And maybe that reason, right now, is to stop Marie’s sister from making a decision she’ll regret for the rest of her life.)

Miharu sits in her chair, looking down at the table sullenly, voice barely above a quiet whisper.

Ӝ Miharu: (If she has a good argument for becoming a magical girl, I’ll let her. But if we leave things as they are tonight, with the last thing Shaniqua remembers of home being a fight with her sister... she's going to make the wrong decision for the wrong reasons. I just want to make sure that doesn't happen.)

And- cut. But the table says nothing back, and neither does Dumbbell- or even Marie. Suddenly invaded by loneliness, Miharu looks around almost in frantic desperation, and catches them, if for a split second, doing nothing but blinking and breathing.

Dumbbell: I, um-

The dwarf looks at Miharu, then at Marie, then back at Miharu.

Dumbbell: I think that something just happened? No, I'm sorry. (Miharu...)

The Coordinator takes out a little napkin from her tiny shoulder bag, then goes about cleaning Miharu's red eyes with it.

Dumbbell: (You said it yourself, Miharu: there's still all tomorrow for both of you to talk to her. It's Dolores herself that wants the two of you to be with her. I am certain that there will be time enough for the two of you to speak your heart to Shaniqua so she doesn't jump to conclusions.)
Miharu flinches a bit when Dumbbell accidentally gets the napkin in her eye.

Dumbbell: Oh, sorry. Did that hurt?

Ӝ Miharu: It was nothing.

And now that voice is coarse. Dumbbell puts the napkin in Miharu's hand. The sobbing girl looks at it: it's white with red borders, and has a cute black cat in the center.

Dumbbell: (Your heart is in the right place, Miharu. You don't want Shaniqua to regret her choice. But, not everyone regrets their wishes. It is horrible... but there are those that would be worse off without them. After all, this is a horrible world.)

Ӝ Miharu: (What if it isn't enough?)

Dumbbell: (Do you perhaps mean, if the time is not enough?)

Miharu just nods. Everything in her is shaking slightly.

Ӝ Miharu: (What if the time is not enough?)

Dumbbell: (If Shaniqua doesn't understand her own wishes, then Dolores will not let her make a wish. I'll make the call now.)

This time it's Dumbbell that takes out her cellphone, just a million times slower than Marie. She doesn't make a call but writes a message with her thumbs. The wait feels long; but it wasn't long before the notification beep sounded. Calmly, Dumbbell reads.

Dumbbell: (Dolores has forbidden me from telling the two of you her address.)

Sighing with a little curse, Marie looks down- and Miharu already was.

Dumbbell: (Miharu, Marie: what will you do?)

>So... what now?
guuuys short posts
Well, Miharu and I tried our best, I think letting Shaniqua ruminate for an entire night on the idea that her sister doesn't even care if they have to kill each other in the future can only lead to unfortunate outcomes and that tomorrow we'll find her closed-off and thinking no one in her family truly cares about her, but if this is as far as we go, this is as far as we go
We're goin home
>Head home sullenly
>Ask dads about a hypothetical scenario in which a friend is about to hurt herself but has closed herself off from her loved ones, whether the right thing to do is go after her no matter what or let her hurt herself
>If the dads say you gotta go after her, we're gonna be spending the entire night fruitlessly trying to find Dolores
Also we don't even know why Shaniqua wants a wish at all, from what we have it feels like she thinks no one in her family understands her and Marie is just acting nice as the older sister because that's what she's supposed to do, and now after the Dolores confrontation she thinks that no one even cares enough to try to stop her when she's going to make a dangerous/reckless decision, but Miharu doesn't know all that shit so
And if tomorrow we tell her we love her and she whips out the "If you really did love me so much, why didn't you even try to stop me?" ay I got no fucking answer to that shit, you can pull out the "Well I'm trying to stop you now" but the damage is already done
Also fuck you Dumbbell for pulling out the "you gave up your future for your dreams" on the girl who gave up her future and didn't even get her dreams
Poor girl has been looking forward to that moon every night and staying hopeful
The magical girl stuff is really cool and softens the blow a little, but she's not Jim, she didn't make her wish as a side thing for the main purpose of becoming a magical girl, she made that wish for the second moon so people could look up in wonder and start living actual lives instead of only caring about stuff that doesn't matter, but I don't see any second moon out there
aaaaa i dont think we gonna make itt
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>Her twisting of fate wasn't refined since it didn't control the path of things but their final destination only.
Feels familiar. Ace Oldem. What good is manipulation if you lack sight and control? I still don't understand why Weird Eyes found Helen's wish coronation abnormal.

I remember Jim calling Helen's wish a worse omniscience, and I partially agree, but I suspect it might be a difference between being able to predict with infinite information and seeing the actual result. Numbers in the head versus outside of the head deal. At least none of us are bleeding from our brains.

Marie seems to have power over processes, as evidenced by Dolores, but doesn't seem to just straight explode like me!...and can still talk and likely whistle, which is always a nice thing to possess.

>i was kinda expecting for one of the pure souls i tortured for a year to take the torch
One time I considered QMing; a couple minutes later, I tried opening a pickle jar, and a hidden glass shard slit my thumb open.

>Four years; that's the entire life expectancy of a Magical Girl
Huh, that's two years longer than I thought. I'd imagine Coordinators live longer due to not needing to fight, having many friends, being sacrosanct, and just lacking magic to burn.

>Also we don't even know why Shaniqua wants a wish at all
Can't you just ask the QM to roll wisdom to figure that out? Both you and Marie can take potshots at it with your collective wisdom. It's the stat for figuring intentions, after all.

You could also attempt to brute force the Coordinator using charisma to reveal Dolores's address. But even though this one doesn't seem as hardhearted as Helen's teacher, I don't fancy your chances with your collective charisma. If only Rin was there.

Also, can someone explain to me what obcm means? I never understood that tag.
Overworked blue collar meguca
>I still don't understand why Weird Eyes found Helen's wish coronation abnormal.
just leaving this floating seems cruel at this point, so let me answer based on what's already been shown so you know im not just flinging shit around

-ace's magic forces events towards a specific goal (being the most fortunate person imaginable) while ignoring everything that could happen in between
-helen's wish was to allow her to choose the /path/ of things. what makes this so totally broken? that a path is made of infinite points, i.e: goals, so the current path would have to be pushed an infinite amount of times to fit them
-with the way her wish is worded, it's implied that she wants to touch the chain of cause-consequence directly instead of just setting up a goal like ace, meaning she would be using ace's magic a million times a second just to move a rock half a millimiter. cause, reaching each of those points, just like ace does, would require magic- but given how many of them there are, that would take infinite magic to work
-another massive problems with how the wish was worded: as stated at the time, objects can actually only follow a single /possible/ path towards fate. there are no others. however, helen ability still allows her to choose paths. which paths, then? the impossible paths. yeah. that's how heavy metal shit got right there
--now; helen's magic should still do nicely without touching on every point along the road, ergo, not doing her magic perfectly, not setting up perfect paths. but, she'd have to fuck with her own soul gem enough, and for that she'd have to survive her own wish triggering for long enough for the surgery to work. the fastest course of action (A-chan and WE's idea) was simply to seal the damn thing until either time or a better idea comes along, but that doesn't exactly mean that's the only way to go about it. after all, helen herself is a (albeit rookie, albeit not practicing for jack-shit, albeit trying to just get the fuck out of the Violet Tower) coordinator

hope this goes to show that there is a lot of thought put into stuff like this. im sure there will be plot holes and that it wont be perfect, but i'm happy as long as it takes some digging to find them

also, the-ingame excuse for helen theorizing all of this herself is that she spent plenty of time fucking around and talking to all the other gucas, drawing shit in that little notepad of hers, cause that was the part of hers i had the most fun writing

>One time I considered QMing; a couple minutes later, I tried opening a pickle jar, and a hidden glass shard slit my thumb open.
i would be surprised only if that hadn't been the case. no good deed goes unpunished

>Can't you just ask the QM to roll wisdom to figure that out?
they both got m4's against dumbbell's ???, so i hadn't even considered it. but you are right. they should be given the chance. char is also good
>"...Well, damn."
>"About what you said before: You are right in my case specifically. I sacrificed my lifespan and place in my loved ones' future in exchange for a selfish wish and nigh-infinte potential."
>"What I do wonder is why we have to see the average lifespan of a Puella Magi as a rule rather than happenstance. I likely will die in four years, but why should we just accept that? I don't want to see you die in two years, that's for sure."
>"I will try to live as long as I can, while living the best life possible. I will not avoid my responsibility or consequences of being a Magical Girl. I will protect you if you ask me. I will protect Shaniqua if she signs that contract. I will protect Miharu until she sees that Second Moon. All of you deserve that much from me."

"...Holy shit, I'm starting to sound like a more mature version of Miharu with how idealistic my goals are."

>Marie seems to have power over processes, as evidenced by Dolores.

I never thought of it like that, but it does seem like it.
Dolores' thinking process of "Should I tell this person my Wish." was just completely shortcut.
Makes sense with the personality of Marie. Lockpicking (and Hacking) are just finding creative ways of exploiting and subverting processes and systems.

See, this is the reason I have to protect Miharu! Seeing that girl not even witness her wish is heartrending.
At least Rin is living her best life.

Also, writing down the parts of the main system for the Meguca Royale: UK Edition.
That's a good point Helen(a), hadn't even thought of using stats like we could

For the Wisdom roll I think it's pretty impossible for Miharu, all she knows about Shaniqua is that she's a 'man-beater', that she and Marie fought, and that Dolores doesn't want her to talk with Marie tonight for whatever reason
Miharu might be the greatest extrapolator in the world but that's probably a leap way too far to being able to figure out Shaniqua's motivations for being a magical girl just off that, but Marie might have a good shot given she's known her sister her entire life, so I'd encourage her to take a potshot since we have the same level in Wisdom anyway and I don't think we can stack it very effectively since we're not sharing minds like in the relay

Dumbbell seems very reluctant to violate anyone's privacy and also trusts Dolores way more than us and thinks everything will be fine, so the Char roll is a real long-shot, but if Marie wants me to I can try to convince her since I got the better Char stat, but at this point I don't know if it's worth the trade-off in maybe damaging relations with Dumbbell
Could maybe try Wisdom to see if we could tell how hard we'd have to push Dumbbell to get her to give us the address? Dunno
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waitin on marieharu to see what she does
in case i'm being too vague:

i'm taking this one into account, but i wanna know what marie will do about her sister right now.

>Also, writing down the parts of the main system for the Meguca Royale: UK Edition.
also, hype
Thanks, Jim
I sort of thought it was because it was one hell of a light show.
>that's how heavy metal shit got right there
Process and Outcome. I understand it as constructing an ordered internal model of the system in the head and then imposing it on the chaotic external world. Providing the timing and direction.
Foresight, I thought, would help a lot in choosing preferred probabilities, but it turned out to be an observer effect. However, rearranging a system is a lot easier if you know how a thing used to look, how it presently looks, and how it will look.

Maybe Marie can tap into infinity and block hostile attacks/magics by just dividing the space between her and it infinitely.
>Dumbbell seems very reluctant to violate anyone's privacy
My fellow Guca, this lady just went straight into your dreams. That's a huge invasion of privacy.
>Damage relations with the Coordinator
By virtue of their work/wish, I'd imagine they have some pretty thick skin. Helen threw a temper tantrum at her teacher, shamelessly tried to guilt trip her, demanded an unreasonable bluff, talked about straight-up murdering someone, and sought more teachers, yet the Coordinator seemed to like her oddly enough. Ciel's tolerance level might also be like that.

Perhaps Marie can use the same conversational magic trick she pulled on Dolores and get Ciel to slip up.
>"I'm going to try to track down Dolores' house. But not for the reasons you think, Ciel-san."
>"I'm going to be hunting down Magical entities in dark places soon anyway, I might as well get a bit of practice in. Yeah, think of this as practice."
>"Besides..." Marie pouts like the child she is and not the mature one she acts as. "I haven't broken into a single place today! I swear, the moment I break open a lock, this day will get much better."

Update on Meguca Royale: UK
I have the main stats put down. Just need to get the territory notes and lore, which I already have an idea of.
Oh yeah, where do you get those weird symbols for Soul Gems and such from?
I'll have to source the images myself.
aaaaa now i don't know what is it that miharu wants to doo! is she leaving? is she staying to go full wisdom on dumbbells little ass? noooooooo my pacing
Fuck it I'll stay and Wisdom, we can always go home later, we can't always go wisdom on this situation

Damn that's actually genius, if you just repeat the Dolores trick on Ciel she could actually just spill the address, she might get a little mad you used your magic on her to make her do what she didn't really want to do, but sister would be easier to get to
fine then, state your wisdom wisdom. like, ask what you wanna ask- and if it is Dolores's address, roll me an m6. over 80 and you win; like with char rolls, you can add up to three (simple plz) argument points to risk increasing/decreasing your score. also tell me what will do miharu in both cases: if she convinces Dumbbell, does she go with Marie? i'm totally assuming yes, but then there was that post of her sullenly going back ome. if she doesn't convince Dumbbell, does she go back home or does she go hunting whatever with Marie?
still me i'm just mobile posting

I'd want to ask Dumbbell why Dolores wanted to separate the two sisters tonight as opposed to letting them talk out their problems, or if she's ever done something like that before, since the only logic I can think of behind separating them is that Dolores really wants Shaniqua to become a magical girl, gonna be trying to Wisdom that rationale out based on what info Dumbbell can provide

For my arguments for the Char roll and the necessity of getting the address,
>I think it's a bad idea to let Shaniqua go all night thinking no one even cares enough about her wellbeing to try to stop her and will result in her being more closed off to Marie tomorrow/unwilling to listen
>You can trust me too, I promise you that if Shaniqua has a good reason she's willing to give up her life for, I'll let her, I just want to make sure it's not because of a problem we could resolve or for shaky reasons, our goal is to understand her, not block her from going magical girl no matter what
Then my other argument depends on what we find out about why Dolores would separate the two

And yeah Miharu would come along of course, the going home thing was just for the pessimistic route of if there was nothing else to be done, if Marie goes hunting Miharu will help her, will send a text home to dads though that a friend has gone missing and may want to hurt herself so may be back late
aight nigga, roll.
m6 wis (80 to win)
m3 char (30 to win)

on one side, it's wis vs wis. dumbbell will analyze only the content of what miharu says.
on the other side, it's char vs char. dumbbell doesn't exactly have that much presence lel

ideally, you want both rolls to win- but if one falls short, you can spill over from one to help the other. in this case, given dumbbell's preference for wis, the spillover from wis will be worth x2 in helping the char roll, while the spillover from char will be worth 0.5 (mechanic currently in testing lmao)

now roll. two days! ive been wanting to write for two days aaaaa
Rolled 13, 14 = 27 (2d100)

They call me the king of dice cause I only roll successes
First is wisdom, second is char
lmao, sorry Marie your sister's gonna become a magical girl and wish for all men to disappear or something
You tried your best. Though this does make me wonder if Rin's Magic might be doing something.
Just look on the bright side, this just means you'll roll 80s and 90s during the Witch Hunt! That's how probability works, right?!
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>Let's go anyway.

It was to be expected. Dolores would of course know that Dumbbell would get involved, right from the start: she'd start whatever's going on with that in mind already. The rows of bottles stacked against the kitchen's wall bear witness to Miharu's dismay; her wish could have just meant /something/.

๑ Marie: ...Well, damn.

It can't be denied; her sisters will grow up to be three. Maybe even two. Marie's dad is lazy, and loves to laze around, but what little effort he could squeeze out of himself for his daughter will net him only an empty room. His sloth will have made sense.

๑ Marie: (About what you said before: you are right, at least in my case specifically.)

Dumbbell: Drink, Miharu.

The Coordinator pours steaming water in the sensitive girl's cup, taking the liberty of dipping a new teabag in it herself. And Miharu drinks, if to replace those tears.

๑ Marie: (I sacrificed my lifespan and place in my loved ones' future in exchange for a selfish wish and nigh-infinte potential. I'm not looking to deny that. Not at this point.)

Dumbbell: (I am glad. Dolores and I go to lengths to ensure that part of the contract is clear.)

If anything, Marie has to admit the effort. It does wash away some of her worries regarding Shaniqua, but not all of them. After all, she made her wish. Rin made her wish. Even Miharu made her wish...

๑ Marie: (What I do wonder is why we have to see the average lifespan of a Puella Magi as a rule rather than happenstance. I likely will die in four years, but why should we just accept that?)

Dumbbell: (Because hope can turn against you.)

Dumbbell takes her napkin from Miharu's other hand and holds it under her lip, since the tea is spilling from the corner of the cup as the rookie drinks.

Dumbbell: (Grounded hopes will keep you in peace, and being in peace will keep your Soul Gem clean. It could be more than four years, Marie. I've been at this for seven. That's why I know that careless hope is the only way to despair.)

๑ Marie: (I don't want to see you die in two years. That's for sure.)

Dumbbell manages a little, sleepy grin. Behind the bar, there's a knee-high glass table on the floor, surrounded by couches, that they often sit around of to watch football with their mom and dad. There's always a basket filled with nuts and apples in it. One day, there will be too many nuts, and too many apples. The ones at the bottom will rot

but not yet.

๑ Marie: (I will try to live as long as I can, while living the best life possible. I will not avoid my responsibility or consequences of being a Magical Girl.)

Marie stands, not abruptly, not with a little jump, but with careful and measured movements.

๑ Marie: (I will protect you if you ask me. I will protect Shaniqua if she signs that contract. I will protect Miharu until she sees that Second Moon. All of you deserve that much from me.)

Dumbbell: (I will protect you too.)

The little girl's intense stare is almost intimidating.
The sun had already said ‘farewell’ but didn’t get to say ‘goodbye’. This endless conversation had dragged them across many dark and humid places, only to leave them stranded in the middle of nowhere.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

Only her leg is shaking, bouncing up and down in place, not out of sadness, but nervousness. Miharu downs the rest of the tea, and is enveloped in warmth, leaves, and grapefruit

it can still mean something.

Ӝ Miharu: I think… that it's a bad idea to let Shaniqua go all night thinking that no one cares about her, Coordinator-chan.

๑ Marie: (Miharu-chan, don’t forget to speak with your mind.)

Ӝ Miharu: (R-right. I think that she will be sad if no one tries to stop her. And I think that she won’t listen to Marie if she stays like this.

Dumbbell: (I understand. Sad people often feed off their own anger, sometimes ending up so full that there’s no room for anything else. Marie, is Shaniqua-chan of the type to hold grudges?)

๑ Marie: (...I’ll be real: I don’t know. At some point, someday, she grew up a character, but kept it under wraps. Now it’s like I just know a shy girl that likes to sing.)

Dumbbell: (Then I think that Miharu is right.)

>>Ӝ (M6 Wisdom ⸫ Roll: 13 +10 = 23)<< (Convince Dumbbell to reveal Dolores’s address.)

Ӝ Miharu: (Then Coordinator-chan, please; tell us! Tell us where we can find Shaniqua-chan and Dolores-san!)

Dumbbell ‘hmms’ like a kindergarten teacher being asked to set the cat on fire. Miharu interlocks her fingers over her chest, fixing those laser eyes on Dumbbell’s.

Ӝ Miharu: (You can trust me too. I promise you that if Shaniqua has a good reason she's willing to give up her life for, I'll let her.)

๑ Marie: (Ciel-san, at this point I’m not even sure If I should stop my sister, or if I even have the right.)

Marie shrugs, rolling her eyes.

๑ Marie: (I mean: look at me.)

Ӝ Miharu: (You are a Marie.)

๑ Marie: (Not sure I get what you mean but thank you I guess.)
Ӝ Miharu: (Ciel-san, I just want to make sure that it's not because of a problem we could resolve or for shaky reasons. Our goal is to understand her, not block her from becoming a Magical Girl no matter what.)

Because maybe that would be good enough. Maybe losing one’s future so that someone else can have it is enough. But getting nothing in exchange for everything? Miharu shudders at the thought.

Dumbbell: (I understand. I think that you are being reasonable, Miharu.)

Miharu’s eyes light up.

Ӝ Miharu: (T-then…?)

Dumbbell: (You and Marie just want to make sure that her wish isn’t born out of anger, out of a misunderstanding, or even out of fear. That she won’t regret it if she even makes it. I already knew about your gentle hearts, but facing your kindness myself… It makes me happy.)

>>Ӝ (M3 Charisma ღ Roll: 14 +10 = 24)<< (Convince Dumbbell to reveal Dolores’s address.)

Now it’s herself that Dumbbell is pouring steaming hot water in a teacup for.

Dumbbell: (That is why I’ll be brave and not tell you.)

Miharu’s face drops. Marie’s not so much, but she does snort some.

Ӝ Miharu: But- why?!

Dumbbell: (Because I think that you and Marie are about to make a mistake. I don’t know why Dolores is doing this, and that’s the point.)

Miharu chokes on her words to let the Coordinator finish talking.

Dumbbell: (I believe that she has a good reason.)

She didn’t have to wait enough. The little woman’s satisfied grin seems to mirror her thoughts clearly enough.

>>Ӝ (M6 Wisdom ⸫ Roll: 23 = Failure)<< (Convince Dumbbell to reveal Dolores’s address.)
>>Ӝ (M3 Charisma ღ Roll: 24 = Failure)<< (Convince Dumbbell to reveal Dolores’s address.)
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๑ Marie: (Well… of course you’d think that. You two have been at this for a while, huh?)

Dumbbell just nods and nods like a rapper- then Marie grabs the jacket that she had tossed on the couch.

๑ Marie: (I'm going to try to track down Dolores' house. But not for the reasons you think, Ciel-san.)

The nodding stops.

Dumbbell: (Oh- are you going to look for her anyway?)

๑ Marie: (That’s right. I'm going to be hunting down Magical entities in dark places soon anyway, I might as well get a bit of practice in.)

The dark-skinned girl puts the jacket on in a single, elegant flourish.

๑ Marie: (Yeah, think of this as practice. Besides…)

The pout; it takes both Miharu and Dumbbell off-guard. So far, Marie had been the fair, yet strict older sister, enforcing the laws of the house.

๑ Marie: (I haven't broken into a single place today! I swear, the moment I break open a lock, this day will get much, much better…!)

Ӝ Miharu: (Um, Coordinator-chan, are Marie-san’s thoughts leaking?)

Dumbbell: (I don’t think so. If anything, that sounds like an invitation. Am I right, Marie?)

By then, Dumbbell was already collecting the teacups (not without effort because the bar is as tall as her) and leaving them in the sink.

๑ Marie: (Let’s go, Miharu-chan.)

Ӝ Miharu: (W-what? Are we going after Dolores? But, um, isn’t Ciel-san going to stop us?)

Dumbbell: (I believe in Dolores, but I don’t think that the two of you are wrong either. I’ve decided to take responsibility for whatever happens.)

Once done, the smallest adult picks up her small shoulder bag and walks across the living room. Miharu remembers to follow. Once outside, they stop at the porch.

Dumbbell: (I won’t go with you, but, I will always be nearby. If you call me, I’ll be there in less than five minutes.)

๑ Marie: (Less than five minutes, girl?)

Ӝ Miharu: (What? Can you travel through dreams or something?)

Dumbbell: (Not exactly. But I’m sorry: I think it’s kinda funny to leave you racking your brains.)

She turns around, flinging that goliathic, pink ponytail around. Without even saying goodbye, the Coordinator walks away.

Dumbbell: (Miharu, Marie: I’ll always be close.)

>This could be a long night. So… what now?
long story short, lost a full fucking update for wiring on this little window right here. lesson learned. also guess what: rin post coming next when im back!
Damn we might be using that Yakuza favor earlier than I thought, since I have no clue how to find Dolores otherwise
But first thing's first
>Send a text home to dads explaining a friend's sister kinda ran away from home and she might hurt herself so I'm trying to help find her

Also not a total failure, at least the conversation points were good enough to convince Dumbbell we're at least reasonable so she doesn't try to stop us, though she trusts Dolores' judgment way more

That's a rip, trusting the window is only for short posts
Also hey maybe Rin can somehow join us
Also my bad for the giga-response I did for Miharu, I Miharu-brained it and dumped a whole lotta shit when it probably would've been more powerful (and easier to work with) edited down to be shorter
Oh, forgot to mention that if I ever do too much again in the future, you have (and have always had) full authority to pick and choose what you want from it, or even just tell me "nah nigga I ain't including all that, rewrite it", I don't mind, what matters more to me is a good story
>Wait for Miharu to finish her phone call. It's rude to talk over people on the phone.

>"Dolores is a magical entity with a domain that we don't know, this makes her similar enough to a Witch for the purposes of this exercise-"
>Marie's body shoots up and becomes still, as she realised she said something she shouldn't have before.
>"Oh yeah, Miharu, can you please not tell many people about me breaking into places? It's a pretty serious crime here to even have lock-picking tools, let alone use them to break into abandoned places."

>Go to the Abandoned Dojo, the last place Dolores and Shaniqua were seen.
>"This place is a long abandoned dojo I occassionally use for Magical Girl practice." Point to the dent made by Clé Squelette. "If that wall could talk, it would scream."
>"Do you think we should Transform? This place is nearly always empty due to rumours of a 'Black Tengu Demon', that's me, so no-one will see us. And it's very late, so even when we leave, no-one will see us."

>Regardless of Miharu's answer, look for clues of the direction Dolores and Shaniqua left the Dojo towards.
>Go to the Abandoned Dojo.

Miharu's finger teleports one letter at a time over the pale screen reflected in her eyes. Just yesterday, she fell asleep in the roof of an unfamiliar hotel, not even telling her family. But now... she'll at least tell them!

Ӝ Miharu: Send. Yup.

Yup. The message is sent. It explains that a friend's sister ran away from home, that she might hurt herself, so Miharu is trying to help her. It sounds safe enough. Hearing the 'yup', still standing under the porch to her house, despite her excitement, Marie yawns; it /is/ late.

๑ Marie: Dolores is a magical entity with a domain that we don't know. This makes her similar enough to a Witch for the purposes of this exercise-

Seamlessly, Marie's body becomes very still. Maybe she said something that she shouldn't have before.

๑ Marie: ...Yes, well, yeah. Miharu-chan.

Ӝ Miharu: (We can talk without telepathy now?)

๑ Marie: ... (Not for this. Good save. Look, can you please not tell that many people about, like... me, you know, breaking into places?)

Ӝ Miharu: (Why? It's super cool! You are like an archeologist! Nothing to be embarrassed about!)

๑ Marie: (Girl, it makes me happy hearin you say that, really does, BUT- it's still a pretty serious crime to even /have/ lock-picking tools, let alone-)

Ӝ Miharu: (But you don't steal things?)

๑ Marie: (...No. But I don't think they'll care. Look; this is our own little secret. What do you think?)

Ӝ Miharu: Ok! :D

Marie genuinely wonders if her secret is safe.


The Abandoned Dojo is, of course, abandoned- and yet it feels so eerie. This is the last place in which Marie saw her sister, and Dolores to who she offered her life. At this hour, it's only the circles casted by the cellphone flashlights that let them see inside.

Ӝ Miharu: Oh my, oh my, this is so exciting, Marie-san!

๑ Marie: Really? Guess I'm already used to this. This place is a long-abandoned dojo I occasionally use for Magical Girl practice.

The big eye of light is placed on top of the dent on the wall made by the Clé Squelette's miss-fire.

Ӝ Miharu: ...woooooOO!!

๑ Marie: If that wall could talk, it would scream. Bet.

Ӝ Miharu: Did a demon do that?

๑ Marie: Yeah, kinda. Miharu-chan, do you think we should transform? This place is nearly always empty due to rumors of a 'Black Tengu Demon'.

Ӝ Miharu: Ooooooh.

Miharu puts the lantern under her chin.

Ӝ Miharu: Then maybe we shouldn't be here?

๑ Marie: Not gonna lie, that IS kinda creepy. No, the demon is me, so it's ok.

Miharu is about to say something funny, but then she doesn't.

Ӝ Miharu: ...then maybe I shouldn't be here??

๑ Marie: Nah, girl, you should. No-one will see us here. And it's very late, so even when we leave, no-one will see us then.

Ӝ Miharu: ...eeeeeh...

Abandoned and all, the Dojo does still have working electricity, but Marie decides to rely on what battery is still left on her cellphone for just a while longer.
In spite of her search, nothing is found. Even after scanning the floor, nothing but a dent on the wall. Perhaps Dolores had to learn to cover her tracks. A grim omen.

๑ Marie: This could be much more challenging than I expected. Miharu-chan, did you find anything?

She turns around.

๑ Marie: Miharu-chan?

No sound. Nothing. Nothing at all. In sudden, frenzied panic, Marie scans every single corner of the big room, not finding the other Magical Girl. She finally gives up, turns on the lights... and there she is, hanging onto the roof for dear life, now giggling.

๑ Marie: So you are the prankster type, huh?

Ӝ Miharu: Hehehhee-

Miharu falls, landing gracefully on her feet.

Ӝ Miharu: Actually... I'm not, hahaha! But I couldn't resist. Sorry!

๑ Marie: That's too bad. Here I thought that Miharu-chan was a good girl.

Ӝ Miharu: WHAT- I am! I totally am!

๑ Marie: Well, too bad, I'm not so sure anymore. That being said: any ideas? We, uh, kinda hit a dead end right off the bat.

The suddenly baffled Miharu suddenly hits a 'hmm'; it is kind of a tricky situation.

>What do, what do... is there even anything that we can do?

Rin goes from comatose to bitch in three seconds flat. She had gone to sleep way too early, and now she woke up way too early as well. It's the same messy attic, with the same scattered clothes, and the same musky smell. Rin cleans the window with her sleeve just enough to see. It's dark, likely cold, and empty

yet boredom chews at her all the same

and it's a long, long way until the morning.

ع Rin: I wish Cock was here.

But he isn't. Surrounded by a creeping void, Rin considers how to fight the one within.

> Stimulation. That is how one conquers the cock / void within. Leave your abode. Wander the predawn streets. Seek out some fun.
job got fucking stacked out of nowhere or else i would have already posted rins

>If Magia Exedra turns out to be at least a bit good, then I will play it to make up for missing Magia Record.
they are adding all of Magia Record's stories to Exedra, so you wouldn't even be missing out on it. im still wary of exedra, but even if it does suck ass and balls they can't undo all the good magia record did, even if its ending

>Also fuck you Dumbbell
i lawled at this for some reason

>but she's not Jim, she didn't make her wish as a side thing for the main purpose of becoming a magical girl
some girls ask for a big cake (madoka)
other girls ask for a big cake (jimena)

>Seeing that girl not even witness her wish is heartrending.
yeah its so sad

>However, rearranging a system is a lot easier if you know how a thing used to look, how it presently looks, and how it will look.
and you don't have to bother with any steps in between. going from a to b is one thing, going to a to b doing acobatics and tumbling and backflips is another. it's in meeting those checkpoints that helen gets fucked

>Maybe Marie can tap into infinity and block hostile attacks/magics by just dividing the space between her and it infinitely.
that sounds raw, however, wouldn't she have to multiply the space instead? dividing it would make it come close even faster me thinks

>By virtue of their work/wish, I'd imagine they have some pretty thick skin.
its part of their training. coordinators are always unwilling therapists, and if they can't put up with that then they aren't cut out for the job. this means that their patience on average is immense

>Oh yeah, where do you get those weird symbols for Soul Gems and such from?
i think there was a page for it
wish we could write those runes here

>I have the main stats put down. Just need to get the territory notes and lore, which I already have an idea of.

>if I ever do too much again in the future, you have (and have always had) full authority to pick and choose what you want from it
problem is that i often like all of it but fitting it all in requires planning and coherence checks. i have to make sure i fully understand what's being said, not just copy-paste it and be done, so it takes much more time (and at times even googling)
Miharu continues to be based
Don't think there's anything in particular I can do here, but there may be someone who can
>Marie-san, what if you used your magic on the room to try to analyze where Dolores went from here? There's probably very little pointing in that direction, which means your magic could probably handle it pretty easily, yet at the same time there's surely some traces left!

I'll make sure to tone it down myself in the future for you ya big softie, seriously just delete shit from my responses I don't mind
>Seek out some fun.

The dark void is already inside; it doesn't matter if it's outside as well. Peace is boring. Boredom is death. Rin runs past her snoring father on the couch as if the stillness was burning her alive, to meet the encroaching night head on. The door is blasted open. The stars greet her. Shyly, they bathe the streets with their faint light, losing to the city’s lamps, as if to show Rin the path.

To what? Stimulation, of course.
Of any kind.

Rin navigates the street next to the river with heavy steps, at times like a dark silhouette, at times under searing lights of many colors. Step, step, step, at times she hears the faint waves of the river, at times she’s blasted by the sound of advertisements coming from the main street. Where to? It doesn’t matter. Having a direction doesn’t mean that you’ll have fun, wandering about doesn’t mean that you are wasting your time. Patiently, Rin lets the night take all of it, to gorge on what little may remain of her life. Waiting for it to spit something back.

For minutes, as she stomps on the puddles left by the rain.

For hours, as she hunts cats with a dirty water gun.

You can get hope for a million years and get nothing but drizzle. Despite the clear sky, Rin gets rain.

ع Rin: Huh.

Osaka’s shopping district is dazzling, often even nauseating. A panda bear playing basket-ball, a gigantic cat hologram licking its paw, walls with faces of pretty people and their fares, burgers, models, clothes, all at once in a single picture. Some enjoy the sensory overload, the lights and sounds that block your thoughts, the rest shouldn’t be there or they’ll end up puking.

But this isn’t Osaka’s shopping district.
Yet bizarre, this is different.
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Rin turns around and around. Gigantic buildings, shaped like tetris blocks, pass her by at flashing speed and fade into the distance where before used to be a river. The sun is shaped like a donut. She’s standing on an airplane- like all others around and above and below, made entirely of wings. Although she’s flying, there’s no wind. Or sound. It’s so silent that Rin can hear her heartbeat.

ع Rin: Hehe, coo-

Nigh-instantly spirited away, mouth open, Rin finds herself princess-carried (yet again) on someone’s thick, metallic arms.

???: It's ok! Just hang on tight!

It’s the shrillest, sweetest voice ever, coming from the strangest iron beak. Bending her head backwards, Rin’s peeks from the side of the arm- and her byzantine blue eyes shot open

because, afar
she saw a monster on the hunt.

Rin chokes on her breath as she bounces on those arms. Her carrier jumps from airplane to airplane, over and over, sometimes running to win speed, sometimes steadying itself as the wings sink under its greaves. However, whatever is hunting them doesn’t let up-

???: -AAAAH!

-and the blast sends Rin spinning around, then rolling, only stopping right when her face is over the ledge of a bizarre airplane. Her mirror eyes open.

Those weird buildings start and end nowhere
and there is another sun way, way below.

The adrenaline shoots Rin up as if she was stabbed in the ass. Turning around, she finally gets a good look at her kidnapper:
Full plate armor, too much of it, hidden by a wing-like cape.
A crow shaped beak, under a baggy leather hood.
Wide shoulder plates.
Belts all over the place, to wrap it all together.
Majestic; and terrifying.

