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/qst/ - Quests

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Last time, the secret behind the mysterious hidden room was revealed: You live in a former military base! Also, the ‘speed hobo’ Ichie decided to learn how to use her flame under your wing. Since your apartment is occupied due to a professional inspection and a tiny remodeling, you went to Matilda’s dojo to kill time.

There, you’re welcomed to a concerning sight, Lord Gargoyle is unconscious! He’s on the brink of death in a futon, wearing robes like a ghost. In better news, Wilma’s hair is messy again! Wait, no, your eyes played tricks on you… It’s half messy. It’s better than before, that’s all that matters.

“Who is that?” Matilda doesn’t like the idea that Oliver is bringing more homeless people into the dojo.

“It’s Lord Gargoyle! I mentioned him before, Master! He helped us in our last mission where we soundly defeated Suan De and her forces of relative evil that don’t match our own.” Oliver reminds the ‘Tilda about the Villain’s help. If Lord Gargoyle was conscious, he’d agree.

“We’re not evil, Oliver.” Matilda prefers to be morally gray.

“And that’s not accurate regardless.” Suan De doesn’t remember any of these bums helping you kick her ass. Judging by her face, she’s mildly concerned about Lord Gargoyle.

“Heh.” Matilda likes seeing the former assassin being mocked.

…Ph-Johnny?” Wilma didn’t expect you to be here. You acknowledge her with a powerful hand wave.

“Hey there, Wilma!” You couldn’t help yourself. No matter how powerful your hand wave was, you needed to acknowledge the tomato!

“Lady Wilma has come in clutch helping us nurse him back to health!” Oliver points out how useful the beautiful lady is.

“I want to help whenever I can.” Wilma doesn’t want any credit.

“Ease your worries, everyone! I’m an exceptional carer! Nobody in this room can match my expertise.” Ichie is ready to help the wounded.

“…I have a degree.” Wilma points out. She seems a little uneasy with Ichie’s presence.

“Nice to meet you all. May I ask what happened to him?” Ruby’s curiosity gets the best of her.

“Oliver, a quick report, now.” Matilda wants the news too.

“Well, it all started when I came back from work…” Oliver wants to bring everyone into a flashback, but the forces of nature deny him the showcase. “…I was walking by the sidewalk, when he was launched 20-feet into the air from a sewer hole upwards, and crashed into a tree nearby. The underground pipeline seems to have exploded. Now the mystery lays on… Why was Lord Gargoyle in the sewers? Is there a good reason for anyone to be there?!”

You, Suan De, Ichie, and Ruby exchange glances…That could explain the sewer stench from outside, maybe his dirty clothes are there.

What do you do?

>Tell Matilda, Oliver, and Wilma what happened to you today.
>Ask about Wilma! She’s looking more tomato-esque than last time. What happened? Oh, and ask how she’s doing too.
>Ask Oliver for more details about the incident. He probably noticed more than he’s let on.
>Wait for Lord Gargoyle to wake up to hear his side of the story.
>Write In.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/QM91m
Discord: https://discord.gg/AmjbaTR
Archives: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=do+your+best+quest (Rough Grammar ‘till half of the 9th Thread)
Incomplete Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nIx_dvaNCPQ7zLg2BK_ucCyGNM741kAANxqXj7hdDs/edit?usp=sharing


Votes are counted until 25 minutes have passed. This rule doesn't apply to the last reply of the day.
Votes that require a dice roll are counted until 15 minutes have passed, so we can speed up the process. Rolls are counted until 10 minutes have passed, so be prepared!

(NEW) Dice Mechanic:

We always roll 1d100s!
Since most people weren’t happy with the system of averaging top four rolls, we’re using best of 2/3/4 depending on the attribute a prompt requires. If Johnny is a genius and it’s a Knowledge based roll, he gets more rolls (Max. 7)! If he sucks, he gets less dice (Min. 2)!

When asked for rolls, I will specify how many you’re going to get. Rolling begins after it’s asked.

Rolling 100 is a critical! There are no Critical Failures anymore!

The difficulty of the roll is tied with the effectiveness of the action. In other words, the harder the option the better the result!

Don’t forget that at the end of the day, this is a story-driven quest! What the prompts are describing is more important than the difficulty of the rolls, for results in a fight.

Again, rolls are only counted when they are posted within ten minutes of being asked, so watch out!
>Tell Matilda, Oliver, and Wilma what happened to you today.
Yeah uh... Sorry about that? We had no idea he was also down there!
>>Tell Matilda, Oliver, and Wilma what happened to you today.
>Tell Matilda, Oliver, and Wilma what happened to you today.
>Tell Matilda, Oliver, and Wilma what happened to you today.
>"Just out of curiosity, was he wearing a hazard suit when you found him?"
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“Just out of curiosity, was he wearing a hazard suit when you found him?” You ask before deciding if you should explain what happened today or not.

“Ah? A hazard suit? No, he was in his iconic casual getup!” Oliver recalls. You wouldn’t say that Lord Gargoyle has a casual getup.

“His clothes are drying outside if you’re curious.” Wilma informs. You catch a glimpse of them from where you’re standing through the window and see nothing out of the ordinary.

“Sounds like you know what happened.” Matilda deduces.

“…I thought the exchange of glances made it evident.” Wilma doesn’t know why Matilda is phrasing it like that, recalling when you four looked at each other once the sewers were mentioned.

“Well, allow me to tell you what happened…” You want to drag everyone into a flashback because it’s within your rights as the main character!

You get no flashback, but a skip forward, you tell them what you went through today in excruciating detail.

“The sewer exploded all around the city?!” Oliver thought Lord Gargoyle did this to himself. “Shouldn’t that be all over the news?!”

“Johnny just talked about having a Dark Spirit burst out of his apartment’s walls...” Wilma feels like you all should focus on the evil specter.

“Yes, that’s the reason we’re barging here in the meantime. Thank you for having us again!” Ruby wants to be a good guest as always!

“Already heard a snippet about it.” Matilda didn’t forget your text message and doesn’t care much.

“It’s a noble spirit, mind you!” Ichie protects her flame’s reputation.

“Only the host is indecent.” Suan De deadpans.

“That’s no way to speak about Johnny!” Ichie pouts. Did she use you to deflect criticism?! What a horrible disciple she is!

“I don’t believe she was talking about him…” Wilma points out the obvious. You’re a good boy who deserves no criticism.

“Enough of that! I believe we should create a task force to investigate what happened.” Oliver proposes to the team.

“It is a rather perplexing matter!” Ichie agrees.

“If you’re so inclined, good luck.” Matilda sends Oliver on his way.

“J-Just me?” Oliver expected more of a team effort.

“I’d love to go, but I’m getting used to my new surroundings! Here!” Ichie pushes Suan De forward. “This woman is an expert sewer escapist! She should tag along!”

