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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

Broly and Koriand'r were wed on New Salda, the same day Beerus informs everyone else that in thirty three days time, a new tournament would begin. Pitting Universe 6 and 7's strongest in an eight v eight team battle, last team standing wins. With the team of King Cold, Cooler, Freeza, Karn, Captain Ginyu, Chaya, Chilli, and Caulifla decided upon, training began. Karn focused his efforts not on himself, but on training up his kids for the coming tournament. Pushing them all to achieve new, greater heights to their power. Chilli achieved the Primal Saiyan form, obtaining mastery over the Golden Oozaru, while Caulifla discovered a new power. Her patron deity killed in battle, she inherited his soul and the power of the Darkmoon. And as we rejoin Karn, you and your daughter are going all out, Berserker God versus Darkmoon Goddess.


“HRRAAAAA!” you roar, Super Ki Blade striking her Darkmoon blade, the two swords causing sparks to shoot through the space between you both as you both fly in, trying to overpower each other. Then as one you both push off and back, firing a flurry of Death Slashes and similarly-shaped magical projectiles towards each other. Magic and ki clash, striking each other and detonating in vibrant emerald and purple explosions. You then alter your blade and throw it like a javelin, it punching straight through the clouds only to strike her guard, exploding against it and blasting her back.
“Gah?!” she exclaims, clearly caught by surprise. In that moment you dash in at full speed, flying in and grabbing the sword in her hands. Turning the blade aside, you then slam your forehead into her golden helmet, you feeling it split the skin on your forehead as you ring your daughter's bells. “Kyaah!”

As you both recoil, you're surprised that it doesn't even so much as crack, whatever that helmet of hers is made of is tough. But you clearly stunned her, Caulifla holding her head as she drifts back away from you. This is your chance!”

“HAAAAA!!” you roar, dashing back in and delivering a powerful right uppercut to the guts into a left cross to the jaw, followed by a right uppercut to the chin into a spinning left back kick, sending her flying backwards. But you aren't done yet, dashing over while raising both hands overhead, lacing your fingers together and smashing your joined fists straight into her guts. Rocketing her towards the ground, smashing down hard and cratering Raxus Prime's surface.

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Immediately your Berserker Soul pushes you into pursuing her further, to keep pressing the attack but you let off, instead drifting towards the ground by the crater waiting for her to get back up. Which doesn't take long, the dust blasting away to reveal your daughter is... completely unharmed. And she's not alone, as a blue figure hovers silently behind her. Seems this divine transformation didn't only affect her.

“Wow. Didn't think this form was this strong.” she comments idly, looking herself over. You feel the Berserker Soul pushing you to attack, to destroy, to crush the god before you. But that's your daughter, you suppressing the anti-divine wrath.
“Wow! Where did you get this?” Chaya asks, running over to her younger sister, jumping into the crater with her. “This power's crazy, you're like a full-blown god! How did that happen?”
“Yes, unfortunately the original deity passed away.” she says, looking down at her hands. “I wasn't quick enough, and Dark Sun Gwyndolin perished. Before his death, he passed his powers onto me. Bestowing upon me this power.”

A moment of silence hangs over you all, you realizing what she said. Somehow she was too late to save this deity, but he was alive? Leaving you curious as to what could have possibly happened.

But do you say anything?
>Ask her what she means by that, how she of all people couldn't save them while they were alive with all her different healing powers
>Telepathically tell her that if she wants to talk about it you're here for her, but don't push or pry. If she wants to talk to you about this she will
>Don't say anything, but keep this little bit of information tucked away. And keep a close eye on her, you know she doesn't take not being able to save people well
>Other(write in)
>>Telepathically tell her that if she wants to talk about it you're here for her, but don't push or pry. If she wants to talk to you about this she will
>Telepathically tell her that if she wants to talk about it you're here for her, but don't push or pry. If she wants to talk to you about this she will
>Telepathically tell her that if she wants to talk about it you're here for her, but don't push or pry. If she wants to talk to you about this she will
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Rolled 100, 32, 56 = 188 (3d100)

Telepathically tell her that if she wants to talk about it you're here for her, but don't push or pry. If she wants to talk to you about this she will unanimously wins it. Let's see how this plays out, writing.
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As the silence continues, the only sounds that of your auras, you reach out to your daughter. Not aloud, but telepathically.

“If what happened bothers you, if you ever want to talk about it kiddo, I'm here for you.” you tell her, your daughter's helm'd face turning towards you. But you then continue aloud, turning to Chaya. “Alright Chaya, power up too! Let's see how you two stack up against each other.”
“Hell yeah!” she shouts, divine aura blazing as she transforms as well. She still hasn't managed to fully ascend to Super Saiyan Blue, her hair still two-toned as she takes her fighting stance. “Let's do this!”
“Alright.” Caulifla replies, setting the sword down point-first into the ground, retaking her fighting stance similar to yours. “Show me what you've got.”

“HAAAAAAA!!” Chaya roars, exploding off the ground and driving her right fist into Cauli's cross-arm guard. Shock waves explode out from the impact of the two divine daughters, blasting your hair back. They start moving faster and faster, trading blows and rising up into the air. As the two of them clash, you watching their movements, your son Chilli moves to stand beside you.
“Seems she found what she was looking for.” he tells you, your daughters throwing blows faster and faster. Caulifla, now battling her sister seems to be adjusted to this level of speed already, but you get the feeling something's bothering Chilli. “She seems... Happy.”
“Yes, this power suits her quite well.” you reply, you two standing side by side as they clash overhead. You then turn, looking down at your son. “Are you not satisfied with your own?”

“Well.... No.” he says, thinking it over a second as the shock waves from the battle waging above wash over you both. “Don't get me wrong, it's incredible. The raw physical power is on a whole other level. But, when it comes to fighting, I don't think it was the right choice.”
“What do you mean?” you ask him, turning fully from the battle and focusing on him.
“This power isn't... It's good, if I ever need to overpower someone short of you or Mom, it should be able to do the job. But my entire fighting style isn't about physical power.” he says to you. “My strength lies in my magic, not in raw power like you. And this power, while it does make me stronger, it does limit my magical abilities. While transformed, using my magic is tougher.”

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“Wait, what?” you ask, surprised. “It is?”
“Yes. While the Primal form does make my natural Saiyan powers better, for some reason this form hurts my magical abilities.” he says, holding his right hand up. You see him clearly focus, slowly forming a crystal dagger in his hand. It takes several long seconds, where you've seen him create far larger, more complicated things in fractions of a second normally. “I don't know why. But my magic is so much harder to use like this.”

“I see.” you reply, your son looking up to you with a clouded expression. Clearly looking to you for advice. But do you have any advice for him?

>Suggest that maybe it's simply a training issue, that one he has become more accustomed to this form it'll be easier to use. His body changes significantly when ascending, so it's no surprise his power doesn't work the same
>Let him know that if he doesn't want to rely on the Primal power it's his choice, but it is better to have it ready to use just in case he needs the extra power
>Tell him that if his magic doesn't work with it, to save the form until his magic's exhausted. To more freely use his magic in the upcoming tournament, then switch to this power and use its full power
>Other(write in)
>Tell him that if his magic doesn't work with it, to save the form until his magic's exhausted. To more freely use his magic in the upcoming tournament, then switch to this power and use its full power
>Apologize for not considering this outcome when it came to our training
Weird, but it sorta makes sense, far as we know Chilli is the first Saiyan mage far past the time when this form was more common.
>Suggest that maybe it's simply a training issue, that one he has become more accustomed to this form it'll be easier to use. His body changes significantly when ascending, so it's no surprise his power doesn't work the same
>Tell him that if his magic doesn't work with it, to save the form until his magic's exhausted. To more freely use his magic in the upcoming tournament, then switch to this power and use its full power
Rolled 32, 58, 92 = 182 (3d100)

Tell him that if his magic doesn't work with it, to save the form until his magic's exhausted. To more freely use his magic in the upcoming tournament, then switch to this power and use its full power wins. Interesting choice, let's see how he takes it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: ??
Rolled 43, 43 = 86 (2d100)

Rolled 99, 1 = 100 (2d100)

Rolled 100, 38 = 138 (2d100)

Rolled 84, 78 = 162 (2d100)

it's fathering time
>Please wait a while before making a post
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CRIT/100, mystery/100. Is it a success or a critfail? You'll have to wait and see, writing.
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“I hadn't considered that possibility, that your magic wouldn't match with the power of our people.” you tell him as you power back down, stroking your chin as you think. “While it's something you may eventually be able to train to overcome, we don't have time for that. Instead, maybe... Yes, that could work. When this tournament comes, use your magic power to its fullest. Don't hold back, conserving magic until the end. With this new form, you can use one hundred percent of your magical powers without worrying about saving strength, then once you're out of magic, power up to this form. Let them think you fight one way, then just as they adjust switch tactics.”

“Switch tactics? You mean...?” he asks, eyes going wide with understanding as his voice trails off. You can almost hear his mind buzzing as his lips and eyes twitch, seeing not what's in front of him but wherever his mind has gone. After a few more seconds his eyes shut, your son then opening them and turning back to you. “I see. Instead of focusing all of my power down a single avenue, putting everything I've got and betting it all on one power, having to perfectly manage my mana, I can fight more freely with my magic then switch, unleashing this more bestial power. Hahaha, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you planned this from the start. Mixing this Primal form and my magic can be done later, once this tournament is over. But for now, this is quite the strategy.”

“Glad to hear you've got a plan.” you tell him, grinning at his excitement. You both share a nod of understanding, your son clearly ready for the upcoming tournament.
“LOOK OUT!” Chaya shouts, you turning towards the sound of her voice. Only for Caulifla to slam down into you, smashing you into the ground. You feel something snap in your shoulder on impact, losing feeling in your whole left arm immediately. The impact drives you both deep into the ground, air filling with dust.
“D-Dammit.” you say, choking on the dust as you try and see your daughter. But with her atop you, down into the ground, you can't really see anything. “C-Cauli? You okay?”

“D-Daddy?” she asks, also choking on the dust. It takes a few moments, then her weight lifts up off you. You start to pull yourself up as well, but your left doesn't work.
“Tch. Dammit.” you say, reaching up with your right. Cauli grabs your hand, helping pull you out and up to your feet. “Thanks.”
“Hold still, that looks bad.” she says, ringing her chime and bathing you in light. But not her usual golden light, this time it's the same deep blue as her transformation. Instead of the gentle warmth, her magic instead feels icy. But not unpleasant, in fact the cool sensation feels rather good. And after a few moments, you regain feeling in your left arm. “There.”

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“Thanks kiddo, appreciate it.” you tell her, reaching over with your left. Instinctively your hand went towards her head, but with her helmet on instead you place it on her shoulder. “Your healing feels different now.”
“Yes, a lot of things about my powers have changed.” she says, giving you a small smile under her helmet. “And not only me.”
“What?” you ask as she steps back, you seeing her Stand begin materializing behind her. But immediately you see that it's different, that her Stand has evolved once more. “How...?”

“When I took up the mantle of Darkmoon Goddess, I wasn't the only one who gained access to this divine power.” your daughter says, her Triumph Requiem's body now also blue as cerulean flames ignite along its head and wings. “Much like your Dragon Force, after absorbing those time traveler's divine ki evolved, so too did Triumph Requiem.”
“Now I am Divine Triumph Requiem.” her Stand says, sounding far more imposing than before. “I, along with Caulifla, have evolved beyond our mortal limits.”

This is quite the surprise, but what do you do?
>Ask Caulifla what her Stand can do
>Ask Divine Triumph Requiem what it can do
>Summon forth Divine Dragon Force to speak with her Stand while you talk with Cauli
>Before you say anything look and see if your other children can see it, or if it is only visible to other Stand users
>Other(write in)
>Summon forth Divine Dragon Force to speak with her Stand while you talk with Cauli
Chilli has that one Soul Sight spell figured out, right?
>Summon forth Divine Dragon Force to speak with her Stand while you talk with Cauli
I really hope she doesn't go full godtard.
>Summon forth Divine Dragon Force to speak with her Stand while you talk with Cauli
Im more worried she will go full angst healer without any filter...
>Before you say anything look and see if your other children can see it, or if it is only visible to other Stand users
>Before you say anything look and see if your other children can see it, or if it is only visible to other Stand users
Verrry interesting
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Rolled 50, 26, 87, 80 = 243 (4d100)

Summon forth Divine Dragon Force to speak with her Stand while you talk with Cauli wins it. Writing.
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“Divine Dragon Force.” you say, summoning forth your own Stand. Who materializes around your right arm, it staring intently immediately at Cauli's Stand.
“Well now, this is quite a surprise.” DDF says, uncoiling from around your arm and stretching over towards your daughter and her Stand. “I have never seen this power from you before, in either time.”
“Impressive, kiddo. So, what can this new version do?” you ask, your daughter turning and watching as her much larger Stand approaches your own.

“Well, we lost the Golden Panoply, the form where it turns into a suit of armor around me.” she says, your Stand whispering something you can't quite hear as your daughter continues. “And even once I power down out of this form, Triumph here remains wholly divine. But as for what all it can do, well...”
“We haven't practiced much with my abilities.” her Stand replies. “I have retained a few from my previous forms, like this.”

With that it turns away from everyone, drawing its head back before thrusting forward, firing forth a cone of scorching cerulean fire. It burns the ground even without touching it, and from even this far away you can feel the heat. Seems becoming a deity definitely increased its firepower.

“Abilities used against those Darkwraiths yesterday.” her Stand continues after ending its blast. “But as for the less... Combat-focused powers, I do not know what all I have retained, or what new abilities have been unlocked thanks to this divine power. I was hoping you would have some insights?”
“Unfortunately, I do not know. I have never seen this form before.” DDF tells it, your Stand sounding almost wary of Divine Triumph Requiem. Which does make you a bit more cautious, looking her Stand up and down once more. “But I can sense a lot of power within you.”
“Does your Stand retain a healing ability?” you ask, your daughter and her Stand sharing a glance. One which, from the outside, seems as if they do a lot of non-vocal communication.

“I... Do not know.” her Stand says, looking back over to you. “Perhaps, next time one of you become injured, I can see if I have a power to fix it?”
“That sounds like a plan.” you say, Chaya suddenly shouting.
“Hey, aren't you two forgetting something?” she calls, the four of you looking over towards her. “We can't see Stands!”
“Oh, right.” Caulifla says, quickly saying again to her what you all had been talking about. “Now, how about we get back to it?”
“Right!” Chaya replies, blazing her own aura as Caulifla calls her Stand back, it fading away as they retake their fighting stances. “Let's go!”

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The rest of the day passes by, you training with the three children until supper time. You all leave Raxus Prime behind, returning home for another masterfully-prepared meal by Silver and his assistants. But once you all are done, Caulifla, back in her base form reaches out to you telepathically.

“Can we talk? Privately?” she thinks to you, you feeling her worry through the link.
“Of course kiddo, I'll meet you atop the ship.” you answer, Caulifla ending the link. You head up there immediately, you telling Meloka where you're going and what's going on telepathically.
“Good luck.” she tells you as you leave the mess hall, exiting your home and flying up onto the roof. Where you wait a few moments, your daughter joining you shortly after. She flies up wordlessly, sitting atop the ship and facing the setting sun. Where you notice she isn't wearing her necklace, the pendant instead sitting in her hand.

“What's on your mind kiddo?” you ask her, walking over to sit beside her. She doesn't answer immediately, still looking down at the pendant in silence. You don't push her, sitting quietly with her as the seconds pass. For over a minute you both sit there until she finally speaks, her voice uncertain.
“Am I a failure? Do I... Deserve this power?” she asks, looking from it over to you. “The only reason I have this power is because I failed.”
“What do you mean, failed?” you ask her gently, not understanding what she means. To which she sighs out, looking back to the pendant.
“If I hadn't failed Yorshka, if I'd been faster, she would still be alive.” your daughter says. “And because his sister died, Lord Gwyndolin no longer wanted to live. He passed his power to me then perished as well. All because I failed them.”

“If you weren't there to protect them, what were you doing instead?” you ask her, curious why she thinks she failed. “I know you, if you could have stopped it you would have.”
“Well, it's kind of a long story.” she says, telling you of how she'd gone to his world, defending his city from an alliance seeking the god's destruction. Something you don't comment on, letting her tell her tale. Of how she had been sent out to fight them, falling into the trap they'd set. Using some sort of magic to trap her within a cathedral, trying to wear her down. “I was so tired from training I couldn't even think, I was just acting on instinct. Fighting with everything I had. Until it happened, the assassin got Yorksha.”
“Assassin?” you ask, brows furrowing. There's no love lost between you and such bastards.

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“Yes. Their entire plan was to draw me in, ambushing me with hundreds, if not thousands of warriors while letting the Darkwraiths send assassins in. Cutting down Yorshka and Gwyndolin, which I found out when her telepathic message was cut off. I tried my best, with everything I had left to get to them, but I was too late. Yorshka was already dead, and Gryndolin dying as I got back to them. That last living assassin wasn't a problem, but then the deity gave up. With his sister dead he gave up on life, choosing to die. But, he didn't have to. If I'd been thinking, if I wasn't so tired, I would have saved her first.”

“Saved her? Wasn't she already dead?” you ask, your daughter giving you a sad smile. “What do you mean?”
“Instead of taking the time to destroy them all, to destroy the ambushing bastards, I should have teleported to her immediately. Healing her before she passed on.” your daughter says sadly. “But I didn't. My mistake, my anger caused me to destroy instead of save. And because of that they both died. It's all my fault.”

And at the last syllable her composed exterior, the face she's putting on cracks, then breaks. The floodgates open, your daughter crying and lunging at you. You hold her to you, letting her cry herself out while gently soothing her. She cries and cries, letting everything out over the course of several minutes until the tears finally stop. You hold her to you, patting her softly on the back. Once she has cried herself out she pulls back slightly, looking up to you. Clearly expecting you to say something.

But what can you say?
>Tell her that it is not her fault they died, it was the fault of those who attacked Yorshka that she perished. The enemy had a plan and executed it perfectly, you're just glad she survived it and returned to you
>Say that, regardless of what happened, she has this power now. And should use it to the best of her abilities, to keep from repeating her 'mistakes'. Making a mistake isn't wrong, but not learning from it is
>Say that the past is the past, what matters now is what she chooses to do moving forward
>Other(write in)?
40 minute vote
>>Say that, regardless of what happened, she has this power now. And should use it to the best of her abilities, to keep from repeating her 'mistakes'. Making a mistake isn't wrong, but not learning from it is
>Say that, regardless of what happened, she has this power now. And should use it to the best of her abilities, to keep from repeating her 'mistakes'. Making a mistake isn't wrong, but not learning from it is
Only thing I can think of for our baby.
>Tell her that it is not her fault they died, it was the fault of those who attacked Yorshka that she perished. The enemy had a plan and executed it perfectly, you're just glad she survived it and returned to you
>Tell her that it is not her fault they died, it was the fault of those who attacked Yorshka that she perished. The enemy had a plan and executed it perfectly, you're just glad she survived it and returned to you
We all make mistakes in life cauli, but that doesn't make it your fault.
it's kinda weird that we had a conversation with her where she was wondering if there was a point in going back in time because they would still be dead no matter what she did. we told her that it didn't matter and what was important was the strength she gained, the knowledge she learned, and the experiences she had. wonder what made her change her mind
>Say that, regardless of what happened, she has this power now. And should use it to the best of her abilities, to keep from repeating her 'mistakes'. Making a mistake isn't wrong, but not learning from it is
This feels the most true to Karn's M.O. I think
Didn't her bird stand have a feather reviving thing going on she could have used at the time? I forget the limits of the ability off the top of my head.
It's different when she was just another knight, helping random people. But she was VERY attached to Yorshka, and failing her hurts. Sure she knew logically that she died eventually, but didn't know it was her own fault.
Phoenix Down was a powerful ability, but it had limits. Especially in regards to demigods and deities.
This feels like I Karn, I'll support it.
Say that, regardless of what happened, she has this power now. And should use it to the best of her abilities, to keep from repeating her 'mistakes'. Making a mistake isn't wrong, but not learning from it is wins. Roll me a single d100.

DC: 60
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Rolled 64 (1d100)

Oh god oh fuck
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Rolled 12 (1d100)

Look ma, a crit
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64/100, success. Writing.
What are these dice, on a damn Dadding role too....
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“Regardless of how you got it, or what happened, you have this power now kiddo.” you tell her seriously, patting her on the back. “What matters now is not why or how you have it, but how you use it.”
“But I shouldn't be-” she starts, you shaking your head. She goes quiet at this, letting you talk.
“Regardless of how you feel now, the choices we made are the ones we must live with. Not with what could have been, or how things could have been better.” you tell her. “And now that this Gwyndolin, for whatever reason entrusted you with this power, it is your responsibility to wield it well.”

She goes quiet at this, thinking over what you just told her. But you're not done, not yet.

“Making a mistake isn't wrong, kiddo, I've made plenty in my life. Ones that cost others theirs, more than once.” you admit, Caulifla's eyes widening as she looks up to you. “But now that this power is yours, you have to use it to the best of your abilities. To learn from what you did, and do better. Making a mistake isn't wrong, but not learning from it and doing the same thing over again and again is. If you don't learn from your mistakes, if you don't seek to do better than before, THAT would be wrong. You'd dishonor their memory by not doing better in the future.”
“You messed up like that before?” she asks, sounding quite surprised. “I didn't think...”
“What, that your old man didn't make mistakes?” you ask, Caulifla looking away, unable to meet your gaze. “I've been making mistakes all my life. Even back when we lived on Planet Vegeta, before the PTO, I made choices that got others killed. But making mistakes is a part of life. We have to learn from our mistakes, those we're fortunate enough to live through, and strive to keep doing better kiddo.”