???: Keep going that way! Don’t think, just run!

It’s staggering to stand; she must have taken the brunt of whatever hit them. ‘That’s a good motto’, Rin thinks as a semaphore-headed weird flies at her- before being slashed into two perfect pieces. The long longsword is quickly stored in the sheet at the knight’s waist: golden words are written all over it

but that monster afar keeps eating the distance between them.

???: J-just run! I’ll hold the ground until you go!

It’s the epithome of ‘cute little sister’ voice, something Rin isn’t particularly fond of. Some of the airplanes behind Rin seem to align: something tells her that going that way will get her out of here

as long as she doesn’t fall forever.

>"...You sure are an interesting girl, Miharu-chan."

>"Hmm." Marie thinks, everytime she's used her power so far she's fainted. Though the most recent case has shown she's making progress by actually getting results and getting knocked out for less time.

>She eventually nods. "Fine, Miharu-chan. But if I faint, by which I mean when I faint, you're going to take care of me."

>Transform, even if we end up not finding Dolores, I'd rather be prepared for anything.

>Kneel and slow my train of thought.
>Analyse the room slowly. "What can I do here to find Dolores? What clues exist as to Dolores' direction leaving this location?"
>Focus, if I faint then do it on Miharu.

Well, I chose the worst time to wake up.

>However, rearranging a system is a lot easier if you know how a thing used to look, how it presently looks, and how it will look.

>Maybe Marie can tap into infinity and block hostile attacks/magics by just dividing the space between her and it infinitely.

Directly manipulating processes key to the nature of reality is going to be somewhere around MA6-7, I would think.
its late as fuck or id update. tomorrow!
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>wouldn't she have to multiply the space instead?
It's one of those mathematical paradoxes. An Achilles and Tortoise situation. If you divide the space by 2, it becomes something like this: 1/2 to 1/4 to 1/8 to 1/16, and even if you sum the series, it'll never equal 1. It'll be infinitely close but still not touching. Even if your foe's range is a city block, that is nothing in the face of infinity. Conceptually, it's one hell of a shield if you get it automatically running


>Directly manipulating processes key to the nature of reality is going to be somewhere around MA6-7, I would think.
I guess it's mostly how your magic manifests if it allows you to mess with the reality process, and if you are aware of it. We share that wheelbarrow, I think. But some characters can just turn back the clock straight up, so who knows. I'd imagine that space doesn't have an MA to resist manipulation that a magical girl would have.

At least yours doesn't try to restructure reality to a perfect path and has gone haywire. Likely why Helen is mute; her magic is trying to give her a perfect voice. In a way, I guess it was a wish for perfection; how oddly ironic. Next, I'll learn she has the same personality type as WE.

I really like Rin's sections, even if Lumina's fitting use of paragraph breaks in the
middle of sentences
makes my brain
>The long longsword is quickly stored in the sheet at the knight’s waist
Skulking crows with their lack of sheathes and extra-long weapons. I wonder how much they would like to know where Dolores is?

Sidenote, Lumina, I remember from a QTG that you got a commission done?
>It'll be infinitely close but still not touching. Even if your foe's range is a city block, that is nothing in the face of infinity.

Hmm, I feel like this shouldn't work (something about the attack's trajectory already heading towards you?) but looking at the overall idea, it seems cogent.
The reason I say I would need a higher MA is because I'm assuming higher MA will make it so I don't faint (as often) and can analyse/deconstruct/trespass/reconstruct/manipulate more "intangible" concepts, like Space. I can already analyse thermal energy's effects on matter (See: Autoignition Temperature of Paper), so it can only get easier from here.

>At least yours doesn't try to restructure reality to a perfect path and has gone haywire.

I find it interesting. Due to how my Wish was worded, my power just gives me the information required for a task whereas Helen's attempts to alter reality to complete the task perfectly.

Alright, Mahou Shoujo: UK
I've gotten England and Scotland down. Doing Ireland now. After that it's... going to be figuring out concepts for existing characters.
I actually know nothing about VTubers so I can't just crib them.
>Use magic to track down Dolores.

"Dead end", Miharu thinks; but is it, really? Everything is connected. Maybe there's a subtle clue lying around? Maybe they are overlooking a relevant detail? Something here has to lead them to Dolores, even if it feels like she's reading a blank page. Thankfully, there's magic.

Ӝ Miharu: Marie-san, what if you used your magic on the room to try to analyze where Dolores went from here? There's probably very few traces left, so you won't faint!

๑ Marie: Hmm...

Marie turns off the lights again, surprising Miharu. Almost mindlessly, not feeling the need to explain that it could give them away, she resumes scanning the nooks and crannies with the flashlight. After all, every time she's used her power so far, she fainted.

Ӝ Miharu: Eeeeeh; Marie-san?

Though, the most recent case /did/ show progress. Thing is, fainting isn't nice- and the possible long-term consequences aren't nice to think about either. Yet, she eventually nods, if to the dark, for Shaniqua's sake.

๑ Marie: Fine, Miharu-chan. But if I faint, by which I mean when I faint, you're going to take care of me.

Ӝ Miharu: Ok!

The sheer speed of that answer draws both a scoff and a grin from the black girl. A flash of light later, Marie is transformed and under Miharu's flashlight, who gasps. The afro now flows like a black river, as a tiny lantern, like a brooch, hangs at the right side of Marie's hair. The black robe, the door-shaped wings, the heavily armored legs, the Clé Squelette- to Miharu, it was like watching true anime.

Ӝ Miharu: COOOooOOoooOOL!! Marie-san, you look so coool!!

Marie sniggers, hardly used to compliments.

๑ Marie: Eh, you think so? Thank you, I guess.

Ӝ Miharu: It is! It totally is!

The trespasser just keeps grinning. Marie had been able to use her magic without transforming, so far, but it never hurts to be ready- unless you bring a bulletproof vest to a pajama party.

๑ Marie: Fine. I'm cool, I'm ready. Fuck it, then.

Marie kneels on the only circle of light in the dark dojo, spawned from the blinding dot on Miharu's cellphone. Attempting meditation, she slows her train of thought, as if to make the sudden flood of knowledge bearable. Carefully, she employs her magic to analyze the dojo, still wary of committing to its use. "What can I do here to find Dolores? What clues exist as to Dolores' direction leaving this location?" is what she thinks.

Marie focuses.


Ӝ Miharu: ...?

๑ Marie: ...

...Nothing happens.

๑ Marie: Well, that's a new one! Huh!
> Rin stares at the armored girl, her face a portrait of unimpressed placidity. Without responding, Rin drags the bisected corpse over to a specific point of the wing, playfully dangles it off the edge for a moment before releasing it, whereupon the remains experience freefall for a few seconds before being violently sucked into the airplane's turbine's intake with a grizzly grinding sound and a lurching jolt which shakes the wing.
Relief and disappointment both wash over Marie. Her unique magic did nothing.

Ӝ Miharu: But why?

Marie stands from the ground, stroking her chin.

๑ Marie: Hmm... Last time, I thought something like 'How would I burn this paper with heat?' and then fainted before thinking anything else. This time what I thought was both 'What can I do here to find Dolores?' and 'What clues exist as to Dolores' direction leaving this location?'.

She shrugs.

๑ Marie: Nothing happened for any of them, says me.

Ӝ Miharu: Oooooooohh. But at least you didn't die!

๑ Marie: True that, mhm.

Alone in the dark, all they have is relief.

๑ Marie: Damn. We still stuck.

...Both feel it, and at the same time. They've never felt anything like this before.

Ӝ Miharu: What... the...

๑ Marie: ...fuck?

It's unexplainable, like touching something without touching it, like having a compass inside your head.

๑ Marie: (You felt that too, right?)

Ӝ Miharu: (Is this your magic?)

๑ Marie: (You know, maybe, yeah? Maybe that's how it works.)

Yet the feeling is unsettling. It lacks something fundamental that most everyone takes for granted: logic. Whatever it is, they know where it is

and how scary it is.

Ӝ Miharu: (You know... maybe we shouldn't go.)

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aight then. roll me an m3 dex roll and an m5 con roll

>Directly manipulating processes key to the nature of reality is going to be somewhere around MA6-7, I would think.
that's actually madokami tier and there's shit not even her can pull off. also infinite divides would cost infinite magic

yeah, that's an asymptote, but if the speed of the projectile remains constant wouldn't you just be making it get closer even faster? cause maybe you are assuming that the divisions are happening at infinite speed, but if they aren't then you'll get hit even faster

>Likely why Helen is mute; her magic is trying to give her a perfect voice.
that's a fantastic way of putting it. anything less is doable: perfection is destruction

>makes my brain twitch.
noted. less brain twitching

>Skulking crows with their lack of sheathes and extra-long weapons.
this fucking keyboard man, it's so sticky, aaaaaa. im buying another

>Sidenote, Lumina, I remember from a QTG that you got a commission done?
i didn't, in the end. too poor. someday, though, we will see Emma crying in full HD 3D. we just have to believe in ourselves enough

>The reason I say I would need a higher MA is because I'm assuming higher MA will make it so I don't faint (as often) and can analyse/deconstruct/trespass/reconstruct/manipulate more "intangible" concepts
all i can say is that, /yes/, MA is very important

>whereas Helen's attempts to alter reality to complete the task perfectly.
'perfect' as in 'exactly how she wants it' and no less. she can't choose to settle for imperfection, since a path is continuous by nature. you'd think that it's just a series of dots and that as long as you go to a then b then c you are following a path, but no; the path is everything that happens in between too.

this just goes to show how easily is to get wishes fucked by interpretation alone; their vaguety ends up reflected in the results. at least erika's was simple, even if extremely brutal

>I've gotten England and Scotland down. Doing Ireland now.
wow, i just did Buenos Aires and Osaka, which are just single cities of whole countries lawl

>I actually know nothing about VTubers so I can't just crib them.
they aren't fundamental. vtubers work great as placeholders for gucas, but you can very well make do without them
Rolled 59, 100 = 159 (2d100)

>but if the speed of the projectile remains constant
There seems to be a bit of misunderstanding here. There is a set space between the target being divided, divided, and divided. Not the projectile.
The projectile must travel that distance. It is not the projectile directly being affected.
If you roll a ball down a slope, eventually, over time and distance, it will lose energy and speed. Slowing down.
>you'll get hit even faster
That could be another application of this technique; you can make things converge and hit each other, but that's straight-up space compression.
I'd guess you wouldn't need to divide it evenly, but you could get close depending on the MA a character is working with.
Fuck, I think you're dead. Off by 1 dex roll point.
Rolled 32, 26, 73, 29 = 160 (4d100)

now rolling for the knight interfering with the attack

the knight has to roll per to notice the direction of the attack, dex to make it in time, pa in case per+dex doesn't meet the threshold, and con in case it decides to tank it

dex+per total has to be over 100 to just take rin away
if dex+per is between 80 and 100, pa is taken into account
is pa is over 50, the attack is deflected entirely
if it isn't, con is taken into account
if con is over 70 (because the knight is wounded), the knight dies

rolls in order: dex, per, pa, con
>Fuck around.

Running away, however, sounds incredibly boring- even if jumping from plane to plane is tempting. After all, Rin has spent her entire night just waiting for /something/ to happen- and that something is this. To make her point, Rin stares at the armored girl, her face a portrait of unimpressed placidity. Without responding, she drags the bisected semaphore thing over to a specific point of the wing, playfully dangles it off the edge for a moment, then releases it. Expecting it to be sucked into the bizarre machine's turbine's intake, to hear some funny noises, she is disappointed when the corpse simply falls past it because there's no wind. Scowling slightly, she turns to face her again, only to find the strange knight screaming her lungs out as what would be the biggest heavy-duty wrench ever, like an eclipse, is right about to crash on Rin.

>>ع (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 59 = Failure)<< (Dodge the ??? attack.)
>>ع (M5 Constitution Ω Roll: 100 = Critical Failure)<< (Survive the ??? attack.)

>Rin is out.
Alright, gg.
That was quick.
Aww shit we got the Order of the End here too? Also with this airplane theming the witch name better have Richthofen somewhere in there

Sorry but I gotta go full math nerd here, convergent infinite series still sum up to real numbers, that series sums up to 1, and infinitely dividing distance ignores the fact that movement speed is a ratio of distance per time, and time keeps marching on at a fixed rate no matter how much you can try to divide it
It's like saying 1 - 0 = infinity because there's infinite numbers between 0 and 1 (0.1, 0.01, etc), but nah 1 - 0 is still 1, you gotta have some magical ability beyond just observation to change that. Though actually the infinite numbers between 0 and 1 do have an effect, just as the magical cost of fainting for Marie :D
Fractals would be a cool concept to try to use without just completely ripping off a certain character though :P

Hey, Marie didn't faint cause there was absolutely nothing to analyze, so that's cool. Looks like we're all gonna be fighting that witch 12 hours earlier than expected, let's go meet up with Rin-chan (our only heavy hitter) and bust this witch's as-

Well that's one major fucking rip
Still banking on the wheel of fortune to try to bail her out, since that crow knight sure ain't

>Hey... the Witch was only supposed to show up tomorrow, after they resolved their current plot threads... she didn't even get to meet Nakamora-san yet... so maybe Nakamora-san was supposed to show up halfway through their fight as a mysterious savior and help them out???
>Well, even though the feeling was a lot scarier than she thought it'd be, it'd probably be a good idea to at least check it out? They didn't have to fight it tonight or anything, but it might be smart to scout out some information about it?
>"Marie-san... let's go take a look at what's going on?"
>you gotta have some magical ability beyond just observation to change that
True, Helen lacks magic and Marie got 2 MA, though I think in the end it'd probably be a question of whether the INT roll gets passed. It'd honestly, be simpler to just cover oneself in Erika's shields than manifesting paradoxes. But like Helen & Marie both got to learn how to magically breathe properly.
>checking out the labyrinth
good luck, god forbid you might run into a ROPE, but maybe you can find Rin, drag her out, and revive her.
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Woah, that's rough... but surely it's not the end yet! There's always a chance! Ritalin's almost died like eighty times and she's still fine!


Don't you DARE joke about That Goddamn Rope
>Marie only knows two entites that can use magic: Magical Girls, and Witches. Either way, we need to go, fast.

>("Yeah, I'm going in the direction of that feeling. If you're following then you better Transform, I'm going to go fast and you need to catch up. I'm sorry.")

>Go in the direction of the "Compass" as fast as possible by jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

Hmm, my Magic likely did nothing because it wasn't a valid query. Otherwise I would at least have the feeling of analysing something would I not?

Also, I don't know what's going on with the rope, but I feel like I will find out later.
>to just cover oneself in Erika's shields than manifesting paradoxes
i wanted to see that fucking shield in action so much

>god forbid you might run into a ROPE
shhhhh don't scare them on the first thread

> There's always a chance! Ritalin's almost died like eighty times and she's still fine!
ritalin had like 6 con. you punch that cute face and you fucking knuckles explode

>I don't know what's going on with the rope, but I feel like I will find out later.
it's just a little bit of very honest despair

busy with stuff, but the weekend is finally upon us! post tonite!

Both of them know what it is. Both of them remember the feeling from the first time Dolores took them inside a Labyrinth. Both of them feel the same alien dread.

A Witch.

Just another girl who wanted life to be fun, who wanted to save people, who wanted to be a hero. It's as if, with her mere presence, she wanted to tell Marie and Miharu to enjoy the golden days- by staying away from her. A warning neither heeds.

Ӝ Miharu: But... isn't it too early?

Marie, submerged in this new feeling barely glances at the younger girl.

Ӝ Miharu: We didn't even get to meet Nakamora-san yet, so... maybe she'll show up halfway through the fight to save us?

๑ Marie: Miharu-chan...

She grabs Miharu's shoulder, looking at her dead in the eye.

๑ Marie: Are you dead sure that you want to fight this thing?

But closing her eyes, Miharu shakes her head with impetus.

Ӝ Miharu: Maybe we'll have to, but- Marie-san, shall we go take a look at what's going on, at least?

Marie only knows two entites that can use magic: Magical Girls, and Witches. Yet so far, thankfully, Magical Girl signatures haven't been this creepy.

๑ Marie: Yeah, I'm going in the direction of that feeling. If you're following then you better transform, though. Sorry, but I'm going to go fast.

Ӝ Miharu: Wah? What's the hurry?

๑ Marie: We don't know. That's the hurry.

Miharu is quick to nod firmly- and transform as well. The shiny moon earrings, the star-like buttons, the fat jester bloomers, the cropped trench-coat that's both scarlet and blue. Now it's Marie who's whistling.

๑ Marie: I mean... wow! You look really pretty, Miharu-chan. But... you...

Ӝ Miharu: I know, it's so strange! But what happened to going fast?

๑ Marie: It's just that... no, you are right, let's move it.

Both transformed, the Magical Girls leave through the back door of the silent dojo into the grassy garden behind. Marie leaps on top of the tall wall in front of them, leaving Miharu behind.

Ӝ Miharu: ...WHAT?

๑ Marie: What what? Come on.

Ӝ Miharu: But- how did you even do that?!

๑ Marie: I don't know, just jump.

Miharu looks to the right, she looks to the left, she looks at the tip of Marie's greaves peeking from over the wall top tiles. Wearing a worried frown, she crouches a lot; and then she closes her eyes and jumps.

๑ Marie: Gotcha-

She didn't finish the sentence because Miharu's head bumped against hers. Yet, Marie managed to keep grasping the other girl's body tightly, recoiling a few steps back but not falling from the wall.

๑ Marie: Aw. Aw. Aw. Damn.

Ӝ Miharu: It hurts!

Marie lets go of Miharu to grab her head, who does pretty much the same.

Ӝ Miharu: S-sorry! I'm not good with heights!

๑ Marie: /Don't/ close your eyes, alright?

With that, Marie just jumps to the next roof.

๑ Marie: (Miharu-chan. come on!)

Ӝ Miharu: ...Did you that?! I jumped, Marie-san!!

๑ Marie: (I saw, I saw. Now jump over here. Eyes open.)

Miharu jumps with her eyes open.
Ӝ Miharu: Marie-san!! Marie-san!! This is SO COOL!! LOOK!!

๑ Marie: (I'm looking, Miharu-chan, I'm looking. Hey, let's communicate through telepathy, ok?)


The wind crashing against her face is so strong at times that Miharu can't even hear herself worry as she soars the black skies. The high roofs of steel and concrete become little more than elastic beds; over and over, she bounces. One jump and her dark figure blocks a big, colorful adult advertisement poster, another jump and she's running on a McDonald's big, yellow M. Now falling behind, Marie catches herself laughing- then gets all serious as that eerie feeling crosses her mind.

๑ Marie: (Wait. Stay there.)

Ӝ Miharu: (What? Whyyyy?)

She does, at least. Marie finally lands next to her, on a roof next to a deserted playground for kids in the middle of the bursting shopping district.

Ӝ Miharu: (I wonder if someone saw us. Is it ok to be transformed outside?)

๑ Marie: (Going by Dolores, Magical Girls do this all the time. I guess nobody ever bothers looking up.)

Ӝ Miharu: (I look up a lot.)

๑ Marie: (To look for your moon, right, Miharu-chan? But, you are gonna have to leave that for later. Look over there.)

Following Marie's fingers, Miharu finds, at the distance, the many entrances to a shopping mall because of the light coming out of them, and the rows of people still going in and out of them even in the dead of the night.

๑ Marie: (You feel it too, right?)

Ӝ Miharu: (Yes!)

๑ Marie: (No more jumping for a while.)

Miharu's dissapointment surpises herself. They both drop through the other side, to a thin dark alley, gravely startling a cat.

Ӝ Miharu: I'm sorry!!

๑ Marie: I don't think the cat understands, Miharu-chan. It smells like shit in here.

When they leave the dark, both look like normal girls joining the tide of meat getting sucked in by the mall. A few steps into the light is enough to make both squint their eyes, yet they keep walking in.

Ӝ Miharu: (It's so strong. I don't like this.)

๑ Marie: (It's ok, I'm here. And if worst comes to worst, jump, jump, jump away.)

Ӝ Miharu: (Y-yeah.)

Marie-Antoinette is, in fact, scared shitless. But Miharu woudn't know that. Wandering into the mall, surrounded by chatty girls and fat laughing guys and shady salarymen and families carrying their sleeping children, the Magical Girls can't stop looking around them.

Ӝ Miharu: (It should be here. Where is it?)

๑ Marie: (Miharu-chan, you are right. We should lea-)

Again, Marie doesn't get to finish a sentence. Because Miharu is looking at her, amidst all of that people. Because right behind Miharu a circle, no, a cloud, no!, a door, bearing a criptic word and a criptic symbol

explodes into a blinding blast.
The gooey light that swallowed them is quick to morph into an endless cloudless sky, into tetris-like buildings passing by lightning fast, into the plane both crash onto that is entirely made of awkwardly juxtaposed wings. Marie, who slides off of the edge of it finds nothing to hang onto, and is soon gasping, floating over nowhere, staring straight at nothing but the second sun deep below as Miharu holds her strange weapon over her. As if sucked in by it, the black girl is soon shot over the absurd airplane again.

Ӝ Miharu: Gotcha-!

-and falls over Miharu, knocking her down. As the airship below starts shaking, both are very quick to be back on their feet.

๑ Marie: That… was too close. Too fucking close.

The monstruos silence envelops them both as if to wrap itself around their necks, as if to strangle them. Despite the unnerving movement all around them, there is no sound, there is no wind.

๑ Marie: Miharu-chan, do NOT look down.

Ӝ Miharu: What?

Predicting it, Marie grabs Miharu’s chin firmly as it’s about to turn and forces the girl to look forward- only to end up shocked as well by what both of them are seeing. Many more of those ‘airplanes’, of those structures, follow the same path ahad, at times lining up at the distance as if to make paths over the nothingness under the wings. And through one of those paths… something is moving. Fast, big, a lot of it, too much of it: something is heading their way. Marie grows pale like her sister, Miharu feels the hair behind her neck stand on end- all because of that feeling.

๑ Marie: …We shouldn’t be here.

That is what Miharu hears the trespasser say. Yet, neither moves a muscle as the monster draws near, at least not until it’s finally so close that they get a good look at the hulking absurdity. Its main body, carried by the endless, thick steel wires coming out of it like a spider's legs, reminds Marie of the motor inside her Dad’s patrol car, which often overheats. Held over it by even more wires are massive chunks of metal, some of which look like tools, one that looks like wrench. It drags down the planes it hangs onto to push itself forward, sometimes moving over them, sometimes under them. But there’s something more.

Ӝ Miharu: Marie! LOOK!

This time, it’s not herself that Miharu wants Marie to look at. In front of the Witch, leaping from plane to plane, is what to Miharu is a knight in shining armor carrying a princess. But the princess looks like a bag of bones and flesh.

๑ Marie: …!!!

The princess somewhat resembles Rin Nakamora

and it’s heading their way.

Phew... at least it wasn't a Rope
i'd argue that each wire counts as a rope, but then it'd be too scary
next post never, bill gate's pinkertons took mbappe for the crowdshare fuckup, i wish i never touched a computer. give up all hope

you keep yapping about a rope, i raise you the fucking balloons
>ᕙ Jimena Gimenez ᕗ qJCWLFk95iI
what why

Hey Lumina, would you say Touka's magic is valid in this quest?
Converting the stagnant energies in the environment into magic to use instead of drawing upon her soul gem source?
And if I'm reading this wiki right, she has nigh-infinite magic to use without ever clouding her soul gem?
>("We shouldn't be here") She thinks. Every time she trespassed and intruded, it was fun, thrilling, and other feelings that aren't appropriate to put on paper.
>But this... Feels like something else. It feels like she shouldn't be here not because some petty laws tell her she can't, but because the Barrier itself is at odds with her existence.

>Look for a Soul Gem on the Knight.
>Get ready to deflect or dodge an attack.
>"What are you doing with that corpse?!"

>The theme of this Barrier seems to be machinery revolving around Vehicles, so this Knight and Princess is not likely to be this Witch's minions.

I hope that Rin's Soul Gem wasn't destroyed, otherwise we could at least bring her body back later.
I think I'm developing schizophrenia.

Also to be fair the balloon incident was entirely self inflicted :P
I'm ready to take on mega-rope behemoth, for the sake of my friends!!!!! And by that I mean we gottta run!!!!!!!!!!
>Oh, so we're the ones coming in halfway through the fight to be the saviors!!! A Knight and a Princess in need of assistance, and being chased by a monster, how could she say no???
>"Lunar Cross: Tenebris!!" Use gravity magic to try to pull the knight and princess toward Marie and I and help them move faster to escape the giant mecha-spider!

>"Uhhh Marie? Maybe we should start running from that monster too???? Let's try to find the way out!"
The smart thing to do would be to run and drag Marie along as well if she's not listening, but would Miharu do that... probably, if Marie is adamant on confronting Crow Knight!
>If Marie isn't moving, we gotta run and drag her along too!!!
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im here and it's early and it's cold outside, let's fucking run

so marie will stand her ground
if so:
-to dodge:
-m2 per to see attack coming(no need here)
-m3 dex to dodge
if m3 dex roll fails:
-to deflect:
--m2 dex to hit the enemy's attack
--m5 pa to change its trajectory
if nothing works:
-m5 con to see how much damage marie takes

this would be a dex, dex, pa, con roll in that order. big fucking warning: you can still back off and change plans, no harm done, all cool. once you roll, though, you are in

-m3 pa roll to bring dem niggas in. if it fails under 10, the knight will stumble and lose footing
-m2 pa roll to bring marie in because she's too close. marie can roll pa to resist
finally, roll me an m3 dex. any value over the threshold will add to the distance from the witch, any value under it will reduce the distance accordingly.
also, roll me yet another m2 pa to keep ahold of marie and the knight should the first pa roll succed.

so its an pa, pa, pa, and a dex roll

also: marie can opt to roll to break free, every time she tries she'll have to roll m2 pa so she can try to break free now by rolling against an m2. however, if she fails twice in a row, she won' be able to break free until Miharu feels like it

if you guys are ok with this, roll away. if you aren't or feel something is bullshit, do feel free to communicate it. if you change your mind, that's ok too- but now.
>...Right, if the Knight wanted to do something nefarious with the Princess then she would've done it already.

>"Alright, let's get out for now! I'll ask questions later!"
>Besides, they would need to find an exit later in case of a retreat.
Pulling Marie along would definitely be a pa roll (though now it seems like I won't have to), but why would using gravity magic to get the knight and Rin closer to us faster be pa? Wouldn't it be an ma roll, given I'm not even touching them and just using my gravity magic from a distance?
Also what the fuck that monster is actually the witch? I thought it was a familiar, not too bad even if we have to fight it then, since we gotta fight the thing eventually
>Not too bad even if we have to fight it then.
Charlotte was also not too bad.
Just a skill issue on the yellow girl's part, she shoulda bumped up her perception :P
Doesn't Marie autopass any m3 or below dex checks because she has a 6?
aight then! miharu's not gonna magnet marie, so that's one less pa roll. now marie's gotta roll:
-m3 dex to run away from the witch (outrunning miharu is optional)
-m5 per to find the exit
--if roll succeeds, she finds it instantly
--if roll is over m4, she can find stable paths and paths that extend in the distance
--unless she rolls under 10, marie will still find nearby stable paths that they can travel to keep gaining distance from the witch. however, these may not lead them near the exit, since there are planes above, below, to the right, and to the left
and, before i forget again
-our beloved m2 mind roll. if it fails, Marie panicks and gets -10 to every roll made now

basically, marie gets the choice of either scout ahead or stay behind and lead miharu, who will have to roll m4 perception if marie decides to go ahead

-gravity manipulation isn't miharu's unique magic: it's what her weapon does. a gun shoots pellets. miharu's puppet cross stuff shoots gravity (it doesn't but you get it)
-pa governs anything that affects physics, including magic. ma, for example, would affect controlling someone else's mind or turning someone into a frog. yes, turning someone into a frog is something that happens in the physical world too, but the cause is magical

also miharu doesn't roll mind

yup! good eye. though in this case she has to roll anyway cause it's an m? roll with an m3 threshold

btw this shit won't let me post images unless it's from the phone
Very interesting explanation, damn ma is fucking useless unless I somehow figure out what it does, should've fucking upped pa
Based ultimate mind Miharu though

Looks like I won't be hurting the knight unless I roll under a ten, so let's get this shit going, I'm the KING of dice

m3 pa to pull knight (and princess), m2 pa to hold on to them, m3 dex
Wait before I roll, now that I don't have to keep ahold of Marie does that m2 pa roll become easier
Rolled 46, 84, 41 = 171 (3d100)

Alright, let's go!
Escape Richtopen the Vehicle Witch!
>Wait before I roll, now that I don't have to keep ahold of Marie does that m2 pa roll become easier
yup! it's an m1. good catch
Rolled 52, 39, 68 = 159 (3d100)

Thanks Jim

m3 pa, m1 pa, m3 dex
Well at least we ain't tripping them
wutchu gonna do? are you gonna run away or try again?
Is the witch catching up to them (ie do they actually need my help) or are we all good in the hood and can just run
the witch is clearly cathing up. no need for per roll for that. however, miharu and marie don't know when it will; i will roll that after you two end your rolling
Rolled 58, 60, 25 = 143 (3d100)

Aight, I'll roll three dice again, fuck being a coward this is what that Mind 7 is for
lmao, what's the situation now, how much more time we got left, cause if all else fails I got one more strat up my sleeve
mah nigga, you went too fast. the dex3 and pa1 were already rolled, you were gonna have to roll an m2 pa instead of an m3 because the witch and knight kept getting closer as miharu stood her ground

now roll pa2 again! rofl
Rolled 92 (1d100)

fuuuuuuuuuck we out here wasting success rolls
never mind we fucking take those
Wasting success rolls indeed.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

at this point this is just for show, but if this roll was under 25 the knight was gonna get caught
A Crisis averted.
It's too bad I don't really know about the exact numbers Magnitudes point to.
Other than
Of course.
It's alright gambler's fallacy only applies when you low-roll, when you high-roll those high rolls will keep on going forever :)
(also with my measly pa that would only have been an m4 level attack against the witch lmao)

Out here putting in some work, looks like I'm truly destined to be the support
aight, visits out, postan time in
>Use gravity magic to try to pull the knight and princess toward Marie. Help them escape the Witch.

>Find the exit and escape the Witch.

Maria is not moving. The picture drawn into her eyes gets rejected by her mind, over and over, because it defies reason. No label works, nothing in her memory is like it, as staring at the Witch is like watching a cartoon walking out of the screen; it simply has to be something else. But Marie accepts that she’s not confused. Marie accepts that can’t parse this image with her sight. Turning around, she lets the most primordial of instincts take over;

to escape the unknown.

>>๑ (M2 Mind φ Roll: 41 = Success )<< (If Marie can push through the fear.)

They aren’t going to make it. The Knight and the Princess, the Beauty and the Beast; Miharu sees that gap getting smaller, the distance between prey and predator, fast. Lifetimes ago, she asked the teacher why we couldn’t just protect the deers from the lions; many years later, she stands her ground. Marie-Antoinette is quick to realize that she’s alone.

๑ Marie: Miharu-chan, move it!! Let’s go!!!

Dread seeps from her words, but her Miharu-chan remains still. Cogs whirl somewhere as the magical puppet, wearing a serious look on her face, sets the Lunar Cross right in front of her to fix her eyes on the Knight and Princess across its gaps. She doesn’t know how it works, or if what she’s doing makes any sense either. But Miharu didn’t know how to jump either, and she didn’t have to close her eyes.

Ӝ Miharu: Lunar Cross: Tenebris!!

This time she sees first-hand how it happens: the Lunar Cross spinning like a broken fan, the violent violet glint that surrounds it, the sound of something overheating-

Knight: …! WaaaaAAA

The Knight is sucked forward, still holding Rin for dear life- but Miharu swallows a gasp as it lands barely a few planes forward, on the bare ledge of one of the airplanes that act like platforms, almost tripping.

>>Ӝ (M3 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 52 = Failure)<< (Pull the Knight and Rin.)

Even shocked, the Knight still stakes its life on the momentum as it keeps moving. But when it looks up… when it finds Miharu… it spares no mercy to its own lungs.


It’s a shy, sweet voice shattered by circumstance. Its scream sends shivers running down Marie’s spine, who finally turns around. Then, the scene leaves her mouth gaping: Miharu isn’t with her. The Witch is gaining distance, and the Knight looks worse for wear. It’s straight out of a nightmare.

๑ Marie: MIHARU! RUN!!!

But Miharu doesn’t run. Miharu doesn’t flinch. Miharu accepts this fear, because fear marks the way to the true world of fantasy, the world of bravery. She may never have a second moon.

But she’ll have this.
Knight: HELP….! HEEELP-

The shadow bathes Rin’s red, disjointed skull for just one second-

>>◙ (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 19 = Failure)<< (Escape the Vehicle Witch.)

-but a second proves enough.

Ӝ Miharu: Lunar Cross: Tenebris!!!!

>>Ӝ (M2 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 92 = Success)<< (Pull the Knight and Rin.)

The Vehicle Witch loses balance after obliterating, with its gigantic wrench, the airplane from which the Knight, holding Rin, is shot like a missile straight ahead. The Lunar Cross continues to spin like a fan about to fly off until the Knight stops dead in the air right in front of Miharu; then the whirling settles down.

Ӝ Miharu: GOTCHA!!

Knight: -R


‘Say less’ is what Marie thinks. Her head turns to the right, turns to the left, spins like an owl in distress- but her eagle eyes, honed in the dark, find it; far ahead, far up, the same cloud-like portal that swallowed them up.

>>๑ (M5 Perception メ Roll: 84 = Success)<< (Find the exit to the Labyrinth.)

Marie’s mind melts into a puddle as she lets desperation guide her stride. Bouncing around, landing almost always on the dead center of the abominations of wings,

>>๑ (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 46 = 46 units covered)<< (Head toward the exit of the Labyrinth.)

But Miharu’s mind has to remain steady, it has to multi-task. Her eyes follow Marie, her feet follow the airships, but her mind has a fixed place for the floating Knight that’s kept in front of the Lunar Cross no matter how she moves. However, at times, Miharu’s mind falters-

Knight: -!!

-but not enough that she has to stop.

>>Ӝ (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 68 = 38 units covered)<< (Follow Marie.)
>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 39 = Success)<< (Hold the Knight and Rin.)

Knight: LOOK OUT!

It’s Marie who turns, but it’s Miharu who is almost sliced apart by the white line, the unfathomably pressurized liquid being spewed by one of the Witch’s myriad ‘arms’. Broken wings rain endlessly. Yet even so, despite her heartbeat being louder than her mind, Marie doesn’t even have time to worry. Surrounding her like mosquitoes, moving erratically across the depressing, despair-soaked silence, are weird, semaphore-headed copters.

