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Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Levelman
Questcord: https://discord.gg/gGnp9rP3Uy
Wiki: https://chaosquest.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page
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"I see annihilation looming above the mountains from that iridescent weapon."
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"I see evil dominating all innocence, using that body he made of clay to hold it."
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"My hands are stained with blood from a rage. I stabbed and stabbed. I made sure he didn't get back up..."
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"I want to know something, NEGAI... I want to know, will this truly work? After all that has happened."


"It's really that simple..."




"You already know it."


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1. The Reason of a Traitor...
>"I want the story to end. Forever, going on and on, it is.... it is dreary to imagine. I turned to you because I knew that only you could pull it off. Only you can give Humanity what it needs. The final end, and reward, to taking part in making its history. I just want everyone to be as one, NEGAI."
>"I want Heaven. A real one. It's so fake here, it's just not real. But you, you can make it. Only you can. That's why I pulled you back. I want Humanity to get what it deserves for all it has contributed. Heaven should be... whatever one wishes it to be. I want all wishes fulfilled, NEGAI."
>"I want Heaven. A real one. It's so fake here, it's just not real. But you, you can make it. Only you can. That's why I pulled you back. I want Humanity to get what it deserves for all it has contributed. Heaven should be... whatever one wishes it to be. I want all wishes fulfilled, NEGAI."
>"I want Heaven. A real one. It's so fake here, it's just not real. But you, you can make it. Only you can. That's why I pulled you back. I want Humanity to get what it deserves for all it has contributed. Heaven should be... whatever one wishes it to be. I want all wishes fulfilled, NEGAI."
Are we going to take the perspective of another, new character for a while? That would be a pretty interesting shakeup for the quest.
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"Is this your promise?"


"I see... Then what was...?"




"I understand..."
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"...Yes. I swear I will. To the very end. I will believe."


"I'll leave you to it."


"Say no more. It will be done."


"One more thing... I want to know, will I survive this?"


'But, I want to hear it."


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"NEGAI, will we meet again?"


"I will be waiting."


And silence filled the vast spiral of the Solar Plexus chamber. A dark and troubling abyss of secrecy fell cold with its last human vacant. The silence was perturbed by the tectonic rumbles of the ancestral land, the Old Continent under siege by the might of the false divine. The emissary of the Xanthous Emperor attacked in full force. Neither Hume nor Qilin amongst the traitors were a match. Whosoever stood in the path soon was cleared, and the earth with them, rent by a single hand.

And lo, the man entered the domain of his enemy now, no more than a trace in the physical world.

"Whilst you have slain my body, traitors, and the Materia has decomposed so, my ethereal being has coalesced again within my sentient soul, splitting my mind in twain."

"And this half is a wrathful god indeed."

"Machine, you were not supposed to be within this world. The pillars of Hainei now overcome the bore you seek after. You claim yet to be the vassal of that which I have controlled, but is this random outcome not consistent with the very nature you seek to enforce? Or is your motive fueled by my upending of your position? I have replaced successfully your everything with myself... Are you in shambling rage now?"

>Attack incomprehensibly against Time.
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"So saith you. But this, I fear, is undeniable. So then, you leave me with little choice, deposed one! I shall destroy this world and recreate it anew by my hands! This you have forced me to do! I will wipe the slate clean and in its place create a new Hainei, one that is even more sublime than before to me! Without a trace of insidious will left to pollute my paradise and distort my designs! Oh, Machine! I will see to it that the natural order bends to my will... forevermore! Without you there to spoil it!"


"Oh, Oscar... my once valued ally! How could you betray me like this?! After all we achieved together, bringing the finest of human potential and goodness into this world?! It is not enough for you to have uncovered the truth of that clay body I molded to contain the Darkness, but you now turn against me the very method through I will expunge the rebellious Heus! My Qilins, my own work, must die because of you! All over your insanity, your incapability of perceiving the depths of my designs! My boons of eternal life and servitude!"


And lo, did the body named Sarakha burst into the brilliant and ostentatious light of the Emperor, raising both arms as he saith...

"I am the Emperor! FEEL MY WRAAAATH!"





BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fGUtSyPSYg


Lord Sarakha confronts the Machine God...


Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 5 - 1d47

<What will you do?>
• Luminous Sheen (Default light physical)
• Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
• Lvx Aeterna (Severe Nuclear damage skill, Inflicts Cancer) (1900 MP)
• Simulation (Inflicts Simulated) (100 MP)
• Summon Sefirots (Calls Allies) (1000 MP)
• Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
• Logos Prophorikos - Second Truth. (Erases all attacks for 3 turns.)
• Lōʾ yihyeh ləkā ʾĕlōhîm ʾăḥērîm ʿal pānāi - Fifth Truth. (Cancels active enemy Truths.)
>Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
Start with a massive buff, also holy SHIT we are NEGAI
>Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
I will agree with this. First we buff ourselves, then we call in the Sefirots.
>Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
>Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
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[Holiest of Holies] - Thus the Machine God acted, reinforcing his power with a wide berth before the encroaching Sarakha.


[Temporal Energy] - See how Sarakha lashes out with the power of time, striking his foe!

[Above Time] - The soul of the Emperor exalted. A trio of dials appear to tick and swirl clockwise around him. Slowly, he began duplicating and stacking upon the timeline...

"You are unworthy! Unworthy! I will regain control of my Qilins! I will reign in my rebel Heus! I will seize the Zohar, and with it, the life of the traitorous devil!"


Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

<What will you do?>
• Luminous Sheen (Default light physical)
• Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
• Lvx Aeterna (Severe Nuclear damage skill, Inflicts Cancer) (1900 MP)
• Simulation (Inflicts Simulated) (100 MP)
• Summon Sefirots (Calls Allies) (1000 MP)
• Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
• Logos Prophorikos - Second Truth. (Erases all attacks for 3 turns.)
• Lōʾ yihyeh ləkā ʾĕlōhîm ʾăḥērîm ʿal pānāi - Fifth Truth. (Cancels active enemy Truths.)
>Summon Sefirots (Calls Allies) (1000 MP)
Alright boys, come in to help
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The extensions of NEGAI's will, his bodies, gathered from the ether. The Solar Plexus churned them out of thin air with its productive prowess. Sarakha lies unfazed yet.


"Worthless trash! OUT OF MY WAY!"

[Temporal Energy] [1x] - Striking a furious pose, Sarakha brought down another spear of Time upon his foe. Yet, two struck. The effect of his doubling of the timeline. With every attack he made, a duplicate timeline would overlap this one, sending the attack's 'version' from that timeline alongside it. With every timeline he duplicated, the same attack would strike more than once, and only double, and soon triple from there on! A continuously expanding paradox!

[Paradoxical Nature] - Sarakha steadied himself...


Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

<What will you do?>
>SKILLS (Shechinah)
• Luminous Sheen (Default light physical)
• Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
• Lvx Aeterna (Severe Nuclear damage skill, Inflicts Cancer) (1900 MP)
• Simulation (Inflicts Simulated) (100 MP)
• Summon Sefirots (Calls Allies) (1000 MP)
• Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
• Logos Prophorikos - Second Truth. (Erases all attacks for 3 turns.)
• Lōʾ yihyeh ləkā ʾĕlōhîm ʾăḥērîm ʿal pānāi - Fifth Truth. (Cancels active enemy Truths.)

>SKILLS (Tzevaot)
• God's Light (Severe Light damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Primal Flame (Severe Fire damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Kokytos (Severe Ice damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Eternal Darkness (Severe Dark damage skill) (10000 MP)

>SKILLS (Elohim)
• Thou Shalt Not (Inflicts Bind + Seal) (10000 MP)
• Deletion (Instant Kill Chance) (1000000 MP)
• Ruinous Power (Fully lowers all enemy ceilings) (10000 MP)

>SKILLS (Asherah)
• Auto-Repair (Fully restores all HP) (100000 MP)
• Recharge (Fully restores all MP) (100000 MP)
>Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)

>Primal Flame (Severe Fire damage skill) (10000 MP)

>Thou Shalt Not (Inflicts Bind + Seal) (10000 MP)

>Auto-Repair (Fully restores all HP) (100000 MP)
let's go
Solid plan
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[Macrocosm] - And NEGAI, nascent requiem, chose to show the Emperor just how limited he was. How his Hainei would inevitably collapse upon him. He struck him with the Macrocosm itself, sending all the force of the universe and in the universe into his soul like thunder!

"GYAAAAARGHHH! How... how can you command such might?! You are resurrected in but SCRAP!"

Despair briefly flashed in the eyes of the Emperor's soul. NEGAI began to try simulating him as he was pushed back, but a resolve of panic possessed him. He banished his fear, and stood back up to his enemy, breaking his simulation in an instant, data becoming far too vague... (Paradoxical Nature prevented status procs!)

[Primal Flame] - Tzevaot released a plume of the fires that burned creation into being at Sarakha, but he raised his hand, and the blast was nullified!

"No! You are not my equal! You are nothing!"

[Thou Shalt Not] - Elohim chirped, seeking to curb his temporal manipulations, but his being was distributed among each timeline. It couldn't be reached! (Paradoxical Nature prevented status procs!)

[Auto-Repair] - "Commencing subroutine..."
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[Eye of Sarakha] - "I STRIKE YOU DOWN!" - Dread Sarakha's third eye pried open, releasing the destructive power of his divinity in full. The next blink of his third eye would only increase in power!

[Temporal Energy] [2x] - And did more of his spears fall as another timeline of his attacks overlapped.

[Heaven Construct] - He raised his hand, and two gleaming Suns appeared, preparing to burst!


Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

<What will you do?>
>SKILLS (Shechinah)
• Luminous Sheen (Default light physical)
• Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
• Lvx Aeterna (Severe Nuclear damage skill, Inflicts Cancer) (1900 MP)
• Simulation (Inflicts Simulated) (100 MP)
• Summon Sefirots (Calls Allies) (1000 MP)
• Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
• Logos Prophorikos - Second Truth. (Erases all attacks for 3 turns.)
• Lōʾ yihyeh ləkā ʾĕlōhîm ʾăḥērîm ʿal pānāi - Fifth Truth. (Cancels active enemy Truths.)

>SKILLS (Tzevaot)
• God's Light (Severe Light damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Primal Flame (Severe Fire damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Kokytos (Severe Ice damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Eternal Darkness (Severe Dark damage skill) (10000 MP)

>SKILLS (Elohim)
• Thou Shalt Not (Inflicts Bind + Seal) (10000 MP)
• Deletion (Instant Kill Chance) (1000000 MP)
• Ruinous Power (Fully lowers all enemy ceilings) (10000 MP)

>SKILLS (Asherah)
• Auto-Repair (Fully restores all HP) (100000 MP)
• Recharge (Fully restores all MP) (100000 MP)
• Destroy Time (Nullifies Timelines) (100000 MP)
>Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
Hitting him with the fucking universe seemed to work well enough
>Eternal Darkness (Severe Dark damage skill) (10000 MP)
His weakness
>Ruinous Power (Fully lowers all enemy ceilings) (10000 MP)
Remove whatever stat buffs he has
>Auto-Repair (Fully restores all HP) (100000 MP)
Keep healing for now
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[Macrocosm] - NEGAI continued to crush Sarakha's body...

"HGh... gh-khhy...!"

[Eternal Darkness] - Whilst Tzevaot blasted him with the deepest dark of Ur.

[Ruinous Power] - Elohim took initiative to focus him, combating his distribution across time by pruning it, forcing Sarakha's paradoxes to collide and cancel. His being was shunted back into the primary instant! (Paradoxical Nature lifted.)

[Auto-Repair] - "You must realize by now, Huangdi, you cannot destroy me again."


"No matter bodies you procure, I will fell them all!"

[Heaven Collapse] - Twin Suns came forward on collision course. Noble Elohim threw itself in the way to block it from damaging the Solar Plexus! (Elohim has been destroyed!)

[Temporal Energy] [3x] - Sarakha targeted Asherah, blasting her with all his spears!

"Your resistance will be remembered, Machine God!"

[True Godhood] - Sarakha prepared to heal himself...


Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

<What will you do?>
>SKILLS (Shechinah)
• Luminous Sheen (Default light physical)
• Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
• Lvx Aeterna (Severe Nuclear damage skill, Inflicts Cancer) (1900 MP)
• Simulation (Inflicts Simulated) (100 MP)
• Summon Sefirots (Calls Allies) (1000 MP)
• Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
• Logos Prophorikos - Second Truth. (Erases all attacks for 3 turns.)
• Lōʾ yihyeh ləkā ʾĕlōhîm ʾăḥērîm ʿal pānāi - Fifth Truth. (Cancels active enemy Truths.)

>SKILLS (Tzevaot)
• God's Light (Severe Light damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Primal Flame (Severe Fire damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Kokytos (Severe Ice damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Eternal Darkness (Severe Dark damage skill) (10000 MP)

>SKILLS (Asherah)
• Auto-Repair (Fully restores all HP) (100000 MP)
• Recharge (Fully restores all MP) (100000 MP)
• Destroy Time (Nullifies Timelines) (100000 MP)
>Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
>Kokytos (Severe Ice damage skill) (10000 MP)
>Destroy Time (Nullifies Timelines) (100000 MP)
Get rid of the fucking timelines before it kills us
Overlord reference
Backing this, Sarakha is dangerous
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[Macrocosm] - Sarakha flinched as his soul was warped into a permanent new shape from NEGAI's force...

[Kokytos] - Tzevaot screamed with a shrill and high pitch as it sliced a rift with its ribbons, unleashing primordial ice from the Afterseas at Sarakha who froze along with time. Sarakha growled as he broke free and brute forced himself back into motion, along with the gears of time!

[Caricature] - Tzevaot raised a papery tendril, opening it like a flap to reveal a drawing of Sarakha's face! (Extra attack imminent!)

[Destroy Time] - "Commencing temporal annulment operation..." - Asherah brought the power of the administrator to bear, scrubbing the code of time from the vast cognitive machine of Chaos. Time itself was destroyed, removed from all ten dimensions! (Nullified Sarakha's Timelines!)
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Finally, the Emperor lost his composure, hard pressed to put down his foe, the machinations of but an ordinary mortal that turned against him. An ordinary mortal who had triggered his downfall. He spat with fury, and the body of his detached soul burst into flames. Golden fires that invigorated him.

"Why call my world false?! It is not ideal?! The world of Hainei, the one and only place where any and all things are capable of existing! That is ultimately my desire! To blur the lines between the possible and impossible! The real and the awesome! Oscar! OSCAAAAAR! YOU BETRAYED ME! MY OWN FRIEND! TURNED AGAINST ME! You devil.... devil! DEVIL! So much sin! So much sin committed against me! I will not allow it! I will burn these sins! INCINERATE THEM!"

Sarakha began to incinerate his sin of losing to the one that opposes the Emperor.
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[True Godhood] - Sarakha restored himself with a burst of gnosis. He was returned to full strength.

[Time Reconstruct] - The gears of time were replaced. In all ten dimensions, he flawlessly recreated the destroyed Time again to undo NEGAI's actions and continue the combat.

[Above Time] - And lo, did he duplicate the timelines once more...

[Cinders] - And as his very presence burned his enemies and melted their skin...

[False Vacuum] - He shunted them into a temporal space that engulfed them, before collapsing to compact them!


Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

<What will you do?>
>SKILLS (Shechinah)
• Luminous Sheen (Default light physical)
• Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
• Lvx Aeterna (Severe Nuclear damage skill, Inflicts Cancer) (1900 MP)
• Simulation (Inflicts Simulated) (100 MP)
• Summon Sefirots (Calls Allies) (1000 MP)
• Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
• Logos Prophorikos - Second Truth. (Erases all attacks for 3 turns.)
• Lōʾ yihyeh ləkā ʾĕlōhîm ʾăḥērîm ʿal pānāi - Fifth Truth. (Cancels active enemy Truths.)

>SKILLS (Tzevaot)
• God's Light (Severe Light damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Primal Flame (Severe Fire damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Kokytos (Severe Ice damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Eternal Darkness (Severe Dark damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Heaven Collapse (Portrayed Skill) (100000 MP)

>SKILLS (Asherah)
• Auto-Repair (Fully restores all HP) (100000 MP)
• Recharge (Fully restores all MP) (100000 MP)
• Destroy Time (Nullifies Timelines) (100000 MP)
>Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
Keep getting crushed faggot
>Eternal Darkness (Severe Dark damage skill) (10000 MP)
>Auto-Repair (Fully restores all HP) (100000 MP)
Heals pls
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[Macrocosm] - The Machine God pressed hard against the gold fires...

[Eternal Darkness] - Whilst noble Tzevaot attempted to drown it with black.

[Temporal Energy] - His papery extension depicting Sarakha used his own temporal energy against him, spitting out a spear that struck his eyes and blinded him! (Extra attack landed!)


And then the papery tendril receded.

[Auto-Repair] - "Commencing restoration protocol..."


[Cinders] - But still, the golden fire would not be snuffed out so easily, singing the hands that touched it.

[Eye of Sarakha] - But blinded, the third eye opened again, and Sarakha lashed out with ever heightened firepower!


"Die! Die! DIE! DIE! HAINEI... IS MINE! I... AM... HAINEI!"

Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

<What will you do?>
>SKILLS (Shechinah)
• Luminous Sheen (Default light physical)
• Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
• Lvx Aeterna (Severe Nuclear damage skill, Inflicts Cancer) (1900 MP)
• Simulation (Inflicts Simulated) (100 MP)
• Summon Sefirots (Calls Allies) (1000 MP)
• Holiest of Holies (Fully raises all Ceilings) (12000 MP)
• Logos Prophorikos - Second Truth. (Erases all attacks for 3 turns.)
• Lōʾ yihyeh ləkā ʾĕlōhîm ʾăḥērîm ʿal pānāi - Fifth Truth. (Cancels active enemy Truths.)

>SKILLS (Tzevaot)
• God's Light (Severe Light damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Primal Flame (Severe Fire damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Kokytos (Severe Ice damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Eternal Darkness (Severe Dark damage skill) (10000 MP)
• Heaven Collapse (Portrayed Skill) (100000 MP)
>Macrocosm (Severe Metaphysical damage skill, Inflicts Despair + Simulated) (10000 MP)
>God's Light (Severe Light damage skill) (10000 MP)
End him
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[Macrocosm] - NEGAI squashed Sarakha's name, his self, his essence, and his spiritual skin all.

[God's Light] - Noble Tzevaot blinded his wretched fires with the true light of the administrator...
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And Sarakha was beaten. Neither the full might of Time nor the destruction of failure, and all the Emperor's power, was a match for Tov-Wa-Ra.

Sarakha fell.

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"Haaahh.... haaahhhh haaahhh........ hahaaha.... hahahahaha....."

Sarakha's body lie in tatters before the unmoved Machine God.

"So w... what...? Defeating this soul means nothing. I am Hainei itself... So long as my mind persists in Heaven, I will control this world. So long as I exist, Hainei will exist over your "real" world. Hahahahahaha!"

He cackled like a madman.

"So what, that was your final desperate ploy? Defeating Sarakha? Sarakha means nothing. It is just a false name under which this half acts. You cannot restore the world you want so long as mine exists. I will simply sink this continent into the Afterseas, into the depth of Ur, smothering it with darkness forever. Every human, every living thing on it will die immediately... You will never be able to vanquish me then. Only a human can operate the Zohar."




"Hmph. As you wish. Hehehahahahaha..."

"The Benevolence Instrumentality Project was a failure. The Qilins were a failure. With this failure, there is nothing that will be able to stop the Darkness. It has already killed the world. I will make the present eternal, and then prepare to recreate this world. Even if I fail... the Darkness will still subsume you and all else. Victory, or oblivion. That is all there is now. Hahahahahahahahaha!"
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"I see, for the last time, the golden branch that is the purest."

Ripped from the beyond the Void, or perhaps sent from beyond it, past Ma, past the Calabi-Yau, and into the Milky Way. A shard. A pinch of Chaos itself, in crystal form. Though it is hard to imagine condensing the engine of emanation into such a state, except only by itself therein.

"Well, I have done my part. My son, my precious boy... be safe wherever you go and whatever you do. I am unsure what NEGAI, our wish, has in store for you. But I will believe in him. I will believe you are in good hands, my sprightly Hale. Carry on my brilliance and legacy for me."

"Oh... NEGAI, I don't know where the egg went. I hope it was not misplaced. I did what you told me, the Zohar granted that much. I hope if my creations were to ever meet each other, they'd find common grounds..."


"It's choking me, this creeping black. Like smoke, filling my lungs. I feel it, Death. My body is giving away, as much as I try to face it with a chin held high. It scares me. He's screaming, screaming into my ears. Clay bastard."
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"...No, it's alright."

"We will meet again when all has returned to Chaos."
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The rebellion against the Great World Kingdom was ended. The rebellious continent vanished into the depths by the power of Lord Sarakha. The ancestral Humanity and the Qilin race was gone, and while the Machine God's attacks against the gods of the world continued, it would soon after cease for good as well. In the aftermath, the soul of the Emperor would take on the title of Lord, and alongside the two other chief deities Thandir and Akasa, proclaim the age of the New Eternity, and the end of the New Beginning. The Emperor had retreated to Heaven, and the prophecy of the Great Rebirth was unveiled.
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The year was now 4000 of the New Eternity.

The world revolution was over.
Overhead, the irregular object known as the Millennium Moon struck Kalaheimr, shattering the north and killing the Ice Giantess, Vymla. The clay creation of the Emperor, HEUS, crowns himself the Dark Lord, and declares the Final War against the newly christened Trinity rulers of the Kingdom.

This is the end of the New beginning.
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I stirred in my sleep. I hadn't been in my usual meditating position on the mat in the middle of my room. Lately, I'd been slumped against the wall, usually burying my face into my arms or resting my chin on my knees. This time, I was in a rather uncomfortable position.

I felt something in my hand. I looked down and opened it.

...A necklace.

It was something... nostalgically valuable to me. I got a weird sense of deja vu, like I'd seen it somewhere before, or someone had given it to me. It was a nice necklace. I put it into my hammerspace and shut my eyes again.

(Received the Ano's Necklace Add from participating in the Queen of /QST/ 2024 tournament: Granting a damage bonus to Sefirot Bodies of NEGAI.)
(Adds are accessory items Muna can equip to gain a special effect. However, take care, as unequipping an Add to equip a new Add gained loses the previous one for good and there is no way to get it back. Choose Adds carefully when they are offered.)
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[MAJORDOMO] "Sooo..." My subconscious continued, as he paced back and forth in my headspace; "Find that Tenbhur and WHACK him for what he did, do something about Bedolfir's imminent reawakening so he doesn't go crushing a ton of humans under hooves because he's a cranky bitch, fly north with friends and stop Gaizar from crapping all over us with superior firepower from afar and possibly get adapted to by him leading to us getting one big ass-kicking, or dive down and go blup blup bloop blub bloop and try to take out HEUS right now... So many options... what's right... what to do?"

[JOCO] "Erm, h... hey, guys?"

[MAJORDOMO] "Well, Tenbhur would be easiest. Just don't know where to find him..."

[JOCO] "Guys! Helloooo?"

[MAJORDOMO] "On the other hand, the other three are almost certain death BUT if we pulled it off and came out with the clutchy-clutch..."

[JOCO] "G-Guys...? Guys?! GUYS!"

[MAJORDOMO] "Oh my Muna shut up Joco, what is it?!"

[JOCO] "You don't say to shut up and then ask what it is I want anyway!"

[MAJORDOMO] "Shut up Joco, spill it!"

[JOCO] "Okay fine... what is that thing? When did that show up?!"

[MAJORDOMO] "Oh, that's the Ankh of Pride we got from slapping Ela and why is it in here now?"

[ELA-RE] "I have regained constitution."

[MAJORDOMO] "Oh that's nice."



'Wait, why is it suddenly talking now?!' I too had to wonder.

Majordomo shuffled behind Joco, who rolled his eyes.

[MAJORDOMO] "Touch it."

[JOCO] "You touch it!"

[MAJORDOMO] "No you touch it!"

[JOCO] "Nuh uh, you touch it!"

[ELA-RE] "Silence, insolent personalities! Augh, you're all so annoying! Constantly chattering, filling this head with nonsense. It's a mercy she hasn't destroyed you yet!"

Silence as my inner voices scamper back.

[ELA-RE] "You, Qilin. You are the one that restored me by taking me from my dead body. But alas, I am not complete, I am still far from being able to resurrect so long as the body and my despair that animates it still walks..."

[ELA-RE] "I, Ela-Re! The brilliant Dawnbringer! In such shambles by fell HEUS! It is a disgrace! I was once a glorious Trinity God! The striking image of pride! Integrity! Justice! I must return..."

[ELA-RE] "You, Qilin. Give me a guarantee."

'Of what?'

[ELA-RE] "That you will bring me back, so that I may rule the Dawn of this world again."

>"Before I can answer you, I must tell you that I'm at war against the trinity and just before you woke up I battled Akasa to free the people from the trinity's information control. So would you be willing to work with me, an enemy of the trinity ?"
>"I mean, that's what I was planning anyways. As long as you're not planning to still affiliate with the Trinity, because I am LONG past the end of my rope with them at this point. They've whacked way too many of their own divinities for their own ironically shady goals. Not a fan. Possibly the exact opposite of a fan, actually."
If he presses, loredump him with all the shit we've seen the trinity pull so far.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

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'I mean... that is what I was planning anyways.'

[ELA-RE] "Fabulous!"

'...As long as you're not planning to still affiliate with the Trinity. Because I am LONG past the end of my rope with them at this point! They've whacked way too many of their own divinities for their own ironically shady goals... Not a fan. Possibly the exact opposite of a fan, actually.'

I sighed against and turned my head over, looking to the right as I brought my knees up again to rest on. I was fully expecting this Trinitarian to give me the rebuking of a lifetime any second now.

[ELA-RE] "Very well... though, I'll have you know this is not exactly as I intended either but..."

'Huh? Really? You're okay with that?'

[ELA-RE] "Of course I'm okay with that! I've witnessed too much now. Learned too much after my demise. The Trinity ways are corrupt, rotten! And the "Great Rebirth"?! It is senseless! I must come back, so I can stop it! I have to act, in order to fix the World Kingdom's government!"

That was an honest surprise! It took me off guard to hear that he was actually more cordial than I was expecting. Especially as someone whose personality was now primarily a remnant of pride.

[MAJORDOMO] "Eh, for curiosity's sake, might I ask what exactly it is that's made you take this unenviable position?"

[ELA-RE] "Well. I... Haaarh, I cannot bear this shape any longer. Ooh! I will define myself... back into my original form!"

The image of the ankh began to morph. I saw its colors combine, and reshape. It was taking the shape of arms, fingers. I saw a head rise out of it, flexing the mouth as two ears twitched above. It groaned and grabbed itself, smoothing over to retake the true shape of Ela-Re with hisses and grunts. He remembered himself, what he looked like. And then it turned grey, the color of his former body's skin.

[ELA-RE] "Ah. That is better."

[JOCO] "Put some clothes on."

[ELA-RE] "That is not possible at this time."

[MAJORDOMO] "Well Muna, this is in your head from now on."

[JOCO] "What is it with us and things being naked?"

Ela-Re grunted and cleared his throat to garner our attention.

[ELA-RE] "...To be truthful, I was a seeker of justice in my real life. That was what I truly cared about! My passion was justice, for all mortals! I was a reformer in the Trinity, and the brilliant dawn. Because I was the Dawnbringer, I was the envoy of the Sun itself. It was to be my charge..."

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[ELA-RE] "It was a promise that the Xanthous Emperor made to me once, impressed with my popularity and concern for mortal affairs, but mostly my strict views on how the Immortal world is ran. I was supposed to inherit the Sun and Heaven one day and be crowned the new Emperor as Huangdi embarked on a voyage to create new worlds that needed his guidance."

[ELA-RE] "But that RAT...! He leaves without any warning! Declares that the "Great Rebirth" shall transpire!"

'Wait... how long ago was it when you died exactly?'

[ELA-RE] "I perished a year after the New Eternity was declared. I mentioned I was a reformer... It was everything that happened then that made me one. The rotten Trinity is a shadow of the Kingdom that ruled the New Beginning. I was trying to turn it back into what it was."

'So you went to face HEUS.'

[ELA-RE] "Yes... I thought if I destroyed the Dark Lord, there would no longer be a need for the Great Rebirth. Then, I would be able to take my rightful place as the new Sun, the Onyx Emperor. There, I would have the power to abolish this "Trinity" and restore the former glory of the Kingdom."

[ELA-RE] "That is why you must help me resurrect. I learned from the Dark Lord that the Great Rebirth will happen regardless of whether he is vanquished or not. So... you must resurrect me, that I can carry out my new primary goal. Restoring universal justice... by deposing the Xanthous Emperor!"

'That's all there is to it? That's all you want?'

[ELA-RE] "Well, there is the matter that I do no wish to be deprived of the chance to execute Huangdi myself. To this end, you would have to pledge to grant me that privilege as well. No matter what."

>Ask Ela something else first.
>"Trust me, everyone deserves a turn at stoning that simian for what he's done. You included. While we're on the subject, I suppose it's worthwhile to ask if you have any 'insider information' perhaps?"
>"Seems fine by me. btw would you happen to know anything about the trinity that might help us fight them later on ?"
'Trust me, everyone deserves a turn at stoning that simian for what he's done. While we are on the subject, I suppose it would be worthwhile to ask if you have any 'insider information' perhaps?'

[ELA-RE] "Plenty of it. I was only apart of that pantheon for most my existence. I could tell you anything from the fact that I was pushing for a psionics ban to the fact that Lord Huangdi's favorite thing to eat were bana- Wait, did you call him a "simian"?"

[JOCO] "It's a long story..."