“I see.” she replies, letting go of you and turning her focus back out towards the rapidly-setting sun. “You've... Given me a lot to think about, but I think I'd like to be alone. At least for a little bit.”
“Of course, kiddo. If you need me just call.” you tell her, ruffling her hair before rising up to your feet. “Just make sure you get some sleep, we've got another long day tomorrow.”
“I will.” she replies, you leaving her to herself as you leap down, going back into your home. You head off to sleep, your wife and Towa in bed with you as the new day dawns. Up and at it early, you head to Raven's only to see the portal already open. Looking to her curiously, she gives you a small smile.

“Seems your daughter was too eager to wait, and has gone ahead.” she tells you, you opening your ki sense to find Caulifla is already through. “I think your talk yesterday did her some good.”
“Our-?” you start, remembering after a moment the awareness being connected to New Salda gives. “Right. Thanks, Raven. Really appreciate all this.”

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“It's no problem, Karn. After all, I'd much prefer you all fight that rough over there instead of here. My predecessor wasn't wrong, healing the planet from your people's clashes is quite a lot of work.”
“I'll remember that, and try to do better.” you apologize, Raven giving you a small smile and nod before you head on through. Finding your daughter already hard at work, her Stand firing blast after blast of cerulean fire. But instead of shooting targets, your daughter is having her Stand try and shoot HERSELF. Forcing her to flip and dodge past the more focused columns of fire, dodging the attacks in her new transformed state. But something's different about it this time, it taking you a moment to recognize what. But you quickly realize that she's discarded the long, flowing robes and replaced them with a short skirt, the mantle still upon her shoulders and golden sun-like helm upon her head. She blurs between blasts of blue fire, clearing them all without the fire so much as licking her white and gold suit.

“Mornin' kiddo.” you call out to her, Divine Triumph Requiem not turning and continuing to fire at Caulifla.
“Mornin', Dad.” she replies, continuing to dodge the fires with her Su Ma technique. She dodges the beams over and over, until she lands on her feet, raising her scepter and firing a beam of moonlight energy. The beam slams into the fire, overpowering it and striking her Stand. Who quits firing, your daughter ending her attack as well before sighing out. Her body is then engulfed in the azure fires for several moments before they fade, reverting back to her base form. “Is it time already?”

“Yeah, you're here a little early, aren't you?” you ask her, to which she nods. “Just make sure you don't push yourself too hard, okay?”
“Don't worry, I'm just getting warmed up before we start.” she replies, which you can clearly tell is a lie from how hard she's sweating. But you let it go, her siblings both also arriving. Surprisingly, she appear with Chilli, seemingly having stayed with her brother overnight. “Mornin'.”
“Alright, let's get to work!” you say, getting back to training. Yet, as you train the three of them, notice that one of them still hasn't ascended. Despite how happy she appears, how hard she's working, Chaya is the only one who, after almost a whole month hasn't seemingly made progress. And as Caulifla, in her divine form battles Chilli in his magical Archon state, you find yourself standing beside her.

But is this something you bring up with her?
>Ask her about it, if she's making any progress or if she's hit a wall
>Telepathically ask her if she thinks she'll have that power unlocked before the tournament, or if she'll end up needing more time to get there
>Ask Chaya how she thinks her brother and sister's training is going, get her talking and see if she brings it up herself
>Don't say anything, if she wants your input on this she'll ask you
>Other(write in)
Hm...she's talked with Meloka about channeling and controlling Divine Ki, right?
>Blaster. Stronger energy attacks and superior ranged fighting, weaker hand-to-hand fighting and durability. Fastest learning of energy-based attacks, harder time training up raw power and martial technique.
Our baby is an Amazon Magical girl and i don't know how to feel about Vox finding this out...
Lol, nostalgia voter here it seems.
Yes, and how -she- obtained Blue training with Whis. But she hasn't achieved the same.
You're early on that vote.
>Ask Chaya how she thinks her brother and sister's training is going, get her talking and see if she brings it up herself
>Ask Chaya how she thinks her brother and sister's training is going, get her talking and see if she brings it up herself
>Ask Chaya how she thinks her brother and sister's training is going, get her talking and see if she brings it up herself
I like seeing her point of view
Ask Chaya how she thinks her brother and sister's training is going, get her talking and see if she brings it up herself wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 20
Second DC: 50
Rolled 95, 39 = 134 (2d100)

Rolled 66, 83 = 149 (2d100)

You got this
Rolled 8, 33 = 41 (2d100)

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95/100, 83/100. Most impressive, writing.
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“So tell me, kiddo. What do you think of their progress?” you ask Chaya, not taking your attention off the fight. Caulifla is conjuring her orbs of deep blue magic, sending them swarming towards him while Chilli uses his crystalline magics. Their energies clash, both hovering still and not moving while weaving their complex powers throughout the air. “How do you think their training is going?”
“Well, Chilli unlocked that power of his first, but as we see...” she says, gesturing towards Chilli not using his newfound Primal form. “It's strong enough to get him in the higher tiers of mortal power, but I'm not sure it's worth it at the cost of his magic power.”

“Yes, it's an unforeseen downside.” you tell her as the fight continues between your children, but as the battle continues you notice the tide of battle turning. Caulifla continues increasing her volume of output, while Chilli's continues to shrink. He then unleashes a black hole between them, absorbing her attacks as he reverts back to his base form. Then, with a roar and flash of golden light ascends, taking on his Primal form. As he transforms his last magical attack fades, dashing through the space it had occupied and rushing his sister down.
“HRRRAAAAA!!” he roars, closing in instantly and launching into a barrage of heavy blows. Caulifla is forced onto the defensive.
“But he's making it work.” you say with a grin, your son using the strategy you'd talked with him about the day before to great effect. He presses her back, pushing and pushing the attack until he breaks through her guard. Delivering a powerful uppercut to the jaw, sending her flying. However, instead of pursuing her he powers back down, shifting back to his Archon form and unleashing his magic once more. “It may not make his magic better, but it gives him what he needed. Options.”

“Woah. That's... Rather impressive.” she says, blinking twice as she watches him switching it up. “He's already mastered it to that level. Heh, he always was the smartest of us. And then there's Cauli...”

You both watch as she takes a couple shots of Light and Dark magic before getting her magical defenses up and going again, the shifts having caught her by surprise.

“This power of hers. It isn't like mine, or even Momma's. It's more... I don't know.” she says, frustrated at being unable to find the words she's looking for. “It actually is more like the power Beerus wields.”


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“What?!” you ask, turning from their spar fully towards her. Sensing the sudden tone shift, she turns to you, holding her hands up.
“Not the same, she doesn't have the same power as his Hakai or anything.” she says, speaking a bit quicker. “But it comes from the same kind of divine power.”
“Same kind?” you ask her, raising a brow in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Take Momma's Super Saiyan God power. Her strength comes from the Faith of all Saiyans. Or from my power, it comes from the Faith of all my fans across the entire universe.” she tells you, powering up into her blue and gold form. “But hers? That power is deeper. Her power isn't like us, but something deeper. Her strength doesn't even come from Faith, not directly. Or, at least, not in her.”
“What do you mean by that?” you ask her, turning back to look up at your daughter and son's match. Caulifla has recovered, evening out her magical attacks back with his own, returning to a stalemate as they throw power at each other. “If not her, then how does it work?”
“To make it simple? Her strength is now based on a different belief. Like Beerus or the Supreme Kai, they don't have strength because of who they are. But what they stand for.” she says, sounding begrudgingly impressed. “The Supreme Kai's power comes from all sentient being's belief in creation itself, as Beerus' might comes from the belief in destruction itself. In the belief that things can be created or destroyed.”

“And hers?” you ask, wondering what this Darkmoon power is. She turns back to you, a slightly worried expression on her face.
“She told me what this Gwyndolin, the 'Dark Sun' was deity of. And the Darkmoon is a god of magic, and the gods' vengeance against those who break their rules.” she says, her face and tone serious. “If people believe in things like divine retribution, or even magic itself, her power will never run out. She now basically IS the god of magic now.”
“The god of magic...” you say, turning back to their sparring overhead. Chilli again switches forms, but instead of rushing in starts moving around her. Throwing energy attacks at her from all sides and forcing her on the defense again. You both watch on in silence as his different style catcher her off guard, taking her several seconds to adjust. “And what about you, kiddo? You've got all this divine power, what are you trying to be the god of?”

“Me?” she asks, sounding genuinely confused. You look over to her, seeing her looking down at her hands instead of up at the battle or even at you. She then mutters to herself, lost in her own world at the question. “What I'm the god of...?”

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She's clearly lost in thought, you leaving her to it as her siblings continue to spar. They continue for another several minutes, you then calling a stop to their match.

“Well done, both of you. Take a break.” you tell them, turning to your daughter as they both power down and placing your hand atop her head. “Your turn.”
“Wha-Huh?” she says, looking up and around in confusion for several moments, seeing you then Chilli and Caulifla on the ground.
“Our turn kiddo.” you tell her, leaping a couple dozen yards away from her then clenching your fists, powering up into your Berserker God form.

“RIGHT!” she roars, her two-tone aura blazing as well as she powers up. Clearly ready to go.

But what do you do? How do you take her on this time?
>Rush in and attack, force her onto the defensive and back her into a corner to try and draw the Blue power's full strength out of her
>Defend, let her attack your Energy Body. Maybe her frustration at not being able to break your guard will give her the push she needs
>Use your energy attacks to keep your distance, force her to try and get through your energy to reach you
>Instead of fighting, sit down gesture for her to sit with you. Perhaps fighting isn't the key, but calming meditation?
>Other(write in)?
>>Instead of fighting, sit down gesture for her to sit with you. Perhaps fighting isn't the key, but calming meditation?
Its this I think...maybe? Chaya seems most likely drawn to be a Goddess of Victory or Championship, but I dont think she can really get her concept aligned until she realises that herself. I could be entirely wrong and she needs pressure to cook but who knows?
>Instead of fighting, sit down gesture for her to sit with you. Perhaps fighting isn't the key, but calming meditation?
My immediate reaction was to try and force it out of her in a trial by fire, but somehow I don't think pelting her with Anti-Divine energy would help. I think she's very nearly there, she just needs to chew on it a little more.
>>Instead of fighting, sit down gesture for her to sit with you. Perhaps fighting isn't the key, but calming meditation?

Get Chilli and Caulifla to sit with us. Maybe not necessarily for meditation, but rather a brainstorming session regarding Chaya and what she represents (to her fans, herself, her family, etc); Chilli and Caulifla might have some interesting persectives or advice on it, too.
Rolled 2 (1d6)

Instead of fighting, sit down gesture for her to sit with you. Perhaps fighting isn't the key, but calming meditation? wins it. Let's see if she has any revelations through peace and quiet, roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 180
Second DC: 90
Third DC: ??
Rolled 32, 92, 54 = 178 (3d100)

well thats a big dc
Rolled 42, 57, 19 = 118 (3d100)

sorry for being late, I was making my dinner
Rolled 56, 1, 61 = 118 (3d100)

Jesus H. Christ
Forgot to mention this one is a Bo4 with Berserker God. You'll see why soon enough.

Rolled 85, 39, 29 = 153 (3d100)

It's fine. 1st guy made the DC.
We both need to de-suck out dice, though.
Like this.
My roll above doesn't count. Didn't see your post in time, and thought we were just doing bo3. Too soon for me to roll again.
...doesn't that roll technically not count since it was within ten minutes of your first one?
Rolled 61, 31, 63 = 155 (3d100)

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61/100, 92/100, 63/100. Failure, success and a- Wait, what's this? A 2 on my roll? Interesting, writing.
I don't know what scares me more; "Interesting..." or "This is gonna hurt..."
All I’ll say is the spoiler was for becoming an aspect.
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“Good. Now, sit down here beside me.” you tell her, dropping to the ground and sitting, cross-legged in the crater. “Chilli, Cauli, you two are welcome to join us.”
“Wai-Huh?” Chaya asks, clearly having anticipated getting you for another one-on-one sparring session. “What do you mean?”
“We're trying to unlock EVERYONE's power here, not just those of your siblings.” you tell her, resting your hands palms-up on your knees, taking a deep breath and closing your eyes. “Perhaps taking some time to focus on your goals, on your power and what you want to achieve will help? Have you ever just sat in this state, familiarizing yourself with your power?”

“I...Huh. Guess I haven't ever done that, really.” she answers, you hearing her walk over and sit beside you. Caulifla, powering back up into her divine state does the same. Meanwhile Chilli, exhausted from constantly changing forms and attack styles simply collapses to the ground, trying to recover his strength. “Hmmmm.”

You sit there and focus on your own power, for a few moments. But as you try, your Berserker Soul keeps pushing you towards Chaya. Whose energy is radiating out from her like a beacon, drawing your soul's ire and wrath. You try and focus, to keep your soul contained, but it keeps pressing against your control. Determined to destroy the god mere feet from it.

“Hey, Chaya.” you reach out to your daughter telepathically, not opening your eyes or changing your breathing. “Did your mother offer you any advice? Did she tell you any secrets to unlocking this power?”
“Well, now that you mention it, there was something that didn't make any sense.” she replies, also telepathically. “That no matter how hard I pushed, I wouldn't get to Blue through sheer force of will. But that I had to be 'greater' than my divine power, that I have to 'eclipse' it fully. Whatever that means.”

You can almost see her hand motions with the words she puts emphasis on, but then something clicks. You remember a conversation you'd had with your wife not long after the Universe 6 tournament, when you'd asked her yourself about her Super Saiyan Blue form she'd shown for just a moment.

“Finally got to the next level, huh? Well done hun.” you'd told her, your wife beaming at you. “But how did you do it? Was it like getting the stronger levels of Super Saiyan, or was it different for being a god form?”
“It was completely different. No matter how hard I pushed, I couldn't break through that wall.” she told you, her eyes going distant as she recalls her struggle. “No, it needed an entirely different process.”

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“Different how?” you'd asked her, to which she'd grinned.
“Watch this.” she had told you, clenching her fists. Her aura blazed up pale around her, yet instead of increasing her powerlevel rapidly plummeted. Decreasing to nothing, leaving you completely unable to sense her. Yet her aura, blazing white is exerting serious pressure, like her Super Saiyan God state. “This is what happens when I tap into the divine power without transforming, Then, when I try and transform like I do to go Super Saiyan, you get this. HAAAAA!”

And in a flash of azure she'd ascended, transforming into the divine Super Saiyan Blue form. But only for a moment, sighing out and reverting back to her base form that you could sense. Your mind then flashes back to the present, opening your eyes and looking over to Chaya. Who, sitting there with her eyes closed, hasn't realized that much of the blue has bled from her hair, and a lot more of her power feels mortal to you once more. But, armed with the knowledge you remember, you reach back out to her.

“Hey, Chaya.” you again think to her, seeing your daughter's brow twitch before she replies.
“Yes?” she asks, this time aloud. With a hint of annoyance to her tone.
“I just remembered something. Something that might help you.” you tell her, telepathically relaying your conversation with your wife and what she'd shown you. Her eyes snap wide open, Chaya looking to you with a shocked expression.

“Are you sure?” she asks, nearly leaping up off the ground in excitement. “That's the key?”
“According to your mother, yes.” you reply, Chaya grinning as she stands all the way up. “Figure it out?”


“That was what I was missing.” she says, her voice sounding almost hungry as she clenches her fists. She then takes a deep breath, sighing out as she powers back down into her base form, closing her eyes once more. Her body goes still, you watching as she even relaxes her hands, taking another deep, focused breath. But as she exhales this time, you begin to feel her power rapidly shrinking as she mutters to herself. “Eclipse it. I have to be even greater. Everyone, I need your belief in me, more than ever.”

As your daughter's powerlevel rapidly shrinks, you feel the pressure around her begin increasing. Her ki vanishes entirely, your daughter outlined by a faint shine of energy as she opens her eyes. And they're no longer the angry red and yellow you've become used to, in fact they're both...


“Now! HRRYAAAAAAAAAAA!!” she roars, aura blazing up around her. Not her Super Saiyan aura, not her blue and gold divine aura, but this time it's entirely azure. Her entire being is consumed by the blazing power surging from her, the sheer pressure of her transformation pushing you back.
“Woah!” Caulifla says as she's knocked into the air, catching herself after a few uncontrolled flips. “This power-!”

You both watch as her aura seemingly begins to harden against her body, encasing her within the almost-white divine power. As you all watch it then begins to break away, her pale blue aura blazing as she evolves. Revealing for the first time her new form, the mighty power beyond that of a Super Saiyan God. Her aura is the darkest on its outsides, appearing almost golden the closest it is to her body. She's done it, Chaya has finally achieved the power even further beyond a god: Super Saiyan Blue.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 220 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying the ride? Liking this time before the next tournament of training, spending more one-on-one time with a few of the kids? Curious how everyone else's training has been going for the past month, and which of Universe 7's competitors will be the strongest in this upcoming brawl? Are you ready to take Chaya's Super Saiyan Blue power for a spin, or do you think someone else will want a turn first? All this and more, when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues at noon EST, 12 hours from now!
Chaya and Meloka are a pair of dumbasses, working towards the same power but not communicating, sharing tips.
I'm glad to see she figured out what she needed, now's it's time to stress test this form!
Also somewhat related, you think a Catalyst that scales with Strength might be a good idea for Chilli in the short term?
Meloka was curious if Chaya could brute force the form, to see if it was obtainable through pushing her unique form harder.
That's what the 90 was for, if you told her what she needed to hear.
No, that won't help. The Primal form isn't designed for magic, 'rewiring' the body for physical and ki combat. The fact he can still use ANY magic at all in that form just shows how powerful he really is.
So I guess it's something like the opposite side of the coin to his Soul Release.
If only there were some way to merge the two forms...
No, they cannot. Chilli learned that transforming before going into Soul Release has serious negative consequences for his energy. Like going Super Saiyan before fusing with the Potara, except on a much, MUCH more devastating scale. Would kill him in under thirty seconds if he transformed perfectly, fully understood what was happening and didn't use any power whatsoever. However, if someone's trying to make a suicide bomb...
>However, if someone's trying to make a suicide bomb...
But if he went Super Nova while he was in Soul Release...wouldn't that just erase him entirely?
No. Long explanation short, Soul release converts his physical form into mana. His soul would still be intact, but there wouldn’t be a scrap of his body left.
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“Super Saiyan Blue....” Chilli says, awestruck. “She actually did it.”
“Of course I did it. I was just trying to do it wrong, until now.” she replies confidently, looking over to him a moment before back to her hands. “To think, I'd been pushing so hard I nearly got here the complete wrong way.”
“Well well, what have we here?” a familiar voice says, you turning to see your wife has just joined you all, a satisfied look on her face as she lowers her hand from her forehead, looking at her daughter. “Looks like you finally figured it out Chaya. Ready to put it to the test?”

“Absolutely.” Chaya replies, taking her fighting stance as your wife powers up as well. Your Berserker Soul immediately rages, trying to break free of your control to go on the attack now that there are THREE deities present. But you suppress it, eager to see just how powerful Chaya has become now. Silence hangs in the air uninterrupted but for the sounds of their auras, mother and daughter staring each other down. Then, in a flash they both move, the force of their collision actually knocking you off your feet. You'd not wholly braced for the impact, not expecting their clash to have such output. But as the you regain your feet, sliding to a stop after tumbling a few times, realize that was a poor assumption. Just because this is your daughter and wife doesn't mean your Berserker Soul is WRONG in that these are two powerful, dangerous deities. “HAAAAAA!!”

Their clashing fists echo like thunder, shaking the very air as they go back and forth. One moment Chaya's pressing the attack, driving her mother backwards with a flurry of punches, the next second Meloka has her on the defensive, Chaya doing her best to block the lightning-quick attacks. You, Chilli and Caulifla all watch as the two Blue Saiyans battle, going back and forth in the air until finally, with a final clash Chaya is sent crashing down to the ground before the three of you.


The force of her hitting the ground kicks up a wall of dust, blinding the three of you momentarily. Then once it passes you lower your arms, watching your wife drop to the ground in front of Chaya, who is already back up on her feet.

“This power's awesome.” Chaya says, blazing her aura back up. “This is great!”
“Yes, but be careful. Ascending into this state burns up quite a lot of your power.” Meloka says, powering back down into her base. She then transforms back up into Blue once more, but with you being able to sense her power, immediately notice something surprising. And worrying. Her power isn't anywhere close to what it was moments ago, a mere echo of her previous strength. “Once you commit to it, then power down, the fight will be over. One way or another.”

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“I won't forget!” Chaya says seriously with a nod, then turns to look towards the three of you. “Now, who's next!”

>Your turn, time to see just how powerful her Super Saiyan Blue form really is
>Caulifla's turn, you're curious how her divine power stacks up against Super Saiyan Blue
>Chilli needs the practice with his Primal form, put him against his sister
>Send Caulifla and Chilli against her, they still need to work on their teamwork
>Fully unleash your Berserker God power and have all three come at you together
> Your turn, time to see just how powerful her Super Saiyan Blue form really is
So proud of our daughter. Goten could never
>Fully unleash your Berserker God power and have all three come at you together
So who all is panicking after feeling the energy radiating from this planet right now?
>Your turn, time to see just how powerful her Super Saiyan Blue form really is
She's come a long way from her darkest points.
The gods are VERY aware of what's happening. But Beerus isn't panicking, he's feeling rather smug. He isn't thinking long-term, instead his thoughts are "Bet Champa won't be able to compete with THIS!"
>Fully unleash your Berserker God power and have all three come at you together
2:2, looks like we're tied. Vote extended another ten minutes to wait for a tiebreaker
>Fully unleash your Berserker God power and have all three come at you together
Rolled 20, 83, 10, 29 = 142 (4d100)

Fully unleash your Berserker God power and have all three come at you together wins it. Roll me a 6d100.

First DC: 85
Second DC: 60
Third DC: 25
Fourth DC: 70
Fifth DC: 50
Sixth DC: ??