“Don’t ever do that again, you impudent girl.” Suan De glares at the inexperienced hobo, then sighs. “I’ll go, I suppose.” Suan De feels a degree of debt towards the unconscious villain.

“Master, are you coming along?” Oliver wants more members on the team.

“No. I just got here.” Matilda isn’t planning on moving a muscle.

“W-What if I paid you to come along?” Oliver acts like it hurts to take out his wallet.

“Rent is due. You already owe me money.” Matilda won’t budge a muscle.

“...Master of the Lightsbane, how about you?” Oliver relies on you for this.

You already had an adventure today, plus you’re tired from yesterday. But investigating isn’t taxing…

What do you do?

>Stay here and talk to Wilma. Something’s off with the way she’s looking at Ichie.
>Stay here and relax. You’re a tired man.
>Send Ichie to help them. Pretend it’s training.
>Tell Oliver to stay put and watch the news.
>Go with them! You’ll uncover this mystery too!
>Write In.
>>Stay here and talk to Wilma. Something’s off with the way she’s looking at Ichie.
>Stay here and talk to Wilma. Something’s off with the way she’s looking at Ichie.
Recognize her?
>Stay here and talk to Wilma. Something’s off with the way she’s looking at Ichie.
>"So, what's up Wilma, how you doing?, do you know the new hobo?"
Yeah this is also good, +1
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“Eh, I’m good. With Suan De, you two are more than qualified to get the job done.” You shrug. It’d be irresponsible to leave the people who depend on you alone. Oliver and Suan De are more than capable of handling anything themselves. “Call us if you need anything.”

Buahihehu… Very well!” Leo Major enjoys being prompted up.

You, call us.” Matilda tells Suan De that she’s the one responsible for alerting the danger. Oliver tends to exaggerate.

“I already have an idea of what kind of man he is.” Suan De nods. There's one thing that you can say for certain about the Slob Dragon and that is that she's a team player. You can feel she’s being extra cooperative; out of guilt, perhaps? You don’t blame her for what happened to your apartment, but guilt makes some people act funny.

With that (and an oversized magnifying glass), the explorer team leaves the nest to find the answers about what brought down the gargoyle.

You all settle down around the man’s corpse to watch TV and wind down, even if a certain hobo protests.

“Dear teacher, why are we frittering our time? I know there must be a lesson or two you can instruct me on!” Ichie is way too eager to learn. “I must learn how to wield my new abilities as soon as possible.”

“Hmm, did you change your mind? Not interested in nursing him back to help anymore?” Matilda recalls.

“Oh, I never back down on my word! But he’s been effectively treated…” Ichie knows Wilma did a good job and has nothing better to do.

“Ichie, everyone’s tired. Let’s just relax for the rest of the day, you earned it.” You tell your pupil to behave.

“Earned it? Everyone knows the best reward for finishing your task is to earn more tasks to complete!” Ichie is prime mobile phone whale material.

“Working yourself to the bone won’t get you far, Ichie. Quite the opposite. You’ll whittle down until you can’t move a muscle.” Ruby invites Ichie to calm down. “Lay down next to me and let’s enjoy each other’s company.” She feels like it’s her job to instruct your new hobo on how to be normal. Like an older dog teaching a puppy to behave.

“Very well!” The hyperkinetic Ichie accepts orders from you and Ruby, no one else.
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“So, what’s up, Wilma, how you doing?” You ask. Wilma doesn’t look as anxious as last time. “Do you know the new hobo?”

“…Hobo?” This Wilma isn’t aware of this scientific terminology.

“I mean Ichie.” You clear your throat. Good thing you didn’t call her a trash hobo.

“You have side-eyed her the entire time, Ms. Wilma.” Matilda noticed.

“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. But, yes, I... Looking back into my memories isn’t as debilitating as it once was. As to say, they aren’t fuzzy or painful, even if I have a hard time recalling them on my own.” Wilma says. “It’s a bit upsetting, I thought my trauma refrained me from looking at them, but now, they feel like they’re not part of me anymore...”

“That’s better in a way. You can function normally.” You take the good with the bad. “I imagine Ichie triggered something.”

“Yes, I’m very well aware of who she is.” Wilma looks more fierce than fearful. What going through a bubble does to a gal…

“Oh? You’re aware of my virtues and countless accomplishments? Please, do tell everyone!” Ichie can’t wait to get praised! She moved away from Ruby the moment she realized she was the topic of your conversation. She doesn’t recognize the Tomato. Odd.

You can feel it in your blood, this won’t end well. Ichie’s dumb little heart will be shattered into a million pieces if she listens to Wilma.

What do you do?

>Let Wilma talk. After the Bubble mayhem, watching this tomato taking the initiative is heartwarming!
>Send Ichie away while you all talk privately. Send her to clean the second floor or something.
>“We all know she’s a hobo.” Bring Ichie down yourself. It’s better if you leave this topic for another time.
>Tell Ichie to listen closely. This is make or break.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>"Hey Pudding-head, before we start, did you left some pudding, or should I make some for everyone while you two talk?"
>Let Wilma talk. After the Bubble mayhem, watching this tomato taking the initiative is heartwarming!
>Tell Ichie to listen closely. This is make or break.
>>Tell Ichie to listen closely. This is make or break.
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But so be it, you have a lingering sensation that Ichie needs to be ripped a new one for how she is. And as a teacher, you have to look after your students for the long haul, no matter how fragile they are. This can’t start right away though, you need to make sure of one little detail.

“Hey Pudding-head, before we start did you leave some pudding, or should I make some for everyone while you two talk?” You don’t want to leave Wilma dry! She needs her sugar!

…?! P-Pudding-head?!” No matter her stage in life, Wilma doesn’t like being called a pudding-head.

“Again? Johnny, you’re obsessed with making pudding.” Matilda finds this concerning.

“What? You can’t become obsessed with cooking one specific dessert. Don’t be silly, Sillytilda.” You find Matilda’s comments odd to say the least.

“What did you call me?” Matilda caught the aberration in her name.

Nothing.” You know the one thing more sweet than pudding is Plausible Deniability. “Anyway, your response?” You turn to the flustered tomato.

“Enough with the pudding.” Matilda won’t let you get away with it.

“Let’s not go too far…” Wilma has limits.

“You’re compromised. If Oliver was here, he’d attest to this oddity.” Matilda won’t let this go.

“To call it an oddity is a bit much, isn’t it? Johnny enjoys cooking, and he wants to make Ms. Wilma’s favorite. There isn’t much to it.” Ruby adds to the conversation. “Some of us love cooking!”

“Well, I don’t love love it. But I don’t mind.” You’re not a chef.

“You cook at every opportunity you get. Who are you trying to trick?” Matilda doesn’t buy it.

“That’s true…” Ruby finds your last comment strange as well.

