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Last time, you and Suan De chased a hobo girl named Ichie across the city and its sewers, who was demonically possessed by a ghost of allegedly evil nature (Hell bent on revenge of some kind) that was sealed in the secret room your apartment supposedly always had. It was a thrilling, disgusting, and unnecessarily difficult chase that left you on top of a random building in front of the homeless shelter. After using diplomacy effectively, you convinced the ghost to relent control of Ichie’s body.

But the story didn’t end there, Ichie herself wasn’t cooperating in the way you needed. A very stubborn gal. You wanted everyone to retreat back to your apartment since you’re all soaked in sewer water. Showers are a necessity.

But she wasn’t hearing it because she’s a snobby pants and couldn’t go out there drenched and stinky (Even though you’ve seen her rummaging through garbage), the thing is you can turn people invisible, but she’s so narcissistic, she never heard your proposition until you abruptly showed her by making her hand invisible. That bluescreen’d her. Once that happened, you just grabbed and took everyone to your apartment.

You were willing to carry them both, but Suan De declined, merely using your shoulder for support. She needed to touch you anyway if you all wanted to leave the building without being noticed, but you could tell she was leaning on you. She was too tired after saving everyone from the sewer geyser.

It was taxing on your body, but nothing that bad.

You’re all back at your apartment! All safe. All smelly. You’re glad Ruby didn’t see the hole! Phew!

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. welcomes the gang. He notices the smell but doesn’t care all that much.

“...Who should shower first?” Suan De expects order.

What do you do?

>Let Suan De shower first. Help Ichie snap out of her trance.
>Tell Suan De to clean up Ichie. It’s a hobo ritual for one of your hobos to bathe someone. Hopefully, this doesn’t end with you being stabbed.
>...Ruby is *actually* standing in shock staring at the wall. Maybe you should talk to her first instead.
>Write In.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/QM91m
Discord: https://discord.gg/AmjbaTR
Archives: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=do+your+best+quest
(Rough Grammar ‘till half of the 9th Thread)
Incomplete Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nIx_dvaNCPQ7zLg2BK_ucCyGNM741kAANxqXj7hdDs/edit?usp=sharing


Votes are counted until 25 minutes have passed. This rule doesn't apply to the last reply of the day.
Votes that require a dice roll are counted until 15 minutes have passed, so we can speed up the process. Rolls are counted until 10 minutes have passed, so be prepared!

Dice Mechanic:

We always roll 1d100s!
Since most people weren’t happy with the system of averaging top four rolls, we’re using best of 2/3/4 depending on the attribute a prompt requires. If Johnny is a genius and it’s a Knowledge based roll, he gets more rolls (Max. 7)! If he sucks, he gets less dice (Min. 2)!

When asked for rolls, I will specify how many you’re going to get. Rolling begins after it’s asked.

Rolling 100 is a critical! There are no Critical Failures anymore!

The difficulty of the roll is tied with the effectiveness of the action. In other words, the harder the option the better the result!

Don’t forget that at the end of the day, this is a story-driven quest! What the prompts are describing is more important than the difficulty of the rolls, for results in a fight.

Again, rolls are only counted when they are posted within ten minutes of being asked, so watch out!

Patch Notes! New Rules will be applied as we go! For now, know that the thresholds for rolls have been changed!:

Normal- 40
Hard - 60
Very Hard - 75
Destiny Breaker - 90
>>Let Suan De shower first. Help Ichie snap out of her trance.
Holy moley, did Ninoni go up a cup size or two?

>...Ruby is *actually* standing in shock staring at the wall. Maybe you should talk to her first instead.
>...Ruby is *actually* standing in shock staring at the wall. Maybe you should talk to her first instead.
>>...Ruby is *actually* standing in shock staring at the wall. Maybe you should talk to her first instead.
>>...Ruby is *actually* standing in shock staring at the wall. Maybe you should talk to her first instead.
>Let Suan De shower first. Help Ichie snap out of her trance.
>...Ruby is *actually* standing in shock staring at the wall. Maybe you should talk to her first instead.
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Oh wait, you’re wrong, Ruby is next to the hole looking flabbergasted with the note in her hands. You didn’t notice at first because you’re a moron. And tired. Mainly tired. After what you did yesterday, the chase, and the long walk back home while invisible, you’re beat.

Anyway, you cover the couch with a tablecloth (a towel didn’t seem big enough) and place the frozen Ichie on it before approaching Ruby, gotta keep her safe. Suan De looks at Hobo Rich Girl Number 1, then at Hobo Rich Girl Number 2, and then asks permission to use the shower first, which you agree to. Now you actually approach the redhead.

“Hey, Ruby!” You hope she hears you before she smells you.

“…” Ruby is frozen by the sight.

“Ruby?” You really don’t want to touch her like this…

“Meow?” Bradford Jr. tries to reason with her too.

“Ruby?” You sound like a bad radio song.

“…What happened to the wall?” Ruby is losing her mind. She doesn’t look as bad as she was during the van ride, but you don’t want her to stay here. “What happened to the wall?

Ruby is a very understanding gal, so any excuse should work, but you don’t want to stress her out.

How do you respond?