>The Witch is attacking. Familiars are attacking.
>>Distance until exit: 100 units.
>>Marie’s distance: 46 units.
>>Miharu’s: 38 units.
>>Vehicle Witch distance: 24 units.
Here you go Marie, I think this is up to date
Long story short basically- if you have the same magnitude as the difficulty of the action you're trying to do, it's a DC of 50, if the difficulty is one magnitude higher (if you got dex4 and you're trying to beat a dex5 challenge, or if you're dex5 and trying to beat a dex 6) DC increases by 20 so you gotta beat a 70, goes the other way for easier magnitude challenges (beat a DC 30 if you have dex4 trying to beat a dex3, or if you have dex3 trying to beat a dex2)

Social butterfly keeps social butterflying :P

Fucking awesome, we getting hype out here
That pressure washer attack is gonna fuck us up tho, fucking slice us in half at the speed of sound or even faster
(90000 psi water cutter goes 424 m/s, speed of sound through air is 343 m/s)
Definitely gonna have to dodge where the witch is aiming rather than the water itself, unless we just that good
Also we have a LONG fucking way to go :D

Let's see, weapon's occupied holding Knight+Rin so I can't fucking fight, is it possible to float the Lunar Cross holding the two of them behind my back so they can watch the Witch and tell me where to dodge while I run? I'll let Marie handle the familiar fighting, I kinda have a escort mission on my hands here
Also I bitch about not putting points into pa but this is actually pretty refreshing/interesting to try to do shit without being able to just punch my way out, (and yeah makes sense that gravity is pa)
Being forced to come up with creative ways of fighting that are both easy enough that the pa DC is low enough, simple enough to not require int, and effective enough to get shit done is fun
Also damn I lied, don't just trust random online calculators and instead do the math yourself, I think the speed of 90000 psi is actually 1114 m/s as it leaves the nozzle? Which is fucking wild, though I don't know how fast the deceleration of the water is as it goes against air resistance, it'd be slower when it reaches us but if I go on for much more I'll be bullied for being a nerd so
Basically in case it wasn't clear, my proposed action was
>Float the Lunar Cross behind my back so the Knight can see the Witch and tell me which direction to dodge as I continue running toward the exit
(And so my hands are more free and I can better see in front of me)
>is it possible to float the Lunar Cross holding the two of them behind my back so they can watch the Witch and tell me where to dodge while I run?

>Social butterfly keeps social butterflying :P
to be honest, sometimes i don't even want to

>Also I bitch about not putting points into pa but this is actually pretty refreshing/interesting to try to do shit without being able to just punch my way out
if only Miharu could tap into those sweet, sweet MA points...! but, yeah, maybe it would be less fun that way

>I'll be bullied for being a nerd so
i kinda think that this is the exact place to be a nerd though. as long as we keep in mind that miharu doesn't know as much of us, nerding out will only help keep things realistic. the basic principle that water deacelerates applies here. how much? dunno! enough? dunno!

gotcha. ill wait for marie's to tell you what to roll

>(And so my hands are more free and I can better see in front of me)
the lunar cross just became so convenient. bags too heavy? lunar cross it. laptop too short for your neck? lunar cross it. cat is being a little bitch and won't take the needle at the vet? lunar cross it. now this is true fantasy here
Damn, Lunar Cross is the best, when are we gonna invest the billions of dollars from our hit franchise "Meguca Royale" to develop it in real life (ignore the fact that it's completely infeasible given our current level of technology for the foreseeable future, we get excited at the idea of floating a metal train on magnets)

And it's a weapon that you can apply a good amount of creativity with too, I still got two more potential (simple) tricks in my bag if shit gets really dire
Is no-one going to talk about how the Liquid was white? At first I thought it was oil, but now I'm not sure.
Holy shit is this an absolute nerve-wracking experience.

>Focus on escaping. Bat away the Familiars when they get near. Thin them out and move constantly. Don't Unlock Clé Squelette yet.
I can't think of much else to do. Clé Squelette doesn't have any utility so I should focus on clearing a path.

>CAPTCHA: paryt2
This is not a party 2.
-m1 pa to continue carrying the knight and rin. if this roll works, no further holding roll will be required. if this fails, Miharu will have to stop on her tracks to recharge, losing units of movements equal to the difference between 30 and the roll
-m3 dex to move toward the exit. if total distance covered is over 30, familiars can be left behind.
-no per roll needed. miharu will rely on the knight's perception, which is superior on virtue that it is looking straight at the witch. however, we will roll for it too. if it rolls under 20, the knight will give bad input. if miharu's dodge roll is an m4 or more, she'll dodge despite bad input
-m3 dex to dodge
-m5 con to take damage

as for the familiars:
-m5 dex to dodge.
-m2 con to take damage. if this roll is over m5 (in this case, over 80) miharu is flinched and loses units of movement equal to the difference between 80 and the roll
-//this set has to be rolled twice//

tldrd: m1 pa, m3 dex, knight per roll, m3 dex, m5 con, m5 dex, m2 con, m5 dex, m2 con

thats a lot of rolls lmao

-m3 dex to reach the exit. if total distance covered is over 30, familiars can be left behind. if they aren't, marie loses 10 distance for each she choses to destroy

-m2 pa to hit familiars
-m5 dex to dodge familiars
-m2 con to take damage

no need for per or dex roll in this case as marie has enough of both to autowin against familiars

aight, any questions? am i missin somethin?
what the fuck man, i never wrote this, this is such bullshit im so mad

>i wish i never touched a computer
nah! life hadn't had spice if I hadn't trolled my own teams on dota2 for years. i regret nothing

>i raise you the fucking balloons
at least that had some tangible benefit in the end. the rope was just pure evil

>Hey Lumina, would you say Touka's magic is valid in this quest?
touka's magic is super simple: grab nearby energy, polish it, get more magic. her magic still depletes like anyone else's, only way, waaay slower. so yeah, something like that would be valid with proper bullshit and int rolls. i still remember how much i had to google for erika figuring out how the signals from the violet tower worked though
Rolled 23, 48, 77, 63, 51, 22, 8, 26, 85 = 403 (9d100)

Well, possibility everything goes to absolute shit here, but there's not much else I can do unless Marie really slows down to clear out familiars

Rolls are in the order you listed, come on luck carry us home or force me to use 100% of my brainpower to adapt and carry, just don't knock me out
That second familiar gibbed me, looks like I'm gonna have to be fighting that witch (send help Marie) D:
At the very least we moved 6 units forward still, and we got the hell out of the way of the water cutter
Rolled 99, 10, 7, 4 = 120 (4d100)

Dear mercy, this day is going to get worse before it gets better.
I got one of the only rolls that mattered and shat the bed on the rest.
The duality of Life.
Marie is OUTTA there, nice
Rolled 69 (1d100)

rollin for witch movement lel. it has a base movement of 20 units. it its over 50, the extra is divided by 5 and added, same if it's less
>Head to the exit of the Labyrinth.

>Float the Lunar Cross behind Miharu’s back so the Knight can see the Witch and say which direction to dodge as she continues running toward the exit.

Still striding across the rain of broken wings, wasting not a breath to gain a centimeter of distance from the Witch, Miharu realizes that she can’t look ahead and behind at the same time. Thus, genius strikes!

Knight: …!!

Still holding a bag of Rin on its arms, the Knight now finds itself watching a movie about a motor-shaped Witch thrashing its way through the skies to crush and devour them, first row- floating right behind Miharu.

Ӝ Miharu: (Mr. Knight in shining armor! I need you to watch the Witch for me!)

Because at this point there’s no denying it: that’s a Witch. And what she feels is a Witch’s messy magical signature.

Knight: (O-ok!! It’s just getting closer for now!)

Eyes fixed on Marie’s back, Miharu is still losing track of her team-mate. She jumps and jumps and jumps, eyes wide open just like Marie taught her-

>>Ӝ (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 48 = 18 units covered)<< (Head toward the exit of the Labyrinth.)

Knight: A-AAah!!

-but her eyes aren’t giving her the full picture anymore, as Miharu understands only when she completely loses grasp of the Lunar Cross, of the Knight, of Rin-

Ӝ Miharu: G-GOTCHA!!

-to, thankfully, quickly regain it all again. But she had to stop.

>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 23 = Lose 7 units of distance)<< (Hold the Knight and Rin.)

Knight: (..look- LOOK- R-RIGHT!)

Ӝ Miharu: (Knight-san?!)

Knight: (Jump to your right NOW!)

>>◙ (M3 Perception メ Roll: 77 = Success)<< (Predict the Vehicle Witch’s attacks.)

Landing on the airplane on the right, Miharu finds her lungs void of air as she witnesses that brutally creamy white line rise from the depths as if to cut the donut sun above. It stops, then that liquid becomes drizzle and vapor as columns of wings fall like a blizzard. That, Miharu considers, would have split her in two. But she will wonder how being split in two would feel like later.

>>Ӝ (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 63 = Success)<< (Dodge the Vehicle Witch’s attacks.)
๑ Marie: GOd- daMnit! Fuck off!!

A single glance as Marie dodges a Familiar’s tackle is enough to burn their shape on her retinas. There are no less than four propellers of incoherent sizes on top of their semaphore body-head that is surrounded by human hair; behind it, attached, is half of a dolphin with a car’s handlebar for a tail. Its red light is an eye, the yellow light is a nose- and the green eye, which Marie kicks just in time, is a mouth. Desperation takes over as she finds herself surrounded by all angles, despair that Marie turns it into fuel. For mere seconds, there is nothing in the world but her and the winged platforms; no Witch, no Familiars, no Shaniqua, and no Miharu. It’s with a loud clunk that the greave buries itself as if steel was mud, breaking the airplane’s back before ruining its balance as Marie leaps. Over and over, the clunking sound gets worse; the Magical Girl is playing a rhythmic dancing game. When she comes by, the Labyrinth entrance is in front of her.

>>๑ (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 99 = Critical Success: 54 units covered, Familiars trespassed)<< (Head toward the exit of the Labyrinth.)

Knight: (Left! Right! Left! Drop down!)

But the Familiars that Marie left behind soon find another mark in Miharu, who lagged behind. The magical puppet’s joints keep twisting the black tubes she has for arms, as her naked human legs help those massive black boots land on whatever they can find. And the strong whirring sound coming from the Lunar Cross is perhaps too distracting-

Knight: (-up! Go up!)

-because something draws red, shiny sparks from Miharu’s left arm.

>>Ӝ (M5 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 22 = Failure)<< (Dodge the Familiar’s attacks.)
>>Ӝ (M2 Constitution Ω Roll: 8 = 0 damage taken)<< (Survive the Familiar’s attacks.)

Marie turns to look just in time. Distracted by the faint waterfall of sparks, Miharu gets stuck trying to remember the Knight’s last word-

Knight: (-jump! Jump!!!)

-until it repeats it too late.

>>Ӝ (M5 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 26 = Failure)<< (Dodge the Familiar’s attacks.)
>>Ӝ (M2 Constitution Ω Roll: 85 = Lose 5 units of distance. 15 damage taken)<< (Survive the Familiar’s attacks.)

The pain is so real that Miharu feels like she just woke up. Something pleasantly warm and sticky flows from her left thigh, drawn from something ravenous and selfish that, like a dog, wants nothing but to get the big bone. But then it stops. Then it just falls off, for whatever reason.

Knight: (Don’t stop! Please don’t stop moving! DON’T. STOP!)

Marie almost faints as she sees the Witch’s shadow, cast by the stupid donut sun, burying Miharu… as the kind-hearted, idealistic girl just looks at her meekly.

>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Dexterity 彡 Roll: 69 = Vehicle Witch moves 24 units of distance.)

>The Witch is attacking. Familiars are attacking.
>>Distance until exit: 100 units.
>>Marie’s distance: 100 units.
>>Miharu’s distance: 56 units.
>>Vehicle Witch distance: 58 units.
Yeah I'm thinking shit is FUCKED, damn witch rolling exactly what it needed to be right on top of me
>Marie-san probably wouldn't even see it from this far away, but that didn't matter. Miharu takes a deep breath, before shakily smiling at her fellow magical girl in the distance. "MARIE! GO CALL THE COORDINATOR FOR HELP! WE'LL BE FINE!"
>...That was most likely a lie, but lies were sometimes necessary to keep people going.

Alright mah nigga Canima, I'm gonna need some cost-benefit situational analysis for these options here to see what's the most likely to work out, and yeah I'm aware I gotta dodge this first attack from the Witch before I can even do anything else
1. Keep running like we have been, even with the Witch being on my fucking ass and actually in front of me now
2. Run backwards, away from the exit- since the Witch is technically in front of me by 2 units, that means if I run the other way, it should be behind me by 2 units, and I can stall for more time until the coordinator shows up
3. Tell the Knight to grab onto my waist as I use the Lunar Cross to pull us all in a direction as fast as possible
4. Go full desperate gambit, drop the Knight and use the Lunar Cross to push everything away from me (I figured without a specific target, the pa check might be easier/require less finesse since it's just pumping as much magical power in as possible to become a reverse black hole, but if actually having a target like just pushing everything in the general witch's direction away or just the witch itself would be easier, let me know) (pushing the witch itself definitely gonna be a m10 check or some shit though) (also if I can't even push using the Lunar Cross that'd be good to know too)

Had the idea of pulling planes in front of me to make a shield but given that fucking water cuts through them like paper probably not the best idea
I also had the funny idea of waving the Lunar Cross with the Knight on it like a shield so the Knight could deflect attacks, but her hands are kinda full with a certain Princess and she was losing that fight before sooo

If all my proposed options are pretty ass in terms of likelihood, I'll ruminate some more and use that genius 2 intellect to come up with a batshit crazy plan that sounds simple enough that you wouldn't even think of making me roll int for
And by stalling until the coordinator shows up I obviously mean whoever the coordinator decides to send for help, not Dumbbell herself
The pressurized water cutter of death is gonna be a fucking bitch to deal with
>1. Keep running like we have been, even with the Witch being on my fucking ass and actually in front of me now
this is based on miharu's perception. with how many chunks of metal the witch is holding, plus its many arms, miharu knows she's gonna have to dodge /a lot/ if she enters melee range. you can keep running and risk interception

>2. Run backwards, away from the exit- since the Witch is technically in front of me by 2 units, that means if I run the other way, it should be behind me by 2 units, and I can stall for more time until the coordinator shows up

>3. Tell the Knight to grab onto my waist as I use the Lunar Cross to pull us all in a direction as fast as possible
miharu is very inexperienced with the lunar cross, so she doesn't know what's going to happen if she tries to pull that shit. int roll guaranteed to even try, m1. a lot of pa

>4. Go full desperate gambit, drop the Knight and use the Lunar Cross to push everything away from me (I figured without a specific target, the pa check might be easier/require less finesse since it's just pumping as much magical power in as possible to become a reverse black hole, but if actually having a target like just pushing everything in the general witch's direction away or just the witch itself would be easier, let me know) (pushing the witch itself definitely gonna be a m10 check or some shit though) (also if I can't even push using the Lunar Cross that'd be good to know too)
pushing everything away will be less effective than pushing a specific direction away. focusing the gravity bullshit in a direction will make it sronger. holding the witch at bay would be doable. pushing it away? dream. miharu can push stuff using the lunar cross, she has already done it

>Had the idea of pulling planes in front of me to make a shield but given that fucking water cuts through them like paper probably not the best idea
it would still reduce the damage at least

>I also had the funny idea of waving the Lunar Cross with the Knight on it like a shield so the Knight could deflect attacks
doable. that's all im gonna say about that. the details are up to youuuuuu

>And by stalling until the coordinator shows up I obviously mean whoever the coordinator decides to send for help, not Dumbbell herself
that is up to marie

also yes, i'd like to point out that shit kinda does look a little itty bit fucked. lets wait on marie!
I'm aboutta force you to pull out the 3d graph but since we're in a grid of planes, what if I run sideways, distance between me and the exit still grows but at a slower rate than running straight in the opposite direction (have fun with the pythagorean theorem)
And can I assume the planes effectively go on forever as far as the eye can see, or nah
>And can I assume the planes effectively go on forever as far as the eye can see, or nah
no. while the location of the airplanes is random, they are between the endless flowing tetris buildings. therefore, there is an horizontal limit that miharu can't determine precisely, but it seems rather short. same with the vertical limit: after some point, just as marie noticed at the start, there's an empty free-fall to the void. all in all, it's like a rectangle of nigh infinite length
as you can see, miharu's per roll would play a huge roll here. determining the limit would take an m? per roll with a hidden magnitude
Also we ain't about to full party wipe here
Marie, go get the coordinator, worst comes to worst we just get to serve as your tragic backstory :) (though Rin might survive somehow as the luckiest girl in the world)

I already figured from the beginning that story-wise it was either gonna be the two of you surviving and me dying with a smile on my face, or Miharu being the only survivor
Miharu's too much of a good little girl for an author to not bully her into the ground, and there's some kino stuff that can be pulled off, but I won't theorize and potentially spoil the absolute kino

Damn wait a second I just keep on coming up with more and more ideas
Can I "pilot" a plane using the Lunar Cross to cause it to move in a direction of my choosing
And I got one other thing I can do, if we all just drop into the infinite void I could try to suspend gravity for all three of us and get us floating down there out of physical reach from the witch, but we still gotta dodge the water cutter like hell and dodging in zero-g is probably a bitch and a half
>Can I "pilot" a plane using the Lunar Cross to cause it to move in a direction of my choosing
i don't see why not. that being said, planes are heave, so there's gonna be some heavy pa going on there, even more considering the knight will be there too. still an m3 all in all though

>And I got one other thing I can do, if we all just drop into the infinite void I could try to suspend gravity for all three of us and get us floating down there
while it's doable, keep in mind that miharu has to keep rolling pa to sustain herself in place, even worse if there's more people involved
Alright if I can build up a decent buffer of distance between us and the witch, I can potentially stall it for quite a long time with the plane strat, so don't worry about us Marie, we'll be fine, just go get help :)
Marie looks at Miharu for a second, before closing her eyes and turning away.
She needs to make a hard decision. One of likely many in the future.

>Leave the Labyrinth.

>Get out the phone and call Dumbbell.
>"Ciel! Call whatever backup is near us here, RIGHT NOW!"
>"There's a Witch in a mall. Miharu is in danger! She's stalling the Witch but I don't think she can last long!"
>"We also saw a Knight, and a Princess that looks a lot like Rin."
>"The Vehicle Witch, it controls Minions that fly and its Labyrinth is composed of Aeroplanes that you have to jump between. I recommend you bring a girl with good mobility."
>"But any girls are good as long as THEY GET THEIR ASSES IN HERE, RIGHT NOW!!"

Come on, hang in there!
Sweet Mother Mary, that's a lot of rolls. Good luck, Moongirl! Just don't lose your head; that's kind of irreplaceable. Unless time travel...

>Still depletes like anyone else's, only way, waaay slower
Huh, I thought she was essentially a perpetual motion machine. That her magic drew upon background energy with full conversion efficiency to pay itself and allow her to shoot as many lasers as she desired. Input<Output. What an utterly busted power! Though I guess magic is supposed to violate thermodynamics anyway by creating new energy; that's why the cats set up the system.
The new meme will be Miharu being Isekaied by a Vehicle.
Except without the "Being transported to another world".
Truck-kun's Revenge in Witch form.
aight, questions time

so wutchu gonna do then?

no questions

aight that was questions

every time i hear homura say 'mabayu' i laugh. its a reflex. no, doing the conversion costs touka some magic, so she will still always end up with less than she had at the start. it is quite super cost-efficient though

Damn I'm tired

We gonna be out here stalling for time, time to run in the opposite direction from the exit and fucking pray we get enough leeway for me to try other shit
so no int bullshit then? aighty, if that's how it's gonna go:
-m1 pa to keep holding the knight. same rules.
-m3 dex to get the fuck off
-m3 dex to dodge immafirinmylazer
-m5 in case it does land
3 of these for the familiars:
-m5 dex
-m2 con

if your choice is final, just roll. if not, it really isn't too late to try something else

as for marie, no rolls needed
>I have to dodge three of those buddies now
Alright never mind I'll take the QM offered hint, can I roll m1 int to see if Miharu can think about how difficult it would be to pull off the Lunar Cross zip off into a direction as fast as possible (still away from the exit)
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Let those brain gears spin Miharu
holy fucking shit almost had a brain aneurysm at my own pure idiocy
jesus fucking christ another miracle lmao

this is what miharu, who isn't exactly numbers smart, figures out:
-the lunar cross can hold stuff in front of it if it's spinning. it's as if it sucked the gravity out of things while keeping them 'in orbit'
-if miharu just throws the damn thing like a fuuma shuriken while it's still sucking her own gravity, it should carry her along!

the lunar cross is perfectly tailored so miharu, so odds are that she can throw it large distances as long as she aims well. however: each edge of the lunar cross and the center of it are tied to miharu through a strange wires, much like with those marionettes. if she wants to throw the thing, she's gonna have to rip those off. there's no telling what would happen if she does, or why her weapon is tied to her in the first place- and miharu's int isn't enough to figure that out without some trial and error

one detail. the lunar cross can clearly alter the gravity of everything around it, but so far it has proved especially good (and easier to handle) when it's just affecting the gravity of objects directly in front of it. but, if miharu has to throw the damn thing... how would she keep it facing her? is there any way to 'ride' it?

that's what you get. a crude, makeshift method based mostly on pure observation. that last point requires either another int roll or, if you fail, some critical thinking. i already know there is a way that has been shown, so you wouldn't be swimming in the dark. otherwise, you can just make do and use the orbit around the lunar cross, but holding miharu and cia in place would cost an aditional m2
Rolled 57 (1d100)

>cutting the fucking ropes
ain't no way i'm living this, best of luck Marie and friends i'll be heading out here

Well with my massive intellect and Einstein-tier critical thinking ability, I know the lunar cross floated above my head, but I'll int roll again just to make sure :P
then the int roll was wasted. as miharu recalls, the lunar cross itself can ignore gravity; she once suspended it on top of her when dumbbell came to visit. she can just

throw it!

suspend it!


far, far away. given that the gravity sucking is focused, holding herself with her weapon will take an m1 pa now. so! if miharu wants to pull out some bullshit from the bullshit bag and make erika proud:
-m? pa to throw the lunar cross as far as she can. the distance travelled will be equal to 20 (given that her pa is 2) plus the resulting roll divided by two.
-m1 pa to hold herself and everyone else over the lunar cross during the journey. if this fails, the lower the roll, the less they'll last on top of it
-m2 per to throw it somewhere safe
-m4 dex for a safe landing. if this fails, miharu will lose distance to the witch depending on how low the roll is. the math is: (result-50)/5

am i forgetting somethin? dunno! btw, if the distance covered is over 30 (same as with marie) the familiars will be ignored
Rolled 85, 28, 83, 5 = 201 (4d100)

now those are manageable numbers let's fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'M THE BEST
(rolls are in the order listed)
fucking LMAOing at the dichotomy of the rolls here but -9 distance and being slightly wobbly (just 2 below the pa check) ain't NOTHING compared to 52 distance
Oh my god. You have one hell of a throwing arm at least
Rolled 13 (1d100)

witch movement
easy, let me solo the witch at this point
>Leave the Labyrinth and call Dumbbell for reinforcements.

>Improvise with the Lunar Cross to escape towards the opposite direction.

Blocking the sun, in front and above Miharu, the Witch’s main body is hanging in the air as it struggles to turn around, its metal claws sinking many airships at once. But Marie is far, so far; she’s right at the finish line. Good for her.

Ӝ Miharu: MARIE!!

Still pale, Marie can only move her eyes. The blood soaking Miharu’s very human leg is the portent she’s trying not to think about. Even in this extreme situation, Miharu takes a necessary, deep breath.


It doesn’t matter if it’s true. Words don’t need to be true to get people going. Marie looks at Miharu for a second- and hesitates, and /hard/. But; she does close her eyes, she does turn away. It’s a hard choice and she hopes it won’t be the last. But as long as this isn’t the last time she talks to Miharu, even leaving her is fair play.

Marie-Antoinette jumps into the cloudy portal, straight through the symbol at its center.


Unphased by the maddened cry, by the unparsable, hectic sound, Miharu gasps and gasps but only to catch up her breath. Never once did the wires connecting her to the Lunar Cross get tangled when it was spinning. Casually, the magical marionette glances over her shoulder- and a glance proves enough.

>>Ӝ (M2 Perception メ Roll: 83 = Success)<< (Find a safe place to aim the Lunar Cross at.)

She is not afraid; she’s just wondering if she just lied. Finally filling her lungs once more, Miharu decides to take responsibility, turning her back on the Witch

Knight: What are you doing?!?!

so that she didn’t.

Ӝ Miharu: Let’s go!! Lunar Cross!!!
The Knight falls on its ass from Miharu’s back. Pushing the airplanes even further down, cracking most of them and outright crushing some under its claws, the Vehicle Witch aims with a red-hot claw-

Ӝ Miharu: AAAAaaaaaaaaa-

Knight: -aaaaAAA!!!

-as Miharu rips every single wire at once, the five wires connecting her body to the weapon, grabs it from one of the edges, bends those metal tubes she has for arms as far as they can go along her bent body- and throws.

Ӝ Miharu: STOP!

The Lunar Cross gets stuck in place, still spinning like a mad demon in front of her. Except for the one at the center, all of the wires at each of the tips of the weapon remained there, making it look thrice as big as it spins.

Knight: N-N-NOo-

It doesn’t even get to scream before Miharu princess-carries the Knight, who is princess-carrying whatever that Rin-like thing is-


-and, as the Vehicle Witch’s claw explodes and shoots nothing but burning white vapor, the brave girl jumps on top of the Lunar Cross.



The lego-like buildings at the sides seem to be moving so slow now. The tower of Magical Girls moves steadily across where the clouds would be, hearing nothing but the sharp fan-like sound below their feet.

Ӝ Miharu: (It’s- it’s working?! It's working!!)

Knight: (W-what is?! What’s going on now?!)

All this time, she had been giving it thought. The Lunar Cross had been able to keep the Knight and the Princess it carried at a fixed distance from it despite how much Miharu had been darting around. Therefore, it wouldn’t matter much if it was her or the air that was carrying it- the thing must suck gravity or something.

Ӝ Miharu: (We are safe, Mr. Knight! We are so far now! How is Nakamora-chan doing?)

She did honestly feel safe up there.

Knight: (But- aren’t we getting further from the exit as well?)

Ӝ Miharu: (Oh, we are just buying time for Marie-san.)

Knight: (Marie-san? But… What about the Familiars?)

Ӝ Miharu: (The Familiars?)

Miharu doesn’t get to think too much about it. Suddenly, she isn’t over the Lunar Cross.

>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 28 = Failure)<< (Hold everyone over the Lunar Cross.)

Suddenly, she is spinning, scattered after crashing badly against a stray chunk of wings. Then, she is rolling, falling, crashing, rolling again, falling again, and crashing again- until her hand finds something cold and sharp to grab onto.

>>Ӝ (M? Physical Affinity £ Roll: 85 = 63 units covered)<< (Throw the Lunar Cross.)
>>Ӝ (M4 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 5 = Failure + Lose 9 units of distance)<< (Land safely.)

Miharu climbs the airship hastily. True silence sinks her, silence that lets her hear the rivers of blood flowing within; she is alone.

Ӝ Miharu: (Mr. Knight!! Can you hear me?! Mr. Knight!!)

No answer. She looks around and around. No Familiars. No Knight. No Rin. No Lunar Cross. No Marie.

Ӝ Miharu: …

The Witch is there. Far; but it’s still there. The Vehicle Witch is hunting them down with heavy steps, but the Familiars are much faster. And if they are going after the Knight…

Ӝ Miharu: …!

…it might not escape.

>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Dexterity 彡 Roll: 13 = Vehicle Witch moves 13 units of distance.)
The misty, floating portal spits Marie outside, who lands on a deep, dirty puddle but un-transforms instantly regardless. Her phone is out before she even breathes, her thumb is stabbing the screen before it’s even turned on.

๑ Marie: …C-Ciel! …backup…now…! BACKUP… now..!

Whatever of her voice that manages to come out is coarse and too dry; the pent-up terror is clawing her throat. Marie’s hand is shaking, her white teeth are chattering, because any minute now, any second now, Miharu could be mauled and then eaten.

???: Marie-san?

The voice that comes out of the device is sweet, sleepy, and alarmed.

๑ Marie: T-There’s a Witch, i-in a mall-

…it’s only then that Marie gives her surroundings a proper stare. There are no people. She isn’t in the mall. She, like Miharu in the Labyrinth, is totally alone now.

๑ Marie: We-we saw a Knight, and a Princess, and-

She must have gone too fast, if even a Magical Girl has to catch her breath.

Voice of Dumbbell: Marie? What should I do?

๑ Marie: -it controls Minions, that fly, and there’s airplanes, a-and-

Too alone. Her trembling neck twists just enough to spy, at the distance, that cloudy portal darting to the right, darting to the left… and then turning a corner.

๑ Marie: …NO. FUCKING. WAY.

Those final words; it’s like they came out of a shredder.

>The Witch is attacking. Familiars are attacking.
>>Distance until exit: 100 units.
>>Miharu’s distance: -7 units.
>>Knight distance: ???
>>Rin? distance: ???
>>Vehicle Witch distance: 37 units.
>Knight and Rin missing in action
>Further away from the exit than ever before, with a giant Witch in the way
>Dumbbell and Marie don't even know where the fuck we are
>No more weapons, no more Lunar Cross to bullshit with
>Probably gonna have to be fighting solo from here on
>Still no fucking clue what my personal magic is
That crash landing almost crit failing fucking HURT, we're at the lowest possible fucking point imaginable, but my adrenaline is fucking pumping at a million miles an hour, let's do this shit

>Look for the Knight and Nakamora-san and try to regroup
>Also try to look for Lunar Cross while we're at it, maybe it's somewhere close by (maybe floating around?)
>If the Knight still has her sword, we can't find our weapon, and she's unconscious, we're picking that shit up and defending our friends from the familiars

I got a sinking feeling that the Lunar Cross is long gone into the infinite void, but I'll be fucking damned if I go down without a fight
per roll time then! thankfully, the lunar cross's hold on miharu and the knight went off very near the crash landing site (actually causing it) meaning that, if they didn't fall straight into the void, rin, the knight, and the lunar cross can't be that far

i can say this in advance: miharu already knows that at least the lunar cross and rin are still nearby. she feels them

we gonna do it like this:

-m4 per roll to find the lunar cross. why? miharu can feel it. it's her own magic signature.
-m5 per roll to find rin. why? miharu is vaguely familiar with her magical signature, and almost couldn't perceive it
-m6 per roll to scan the current area in case the knight is still around. why? miharu couldn't feel its magical signature at any point whatsoever. if this roll is successful, miharu can be sure that the knight is either alive somewhere and within reach or far from the crash landing site and out of her reach
btw the witch (and familiars) will continue to move closer. i think its safe to post without waiting for marie to do so this time
>"...NO. FUCKING. WAY." The Labyrinth moves. Or at least the entrance moves. But considering that the entrance is the only way to enter the Labyrinth, both are the same thing. This Witch can fuck off.
>"Call anyone! Dolores..." Marie realises she doesn't know many Puella Magi "Anyone who can help! Even you!"
>"The Labyrinth Entrance is moving and I am NOT losing it! Anyone you send should patrol the area, they might find it!"
>Keep the call active.

>Run after the Labyrinth Entrance.

So, the Labyrinth Entrance moves. I would have reacted in the exact same way as Marie if I saw that.
I feel at least a bit guilty in leaving and calling for help despite being told to. Miharu is fighting for her life in there and I'm running both away and towards the Labyrinth.
im glad you pitched in before i went to sleep, we may get doble posts tomorrow thanks to that. so, this is gonna work like this: the further marie is from the labyrinth's entrance, the harder the per rolls. after your roll, i'll roll the portal's movement, and if marie catches up she gets the option to go in. marie, like miharu, can perceive the witch from quite some distance, but if it isn't in marie's direct line of sight then marie will get a dex punishment of one magnitude each time

so for now:
-m4 per for direct line of sight (currently autowin)
-m4 dex to head (again lmao) towards the portal. the reason for the m4 is that navigating the city while keeping speed and hiding from people is actually harder than jumping from floating platform to floating platform

the current distance is of just 20 units

the labyrinth moves 20 units + resulting roll /2. unlike the witch, it has no reason to slow down
Rolled 75 (1d100)

There's currently not much better to do.
I mean, what can I do instead? Sit on my hands and let Miharu die in the Labyrinth by herself?

Per is Auto-Win. So this is Dex.
Rolled 96, 24, 7 = 127 (3d100)

Hey thank fuck for the 28 then, and sorry my brother I had to sleep early
We might be losing some people here, but as long as we get the lunar cross we can uber stall
Rolls are in the order listed, eyesight don't fail me now
knight and rin are fucking goners
i guess it's time to just do pest control and hope they're hanging in there, if i can kill all the familiars then i can just focus on holding witch down, and i got something real funny for that

These rolls are eerily similar in trend.
At least she got her weapon back. It's too bad that I'm the Perception/Dexterity hound and not in the Labyrinth.
Rolled 41, 87 = 128 (2d100)

first roll for witch movement, second roll for labyrinth movement

and yes. it is the whole-ass labyrinth that is moving
I do have to briefly ask why you're posting in the place of Lumina.
I'm not complaining at all, but I feel like I'm missing something.
>Chase after the Labyrinth.

>Look for the Lunar Cross, Rin, and the Knight.

Standing on a smelly back alley, with only trash and vermin for company, Marie is frozen by rage and fear; that the Labyrinth moving adds injury to insult is an understatement. Feet move by themselves. Her sole justification for leaving Miharu in hell was to bring her help, to be useful. Now, that younger girl is practically alone, surely scared shitless, still putting her neck on the line to save the two strangers who couldn’t even graze the monster hunting her down. Hopefully. Because Marie left her there.

Voice of Dumbbell: Marie, please tell me what to do.

Because Marie abandoned her to be safe.

๑ Marie: …Call anyone! Dolores! Anyone who can help! Even you!

It’s nothing but despair that lets Marie stomp on puddles and step on trash and shit if to save a single second. Tainted by the smell, the moment she turns that corner into that same crowded street leading to the mall, the Magical Girl spots the cloudy portal barely turning another-

๑ Marie: F-FUCK!

-that’s past the, though decadent, still bloated river of lively citizens.

Little kid: B-but mom! I want the VEGETAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Woman in suit on phone: That’s ‘tropical teal’, you idiot, not ‘navy teal’!

Ramen van clerk: We don’t take that brand of credit card here! You better pay up!

Drunkard hounding schoolgirl: Let me pay! Or I’ll tell your parents how late you stay!

Even at this hour, Osaka won’t shut an eye. Pushing through it, dodging through it, even if all her focus is on that feeling in her head Marie can’t stop over-hearing the conversations. Their worries, Marie thinks, seem insultingly trivial now.

Voice of Dumbbell: Marie, I can’t hear you. Marie?