And this is a best of 4, you may need it
Rolled 54, 51, 6, 7, 30, 46 = 194 (6d100)

This is just family fun GD calm down. Its not like we're secretly training how to fight multiple divinities at the same time for unknown reasons. Relax~
okay maybe dont relax holy dogshit batman what the hell.
Rolled 48, 75, 54, 76, 94, 20 = 367 (6d100)

Rolled 1, 88, 65, 6, 91, 33 = 284 (6d100)

Rolled 27, 16, 85, 32, 85, 50 = 295 (6d100)

it's time
Rolled 73, 100, 20, 18, 95, 76 = 382 (6d100)

.......Well that first DC is a critical failure so...Im thinking Karn actually lost his shit here with 3 Dieties present. Which is why the DC was so high. Last DC...I dunno but hope a 50s enough.
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Crit Fail/100, 88/100, 85/100, 76/100, 94/100, 50/100. Crit failure, success, success, success, success and perfectly mid mystery. It's time, writing.
Meloka got us in the balls again
Meloka's sitting this one out, but is absolutely watching this go down.
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“Now then, now that you're ready, it's time.” you say to her, taking a leap back away from Caulifla and Chilli, planting your feet and taking your fighting stance. “The three of you against one of me, let's do this!”
“Hell yeah!” Chaya shouts, voice eager as she leaps up to stand beside her siblings. Who both power up as well, Caulifla's divine aura blazing around her transformed state while Chilli ascends immediately into his Primal form as well. The three of your children all take their fighting stances, you facing the three of them. Immediately you realize that, despite your power, the three of them fighting together as you've taught them over the past month could be a problem. You're going to need more. And so, you draw upon everything you've got, releasing the full, unrestrained power of the Berserker God.


“HRRRRAAAAAAAAA!!” you roar, the ground cracking beneath your feet as you unleash your full power. Released from its chains the Berserker Soul blazes, your vision turning fully red as the rage consumes you. You try and maintain a semblance of control, but it is no use. Staring down THREE gods before you, you can't contain it any longer, the wrath consuming you. “GYAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!”

Everything vanishes as your energy explodes, the world going white. As your vision returns, you see two gods, both cloaked in blue energy with a third being standing before them, shielding them with its golden energy. The first victim then, if they would protect a god.

“RRRAAAAAAA!!” you roar, exploding forward and smashing straight through its energy with your shoulder, then swinging your right and smashing his face. Sending the man flying backwards.
“GAAAH?!” he shouts as you spin, twisting counterclockwise and smashing your left elbow into the masked face of one god, snapping her head back and sending her stumbling as you finish your spin into a turning right kick, one the blue-haired woman blocks with her left forearm, braced with her right.
“Khh! HAAAAA!!” she shouts, thrusting her right hand at you and firing a wave of divine energy. Blasting you back flipping once to land on your feet as she closes in. The woman tries for a powerful right, but you catch her fist with your left, jerking her in close while drawing your right back, snapping your elbow into her face. Which you follow up with a left, the one-two of your strikes sending her flying as well. “Kyaaah!!”

“Don't let your guard down!” a familiar voice shouts, you turning to see a small, black-haired woman calling to them. But she isn't interfering, so you pay her no mind, turning your focus back on the others. The golden-masked one has recovered first, firing a swarm of fist-sized blue projectiles as you. Each one brimming with divine energy. But that can't stop you.

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“Grrrr! HAAAAAAAA!!” you bellow, drawing your right back and pitching a ball of energy forward, it splitting into scores of smaller orbs. Your energy and the divine power detonate on impact, turning the space between you both into a kaleidoscope of explosions and smoke. Which you blast straight through, closing the gap between you both. Only to see her holding a golden bow, five arrows all drawn simultaneously.
“HAAA!!” she shouts, firing them at almost point-blank range. Which you dodge by spinning clockwise, an instinctual maneuver as you then grab her head with your left, slamming her face-first into the ground so hard she bounces. “Ku-ack!”

“RRRAAAA!!” you bellow, planting your feet and driving your right fist with all the power of your back, shoulder and legs straight into her abs. Punching her so hard the ground beneath the point of impact craters, your blow sending her flying away. Suddenly, however, you can't move, you can't rush after her! Your feet are stuck! Looking down, you see a familiar-seeming crystal growth has sprouted from the ground, the reflective material growing up your legs and to your knees.
“He's lost control, be careful!” an odd, distorted voice calls, you turning and seeing a being resembling the night sky. One with a blazing, fiery aura around it, hand outstretched towards you. No doubt the one doing this. “NOW!”

“FINAL FLAAAAAASH!!” a woman shouts, you turning and seeing a massive beam of golden energy firing right towards you.
'GRRRRAAAAA!!” you roar, releasing your energy from all directions at once. Your overflowing power explodes forth, shattering the crystals binding you as the golden beam slams into it. “HAAAAAAAA!!”

Your energy matches the powerful beam for several seconds, then the other attack starts fading away. Once it's done you end your own attack, dashing at the one who'd fired it. She sees you coming and tries to block, crossing her arms as your fist slams into them. Despite her best attempt, your heavy blow sends her flying, but you're not done with her yet. You dash in, closing the distance once more and unleash a barrage of powerful blows. Which the woman initially blocks, until a left uppercut rips her arms away from each other, your follow-up spinning elbow to her face stunning her. You feel something crunch as blood sprays, the woman's hands going to her face. Leaving her body wide open, you driving your left knee into her guts.

“Kuuuuhhh-!” she wheezes, dropping to her knees as the wind is knocked from her body. You grab her by her blue hair with your left, preparing to finish her off when again those crystals interfere. Exploding up out of the ground, forming a wall between you and her. They try and stab into your left arm, but your body is too tough, the points breaking against your hide. This is getting annoying.

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“GRRRR! RRAAAAA!!” you roar, turning towards him then firing a massive blast of energy from your mouth. Your blast forces him to leap away, you then driving your right knee into the crystal wall, shattering it. But as you do, from your left side there's a sudden blast of energy. A beam of power unlike anything you've ever taken slams into you, breaking your grip on the blue-haired one and sending you flying. “GAAAAAH! GRRRAAAAA!!”

With another roar you unleash your explosive power, blasting the beam of deep blue off of you and diverting it around your energy. The golden masked one ends her attack, the blue-haired one getting to her feet as the starry one simply teleports back over to the other two. Seems that being has allied with these pesky gods, and has to go too.

But what do you do now?
>Rush in and attack, they can't keep up with your speed and power in close quarters
>Defend, draw them in to getting too close then break whoever is most foolish first
>Take to the air, unleashing your energy down upon them all and see how they like it
>Other(write in)
>Take to the air, unleashing your energy down upon them all and see how they like it
>Take to the air, unleashing your energy down upon them all and see how they like it
>Take to the air, unleashing your energy down upon them all and see how they like it
>>Take to the air, unleashing your energy down upon them all and see how they like it
Well I was right about the Nat 1. Not sure what the mystery roll was though.
Have to fo run a quick errand, vote's now open another20 minutes to give me time to get back
Took longer than expected, but I'm back! Now:

Take to the air, unleashing your energy down upon them all and see how they like it wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 60
Third DC: 80
Fourth DC: 55
Rolled 84, 91, 95, 30 = 300 (4d100)

Rolled 71, 58, 14, 98 = 241 (4d100)

Rolled 40, 44, 61, 28 = 173 (4d100)

any redemption on my rolls?
Rolled 69, 80, 91, 60 = 300 (4d100)

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84/100, 91/100, 95/100, 98/100. Success, success, success, and success. Overwhelming victory, and not only against your children. Writing.
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“HRRR! Haaaa! Hahahahahahaaa!” you bellow as the puny gods and their defender take their defensive stances, worried looks on their faces. “Now I'll show you true power! HAAAAAAAAA!!”

Your power blazes, crumbling the ground beneath you as you leap straight up into the air. Gathering your overflowing, overwhelming power into both hands, you begin throwing your energy down at the trio. Each orb you toss down breaks into dozens of smaller orbs, the three scattering as the try and avoid your hellstorm from above. The first blasts hit the ground, covering it in explosions that obscure their forms. But you don't stop, firing orb after orb down. Explosions and smoke cover the ground, you laughing maniacally as you keep tossing power. Until a lance of lightning shoots up from the smoke, directly at your chest. You fire another orb at it, only for it to cleanly pierce through your attack, flying right for you.

“Tch!” you snarl, ending the attack in your left and instead charging that energy into your hand. Swinging your left down in a chop, splitting the lightning arrow and causing both halves to fly out past you on either side. Which gives you an idea, you drawing your right hand back over your left shoulder. Gathering your energy into a fingertip then swinging it down, firing a wide, massive slashing blade down. Except, as your blade drops, another one is fired up from the ground, this one golden. Your emerald energy and the golden blade smash together, detonating in a massive blast.

“GO! I'll keep his attacks in check!” you hear a man shout, snarling in response. Stop YOUR attack, will he? You'll make this hurt.
“HAAAAAAA!!” you roar, firing another slash down, then another and another, each one focused on his energy. His next blade flies up out of the smoke, blowing it away to reveal the man in his furred form, snarl on his face as he gives everything he's got to match your attacks. But as he does, you see the other two's powers blazing. No doubt combining their energy, thinking that together they can take you down. Which makes you laugh. “HAHAHAHAHAHAA! Do you really think THAT will be enough to stop ME?! HAAAAAAA!!”

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With a roar you throw both arms wide, releasing all your power to make an absolutely massive orb in each hand. Then, with a sadistic grin, throw both hands up, slamming the two energies into each other. Your twin orbs of ki begin merging, their power spiraling together as you condense it down between your hands until that power is the size of your fist. Then, with a grin raise your arms up, letting it expand into a planet-sized ball of energy.

“HAAAHAHAHAHAA!” you cackle, throwing that massive power down. The gigantic orb of power drops, flying past you and dropping down to the three of them. “Stop this, if you can!”
“Divine Triumph Requiem!” you hear one woman shout, then from the trio see a fourth figure. A blue, bird-like being appears beside the gold-helmed one firing a column of cerulean fire up at your attack. And, to your surprise, when those fires hit your attack, you feel your energy start burning away. Whatever that being's fire is made of, it is literally burning your attack away. But it's no use, your attack is massive and would take dozens of minutes to erase your attack at this pace.

“FINAL FLASH!!” the man roars, firing a golden beam of energy up into your attack as well. Clearly trying to slow it down, if not push your attack back. But your power is so much greater than his, his attack barely slows your down. But then, the two women are ready, unleashing their full power.
“DOUBLE PROMINENCE! FLAAAAAASH!!” the women shout, unleashing a spiraling beam of light and dark blue energy. Their combined attack crashes into your massive blast, their power so massive it grinds your attack to a stop!

“What?!” you exclaim, shocked at their might. With the four of them together, they actually managed to stop your attack in the air. Where the azure fires crawling along its surface continue to spread, devouring more and more of your attack. Reducing its power by the second. “Tch! Let's see how you handle THIS!”

Gathering your ki into your left hand, you fire a small, fist-sized ball of energy down. Your energy punches into the orb, detonating the core of the massive energy orb. You watch as it begins glowing brighter and brighter, laughing maniacally as it detonates.



And everything goes white. Your energy explodes, the massive blast consuming you, the four below, everything as your senses are burned away. Leaving you drifting, floating in an endless white void. After several seconds, the first thing you hear is a high-pitched almost buzzing noise.

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Tinnitus warning, play at your own risk

The high-pitched ringing hurts your ears, the white of the blinding flash then fading to reveal you laying on your back in a massive crater. Sitting up, your head feeling like it's swimming, you try and figure out what happened. To remember how you got here, but the last thing you remember was telling your three kids you were training to all come at you together. But once the world around you finally stops swimming, you notice something worrying. In the bottom of the deep crater you find yourself in, you see something moving. It takes a moment to focus on it, but you recognize it instantly: that's magma, boiling up and out of the ground.

“Time to go.” you think to your self, pushing yourself up to your feet, only to freeze. There, near the rapidly-rising lava is a gold-helmed figure, clearly still unconscious from the blast. But, as you blink, the hints of the red haze around your eyes clear, that's YOUR DAUGHTER! And she's in danger! Without a moment's hesitation you blitz over towards her, dashing down and scooping her up into your arms. But as you do, you also see Chilli and Chaya, both unconscious and in their base forms laying nearby. You pick your largest daughter up, laying her over your shoulders as you kneel down, scooping one kid up in each arm as you sense a powerlevel appear behind you.

“Karn, are you-?” Meloka asks, you turning to see your wife in her base form. She sees your face and sighs out in what sounds like relief, you wondering what happened. “Good, you're back. We need to move.”

And as she says this, the lava bubbling up suddenly explodes, a geyser of molten hot rock and gas shooting hundreds of feet up into the air.

“Let's go.” you tell her, Meloka nodding and raising her right to her forehead, grabbing onto Chilli in your left arm with her left. A moment later you leave Raxus Prime behind, returning to New Salda in one piece. Specifically, on your ship in the medical bay where Dr. White is waiting. Along with someone else.
“My lord, are you alright?” Haathe asks you, concern in her eyes. Which turns to worry as she sees you holding three of your children.
“Owww.” Caulifla mutters as she stirs, Meloka taking Chilli from you and gently setting him down on the operating table. Cauli, waking up slides off your shoulders, landing unsteadily on her feet. You catch her with your now-freed left arm, turning to her with concern.

“You okay kiddo?” you ask, your daughter raising her still-masked gaze to you.

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“I'm fine, Divine Triumph Requiem shielded us as best as it could from the blast.” she answers, turning her gaze to you. Where the small smile on her face fades, you recognizing her worried mask of a smile as she slips it on. “But you're not. You took that attack point-blank.”
“It's not that-” you start, only to wince as your daughter jabs a finger into your chest. Your body hasn't even been relaying pain until now, but as she pokes you it all comes flooding in. From the outside, that single poke would look as if it dropped you to your knees, sucking in air through your teeth to keep from screaming.

“Hold still.” she says as Meloka takes Chaya, Caulifla getting between you all as she kneels. Holding her bell in her hand, muttering the words to her prayer as the bell chimes. With her final syllable dark blue light, unlike her golden light once more radiates from her, the icy touch of her extra-divine healing magic soothing the burning pains as they fade. You feel yourself taking a far deeper breath, sighing out before meeting her gaze.

“Thanks kiddo.” you tell her, then add. “What happened?”
“You lost control hun.” Meloka says, you turning to her. When you started powering up against the three of them. I'm glad none of you were more seriously injured.”
“I lost control...” you mutter, looking down worriedly. Only for Cauli to clap you on the shoulder, giving you a warm, genuine smile.

“It's not about how we mess up, dad. But about how we learn and do better.” she tells you, giving you your own message from earlier back before turning to Haathe. “And speaking of doing better, look at you! You didn't lose control when Dad transformed, did you?”
“N-No, I managed to keep in this form.” she answers meekly, but with a smile. “I kept it in check and didn't rampage here in your home.”
“Well well, look at you.” you tell her, pushing yourself back up to your feet. Reaching over to Haathe, putting your right on her shoulder and your left on Cauli's appreciatively. “Well done, both of you.”

But as you have a moment with your family, suddenly all of you sense something powerful approaching New Salda.

But what is it?
>A single massive powerlevel, one you know all too well
>Two ki, one far larger than the other but both wielding immense power
>Five distinctly different yet familiar strengths approaching in formation
>A ki you don't think you've ever felt before
>A ki you don't think you've ever felt before
>A ki you don't think you've ever felt before
Mystery boooooooooox
>A ki you don't think you've ever felt before
First one is probably Ubo, but I want the mystery box.
>Two ki, one far larger than the other but both wielding immense power
>A ki you don't think you've ever felt before
>A ki you don't think you've ever felt before
A ki you don't think you've ever felt before wins, let's see if you recognize it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 85
Second DC: 30

And yes, you're still Berserker God so Bo4
Rolled 64, 8 = 72 (2d100)

double crit
Rolled 17, 98 = 115 (2d100)

last chance?
Rolled 100, 9 = 109 (2d100)

Rolled 32, 98 = 130 (2d100)

i guess I'll take the 4th roll
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CRIT/100, dub 98/100. Looks like you DO recognize this power, on some level. And get things off to a more... Civil start. Writing.
First is probably Ubo, second one might be sarada+laylas, 3rd is ginyus, so 4th is gonna be fun.
>mystery box
“What the-?” your wife says, turning towards that massive powerlevel the same moment you sense it too.
“Dad, what is that?” Chilli asks, your son awake and sounding nervous.
“It's coming in fast.” Chaya, who is also awake mutters. As one you all, including Haathe but not Dr. White sprint from the medical bay, rushing outside as the tremendous powerlevel you sense approaches.

“Karn, do you feel that?” King Vegeta asks you telepathically.
“Yeah, what is it?” you reply. “Expecting visitors?”
“No, whoever this is isn't on the books.” he answers, you sensing his sudden worry as well. “You still in any shape to fight it?”
“I reckon we'll find out.” you answer, the king ending the link to no doubt prepare for whatever this is. You look to your family who, despite being healed by Caulifla, aren't in any shape to do serious fighting. As Meloka showed, using Super Saiyan Blue and then powering down severely cuts your strength. So she and Chaya are out. Chilli, just from the short run out here is panting, trying to catch his breath. Caulifla seems to be the only other one fine, but you can't judge her strength in this new form quite as accurately. If this being has to be fought, it's going to be done by you.

But as you focus on that approaching energy, you can't help but think it feels... Familiar, somehow. You don't recognize it, but at the same time, you do. The power feels very Kryptonian, but there's also something... Else. It isn't entirely a Kryptonian, you also sensing other powers mixed in as well. The being's power feels like Ubo, like the other Kryptonians as well, but that's not all. As it draws closer and closer, you sense more to this creature. You begin to feel... More to it than that. It feels like Perfect Cell, its power an amalgamation of different energies that all feel distinct, yet part of the whole. Just what in the world IS this thing?

“Do you feel that hun?” you ask your wife, who nods once. But before she could speak, Towa suddenly opens up a portal from her lab to right beside you, stepping out with a worried look on her face. “Towa?”
“This is bad.” she says, eyes wide with panic. “I'm going with you.”
“Right.” you reply, nodding to her then crouching, ready to leap into the air. You kick off, Towa following you and using her magic to create a large barrier around you both. Taking some of the atmosphere with you as the two of you quickly leave New Salda behind. Flying into space, moving to meet the approaching massive power. Even if you cut loose, releasing the Berserker God's power at one hundred percent, you doubt that you can beat this incoming power. But there's no way in hell you're going down without a fight!

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“Karn, power down. Now! Before he sees you!” Towa then shouts as she sees a golden blur of aura far in the distance, reverting back to her own base form. Wordlessly you comply, sighing out and returning your own base as well as the golden speck grows larger and larger. Rapidly approaching you all, you begin to make out a figure within that glowing aura. It blazes towards you both, changing the course of its flight to approach you both instead of your planet below.
“That's right, come to me.” you mutter, only for Towa to drift closer, wrapping her left arm around your right. “What's wrong?”

“Be careful, Karn. This being is far more dangerous than even Kars, and can copy anything it sees.” she tells you, a tremble in her voice. You nod, then turn back as the golden figure draws up to you, slowing its rapid approach and coming to a stop just outside of Towa's barrier. It looks like a man made of gold, glowing red eyes blazing form with black sockets on an otherwise unremarkable body. This obscenely powerful creature stands just a bit taller than yourself in your base form, with broad shoulders and large fists, with a much proportionally smaller lower body. Only to see her bow at the waist, greeting the being by a name as she rises. “So, you are Dr. Ivo's android, Amazo. Didn't expect you to grace us with your presence.”

“Amazo?” you wonder to yourself, curious. The being looks you both over, eyes flashing white.
“A demon? In the realm of mortals?” the golden being says, but doesn't have a mouth to speak with. “One who doesn't belong to this time. Most curious. What is one such as you doing here?”
“I am here with the father of my children.” she answers him, tilting her head towards you. “Amazo, this is Karn.”

“Karn. Yes, you are the one I have been searching for.” it says, immediately worrying you. “You are the one the man known as Ubo spoke of.”
“You know Ubo?” you ask it, the being turning fully to face you. Immediately your instincts warn you that this being is danger, as if death itself is staring you down. “You didn't hurt him, did you?”
“No, he is fine. Nothing I did to him would hurt him, not for long.” the man answers, still very unsettling. “I would like to have words with you, 'Dragon of New Salda'.”

But something tells you that this won't be any normal conversation. And the fate of New Salda itself may be on the line.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 220 paused-
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy the episode so far? Ready to see why Amazo of all beings has hunted you down, has come for you specifically? Enjoy your training with the kids, and seeing them all unlocking their powers? Curious how Haathe was able to avoid losing control when you did this time? These and perhaps more, when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues!
Well considering this is Golden Amazo I'd have to guess Ubo directed him to us on The Reasons For Power. Its one of Karns biggest things besides his Dakka and ability to DAD and uh.....Golden Amazo doesn't need either of the latter too.
This is why you don't pick mystery boxes. Fuck Amazo. Let Luthor deal with his punk ass. Stupid fucking god bot.
also probably to find a purpose, mind you karn is also really good for life advice.
Of all the things I was thinking of, this nightmare bastard was the last one. I mean, what the fuck?
Possibly. Or perhaps Ubo will tell you more soon.
Well, I reckon I can throw a small spoiler your way. You've been warned:

While he is, perhaps Amazo isn't searching that out quite yet.
Luckily he doesn't seem to be here for a fight. But what could a being with the power of the JL plus another more-powerful Kryptonian want of you?
Fucking telepaths.