>“A ghost came out of here, took over that girl’s body, and tried to take her revenge on those who wronged her. Now she’s better.” Explain it.
>“Suan De threw her stress ball at the wall and collapsed it. But look at the positive side, we have more space for us!” Try to stay optimistic!
>“…I should talk to someone about it, I don’t know if this is actually fine.” Why are you reassuring her about something you don’t know is good or not?
>“Why don’t you sit down and relax instead of getting anxious about it? I’ll deal with it.” Be the responsible adult in this situation.
>Write In.
>>“A ghost came out of here, took over that girl’s body, and tried to take her revenge on those who wronged her. Now she’s better.” Explain it.
>>“Suan De threw her stress ball at the wall and collapsed it. But look at the positive side, we have more space for us!” Try to stay optimistic!
Explain it all
>Write In.
“Turns out my apartment had an extra room that was sealed badly since it only got discovered by Suan throwing a stress ball at it. Also there was a ghost locked up in another room inside it that got out and possessed Ichie over there, but the trash can hobo is fine now and we also have more space! Hurray!”
"We're doing new renovating! Extra floor space you know" Lie to protect her sanity.
>“A ghost came out of here, took over that girl’s body, and tried to take her revenge on those who wronged her. Now she’s better.” Explain it.
>“Suan De threw her stress ball at the wall and collapsed it. But look at the positive side, we have more space for us!” Try to stay optimistic!
>”We had to chase a ghost possessing a delusional high school girl wearing a trash can as armor through a sewer, which then launched us into the air in a geyser before I was able to talk them down from doing something even dumber.”
She hates liars, don’t do that.
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“Suan De threw her stress ball at the wall and collapsed it. A ghost came out, took over that girl’s body and tried to take her revenge on those who wronged her. Now she’s better.” You point at Ichie. “Well, kinda.” You backtrack a little because she’s still frozen. “We had to chase a ghost possessing this delusional high school girl wearing a trash can as armor through a sewer, which then launched us into the air in a geyser before I was able to talk them down from doing something even dumber.”

Come again…?” The Red Blueberry felt like the explanation went over her head.

“Okay, let me start over!” After saying that, you give her every detail of today’s adventure! “…But look at the positive side, we have more space for us!”

“I… understand. That sounds like quite the thrill, hard to believe that managing musicians is one of your most relaxing activities...” Ruby is barely processing it. She has never heard this many details about your adventures, and she has complex feelings about them. Or maybe she hates the smell. “Thank you for being honest with me, I’m just a little lightheaded, that’s all…”

“Do you want to sit down?” You might help her to the couch.

“I’m not sure. I’m wondering if it’s safe to stay here with the wall like this. Isn’t this a structural problem of some kind…?” Ruby has decided to shift priorities to not lose her mind.

“I doubt it, but we should smooth things over to make it usable.” You need to clean this mess. “Can’t have a cozy home like this!”

“That’s… true…” Ruby wants to sound excited but can’t be her usual self at the moment. Maybe she had a difficult day at her job to pile up.

“I think you really need to sit down.” You’re getting worried.

“If you say so…” Ruby trusts your judgment more than hers at the moment. She lives in a crazy world, and you’re a crazy individual.

“I’m done.” Suan De appears with casual clothing for the first time ever since you met her. There’s nothing casual with tryhards. “Go in. I’ll hose her outside.” She points at Ichie.

You have to focus on one thing first!

Bathe order?

>You bathe. Ichie gets hosed outside like a dog.
>Ask to use Xavi’s shower. Let these two clean up Ichie. Use your time efficiently.
>Ask to use Nariko’s shower. Let these two clean up Ichie. Use your time efficiently.
>You get hosed outside, while Ichie gets bathed.
>Bathe first, then these two bathe Ichie. Everyone waits their turn like normal people!
>Write In.

What next?

>Get some tools to tear down the rest of the wall and tidy up the place.
>Contact your landlord and ask for help.
>Hire someone to sort out this mess while you and the girls spend quality time outside.
>Ignore the wall, check if Ichie is okay.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>Ask to use Xavi’s shower. Let these two clean up Ichie. Use your time efficiently.
>Ignore the wall, check if Ichie is okay.
And then maybe we can
>Hire someone to sort out this mess while you and the girls spend quality time outside.
>Ask to use Xavi’s shower. Let these two clean up Ichie. Use your time efficiently.
>Contact your landlord and ask for help.

Legally, landlords are supposed to be the responsible party for fixing things like, say, a blocked off apartment that hid a former revolutionary hideout. Besides, do you guys want whoever we hire to fix this mess to report it to either the actual government or the shadow conspiracy government?
I want to see Craig again
Actually, now that I think about it, we should call up Nariko later to ask her what she knows about Ichie, like what those rumors about her around Piss Town were about.
>>You get hosed outside, while Ichie gets bathed.
Ask Rose to help us hose down, it'll help get her mind of the shattered wall.
And ask Suan De to watch Itchy
i meant Ruby... my mind is decomposing.
I’ll support this one
Supporting this

Let's just not ignore her for no reason guys
Changing to this, but still check on our trash can hobo first
>Ask to use Xavi’s shower. Let these two clean up Ichie. Use your time efficiently.
>Ignore the wall, check if Ichie is okay.
Focus on the task at hand
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“I know this is a lot to ask, but can you two bathe her in there instead? Please?” You ask politely.

“You’re staying like this?” Suan De wonders who the real hobo here is, but doesn’t seem surprised. You’re a weirdo to her.

“No, I’m gonna go upstairs to my buddy Xavi’s apartment and ask him if he can lend me his shower.” You are, in fact, not a weirdo. “We have to be efficient. I want to check if Ichie is fine as quickly as possible.”

“Understood.” Suan De picks up the frozen Ichie and gets to it. “Ruby, find her a wardrobe change.”