Was she like that too? No; is she like that now? The thought is pushed aside as, spat by the crowd and wet in sweat, Marie ignores the portal to dive into a dark alley, then jumps from balcony to balcony with no hesitation. Once on the rooftop, she’s looking at it directly- the Labyrinth is zig-zagging over roofs now but Marie draws a straight line.

๑ Marie: The Labyrinth Entrance is moving and I am NOT losing it! Anyone you send should patrol the area, they might find it!

Voice of Dumbbell: Please tell me everything you can about it.

The very notion of wasting time is enough to drive Marie to the edge, but not enough to forget how dangerous that Witch was.

๑ Marie: It controls minions that fly and its Labyrinth is composed of aeroplanes that you have to jump between. Someone with good mobility would be fine, but any girls are good as long as THEY GET THEIR ASSES IN HERE, RIGHT NOW!!

>>๑ (M4 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 75 = 55 units covered)<< (Chase after the Labyrinth.)
>>Labyrinth of the Vehicle Witch (Dexterity 彡 Roll: 87 = Labyrinth moves 63 units of distance.)
Miharu decides that she just doesn’t have the time to keep staring at the Witch as it tries to kill her. No; she’d rather look at something else. Pretty much anything, but the back of her mind is beckoning to a specific direction.

Ӝ Miharu: HA!

A few bounces up and up are enough, and there it is: as if paused on a video, the Lunar Cross.

>>Ӝ (M4 Perception メ Roll: 96 = Success)<< (Find the Lunar Cross.)

It must have remained in suspension right beside the crash site, even after Miharu herself fell and stumbled around. Grabbing her weapon as if slashing someone with it

Ӝ Miharu: …ah!

the marionette girl is surprised when the wires on the Lunar Cross connect to the back of her hands and feet on their own. But enough of that. There aren’t brain cells to spare now.


From that vantage point, as the Witch draws near, as its Familiars draw fast lines under the donut sun, Miharu remains stalwart in her search of the Princess and the Knight.


Like with her own weapon, unlike with the Knight, Rin’s magical pattern is present in Miharu’s mind- even now. But it’s faint, too faint, buried under all the magic in this Labyrinth, and it wasn’t ever strong to begin with.

Neither answers, and neither does she find.

>>Ӝ (M5 Perception メ Roll: 24 = Failure)<< (Find Rin.)
>>Ӝ (M6 Perception メ Roll: 7 = Failure)<< (Find the Knight.)

Holding the Lunar Cross steadily, Miharu is yet undeterred: first, she hasn’t seen them dead (maybe except for Rin), and second this is the worst time to feel sad. She’ll cry later if she has to; she’ll cry later if she can. Again, Miharu looks at the Witch, because that is the only way she’d get to mourn later… and it’s already aiming with another claw. Is it aiming at her? Is it aiming at the other two? But, if it’s targeting Rin and the Knight, how will they dodge?

Miharu clenches her teeth. She still feels that ring of fire on her cold leg, but now’s not the time for that-

because the Familiars that caused it, faster than the Witch, are coming for even more of her.

>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Dexterity 彡 Roll: 41 = Vehicle Witch moves 18 units of distance.)

>The Witch is attacking. Familiars are attacking.
>>Distance until exit: 100 units.
>>Miharu’s distance: -7 units.
>>Knight distance: ???
>>Rin? distance: ???
>>Vehicle Witch distance: 19 units.

>The Labyrinth is moving.
>>Distance between Marie and the Labyrinth’s Entrance: 28 units.
oh no im still lumina, i just copy-pasted jimena's whole name and tripcode cause im on a laptop and couldn't be bothered to write my name again

>and sorry my brother I had to sleep early
i think a post a day is still good pacing, two would be ideal imho, but when you need to wait for multiple inputs in order to move it does get harder

>I mean, what can I do instead? Sit on my hands and let Miharu die in the Labyrinth by herself?
you'd have to roll mind and justify it somehow but it is doable
Best of luck Marie, you gotta deal with the most horrifying battle of all- bureaucracy (and the probable fact that whatever girl responds to help is gonna want something from us, maybe even the grief seed that two people may or may not desperately need right now)

>the wires reattach
Let's goooooo

Alright, if Rin and the Knight aren't responding, there's only two possibilities- they either crashlanded onto other planes and are both knocked out, in which case they're generally safe enough right now and I need to fight the familiars to protect them regardless, or they're lost to the infinite void, in which case I probably can't find them anyway, so either way, no point in wasting more time looking for them, and if I can intercept those familiars while they're farther away from our crash site, that just gives them more leeway, whether they're + or - from my position

How far away are the familiars and how many of them are there, still three? How feasible is it for me to run toward them and kill them all with the lunar shuriken in one "turn" before the Witch gets here, or do I need to be more creative (if it was just the witch, I'd have already just implemented my master plan, but it'd be fucking dumb to pull off the coolest shit ever only to find they both just died to the grunts while I was gone)

If there's way more familiars than is even conceivably possible to beat in one go, my best course of action really would be to just find the two of them and pull off other cool ideas like pulling in airplanes as shields or flying us all on a plane somewhere
>How far away are the familiars and how many of them are there, still three?
miharu doesn't know how many familiars are or how many are near her. unlike the witch, they aren't easy to perceive at the distance, and are much faster than it. as far as miharu knows, both from what's she's experiencing and based on her basic knowledge of magical girls, there could by anywhere between 10 or 100 Familiars scattered through the labyrinth

>How feasible is it for me to run toward them and kill them all with the lunar shuriken in one "turn" before the Witch gets here
depends a lot on how you go about it. if you pick brute force, miharu will try to off each it at pa2 per2 dex3 per attempt, and the speed at which she attacks them (the units of distance that she loses to the witch while fighting) will depend on each of those dex rolls
-miharu will lose distance for each attack attempt, regardless of whether they fail or not, equal to (100-dex)/8 (cause she has m4dex. m2dex would be /2, m3 would be /4, etc)
-she also has to be mindful of her surroundings. because she will be fighting, dex rolls below m2 will cause her to stumble and lose distance units equal to how close the roll is to 10

that, if you choose brute force. if that's the way you want it, just set a limit of distance points that Miharu can afford to lose and roll a fuckton of m2pa, m2per, m3dex, and m2 con in case her dex or per rolls fail. if her pa2 connect, even m1, the familiar attacked at least won't attack back
>Continue chasing after the Labyrinth Entrance.
>Talk while moving. "The Witch's theme is Vehicles with a focus on aircraft!"
>"It can shoot a jet of pressurised water at high speeds!"
>"I'm not going to describe how it looks because you know that Witch appearances are hard to fathom, let alone describe."

>Keep eyes out for anyone jumping across rooftops like me. Don't want to bump into anyone, especially if they're fellow Puella Magi.

>"There are friendlies inside that Labyrinth. They might need a Grief Seed and medical attention."

>Is this how it feels like to struggle for something bigger than you are? Not just Miharu, Rin and The Knight; Every person she passed by while chasing this damn Labyrinth is at risk of being killed. And now they need to rely on a Criminal trespasser and intruder to help in solving the issue.
>Marie smiles. She, a criminal, has gained the power to be helpful during conflict, now she just has to use it effectively.

I wonder if I can do something stupid like discarding my armour to make me go faster. Though, knowing how Puella Magi outfits work, going Full Cast Off is likely not going to help at all.
Honestly that's not as bad as I thought, pretty manageable to fight these guys, but 10 to 100 is a lot......

We only got 26 distance units to work with, on average each thing I deal with will lose me 6, so I could take out four probably before the Witch is on my ass (assuming I'm relatively lucky and get all 50s)

While it is cool to try to fight an army solo then pull off my final move, there's gotta be a smarter way about it
If I were to try to look for Rin and the Knight again, would it still be the same perception checks?
Also are these familiars able to be baited, as in could I try to get all their attention on me, or are they like bloodhounds and just seek out magical signatures to kill regardless of if I shout a lot
>I wonder if I can do something stupid like discarding my armour to make me go faster.
it is doable, yes. marie can figure out what would happen with an m3 int roll or she can just try

still no per roll needed. you can roll int to figure out what's what or you can straight up roll dex with or without discarding all the leg armor

>If I were to try to look for Rin and the Knight again?
you'd have to move to a different area first, and considering miharu's 4 per she just scanned a lot. miharu would have to go either 10 distance units ahead or backwards to try again

>Also are these familiars able to be baited
that Familiars have some semblance of sentience is disputed, but they do always have some intelligence if enough to follow their witch's bidding. so, yes, just assume that they can be baited- as well as the Witch
Rolled 70, 3 = 73 (2d100)

Alright, these are two Int rolls.
One for figuring out what happens if I go streaking. And the other to figure out what's what.
I know exactly what happens if I get naked.
But I have been struck by an absolute brain fart on identifying my surroundings.
My Priorities are straight and amazing.
oh, i think you got confused. the 'figuring out what's what' was to see what would happen if marie discarded her leg armor; both rolls were one and the same. identifying your surroundings takes a per roll, and marie's per is so high that she doesn't need to roll for it at all yet. at any rate, it was the first roll that succeded, so we'll take it as a win

ok so, based on the feel on her leg armor, marie is pretty damn sure that those aren't only for show- that, in fact, they have a mechanism inside them that help her move much faster, which is ironic considering their bulk. however, she can 'unlock' them to discard them should she want to. what benefit could this have? maybe dropping them on top of something? it would hurt, sure, but marie doesn't think that dropping her armor on someone would do any major damage
Oh, damn, they're pretty far away then

If I go off physics, theoretically, if I were holding them then I suddenly got stopped, they should keep flying some more in the direction we were going, so it should be more likely that they're further in the negative direction/farther from the witch than I am, which is a good thing

And if these familiars follow the Witch's orders, that's even better
I'll just pray that there were no familiars behind us and try to pull off my ultimate trick (even if this was intended to be a totally awesome suicide gambit, since I have the time to try to do it while still surviving, I probably should)

>Drop down to the lowest level of planes and try to 'pilot' a plane a good distance down into the void, far enough down that a certain witch wouldn't be able to reach back up to the stream of planes
>If that works... "Lunar Cross: Tenebris!!"
>Try to pull the Witch down into the infinite void toward me (kinda working with gravity to try to make the Witch even heavier, so it should at least be easier than pushing the Witch, but let me know how hard this check would be and I could probably reconsider)
>If it starts falling, try to get the hell out of dodge by riding the Lunar Cross again
Fucker looks like she doesn't have wings, and the weight of the Witch would definitely crash into this one plane and destroy it, so maybe it'll fall forever
>>Drop down to the lowest level of planes and try to 'pilot' a plane a good distance down into the void, far enough down that a certain witch wouldn't be able to reach back up to the stream of planes
considering how far this is and the bulk of the airplanes, it would take an m3 just to get the reigns of one. if miharu pulls that off, that initial push, moving the plane by inertia will become a lot easier since she would be using the strength of the plane, not of her own

>Try to pull the Witch down into the infinite void toward me
in this case, the weight of the Witch works on Miharu's favor. it is isn't standing on solid ground but continously predating the nearby airplanes to keep itself afloat, so if the witch becomes heavy enough then the airplanes shouldn't be able to hold it
there is a problem here though: the distance between the Witch and Miharu. the magnetic grip of the lunar cross becomes weaker with distance, and given that Miharu has m2 pa she should be close enough to actually get enough strength to pull this off- almost within melee range of the Witch. even in that case, this would be no less than an m4 pa

>If it starts falling, try to get the hell out of dodge by riding the Lunar Cross again
at that point, miharu wouldn't have any problem just getting out of the way if the witch just fell. however, dodging her shit as it falls would be a different story

all in all, hard and risky but doable. this would be a ton easier if it weren't for that measly pa2, but at least you got ma. btw i don't mind if you guys change plans or have suggestions, just ask away. i'd rather we take a few steps back that we end up with regret

also i can post images now
hmmm on second thought, if miharu can try hitting a familiar multiple times then she should be allowed to search the same place continously if she didnt find anything. so yeah, i think she can repeat those per rollls until shes sure she scanned her surroundings throughly
Ah, alright.
Do I do another roll for Dex in chasing or not?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm honestly it's still doable, but if I'm gonna need to be in melee range to pull off the witch pull-down, then I don't need the plane and this really is just going to be a suicide gambit into trying to pull the Witch straight down to hell with me, and mayyyybe it'd be a bad idea to immediately jump into suicide gambits when I implied to Marie that I'd be stalling for time
Also I didn't even notice you got your original IP back until it was mentioned, then you gave it up again lmao

Is there a specific set location that the Knight and Rin are at already, or will they magically pop into existence wherever I do my perception roll, because there was the implication that they're not here, but now maybe they are here, (if they do pop into existence wherever I do my perception roll, then obviously the meta thing to do would be to move -10 spaces then try looking again :P)
roll away! just came back

they would be (if they didnt fall) in a set, predetermined place, and miharu thinks that she's feeling rin's magical pattern (shes not sure) so the point of the per rolls is not to make them pop into existence, but to ensure whether they are within range (to find them) or not. rolls never 'create' events here, but they do guarantee a certainty within their context that deserves a logical explanation
Alright, sounds good to me (though they did 'create' some random events way way back in the day :P)

While my inner suicide bomber wants to try to just take down the witch now, we'll leave that for when there is no other resort, we made a bunch of leeway with that throw so gotta use it to its fullest potential
>Keep looking for Rin and the Knight
random events are /never/ coming back. roll dat m5per m6 per. the witch will advance
Rolled 54, 97 = 151 (2d100)


Here goes nothing, if I can't find you two this time it may or may not be over
hot DAMN I'm sorry Rin, looks like the Knight is the new member of the team (if that was my pa roll against the witch that would've been one hell of a suicide bomb)
Rolled 8 (1d100)

aight mein nigga now roll me two sets of:

if miharu passes the per roll and dex roll and the resulting excedent of both is two magnitudes above the required dex roll (m3) she retaliates against the familiar, and her pa roll applies. otherwise, con applies

also witch movement
Rolled 59, 86, 30, 92, 13, 66, 68, 29 = 443 (8d100)

Fuck you familiars
let's goooo that's one fucker down and the other one dodged
hmm. the first m3dex is 86 and the first m2per is 3. given that miharu has m4 in both, the excedent of the dex would be 56 and the excedent of the per would be 10. in total they would amount to 66, but the required amount for retaliation is an m5 dex, therefore 70. point is: i think miharu is 4 short for retaliation in the first set. as for the second, it would be 36+48 = 84 so it works, but the pa roll is 13 so it's no enough to take it down. is that ok with you? also ill try to post one more later, i like this pacing
oh okay, it's the excedent alone, i thought it was basically just adding the extra from the per roll onto the dex roll and if the dex roll was above m5 we got it
yeah that's fine i don't mind
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Alright, Dex.
This is going to be disastrous.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

rollin for labyrinth entrance movement
our good buddy labyrinth is aboutta be in tokyo by the morning
>Find Rin and the Knight.

>Keep chasing the Labyrinth.

Baring her teeth, growling like a very tiny feral cat, Miharu is ready for them, for all of them. But; the Knight may not be. And Rin definitively isn’t ready for anything. Miharu ignores the Witch once more to jump on the wing-planes she skipped before. On all of them.

Ӝ Miharu: Riiiiin!!

Ӝ Miharu: Mr. Knighhhtt!!

Ӝ Miharu: Heeeeeeeeeeey!!!

No answer. No answer. No answer. Jumping, jumping, jumping, Miharu proves her zealously. She’ll be the Knight of the Knight, she’ll find them before the Witch does, she will-

-her internal monologue is abruptly cut short when she feels… something. Something she hadn’t felt before- something faint and far back- something that she follows without hesitation. When desperation strikes people cling to hope; sometimes what they are hoping for is a miracle. Even when they don’t know. Especially when they don’t know. But Miharu isn’t expecting a miracle. She simply wants to give it all, till the very bitter end. She’s tempting the precipice over and over because sometimes miracles just don’t happen. And this faint signal, this strange line, this weak novelty that she follows, is indeed very real.

Ӝ Miharu: …!!

After twisting her neck almost like an owl… Miharu gasps so hard that she gets dizzy.

>>Ӝ (M6 Perception メ Roll: 97 = Critical Success)<< (Find the Knight? And…)

It's Mr. Knight! That’s for sure! But- too much of the Knight, maybe?

Knight: HA!

The Familiar coming at the Knight is sliced cleanly in two by the long longsword; each part spirals towards different parts of the abyss. The armor that the wing-like cape was hiding is now in full display, and the only words Miharu finds to describe it are ‘divine’ and ‘terrible’.

Ӝ Miharu: (THAT’S LOOKS SO COOL!!!!)


Swinging its sword madly, the knight turns and turns until it meets Miharu’s honest eyes. But those eyes, wordlessly, drift towards the wing-like cape on the ground. Like a blanket, it’s covering…

Ӝ Miharu: (Rin?!)

Knight: (Don’t look!)

No doubt about it: faint as it may be, that’s Rin’s magical signature. And then what she perceived just now, that she couldn’t grasp before… is the Knight’s own. A loud explosion draws their attention. Not so far anymore, one of the planes under the Vehicle Witch gave under its weight and is now a smoldering rock stuck in one of its claws. Miharu turns to look at the Knight again, only to find that helmet facing her already.

Knight: (Do. Not! Look! What I’m doing is… very forbidden… and gross! So…!)

Miharu hears them. The Familiars.

Knight: (...So /help me/! I need more time!)

And when it just blitzes from over the airplane right above her- Miharu spots it at the very last moment.

>>Ӝ (M2 Perception メ Roll: 30 = Perfect Success)<< (Detect Familiar.)
The Familiar’s mouth doesn’t find Miharu’s rib cage; the Magical Girl had suspended the Lunar Cross to make an orbit and then let it carry her around like a moon. Landing with grace, she grabs the weapon.

>>Ӝ (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 86 = Success)<< (Dodge the Familiars’ attack.)

Trusting her ear in this defiant silence, turning around almost instantly, Miharu spots the eye, nose and mouth, red, yellow, and green, right as it’s trusting at her like a misfired arrow.

>>Ӝ (M2 Perception メ Roll: 68 = Success)<< (Detect Familiar.)

This time, fully focused, and in a single flowing motion, Miharu both side steps and lifts the Lunar Cross from one of its edges over her head-

Knight: …!

-and the moment the Familiar misses its mark, Miharu’s ball-like shoulder, it’s swatted down like an annoying fly, spiraling out of control now without its dolphin tail.

>>Ӝ (M3 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 66 = Success)<< (Dodge the Familiar’s attack.)
>>Ӝ (M2 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 13 = Failure)<< (Retaliate against the Familiar.)

Knight: (H-HEY! LOOK!)

Missing not a beat, Miharu follows that armored finger- that is pointed at the Witch, that is pointing at them with a red-hot claw. It’s coming; before, it was at this distance that the steel tentacle monster swung its pressurized white water blade. Retreating bought Miharu plenty of time, but the time has come again.

Knight: (Keep them away from me!)

Easier said than done, Miharu thinks. Because it’s not only the Witch that’s coming.

>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Dexterity 彡 Roll: 8 = Vehicle Witch moves 11 units of distance.)
๑ Marie: The Witch’s theme is Vehicles! With a focus on aircraft!

With a hand stuck on her ear as she leaps like a tiger, it’s like Marie is trying to bury the cellphone in her head.

๑ Marie: It can shoot a jet of pressurized water at high speeds! I don’t know how to say how it looks.! It’s fucked up!

Scanning around, suddenly a bit paranoid, Marie both dreads and hopes to meet another Magical Girl right now. But as she un-tranforms only to run over the glass roof of a pachinko parlor, loudly (needless, as everybody below kept looking at their screens) the black girl, in more ways than one, realizes that fear is not all that she feels.

Voice of Dumbbell: Don’t worry, Marie, it will daijobu. I’m calling Dolores on the other phone.

Is this how it feels like to struggle for something bigger than you are? Not just Miharu, Rin and that Knight; every person she passed and passes by while chasing this damn Labyrinth is at risk of being killed. They worry about toys and colors and money and fucking little girls while she’s chasing death. And now they all need to rely on a criminal trespasser and intruder, like herself, to help.

Marie can’t help but smile anyway.

The Labyrinth’s cloudy portal is suddenly shot upwards as if climbing the walls of the skyscraper in front of her. Eager to follow suit, following the same advice she gave Miharu, Marie transforms yet again and brutally springs in chase, rising like a New Year’s firework, courtesy of the mechanical legs she had considered dumping to gain some speed.

๑ Marie: ………!

But; she doesn’t make it.
By so little, she doesn’t reach the rooftop with the helipad. Suddenly free-falling, as if punished by gravity itself, Marie finds herself screaming and clawing for anything that could slow her descent, but the skyscraper’s walls are far, the angular movement is losing momentum, and whatever Dumbbell could be telling her through the phone is lost to the angry screams of the wind. Nearing the concrete at mad speeds, eyes still wide open, Marie finally manages to stab the Clé Squelette into the building and draw a long, burning line along-


-but it’s not enough. The Clé Squelette is shot from her hand as its caught in the rails of an antique window, her armored legs also get tangled in steel, and soon she’s crashing over and over against hard things she doesn’t know because her eyes are closed. When Marie finally comes to be, however, she instantly stands and starts running.

Voice of Dumbbell: Marie? Marie? I’m on the other phone with Dolores. Tell me where the Witch is.

๑ Marie: M-miharu-chan! Miharu-chan is inside the Labyrinth!

She's crying. Bruised and bleeding, but still running, Marie-Antoinette is straight-up crying.

Voice of Dumbbell: Marie-chan?!

>>๑ (M4 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 24 = 4 units covered)<< (Chase after the Labyrinth.)
>>Labyrinth of the Vehicle Witch (Dexterity 彡 Roll: 76 = Labyrinth moves 58 units of distance.)

>The Witch is attacking. Familiars are attacking.
>>Distance until exit: 100 units.
>>Miharu’s distance: -10 units.
>>Knight distance: -10 units.
>>Rin? distance: -10 units.
>>Vehicle Witch distance: 8 units.

>The Labyrinth is moving.
>>Distance between Marie and the Labyrinth’s Entrance: 82 units.
>"T-the Labyrinth is on top of a Skyscraper!"
>Look around for any discernable landmarks. Tell them.

>"I fell while trying to climb it. I'm going to continue the chase."
>Recover The Clé Squelette and climb to the nearest flat surface, balcony, anything.
>Keep climbing. Even if the Labyrinth is no longer on top of the Skyscraper, it will still give me a good vantage point.

That half-inch of not reaching the rooftop is the difference between Dexterity 6 and Dexterity 7.
I've looked into this more, Touka can convert impurities into clean magic. That makes sense; she created the Doppel system. However, I don't think she needs a Doppel to purify herself or others. Yet, it didn't work with Ui because of the rapid rate she was taking in impurities, outpacing Touka's conversions without burning through her magic. However, Harvest and Convert can apparently make a spirit bomb.

Background energy to Magic. Impurity to Magic. You could live a very long life if you had both pieces.

Maybe that explains why Isabeau lived long enough to have fifteen kids. She had the karma to take everything Kyubey possessed rather than piecemeal, like the hospital trio. I wonder how the interplay of karmic weight relates to the world's population, which is much greater than in the past.

Alternatively, lasting long might be a mindset thing, like a magical girl from the 9th century might have vastly differing sensibilities towards death/violence/war compared to a magical girl from the 21st century.

Now I'm just reminded about the QM talking about how eating spiders would toughen your guca or something. The mental conditions sheet made me first think, 'what are these numbers? fuck thats a lot of words. im not reading that. how does this even work? pump mind and let qm figure it out.'

I did get that morale events like Rita worrying she's a monster for considering killing that redhead, Jim's successful game negotiations, and Emma's mourning worked in changing mental conditions. It was fun to read how they started from the neutral state to where they had to make those mental condition rolls because of their actions or random events.
But I wonder if I'll have to do multiple rolls because of the traumatic background that I've been given.
Who knows, I think if Rin survive she'll definitely have to take a roll at it. Or you. Or Marie. Everyone.

Anyways, good luck. It seems fighting without magic is a bitch.
the Clé Squelette is within reach. no need for any per roll to find it. however, in addition to the m4 dex roll, since the labyrinth's entrance is very far away, marie will have to roll m5 per to perceive it. it's the same value miharu had to deal with to find rin
Rolled 7, 36 = 43 (2d100)

Alright! Let the chase continue!
Holy shit, I fell down the Skyscraper again.
Rolled 92 (1d100)

rolling for labyrinth movement
not looking good
This Labyrinth is in fucking Narnia.
>Yet, it didn't work with Ui because of the rapid rate she was taking in impurities, outpacing Touka's conversions without burning through her magic.
that was one of the funniest parts for me. there's just so much dark bad shit going on that Ui couldn't take it even for a minute. it was like what usually happens when people discover for the first time how bad human trafficking really is

>Background energy to Magic. Impurity to Magic. You could live a very long life if you had both pieces.
touka's magic does make for some extreme efficiency, but the fact is that her soul gem was still getting dark regardless

>I wonder how the interplay of karmic weight relates to the world's population, which is much greater than in the past.
more people, more suffering- and more unique, alien circumstances. more factors allow for stranger exceptions, and how strange those are is what determines the karmic weight of an individual

>Alternatively, lasting long might be a mindset thing
this is an interesting point. up until now, some cultures truly glorified death, so maybe some magical girls back then truly didn't give half a shit about having a short lifespan. add to that that the life expectancy back then was already short to begin with. no doctors, no pills, and a lot o fanatism

>Now I'm just reminded about the QM talking about how eating spiders would toughen your guca or something.
im really curious about what i said back then now

>fuck thats a lot of words. im not reading that. how does this even work? pump mind and let qm figure it out.'
sadly enough, that was the wise men's choice- the mental conditions sheet was concocted for long term, day-to-day in-game time, and considering that all of the shit in BA went down in /less/ than a single hour of irl time it wasn't going to apply much

however, that's kinda fixed now

>Who knows, I think if Rin survive she'll definitely have to take a roll at it. Or you. Or Marie. Everyone.
no comment
Very interesting, seems like the Knight is up to something here, forbidden and gross are words you don't really like to hear in a description though (hey Rin's here!!!)

Also rip Marie

Let's see, honestly piloting the plane would be fucking great right now, get us away from both the familiars and the witch while letting the Knight remain undisturbed, but given the fact that we're about to experience the water cutter of death maybe it'd be better to try something that won't just get us shot down by the witch if she has good aim
I need to be a genius and come up with a perfect counter to that shit NOW
But damn I'm drawing blanks

If I pilot the plane we're all on, how fast can we move? Fast enough to dodge waterblades, or nah (I'm expecting no)
Also, is it an option to try to use the Lunar Cross to push just the Witch's firing arm/claw, completely throwing off its aim (and at best, causing it to shoot itself lol)?

Yeah it's kinda a bitch but I'm having fun scrapping together what I can to pull shit off, mind's working at maximum capacity, and I'm also lucky Lumi-chan gave me a weapon I can try to pull wacky stuff off with, if I just had basic bitch sword or something this would probably be over already (and not in the good way)

what the FUCK we're fucking done for
>If I pilot the plane we're all on, how fast can we move? Fast enough to dodge waterblades, or nah (I'm expecting no)
besides the initial m4 to get the thing moving (because now there's rin and the heavy-armored knight on top of the airplane too) miharu could dodge the milk of fuck you by suspending the lunar cross mid-air and using the orbit to make the plane todo a sharp turn- but that would require both an m2 pa and an m3 dex at the same time to work since the needs the strenght to move the plane and the timing to dodge the beam

>Also, is it an option to try to use the Lunar Cross to push just the Witch's firing arm/claw}
it is, just keep in mind that the lunar cross is stronger the closer Miharu is to the target, and that redirecting the claw from where she is now is already a no-go. redirecting the claw for a few seconds from melee range would just require an m1 (since it's just a claw and the witch still doesn't what's coming) but the futher you are, the harder the pa roll will be. the redirect would require one pa magnitude+ for every two units of distance
oi the more you tell me about all these cool things that require melee range, the more i feel like becoming a japanese fighter pilot in the 40s

How hard would it be to try to curve the water itself around us using the Lunar Cross, water is quite light compared to a plane
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I get that Touka's gem clouds because of converting background to magic, but I took it as the reason why the gem doesn't cloud, which is that she just turned any impurities she had into magic. She has the efficiency part down but can also recycle the byproducts.

Granted, to get this working, you'd have to pass some int rolls and have the right magic to affect it. Or you can just use a wish to get these techniques, but at that point, ask for more, as it is the equivalent of God blessing you with a divine technique.

Though, in-game mechanics, if you have a MA of 7, 8, or mythical 9, magnitudes, three and below don't cost shit. You'd be golden if you could find a sword like Tart's, which helped with power management. MA confuses me about whether it's a how much control you have over your magic vs. how much magical muscle you have. There are strong characters who lack control over what magic they have.

>glorify death
I'd argue that view is still there, but it has changed somewhat because of how deadly technology has made wars become. There are still remnants, and soldiers still report combat as one hell of a rush. In the past, with good armor, weapons, and training, you'd probably feel like you were in control of your destiny, a war god come to earth, as you cut the other dude down, especially if they're also geared and trained. It's still a terrible business, PTSD, but humanity has been bashing in each other's skulls since time immemorial.

But yeah, a magical girl from the Viking Age might not bat an eye at killing her enemies, enslaving them, and other horrors. Interestingly enough, I could see Helen slipping into this mindset, given her whole shtick of control and manipulation. And being able to decide another's life end or continuation is absolute control. We haven't met any Alina like characters yet.

Lord almighty, this labyrinth is going to Hokkaido.
while it is light, it's also pressurized as fuck. the current distance, however, plays in miharu's favor. she could create an orbit with the lunar cross that surrounds the airship, and it would currently take a single m2 to curve the water around, but! she won't be able to move, dodge, or do anything else other than hold her ground. also, now the thing would be reverted: the closer the witch gets to miharu, the stronger her blaster would become- and the moment miharu drops her guard, if the water cutter is still going, she WILL get hit, no save rolls whatsoever

also: it would take an aditional m1 for /each/ familiar around just to keep them at bay. for each hit over 80 miharu will be staggered and reduce her current pa roll by an amount equal to the excedent of the con roll
forgot to mention: if the pa roll to keep up the orbit is below m2, but still above m1, AND the con roll is at least an m2, miharu can opt to take the damage and keep it up to try and force the white line of death out of the way afterwards
...hah, damn Knight better be doing something worth it, suicide plays may be coming in sooner than we'd like

>Throw and ride the Lunar Cross directly at the witch
>Use the Lunar Cross to redirect the claw so it fires the water cutter at itself

I don't think I can trust rolling above an 80 to get the plane going when the Witch is about to fire it right the fuck now
then this is how its gonna go
-m? pa to throw the lunar cross as far as she can. the distance travelled will be equal to 20 (given that her pa is 2) plus the resulting roll divided by two.
-- given that the distance between Miharu and the Witch is barely like 40, there is the possibility for the lunar cross to go too fast. if you want, you can roll another m?pa here to try and brake before crashing against the witch
--if the total distance covered was going to be under 40, the witch will have enough time to try to hit miharu with the white blade, so:
---roll m3 dex
---roll m5 con
---roll m2 per
because miharu is moving at high speed, both the dex and per roll also additionally require to cover the total distance covered produced by the pa roll. if it's 10, for example, then the dex roll required will be an m3+10, additionally, the con roll will add this value to its damage
-no need to roll to hold herself because miharu is alone
-m2 per to throw it at the witch. if this roll fails, the lower the value, the futher her air will be from the mark
-m3 dex for a safe landing. if this fails, miharu will lose distance to the witch depending on how low the roll is. the math is: (result-50)/5

-if the distance covered with the lunar cross throwing pa roll is over 40, the familiars can be ignored. otherwise, miharu will have to roll once for each 5 under the required value

finally, the m? pa roll for redirecting the witch's attack. if it's at least two magnitudes above the required value (based on distance) then miharu can make the witch hit itself in its confusion
Damn, none of these options are looking very good, but I suppose that's the point :P
I thought the distance between me and the Witch was just 18 units, but that doesn't change the fact that I'd have to break or anything else so it's not like it matters that much

I'm almost inclined to just go back to the water redirect shield, but given that the Witch will most likely get here next turn given it moves 20 units on average, ain't no way we can defend against a point blank shot
Then again, the witch has been firing these in short bursts...

When decisions are tough, we just gotta look at the numbers objectively
If I try to pilot the plane, I have to pass a 1 in 5 check to even get it started and even then we can get shot down, so we ain't doing that shit
If I do the cool throw, I got a 60% chance to get there before the witch fires, don't know the brake requirement, 80% chance to aim right, 70% chance to land right, then a 70% chance of redirecting the claw, so we're looking at a 23.5% chance of pulling it off, but it'd have the potential for big gains
If I redirect the shot, I have a 50% chance of doing it perfectly, 60% chance of doing it at all (beat the m1 threshold then roll the m2 again), not counting familiar bullshit which hopefully the Knight can help handle since she does have her sword out, but it's a losing battle since the shots will eventually become impossible to redirect and the Witch will be moving closer which is actually exactly what I want since it opens up my suicide bomb maneuver and the cool claw redirect to shoot back at the Witch move anyway

So actually I'm gonna take back my action and just shield us by curving the water around, 30% chance we all just die here but hey I'm a lucky fellow
Just let me know how many familiars I gotta roll against too
then roll nigga, rollll
its 3 familiars now
Rolled 84, 100, 81, 13, 47, 26, 38 = 389 (7d100)

I'm not gonna lie I think I'm feeling a lil stupid but I'll roll what I assume are the rolls

First roll is pa2 to deflect the water

Then for each familiar, of which there are three
A pa m1 roll to keep the familiar in orbit
m2 con roll if the pa m1 roll fails
No dex or per since I can't move anyway while I'm blocking

I better fucking do this, come on dice
Such a beautiful 100 gone to waste on a fuckin familiar, but hey I won't bite the hand that feeds me thanks for letting none of the lil dudes actually hurt me dicebros
Also incidentally if I just had the balls and did the throw instead, that'd have been a 100 on braking and all the necessary checks to get into position actually would've been passed, I'd just need one more roll to deflect the claw, of which I'd have a 70% chance of doing so since I'd be right in the witch's face

But like hell I'd trust the dice fucks to not fuck me up at the very end and give me a 29 or something on the pa roll so it's fine
Rolled 85 (1d100)

still DAMN IT I COULD'VE BEEN SO FUCKING COOL (dice roll for fun)
pa2 to deflect is 84
familiars are 100, 81, and a fail at 13
and the only fail is 38, which is a pass
it's a pretty big win imho. 100 on a fucking familiar though lmao

...that being said, it's sadly already too late here for me to post, so we'll have to wait for tomorrow. im worried that the thread may sink before we reach any kind of conclussion

a good story isn't always about winning

ill pitch in with this tomorrow1

will we make it??
>a good story isn't always about winning
yeah... i know... my favorite madoka character is actually sayaka... but still, it would've been cool to be cool...
also sorry for holding us up
>will we make it??
I'm honestly surprised on how long character generation took.