Cell has got to be feeling like a bit of a bitch, seeing this guy.
Well, the last time a being beyond mortal comprehension came to Karn specifically, it was to pick a fight.
Here's hoping he has better hobbies than Mxyzptlk I guess
Gym advice?
He does feel intimidated by a being like himself but more powerful.
Don’t dare speak its name, lest you conjure it here.
That was to tell you what point in Amazo’s storyline he’s at. Not to show clips just to show.
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>Don’t dare speak its name, lest you conjure it here.
Naw that's bullshit. A complete hoax, just like Candlejack.
Seriously, the shit people will bel-
Sure but that's why I originally said to let Luthor deal with it.
He isn't ready. Amazo isn't necessarily looking for a purpose yet. Ubo'll explain more later, but he JUST left Earth. Much sooner than you may have thought. The powerscalers gonna love this. And by love I mean hate
So. Who is ready for Pirate Warlord Broly intermission, to see what he's been up to for the past month since leaving on his honeymoon? Speaking of patreon stories, new poll live today, vote closes this Sunday at 9pm EST.
You, presumably. Or schnitzel-mite-kick.
Oh I am ABSOLUTELY ready for this. And totally not for a certain glasses-wearing demon to continue his scheming, setting events in motion behind the scenes, not at all.
I realize now how foolish it was to expect a couple like Kori and Broly to settle down and live in peace right away.
Whaaat? Noooo, he would never.
They were minding their own business, until they were attacked in an asteroid field by pirates. One thing leads to another, you'll get to meet a character you haven't seen since AGE 741, it's a good time. And no, I don't mean Crazy Hassan, not yet at least. He's busy in other realms.
>They were minding their own business, until they were attacked in an asteroid field by pirates
I can't imagine being such an amateur that I'd neglect to invest in a goddamn scouter array for my pirate vessel.
Ripley is a dumb lizard.
I'm sure it HAD one, at one point. However... Well I don't want to spoil the surprise.
I actually got that reference, never even played a Metroid game.
No, he doesn't make an appearance this intermission.
I'm going to wait patiently for it to drop instead of combing through the archives to see which characters we've met and subsequently stopped seeing. Might be more fun that way
It's obviously Morgan Freeman.
I’ll only give a single hint, potential spoiler: You never got their name..
Is it that one Predator/Yautja that worked alongside us during the Covvie war?
No, but good guess. This being recognized Broly after all this time, having only met in person once before.
James May?
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Hey GD, I have a dumb question. You know that thing where sometimes a Saiyan will manifest the power of a transformation without actually transforming?
What's the point of that? What happens when you try and do that constantly and treat it like mastering a full transformation? Is it even possible with higher transformations and lines like Demonic and Berserker?
The point is to access higher levels of power without using the energy needed to transform. Meloka's the only one why learned it for normal Super Saiyan that you know of, but no one has tried it for higher levels.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 220 Intermission-


“Captain, those two Galactic Patrol ships have entered my range.” Thur, the Kig-Yar who operates your ship, the Providence Deliverer's tractor beam calls. “Shall we engage?”
“Not yet. Wait for them to reach our bait distress signal first.” you command. “Then we'll disable both ships with a torpedo and draw all three back in.”
“Yes sir!” comes his reply, you turning to his brother, Jur.

“How is the holoprojector holding up?” you ask him. “Still running strong?”
“Thirty four percent power remaining, we have another two, three minutes max before it needs to be shut down for cool off and recharge, Captain.” he replies, not taking his eyes off his display.

“Good.” you reply, but can't shake the unease you're feeling. Ever since you detected the two ships approaching, your ki sense having a longer range than the ship's scanners, you've been on edge. While neither powerlevel is anywhere close to yours, the 'weaker' one feels somehow familiar. Despite never having sensed it before in your life, it still feels like you should know it. Your wife, laying across your lap and both armrests looks up at you quizzically.
“Everything okay?” she asks you, to which you shake your head before answering telepathically.
“Something's not right. You can feel it too, can't you?” you think to her. “That weaker power. It's almost like I've felt it before.”

“I don't recognize it at all. Would you rather I go out there and blow them both up right now?” she asks aloud, you again shaking your head.
“No. They could have very valuable supplies, especially medical since they're responding to a distress beacon.” you tell her. “But it is strange that, after losing one of their ships they only sent two looking for it.”
“Maybe they thought the pilot was simply incompetent, and hit the asteroids?” she asks, you letting out a 'hrmmm' before retreating into your thoughts. This entire situation is fishy. Did they only send two ships because of an accident? Or do they really think these two weaklings will be able to stop you all? But before you can ponder any further, your second-in-command Can Kag speaks up:

“Broly: it's time.”
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“Right.” you say, snapping out of your musings and taking control of your ship. You are Broly, son of Karn and Meloka, husband of Koriand'r, Berserker Saiyan like your father, and most recently Captain of the Providence Deliverer and Fleet Master of the Ilis Pirates. After being attacked by the former captain of the Providence Deliverer and killing him in one-on-one(eventually) combat, you became the new captain. Where you'd met his and now your second-in-command, Can Kag. A survivor of the Siege of New Salda, one of the men your father'd saved from the depths of New Salda's oceans himself and King Vegeta got back to his people.

“Thek Gix, are you ready?” you call out to your torpedo operator, who replies instantly.
“Ready.” comes the immediate reply from your torpedo gunner.
“Fire!” you order, the Kig-Yar immediately hitting the button. You watch on the monitor as the torpedo fires, it passing through the holoprojector directly at the two ships. “Jur, drop the holoprojector, Thur, activate the tractor beam the instant that torpedo detonates.
“Aye sir!” he calls, you all watching as the shot draws towards the two ships. One turns, trying to aim its guns at the incoming shell. To your surprise he actually hits it, firing a single shot that direct impacts the torpedo. But he was too late, the round bursting with bright azure light.

“It's much better being on this side of those torpedoes.” you mutter to yourself, watching as Thur throws the switch, drawing both functioning ships as well as your captured bait Galactic Patrol ship towards the hangar. “Kori, with me. “Can Kag, man the helm, let me know the instant anything happens.”
“Aye aye, Captain!” comes the reply, your second giving you a proper Saiyan salute as you rise, returning the gesture before turning and leaving the bridge to him. You and Kori fly down the halls, dashing through your ship until you reach the hangar their ships were towed into. Where you and Kori slow down to a walk, entering the wide hangar as more than three dozen Kig-Yar and Unggoy train their weapons on the vessels. You even now have a trio of Pek-pattern Sweeping Turrets and a single Rizsheda-pattern Shade anti-aircraft plasma cannon all trained on the two occupied ships. But you stride out past the armored barricades your soldiers are all standing behind, ready to attack as you call out to the two.

“You are both captured. Exit your vessels and surrender, and your lives will be spared. But resist, and you will perish.” you declare, not immediately getting an answer from the two disabled ships. But after a few moments the top hatches open up, a pair of Galactic Patrol members emerging.
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One is a rather short, blue-skinned being with large yellow eyes and a pathetic powerlevel practically radiating fear while trying to conceal it. But the other seems vaguely familiar, as if you've seen him somewhere before. Or someone who looked like him. He's a purplish-skinned man with grey hair, bowl cut and the usual Galactic Patrol attire. But his eyes, his piercing, grey eyes which draw your focus. They seem far... Older, far more experienced than the youth before you. And something about them nags at the back of your head. You've seen eyes like those before, but where?

“Hold on, you're not Rtyr 'Vama.” the short one says to you, pointing a finger. “Just who in the world are you, anyways?”
“Jaco.” the second one says, eyes looking you and Kori up and down once in the blink of an eye. “He's a Saiyan.”
“A Saiyan? No no no, that can't be Merus. There's no way a Saiyan would be on a Varric-pattern.... Heavy...” the one called Jaco says, looking you over once more. Eyes stopping as he sees your tail lazily wrapped around your waist. “Cruiser. Oh boy. Nobody said anything about Saiyans on this mission!”

“Jaco. Merus. I am the Captain of this vessel, the Providence Deliverer. Or have been ever since I defeated the former Captain and took his place. And you both are now my prisoners. Cooperate, and your lives will be spared.” you tell them honestly. “I'm sure the Galactic Patrol will pay handsomely to have you both back. I will be keeping your ships and weapons, however.”
“What about Calamis?” the one called Jaco asks. “Did he surrender?”
“No. He tried to escape after pretending to surrender when he heard you both were coming, and was killed in the attempt.” you tell him with a sigh. You wish you hadn't been asleep for that, as you could have prevented his death. But you had to give credit to Can Kag, he's a crack shot. “Unless you wish to join him, I suggest you cooperate.”

“Jaco. Allow me to handle this.” the one named Merus says, stepping forward. Where all of your men simultaneously warm their weapons, causing him to stop in his tracks. Eyes flashing over each of the weapons pointed at him, as if trying to calculate his odds of reaching you. When he sees the attempt is most likely futile he stops, raising both hands. “I challenge you, Broly. One-on-one. Winner becomes the new Captain.”
“Merus, are you INSANE?!” the one named Jaco cries, sounding equal parts horrified and concerned for his ally. “That's a Saiyan! There's no way you can overpower him!”
“Well, Broly? What do you say?” Merus asks you, ignoring his you assume subordinate. To which you smirk.
“You've got spirit, I'll give you that.” you tell him, cracking your knuckles. “Very well, I accept. I'll try not to break you.”

“How very considerate.” Merus replies, drawing his weapon in a blur and firing it at you. But you were ready, firing beams from your eyes at the blast. Energies clash, exploding in a flash. You then thrust your right fist out, firing an air shock wave that blows away the smoke directly at him. But, somehow, despite the massive power gap, Merus dodges your attack! It's like watching your mother move with her mastery of the Su Ma, you instantly recognizing this is no ordinary man. His skill is exceptional, firing another shot from his ray gun at you as he spins. Which you barely manage to dodge, leaping into the air to prevent your men from being shot at by any follow up shots. To your surprise Merus notices this, holstering the weapon before retaking an odd fighting stance. Both hands are open, held before him in a very defensive yet somehow relaxed stance. His energy is eerily calm, not showing any hint of being in a fight whatsoever. “I suppose I should show the same level of consideration and not fire upon your people while we fight.”

“That would be appreciated.” you reply, dropping back down to the landing bay deck. Where you take your own fighting stance, staring down the man. His left hand is up, the back of his hand towards you while his right palm is near his own left elbow. Yet, despite the severe gap in power, now you know not to underestimate him. His defenses are perfect, the man almost statuesque as he waits for you to make your move. You don't leave him waiting long, kicking off the ground and blurring towards him with a right jab. But it's a feint, the moment he starts spinning clockwise around your fist you smirk, then drive your right elbow at his head. However, this Merus was seemingly ready for it, flipping back under your strike while kicking up at you with his left, landing the first blow as his boot connects with your chin.

And for a moment, everything goes black. His kick felt like nothing you've ever felt, his power on a whole other level for a fraction of an instant. Staggering backwards you grit your teeth, firmly planting your feet and flexing your entire body to avoid falling over. Opening your eyes, blinking once you see Merus flip back, landing on his feet as he starts rushing back in. If he hits you like that again, you're finished. Which means it's time to take him seriously.

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With a ferocious roar you ascend, emerald light blazing from you like an inferno as you transform. The sudden burst of pressure stops Merus in his tracks, your men not braced for it getting blown clean off their feet. You transform, taking on the full power of your Primal form. Flesh itches as almost your entire body sprouts fur, feeling the uncomfortable sensation as your hair rapidly grows down your back. Lightning crackles around you as your transformation finishes, you sighing out and looking down on Merus.

“Concealing your powerlevel, only raising it in the instant of your attack. Not bad.” you tell him, spitting blood before grinning at him. “I'll take that hit for my arrogance. But now I'm not holding back anymore. The real fight starts now!”
“Whaaaaaaat?! That's impossible, there's no way!” Jaco shouts, terror in his voice. “A Primal Saiyan? HERE?!”
“Tch. This could be a problem.” Merus replies, drawing a collapsible staff from his belt, taking another exotic fighting pose. “I'm not sure if I can win this.”
“You can always surrender.” you reply, retaking your own fighting stance. “But after that one, I'd rather you try and resist.”

“Go Broly, kick his ass!” your wife cheers you on. “Teach these Galactic Patrol bastards who's boss!”

-Meanwhile, at the Galactic Prison-

“Sorry boys.” the mysterious hooded figure says from outside the most secure and specialized cell as his magic drops the prison guards before they could even see him. Fully stepping through his portal he then approaches the cell of the ancient world-eater Moro. Who, despite wearing a special helmet preventing him from seeing or hearing, turns towards the demon.
“Who...?” comes the gravelly voice, the goatman's voice rough from disuse.
“Just someone who's here to undo another time traveler's influence.” comes the purple skinned man's casual response from beneath his hood, drawing his blade before transforming. Showing his pointy ears, white spiky hair and spectacles on his face that reflect the light. “This'll only take a moment.”

Channeling his demonic power through the blade, he quickly cuts through the magic laid upon Moro and his cell by the Demon God Towa, ripping it to shreds before powering back down. Throwing his hood back on, the man known as Fu then steps back through his portal, which shuts behind him. Leaving Moro pondering who exactly that man was. But, more importantly, what in all the realms was that massive demonic power he sensed behind him? And how many universes' worth of worlds would he have to have consumed to reach that same level of power?

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 220 Intermission End-
>Channeling his demonic power through the blade, he quickly cuts through the magic laid upon Moro and his cell by the Demon God Towa, ripping it to shreds before powering back down. Throwing his hood back on, the man known as Fu then steps back through his portal, which shuts behind him.

But its cool that Broly got to be a captain of a pirate crew, even if it was unintentional due to klingon rules. I have faith in him being able to kick a suppressed Merus's ass.
That boy better hope Karn doesn't find out about this.
He wants to see who'll win. Fu's all about watching interesting fights and gathering data on the combatants. And Towa tried to actively hinder that.
Yes. And, well, we'll see. He was still strong enough to get the drop on and subdue post-broly goku and vegta. Broly learned real quick not to underestimate him.
He isn't worried about you, he wants to see you fight stronger and stronger beings.
>He isn't worried about you, he wants to see you fight stronger and stronger beings.
Well he'll get to see our fist in slow motion caving in his skull instead.
Unfortunately for you, you'll never be able to fight Fu at full power. As he quite literally has an ability to undo and lock down your transformations. Luckily he has no intentions of fighting himself, he mostly toys around in universes Aeos is about to erase to gather more data.
Who said anything about transforming? Ten quinbafiljillion base PL time baby.
The difference is he can still transform, and you have no idea to what extent. IC you've only seen Super Fu, his Super Saiyan Equivalent. There's no telling how strong he is, except that he's seemingly weaker than Mechikabura.
>As he quite literally has an ability to undo and lock down your transformations.
Goddamn hacker. He seems like the exact kind of little shit that downloads Gameshark and starts cheating online. He's on the list, thats for sure.
Doesn't matter how much he transforms if we just have POWER OVERWHELMING. Just get stronger 5head.
Yes. He doesn't play by the same rules as everyone else. Does not care to fight anyone at their strongest, will absolutely gank you at your weakest form if you try and fight him. He doesn't even want to fight personally.
Which is why he doesn't fight, ESPECIALLY not Karn. He's not dumb.
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>He's not dumb.
He couldn't figure out how to turn EVERYONE's transformations off if he was stupid. There is, however, a vast difference between wisdom and intelligence. Just because you are smart enough to do something doesn't mean you're wise enough to foresee the consequences.
Wisdom is a matter of pattern recognition, so I guess it makes sense that he failed to recognize the cycle of bear-poking he just engaged in.
>He couldn't figure out how to turn EVERYONE's transformations off if he was stupid
Why not? He can speed read entire timelines. Just a matter of monkey see at that point. Don't care how good you are at putting sex toys together in your closet, only a total moron fucks with a bull moose.
thats not true, karn literally dragged ass with first going super, he had false SSJ for a while.
You know you'd think he would know better when even mechi doesn't really wanna get on the bad side of karn, even with his precautions and shit mostly because karn can and has bullshitted worse before. the guy's whole timeline is locked off specifically so he doesn't leave and just burn down the multiverse if sufficiently pissed off enough. Honestly i feel like Fu is gonna fuck around one too many times, piss off Karn, think everythings ok because he can turn off transformations, then get DDF'd anyways because demon arrogance.
I think Mechi is going to slap the fuck out of Fu soon enough. Tell him to stop fucking around or he'll die.
False Super Saiyan is a separate phenomenon as far as I'm aware.
24 hours until it's time for Amazo!

He thinks consequences don't apply to him.
No I mean EVERY transformation. Can even revert fusions like gogeta or cell, unabsorb beings from Buu, even Primal or godly transformations.
That was different, as Karn was ATTEMPTING to transform but didn't fully. That's a partial transformation, whereas what Goku did against the Ginyu in hell was drawing upon the power without transforming.
It is possible.
Ha, also possible.
>No I mean EVERY transformation.
...What if we just DIDN'T transform? See what I'm getting at?
Unironically Fu is one of the best use-case scenarios for Mafuba. Yes, he'll reverse it, but that's when you hit him with a Devilmite Beam from behind and his focus is completely on not getting trapped.
I have no idea how you'd assemble that team, though. Actually, I wonder what Spike is doing on King Piccolo's world right now...he could one-shot him!
Even if you could devote every second for the next hundred years to onlu increasing your powerlevel, it wouldn't be enough to close the CURRENT gap with his first transformation. And you don't even have time for that.
Better case to just let Towa or Mechi handle him. When Towa finds out what he did she'll be pissed. But not surprised
Honestly Moro probably won't even be a problem. Since the reason he or just about any villain becomes a problem in the current age is because Goku is a retard and just lets people do shit. Karn doesn't fuck around, so he doesn't find out.
>Even if you could devote every second for the next hundred years to onlu increasing your powerlevel,
No, I wasn't implying Karn Jirenmaxx for the next few centuries. I was more referring to that Tapped-In idea we were talking about earlier. (>>6045997 >>6046102)
Depends. If he's snatched out of your timeline to feed elsewhen, or if he's protected by something else going on at the same time more urgently, he could become a problem.
Would take considerable time investing into that particular tech tree. It was a technique Meloka picked up to not stress her babies before they're old enough to be removed and placed in birthing pods, as transforming up and down can hurt them. Would take years of investment, years in which you could instead be focusing on mastering your Berserker power further.
Oh yeah before I forget to ask, how exactly was Haathe able to maintain control after Karn chimped out?
Did New Salda have a role to play in that?
A good question, perhaps we'll find out later.
Finally, weekend fun
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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After Caulifla accepted the power of the Darkmoon, ascending to godhood and battling her father, Karn also pushed his firstborn, Chaya, to reaching new levels as well. With a hit his wife had told him about her divine power, Karn was able to give Chaya the push she needed, unlocking Super Saiyan Blue. Then in a spar turned battle where Karn lost control of the Berserker Soul's rage, Chilli, Chaya and Caulifla survived the battle, everyone leaving Raxus Prime to return home. Only for Karn and Meloka to sense a massive power approaching, Karn and Towa leaving the planet behind to confront it. Only to come face-to-face with the golden figure Amazo, a being Towa claimed was some sort of android made by someone called Dr. Ivo. But as we rejoin Karn, Amazo has just told you it has been searching specifically for you, to speak with you.

“Ubo spoke rather highly of you. Although it would seem his estimation of your fighting abilities were... Exaggerated.” Amazo says, still somehow not speaking from any mouth. Telepathy, perhaps? “I hope what else he told me wasn't exaggerated as well.”
“Don't underestimate me, Amazo.” you say, trying to sound confident. “Everyone who underestimated me in a fight to the death isn't around to talk about it anymore.”
“Karn-!” Towa hisses a whisper, panic in her voice. But the android doesn't seem to get upset or worried, instead it simply... Laughs. Which is even more worrying to you than anger.

“Hah hah hah hah, you're certainly confident.” Amazo says, seemingly looking you over again without moving. “And I only wish to speak with you, for now. But you're still mortal, and that bubble the two of you are in has only two minutes, thirty eight seconds left. Shall we head to the planet below to discuss? Or would you prefer another world?”

>Tell him as long as he doesn't cause trouble he's welcome to your world, lead him to your island
>Telepathically tell King Vegeta everything, see what he wants to do and follow his command. New Salda is technically his to rule
>Telepathically call Raven to open a portal back to Raxus Prime where you can speak freely without anyone overhearing him
>Tell him you'll follow him to whichever planet he wants to talk to, Meloka can always come to assist instantly if trouble starts
>Other(write in)?
>Tell him as long as he doesn't cause trouble he's welcome to your world, lead him to your island
>Tell him as long as he doesn't cause trouble he's welcome to your world, lead him to your island
>>Telepathically tell King Vegeta everything, see what he wants to do and follow his command. New Salda is technically his to rule.
>Tell him as long as he doesn't cause trouble he's welcome to your world, lead him to your island
Tell him as long as he doesn't cause trouble he's welcome to your world, lead him to your island wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 60
Rolled 99, 65 = 164 (2d100)

Rolled 47, 81 = 128 (2d100)

Rolled 68, 66 = 134 (2d100)

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99/100, 81/100. Special success and success, writing. Seems this will go well for now, writing.
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“As long as you don't cause any trouble, you're welcome to my home. Follow me.” you tell him, turning and sharing a nod with Towa before dropping back towards your planet below. The golden being follows shortly behind you both, the three of you returning through the atmosphere and dropping quickly back to your home. Towa drops the barrier once back inside atmosphere, you all landing on the sands by your home. “Everyone, this is Amazo. He's who we sensed approaching.”

“Wow. Talk about strong.” Chaya says, looking him over. “I bet he's even stronger than future me! How'd you get so strong?”
“Well, I was designed by Doctor Ivo to copy other beings and their powers. To be his perfect defender.” Amazo says, raising his right hand and conjuring a golden, spiked mace from his flesh. The tips have electricity crackling between them, but he doesn't stop there. Feathery wings sprout from his back, a ring appearing on his right hand as a familiar 'S' appears on his chest. The being's facial structure changes as well, more closely resembling Ubo. But you also see him sprout a very familiar-looking tail, did this bastard copy you? “And now I am. I have not only incorporated the powers of the so-called Justice League, but I have evolved beyond their weaknesses as well. I have become perfect.”