“Point is, Matilda, stop this anti-pudding rhetoric.” You don’t want to waggle your finger, but you’ll do it if you must.

“It’s offensive.” Wilma says in jest.

“I fail to see what makes this dessert so great to deserve preventing me from getting the praise I was about to hear.” Ichie is part of the anti-pudding movement too out of spite.

“You two will see when I’m done cooking!” You’ll rise to the occasion.

“Didn’t we go through something similar? Put it to rest.” Matilda frowns. Well, as far as she usually frowns, which isn’t much. “Ms. Wilma, you were about to speak your mind to… this girl.”

“At last! Let’s focus on what’s really important, and not a second-rate dish from an impoverished land.” Ichie is super ready!
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“Well then, Ichie, listen closely. This is make or break.” You lament the fact that she won’t have the dessert ready to soften the punch. But she made her bed…

Ichie Saionji, do you not recognize me?” Wilma starts.

“I’m sorry! All I have caught is a mere glimpse of your face. You, the disenfranchised, tend to turn violent when making eye contact with a benevolent figure like myself. Your misguided resentment is unpredictable. But once I fix society, we’ll all be able to look at each other face to face! It’ll be wonderful!” Ichie excuses herself. What are you? A band of chimpanzees? Is that why she refrains from looking at your face…?

Oh goodness gracious…” Ruby feels second-hand embarrassment from the other side of the room. This has occurred to her a bunch of times in the past, and the redhead still struggles to deal with it.

“Ichie, you wouldn’t be here today if my husband and I didn’t go back to look for you, don’t you remember?” Wilma furrows her eyebrows.

“I have no recollection of such events.” Ichie is puzzled by the revelation.

“You served as a damsel in distress for the heroic boy to save from the magical forest. The little boy refused to move a muscle for an annoying little girl, and your own father left you for dead. ’If she dies, I’ll find another’, he said.” Wilma recalls.

“Do not speak ill of my father! He wouldn’t be so callous!” Ichie doesn’t believe a word coming from the tomato’s mouth.

I’ll speak however I please about the man who murdered my husband.” Wilma glares back.

Oh my god.” Ruby puts both hands on her mouth.

Matilda slowly turns her head to you, in mild disbelief, like scolding you for bringing this girl here. To be fair, you’re a moron.

“Oh! I know where this is going!” Ichie giggles. “Lies, lies, and lies! I have heard it all my entire life. Speaking ill of my father won’t bring your husband back to life, Ms. Widow! I bet this is all a big misunderstanding!”

Okay, some bombs have been shelved, you were expecting Wilma to call out Ichie for all her eccentricities, but this is turning into a way different territory! Ichie refusing to listen to Wilma will cause issues unless…

What do you do?

>Let Wilma cry. Her flashback tears will show the truth. (QM Note: This won’t affect the Bubble Dimension. That’s San Wich’s power.)
>Tell Ichie to stop refusing the truth! It’s time she knows her obviously serial killer father is, in fact, a serial killer.
>You know, it’s better that you, uh, take Ichie away before this gets ugly. Maybe having a 1-on-1 conversation with her will show the error of her ways!
>Write In.
>Tell Ichie to stop refusing the truth! It’s time she knows her obviously serial killer father is, in fact, a serial killer.
We met him personally
>You know, it’s better that you, uh, take Ichie away before this gets ugly. Maybe having a 1-on-1 conversation with her will show the error of her ways!
>>Tell Ichie to stop refusing the truth! It’s time she knows her obviously serial killer father is, in fact, a serial killer.
>Let Wilma cry. Her flashback tears will show the truth. (QM Note: This won’t affect the Bubble Dimension. That’s San Wich’s power.)
Tell her to play Persona 4
>Tell Ichie to stop refusing the truth! It’s time she knows her obviously serial killer father is, in fact, a serial killer.
>Write-in: Tell her that not every parent is a good person towards others and/or their children, after all your step-father tried to kill you just for some dirty money
>Let Wilma cry. Her flashback tears will show the truth. (QM Note: This won’t affect the Bubble Dimension. That’s San Wich’s power.)
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“Ichie, don’t refuse the truth.” You say, being serious for the first time towards her.

“Don’t call this the truth! My family is being lambasted with nothing but petty lies!” Ichie is furious for the first time you’ve seen her. The flame on her neck grows in size, but it serves as a reminder to keep her emotions in check, her distressed eyes latch on it as she breathes in and out to calm down. She doesn’t want the fire to get out of control.

“You question Ms. Wilma’s character?” Matilda stoically reaffirms her loyalties.

“S-She questioned mine first!” Ichie retorts like a brat.

“She’s talking about your father. Not every parent is a good person to others, or to their own kids. I know that, my own step-father tried to kill me for dirty money.” You point out even if you don’t have the time to unpack that right now.

“But we’re not like you! We’re exemplary people! The very best! We dedicate all our time to help everyone in a meaningful way. We understand our duty!” Ichie hisses.

“Ichie, I know how difficult it is, but we have to come to terms with our families’ shady past. It’s the first step.” Ruby doesn’t hold Ichie’s tantrum against her.

“The first step for what? Being disowned?” Ichie doesn’t get it.

“To become better people. To be free and help others heal.” Ruby smiles. Woah, you didn’t know Ruby was all philosophical. You wonder what she majors in. It’s not uncommon for a philosophy student to drop out of college…

“T-The slander has to be true first to ever consider that…” Ichie says with restrained emotion. Almost like the façade is dropping.

“Will you deny that you aren’t this girl…?” Wilma is in tears…

The Bubble Wilma’s tears are forming shows the image of a little girl crying in a cage hidden in a tree, like a tree house you should’ve shoved Amelia in when you were little. Obviously, the little girl greatly resembles Ichie. Unlike her trick inside the bubble, the images are neater, and have some sound. You hear Wilma’s voice reassuring the little caged hobo that everything is going to be fine, as she breaks into the cage. It appears she and her husband are working together to take her out. The Tomato tells her husband that his brother and his friends are still a bunch of psychopaths. Other children are following the couple, all in rough shape.

You notice that Matilda is lying on the ground, afraid of being sucked into the bubble again. When she realizes that this one doesn’t work that way, she stands up, and pretends nothing happened. But you saw it and you’ll never forget it.

Ruby is watching in awe. She has no clue what’s going on anymore.
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You’re… It can’t be…” Ichie holds her head. “T-This is an illusion… from an evil spirit…! With high-end animatronics…! This doesn’t change anything…” Ichie convinces herself. People using practical effects in this day and age? Unthinkable! Ichie has lost it!

Matilda glares at Ichie, just utterly confused that these sentences can be made in this context.

“How about this…?” Wilma takes a deep breath and…

A horrific scene plays out, a struggle between two burly men, one masked and the other with his face uncovered. It’s Wilma’s husband fighting a masked assailant, until deafening gunshots end the match. One of them drops onto the ground. The soon-to-be bloody corpse is now full of bullets – one of the saviors of the children from the last scene– lays flat on his back, with his last dying breath begging for the two demonic masked figures to not hurt his wife and child.