“Huh?” Ruby let her mind drift. “L-Let me see what I can find!” The redhead is always willing to help, and believes occupying her mind will ease her worries.

You pick up some clothes from your room and make haste to Xavi’s apartment. Aside from the request, you didn’t have to explain anything as the small man got the whole picture with the stench and urged you to get to it. You did the deed quite quickly. Anyway, you got a moment to catch up with everyone here!

Rooke got a new fake legit (?) ID from Sewel just like Yu Yan, with the main difference being that he had to change his name. He’s now Rooke Kingsley, very different and unique. Now he and the hostage work at Sewel’s car repair shop to pay for the fees. And yes, the Hostage is still tied up, and no, you didn’t ask why. If you cared, you would’ve asked during the last Poker Tournament.

You played with the idea of asking if you could go to Dream Hill again with a friend (Kata), Xavi said he’d love to help because going there makes Naiad incredibly happy. Everyone wants to see the little fairy happy! Besides, your adventure in the bubble powered her up an insane amount. He also mentioned he has delved into granting wishes to power her up, but it’s a work in progress. You said you could help if he needed it, but he mentioned that he actually took that into account or there’s no way he would’ve tried.

Anyway, you’re pristine like a baby seal out of water, you return to your apartment to find a seemingly as clean Ichie with new clothes but still frozen on the couch. Everything went well!

“You’re back. Not to brag, but we did an unbelievable job, Johnny.” The prideful Ruby says with a smile. Despite the cheerful welcome, Ruby is blocking her view towards the wall with one hand.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. didn’t do anything.

“Thank you all! I’m glad nothing bad happened.” You let out a sigh of relief!

“She isn’t moving yet, I assume she’s faking it.” Suan De informs. You can tell she tried hosing her in the mouth to get a reaction, but nothing happened. She’s back in her ‘professional’ outfit, albeit, a different one. “Are you going to deal with her now?”

“That’s the plan. We have to revive her and check if her flame is evil. In whichever order.” You say.

“Evil?” Ruby didn’t like the sound of that.

“How?” Suan De is interested in how to resolve this.

You know that the Slob Dragon might be disappointed with what comes next…

What do you do?

>“I have a friend that can help!” Call one of the Judges! (Write In.)
>“Well, the Flying Referees don’t go indoors, so maybe the ghost can control Ichie’s body again, so we can talk.” Play with the idea. Maybe Ichie will start talking, or maybe the flame will take over. Who knows!
>Prepare a delicious meal Ichie can’t refuse. Earn her hobo heart the only way you know that’s effective!
>Write In.
>>Prepare a delicious meal Ichie can’t refuse. Earn her hobo heart the only way you know that’s effective!
>Maybe some bread
beats eating garbage
a +1 from me too
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You did skip lunch to chase after her, maybe you can cook something to earn her the right way, the hobo way – with food!

“I’m going to cook something for her.” You think this is the strategy. Ichie looks like she hasn’t been eating well lately.

“She’s not an animal. Allegedly.” Suan De wants you to try something more serious.

“I mean, we haven’t eaten a thing either, so...” You think this Dragon is interested in being fed.

“It’s irrelevant. If you’re so hungry, just grab a snack or make yourself a sandwich. Pay no mind to me, and focus on your objective.” Suan De doesn’t seem to like bread, you feel like her diet was all bread, potatoes, and noodles at one point.

“You two skipped lunch? You must be fatigued. Let me cook instead!” Ruby doesn’t like when people overexert themselves.

“It’s all good, you know how much I like cooking, Ruby!” You don’t mind in the slightest. Being hungry while cooking isn’t abnormal. “But you know, Suan De, you gave me an idea... I feel like you haven’t experienced the full potential of a sandwich! It’s time for some homemade bread! We got some flour, right?”

“We do!” Ruby is proud of how stacked your pantries are.

“Okay, let’s do it!” You march towards the kitchen with one objective in mind: The Best Sandwich you can make! Sorry, San Wich. You’re not invited this time…

“I genuinely can’t figure out this man.” Suan De waits for you to be in the kitchen to voice her thoughts.

“Johnny is a kind and good-natured guy, it’s not more complicated than that.” Ruby doesn’t find it difficult to grasp. “Enjoy it, life is fun around him.”

“I wouldn’t call it fun exactly.” Suan De doesn’t want to be rude, but...

Anyway, you work on the best sandwich your feeble mind can come up with using the ingredients you have at your disposal! You doubt it is going to be your biggest hit ever, but everyone underestimating the power of one of the backbones of society is going to be in for a surprise! Don’t forget to toast the bread, it’s not a good sandwich if the bread is all soggy!

“Behold! A sandwich for everyone!” You hand everyone one!

“…” Suan De grabs hers.

“Thank you! But I already ate.” Ruby points out. You stare at her with a blank expression. She begins eating the sandwich out of pressure. “I-It’s delicious!” The redhead proclaims!

Suan De starts eating as well. No complaints from her. You’ll take that as her enjoying it.

Now you feed Ichie the sandwich! Her mouth is open, so it isn’t that hard to feed her. She chews on her own. You’re probably going to get a reaction.

…It’s not sourdough.” Ichie… didn’t like it. It’s not so bad that she spit it out though, and she snapped out of her trance at least. “Huh? Where am I? What am I wearing? How did I get here? What’s happening?”

Ichie is extremely confused. You’re extremely hurt. But life goes on…

What do you do?