“Heh heh, a 'perfect' being, you say?” a familiar voice says, you turning and seeing Perfect Cell arriving via Instant Transmission. You aren't quite sure where he was, but his sudden arrival is quite unexpected. “Well now, as a fellow android, I must say: you're quite the piece of work. Visual duplication is quite the power.”
“And what are you?” Amazo asks him, once more his eyes flashing white. “Oh, I see. You are like me.”
“Yes, a weapon made by someone else. One who has outlived their creator as well.” Cell answers him, Amazo's brows furrowing a bit as his body reverts back to his more 'normal' appearance. He's quiet at Cell's words, perhaps thinking it over. “So, why are you here? What brings you this world?”

“Yes, my purpose here.” Amazo replies, turning from him back to you. “I was here to speak with you, Karn. What Ubo spoke with when we had parted ways.”
“Yes, I was meaning to ask you about this. What DID happen between you and my friend?” you ask him. “He's still alright, isn't he?”
“Of course. I didn't kill him, or any of the Earth's Justice League.” Amazo tells you. “At first I was misled by that fiend Luthor, used as a tool for his revenge. But it was thanks to J'onn J'onzz, willingly sharing his powers with me. Showing me not only the error of my ways, but how I was being deceived by him as well. And now-”
“KARN!!” another voice suddenly enters your mind, their panic overwhelming you. It's Ubo!

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“Be careful Karn, I may have just sent one hell of a monster your way!” Ubo thinks to you. “If you see a golden being with a featureless face, be careful. He has all the powers of the Earth's defenders, including me and Kal El. He is dangerous!”
“You're a little late, friend. He's already here.” you reply, feeling Ubo's shock growing. “But I appreciate it.”
“What? How?! He JUST left!” Ubo replies, his panic growing. “His golden trail just disappeared. There's no way he's that fast!”

“It would seem that, upon moving so much faster than light, I was flying through time as well.” Amazo replies, having seemingly heard everything. Ubo's panic grows even greater, his shock nearly overwhelming him as he 'hears' Amazo. “But you do care greatly for him. I am glad.”
“A-Amazo?” Ubo exclaims.
“I do not see why you're so surprised. This is what you had told me, after all.” Amazo replies, you getting the faintest hint of smugness through the mental link. “That if I sought greater strength, to seek you out. And now I am here, but your strength does seem to be... Lacking.”

Well? How do you respond to this?
>Transform into your strongest form, unleash the full power of your Berserker Soul and show off your strength
>Tell Amazo that not all power is physical, that there are many other types of strength
>Say to Amazo that his power isn't all that impressive to you either, as while he's strong, he's no god
>Other(write in)
>Tell Amazo that not all power is physical, that there are many other types of strength
>What matters is the reason behind power.
I mean he seems strong enough already to me. Maybe we could sic him on a certain interloper that calls himself a god. I'm sure he could figure out a way to sense his incursions into our dimension. If he wants to get stronger that's a good target to copy.
That's....not really the point of what he's asking, and if you can't read, that's what he got pissed at Lex about.
Supporting this
We didn't get the power of ungodly rage just for the sake of it
>Explain that you can't show him your true might as that runs the risk of him going mad, but have one of your family demonstrate the base Super Saiyan form instead
I would elect for Karn to do it, but I'm worried he might accidentally copy the Berserker mutation anyways.
I honestly don't think it's terribly in-character for Karn to say something like this (at the moment).
We barely know the guy, and frankly speaking, getting him off our planet is in our best interest.
In my mind, the way Karn would do that is to feed him a breadcrumb and tell him to cultivate into something greater.
>Tell Amazo that not all power is physical, that there are many other types of strength
>>Tell Amazo that not all power is physical, that there are many other types of strength
He literally said he's here to get stronger. Who's the strongest guy we know about? Well we got the Cold Clan, Beerus and Whis, and Dicksnide. We don't want to sell out our friends, Beerus would probably destroy him right out the gate, but Dankshite would probably be a moron and try to toy with Amazo.

I don't understand how that's not helping him get stronger. Just because we don't want to show off or anything. He has been delightfully vague about what he means by "strength" because he's a goofy headass robot that doesn't feel the isolation of "the peak" yet.
Tell Amazo that not all power is physical, that there are many other types of strength wins it. Now, let's see if you can convince the robot of this, roll me a 3d100.

DC: 135
Rolled 94, 89, 85 = 268 (3d100)

Rolled 66 (1d100)

Fuck off, homobot.
no need for more rolls
Rolled 18, 32 = 50 (2d100)

Damn autofill kek
Always a need for more rolls, after all there are far more chances here for a crit than usual.
Rolled 99, 41, 74 = 214 (3d100)

Rolled 83, 48, 54 = 185 (3d100)

Must have borked the command with an initial capital letter.
Ayyyye, solid shit
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99/100, 89/100, 85/100. 263/300, a smashing success. Seems you help the android find his way with that special first success, writing.
Who is ready for this trip down memory lane?
In what way?
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“...I'll let that insult slide, just this once.” you tell the golden bot, who seemingly raises a brow at this. “Insulting someone's strength is a good way to get them to attack you.”
“I see.” Amazo replies, then continues. “But I do not see the strength Ubo spoke of. Even at your maximum state output of around 40,000 times your current physical form, even with an overly-generous margin of error of 12,000 times, it still wouldn't compare to my own current level of output. Is that not a simple statement of fact?”
“That's because you're looking at it wrong.” you tell him, taking a seat before the machine with more ki than damn near any being you've ever sensed before. “You only see the physical. But there is more to strength than numbers.”

“I... Do not understand.” Amazo replies, sounding for the first time genuinely curious. “What do you mean?”
“Have a seat, and I'll show you.” you reply, an idea forming in your mind. “You said you can read others' thoughts, right?”
“Yes, telepathic communication is how I speak.” the machine replies, sitting across from you. “But what does sitting have to do with strength?”
“I'm going to take you through some of my memories, to show you what strength really means.” you tell him, closing your eyes and taking your meditative pose. “Are you ready?”

“I do not know.” the robot replies, you feeling him copying your pose exactly through your ki sense. “But I am eager to learn.”
“Then let us begin.” you think to him, establishing the mental link as you begin going back through your memories. Seeking to show this robot the difference between power and strength. First is one you thought of just before closing your eyes, having seen your youngest twins Maz and Kayle. You remembering back to the Battle of New Salda, to their namesakes' sacrifice. Maz, missing a leg below the knee while Kayle cannot move below her waist, both lay on the ground, leaning against each other back-to-back.

“Karn. A word.” Maz had asked between pained breaths, you flying up eye level to the Oozaru.
“We're not going to survive this. Don't waste your time on trying to get us out.” Kayle says, very matter-of-factly. “We'll buy you time to get them away.”
“Your sacrifices won't be forgotten. What are your names?” you'd asked them as the other mobile Oozaru had gathered the other wounded, readying to move. You'd gotten their names, then said. “Right. Good hunting you two. Everyone ready?”

“I do not understand.” Amazo thinks, his spectral image beside you in the memory. Everything stops as you turn back to him, to see what he has to say. “What strength is there to see here? Those two are injured, but not beyond saving. Prompt medical care could save their lives.”

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“If they could have been moved, perhaps. But in the middle of that warzone, we couldn't get them out without crippling them.” you reply, turning your focus back to the events, how you'd cleared a path for the Oozaru following Leyas to retreat to relative safety. Leaving yourself, Maz, and Kayle fighting the approaching warships. Drawing their fire to yourselves, giving the others the chance to escape.
“DIE!!” Maz roars, firing a massive beam from his Oozaru maw into the sky, splitting a Covenant warship clean in two while Kayle fires twin waves from her hands. Amazo watches silently as you fight on, then Aku falling from the sky after being weakened by some Covenant magic and forced to retreat. And as he does, you then turn, seeing Maz holding Kayle, the two embracing for the final time.

“Go, get clear Karn. We're gonna take these bastards with us!” Kayle says, opening her one good eye left to look at you. Nodding, you then give both a salute before flying the way the others had gone. Watching as more and more ships close in on them.
“You abandoned your friends?” Amazo asks, but you don't answer. Simply watching as their powers spike, light gathering around them until in unison they both unleash everything. There is no roar of anger, declaration of vengeance, nothing. One moment the two dying Oozaru are holding onto each other, the next they're gone. Replaced with an absolutely massive explosion. “They... Self-terminated. Why? Why did they not seek to flee, to have their injuries healed? With that femoral bleed and the other's broken spine, the chances of survival were 20.82 and 11.462 percent, respectively. So why would they instead choose death?”

“Because that battle wasn't about the survival of any one of us. That was a battle for my species very survival.” you reply, quickly showing him the entire scale of the conflict. How unbelievably many, the quadrillions of beings in space above your world, the sheer scale of the planetary conflict that lasted on and on. Ending with your final confrontation with the Arbiter, the battle you nearly lost. Where you would have perished, but for the Supreme Kai's interference. “For every one of us who fell, we made our enemy pay dearly.”
“They chose others' lives, put more value upon the lives of their kin before their own existence...” Amazo replies, sounding very lost in thought as you focus, bringing up another memory. Not of the first Arbiter, but of his successor. The one with a powerful Stand around his left arm, one that disintegrates all that it touches. Even your energy attacks couldn't hurt that part of him. “And who is this?”

“The second Arbiter I killed. This time, the battle is on their homeworld. Revenge, for what they did to us.” you reply, remembering the fight. How he fought you one-on-one, with honor, not relying on his fellows to attack you in the back. How skilled a fighter he was, matching your Ascended Berserker state with his far lesser physical power. How he'd even managed to land a critical blow first, stabbing you through the guts with his blade. Forcing you onto the defensive, playing at being weaker until your moment came, catching him by surprise and cleaving his sword arm from his body with your energy blade. And, wasting no time, went for the killing blow. Only to have him grin, glassed-over eyes meeting your own.

“You...lose.” he'd managed to say before exploding. The bomb in his chest going off the moment he died. And for a split second you feel the phantom pain of that blast again, even Amazo wincing at the sensation. But you shake it off, ending that memory as well.
“Another suicidal blast?” Amazo asks, you shaking your head.
“No. That was different. He had that bomb implanted in his chest before we fought.” you tell Amazo, who looks to you in clear confusion. “It was his insurance. His mission was to kill me, and he sought to fulfill that duty. Even if he doesn't live to see it to completion. When he died, when his heart stopped, the bomb detonated. It nearly worked, I was out of commission for weeks.”

“He was willing to give his life as well, for his people...” Amazo mutters, nodding slightly a moment as he thinks. “And you take it that this is strength? The willingness to sacrifice oneself for others?”
“Not necessarily for others. But for what you believe is worth it.” you reply, opening your eyes and returning to the present. Amazo seems somehow... Smaller. As if he's lost some of his stature sitting and seeing these memories of yours. “Strength is something beyond simple power, allowing us to do what we otherwise could not. Strength to follow through with what you know is the best thing for all, not necessarily yourself.”
“I see. You have given me much to think about, Karn.” Amazo says, rising up to his feet and offering you his right hand. “Thank you for your time.”
“Of course.” you reply, accepting his grip and letting him pull you up to your feet, not like you could resist his pull even if you wanted to. “If you ever want to stop by again, feel free. Just, try and message us so we'll get it and answer before you arrive next time.”

“I appreciate your cooperation, and thank you for your hospitality. But, I must take my leave.” Amazo replies, lifting up into the air. “Until we meet again.”

And without another word flies away, his energy disappearing from your furthest ki sense range in a matter of seconds. Leaving you all staring at where he'd been.

>Roll me a 4d10 for training
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And I dropped my image. Somehow. One of these days I'll figure out how that happens and why.
Rolled 4, 10, 4, 10 = 28 (4d10)

Rolled 5, 5, 5, 6 = 21 (4d10)

Rolled 5, 2, 3, 6 = 16 (4d10)

Rolled 7, 4, 8, 8 = 27 (4d10)

Amazo actually learning good things, nice.
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Dub5, TEN, five, and ANOTHER TEN! Seems that two of your children have made Excellent progress, writing.
Big numbers big gains heehehehe
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Number INDEED go up.
Number autism. The best kind of autism.
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After Amazo leaves, everyone is quiet for a moment. Looking around, as if unsure of what to do. But after a few moments you all go back to your regular schedules, going back to your training for the big tournament. Now that the three of them have all gotten far more powerful forms, you're able to pit Chilli, Chaya, and Caulifla against each other on more 'even' grounds. Over the last few days you barely fight them one-on-one yourself, instead taking to your Berserker God power and having all three fight against you. More than once they're able to 'beat' you, either by forcing a ring out by landing outside the area or incapacitating you through combinations of Chilli and Caulifla's magics, as well as Chaya's lightning and telekinesis. They always give their best, and as the final day of training draws to a close you gather your children together.

“You three have worked exceptionally hard over these last days, pushing yourselves to new heights. I'm proud of you all.” you tell them honestly. “With your newfound might, let's win this thing tomorrow.”
“Yeah!” Chaya shouts excitedly.
“I won't lose, no matter what.” Chilli answers, unusually serious.
“We will win.” Caulifla says confidently. “They couldn't even beat you and Mom without cheating.”

“Yes. Which means he's probably going to try even harder to cheat this time.” you tell them all seriously. “Champa won't want to lose again, especially in front of that Zen-Oh. So watch out for Frost's poison needles, especially. I doubt he'll use them again, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if he did.”
“He'd have to be even dumber than he sounded to try and cheat the same way twice.” Chilli murmurs, you nodding in agreement.
“But for tonight, let's try and relax. Our training is over, all that's left is to see how well we do. Let's go home.” you tell them, raising your right hand to your forehead. Reaching out through your linked wedding band to your wife, teleporting yourself and your three kids back home. Only to return to a bizarre sight.


“THE GINYU FORCE!” the five all shout together, blasts of colored smoke exploding up behind them. The Ginyu Force have arrived.
“Hey Captain, Jeice, Burter, Guldo, Recoome.” you say, greeting them all in turn as they hold their new team pose. Which they break off after a moment, everyone greeting each other. You invite them all to eat with your family, the group immediately accepting. Seems you've got company tonight.

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As everyone sits down to eat, it seems Silver'd already anticipated their arrival. Breaking out five extra platters of food, which all of them dig into eagerly. You all eat in near-silence for a while, until you've cleared off enough to ask.

“So, how'd your training go?” you ask him, the Captain giving you a knowing smile.
“I discovered quite a bit more of what I can do with this body. Including a rather interesting technique. Or, perhaps attribute? Well, you'll see. Watch this.”

And, before your eyes you watch as his body seemingly inflates, reverting back to the almost-spherical shape Majin Buu had on Namek. Everyone's watching now as Captain Ginyu then proceeds to pinch off a blob of pink stomach mass the size of Chilli's torso, holding it up. You look from his hands back down to himself, which show no signs of injury or even inconvenience where he'd literally torn a piece of himself off, now holding it overhead. He then lets go, that bit of himself hovering overhead where he'd lifted it to.

“You can... Wha...?” Chilli asks, too stunned for words. Either at the ridiculousness of it all, or perhaps he understands what's going on here better than you? “How?”
“Because it's still a part of me. Even when separated, I have full control over my own being.” he answers, snapping his fingers. Causing that blob to morph into a much smaller version of himself, standing on the table as both he and his mini-me take on his much slimmer appearance. They both move not in sync, which you understand is impressive from your use of the Multiform technique. But this... This is different. “I can make as many of me as we need, as long as none of me get rung out. And I can do all sorts of other things, including healing. So if you're ever busy helping someone else, I can heal them.”
“Impressive.” Caulifla says, her tone a bit guarded. Looking over to her, you see your daughter is clearly uneasy, not looking at Captain Ginyu the same way she had before this training month began. Something you take note of, but don't press any further on. For now.

“That's so cool!” Maz shouts excitedly.
“What else can you do?” Kayle chimes in, both looking to the little Ginyu excitedly. Who is all to eager to show off, entertaining your younger kids as you catch up with the other members of Ginyu's Force. But all too soon the meal's over, Jeice leaning back in his seat.
“Man, I forgot 'ow good the grub is 'ere. Great work mate!” Jeice says then calls out to Silver, who you see nods approvingly before turning his focus back to you. “So, 'ow bout y'self? Ready t' body 'em?”

Well? How do you answer?
>Tell him you're not expecting to do this yourself. You believe Chilli, Chaya and Cauli can solo their entire team as they are now
>Let him know you've been waiting for this, you owe a few of them for how they treated your wife in the last one
>You're ready, with all of you and the Cold Clan fighting together, there's no way you'll lose this
>Other(write in)
>You're ready, with all of you and the Cold Clan fighting together, there's no way you'll lose this
Go team!
>You're ready, with all of you and the Cold Clan fighting together, there's no way you'll lose this
>You're ready, with all of you and the Cold Clan fighting together, there's no way you'll lose this
We're ready.
>>Let him know you've been waiting for this, you owe a few of them for how they treated your wife in the last one
>Let him know you've been waiting for this, you owe a few of them for how they treated your wife in the last one
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Confident, aren't we? You're ready, with all of you and the Cold Clan fighting together, there's no way you'll lose this wins it, writing.
>tfw u6 is gonna have a bunch of SSG's and it's only just gonna make karn body everyone harder
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“I'm ready.” you answer simply, Jeice nodding back. “With us and the Cold Clan fighting together, there's no way we'll lose.”
“After you bested four of them yourself, I'm surprised you aren't going again.” Recoome says to your wife. “But while I can appreciate wanting to raise your children up to tackle the challenge, aren't you at least a little worried?”
“No, not at all. I have absolute faith in everyone that we'll win.” your wife replies, seeing Caulifla seem to shiver at her mother's words. Glancing over to her she's gone back to eating as if nothing happened, you staring a moment before refocusing back on the conversation. “-st should come to pass, Lord Freeza can always simply erase the planet, making it a draw.”

“I'm not sure that's within the rules. We'll have to ask Lord Beerus tomorrow.” Guldo says, thinking it over and not realizing she was joking. Conversation lulls for a moment, before Ginyu turns to face you.
“So, tell me, Karn. That massive power I sensed flying through space. Is it true you talked to that thing?” Ginyu asks, leaning in conspiratorially. “What in the world was that thing?”
“It's name was Amazo, and it was some sort of android.” you answer, telling the Ginyu Force about the being beyond powerful you'd had a rather interesting talk and trip down memory lane with. As the five Ginyus talk among themselves your thoughts go back to that robot. Looking back, it seemed almost as if it was searching for something. But even now you aren't entirely sure what.

You all enjoy the rest of your meal in peace, Ginyu telling you all about his training, Chilli and Chaya telling him of theirs and showing off their forms. But Caulifla remains more quiet as her siblings speak, until Ginyu addresses her directly.

“Hey, Caulifla. What about you?” he asks her, startling her a bit. Her head snaps back away from her empty tray, blinking a few times before focusing on the here and now. “You alright?”
“Huh? Yeah. I'm fine.” she replies, looking back down. “It's just... Settling in now. That this is serious.”
“Heh, I understand the nerves. Reminds me of my first mission.” Burter says. “I was so worried before the pods touched down I actually threw up in it.”
“Yeah, then STOLE my pod and made me ride back with it! Ya limey prick.” Jeice says, he and Burter laughing about it. Which makes your daughter laugh as well, Ginyu reaching out with a stretchy arm across the table and placing it on her shoulder.

“You'll do just fine. I believe in you.” he tells her, another shiver running down her body. “Now, you just gotta believe in yourself. You can do this.”

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“Y...Yeah. You're right.” she says, giving him a small smile. “I can do this. With you all believing in me, I have to.”
“That's the spirit!” Chaya exclaims, slapping her larger sister across the back. “We'll all have each other's backs out there! There's no way we could ever lose to those weaklings!”
“Don't be too overconfident, sis.” Chilli admonishes her. “If you think they all didn't put in crazy work after losing last time... But as long as King Cold handles Hit, if we fight together and fight smart, their team won't stand a chance.”

“I do wonder what the arena will look like this time?” your wife asks, which is a question you'd had as well. But you suppose you'll find out soon enough, and with the meal finished you all thank Silver and leave the mess hall behind. You make your way outside, having picked up the habit of watching the sunset each day after training your children. But as you're there, suddenly you sense another powerlevel. One you haven't felt in months as it suddenly appears behind you. Whirling around, you watch as a familiar face suddenly appears a few feet from you. Wearing the usual black wristbands and vest with reddish-orange padding around the arms and shoulders, along with the flowing white pants, and black shoes, ties together with a blue belt and leg bands.

“Well, this is a surprise.” you say, greeting Tomitsu. “Long time no see, Tomitsu.”
“It has been a long time. But thanks to Elder Pybara's help, both Tatsu and Tomi have surpassed their issues. And now I am back as well.”
“Clearly.” you say, wondering if Tomitsu's powerlevel was always this high, when suddenly there are a pair of shouts. Tomitsu turns, you watching on as Maz and Kayle rush towards the combined being.
“TOMITSU!” they both shout, rushing over to and leaping into the arms of their fused older siblings. Siblings? Sibling? The fusion seems taken aback as they leap into their arms, the younger twins holding onto their older sibling.

“Why did you just leave like that?” Maz asks, tears in his eyes.
“You didn't even say bye! We missed you three!” Kayle adds, the two looking upset and relieved all at once. But Tomitsu seems lost for words, looking from their faces to you, as if expecting you to step in.

But what do you do?
>Let Tomitsu handle this, just step in if needed
>Ask the twins if they missed Tomitsu, or just Tatsu and Tomi
>Tell Tomitsu that they've got some catching up to do, leave the three of them to it and head back inside for now
>Other(write in)
>>Tell Tomitsu that they've got some catching up to do, leave the three of them to it and head back inside for now
>Tell Tomitsu that they've got some catching up to do, leave the three of them to it and head back inside for now
Welcome back, sport.
>Let Tomitsu handle this, just step in if needed
>>Let Tomitsu handle this, just step in if needed

Want to watch what happens here rather than just leaving them alone to deal with it; were some resentment issues with Tomitsu 'stealing' away tatsu and Tomi from the younger twins. Might want to be on hand in case some dad advice or intervention needed here.
Another ten minutes added to the vote, since you all love ties so much.
>Let Tomitsu handle this, just step in if needed
We don't need to be hands-off ALL the time after all
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Rolled 10, 6, 2, 4 = 22 (4d10)

Let Tomitsu handle this, just step in if needed wins it. Writing.
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But you don't, instead simply gesture towards him. Giving him the unspoken 'this is your doing, you handle it' look, but not wholly walking away either. He nods slightly at this, turning back to the two younger twins.