The slender figure who kept his distance cackles and reaffirms that he’ll comply with his brother’s last request, then he grabs a little child by the head as he steps out of the dimly lit room. Kid is crying for his father. The assailant with the child in hand remarks to his accomplice that this is as fun as it always is, the other chuckles in agreement.

Now he comes closer to obscure the view, picks up our protagonist, and she smacks the shit out of his face to reveal the face underneath the mask of the man who killed her husband: Doctor Stefan Saionji.

“One more of those, lady. And your husband won’t look pretty for the funeral.” Murderer Stefan Saionji starts strangling Wilma with one hand, as he points his gun at the dead man’s unscathed face. Other masked men come over to grab Wilma away.

“He won’t have one. HahHAhahHAha…!” The slender accomplice laughs his heart out from the other room. From that direction, one gunshot comes in and lands on the husband’s he—

The vision abruptly ends. Wilma drops down to her knees. She can’t continue.

Ruby couldn’t watch. Tears have already formed on her face.

Matilda stared at the vision, wishing it ended any other way.

Lord Gargoyle is still unconscious.

A passing thought crosses your mind, you’re glad Oliver didn’t have to see this.

Ichie tried to grab the bubble with one of her hands. She loses her footing, now she’s face to face with Wilma.

Y-Y-You want to hurt me, don’t you…?” Ichie’s voice breaks. “I can’t be an instrument for your r-revenge.. M-My father doesn’t love me anymore! He disowned me! I’m useless…!” Ichie cowers in fear.

“I don’t care.” Wilma shakes her head.
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D-Don’t kill me, please…!” Ichie is crying and trembling in fear. She’s jumping to wild conclusions.

“I won’t.” Wilma isn’t seeking revenge, at least, not with this girl. She grabs Ichie’s hands. “Just please, stop being an unbearable idiot and help everyone out.” She channeled her inner Chio with that one. This isn’t a heartwarming moment to her, she’s just doing what she thinks is best for everyone she cares for.

…I PROMISE.” Ichie looks Wilma in the eyes for the first time, breaking into different type of tears, you don’t know which type, but hey, better than crying for her life…

What do you do?

>“…I’m definitely making some pudding now.” You need to cheer people up.
>“I’ll make sure she helps out.” Promise to Wilma too. You’ll be responsible for Ichie.
>“Sorry for making you go through that, Wilma.” Apologize to the Tomato.
>Write In.

What’s next?

>Lord Gargoyle wakes up. He tells you what happened.
>Oliver and Suan De return with answers.
>Actually, your phone is ringing for some reason. You thought it died in the Sewer Mayhem, check it out!
>Bradford Jr. comes back with a surprise.
>You chill for the rest of the day because you deserve it.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we return tomorrow! Sorry for the delay!)
>>“Sorry for making you go through that, Wilma.” Apologize to the Tomato.
>“…I’m definitely making some pudding now.” You need to cheer people up.
>Lord Gargoyle wakes up. He tells you what happened.
>“I’ll make sure she helps out.” Promise to Wilma too. You’ll be responsible for Ichie.
>“Sorry for making you go through that, Wilma.” Apologize to the Tomato.
>“…I’m definitely making some pudding now.” You need to cheer people up.
>Bradford Jr. comes back with a surprise.
Let our trusty knight come so he can use his comfy powers to alleviate the pain in both girls
>“I’ll make sure she helps out.” Promise to Wilma too. You’ll be responsible for Ichie.
>“Sorry for making you go through that, Wilma.” Apologize to the Tomato.
>“…I’m definitely making some pudding now.” You need to cheer people up.
>Lord Gargoyle wakes up. He tells you what happened.
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You believe enough time has passed that your upcoming intervention won’t be awkward.

“Sorry for making you go through that, Wilma. I’ll make sure she helps out.” You profusely apologize for bringing Ichie over, and forcing this poor tomato to go back to memory lane, Trauma Boulevard. As Ichie’s teacher, you have to take responsibility. And as a Hobo Tamer, you needed to find better specimens.

“It’s not your fault.” Wilma wryly smiles as she lets go of the panicking hobo.

P-Please, keep holding me…” Ichie wiggles her hands like she washed her hands. Wilma stares at her without uttering a word.

“I’ll take care of her, please, have your moment…” Ruby drags Ichie away before things get awkward. The Trash hobo will only find comfort with the Redhead Violinist.

“You need to start associating with better people.” Matilda doesn’t mince her words towards you. She is concerned, not only as your friend, but as your martial arts master too. Suan De and Ichie are an abysmal track record. One of them is partially her fault. You can feel Ruby agreeing from afar but she won’t voice her concerns like a coward. Not about the new hobo girls exactly, but other people. “Ms. Wilma, I have to apologize as well. If there’s anything we can do, please let us know.” The serious girl turns her attention to the grieving mother.

“…I already said it’s none of your fault.” Wilma gets a little annoyed about repeating her sentiment. She barely gets why you’re apologizing for.

“Offer still stands.” Matilda wants to help.

“The offer is enough reward itself.” Wilma doesn’t want any grand gestures. You hate when people do that, you want them to say what they want instead of going in circles! You’ll have to propose something yourself.

“Well, I’m definitely making some pudding now.” You need to cheer people up!

“I’ll allow it…” Matilda sighs. “And yes, there are enough ingredients in the fridge.”

Yay!” You cheer with subdued enthusiasm. Wilma seems very pleased, as one can be after what happened.

As you were planning on leaving for the kitchen, a villainous force wakes up from its slumber.

“Pardon, has the previous scene played out in its entirety?” Lord Gargoyle asks Ruby, who is standing the closest to him.

“I… suppose?” Ruby doesn’t know how to react to this madness.

An evil fiend! I’ll vanquish it to fulfill my promise!” Ichie is looking for salt in her pocket. Why is she acting like she didn’t see him before?

“Oh lordy, do try, let’s see how far you can get.” Lord Gargoyle pulls his sleeves up, he is ready to throw some punches.
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“Stop, you two.” Matilda doesn’t want chaos inside her dojo. “Were you playing dead the entire time?” Matilda stares at the mask’s eyes like they’re functional.

“Halfway through, yes. I decided not to interrupt, a professional villain knows timing, and a house guest knows not to be disrespectful.” Lord Gargoyle tries to be as maliciously cordial as possible. “Thank you for having me, Ms. Spice. My dastardly accomplice, Leo Major, has told me much about you.”

“Like what for example?” Matilda is afraid her apprentice is doing bad marketing.

“Your devotion for the coin.” Lord Gargoyle pulls a wallet from beneath his mask, and hands some cold cash to Matilda. She pockets it.