>“You… didn’t like my sandwich?” Be heartbroken…
>“Eat the whole thing, we have things to do, unsealed places you need to visit.” Drag Ichie to check the room the ghost was sealed in. If the ghost reacts badly, you’ll know it’s evil!
>“I don’t get the sourdough hype.” You’re not a bread connoisseur, but you’ll defend your choices.
>“Eh, next one will be better.” Shrug it off.
>“Welcome to my apartment! We brought you here to check on your well-being.” Be a good host!
>Write In.
>>“Welcome to my apartment! We brought you here to check on your well-being.” Be a good host!
>“Welcome to my apartment! We brought you here to check on your well-being.” Be a good host!
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“Welcome to my apartment!” You do the jazz hands! Feelings aside, you need to stay positive! “We brought you here to check on your well-being.”

“Oh, Johnny! It’s very nice to see you!” Ichie goes back to her disingenuous self. “Woah! My expectations about this place weren’t far off.” She noticed the hole in the wall. “I’d be delighted to assist you with the renovations. If they’re possible within your budget, that is.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m here to help you first and foremost.” You need to do what’s really important.

“This comes as a surprise, last thing I remember is you not acting on your best behavi—... Nevermind.” Ichie stops mid-sentence. There’s a lingering thought occupying her mind. She looks back to the hole. She looks down to the sandwich in her hands. “May I ask if you gave me this sandwich?”

“Ichie, I won’t get mad if you don’t want to keep eating it.” You already know where this is going.

“Hmm? You won’t? But this is high-quality food in the tongues of many, you should be upset if I waste it.” Ichie believes in its quality.

“And you don’t enjoy it, and that’s fine. Anyway–” You try to get to what matters, but you’re interrupted.

“I didn’t say I don’t like it!” Ichie reveals in shocking fashion. “I was mourning what could’ve been the perfect meal!”

What?” You weren’t expecting that by judging her expression.

“You heard me! I thought it was impossible to find this type of quality around these parts!” Ichie isn’t lying! She was looking everywhere for it… “I’d continue eating, but this meal is far too big to eat without a fork and knife!” That’s a skill issue.

“Color me surprised.” Suan De didn’t see this coming, but also doesn’t care. She’s content with something being resolved.

“Please, sit at the table, I’ll bring you everything you need.” Ruby is ready to assist as she scurries to the kitchen.

“Huh? I wonder who that is.” Ichie gives no snarky comments to Ruby. Do rich people recognize their status just like that or are you going insane? Maybe Suan De has some kind of annoying energy to her. You like her though. “As I was saying, in other circumstances, I’d believe you were sharing this meal to impress someone of my status, but – since you don’t seem to trust me for whatever reason— you’re doing this out of the kindness of your heart, and that is so commendable! You’ve lived through so many hardships! Like, look at this place! This gesture is bringing me to tears!

Like it or not, Ichie will now believe you to be her friend.

What do you do?

>Show Ichie the secret room to see if it triggers something with the ghost.
>Ask Ichie a bunch of questions about how she feels, and her interactions with the entity within her.
>Now that it appears she’s being honest, ask Ichie why she was looking through the trash.
>Take Ichie to visit one of the Judges. (Write-In which one.)
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we return tomorrow!)
>Show Ichie the secret room to see if it triggers something with the ghost
Who is this mystery being lurking right next door and why were they sealed? Who were its enemies, and why?
>>Ask Ichie a bunch of questions about how she feels, and her interactions with the entity within her.
>Show Ichie the secret room to see if it triggers something with the ghost
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It’s like you’re sacrificing your life for me…!” Ichie is now in actual tears.

God...” Suan De rolls her eyes.

“Well, enjoy it!” You’d rather not burst Ichie’s bubble.

“I will, Johnny! I will!” Ichie is eagerly waiting for the tools to eat your sandwich the wrong way. You find it odd how she can carry a conversation with all of you without looking at your faces. Except for Ruby’s.

“Table is set up! Please, come over!” Ruby announces to the dumb girl.

“Excellent! Thank you very much” Ichie hurries to the table at incredible speed. It leaves everyone in the room flabbergasted. “Thank you for the meal again, everyone!” She begins digging in with a fork and knife, she’s as classy as Nariko with them.

“You’re fast…” You assume that’s her flame’s power.

“Oh, yes! It’s the results of my lifelong training!” Ichie cleans her mouth with a napkin before speaking. Or maybe you’re wrong. You shouldn’t be wrong.

“I-It’s incredible what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it.” Ruby cheerfully retorts like there’s nothing wrong about what Ichie said. The redhead knows very well that something is off though, and you noticed her cringing a bit with the way the trash goblin talks. It’s all way too familiar.

“Hard work pays off! That’s why I believe you can’t give up on people even if society has done so.” Ichie is a proud lady.

“After you’re done eating, could we try something out together? I need to make sure you’re fine.” You propose.

“I’m done!” Ichie eats the sandwich abnormally fast. “What activity are we going to partake in?” She has by far a better disposition than before. That’s the power of your sandwich.

“I need us to check the room past this hole.” You point at it where you are now that darkness isn’t covering that side of the apartment anymore. “It may trigger something in you.”

“Are you insinuating there’s a demon within me again? To dispel this unfounded notion, I’ll do as you say.” Ichie is 100% cooperating.