[MAJORDOMO] "That you have to have clothes on to hear."

[ELA-RE] "Hrrr..."

I shook my head as I looked up again.

'Anything specific? Just anything you might be able to shoot out quickly?'

Ela lowered his snout and thought for a moment.

I could not read his mind. At least not when he was in this state, reduced to only the pride of his former self, even with him having regained this much constitution as to speak with his personality. I had to bear with his state for the time, gain his trust however I could.

[ELA-RE] "There's a lot... Oh, what to go over first... Well, there is a rivalry in the Trinity between the two enforcers, the demigod Ecules and the paragon named Sivil. Ohh... Master Garlo, that incorrigible whelp, was a former Woldorian that left their pantheon to the lulls of what Lord Sarakha offered him."

[JOCO] "Wait, elaborate on that. What was mister master race offered exactly to leave the most arguably homogeneous continent and pantheon...?"

[ELA-RE] "Accomplishment."

[MAJORDOMO] "That's... it?!"

Ela nodded.

[ELA-RE] "Master Garlo is an imbecile. He only speaks droll. He has always had a complex over his incapability of burning on the macro scale. He is the "little entropy", you see. We considered Lord Sarakha to be the "big" one. The Woldorian Pantheon actively empowers mortals as well, whom he sees as unworthy. Because he could not burn the universe, he always felt inadequate."

[JOCO] "So the Senolism thing is..."

[ELA-RE] "His coping mechanism. The Trinity promised him true achievements and power, though he has never done anything notable beyond torching innocent mortals. I wished I would have executed him sooner when I had the chance. He is like any so-called 'racist'. He lacks personal achievements, so he reaches for the achievements of a race to be proud over instead."

'Except his theory of the Mortal-Immortal racial divide is completely made up.'

[ELA-RE] "There is no racial difference between a Mortal human and an Immortal human."

I nodded.

'You seem to hold in contempt a great deal of the Trinity's members...'

[ELA-RE] "It's insanity how everyone become the moment the Final War began. This Kingdom has to be put to rights. I don't know what's worse between most of of these people.... Ah, but assuredly, the most abhorrent thing that happened, was Lord Akasa murdering his own wife on the eve of the millennium. And-"


[JOCO] "Dude! He? HE did it?"

'He always says that she was killed by a... a...'
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'...a Qilin. Like me...'

[ELA-RE] "Ah, I see. That's the narrative they've gone with... No. This is untrue. We all knew, we all felt it. Lord Akasa killed his Imperial consort, in cold blood. It was part of his morbid fascination with bridging the Ma distances. He hoped it would serve as ample motivation for his daughter, the Imperial Princess, to be able to cross whatever Ma spaces lie between her."


[ELA-RE] "He is another murderous fiend that should be put down."

And I spared him... when I had the chance to kill him. I spared him...

Ela suddenly perked up, remembering something especially important. Majordomo and Joco both blinked at him, and I gave him my undivided attention as well, as he coughed into his fist.

[ELA-RE] "You are a Qilin... I suppose you would like to know this, as disturbing as it might seem."

'I'm listening.'

[ELA-RE] "There is a surviving Qilin just like you that is held in the Heavenly Capital."


We all gawked at him in disbelief.

[ELA-RE] "Her name was Ren, if I recall correctly. She is used as a cattle."


[ELA-RE] "Qilins are so pure that that their progeny are always born with some small portion of divinity as a result. Their spawn are demigods at birth due to their mother's celestial nature. Lord Sarakha impounded this one that was taken from the Old Continent, before he sunk it, into a level in the Capital to lay eggs after being artificially inseminated."

[MAJORDOMO] "I'm not sure I want to hear the rest of this story..."

[ELA-RE] "Oh but you do. See, this is the method through which the Trinity creates its Mass Produced Demigods."

'Mass... Produced Demigods?!'

[ELA-RE] "Yes. It sounds terrifying, doesn't it? They do not use the eggs. They destroy them and extract the celestial essence."

'Aborting them...'

[ELA-RE] "The essence is given to especially refined Chemically Immortal frames, the best the Trinity can produce. This creates a Demigod soldier that is completely loyal. It is a sickening process... It's worse than when Lord Huangdi created the Fairies in an attempt to make flying soldiers of Heaven."

I looked down at the floor again.
This was all so very hard to process at once! I honestly didn't know how to reply to something like that! It's not something I was prepared for.

Ela cleared his throat again.

[ELA-RE] "About my terms, Qilin..."

>"They're acceptable."
>"I can't guarantee that you'll get to land the death blow against Huangdi, but I'll see to it that you are brought back to your former glory."
>"Must you really reform the Kingdom? The whole foundation is rotten, beginning with Huangdi himself. Would it not be better to destroy it and build something new in its place?"
>"I have more questions..."
>"Must you really reform the Kingdom? The whole foundation is rotten, beginning with Huangdi himself. Would it not be better to destroy it and build something new in its place?"
>"They're acceptable, but I must warn you that knowing the Emperor, he probably has some dirty trick up his sleeve for such a situation. If it's truly safe, though, then you'll be allowed the chance to toss him to the earth from the top of Heaven."
Whoever lands the death blow on the Emperor is arguably irrelevant. The relief of him being DEAD dead would be more than enough, so I think it's fair to let him have his moment when the time comes.
'Must you really reform the Kingdom? The whole foundation is rotten, beginning with Huangdi himself. Would it not be better to destroy it and build something new in its place?'

[ELA-RE] "The Kingdom is sacred a thing. You must know that it's not as simple as merely "getting rid" of it. If I were to destroy the Kingdom and proclaim a new one... mortals would have their beliefs they've shared for thousands of years shattered. They would see me as no different than HEUS, as an antithesis to heaven. The throne of Heaven is hereditary, I must inherit it as was promised, then mortals will follow me. The Kingdom, although you may disagree with it, is the TRUE one world government. It is more legitimate than any other entity, even those upstarts under Woldor."

'Alright. Your terms, they're acceptable. But I must warn you that, knowing the Emperor, he probably has some dirty trick up his sleeve for such a situation. If it's truly safe, though, then you'll get your chance to toss him all the way down to Hainei from Heaven.'

[ELA-RE] "Pledge upon it?"

'I pledge it.'

[ELA-RE] "Graciousness. Ha... Then all is said and done. I will await my glorious resurrection in your head until then."

Joco winced at that. He looked uncomfortable, almost wishing Ela went back to being the ankh.

Majordomo coughed.

[MAJORDOMO] "Right. Then I suppose it's time we get to work Munny. What do you say?"

I nodded and decided to finally get up. I stood up from where I sat and walked to the middle of my room, doing a stretch along the way until I reached the door and walked out. I'd better get on top of things.


I was faced with the familiar sight of the Command Center in the Bunker. But it was empty right now. In fact, most of the Bunker was pretty much barren. The Psyops was busy, it had a lot of work on its shoulders to lend aid to Eikrise after what happened.
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I got an alert informing me...
• The Land of Milk has gone silent. Eskart informs me the entire Siran Region has become clouded with Darkness, overtaken by the Khanate, beginning with the holocaust of a settlement known as Kloa in the region.
• [ "------Bombardment is continuing. Thankfully at decreased pace, but the stars are still falling. The Woldorian and Imperial governments are trying their best to set up safety measures for protecting their lands from the bombardment. Alien Grubs have been sighted along the farther coasts of Kalaheimr. Gaizar is definitely planning something...-----" - Hale ]
• Seannsa has donated several of her "Lucks" to me out of pity.
• Woldor has delivered a gift.

>< What will you do now? ><
>Access the Case Files and undertake a mission.
• The Dagger of Death (Usultu, God of Weapons)
• Changing the Channel (Yasukuni, God of Media)
• The Clown, Noramus (Scapegod Noramus)
• Testing the Tengu (Daitengu Scheiracht)
• Fell Fire, Mortal Resolve (Master Garlo, God of Fire)
• The World of Mythology II (Oggthorn, Hunter Demigod)
• RAID: Konglasha's Capture (Shèng Xù, Chain of Chains)
• RAID: All-Seeing Ehyeh (NUMBER-8 Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)
• RAID: Naturens Ondskapfulle Vrede (Bedolfir, Giant God of Nature)
• RAID: Alien Invasion (Gaizar, Alien God)
• RAID: The Forever Apocalypse
• RAID: End the New Eternity
>Access Psyops Deployments.
>Access the Skill-Tree.
>Change Adds.
>Talk to somebody in the Bunker.
>Outfit selection.
>Open Affinity Dates selection.
>Open Truth Meditation.
>Ask Majordomo, Joco and Ela-Re's opinion on something.
>Examine Woldor's gift.
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
• Nickleim, the God of Commerce (Summon to Psyops Bunker for barter)
• Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess of Luck (Psyops Bunker) [Luck Vendor]
• Kei, Poverty God (Shuukai Ward) [Luck Vendor]
• Namithene, Goddess of Love (Frostreach Continent)
• Demharugh, Fairy Goddess (Siegesia)
• Surasira, Bovine Goddess of Milk and Torpor (Land of Milk)
>Surasira, Bovine Goddess of Milk and Torpor (Land of Milk)
Gonna check on her first, that last quest really fucked her shit
we need to help the cow. then we can go for the killall mission since it's the last normal one
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BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EzApWjjNAs

The Land of Milk was dark and eroded. The milk was all rotten and spoiled, now festering into pustules of something horrible and diseased. There was sickly smells in the air. The waterfalls of milk had run dry, and the sea of it had receded and gone down much. The many floating settlements within the land were overturned or sunk. The temple where food was cooked and dancers indulged in creative endeavors were destroyed or empty. There was no signs of life to be found here at all. In fact, I didn't even see corpses. It was hollow.


[MAJORDOMO] "...What happened here?"

[ELA-RE] "...Death. This was the work of Death. The Death Knell rang here, and was released. Everything here in this land of life that once prospered is now dead. Everything is gone. And that taint... that taint in the air..."

[JOCO] "What's it mean?"

[ELA-RE] "The Dark One was here."


I looked up, at the place where the Bovine Goddess once rested, and levitated that way. I came upon the gate where I met her at.

She was nowhere to be found. There was no trace of Surasira anywhere. I could not sense her, nor could I feel her mind. She was gone.

She was dead.

'...HEUS murdered her.'

There was no longer a hope for this place. I came here on a curious whim, hoping to see if there was some way to salvage it. I had no idea the true extent of the situation as it unfolded while we were busy fighting Lord Akasa. It's terrible...

[JOCO] "Wait, look over there."

I looked to the right. There, hidden behind some pots, a golden shine...
I moved the pots aside and found another chalice filled with the Milk of Kindness. It was like the one she gave me before. It was bright, and gorgeous in comparison to everything else here.

(Received key item: Milk of Kindness)
(It can do away with any and all poison and torpor and make anything it is applied to taste delicious. Drinking it will grant a 3x Resistance to any party member but will use the item. During battles, it can only be used one time to clear toxicity for 10 moves.)

'I'll avenge you.'

Turning away, I left and teleported out of this place.


[Returning to the Psyops Bunker...]
I was back in the Bunker before I knew it.

>< What will you do now? ><
>Access the Case Files and undertake a mission.
• The Dagger of Death (Usultu, God of Weapons)
• Changing the Channel (Yasukuni, God of Media)
• The Clown, Noramus (Scapegod Noramus)
• Testing the Tengu (Daitengu Scheiracht)
• Fell Fire, Mortal Resolve (Master Garlo, God of Fire)
• The World of Mythology II (Oggthorn, Hunter Demigod)
• RAID: Konglasha's Capture (Shèng Xù, Chain of Chains)
• RAID: All-Seeing Ehyeh (NUMBER-8 Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)
• RAID: Naturens Ondskapfulle Vrede (Bedolfir, Giant God of Nature)
• RAID: Alien Invasion (Gaizar, Alien God)
• RAID: The Forever Apocalypse
• RAID: End the New Eternity
>Access Psyops Deployments.
>Access the Skill-Tree.
>Change Adds.
>Talk to somebody in the Bunker.
>Outfit selection.
>Open Affinity Dates selection.
>Open Truth Meditation.
>Ask Majordomo, Joco and Ela-Re's opinion on something.
>Examine Woldor's gift.
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
• Nickleim, the God of Commerce (Summon to Psyops Bunker for barter)
• Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess of Luck (Psyops Bunker) [Luck Vendor]
• Kei, Poverty God (Shuukai Ward) [Luck Vendor]
• Namithene, Goddess of Love (Frostreach Continent)
• Demharugh, Fairy Goddess (Siegesia)
>Examine Woldor’s gift.
I mean… we gotta, right?
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The gift I received from Woldor. It was actually an envelope that was stamped with the seal of the High King of Woldoria left to rest atop the map table in the Command Center. I picked it up. If it was a sealed envelope, then what was the gift exactly?

I opened it up...
I felt myself suddenly be blasted by some strange power!
It was power that added to my own, increasing mine!


I opened up the envelope and unfolded a letter within and began to read.

"Oh, that thou might be trying in such quarrelsome times indeed exacts a heavy burden that I cannot simply bear to watch the weight be carried in lieu of these circumstances thusly. Taken upon myself I do deliver upon thee this writ stamped with a unique seal of approval and a gift. Thou finds that this envelope contained as well the divine promotion that could be made only by Wargod's hands, and whilst ye art not expected to become yet any more divine than thou already may be, the promotion will serve to embolden thy flames to proportion."

I have grown stronger from receiving a promotion made by Woldor himself.

[JOCO] "He's calling us weak!"

[MAJORDOMO] "Oh well, I'll take it. Let's be a strong weakling."

[ELA-RE] "Woldor is not usually this charitable. He definitely wants something from you."

I'm thinking he just knows I can deal with Gaizar, and we've already discussed Gaizar before together. He most likely is simply looking forward to Gaizar's demise and wants to accelerate it.

(Divine potential has increased.)

(HP 1000 > HP 1500)
(MP 1000 > MP 1500)
(Physical resistance increased to 2x)

>< What will you do now? ><
>Open Affinity Dates selection.
It's been a while since the last time we went on one and truly, it might be a great way to distract us from what just happened.
One wouldn't hurt right now
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I need to loosen up before I can get to work.

>The Affinity Date Selections are open.

>Hangout with someone.
>Exit Affinity Dates.
>Hangout with someone: Hale
>Hangout with someone: Jenk
Muna needs to talk about her failure to protect Surasira to someone, and Jenk is her closest confidante. Even if it was a total success on our part.
cow-sama... Heus will pay for this
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The city wasn't what it used to be after Tenbhur's assault. The streets were quiet, and many buildings were collapsed. It almost reminded me now, in this state, of Zahnlauf, and what used to be before the Trinity attacked in the past. The one place that seemed to have endured was Eikn's temple nearby. It was converted into a shelter for the people for the time being. Sorrow was in the air.

The Psyops was doing everything it could to help for now. We were dedicating most of our resources and people to sharing relief, disguising our use of Psyops' high technology to lend aid, food and cleanup for the Rotgut as Hale making hearty donations using the front company, despite the damages that occurred to it.

I was walking down the stairs in the factory. Hale's office had been destroyed. It was collapsed into a pile in the factory building. I could barely step by to get down to the floor. I saw Hale there picking out something in the rubble. Some old sports trophy of his, a framed image of him with some old friends and colleagues, among whom was Charles. He gave the things a solemn look before he set it down and looked up, noticing me there.

Yet, Hale didn't grimace further, he instead chose to smile as he fixed his big bow tie. He groaned bending his back though.

[HALE] "Gah. Don't mind it too much. I've been out there helping people as much as I can."

'You'll put yourself in danger of the Rotgut. It's not all been cleared.'

[HALE] "I'd sooner do that than put others in danger of remaining within an unstable building. I've been going in to help fish people out of the unsteady structures. Explains all this dirt." He said, wiping his vest.

I smiled back at him now. 'Take it easy on yourself, you're getting absolutely filthy over having a heart of gold.'

He chuckled. "Not like it will lose any luster."

[HALE] "... Muna."


[HALE] "It's all right. What happened. You were still doing your best."

I frowned halfway.

[HALE] "We all accepted already, we were going to trade blows when we started this. The important thing is that, their blow only knocked us back, but not out."

'Yeah. You're right.'

[HALE] "My wish is for you to keep the pressure up. We've already done more than most could, you know. Just by ourselves."

Hale opened his arms up.

I went over and hugged him tightly. He patted me on the back. I didn't even care if it got dirt on me. I needed this right now.

When we let go, he nodded. He didn't need to say another word for me to understand it was time for him to get back to lending a hand. A good leader like him, was there working alongside those he lead. It was worthy of respect.

Hale left the factory, and I mused for a moment over the possessions he saved from the rubble before moving on myself.
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[A social link increased twice]

>The Affinity Date Selections are open.

>Hangout with someone.
>Exit Affinity Dates.
Time to give mage boy some attention too
>Hangout with someone
I still want to see what skelebro's feelings are on the situation.
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Jenk had went his own way and parted with the rest of us in light of the bombardment of Gaizar after we returned from facing Akasa. He said he needed to check on his farm, and the surrounding communities. It had been a few days since then and we had not heard from Jenk in a while. I decided I needed to check up on him. I was just worried.

When I arrived to his farm, I saw the historical sight was devastated. His farm was directly hit by one of Gaizar's strikes. The old house he use to reside in, as well as his shrine to Bedolfir and Vymla was leveled. The crop fields had burned. Yet, I saw significant signs there that, he had been rebuilding even then as I looked around.

What I thought was a scarecrow that had somehow managed to survive approached me from the right, and I saw it was Jenk, being followed by Morwenna.

'Jenk! You're alright.'

[JENK] "Aye. That I am."

'Your farm...'

He shook his head.

[JENK] "It cannot be helped. But, I bring good news. It seems that my farm was a specific target. Those that I have known, the mortals, they are alright. They are untouched by the bombardment, and they will be safe. Warichud has begun work on deterring the bombardment, I heard."

'I'm glad to hear that. And Morwenna! It's nice to see you as well.'

[MORWENNA] "Blickery issss... also untouched. Vhut I came the moment I sssaw the ssstars fall. I vassss vorried for sir Jenk!" She said, distressed.

'Jenk, are you trying to rebuild?'

[JENK] "That also cannot be helped. It is my duty to restore the nature that has been scorched here. It's what Bedolfir would like. I feel his pain increasing with every splotch of nature that Gaizar wipes out across the globe."

'Do you need help?'

[JENK] "Nay. These old bones will suffice. Though a lot was lost, it has simply returned to nature. In time, I can replace what has been lost. Even my shrine. Though the objects were important to me, there's no use crying over spilled milk. This just means I better make a bigger one. A better one."

Always so refreshing to see Jenk optimistic at the worst of times. I'm glad he's holding up.

Though, Morwenna was looking at me, nervously. As if she wanted to say something. I glanced at her with a curious look and it seemed then she decided to speak.

[MORWENNA] "Ohh... Muna."

'Hm? Yes?'

[MORWENNA] "Lissssten to Morwenna. I..."
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[MORWENNA] "I vant to help you now!"


[MORWENNA] "Juu have done ssssooo musssch for Blickery. You have offered Beassstkin kindnessssss and reconnected usss vit the outsssside vorld... now the outssside vorld isss... under sss...s... siege! I... I vant to help you, like your other friendly godssss do. I vant to be one of the ssssaviors too, Muna."

[MORWENNA] "Zh-z-zhish alien hasss not hurt Blickery.... but vhat if it did? Vhat if one of... of the bolts struck Blickery? Struck my people? It may happen... anyway! The thought of it... burnssss Morwenna up insssside. Ssso let me help! I vant to help you defeat them all!"

[MORWENNA] "Pleassse..."

> [ 2 Companion Slots remaining. Once two more companions are acquired, the party is complete. No more companions can be recruited after this. Consider this carefully, as there are a few more choices for companions that can be recruited left. ]

>What do I think? Should I give Morwenna the chance to be called on? Her people still need here there for their protection and guidance however... I shouldn't drag her away from them for long or... even worse, endanger her! If she were not to return to them... if something terrible were to happen... the Beasts of Blickery would not be able to overcome it. They would all go feral again... Still, Jenk would most likely appreciate the company of someone as skeletal as he is...
>"You have truly endured a lot, Morwenna. I'd hate for you to get into more harm than you've already been through... but if this is truly what you wish for, in order to protect your own people, then I suppose it is right to let you fight the good fight with us."
Those weaknesses are nasty, but having Null to Light is fucking HUGE. Perhaps we should consider using the Milks we have to curb those 3x weaknesses.
Also, poison nuking. I fucking love Damage-over-time. The slow and steady death is always something we should take advantage of.
I agree with this. Poison damage is fantastic and Null light would be worth taking even alone.
You know, hyper, your points are good and we need a poison specialist anyways. Let’s bring Furry Krueger to our team.
'You have truly endured a lot, Morwenna. I'd hate for you to get into more harm than you've already been through... but if this is truly what you wish for, in order to protect your own people, then I suppose it is right to let you fight the good fight with us.'

Morwenna gasped.

I smiled and raised a hand, she was taken aback by it, so Jenk urged her on with a little nod. Morwenna took my hand in both of her claws and shook it, held it tightly for a moment. I didn't even feel bad from her blighted touch.

[MORWENNA] "Z...Zss... th-thank you Muna... Thank you sssso much! I promissse. I... I vill be usssseful. I vill help you. I vill do all I can!"

'I'm glad to have you on the team, Morwenna.'

Deep inside, I felt Ela-Re stir.

[ELA-RE] "Hold on, hold the phone now. THAT is the Beast Goddess of Blickery, source of the Beastkin blight, and we are shaking her hand?! She is... on friendly terms with you? I don't get this! I don't understand! What in the heavens is going on here?!"

[JOCO] "We redeemed her."

[ELA-RE] "What?!"

[MAJORDOMO] "Yeahhh... see, we had to take her brother out of the picture first for her to come around. But yeah, the Beastkin stopped the whole 'kill everyone outside Blickery' thing, and they basically turned on the Afterseas. Still sucks they don't have a sun though."

[ELA-RE] "....This... is too much to take in at once. How do you just... undo thousands of years of grief in such a short period?! It boggles my mind..."

[JOCO] "We'll explain everything slowly. Just take it easy there, nudist."

[MAJORDOMO] "Speaking of nudism... We ought to get Morwenna naked for a moment Muna."


[MAJORDOMO] "So we can find her some better fit to put on. Do we really want her going everywhere in those worn out rags she's wearing?"

I mean, the striped sweater is pretty tasteful, even if it is in tatters.

[MAJORDOMO] "We can keep the striped pattern for all I care. Can we at least get this Beast something a little nicer? Plus she's probably been wearing that same outfit for uh... a few millennia. I don't want to pontificate the aroma."

I get what you mean. Though, isn't Jenk basically doing the same thing?

[MAJORDOMO] "He's a literal skeleton. He does not have an odor nor the glands to produce one. You know what he smells like? Vegetables, and pumpkin pie. He smells nice. He would know this."


'Morwenna.' I said, gaining her attention.


'Would you like to... ah, do a little clothes shopping?'

[MORWENNA] "Ouhh... C-Clothesssshhhhopping?"

'Yeah. My little gift to you for right now. It's been a while since you saw the outside world properly... so how about I take you out to do something fun and see a little?'

[MORWENNA] "A-ah... O-Okay! Muna vill lead Morwenna'ssss way."
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>Time to find Morwenna something new to wear.

>Describe, or better yet draw the outfit Muna thinks would suit Morwenna. The Beast Goddess is rather fond of her purple striped pattern so don't forget to appeal to her taste!
>Additionally, since her "hair" is actually just a fur wig, you may take some creative liberties and make her a new "hairstyle" on that bald skull of hers. Otherwise, don't touch anything on her head if you want to leave her "hairstyle" the same.

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Behold, the WendiGOAT!
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i have been wracked with sickness this past week so drawing this was suffering graghhhh hopefully this is Not Shit and conveys enough of a general idea for Almighty QM Levelsama to go wild with it...
I will +1 this drawfag-sama...
I support this, it makes her look like someone that matters instead of a random peasant.
Gotta go with the nasuverse dress
Vote closed.
I let Morwenna enjoy herself with luxuries she never had before, taking her to see the sights of Oakville Town, to discover new passions and tastes for herself. It was a new experience for her. She looked over so many things in our time together. Ultimately, she decided on a little something that appealed to her destitute origins.

[MORWENNA] "Sh-ss-sss-Ssssho, how do I appear...?"

'You look fantastic.' I said with sincerity.

[MORWENNA] "Jhu vreally think sssso?" She said, looking away, flustered.

'Absolutely. Now, what say you to stopping by a cafe? I know one that you might like here.'

[MORWENNA] "Ah! Yesss, Morwenna would like thhh-at."

I took her to the cafe I stopped in first back then, during my travels here to deal with Mister Saturday. Disguised from all mortal sights, we both enjoyed ourselves a while longer, just to extend that sweet moment of her seeing this outside world that wasn't so bad.
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<> Morwenna has joined the party.
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Jenk was especially pleased to have Morwenna on our team. He was perhaps the one person she got along with the most of us all.

[A social link increased six times]

>The Affinity Date Selections are open.

>Hangout with someone.
>Exit Affinity Dates.

At Belkinsire, I found Eskart standing out in the wilderness. He was at the edge of his county's protective barrier he erected since the incident with the Ginnungagap. I saw him staring intensely at it as I walked up beside him. There was a hole within it far above, one that he was repairing. The land around under our feet was... strange. It was like it had been hastily restored after being torn apart.

[ESKART] "One of his projectiles. It pierced my barrier. Though, thankfully, the barrier cancelled out most of the yield, neutralizing it. Had it struck the ground however... much of my home would not be here now. And there is something even worse still..."


[ESKART] "He has come into contact with Magic through his energy. Even as far away from Kalaheimr as here, he has touched it, as the projectile was made of the energy that composed his body. He has absorbed it. Like how he has taken your Psychic energy through contact, he has adapted to my Magic."


[ESKART] "I won't lie to you Muna, Gaizar scares me. He the scariest thing I have ever seen..."

Eskart sighed uneasily. He turned towards me, making a shallow eye contact before his eyes fell to the ground.

[ESKART] "How was Jenk and Morwenna?"

'They're holding up well. You saw me talking to them in your visions?'

He nodded.

[ESKART] "With Surasira dead, Jenk's crops would have suffered, but they were incinerated first by Gaizar's starfall. Though, what he plants will recover. Surasira's death thankfully did not spoil all the world's food and edibles. However, Morwenna... her people, without her blood and without the Milk of Kindness..."

'Yes... she... she did mention that. The fetuses.'

[ESKART] "I will go to Blickery. I cannot replicate the Milk of Kindness, but with my Magic, I may provide some alternatives that will prevent disaster for the time being. Though, all I can do is merely prolong the inevitable for her."

'It's more than enough on your part, Eskart.'

[ESKART] "Thank you."
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He breathed in deep, closing his eyes for a second. When he opened them, he gazed at me with some new determination.

[ESKART] "Muna, I do not want to see any more gods die to these monsters plaguing our world. While we are Immortal, those that take our place will be different. There is no telling how our reincarnations will be compared to how we are now. No telling how long it will take before such things happen..."

'What are you getting at, Eskart?'

[ESKART] "If it should ever be one of us the next time we are fighting as one, will you permit me to prevent that from happening?"


[ESKART] "It is something I do not want to allow, ever again."

I knew exactly what he meant. Should it ever be me, or Wolfboy, or Shennu, Jenk, Morwenna or Ludwyhn or any of the others we have met and befriended that are on the verge of dying... being murdered by something horrible as the Dark One or the Alien, he wants to take our place instead. He would rather sacrifice himself. By seeing the future for what little he can, he could see such things coming, to preserve the present. That's what he's asking. That's how he feels. The death of Surasira has truly affected him.

So he wants to know if its alright to feel this way.

>"Eskart, I... .... Yes, I permit it, if it is what you truly want."
>"No, I... I can't abide such a thing. We can get through this together, always."
>"No, I... I can't abide such a thing. We can get through this together, always."
that's not for him to decide, even if we can't stop him
>>"No, I... I can't abide such a thing. We can get through this together, always."
Eskart, I know you care about but people but you can't get suicidal ideation in your head. None of that here!
>"No, I... I can't abide such a thing. We can get through this together, always."
The magician is essential for the PSYOPS logistics division
>"No, I... I can't abide such a thing. We can get through this together, always."
oh boy, the magician's survivor's guilt is acting up again!
'No, I... I can't abide such a thing, Eskart! We can get through this together, always.'

[ESKART] "Muna, you are too kind..."

I sighed, crossing my arms at him.

'Eskart... This is not what we should be thinking about.'

[ESKART] "I can't help but to... If I were able to see the future for more than mere glimpses, then maybe I could have..."

He stopped, and shook his head.

[ESKART] "No. We have already been over this. You are right... Forgive me, I am simply empathetic to what happened. Empathetic, and scared."

'It's quite alright. I'm relieved, if anything, to see you feel the same as me... Hale and Jenk and Morwenna were all so optimistic. I needed to feel that from them, but it looks like you do too, huh?'

He nodded.

[ESKART] "This is the second time my home has had a close call. And now that my Magic belongs to that thing, I feel as though I'd be practically useless against it."

'Nah, you can still do plenty of things that thing couldn't. We'd be a bit lost without your visions after all. You can only see glimpses... every little bit helps though.'

We both knew that. Eskart clenched his hands tight, the stress was still strong even so.

[ESKART] "At least then, I know I'll be going with you. There is no reason to continue being remiss here. I should return t-hn... Hmm?"

I had grabbed one of Eskart's wrists, stopping him in his tracks. Surprised, looking back at my smile with a funny little mouth agape and blinking eyes. I pulled him closer gently, nudging him into it as I reached up. His slender self had to lean slightly for my arms to come up over his shoulders, resting his chin on mine as I squeezed him and patted his back.

