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Sapphire syrup sloshed inside a tall metal pod that hummed in a low pitch. Caressed by the thick liquid, a fetus no more than twenty weeks curled up, held in place by myriads of wires. The Emperor of Mankind and Malcador examined the machine in the deep cellar beneath the Imperial Palace, no one else, not even his trusted custodians.[i/]

“The primarch project is already underway, we have no use for it. You can use it however you wish.” The Emperor said.[i/]

Malcador softly hummed, his robe hid whatever expression he had. “There are many use for it, a buffer perhaps.” He continued hearing The Emperor’s silence. “The primarchs will be brothers and brothers will naturally compete. They will seek your approval as all sons do. She will be a buffer, someone to be impressed and to distract the primarchs of their competitiveness. Someone who appreciates what they do. If she is proven ineffective, then a political tool of convenience.”[i/]

“The primarchs are not children and will be above such emotions. It is inefficient to create this just so my sons can feel appreciated. The primarchs are tools of war.” The Emperor said without a hint of emotion.[i/]

Malcador nodded. “But still human. They will not be an emotionless tool that you want them to be.”[i/]

The Emperor paused for a brief moment, then stared at the pod. The fetus twitched its leg.[i/]

“Begin the procedure. Create her as you see fit.”[i/]
A young girl walked in the halls of the Imperium Palace. Her skin was light brown with long black hair. Among giants such as the Adeptus Custodes, the astartes, and other men, the small girl caught everyone’s attention. Perhaps, the attention was due to the girl walking side by side with Malcador, the Lord Regent.

“But magistra…” The girl whined. “I already read volumes two hundred and twelve to three hundred and forty five!”

“You did.” Malcador affirmed, then glared sharply. “Then wandered the Imperium Palace. You made a custodes search for you.”

“You didn’t come back in time, and I was bored.”

The ceiling reached toward the sky, the halls wider than any grand buildings could ever stretch, all in golden splendor. The girl followed doing her best to walk by Malcador’s side as best as her small body could do. The short legs strode in wide arcs. In her hands was a box of parchments that obstructed her vision.

“That is not an excuse. I ordered you to stay in your study, and you have disobeyed that order.”


“Enough, Pangea. You will return to your studies and write a two hundred page report on the Unification War.”

Her shoulders drooped. “That’s a lot of pages!”

“Four hundred pages.”

“I didn’t—”

“Would you like it to be six hundred pages?”

“No magistra… I’ll go into my study.”

>Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient.
>Pangea's curiosity conquered her obedience, and she exited the study
>>Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient.
She knows better then to piss off malcador, besides she can do shit after the fact.
Well since I don't know if I'll get more votes, I'll count this one. One voter is better than no votes.
>Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient.

Its malcador he can probably read her mind anyways.
>Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient.
This seems like an interesting premise.
Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient. No point in escaping when a custodian or some eyes in the shadow would find her anyhow. So, here she was, cramming the history of the Unification Wars, her father’s triumphs among many. Hours passed, or maybe minutes? Her sense of time was skewed and the study had no clocks or cogitators to inform her the time of the day. The double door opened with a heavy thunk.

“Have you completed your assignment?”

“I have, magistra.” Pangea said.

Malcador glanced at the pile of books, so clumsily put together like improvised armor. The leather chair floated in the air and was set across from her seat. Malcador sat down, his fingertips touched together before he spoke.

“Adedeji, the rulers were what kind of leadership?”

“A council of elders, they were defeated by father due to their own politics.” Pangea said. “It’s strange why they didn’t unify when they were clearly in desperate times.”

“Power, that is why.” Malcador said. “Power will corrupt those without?”

Pangea paused. “Wis—”

Malcador’s stone face struck at Pangea’s thoughts.


“Is that your final answer?”

>“It is Magistra.”
>Pangea stayed inside the study, each minute was an eternity, each chapter a slog. However, she remained obedient.
>“It is Magistra.”
>Strength in wisdom.

Corruption is immediate satisfaction and it takes a patience person to resist it.
I will either need a tie breaker or I will be using the dice in ten minutes
Patience could also be used to scheme, however.
Rolled 3 (1d3)



Well you can also use it to bake a cake, a good cake needs time you know. Patience isn't inherently good or evil, but i feel like it is a necessary quality a person should have to resist corruption.
Pangea mulled over her words, swirling each answer in her mouth that will come out the most pleasant to Malcador, her old mentor. Old… Malcador is an old man.


“Why is that?”

“Patience brings wisdom, power cannot corrupt a man when he is patient enough to see what surrounds him. Like how I was patient in answering your question.”

Malcador’s fingers parted, and landed on the arms of his chair.

“Why not wisdom, intelligence, bravery or strength?” Malcador said.

Pangea paused. “I don’t understand.”

“Y—You only listed one, when I asked what virtues can prevent corruption of power.”