“Have fun! I’ll be cleaning the dishes if you need me for anything.” Ruby drops out of the activity at the first calling. She’s desperately trying to ignore the hole. You can feel she has the same disdain for it as she does for the van.
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You, Ichie, and Suan De walk into the unsealed room. Without the malignant energy, the place is indistinguishable from what’s outside stylistically speaking. Sealed windows, decaying walls, dusty floors. You name it. The big difference is that there’s no sign of life here (spider webs). As for more prominent differences, there are two old bunk beds, two chests by the front of them, two drawers, and one broken wardrobe with the same seals as the door, and within it, an old radio. You call it a radio, but the carvings on it remind you of what you found in the temple of Kindness and Understanding more than any other model that you’ve seen before. It’s not like you see radios in your day-to-day life.

“Y-You hear that voice…?” Ichie starts getting panicky.

“No.” Suan De retorts as she investigates the surroundings.

“It’s not time to be joking around! It’s loud and clear!” Ichie has little patience towards the dragon.

“What is it saying?” You wonder.

“I can’t relay this message! It’s far too obscene! What a potty mouth…” Ichie has a reputation to keep.

“Just say it.” Suan De glares.

“S-She’s talking about this place, pardon my words, being a dump. That no living being should be conscripted to a space like this. And she’s damning those who are members of the Temple of Courage.” Ichie feels disgusted saying this.

What do you do?

>Tell Ichie to be strong and to keep talking. You will all excuse her for using bad language.
>Tell Ichie that she’s talking to her entity. Nobody but her can hear it.
>Give permission to the ghost to take over Ichie’s body, and talk. She’s safe indoors from the Flying Referees.
>Write In.

(Only Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>Tell Ichie to be strong and to keep talking. You will all excuse her for using bad language.
>Tell Ichie that she’s talking to her entity. Nobody but her can hear it.
>”So the thing with most entities is that they tend to look for partners who share similar goals. Thing is, that means there’s a few that are different. Like yours, for example.”
>”Can you ask your entity their name? It might be a good way to break the ice with them.”
Also ask if they have anything to do with Chi-Athua since of
>You call it a radio, but the carvings on it remind you of what you found in the temple of Kindness and Understanding more than any other model that you’ve seen before.
Oh shit +1 this too
I hope QM can incorporate it into >>6033150
+1 to my chigga
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“Ichie, you’re talking to your entity right now. Only you can hear it.” You explain to the goofball.

“But it’s so loud…” Ichie feels like you should be able to hear it.

“Because it’s upset with you.” Suan De doesn’t mince her words.

“Impossible. I have an agreeable and well-rounded personality.” Ichie doesn’t believe it to be the case.

“The thing with most entities is that they tend to look for a partner who shares similar goals. Thing is, that means there are a few that are different. Like yours, for example.” You explain. There are other particularities in her case, like, did they agree on a contract? Or did they skip that altogether?

“I have no trouble correcting bad behavior! It’s one of my specialties.” Ichie believes she can tame the dark spirit within.

“You need to know what their deal is before anything.” You don’t think that antagonizing it will result in something positive. ”Can you ask your entity their name? It might be a good way to break the ice with them.”

“Oh, you’re totally right! There’s no way an evil spirit could make contact with me!” Ichie is changing her narrative to be more comfortable with reality. “Hello, kind spirit! Do you hear me? I’m your friend!”

“You don’t have to talk out loud.” Suan De wants Ichie to keep this part to herself.

“Wait! I couldn’t hear her right...” Ichie laments.

“Use your thoughts to communicate.” You say.

“The few that you have.” Suan De nods. She couldn’t help herself.

“How impertinent!” Ichie feels offended at the Slob’s comments. “I-I’m sorry, but I’m not interrupting you, miss, she interrupted me first! You want me to be nicer because she saved our lives?! I don’t remember that! And she started it! Are you questioning my word? I have zero recollection of what happened. Stop calling me a liar, we don’t have to demean each other. I am listening to you, but this is not an act. Rude?! Me?! Have you listened to the way you talk?! *gasp!*” Ichie spares all her thoughts. “J-Johnny, can a kind spirit have such revolting language? She called me the B-word!”

“It varies.” You shrug. You believe it’s a good sign that the spirit seems more level-headed now that she acknowledges that you were there to help out. “Start over and ask her name.”

“I will try.” Ichie closes her eyes to concentrate. “Her name is Sekhmet, and she says she’d rather talk to you than me...”

“One quick question, does that thing have anything to do with the Chi-Athua?” You ask directly.

“Sekhmet says it’s an ancient artifact that belongs to the Temple of Courage, she doesn’t know who specifically made it.” Ichie explains.

“What does it do?” You wonder.

A thought magnifier! By placing your hand on it and sending it your energy, it echoes your thoughts out loud. And it can codify them into radio waves that can only be deciphered by similar artifacts. She also wants you to know she was sealed in it.” Ichie is overjoyed by relaying information to others. She enjoys the act of teaching.

“Woah, that sounds cool.” You like it. Too bad it’s broken.

“It sounds like baloney to me!” The cheerful Ichie doesn’t agree at all!

Suan De picks it up, she wants to find a way to fix it.

What do you do?