“…You’re welcome to stay the evening.” Matilda won’t kick him out. The masked man nods.

“Also, my condolences for whoever the tape was about.” The villain played dead a bit too well.

“There’s no need…” Wilma feels like she keeps repeating herself.

“Hey, Lord Gargoyle.” You casually say.

“Salutations, Host of the Lightsbane. I see you’ve been doing well.” Lord Gargoyle is happy to see you here.

“Can’t say the same for you. What happened? Oliver told us he found you unconscious on the street.” You’re going to finally get some answers.

“Oh, yes, that. The defense protocol was activated to fend the intruders from the Temple. I ended up as collateral. Shame, but I’m alive and ready to continue my devious schemes as my life of terror continues.” Lord Gargoyle casually explains.

Oh, that explains everything, you’re glad you had this conversation. Now time to move on.

What do you do?

>“Can I get some delicious context while I make some important pudding?” You can cook and receive information at the same time. Cool, isn’t it?
>“I’ll call Oliver to tell him you’re fine.” You feel like that will ease his worries.
>“That’s awful. Anyway, who is ready for some dessert?” Wiggle your eyebrows. That’s all you need to know.
>Write In.
>“Can I get some delicious context while I make some important pudding?” You can cook and receive information at the same time. Cool, isn’t it?
Defense protocol? Temple? In the sewers?
>>“I’ll call Oliver to tell him you’re fine.” You feel like that will ease his worries.
>“Can I get some delicious context while I make some important pudding?” You can cook and receive information at the same time. Cool, isn’t it?
>“Can I get some delicious context while I make some important pudding?” You can cook and receive information at the same time. Cool, isn’t it?
>“I’ll call Oliver to tell him you’re fine.” You feel like that will ease his worries.
>“I’ll call Oliver to tell him you’re fine.” You feel like that will ease his worries.
>“Can I get some delicious context while I make some important pudding?” You can cook and receive information at the same time. Cool, isn’t it?
>"Also, Wilma, I met one of your old friends a while ago from one of the idol's I'm managing, Grace. Would you like to visit her sometime? I'd be glad to act as moral support, should you need it."
+1, reminder our og hobo's mother is Chio, so we should add that we could help her get a meeting with her
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“Cool. I’ll call Oliver to tell him you’re fine.” You pull out your phone. It appears it is weirdly malfunctioning due to the Sewer Problem you had, it has like an Odetta-shaped noise on the screen. By that, you mean static and a picture of Odetta, you don’t remember taking a pic of her. Well, the phone is fine after you shake it. You dial Oliver’s number, but he doesn’t answer, you text him instead. “He isn’t answering, I left him a message on Chat-Now.”

“He never checks his phone.” Matilda doesn’t want anybody to worry.

“I texted Suan De too, and she gave me a thumbs up. So, we’re clear.” You confirm that everything is okay. “By the way, Lord Gargoyle, can I get some delicious context while I make some important pudding?”

“You got that backwards.” Matilda finds your wording off.

“Right. Lord Gargoyle, can I get some delicious pudding while I make some important context?” You deadpan.

“Are you having a stroke?” Matilda didn’t appreciate your great sense of humor.

“No! It can’t be! I just met him…!” Ichie laments your demise as she hugs Ruby.

“They’re joking, Ichie. Don’t take it seriously, please.” Ruby softly reminds Ichie that she’s supposed to stop being dumb.

“You’re asking me to relay the captivating details to a captivated audience? Don’t mind if I do.” Lord Gargoyle gets out of the futon!

“…To the kitchen then.” Wilma is ready to assist you and prompts everyone to move along!

Inside the kitchen, the retelling begins! Not before everyone introduces themselves to the new demonic entity here. You’re working your magic alongside Wilma, while everyone else is sitting around a small table. With one caveat, Ichie is sitting on top of Ruby’s lap like a baby. You have no idea what’s wrong with this Hobo.

“So, a defense protocol? A temple? In the sewers? What’s that all about?” You ask the man in the mask.

“I’m not well acquainted with the lore, but my amazing abilities as a public speaker will make due. Pay close attention as I’ll keep it as simple and easily digestible as I expect the pudding to be.” Lord Gargoyle won’t go on long. “The City’s largest Homeless Shelter serves as a front for what dwells underneath. An ancient building that inexplicably found itself buried deep into the abyss. A bunker for the ones who gave up their homes. A place where the dance fever never ends. The eternal rhythm is enlightened by a fury of colors. The Earthquake of Joy. What lies underneath the structure connected to the sewers is known as the Original Temple of Courage.”

“Excuse me! This sounds like absolute nonsense! Why are we listening to this?” Ichie doesn’t like this story.

“It’s all real like my blue eyes.” Lord Gargoyle points at his mask.
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“Exactly what happened to you?” Matilda buys it completely because you went to the bubble and experienced something similar. Well, not Matilda, she didn’t visit the temple as far as you recall.

“The Temple was raided by the Police and its new fancy unit, chasing after Fiend Wielders like myself. The Police and the Homeless are natural enemies, you see. Aside from this fact, I have little knowledge of who was involved.” Lord Gargoyle explains. “We defended the front as long as we could, but we were overwhelmed. The head of the Temple initiated the Defense Protocol, and flooded the Temple using the sewers.”

“That sounds disgusting.” Ruby doesn’t want to imagine it. In fact, she’s having a hard time imagining everything. “I-I’m sorry, I was a little too blunt with my language.”

“Disgustingly beautiful, may I say...” Lord Gargoyle looks a little nostalgic. “People might say it’s a miracle I survived, but I’m *that* skillful. Super Villainy doesn’t require miracles.”

“Are you homeless, Lord Gargoyle?” It’s Wilma’s turn to ask something. Pudding is going along well, by the way, no chance of ruining it with the Tomato’s help.

“No. I live in a cube. I merely sympathize with whoever is considered a waste of resources! Everyone has the potential to be an effective minion with enough backing.” Lord Gargoyle shakes his head.

“Well said!” Ichie agrees. Ichie shouldn’t agree, she’s supposed to be a good girl.

“…I’m sorry.” Wilma feels bad for him. She used to hate her cube.

“What for?” Lord Gargoyle doesn’t get it. “Feel sorry for those who I failed to defend.”

What do you do?

>Tell everyone it’s time to relax. Enough action for the day. Time for delicious pudding.
>Propose to Matilda that Lord Gargoyle should stay here until things calm down.
>Double-check your phone. Something is off about it.
>Tell Wilma about Grace.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>Tell everyone it’s time to relax. Enough action for the day. Time for delicious pudding.
>Tell Wilma about Grace and Chio
>Double-check your phone. Something is off about it.
>Tell Wilma about Grace and Chio
>Propose to Matilda that Lord Gargoyle should stay here until things calm down.
>Double-check your phone. Something is off about it.
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“Well, let’s take it easy. Enough adventures for the day.” You say as you finish cleaning the dishes you used to make the dessert. The pudding should be ready soon, it’s been almost an hour since you left it to chill inside the fridge.