Two 100s in one thread. Ominous.
I wonder how Marie's Mahou Shoujo: UK prep is going.
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>I'm honestly surprised on how long character generation took.
the problem is that i was having too much fun

>I wonder how Marie's Mahou Shoujo: UK prep is going.
same! im pretty surprised that it's marie picking it up. she's a new one and im not sure she's read the archive, but that's hardly necessary to pull something great. though, my chips were on either you or jimena, but im sure everyone else would also do a good job on their own way (here's betting emma's meguca royale would either be 99% slice of life or 99% butchery imho)

no rush at all. we compensate long pauses with huge posts. all is as it's always been

>my favorite madoka character is actually sayaka
i will forever be biased towards geese mom (mami) but i had a lot of people swear that the actual central plot of madoka magica was sayaka's, since it explained with elegant simplicity the core process that every magical girl goes through. it really opened the gates to a lot of things

also have half a look at my favorite. i like them all a lot though. not too much a fan of tart, suzune, or the one with the witch hat, but oriko gets a soft pass

>How is Mahou Shoujo: UK prep going

The hardest part for some reason is making Original Characters. I'm a Pantser at heart (I write from the seat of my pants) so planning a character and such is actually pretty new.
Maybe I should just make the characters as I go on, every other character I've made that way hasn't gotten complaints from others so far.
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it's tempting to just go along the way (and fun) but, if you were asking for advice, i'd say that having some solid bones right from the get-go (both to the plot and the characters) make everything flow a lot easier because they set boundaries which limit the ways you can go. this sounds bad on the surface, but consider that having structure means you can go a lot faster. why? cuz you don't have to worry about contradictions or plot holes nearly as much

more sana because there's never ever any valid reason to not post more sana
>my favorite madoka character is actually sayaka...

A good choice, as said before, she's a classic case of the lifespan of a Puella Magi.
I won't say that I have a favourite character, but I will say that Marie is slightly based on Mami.

>Big Sister type who acts mature but actually has some issues in relation to social life (and in Marie's case, guilt).
>Said Big Sister is semi-foreign(?) And has attacks named in other languages (Mami uses Italian, Marie uses French)
>Despite their "maturity", they likely won't be able to keep or protect what they want, and will likely die in a way that was preventable.
>They're both attractive.

The differences are that Marie and Mami have very differing stances on what the life of a Puella Magi is like and how they should advertise it. Ironically, they would both do the same thing in most circumstances, but for different reasons.
The other difference is experience. Mami is THE example of an experienced Puella Magi, whereas Marie is as green as green could be.

Though, maybe if I played Magia Record I would've had a favourite...
Rolled 19 (1d100)

rollin for witch movement
>Redirect the Vehicle Witch’s attack with the orbit created by the Lunar Cross.

>Track and chase the Labyrinth.

On a whim, Miharu focuses on the features of the incoming Witch’s ‘face’. Working out her imagination, she decides that the black and the white cog-like circles at the top are its eyes, the tube at the center is its nose, and the big black half-circle at the bottom is its mouth. But it doesn’t have eyes. The Witch doesn’t have a nose either. It’s not with that ‘mouth’ that she screams. A tiny spider crawling through her spine is what Miharu feels as she, for a second, considers how it would be to have that heavy, rusty, thick chunk of steel for a head- and feels mercy for the Vehicle Witch

that is aiming a red-hot claw at her.

Knight: (W-what are you doing?!)

Miharu had landed right in front of the nameless Knight, still facing the incoming onslaught.

Ӝ Miharu: I’ll do it. I’ll keep them away from you.

As the Familiars close in like ravenous eagles, Miharu slams the Lunar Cross in front of her as if hanging it in the air, in which it stays still.

Ӝ Miharu: Here with you, I’ll know where she’s going to shoot milk no matter what! Just do your gross things, Mr. Knight! I believe in you!

Knight: (Milk?)

The Lunar Cross’s artificial orbit is deployed around the wingwingwingcraft right on time for two of the Familiars to bounce off of it

Vehicle Witch Familiar: Θ±¢µA¢? A¢±A¢?? ΘΘΘΘΘΘΘ

one of which ends up blasted erratically like a deflated balloon until it explodes against the bottom of the airplane above.

>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 81 = Success)<< (Hold Familiar at bay.)
>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 100 = Critical Success: Destroyed.)<< (Hold Familiar at bay.)

But there is one that is back with a vengeance. Without its dolphin-like posterior, the Familiar that Miharu had choppen in half now shoots itself like a harpoon, mouth wide open, straight at the Magical Girl’s neck.

Ӝ Miharu: ..!

It dives in so fast and so precisely straight that the orbit fails to repel it

>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 13 = Failure)<< (Hold Familiar at bay)

only for it to end up grazing Miharu’s cheek instead enough to draw a red line.

>>Ӝ (M2 Constitution Ω Roll: 38 = No damage.)<< (Survive the Familiar’s attacks.)

Knight: (H-hey!! L-LOOOK!!)
And Miharu does stare in defiance, fully willing to face the faceless Witch. Which, of course, had spent every second crawling just a little bit closer. Forcing herself to push the million thoughts flooding her mind aside, to hyperfixate in what could be the last thing she ever sees,


Miharu finds herself screaming before anything even happens like her favorite shonen characters often do, finally finding realism in those fantasies. That whirring sound she hears whenever the Lunar Cross is spinning, like a jet engine, becomes her world. The desperate whines of the wingplanes struggling to keep themselves afloat under the Vehicle Witch’s weight hardly even register. It’s just her, that sound


and that very red claw. Teeth bared and clenched, Miharu doesn’t even squint… when the steel-melting white blade is unleashed in the blink of an eye.

>>Ӝ (M2 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 84 = Success)<< (Deflect the Vehicle Witch’s ranged attack.)

Ӝ Miharu: AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Screaming with no shame, Miharu finds that white, impossibly sharp line right next to her head, going right over the red line that the broken Familiar had just given her. Its heat is unbearable, but it only makes her try even harder to push it away. The white line’s angle bends over just enough, and a little bit less with each step that the Witch takes towards Miharu-

Knight: (Hang in there! I promise- I’ll break my promise, I’ll promise!)

-who now also finds herself surrounded by more Familiars than ever.

>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Dexterity 彡 Roll: 19 = Vehicle Witch moves 14 units of distance.)
Despite free-falling from a skyscraper, Marie’s legs still pump up blood. To her, there’s no excuse, none whatsoever, that could justify any conceivable category of bitching right now. After all, it’s not her that’s inside the Labyrinth; it’s not her that is locked with a beast. Yet;

Hostess club bouncer: …?

Guy pushing baby kart: …?

Happy Shiba Inu: *drools*

she, who just fell from the sky, is prey to curious stares. Eyes red, still transformed, Marie is frozen by doubt- and decides to at least turn a corner first before resuming her ascent.

๑ Marie: The FUCK are you looking at?

Some do look away, others simply watch her go. Whatever. They’ll think she was cosplaying, mad, or the people on the Internet will call their CGI bullshit. Wasting no time to clear out, picks up the Clé Squelette as she dashes out, which was buried in the roof of a moving car. The very second she turns that corner, into the dark alley between the skyscraper and the massage parlor, Marie bounces from wall to wall in a frenzy until she’s on the shorter building’s rooftop- and once more, to get her claws on the white railing of one of the balconies.

Because she knows. Tha, like an eye made of fire, the entrance to the Labyrinth is still there- at the top of the tower.

>>Ӝ (M2 Perception メ Roll: 43 = Success)<< (Keep track of the Labyrinth.)

Voice of Dumbbell: Marie?

The cellphone had laid forgotten in her other hand this whole time- it had somehow survived the fall. Although it sounds faint, concern still shows in the Coordinator’s voice. Holding the device against her ear, still breathing erratically, Marie climbs the railing with a single hand and her legs.

๑ Marie: T-the Labyrinth is on top of a skyscraper. I fell while trying to climb it. There’s…

She looks around; there’s much to see, thankfully. Even in this dark, even this high, Osaka can be beautiful from above.

๑ Marie: …one of those ferris wheels, with a lot of colors. The skyscraper itself, it, shit looks like it’s made of mirrors, you know what I’m saying? And, I’m seeing a restaurant with a huge octopus over it-

Voice of Dumbbell: Dolores, do you know of any restaurant with an octopus theme?

Marie hears gibberish in the background.

Voice of Dumbbell: There’s many of them? It’s a chain of restaurants? But this one has a ferris wheel near it- oh, good, then! Marie, Dolores is heading your way.

๑ Marie: WAIT.

The feeling; the feeling is shaking. It’s starting to move.

๑ Marie: OH nO WaY motherfucker, no fucking way you are leaving again!
Intercepting the portal on its way down crosses her mind… but what if it doesn’t even need to remain by the wall? How would she even catch it if the entrance to the Labyrinth where Miharu is struggling leaves from any of the other sides?

Voice of Dumbbell: Mari-

Not ending the call, Marie simply stores the cellphone somewhere as she pretty much runs up the walls of the skyscraper, grabbing onto anything she can find to push herself up, stepping on windows, ledges, railings, and air-conditioning units as if those were steps on a ladder, fast, faster, because escaping the Labyrinth /has/ to make sense beyond her own self-preservation-

and then it doesn’t.

๑ Marie: no no NOO!

One miss-step: that’s all it took. One of the air-conditioning units was a bit too badly screwed, and is falling along with her. Marie tries to grab onto anything her hand can grasp, and she does, but never enough, slipping by gravity’s whim yet again-

-and then she hits something with her back, then she’s spinning in mid-air, then it’s her head that hits something, then her elbows get stuck between bars if only to break her desperate attempts for balance- and Marie falls. Again, Marie ends up like a snow angel on the ground.


The air-conditioner falls at her side. She doesn’t care. At all. Not about the pain, not about the risk, not about being seen, even- she’s caring about something else. Whispers of that soft, intentionally tender voice still make the phone in her pocket vibrate. Hand now shaking in rage, even more bruised, bleeding even more, but caring even less, Marie puts that phone to her ear as the tears merge with her blood.

๑ Marie: …Ciel-san… Ciel-san…

Voice of Dumbbell: Hang in there, Marie. It’s going to be okay.

But Marie is not ok. Not at all. Because she's thinking about her sisters. She's thinking about her dad.

๑ Marie: I don’t want to be a Magical Girl anymore.

>>๑ (M4 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 7 = Failure)<< (Chase after the Labyrinth.)
>>Labyrinth of the Vehicle Witch (Dexterity 彡 Roll: 92 = Labyrinth moves 66 units of distance.)

>The Witch is attacking. Familiars are attacking.
>>Distance until exit: 100 units.
>>Miharu’s distance: -10 units.
>>Knight distance: -10 units.
>>Rin? distance: -10 units.
>>Vehicle Witch distance: -6 units.

>The Labyrinth is moving.
>>Distance between Marie and the Labyrinth’s Entrance: Unknown.
btw miharu, at this point just roll pa and con and pray unless you have some really big brain moves over there lmao
if you chose to drop down the orbit and move, miharu, rin, and the knight all will instantly take an m5 con hit, if you try to keep it up then roll m3 pa to redirect and then FIVE sets of m1 pa and m2 con. it would have been six, but one familiar got blown
>"Daijobu" Ciel-san says. And technically that is true.
>She won't die no matter how sore and bloody she is, as long as her Soul Gem doesn't get cracked. This is the Curse of a Puella Magi. Marie finally fully understands the consequences of that now.

>"I-I want to help Miharu! B-but I just can't do the right thing! I left her in there and now I'm fucking struggling to get back in! I'm sorry!"
>Okay, breathe in, breathe out. Panicking will just make your Soul Gem darker.

>Follow the Labyrinth, but don't exert myself trying to catch up. I just need eyes on it for now.
>"I'll update you on the movements of the labyrinth. Dolores will need that information."
>"Speaking of: How many Labyrinths have you seen move like this?" She's partially asking out of curiosity, but also because she really hopes she doesn't have to deal with something like this often.

>At least when Marie failed in other situations the risks were jail time or getting hurt. The stakes in this situation are immense. It makes failure all the more gut-wrenching.

This Skyscraper must be a metaphor for something, I can just feel it.
>She won't die no matter how sore and bloody she is
just in case, i'll clarify that marie didn't suffer any kind of noteworthy injury. even if all of that did hurt quite a bit, it's as if she didn't even receive 1 damage from all that when we take a puella magi's regeneration into account

>Panicking will just make your Soul Gem darker.
lawl i was betting on you guys forgetting about that

>Follow the Labyrinth, but don't exert myself trying to catch up. I just need eyes on it for now.
right off the bat, this is an m7 per roll. considering the distance of the labyrinth, just spotting it or feeling it will be an amazing feat. only if that works will marie go toward the labyrinth, otherwise she can opt to ahead toward the direction it last felt it going. this guarantees nothing, but its better than nothing too
Rolled 92 (1d100)

Aight, bet.
We will look Karma in the eyes. May it be magnanimous.
alight that's our first m7 ever. now gimme that dex
Rolled 52 (1d100)

Ever since I left the Labyrinth, my Dex Rolls have never been good.
And the usual trend with rolls recently have been
>One Good Roll. Then a few bad ones.
So I'm not getting my hopes up.

We will chase Karma until the ends of reality. May it be a worthy mark.
Huh, actually decent.

Definitely not enough to beat Labyrinth Movement, but still good nevertheless.
If this was a regular test and the Magnitude was the same, then this would have been a close success.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

since there's no way in hell marie just reaches the labyrinth with that roll, let us roll labyrinth movement. at least she's keeping track of it

>This Skyscraper must be a metaphor for something, I can just feel it.
as rin would say: COCK
Lmao, shit just feels bad for Marie so it turns around and comes back
Rolled 59, 84, 36, 71, 34, 31, 3, 39, 11, 27, 100 = 495 (11d100)

Yeah nah I'm drawing a blank for big brain plays right now, as soon as that beam stops though I'll be fucking this Witch up
Interesting, Knight is breaking her promise that allowed her to join the Order of the End I'd guess? Curious as to how this will all turn out

Given that if I fail to protect us, we're gonna have to tank a con5 hit, and if I drop the orbit for even a second we all take a con5 hit anyway, might as well try to keep that shit going

Let's see what the dice got in store for us, redirect first, then the five sets of rolls for the familiars, Lunar Cross don't fail me now
(and hey the 100 did something to save us at least a lil bit)
Rolled 89 (1d100)

We're fuckin done for, managed to repel all the familiars but that beam is getting through by 11
Here's the roll for my m5 con check, at the very least even if I get a 100 I'm living on a shred of health
Also is the opting to take the damage and keep trying to force the white line of death out of the way option still there, since technically we got below m3 but above m2?
That fucking HURTS but we're living on a shred
Moongirl, If I'm reading this right I got bad news for you, you just got hit by a fucking 100 just like Rin.
Rolled 40, 94 = 134 (2d100)

she would have, but all of the familiars checks passed (m1 pa). none made it past the artificial orbit

>Also is the opting to take the damage and keep trying to force the white line of death out of the way option still there, since technically we got below m3 but above m2?
sadly enough, no

>forgot to mention: if the pa roll to keep up the orbit is below m2, but still above m1, AND the con roll is at least an m2, miharu can opt to take the damage and keep it up to try and force the white line of death out of the way afterwards
miharu's 3 con mean that she gets to cover 20 points of that m5 blast, but the leftover damage (69) is still above an m2 roll. desu i think i kinda worded that badly, but it still makes sense in context because the blast is just too fucking strong

these two are rin and the knight's con checks. rin has m3 con and the knight has m5. i'll most likely be posting very late today, sadly

btw, is rinanon still around? i wonder if it just left after that 100
huh, i thought that 27 was a pa roll
mihanon was repeating what it did on the last post:
the first five after the first roll are the pa rolls, the others are con rolls

postan much later! also rinanon, if you read this, roll me two numbers
I'm here.
Though at this rate my POV is pretty uneventful.
> 40% Character creation
> 35% Dream shenanigans
> 20% Fucking around
> 5% Finding out
Rolled 95, 5 = 100 (2d100)

Rolled 57 (1d100)

rolling witch movement
Can confirm I intended it to be the same as how Lumi interpreted it last time, because it'd be weird otherwise

Knight is fucking DEAD AAAAAAAAAAA

what the fuck are these rolls, either the best combo of all time if that 95 is any stat but con and the 5 is con, or the worst combo of all time

Also don't worry you're probably just about to wake up and find two corpses next to you

This thread is getting all the weirdest rolls, every single 100 has been either constitution (so a crit failure) or useless (I guess we took out one familiar lmao), and now here's the 1 but at least it helps us

I am not gonna lie, I watched the main series plus Rebellion then that's it, so I don't know anything about the gacha game, but based off the wiki she seems like a nice girl (and I'm partial to knight theming, knights are the best)

>Attempt to detect the runaway Labyrinth.

It’s as if the claw was yelling in anger; that is the feeling that Miharu feels she’s pushing away, as her artificial orbit keeps the white line a finger away from her left eye. Some drops of the liquid do spill on her face despite her efforts, and the magical puppet does feel as if her eye was melting- but the mental effort has left her numb even to the smell of her burning flesh.

Knight: (I promise…! I promise…!)

As if broken, the Knight keeps repeating that. As the Familiars siege the artificial orbit, line tiny battering rams (which, even now, reminds Miharu of one of her characters, which uses one to open doors instead of knocking) the Knight remains inside of it.

Vehicle Witch Familiar: ΘΘΘ A¢?ΘΘΘ AΘ¢?Θ? Θ

Vehicle Witch Familiar: µµµµµµµµΘΘΘΘ

Vehicle Witch Familiar: Θ±¢µA¢!! Θ±¢µA¢!!!!

Miharu doesn’t blink. Miharu doesn’t falter. A million stories had taught her that life often depends on individual moments of bravery. If someone could read her mind right now she’d be labeled a lunatic, but having waited since litle for her part of the script she wouldn’t be able to care less.

Ӝ Miharu: BEGONE!

It’s one of those generic phrases that the cool-looking good guys often toss around. And yet, it makes her feel so powerful.

Ӝ Miharu: BEGONE!!

When the Familiars surrounding the orbit push too hard, they get sucked into the surface of the orbit and sent spinning like five angry little moons

Ӝ Miharu: BEGONE!!!!

then ejected as if spat by it, crashing against themselves as they lose all balance, crashing against the nearby ships and even the blank-faced Witch itself.

>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 84 = Success)<< (Hold Familiar at bay.)
>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 36 = Success)<< (Hold Familiar at bay.)
>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 71 = Success)<< (Hold Familiar at bay.)
>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 34 = Success)<< (Hold Familiar at bay.)
>>Ӝ (M1 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 31 = Success)<< (Hold Familiar at bay.)

Which… is getting closer. Having learned their lessons, the rest of the Familiars hover around the Vehicle Witch as, one airplane at a time, it devours what little distance remains between her and her nourishment. Hands trembling, teeth bared, with bloody red dots spawning all over her face, Miharu continues to lock ‘eyes’ with the Witch, to hyperfocus as if there is nothing else, to keep at bay all those flickering thoughts screaming RUN DANGER DEATH RUN DANGER DEATH.
But focus can only do so much. It gathers all of the resources in one place, it ensures they are used to their full extent, exploited to their very limit.

Ӝ Miharu: AaAAa..AaAAA… AaAaaAA!!

At times, despite all good will, despite all grievances and efforts… despite the Lunar Cross spinning so fast that it overheats…

>>Ӝ (M3 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 59 = Failure)<< (Deflect the Vehicle Witch’s ranged attack.)


…the current resources are simply not enough.

>>Ӝ (M5 Constitution Ω Roll: 89 = 69 damage taken)<< (Survive the Vehicle Witch’s attack.)

Knight: Wha-N-N-O-

>>◙ (M5 Constitution Ω Roll: 94 = 44 damage taken)<< (Survive the Vehicle Witch’s attack.)

ع Rin: …

>>ع (M5 Constitution Ω Roll: 40 = 20 damage taken)<< (Survive the Vehicle Witch’s attack.)

After losing to the void one of the only wings that matters, the airplane where Miharu now lies slowly begins to swerve sideways, as if cradling a baby. Unable to focus on any specific feeling, Miharu finds somber solace in watching Rin sleeping beside her under that wing-like cape, even as it slowly slides off the plane and is welcomed to the endless, peaceful sky below. Still kept in place by the Lunar Cross, not feeling the Knight anywhere anymore, Miharu discovers that the marionette parts of her body are sturdier than the rest. After all, half her face is charred and smells like the bacon her white dad often burns, and one of her legs is missing. Miharu gazes at the donut sun above, wondering what her magic does, but it isn’t long before the fresh shadow helps her wounds hurt less.

>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Dexterity 彡 Roll: 57 = Vehicle Witch moves 21 units of distance.)
Instead of feeling relief at remaining almost unscathed after two brutal falls, the absence of damage only served to assure just how deep the change was. Marie is not a human anymore. She won’t die no matter how sore and bloody her body is, as long as her Soul Gem doesn’t get cracked. And yet, she won’t get married, she won’t have kids, she won’t have to clean toilets full of shit like her mother often does. It /is/ “daijobu”... but not in the way that Marie wanted.

Voice of Dumbbell: Marie; it truly will be daijobu. The suffering you are feeling right now is not all that there is to being a Magical Girl. There are wonderful people to meet. There is a purity to our world that is hard to find anywhere else, and it comes from this pain that you are feeling.

Untransformed, lying on the pavement like a fallen angel, Marie finds herself struggling against hiccups, as she feels the thick, wet lines make their way across her ears.

๑ Marie: *sob* W-what… what the fuck do you even mean…

Voice of Dumbbell: That even those tears will be worth it, Marie. That is what I mean. Can you still move? Are you wounded?

Kicking the air conditioner away in a fit of rage, Marie roughly pushes herself up with her waist and elbows until she’s standing, almost falling forward.

๑ Marie: I-I want to help Miharu! B-but I just can't do the right thing! I left her in there and now I'm fucking struggling to get back in! I'm sorry!

Voice of Dumbbell: You did nothing wrong. Even when we do everything right, things go wrong. And, Marie; I apologize for being blunt, but maybe this isn’t the time to blame yourself.

The criminal already knows that; it’s why she starts running. Five steps in though, she stops. Breathing in, breathing out, Marie remembers Dolores’s lessons and tries to recover her serenity, to ensure her Soul Gem won’t turn her into yet another burden. But that’s not the true reason; the point to her stillness is simple pragmatism. The Labyrinth could have gone anyway, so any of her steps could take her even further from it. Closing her eyes, shutting out any irrelevant stimuli, Marie filters her senses as if trimming a jungle of razors with a clean scythe and lets her new senses take over.

Like spotting a needle in a haystack, Marie feels that little sting yet again and with utmost relief- and then utmost surprise.

๑ Marie: It’s… not moving.

Voice of Dumbbell: Marie?

๑ Marie: The Labyrinth. It’s… it’s not moving at all. Miharu.

Untransformed, darting to a mad sprint towards one of the main streets, Marie feels her heart beating just like it did in the Labyrinth. There could still be a point to being a Magical Girl. She can still save Miharu.

>>๑ (M7 Perception メ Roll: 92 = Success)<< (Detect the Labyrinth of the Vehicle Witch.)
๑ Marie: I’m far, Ciel-san, but the Labyrinth isn’t moving at all. Tell Dolores it doesn’t move. I’m heading there, I'll update you i-in case it does.

Voice of Dumbbell: Dolores is already heading that way. Please support Miharu if you get there first.

Passing Salaryman: H-HEY!

Marie gives no shit as she knocks that hard-earned coffee from the man’s hand and towards his pants. The poor, hardworking japanese salaryman grabs his salaryman balls, but Marie is already far, Marie is a second closer to Miharu.

๑ Marie: Speaking of, Ciel-san: how many Labyrinths have you seen pull shit like this?

It’s hope calming her down- and yet, there’s hardly anything else on her mind but the stillness of the Labyrinth. It monitors its every vibration, its every oscillation- with dread.

Voice of Dumbbell: Labyrinths always move, Marie. They only stay in one place when the Witch inside of them wants to harvest those marked with a Kiss on their necks.

Marie slides over the roof of a passing car; she won’t fail anymore. At least when Marie failed in other situations the risks were jail time or getting hurt. The stakes in this situation are immense. It makes failure all the more gut-wrenching-

-but she won’t fail, not this time. She won’t fall again. She will save Miharu

but why did the Labyrinth stop moving? And so suddenly?

>>๑ (M4 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 52 = 32 units covered)<< (Chase after the Labyrinth.)
>>Labyrinth of the Vehicle Witch (Dexterity 彡 Roll: 92 = Labyrinth moves 66 units of distance.)

>The Witch is attacking. Familiars are attacking.
>>Distance until exit: 100 units.
>>Miharu’s distance: -10 units.
>>Knight distance: ???
>>Vehicle Witch distance: -10 units.

>The Labyrinth is not moving.
>>Distance between Marie and the Labyrinth’s Entrance: 116 units.
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mihanon, roll me 11 sets of m2 con. no pa rolls
>So Labyrinths move all the time... Goddamnit.
>Marie might as well practice parkour or something one day. She's going to need it if she has to chase Labyrinths both transformed and untransformed.

>Get to higher ground and continue chasing after the Labyrinth.
>Look around and make sure I don't bump into Dolores-san by accident.

Dear God...
The dice are cruel bastards. If I'm not mistaken, Moongirl is running on 16/100 health right now.

This might turn into the M.A.D quest. Literally and metaphorically.
Rolled 61, 70, 21, 70, 92, 69, 77, 81, 5, 55, 22 = 623 (11d100)

...we may be needing an eyepatch after this... and a wheelchair... half my face and one of my legs are gone, and it's not stopping there it seems (though maybe since my leg is a marionette one it can be replaced haha?)

sorry marie... held on as long as we could... but i'll be tapping out here. i'll leave the rest to you

16 hp ain't gonna survive this onslaught
roll dat dex. no per roll needed cuz marie already spotted the labyrinth and it isn't moving
Rolled 49 (1d100)


Please, no!
I'm not ready to be the Main Character yet!
Rolled 94 (1d100)

this is an M7 Mind roll
Okay, what the fuck happened?!
Whatever it is, an M7 Mind roll means it's not pretty.
Whoever this pertains to must have nerves of titanium.
Rolled 71, 57, 2, 23, 62, 50, 2, 59, 23, 20, 8, 4, 60, 54, 3, 26 = 524 (16d100)

don't mind me, just rolling 16 m2con
only six of those go over fifty, pretty good!

>Continue chasing after the Labyrinth.

Is Miharu scared? No; not at all. She’s simply tired of waiting for a second moon. Out of mercy, not out of despair, she lets her mind confuse the Witch casting a shadow from above with the huge cherry blossom tree that kept her company when she got lost. Maybe it wasn’t that big. Maybe it’s her that was small. Right now, she does feel small, as the chunk of wings under her becomes unstable, as the Familiars seem to realize that the artificial orbit is long gone.


Sad to disappoint Marie, Miharu still decides to close the only eye that she can still feel, slowly, like curtains closing on a great show. The many magical signatures can simply be ignored, even as they close in on her like little kids rushing to the christmas tree because there’s nothing more she can do anymore. Pain sucks, Miharu thinks. It’s going to suck, so, so much. But it’s only going to suck for a while. Then she’ll be a wandering spirit that pranks people but in order to help them.

…A few seconds in, it’s the fact that she still can daydream that catches what little attention Miharu had to spare. As if someone had put pause on the movie, the myriad signatures clogging her magical radar became a lot easier to read- because they aren’t moving. Opening her eye out of sheer, innocent curiosity more than anything else, Miharu blinks and blinks when her magical eye and her actual eye agree- the Familiars remain in place- as well as the Witch. It… isn’t ‘looking’ at her anymore, or even facing her with the face Miharu imagined for it. Alas, that mystery wasn’t meant to last.

Ӝ Miharu: …Rin-chan?

From the back of her mind, it feels as if an ancient, colossal sarcophagus, made of dirty, shining gold, was being lifted from the depths of a pyramid with a hundred ropes. As if the scriptures on its walls, those funny drawings with cats and little guys with funny eyes dancing, were warning not to do that in a foreign, long lost language. Then something caresses her cheeks, and Miharu picks it up with what little strength she has left.

It’s a 100 yen bill.
Slowly bending her neck backwards to its limit, Miharu ends up bumping noses. The byzantine blue eyes, the pale, alabaster skin- that beautiful face almost kissing hers reminds her of someone. But that mischievous grin is alien to Miharu, and that long obsidian hair should be falling down, but it doesn’t. As it continues its ascent with elegance and care, as the Witch starts flailing but the Familiars don’t, Miharu realizes that the pretty, adult lady in the white, black, and gold dress is floating upside-down. That a painfully blinding circle hovers behind her. That it has not one, not two, not three, four, five, or six, but nine sets of wings. Most come from her back, some come from behind her waist, one from behind her neck, one from over her head- and all and each of everyone of them are made of 100 yen feather-like bills.


Miharu feels it too, taking over. Although exciting, this new feeling is so overwhelming that it’s scary. This time, she shifts gears: the magical puppet lets fear take over her mind, and it manages to keep her in check.

>>๑ (M7 Mind φ Roll: 94 = Success )<< (Resist the urge to have fun.)

>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 21 = 21 arm damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 70 = 70 damage taken, arm destroyed.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 92 = 42 body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 69 = 69 arm damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 77 = 27 body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 81 = 31 body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 5 = No body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 55 = 55 arm damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 22 = No body damage taken.)
The Familiars fling themselves at their Witch non-stop, ripping arms off, leaving dents on the ‘face’, burying themselves in the claws to clog them until the white geyser pulverizes them. The white winged lady twists around herself like a dancer as the mayhem ensues, until it’s as if sitting in an invisible throne, so tall that it presides over everything else.

>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 61 = 11 body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 70 = 70 damage taken, arm destroyed.)

The destruction of its arms, or perhaps its legs, sends the Witch off-balance and almost into the void, but its own Familiars, which keep raining on it like drizzle, band together under its body to keep the Vehicle Witch afloat. From above, they still continue to feast on its cogs and steel as the Witch flails its claws around to catch and crush them, but they keep coming, they just keep coming from all over the Labyrinth.

>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 71 = 71 damage taken, arm destroyed.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 57 = 7 body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 2 = No body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 23 = 23 arm damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 62 = 12 body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 50 = No body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 2 = No body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 59 = 59 arm damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 23 = 23 arm damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 20 = 20 arm damage taken, arm destroyed.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 8 = No body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 4 = No body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 60 = 10 body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 54 = 4 body damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 3 = 3 arm damage taken.)
>>αωδδδΦдΘд (Constitution Ω Roll: 26 = 26 arm damage taken, arm destroyed.)
The majestic-looking angel, blessed with written, sealed scrolls scattered all over its clothing, lifts her hands to the height of those alluring blue eyes, then bends its head as if asking for forgiveness. Something of true, blinding gold manifests between her fingers, something with two patiently spinning wheels hanging above it. Miharu’s only eye goes big. It’s a bike; a bike unlike any other. And in a single, elegant, spinning motion, as it descends upon the Witch, that arch-angel is riding it though the bleak, empty air of the Labyrinth.


This time, Miharu does shut her eye and looks away. It may be a Witch, but she doesn’t like pain, and she doesn’t like to see others suffer either. And the magical eye is telling her that, without a shadow of a doubt, whatever’s going to happen now… is not something that she’d want to remember.

>>ع (M5 Physical Affinity £ Roll: 95+5 = 100 = Success)<< (Destroy the Vehicle Witch.)

Finally there’s wind, sent in ripples by the chunks of the falling Witch. Which, still sentient, flails around to snag the ships of wings above as it heads straight for the shining sun below. Its few claws left grasp nothing, and when the white lines it scatters through them finally meet their mark, the deadly white lines become but harmless clouds of smoke before reaching Rin’s naked toes. As if starving madly, the Familiars follow their Witch into the depths below, continuing to swarm it even on its way down, even as its pieces become nothing but faint black dots in the distance.
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Who cares? At this point, with this level of anxiety, with this sinking feeling of regret, Marie can’t even care about what stopped the Labyrinth; she just wants to kiss it in the lips and be done with it. Who cares, really? The dread of it suddenly starting moving again, though, is getting Marie’s african blood flowing even faster, so fast that she wouldn’t be surprised if it evaporated as she transforms in and out to traverse the shopping district. So… Labyrinths move. What a detail. Marie is so upset that she’s running at top speed over a rope and she doesn’t even notice. She’d almost rather had Dolores tell her that Labyrinths move than knowing she’ll turn into a Witch in four years flat.

๑ Marie: (Miharu? Miharu? Miharu?)

Marie doesn’t know if telepathy is possible from within Labyrinths, or if it’d even work at this distance- but she keeps calling Miharu. Focused fully on that feeling in her mind, almost ignoring her eyes, Marie only realizes that she climbed a radio tower when she’s standing at the top of it.

๑ Marie: (Miharu? Miharu? Miharu?)

Maybe height helps; maybe telepathy works like radio signals. Tragically, Marie gets no response, and she can’t see the Labyrinth directly even from that vantage point

but what doesn’t escape her notice is that she’s not noticing it anymore. Suddenly growing pale, Marie takes out the phone again at lightspeed.

๑ Marie: Ciel-san, are you there? Ciel-san, are you there? Ciel-san, are you there?

Voice of Dumbbell: I’m here, Marie. I’m here, Marie. I’m here, Marie.

๑ Marie: This is not the time for jokes, you damn fucking idiot.

Teeth shaking, Marie’s temper is suddenly very quick to cool.

๑ Marie: I’m sorry, I-

Voice of Dumbbell: You are right. Ask me quickly.

Sighing in pain, Marie abides by her own complaint.

๑ Marie: Can Labyrinths teleport?

Voice of Dumbbell: I’ve never heard of Labyrinths doing that. It may be possible, but it isn’t the norm.

๑ Marie: You are right. And- I’m sorry.

Marie hangs. From atop the radio tower, she looks up to where the Labyrinth was supposed to be and continues to move towards that point.

>>๑ (M4 Dexterity 彡 Roll: 49 = 29 units covered)<< (Chase after the Labyrinth.)
>>Labyrinth of the Vehicle Witch (?????)
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Lying on the warm mud, the starry sky becomes Miharu's rare privilege. There is still but a single watchful moon up there, yet life has never been so eventful. Perhaps it’ll never come. Perhaps only the part of her wish that mattered was granted.

Ӝ Miharu: …….ouch.

Finally relaxing, all the fear, pain, and sorrow she held back manifests at once. Unable to bend her neck forward too much, Miharu can’t look down enough to accept that she only has one leg now, even if the unbearable pain below her waist is making a solid case to convince her. As tears finally start rolling down her cheeks, tears of every kind that include gratitude, the arch-angel remains above, floating ominously like a Christmas charm someone left hanging for decades.