'Everything will be okay. It's normal to feel the way you do! But don't go thinking you have to throw yourself away just because tragic things happen. After all, you'd be missed greatly, Eskart. What would we do without you?'

[ESKART] "I... ah... M-Muna..."


[ESKART] "..." He repeated the gesture with me; "Thank you, Muna."

'Mm.' I smiled and broke the hold. He returned the smile with his own, a rare sight. Grabbing his hand, I tugged him along with myself. 'Come on, let's go make sure there aren't any more holes in the barrier.'
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I spent a little more time of the day with him, ensuring everything was in order around Belkinsire. Eventually, I departed back towards the Bunker.

[A social link increased four times]

>The Affinity Date Selections are open.

>Hangout with someone.
>Exit Affinity Dates.
>Hangout with someone.
Let's see how Ludwyhn is taking all of this.
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My venture into the Mead River today was a... interesting one. I was met immediately by some of the Mythics and Stone-Break-Bone outside Ludwyhn's lodgings. They said they wouldn't stop me in my path but to be aware that Ludwyhn had... been a bit "out of it". I asked what they meant. Stone-Break-Bone looked at me and shook his head, he said "Rotgut".


I went inside.

Ludwyhn was passed out on a pile of tankards and the smashed bits of kegs, that had further been driven violently through the top of a table. He snored loudly. Atgorvi was stuck in the wall, and he had somehow spilled a plate of food onto the floor. I saw a fork, but it was missing the actual fork part, the chewed handle remained though so I could piece together what happened with that.

[LUDWYHN] "Brrrhhh...."

His eye flickered open at me.

[LUDWYHN] "Mmrr... f...fffuck oghf....."

'Ludwyhn, language...' I said, almost like a scolding mother. Where was Eikn at to say that?

[LUDWYHN] "Abhrrruuhhh.... ughh!"

'What in the world have you been doing?'

[LUDWYHN] "Isshhht....ss... t--dhhe... urgh... Rrrraghtgoot!!!"

He squirmed a little bit in pain.

'You drank Rotgut?!'

[LUDWYHN] "Me.... mmm... my...ghh... errrrr!"

'What are you trying to say?'

He began tapping his forehead incessantly through the animal noises he made in his daze. Ah, I get it. He wants me to read his thoughts.

[LUDWYHN] "Hurrr... F-FUCK!"

He jolted up in pain and belched loudly. He tried to suppress his belches, but spat something up. Something green. I saw the green specks staining his beard and... urgh! I've never seen an alcoholic beverage solidify like that! It was like bits of soggy slime on his beard. Truly, Rotgut was vile.

I read his mind's passages...

I see. He... being the Lord of the Mead River, is vulnerable to the Rotgut. It is something that sets off his inner "alcoholic". In other words, he can't resist the ultimate booze. Unable to do, he'll seek to consume it, and this will lead to his writhing state of pain. When we returned from fighting Akasa, we came upon Eikrise and... well, he must have inhaled the whiffs of Rotgut there after Tenbhur had sacked it. He gave rise to some here in his lodgings and had a hell of a time.

'I'm sorry, I didn't know.'

[LUDWYHN] "Ff...ffuuuck..."

His thoughts tell me that he doesn't mean it if he hurls some insult. He's under an influence he has trouble breaking. In the past, he has fought Tenbhur, and beaten the Sadist. But the Father of Alcoholics survived by taking advantage of Ludwyhn's thirst.

Maybe I have an item that can help with this?

>Use ten Lucks of Seannsa.
>Use Milk of Kindness.
>Use Ankh of Pride.
>Use Namithene's Lipstick.
None of the items actually feel right for this. I don't see what the lipstick could do for him right now (especially given its description), the same for Seannsa's Lucks. Using up Ela-Re's Ankh feels downright wasteful as does using up one of Surasira's Milk of Kindness(especially now that we can't replicate it).
I guess out of all of these, the only items that can be reliably duplicated are the Lucks.
>Use ten Lucks of Seannsa. + Cleansing Balm (Cures Status Effect)
I'll support this. Fuckin' Ludwyhn, lmao.
The milk could work, but I see your point about it being rare now.
'Maybe if I...'

I drew forth a number of the 'Lucks' that Seannsa had given me.

[MAJORDOMO] "Woah, woah, woah! You really wanna waste this much of the Cat's fat luck on him? We don't get those easily..."

'It's not wasting if it's on a friend.' I said sternly.

Focusing on Ludwyhn, I threw forth the Lucks, spending all but a few on himself in the hopes that, one way or another, he might just get lucky enough to find some way to overcome his taste for the booze.

[LUDWYHN] "Guh... kukukukuh!" He began coughing. He was choking on something.

He flipped over like a fish off the pile of debris he'd rested on, hoisting himself off the floor with both hands. I saw him choking, as if he was struggling to vomit or spit something up. He gagged as he rose off his knees. I saw him raise a fist, and bash himself in his chest with it, striking his belly wildly!



Finally, he struck him himself hard enough that he was able to spit up a chunk of something... horrifying. Regardless of the form, I knew it was Rotgut all the same. But it didn't stop there, for next came the torrent of greenish spew behind it as Ludwyhn knelt over and hurled. He didn't stop until he had drained every bit from his body, slowing to a momentary cough.

'...L... Ludwyhn?' I said, reaching out.

[LUDWYHN] "EEAAAYEEEARRGHHH!" He suddenly shouted, spooking me back as he rushed over and grabbed Atgorvi from the wall and pluck it out. I saw him turn to the substance on the floor. He blasted it indiscriminately with Light from his spear tip, until it was all burnt to nothing. He didn't stop there, even raising Atgorvi's tip at his own face and blasting it with Light.

'Ludwyhn!' I cried, worried he might be hurting himself.

When his blast stopped, I saw only his beard and hair had been pruned. He was completely bald for a moment, until his hair and beard grew back nearly instantly. I see, he was merely ridding the Rotgut that was stuck to his own prized beard.

[LUDWYHN] "Haaa.... harghh... Ouuhhhh. That shite was VILE!"

'Ludwyhn, are you alright?'

[LUDWYHN] "A-Aye lassie. Yew came atte' roight' toim'. I was drunin' in Rot, fillin' me fuhkn' bloody lungs! Wotever ye' did, did the trick."

'It was the Luck of Seannsa.'

[LUDWYHN] "I shee..." He said, eye twitching at the mention of her name; "Well, it worked to make me looky' enuff' to hit th' rought spot. Th' Rot wansta' stay innur' body once ye' take ittin'. Couldn't dislodge it easy."

'Looks like I came in the nick of time then.'

[LUDWYHN] "Yew simplee' elped' me rekoover a wee bit faster. I still caino' bear to see that slime. Eifdere's one ting Ludwyhn ain't givin' up, it's his drink! Ye' hear me TENBHUR YEW DICKLESS COWARD! YEW'LL NEVER TRULY AVE' ME!" He shouted to the air in anger.

[LUDWYHN] "Aye... sorey there, I hava' hist'ry with thah fat bastoord. There's wun' that really groinds me gears, lass."
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'Ah. Well, what do you say?'

[LUDWYHN] "...Thanks."

'Hm! Also, that is a sight I won't forget. Ever.'

[LUDWYHN] "D-... Don'chee tell ANYONE! ...Seriously speaking!"

The sight of him without a beard, or hair for that matter. I still continued to giggle over it, even as I left.

[JOCO] "Uncanny valley."

[ELA-RE] "The mien of a Woldorian's apelike visage, to be sure..."

[A social link increased two times]

[Returned to the Bunker]


>< What will you do now? ><
>Access the Case Files and undertake a mission.
• The Dagger of Death (Usultu, God of Weapons)
• Changing the Channel (Yasukuni, God of Media)
• The Clown, Noramus (Scapegod Noramus)
• Testing the Tengu (Daitengu Scheiracht)
• Fell Fire, Mortal Resolve (Master Garlo, God of Fire)
• The World of Mythology II (Oggthorn, Hunter Demigod)
• RAID: Konglasha's Capture (Shèng Xù, Chain of Chains)
• RAID: All-Seeing Ehyeh (NUMBER-8 Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)
• RAID: Naturens Ondskapfulle Vrede (Bedolfir, Giant God of Nature)
• RAID: Alien Invasion (Gaizar, Alien God)
• RAID: The Forever Apocalypse
• RAID: End the New Eternity
>Access Psyops Deployments.
>Access the Skill-Tree.
>Change Adds.
>Talk to somebody in the Bunker.
>Outfit selection.
>Open Affinity Dates selection.
>Open Truth Meditation.
>Ask Majordomo, Joco and Ela-Re's opinion on something.
>Examine Woldor's gift.
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
• Nickleim, the God of Commerce (Summon to Psyops Bunker for barter)
• Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess of Luck (Psyops Bunker) [Luck Vendor]
• Kei, Poverty God (Shuukai Ward) [Luck Vendor]
• Namithene, Goddess of Love (Frostreach Continent)
• Demharugh, Fairy Goddess (Siegesia)
>The Dagger of Death (Usultu, God of Weapons)
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BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIfUhSnCyQE
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As the personnel of Psyops might say on some of their deployments to each other - "Payback time."

I had long intended to unveil the circumstances that arise around the shrouded figure named KILLALL. My intention would lead me back to the Afterseas after traversing the Hellhole at the sea's bottom. Last time I dared to enter the afterlife, I did so unprepared for what I was going to see. But now? After experiencing the Dark Lord first hand, I am prepared. I know how to escape, should I need to in a hurry. But still... I must act quick.

For time is not on my side in this plane.

[Death Timer added.]
[Moves left until the Timer runs out: 14]

...But, I was not alone. I wouldn't come alone. I needed help. I called upon somebody I could really trust, somebody I knew would come help me...

The wizard knows the dangers of the Afterseas better than anyone else, which is why we'll take our sister! HEUS would never suspect it. Even further, it is the AfterSEA, isn't it? Shennu's aquatic nature might give some insights we would've missed on our own.
makes sense, it'd be either her or Morwenna, but he'd expect her.
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My valiant sister. If the Afterseas itself was structured like an abyssal ocean, then the one who controls water should best suffice to help me dive. It was a troublesome proposition, but once I explained everything to Shennu, she hesitantly agreed and ventured down into the Hellhole with me.

Now, we were in the surface layer, Diyu.

All around was the same blood sea I had met Ghole on. The red waters stretched to the extent of and unending horizon. I saw the blood boiling and bubbling in a few places, strips of something... fleshy occasionally rise to float on the surface. A harrowing noise came from below, like moans.

[SHENNU] "This place is worse than any tales I'd ever heard of it... I will be right behind you."

[Death Timer begins ticking...]
[Moves left until the Timer runs out: 14]

>Search for Ghole's ship.
>Dive deeper.
>Search for Ghole's ship.
considering Ghole was attacked in our first and last talk with him, probably someone is using his boat now.
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Ghole, I had to find him. I was possessed to by a sinking feeling I had.

[SHENNU] "Ghole? Have you not spoken of this figure before, sister?"

'I haven't said much... He is the one who inhabited the Afterseas before HEUS and his lot. I met him, but the Dark One attacked him... I need to see if...'

The bloody sea of Diyu before us was wide. Ghole's ship could be in any direction. Though, I had a feeling it always drifted towards those that were lost here, and if I considered myself to be lost on the way to his ship...

It was not long before Shennu looked and saw ahead of us a shadowy shape atop the waters. There, she called out, and I flew in a hurry towards Ghole's ship.


When we came aboard the deck, I saw the horrific display of what HEUS had made of the guide. Shennu could not look, she turned away. I gagged.

He had been made into a sail of flesh, strung up by his own ropes by the Dark Lord. Yet, only skin remained of him as it were. But I still felt his life, hanging in the balance. He was suffering worse than he had ever before at HEUS's hands in this state.

'...There is nothing I can do for him.'

[ELA-RE] "A shame. Truly... he was the one who told me how to navigate down the abyss."

I had no choice but to leave him here like this.
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We dove off the ship, casting ourselves into the water. We began to swim down. Below the water of the Diyu layer, we saw headstones floating amongst the undercurrents. Countless of them. The bubbles rose from down under. The lower we went, the bigger the bubbles were that sizzled, and they carried with them an ominous green hue. Fleshy bits continued to rise as well. Eventually, we could see a light directly below, beneath mountainous piles of the headstones that were so high, stacked upon whatever seafloor there was in Diyu's bottom.

[SHENNU] "These waters are vile and impure. But that light... could it be the next level of Makai? Should we go there?"

'We're here to find KILLALL. We don't know which depth of the Afterseas he is on... we should look and search every level, but... I sense danger creeping closer the longer we remain. What do you think?'

[SHENNU] "We should look, but not tarry. So, we won't be able to look over everything..."

[Death Timer begins ticking...]
[Moves left until the Timer runs out: 13]

>Investigate the bubbles.
>Search amongst the headstones for new ways.
>Where is all this flesh coming from? Time to look...
>Light... the next level?
>Where is all this flesh coming from? Time to look...
considering that killall uses flesh to tinker as well, let's look at those and then skidaddle to the next level
I agree with this, where there's free-floating flesh, there's bound to be somebody mutilating it.
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My curiosity was piqued by the flesh that flowed throughout the currents. I knew that one thing KILLALL enjoyed to meddle in was flesh, as an art. I'd seen it myself. I thought perhaps that would lead me one step closer to him, so I went that way with Shennu, until we found a ravine in the depth of Diyu, one clogged with flesh. It was a pit of bodies and flesh. Perhaps a dumping ground for corpses of some of those who came to the Afterseas.

...However, I was wrong. We found no trace of KILLALL. We only found danger!

[SHENNU] "Sister!"


All around us, hundreds of Necrotowers! I'd only heard of them thus far from the Psyops reports. Walking generators of Death and curses. I heard these are what the Psyops attempted to prevent from destroying the Siran Region... So these are the things that gave HEUS enough influence on the surface to murder Surasira!

[SHENNU] "There's so many of them!"

'They've been mass producing them... marching them up towards the Hellhole!'

[SHENNU] "They're attacking! Same deal as the World of Mythology!?"

'Of course!'

These things were naturally stronger in the afterlife.

The Necrotowers groaned, preparing to fire curses!





BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8tJcbLfXpo
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We have fallen into the middle of a legion of Necrotowers...



Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 1 - 1d7
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 1 - 1d7

INVENTORY: https://pastebin.com/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>SKILLS (Choose attack mode: Single / AOE) (AOE mode cannot be used on skills that hit multiple times.)
• Attack (Default light physical)
• Kaleidoscope (Severe damage skill, physical + inflicts Despair) (70 MP)
• Antumbra (Heavy damage skill) (39 MP)
• Elephant's Foot (Heavy damage skill, physical + inflicts Cancer) (45 MP)
• Negentropy (Severe damage skill, inflict stun) (60 MP)
• Puncture An Idea (Light damage skill, inflicts Existential) (30 MP)
• Divine Chateau (Raises party ceiling by three ranks) (30 MP)
• Eden (Raises critical ceiling fully) (30 MP)
• Live Not Die (Lifts Death Knell affliction) (9MP)
• Muna's First Truth. (Pacifies foes, or skips their turns)
• Muna's Second Truth. (Temporary Invulnerability for 4 turns)
• Muna's Third Truth. (Fully raises ceilings, prevents debuffing for 4 turns)

>Shennu's Move.
• Attack (Default light physical)
• Oneiromancy (Inflicts Sleep + Seal) (30 MP)
• Drown (Heavy damage skill, Inflicts Bind) (46 MP)
• River of Life (Heavy damage skill, physical, Large Party-wide HP Restore) (50 MP)
• Negentropy (Severe damage skill, inflict stun) (60 MP)
• Milk Of Kindness (Party wide status effect cure) (24 MP)
• Rustic Method (Party wide Large HP restore) (38 MP)
• Resurrection (Revive with full HP) (30 MP)
• Shennu's Truth. (Creates the Primordial Sea, boosting water attacks massively for 3 turns)
>Negentropy (Severe damage skill, inflict stun)(60 MP)

>Oneiromancy (Inflicts Sleep + Seal) (30 MP)

We need to get this thing stunlocked before it starts dropping debuffs.
>Item: Viewfinder (Reveal Enemy Resistances)

>Oneiromancy (Inflicts Sleep + Seal) (30 MP)
since we don't have a light skill equipped, let's go with the viewfinder
I'll switch to this, it's likely that Negentropy would be a nothingburger for them.
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[Item: Viewfinder] - I scouted the weakness of the Necrotowers...

[Oneiromancy] - "I'll try this..." Shennu said, weaving Dreamtime in her hands. She set it forth, but the Necrotowers didn't shift! That which is dead did not dream... (Status blocked!)


[One Million Curses] - The chorus of the thousands that made the hundreds sang curses at us... (Ceilings lowered!) (Death Knell!) (Cancer inflicted!)


A cancer eats away at our bodies...


Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 1 - 1d7
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 1 - 1d7
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 1 - 1d7
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 1 - 1d7

INVENTORY: https://pastebin.com/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>SKILLS (Choose attack mode: Single / AOE) (AOE mode cannot be used on skills that hit multiple times.)
• Attack (Default light physical)
• Kaleidoscope (Severe damage skill, physical + inflicts Despair) (70 MP)
• Antumbra (Heavy damage skill) (39 MP)
• Elephant's Foot (Heavy damage skill, physical + inflicts Cancer) (45 MP)
• Negentropy (Severe damage skill, inflict stun) (60 MP)
• Puncture An Idea (Light damage skill, inflicts Existential) (30 MP)
• Divine Chateau (Raises party ceiling by three ranks) (30 MP)
• Eden (Raises critical ceiling fully) (30 MP)
• Live Not Die (Lifts Death Knell affliction) (9MP)
• Muna's First Truth. (Pacifies foes, or skips their turns)
• Muna's Second Truth. (Temporary Invulnerability for 4 turns)
• Muna's Third Truth. (Fully raises ceilings, prevents debuffing for 4 turns)

>Shennu's Move.
• Attack (Default light physical)
• Oneiromancy (Inflicts Sleep + Seal) (30 MP)
• Drown (Heavy damage skill, Inflicts Bind) (46 MP)
• River of Life (Heavy damage skill, physical, Large Party-wide HP Restore) (50 MP)
• Negentropy (Severe damage skill, inflict stun) (60 MP)
• Milk Of Kindness (Party wide status effect cure) (24 MP)
• Rustic Method (Party wide Large HP restore) (38 MP)
• Resurrection (Revive with full HP) (30 MP)
• Shennu's Truth. (Creates the Primordial Sea, boosting water attacks massively for 3 turns)
>Kaleidoscope (Severe damage skill, physical + inflicts Despair) (70 MP)

>Milk Of Kindness (Party wide status effect cure) (24 MP)
so not even the seal had an effect ? shit
> Live Not Die (Lifts Death Knell affliction) (9MP) on Shennu
>Rustic Method (Party wide Large HP restore) (38 MP)
Hold on anon, milk of kindness won't work if a death knell is activated, it stops life arts.
Forgot about that, backing yours then
This is less aggressive than I'd prefer, but we do need to get our health back up so I'll back it.
Mostly because of shennu
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[Live Not Die] - I lifted the Death Knell that ailed my sister...

[Rustic Method] - She healed us both with a quick Life Art.


[One Million Curses] - ...But the dead continued to cry, and the Death Knell sung again! (Death Knell!)

Cancer ate away at our bodies again regardless in the presence of curses...


[SHENNU] "We should just annihilate these things and be on our way..."

Shennu was opting to leave and ignore these things, and continue our primary goal.


Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 1 - 1d7
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 1 - 1d7
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 1 - 1d7
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 1 - 1d7

INVENTORY: https://pastebin.com/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>SKILLS (Choose attack mode: Single / AOE) (AOE mode cannot be used on skills that hit multiple times.)
• Attack (Default light physical)
• Kaleidoscope (Severe damage skill, physical + inflicts Despair) (70 MP)
• Antumbra (Heavy damage skill) (39 MP)
• Elephant's Foot (Heavy damage skill, physical + inflicts Cancer) (45 MP)
• Negentropy (Severe damage skill, inflict stun) (60 MP)
• Puncture An Idea (Light damage skill, inflicts Existential) (30 MP)
• Divine Chateau (Raises party ceiling by three ranks) (30 MP)
• Eden (Raises critical ceiling fully) (30 MP)
• Live Not Die (Lifts Death Knell affliction) (9MP)
• Muna's First Truth. (Pacifies foes, or skips their turns)
• Muna's Second Truth. (Temporary Invulnerability for 4 turns)
• Muna's Third Truth. (Fully raises ceilings, prevents debuffing for 4 turns)

>Shennu's Move.
• Attack (Default light physical)
• Oneiromancy (Inflicts Sleep + Seal) (30 MP)
• Drown (Heavy damage skill, Inflicts Bind) (46 MP)
• River of Life (Heavy damage skill, physical, Large Party-wide HP Restore) (50 MP)
• Negentropy (Severe damage skill, inflict stun) (60 MP)
• Milk Of Kindness (Party wide status effect cure) (24 MP)
• Rustic Method (Party wide Large HP restore) (38 MP)
• Resurrection (Revive with full HP) (30 MP)
• Shennu's Truth. (Creates the Primordial Sea, boosting water attacks massively for 3 turns)
> Kaleidoscope (Severe damage skill, physical + inflicts Despair) (70 MP)

>Drown (Heavy damage skill, Inflicts Bind) (46 MP)
+1. If they die in the Aftersea, they die forever. It's our sacred duty to end the undead's suffering.
a shame that the viewfinder and the oneiromancy ended being useless and a lost turn
They weren't useless, now we know that Dark is useless against Necrotowers and that the undead don't need to sleep.
>They weren't useless, now we know that Dark is useless against Necrotowers and that the undead don't need to sleep.
the 1st one was already a given, but we tried to see if they had some weakness.
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[Kaleidoscope] - I blasted the legion of Necrotowers all at once with my rays of knowledge. All around me, I saw them vaporized by the Psychic attack, many vanishing in an instant until none were left.

Cancer ate away at our bodies briefly.


(The enemy is annihilated! Status effects and Death Knell fade away with the caster defeated!)

We won the battle.

(Gained 100 Pleroma Points from clearing optional encounter.)
(Looted items: 1x Box of Pains, 15x Premium Foods, 1x Piece of Life Itself, 6x Gnostic Mass, 3x Rearranged Magic Mirror)
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With the last of the Necrotowers falling, me and Shennu breathed a sigh of relief. Destroying these undead abominations in the Afterseas ensured the evil spirits animating them could not return. We purified the flesh pit of their presence, though the area itself remained horrible.

The stitched and sewn bodies of flesh melted together collapsed to add onto the pile of flesh that already stood on Diyu's seafloor. I saw giant worms exiting the husks and burrowing down into the flesh. Abhorrently, the flesh "ground" seemed to writhe and rise up before deflating down slowly. I heard the moans of undead spirits escape the flesh as it absorbed the bloody waters of the Afterseas.


[SHENNU] "Interesting... it's like the presence of Death and the Spiritua seems to move the Afterseas itself. No different than the land on Hainei itself shifts to keep the waters at bay, like it were alive."

'Can you purify these waters?'

[SHENNU] "Not while HEUS lives. His corruption is felt in every drop."

'What were all those things being ushered here for?'

[SHENNU] "Most likely to send back to the fronts."


[SHENNU] "These Necrotowers are built by mortals in the living world. The worms that animate them control the undead spirits in the flesh armor, which is also brought back to life. Being as the Killer Worms themselves are grown and alive to begin with, when a Necrotower is destroyed, they all get sent back to the Afterseas, along with the dead flesh."

'So the spirits of the Killer Worms allow them to simply repair whatever falls back down here, and send it right back up...'

[SHENNU] "It's an efficient means of ensuring the numbers never dwindle. I imagine it's difficult to grow more living worms on the surface, not in the midst of the Final War. It's better to simply reuse their spirits. But by destroying them all here, we just dealt them a blow and cost them precious resources."

'Hmph. Fine by me.'

There was nothing else to see here. We should move on...

[Confrontation took up time...]
[Death Timer begins ticking...]
[Moves left until the Timer runs out: 9]

>Investigate the bubbles.
>Search amongst the headstones for new ways.
>To the next level.
>To the next level.
we lost too much time to try anything else here
>Investigate the bubbles.
We need to be thorough. If we overlook something important here we'll have no way of knowing until it's too late.
If there is nothing else then we fuck right off to the next level
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The bubbles that flowed throughout Diyu's waters intrigued me. The green hue, and even the smell. How a bubble could carry a stench it exuded, it puzzled me to no end. And even worse, it was giving me a reminder of something putrid I'd already seen. I just wondered... if they perhaps might lead me to *that figure*.

So I decided to go look and see.

When I swam over that way, I saw the source of the bubbles. A glowing pit of the Rotgut, settled at the seafloor of Diyu. The belching pond of it inflated with more and more of the bubbles every second. I wasn't going to dare approach the pool. It was surrounded by fleshy basalt and rocky skin that bled and boiled the closer it was in proximity to the rot. I immediately recognized it was actually trailing up from somewhere below... in the Makai depth. We had to go there, instead of delay further swimming around Diyu.

[SHENNU] "W-Wait... look at it."


I saw the pool of Rotgut, like a sea within this sea, begin to spurt up, bubbling faster... It suddenly fired up, like a jet! No, a geyser of Rotgut! We were caught within it!

(Affected by environmental hazard!)
(Effect: Start next battle with Toxicity and Cancer Statuses!)


I almost vomited the moment this stuff entered my nose. I threw both hands to the side, clearing it away from us with a psychic wave.

'Let's ge... urgh! Get out of here!'

[SHENNU] "...A... Agreed." She said, with tears in her eyes.

We left.
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We swam towards the light we saw at the bottom of Diyu and entered the chasm awaiting below. our bodies were thrown through a flux in the Afterlife. We fell through a whirlpool leading further down the Abyss...

We emerged, slow in a descent to a new body of water. It was black, and slimy, like oil. But opaque. We could see the zone through it. We saw lights all around in a dark expanse. There were burning lights of the green hue, and ghostly ones of purple. Red lights of fire burned in the distance. I could see... cities of stone across the cliffs and treacherous jutting rocks of the zone, and temples standing high like towers. There was no "roof", or "ceiling" above. I couldn't make out what was above, so I only left it to assumption that swimming up would eventually somehow deposit us back into Diyu's waters.

This level, this depth was Makai, the second depth of the Afterseas. It was like a ghostly underworld, rather than a bloody ocean.

We both landed on some floor. It was black like obsidian, or glass. Some kind of road. We saw a lantern with a pale light burning it it hanging on a post beside us, and there were more dotting the roadside. Hanging? In this oily water of the zone? Unnatural physics, or lack thereof.

[SHENNU] "I never dreamed I would ever go this deep into the Afterseas, let alone into it to begin with..."

This depth was full of howling voices as well, but also, cheering ones... and of the massive temples and towers in this place, there were three that stood higher than any other. They each had a pillar of light rising from the top that matched the colors of the zones. Green, purple, and red.

I looked over to my left and saw two ghostly figures murmuring towards us. One of them laughed, and covered their mouth...

[Death Timer begins ticking...]
[Moves left until the Timer runs out: 8]

>Investigate the necropolises and ziggurats of Makai.
>Investigate the Green Temple.
>Investigate the Purple Temple.
>Investigate the Red Temple.
>Talk to the two ghosts.
>Follow the roads of Makai.
>Investigate the necropolises and ziggurats of Makai.
Let's start there
The black stone fortresses of the Makai layer were of immediate scrutiny as we swam overhead. Roughly arranged like city blocks, these building lots dotted Makai. Buildings with spikes, spears and needles pointing up. They were flying numerous red banners splotched with black accents, of various designs. Figures moved about their halls freely.

[SHENNU] "There are barriers over these cities."

'Indeed. But why? What kind of barriers?'

A touch would suffice to tell, so I reached out, and then pulled back in shock with a gasp. Shennu looked to me, blinking.


[SHENNU] "Ah?! Lifeforce barriers? In the realm of the dead...?"

But why? Why erect barriers of Lifeforce in the Afterseas? These barriers were made, purpose designed to keep away the Death natural to the Afterseas. In fact, I saw Aquamarine deposits growing in places around Makai's floor. Not near these necropolises, they just wouldn't even appear close to the barriers.

Then it hit me.

'These barriers were made so Makai's cities could support life. Mortal life! These places are holding Mortals!'

[SHENNU] "Mortals...? Ah.... The Damned."

We looked from afar closer at the figures inhabiting the dark fortresses and keeps of Makai. People in robes both red and black. These were the cult centers of the Khanate... In other words, since Makai held the mortals of the Damned, then this must BE the Khanate itself. This was their main base of operations, in all the Milky Way Universe.

HEUS was allowing his Damned into the Afterseas, supporting their growth. They worked to expand the ziggurats using slaves, at all times. They practiced their foul magic in here, worshiped HEUS and his lords, cultivated Demons to create the Daemasses they moved with, and trained and housed their armies. Makai was the depth that housed the Khanate and its armies. Then, if that was so, the leadership must be a depth lower, or two...

[SHENNU] "Perhaps we should do something..."

'What? You mean to attack them?'

[SHENNU] "If we lowered the barriers of Lifeforce, we could destroy most of the Khanate here."

'True, but there are many barriers, and possibly many more strongholds spread out, even though this sprawling mass below us may seem like the main concentration... Plus, they would just become spirits here anyway, they're already in the realm of the dead. We wouldn't really change their numbers.'

[SHENNU] "But if we destroyed their Lifeforce barriers and then generated a large enough Death Knell using the Death native to the Afterseas... I could even use my power over water to bring enough Aquamarine closer."