“I hope for no more surprises.” Ruby had barely recovered from the shock she had when she returned to the apartment.

“Agreed, I don’t want to see someone else at death’s door again.” Wilma recalls her shock from Lord Gargoyle’s arrival.

“I only went to school, I haven’t done anything except help with the campaign.” Matilda had a boring day. Like a nerd. Who goes to school? Not you, you’re a rebel, and your rebel yell is homemade desserts.

“Praise these peaceful days, young girl. One day, the world will be shrouded in darkness by yours truly.” Lord Gargoyle says.

“Not if I stop you first, Lord Gargoyle! If that’s your real name!” Ichie declares war on the fiend.

“Of course, it’s not.” Ruby scoffs at the idea. “Right?” She looks around for reassurance. “R-Right…?

“It’s the only name that matters...” Lord Gargoyle looks away, poetically.

“Right. I have no intention of being rude, but are we going to address the fact that we’ve been calling him Lord Gargoyle this entire time?” Ruby wanted to bring up this topic earlier, but didn’t find the right time. “Why are we playing along?”

“It’s fun. It’s like we’re in a fantasy world.” Wilma smiles.

“Do you want to call a guy who looks like this Steven or something?” Matilda raises an eyebrow. Is that why Matilda never calls Oliver by his dumb nickname? She thinks he doesn’t commit to the bit enough for her liking? You find this odd.

“I just want to know what his real name is.” Ruby dryly retorts.

“This hopeless world is far more entertaining with a little bit of undecipherable secrets.” Lord Gargoyle refuses to indulge Ruby.

“I will respect your wishes, then.” Ruby gives up. She doesn’t want to be rude or annoying.

“Now that that’s wrapped up, Pudding is ready!” You take it out of the fridge! It’s time to feast!

You all share a wonderful time eating the pudding as you should. As the feast continues, the conversation splits into different fronts. You begin chatting with your kitchen assistant directly about her missing brethren. The others are busy being entertained by Lord Gargoyle’s parlor tricks.

“I wanted to tell you something.” You start.

Hmm?” Wilma munches like she’s eating gum.
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“I found Grace and Chio.” You talked to the first one, and the latter one you know is stalking her bovine. “Are you interested in meeting them again soon?”

“…After all these years, I’m not sure if we should. What happened in the other world is much more different than in this reality. I don’t think it’d end well.” Wilma laments. “I tried looking them up online, but I don’t know how to use these things…”

“I think if Chio heard you right now, she’d beat you up with a baseball bat for being such a dummy for even doubting it.” You channel your inner Chio. Aside from the flames themselves, Chio is probably the most channeled force in this entire world.

…?!!!” Wilma is in shock. “H-How can you be so sure?”

“I’m not entirely certain about the weapon of choice.” You shake your head. You know Matilda has a bat lying around, so Chio would grab it if she had the chance. There’s also the fry pan, or maybe she doesn’t feel creative and would stab Wilma right in the eyes with her brush.

“N-Not that.” Wilma shakes her head.

“The only way to find out is to call them.” You pull out your phone. Maybe you can talk to Nariko and Carol about this. It’s also the perfect opportunity to double-check your phone after the weird glitch it had before.

To your surprise, what you previously crudely described as an Odetta-shaped noise has returned, but it’s no mere picture anymore, but a GIF of her contorting in pain – like she went through the worst rollercoaster of her life but she has nowhere to puke. But what’s strange is that the animation continues in perpetuity, similar to watching someone through a security camera. She’s superimposed on top of your wallpaper and other apps like an annoying streamer.

“Huh…” You keep watching Little O.

Instead of shaking your phone, you tap the screen. You clearly see this Odetta virus react with annoyance upon being touched. She’s saying something, but your speaker is off.

What do you do?

>Shake her away again. Text both girls to arrange a future Tomato Meeting.
>Raise the volume, place the phone between you and Wilma, and then talk to the Virus.
>Excuse yourself to the bathroom to have a private talk with the virus.
>Put away your phone, you’ll deal with this later. The others should arrive and you’ll be able to return to your apartment.
>Put away your phone, Bradford Jr. is about to arrive! You can feel it!
>Write In.
>>Raise the volume, place the phone between you and Wilma, and then talk to the Virus.
others must witness our daily shenanigans
>Raise the volume, place the phone between you and Wilma, and then talk to the Virus.
>"Hello hello Odetta virus, I know that you want to taste the pudding that I made, you don't have to be so roundabout about it with this method if that's why you appeared on my phone"
>Text both girls to arrange a future Tomato Meeting when we finish dealing with Odetta virus
>Raise the volume, place the phone between you and Wilma, and then talk to the Virus.
>Raise the volume, place the phone between you and Wilma, and then talk to the Virus.
>Use your finger to pat the Viruses head.
>"Hello hello Odetta virus, I know that you want to taste the pudding that I made, you don't have to be so roundabout about it with this method if that's why you appeared on my phone"
>Text both girls to arrange a future Tomato Meeting when we finish dealing with Odetta virus
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“Is there something wrong?” Wilma notices your unusual reaction to the events on the screen.

“Kinda.” You have mixed feelings about this. “Look.” You show the Odetta Virus to a girl who probably has no idea how this new technology works.

“Oh right, you went through the sewers. You can’t afford another one?” Wilma puts two and two together out loud.

“No, it’s what’s on the screen that’s bothering me.” You point at the little O. “I think it’s a virus, and know exactly why she’s here.”

“Pray tell.” The curious Wilma acts like your little detective assistant.

“You’ll find out.” You place the phone on the table between you two with the speakers on, full volume. You pat the Virus head with the tip of your finger. “Hello, hello, Odetta-Virus.”

“Hold off with the poking, I said! I told you my head is a worse scramble than my eggs on my breakfast...” Odetta-Virus would slap your hand if her own weren’t busy holding her head.

“I know that you want to taste the pudding that I made, you don't have to be so roundabout about it with this method if that's why you appeared on my phone.” You deduce with your large Knowledge that the Cheese provided.

“So that’s why.” Wilma, for some reason (a valid one), agrees with your deduction. “Is this your friend?”

“Kinda, at least it’s her virus version.” You shrug. So Odetta is a hacker just like Susie…

“What? What are you talking about? I’m trying to collect my thoughts here! Like literally! And BWOh…” Odetta sounds like she’s about to puke. “…False alarm. I’m good. I’m dandy. I’m dying, I should’ve conducted more tests on this… Wait, you said pudding?”

“Mhm.” You nod.

“What are you? A grandma? EHUK!” Odetta starts coughing after being a meanie.

“Pudding is for all ages.” Wilma retorts.