“You've been gone almost a whole month.” Kayle says, sounding upset. “All of you just up and left us. Do you not like us anymore?”
“What? Nooo no no, what makes you think that?” Tomitsu replies, only for Maz to speak over them a bit.
“But we said something mean and you left. I thought you hated me.” Maz says, Tomitsu turning to him.

“No, I don't hate you. Either of you. But, while what you said was hurtful, I think I needed to hear it.” Tomitsu says, both looking up at their older sibling in confusion.
“What?” Maz asks.
“What do you mean?” Kayle adds, Tomitsu taking a deep breath then sighing out.

“I hadn't realized just how much of their lives I was taking control of.” Tomitsu tells them both, meeting their gazes one after another. “I would take them away from you both, as well as their other siblings and family. I was selfish, wanting all their time to myself. But, now we're all a lot better.”
“Really?” Kayle asks them, to which Tomitsu smiles.
“Why don't you ask them yourselves?” the fusion replies, a line of golden energy suddenly splitting the fusion down their middle. Then their whole body glows, and after a moment feel that ki split. Tomitsu disappears, returning to being Tatsu and Tomi. Each one holding one of their siblings with both hands, not holding onto each other.

“TATSU!” Kayle shouts excitedly at the brother holding her.
“TOMI!” Maz exclaims, grinning. “You're back too!”
“That's right, I'm back. Sorry I was worrying you.” she says, ruffling her sibling's hair before turning back to you. “I'm back Dad. Sorry I was gone for so long.”
“I'm just glad you're okay now.” you tell her, your daughter's entire demeanor having shifted. Whereas before she seemed very down, very retreated into herself, she seems far happier, far more alive than she was when she left. To which she gives you a grin, one full of life and renewed joy.
“We're all glad.” Tatsu says, flying up a bit and resting his right elbow on her head. To which the younger twins giggle, Tatsu and Tomi both laughing a moment later. More of your children are coming home, which puts a smile on your face.

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As you all laugh, Chilli emerges, looking you all over with a curious look. After a second's hesitation he walks over, looking Tomi and Tatsu both over.

“Well now. Wasn't expecting you both back yet.” he says to his siblings, who both set their younger siblings down to hug their brother. He hugs them back, the racket drawing more of your children out. They all come over, greeting their missing siblings. Chilli slips away as you watch over them all, you both sharing a nod before he departs. You walk over to Tatsu and Tomi, ruffling their hair before heading on inside. You need to head off to bed early, tomorrow could be a long day.

The night passes peacefully, you sleeping between both of the mothers of your children without stirring. Then, in the early morning, find yourself waking up well before the women in your bed. Yawning softly, you open your eyes, only to see that there is a THIRD woman in your bed. Hovering over you, green eyes staring into your own, her face mere inches from yours.

What do you do?
>Ask her what's going on, why she's in here so early
>Telepathically ask her what's going on, try not to wake Towa or Meloka
>Don't say anything and just look at her, wait and see what she does
>Telepathically tell her you'll talk in a moment and to wait outside while you sneak out of bed and get dressed
>Close your eyes and pretend to be back asleep, see what she'll do now that you've seen her here
>Other(write in)
>Telepathically ask her what's going on, try not to wake Towa or Meloka
>>Ask her what's going on, why she's in here so early
Rolled 48, 99, 70 = 217 (3d100)

>>Ask her what's going on, why she's in here so early

Asking out loud so that Meloka hears and knows she needs to smack some propriety into a bitch.

(Also, practice rolls)
Ask her what's going on, why she's in here so early wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 20
Second DC: 55
>Telepathically ask her what's going on, try not to wake Towa or Meloka
Rolled 57, 68 = 125 (2d100)

Rolled 96, 9 = 105 (2d100)

Rolled 144, 103 = 247 (2d200)

Wonder whats up
Rolled 54, 14 = 68 (2d100)

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96/100, 68/100. Double success, looks like you don't wake either up. Writing.
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“Haathe. What are you doing?” you ask her. “Why are you in here so early?”
“Hurry. A bunch of gods showed up.” she says, flying back away from you towards the door. “Caulifla's out there with them right now.”
“Shit.” you reply, getting out of bed immediately. Reaching out with your telekinesis you grab your pants, throwing them on as you fly behind Haathe. Both of you flying down your home's loading ramp, only to see Caulifla in her transformed state staring down a quartet of Kai. Shin, Kars, the red one whose name you don't remember and the elderly Kai are all facing her. Kars is in his pink-haired divine form, the two staring each other down. You notice your daughter is standing between them and your home, as if preventing their entry. The only one to immediately notice you is the red-skinned one, his eyes widening before you shout. “What the hell is going on here?”

“Dad!” Cauli shouts, sounding very relieved without turning. Kars' gaze immediately whips towards you, you seeing a look of annoyance flick across his face. But he immediately fixes his expression, the flicker so quick you almost doubt if you had even seen it.
“Karn.” Kars says, immediately powering back down to his normal form.
“Karn? Eh?” the elderly man says, turning his head back and forth before spotting you. “Ah, Karn. There you are.”

“What is the meaning of this?” you ask, not addressing anyone but all of them.
“They tried to get me to surrender my power.” Caulifla tells you. Your expression immediately hardens, turning your gaze from her back to the Kai. “They say I don't 'deserve' it, whatever the hell that means.”
“That power isn't meant to be wielded by a mortal.” Shin says, still trying to sound authoritative despite how clearly nervous he is now.
“That power has been missing since before the First Flame went out. Many believed it didn't exist at all, until you started traveling back and forth through time.” the elder Kai speaks up, hobbling over to stand before Kars, closest to your daughter. “That power belongs to the gods, and should be back in our-”

“No. It belonged to -a- god, one who gave it to my daughter.” you interrupt, stepping forward and placing your left hand on her shoulder. “She has been chosen, not you.”
“Now listen here you little nin-Mmnph!?” the elderly Kai shouts, only to have Kars throw a hand over his mouth, stifling his words.
“Forgive him, he's up rather early.” Kars faux apologizes to you, taking two steps back with the elder in his hands. “But that power is dangerous. If wielded improperly, it could disrupt time itself.”

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“I know. Which is why I'm not surrendering it to incompetents like you all.” your daughter replies, the Kai all freezing in place. “I've spend more than a decade with this power under Lord Gwyndolin's tenure as the Darkmoon. And none of you are even a hundredth of the man he was.”
“Man? Wasn't the Dark Sun a wo-?” the red-skinned one asks, Shin silencing him with a glare. The Supreme Kai then turns his focus back to your daughter as Kars releases the elder, dropping to a knee and apologizing to him for restraining him in that manner.
“I know your opinion of me isn't the greatest. Probably mostly due to the tales your father no doubt told of me.” Shin starts, you snorting in response. “But as the Supreme Kai in charge of the Seventh Universe, I cannot allow this power to stay in the mortal realm. It must be returned at once.”

“The only way you're getting it from me is drawing it from my corpse.” your daughter replies, her deep blue aura blazing and exerting wild levels of pressure as she retakes her fighting stance. “I'd rather trust it to a rat than you.”
“Karn, talk some sense into your daughter.” Shin says, switching tactics. “I know we have had our disagreements in the past. But surely you must see that having this divine power will only draw trouble to your daughter? Trouble no mortal should have to face?”

Well? How do you respond?
>Tell him she gave her answer, she's not a child who has to follow her parents words. If he wants it from her, that's between him and her
>Transform, tell them if they try and take that power from her, they'll have to get through you first
>Ask Haathe to handle the red-skinned one, and leave Shin to Caulifla while you handle Kars. You've had enough of their meddling, this ends today
>Other(write in)
Also, every patron who hasn't voted on the patreon art, you've got around 22 hours left before that poll closes. Most of you haven't voted yet
>Transform, tell them if they try and take that power from her, they'll have to get through you first
Time for Papa Bear to make an appearance.
>>Tell him she gave her answer, she's not a child who has to follow her parents words. If he wants it from her, that's between him and her
We ain't strangers to trouble either.
>>Transform, tell them if they try and take that power from her, they'll have to get through you first

Wake up the rest of the family, too, whether by telepathic yell or simple noise and power-level sense. Bring Meloka, Towa and the rest to the party.
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Transform, tell them if they try and take that power from her, they'll have to get through you first wins it. The consequences are escalating, let's see how this plays out. Writing.
That's right, no rolls for this one.
>Dude your daughter is stupid and she'll be in danger [spoken in the most threatening way possible]
You know, they could have gone the smart route and try to explain in exacting detail what kind of dangers come from this. Alas, gods are fucking retards and cannot for the life of them act in a way that is rational and intelligent. I wonder if there is a god of down's syndrome and he's the only smart god there is, cause so far the "norm" has been beings making consistently unwise decisions.
Lets feed them to Ginyu.
The fact that they DO have a point and failed to convey it is probably the worst part about all of this. Caulifla's guilt complex being one thing, and the attention having this power will bring being another, she's also been acting noticeably odd whenever she receives any type of praise.
I think she's getting a dopamine rush anytime she gets worship attributed to her, which is potentially CATASTROPHIC given Caulifla's...proclivities.
Anybody can become an addict to almost anything, but who knows what Cauli might do to chase the high of being worshipped.
>which is potentially CATASTROPHIC given Caulifla's...proclivities.

Not sure what you mean here.
Are you confusing her with Milha?
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“Stupid and arrogant as ever. HAAAAAAA!!” you say then roar, unleashing the full power of your Berserker Soul. In a flash you ascend, fully powering up into your Berserker God form as you step between your daughter and the Kais. “If you want my daughter's power, you'll have to get through me to get it. Now, who is dumb enough to try?”

Silence hangs over your home, no one daring to make a sound. Then, all of a sudden the sounds of your son's crystals can be heard, his portal he'd set down on your beach forming into the arch. He steps through, eyes widening as he sees what's going on then immediately goes into action.

“Megu, get the kids inside.” he orders, Megumin wordlessly scooping up her far stronger daughter and taking off at a sprint as Chilli throws his robe off, ascending in a flash to his Primal form. A moment later Chaya appears by him, using her Instant Transmission to leave wherever she was and join in.
“Man, are you Kai stupid or what?” she asks, ascending into her People's Champion form. Not yet going full Blue, but still taking on her own divine power. “But I reckon you guys MIGHT make for a passable warm-up before the tournament.”
“I would recommend you stand down, Shin.” Kars says, not addressing the Supreme Kai by his title but only his name. “It would seem we're overmatched. I can't beat them all by myself.”

Only, as he's saying this, an even GREATER trio of powerlevels suddenly appear between you and the Kai. Causing you to smirk, recognizing them the moment you feel them.

“What is the meaning of this?” King Cold demands furiously, staring down at the Kai before him. “You DARE threaten one of my subjects, Shin?”
“Quite bold of you to assume you'd survive the attempt, little one.” Freeza adds mockingly. You noting that they ALSO doesn't address the Kai by his title. “But please, go ahead. Give me a reason.

At Freeza's bone-chilling declaration, you feel a chill run down your own spine. Remembering staring down his Death Beam all those years ago, helpless in the face of his overwhelming power. Kars immediately transforms back into his divine state, Freeza and Cooler both going Golden in response. Shin, who is now visibly shaking at the threat seems absolutely terrified, along with his assistant. But there is one who isn't cowed.

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“You uppity, disrespectful...! Ningen!” Elder Kai declares, shaking his fists. “Why, in all my years, I've NEVER seen mortals behave like this! If Lord Beerus were here, there's no way you'd dare talk to us like we're-!”
“But he's NOT here, is he?” Cooler asks, his tone menacing even for being just above a whisper. Realization dawning across the Kais faces, except for Kars who is probably simply better at hiding his reaction. They all realize that they are in danger. And with this many of you all ready and willing to throw down with them, they realize that this isn't a fight they could EVER win. However, before anyone can act, you sense it.

Beerus is coming.

“Hmph. Let this be a lesson to you. Try a stunt like this again, and even hiding all the way up in your heavenly realm won't be enough to save you from me.” you tell them, powering back down to your base form. “I will find you, no matter where or when you hide.”

Following your example Freeza, as well as your children all power down as well. Seeing this, Kars does the same, Cooler being the last one to remain in his transformed state. Which he's still in as a beam of rainbow light descends from the sky, slamming into the ground near where Chilli's portal is still standing open to his planet. And as it fades, you see that your senses didn't betray you.

The Destroyer has arrived.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 220 paused-
Cauli will be no moon but a bright and shining star for all to marvel at. And destroy with the fact that the sun is a deadly laser. Sorry Chaya, but you'll be first on the chopping block. The bugs under her skin are real! REAL!

Hey we COULD kill Elder Kai and Kibito with no real repercussions. Shin is only around as long as it takes to replace him and Kars is getting an in with Whis and the Destroyer I'm sure. So they're really the only two we can't touch. Come onnnn catman, let us kill a couple gods. As a treat! They aren't doing anything for you anyway.
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoy this run today so far? What do you think the consequences of Amazo being out there in the universe roaming around will be? Curious if the Kais will ever learn, or if this will scare them into behaving better around you and your kin? Curious what threats the Kais spoke of, what challenges await Caulifla by staying in the mortal realm as well as her odd reactions lately? And, most importantly, are you ready to see the results of Universe 6's preparations for this tournament? All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues in 12 hours, at noon EST!
No, I'm not. I'm (probably erroneously) profiling her based on what I can remember about her personality and life story.
She's been burnt out for the better part of the past decade and recently suffered another in a long list of losses that she feels she should have been able to prevent. Karn's pep talk the other day probably did a lot to help her, but that didn't just instantly dissolve those lingering negative feelings. Those wounds take time to heal, and in most cases they still leave scars. My point here is that she's probably incredibly depressed (and has been for quite a while).
Then, all of the sudden, you have these shots of straight dopamine (based on her reaction) from anybody expressing FAITH in her. She probably feels better than she has in quite a long time whenever those rushes hit, whether she's aware of it or not. If she figures out what's happening and decides to indulge, it's a slippery fucking slope right into addiction and everything that entails.
OOOOOOOhhhhhh yesssssss, the stupid, Stupid, STUPID godlings pulled the Ninegen card. They will now die screaming.
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I want to see what those noodles are capable of. Just as much as I am ready to smash them into the dirt to show them what real warriors look like!
>“You uppity, disrespectful...! Ningen!”
Wow. The mask is off I see.
Really, their goal at this point should be to prove they aren't a bunch of pushovers propped up by a star player.
I'm waiting for an excuse to execute the redman, old man, and break Shin's spine. Kars will be atomized and killed with death magic. Then Whis can train Shin's nominal replacement.
They COULD have, if they considered mortals as equals and not ignorant children at best and mindless savages at worst.
>god of downs syndrome
Well, Jergal does quite fit the mold for another spectrum, one that also likes trains. So it is entirely possible.
Do you really want Ginyu to inherit their personalities? All that concentrated divine smugness and arrogance?
>The fact that they DO have a point and failed to convey it is probably the worst part about all of this.
As it always is.
>she's also been acting noticeably odd whenever she receives any type of praise
She can FEEL it. And unlike Chaya who got used to it over a long, long career before it became an actual physical sensation, she is still caught quite off-guard by the feeling.
No, she is a Moon Goddess. Wielding the power of the FIRST moon deity and causing it to be absent from our reality. Which is why a certain other, lesser moon deity of a single moon wasn't able to defeat King Cold, despite her canon counterpart being able to beat this entire reality into submission. Remember what Kars and Majin Ozotto were after?
Could, probably. But with this universe missing four of its five Supreme Kai, taking some potential replacements out will only slow Universe 7's mortal level growth further.
She was burnt out at one point, if she's gotten over that or not IC you don't know. Losing Yorshka, the first deity she genuinely liked and was friends with hurt deep.
Yes, the straight shots of Faith into her body have quite an effect. Whether or not the effect will fade over time or if it feels addictive is to be seen.
>inb4 "He'S fRoM a DiFfErEnT tImE!"
We'll see if they even managed to create a single Super Saiyan God, as well as what other fighters may be joining their roster this time.
And we'll see. The choice of arena will probably have a lot to do with how effective certain fighters are.
Probably not today. Although they came dangerously close. Not like someone informed Whis to have Beerus there early to prevent this from happening or anything.
They SAY they wish a ningen would, but we all know they can't handle the smoke.

>a bunch of pushovers propped up by a star player.
That's what I find most funny about this whole thing. They're one of the better teams comparatively, even on an individual level, but none of them really had any of the sweet main character juice going for them bar Hit. Meanwhile, our team, every single person on it is a bonafide headliner. Talk about a stacked deck.

>Jergal does quite fit the mold for another spectrum, one that also likes trains.
I knew he was always one of us kek. Based god.

>No, she is a Moon Goddess
That was all for speech purposes. I know what she's about. Just entertaining the idea as presented by anon.

>Remember what Kars and Majin Ozotto were after?
I can't fucking wait to see Shin's face as Elder Kai walks up to Zamasu and goes, hey, you a hater, and I like that, now listen up because I need an agent that's smarter than Shin to deal with these FILTHY NINEGEN, you got me? Hoodrat Kai's getting uppity out here in these MONKEY STREETS
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>meanwhile, zamasu removing the "ineffectual" (mortal adjacent) kais from existence
For as gruesome of a death as Kars deserves, I'm still behind him taking the mantle of Supreme Kai.
He's not some unskilled and ignorant slave to tradition like Shin, and he's already shown he's willing to throw hands at the Universal Heavyweight level if the situation demands. As for his ambitious nature, even that isn't enough to make him think he can fuck with us or our family UNLIKE SOME FUCKING GODS.
>She can FEEL it.
Called it.
>Whether or not the effect will fade over time or if it feels addictive is to be seen.
That's the thing. ANYTHING can be addictive so long as some type of pleasure is derived from it, no matter how minute.
It can fucking sneak up on you too, just like it did Chaya.
>And we'll see. The choice of arena will probably have a lot to do with how effective certain fighters are.
I would be more worried if our team wasn't made up of veteran warriors and nigh-unkillable demigods.
Well, they have a few different players this time, let's see if they brought more of their own main character material fighters along this time.
Yes, he likes what he likes.
He couldn't do WORSE than the current Kai. And may even discover a way to have more Kai be born sooner, or at least create temporary help should he gain the full power of a Grand Supreme Kai.
What she is feeling is the power inside her reacting. While her power isn't DIRECT Faith based, like Chaya's, it can still be strengthened by it. Much like Beerus, individual worship and Faith does increase his power too.
True. But a low-ceiling arena would benefit Universe 6 more than you, as long as Magetta can stand at his full height. Even at Super Saiyan God, Meloka didn't even manage to scratch him.
>True. But a low-ceiling arena would benefit Universe 6 more than you
It could be a fight in a phonebooth and I'd still say we're alright. Anyways, I'm sure we can get the stage set to neutral ground if we call Champa a pussy for trying to get stage advantage.
>"Well well well, if it ain't some ningens eatin' like monkeys. No utensils. Open mouth chewin'. Wipin' they lips with the tablecloth."
>he dropped in on a barbecue
you know what would be funny? if the universe 6 saiyans subtle threw the tournament. after all, what do they get if they win? they replace our new salad with theirs jumping universes. a result I'm sure they don't want.
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Decided to do some edits on haathe while I read up.
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Photopea is bretty gud for this shit imo
>Watch The Boys
>Come back to seeing that the kais are fucking around dangerously close to finding out
Ohhh, I've been waiting for the day they give us a reason to snap Shin like a pencil.
We'll see
This is where Beerus' lack of paying attention caused him to miss an important detail. OOC, Champa said to trade Beerus planet New Salda for his. Note the Saiyans in U6 still live on their ORIGINAL homeworld, not New Salda(formerly Kashyyyk).
Nice. It clearly works better than the mspaint I use.
They almost found out. Now, whether or not their close encounter will get them to shape up or not is to be seen.
“Wh-*yawn*-what's going on?” Beerus asks lazily, rubbing at his eyes with a hand as he steps out from behind Whis. Their cube that allows the travel of universes parked behind them both “Save your strengths for the tournament. I want you all to win without a single fighter from our universe getting taken out, understood?”
“Quite the bold request. However, judging from our opponents' previous performance, I would say it is all but a certainty.” Freeza says, sliding effortlessly from menacing to charming. The fake charming tone he puts on when dealing with those he doesn't like, not the tone he takes with you or your family. “You're here rather early, Lord Beerus. I was under the impression our departure wasn't for a while yet?”
“It's not. But I'm here now to get something to eat first.” he says with a smile, hands behind his back as he starts walking to your home. “I'll assume Silver is up already?”

“Just a moment, Lord Beerus.” you say, the Destroyer raising a brow at you as you reach out telepathically. “Silver, you up?”
“Yeah, heard the ruckus outside. Is it over?” he asks, you filling him in on what's happening. And who is coming to see him. “Understood. I'll take care of 'em.”
“Thanks.” you reply, ending the link and addressing the Destroyer. “He's awake and waiting for you in the mess hall, Lord Beerus.”
“Excellent. Let's go eat, before we crush my idiot brother.” Beerus says, whistling to himself as he starts walking up the ramp. You turn back to the Kais, who are all still clearly nervous.