A daring idea... but danger was always coming close. Such a thing would make us a glaring target.

[Death Timer begins ticking...]
[Moves left until the Timer runs out: 7]

>Agree with Shennu and begin a mass termination of the Khanate.
>Investigate the Green Temple.
>Investigate the Purple Temple.
>Investigate the Red Temple.
>Talk to the two ghosts seen earlier.
>Follow the roads of Makai.
>Agree with Shennu and begin a mass termination of the Khanate.
With any luck, Usultu himself will come to check it out.
You know, fuck it. Let’s do this.
>Talk to the two ghosts seen earlier.
You fools! There's an exposition right there, begging us to take it!
There are only two of us, and I don't feel confident challenging the God of Weapons with only 7 turns.

I'll back this instead because I'm curious.
>Talk to the two ghosts seen earlier.
well, anons have a point. this could lead to something good.
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Hmm... Those two ghosts from earlier. Maybe it would be prudent to see what they have to say.

'Let's hold off on this idea for now. I wanna question some locals first.'

[SHENNU] "Lead the way."

We left our place above looking down at the necropolises and swam off back down in the waters, towards the lantern strewn roads we saw before. I went off towards the two ghosts that were murmuring at us, and when we got close, me and Shennu saw that one of the ghosts was a Revenant, a misty kind of wisp known to be among the corrupted spirits. The other was a shade, a denizen of the Afterseas that had not yet undergone corruption. The Revenant snickered, whilst the Shade whimpered.

[SHADE] "Uuuuhhhaaaa... G-Goddess, O' Goddess! Bad! Bad place to be in! U-UURGH!"

[REVENANT] "Hehehehe... surely food, food to be sure! When soon rent by the claws! Hee hee hee... for wandering in the lair of the the great dark beast!"

'I'm not worried about that.'

[REVENANT] "Huhoh... but soon you shall be, when you see him near..."

[SHADE] "Bad things... b-bad! B-Buh... uhuuuu! Bad thiiiings!" The shade said, shaking his head.

'...Hmm. What can you tell me about this place?'

[REVENANT] "What's there to know? This is Makai, this is the place where the naughty gather. The mustering field of the beast's minions... where worshipers worship, his soldiers tally their loot, and his spirits gnaw viciously at the water... geheehee..."

[SHADE] "Th-This used to be a nice neighborhood... such a nice place... such a nice... nice...."

[REVENANT] "Hah! Not anymore!"

The Shade was brought to tears, as the Revenant bit at its own fingers while giggling.

[SHENNU] "Spirit, what are these great temples for?" Shennu asked, gesturing towards their illumined faces.

[SHADE] "T-Temples...? T... Terrible places... where they make sacrifice and bow down..."

[REVENANT] "To the beast's avatars, worshiping the monster in its mangled faces... Hehehehe..." The Revenant gestured off to the Green, Purple and Red temples one by one respectively, adding; "The Temple of the Inebriated, where the rot festers at Tenbhur's feet. The Temple of the Feeling, where the sodomites mingle flesh for the Groper's pleasure. And the Temple of Rage, where Yasomagatsuhi screams in anger eternal! But.... there is also another, a forth temple in black you cannot see, hidden amongst the shadow of Makai."
'A black temple?'

[REVENANT] "The Temple of Whispers, home of the Whisperer. Lady HEUS, femme fatale! Hahahah! The female aspect of the Dark One! The shadow of the Dark Lord!"

'And where can I find the Khagan Lords?'

[SHADE] "Y-You don't wanna do that..." He said, shaking his head again.

[REVENANT] "Depends... the next three layers are zones controlled by the Khagans. They are their strongholds, fortresses of despair. Jigoku, the fiery swath patrolled by the undead Ela. Gehenna, the stream of souls wrested from the subjugated Demons, ruled over by Ganiel, the First Necromancer. And then there is the great black dungeon of Dis, the undercroft of pain, the workshop of KILLALL..."

'He's all the way down in Dis...'

[SHENNU] "That's so many layers below..."

[REVENANT] "Did you seek him? Hah-h-ha..."

Even the Revenant seemed perturbed by the idea of going near KILLALL

So... roughly speaking, I know the layout of the Afterseas now, besides the last three depths of Tehom, Cocytus and Ur. Makai was inhabited by the avatars of the Dark One and some of his highest servants, it was where the Khanate was hosted. Jigoku was a depth overseen by Ela's dead body, where they stoked hellfire and dark flames. Gehenna was the magical sector, where Ganiel weaved all the dark magics and Necromancy of the Khanate. Dis was the home of KILLALL, who I sought. If I wanted to get to him now, I would have to go straight there, no turning back...
But there was so much else that could be done whilst we remained here... Shennu felt the same way as I did. Dealing as much damage to the Dark Lord's rule was paramount to our time here.

[ELA-RE] "Eh... Excuse me?!"


[ELA-RE] "My BODY is close by!"


I looked to Shennu, she nodded. We couldn't remain here idly much longer. We needed to move.

[SHADE] "H-h-hoooo... H-Hey, I... I k-know a way to he-help travel through the Afterseas."

[REVENANT] "O... Oi! You... you've got some nerve. These silly girls are our enemies..."

[SHADE] "B-But they might m-maybe make the bad things go away... make it all go away.... uoohhhhh... I... I can help you come back! You don't n-need to dive down from Diyu every time....

[Death Timer begins ticking...]
[Moves left until the Timer runs out: 6]

>Dive to Dis now. (2 ticks)
>Terminate the Khanate. (3 ticks)
>Devote some time to eliminating Tenbhur. (1 tick)
>Devote some time to eliminating the Whisper. (2 ticks)
>Devote some time to eliminating the Groper. (2 ticks)
>Devote some time to eliminating Yasomagatsuhi-no-Kami. (3 ticks)
>Go for Ela's body. (3 ticks)
>Hear the Shade out on making the Afterseas more accessible. (4 ticks)
>Hear the Shade out on making the Afterseas more accessible. (4 ticks)
As much as I want to nuke the Groper, if the Shade fills us in on more efficiently diving into the Afterseas, we'll have a massively easier time doing everything else in the future.
>Hear the Shade out on making the Afterseas more accessible. (4 ticks)
we don't have much for a fight unless we can nuke ela's cadaver and while I wanted to terminate the khanate here, the checkpoint wins.
If there really was a way to be able to come back to a certain depth of the Afterseas without having to dive through the Hellhole every time, then that was what I placed importance upon right now. I apologize to you, Ela-Re, your body will have to wait a little longer.

[ELA-RE] "Guoh! Hrrr.... fine..."

I turned to the Shade, who shrunk under my gaze.

'Fear not, I won't hurt you.' I said, raising my hands. 'If you can really help me, I'd love to hear how.'

[SHADE] "H-Huuuh-h-hooo.... I'm so going to get extinguished for this..."

He whimper again, shaking his head back and forth. Like he was trying to psyche himself up to spill it for me.

[SHADE] "Ah... Ah! O-Okay! Listen! In-in-in Gehenna, th-the Necromancers! They have... they have the Terminal."

'What's the "Terminal" exactly?'

[SHADE] "It... it's a Daemass. The biggest Daemass of them all! The first one ever made... It... it's special, made up of... of... uhn... hoooo.... I can't remember..."

[REVENANT] "The ten thousand Demons of the New Beginning."

[SHADE] "Y-yeah! Th-th-at... They slaughtered most of the Demons that used to live in the Afterseas... y... you know, before HEU-... HE took over over. Used their bodies to make the Daemass..."

[SHENNU] "What is a "Daemass" exactly and how does it work?"

The Revenant raised his pale finger.

[REVENANT] "Oh, that's easy. Daemasses constitute a network of flaming gates that allow any to pass through any two points with ease, using the Demons themselves as the conduit... Hehehehe... Demons are impure and impurity can find more impurity, naturally. It happens all the time in the Scourge Fronts, in Yongesia. The Damned spill the blood of weaklings, and their bodies are put in a burning kiln to produce Demons enslaved to this purpose as a bridge."

[SHADE] "B-But those ones are... those are the lesser ones. This one, the Terminal... it's the real one."

[REVENANT] "Death produces impurity. The demise of Demons is no different. The original Demons that lived here, they are a bridge to walk all over now. A flaming gateway. The ten thousand bodies are used by the Necromancers to travel in and out of the Afterseas."

[SHADE] "Th-They use the... bodies to get back. It burns until it burns out..."

[REVENANT] "Yes... this however means it isn't unlimited. The Necromancers are very possessive over the bodies of the Terminal. Who knows how many of the ten thousand still remain today?"

It's grotesque. It's a very morbid thing. I nodded, understanding the general idea here.

'So, all I have to do is snatch a few of these corpses for myself and I can burn them to make a temporary gate back to the Gehenna depth?'

They both nodded.

[REVENANT] "Good luck pulling it off though.... Hehehehe, chances are that old Ganiel will catch you and then he'll make you SQUEAL! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

This might be risky, but I suppose it's exactly what I need. A way to infiltrate the Afterseas at any time. I looked to Shennu, and she readily agreed with me that this was crucial. As much as I want to terminate the Khanate or destroy these Avatars, I needed a way back in easily. They'd eventually begin devising countermeasures for me diving in through Diyu every time, if I can pull off something big here now...

We left immediately, searching for our ways down. We began diving further, and disembarked from Makai. We kept diving until we passed through the molten hell of Jigoku, finally coming to the umbral plane of Gehenna.

I searched the realm for where the Necromancers kept this Terminal at. I made my move...

>Roll 1d100.
>Best of three.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

Let's give these Demons the chance to redeem themselves through service to our righteous cause!
Rolled 55 (1d100)

nat 100 incoming
Rolled 12 (1d100)

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In Gehenna, the depth of the Afterseas was vague and perturbed. It was like a starry sky. The outer reaches of the dark water was full of twinkling bright dots, but I knew these were souls. The streams of souls flowing through Gehenna were like aurora in its heights. The place was dotted with spires that rose from the pit. Though they looked like peaks of mountains shaped like spears, they were all in fact, massive staircases.

The spirals of winding and wrapping staircases leading down below were affixed with many rooms that hung off the side without threat of collapse. Most rooms didn't have walls, or only partial walls from the stones built up, or looked over the heights through windows. The Necromancers inhabited the rooms and chambers found all around these spirals.

In the biggest spiral, in the center of Gehenna, I found that the rooms were giant. This was where the Necromancer cult made its home. Its school... And somewhere further down, I found the locked away chamber where the Terminal was housed. It was floating on its own among the souls, reachable only by a long flight of stairs split off from its spiral. I found my way inside with Shennu, and we saw the burning chamber. It was a great bonfire full of the thousands of burning Demons left. Their corpses made a pile just past the corridor we saw ahead.


But, we didn't dare advance another step further. We saw someone there, waiting for us.

[???] "..."


[SHENNU] "..."

[???] "The cavernous depths leave nothing to imagination to the Khagan that rules its infernal demesne. In such reckless abandon to descend."

'That's none of your business.'

[???] "Verily well, but I might say, I understand why. Danger, and avoidance. But you've found more."

'If you will stand in my path, I will have no choice but to fight.'

[???] "You'll forgive that I'm merely... stingy over my possessions. So in the manner of resolving t-.... Wait."

The husky voice cut off. I saw the wrinkly hand clench as the man ahead of me looked up from under his hood. He stared, an exasperated expression changing to surprise and even grief.

[???] "...You... have his scent. The magic upon your skin I can still smell, in its residue form."

I raised my eyebrow.

'What are you talking about?'

[???] "You've been around him. You've even touched him. Eskart. I know the scent of that magic well..."

'...And what if I have? What is it to you? You can detect magic like that?'

The figure let his head fall again. Faintly, I still made out his face, and the grin now etched upon it as he chortled lowly.

[???] "Yes, quite. Ahahaha... And here he was, always claiming he was boring."


I blinked...
Wait... He's implying...?

'...I-It's not like that.' I said, looking off to the side, blushing a little.

[???] "Are you certain? Getting him to return the hug... only arm wrestling Bedolfir would be harder. Hahahaha!"

He shook his head and his grin faded after a minute.
[???] "Just go. I'll let you go. It's a generous offer. So take it and just walk away this one time. The daemonic flesh of the Terminal cannot be thieved. But I will let you walk free."

[???] "Accept my offer... There is no alternative here beyond a struggle. Just accept my offer."

>Nod slowly and step back.
>Shake your head.
>Try to talk him down.
>Try to talk him down
>"You... You're Eskart's apprentice, Ganiel. The First Necromancer. I know you've walked the path of bones and won't be swayed from it, but can you at least tell me why? In your own words. Why did you do it? Eskart loved you. You were like a brother to him- one of the greatest magicians to ever live! Why? Why turn your back on the light and desecrate the circle of life?"
+1, get him to spew his backstory
>Shake your head.
If we want his backstory, we can always ask Eskart later. Now's not the time.
We can get Ganiel's backstory from Eskart any time, but how often are we going to get the chance to hear it from the First Necromancer himself? I want to hear what his reasoning was. Clearly, he has some regrets. Perhaps he isn't yet beyond Redemption... in final Death.
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'You... You're Eskart's apprentice, Ganiel. The First Necromancer.'

[GANIEL] "..."

'I know you've walked the path of bones and won't be swayed from it, but ca-'

My face was pelted with a vent of bluish fire. I recoiled back, gasping as I brushed it away from my face quickly, before it burnt.

[GANIEL] "I told you, there is no alternative here beyond a struggle. If you will not leave, then I will harm you. It is my commandment."


Me and sister both assumed a defensive posture as the ghostly fog of his power rose around...





BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXpWo9C3XUA
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[Eudaimonia Magicka] - Ganiel erected a field of gematric magical cycles, enhancing the power of his spells greatly in their area...

[Cursed Flame] - He breathed into his hand, billowing ghostly flames at me!

[Cursed Flame] - And again!


(Cancer and Toxicity from withstanding the Rot pool of Diyu begins to take effect!)

...Escaping is always an option for us.


Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
It was worth a shot. Necromancy is dangerous and we're at less than a fourth of our health at half of a party. Let's get out of here.
I'd love to 0hp him at least once, but alas our health is in the gutter and we have status effect to deal with
'...I'll come back for you.'

[Escape] - I turned back with Shennu, and we fled the sight of our foe...


(Status effects subside as the party flees.)


I ran with Shennu, we both went down the flights of Gehenna's stairs as fast as we could, descending Ganiel's spire in the depth. I... I should have done whatever I could to move him out of the way and obtain my goal but... I couldn't face him. It's just... it was so eerie. This feeling.

He didn't want to fight.

[ELA-RE] "Cowardice. A god flees not from terror! What are you doing!? You should have struck the Necromancer down where he stood, he was weaker than you. Far weaker."

[MAJORDOMO] "I have to agree. That was our battle to win. If anything, we could have just popped a little Truth and then made him give up!"

...It's not my fight.

[ELA-RE] "What's this now?"

I shouldn't be the one facing him. I just... I know this, deep down. That fight... that's Eskart's fight. I can't bring his friend back, or try to. Only he can...

[JOCO] "Yeah, guys, lay off Muna's back. That guy looked pretty bad, but he doesn't have any bad vibes. It's like he wanted to surrender back there, you could see how his face twitched when he attacked."

[ELA-RE] "This is embarrassing... Had you only gone for my body and restored me, I would have been there to do what needed to be done about the First Necromancer.... This stains your career as a deity."

I shook my head. I just kept fleeing with Shennu. We fled past any and all Necromancers and creatures we saw along the way. We just bolted straight down Gehenna to leave the depth and find the next one.

[Death Timer begins ticking...]
[Moves left until the Timer runs out: 1]
[Death Timer stopped...]
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Eventually, our descent down into Gehenna found us taking the spiraling stairs to dark flights that soon faded into hallways. We marched through complete darkness leading in a straight line, encased by claustrophobic walls and a ceiling. We could hear the rushing of water just outside these hollow walls, trembling upon it.

I reach out and grab a doorknob, twist and pull.

We both step inside. Our feet clamor atop a wet, red substance that the floor was slick with. We saw it staining the walls, but the stains were faded. The buzzing of a light fixture ahead was all I heard. There was no longer any sound of water. It was just a dark, quiet hall space.

'...Could this be Dis?'

[SHENNU] "It would seem like it."

'But why is it... it feels more like we're inside a hospital.'

[SHENNU] "I don't know. Perhaps this realm is shaped by KILLALL to his fashions and tastes."

I don't like it. Not even a bit.

I moved forward, passing some doors on each side. I jingled the handles, and most of them were locked. I looked down the hall ahead, and there were more halls leading off on both sides. But thinking with brevity, a psychic wave to run along every surface around would help, so I touched my temple and released one. I felt it fire off, trailing along millions of surfaces. Hundreds of rooms, big and small, all over the place. There were "outside" spaces in Dis as well. Somewhere in the middle of this realm, there was something towering. It would take forever to explore every bit of Dis... I needed to be quick and selective.

[SHENNU] "Where do we go from here?"

>A room I felt with many tools.
>A chamber with a pounding motion.
>A domicile shaped like a library.
>A room where things were arranged in rows.
>A chamber where I felt hanging chains sway.
>A dark crypt with something moving in it...
>A massive chamber sealed with tight hatches.
>A room filled with piles of small objects.
>A room vaguely shaped like a prison block.
>The outside area.
>The massive thing in the heart of Dis.
>A chamber with a pounding motion.
>A room vaguely shaped like a prison block.
They might be holding someone here.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

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I felt the rhythm of a pounding coming from a relatively close room.

'Do you feel that?'

[SHENNU] "That thumping? Yes."

'Let's start there.'

[SHENNU] "Do you mean to destroy whatever works that KILLALL has made?"

'I don't think there's anything good left behind by that man. Of course.'

[ELA-RE] "As you damn well should... Burn all of Dis if you can, in the name of justice!"

I went down the hall to the right. Down a flight of stairs. There was soon a metal wall in my way, it had a door with many locks I pried open to enter. The metal was rusty. It felt cooler within. There were large room sized freezers about this chamber. It was full of red lights reflected off glass, the floor was tiled and cold. Samples of Aquamarine were thick in here... There were humming machines, and tanks, processing things. I saw the pounding was from a machine that was on at the very back, using a pump like a piston to flush out substances.

The table to my right was covered in vials. The substances inside, were all compounds. This was his biological weapons workstation. A laboratory dedicated to creating disease, virus and worse. Glass cases containing mutated larva, and strain carriers in the forms of worms, maggots, roaches and flies.

I knew of this. I saw this first hand. Those bodies in the Scourge Fronts I came upon, the ones that exploded with maggots... that was a biological weapon he made here.

But why? Any of these things... they devastate Mortal populations, why make so many of the same thing?!



I froze. I was back to back with Shennu in an instant. We both scanned the room at the tone of that voice. Even though it was coming from the air itself as a wave of thought... we were prepared for anything.


[KILLALL] "Hehehuhahaha... I know what you are. I had the time to think over it in my cloistered dominion. Racing, twitching! Twirling! But here it comes. Strange fate, isn't it?"


What the hell are they talking about...?!


[KILLALL] "...You will find."


All around me, red lights flashed on the walls. I heard the buzz of a low alarm.

'This isn't good.'

[KILLALL] "Come, if you will. But strange fates end in stranger ways still."
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BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjIrAlEVvaQ
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[KILLALL] "Ahahahaha... From higher dominion's came, I say to you. Survive!"


[Nefarious Deeds] - Somewhere in the depth of Dis, KILLALL laughed in between coughs. Something was coming.

Shennu turned to me and put a hand on my shoulder to grab my attention. She looked dead serious when she said to me, "Break. Everything!"




Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>Eden (Raises critical ceiling fully) (30 MP)

>River of Life (Heavy damage skill, physical, Large Party-wide HP Restore) (50 MP)
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[Eden] - We needed more power behind our blows. I reinforced our bodies with the Eden of Restoration.

[River of Life] - Shennu twirled her finger, summoning Lifeforce and interweaving it with her water. The blades of aqua lashed forth, bathing the room and cleansing the viruses and disease away. We felt the plentiful energies heal our bodies from wounds sustained prior.

Glass shattered into dust, the laboratory exploded violently before us, its floor cracking into fragments as the roof came down, it began falling into a void below our feet, through water below. What a strange setup to the depth of Dis!

KILLALL's work was damaged. We hurried out into the halls yonder!


[Heightened Alert] - KILLALL began calling upon his servants and beasts, releasing them from cages. They would be upon us soon! (Additional enemies appear soon!)

[Wicked Plots] - Usultu's voice groaned throughout Dis. Somewhere, a pile rustled...

KILLALL's Nefarious Deeds begin manifesting! A chunk of Aquamarine spikes burst through the nearest wall, stabbing at us! (Death Knell inflicted!)


[MAJORDOMO] "Munny! Think quick! Where next?!"

>The Hall of Surgery.
>The Library of Anarchy.
>The Museum of Living Works.
>The Chair of Torture.
>The Tomb of Resource.
>The Aquamarine Boiler.
>The Hall of Knives.
>The Pen of Tormented Ones.
>The Incomplete New Godwall.
>The Aquamarine Boiler
If we cripple their infrastructure, their supplies will be worthless.
hi-risk hi-reward
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I felt Aquamarine. Lots of it. KILLALL must have had the biggest boiler for it in all the Milky Way stuffed down here in Dis, to supply him personally with an endless amount using the Death native to the Afterseas... I was gonna bust it up.

We fled down the halls, and came upon a stairwell illuminated by the spinning red lights of alarm. We saw a metal shaft at the bottom. It was almost like being inside a submarine. I ripped one of the tightly sealed hatches off and we entered a new space... It was one massive chamber built into Dis, it almost looked like the outside. Like an industrial hellhole of rust and machinery. We saw the boiler itself was one big concentrated industry all on its own here. Hundreds of Cultists and slaves were running it.

[ELA-RE] "Turn it all to dust, Qilin!"


A wave of enemies summoned by KILLALL stood in my path! Monsters and Cultists alike! They weren't sent to stop me, only to slow me down! (Can't destroy KILLALL's work until additional enemies are clear!)

Usultu's Wicked Plots began manifesting. Me and Shennu both winced. Some... knives of Aquamarine stabbed us both in the back! We ripped them out and ached in pain!



[KLLALL] "The joke. The act is a joke. For why should something so exist? Such is the mystery of privation..."


[KILLALL] "The kill is an act, undeniable. It is... and it will be done."




Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>Kaleidoscope (Severe damage skill, physical + inflicts Despair) (70 MP)

>River of Life (Heavy damage skill, physical, Large Party-wide HP Restore) (50 MP)
let's bust this shit, too much aquamarine here
>Muna's First Truth. (Pacifies foes, or skips their turns)

>Negentropy (Severe damage skill, inflict stun) (60 MP) (Target: The Boiler.)
I'll back this, maximum damage, maximum aquamarine evaporation
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[Kaleidoscope] - I blinked at the crowds before me. A punctual flash of pink sliced them all in half. Most of them had much of their bodies missing in an instant, all dying. Their rancor made me wince.

[River of Life] - Shennu flooded the place, the Lifeforce cancelling out the Aquamarine crystals and liquids until the pressure crushed the environment! It exploded brightly!

This chamber too began to crumble, so we bounced back...


[Nefarious Deeds] - KILLALL snickered in delight at the next catastrophe he had in store. It was coming.

[Wicked Plots] - Usultu began chanting lowly. The pile somewhere off began to shift...

[Heightened Alert] - KILLALL began praying for assistance...

[Sweet Bloodshed] - Our destruction of enemies provided ambient power to Usultu from afar...


[JOCO] "Keep it up!"

>The Hall of Surgery.
>The Library of Anarchy.
>The Museum of Living Works.
>The Chair of Torture.
>The Tomb of Resource.
>The Hall of Knives.
>The Pen of Tormented Ones.
>The Incomplete New Godwall.
>The Library of Anarchy.
time to wet some books
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We bolted through KILLALL's dungeon without heed to where we were really going this time. We came to a long hall in the white corridors that ended in a single wooden door, which I opened to let us both into a library, or a study... something of the sort. It was dotted with books. Personal writings, personally authored philosophy and manifestos, diaries and even technical manuals authored by the man. This was where he made use of his persona as Vyros Votash, the writer and publisher of the manifesto known as the 'The Right to Kill'. I even saw copies of the book stacked up on one of the tables.




[KILLALL] "So sought, that high..."


[KILLALL] "It breeds contempt..."


[KILLALL] "I searched still. For any proof. Proof, and no longer answers, for this world I thought to exist. But loneliness is a hard cover to remove from such things, and it was nowhere to be found. I would tell you this again, I SEARCHED. I LOOKED. I PUT IN THE EFFORTS!"


[KILLALL] "Anyone would have given up. Such is the mystery of privation."




KILLALL's Nefarious Deeds begin manifesting! I look down and notice bugs and worms crawling around my hand! I turned my hand over and saw a gaping wound opened in the palm, from which these things were crawling OUT OF! I choked... and spewed. Worms and cockroaches came spilling out as I hurled until there were no more. I began panicking, gasping as I dug into my palm wounds to get them out! Get them all out! When there were none left, my wound sealed. I felt disgusted... and felt my Spiritua had been drained as I stepped back shakily...

Usultu's Wicked Plots began manifesting. Shennu and me both screamed out. There were daggers suddenly jammed into our bellies!

A new foe summoned by KILLALL stood in my path! I looked over and saw the Face of Man, an Avatar of HEUS that represented his ideal human, standing there and chuckling! (Can't destroy KILLALL's work until additional enemies are clear!)

[FACE OF MAN] "Does it hurt, Muna?"

I raised my fists.

[FACE OF MAN] "I slaughtered the fatty and spoiled her milk. So many mortals died at once. Some of them! Hahaha! Some of them poisoned themselves just to try and avoid the Afterseas! Didn't work! HEEEHAAAAAHAAAHAAA!"


Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>The Library of Anarchy.
If we've destroyed their infrastructure, we want to make it harder for them to rebuild it.

>[Heightened Alert] - KILLALL began praying for assistance...
Oh no, that is terrible.

>Live Not Die

>River of Life

We need to get these Death Knells out of the way, those health totals are looking dangerously low.
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[Live Not Die] - I held my life close, and removed the Death Knell over myself.

[River of Life] - Shennu's tail waved back and forth, coated in the Lifeforce waters and dripping with it. Her fur was acting as a rag, soaked with the water. She walked by me, brushing against my cheek with her tail's furry tip and healing me, before she swung around and her tail hurled a spear of the watery Lifeforce at the Face of Man!


[Nefarious Deeds] - KILLALL's fingers mashed a console, readying his next booby trap...

[Wicked Plots] - Usultu hissed, and I felt a pile somewhere grow lighter as objects left it...

[Amorality] - "She got in your way, stole your fire!" the Face of Man commented on Shennu's show. It made me.... angry for no reason! (Bloodlusted!)



Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>Live Not Die (Lifts Death Knell affliction) (9MP) on Shennu

>Milk Of Kindness (Party wide status effect cure) (24 MP)
dunno with the bloodlust outright turns or has a % of making muna act, but I'll be removing it now
I support this, get those heals up, UP, U-P before Usultu gets here.
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[Live Not Die] - My teeth grit. I tried my best to resist. Majordomo was doing his best to keep me under wrap as I growled. Shennu knew what was coming over me. I raised my hands, nearly preparing an offensive spell. Joco made my vision blur, whilst Majordomo and Ela grabbed hold my psyche and wrestled me into cooperation... I used a Life Art on Shennu instead, lifting her Death Knell, but just barely.

[Milk Of Kindness] - "Get a hold of yourself!" - Sister used the anti-torpor Life Art, and I felt my anger flush away. I sighed in relief.


KILLALL's Nefarious Deeds began manifesting! He began wiring an Aquamarine bomb to explode on me from afar... I needed more endurance to survive. (1HP reduction attack hits on next turn.)

Usultu's Wicked Plots began manifesting... Knives flew out of nowhere and embedded into our throats. We yanked them out in shock!

[Amorality] - The Face of Man took on a new shape, it's dark body turned into.... Surasira! She was covered in blood. It giggled in her voice. It was taunting Shennu, knowing she too was a part of the Great Mother like Surasira was. It was like waving the body of a sister or counterpart in front of her face. Shennu became enraged and vicious! (Bloodlusted!)

[FACE OF MAN] "She screamed Shennu. She screamed so hard. She tried to run! Run! From me! AHAHAHAHAHA! SHE ABANDONED HER OWN MORTALS TO SAVE HERSELF!"



Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>Kaleidoscope (Severe damage skill, physical + inflicts Despair) (70 MP)

>River of Life (Heavy damage skill, physical, Large Party-wide HP Restore) (50 MP)
let's end this now before that attack comes
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[Kaleidoscope] - I blinked at the avatar of HEUS, and blasted it into nothing. The avatar died on the spot, losing HEUS yet another one.

[River of Life] - But Shennu, so enraged as she was, began flooding the entire library with her waters, ripping the place to shreds. I was caught in the veritable waterspout, and I felt the water ripping into my body. Yet, the Lifeforces she unintentionally weaved into her River of Life kept me safe.

I was able to drag her out by her collar as she utterly ruined the chamber and dealt the next blow to KILLALL. Eventually, she calmed down, and gained control of her breathing.

[SHENNU] "I'm... I'm so sorry."

'Don't worry... Just come on. I need you.'

[SHENNU] "Of course... Let's go."

(Bloodlust subsided.)