“Do you mind if I use my phone? I need to make some calls.” You ask politely to the virus.

“Don’t fucking dare. I saved this goddamn thing from imploding, it’s the least you can do.” The Odetta-Virus growls. “Just leave it be, I just need another couple of hours. Stuff might get weird if you do anything. Only psychos like weird stuff. You are not a psycho, right? You’re a total friendly dude, right?”

You can’t believe the world is so rude to bring more adventures after you officially said there were enough for the day.

What do you do?

>Ignore the Odetta-Virus and make the calls/texts. You’re not going to believe a virus.
>“Why are you here anyway?” If not for the pudding, why else?
>“There must be something we can do to help.” Begrudgingly accept this adventure.
>“I know how to help.” Pet the Odetta one more time.
>Write In.
>>Ignore the Odetta-Virus and make the calls/texts. You’re not going to believe a virus.
>“Why are you here anyway?” If not for the pudding, why else?
>"If you behave badly by like destroying my phone or something I will shake the phone and poke you constantly through the screen so don't be a bad girl, if you do behave well there may be pudding as a reward, and maybe accept your request"
>“Why are you here anyway?” If not for the pudding, why else?
>“There must be something we can do to help.” Begrudgingly accept this adventure.
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“Why are you here anyway?” You don’t understand, if not for pudding, why else? Is she lying to save face? Is being a Pudding-head that bad?

“New favor: Don’t ask me that. True total friendly dudes don’t ask questions that’d leave you on the bottom of the sea with brand new concrete shoes.” Influencer Odetta doesn’t recommend the clothing brand Mafiosis™. “Don’t make me do something you won’t like!”

“Let me be clear, if you behave badly by, like, destroying my phone or something, I will shake the phone and poke you constantly through the screen, so don’t be a bad girl. if you do behave well there may be pudding as a reward, and maybe I’ll accept your request.” You make your terms clear.

“For the last time, I don’t want pudding!” TechnOdetta gets annoyed by the offer.

I don’t know, pudding sounds nice…” A proportionally smaller Odetta-Virus appears and says. The one you have been talking to grabs her, and inserts her back into her body like a 3D character without collision detection.

Ignore that.” The Bigger Odetta Virus pretends this is fine.

“What was that?” Wilma is pretty impressed by the technology.

“You too, Rosy cheeks! Not a word!” Odetta-Virus grits her teeth.

“Then answer my question please.” You firmly ask.

BLUGh… Fine, I’ll talk. Torture doesn’t get reliable information, just sayin’. Besides, I’ll call the N.U. if you touch me.” The Odetta-Virus will reveal the reason she was programmed for. “I’m spyin’ on you.”

“Why?” You raise an eyebrow.

“Because you’re the most regular boring guy in the whole entire world, duh.” Odetta-Virus mocks you. “Get a clue, lamp post. You’re a big shot! And a bigger mystery! Nobody has a clue who the hell you are.”

“You’re spying on me?” Oh boy, another stalker… You don’t like this.

“I’m evaluating your character, pal. It was the Dumb Witch of the North’s idea, and before you ask yourself who that is, I’m talkin’ about Fiora.” Odetta Virus wants all the phone for herself. “Is that good? Can you let this princess rest now?”

I can keep yapping, it’s fun to talk. I do want to know about the woman!” Another tiny Odetta betrays her inner thoughts. The bigger one drags that one away as well.

“Me?” Wilma points at herself.

Don’t listen to her!” This Odetta-Virus is seriously malfunctioning.

It’s almost like talking to the actual Odetta. Not that you know her that well to say that.

What do you do?

>“I mean, we can all have a casual chat if you’re bored.” You can have a friendly talk! Maybe you can learn something about Odetta through her virus.
>“What do you actually need me to do to help? I don’t think putting you away will do much.” You’re always ready to extend a hand to a suffering girl or virus.
>“Since when have you been spying on me?” This question cannot totally backfire. You didn’t do anything yesterday that could’ve been misconstrued.
>“Odetta, this is actually you and not a virus, right?” Confirm before moving on.
>Let the Odetta-Virus rest.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>“I mean, we can all have a casual chat if you’re bored.” You can have a friendly talk! Maybe you can learn something about Odetta through her virus.
>“What do you actually need me to do to help? I don’t think putting you away will do much.” You’re always ready to extend a hand to a suffering girl or virus.
>"I mean, we can all have a casual chat if you’re bored.” You can have a friendly talk! Maybe you can learn something about Odetta through her virus.
>“What do you actually need me to do to help? I don’t think putting you away will do much.” You’re always ready to extend a hand to a suffering girl or virus.
>“Odetta, this is actually you and not a virus, right?” Confirm before moving on.
>"So that mini Odetta was actually your desires, your desire to taste my culinary masterpieces, and your other desire to have cool friends to talk with"
>“Since when have you been spying on me?” This question cannot totally backfire. You didn’t do anything yesterday that could’ve been misconstrued.
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“I mean, we all can have a casual chat if you’re bored.” You don’t see it as an issue.

“I-I said don’t listen to her! She’s gone! Like my patience!” Odetta Virus can’t stop being a rabid little O.

Hey, there, I’m Odetta’s patience. I’m alive and well, and even if she visibly gets rid of me, I’m a part of her F-O-R-E-V-E-R.” Another Tiny Odetta appears and says.

Fwah! You’re gone now, you gorgeous bitch!” The Bigger Odetta smashes the tinier one with her fist, then grins after. “Oh, crap, UGH.” She twists in discomfort from moving too much.

“Don’t kill your patience.” Wilma didn’t like that for some reason. “It makes you feel sick.”

“Thanks for noticing, I was being really subtle there…” Odetta Virus rolls her eyes in sarcasm. The thing is, they roll in opposite directions, showing how bad she’s feeling.

“What do you *actually* need us to do to help? I don’t think putting you away will do much.” You’re ready to extend a helping hand. “I mean, this is *actually* you and not a virus, right? And that mini-Odetta was *actually* your desires… your desire to taste my culinary masterpieces, and your other desire to have friends to talk with.”

“That’s endearing.” Wilma finds sympathy for the suffering spy.

You’re close, we’re escaping inner thoughts. Some are desires, some are not. We can be anything.” A new Mini-O says. “Here. I’m a joke. Knock-Knock!

“Who is it?” You ask.

Odetta (?) splats the Jokester Mini-O.

“…You messed up the timing, you know that?” You point out as the person with the best comedic timing in your group. She needed to wait until after you said Odetta-Who?

“Do I look like I care? You didn’t need to know all that. And yeah, I’m curious about your cooking, but that’s it! How could I not be after I watched people faint after eating it?! And I’ve got friends! Plenty even!” Little O admits as she continues twirling and fidgeting like she went into a Be-Ajna crash course.