Ӝ Miharu: …….Rin-chan? Are you ok?

ع Rin?: Miharu-chan, was it? Heavens; I recall you more- unabridged.

Ӝ Miharu: …….Huh?

The sly tone of voice, the gestures, the facial expressions- all different, all complex and full of life. The juxtaposition of actual bird-like wings is constantly touching her lips with its index finger as it talks.

Ӝ Miharu: …….Is that you, Rin-chan?

The sassy entity adheres to simplicity by simply giggling with class.

ع Rin?: I am /disparity/.

Giving no further output, the angel takes its time to lose height, bending around itself on every whim. When its naked feet finally feel the wet mud of the dark park, Rin is once more just a young schoolgirl that likes Cock too much- wearing nothing but a wing-like cape. Only then, like a Mario 64 star, does the black artifact descend, the Grief Seed that was once a Soul Gem full of color, into Rin Nakamora’s open palm.

Rin looks at Miharu’s Soul Gem, the violet, half moon-like etched gem at the top of the star-like buttons on its cropped trench-coat; it is dark. Then, she looks at the crimson ring-like Soul Gem wrapped around her own middle finger; it looks dark too.

>Pinching the jewel between her index and middle fingers, Rin holds the tarnished Soulgem up to the light. Through her tousled locks, she gazes up at it for a while - pensive, calculating as she scrutinizes its clouded depths.
> And then she pops the gem in her mouth.
>"... tastes like gravity."
oh btw marie-anon, there's no need to roll dex anymore. you can just sit back and wait till miharu and rin posts now
>Miharu sighs, closing her remaining eye. "...Alright Rin-chan. If you're going to kill me, do it quickly."
>At least she got to see the stars one last time before she went.

Hey, all those higher than average Con rolls actually helped us out this time! I was completely ready to die, tried to pick out a theme and everything, but looks like we made it? Well, almost- our curtains might draw to a close right here. A golden bike is one weird-ass weapon, but it fits the wheel of fortune theming, along with the angel wings made of money bills
just in case, im waiting for rinanon's input


Can't do too much in my position, especially if Rin's about to chomp down on the sacred candy, still in denial about the leg and kinda want to find it to stick it back on before transforming back, even if I know it's long gone :P

If I don't die, Miharu doesn't care about the grief seed, and she'll probably be wondering if Knight-san is okay and what her whole deal was
We'll try to push ourselves to see if we can find the Knight, if we find her we'll cry some tears of joy that we managed to protect both of them, but if we fail, we'll apologize for not being able to protect her before passing out, poor girl's been through a lot and deserves some rest, thinking about it all can come later
Can a soul gem survive stomach acid?
>The Grief Seed clinks against Rin's teeth as she rolls the bauble around in her mouth. Windshield-wiper fluid, fun-fair glitter, exhaust soot. Rin's not a huge fan of the flavors of this weird hard candy, but they're a step up from licorice so she tolerates it. Alerted by a soft, pain-strangled voice muttering something which she fails to parse, Rin turns and gawks at the brutalized cyclops girl.
> Displaying an utter lack of tact or decorum, Rin remarks.
> "Wow. You're **fuuuuucked** up."
>Miharu jolts, trying to sit up if she can, pushing through the pain and tiredness. "Where's Knight san?! We have to find her!"
Rin nods and rocks back and forth animatedly on her heels. The fringed girl seems to have taken an inordinately keen interest in Mirharu's various wounds, but makes no moves to help her as the girl wrestles with her own broken body. Rin gets the lingering impression that she recognizes the cyclops from somewhere.
With her mouth half-filled with metaphysical artifact, Rin garbles out a response to Miharu's sudden assertion.
>"Knight is a dumb name."
> "They the one who thrashed ya? Looking for payback?"
lumi, are you already writing or should i respond to rin-chan
also me personally, as the anon behind the screen, i'd like to try to find miharu's leg to see if we can't do something about it
her knee was a ball-joint after all, so maybe if we reattach it to the puppet body we can get the leg back, though whether miharu herself would look for it i don't know
do respond. if rin just plans to keep that soul gem inside her mouth after that, sure, we'll roll with that and it will stay there. i had to so something quick, but i'm back. i'll give this like an hour and then we go! at this point there's not much reason to hurry
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also i have to say: major points to rinanon for sticking around for a week after being crushed and not being addressed in the meantime. i couldn't, since i would had been expected to declare stuff like whether rin truly was dead or not, but it all worked out far too well
>"Huh? No, she saved you! I just don't know where she went!"
Can't exactly walk around to look for her, and crawling with our hands is so sad that I can't make her do it, so we'll just stare at the stump for a bit, before looking around to see if we can see the Knight (or my leg) close by
>Pffft! Saved her? That's almost insulting. What exactly does this girl take her for? Some kind of dainty wallflower, a damsel in need of rescue - or, Cock forbid, a Princess? No, Rin is Rin, and as such is far too awesome to ever be reduced to such a groveling state. Rin dominates circumstance not the other way around - after all, it is for her alone that actuality and improbability are bound and broken upon the spokes of the Wheel. That's what was promised to her, that's how the world works.
> No. The cyclops must be delirious from bloodloss or something.
"Nah. I'd remember that."
> Mood soured slightly, Rin surveys her surroundings with a hint of an imperial sneer. This watercolor wonderland aesthetic again, she wonders if she's been dream-napped again. Last she remembers she was prowling around town and then... fuzzy. Everything blurs together, her recollection whites-out. Not terribly unusual for Rin, losing track of herself has happened before. Gaps in memory are like gaps in teeth, markers for events too great to be recorded.
Oh, don't mind me. Just enjoying the invisible fireworks.
I wonder what Dolores will say of this situation, if anything.
It's very lucky that Rin turned into the Angel of Fortune at this exact moment. A coincidence, I'm sure.

I've been writing up the basic skeleton of what should happen in Meguca Royale: UK. Going to continue that.
Still just lookin
aight! so, just to make totally sure: all this time, Miharu's Soul Gem will remain inside Rin's mouth. is that correct?

>I've been writing up the basic skeleton of what should happen in Meguca Royale: UK. Going to continue that.
we are wrapping up real soon here so lessss goooooooooooo!!!!
> Only then, like a Mario 64 star, does the black artifact descend, the Grief Seed that was once a Soul Gem full of color, into Rin Nakamora’s open palm.
refers to Miharu's soul gem, then yes.
what, but, rinanon, that's the grief seed you got from the witch

>Rin holds the tarnished Soulgem up to the light
what you said here, though, /is/ technically valid. a Grief Seed, and it was even stated earlie, is a soul gem that had become filled with impuities. buuuuut, tbhhh, since you said that it 'tastes like gravity' i think that me and mihanon thought you were talking about miharu's soul gem, which is

>the violet, half moon-like etched gem at the top of the star-like buttons on its (Miharu's) cropped trench-coat

if this is the case, then
>Miharu sighs, closing her remaining eye. "...Alright Rin-chan. If you're going to kill me, do it quickly."
would become invalid, mihanon?
also, i think it's a good time to repeat the same thing i said (i think) in the first BA thread: striking the fine line between prose and clarity is hard work, and reading between those lines is too. there is no shame in working out these misunderstandings, we won't worry here about whether that's my fault or the reader's fault since communication between persons is often complicated by default. so, if any of you reads anything and feels it too vague, don't be ashamed to tell me. i wont be mad. you'd be helping the quest. i'm still thankful to the unholy sextet (especially helenanon, who i've seen scanning the mechanics constantly) for being giving honest feedback
Yeah not gonna lie I thought you were about to just instantly kill me because it'd be funny Rin

Yeah that becomes invalid, just have Miharu say something else I guess? What that is I don't know
> buuuuut, tbhhh, since you said that it 'tastes like gravity'
Because it fell in an unnatural, semi-weightless manner into her hands.
My second post (>>6067582) involves Rin noticing Miharu.
It would be rather incongruous to have plucked the button off of Miharu's coat while remaining oblivious to Miharu herself.
>It would be rather incongruous to have plucked the button off of Miharu's coat while remaining oblivious to Miharu herself.
that totally makes sense. desu i had considered that rin had noticed miharu's soul gem without noticing miharu herself since, well, rin /is/ like that. also, you are right about how the grief seed fell, but its funny how gravity just happens to be miharu's weapon's ability. im glad i asked

>just have Miharu say something else I guess? What that is I don't know
i may have her say something tremendously racist then

its quite too late already, but the posting man in me is satisfied. more likely than not, tomorrow it's the end of thread 1 of MR:Osaka! boy, we ran for like- 45 days in a row?!?!
>in a row
not sure about that

pro tip for the kouhais, next time just fight the witch straight?
To be fair, I think we figured a pa 2 and a pa 3 magical girl would both just do 0 damage and die instantly, rin was really our powerhouse at pa 5 and she was out cold
From my perspective, I did everything I could- Knight and Rin were about to die, so had to save them, tried to run with them on my back, couldn't get away, then I basically fought the witch straight except for bitching out at the end and being too scared to do the throw into redirect because of my shitty pa
Trying to melee with the Lunar Cross at pa 2 is a death sentence, so my only gimmicks were redirect the shot so Witch kills herself (and fat chance of that actually being an instant kill) or suicide pull the Witch down with me, tried to come up with the airplane plan to pull down the Witch but I'd need to be in melee range and even then it'd only be a 20% chance of working

it was fun, did not expect a witch fight this night while being down our main dps i'm not gonna lie, but scraping by with what I could barely do with my shitty pa was pretty fun
Maybe when I get more PA and can use my Magic to leverage an advantage.
But I did originally have a plan of leveraging Miharu's Gravity manipulation for a cool climactic final hit. Maybe next time

>boy, we ran for like- 45 days in a row?!?!
What, there's no way we- holy crap, we have.
This was fun, I actually had a bit of fun trying to act like the "Mature Big Sister", then falling into guilt, almost panicking, and constantly pushing forward. The last day featured no B&E, so Marie might be a bit antsy because of that. Oh, and because as far as she knew one of her fellow Puella Magi almost died while she couldn't help and she has big problems with guilt, but who cares about that?
The next time though? I'm staying to fight the Witch, for both In-character and out-of-character reasons.
In-character, it's because Marie just found out that Labyrinths always move, and they can be a bitch to catch. So she thinks that she might as well try to kill the Witch the moment she finds it.
Out-of-character, it's because Miharu got her cool combat moment under pressure, so obviously we need the Black Mami herself, Marie, to have her moment after reaffirming her will to fight/struggle. I can appreciate a good narrative as much as Miharu.
Will it be multiplayer? How many players?
I don’t think spillover from wis into char rolls is a good idea. Talking points being determined as negative or positive is a better usage of wis and int stats in social situations imo.

Is there an actual instant death mechanic?

Make sure to archive the thread.
It will indeed be multiplayer.
As for how many? I'm not sure. Given that this is a new system, I should go for a small number, like 3. But I could also go for 5 as a mirror of the Holy Quintet.

Oh yeah, make sure to archive the thread when you're done.
>tried to run with them on my back
In hindsight, maybe Marie with her stats should’ve carried them away.
>3 or 5
Heaven help you if you do 5. Who knows you could make the fifth one a public character.
You know what's the worst part? That was one of my plans.
I don't know why I didn't go for it. The Yuri Undertones were right there!
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my unsolicited advice? hit three- especially if you have a job. if MR:UK then keeps goings you can expand, but this way you won't be biting more than you can chew or less. i could go full retard on BA because i was struggling to find a job, but now i had a hard time even with three gucas

>Oh yeah, make sure to archive the thread when you're done.
i've never been the one to archive my threads and i still don't know who does it, but i kinda like the mystery. archiveanon, if are you are reading this, would you save this one under MR:Osaka instead of MR:Japan? cause it turns out japan that is too big

>I don’t think spillover from wis into char rolls is a good idea.
i'll consider this (and i didn't forget your last post either).

>Is there an actual instant death mechanic?
straight hits to the soul gem should do it, but i still got to give those some thought. witches rarely aim for them specifically, but when it comes to magical girl vs magical girl and shit goes TOO badly soul gem targetting is bound to happen

>This was fun, I actually had a bit of fun trying to act like the "Mature Big Sister", then falling into guilt, almost panicking, and constantly pushing forward.
glad to hear that! that's the whole point of this, after all. desu i think it was kind of funny how marie never caught up to the labyrinth, but im sure that she doesn't feel the same

>it was fun, did not expect a witch fight this night while being down our main dps i'm not gonna lie, but scraping by with what I could barely do with my shitty pa was pretty fun
you were pretty right, in the end. sometimes it is a lot more fun with limitations (although this case, desu, was kinda extreme). glad you had fun too! if i remember correctly, this is so far the only other witch fight we had besides ritalinda vs french witch, so i was kinda nervous about pulling it out of the bag

at this point (well, after the curtains close) the tradition was to ask for feedback, but it kinda seems that that already happened anyway. still, if there's something left to say, or if something remains unclear, shoot. tomorrow we'll get our happy ending and from then on we can consider the thread done and get hyped for marie

all that said, i do have some sad news. running this thread while under external pressure, even with three gucas, i'll have to admit that it was kinda rough. it's not only my job anymore, there are other factors that often demand my time and attention, but the simple reality is that, if i kept going for this long this time after six months, its because i like doing it a whole lot. depending on how well i can recover, the next thread may not be in one month but in two. i know it feels like a long time, but i can at least guarantee (and at this point you guys can believe me) that we will keep going. as for BA? well; we'll get there when we get there, no promises. you guys did have your year, after all! but i won't forget about it
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i'll give you an unasked hint, there's more than one archiveanon

my only complaint is that i was promised bigguca and so far there's been fucking zero
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>In hindsight, maybe Marie with her stats should’ve carried them away.
sometimes the best choices are the simplest. sometimes, though, that makes them the more boring. for example, i'm doing an elden ring club-only, no summons, no armor run, and getting my ass so fucking obliterated feels like how the game was actually meant to be played

>dat spoiler
i don't mind letting things develop naturally as long as they make sense but jesus, marie would have it so fucking rough. her choices so far are
-the one that kidnapped her little sister
-the nearing two decades dwarf who may or may not be the motherly figure/love interest of another fifty or so magical girls
-a pure and idealistic girl who still believes babies are delivered by stork and actually tried to catch one to get a little sibling
-fucking rin, man

>my only complaint is that i was promised bigguca and so far there's been fucking zero
now that you mention it
You're perfectly fine brother, take as long as necessary
Playing Miharu and reading this thread has unironically been my only hobby for these past weeks while working and it filled up my free time pretty well, and that's just playing a character, not even close to having to write for three of them, which must be exhausting even if it can be fulfilling
It was pretty lucky that the arena was suited to my limited set of tools, if this was the French Witch I'd be doin nothing, zero damage, especially with those fucking m15 requirements, best I could do is throw the Lunar Cross once, probably dent the bear trap, then that's all I got

It was pretty awesome that the dice worked well with us to create a good story, but then again, was it the dice, or the skill of a writer that makes all those dice rolls seem like perfect literature :)? Obviously the second one
For feedback, I got none I can think of right now, it was great, Miharu was based, if I come up with stuff tomorrow I'll say it, I'm the type to dislike platitudes for the sake of it and greatly value honesty, so you know my words aren't just bullshit
It’s only then that Rin’s surroundings finally fish her attention. Rows of cherry blossom trees in full bloom, carefully trimmed bushes, tall lamp-posts, and a lazy, fat cat saw an angel fall from above. Looming behind the scenery peeks a Japanese castle made blue by the light below; of its top half can be seen but a shade. But none of that is that interesting. At least not to Rin. Pinching the jewel between her index and middle fingers, Rin holds the tarnished Soul Gem, the Grief Seed, up to the bluish light. Through her tousled locks, she gazes up at it for a while - pensive, calculating as she scrutinizes its clouded depths.

And then she pops the gem in her mouth.

Ӝ Miharu: ……. Wait- HuH??! So that’s how it’s done? It’s like candy?

The broken puppet is secretly thankful for the shock: it made her forget, if briefly, the lashing complaints of what’s left of her body.

Ӝ Miharu: ……. Wait, so, umm, what does that even taste like?

ع Rin: ... twastwes wike gwavity.

The Grief Seed clinks against Rin's teeth as she rolls the bauble around in her mouth. Windshield-wiper fluid, fun-fair glitter, exhaust soot. Rin's not a huge fan of the flavors of this weird hard candy, but they're a step up from licorice so she tolerates it. Finally alerted by the soft, pain-strangled voice muttering something which she fails to parse, Rin turns and gawks at the brutalized cyclops girl.

ع Rin: Wow. Wrou're fuuuuuuwcked uwp.

Ӝ Miharu: ……. thanks?

At least she’s fucked up. At least she’s here. But once the fire stops burning people fall back to the details, and so Miharu jolts, trying to sit up, because she noticed that someone isn't here.

Ӝ Miharu: … Mr. Knight?! Where's Knight san?! We have to find her!
Despite her worries, pushing through the pain and tiredness is soon proven to Miharu as easy as swimming in mud. And as she tries to squeeze what little fire she can out of her body, which at this point is like half a dry lemon, Rin nods and rocks back and forth animatedly on her heels. The fringed girl seems to have taken an inordinately keen interest in Mirharu's various wounds, but makes no moves to help her as the girl wrestles with her own broken body. The scorned savior gets the lingering impression that she recognizes the cyclops from somewhere. With her mouth half-filled with the metaphysical artifact, Rin garbles out a response to Miharu's sudden assertion.

ع Rin: Kwight is a duwmb wame.

Sagely, Rin nods to herself. Then, sagely as well, she bites down on the Grief Seed only to regret it immediately; the black gem is hard because it is a gem. But it can be done. With perseverance and maybe the power of friendship, Rin knows that even pearls can be chewed.

ع Rin: Twey the wone who thwawshed ya? Wooking fwor pwaybwack?.

Ӝ Miharu: … Huh? Payback? No, no payback, Rin-chan- she saved you! I just don't know where she went!

And wherever that Knight could have gone, the Knight that saved them both, somehow, is where Miharu wants to be right now. Only… that she can’t exactly walk around and look for her, and crawling with her hands, dragging her body across the floor, isn’t working quite so well.

ع Rin: Nwah. I'd rewmewmbwer thwat.

But then it hits. The implication that she was just saved, and /exactly/ like one of those frilly, proper princesses, the ones locked in castles that can’t do nothing but shit and cry, draws on Rin’s face the biggest grimace it ever wore. She doesn’t need some guy to stab the dragon, let alone /another girl/. That’s not how it goes. That’s not how her fucking wish goes.

Ӝ Miharu: *gasp* *gasp* Comeeeee oooon….!!

Under Rin’s unreadable stare as she mourns, Miharu gasps and grumbles, then tries to stand and fails to even lift her body off the ground.

ع Rin: A gwowrm.

Already angry, Miharu finally gets to look at the cauterized stump directly- and regrets it immediately, and looks away- but it’s too late.
Ӝ Miharu: *sob* ….A-auch… a-auch!!!

The adrenaline has finally worn off in its entirety. The abused puppet screams in silence. Her eye is burning badly. Her face is burning badly. Her leg is burning badly, and a line across her body too. It hurts, it hurts so much, and the realization of just how much people can suffer is hurting too and almost as much. In truly agonizing pain, Miharu turns herself around to face the starry sky to, unknown to herself, beg for rain, as her Soul Gem grows ever darker. But Rin, however, doesn’t understand. With her mood soured slightly in comparison to Miharu’s, she surveys her surroundings with a hint of an imperial sneer. She remembers prowling around town, then standing on a plane. And then… then…

ع Rin: …yyyYWEEEWSS!!!

Her balled-up fists shake right under her chin. Yes, that’s it! /That/ is what actually happened!

ع Rin: I waws BWIG. And SMWAWRT. Awndw there was MWONWEY.

Ӝ Miharu: Rin-chan… *sob* ….A-AUCH!! P-please… find my leg… find Mr. Knight…!

ع Rin: Yeawh, no, waiwt.

Striking a pose like a sentai character, Rin casts a shadow over Miharu as the wounded girl feels like she’s melting alive. Seconds pass, noses are frown, and Rin finally turns to the Magical Girl groveling at her feet.

ع Rin: Yweah, no, wait, how do you do thwat? The Pwowawr Wanwers thing.

Ӝ Miharu: …I-I’ll tell you if, i-if… you find… the knight… my leg… h-help…

ع Rin: Yeah faiwr.

Miharu’s Soul Gem isn’t as violet anymore as Rin sets to walk around the park, enjoying the fresh breeze as she looks for either a human leg lying around or the plate-mail wearing imouto Rin thinks she remembers. Barely a few steps away from their crashing site, the rough girl spots the latter almost immediately. It’s like the Knight, shaking so much that its armor acts like a drum kit, lying in fetal position against a tree, didn’t realize that the Witch is gone. Or perhaps that’s exactly the case.

ع Rin: An ostrich.


Flipping a shit, the Knight flails the long longsword around in a panic. But, to its merit, it doesn’t take as long this time to come around.

Knight: YOu idiot! Why did you scare me like-

From behind the metallic, crow-shaped beak, the Knight finally lets in the world around it.

Knight: It’s- it’s gone? Did we escape somehow? Did it leave?!

It does take the Knight a while to remember Rin, who is wearing nothing but the wing-like cape. But when it does remember-

Knight: Is that a- no, I must be seeing things. Wait.

It steps closer to Rin, who spins the Grief Seed around her mouth as it licks it.

Knight: I, eh, um… that’s… that’s not how you use it. It’s not candy.

Rin just grabs the Knight by the vambrace and drags it along, with surprising strength for her lithe frame.
Knight: So- so you took it down! It WORKED! I fell for so long, but, you- um… oh.

That last ‘oh’ is the Knight finding Miharu weeping on the floor, all traces of her former bravado less than an afterthought. Not wasting a word, the Knight kneels in front of the girl and turns her around, which causes her to actually scream this time.

Knight: S-sorry. I’d be delicate if we had time, but we don’t.

Suddenly, that crow-like visor is moving sideways frantically.

Knight: …a towel, a blanket, a sweater, anything! I need something to cover her with! The cape!!

ع Rin: Nwo.

For whatever reason, the Knight desists at once.

Ӝ Miharu: ………Mr. Knight! You made it! I’m so thrilled!

Miharu’s smile through clenched teeth is weak and she’s sweating too much. Yet, from inside that helmet, her Mr. Knight sighs.

Knight: I already broke it once, what’s broken can’t be broken again. Just don’t tell anyone! But- ah!

With utmost care, the two metal fingers reach for the etched jewel at the top of the column of star-like buttons over Miharu’s fast-breathing chest.

Knight: …no, no, no, this won’t do, the operation will just drive her to the edge and she’ll become a Witch! OH! Yes! The Grief Seed!

The Knight extends her hand towards Rin.

Knight: Spit it out! Quickly! I’ll show you how to use it!

taking player agency off at this point felt wrong, and we can afford it so let's have one or two more inputs. also, in the previous character sheets (except helen's) i wrote all the magics of the unholy sextet and what they do, but you guys don't know yet. so, this is what we gonna do. what me whatever clues or whatever is it that you think it does and it will go straight into the character sheet
>Rin is initially resistant to the idea of relinquishing the gem. She saw it first, so naturally it belongs to her. Moreover, she's heard people pull lines like that before immediately cutting and running with the goods.
>Rin seriously contemplates swallowing the grief seed, before being stuck with the alluring realization that 'Knight' is offering to teach her more magic. The lack of personal autonomy Rin experienced in that instant could only appropriately be compared to demonic possession
> Rin reluctantly relinquishes the jewel to the platemail-clad stranger and stands extremely close beside her, poised to bodyslam the Knight at the slightest implication of skulduggery.
just. came. back. you'd think the weekend would be the day for questing. well, fuck that, apparently. let's see if i push something before my eyes fail me
miharu... damn... i'm sorry...
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Calling dibs is sacred, so the Knight’s desperate suggestion strikes Rin as no less than ignorance towards the fundamental laws of the universe. She’s resistant to the idea of relinquishing the gem. She saw it first, so it belongs to her. Moreover, she can’t transform, Miharu is in shambles, and the dude/little girl/whatever is wearing full-plate armor and has a sword. She's heard people pull lines like that before immediately cutting and running with the goods, and there would be no way to stop the Knight if the thought had crossed its mind.

ع Rin: Hmmm…

Knight: …What’s taking you so long? Do it!

What’s taking her that long is that Rin is seriously contemplating swallowing the Grief Seed. Once inside her belly, there would be no way for the Knight to steal it without making a mess, so maybe this isn’t the best idea Rin has ever had. Conveniently, the alluring realization that 'Knight' is offering to teach her more magic lets Rin throw that idea in the trash can, as if curiosity was a demon that possessed her.

ع Rin: K.

Rin reluctantly spits the jewel to the platemail-clad stranger ‘face’ with a clunking sound, whose gauntlets flail to pick up as it's haphazardly juggled in the air. But, once it’s finally secured between those metal hands, the Knight finds Rin standing extremely close beside it.

Knight: …Eh.

ع Rin: Don’t mind me.

Poised to bodyslam the Knight at the slightest implication of skulduggery, Rin glances at the still gasping, hyperventilating Miharu, and how she sinks her nails in the grass and mud as if to stop something from spiriting her away. A few tense seconds pass as the Grief Seed lands on the filthy, violet Soul Gem, both for Rin and Miharu; if the Knight is nervous as well there is no way to tell. With the weak, and very humble ‘thud’ from a shaking hand, the strange, complex jewels make contact-

(Ӝ: 11%) -> (Ӝ: 100%):・*゚˖⊹°゚⊹*゚⊹*゚⊹°゚⊹*゚⊹

-and the darkness of the Soul Gem is sucked by the darkness of the Grief Seed. Miharu’s gasping wavers. Even if it's wearing a full plate helmet shaped like a crow’s beak, the Knight couldn’t stop itself from wiping a vambrace against its forehead as if it was soaked in sweat.

Ӝ Miharu: …thank you, Rin… thank you, Mr. Knight… I… I think I feel better now.

Knight: Ok, so that’s done. But there’s still no time to waste.

It certainly isn’t; Miharu’s Soul Gem, even now that is sparkling clean, continues to grow darker because of the pain she’s feeling.
Knight: Um, better late than never, so, forgive the intrusion, but- what were your names, again? You are Rin, then. And, you are… um, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to-

Miharu manages to smirk from ear to ear despite it all.

Ӝ Miharu: I’m Miharu Fukugawa-senpai! And this here is Rin Nakamora-chan, our secret weapon!

ع Rin: Yup.

Instantly, Rin’s face curls as she wonders if Miharu should have said that- but perhaps there was no stopping it. Some people can’t stop lying, but others can’t stop telling the truth.

Knight: R-right! Pleased to make your acquaintance. Um, so, Miharu-senpai… would you mind passing away?

Ӝ Miharu: Passing away?

Knight: Your will is so strong that you are still awake… despite…

Rin’s nose twinkles. The smell of charred flesh and bone has become hard to ignore.

Ӝ Miharu: I don’t think I can do that?

Knight: Y-yes; I see. It is an unreasonable demand. Would you mind if I hit your cranium just hard enough? I’d very much rather you not be awake for this.

Even like that, Miharu manages a head tilt.

Ӝ Miharu: …eeeeeh, Mr. Knight-san; are you sure you could do that with just the right amount of force? Without, you know… making me stupid?

Knight: …No. No, you are right, I’m not confident enough, and the brain is such a wonderful, but complex machine, so…what I’m going to do is… well, many say that it’s super gross. I think that’s subjective. It is very painful, objectively.

Ӝ Miharu: …oh.

Knight: So, um, we will have to resort to asphyxia. We’ll cut the bloodstream to your brain just enough to-

Ӝ Miharu: …eeeeEEHH; you mean you are going to strangle me?

Knight: Just a little?

Ӝ Miharu: Um, I’m used to pain by now.

Knight: …is that so. Right. Then-

A fat tear, like a bomb, drops from the side of Miharu’s melted eye socket- but maybe she didn’t even notice that.

Knight: …right. I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me. I will carry on even if you tell me to stop.

Ӝ Miharu: I… won’t tell you to…
The Knight, with that bucked-like helmet, nods only once.

Knight: Close your eyes and look away. Rin-san: close your eyes and look away.

ع Rin: Nu-huh!

Knight: If you don’t look away, I’m not doing this. And if I catch you looking my way, I will stop.

The sudden severity of the Knight’s voice takes Rin off-guard; it’s that of a doctor reminding a patient that fucking around with the cholesterol pills will get it killed and her fired.

Knight: For the sake of your friend, let me focus.

ع Rin: We ain’t friends though, ‘friends’ is halfway to ‘gay’.

The Knight doesn’t issue another warning, yet Rin looks away without being asked to. Miharu feels her forehead frown beyond its normal limits as her own nails dig into the palms of her hands and her only leg starts shaking uncontrollably. The pain is so bad that she is screaming, but the screaming is silent because the air left her lungs the very first second.

Knight: I-I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. I’m sorry. It’s… not an automatic process. I have to take care of every detail myself but, rest assured, I did my research. You are in good hands. This will be worth it. This pain has meaning.

What Miharu feels, impossible as it should be, is her missing leg being slowly scratched back into existence- and the Knight was right, this is even worse than getting hit by the Witch. Now Miharu knows. Rin was so blessed, back then, when the blow took out her consciousness. Rin was so lucky back then. As if counting before chasing people in a game of hide and seek, the Rin of today almost gives up to her curiosity demon, almost turns to peek- exactly because of how gross it must be. But, she stops herself short at the last moment. She doesn’t know why. The impulse just isn’t there.
๑ Marie: WHAT, just- What. Is. Going. On?!

Bruised, bloody, dirty, gasping, and extremely relaxed to the point she looks like a zombie, Marie does look directly at what the Knight didn’t want Rin to look at.

๑ Marie: …oh my god.

Her legs fail her; but her arms draw the Clé Squelette.

ع Rin: Don’t look. If you look, we lose.

Knight: WaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitWAIT!! I was there. In the Labyrinth. I’m helping, I’m helping, I swear!

And now the Knight is shaking, barely glancing over her shoulder, keeping the arms and shoulder plates in a fixed position. By then, Marie was already looking away.

๑ Marie: Please tell me what. The. FUCK. are you doing right now.

Knight: I’m just building Miharu-senpai a new leg! I’m just building Miharu-senpai a new leg.

๑ Marie: Miharu, is that true?

Miharu doesn’t answer.

๑ Marie: (Miharu? Miharu?!)

Knight: Everything is alright, Miharu-senpai still has a pulse and her Soul Gem has already stabilized. She, um, must have fainted because of the pain. Which is good. It’s a good thing.

Marie just falls to her knees, peeking again and instantly regretting it forever. In silence, not screaming at the Knight, not asking anything else, she lets herself do nothing and wait. She wasn’t in that Labyrinth, so Marie believes that she doesn’t have the right to meddle.

Knight: It’s going well. Everything is going well. Just… done.

‘Done’; the word, to Marie, feels like a church’s bell. Both her and Rin walk up to the peacefully comatose Miharu, now untransformed; the naked leg looks too red.

Knight: The individual, um, Miharu-senpai, sustained severe damage to the left half of its thorax and dorsal area- some of the intestine had to be cut off and replaced. That and um, the rib cage, some bones had scattered around. But her natural regeneration should do the rest.

๑ Marie: …Miharu!

Marie breaks into some wild, shameless weeping, even if she just met the girl a day ago. What a nightmare. What a fucking nightmare of a day, and she didn’t even get the brunt of it.

Knight: The eye had to be replaced as well. Well, um… most of the facial structure had to be replaced, but the cranium held up with just some concussions. There is no need to cry; everything will work just as before, I promise. It’s just, um, that scar on her face will have to stay, the one that goes down all the way to the pelvis-

ع Rin: I don’t see the scar.

Knight: R-right, I’m being too vague. By 'the scar' I mean, um, that.

She points at it, the thick crimson line that covers the whole center of the left side of Miharu’s face. It looks like a rift. Rin whistles.
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Knight: But it’s alright! She’s alive! We all made it out of there alive! Yaaaaaaaaay!!

Marie just can’t find the strength to thank the Knight right now… let alone celebrate. Its efforts to dance and shake those heavy arms fall flat, and soon it stops.

Knight: Alright, so… um, would you mind giving me that cape? I need it, and it’s very important-

ع Rin: Nu-huh!

Knight: Um... you! Could you, um… un-transform and lend a jacket or something to secret weapon-san? So I can take my cape and-

ع Rin: NU-HUH!

Knight: But why?!

ع Rin: Because the lesbians are going to fuck me, DUH!

Knight: Come on! Plea-

The car stops. The door opens. Looking from over a shoulder-plate, it sees Dolores, already transformed, close the front door shut as the Coordinator Ciel Auclair peeks from the passenger’s seat. Not even saying goodbye, the Knight takes on a mad sprint, moving its knees and elbows too high and too much like a rookie marathon runner. It must be hard, with that armor- and it’s so loud. Placing a dainty hand on that thigh, Dumbbell stops Dolores from pursuing.

Dumbbell: Marie said that the Crow Knight was friendly. It must have its reasons.

Dolores: We could make very sure of those.

Dumbbell just shakes her head, then walks up to Miharu, caressing Marie’s wet cheek on the way there. Although somewhat disheveled, the Coordinator is still in her adult wear.

Dumbbell: Was Rin the Princess?

๑ Marie: Yes. It was Nakamora-san.

Dumbbells bleak, quiet eyes do get a little lively at the sight of Rin.

Dumbbell: Rin, is that the Crow Knight’s cape?

ع Rin: I’m not giving it!

Dumbbell: I see. Please keep it on.
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Finally, she kneels next to Miharu, whose chest is now puffing up slowly. After all this time, Marie gets to lay eyes on Dolores once more, whose hair just changed to brilliant white and then to black again.

๑ Marie: Where’s my sister, Dolores?

Dolores: She asked to be in my care, Desire-san. And that’s all we will discuss at this moment.

Marie feels ready at last to throw hands with Dolores, perhaps out of misguided feelings of regret. Yet, the quiet rage she finds in the woman’s eyes reminds her of Dad, and so Marie is driven to confusion, and then to quietude.

Dumbbell: Maybe I shouldn’t wake her up. Miharu seems to have gone through too much tonight.

But Miharu opens those big eyes. Both of them.

Ӝ Miharu: H-hi.

Dumbbell: Oh. Hellooo.

Ӝ Miharu: I wasn’t sleeping, you know? I’m just- super tired.

But Miharu at least manages to sit, Indian position. Dumbbell simply shares the silence with her, perhaps waiting until Miharu is ready to talk- but the Magical Girl throws herself at her instead.

Ӝ Miharu: Rin-chan… you know? *sob* She was super cool back there. Rin-chan got to transform into Super Rin-chan, *sob*, and do a super ultimate attack.

Dumbbell: The four of you did so well.

Miharu is hugging Dumbbell somewhat forcibly, as if the Coordinator was just a life-size doll for kids with autism. Yet, the little woman takes it all meekly, even giddy as she’s waved around, wearing a smile that shows gratitude even as Miharu’s tears get her naked shoulder wet.