“Behave yourselves. Start anything, and I will personally end you.” you warn them with a low growl, then turn back to Caulifla, putting an arm around her shoulders as you start leading her back into your home. “Come on kids, Haathe. Let's go.”
“Right.” Chilli and Chaya answer, Cauli wordlessly nodding and coming along. Leaving the Kai outside to decide if they want to risk entering your home or not. But you don't lead them towards the mess hall, instead turning right and heading towards your room. You can almost feel their confusion but don't argue or ask why, you rushing directly to your own room. The door slides open, you seeing Towa sitting up groggily as Meloka still lay fast asleep.

“Karn? What's happening?” she ask with a yawn, sounding vaguely worried. “Is everything okay?”
“For now. We almost got in a fight with the Kais, is all.” you reply, seeing her eyes snap fully open, jaw dropping as you go to your wife and gently wake her. Towa sputters in confusion, your wife grumbling something incoherent as she tries to stay asleep. But you gently lift her up out of bed, whispering in her ear as Towa finally regains her ability to speak.

“You WHAAAT?!”

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“Mrrhrrrmmrr?” Meloka grumbles, turning her head towards Towa's shout. “Whassit?”
“Hey, they tried to steal Caulifla's Darkmoon power from her, not me.” you tell her. “I was just protecting my daughter.”
“Whaa-?” Meloka asks, her eyes snapping fully open and looking at you.”Cauli?”

“It's okay hun, we took care of it.” you tell her, turning your wife so she can see Cauli in the room as well. “They learned their lesson. Hopefully. And if they didn't, I have a plan.”
“Karn, I know the Kais are useless. But if you kill them-” Towa starts, you shaking your head before interrupting her.
“If they try anything else today, I'll simply tell Beerus they're trying to make him lose to his brother.” you say, Towa's eyes widening. “That'll get us through the day.”
“I-! That's... Rather sneaky of you.” Towa says, her tone approving as Meloka kisses you, getting free of your grip and going over to Cauli. Your wife whispering something to her. Cauli nods, Meloka hugging her around the neck before flying back down to the ground. You watch as the two women dress, appreciating their different but alluring forms as they get ready to face the day too. “But next time, wake me up. I know a few different methods of impairing the Kai, without it coming to direct combat.”

“I will.” you agree, and once everyone's dressed you all make your way to the mess hall. Where, unsurprisingly, Beerus is already chowing down. The Kai all sit at another table, not touching the food before them and leaving you with quite the choice.

Where will you sit?
>By the Destroyer and his attendant. He's a lot of things but he never tried to attack your children. And is better company besides
>With the Kai. Make sure they know you're unbothered and unworried about them with how you act
>At another table with just your family, don't fraternize with either group of deities but have more room for your family to sit by you
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Don't know how my image dropped, but here.
>>By the Destroyer and his attendant. He's a lot of things but he never tried to attack your children. And is better company besides
>By the Destroyer and his attendant. He's a lot of things but he never tried to attack your children. And is better company besides
>>By the Destroyer and his attendant. He's a lot of things but he never tried to attack your children. And is better company besides
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Unanimously By the Destroyer and his attendant. He's a lot of things but he never tried to attack your children. And is better company besides wins it. Beerus and the Kais will remember this, writing.
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So you stride forward confidently, sitting across from the God of Destruction Beerus. Who, mid-bite raises a brow, then when you don't immediately speak he continues eating his meal. Meloka sits on your right, Towa on your left facing the attendant Whis. After a moment the pale woman with red eyes emerges from the kitchen, balancing four large trays for you all.

“Here you go, hon.” she says, setting down yours and Towa's trays, then taking a step sets Meloka and Caulifla's down in front of them too. “Eat up now, you all need your strength for today's tournament.”
“Appreciate it.” you tell her then dig in, quickly devouring your meal. About halfway through, however, Beerus points to something on your platter.
“Tell me. Do you know what this is?” he asks you, pointing to one of the slabs of meat. You swallow, then speak up.

“That's the meat from a Mindslayer. Beast that swam up out of the Abyss a while back.” you tell him while lifting it with telekinesis, drawing a ki blade with your finger and slicing it down the middle. “Help yourself.”
“Well, don't mind if I do.” the Destroyer says happily, eating it straight out of the air. As he does, you see the look of worry on Shin's face over his shoulder. Suppressing a smirk you go back to your own meal, quickly finishing up. And as you do, leaning back and letting out a sigh of content, you notice Beerus is staring at you. “I take it you've been training adequately for today?”
“Of course, Lord Beerus. We won't lose.” you tell him, gesturing over to Caulifla. “Though the greatest progress has been made by my children. I think their growth will be pleasantly surprising.”

“Oh?” he asks, looking over to her. Where his eyes immediately narrow. “I see. So, that is what had the Kais in such an uproar this morning. Tell me, child. Who did you get that power from?”
“L-Lord Gwyndolin gave it to me himself. Just before he died.” she says, clearly a bit nervous. But to her surprise Beerus simply nods once, expression serious.
“Then if that old one bestowed this power upon you, it is your duty to use it well. I expect great things from you.” the Destroyer says. “Perhaps after this tournament is over, we can discuss the next steps. Hey, Whis. This power, Champa won't try and claim it against the rules, will he?”

“Probably. But that power is beyond even Grand Zen-Oh's purview, your brother has no right to defy it.” Whis answers, your eyes widening a bit. That power is beyond Zen-Oh? The god of all the universes? Just how far back in time was your daughter going? “But I would offer you a word of caution, Caulifla. Being a god does tend to draw trouble. Should you choose to stay in the mortal realm, those who wish to steal that power will be drawn to you.”

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“Steal it? Like who?” she asks, glancing over to the Kais. Which Whis notices, but doesn't address.
“That power is a more... ancient form of divine energy. One that many in this era would stop at nothing to obtain.” Whis explains. “In fact, such power is even older than the Kai race itself. Be very careful with it, as that power could change the very nature of the mortal universe, should it fall into the wrong hands.”
“I won't let anyone take it.” she says seriously, Whis nodding to her once. “Lord Gwyndolin entrusted it to me, I won't let him down.”

“Very well. Then I won't speak on it any further.” Whis tells her. “Though, should you ever wish to divest yourself of its power, find either myself in this universe or one of my siblings in the other universes. We would all help you safely divest yourself of it without... Consequences.”
“I'll remember that.” Cauli says, clearly having no intentions of ever giving this power up. Beerus, however, yawns and stretches, then rises to his feet.
“Well then, that's enough of that. I believe that it should about be time. Wouldn't you say, Whis?” he asks, his attendant nodding and rising with him. You rise as well, thanking Silver and his people for the meal before you all follow the Destroyer out.

For the next few minutes you send out the call, everyone who is coming to witness the tournament gathering as well. Chilli's family come, as well as King Vegeta and his wife and son touch down.

“King Vegeta? I wasn't expecting you to join us today.” you tell him, the short king grinning.
“I missed the last one, we won't miss this.” he answers you, patting his young son on the shoulder. “And I think it's time for the prince here to witness your family's strength as well.
“Do your best today, General Karn.” the young prince tells you, saluting.
“Of course, my prince.” you say while returning the salute, seeing the young boy grin eagerly. Your other children all join in as well, a portal opening through time that you sense Mechikabura through right before you all are to board as Future Chaya and Ace step through back to your time.

“Just in time!” your alternate timeline daughter says eagerly, turning to her younger self. “You'd better put on one hell of a performance.”
“Oh yeah, this one's gonna be great.” Chaya replies, the Chayas bumping fists. But as everyone else gathers, you notice Broly hasn't shown up. Leaving you to wonder if he's going to join in as well or if he and Kori are still busy on their honeymoon?

>Telepathically reach out to him, ask if he and Kori are coming to watch the tournamanet or not
>Instant Transmission to his side, ask him in person if he's coming or not
>Let him be, if he wanted to show up for this he'd already be here, Broly's always punctual
>Other(write in)
>Telepathically reach out to him, ask if he and Kori are coming to watch the tournament or not
>Telepathically reach out to him, ask if he and Kori are coming to watch the tournamanet or not
>Telepathically reach out to him, ask if he and Kori are coming to watch the tournamanet or not
>>Telepathically reach out to him, ask if he and Kori are coming to watch the tournamanet or not
Telepathically reach out to him, ask if he and Kori are coming to watch the tournament or not wins unanimously, roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 15
Second DC: 40
Rolled 75, 69 = 144 (2d100)

Rolled 88, 48 = 136 (2d100)

rolling to not cock block
Anyone want that final roll?
Rolled 48, 68 = 116 (2d100)

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88/100, dub 68/100. Double success, with a little something extra. Writing.
oioioi I think you meant 69 for the funnee numbah there palerino
What? Oh, that is a nine on the first one. Damn, maybe I need to up my prescription if I can't read numbers. Yes, regular success on the second roll and not a dub bonus then. Good eye.
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“Hey, Broly, it's almost time. Are you and Kori coming?” you think to your son. Who seems to be confused as he replies.
“Coming to what?” he asks you. “What's going on?”
“The tournament today, with Universe 6. The one Beerus told us about after your wedding, remember?” you ask him, your son quiet a moment.
“He didn't say anything about a tournament while we were there. Did he say it after we left?” your son asks, you sighing and slapping a palm to your face. That's right, Beerus hadn't mentioned it until he was leaving, which was after your son and Kori left. He would have had no idea, since you didn't mention it to him before. “Do you need me to compete?”

“No, we've got our team of eight ready to go. My fault, I'd forgotten to mention it to you.” you tell him as Whis starts directing people into the cube. “If you and Kori want to come and watch, we're getting ready to depart now.”
“Let me ask her.” your son replies, ending the link. A few moments you feel his mind connect again, Broly calling back. “We're in, give us about two minutes.”
“I can do that, see you soon.” you tell your son, ending the telepathic link. The Cold Clan have already boarded, along with Chilli and his family, Caulifla, both Chayas and the Kais. Meanwhile, Meloka's looking to you, a slight frown on her face.

“What's wrong?” she asks, clearly worried.
“I forgot to tell Broly this was all happening after they left.” you say, her eyes widening. “They're coming too, just need another minute or so to get ready.”
“Dammit, I knew I was forgetting something. I completely forgot to mention it to them over the past month myself.” your wife says, shaking her head. “How could I forget?”
“Well, they know now and are on their way.” you tell her, watching as everyone else files in to the cube. “Wonder how their honeymoon's been going?”

“Hey, Karn! Get you ass in here, we're leaving!” Beerus calls out, his tone annoyed. “What's the holdup?”
“We're just waiting on two more to arrive.” you say, preparing yourself to reach back out to your son. But, before you can, suddenly you sense them. A moment later Broly and Kori appear, neither wearing what they had been when they left. Your son is wearing just his pants, boots, and bracers of his normal uniform, while Kori is wearing. Well. Barely anything. Her clothes show more skin than they cover, the purple contrasting with her orange skin and red hair as the duo appear.

“Sorry we're late!” Broly calls to Beerus, then turns to you. “Let's go, we can talk on the way.”
“Right.” you agree, noticing his tail holding a Covenant Energy Sword to his hip. What in the world has your boy been up to?

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You all board the cube, then in a flash of light depart. Leaving New Salda behind, flying through space at a breakneck pace as your son turns to you.

“So, what've you two been up to?” you ask them, only for Meloka to cut in.
“Been making me a grandmother again?”
“Mom...!” Broly says, a little embarrassed, but Kori has no such reservations.
“We have been working on that, but no luck yet.” she answers your wife. “When we have the time. What with all the time spent between keeping the ship stocked and repaired, our crew maintained and fed, and now dealing with exchanging the Galactic Patrol prisoners, we haven't had much time to ourselves.”

“Prisoners?” you ask, looking from her to him. “What HAVE you been up to, son?”
“Well, to make a long story kinda short. I kind of became a space pirate warlord, way out in the outer rim.” your son tells you. “One thing led to another, and now I have a whole fleet under my command.”
“...What?” you say, completely stunned by the answer. But you weren't the only one who heard him, Chaya rushing over.
“You became a pirate? That's soo cool!” your eldest shouts, drawing more eyes. Including that of their siblings, who also now notice Broly's back. They all rush over, you stepping back to let them all pile on him with a chuckle. And as the younger siblings all try and ask him questions all at once, you realize you're not getting any more out of him for a bit. But that doesn't mean there aren't others to speak to if you want, and from experience know this is going to be a rather long flight.

So, what now?
>Stay where you are and watch your family, enjoy them all being in the same place at the same time
>Go to the grandchildren and spend time with them, they haven't gotten to see much of you this trip yet
>Talk with Freeza, Cooler and King Cold, see how their training for the upcoming tournament went
>Try and talk to Whis about your daughter's power further, to perhaps find out what some of these threats are that may come for her
>Approach the Kais, tell them you all need to talk about what happened earlier
>Sit down and close your eyes, meditate and focus on the coming battle. Perhaps even gain an insight to the future, as Bane has shown you how to do
>Other(write in)
>>Try and talk to Whis about your daughter's power further, to perhaps find out what some of these threats are that may come for her
Sup Blueberry. Whats the scoop?
>Approach the Kais, tell them you all need to talk about what happened earlier
We're laying down the law, right here, right now.
>Try and talk to Whis about your daughter's power further, to perhaps find out what some of these threats are that may come for her
>Sit down and close your eyes, meditate and focus on the coming battle. Perhaps even gain an insight to the future, as Bane has shown you how to do
>>Go to the grandchildren and spend time with them, they haven't gotten to see much of you this trip yet
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Rolled 37, 36, 81 = 154 (3d100)

Try and talk to Whis about your daughter's power further, to perhaps find out what some of these threats are that may come for her wins it. Interesting, writing.
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As your other children pile atop and crowd around Broly, you take the moment to head to the 'front' of the cube, where Whis is standing atop. Curiously, he seems to not need air to breathe, controlling the vessel with no discernible mechanism. So you go to him, flying up towards the top of the cube but not exiting it as you speak to him.

“Hey, Whis, can I have a moment?” you ask, the Destroyer's attendant looking down to you.
“Of course. What seems to be troubling you?” he asks, a pleasant but fake-seeming smile upon his face.
“Something you said earlier's stuck with me. When you were talking about my daughter's power.” you say, Whis nodding once. “You warned of threats seeking its strength. What sorts of threats?”

“What sorts of threats wouldn't kill for that level of power?” Whis retorts, a chill crawling up your spine from the implication. “Every divine being who senses it will be coming after her, in one way or another. If a lesser deity, say someone like a Super Saiyan God or Demon God, or other deity on that level were to obtain it, they could become a major deity with far greater dominion over the mortal realm. Much as they have been over the past few years with your other daughter, Chaya, trying to defeat her and claim her divine power for themselves. They will now come after Caulifla too. Although, while it has mostly been deities of the domains of war, fighting, warriors, and victory trying to dethrone Chaya due to her popularity across the universe, those that come after Caulifla will be different.”

“Different? Different how?” you ask, wanting to understand the threats coming so you'll be better-suited to helping your daughter. But as the Destroyer's attendant turns fully to face you, suddenly you feel a chill crawl up your spine at the seriousness in his eyes. Eyes that have seen far more than you can even comprehend.
EVERY deity who seeks greater power or prestige, regardless of station will come for her.” he warns seriously. “At all hours and across all dimensions, as long as her power is in the mortal realm, she is at threat of being attacked. Only in the divine realm, where direct conflict between gods and their agents is forbidden, would she be truly safe. Once she establishes her own domain, she will truly have a safe haven from other deities.”

“I see.” you reply, hand going to your chin. But before you can say anything else, Whis speaks up once more.
“However, all that said, for now the safest place for her to be is with you, and Haathe.” the attendant continues. “Your power, the Berserker Soul's might that allows you to challenge the gods, is the greatest protection she could ask for.”

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“I won't let anything happen to her, not as long as I can still fight.” you tell him, clenching your fist before you. The attendant nods once, the intensity he had just moments ago now nothing more than a distant memory.
“I would expect nothing less.” he replies, a faint smile on his face. “I'm almost looking forward to seeing who is foolish enough to try and get at her with you around. If they survive or not, it will serve a valuable lesson to the rest of them. And show them how much stronger Lord Beerus is than any of them.”

Which makes sense, as he was able to best not only you but your wife and both of King Cold's sons in their Golden forms at the same time. And having him win an encounter that destroys a lesser deity, the other gods will hold him in higher esteem.

“Ah, and here we are. Planet-” Whis says, the blurring whiteness out around the cube slowing until you find yourselves over a planet.

But which planet is this tournament set on?
>Planet Aquator, a blue world whose surface is covered in water
>Planet Veldarnt luscious green, heavily-forested planet
>The same nameless planet the previous tournament was hosted on
>Planet Veldarnt luscious green, heavily-forested planet
>>Planet Aquator, a blue world whose surface is covered in water
>Planet Aquator, a blue world whose surface is covered in water
>Planet Veldarnt luscious green, heavily-forested planet
>>Planet Veldarnt luscious green, heavily-forested planet
Planet Veldarnt luscious green, heavily-forested planet wins. Roll me a single d100.

DC: ??
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Rolled 75 (1d100)

Rolled 10 (1d100)

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75/100, pretty good. Universe 6 is already here as well, so it's about time to get down. Writing.
Oh boy; time to watch a gaggle of monkeys throw shit at eachother with the cock, the low temperature people, and the bubble gum in tow
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“-Veldarnt. As you can see, it's a lush, vibrant world of life. Albeit non-sentient life.” Whis tells you as the cube starts descending towards the planet's surface. Entering the atmosphere you can see the majority of the planet is covered in a vast forest. The landscape is occasionally broken up by large mountain peaks and ranges, their snow-covered tips standing out in stark relief. But as the cube descends further you soon find a large dome, similar to the one Vados and Whis built and repaired during the first tournament. Seems that is where this battle is to commence. Using your ki sense, you discover several energy signatures from within, some you recognize and others you don't.

But as the cube passes through the barrier into the 'arena', you notice a few things. First, none of the competitors are stronger than Hit, whose energy you recognize immediately. Second, you see a rather ornate, decorative throne just inside the barrier at its peak, several beings standing around it. Including several of the Zen-Oh Guard, the tall, slender aliens all standing around their master.

“Looks like we're here.” Beerus says, having come up beside you without you noticing while taking in the view. “A much nicer place than last time, isn't it?”
“Yeah, can't argue that. But where is the arena itself?” you ask him, unable to see a fighting stage through the trees. And even when the cube lands alongside Champa's, as Vados is leading the Universe 6 team from it, you see the portly Destroyer of the Sixth universe looking rather smug. Beerus growls faintly under his breath a moment before shouting out.

“Alright, everyone who's fighting, let's move!” he declares, stepping forward and hopping out of the cube. You follow immediately, the rest of your team emerging to come face-to-face with the Universe 6 team. Hit, Cabba, the metal man and the yellow bear are all there, but their Freeza's race Frost is nowhere to be seen. Instead, with Cabba you see two others you presume to also be Saiyans, as well as two surprisingly powerful Namekians. Each one is easily as powerful as you are in your first Berserker state, if not a tiny bit stronger. Far stronger than any Namekian not in the Time Patrol that you've ever met. “Well well well, ready to lose again, brother?”
“This time won't be like the last. And, with this new arena, we'll have a far greater show than last time.” Champa says, sneering. “Not to mention the new rules for Grand Zen-Oh's amusement.”

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“Wait, new rules? And just how are you trying to cheat again?” Beerus retorts, crossing his arms. TO which his brother only laughs, waving him off while turning to Vados.
“Mind taking the cube out of the battlefield?” he asks her, to which she nods. Tapping her staff against it once, the still-occupied cube rising off the ground. You watch as it flies over to what look like a row of floating benches in the sky, no doubt for spectators to watch. Seeing this you turn to everyone else still in the cube, waving to them all.

“Gooooo Grandpa, you can do it!” your granddaughter cheers you on, Whis taking the 'ship' up to the other spectator area that isn't for the Grand Zen-Oh himself. Leaving you with your team, the Universe 6 competitors, and the two Destroyers. Whereupon a woman in baggy purple pants and a red tube top walks over towards you, looking you up and down.
“Huh. Thought you'd be taller from the way Cabba talks about you, old man.” she says, her tone very arrogant. “You ARE Karn, right?”
“Yes, who're you?” you reply, the woman looking confident as she crosses her arms.
“I'm Caulifla. Remember the name, as I'm the one who's gonna beat you.” she says, your daughter walking up to her.

“Your name is Caulifla too? Nice to meet you.” your daughter says with her medic smile, towering over the tiny woman as she offers her her hand. U6's Caulifla looks your daughter up and down, then cracks a crooked smile.
“This some kinda joke? Who are you, opposite world me?” the foreign Saiyan asks, taking Cauli's hand in her own. Where you see her immediately try and crush your daughter's far larger hand. Unsuccessfully, as Cauli begins squeezing back. Causing the other woman to wince, your daughter then letting her go to shake her hand. “Damn, guess that size isn't for nothing, huh? Don't you go losing to anyone else, once I beat your father, you're next.”

“My father won't have to fight you, I'll handle you myself.” Cauli replies, the Universe 6 woman's grin widening.
“Now that's the spirit. It's gonna be fun bringing you down.” Caulifla from U6 says, only for an unfamiliar voice to boom down from the sky.
“Destroyers, if you would take to your seats, this tournament is about to begin.” the speaker says, descending down from his spot at Zen-Oh's right hand to just above you all on some sort of floating platform. Champa and Beerus immediately take to the air, Beerus turning to you all.

“You'd better win this!” he says, then flies up and away. Leaving the sixteen of you with the rather short man standing atop his little platform, looking down on you all. Yet as he does, you get the feeling this being is far more powerful than he appears.

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“Allow me to explain the rules to you all once more, before we begin.” he says, his voice smooth and practiced. As if he's spoken every single word before more times than you've spoken period in your entire life. “The tournament will be a team versus team format, with eight contestants for each Universe participating. Outside weapons or rejuvenation items will not be allowed, although implements of Faith that do not constitute weapons will be allowed. Fight until you are no longer able. If you kill another competitor, you are disqualified. Being rendered unable to continue, being knocked down and unable to rise for a full ten count, or hitting either the spherical barrier around the arena or any of the stands above counts as a loss, and you must leave the fighting stage.”