>Ask why Sekhmet was sealed here. Like, c’mon, it’s your apartment. This makes no sense.
>Ask about Temple of Courage. You have an idea from back in the Bubble, but why not learn more?
>Ask Sekhmet what her deal is. You’ll finally get some answers.
>Congratulate Ichie for rising to the occasion! Hobos need positive reinforcement.
>You think it’s the perfect time to clean this place. Uhm, you should contact your landlord to figure out what’s next.
>“By the way, Ichie, I know your dad is Dr. Murder.” You won’t forget that he repaired Vera’s cat plushy.
>Write In.
>>Ask why Sekhmet was sealed here. Like, c’mon, it’s your apartment. This makes no sense.
>Ask why Sekhmet was sealed here. Like, c’mon, it’s your apartment. This makes no sense.
>Ask about Temple of Courage. You have an idea from back in the Bubble, but why not learn more?
More dank lore
>You think it’s the perfect time to clean this place. Uhm, you should contact your landlord to figure out what’s next.
We have to let Craig know, he owns the building
This and also this >Congratulate Ichie for rising to the occasion! Hobos need positive reinforcement.
Okay, this is gonna be a lot, but...
>Ask why Sekhmet was sealed here. Like, c’mon, it’s your apartment. This makes no sense.
>Ask Sekhmet if she had any entity allies from the last time she was here. Maybe she'll bring up a name we remember! And maybe give us an idea what her ultimate goals are without being obvious...
>Ask Sekhmet how she was able to take over Ichie for a bit. It'd be kinda cool to let Philonune meet some of your friends.
>Congratulate Ichie for rising to the occasion! Hobos need positive reinforcement.
>You think it’s the perfect time to clean this place. Uhm, you should contact your landlord to figure out what’s next.
Yes also ask if she had allies in the past war
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“Why was Sekhmet sealed here? In my apartment? Of all places…?” You really want to stress that this is stupid.

“In the distant past, this building used to be a vibrant military base! This is Sekhmet’s former partner’s room, and ugh…” Ichie holds her heart with a sad look on her face. “Johnny, why am I feeling a stinging sensation in my chest…?”

“Describe it.” Despite her apprehensions towards her, Suan De checks on Ichie. Not like you’re standing by either.

“It feels… lonely.” Ichie says in angst.

“Lonely?” Suan De has never heard someone describe a wound like that.

“Maybe it’s because your partner is feeling sad?” You hate to do the stupid take, but someone has to.

“But I’m happy to inform you of this…!” Ichie doesn’t get it.

“You’ll have to get used to it, kid. You’re sharing bodies now.” Suan De sighs.

It takes a moment for Ichie to recover.

“How… strange.” Ichie doesn’t feel like this is normal. “Can I resume from the beginning? This is going to turn into a very fascinating fairytale!”

“Go ahead.” You’ll keep an eye on her.

“Long ago, the beautiful Lokyo skies turned red, and through the clouds the dark serpent Azhi Dahaka descended towards Earth. The first foul demon to cross the barrier to the human world since his mother, 400 years before him, in the exact same way. But, a group of brave military pilots on their crimson airplanes intercepted him! And with the blessings of its sworn enemies, a pair of feline goddesses, they brought him back to his foul dimension!” Ichie narrates with enthusiasm.

“Sounds familiar...” You feel like you have heard (read?) this before. Or a part of it.
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“To summarize, the cowardly cats were saying their goodbyes to the morally grey pilots here as they were planning to return to their planet, when the wise Sages of Courage ambushed them and sealed both goddesses away.” Ichie changes the narration for no good reason. “But then, as soon as the traitorous pilots were executed, the demons broke their seal and ran rampage with the ire of a thousand suns. Well, until the Acolytes of Beauty trapped them for good! And that’s why she was here!”

“I see…?” That leaves you with more questions than answers. Like, the aftermath of that is one big plot hole that needs to be filled. “Does Sekhmet have any allies from the last time she was here?”

“All the deities worshipped by the Temple of Courage are her allies!” Ichie exclaims with a smile. That’s, huh, everyone with Hautet or something like that. “Her closest friend of the bunch is Bastet! Woah! I can’t wait to meet her! It appears she escaped before her.”

“Wait. Hold on. Are you telling me…?” You’re having a useless anagnorisis! Bastet is Neko’s entity! Who is also the first entity who met you, and the only reason you met her first is because you were the closest person when she escaped! That lazy bitch! She didn’t even come back for her buddy!

“Telling you what?” Suan De is curious about your epiphany.

“N-Never mind.” You shake your head. You maybe had this wrong, there’s no way Bastet escaped that moment, she had to do it earlier, or else this shit doesn’t make any sense! Still a shitty friend though. “What’s the deal with the Temple of Courage? Why did they turn on Sekhmet?”

“Because they had to look out for humanity’s interests!” Ichie exclaims! “You see, The Temple of Courage is no different than the Church of Beauty in that they put humanity’s best interest at heart. There’s a good reason why the Church absorbed them!” Ichie crosses her arms in deep thought. “As I’m being told, the wise Sages of Courage wanted to hold onto both deities’ powers in case of emergency. Imagine what would happen if something else comes over and there’s no powerful divinity chasing after them. We’d be in a real big pickle!”

“Your bias is showing.” Suan De can’t help but notice. No wonder Sekhmet wants to kill them all.

“What’s the matter? It’s all folk tales.” Ichie doesn’t mind changing history.

“Relay the information as you’re told.” Suan De wants to hear the real story.

“All right…” Ichie is prey to the pressure. “But I’d need to start from the beginning!”

“No need, we got the gist.” Suan De feels disgusted.

“So, Sekhmet, how did you take over Ichie’s body? I’d like some tips for my buddy!” You ask before Suan De gets more upset.
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“She says he only needs to push you out of the control room.” Ichie has a blank stare. She doesn’t get it.

“Hmm, I’ll test it at some point later, partner.” Philonune is thinking about it.

“Cool.” You admit it sounds dumb, but hey, most of this stuff is done by instinct, so you get it. “By the way, congratulations for rising to the occasion, Ichie! You did well!”