Ӝ Miharu: So, why?! Why *sob* was my first transformation so pointless?! I missed my timing! I couldn’t do anything awesome against the Witch like Rin-chan did!

Dolores: Is that /seriously/ what you are complaining about, Fukugawa-san?

Holding Miharu against her chest, patting her back, the Coordinator giggles.

Dumbbell: That’s not why she’s crying.

i hereby declare 'thread done', whatever happens beyond this point is just fucking around and extras. its five and a half fucking pm, a new record in me fucking up my schedule, but boy ask me if i regret it

aight, so there you have it. thread done!
Until next time. Take care.
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Congratulations on a successful quest.
We may cross paths again. Farewell.
Marie's power (in my theory) works based strictly on her Wish: "I wish to be able to analyse anything I find. So that I can deconstruct, trespass, and reconstruct any system I see." and her addendum "I do not escape the consequences of my actions"

Her power is of Analysis. However if she just analyses an object then she will suffer Information Overload. So she needs to say a "Purpose" (i.e: "How would I burn this?") and a Query for relevant information (i.e: "What is the Autoignition Temperature of this thing?"). She still faints (for now) but for less time, and the information is actually parsable and memorable.

Whenever the query is not valid or there is nothing to be told, then the power just does nothing. Small miracles.

Her Magic seems to extend to normal questions as well. When she asked Dolores about her wish, so she could know her better, Dolores answered and then wondered why she even told Marie. As if her mental process of "Should I tell her this?" was just skipped.

Great thread! Thanks for running this! I'll be looking here often for the next one!
For now...
Meguca Royale: UK Edition is coming real soon. I'm just testing Char-Gen then a practice game.
not so fast nyuggaaa!
>write me whatever clues or whatever is it that you think your power does and it will go straight into the character sheet
same for mihanon

that works a ton, thanks!

>Meguca Royale: UK Edition is coming real soon.
damn straight son les fuckin GOOOO

>which must be exhausting even if it can be fulfilling
the fulfillments keeps you going, but even than a lot of shit gets in the way. we all are still fighting to survive every day

>especially with those fucking m15 requirements
lucinda must be made of motherfucking titanium to have pulled that kind of shit. i was laughing like a tard when i wrote the prompt thinking we were getting mami 2.0, but bitches are hard

>or the skill of a writer that makes all those dice rolls seem like perfect literature
it was the skill of many writers. the prompts were great all over, which i think is the great thing of running for other qms. i have to point at rin specifically on this because of how different the player and character are and how it still made it work

>and greatly value honesty, so you know my words aren't just bullshit
as mark twain said, i can live two weeks on a good compliment, so now i got two weeks. as stated, having fun is what this is all about, so if only that is archived then its good enough

yes, at least for a long time, and i think that this was proven. im not sure. research will be required

>which is that she just turned any impurities she had into magic.
this process still requires magic to be used, and more magic than the one she gets in return even if she recycles the byproducts. entropy is unstoppable

>MA confuses me about whether it's a how much control you have over your magic vs. how much magical muscle you have
think of it like this: you have a sword. the less you have to move it to cut niggas down, the less energy you spend, and the more niggas you cut. its the same with ma. affinity with one's magic also translates to efficiency and efficacy both

>There are strong characters who lack control over what magic they have.
that is low MA then. let say you personal magic is straight-up killing people. if you can't aim it well, if it's hard to cast or to meet the requirements for your magic to work or its expensive, then the MA is low

>But yeah, a magical girl from the Viking Age might not bat an eye at killing her enemies, enslaving them, and other horrors.
that was my point too. morality depends on context and context depends on era, so even those Magical Girls who ate people alive could be considered saints by all the rest simply because at least their morality was some steps ahead.

>And being able to decide another's life end or continuation is absolute control.
if you think about it, we all already do that when we decide not to punch a nigga in the throat

>We haven't met any Alina like characters yet.
i would like everyone to remember this comment and to blame helenanon in the near or far future
Ah, so that's the gross thing, I didn't expect the Knight to be able to reconstruct limbs, also damn that soul gem was getting real close to the brink

Hey, we get to become punished Miharu and have a cool scar, even if the whole experience was fucking PAINFUL I was honestly fully prepared to have to eyepatch and wheelchair it up. I'm probably biased, but Knight-san has quickly earned a spot in my heart

That's a really nice ending, I like it a lot. I could go on, but that would defeat the magic. Just puts a bittersweet smile on your face, man Miharu's such a good kid

Not gonna lie, I have NO clue, something something stories, something something coincidences?

Thanks for everything Lumina, it was an absolute pleasure, and it was fun working with you all (my fellow players) as well
I cannot understate the fact that this has quite literally been the thing carrying me through work everyday and the only hobby/thing I've filled up my free time with for the past three weeks, I've reread shit countless times. I suppose I'll have to find something else meaningful to fill that void until your eventual return, lest I become consumed by the degeneracy of the modern world and fry my own dopamine receptors in a self-destructive spiral
No clue who Alina is, but if the wiki is anything to go off of I'm ready to bust out some anime philosophy and take down serial killers

Thanks again. Like a certain girl staring out into the night sky from her bedroom window, I'll be waiting for the day we all see each other once more
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Good shit, Lumina. Your crazy ass has still got it. Still reeling over all the stuff you packed into this thread! Looking forward to the next one, or UK, or whatever the hell comes next. Almost inspires me to run one!

To the kouhais: welcome to the shit. You're in for it now!
> I wish that the wheel of fortune only turns in my favor.
Probabilistic variables are intrinsic to every process, no matter the scale or simplicity.
As the Wheel of Fortune's constant inexorable rotation proceeds, the value of these variables shift randomly.
There is no calculated design behind these changes, and no grand meaning in the consequences they produce.
They merely are.
Rin's wish introduces a whisper of intention to this system, through not her own.
Serendipity blossoms from coincidence, and risk courts opportunity. Decks are loaded and dice are weighted.
And, as innumerable datasets ebb and flow invisibly around her, Rin finds that the circumstances of life are passively tailored to her advantage.
Explicitly and exclusively to her advantage, birthing a steadily accumulating disparity.
you know what: fuck it. there's a section called 'core belief' in the character sheets, and i can't bring myself to write anything in any of yours. go ahead and write it yourselves. it has to be a short sentence, ten words max
Life could be a fairytale if you tried.

Or something along those lines, feel free to reword it to make it sound better
> Unshackled by Hope and Regret, maraud across the Eternal Present.
>"Your actions have consequences. Make them good ones, or else."

Surprisingly nothing to do with trespassing and can in fact be anti-thetical to it. Something that Marie has internal conniptions over sometimes.
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Ӝ Miharu Fukugawa Ӝ
Age: 14
Personality Type: ENFP
-Impulsive. Would rather do than think.
-Extremely abstract. Hardly aware of what's right in front of her nose unless she tries.
-Idealistic, yet superficial. Good at making others feel that they are characters in a grand story.

Religion, culture, rumors, books; stories are the catalyst of history. Hearing that eating soap sent her bald classmate to the hospital saved a young Miharu Fukugawa, who had been enticed by the smell and color of her own. Astonished since early by the menialities people fight and yell over, Miharu was quick to brandish the power of fables to stop those around her from making mistakes by telling them stories, at times making them up on the spot.
However, stories are depictions of reality, and not reality itself. Endowed with the many biases of the authors she embraced, Miharu believes to a fault that a happier world is coming. Sadly, ideals don’t often take resources into account, or boring stuff like logistics- and yet, at the end of the day, it’s sticks and stones that make things happen. She’s slightly arrogant, at times in jest, at times not.

Wants life to be like her favorite stories, with satisfying character arcs and interesting plot threads (as opposed to the anticlimactic mess it usually is). Thinks life and the world is simple and easy to understand, may be right. Usually hard-headed in her beliefs, but can flip on a dime if she thinks the opposite side has a good argument (rare). Likes looking into problems and trying to solve them, usually not half-bad at it despite seeming immature. Acts arrogant "Heh, so you've come to the great Miharu for help," and may be a little chuuni, but is actually helpful. Extremely vulnerable to bad moods, will either give her alive to lift them or find excuses to run away.

Physical Appearance: Black hair that spikes out at the sides, short at the back, carefully arranged to look unkempt. All 1.55 meters of her thin body seem very slightly flabby. With a mostly asian disposition, there’s some russian here and there; her teal eyes may seem green at times. Gives the impression of being in constant, endless movement. Often seen wearing sunglasses.

Core Belief: Life could be a fairytale if you tried.
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+++++Stories, particularly short detective flicks
+++Gentle animals
+++Simple moral lessons
+++Various narrative mediums
+Cold Tacos
-Loud gatherings
-Trivial conversations
—-Arguments over trivialities
—---Suffering, even when justified
—----Physical pain

£ Physical Affinity: 2
λ Magical Affinity: 5
彡 Dexterity: 4
メ Perception: 4
⸫ Wisdom: 4
π Intelligence: 2
ღ Charisma: 4
φ Mind: 7
Ω Constitution: 3

Soul Gem:
-Color: Violet.
-Shape: Half-moon like.
Location: At the top of the star-like buttons on the cropped trench-coat, right under the neck.

Magical Form: Wears a thick, very short-sleeved, very cropped trench-coat, fully closed at the front with many star-like buttons; some sapphire, some ruby. Half scarlet, hard ocean blue in a striped pattern, its colors glitter with intensity in contrast with the thin arms stretching almost from her shoulders, velvet black. White gloves on her hands, Fat jester bloomers hide the top of her thighs, as massive black boots hide what they can of her naked feet and legs. Her arms become black metalli tubes, her shoulders, elbows, and wrists become ball joints. Looks like a marionette.

Magical Weapon: The Lunar Cross, an enormous cross shaped like two crescent moons back to back, from which tips and center come out white cables connected to her Magical Form; these can be safely removed.
-Capable of controlling the gravity of objects by spinning in place.
–The effect is stronger when applied to objects right in front of it.
–The effect is very limited.
-Can remain suspended, unaffected by gravity.

Magical Trait: Unknown. Continuously involved in abnormal, unprompted events. These seem to follow a certain format.

Magical Power: Unknown.

Wish: "I wish the Earth had two moons!"
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๑ Marie-Antoinette Desire ๑
Age: 15
Personality Type: ISTP
-Cautious. Would rather think than do.
-Bad with abstractions: lives to see things for herself.
-Effective, fiercely loyal, and somewhat traditional, yet bad with emotions.

Secrets are always true, if it’s hidden then it matters. For every truth there’s a lie that Marie-Antoinette can’t tell apart, but her eyes have never failed her. The normal girl became a normal girl that breaks into private property when nobody sees her, and has seen anormal things that nobody would believe.
But the thrill has a price; enjoying mundanity is also a skill that demands patience. Skill won’t always escalate with risk, but the pay-off will be less every time, boredom becomes easier. To become aware of the consequences means to stop, but to stop means to suffer; and so one becomes enslaved by freedom. Often called a nigger.

She's a mostly calm girl. Except when she talks about something she's knowledgeable or skilled in, then she rambles a lot, very loudly, and without letting the other person talk. She also dislikes it when others insult her hair, she spends an unbelievable amount of time taking care of it. Overall, a normal girl, unless you count the part about her being obsessed with breaking into places.

Physical Appearance: A dark-skinned girl with large, black, kinky hair that's still kept under control. A foreigner who would stand out in any crowd you could put her in. She usually wears brown or black boots and a sweater in the same color, trying her best to not stand out. She also usually carries a large backpack filled with random electronics. Is secretly proficient at applying makeup.

Core Belief: Your actions have consequences. Make them good ones, or else.
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+++Breaking into private property or forbidden territory.
+++Her family
+Her hair
—Being stuck or locked for any reason
—Not knowing what people want.
—-Being a Magical Girl.

£ Physical Affinity: 3
λ Magical Affinity: 2
彡 Dexterity: 6
メ Perception: 7
⸫ Wisdom: 4
π Intelligence: 5
ღ Charisma: 2
φ Mind: 3
Ω Constitution: 3

Soul Gem:
-Color: Orange.
-Shape: The hole of a lock.
-Location: Left ear.

Magical Form: Legs become clad in full plate armor, including sabatons, greaves, poleyns, and steel cuisses. Hair becomes black and long and flows down like a river, a tiny lantern hangs onto the right side of her head like a brooch. Wears a silky-soft black robe with golden engravings that is made of chainmail, it barely covers her waist. Wings in the shape of doors spawn behind her back.

Magical Weapon: The ‘Cle Squelette’, a very particular scabbard that Marie takes out of her chest. Looks like a very long lock.
-Can either be swung as-is or lock-picked in order to unleash its full potential.
–The very moment the lock comes undone, the wave rake inside is shot violently from its sheath.
-–Apparently, the scabbard heats it up while it’s stored.

Magical Trait: Unknown. Others often tell her what they think.

Magical Power: Unknown.
-Theoretically, it works based strictly on her wish.
-Her power is that of analysis.
–However if she just analyzes an object then she will suffer Information Overload.
—So she needs to say a "Purpose" (i.e: "How would I burn this?") and a Query for relevant information (i.e: "What is the Autoignition Temperature of this thing?").
—-Whenever the query is not valid or there is nothing to be told, then the power just does nothing.
–She still faints (for now) but for less time, and the information is actually parsable and memorable.
-Her Magic seems to extend to normal questions as well. When she asked Dolores about her wish, so she could know her better, Dolores answered and then wondered why she even told Marie. As if her mental process of "Should I tell her this?" was just skipped.

Wish: "I wish to be able to analyze anything I find. So that I can deconstruct, trespass, and reconstruct any system I see."
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Ӝ Rin Nakamora Ӝ
Age: 13
Personality Type: ESTP
-Impulsive. Would rather not think.
-Extremely concrete. If it isn’t there, it doesn’t exist, and it doesn’t matter. If it is, punch it.
-A natural prodigy at rallying people. The depth of her causes, however, is hard to see. Would be unable to describe what a ‘feeling’ is.

A ‘koji’ (orphan) abandoned to Japan’s primitive foster care system from an early age. After her parents left her in an institutional orphanage already at full capacity, Rin’s delicate body meant that she was an easy target. Thus, she learned to swing rocks very hard. Coincidentally, her refined taste for ‘fun’ has often led others, even enemies, to spontaneously offer Rin their aid- her crude plans have a miraculous tendency to work out. Having so many angry kids and rocks at her disposal may explain why she hated being taken back home.
Unfortunately, brute force often only makes things worse. Befriended by a local yakuza gang, Rin would spend her brighter days learning the art of intimidation, privy to a dark side of the world others often only see in detective flicks. Living by strength and cunning is like always playing a game, but hurting others grows a rift. One day, it may be too thick to jump over.

A blunt and profoundly dense girl, with no particularly outstanding qualities. However, through some unprecedented cosmic cock-up she has enjoyed an outrageous streak of serendipity over the course of her life so far. Mistaking this string of unveiled flukes as actual competence, this girl has grown rather arrogant. Worships ‘Cock’. Tenderness both terrifies and disgusts her. Has a tendency to speak with extreme fluency out of nowhere. Often teased because her last name is 'Nakamora' and not 'Nakamura'. Despite her obsession with 'Cock', she thinks sex is only about wresting.

Physical Appearance: Messy shoulder-length black hair with a heavy, eye-obscuring fringe. A rather plain face only notable in how it lethargically oozes from one vapid expression to the next. A lithe frame, bound with minimal muscle or fat, all wrapped in alabaster skin. No real conception of fashion sense, outfits are typically composed from the first things she pulls from her closet. Looks like a Lhasa Apso.

Core Belief: “Unshackled by hope and regret, maraud across the Eternal Present.”
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++People slipping or falling
+Playing with toddlers
-Waking up early
–Corny stuff
—The Gay

£ Physical Affinity: 5
λ Magical Affinity: 7
彡 Dexterity: 2
メ Perception: 2
⸫ Wisdom: 1
π Intelligence: 3
ღ Charisma: 6
φ Mind: 6
Ω Constitution: 3

Soul Gem:
-Color: Crimson.
-Shape: Smiling lips.
-Location: Forehead.

Magical Form: Body becomes that of a young adult’s, hair becomes long and darker, eyes become easy to see. Becomes vibrant, refined, and attractive. Wears a majestic white, black, and gold dress with scrolls scattered all over it, all written in a strange language and stamped with red wax seals. Nine sets of wings spawn all over her back, waist, neck, and even from over her head, all easily capable of blocking Rin from prying eyes. The wings are made of 100 yen feather-like bills. Naked feet. Tone of voice becomes sly, gestures become broad and tactful, facial expressions become expressive. Often wears a mischievous grin. Follows an arch-angelical pattern. Floats a lot, often upside-down.

Magical Weapon: A blindingly golden bike unlike any other. Highly destructive, not much is known about it.

Magical Trait: Unknown. Continuously rallies others to her causes without even attempting to.

Magical Power: Unknown.
-”Probabilistic variables are intrinsic to every process, no matter the scale or simplicity. As the Wheel of Fortune's constant inexorable rotation proceeds, the value of these variables shift randomly.”
-”Rin's wish introduces a whisper of intention to this system, though not her own.”
-”Rin finds that the circumstances of life are passively tailored to her advantage.”
-”Explicitly and exclusively to her advantage, birthing a steadily accumulating disparity.”
-Despite this, Rin was instantly mauled to a pulp by the Vehicle Witch.

Wish: "I wish that the wheel of fortune only turns in my favor."
wutchuguys think, is thing ok?
thing great
We'll pull out those sunglasses and go full detective at some point, but only when it's the optimal moment and we have a full blown mystery on our hands, like solving a murder or finding who stole the last piece of cake!
oh yeah, unsure if those maybe green eyes and possible drops of russian blood implies something imeredala-like, which might be foreboding :P
I like how one of Marie's Likes is "Miharu" and the Most Hated is being a Magical Girl.
I like it. It works out well.
Also Miharu's likes and dislikes going to huge extremes is definitely her
Her most hated things being suffering and physical pain makes the last few posts hurt even more, but all's well that ends well, right? :)
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Just a while ago, "Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Gaiden" has officially EoS'd after seven years and four main arcs; it had one fucking run. Most of you have likely only heard of it, since it's not as famous as the main series, and gacha games aren't famous for their story.

What makes this worthwhile telling for me is that, when I first saw Iroha, I immediately thought 'muh Madoka OC donut steel' and decided to ignore the whole thing for three years. The main series had left a nice Madoka-shaped hole in me and I didn't want to soil its memory. With all the new Star Wars movies coming out at the moment, which sucked absolute fucking ass (and I shall not respect your opinions in this matter) I felt entitled to simply ignore it and move on.

I had never been so wrong in my entire life.
So, so wrong. Guys, you have NO idea. Beware: little story time coming.

Come the pandemic, my brother couldn't handle the city anymore and so he came to my little house near the beach. He didn't know jack-shit about Magical Girls and to this day he finds the whole thing cringe and kinda pedo, but yet he insisted that I see it, simple because he thought that I would like it. Given that he was going through a very rough patch (he was having a panic attack every day), and that there wasn’t exactly much more to do getting the pox, I agreed just to please him. We saw the anime. Then, I was so fucked beyond my mind that we saw the whole gacha game story together. Long story short, I haven't gone a day without thinking about this story since then, and I cared so much about it that I spent a full year away from it all just to let the translators catch up on Arc 2. As you might have guessed, that was the year of Meguca Royale BA.

So why am I saying all this and in proper grammar, besides to cope inhumanly hard? Because Magia Record was something that I didn't like and I didn't want to see, something I thought as cringe and fanservicey that I felt smart for avoiding. A fiction that today, after 30 years watching cult anime, reading wikis, and reading the serious books of the smart fuckers, remains the most serious and heartfelt universe I was lucky enough to witness, and even now I still have trouble believing it exists- a story about little girls in frilly dresses shooting pink fucking arrows and talking about friendship all the time.

Don't let 'cringe' or shame blind you. There's no telling how much you could lose.

So in short I’ll write a little extra something to both honor and mourn this cheap gacha game with horrendous gameplay. Thanks for reading.
Damn... Magia Record bros... always sucks when something you like comes to an end without a satisfying conclusion (I'm assuming)

I'm also the type to like letting good stories end and avoid spinoffs so my experience isn't retroactively ruined, but if my nigguca is shilling it this hard I may need to give it a look (though I do need to stop being a little bitch and get work done). Perhaps it'll fill the kino withdrawal symptoms I've been starting to develop
its certainly not for everyone. having cute 2D girls permanently stare straight at you, while talking about kidness, is not for everyone, and even I still feel a bit ashamed when I read the stories. but, it hasn't even failed to make up for it, and you can see now how low my shame has gone. this is, of course, only my own personal experience, and everyone would be forgiven for thinking it sucks fat donkey balls like I used to. but if it /is/ your thing, if it is what you are looking for, then there's so much of it and so carefully crafted that I wouldn't be able to NOT recommend it
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You are bigguca, bigger than leguca, bigger than miguca, and than liguca too. The biggest. Widest. Longest. Guca.
On a Saturday night you kill Witches, Friday afternoon you bring in bitches, come Monday you shine the Law of Cycles with spit so no one disses. When it gets boring you watch Homura, when Homura gets boring you mess with Mami's tea. Tuesday, you watch the stars.
But sometimes it gets too boring, and you wish you were more than a concept. Saving everyone is cool and all and you don't even mind that no one remembers you, but watching over timelines can get a bit more repetitive. Even though there's one where Sayaka wears a tie and one where Kyoko wears glasses, sometimes it's not enough.
One day, week, month, year, decade, whatever, you feel that smell again. The smell of the forbidden, of the forgotten, the smell for which you’ve gotten so fat.

The smell of junk food.
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You spend some serious effort and consideration in dedicating the devil only the barest of glances, the most minimal of acknowledgements- but it’s SO hard to ignore the burger. That twenty seven hundred trillion billion kilometers royale with cheese, which is far too big for a hamburger, floating over that black glove- it’s everything you should never want. Yet, do you catch yourself drooling? Yes, that is the truth. Teasing you with that shameless chunk of cholesterol, the devil wears her most devilish smile with glee.

Homura Akemi.

While evil itself looms closer, you feign interest in the new astral record that holds the unique timeline. After rejecting her advances for more time than mortals can even imagine, mostly because of Homura’s selfishness, the walls finally came crumbling down and the both of you spent eternities in love. But at some point even kisses lose meaning. Affection is ephemeral by nature like any other feeling. As people grow to know each other, even deities madly in love, they will always find that the other is different from what they originally expected- at times, in ways that don’t quite complement each other. That hellish firenado of passion thus became a burning forest, and then the tender, constant flame of an oven. Then it left; now it’s back. And right next to you, before you knew. Given her dull expression, her vacant eyes, you know that she knows that you are watching Emma Imeredala, so your facade of being interested is beyond saving now.
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Mentally screaming (a scream she heard) you get between Homura and the special record. As she moves around to peek from your sides, faster every time, feinting to catch you off-guard, your movements intertwine in a twisted heavenly dance. It stops once you grab both her cheeks at once, holding evil in place for the sake of good everywhere, when you look the demon in the eye and tell her to NOT be bad. You won’t let her do it. Not again. Because after she introduced the Hot Pepper Giga Cheese Italiana and Mentaiko Mayo Shrimp combo to the Law of Cycles it took /hours/ for its sanitary system to get clogged with shit and tears. A wreck that could be smelled many timelines away. And what a coincidence it was that the Wheels of Fortune had disappeared just then, right when you needed to sweat the most, so nothing could save you from ending up as round as a planet.

But! All that’s well and gone. Not having a static bike isn’t an excuse, in the end. Morning runs across the galaxy had always been a thing, you just chose to not look away anymore. With some effort and good recipes, you had finally found back the true taste of veggies. And after only some discipline that anyone can have and twenty seven hundred quatrillion eons of keeping at it, you got your slender shape back. All it took was to make pizza heresy in the Law of Cycles and to pursue offenders to the ends of time.

Homura giggles devilishly, and loudly at that. You knew it; she came to take it all away, your pretty shape, to tempt you with the one true form of Desire. You confront the devil directly and demand its intentions, yet while still moving away from the sweet smell of sweet fats and carbs as you do.

She shrugs: nothing.

According to Homura, she’s there just because. Even though her wings flap like a cat’s tail, even though her stare is fixed in one spot. Your cheeks puff like ten hundred galaxies each because stopping her would be such a pain. So, for the sake of your own sanity, you ignore the darkness, you ignore the smell of junk food, and set forth on your thrilling veture: watching over Emma because you screwed her over.

But you know, they say a change of context is good for creativity, so-

>Watch over:
>>Jimena Gimenez.
>>Rita Hammerhead.
>>Erika Kruppman.
>>Rin Nakamora.
>>Marie-Antoinette Desire.
>>Miharu Fukugawa.
>>That other girl.
>>>Erika Kruppman.
my galpal for life
Oh shit it's bigguca and big...mura? Homubig? No clue how to make that sound good

And awwww shit Rin fucking stole the Wheels of Fortune from bigguca herself, no wonder that shit is busted

I'm assuming "that other girl" is Helen(a), since the other girls we're missing are Lucinda and Emma, both of whom already had a bigguca meddling encounter
Alternatively it could be someone as wacky as the entire province of Cordoba
I'm fine with anyone being picked, so I'll let my senpais and fellow players decide for now, but if I have to choose I'll do so
That being said, if I were to approach this from a literary standpoint, I'd say the characters that need an interlude less are Jimena, Rin, and Miharu (which obviously implies that the ones I think would benefit from an interlude more are Rita, Erika, Marie, and mystery girl that totally isn't Helen[a])
>I'm assuming "that other girl" is Helen(a),
what the FUCK, my literary genius pattern recognition skill failed me????
many possible options then, shaniqua the third post megucking, dolores, knight-chan, doubt it's dumbbell, if we want to get really wild it could be akiko or wakoko
And therefore since I'm a sucker for mystery boxes I'll put in a soft vote for
>>That other girl.
but I'd like to request that in the event of a tie or anything my vote mean nothing, so basically I'm making a nothing gesture
hmmm, ive been giving stuff some thought. i was being considerete to helen-a cause she smol, but! we may not be going far enough into the past anyhow. so,
>>Helen Troyes
is also a choice
lol i forgot for a moment that she was literally 8, kinda hard to interlude that not gonna lie (unless it was just going to be the Angel interaction)

Given the fact that we're page 10 and dropping off halfway through an interlude is the worst case scenario, if no one votes in the next 10 hours go lock in Erika. She's based and the post-time skip scene with her and the conversation with Hush were peak kino, but I think she could use a nice flashback before she kills herself to nullify all the omniscience dolls

She'd be my pick if the mystery box didn't exist anyway, just didn't want to dissuade others from voicing what they wanted by immediately giving Erika two votes off the bat :P
>That other girl

I used a RNG and it chose this. I guess the mystery box naturally attracts the wheel of fortune.
>>That other girl.
The box, THE BOX!
If you are to ignore that fat-oozing burger, you are going to need more than Emma mulling over, much more than her long, miserable attempts at convincing herself to ask the other girl out. And wouldn’t that be a shame, huh, when there’s so much to work with. There’s that blonde with the scythe that everyone keeps pissing off, then the super tall bookworm who just insulted someone in german, and even that other poor girl who found a rat and has taught it to backflips- with no magic whatsoever. This new timeline is so addictive; it’s the taste of the new. Even watching that one snoring in the middle of the class can leave you wondering where the hours went. Even if that old mummy is already wary of you and you can only get second-hand reports every now and then. Oh! And those four new ones now, on that little island. The black one who breaks into places, the weird one who looks like a dog, then there’s Scarface, and… and… and?

Squinting hard like a true asian, you lean closer to the stray, orphan timeline. And… nah, ain’t no way. No. Yet you squint even harder to the point your face looks like a granny’s. It moves fast, it even teleports in plain sight. No, ain’t no way. No way it’s that stupid dress. No way it’s spreading rumors. Not again.

And yet it is. Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Rumor Spreader: Have you heard? Have you heard of it? Who told you? The rumor of the Bus In Reverse!

You spin around and the Devil is already shrugging, already innocent of whatever you are about to accuse it. But- when? You almost turned into a chameleon trying to keep an eye out while watching over Emma- or the others, whatever. Your favorite timeline! She ruined it! You punch the demon in the face, but it blocks your fist with the hamburger. Muhuhu’ing, it floats away as you desperately shake the oil and cheddar off your holy white glove, saying that there’s no love here anymore so she’s off to make Mami buy eight cakes. From eternal love to eternal pranking; maybe that’s what happens after the happy ending of your Brazilian Telenovelas.

You SIGH, actually mad. Whatever. Whatever! She’s got so much into your mind that it’s like the smell is still there. But, the smell is still there. In fact, the burger is still there, left forgotten in space.

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Chewing on it, you scan the many ‘cameras’ you snuck into the timeline like a retired mall officer with a bad back. Homura forgot the hamburger, so of course eating it would count as vengeance and that is all the thought this is going to get. Besides, it could be dangerous, like what if it crashes against a timeline? What you did is good. Nobody should need any excuse to be happy. And that's that.

That weird thing with those stupid pants finally escapes the sight of your last Pink Kyubey. Rumor Spreaders used to lure innocent people into Uwasas, rumors that had been made real through the power of magic. Their purpose at the time was to harvest the emotional energy of those involved with them in order to feed something very unique and dangerous.

Well; they solved this before, right? Right- they can deal with this now. Besides, they are japanese. They’ll be right at home. But, then again, this will be the first time you send them out like this, and they might be too kind to do what needs to be done, so- will you risk the mission? Or will you risk the outcome by sending someone who had already betrayed you before? No prospect looks better than the other by much.

>Send Yachiyo Nanami, a stern, yet fair Magical Girl.
>Send Yui Tsuruno, a bubbly yet smart Magical Girl.
>Send Sana Futaba, a shy yet brave Magical Girl.
>*SIGH* Just send the usual and pray.
>>Send Sana Futaba, a shy yet brave Magical Girl.
throw our writing bitch a bone
>Send Sana Futaba, a shy yet brave Magical Girl.

Why her? I like the colour Green. I am serious. That is the extent of my thinking.
>Send Sana Futaba, a shy yet brave Magical Girl.
it's time
you guys are solid but im so nervous now aaaaaaaaaaaa

>big...mura? Homubig?
there's so much evil in this world that saying shes big is an understatement. also, biggura? homumumumu? akembig?

>the entire province of Cordoba
team violet tower got totally side-eyed, but they still exist

>lol i forgot for a moment that she was literally 8
considering the kind of shit bigguca likes to pull it didn't feel right, and she wouldn't even be a magical girl yet

>before she kills herself to nullify all the omniscience dolls
i'm almost thankful erika didn't use omniscience more. you guys would laugh at the time i spent in google because of school hitler

gonna take a while
Better do her justice, this determines my entire first impression of Sana-chan :D

One day we'll see Cordoba and Statue of Liberty back in action...
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>Send Sana Futaba.

As the saying goes: fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, I’ll break your fucking legs. But you shouldn’t be breaking legs, no; you are the Goddess of all Magical Girls. You shouldn’t be brash; you should be angelical. That is the word that makes your choice so easy.

With a wave of your hand, you summon her from the Law of Cycles, which you were just using like a yoyo. You see only the tip of the crown at first, which look like two golden horns, then- the shield. Why, of course; you forgot Sana’s nature for a second there. Once the whole body is out, all you get is a huge-ass shield with legs, the shield crowned with seven emeralds and the legs covered in sturdy-looking greaves. The white veils hanging from the back of her head and waist can still be seen- oh, and the big, wide-open green eyes too, those staring at you from the wide socket on that portable wall.

Talking Shield: K-kaname-san?! I, um… H-hi!

The shield is greeting you. Judging by those eyes, perhaps you don’t look too amused at the tactless lack of well-deserved reverence; manners these days are less than an afterthought. But, you are a merciful goddess full of love, so you have to be merciful. It’s your job. You greet the Radio Wave Girl softly with your hulking image, then tell her she has been chosen to be the Emissary of the Law of Cycles.

Talking Shield: …Me? But; why me? I mean, there’s Yachiyo-san, Felicia-chan, Tsuruno-san…

It’s not a bad question. Maybe you don’t even know yourself. Yachiyo is a super strong veteran, Tsuruno is the ‘Strongest Magical Girl’, Felicia is a Witch-crushing prodigy- but Sana isn’t strong, no. She is, at least, bafflingly sturdy. At any rate, she’s already here, and sending her back now could hurt her feelings so- you tell her that it’s because you believe in her. Generic bullshit, sure, but it usually works when you add hand gestures to the speech.

Talking Shield: You believe in me? But-

You already know how to hype this girl up. You tell her, specifically, ‘that you need her’- and the green on those eyes behind the shield brighten up. The Futabas were a family of achievers that valued each other only based on accomplishments, and being kind is not a feat, apparently. Scorned and exiled even inside her home, told that she would be fed but ignored, she grew up to feel useless and wished to disappear from this world. Dreams become nothing but pain to the dreamers without the tools to achieve them, so they cling desperately to any hint of their own power. The fact that she’s putting that shield down proves you right.

λ Sana: Then… if you need me, I’ll do my best for you, Kaname-san!
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A golden tiara donned with a single, round emerald, green hair done in pig-tails, a cute round face; that’s the Sana behind the shield. She wears a dark green, long-sleeved, vertical-striped turtle-neck cashmere sweater, with only her chest and upper arm wrapped in steel on top of it. The skirt, white with green motifs, is only frilly at the sides, wrapped in place by a brown belt that looks very normal- all she ever wanted to be.

And yet… you sigh, dramatically, drawing some frantic looks from the girl. ‘Kaname-san’. At this point you’d even settle for ‘Kaname-sama’ but… no, there’s no point in fretting about it. Sana is the type to cement her feelings through hard work. That is how she’ll show her respect, you think as you cram her inside a satellite as if she was a napkin.

λ Sana: Kaname-san?! AaaaH!!

Respecting your elders is a thing of the past, but then again- do you want to be the elder? You give it some thought as you put that winged chunk of metal in your mouth and grab the blowgun Homura used to shoot you in the ass with. Spending time doing taxes inside a cubicle won’t make you smart even if you stay two hundred years, except maybe when it comes to math. But wisdom, you think as you aim at a specific point in the orphan timeline, takes misery. Maybe that’s what’s going to make Sana a good choice.


A perfect shot, down to the millimeter. You shiver, sweating; nobody saw how glorious that was. It was lost, forever. A head then peeks from the Law of Cycles, and almost in desperation you ask it if she just saw that awesome shit.

λ Nagisa: Nagisa wants to go too! Nagisa is a good girl! I swear it!