“Hold on, spherical?” you ask him, the being turning his gaze directly upon you. Where you immediately feel small, even the Berserker Soul, which is usually eager to rush towards a god and attempt a deicide, balks at the being before you.
“Yes. While only a dome is visible, the barrier does continue underground and maintains its shape. Touching any part of the dome is an elimination. Now, are there any other questions?”
“Yes, I have one.” Chaya says, fists on her hips. “What if you critically injure someone, but throw them outside the barrier before they die?”

“As long as a contestant still in the competition does not perish, what happens to them after they can no longer compete will not be held against a competitor.” he says, your daughter nodding. “Any other questions?”

Silence hangs over you all, the man nodding to himself.

“Alright. Feel free to move about this space as you see fit, the match will begin shortly.” he says, levitating back up to Grand Zen-Oh watching you all from above. This is it, it's about time for this new tournament to begin.
“Where do you wanna move to?” Chaya asks, walking up to you. “Want to stay here and be right in their faces when this starts? Or do you wanna move back, make them come to us?”

>You're not backing down, stay right here. Let the U6 team flee if they want, but this is your spot
>Follow Chaya's lead and call for your universe to follow you, find a better spot to fight them from than between these two nearby rivers
>Not only are you not backing down, stay close to Universe 6. Don't give them a chance to get any preparations before the fighting begins
>Other(write in)
>Follow Chaya's lead and call for your universe to follow you, find a better spot to fight them from than between these two nearby rivers
I'm sure Cabba and Hit would have expected us to stand and deliver right from the get-go. Therefore I suggest we NOT do that.
Quiet disappointment, you aren't fit to clean our boots, let alone fight our daughter.
>Follow Chaya's lead and call for your universe to follow you, find a better spot to fight them from than between these two nearby rivers
>Remember everyone, have fun
>Follow Chaya's lead and call for your universe to follow you, find a better spot to fight them from than between these two nearby rivers
>>Follow Chaya's lead and call for your universe to follow you, find a better spot to fight them from than between these two nearby rivers
>>You're not backing down, stay right here. Let the U6 team flee if they want, but this is your spot
>Follow Chaya's lead and call for your universe to follow you, find a better spot to fight them from than between these two nearby rivers
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Follow Chaya's lead and call for your universe to follow you, find a better spot to fight them from than between these two nearby rivers wins it. Writing.
And so it begins
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“While that seems fun, let's let them come to us.” you say, turning to everyone else. “Alright Universe 7, let's get into position.”
“Oh? Who perished and appointed you leader, General?” Freeza asks teasingly, but follows you easily. Your children do so as well, the only two who don't are Cooler and King Cold. But, seeing the rest of you heading off into the forest, King Cold follows as well.

“You, assassin Hit. I am coming for you.” the king declares, you turning to see him pointing with a single finger at Universe 6's strongest. “Try your best to hide or flee, or face me. But I shall best you.”
“Hmph.” Hit replies wordlessly, you all taking off into the forest. Except for Cooler, who instead takes to the skies.
“That's right, run away! You won't get far!” Caulifla from U6 taunts, but you don't look back. Instead you lead your family and allies away, following one river as it flows away from the clearing. You lead your team for a few minutes, heading until you all find another clearing.

“So, why are we backing off?” Freeza asks you as you all come to a stop. “It wouldn't have taken that much effort to roll them over.”
“True. But we're here not just to win.” you tell him, Freeza raising a brow.
“We gotta win BIG!” Chaya tells him, scarlet and yellow eyes almost glowing with excitement. “Zen-Oh's watching, we have to put on a show. We want him cheering for us when we beat Universe 6.”

“Contestants, prepare yourselves!” the man who'd spoken earlier calls down. “The tournament will begin shortly, but first a word from our supreme ruler: Zen-Oh. Your highness?”
“Mmmm. Good luck everyone. I hope you all put on a good show.” Zen-Oh says, confirming your daughter's words exactly. This isn't just a tournament, but a show for the ruler of all the universes in this timeline. “Do your best.”
“Wise words, Grand Zen-Oh. Now, it is time. The second Universe Six versus Universe Seven tournament will now! BEGIIIIIN!!”


-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 220 End-
And that's it for this episode, are you ready for the tournament to begin? Curious how Universe 6's team really stacks up against your own as well as what tricks the new fighters have up their sleeves? Ready to see how this all plays out, and who will try challenging who? Do you think Hit will try and go after King Cold, or will he avoid the emperor's father and try to pick off weaker fighters first? All this and more Next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
I will never not want to go full Gallagher on that dumbass fucking watermelon head alien. Hate that lil tard.
What if we just snatched Cabba via Instant Transmission and jumped him with our entire team?
Possible, the issue is if Hits around, we're not beating his reaction time, and we'd end up getting counter jumped.
Hit is absolutely gonna get shit on by king cold though, his stand hard counters the assassin.
You could try. But as >>6049040 points out, Hit is far faster than his powerlevel shows, with one of if not the fastest reaction times in both universes.
We'll see.
Where have I heard this line before? kek
Not to mention his centuries of fighting experience and Force Powers. Hit's in for a bad time.
Especially if Cold's managed to evolve or transform in some way.
We’ll see. King Cold seems confident, but can he corner the strongest assassin he’s ever met? Or will Hit prove to be too great with his other mysterious and as of yet unseen powers?
>“Your name is Caulifla too? Nice to meet you.” your daughter says with her medic smile, towering over the tiny woman as she offers her her hand. U6's Caulifla looks your daughter up and down, then cracks a crooked smile.
>“This some kinda joke? Who are you, opposite world me?” the foreign Saiyan asks, taking Cauli's hand in her own. Where you see her immediately try and crush your daughter's far larger hand. Unsuccessfully, as Cauli begins squeezing back. Causing the other woman to wince, your daughter then letting her go to shake her hand. “Damn, guess that size isn't for nothing, huh? Don't you go losing to anyone else, once I beat your father, you're next.”
Oh man I'm drawing this tomorrow, I really am
Glad to inspire anon.
Speaking of inspiring, now we can finish up the Broly/Merus fight for the epilogue. Or I can switch tracks and run something entirely different, though I’d have to consider what won’t be spoilers for the tournament. While the incredible Dr. Rota won’t be in this time, he will absolutely be in the ToP. But in this format he’s far too likely to get a 1v1 and just cook your teammates.
Requesting an Earth intermission soon. Preferably our timeline's, but Amaya is fine too.
Earth Intermissions are to rare, if we can get back to broly and the goat thing later than sure, but I wanna see how fucked Earth is.
this too
Saving earth for when a certain someone reaches it. As for Amaya, well. Spoilers. But if not this arc, we'll definitely be seeing her in the next one. Although...
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June's patron epilogue just dropped, ten posts on this board here worth of content, enjoy the read. And speaking of epilogues, already two posts worth in on this week's already. Where Broly figures out what a certain someone really is
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Also, found a very talented new artist. Shoutout to @littlegayboy45_ for their incredible work!
She's to adorable
>little gay boy
Its certainly a name of all time. But they’ve got talent
>But they’ve got talent
He has discipline and determination, not talent. To imply otherwise is fallacy when talking about somebody's craft.
Talent without nurture and hard work is no talent at all. But there are absolutely levels to this. I spent literal years trying to learn to draw to an even passable level, and never got any better. My eyes and brain simply cannot create what my brain sees. I can only copy someone else's work when it comes to drawing, not create my own. Luckily, I eventually found a creative outlet I had talent for, which I didn't know I had and have since honed pretty well over the last seven years.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 220 Epilogue-


“Gyaaaaah!” you cry out as another heavy blow lands true, sending you sliding across the deck and slamming back-first into a large, metal storage crate hard enough to leave a massive dent in the side. “D-Dammit!”
“This fight is over.” Merus says, still not even breathing heavily as he stares down at you. But to his clear surprise you rise once again, wiping the blood from the corner of your mouth with the back of your left hand as you stare down the tiny man. As you lower your hand you grin, you've finally figured him out. You finally realize how he's been beating you so easily, why his moves seem so alien yet so familiar, and why you can't properly sense his movements. But most importantly, what this pressure you've been feeling since he nearly knocked you out with his opening blow. “Why do you keep getting up? You know you can't win.”

“I can't win, huh? You know how many other gods like you have said that same thing to my father, my sister and my little brother?” you ask, Merus' eyes widening in shock at this. Gasps can be heard across the room, none louder than his partner Galactic Patroller Jaco. Whose jaw has dropped looking to his partner. “That's right, little god. I've figured you out. But what I don't get is what a god like you's doing in a place like this?”
“What is this about me being a god?” he asks, not directly denying it but clearly implying he isn't one. So you smirk, rising up to your full height as you take a full, painful deep breath in, sighing out. “What makes you think this, Son of Karn?”

“So, you want to play it this way? Alright. First, that technique. I've only seen it a few times, but there's no denying you're using Ultra Instinct.” you say, the man's eyes widening further. “There's no way someone of my level of skill and experience couldn't beat someone so much 'weaker' than me without a divine technique.”
“Booo! Sour grapes booo!” Jaco calls, your wife turning a furious bright green stare his way. Which shuts him up immediately as you continue.
“Second is this pressure you're exerting with every attack. At your level of physical power, you shouldn't even be able to stagger me, much less send my flying.” you tell him, the man's expression hardening. “Between my mother's Super Saiyan God form and Chaya's People's Champion form, I've grown accustomed to sensing the pressure of divine energy, even if I can't sense divine ki myself.”
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“It would seem you're far more familiar with the divine that any mortal I know.” he retorts, drawing his retractable staff back in a one-handed stance, left palm out towards you. But you're not done yet.
“And third. While you have the same sort of divine pressure, your presence isn't like theirs, or even that of Beerus the Destroyer.” you say, staring the tiny man in the eyes. “No, this pressure is the same as the one who stepped in to stop the Destroyer, at least momentarily during his battle with my parents. You're just like the divine attendant Whis, whose ki I also couldn't sense, even down to the eyes. So, I'll ask you once again: what is a servant of the gods doing here in the mortal realm?”

“Tch.” he exhales through clenched teeth, then in a blur dashes towards you. But you'd anticipated it from his facial reaction, unleashing an omnidirectional blast of Ki.
“HAAAAAA!!” you roar, knocking him back and preventing his fast attack from touching you. Then, as he's flipping back you end the attack, drawing all your ki inward. Condensing and compressing it down until it forms a suit of hardened energy around your body, into the Energy Body technique your father'd taught you. Your ki is several inches thick of glowing emerald ki, Merus landing on his feet and immediately rushing back in. Thrusting his staff at your head faster than you can react, but even if you could you don't dodge. Instead you brace yourself, the staff slamming so hard into your face that you thought it would have shattered. But somehow it doesn't, instead sliding back and shooting right out of his grip.

“Wh-What?!” he exclaims, shocked as his attack fails against the Energy Body. Which is your chance! But you can't attack him, as his body will react. Instead you look over to your wife, seeing her worried expression and reach out to hug her. But instead of your wife, the one before you is Merus instead. Your arms wrapping around him and pulling the Galactic Patrol's deity into your embrace. Pinning the much smaller man to your chest, looking down and smirking down at him as you see your plan worked. “H-H-How? How in all the realms did you do that?”

“Simple. With Ultra Instinct your body reacts to attacks. But I wasn't attacking you.” you reply, the Patroller's eyes widening even further. “And now that I've got you, you have two choices. Surrender, or die.”
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“You think I can-Gaaah?!” he says, you crushing his smaller body against your own. Squeezing all the air out of him, rendering him silent with a wheeze.
“I'm only going to say this once. Nod if you surrender. Or shake your head if you'd rather die than be a prisoner. You have five seconds. Five. Four. Three.”

As you count down you see the realization dawn, but you also see determination burn in his eyes. He doesn't want to back down, but realizes that he can't escape on his own. But just as your count reaches one, the situation changes. As one you and he both sense it, heads snapping towards your right as a powerlevel beyond anything you've ever felt before suddenly appears at the edge of your ki sense.

“What the-?” you say, feeling a fear you haven't felt for years suddenly creeping back in. A fear you first remember feeling on the verge of unconsciousness, looking up as giant metal beings break down the former Guardian's barrier, stomping towards you and your siblings. Powerless in the face of the coming threat. And for all your power now, such a being as the one rapidly approaching is so far beyond anything you've ever felt, it feels just as if not even more threatening than Mechikabura himself. Looking over towards your wife, you glance past Merus, who seems equally as shocked as your wife, everyone who can sense energy all looking the same way while your men all look around confused. But the worst part is you know what is back the way you came, worry filling your guts.

“Mom, is everything okay?” you ask, immediately telepathically reaching out to your mother. Fearing the worst, your panic is quickly calmed as she answers.
“Broly? What's wrong, do you need help?” she asks, you sensing her own worry.
“Did you and dad sense that? That unbelievably powerful energy?” you ask, wondering why it is leaving your family's home. “Is everyone alright?”
“Oh, he headed towards you?” she replies, quickly filling you in on what happened. How it was an android like Cell built on the planet Ubo now lives on, how it can copy people's powers with a look and talked with your father a bit before just... Leaving. “Wonder why he's headed your way?”

“I don't know, but he's almost here so I have to take care of this. Talk later, love you.” you reply, ending the mental connection and looking down at Merus. Who, seemingly sensing your gaze looks up. “Seems that we have a bigger problem approaching.”
“I've never felt a mortal powerlevel like this.” he responds, you both nodding in understanding as you let him go. Then turn to your crew, barking out orders.
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“Everyone, we're moving! We've got incoming, fast, and it's heading right for us! We need to be out of its way, our ship can't handle it!” you shout aloud, your crew all saluting and moving as you then reach out to your second-in-command with a thought. “Incoming threat, massive powerlevel. We're heading out of its way, start backing up immediately.”
“Aye Captain.” comes Can Kag's immediate reply, you ending the link and looking to your still clearly-shocked wife Koriand'r.

“We need a push, back us up hun.” you tell her, Kori blinking a couple times before refocusing on you. “I need you to back the ship up, get us moving out of that thing's way as fast as you can. Let's go.”
“R-Right.” she replies, still a little dazed as you start running towards the airlock. She follows, you both passing through the energy field keeping the atmosphere contained, twin trails of energy in your wake as the two of you fly up to the nose of your ship. You both place your hands on it, spreading your energy out a bit and pushing against it, instead of simply putting your hands through the hull. And with your combined might quickly get the ship moving backwards, backing out of the safe entry path into the asteroid field. Once your ship is moving you both fly back to the entrance, once more passing through the energy field and into the cargo bay. Where Merus is readying his ship to head out, while Jaco calls out to him.

“Are you absolutely insane? We can't go after something like that!” the smaller Patroller shouts to the divine being. “I don't care if you really are some sort of god or something, you know what's back that way? New Salda, home of the Saiyans! If it can get through that planet, we don't stand a chance! You couldn't even beat ONE Saiyan, much less their entire planet!”
“So, you're planning on following that thing?” you ask Merus, who turns to you and nods.
“I won't stop you. But, I would recommend going and telling Lord Beerus.” you tell him, watching the godling freeze in place. “If something that powerful isn't destroyed now, there's no telling-”

“Merus! Jaco! Where are you two?!” a woman's voice angrily calls from the open hatch of Merus' ship, the god leaping up and pressing the button. “Jaco, Merus, come in!”
“Go for Merus.” he replies, the woman shouting even louder at how calm he is.
“Do you idiots have your comms turned off? The Galactic Prison's been breached!” she shouts, you hearing the hint of panic in her angered shouting. “And not only that, on top of someone breaking in, there's a massive powerlevel headed straight towards your signals!”
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“A break in?” you mutter, wondering who would try and break into a prison as one of your men, the Unggoy Duzup in charge of the cargo bay's security team looking from them to you curiously. “No, we're going to let them go. Just this once.”
“Are you sure?” he asks you, then realizes he's just questioned you and backs up a nervous step. But you shake your head, holding a hand out towards him as that massive powerlevel blasts straight past you all. Narrowly missing the nose of your ship.

“At ease, Duzup. No, I'm not sure.” you answer, to which all the pirates again level weapons at the two Galactic Patrol members. “But if they want to go chase down something stronger than my father, it's their funeral.”
“You sure you don't want to join us?” Merus asks you, catching you by surprise. “The Galactic Patrol could use a powerful warrior like yourself, you're the first mortal to ever best me in combat.”
“HA! Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not planning on directly opposing my father and the PTO, after all.” you say to the little godling, holding out your hand. “But try not to get yourself killed out there, eyy? I'd enjoy a rematch sometime.”

“Hmph. Very well. But you won't catch me by surprise so easily next time.” the divine being says, accepting your handshake.
“Thank you for your consideration, but I really must be leaving! See you back at base Merus!” Jaco calls, immediately firing up his ship. You reach out telepathically to Can Kag, letting him know the situation and to let the Galactic Patrol ships leave.
“Are ya sure about this, Capt'n?” he asks worriedly. “If we let them go, they'll come back with an army to take us all in or down.”

“If that happens, we'll take them on. And win.” you reply as the two Galactic Patrol ships disembark, splitting off in different directions. “Send a message to the other ships that the one we marked heading out further into the Outer Rim is not to be intercepted as it is leaving.”
“And the other one?” he asks, you smirking.
“If they can take him in, do it.” you reply, ending the mental link and grabbing your wife. Who giggles as you sweep her off her feet, wrapping her hands around your neck before you both kiss passionately a moment. If the Galactic Patrol ever return, you'll be ready. But for now, you're going to take your wife back to your quarters, and continue enjoying your extended honeymoon.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 220 Epilogue End-
Some are definitely suited towards it more than others, but we ALL start at the bottom and have to work our way up regardless.
I've personally always felt a little insulted by the term "talented" as it makes light of all the effort that went into my progression as a craftsman. Anyways...
Fuuuuuuuyou smarmy shit stain, when we get ahold of you there will be consequences
Also sick as fuck image of pirate captain broly and his hot wife
An epilogue? On the 4th of July? You spoil us, GD.
I can see why some would take offense, if others mean it the wrong way.
Yes, and the full high-quality image is available for and by the patreon supporters, who help me afford commissioning so much art.
Absolutely. Let freedom ring motherfuckers!
>Merus trying to recruit Broly
The Galactic Patrol are real opportunists in this timeline, huh? Atleast he tried.
Well, step one would have to be revoking the little script kiddie's admin access if we want a shot at beating the tar out of him. I don't know how we'd do that, though
Well, mostly the literal angel who just lost to a mortal son of the divine hierarchy's mortal enemy in a fair one-on-one fight. But yes.
Good luck with that, he's behind seven illusion and time distortion evasion spells.
I just had a concerning thought.
How did Fu even get into our timeline in the first place?
The scroll containing our timeline is ON Mechikabura's person right now. This means there are 3 likely scenarios that occured;
>1. Fu came into this timeline and acted with Mechikabura's approval
>2. Fu managed to enter our timeline while evading Mechikabura's detection
>3. Fu tried and failed to enter our timeline while evading detection, but Mechikabura let it happen anyways
The first scenario seems very unlikely given the Dragon's Pact we have with Mechi. The second also feels unlikely given Mechikabura's diligence and expertise.
The third scenario, as a result, stands to be the most probable and also the most concerning. It would demonstrate Mechikabura opportunistically weaseling out of the pact in such a way as to drive our growth (at the expense of the peace we fought so hard to establish)
I hope I'm missing something here, because none of these scenarios mean good things.
Magic. He can cut through dimensions, not needing the Time Scrolls to hop timelines. Also, 1 and 3 are not necessarily exclusive to each other. And OOC Moro sensed Mechikabura through Fu's portal. Now, what that means for your timeline and/or Fu is to be determined. As for what Fu actually did, he only undid Towa's extra protections. He'll remain under the Grand Supreme Kai's spell until and unless something happens to kill Ginyu. As his body never split, ergo the spell sealing Moro away never broke. Her spells would have simply ensured he wouldn't escape even if Buu's body (or a major part of it, like in Z) dies.
24 hours to go until the tournament begins! Who do you think will be the first one out? Find out this weekend when the next episode begins!
Beta Caulifla will be knocked out as she just sprints at our team.
>Who do you think will be the first one out?
Probably that fatass bear again. I'm not entirely sure anybody on Champa's team actually took the time to train or come up with new strategies (besides Cabba and Hit of course)
I was going to say Frost, but I noticed that he got kicked out and was probably executed by now, lol. It's probably going to be Kale or one of the Namekians out first. Probably the green dudes more than Kale.
LATE as fuck but here it is

>our girl's calf is as big as theirs' entire torso
Absolutely MOGGED
Her tits are bigger than her head and her hair
If you guys have more ideas for our Caulifla to mog the shit out of the defunct version, please feel free to share
A possibility.
You have to throw him a lot further, a monster immune to physical force except grabs.
He wasn't asked back, after his shameful performance. Frost is not dead yet, but on the lam.
Yes. Cauli BEEG
Quick question, how smooth can Chilli make a crystal surface?
Depends on how long he has to smooth it out. And what he's trying to do
I ask because I think making frictionless (and high friction) surfaces on the battlefield at will could be pivotal in a scenario where flight isn't an option.
It's hard to stay put or make the most of your strength when you can't put your foot down, ya know?
The problem is such tactics are limited and require more setup to work than the payoff is worth most of the time. Were it the ToP arena and not a forest like this, it would probably work better. But with naturally uneven ground and flight being allowed, such tactics won’t work here.
And in the ToP’s case, it won’t work against someone stronger. As DB-verse proves over and over, even broken powers can be overcome with a wide enough raw power gap. If you’re strong enough you could just put your foot through the crystal, like Jiren simply walking through Goku’s mines. But against weaker ipponents in that tournament it’ll see some success. One of these days, maybe while I’m on vacation later this month I’ll write up a what-if Karn lost to Hit without Hit also losing and then we got Chilli vs Hit.

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