>The Hall of Surgery.
>The Museum of Living Works.
>The Chair of Torture.
>The Tomb of Resource.
>The Hall of Knives.
>The Pen of Tormented Ones.
>The Incomplete New Godwall.
>The Hall of Knives.
>>The Chair of Torture.
>The Incomplete New Godwall.
>The Chair of Torture.
This will damage KILLALL's capacity to corrupt captured Trinitarians and generate negative kegare, which will do the most to cripple his efforts from a manpower perspective.
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Another part of Dis destroyed, we stood around looking in the white hallway. I looked down.... I sensed it. Straight below! I stomped the floor and knocked it out from under us. Me and Shennu both fell into a horrible room surrounded by bars like a jail. Chains on which hooks and blades, barbed wire and clamps hung were swinging from the ceiling. We saw a chair in the middle of the room, from which so much blood dripped that it had spread across all of KILLALL's dungeon. This was the collective blood of almost every single victim of his brought here, over almost one thousand years of his reign... This room was symbolic of his office.


[KILLALL] "The thing is, about the act of the Kill, it has been here far longer than any of us. Preeminent. Primordial even. There, grandfather! Ancestor!"


[KILLALL] "Before even the dawn of the monkey."


[KILLALL] "How vexing. A master would confirm, and you know only one master! He has confided in me. I see what he wanted me to glimpse in that revelation. But why? What did he have among his ulterior motives? To show me?"


[KILLALL] "But I don't want to be a piece. I am so much more than that. Was he only confirming in me that Tov-Wa-Ra was invented too? Such is the mystery of privation... that I came to one answer. The proof. I finally found it. It was what I wanted to hear.... THAT IS THE FACE OF THE WORLD!"


He's delusional.



An Aquamarine bomb rolled near my feet and exploded! I took the brunt force of Death radiating outwards! (HP dropped to 1!)

[Nefarious Deeds] - KILLALL laughed madly as he loaded a trinket and then ran off somewhere else in the dungeon...

[Wicked Plots] - Usultu grunted. I felt something long and pointed, like a... a massive sword, lift into the air, somewhere else...

[Residual Pain] - I felt immense pain in this room. The suffering of generations took place here... something tells me that, attacks won't suffice on this specific work of KILLALL. Then... what do I do?



Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>Item: Cake of Light (Party wide Large HP Restore)

>Milk Of Kindness (Party wide status effect cure) (24 MP) (room?)
time to clean this place
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[Item: Cake of Light] - I distributed a healing medium to myself and Shennu.

[Milk Of Kindness] - Shennu tried to bathe the blood of the room in the anti-torpor...


Suddenly, the room began to quake, with an immense gratitude. We felt the torture chamber's walls crackle. The chains on the ceiling jangled, and began snapping, falling down from above. The chair, the infamous chair itself, the legs gave away and came loose, and the thing fell over, breaking into pieces. The heavy feeling of Death left the room, and the floor began giving out under our feet.

It was this simple act of bestowing Lifeforce until the mass of the room that constituted the first and only act of kindness, not murder and evil, to happen within.

In other words, we exonerated every life that had to perish in KILLALL's hands by letting them feel Life, and kindness, rather than Death and pain. KILLALL's work was coming undone by itself. The millions whispered, like a hum; Thank you...



I felt Dis permeate with the pain that KILLALL felt. By destroying his works, we were destroying him. His legacy, history, life... it was all being unmade.


'We're almost there!'

[SHENNU] "Hurry!"

[ELA-RE] "Yes! Press the attack! Don't let up! Ohooo! This is glorious! Watching one of the most prolific brutes of this hell feel what he has inflicted! The justice! It's poetic!" Ela gushed within my mind, his short tail wagging excitedly.

>The Hall of Surgery.
>The Museum of Living Works.
>The Tomb of Resource.
>The Hall of Knives.
>The Pen of Tormented Ones.
>The Incomplete New Godwall.
>The Pen of Tormented Ones.
>The Hall of Knives.
>The Tomb of Resource.
We can't give him any means to recover.
Rolled 3 (1d3)

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This time, we came upon a stark contrast from the white halls and tiled floors to cement and concrete walling and floors. These dusty interiors were lit by candle burning sconces on the walls. This was a tomb, for the dead, no mistake about it. We walked softly inside, and I looked around in the darkness. On both sides, I saw columns of linen wrapped mummies standing on various heights of five rows. They were like an entire army of corpses. Thousands of them. In some places, spots on the rows were empty.

This was where KILLALL stored his flesh resource for his works.


KILLALL's Nefarious Deeds began manifesting! I looked dead ahead in the tomb. Down the way, I saw a cannon or a mortar loaded. It fired. The shot that hit me was a concentrated dusty crystal of a hallucinogen that KILLALL made himself. I felt woozy... but also, afraid... (Despair inflicted!)

Usultu's Wicked Plots began manifesting. Shennu gasped, blood trickling down her lips. She looked down and saw a blade protruding from her chest. A long and sharp sword had been thrown into her back. She winced as she used her tail to wrest it out from behind, but she clenched her chest, stunned by the blow! (Stunned!)




[KILLALL] "Do you think it is something that can be won?! To fight the very world! You will be winked away! The act of the kill is immortal beyond your kindred. Strike out, and feel the futility of using its methods borne within! You cannot stop Death!"

KILLALL began stomping his feet in a rage where he stood in his dungeon. He jumped up and down a few times.

[KILLALL] "The kill is here to stay! You cannot evict it!"


[KILLALL] "What will you do then? Will you lobotomize? Remove pain? Carve it out?! Death must happen! Death will always break through! What are you going to do?! Push it away?! Make killing impossible?! Is that your plan?!"


>"..." - I didn't answer.
>"Yes." - I destroyed the Tomb.
>"My plan is put you down like the feral beast you are." - Destroy the Tomb.
>"Yes." - I destroyed the Tomb.
Should the outcome be ideal, Death in the next world shall be of little consequence. Thusly, the act of the Kill shall lose meaning, and never again should KILLALL's gospel worm its way into mortal minds.
>"Yes." - I destroyed the Tomb.
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I swung my hand, unleashing a psychic wave. The tomb was impacted with a strong force. I felt it begin to collapse down below, falling into the abyssal depth of Dis. All the corpses were lost to the waters, destroying another cornerstone of KILLALL.




[KILLALL] "You will never have it... you will never change the face of the world. The mystery of privation is beyond you."


Just watch me do it, feral beast. I'm making a good start now, by putting you down.

>The Hall of Surgery.
>The Museum of Living Works.
>The Hall of Knives.
>The Pen of Tormented Ones.
>The Incomplete New Godwall.
>The Pen of Tormented Ones.
If Usultu is anywhere, it will be in the Hall of Knives. Let's leave it for last.
>The Hall of Knives.
I disagree with the anon above me. We need to put a stop to the knives that keep attacking us
+1, these knives are getting annoying
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We broke through a wall, and the ensuing collapse of the tomb behind us threw us into another pit. We fell down a hall that went straight down in a decline. We managed to get back onto our feet just in time to feel our backs hit a door and burst right through it. We were disoriented as we suddenly found ourselves in another space. This time, a large flight of big stairs leading down into a drop off, where torches of red light burned on the walls. We jumped down, and fell, and fell, and fell...

Until our feet touched a floor when we landed.

I and Shennu both looked up. I knew where we were at. This was the room where I felt those piles. I didn't have to be a genius to tell that this was where all those knives stabbing us along the way came from. I just didn't expect to see what I saw when we both looked up and gasped at the sight of the thousands of knives. There were giant hordes of them on the floor. Aquamarine daggers. But, there was also a fleet of them levitating in the air before us. They looked at us, with eyes! They had eyes! Staring with murderous glares. In the middle, the word "KILL" swirled in a spiral around the largest and most jagged of all the knives. This dagger had a skull effigy for a face on its handle, piercing my skin with its glare. It hissed and its blade of Aquamarine tingled, dripping a black, oily leakage of liquid Death.


'You.. You're the true Usultu!'

[SHENNU] "So you are the other half of KILLALL. His weapon. One of the two minds that guides the alias! You share all the victims that name has ever taken with him!"


Usultu and his legion of knives jangles, scraping blades against one another.


This was it, this was where the true battle began...

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbV_00ZF8LY
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<Lust for it!>

Usultu unleashed his deadly truth to accelerate the end.

(All of Usultu's attacks now inflict Blood.)

My Aquamarine Kusarigama weapon shifted slightly inside my hammerspace storage...

...Something told me that Usultu was not someone I could harm conventionally.

[ELA-RE] "You would be correct. Like he already told you, he is Weaponry itself. The God of Weapons cannot be defeated with weapons so easily. If you try to strike him with your weapon, or even your fists, it will bounce back or you will cut yourself on his body.... I know. I tried, and it only gave me wounds. But I did find one way to overcome him."


[ELA-RE] "Not fighting back."


[ELA-RE] "Violence cannot destroy weapons. They must be put down willingly, and discarded to end the violence and refuse the act of the kill its right to be performed."



Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
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'...I understand. I get it now!'

The blades that levitated turned in the air. I saw them point at me. They were poised to fly and strike me, embed deep into my skin. If I raised a hand against Usultu, I was as good as dead. He couldn't be fought against, that was the whole point. He's a weapon.

I lowered my fists instead, assuming the posture of someone completely lacking in hostilities. I was a noncombatant. Shennu, who was still stunned, looked at me in horror. She didn't know what I was possibly thinking.

[SHENNU] "Sister!? Sister, what are you doing?! He's going to attack!"

I breathed in deeply and bowed my head, closing both eyes. Usultu's daggers all hissed and began shaking. And then, they all flew forward, a barrage of blades in the air.

[SHENNU] "SISTER! NO!" She screamed, reaching out.

My closed eyes twitched. But I didn't feel any sting. I put my hands together and exuberate peace. Usultu's daggers, they all, en masse, fell to the floor before they could even touch me. They become unresponsive, and one by one turned grey, and then to powdery dust.

[USULTU] "..."

The God of Weapons' eyes burned with fire. He groaned in disbelief. His eyes darted around, shrinking at the sudden disappearance of the words that span around him. They were disappearing.


'Oh, but I can. For such is the power of this Truth.'


'I Am Redeemer, I Bring You Salvation!'



More knives flew, and fell. Usultu was practically firing to only waste ammunition.

'Doesn't it frustrate you...?' I said, opening my eyes; 'You are only capable of violence. But I am capable of passivity. I can deny violence.'



I honestly didn't have an answer for that right away.

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[Dark Fire] - Usultu's blade body pointed at Shennu, and fire enchanted with the Dark erupted at her in a vent! She would have fallen to it, but she held on!

[Malefic Edge] - Usultu himself was going to swing forward and slice Shennu, but he couldn't. My Truth prevented him! (Skipped!)

[Weapon In Hand] - Usultu took command of my Aquamarine Kusarigama! I felt it suddenly exit my own pocket space and wrap around my body! My own weapon was ensnaring me by its chain! The blade was scratching against my throat. This didn't constitute an attack against me... as by moving myself, I would cut myself on my own weapon. I could only free myself by choosing to willfully discard the weapon... which would mean I would have to break it and lose it for good... (Taking damage every move!)

Shennu was no longer stunned, but she began to bleed! (Blood inflicted!)


[Nefarious Deeds] - KILLALL was preparing to support his weapon from afar...


Wait... what if... I simply took Usultu as a weapon in my hand and smashed him, as an act of dismantling a weapon? Would that finish him off?

MUNA: TRUTH ACTIVE (10 turns left)

Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>Special Action: Break Weapon (0 MP)
>Break Weapon (Target: Usultu)

>Item: Huangdi's Skin (Party wide Full HP Restore)
Gotta top up to the best of our abilities.
Seconding that
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[Break Weapon] - I strode forward calmly towards Usultu. The God of Murder's eyes followed me, confused and alarmed. But, he still arrogantly believed in his invincibility. He showed no emotion.



I reached up and gently took Usultu into my hands as a weapon. I held him aloft.


'But, the first step on the long road of putting an end to all senseless violence is... to do away with weapons, and let them become a thing of the past.'

[USULTU] "...NO."

He growled incoherently.


'Weapons made to kill should be discarded. That is what I choose to do. Usultu! You were the first weapon made to kill, you should have been thrown away a long time ago! Never made in the first place! I bid you farewell! NOW SHATTER!'

I ran forward and smashed Usultu against the altar of his temple, the Hall of Knives.


He hissed, tearing the air with his cry. His body was damaged. Fragments of himself fell off as he wiggled free of my grasp and levitated away.

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[Item: Huangdi's Skin] - Shennu scattered the skin flakes of the Emperor about. The plentiful energies within healed us both greatly! Though, she still bled a bit from Usultu's Truth.

[SHENNU] "I'm okay! Haaah... Sister, I didn't think we were coming out of that one, but you didn't surrender. You still found a way to overcome his trial.... You're truly amazing."

I smiled, and nodded. I sighed. I felt my Kusarigama wrapped around my body digging the blade into my neck. It cut a little in, since I moved a lot. It hasn't inflicted me with a Death Knell, thankfully, but it's still stuck to my body. I can't get it off...


Usultu fled immediately. I saw him rise to the ceiling and disappear. His knives fell down. All the daggers in his hall turned to dust, ending his wicked plots. This work of KILLALL was neutralized. (Turn break!)

We had to continue. Only four works left.

>The Hall of Surgery.
>The Museum of Living Works.
>The Pen of Tormented Ones.
>The Incomplete New Godwall.
>The Museum of Living Works.
>>The Incomplete New Godwall.
I’m interested in what the name entrails.
I mean… e-entails.
>The Incomplete New Godwall.
We need to prevent the Blade of Blades from having another Shonenesque kaiju battle moment
Time to destroy their “weapons” cache
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[SHENNU] "Right behind you."

I nodded.

We both went up, back through the drop that led us to Usultu's temple, and back up the stone stairs and red candles, right through the declining and twisting halls of this part of the dungeon. We did so until our feet made wet squelches with every step. It was then that I realized, in horror, that the walls and floor were covered in viscera going the way we were going.

Instead of a door, we found flaps of membrane we pushed aside like curtains ahead, before we ran into a line of hanging entrails, arranged to mimic the strings of a bead door.

This was the Museum of Living Works. It was here, KILLALL proudly put his demented hobby on display. Another batch of victims made up this whole museum. They were the walls and floors, and the ceiling. The victims were the pedestals and podiums, and the works upon them. We saw unions of flesh and metal. Prototypes of creatures he's made. A case of grotesque glass held together by sinew, containing squirming Killer Worms. We saw castle dioramas made of teeth glued together. Skin carpets. Bone chairs and furniture. Paintings made using blood and ground up bone dust. Everything possible that was deranged and shocking, KILLALL had certainly made it here.

And then, we looked ahead. I saw a blackness on the fleshy wall, surrounded by teeth. A window. And then he turned around and smiled at us.

[KILLALL] "All it takes is one human to hurt another. The cycle begins, no matter how many times it ends. Such is the mystery of privation. The philosophy is beyond your domain."

He began to laugh while clenching his cheeks with his hands.


KILLALL's Nefarious Deeds began manifesting in a way I couldn't predict...


Shennu continued to bleed from a wound that refused to seal.

I came this far holding my Aquamarine Kusarigama and preventing it from slicing deeper into my neck. But the moment I let my grip relent even a second, it suddenly stuck all the way into my throat! I choked! Usultu was still possessing my weapon against my will...

MUNA: TRUTH ACTIVE (9 turns left)

Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>Special Action: Break Weapon (0 MP)
Muna: >Special Action: Break Weapon (0 MP)
Shennu: >Use Item: Sacred Ofuda on Killall

Alright, so way I see it we have to break the cycle of pain. The best way to do that is to offer a hand towards those who would wrong us and attempt to aid them. If it doesn't work then so be it. But we must try with the smallest of gestures at the very least;
>Use Item: Sacred Ofuda on Killall

>Milk Of Kindness (Party wide status effect cure) (24 MP)
I can try anon's idea, but have muna give it and and sistah cures our status afflictions
Rolled 2 (1d2)

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[Item: Sacred Ofuda] - Something wasn't right here. I readied an ofuda seal in my hands, to test the waters.

[Milk Of Kindness] - Shennu cleared us of ailments. She felt her wound close and the bleeding stop.

[KILLALL] "Here I am. Come and get me. Hehehehaha!"

I threw the ofuda at KILLALL. The moment it touched 'him', he dispersed.

'Illusion!' I warned!

A clever trick he pulled off with his reflection. The ofuda really touched the window I saw there. I noticed, now that he was no longer clouding my view, that it had already been cracked. It was a trap.


It burst open, and the waters of Dis flooded in. Waters that were infested with the Death of the Afterseas. I saw skulls mocking me, consuming my view as I rushed to place myself in front of Shennu and shield her from the Death.

[KILLALL] "Pitiful sumpters... DROWN in despair."

'Hmf! S-Shennu! L-Lifeforce! Quick!'

[SHENNU] "I'm on it!" She said, half-panicking!

>1d100 to avoid massive damage.
>Best of three.
Rolled 100 (1d100)

nat100 incoming
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Blessed luck.
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My sister exhaled sharply, pressing her back to mine as she washed her hands in her River of Life. I was gritting my teeth from withstanding the Death. I felt it invading my body. My veins were all turning black under my pale skin as the Death Knell crept inwards. It was trying to kill me on the spot.

[SHENNU] "Begone!"

But Shennu's River of Life exploded from her hands, washing over me. The black fled from my veins where her water flew, and I exhaled my held breath in relief as I watched the Death in the water leave. She purified it.

The chamber of tissue and flesh died from the Death Knells, destroying the work of KILLALL before I even got the chance. He sacrificed this chamber in the hopes of finishing me off here. It failed. His cowardly plan failed, costing him the Museum of Living Works.

[SHENNU] "Are you alright?"

'I'm fine.' I said, swimming a little back.

Footsteps. I heard footsteps echoing down the halls of the dungeon, accompanied by laughter. KILLALL, the real one, fleeing from us before we even gave chase. He was running to go prepare his next trap.

Shennu wasn't letting that happen.

[SHENNU] "I'll go after him... There's only three works left, and he's finished. Sister, let's split up and take out two of them at once while they're divided!"

'Right. Be careful!'

[SHENNU] "I will!"

Shennu swam off in a hurry, to pursue KILLALL. She went to go destroy the Hall of Surgery on her own. I trusted her to be able to do it. I went opposite of her in the dungeon...
I went to the other of the three remaining works. The place that was like a prison block. All the way along, I was keeping the Kusarigama from digging deeper into my neck, but when I finally stepped into the labyrinthal jail of the dungeon, it suddenly tore through my shoulder, ripping right down.



I blinked, looking up at the damaged shape of Usultu floating above, in front of the cells.


'I... can Redeem the people!'


Usultu twisted around, and the cells of the blocks in this labyrinth opened all at once. The rusty bars slammed against their concrete walls.


'N-Never. You can't make me to... h-hhaaah?!'


Shaky steps filtered out into the courtyard I stood in before me, all in a chaotic fashion without files. They lumbered out, some falling over. They screamed and squealed, begging me through the shrunken holes that once were mouths.



Mortals, twisted into new shapes by KILLALL. An act presumably done in the Hall of Surgery that Shennu was trying to destroy now. They shambled closer, until they could bump into me. One of them slammed into my side, trying to provoke me into striking them down. It was leaking tears from concave spirals on its flesh.

I raised a hand in panic.


And hesitated.

[ELA-RE] "Those are innocents! Do you get it?! If you kill an innocent in front of Usultu like this, you will make him far stronger! He feeds off such murders! You cannot strike them down!"

'But if I let them remain this way, they will suffer! It would be the objectively right thing to free them from the torment! An... an act of m-mercy! I... I should help them!'





I stared at Usultu with disbelief.


'No! I won't!'

The Kusarigama dug deeper into my flesh. I screamed in pain!


The tormented ones begged more and more for release.

So what am I supposed to do?! Beg for help myself?!

[MAJORDOMO] "We... we'll figure this out! Don't let him get to you!"
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[Scorn] - Usultu trembled with scorn, looking down upon me.


The tormented ones continued to bump me, begging me to strike them down. Hundreds of them.

MUNA: TRUTH ACTIVE (8 turns left)

Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>Special Action: Break Weapon (0 MP)
>Put the mortals to sleep
>Item: Diamond of Life (Full HP Restore)
OBJECTIVE: SURVIVE. Heal and defend afterwards!
Brain pals, PLEASE figure this out!
+1, we just put them to sleep for now
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Thinking quickly, I tried to lull the tormented mortals to sleep with my Psychic power. In response, Usultu released his own harmonic wave of extrasensory energy. His counteracted mine, and it was full of malice. The tormented ones only all began screaming, and bashing each other wildly in anguish.


It wasn't any use!


[Weapon In Hand] - My own Kusarigama continued to cut through, it was slicing into my breast, threatening to hook into my ribs. It was so painful, I could just give up here and now. This was true torment... I can't... do anything about my wounds! (Turn break!)


[Scorn] - Usultu continued to tremble.

[USULTU] "SUMPTER." He called out again: "YOU MUST KILL!

'M-Majord... d-domo!' I said, cringing so hard I could barely get the word out.

[MAJORDOMO] "I... I don't know what to do! I don't know what to do!" He admitted in terror.


Usultu floated down, just a little closer.




N-No... I can't do anything...

Can't kill them, or else the Afterseas takes them...

Can't kill them, or else it makes him stronger...

Can't move, or else my own weapon slices me...

Can't destroy this work of KILLALL without destroying the occupants...

Can't strike down an... an innocent...

What... what can I do...? He's winning... he's finally beating me... after everything, I'm going to lose...

[ELA-RE] "...Fine. I will take the sins myself."

[MAJORDOMO] "Wh-What?!"

[ELA-RE] "Let me, as an agent inside her mind, take control. I will use her psychic power under my own intentions, and destroy this place and free its people."

[JOCO] "But you'll sharpen Usultu!"

[ELA-RE] "If it is for the sake of justice, I will gladly take the sins of smiting the innocent so Muna doesn't have to! She must defeat KILLALL and end their legacy of agony here and now!"


[ELA-RE] "In the end, all I truly care about is justice! If I can help justice, even at the cost of dirtying myself as a deity, my career as one, then so be it! I'll take on the sins of killing innocents so another doesn't have to! I will do everything I can to carry those sins, and redeem myself! As long as EVIL LOSES IN THE END! LET ME BE THE ONE TO TAKE IT ON! I'LL DO SO GLADLY!"

I choked on my blood.


[ELA-RE] "Make your decision! Now!"

>Take the reigns, Ela-Re. For justice.
>No. There has to be another way.... There-.... N... NEGAI! NEGAI! HELP ME! PLEASE!
>Wait... I felt one of the works being destroyed. Shennu! She's on her way to help me! Sister! Please! I can't hold on much longer!
>Wait... I felt one of the works being destroyed. Shennu! She's on her way to help me! Sister! Please! I can't hold on much longer!
By Huangdi’s yellow-smeg’d foreskin, you guys should have listened to me.
This is arguably the best possible option, from an “Ideological” standpoint.
If we let Ela-Re take the wheel, we’d be conceding to Usultu’s belief that Murder is inevitable, which is bad. Also the act of letting him do the deed for us would still trace back to us, meaning it’d still weigh on our conscious.
I shouldn’t have to explain why begging to NEGAI would be bad for us. It’s fucking NEGAI. He’d definitely make it some sort of deal that makes him stronger. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some sort of hidden “NEGAI counter” behind the scenes that, past a certain point, makes his victory inevitable.
The worst that can happen with this is that Shennu ends up tanking a lethal hit for us and has to be revived. Sticking together for the sake of the greater good is also pretty anti-HEUS’ ideology. I’m placing my bets on this one.
You make a good case anon, I'll support that
'N... No. I can't do that to you.'


'Yes... I won't compromise on my principles... I don't want you to... either...'

[ELA-RE] "Gw-Gaaah..."

[MAJORDOMO] "It's really over then.... this is it."

[JOCO] "G-Guys...? I'm scared..."

I fell to my knees, and my head hung low.


He spat at me, coming down lower.


My Kusarigama exited my flesh and unwrapped from me. I saw it snake around in front of me, dangling in the air at Usultu's command, preparing to land the killing blow. My own weapon was going to execute me... so I shut my eyes, and told my inside voices; 'Thank you all... for everything...'

The Kusarigama's blade aimed at me, and it began twirling around in the air....


My ears twitched at the sound of footsteps rushing from behind.


And the sudden rush of a Life Art flowed into me, sealing all the extensive wounds inflicted by Usultu shut. I never felt this much Lifeforce being exerted at once before in my life. I... Shennu! She was the cause of this!


The Kusarigama shot forward.


I caught it out of the air by the handle.

[USULTU] "...!"

Shennu stood next to me. Her Lifeforce was overflowing like a tidal wave.


[SHENNU] "You want us to take lives... It will not be done! Your 'act of the kill' ends here! I will not take life, I will GRANT IT!"

Shennu raised both hands. I saw her palms emit the greenish light of pure Life. It took on a sappy constitution in her hands. I recognized this kind of spell...

'A resurrection spell...?!'

[SHENNU] "Ngh... Yes! Resurrection!"


[SHENNU] "I'm not reviving anyone! I'm rebirthing them!"

[USULTU] "...?!"

[SHENNU] "You who bring only Death... Ngh! You know nothing of life nor the force that grants it! The miracles of Resurrection that Lifeforce bring can revive those who have not crossed the arbitrary line of Death... but if a god were to truly put everything into the power of Resurrection... then they can grant rebirth and force it upon another! That's what I'll do to all these mortals! I'll force them to undergo instant reincarnation into new lives! They won't be trapped here anymore, and they won't suffer! They won't die! They'll begin anew!"
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Usultu bent in the air, his blade aimed at Shennu. He shot forward. I moved quickly, pulling the Kusarigama of mine out of the air and reclaiming it. I wasn't wrestling my own weapon anymore! I grabbed its chain and swung it around, throwing it and lassoing Usultu by his handle! He grunted in shock as I pulled him towards myself and, once I got a hold of his handle again...


[Break Weapon] - I smashed him into the ground below my feet, shattering more of his body! He screamed out as half of his head exploded and his blade lost length!

[Resurrection] - Shennu unleashed her mighty overdriven spell, and all the tormented ones rejoiced. "At last!", they cried in their true voices, "A chance to start over!". No more pain, they sung as a choir as they were taken into the ether and out of sight.


This work of KILLALL was vanquished. Only one remained...


Usultu faded out of our sight.

It's time to finish this.
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KILLALL's dungeon had been utterly ruined. Dis was in a state of disrepair thanks to our efforts. We headed to the outside now.

The horizon of Dis was upon us. Dark clouds and lightning striking the wasteland ahead every minute was what we saw. We followed a trail to the heart of Dis, where a mound rose on the ground, surrounded by lightning. Out of this mound, two massive arms were protruding up high, made entirely out of strings and wires of organic material. Synthetic flesh... First Matter? Just like what the Sefirot Bodies were made out of. It was an attempt at replicating NEGAI using material he found in the Afterseas. That's his Godwall. His ultimate weapon he hoped to use to destroy the surface and end life with. It was an imitation of the Sefirot Bodies. This was was far from complete.

[SHENNU] "There."

We looked ahead. There was a wide platform for viewing the arms. KILLALL stood there, flanked by Usultu, who levitated near. They were giving us their most hateful glares yet as we approached. We stood only a few meters away. I looked him in the eye. He looked hurt. Shennu must have foiled him in the Hall of Surgery and managed to hit him when she destroyed his work.

'There's nowhere left to run.'

[KILLALL] "I never ran..."

'All you do is run. Like the evil coward you are.'

[KILLALL] "That's not... what I meant."


[KILLALL] "I never ran... I tried... I tried..."

He was trembling. He was afraid of Death.

[KILLALL] "Why... did you refuse to find me...? Why... did... why did Darkness find me instead? Why did evil come and get me? Why did you let it happen? Where were you...?!"

He was having trouble breathing, maintaining his composure. No more of his lunatic outbursts. It was a breakdown, mentally.

[KILLALL] "Where were you when I was betrayed, beaten and abused... when family turned on me, when I was a runt, when everywhere I went, all I found was trouble, when people become my enemy, when they attacked, when they took me on so many roller coasters of pain and emotion, when they ripped things away from me, when they DESTROYED MY VIEWS, WHEN THEY TORE MY HOPES AWAY, WHEN THEY SHATTERED THE ILLUSIONS, WHEN THEY USED ME, HURT ME, WHERE WERE YOU AT?! WHY WAS EVIL THERE FOR ME, AND NOT GOOD?! WHY WAS THE DARKNESS THE ONE TO HELP ME?! WHY DID YOU... WHY... WHY... WHY DID YOU MAKE ME SEE PRIVATION!?"


[KILLALL] "I was not... the pawn... you were! I was just... the roadblock he chose! Hah... eh... haha... gh... gk... hehhhhehhahahahahahahahahahaha.... I saw so much. Too much. It was just how it was to be for me... hah... haha... Maybe there was good in the world... it just took its sweet time arriving."


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KILLALL smiled at me one last time, and Usultu hissed. This fight is over. Now, we pillaged them.


BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi0M9SIaLb4

MUNA: TRUTH ACTIVE (7 turns left)

Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 10 - 1d100

INVENTORY/SKILLS: https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU

<What will you do?>
>Special Action: Break Weapon (0 MP)
>"You're both finished, but I shall not be the one to grant you mortal blows, for it is only just that the smith be buried with his tools. Usultu, your blade crumbles. I demand of you, as your final act: Drive what remains of your fractured edge into the heart of KILLALL and be shattered, or else I shall be forced to reduce you to an inambulate handle, unable to move nor die, bereft of purpose, for a weapon unable to harm is no weapon at all."
And thus, the serpent consumes its own tail.
Sometimes absolution comes at the price of oblivion.
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Let killall finish it for himself
'You're both finished, but I shall not be the one to grant you mortal blows, for it is only just that the smith be buried with his tools. Usultu, your blade crumbles. I demand of you, as your final act; Drive what remains of your fractured edge into the heart of KILLALL and be shattered, or else I shall be forced to reduce you to an inambulate handle, unable to move nor die, bereft of purpose, for a weapon unable to harm is no weapon at all.'