“Thank you! I’m always a standout.” Ichie is absolutely delighted. “Johnny! You’re a great teacher for these demonic things! Can I be your pupil?” She wants you to teach her how to use her flame.

You planned to clean up the place and talk to Craig about this extension…

Do you take Ichie as your pupil?

>Nah. She’s your hobo.
>Only if she helps Sekhmet with her revenge. This shitty Church has to go down.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we return tomorrow!)
She can be both a pupil and a hobo
+1. Also, ask Bradford Jr. if he can relay a message to Neko and Bastet that Sekhmet’s back in town.
Also the story sounding familiar is one of the rides we went on with Vera for our date.
>In short, the lore of the Airplane Furball reads as follows: A century ago, during another process of reconstruction, the sky turned red, and through the clouds a giant snake came down to destroy the land. But before the serpent could touch the ground, a sole airplane doing rounds was on its way. The pilot couldn’t control her machinery due to the monster’s oppressive presence. But thanks to the blessings of the beast’s sworn enemies, the machine worked again, and she could fight back! This ride celebrates the legendary air squadron that defended the world that day and the feline goddesses that aided them.
>“...It’s argued that the red serpent is a euphemism for a surprise foreigner bombing attack on the capital, and the name of the unit was based on religious figures of the Temple of Courage.” Vera looked the story up online because she believed the great wooden sign of knowledge lacked details. “This isn’t as wild as the other one.”
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“Like you want me to teach you how to use your flame and stuff?” You want to clarify instead of assuming everything like a meanie (Amelia) would.

“Of course! What else could I mean, silly?” Ichie giggles at your naivety. No, you got it right, you’re just being polite. This girl is a dunce.

“Then sure, you can be my student.” You accept Ichie as your pupil and hobo. “Now, we gotta vacuum this place. Maybe I should talk to my landlord first. But before that, Bradford Jr?”

“Meow?” Your loyal cat appears out of nowhere behind you.

“Please, send this message to Neko and Bastet: Sekhmet is back in town.” You act all serious for a moment.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. nods as he goes into this important mission.

Suan De takes a mental note that you have a concealed method to send information. The truth is that you don’t know if your phone is working.

“Oh?! You know this non-malignant deity’s friend?” Ichie is impressed by your connections.

“Yeah. She’s a, huh, pal.” You’ll let those two figure out how to proceed.

“I wish I had a notepad to write all of this down.” Ichie is interested in keeping notes like a model student.

“Okay! I hope you’re ready to help me leave this place spotless!” You exclaim with glee!

“Absolutely!” Ichie is ready to help!

“…Where did Suan De go?” You don’t know when she disappeared! Maybe she needed to go to the bathroom? Either way, she’s not living down the Slob Dragon accusations.

Shortly after, you, Ichie, and Suan De cleaned up the new sections of your apartment. Ruby joined after you declared that all spiders were exterminated within this new perimeter.
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As you are throwing away the old furniture near Ichie’s home (the dumpster), you find Craig going about his day. You two talk for a bit before you explain what happened. Surprised by the events, your landlord decides to check the damage, more out of curiosity than obligation, even if he’s legally obligated to. Also, he decided to keep all of the trash, presuming that one of the Antique Shops on this street is interested in getting ahold of these novelties, it seems the military poster was especially important.

“A new girl again, huh? Don’t let Sewel notice, he’s gonna lose his shit if he sees her.” Craig saw Ichie pass by and couldn’t help but to comment as he chuckled. The rich gals are chatting in the kitchen, busy with some chores. “This is a big surprise, they told me this place was haunted when I bought it, but holy crap.”

“You think it’s safe?” You ask.

“Place looks stable, and the foundation is fine, but I need to bring an inspector over to check if it’s actually safe, and some guys to get rid of rubble. I don’t want to be liable for anything, kid.” Craig apologetically retorts.

“Aw man, got it.” You didn’t expect to get kicked out. Where are you going to stay in the meantime?

“Hey, it’ll be a couple of hours at most. I know some gal who’s an expert in the field. You’d think she’d be in big demand with half the city falling apart, but these folks flock like flies when a natural disaster strikes.” It’s very well established that Craig might be one of the most well-connected guys in the entire city.

Oh.” Suan De freezes upon seeing Craig in here. She was in the bathroom.

“Suan De? Suan De Rodenhall? Is that you…?” Craig is speechless. “What are you doing here? It’s been years!”

“Harris, I don’t recall being on a first-name basis.” Suan De maintains her distance.

“In work mode, huh? How have you been? You haven’t changed a bit, lanky legs!” Craig is hyped up upon this discovery.

“I can say the same, dwarf.” Suan De acts emotionless during this reunion.

“No need to act cold in front of the kid. He is a friend of mine.” Craig laughs. “We were classmates in school and at the dojo. She’s a troublemaker through and through, fierce as they come!”

“I know, she’s pretty cool.” You nod.

“Wait, don’t tell me you’re the new roommate you were talking about?” Craig can’t keep up with your shit.

“It’s none of your business.” Suan De interjects.

“Yeah, it is, I’m the landlord.” Craig dryly informs.
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Ehem, the answer is yes.” You adjust your glasses.

“I bet you lost your mind when our champ broke the wall!” Craig nudges you. “I’d offer you a place, but the building is packed.”

Suan De stares at you, surprised that you took the blame for what happened. What were you supposed to say? My new roommate destroyed the apartment, can she stay? You’re not dumb.