We should’ve stayed with them for longer. But we didn’t want to get too attached.” Mini-O laments. She looks rather sad before being dispelled.

“Now what’s the other thing you said? Don’t want another one of these nuisances to escape me.” Odetta lost her train of thought.

“There’s one behind you.” Wilma points out.

We’re Odetta, yes. No virus. 100% Spiritual, sweet mama boy and apple cheeks.” The Newer Mini-O dances.

Fuck.” Odetta Ghost was happy with you thinking she was a computer program. “Anyway, if you really wanna help me. Bring your phone to my place. I think I can get back to my body without messing with my head if I’m next to me.”

Yep, this event really wants to turn into another adventure for you…

What do you do?

>Take Odetta to her home wherever it is.
>Hand the Phone to Bradford Jr., he’ll find the way.
>Keep asking questions. This will be the only time you’re going to get 100% truthful answers from Odetta.
>Write In.

Who is coming along if you choose to help Odetta now? (Wilma is mandatory (there’s no good reason for her to be mandatory.)

>Suan De.
>Lord Gargoyle.
>Bradford Jr.
>Write In?
>Hand the Phone to Bradford Jr., he’ll find the way.

>Mini-Bradford Jr. (name still in the works) B)
>>Take Odetta to her home wherever it is.
Bring some pudding
Lets spend some time with our og mercenary
>>Take Odetta to her home wherever it is.
>Keep asking questions. This will be the only time you’re going to get 100% truthful answers from Odetta.
>"Do you like sparkles of luck?"
>Ask her how the fuck is she on our phone
>Then take Odetta to her home wherever it is.

Because we need to spend more time with her and she didn't have an adventure today, and because I had an idea to annoy her after seeing her panic lay to the ground because of the bubble that Wilma made a bit earlier, buy her pic rel at the closest shop available, gift it to her, and tell her that we gifted her this so that she can overcome her bubble trauma
also tell Bradford Jr to comfort Ichie since of the reveal of her shitty parent.
also this
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“Sure, we’re *definitely* taking you home.” You’ll help this lousy ghost virus.

“Mhm, there’s no way we’ll leave you like this.” Wilma admits she wants to help the grinning girl.

“Fantastic! I’d hug you two, you wonderful little critters, but I have no body. Bet you can fix that if you hurry!” Odetta wants everyone to move along. “But don’t! If you shake me too much I feel like I’m gonna puke…”

“What exactly are you going to puke if you don’t have a body?” Wilma wants to know more about the physiognomy of the soul.

I’ll puke my thoughts and I may lose my sense of self.” A Mini-O explains before being snatched back into the main Odetta.

“You heard the handsome devil, take me away.” Odetta really likes her jokey tone in a dire situation.

“There’s some pudding on the way too.” You wiggle your eyebrows. This is the reason you made three large bowls of it! One for everyone present, one for everyone again including the missing two, and one for emergencies. This counts as an emergency.

“Sounds… Sounds good.” Odetta responds sincerely to not trigger the effect. She’s learning how to deal with her sickness.

“A couple of questions first. Do you like Sparks of Luck?” You wonder.

“The name sounds familiar for some reason…” Wilma touches her head, she feels like it’s like a transplanted memory lurking in her head.

“No.” Odetta deadpans.

“You know what it is?” You raise an eyebrow.

“No.” Odetta doesn’t care. You’ll mentally prepare a sale’s pitch for when you get there.

“Next Question: how are you in my phone?” You ask.

“The same way your demons get inside your body, but instead of possessing a living being, I got inside an object.” Odetta over simplifies her explanation for everyone’s benefit. “It’s harder to stay together in inorganic bodies. But that explanation can wait.”

“I’ve never seen anything like this.” Wilma doesn’t say it lightly, she has her own powers.

“It’s a forbidden technique.” It’s Odetta’s turn to wiggle her eyebrows. Hers is less wave-like than yours, more going up and down.

“We can talk more later, I just need a moment to sort some things out.” You say. “Mat, I have an adventure for you if you’re interested!”
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“…Face each other, and when I’m back, I’ll crush the winner.” Matilda hands over the table tennis racket to Ruby. It appears there’s going to be some sort of tournament. You’re good with your Bradford Poker Trophy, you don’t need anything else. “What do you need me for?” She’s ready to help.

“We’re taking this girl home. It’s a long story, I’ll explain it on the way.” You point at your phone.

“Very well. If it’s not sufficiently entertaining, it’s going to cost you.” Matilda approaches and looks down at the screen.

“It’ll be a blast, girl. I’m gonna make you grin from ear to ear like a carved pumpkin when we meet!” Odetta shouts full of confidence at your money-hungry friend.

“That voice… it brings awful memories…” Ichie gets in a bad mood as she, Ruby and Lord Gargoyle prepare to play table tennis.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. has returned! He somehow found this place and got in!

“Bradford Jr!” Ruby is the most excited of the group to welcome your cat. She has a treat ready for the hefty boy.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. informs you that the mission was a success, but when they tried to contact you by the phone, it didn't seem to be working.

“Oh yeah, it has a virus…” You look down to Odetta. “By the way, can you cheer Ichie up? She's a little down.” You whisper to your cat. He immediately gets on this new mission.

“I managed to get ahold of Oliver. They’re returning now. They’ll join the Table Tennis Tournament, so you’re informed.” Matilda tells the trio who are staying.

“Wonderful news, indeed! And don’t be concerned, I’ll protect this evil lair with all my might in your absence.” Lord Gargoyle promises to the OG Mercenary.

“We’ll be back in a bit! See you all!” You wave them goodbye.

The group of You, Wilma, and Matilda leave the dojo with one mission… To return Odetta’s soul to Odetta’s corpse.

Sadly this is all we have for this thread. Thanks for playing, and see you next time!
Thanks for running!
Fun thread QM, I recently finished reading all the archives and I am finally up to date, it's been really fun, and I quite liked some of the stuff that you have done, it's some genuinely impressive stuff that you have been able to keep up doing this quest for close to 7 years so I hope you are having fun, I may do my own draw-quest one day but I am really new to the board, but I got a heavy boost of inspiration thanks to the sheer effort that you have done for all this time that you have invested in this place, keep up with it and take your breaks
Thanks for running
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Thank you for being here and playing, truly! I need to make it a habit of answering everyone's messages.


I'm glad to have you on board! I wouldn't be here if I didn't enjoy it, I'm more surprised that everyone is still on this journey after so long, it warms my cold heart. I'd love to check out your quest when the time comes!
It will take like one year because I know shit about drawing lmao, at least it will give me some time to figure out stuff for what kind of quest I would like to make, and also what it would be about with characters, lore, and worldbuilding included
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Have fun! Learning is brutal, but if you keep at it every day even if just a little, you'll get good before you realize it. And well, in a year's time, I don't think the quest will be over, so I'll be here waiting.

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