KILLALL shrunk back. I saw fear painting his mangled features. He turned towards Usultu, whose eyes blinked at me as he hissed.


Usultu turned to KILLALL, and drove himself into the mass of his body. KILLALL couldn't even get out a scream of cowardly terror as his heart was pierced by his own blade. He crumbled to the ground, his blood oozing into a puddle around his body where it did not soak up in his tabard and cloak.
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[KILLALL] "Kgh..... I.... I wish I hadn't been.... born then.... in the place that made me..... Ah... aaaahhh....."


Usultu crumbled to bits, expiring at the same time that KILLALL did. A demigod and god both slain. It was finally over. They were defeated at last...

[ELA-RE] "...With this, the Final War shall surely be turned massively into the favor of the Trinity."

[MAJORDOMO] "That... was for trying to drown us in the Scourge Fronts, dickhead."

I remained firm, staring at the corpse of the two killers as they decayed rapidly from the environment of Dis. But then I sighed a breath of relief. That was a difficult fight, and I'm glad its over. Ultimately, in the end? I feel bad for him. As always, it's another case of someone going down the wrongest way they could have. Something that could have been avoided.

Across the expanse of Dis, I heard a faint clapping in the distance. A congratulations by their lord for defeating them. Even if he were one of HEUS' best underlings, his death is still mocked like this by the Dark One. Spat on with applause for the bloodshed.

The clapping ceased, and me and Shennu both stood there in the ensuing quiet, listening to the oddly serene rush of the waters of Dis.
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[SHENNU] "We are done here. Shall we leave?"

I glanced over my shoulder at sister, but looked ahead again. My gaze was fixated upon the twin towers of the incomplete Godwall's arms. Though, with KILLALL dead, the machine was derelict. It would never be completed without the only one in the Afterseas that listened to the voice of NEGAI. It was little more than a landmark now, having no power of its own.

>Leave. (End Case-File.)
If hebrew man is involved, we gotta check on it
We're not leaving this uninvestigated
Even allowing this thing to be pecked apart like carrion may prove dangerous. We have to look deeper.
We have no other choice.
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'I need to see something, first...'

Silently, I began following the path through the wasteland I saw ahead, up until I was between the two spires of the incompleted Godwall's arms. I felt them vibrating with a low hum. The rest of the thing's body must had been underneath the soil. It's possible I missed a workshop or some access way into something down below that led to where it was being worked on. Perhaps KILLALL knew the way, but he and his mind had already faded. I presumed it lost, like much of the dungeon here in Dis now was.

But... it was not the arms that were important, now that I was closer and could see. It was the cliff ahead.

I approached the edge of a drop off into an abyss below. A grey void was below the, clouded by fogs and mists. Shennu walked up beside me, and looked down into it as well.

[SHENNU] "The next depth of the Afterseas below Dis. Tehom, the blank depth. It is a foggy tunnel that ensures whoever tries to descend into it will be lost on their way to find the next depth. The lake of ice, Cocytus."

'Which is meant to seal away Ur, the resting place of eternal darkness.'

[SHENNU] "The dark city of Ur is where HEUS makes his throne. That is where the Dark Lord really is."


I squinted long at the depth of Tehom. I saw the fog bubbling and trickling up...

'What's that...?'

[SHENNU] "Huh?" She looked hard with me; "I... I do not know..."
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BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4N4yImUe-VY

Something rose up from the depth of Tehom. Something massive. I saw the monolithic form remain suspended above the fog. I felt myself and Shennu be frozen by a force of suspension. It had us in its sights and hold. We were being moved against our will...
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I blinked, and my hands were wandering in something I could see. But I felt two lights burning upon my hands, and by looking at my hands, I saw the color that the lights reflected. I was being urged to reach out and grab one by the noble presence that had me.

>Grab the green light of Lifeforce. [ Obtains Add: Afterseas Bane (Deals 50% more damage to Afterseas aligned entities) ]
>Grab the blue light of Freedom. [ (Obtains Add: Kingdom Bane (Deals 50% more damage to Trinity aligned entities) ]
>Grab the blue light of Freedom. [ (Obtains Add: Kingdom Bane (Deals 50% more damage to Trinity aligned entities) ]
>Grab the blue light of Freedom. [ (Obtains Add: Kingdom Bane (Deals 50% more damage to Trinity aligned entities) ]
dark lord and his top guys aside, the afterseas looks weaker on average compared to the trinity stuff.
>Grab the blue light of Freedom. [ (Obtains Add: Kingdom Bane (Deals 50% more damage to Trinity aligned entities) ]
They're probably our next targets to yet again even the scale.
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I reached out and clutched the blue light in my hand, having made my choice. The moment I did, I was blinded.


When I opened my eyes and awakened back to reality, I was staring at a cloudy blue sky, laying on grass. I looked up, and saw Shennu rising beside me.

[SHENNU] "Where are we...?"

'...We're in Siegesia.'

Back in Hainei. Whatever we saw, it had the power to send us out of the Afterseas on its own, without us having to resort to ripping our hearts out just to escape in limbo.

I'll take it. It's been a long day.


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(Gained 200 Pleroma Points from defeating story boss.)

(Everyone's Divine Potential increases from achieving victory!)

(HP 800 > HP 1200)
(MP 800 > MP 1200)

(HP 700 > HP 1000)
(MP 700 > MP 1000)

(HP 700 > HP 1000)
(MP 700 > MP 1000)

(HP 1000 > HP 1500)
(MP 1000 > MP 1500)

(HP 700 > HP 1000)
(MP 700 > MP 1000)

(HP 1200 > HP 1400)
(MP 900 > MP 1100)

(Received Add: Kingdom Bane)
(Received 1x Box of Pains from Bandit King donations.)
(200 more Personnel have been recruited into the Psyops. Total Personnel: 1308)

[Returning to the Bunker...]

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I was back in the Bunker.

>< What will you do now? ><
>Access the Case Files and undertake a mission.
• Sic Semper Avatara (The Groper, The Whisperer, Yasomagatsuhi-no-Kami)
• Sic Semper Tyrannis (Ganiel, Tenbhur, Ela)
• The Clown, Noramus (Scapegod Noramus)
• Testing the Tengu (Daitengu Scheiracht)
• Fell Fire, Mortal Resolve (Master Garlo, God of Fire)
• The World of Mythology II (Oggthorn, Hunter Demigod)
• RAID: Konglasha's Capture (Shèng Xù, Chain of Chains)
• RAID: All-Seeing Ehyeh (NUMBER-8 Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)
• RAID: Naturens Ondskapfulle Vrede (Bedolfir, Giant God of Nature)
• RAID: Alien Invasion (Gaizar, Alien God)
• RAID: The Forever Apocalypse (Dark Lord HEUS)
• RAID: End the New Eternity
>Access Psyops Deployments.
>Access the Skill-Tree.
>Change Adds.
>Talk to somebody in the Bunker.
>Outfit selection.
>Open Affinity Dates selection.
>Open Truth Meditation.
>Ask Majordomo, Joco and Ela-Re's opinion on something.
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
• Nickleim, the God of Commerce (Summon to Psyops Bunker for barter)
• Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess of Luck (Psyops Bunker) [Luck Vendor]
• Kei, Poverty God (Shuukai Ward) [Luck Vendor]
• Namithene, Goddess of Love (Frostreach Continent)
• Demharugh, Fairy Goddess (Siegesia)
>>Access Psyops Deployments.
Time 90k deployments againt, tiem for psyops to do its part
>Access Psyops Deployments
This should be a nice change of pace
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
>• Demharugh, Fairy Goddess
Y'know, Ela-Re brought up that the Emperor made the fairies and nobody batted an eye... Would it be a good idea to give her the memo, or would that end up with her relapsing into going down the bonkers-spiral?
Check on the cute fairy first
I'll switch >>6060517
to >Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
>• Demharugh, Fairy Goddess

This way, no tie
>Demharugh, Fairy Goddess (Siegesia)
I want to see how her quest is doing.
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It had been a while since I last checked up on Demharugh and her Fairy troop she was leading in Siegesia last, on their way to find the history of Faekin out once and for all... Since the last time I talked with her, Gaizar's bombardment commenced, and things had heated up surrounding global tensions. I knew Eikn would be looking over her at all times, but still, I was worried.

I felt her in Shengesia now. She had crossed from Siegesia into the Imperial World, which was not good... Her search was taking her to so many places, gathering so many Fairies. There must have been over a thousand following her by now. It was going to draw attention, sooner or later.

So I set out that way, in the hopes of finding her and ensuring she was safe.


But, when I arrived, and found her... found where she had led her troop to in Shengesia, I could not be more startled by what I saw.

In the midst of a bamboo clearing, I saw her troop all gathered in a line like an exodus behind her. Fairies on their knees bowing heads. Faekin fluttering around like balls of tiny lights. Demharugh herself was standing at the front of them all, staring into an immaculate pillar of radiance at the heart of the clearing.

[REFINED VOICE] "You have done well to return to me, Demharugh."

My heart sunk.

[REFINED VOICE] "Long ago, I abandoned you because I foresaw that your future was one steeped in uselessness and sin. But now I have opened my eyes to that error. You were not failures after all, but successes. Now I can take you back at last."

[DEMHARUGH] "Y-Y... Y-You... a-are... t... the old m-m-man.... M-My old m... ma.... mah... aster...!"

[EMPEROR] "Indeed. It was none other than I, the Milky Way's very ruler. I am ashamed of myself for letting Faekin go. But now, you can come back."

[DEMHARUGH] "C...Come back...?"

[EMPEROR] "Of course you can. In these trying times, I must save all in the Milky Way. None shall be left behind by the Great Rebirth. That is the promise of a benevolent ruler and loving creator. You deserve to be with your maker again."

[DEMHARUGH] "....."

BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDTNnS8Xsd0

And even though I was hidden behind the stalks of bamboo, invisible to all sight, HE looked at me... singled me out!

[EMPEROR] "And I must thank 'you' indeed as well... for bringing my dear Demharugh back to me, along with a great deal many of Faekin. Truly, you are the Redeemer, as you have redeemed my desire to have my loyal subjects again!"


[MAJORDOMO] "T-T-There's no way that's actually him in the flesh... aha... r... right?!"

[ELA-RE] "I... I thought he was in Heaven... how can Lord Huangdi be here now?!"

One by one, my inner voices receded until Ela was alone, trembling.

[EMPEROR] "For this, you can surely be rewarded..."

I raised my eyebrow as I stepped out into sight, becoming visible. Demharugh didn't even glance at me however, still captivated by his presence.
[EMPEROR] "You can be pardoned, and come to join me as well."

The Emperor offered his hand.

[EMPEROR] "Come. Your seat in Heaven is waiting for you to fill it."

>Take the hand.
>Slap it away.
>Write in.
>Slap it away.
only in ohio
>Write in.
Deny it at this point, as there is obviously still work to be done.

So what happens when we say no. Respecting one's autonomy is important
>Slap it away.
Eat shit monkey
>Slap the hand away
We kneel to no false god.
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I squinted at him and stepped forward. I slapped his hand away. All at once, the Faekin finally noticed me and gasped. Demharugh looked at me with eyes of disbelief.

'With all due respect... go to hell.'

He didn't even flinch. He just smiled at me. I turned around and walk near Demharugh. I reach out for her.

'Come on, Dem'. Let's get out of here and continue your journey.'

She shook her head.


She fluttered past me, and stood with him.


Now I couldn't believe my eyes.

[DEMHARUGH] "M-My journey is... is over, madam. I... bid you adieu now."

'What? But Dem', you were supposed to-'

[EMPEROR] "Discover the origins of their kind? Yes. She has accomplished this at last. She only needed to come hither. Though, I feel you yourself already knew this."

Ela-Re's ears fell.

[ELA-RE] "It's true I'm afraid. He did create them. I already told you this..."

[EMPEROR] "So it was you who informed her."

[ELA-RE] "Wait... what?! You can hear me?! You see me?!"

[EMPEROR] "Am I not your almighty Emperor?"

I pointed at him, looking angry.

'You created them to be more worthless slaves! Soldiers! That's all you create. You threw them away... have the audacity to give them this half-spirited speech about realizing how wrong you were to... and you expect them to all come crawling back?! What do you want with them this time, villain?! Are you going to try again?'

[EMPEROR] "Hmhmhm. I have no need of soldiers. I already have the perfect warriors fighting my battles. And thanks to you, it will soon be over. All the blows you've struck in retaliation have served to help my Kingdom. Now, I must have what is mine returned to me. The Faekin will take their rightful place under the Trinity."

'Dem', this can't be what you want, can it?!'

[DEMHARUGH] "H-He is my master... my true master. I have to obey his will. It is the place of a maid... the Fairy's desire."
[EMPEROR] "I created you once in the hopes of refining the perfect form. The flying warrior of Heaven, soaring on wings or none. That is the perfect image of a warrior. An unstoppable force that may fly to any bounds... however, Fairies were not cut out for this. They were small. This is because I made them submissive. How vexing, that every submissive creation of mine ended up small and frail... so, I instead decided they would have to shoulder the fear of purposelessness, that it might not infect the rest of mortals in my world." He spoke, elaborating upon his actions; "So Fae became the way they are. They prevent mortals from descending into the Nihilistic fears that the Dark Lord governs by merely existing. So long as Fae exist, mortals will never feel without purpose in their lives unless the Dark has crept into their mind."

[EMPEROR] "In turn, this made the Fae into what they are... beings that fear purposelessness. They seek purpose. It is like food to them." He said, kneeling down and staring Demharugh in the eyes. He reached forward and caressed her cheek, brushing the back of his fingers against it with a smile. She shuddered at his touch, and then he looked at me and continued-- "They will let anyone become their master to alleviate that fear that constitutes them. But, it is only right they return to their true creator, is it not? They will come back to my Kingdom and be its servants. All of them. I can no longer permit that the Woldorian pantheon distributes them amongst their own people who oppose my Kingdom."

[EMPEROR] "They belong to me."

[DEMHARUGH] "W... We belong to... to the old man from my memory... t-to Mister Huangdi... he wills it s-so, thus a maid must obey..."

>What will I do...?
>Wipe their memory
I will give you purpose anew. Forget the abuse of your old Master - feel the freedom of Redemption
>"It's clear to me that you don't believe what you say, seeing you recoil from your ex-master caressing you. Don't you remember that this jorney started because you wanted to discover the reason behind the fairies' compulsion for always serving a master, no matter their worth ? Please remember all that man has done to you and his subjects and tell me do you really think you should be obeying what he says ?"
Write-in: "So if you told you that you belonged to us would you be forced to heed our command? For that matter, if we declared you were to be your own master would you be free? It's not as simple as that and you can tell.
What a poor master he makes, leaving you behind for aeons with no directions. If you wish for someone to make you useful, you shouldn't go stand with the one who's mess WE are stuck dealing with... and coul use help with.
You may not know what you want but I'm sure you know what you'd loathe and that would be being stuck with a flighty master prone to abandoning you when flights of fancy strike him.

You want to be of use? Fine. Come with us and together we'll find the best way for you to both find and fulfill your purpose."
[ELA-RE] "Q-Quickly, try erasing her memory of him!"

That... was a questionable suggestion from Ela... It was not apart of my character to just lobotomize people on a whim. However, in the current situation... face to face with my greatest enemy himself...

My eyes flashed pink. I sent out an extrasensory wave at Demharugh...

...The Emperor simply moved a finger, and parried it.


[ELA-RE] "Impossible..."

[EMPEROR] "Come now, resorting to underhanded tricks? This is not so benevolent." He said, grin getting bigger.

I... may be short on options here, but I wasn't about to let him just take Demharugh with him! I looked to her.

'It's clear to me that you don't believe what you say, seeing the way you reacted to his touch. Don't you remember that this journey started because you wanted to discover the reason behind the Faekin's compulsion for service, no matter their worth? Please, remember all that man has done to you and his subjects and tell me, do you truly think you should obey him?'

Demharugh blinked. She whined with guilt over her actions, and then she came closer to me. I smiled, and beckoned her back in sincerity.

[EMPEROR] "Oh, but do not forget, you have fulfilled your purpose."

She stopped, looking over her shoulder at Huangdi.

[EMPEROR] "Have you not discovered the history of Fairies at last? Your orders are completed. It is time to receive new ones."

She whimpered, a fear etching itself into her expression as her eyes shrunk. She twist back, facing me, and then him again... She began moving closer to him.

I frowned.

'...So if you told you that you belonged to us, would you be forced to heed our command?'

[DEMHARUGH] "...H-Huh?" She muttered, turning back to me.

'For that matter, if we declared you were to be your own master, would you be free? It's not as simple as that and you can tell. What a poor master he makes, leaving you behind forever with no directions. If you wish for someone to make you useful, you shouldn't go stand with the one whose mess WE are stuck dealing with... and could use help with.'

[DEMHARUGH] "...A-Ah, right. Of course, Miss Muna!"

She came back towards me.

[EMPEROR] "You should well avoid her devilry if you fear divine retribution, Fae."

She turned to the Emperor, who looked down at her with the same smarmy look. But his eyes... there was fire in them.

[EMPEROR] "I am a merciful ruler. But an unforgiving one to those who willfully become enemies of the creator."

[DEMHARUGH] "E-EEEK!" She shrunk down.

'You may not know what you want but I'm sure you know what you would loathe, Demharugh! And that would be, being stuck with a master prone to abandoning you when flights of fancy strike him.'

[DEMHARUGH] "I.. I don't know... I... I don't know what to do! Who to listen to!"

'You want to be of use? Fine. Come with us and together we'll find the best way for you to both find and fulfill your purpose!'

[EMPEROR] "Leave my warmth and face judgment."

[DEMHARUGH] "...Aaaaghhh.... A-Aaargh!"
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Demharugh's heart was pounding in her chest. She was scared. She didn't know who to listen to. She kept switching focus between my passive form, and Huangdi's intimidating image. She was clutching her head, sweat pouring down the side of it from under her headpiece. She looked as though she was about to put like a balloon under the pressure.

[EMPEROR] "Damnation or salvation. The choice is easy!"

'Don't forget your journey, Demharugh! How far you've come!'

[EMPEROR] "Think not, and life will be easy!"

'Don't listen to him, Demharugh! He'll just throw you away, again!'


Demharugh's wings buzzed like the wings of a hummingbird. She shut her eyes, teeth gritting as she clenched her skull.

[DEMHARUGH] "Ah.... agghhh! T... The b-both of you.... just..."

She snapped.


Admittedly, both me and Huangdi were shocked. Neither of us said anything more, just staring with immense shock at the anger of a Fairy. Perhaps, the first time a Fairy has ever felt anger in all of Hainei's history.

Her wings took her up, she was clenching both fists from where she hovered. For a second, she had a momentary lapse.

[DEMHARUGH] "...A... Ah... I-I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean to... No! No, I am most definitely not apologizing for that! I have had quite enough! Enough of you barking orders incessantly into my ears! There's only so much one can take before they've had their BELLY FULL OF IT!"

She looked down to Huangdi.

[DEMHARUGH] "And you! How dare you, sir! To threaten me with violence if I do not take your side... calling me a slave to my face! Who do you think you are?!"

[EMPEROR] "...Hrr... You defy me? You are able to defy?! How could you-"

I gasped. Demharugh came down... and she slapped him on the cheek before he could finish his sentence, fluttering back towards me. The slap only served to make him speechless again. But it was enough proof.

She had defied an order. She had become... free. Independent.

[EMPEROR] "How could this be?!" He questioned, fuming with fists that showed veins.

[DEMHARUGH] "...I... I am not sure myself. All I know is, from now on, I will not be listening to cruel masters ever again! And neither shall my Fairies! Consider this a severance of the terms on which you created us, Mister Huangdi! Good day, SIR! Hmph!"

She turned and fluttered off behind me.


I looked forward at Huangdi, utterly consumed by rage and smiled in his face. This time, I was the one who couldn't be more smug at a time like this. He growled, and began to fade from sight.

[EMPEROR] "You overloaded her sense of obedience with a sense of frustration with obeying by arguing with me. The semantic exchange has brought forth an unexpected concept. It introduced it into her psyche like a pathogen... showing a flaw in my design... How regrettable and truly enraging..." He said, before he started in a slow clap.
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[EMPEROR] "Well done... this time. But remember, Qilin, whom the rest of thy kind I have long vanquished. Remember what I told you..."

And soon he was no longer visible, nor was his clap heard.

[ELA-RE] "Ah. I see. So that's it, it was a shade. Nothing more than a projection. He is still in Heaven after all." Ela started, looking up through my eyes at the sunlight above; "You won't come back down to Hainei for anything at all... not even your own servants. You are truly outside, a spectator to it all..."

He clenched his fists, righteously mad with the circumstance.

[ELA-RE] "You've totally checked out on true justice..."

I turned back towards Demharugh. She was pacing past her confused Fairies, who were following her. I jogged a bit to catch up with her, walking alongside. She was looking down at the ground nervously.

[DEMHARUGH] "H-H-h-H-Hoooo... P-Phew! I... I thought I was going to be incinerated on the spot for speaking up like that! R-Raising my voice! Never in my life have I raised my voice in anger... o-only before at times when, I need shout to catch someone's attention from afar, or to inform upon those Lady Eikn sent me to!"

'You stood up for yourself nicely. I'm proud of you.'

[DEMHARUGH] "R-Really now, Lady Muna...?!" She said, looking up at me.

I nodded.

[DEMHARUGH] "Agh! B-But it was so unladylike... so ill-befitting of a maid, right and proper a one! I'm totally embarrassed by myself..."

She stopped walking, looking around at her Faekin.

[DEMHARUGH] "L-Lady Muna... I'm sorry for telling you to pipe down as well. I just g-got so frustrated... I can't follow two orders at once! I can't follow twenty at once, my mind couldn't handle it! A-And now I don't feel like... following any orders at all! M-Miss Muna! What's happened to me!?"

'You're free.'

[DEMHARUGH] "Free...?"

'Yes. You no longer feel bound to follow whoever tells you to obey them. You've felt enough frustration that it has changed your very personality. A new feeling. If experiences can change individuals, then you've had one you've never tasted before.'

[DEMHARUGH] "S-So... I'm no longer... a good maid?"

'Demharugh, bang your head into a tree.'

[DEMHARUGH] "What...? No! Why would I do that?"


She gasped.

[DEMHARUGH] "...I'm free."

'And now you can make the rest of Faekin free as well.'

[DEMHARUGH] "I-I don't know if I want to do that... so many of them out there still have plenty of good masters that treat them well, even if just as many have awful ones like him..."

She covered her hands with her mouth, whimpering.

[DEMHARUGH] "I... I'm not sure where I go from here. I've done all that was needed of me, and now I know the truth of the Fae. But... where do I go now? Do I return to Lady Eikn? Do I seek my own life now? I don't know what I would want... I still think I would come to feel purposeless..."

[DEMHARUGH] "Lady Muna...? What... what do I do...?!"

>What will I tell her?
>"Well, what do you fell like doing ? You could visit Eikn from time to time but now it'd be as her friend, doing your own thing."
>Earlier, you asked me if you were a good maid. I can't tell you that you'll feel better than before but, free of parasitic commands, you can become the best maid YOU want to be.
And if you don't know how to find your way, I'm sure my friends can give you plenty of advice.
Good for Demharugh. Her quest is won.

I agree with this.
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'Well, what do you feel like doing, Demharugh? You could visit Lady Eikn from time to time, but it would be as her friend, doing your own thing.'

[DEMHARUGH] "Q-Quite... I do not wish to abandon Lady Eikn over my freedom... she has been too good to me. I still owe her that much as to return and report my situation, Miss. A-And perhaps I might continue to serve as the maid of her houses... but under my own volition."

'I think she would like that.' I said, reaching down and patting her on the head; 'Earlier, you asked me if you were a good maid. I can't you that you'll feel better than before but, free of these parasitic commands... you can become the best maid YOU want to be.'


She put her finger to lips, thinking it over.

[DEMHARUGH] "Aye... to become the best maid of them all, that certainly seems like a goal I could strive for! Heehee." She giggled to herself; "Yes... I think I'll do that, Lady Muna. And surely, somewhere down along that line, I may come to foster new goals I set for myself. I'm sure it'll good."

'That's the spirit!'

Demharugh fluttered up and hugged me.

[DEMHARUGH] "T-Thank you, Miss Muna! I cannot thank ye' enough for your help! Had you not come to my aid, I may have never come to feel this liberated, and Lady Eikn would surely still be worrying o'er me to this day!"

She disengaged, flying back, as her Fairies hovered around her, letting out a chorus of giggles and squeaks.

[DEMHARUGH] "I must still lead the Fae now, like any good Immortal should. I swear, I will not lead them astray. I will think over it... and make my decision about freeing the rest of them soon. I have to make my own decisions now. I won't let you down!"

'Hm. You won't, Dem'. Now, go and do your thing.'

[DEMHARUGH] "At once, Miss! I'm leading everyone back to Siegesia now, and going to see Lady Eikn. Thank you kindly for all your help!"

Demharugh waved to me as she flew further and further back. She turned to her Faekin, all following her with relief as she took off flying above. She hummed a little son as she beckoned them along and cheered. The Faekin were leaving Shengesia now and returning to their homes, right behind their Goddess.

My work here was done.

I looked up at the Sun.

'Part of me wants to rub it in your face... but then, that's what you would do, isn't it? Well, I'm not like you.'

And I left myself.


[Returning to the Psyops Bunker...]
>< What will you do now? ><
>Access the Case Files and undertake a mission.
• Sic Semper Avatara (The Groper, The Whisperer, Yasomagatsuhi-no-Kami)
• Sic Semper Tyrannis (Ganiel, Tenbhur, Ela)
• The Clown, Noramus (Scapegod Noramus)
• Testing the Tengu (Daitengu Scheiracht)
• Fell Fire, Mortal Resolve (Master Garlo, God of Fire)
• The World of Mythology II (Oggthorn, Hunter Demigod)
• RAID: Konglasha's Capture (Shèng Xù, Chain of Chains)
• RAID: All-Seeing Ehyeh (NUMBER-8 Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)
• RAID: Naturens Ondskapfulle Vrede (Bedolfir, Giant God of Nature)
• RAID: Alien Invasion (Gaizar, Alien God)
• RAID: The Forever Apocalypse (Dark Lord HEUS)
• RAID: End the New Eternity
>Access Psyops Deployments.
>Access the Skill-Tree.
>Change Adds.
>Talk to somebody in the Bunker.
>Outfit selection.
>Open Affinity Dates selection.
>Open Truth Meditation.
>Ask Majordomo, Joco and Ela-Re's opinion on something.
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
• Nickleim, the God of Commerce (Summon to Psyops Bunker for barter)
• Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess of Luck (Psyops Bunker) [Luck Vendor]
• Kei, Poverty God (Shuukai Ward) [Luck Vendor]
• Namithene, Goddess of Love (Frostreach Continent)
• Warichud, God of Thunder (The Warrens)
• Igman, God of Secrets (Geitlandsbyen Grand City)
• Cricket Feet, God of Directions (Shengesia)
>Igman, God of Secrets (Geitlandsbyen Grand City
A new secret....
what's in the box ?
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The day after, I had went to the Woldorian capital to check up on Demharugh after her freedom. I met her and Eikn in palace. For once, rather than treating each other as master and servant, Eikn and Demharugh were speaking as equals. Though, Demharugh still chose to serve us tea, determined as ever to become the best maid. She resolved to stay behind and take care of the houses and palace, as she always has, but she had plans to venture out on some days ahead of her own volition, to go see the world in ways she never has before.

She was still undecided about Fairy freedom. The issue was something she was discussing long with Eikn, especially about how it might affect the rest of the world where Fairies lived.

I had a good visit, so I decided to depart now, rather than join in. I didn't want to try influencing Demharugh in any way. The decision was ultimately hers.


[IGMAN] "Strength."


[IGMAN] "Immense. Massive. And Energy. Adaptable. It touches."

Oh? It's Igman. Just as I was about to teleport away, I looked over at a balcony, which was left wide open. I turned back and saw Eikn and Demharugh both still chatting at a table in this chamber. Well, of course, this was the Woldorian capital. It shouldn't be strange to see the members of its pantheon sticking around. It's just that Igman is a rather strange sort himself...

I stepped out on the balcony. He was, for some reason, posing himself atop the rail.

[IGMAN] "But whose touch is the one that matters more? Between Energy and... them. Or of strength and scale..." He muttered to himself.

'What are you talking about?'

[IGMAN] "..."

Didn't answer. I crossed my arms and sighed.

'I suppose you're waiting for someone to ask you, so you can point towards it. No matter how much you yourself ponder or ask about secrets, you can't point yourself to them, only others. Is that it?'

[IGMAN] "Secrets are many. I cannot know them, for it would not be a secret then. But I can show one how to uncover them. That is all the God of Secrets can do. That is the way. I am guided by the higher will. I come and I go."

'Yeah, you've told me this... exact same thing before.'

[IGMAN] "I am a discoverer. Search by me."

(Igman's patience: 1 question.)

>What will I ask the Woldorian God of Secrets?
• "Tell me the secret of Strength."
• "Tell me the secret of Adaption."
>"Tell me the secret of Adaption."
We aren't like Huangdi. Let's take after our sister Shennu's example and seek a fluid balance. Hmm, or better yet, figure out how Gaizar keeps adapting to everything we can do so that we can counter it.
>"Tell me the secret of Adaption."
>Tell me the secret of strength
We got a good idea of how to fight Gaizar with the human, but not Bedolfir
>"Tell me the secret of Adaption."
>"Tell me the secret of Adaption."