“He’s our poker champ!” Craig misunderstands her silence.

“I saw the trophy, yes.” Suan De’s eyes glance at it with mild disgust.

“I-It was the only one we could find on short notice.” Craig sounds apologetic. “I can’t wait to tell the others that you’re here! Sewel’s face is going to be legendary. Besides, you’re the only one aside from the old man who can keep Victor in check.”

“Please, don’t. Master Spice is in the know, so there’s no need to divulge it to the others.” Suan De rejects the proposition. “I don’t want to see them again.”

“Still trying to outrun your past, huh?” Craig has mixed feelings.

“You’re going to pique his interest if you keep insinuating more than it is.” Suan De knows you’re going to be pesky.

“Maybe I want him to ask questions.” Craig chuckles.

“You’re annoying, Harris.” Suan De sighs.

“I haven’t changed either, remember?” Craig’s chuckling turns into a full-blown laugh. “He’s a good kid, Suan De! Trust me!”

“…I’m taking my leave. Get the maintenance underway.” Suan De starts walking away.

“It was nice seeing you! Hope we can catch up later!” Craig knows not to bug people more than necessary.

So, yeah, you have to leave the apartment for a couple of hours until the inspection is done.

What do you do?

>Take Ichie to Nina’s apartment. The feline goddesses will meet again!
>Annoy Suan De and ask about her past! You feel like you’re about to know her better!
>Take everyone to Matilda’s Dojo. It was the base, before your base!
>Go to the base with everyone. This is the perfect opportunity to use it!
>Write In.

(Only Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>Take everyone to Matilda’s Dojo. It was the base, before your base!

Sounds like a good plan, we can pester Slob on the way, plus she can interact with THE BEST GIRL and see who's the better fighter
>Take everyone to Matilda’s Dojo. It was the base, before your base!
>Take Ichie to Nina’s apartment. The feline goddesses will meet again!
I want to see the two interact. Maybe have a cat fight.
>Take Ichie to Nina’s apartment. The feline goddesses will meet again!
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With no other options left, you all have to leave the apartment. Craig says that he’s going to check every room in the building, he’s suspecting that this isn’t the only hidden room in the building. He’ll start with yours, so, it's goodbye for now.

You propose to the hobos to go to Matilda’s dojo since it’s awfully close to here, and it used to be your base. Naturally, you give your Martial Arts Teacher a call to arrange the visit, and she agrees to it on the condition that you cook dinner. You accept, but have to do a quick store trip to get the ingredients. It doesn’t sound like she’s there at the moment, so this detour will give everyone time to get there.

And yes, all the girls agreed to come over. Ichie doesn’t mind as long as she conceals her appearance (she’s wearing one of your hoodies), Suan De is curious about what this supposed Dojo looks like, and Ruby... uhm… does not want to be left alone. That simple.

Eventually, the gang arrives at the dojo. You introduce everyone to your blood sister, the only one who didn’t know her is Ichie. Matilda seems to have just dropped by.

“I didn’t know you two knew each other!” You had no idea that Matilda and Ruby have some story together, you don’t recall this at all.

“I have run errands for everyone in your little group, Johnny.” Matilda doesn’t find it surprising if you paid attention. You thought the extent of the ‘Matilda and Osgood’ interactions peaked here when she and the others beat the shit out of him for what happened to Ajna! Good times!

“Yes, we exchanged more than pleasantries a couple of times.” Ruby smiles. “I thought she would get rid of the van, silly me…” Her smile vanishes.

“How’s your hobo doing, Johnny?” Immaturetilda strikes again as she asks about Suan De.

“Don’t test my patience, Burger Booger. I’m not here to cause strife.” Suan De is diplomatic.

“Impressive. This little traitor is conducting herself well in such a short amount of time.” Matilda believes you’re doing a good job taming this rowdy hobo.
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“Woah! This little hut is so much nicer than what I imagined!” Ichie is impressed by the place being clean. “I’m Ichie Saionji! It’s a pleasure to meet you!”

“Hello. Saionji, you say?” Matilda is less than cordial for some reason, but Ichie is too busy living in her own world to care.

“Yes, the sole heir I may add!” Ichie says with a smile. By the looks of it, Matilda wants to tell you something about your newly acquired hobo.

Before you can get into anything, Oliver rushes over with an expression that can only be described as panicky!

“Master! You’re finally here!” The former terrorist shouts. “You brought Johnny and his pals too! Good! It’s a huge emergency!”

“When is it not?” Matilda is used to this guy being all melodramatic.

“I said it’s an actual emergency! Come quick!” Oliver runs inside.

“…He always says that.” Matilda doesn’t want anyone to worry unnecessarily.

“Regardless, we mustn’t let him wait!” Ichie gets excited at the idea of helping and marches forward.

“I hope everything is fine.” Ruby has a bad feeling about this.

Deeper into the dojo, in one of the classic rooms where you stayed multiple times (and were sucked into another dimension), you see a wounded masked figure resting in a futon. It’s Lord Gargoyle being attended to by Wilma! Who has her distinct messy hair back! Wait, priorities, what happened to the eccentric man?!

You smell a familiar stench outside… a sewer stench.

Sadly, this is all we have for this thread! Thanks for playing and see you on the next one!
Thanks for running!
Would you mind drawing all the characters in the old style for one thread?
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I already did that for the Vera threads!

(We will most likely return tomorrow in a new thread, sorry for the hiatus!)
Oh shit, I missed it! Thanks again!

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