You laugh and laugh and gently push her inside with your thumb. You know that the Law of Cycles had gone a bit hectic with all the gambling and selective cat breeding for races, but at least that will help teach Nagisa Momoe not to cross a god.
The satellite landed in Osaka at the top of a building used for radio broadcasts. Well; at least it didn’t land in Akihabara. The hatch is kicked open, and the tiny ladder rolls down at a bad angle. Dazed, Sana staggers her way down from it as people are already rushing to the rooftop, even to the surrounding ones. But they don’t talk to her. They don’t offer Sana aid. They simply walk past her as Sana walks past time, because Sana is invisible to anyone that’s not a Magical Girl.

When Sana walks into the back of the sushi place, with her hair all messed up, she’s greeted by one of the Pink Kyubeys under your control. But, surprisingly, it’s not surprise what she’s wearing on that round face.

λ Sana: K-kaname-san… you shouldn’t do things like that! What if it was someone like Ui-chan in there instead of me? What if they got hurt?

You can’t tell if she’s angry, scared, or both, but those sure are fighting words coming out of her small mouth. Needless; your aim was perfect! But maybe, yeah, maybe you just fucked up a little. Not like you are going to tell her. You dart out further into the back-alleys, cueing the Magical Girl to follow suit, sniffing out that same magical reaction that you felt after that devil Homura tainted your precious timelines with her icky fingers and dirty nails. Even if it’s still in a general direction, it shifts locations so fast and so much that you wonder if this unit’s magical radar broke.
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Rumor Spreader: Have you heard? Have you?! I’m talking about the Rumor of the Bus In Reverse!

There it is, the thing, the fucker, jumping around in the middle of the main street, acknowledged by no one but heard by everyone. Neither the Pink Kyubey nor Sana can be seen by humans, so you witness the walking insult from behind a parking lot’s wire mesh wall. You want to punch it badly. But Sana is your arms and fists, and those hands are only for drawing picture books for kids.

Rumor Spreader: Plant a stick on an empty street, stick a plank with the word: ‘LOVE!’ on it, make a heart with four fingers- and a red bus will come from the opposite side! In reverse! Get in, get in, but, oh no! The fare is your heart!

λ Sana: Kaname-san… Could this be…!

You can’t believe it either; clearly, you didn’t squint your eyes hard enough the first time, even after you went full asian mode.

Rumor Spreader: It will take you to your one true love, true, and If it says ‘yes!’ then everyone can come out to celebrate! But if it says ‘no!’, then- oh, no! Your heart stays on the bus! But if there are no more seats, then- heartless people will wander the streets! It’s the hottest rumor among the old nee-sans in Fukushima Ward! Evol!!

But when it teleports right in front of Sana, when their noses bump, when the Invisible Girl has the other’s wide grin almost biting her, there’s no more doubt. Sana reels back.

λ Sana: Um, are you… a Magical Girl?

Rumor Spreader: YES!!!!!!!

…no, no more doubt anymore. It’s wearing those stupid pants, it's wearing that stupid hood, and yet, a Puella Magi is what stands before your pink avatar. At least this one has arms.

λ Sana: Um, hi! I’m a Magical Girl too!

Rumor Spreader: COOL!!!!!!

And then the Puella Magi is somewhere else. You… you don’t know. This unthinkable abomination, this atrocity inflicted upon you by none other than the Devil itself, should be eradicated- but that is when the weight of your choice is felt in full. While Nagisa would have spent less than two nano-desu seconds to obliterate the invader with soap bubbles, Sana is well on her road to being one of the gentlest Magical Girls ever seen after the other one left. You shake your head in dismay; it’s over. Now that Sana knows that this Rumour Spreader, the new Uwasa-san is a Magical Girl, there’s no way in ten thousand hells she’s laying a single digit on her. You doomed yourself to relying on the power of love and friendship right from the very start.

λ Sana: Kaname-san… what should I do?

By the tone of her voice, Sana may still be a little bit peeved off- but no time for that, really. Uwasa-san laid the new Rumor straight to your face, so there are a few tracks to choose from now.

>Chase the new Uwasa-san and try to get answers from it.
>Follow the Rumor of the Bus in Reverse. Uwasas were dangerous back then.
>>Follow the Rumor of the Bus in Reverse. Uwasas were dangerous back then.
monster of the week! we all love these
Well, this seems like it can only end poorly and with our heart getting stolen, but let's follow the Rumor of the Bus In Reverse! I'm curious about it, and I don't think we'll get much more from this strange girl who's kinda a monster but apparently just a girl dressed as one

>Follow the Rumor of the Bus in Reverse. Uwasas were dangerous back then.
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>Follow the Rumor of the Bus in Reverse. Uwasas were dangerous back then.

Chase the culprit and it will run away, but crime scenes won’t grow legs. That would make sense if… you weren’t chasing a bus. It remain the best choice regardless, chasing a teleporter and one with such a high pitched, echoing voice seems like torture. You convey Sana as much.

λ Sana: Ok.

What a simple answer. Sana un-transforms into her Mizuna Girl’s School uniform, a short-sleeved purple dress that goes over a long-sleeved white shirt and sports a short skirt above long dark socks. You ask her why- since nobody can see her anyway.

λ Sana: It’s just that, walking next to normal people while wearing my Magical Girl outfit… It makes me feel like I’m a weird person.

Oh well; it’s not like it’s an inconvenience anyway. Any empty street would do according to the Rumor, all you need now stuff to call it- and you know where to find it. And you tell her.

λ Sana: H-huh?!

There’s no one to ask for help and stealing such specific items would take too long, so this will have to do. A discarded broomstick, a chunk of a bed’s backrest, a black crayon, and a pen with a cat-shaped tip; that’s what Sana could dig from the trash box between the school and the school supply store. She keeps apologizing to the freaked-out cats as she pretty much dives into that awful-smelling box, looking for something to glue it all together, screaming as a cockroach walks over her hands. Such is the task of the Emissary of the Law of Cycles.

λ Sana: Kaname-san, I found this.

Despite smelling like shit now, Sana seems proud as she holds out a piece of wet cardboard that’s still surrounded by some scotch tape. You wonder if that can still glue anything at this point.

λ Sana: I’m not sure if this will work... I just have to remove it carefully, carefully…

This is going to take a while, isn’t it? You dive into the trash yourself for the sake of efficiency, and find a perfectly fine paper tape roll in less than a minute. But when you show it to Sana, she looks sad.

λ Sana: Oh. Um, good job, Kaname-san… I’m sorry.

She’s halfway through peeling that tape off the cardboard. Looking at Sana’s dirty nails, you toss the paper tape roll back into the trash.

λ Sana: You tossed it back? Why?

You let Sana know that paper tape doesn’t stick that well on wood. It’s a total lie, but there’s no way she’d know.

λ Sana: Oh, too bad. That’s such a shame.

It is. You use your little paws to help hold that piece of cardboard as she peels the dirty tape off it. It’s a slow process.
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It should have been obvious, but finding an empty street in Osaka is simply not easy. Especially in broad daylight, its streets are like a heart pumping up blood that is scattered through all of Japan. But, it can be done. It’s simply a test of luck and patience- like the one you are going through right now as you witness Sana try to stick the makeshift bus stop next to a tree for the seventh time.

λ Sana: …Oh, no.

It falls down again. In the end, of course, the scotch tape didn’t glue anything to anything; but, it worked well enough as a makeshift rope to hold that chunk of wood in place. The word ‘LOVE’ is spelled on it, yes, but… the top of the ‘O’ was left kinda open so it may also look like a ‘U’. Hopefully, the bus is also looking for ‘LUVE’.

λ Sana: What should I do…?

You didn’t have the heart to tell her that she has to dig the hole first, so instead you simply grab the bottom of the stick to hold it in place- only to be bashed against the floor by a clueless Sana.

λ Sana: *gasps* Kaname-san?! Are you okay? I’m so sorry!

You are perfectly fine; it’s the Pink Kyubey who just got mauled with the power of friendship. But, you tell her it’s fine. These things could take a few bullets from Homura back then. Finally holding the bus stop in place from below, digging it a bit in the soil so it’s ‘planted’, you tell Sana to make a heart with four fingers.

λ Sana: Um, like this? I’m so sorry.

Like that. The street is empty, the stick is planted, the plank says ‘LUVE’, and Sana-chan looks like a desperate idol. Time flows. Cícadas sing. Anime girls with cute voices try to sell furniture. Sana giggles. You wonder why, which seems to startle her.

λ Sana: It’s just, um… Kaname-san, do you know Mr. Purrs-a-lot?

You don’t. If it doesn’t have child abuse, people crying, wars over cheating, and heavy musical cues telling you how to feel, it’s not your stuff. It’s not your jungle.

λ Sana: It’s a puppet show that I like- a lot. There’s Mr Purrs-a-lot, Piggles the Pig, Mootaro the Cow, and um… I used to want to go there… and the things in the trash box looked like little houses, so I was making up stories for the rats and cats living there… Um!- that’s not weird, isn’t it?

She looks so worried all of a sudden.
It's cute.
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Those reactions, those tasty feelings; you can't help wanting more of that, it's what you are. To tease her further (as much as you can, really), you aim your shot and ask cute little Sana-chan to which Prince Charming the bus is gonna take her. As expected, this short-circuits the Sana; but it’s you who ends up amazed when her features are quick to lighten up. Because, again, she giggles. Like when she was in that fantasy happy land inside her head.

λ Sana: I wonder if that would work.

Talking so fast, you asked something obvious. Love is often tarnished by mixed wants and desires, like money, status, or loneliness; Sana had found the cleanest one yet. She lost it, and too soon. Everyone who knows her knows that has to live missing it every day. You ask nothing more.


At least thinking again about Rumors, it’s only then that you even consider wondering:

λ Sana: …Kaname-san; maybe this Rumor doesn’t exist yet?

That’s a detail too heavy to omit, especially for an almighty Goddess. Shame, shame!! If Homura snuck that thing into this timeline back then, how much time did it have to manifest a Rumor? Enough? Is it barely getting started? Does the damn thing even cause Rumors with a capital 'R' in the first place?!

λ Sana: Nemu-chan was unique to the timeline I come from, so… I wonder why the resemblance is so strong.

Before you start spitting fatalist theories, before the Pink Kyubey crumbles under the weight of that ugly caveman stick- it rears its back, it rears closer, it’s a red bus turning a corner- in reverse!

λ Sana: Kaname-san! The Rumor…

…is a lot bigger than expected. It’s not just a bus; it’s like a red metal snake with clear segments with two floors. You feel so many things at once. One is relief. The other is anger. The final is a secret craving for pizza that upsets you even further. The red-bus-in-reverse stops right in front of Sana, its door folds open. Inside, sitting on the bus driver’s seat, is a normal bus driver like any other. Green words float around him; green words float around the long red bus.

You remember that the Uwasas, the monsters in charge of stopping anyone rendering their rumor false, can be exposed by going against their rules. Destroying them, at least before, destroyed the Rumor itself.

Then you notice that there's people already inside the buses-

-then you remember the fare.

>Step into the long red bus.
>Go against the Rumor.
fuuuuuuck fuuuuuuuuuuuuck we are sinking aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i dont know if we are gonna make it guys
we gonna need a fuckton of power of friendship over here
>>Step into the long red bus.
its prooobably fine. we should have a janny with us for occasions like this
guys if we step on that bus sana-chan might not be making it out... but how can this interlude be called love and desire if we don't even try to find our true love?
>step into the long red bus
my friends

we're on the precipice (second to last thread)

our time together comes to an end

some day, we'll see each other again
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no time for pretty much anything else, so let's try this. if I don't make it before thread sinks, i'll update this pastebin later:


i hope this works. it was a very long, very lovely thread- almost two months long. see you soon!
time for the ultimate test of my soul reading abilities

catch you on the flip side
Great. See you later.
Make sure to archive the thread, anyone!
We are fiiine
Some fag spammed a bunch of soijaks and knocked a few threads off, they are gone now so we'll live
jim is pulling out the real power of friendship here to extend our lifespan by however long we can manage

with such a beautiful display of love, we can't let it die here!!!
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>Step into the long red bus.

λ Sana: Law of Cycles-san, I’m getting into the bus.

You didn’t even give the command yet and she’s already eager to carry it out. You feel as if you’ve picked the right choice, which means that you may be afraid of arguing with Sana… Well, now that you’ve got the choice to not think about that you’ll take it. Letting the awful sign fall where it may, you jump on that purple shoulder. With firm, careful steps, the Emissary of the Law of Cycles climbs into the bus.

Bus Driver: …

The man, bald with a clean, unsettling chin, says nothing, and points at nothing. Likely, the fare has already been paid. This Pink Kyubey has no heart, but if that’s how it is then Futaba-chan’s was seized by the Rumor. The bus starts moving- like in the Rumor’s name, in the opposite direction.

λ Sana: (Oh… there aren’t many passengers yet?)

You wonder if people can hear Sana, since she’s talking through telepathy now. At any rate, this may confirm that the Rumor has barely started standing on two legs, meaning that Homura /did/ screw you over. From Sana’s shoulder, you peek through the window- and even your actual ears perk up. When the bus took a corner, it was as if the urban Osakan landscape had been cut and stuck to that of a snowy rural village’s- as if merged together. Suddenly, the bus is in another place. Suddenly, it’s kinda cold.

λ Sana: (Oh, no… They look so crestfallen.)

The few seats taken, at least in this wagon, only have very quiet-looking people sitting on them. Mumbling. Mumbling a lot.

Man with ‘I love dinosaurs’ shirt: I knew it… My height isn’t enough… I look weak…

Glasses-wearing female sushi chef: It’s my face, isn’t it? My face is odd. How do I change that?

Mangaka-looking guy: I-I stuttered so much- why am I like this…!

λ Sana: (They must have been rejected by their one true love. It must have been so sad and painful… But, maybe they haven’t known each other enough? How much time- ah!?)

Simply walking through, a man draws a whimper from Sana as he knocks her aside and into a seat, then takes one for himself. Right; people can’t see her, but this guy didn’t even mind that half his body crashed into something. You finish Sana’s thought: just how much time does the bus give you to get the other’s approval? How much is enough? Does it wait until you either get loved or rejected? How does this Rumor work? Instead of standing up again, the Magical Girl of Mikazuki Villa shifted her butt to the next seat, the one with the now tarnished window. Now, as the bus takes another corner in reverse, the snowy village is merged with a road next to a beach.

λ Sana: (Kaname-san; how do the passengers know when it’s their turn?)

How should I know? The Rumor didn’t even talk about that.
Woman that just came in: …oh my, just what’s going on here?!

Both you and Sana turn to look at once. A human, a normal woman, is looking shocked at the public laid before her.

Depressed fat otaku with pimples: It’s the Chinese… the Chinese are after me… with their cameras…!

Chinese schoolgirl: Is it because I’m Chinese? Why is everyone so mean to us?!


The woman that just came in looks simply terrified, and for all the right reasons.

Normal Salaryman: Hey, you there. Hear me out. Let me explain.

The woman turns to the normal salaryman.

Normal Salaryman: They all have been rejected and don’t want to leave. They won’t listen to reason or to anything I say.

Woman that just came in: Then- what do we do? They are in danger! We are in danger!

Normal Salaryman: If the rumors are true, and so far they are, then one of us has to be loved in return. That would save us all.

“Then everyone can come out to celebrate!” is what crosses your mind, and surely Sana’s. This… is actually getting kinda fun. Maybe because it’s not you in there about to lose your heart. Yeah, maybe that’s why. And yet Sana doesn’t look that nervous, despite her nefarious lack of self-confidence.

Normal Salaryman: Sit; and when you feel ready, press the red stop button. It will take you to your one true love, as the rumors say.

Woman that just came in: So- why haven’t you?

Normal Salaryman: I don’t feel ready yet.
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So that’s how it works; after pressing that button, the bus will take you to somewhere else in the world. Meanwhile, it continues to pick up people from Osaka, and the bus continues to fill up. You ask the Radio Wave Girl if she has a plan.

λ Sana: (I think we should wait, Kaname-san.)


λ Sana: (This bus is very big, so, maybe someone will be accepted before it fills up. Um… maybe this isn’t like Nemu-chan’s Rumors? I first want to see how hard it is and why so many fail, if that’s alright..)

Ah, wishful thinking, right on time. Well, you get what you paid for, so for now you sit shotgun on her head, a good vantage point with a clear view. And right on time.

λ Sana: (Oh. Look, someone is walking out of the bus.)

It’s a guy with a very powerful mustache, a mustache with an aura- you know because he made a peace sign at the bus when he stepped out. And the person he’s walking to is a strong-looking woman… with a heavy mustache. This time the landscape is that of a Brazilian favela, a working-class slum for poor people that you know to heart. Apparently, this hulk of a bus can’t be seen by just anyone, likely only by those under the influence of the Rumor. The rejected passengers remain on their seats, but the four or three still sane cram the spot meant for bikes and its window. Thankfully, you’ve already found the perfect view spot- between Sana’s pigtails-

λ Sana: (I’m so nervous for him… I hope it goes well. Do your best, Mustache-san!)

He can’t hear you. Excited at finally getting to watch one of your telenovelas live, the big you in outer space summons the popcorn and cheetos because it’s fine every one in a while. Only… the two of them are too far to be heard, so you kinda have to make up the dialogue in your head. And their names. But, when your mustache guy gets elbowed in the face and ragdolled across the street, you realize you’ve been too optimistic with the script. He steps into the bus again, crying and leaking blood from his nose, sobbing wildly, which doesn’t happen much in those stories.

Mustache guy: She didn’t even speak Japanese!

…you are beginning to think that whoever thought up this Rumor didn’t think too much.
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The bus moves and moves; the planes shift and shift. People come, but don’t go, and the bus fills. The critical point approaches, and you grow nervous. A heartless Sana-chan… Yachiyo Nanami will gather the hope of ten million Magical Girls and fuck you up if you fuck this up. Bitch went full old-school Homura when that other girl went missing.

But! there’s nothing to worry about. Not anymore. Everything is and will be okay forever, because the savior has come. The one true savior, not you.

Turbo Fuckboi: Ey, so what’s going on here?

The young man who just stepped into the bus, drenched in swag, will leave this bus as empty as Homura’s black heart. Male pop idols look like him and not the other way around. He is ready.

Normal Salaryman: Oh, so, hear me out-

Turbo Fuckboi: Just tell me where the bitches at, ojiisan.

That one woman who had stepped in before already joined the rest of the depressed. By the looks of it, that salaryman took upon itself the duty to inform the newcomers of what’s going on.

Normal Salaryman: I see, I see. If that’s the case, press the red stop button over there.

He points at the exit door. The turbo fuckboi, in single-minded determination, walks past all the sobbing, mumbling loners and sounds the alarm like seven times just to make sure.

Turbo Fuckboi: OIIIIIIIIIII!! Just take me, aight?!

λ Sana: (I…don’t think it’s going to go well for him. I’m sorry for being so pessimistic.)

Girl, you know /nothing/ at that age. This single guy is the reason K-dramas exist, and he wasn’t even born when they first started airing. Bu the landscape turns, this time…

...into that of an African savanna.
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There are tents. There are naked guys with spears.

Turbo Fuckboi: …you FUCKING with me?!

The bus stops by two gigantic black motherfuckers wrestling next to a pond. Howling, one is sent flying into it, making a huge splash. The other, left sweating, emits gutural, intermittent screams surely meant to thank his ancestors. Still standing by the exit, the perfect fuckboi’s jaw is gaping.

Turbo Fuckboi: …I’m SO not going there. Fuck this shit, I’m out.

Normal Salaryman: Wait! Don’t stay in the bus now. Go and take your chance.

Turbo Fuckboi: Huh? You talking shit, old man?

Suddenly behind the pseudo pop idol, the driver simply kicks his ass out of the bus; the fuckboi lands flat on his face. Right; he’s going against the rumor.

Turbo Fuckboi: Let me in, asshole!

But the driver won’t budge. He can’t. Uwasas are forced to adhere to their rumor, to enforce it no matter what. It’s kinda confusing, now that you think of it. An Uwasa is the guardian of a Rumor, a Rumor is a rumor made real, the rumor is the content of a Rumor… or something like that.

Turbo Fuckboi: Fine, whatever! This guy’s not gonna eat me or something, is he?

The driver doesn’t respond. The Osakan Adonis sighs and heads towards Africa’s very best. They talk, or at least try to. Then they wrestle; your best bet is then sent flying to the pond. More guttural screams. Drenched, this time in actual water, the fuckboi steps back into the bus- looking eerily dejected.

Turbo Fuckboi: …you know what? I just realized… I’d love to be as careless as that guy.

With his pretty clothes leaking, he simply walks through the wagon and sits in silence.
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By now, the bus is pretty much full. Like twenty more got rejected. Someone sat on Sana. Another very handsome guy, a host of some high-brand club, had just failed picking up a perky, dorky looking girl with glasses- and that was evidence enough. Something here is not working. Or, something about people has never worked well to begin with. You tell Sana to go against the Rumor and confront the Uwasa to put an end to this, but she shakes her head.

λ Sana: (It's ok, Kaname-san. I know that you are worried, but please, believe in me a little longer.)

She’s refusing a Goddess’s command so easily that it stings… even though you knew this was coming. After all, there’s a lot of people in here, and that could spell a lot of collateral damage. For some, principles are something very real. Like Uwasas, they can’t go against them. But, she would also have a rational reason going for her; Sana already stepped into the bus, so who knows what the Uwasa could do with her heart.

Sana stands; the Pink Kyubey gets smashed against the low ceiling above the seas.

λ Sana: Oh, no! (I’m sorry!)

Luckily, Kyubeys are very elastic, so the camera in this unit still works. You ask Sana what she’s planning.

λ Sana: (I’m going to.. press the stop button.)

The big you grabs your big pink head; you ask Sana what makes her feel so confident after watching everyone else fail. Then, you remember. You remember, but you still tell her that even succeeding won’t destroy the Rumor.

λ Sana: (I know. I… failed. But, I’m not worried. I’m… a bit happy, to be honest. Sorry.)

…You know what she’s talking about. The Law of Cycles has become too much of a hectic place for someone as quiet as her. It can be too messy, too loud for someone who likes to make tea, bake crackers, and think up moral messages for picture books. Of course, that’s not all. That’s not all at all. Sana walks up to the exit door and presses that red stop button. And then it hits you. When you realize the crowd that just rushed out of the Law of Cycles, that climbed all over you to get a good spot to watch like you did with Sana, it hits you- the absolutely insane bullshit that could be about to happen. The whispers all around you flood your mind, the questions about physics and the nature of magic and reality- but not the answers.

The bus moves.

It turns a corner, in reverse.


...where could it even take her?!
Glad you came back to run this one, bitch. Good to see you on the catalogue again. Love you <3
Normal Salaryman: Wait… why did the alarm go off? No one touched the stop button.

Man wearing black top-tank with anime girl: Huh? Yeah, true, and there’s nobody waiting. What’s going on nowOH MY GOD-

Pff! You relax, gleefully, even laughing, as the landscape shifts again; there’s no way that what you imagine is going to happen. It would go so beyond ‘bullshit’ that you wouldn’t have a word for it. Because, in order to reach that ‘person’, the bus in reverse would have to go

inside a BOOK

inside a LABYRINTH

inside a different TIMELINE


so you won’t even worry. No, you won’t allow yourself to feel anxiety or concern, not even as Sana’s left pigtail becomes 2D, not even as the bus goes flat and the world becomes a yellow, crinkly, wrinkly page. Sana being a caricature doesn’t bother you at all, the words coming out in bubbles is just a convenience. The people in the bus shouldn’t be panicking at this natural sort of event. The girls going apeshit on your real shoulders are just playing this up for shits and giggles.

λ Sana: Um… Driver-san, I have a question, if you don’t mind… If I’m accepted, could we celebrate somewhere else?

The driver-san faces Sana- and shakes his head. The gesture turns Sana into a dejected Live2D model.

λ Sana: I see. We have to celebrate in place, right?

The driver-san nods- and that’s so dumb! The ‘can come out to celebrate!’ part obviously means that everyone gets released, but- what if someone gives you that ‘yes!’ in the middle of a desert?! Sana, suddenly, it’s like she’s frozen. But it’s like you can feel, through the Pink Kyubey’s little feet, how the gears inside her head are shaking and shifting.

λ Sana: Driver-san, if I don’t get the ‘yes!’, but I don’t get the ‘no!’ either… could I take my one true love with me? Until she does?

That… wouldn’t make much sense. The people outside the Uwasa can’t even see the bus. Giving it some more thought, however, it turns out not to be such a pointless question. Keeping someone guessing could be harder than getting the fabled ‘yes!’, and perhaps the rules of the Uwasa hadn’t even considered that other people could get inside the warping bus. And maybe, just maybe, if the goal of the Uwasa truly is to unite people and not just keep them to harvest their energy, and it would get the chance to do so… then it would want to help.

The driver-san nods.

The mad reality of this situation then blasts you all at once. This place only exists in a single, unique timeline; no other is similar. It’s the birthplace of the Uwasa, of the Automatic Purification System, the only place where Sana Futaba is still alive. The bus just traversed through timelines. The bus just got inside an Uwasa’s Labyrinth- the bus just got inside a fucking BOOK.

λ Sana: Thank you.
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If a ten thousand trillion billion kilometer alligator had bit your holy ass-cheek then maybe your face would be half as twisted as it is right now. Impossible. This is impossible. This is beyond bullshit; this is a true, pure travesty, rivaling your own. And yet there she is, a giddy Sana with butterflies in her tummy just walking sideways across this flat 2D plane- the one inside Nemu Hiiragi’s book, the creator of all Uwasa.

λ Sana: …Ai-san!

Uwasa of the Anonymous AI: | >…Sana? |

When they finally meet after so long, there’s this special silence, this clean stillness that clears all your cares away like a windshield wiper. Sana Futaba looks as happy as a little kid, because we all learn to hide our excitement later.

Uwasa of the Anonymous AI: | >Sana? Why are you here? |

λ Sana: I came to see you, Ai-san!

The Uwasa pauses. Its shape is that of an glitchy-looking, enormous, nigh-faceless green woman wearing a white robe, with many sentences and numbers flickering around her. After Sana asked to disappear from this world she got lonely, and the Rumor of the Anonymous AI led her to cast herself from the top of the radio tower into the supposed ‘Endless Solitude’. You hadn’t had the balls to ask yet, but you think that gave her the courage to jump was the willingness to end it all. The rumors were true and Sana ended up in the Labyrinth of the Anonymous AI, a trap meant to draw energy from the despair of its single prisoner, with only the bitter, mean-spirited Uwasa itself for company.
But, given that the place existed in cyber-space, Sana would show picture books and puppet shows to the now named ‘Ai’, and play with her all the time. It went on for a month until Sana’s giggles started being heard outside as radio waves, hence her ‘Radio Wave Girl’ nickname. Ai and Sana loved each other so much that Ai requested Magical Girls to defeat her so that Sana could be free, and Sana herself requested to be left there.

And after that, they wouldn’t see each other for a long time
because this Sana from the Law of Cycles had become a Witch in a branching timeline that no longer exists.

Uwasa of the Anonymous AI: | >I understand. You are clever, Snaa. |

λ Sana: Hehe, thank you so much for saying that!

You spaced out; what was the plan, again? There’s too much nonsense to follow, and feeling so out of your depth, as a Goddess, makes you feel widely uncomfortable- like wearing jeans inside a swimming pool.

Uwasa of the Anonymous AI: | >Sana, listen to me. I’m not the same Ai you knew. You are not the same Sana I know. Is that okay with you? |

λ Sana: Yes. I know that… my request is selfish. But, I had hope in my selfish heart that, even so… Ai-chan would want to come with me. Because…

Sana looks… downcast, suddenly. Sad, to put it simply. And you too. Whether you like it or not, you feel those rebel tears welling up at the sides of your eyes. This is some good drama shit right here.

λ Sana: …it may be presumptuous of me to think this way, but I thought that mauve Ai-san felt lonely without me, and that worried me for so long… because that’s how I always feel without Ai-san.

Uwasa of the Anonymous AI: | >I do miss Sana all the time. |

λ Sana: I’m happy to hear that. Ai-san and I… we would have never been able to be together where I come from, and the Ai-san here won’t be able to be with the ‘me’ here either, so…

She’s fidgeting with her fingers. It’s truly like a serious love confession.

λ Sana: Even if I’m a spare Sana… would you take me? Because… it hurts to feel lonely… but it hurts more knowing that you feel lonely too.
Uwasa of the Ten-Thousand-Year Sakura: | I’ve heard it all. |

λ Sana: S-Sakurako-san!

The ‘Uwasa of the Ten-Thousand-Year Sakura’ is the only one with a stable physical form, that of a teenager with white horned hair and something akin to a Magical Girl's form. It can traverse between the outside world and the book of Uwasas, where they remain stored when inactive. She also goes to school, has friends, helps with chores, and scares little kids shitless.

Uwasa of the Ten-Thousand-Year Sakura: | I will not lie to Nemu, Sana from a parallel universe. But if what you say is true, then I’m not against it. |

λ Sana: I-I’m so happy to see you, Sakurako-san!! Oh, no!!

She’s crying… oh boy, she’s crying. That’s as far as she could keep it together.

λ Sana: *sobbing* I-I’m so sorry! *SOB* Now is not the time…!

The ‘Sakurako’ in her timeline perished, but you couldn’t save her because she was never a Magical Girl to begin with. Not even you know where her soul is now. Or if she had one to begin with.

λ Sana: Sakurako-san… please send Nemu-san a message from me. If she wants to, if she thinks it’s reasonable, then… please ask her to rewrite Ai-san’s Rumor like she did back then.

Uwasa of the Ten-Thousand-Year Sakura: | I will. Stay there. |

The girl with the horned white hair disappears.

Uwasa of the Anonymous AI: | >Sana, how did you get here? |

λ Sana: I’m not sure myself…

Uwasa of the Anonymous AI: | >Sana, I missed you. |

λ Sana: I missed you too, Ai-san.
They wait, anxious, hopeful, enjoying every second of each other’s presence. F-fuck! You’d bet that even the Pink Kyubey is crying. This is it, the evolution of those Brazillian Novellas that left you dry- the real deal. But under your refined palate for drama you do feel it, and it’s hard to deny: true, very real pain, the real deal again.

λ Sana: …!

A blast of light. Sana disappears, the Uwasa disappears, the bus disappears- even if for just a moment. And when everything is back,

λ Uwasa Sana: Nemu-san… Nemu-san did it!

Sana looks, well… honestly? Creepy as fuck. But her sincere joy makes her current form very bearable. Even though her voice is now very robotic, as if she was choking on an old school audio equalizer.

λ Uwasa Sana: We have to go back, Ai-san…!

This 2D weird-looking Sana can’t face sideways, but she’s doing her very best to reach the bus. Back then, Sana and Ai had been fused in order to deal with a foe of their own creation- and the result was this amalgamations of many wild colors. Ai-san is inside Sana’s consciousness, lending the Magical Girl her power- as it fades over time. The door to the bus folds open- and Sana finally hops back into it.

λ Uwasa Sana: Driver-san, please… take us back to Osaka!

And the driver-san obliges.
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3D is back. You can turn around, you can look sideways. And Sana, in this form, looks creepier than ever. It’s such a good thing that she’s still invisible. The bus stops in another nameless street, and so Sana takes a deep breath.

λ Uwasa Sana: We made it. Ai-san… let’s do it. Ai-san, I love you.

You’ll never hear the response, but it becomes blatantly obvious because all the doors and windows of the bus open at once, and suddenly everyone breathes as if rising from the depths of the ocean.

Turbo Fuckboi: …huh? What’d you say, fuckhead? Wait… what?

Man with ‘I love dinosaurs’ shirt: Eh? Aaaa… where…?

Mustache guy: HIJOLE, CABRON!

Normal Salaryman: It’s open… does this mean we can leave? But, who could…?

Everyone is standing and leaving the bus, most of them like sleepwalkers. Well, almost everyone, surprisingly.

Man wearing black top-tank with anime girl: Nah man, I’m staying. I just got to meet her, dude.

Normal Salaryman: Take the lesson and run. It’s too dangerous.

But the man with the anime shirt won’t budge. Some people need something to hang on to. Finally, after waiting for everyone else, Sana herself steps out of the bus. When she turns around, neither the driver-san nor the red bus are there. And the people just walk away… as if nothing had happened.

Normal Salaryman: Why is… why is everyone acting so casually? Was this some sort of show? Were there hidden cameras and CGI? Excuse me, excuse me- the red bus, we were just there-

Depressed fat otaku with pimples: Red bus? From what franchise?

That’s all the salaryman needed to hear, apparently. Wait… Sana?

λ Uwasa Sana: …ugh… ugh…!

Sana… isn’t looking so good. Alarmed and suddenly very aware of your duty and desire to protect all Magical Girls, you ask her if she knows what’s going on.

λ Uwasa Sana: Kaname-san… Uwasas get their energy from Nemu-san’s book… but the book is in another timeline, so Ai-san has nowhere to go back to anymore…!

Now you get it. When Uwasas are defeated, when they lose all energy, they wind up back inside Nemu’s book. If Ai-san runs out of energy, though, she’ll un-fuse off Sana, and… there’s no telling where she could end up.

λ Uwasa Sana: Law of Cycles-san…! I’ll summon Endless Solitude again, to save Ai-san! I’ll stay here… I’ll become a haven for girls like me…!

…She doesn’t know. She doesn’t know the problems that Nagisa’s little field trip meant for the other timeline. The replicant Witches, the wild Doppels, the Frayed- all because she and she alone was where she wasn’t supposed to be. You’ve got the power. You can bring Sana back into the Law of Cycles, and leave Ai-san behind. And yet… you can also do nothing, and hope that whatever good comes from her stay will outweigh the new odds.

...This will be the most important choice you'll ever inflict upon this timeline.

>Recall Sana to the Law of Cycles.
>Leave Sana in the orphan timeline.
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YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH BIIITCH I FUCKING MADE IT AAAAAAAAAAA!!! SO CLOSE!!!!! this is you guys fault for letting me nerd out about snaa, for which im super thankful. even if it's too much fanfiction, you get what you asked for, so no bitchin. thing is, it just felt fitting ending the question with a classic mammoth gigapost, and i wasn't gonna settle for less so i took my chances. anyway, this was Meguca Royale: Osaka for y'all folks back there in Africa, i only hope that you enjoyed your stay. and that you like gucas just a little bit more!

aww sheeeiit, thank you ritanon! i wonder if you caught the little gift it i left you in this thread. i think it's not subtle at all, though

i didn't!

thank you for playing! and thank you Magia Record for seven years of so much and so good!
Nooooooooo the fuckboi was supposed to be our savior

Oi if we thought burning down Lucinda's basement in the past was gonna fuck shit up, this choice will fuck things over even more

The choice of allowing fanfiction (true) to interfere with fanfiction (false)...

But I can't cuck my nigguca Lumina, can I?

>Leave Sana in the orphan timeline.
And don't worry, I'm fully willing to put Sana down like a dog if I need to, if some mega-corruption happens for whatever reason and things get out of hand
>>Leave Sana in the orphan timeline.
couldn't this timeline's uwasa maker feed her or something
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if you didn't make it, just send your vote to @LuminaCanima

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