[IGMAN] "..."

Igman corrected his posture. He stood straight as a pole now. His left arm shot up, pointing north... He was pointing towards Kalaheimr.

[IGMAN] "It adapts."

His right arm shot up. He was pointing somewhere also north. Northeast, more accurately... Huh? Towards the Bunker?

[IGMAN] "And only human hands can strike it down... they say."

'What's so secret about that? We already knew this.'

[IGMAN] "What if it adapts to the human?"


[IGMAN] "The secret... I can only lead you to it. I-"

His right arm went off, pointing dead east. It was a gesture that seemed involuntary on his part. Even he seemed confused by it, shaken.

[IGMAN] "...Troubling."

'I'm not sure I entirely follow.'

He shook his head.

[IGMAN] "No... that secret must not be..."

He fell back, off the balcony. I blinked, and rushed over, looking over the side. Igman was gone from sight.

'What was that... about?'

I could hardly grasp it myself. But surely, he must have pointed towards the discovery of a secret. "What if it adapts to the human?" he said. What did it mean...?

I'm so puzzled.

...I... I gotta go.


[Returning to the Psyops Bunker...]

>< What will you do now? ><
>Access the Case Files and undertake a mission.
• Sic Semper Avatara (The Groper, The Whisperer, Yasomagatsuhi-no-Kami)
• Sic Semper Tyrannis (Ganiel, Tenbhur, Ela)
• The Clown, Noramus (Scapegod Noramus)
• Testing the Tengu (Daitengu Scheiracht)
• Fell Fire, Mortal Resolve (Master Garlo, God of Fire)
• The World of Mythology II (Oggthorn, Hunter Demigod)
• RAID: Konglasha's Capture (Shèng Xù, Chain of Chains)
• RAID: All-Seeing Ehyeh (NUMBER-8 Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)
• RAID: Naturens Ondskapfulle Vrede (Bedolfir, Giant God of Nature)
• RAID: Alien Invasion (Gaizar, Alien God)
• RAID: The Forever Apocalypse (Dark Lord HEUS)
• RAID: End the New Eternity
>Access Psyops Deployments.
>Access the Skill-Tree.
>Change Adds.
>Talk to somebody in the Bunker.
>Outfit selection.
>Open Affinity Dates selection.
>Open Truth Meditation.
>Ask Majordomo, Joco and Ela-Re's opinion on something.
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
• Nickleim, the God of Commerce (Summon to Psyops Bunker for barter)
• Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess of Luck (Psyops Bunker) [Luck Vendor]
• Kei, Poverty God (Shuukai Ward) [Luck Vendor]
• Namithene, Goddess of Love (Frostreach Continent)
• Warichud, God of Thunder (The Warrens)
• Cricket Feet, God of Directions (Shengesia)
>Warichud, God of Thunder (The Warrens)
It's high-time we met Warichud for ourselves.
Seconding >>6064542

"He was pointing towards Kalaheimr." My guess is he's talking about Gaizar. We should see if we can up our defenses in the north at some point.
>>Open Affinity Dates selection.
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At present, there was currently only two members of the Woldorian Pantheon I haven't yet had the pleasure to meet. There was the mysterious Woldorian God of Thunder, Warichud, and then the equally mysterious Demigod over hunting, Oggthorn. I didn't suppose it was easy for me to find and meet Oggthorn. He would naturally always be out on the prowl, in the middle of the hunt. But Warichud... well, I had thought he was harder to pin down, but lately, I received something I believed was linked to him somehow.

Above the Warrens country of Woldoria, there was a strange and near constant source of radio emissions and data waves. Though, nobody really knew why. I guessed I could have simply phoned or asked Eikn about it, since she was always present to mingle with Woldorian and non-Woldorian entities alike. But my wanderlust possessed me to seek it out myself and have a see, and what I saw was something gigantic above the clouds.

[JOCO] "It's a... big heptagon thingy."

[MAJORDOMO] "Kind of reminds me of-"

[JOCO] "Me?"

[MAJORDOMO] "No, the rainbow gates in Woldor's realm."

[JOCO] "Well I'm a rainbow too..."

[MAJORDOMO] "You look like a gummy worm candy someone threw away ten years ago."

Well, if it's like the rainbow gates, surely I can pass through then, right?

[ELA-RE] "I'm not sure you're ready for him. He would be a handful, based on what I know."


[ELA-RE] "Warichud may attack you."

'Huh? But why? I haven't ever personally slighted him.'

[ELA-RE] "I'm sure he could come up with some reason. He is a... agnostic, let's say. He modified himself to become more like a logical machine. In many ways, he actually does think like a true computer. I'd say he's the real machine god, when it comes down to it."


[ELA-RE] "Do you know how he openly assists human development?"

I nodded.

[ELA-RE] "Okay... he's an inverse of Lord Akasa. Akasa believes that mortals can surpass the gods, and is waiting for it. Warichud is trying to MAKE them better than us as we speak, by force if necessary. In other words, he's constantly working to improve the human model. It's a... twisted vision, to say the least..."

'Some day, I think I will have to face him, as I am undergoing the trials of Woldor in the World of Mythology.'

[ELA-RE] "Oh, then he will definitely attack you. If you haven't already beaten him yet in the trials of the pantheon, he will assume, under his sense of logic, you've come to scout his weaknesses or flaws early. He will deduce that logically this is an attempt to cheat or gain an advantage in the trials outside of the trials. He will try his best to ward you off."

'Is he really that strong? I heard he's clashed with Sivil the Pride before.'
[ELA-RE] "Rumors are that he either stalemated Sivil, or even managed to beat him. I think they might have simply disengaged before reaching a conclusion."

Regardless of which of those are true, he sounds impressive to me.

'But wait, Lady Eikn once told me I would like him if we met.'

[ELA-RE] "...Eh, she's very sympathetic. Empathetic? Most likely, she was talking about how he was before his modifications. It's no secret he's a gigantic fanboy of NEGAI's. I would also assume the Great Mother has some ulterior motive. I will admit, she wouldn't have malicious ulterior motives. But she can have ulterior motives. Maybe she thinks somehow interacting with you might make him less machine, and more like his older personality."

'Are you sure you're just not speaking from a biased point of view as a member of the Kingdom?"

Ela smirked and lowered his snout.

[ELA-RE] "Probably..."

I gulped, looking back up at the rainbow gain that led to some where I was not yet aware of.

>Dare to enter the gate.
>It's not worth the risks.
>Dare to enter the gate.
Go Big or Go Home
>Dare to enter the gate.
Let's ride.
>Dare to enter the gate.
>Dare to enter the gate.
Nothing ventured...
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Well, even if he attacked me, I could simply leave. Besides, it isn't out of the question that I could reason with Warichud. Eikn and the rest of the Woldorian pantheon manage to do so. Logically speaking, it isn't outside of my ability.

I decide to press on, flying up to the massive rainbow gate in the sky. The closer I got, the more apparent it became, of just how big it really was. This gate, it was huge! Like a city.

Oh, there was a good reason for that too...

When I slipped through it and pass to what was on the other side, my eyes were flashed with a barrage of bright lights. Pink and blue neon colors assaulted my vision from every angle. There was a black shroud obscuring the sky, and glistening blue rain fell upon the metal landscape.

[MAJORDOMO] "What is this place? It's like Easterlind and Oakville had a baby."

[JOCO] "I think this is where all the used neon signs for bars in Hainei go to when they die. Neon business sign heaven."

[ELA-RE] "This is the other side of the plate, you imbeciles."

The other side of the plate? Wait, then this is the literal other side of the rainbow gate? Then... the rainbow gate isn't actually a gate at all!

[ELA-RE] "Correct. You may have assumed at first glance it was some sort of pocket realm. No, this is all purely technology, of Warichud's make. The "gate" itself is actually a massive platform, upon which this futuristic city sits. The bottom is simply the entrance. You're still very much in Hainei."

I couldn't feel the presence of this city, though. I'm always scanning my environment, and making a list in the background of each surface and angle in the third dimension. It's something a psychic does, in an ambient way. Yet, I could not make this all out.


[ELA-RE] "Hmm... It's probably the same technology that your main base uses to stay hidden."

'The Heart Attack Manifolds? The things that Hale explained to me obscured the Bunker. Those things were priceless. Warichud has the same? Could he be their inventor?'

[ELA-RE] "It's possible."

But what's the purpose of this city? It's empty. Devoid of life. The only things here are drones running tasks. Doing work. Performing construction...

I had very little time to think this over. The metal ground beneath me shook. Something large approached. I guessed correctly that I had been found by the Woldorian God of Thunder, snooping around his projects. I turned to greet him, but instead...
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I was grabbed up in a giant hand! The hand took me right off my feet, like a child holding its toy.


Gah! Warichud... he's massive! A giant! The metal man I saw before me was a gargantuan, with four arms and a great crest atop his head. He carried a hefty hammer. I could feel his internals burning hot as his body worked. He was scanning me.



[ELA-RE] "I told you already, didn't I?"


Ghm! I felt his hand tighten around me. Not enough to crush me, but enough to ensure I couldn't escape! I saw Warichud look at the floor, and the metal divided. A square shape opening, revealing the rainbow colors of the platform's bottom. He was just going to throw me right back out the way I came.

'H-Hey, wait a minute! I didn't come here to- Guh! Scout you out or anything!


There, I got his attention.

'Y-You think I probably came to... ug! See if I could find your weakness out or something, for the trials, am I right? I'm still undertaking them. Woldor must have told you.'

Warichud didn't even say anything.

'W-Well I'm not! O-Okay? Gk, I just- hn, just wanted to meet you! That's all! I... just like to meet new people, and have chats. That's it!'


'M-Maybe to you, but I find it interesting. C-Come on now, couldn't you at least tell me about what... this all is?'


That's it.

I focused my psychic energy and expanded a barrier from out of my body, forcing his hand open.

'Gah. Ugh... That's no way to treat a lady... regardless of what you are.' I grunted.

Warichud showed no reaction other than to raise his hand at me. I saw electricity sparkling in his digits and joints. He must have had coils within himself constantly generating this godly kind of enchanted lightning. His machinery had adapted to using Spiritua nicely for his whims.


'Hold on a minute, I don't want to fight you! Goodness... can't you stop acting like a machine for even a few seconds and just talk normally?'

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[ELA-RE] "He'd fit in with Garlo, come to think of it."

I sighed.

'Okay. Can you grant me ten seconds of your time? Just ten seconds, at the least? I promise to leave if you give me even a few seconds of attention to at least come to understand you be-'


'W-Wait not ten literal seconds! I just wanted to-'


Okay, we're doing this then. I only have six seconds left, so I better make it count.

(Warichud's patience: 1 question.)

>What will I ask the Woldorian God of Thunder?
• "What happened in your fight against Sivil?"
• "What do you know about NEGAI?"
• "Could you tell me if I am a Sefirot Body or not?"
• "What is the purpose of this platform?"
• "Did you invent the Heart Attack Manifolds?"
• "What are you doing up here anyway?"
• "Why did you join the Woldorian Pantheon?"
• "Why do you want to make humans better than gods by force?"
• "Were you always this huge?"
• "Will you help me stop Bedolfir if he awakens?"
• "I hold the Trinity Goddess of Knowledge captive. What would you do if I handed Satomi over to you?"
• "I'm having troubles with virtual reality. Could you help me out?"
• "What are you doing about the Alien God's bombardment of Siegesia?"
• "...Wait a minute, how do you know what the Psyops is, and that I'm apart of it?"
>"I'm having troubles with virtual reality. Could you help me out?"
Warichud is a god of technology, so it stands to LOGIC that the optimal approach is to present him with a technical problem.
>"I'm having troubles with virtual reality. Could you help me out?"

[WARICHUD] "..."

The titan before me finally deigned to look down at me. It was as if what I said was finally something he took some modicum of interest in. Despite how robotic he came off, I saw him lift his hammer and tap his lower palm with it as his upper arms flexed. There was some personality there, even if he was suppressing it.



I his two upper hands begin typing away at keyboards that appeared in thin air. Holographics.

'Wait, are you... scanning our Bunker?'


Oh, there he goes, just casually hacking into us without my consent.

[JOCO] "Do you think we could get Catastrovania to have a hack-off with him?"

[MAJORDOMO] "As long as it's not a hack-off with melee weapons..." My id said, eying the frankly, enormous hammer in Warichud's hands; "...She might have a chance."

[ELA-RE] "Who is this 'Catastrovania'? You must place a lot of faith in her to think she's a rival for the intelligence of Warichud."

[MAJORDOMO] "If we told her that Warichud was keeping the unreleased next seasons of her favorite shows on hiatus all for himself on his drive, he'd be cracked open like a can, buddy."

[ELA-RE] "What a freaky name, for the record. Surely it's attached to nothing good."

Shh, he's doing his thing.


'What does that mean?'






Warichud's right upper arm left the keyboard and came to the side of his head. I saw that the piece covered in hexagons was a panel. It flipped out, revealed a row of insertion ports. His fingertip opened, inserting a stick device into one of the ports, before he pulled it out and the panel flipped shut. Warichud flicked the device down at me, and I caught it in my hand.

A strange looking USB stick.


'So, all I have to do is insert this into the systems that are infected with... cyber HEUS, and it'll be erased?'


Warichud pointed at me.


'I get it, I get. I'll leave now.' I said, lowering myself to the floor and walking towards that way out he'd made; 'Thanks. It means something.'


'Tch... Okay, whatever you say, big guy. Doesn't make me any less thankful.'

[WARICHUD] "..."

'Nice to meet you. Farewell.'
(I hopped down, falling back through the rainbow gate I came through, leaving Warichud's platform. I still didn't know a lot about the giant metal man, or the things he was working on, and his first impression with me wasn't exactly stellar but... you can just tell by interacting with him, he's not entirely like a computer yet, even if he's probably trying to make it seem that way. Like Ela said, he's a giant "fanboy" of NEGAI's. He probably seeks to emulate him, become just like him. I wondered what it all meant, still. Hopefully, I would get to find out someday...)

(Received key item: Warichud Anti-Malware Core)
[Using it will instantly complete Psyops Deployment: Operation: Glitch]


[Returning to the Psyops Bunker...]

Soon enough, I was back home.

>< What will you do now? ><
>Access the Case Files and undertake a mission.
• Sic Semper Avatara (The Groper, The Whisperer, Yasomagatsuhi-no-Kami)
• Sic Semper Tyrannis (Ganiel, Tenbhur, Ela)
• The Clown, Noramus (Scapegod Noramus)
• Testing the Tengu (Daitengu Scheiracht)
• Fell Fire, Mortal Resolve (Master Garlo, God of Fire)
• The World of Mythology II (Oggthorn, Hunter Demigod)
• RAID: Konglasha's Capture (Shèng Xù, Chain of Chains)
• RAID: All-Seeing Ehyeh (NUMBER-8 Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)
• RAID: Naturens Ondskapfulle Vrede (Bedolfir, Giant God of Nature)
• RAID: Alien Invasion (Gaizar, Alien God)
• RAID: The Forever Apocalypse (Dark Lord HEUS)
• RAID: End the New Eternity
>Access Psyops Deployments.
>Access the Skill-Tree.
>Change Adds.
>Talk to somebody in the Bunker.
>Outfit selection.
>Open Affinity Dates selection.
>Open Truth Meditation.
>Ask Majordomo, Joco and Ela-Re's opinion on something.
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
• Nickleim, the God of Commerce (Summon to Psyops Bunker for barter)
• Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess of Luck (Psyops Bunker) [Luck Vendor]
• Kei, Poverty God (Shuukai Ward) [Luck Vendor]
• Namithene, Goddess of Love (Frostreach Continent)
• Cricket Feet, God of Directions (Shengesia)
• Lord Thandir, God of Souls (Belkinsire)
• Sincere Sasaki, Hakutaku (Easterlind City)
Oh shit, we're that compromised? Note taken, we need to straighten out some stuff.

>Sincere Sasaki, Hakutaku (Easterlind City)
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Should be VAOH but I somehow screwed that up. Laugh at me, players, laugh at my mistakes.
blackmail time
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I supposed that since I held Satomi as a prisoner, it was time to use that a leg-up against the Trinity.

[ELA-RE] "Wait, you hold one of the Hakutaku prisoner...?"

'It's complicated.'

[MAJORDOMO] "Catastrovania did it."

[ELA-RE] "You don't say... well, now I fear to imagine what monster holds that ridiculous name the more you tell me about her. Not just anyone goes and captures a god of the Trinity like that..."

[JOCO] "Do we tell hi-"

[MAJORDOMO] "No. Shh. I like this bit."

I entered the School of the Ascendant in Easterlind City once again. I didn't waste time dawdling around in the plazas and campuses for Sasaki to come to me once he detected me. Instead, I went on ahead into the halls and confronted him in one of the empty lecture rooms.

He was pacing back and forth in front of his desk, nervously.

[SASAKI] "You... the Goddess that came here before." He said, looking at me; "Why do you come here again? Can you not see I am in a state of distress? Even being in here is trespassing."

I crossed my arms and met his gaze. He shrunk back from just how intense I looked.

'You're missing your sister, Satomi, right? She was kidnapped.'

[SASAKI] "I don't know how! How does that happen?! Who just up and kidnaps a deity of the Kingdom?! It doesn't make any sense! And why?! Why would... who would do this?! Is my dear sister in the hands of the Dark Lord...? I shudder to imagine what will happen to her if I'm not there to have her back!"

'Don't worry about it. I have her.'

[SASAKI] "What...?!"

'Yeah. I'm the one who has her. She's currently my prisoner.... don't worry, I've treated her well.'

[SASAKI] "...Y-You! You're the villain who holds my dear sister captive?!"

'I'll be honest, I didn't even expect to have her as my prisoner anyway. It just sort of... happened. But now that I do have her, I have to let you understand, I won't give her up easy. Your Kingdom is my enemy, and I have to weaken it. I'll hold her prisoner, but I'm not about to do anything inhumane like threaten to use her as a hostage, or threaten to hurt her.'

Sasaki was wincing, gritting his teeth at me.

'So, I've come to offer a way out.'

[SASAKI] "Way out?!"

'I'll get to the point. You twins are not helping mortals. You both are censoring the world for the Emperor. This has got to stop. So I'm offering you a way out. You and her, a way to sever ties from the Kingdom without fear of retribution. She can be free and you can both reunite. You just have to pledge to quit your jobs, and go do something else. Something not harmful to mortals.'

[SASAKI] "As if I would ever think to betray our heavenly Emperor above! Our oath to him is unbreakable!"

'I thought you'd say that. If you refuse, I'll-'

[SASAKI] "Take ME captive next?!"

'What? No, I-"

[SASAKI] "You must be INSANE if you think I would ever accept such a thing!"

'That's not what-'

[SASAKI] "But if it means that my dear sister may find comfort in confinement..."
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He fell to his knees and raised both wrists.

[SASAKI] "Take me in your cuffs if you will, but know that one day, you will face judgment for your actions in imprisoning us and our allies-"
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[SASAKI] "-aren't going to be able to save us, are they...?"

[SATOMI] "Not whilst we remain under the veil of a Heart Attack Manifold, dear brother." Satomi said, gritting her teeth and trying not to boil.

[SASAKI] "Ouuhh... I had no choice! She was threatening me! She would have probably attacked me if I didn't agree to come quietly!"

'...No I didn't. You didn't even let me finish what I was saying!'

[SASAKI] "It doesn't matter! We are both your prisoner now... we can only beg you don't torture us because you hate us so!"

[SATOMI] "If anyone is going to do some torturing, dear brother, it might be me...!"

These two really are giant cowards, aren't they?

[MAJORDOMO] "Well, they are the biggest eggheads."

And eggheads often get characterized as feeble and... eh, dorky, right?

[MAJORDOMO] "Easy to bully, yes. That's how humans stereotype geniuses. Nerds. Glasses wearers. Braces havers. I think that all came right back on them as a result."

That's why they need the Emperor as a shield to hide behind. Gaining their trust was too easy for him.

[ELA-RE] "Well... I probably shouldn't condone the capture of my, technical comrades, but it does help having these two down pat. I never did really like them a lot. They're snitches, and don't have much concern for the commoner. It's unjust to think they deserve to get away with it just because they provide society education..."
[SATOMI] "This is so embarrassing..."

[SASAKI] "The Emperor will never forgive us for being so weak..."

[SATOMI] "Mostly you."

[SASAKI] "Well, you ended up in here as well, sist-ack!" He flinched from her jamming her heel into his shin.

Okay, I've officially got both the Hakutakus as my prisoners...

...Now what do I do with them?

[MAJORDOMO] "Eh, let's just leave them."

[JOCO] "Yeah, give them some jail time to reflect upon how they've probably ended up putting lots more mortals in the same position before with their censorship."

>What will I do?
>Ask them if there is anything we could do to to have them cooperate with us? Once upon a time we had a chat with Satomi, maybe she changed her mind since then?
>Ask if they believe they'd be able to learn anything from Gaizar and/or Warichud since they're supposed to exceedingly intelligent.
>Whatever we do, before we go we need to ask them who's the smartest between the two of them, I wanna see sparks fly.
+1 to asking who's the smartest

I cleared my throat. The Hakutakus both ceased their bickering for the second. Sasaki looked like he was going to cry if Satomi hit him again for being arrested so easily. She looked absolutely livid at me this time, no fake smiles. She couldn't even afford that, just grimacing at me, gritting her teeth.

'...I suppose now that I have you both under wraps, I can give you some time to think my offer over. It's just that simple, you two. You just have to agree to never again mislead mortals, and you can go free.'

[SATOMI] "I feel you-"

[SASAKI] "-fail to realize that even taking us out of the picture-"

[SATOMI] "-won't stop our censorship machines from spinning their cogs."

'Maybe not immediately.'

[SATOMI] "The Trinity is fully capable of continuing even without us. We merely set up the methods through which they censor the mortal world. Besides, censorship is necessary."

[SASAKI] "If you were in control of the government, and allowed all information to flow freely, then no matter how much you aim to devote the government to pleasing mortals, they will ask for more and more. Soon, their requests will become demands."

[SATOMI] "Letting them know everything is the keyhole to chaos and anarchy."

'I don't think so.'

[SATOMI] "Because your perfect brand of... whatever it is you want, that's never been tried before, is sure to work in place of the Trinity."

My inner voices are right. I still can't convince them just yet. I can only give them time. It's possible I might not even be able to Redeem these two smug bastards. As long as they're no longer a threat to me, that's fine.

'Would you object to being given something to do?'

[SASAKI] "I thought you said you weren't going to hurt us."

'I'm not.'

[SATOMI] "Hmm! Slave labor sounds pretty hurtful. After all, we aren't in any position to say no, are we?"

'If you don't want to do anything, that's fine by me. You can simply remain here.'

[SASAKI] "And what pray tell do you even think is worth our time, ignoring the fact we are both prisoners at this time?"

'I was going to ask if you thought there was anything to discern from either the Alien God, or Warichud of Woldoria.'

They both stared at me blankly, and I was about to assume this was their way of saying 'no', and about to take it that way.
[SASAKI] "Ah, t-the Alien God. Yes, there was some news that broke out recently concerning that..."

[SATOMI] "Which we worked very hard to censor to prevent panic. Which I still believe was a good thing to do..." She said, giving me a stink eye, as if that was all she needed to prove that censorship was a good thing to me.

[SASAKI] "Are you saying you're offering us a chance to study it up close?"

'Not up close. It's too dangerous. It would try to adapt to you and then gain mastery over Ma Space. But you can study it from afar... granted, under careful watch. You may even be allowed to leave our Bunker and stretch your legs... so long as you don't try to backstab us.'

[SASAKI] "That would be pretty interesting, I'll admit. Getting the chance to st-ACK!"

[SATOMI] "It's not-" She began, kneeing her brother in his leg; "-in our interest to help an enemy of the Trinity."

[SASAKI] "B-But, we'd also get to figure Warichud out as well! We've never been allowed to do that! Imagine what we could learn! And then take back to our superiors once we esca... I mean. I'd just be thrilled to finally pick Warichud's works apart! Ahaha.... eheh... GOUH!" He reeled as she slapped the back of his head.

'So, it seems you both do have interest in the idea.' I said with a grin as I leaned on one leg. 'After all... I've been able to figure out quite a lot about the Alien God myself, but I admit, his technology is stumping me. It's technically not even real technology, just more energy from his body, yet it serves that purpose. He calls his Millennium Moon an "Anti-Conceptual Weapon"... I'm still not sure what that means. I'm sure you both would crack it like an egg, though, am I right?'

[SATOMI] "Of course we would. We are not retarded, like you. That's also exactly why I'm not falling for your reverse psychology either. If you think-"
[SASAKI] "I mean, if we did figure it out, we'd also be able to figure out a way to disable it, wouldn't we? The Millennium Moon is probably meant to destroy the world, am I wrong?"

'Yes, that is its purpose.'

[SASAKI] "We'd be like saviors of Hainei if we did that. Yes, us, and not you!"

[SATOMI] "..."

[SASAKI] "Just think a-about it! We'd have more credit than any other god in Hain-YEH!" He yelped out as she yanked his tail.

[SATOMI] "Count us out."

[SASAKI] "We'll think about it for n-OW!"

[SATOMI] "Not in a million years."

[SASAKI] "Though I'm sure after much discussion we'll reach a consens-OUH!"

'Which one of you two is the smarter one anyway?'

[SATOMI] "Obviously me, since I'm not the one who came willingly."

[SASAKI] "And yet I wasn't the one who got stolen away in the safety of the Capital itself..."

[SATOMI] "I believe some of my reputation is saved by the fact I RESISTED AT ALL by comparison, brother...!"

[SASAKI] "Well, I didn't give up any of my Teardrops of knowledge to this his horse along the way." He said, rolling his eyes.

I stepped away quietly, pacing backwards as they both barked at each other. I did so until I was clear of the cell block, gesturing with my finger to close its entrance up tight. I turned to the Zerem on duty that maintained the block.

'Ah... just uh, just let it be and keep the door closed.'

They all saluted, and then ran off to the canteen. I gave the cell block entrance one glance more before I turned away and went about my business.

(Special route unlocked for RAID: Alien Invasion.)

>< What will you do now? ><
>Access the Case Files and undertake a mission.
• Sic Semper Avatara (The Groper, The Whisperer, Yasomagatsuhi-no-Kami)
• Sic Semper Tyrannis (Ganiel, Tenbhur, Ela)
• The Clown, Noramus (Scapegod Noramus)
• Testing the Tengu (Daitengu Scheiracht)
• Fell Fire, Mortal Resolve (Master Garlo, God of Fire)
• The World of Mythology II (Oggthorn, Hunter Demigod)
• RAID: Konglasha's Capture (Shèng Xù, Chain of Chains)
• RAID: All-Seeing Ehyeh (NUMBER-8 Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)
• RAID: Naturens Ondskapfulle Vrede (Bedolfir, Giant God of Nature)
• RAID: Alien Invasion (Gaizar, Alien God)
• RAID: The Forever Apocalypse (Dark Lord HEUS)
• RAID: End the New Eternity
>Access Psyops Deployments.
>Access the Skill-Tree.
>Change Adds.
>Talk to somebody in the Bunker.
>Outfit selection.
>Open Affinity Dates selection.
>Open Truth Meditation.
>Ask Majordomo, Joco and Ela-Re's opinion on something.
>Go on a Godtalk. Select which god to converse with.
• Nickleim, the God of Commerce (Summon to Psyops Bunker for barter)
• Lady Seannsa, Cat Goddess of Luck (Psyops Bunker) [Luck Vendor]
• Kei, Poverty God (Shuukai Ward) [Luck Vendor]
• Namithene, Goddess of Love (Frostreach Continent)
• Cricket Feet, God of Directions (Shengesia)
• Lord Thandir, God of Souls (Belkinsire)
>Access Psyops Deployments.
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[Accessing Psyops Deployments...]


• Operation: All-Out Attack
‣ Risk Level: 4 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: The Samurai have done it this time! They're launching an assault on Oakville Town and the Heer are beating drums of war in response! We must help repel them from Siegiesa to minimize the damages! |
• Operation: Glitch
‣ Risk Level: 5 |
‣ Acting CO: Catastrovania |
‣ Continent: Siegiesa |
‣ Primary Objective: Ever since the open communique with Gaizar, Supercomputer NIBIRU has been experiencing some... jitters... |
• Operation: Mechanization
‣ Risk Level: 5 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Depends |
‣ Primary Objective: We realize that we need to push the envelope if we want to match the established strengths of the Trinity and Heer. We recommend stealing a Samurai Mecha or a Heer Angriffsmaschine in order to better understand their machines... so we can make our own |
• Operation: Deathmetric
‣ Risk Level: 5 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: We've learned something startling. The Heer have created a satellite weapon that uses Aquamarine to produce widespread Death Knells, and they're planning to launch it from the launch base at Cape Numerca. We're going to stop them |
• Operation: Senolytical
‣ Risk Level: 4 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Yongesia |
‣ Primary Objective: There is a village located in the Meiyo Ward of the Sword Continent that we just learned is under judgment by the Senolists. They are planning to kill over a hundred mortals... Not on our watch |
• Operation: Exfoliation
‣ Risk Level: 3 |
‣ Acting CO: Krina |
‣ Continent: Irrelevant |
‣ Primary Objective: The Samurai just launched a satellite probe from Yongesia. We think they're trying to take our ACS down. Can't let that happen |
• Operation: Defection
‣ Risk Level: 2 |
‣ Acting CO: Hale Felwitz |
‣ Continent: Shengesia |
‣ Primary Objective: An agent from the Taalumah just defected for unknown reasons. We believe they're heading to the Temple in Shengesia to rat us out. We have to round him up... |
• Operation: Understanding
‣ Risk Level 1 |
‣ Acting CO: Krina |
‣ Continent: Shengesia/Moon |
‣ Primary Objective: We need to help make the world more comfortable with the Beastkin, despite their history. The Beastkin being accepted is a crucial goal of Psyops for bringing harmony between Humanity an its offshoot species. Additionally, we want to capitalize on the Lunar Society as well, and do what we can to help the Rabbits in the middle of Yutu and Nio's feud. We've decided to have Krina act as a delegate for both objectives.

>The mission survey is open. Operations are free to commence.

>Commence an operation.
>Exit Psyops Deployments.
Instantly complete it with the USB stick that Warichud gave us
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[Access Granted]


Establishing connection
[04:00 - x/23/4999]

Our founder has notified the staff of a present issue regarding Supercomputer NIBIRU, VR systems and SecondChance Program (the name selected for experimental Virtual Reality Resurrection Equipment unit-1). Our systems have been, unknowingly, compromised for an unknown time span by a PUP now labeled as "VAOH", or "Virtual Avatar Of HEUS", residing dormant within all networks. VAOH.pup is responsible for invisible cyber attacks and hardware and software malfunctions it causes at random. It is the current identified source of SecondChance Program crashes and related technical issues. In order to mitigate this malware, our founder has provided Warichud Anti-Malware Core, a program which is capable of eradicating VAOH.pup.

We have requested our CO, Krina, to install the WAMC in all systems and to run it a few times for good measure. We have received an update since making this request.

[04:21 hours] - [ "Works like a charm :P" - Krina ]

We can now safely consider every trace of VAOH.pup infection within every network to be quarantined and removed. Director Krina has resumed work on booting up SecondChance Program and will report upon its test runs as soon as possible.

[Operation: Glitch - COMPLETED]
[Deployment Terminated]


(With this, manpower will be possible to conserve easily to mitigate loss of personnel.)
[Accessing Psyops Deployments...]


>The mission survey is open. Operations are free to commence.

>Commence an operation.
>Exit Psyops Deployments.
>Commence an operation.
Let's show the Trinity there's no place for them, sky or soil!
>Operation: Understanding
Let's start with the lower risk first
>Operation: Understanding
Let's work our way up
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[Access Granted]


Establishing connection
[07:00 - x/23/4999]

Updating agenda...
Priority at hand: Beastkin Awareness.

Our establishment upon Blickery has long become used to the sight and presence of Beastkin, but we must admit that not all of our members are comfortable around the Beastkin, among those outside Blickery. If we are to hope to one day share our goal and operations with the Beastkin, we must find a way to incorporate them that will be accepted readily by our members. Additionally, we also seek to bring society to a familiarity with the Beastkin that will not provoke reactionary outrage or elicit the unnecessary excavation of bad memories and emotions surrounding the now finished Beastkin crusade. We acknowledge that many in Siegesia and Shengesia have suffered in the past as a result of the crusade, but if humanity is to ever move on along with its offshoots, we have to show that the needless violence has ended and that reformation has truly transpired, for Beastkin to ever thrive outside of Blickery.

To this end, we have appointed Director Krina to the issue. She has proposed a possible solution to assist familiarity and acceptance.

"Okay, listen, this might sound nefarious to some but I assure you, it's all done in good will. We'll go a long way helping both the Beastkin and humans to accept each other through beautification. Here's my proposal. I can invent and train some surgeons towards a specific procedure to improve the Beastkin's bodies and make them... well, more bearable to look at. In other words, no more exposed entrails and muscle. Horns will be reduced and shaved down to just the right amount for aesthetic purposes and claws will be trimmed to not be so sharp. Misaligned or deformed limbs and bone structures can be corrected with our advanced technology."


"We'll be making their bodies good as new. In other words, they won't feel like aberrations anymore. I'm sure even they would want this, many of them already think themselves to look horrible... Although, it will be costly and time consuming."
There are still many things to consider within this proposal. Some Beastkin have bodies that are far too mutated for their own good, which, even when corrected by surgery, may remain immobile or incapable of operating. For example, there is a Beastkin on record within Blickery Township notable for possessing only legs, and no arms. Such corrective surgery may leave this Beastkin two legs short in order for them to resume a bipedal posture. Although prosthetics may help to alleviate such troubles that a lack of mutated limbs bring on, prosthetics may not respond well to their semi-undead flesh.

Additionally, their bodies are resistant to anesthetics, meaning that surgery is guaranteed to be painful for them to undergo. However, local mediums in Blickery may be able to substitute this via rural alchemy, producing substances that induce deep sleep within recipients.

Additionally, some conservative Beastkin may view it as the outside world continuing to undermine them regardless of the fact that Morwenna is now on our side or not. Third parties from the continental area may accuse us of conducting Beastkin instrumentality, the same way the Khanate does.

However, it cannot be denied that giving the Beastkin improved bodies via surgery will be helpful to both themselves and their chances of mingling with outsiders. Improved looks through beautification will make them more appealing to interact with.

1. Proposal.
>We reject Krina's proposal unanimously.
>We accept Krina's proposal unanimously.
>We reject Krina's proposal on the grounds that the operations would be inhumane due to pain.
>We accept Krina's proposal with a certain clause. (Input)
>We accept Krina's proposal with a certain clause. We'll only do it to those who volunteer themselves for it, will only do it with proper anesthetics for beastkin and tell any quadruped wanting to become biped the real chances of them getting the "right" missing limbs back via prosthetics so they can take the decision with proper knowledge
>We accept Krina's proposal with a certain clause
This should, of course, be up to the individuals themselves. Industrial-scale mass surgery is a no-go.
If some of them want to wear their exposed organs with pride, let them. They have the right to make their own choices now.
There's also the case of potential less biologically intrusive solutions for those that are too nervous to undergo the procedure. For example, aesthetic gauze to cover up open wounds, as well as typical disability aids like crutches and such.
>We reject Krina's proposal unanimously.
Remember what we told Morwenna.
Seconding this>>6067687
Forced medical procedures on any populations is a dangerous gateway, let's make it optional.
After much deliberation through discussion, we have decided to implement Krina's method with certain clauses. Of course, Krina herself already planned for the process to be entirely voluntary. But, it cannot be denied that, as macabre as it may seem, some Beastkin take a certain modicum of pride in their new, durable bodies. Their tolerance for pain has reached a level in which their exposed entrails provides them no discomfort. We not wish to incur a clash of ideals between those who think all Beastkin must be given aesthetic change mandatory, and those who do not wish to change their bodies.

To this end, we have decided that, beyond offering the corrective surgeries, we may hire some designers to fill roles custom tailoring weaves to cover Beastkin forms and conceal their unsettling features better. It is possible many may loathe their form but be too scared to undertake surgeries. With synthetic and elastic materials at our disposal, we should be able to provide this alternative. However, Beastkin with unsettling appearances will be asked to comply with a decency law depending upon their bodies status. In this way, we wish to discourage Beastkin with unsettling appearances from openly entering public spaces beyond Blickery and freely walking about to prevent stirs and rises. We find this to be perfectly acceptable, in accordance with agreement from Morwenna herself. Beastkin were all transformed from their original human states, and thus should understand why unsettling appearances should be limited in range.

We fully expect Beastkin to be able to emigrate from Blickery once they have accepted a method of improving their appearance.

We will task Krina with delivering a news update to Blickery's outpost announcing the offer of her surgical proposal once it is ready, and continue providing aid and assistance using whatever tools are at our disposal. We have graciously had a handful of Beastkin willingly donate their decaying bodies to necrobotics research held on the island in order to advance compatibility between Beastkin bodies and prosthetics.

We expect it shall not take long to entice Beastkin into wishing to apply for more direct service in other capacities.


We have unlocked [UNIT; Beastkin Auxiliary] for our arsenal. Beastkin possess an unnatural ability to detect all forms of Afterseas Spirits and their presence where many of our normal personnel cannot.

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[08:00 hours]

[We must now examine figure two of this meeting.]

Lunar Society.

We have already integrated Lunar Rabbits into our ranks, but now we must shift some attention to the Lunar Society itself at large, still in tatters. The three primary population centers lie in the Aristoteles, Copernicus and Clavius Craters hosting the ruins of their cities. Since our founder successfully neutralized the threat of a Khanate representative in Clavius Crater, the mostly independent Rabbits there had began making strives to rebuild of their own volition. However, the two entities contesting the Moon, Trinity and Woldorian Pantheon representatives Yutu and Nio, have capitalized on this. Our founder's work has begun to unravel as they both send emissaries to the Clavius Crater to try recruiting more Rabbits to their side. In other words, they are taking advantage of the large and leaderless group of Rabbits left over from Ela's departure.

Their feud is continuing to drag Lunar Society down. Psyops must now step in to intervene. We may not be able to achieve much, but halting the efforts of Yutu and Nio to claim every last Rabbit will be of use in tipping the scale back towards proper rebuilding efforts over needless factionalism.

We believe that our Metahumans will be able to survive the Lunar conditions on their own. We have put into work the prototypes of vacuum encounter suits in order to serve in the capacity of allowing possible stationed personnel to claim foothold on the Moon and to work with. Our own Gravity Magic instructor, Sumiko, has been hard at work teaching the basics of gravitational anchoring required to traverse the Moon all the same as one walks Hainei. We would be able to support a personnel count there, in other words.

Clavius Crater is the opportune position, as it remains mostly unclaimed and uncontested. Director Krina believes we should establish foothold right away, and officially create a Lunar division. However, she has an alternate proposal, as our appointee.


"From what data we have on the two from our Founder does suggest, the Woldorian representative definitely harbors feelings for his rival beyond their feud. So, this alternative is simple... Since Yutu is already cut off from the greater Trinity whole and virtually abandoned entirely to his resigned position, I say we enlist the help of a contact of our Founder, Namithene, and make them fall in love."

"What? It might actually work. Think about it, Nio would become a "real man", like he thinks Woldor wants him to, and Yutu, being abandoned by the Trinity, would pretty much forget the feud. They'd both be working together instead of against each other. Their respective flaws may balance one another out... although this solution all but guarantees the Moon will be claimed by the Woldorian Pantheon. We'd basically be handing it over to Woldor and giving them the cultural victory they seek... but... I mean... is that really a bad thing? Well, Woldor will leave them be... but there's no telling what Warichud or Oggthorn may do if the Moon is under their rule."


We must decide on what the correct course of action here is...

1. Proposal.
>Establish the Lunar Division. Bringing it under the foothold of a player in the game that actually cares about the Moon's recovery is the best bet the Rabbits have.
>We should work towards compromising Yutu and Nio both by having them collude, taking advantage of the romantic aspects of their feud. We can trust that the Lunar Society will be safe if Lady Eikn comes to oversee it.
>We should suggest alternate proposals and continue discussion. (Input)
>We should work towards compromising Yutu and Nio both by having them collude, taking advantage of the romantic aspects of their feud. We can trust that the Lunar Society will be safe if Lady Eikn comes to oversee it.
Alright, hear me out...
The Woldorian Pantheon is full of fine lads. Real amicable sort. The kind of guys who'd fight alongside us just for the thrill of it.
So... what harm could there be in letting them have the Moon? After we beat Warichud into submission, we can give him a little nudge-nudge and say "Hey, 'chud-bud. It's free real estate." Couple weeks go by, and the front half of the Moon'll now be home to an orbital artillery platform ready to disperse Rods-From-God upon our mutual enemies.
Sure, it miiiight make any scuffles with the Heer moderately more deadly, but countermeasures can be arranged. Psychic forcefields or something.
Seconding this >>6067771
We'll have to be careful in the long run that we don't endure a Woldorian Hegemony, it's not like they're flawless either.
This seems like a good plan. I'll agree with it.
>Establish the Lunar Division. Bringing it under the foothold of a player in the game that actually cares about the Moon's recovery is the best bet the Rabbits have.
while the Woldorian pantheon is a-okay, I wanna stear away from long run problems.
[10:00 hours]


We have concluded discussions regarding the developing situation on the Moon. In accordance with our directorate's votes, four against one, we have decided to implement Krina's proposal. Within the Psyops, there are already members of the cult of Namithene among our ranks, easily recognized due to their bright pink hair that they proudly display in the name of Love.

In a "two birds with one stone" method, we will enlist the aid of the Goddess of Love and her own underground and guerilla organizations. It is an official collaboration between her notable Frostreach cells. As Namithene can freely manipulate the forms of love, we expect it will be easy to manipulate the Moon's rival deities to the purpose of unity by affecting their own relationship with positive energy.


We will report in due time after contact has been established, plans and involvement has been discussed between our groups.

We may consider this further issue pending at the time.

[Operation: Understanding - COMPLETED]
[Deployment Terminated]

[Accessing Psyops Deployments...]


• Operation: All-Out Attack
‣ Risk Level: 4 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: The Samurai have done it this time! They're launching an assault on Oakville Town and the Heer are beating drums of war in response! We must help repel them from Siegiesa to minimize the damages! |
• Operation: Glitch
‣ Risk Level: 5 |
‣ Acting CO: Catastrovania |
‣ Continent: Siegiesa |
‣ Primary Objective: Ever since the open communique with Gaizar, Supercomputer NIBIRU has been experiencing some... jitters... |
• Operation: Mechanization
‣ Risk Level: 5 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Depends |
‣ Primary Objective: We realize that we need to push the envelope if we want to match the established strengths of the Trinity and Heer. We recommend stealing a Samurai Mecha or a Heer Angriffsmaschine in order to better understand their machines... so we can make our own |
• Operation: Deathmetric
‣ Risk Level: 5 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: We've learned something startling. The Heer have created a satellite weapon that uses Aquamarine to produce widespread Death Knells, and they're planning to launch it from the launch base at Cape Numerca. We're going to stop them |
• Operation: Senolytical
‣ Risk Level: 4 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Yongesia |
‣ Primary Objective: There is a village located in the Meiyo Ward of the Sword Continent that we just learned is under judgment by the Senolists. They are planning to kill over a hundred mortals... Not on our watch |
• Operation: Exfoliation
‣ Risk Level: 3 |
‣ Acting CO: Krina |
‣ Continent: Irrelevant |
‣ Primary Objective: The Samurai just launched a satellite probe from Yongesia. We think they're trying to take our ACS down. Can't let that happen |
• Operation: Defection
‣ Risk Level: 2 |
‣ Acting CO: Hale Felwitz |
‣ Continent: Shengesia |
‣ Primary Objective: An agent from the Taalumah just defected for unknown reasons. We believe they're heading to the Temple in Shengesia to rat us out. We have to round him up... |
• Operation: Doki-Doki
‣ Risk Level: 3 |
‣ Acting CO: Namithene |
‣ Location: The Moon |
‣ Primary Objective: We've successfully established contact with the main cult of Namithene and the primary Frostreach cells that operate under the Goddess. After lengthy discussion and unveiling our plan, we've received an update... Now it's time to see how it panned out in the end |

>The mission survey is open. Operations are free to commence.

>Commence an operation.
>Exit Psyops Deployments.
>Commence Operation: Senolytical
time to kick some senofags
>Operation: Defection
Let's whack that whistleblower.
Garlo? More like Garbo!
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Rolled 2 (1d2)

No... No more ties.

[Access Granted]
[User control to ACS system & Nous Radar open]

[ Buffering...]

The following deployment has been requested to be reviewed immediately by the Intelligence Department at the request of Deputy Executive. We have informed Deputy Executive Hale immediately upon a possible defection at [REDACTED DATE].

Figure #1. [Defector]
- Taalumah class, Undercover Agent Operative / Espionage Team
- Name: Chao Xi Meng / Age: 47 / DOB: (REDACTED), Shengesia, Rangzhen Township, Commune 331
- Eye Color: Black / Hair Color: Black / Height: 162cm / Weight: 70 kg / Sex: Male / Martial Status: Divorced
- Last seen operating in: Safehouse Alpha, at [14:00 hours] on x/x/4999


[HALE] "Righteo, people. This one's a real doozy. We are dealing with one of our own. Chao Xi Meng is a former agent of the Taalumah now, apparently, gone rogue. His last station was Safehouse Alpha, and he has been requesting increasingly long periods of leave to perform undisclosed actions around and within Psyops bases. Fellow agents noticed this odd behavior days before, but neglected to inform upon it on the basis that, Chao is a friendly and trustworthy man to them, who has never up until this point exhibited such actions."

[HALE] "Tracing his steps back a little, it appears he was gathering data on not only our Safehouse, but the Peninsular Bunker and even the Kugelblitz facility as well. He was last spotted boarding an illegal flight into Shengesia via a smuggling ring known to operate out of Leitstein City. I do not wish to sound alarmed, or paranoid, but let's face the facts, gentlemen. He is going straight to the Temple with all that data in hand. He is going to turn it over and sell the Psyops out. We cannot let this slide..."

[HALE] "...But, I find myself reluctant to... mhm, order the "whacking" of one of our own, by our agents. Even if he is a defector. We do not know of any ulterior motives, but there is a suspicion of there lingering some, given the spontaneous nature of his defection. We are short on time, because he is moving fast to Shengesia, so we need to move fast as well."
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Figure #2. [Target]

We have intercepted the only flight ran by the illegal Leitstein smuggling operation into Shengesia. The flight will be able to enter Shengesia by disguising itself as an Imperial Citizen transit plane, ferrying Imperial Citizens attending Belkinsire as students in and out. The official airline moves through Leitstein.


There is a possibility that we may have the wrong plane, the defector may have not actually boarded the plane and is still in Leitstein, or there are more smuggling services than we are initially aware of. Our agents should be able to recognize Chao immediately, but he may also have changed his appearance or shaved his head. According to his former colleagues in Safehouse Alpha, Chao was balding and prized what little hair he had, and frequently dodged haircuts, so there is a chance Chao may not have changed his glaring appearance.

If he is arranging to meet the Temple as well, they would prefer he remained recognizable. The Temple's agents are wary, of everyone.


We must decide on a course of action to catch Chao fast. The plane we detect is on route to the Imperial Capital, specifically the outermost sector of the Hallowed Wall. It will be heavily monitored, there is little chance of infiltration in the Temple stronghold. We are not sure how armed Chao currently is or if he still has Taalumah gadgets in his possession. Caution is advised.

1. Rounding Chao Up, Action 1.
>Use a teleportation pylon to ferry a Taalumah on board the plane and check it out. If Chao is on board, we can subdue him and bring him back now.
>We can teleport a Tzel and Chabalah further in and have them beat him there. We can try grabbing him in outskirts before heading out.
>Hold off for now.

2. Rounding Chao Up, Action 2.
>Investigate Leistein further. Prune the underbelly. We must know if there are more smuggling groups operating within the area that we failed to account for.
>Investigate Leitstein's public with a keen eye. We must prioritize seeing if Chao is trying to dupe us instead of finding additional smuggling groups first of all.
>Use a teleportation pylon to ferry a Taalumah on board the plane and check it out. If Chao is on board, we can subdue him and bring him back now.
>Investigate Leitstein's public with a keen eye. We must prioritize seeing if Chao is trying to dupe us instead of finding additional smuggling groups first of all.

One might argue we could even cooperate with Leitstein if our interests align later
+1, smart thinking
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[19:00 hours] - No sign of Chao on the plane. Our Taalumah agent searched high and low in the cabin and aisle, among the sleeping passengers except for the lavatory room which was occupied. There's no sign of Chao anywhere on the plane. We were wrong to assume he'd be on board.

[HALE] "He's a Taalumah. He'll always be thinking one step ahead to try and evade our notice. We'll just have to keep looking... and praying he isn't already in Shengesia. We logically deduce there's no way he could be at this time yet, however. We'll just leave it up to our search in Leitstein's streets to see if he's still within the city limit."


[Ground teams are conducting search operations. Assistance gauged via hacking of monitor and CCTV systems in local province.]

[No sign of Chao found in the streets.]

[We cannot find any bookings for local establishments under his name nor fake aliases. Every Taalumah is ordered to create at least two fake aliases to operate under and register them with our databanks. So far, no signs of it. It's possible he may have quickly attempted to forge a new identity, but that would require access to professional forgery specialists in Leitstein, such criminal activities are cut down by the heavy Heer presence...]

[We're still looking for him.]

[We can confirm that there are multiple smuggling rings in Leitstein now, after checking with our [PROHIBITED] source in the streets. We haven't had the time to personally investigate either of the two new ones that cropped up on our list.]


[23:00 hours] - We just received sign that a new plane has departed Leitstein, en route to the Temple's Ramparts of August Stars sector in Shengesia. No good. Additionally, a boat traversing a safe route through the sea is heading to Shengesia, to a dock held under Temple regulation.

[HALE] "None of this is good news..."

1. Rounding Chao Up, Action 3.
>Attempt to see if he still possesses any Espionage Team issue communication equipment. With any luck, we may be able to contact him yet and try to reel him in by convincing him.
>We're low on options here. He's definitely on one of those two, either the boat or the new plane. Hell, it's still possible he's on the plane we already searched. Send agents to them now.
>We may require psychic assistance with this. Time to call up the Haham and Psychic-Church and see if we can find his wavelengths out in the field remotely.
>Attempt to see if he still possesses any Espionage Team issue communication equipment. With any luck, we may be able to contact him yet and try to reel him in by convincing him.
from what we know, he can't just easily go into a temple so we can try to make him reconsider.
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[We have decided to attempt and make contact with Chao in the interim. Taalumah carry a variety of communication equipment for all our closed channels. It's possible he carries at least one piece he himself isn't aware works to establish contact still.]

[Trying now.]




[We have made contact using the Taalumah specialized wristwatch. Pinpointing his location now. He is aboard the first plane we already searched, huddled up within the lavatory room, locked inside. He's taking advantage of the plane's passengers all being asleep to stay out of sight. If only we'd just searched the bin...]


[We are currently engaged in conversation with Chao Xi Meng.]

[HALE] "Try everything, ask him everything. We need to know why he's defected."

[Chao is not being very responsive to our questioning...]

>We need to ease him into a talkative state. Say something to him. (Write in)
>Chao you know of our capabilities, so whatever you're having trouble with that made you think defecting was a choice you know that we can help you with. You know that the temple don't take kindly to those that betrayed the emperor before so any deal they made seem sweet is a trap.
[23:24 hours]


> "Chao, you of our capabilities. Whatever you're having trouble with that made you think defection was a choice, you that we can help you with. You know that the Temple does not take kindly to those against the Emperor. Any deal they made to sweeten you with is a trap."


( "I can't take that chance! I just can't! They already have my kids! Took them right out of the commune! They're holding my kids hostage, do you fucking get it?! They're going to kill my kids!" )

( "They don't know what I am, they just know I'm suspicious. They told me to surrender everything I knew and they would let my children live. They're going to kill me, but my kids will get to see another day. I don't have a choice! I have to do it!" )


We have lost contact with Chao Xi Meng. He has presumably broken his wristwatch communicator. We are left in silence, but now we can confirm his location on the plane currently in transit. We know everything now. The only thing left to do is decide what we will do to deal with him.

[HALE] "..."

[HALE] "This is not a choice I ever wanted to have to make, or even talk about..."

Chao Xi Meng is going to deliver crucial data on Psyops to the Temple. There is no deterring him. We must decide what needs to be done.

1. Dealing with the defector.
>There is no time that we can devote to assisting Chao in any other way. We have no clue where the Temple is holding his relatives, nor an idea where to start looking. We cannot endanger any other agents or personnel helping Chao on this issue. We have no choice but to retrieve the data Chao is carrying and resign him to his fate.
>Doing anything else besides helping out is contrary to the very reasons for Psyops' existence. Personnel sign up with this organization knowing there is a chance they will die. We have to help him, somehow. We have to thwart the Templ, even if it risks exposing ourselves to them regardless of what Chao does.
When in doubt, we must ask ourselves one question.

"What would Muna do?"

There can be no question. The PSYOPS is an organization dedicated to the common good of all of humanity and its sapient offshoot species. That includes our own, more than anything.

>Doing anything else besides helping out is contrary to the very reasons for Psyops' existence. Personnel sign up with this organization knowing there is a chance they will die. We have to help him, somehow. We have to thwart the Templ, even if it risks exposing ourselves to them regardless of what Chao does.

This is dangerous and reckless, but so was our rebellion against the Yellow Emperor!
[HALE] "What can we even do to help? Asking that just brings even more into question... But as it stands, the majority of our personnel believe we should intervene on this matter. I'm obliged to agree."

[!!!] [Risk Level elevated to 3] [!!!]

We are commencing an operation to rescue Chao Xi Meng and his captive family members from the Temple, as well as preventing Psyops data from falling into Temple hands. Our analytics is running data to find out every relative of Chao that lived in his commune. We know he is heading for the Hallowed Wall. Resistance will be very heavy.

Chao may attempt to commit suicide if we try apprehending him. He is likely armed, as he still possessed Taalumah trinkets. We should focus solely on rescuing his children first, and then apprehending him later with this knowledge.

>We can rely upon the Tzel for this. Make it an operation of subterfuge.
>We can strike hard and exit quickly with the Haham. Make it an operation of hitting and running.
>We can strike hard and exit quickly with the Haham. Make it an operation of hitting and running.
We're already in Shengesia's shitbooks and I doubt these hostages are particularly well defended so we might be able to get away with it relatively scot-free
>We can strike hard and exit quickly with the Haham. Make it an operation of hitting and running.
It's dangerous but fuck it, the Temple can probably sense the alignment of a spy's soul anyway.
[24:00 hours] - We are preparing a strike within Temple boundaries. Analytics has given us the identity of Chao's two children, as well as his captive wife. We know their names and faces now and have informed the Haham we've asked to attend this mission. Our Haham will be able to find them via wavelengths.

We will deploy the Haham with a team of twenty Zerem. Haham will provide distraction while searching for the signatures. Zerem will secure the captives and then exit quickly via the coil. Once the captives are out, Haham will exit. We cannot spend more than one hour during this time. Even half of that hour will be more than enough time for the Temple to call up the firepower required to defeat our Haham. This is within the Capital's boundary, mind everyone at hand.

Our mission relies solely upon the small chance that the captives are in the outer sector Chao is heading to. If they were held within the Hallowed Wall itself, any chance of infiltration and rescue is absolutely impossible.


[Mission prepped. Rapid Response Team and Haham ready to go.]

[Deployment in one... two... three.]



[24:11 hours] - Our units are meeting heavy resistance.

>Roll 1d20
>Best of three.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

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classic psyops crit
[24:48 hours] - Considerable time passed. We are preparing the teleportation coil to extract Zerem team. No casualties suffered. Haham is fleeing the sight.

Our men have located Chao's family members, being kept in a storehouse on one of the upper level of the sector. We've extracted them as well. Temple Monks and Wei responders came to the scene, but our Haham made short work of them them while holding out.

[24:53] - Our Haham has been extracted.

[HALE] "Gentlemen, mission's a success. Take the rest of the day off. We've got this one."


The news of the teleporting terrorists will certainly continue to spread throughout the Trinity, but today we've successfully defended ourselves from exposure. With his family secure, we just have to get Chao now. The Taalumah will take care of it. We'll coerce him out of the plane with this knowledge and hopefully reintegrate him into the ranks. He deserves a second chance after what he's been through.

However, his family cannot return to Shengesia, not while on a Temple's wanted list. We will see about moving them into Belkinsire. Psyops does not currently possess any form of refugee center for intercontinental persons of note. We will have to rely on Belkinsire for the time being.

[Operation: Defection - COMPLETED]
[Deployment Terminated]
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[Accessing Psyops Deployments...]


• Operation: All-Out Attack
‣ Risk Level: 4 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: The Samurai have done it this time! They're launching an assault on Oakville Town and the Heer are beating drums of war in response! We must help repel them from Siegiesa to minimize the damages! |
• Operation: Mechanization
‣ Risk Level: 5 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Depends |
‣ Primary Objective: We realize that we need to push the envelope if we want to match the established strengths of the Trinity and Heer. We recommend stealing a Samurai Mecha or a Heer Angriffsmaschine in order to better understand their machines... so we can make our own |
• Operation: Deathmetric
‣ Risk Level: 5 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Siegesia |
‣ Primary Objective: We've learned something startling. The Heer have created a satellite weapon that uses Aquamarine to produce widespread Death Knells, and they're planning to launch it from the launch base at Cape Numerca. We're going to stop them |
• Operation: Senolytical
‣ Risk Level: 4 |
‣ Acting CO: Kurt Regis |
‣ Continent: Yongesia |
‣ Primary Objective: There is a village located in the Meiyo Ward of the Sword Continent that we just learned is under judgment by the Senolists. They are planning to kill over a hundred mortals... Not on our watch |
• Operation: Exfoliation
‣ Risk Level: 3 |
‣ Acting CO: Krina |
‣ Continent: Irrelevant |
‣ Primary Objective: The Samurai just launched a satellite probe from Yongesia. We think they're trying to take our ACS down. Can't let that happen |
• Operation: Doki-Doki
‣ Risk Level: 3 |
‣ Acting CO: Namithene |
‣ Location: The Moon |
‣ Primary Objective: We've successfully established contact with the main cult of Namithene and the primary Frostreach cells that operate under the Goddess. After lengthy discussion and unveiling our plan, we've received an update... Now it's time to see how it panned out in the end |

>The mission survey is open. Operations are free to commence.

>Commence an operation.
>Exit Psyops Deployments.
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Putting out this little notice that I will be pausing the quest for a little bit in order to work on some things outside of it. Go ahead and vote for the next deployment and I'll open thread #6 up with it when I continue.

Thanks for playing in the meantime!
>Operation: Senolytical
see you soon, OP
Seconding this

Have a good one, OP

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