“Did I say you are limited to one answer?” Malcador showed a small grin. “A leader, Pangea, must not have a narrow vision. Power is a weapon, one that requires every facet of mental strength, virtues, earned through experience.”

Pangea grumbled unintelligible words.

“How am I supposed to get experience when I’m stuck reading? I’m here everyday reading history or some other boring books and not allowed to take part in any real experiences. Not following you doing your work or making boring talks with those fat governors.”

Malcador stood from his chair and grabbed his staff. “It is that very perception that you are reading those books.”

“I’m ready for the real things, how can I assist father if I cannot set foot outside my sector? I’ve been obedient haven’t I?”

“You have.” Malcador said. “I suppose learning in a different environment will sate your eagerness. Follow..”

Pangea followed Malcador. Her face brightened as they approached Navy Admirals, they bowed at her sight but her smile disappeared when Malcador walked past them. Her face twisted with frustration when Malcador stopped at the Administratum sector.

“There are some documents I require, bring me parchment X-01, 25365223, and a folder of archeotech from division 52.”
>Pangea sulked. “This was your idea of a different environment? What about those navy officers?”
>Pangea held her disappointment. “Yes, magistra…”
>Pangea sighed. “What will I learn here?”

Regarding choices, I am keeping track and they will affect the story. I thought about a system but went against it.
>>Pangea held her disappointment. “Yes, magistra…”
It's probably something in those documents. Let's not get sent back to the book dungeon.
>Pangea held her disappointment. “Yes, magistra…”
>Pangea held her disappointment. “Yes, magistra…”

Votes counted, satan wills it
Pangea held her disappointment. “Yes, magistra…”

Through the archway of the office, Pangea trudged through the archives, a giant maze made of shelves, parchment, and solid walls. Everywhere she went, from the lowliest serfs to the highest Administratum officers, they all bowed deep, or prostrated. Pangea did not pay any attention, why should she? They were beneath her after all. She was more educated, nobler, and certainly superior. But most of all… she was lost, delving deeper into the parchment prison.

“X-01, 25365223, and a folder of archeotech from division 52.” Pangea muttered to herself. “You there, serf!”

A red robed her hair bun bounced as she flinched. “Y—Yes, my lady?”

“Where is X-01, 25365223, and a folder of archeotech from division 52?”

“X-01 should be in section X, anything that starts with 25 should be at pillar twelve and archeotech from division 52 is not here, I’m sure of that.”

“And where are they?”

“Just follow the signs,” The serf pointed at the small signs with an arrow pointing at the direction.

“Very well, you are dismissed.”

Pangea made her way to section X, then to pillar twelve, then returned to Malcador. By now, sweat soaked her red and gold dress. Each locations were far apart with many stairs, her small legs ached as did her arms. At the exit, Malcador was nowhere to be seen. Pangea wiped the sweat on her forehead—

>then searched for her magistra after some rest
>then laid on the floor
>then ordered a nearby custodian to find him
funny number
>then ordered a nearby custodian to find him
>then ordered a nearby custodian to find him

Wonder if it's one of the more emotional one or the statue kind
>then ordered a nearby custodian to find him
Let's accompany him so that Malcador doesn't think we're trying to boss him around. kek
>then ordered a nearby custodian to find him

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“Custodian!” Pangea quacked, her tiny voice was lost in the gargantuan hall of the Imperial Palace. “Custodian!”

No answer.

No one.


Pangea sat on top of 25365223 which was inside a small grav-cart with X-01 in her arms. The halls stood giant to men, even to the custodians, to Pangea, the Imperial Palace was a planet. Pangea told her legs to move, to find a path, yet they did not answer but shook. Her shoulders trembled, and her nose twinged as hot tears steadily rolled off of her cheeks.





“You called for us?”

A custodian appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. Despite the heavy footsteps, they sounded so much lighter than any other footsteps. Pangea wiped the last of her tears and nodded, salvaging the few shreds of pride she had left.

“Where is the Lord Regent?”

“I will lead you to him.”

The custodian, in all his golden splendor pulled the grav cart with the Imperium of Man’s Princess sitting on top of parchments. Malcador was among all kinds of military officers in front of a large cogitator that projected a hologram of a planet in emerald hue, draped with all kinds of wire and buttons. The officers quickly bowed except for Malcador.

“Lord Regent.” The custodian said. “I have brought the princess per her request.”

“Good, you may return to your duties, Longinus.”

The custodian, referred to as Longinus, left. Malcador approached, with the same stony expression as always.

“You found the documents, but I do not see my folder.”

“It wasn’t there, magistra. A serf told me.”

“And you are certain because a serf told you instead of confirming it yourself? And you ordered a custodian to bring you here, do you not know how to navigate in your own home?”


Malcador shook his head. “You wish to experience when you know so little. You cannot find your own way around your own home but you desire responsibilities. Now do you understand how out of depth you are?”

Pangea remained silent.

>She hopped off of the grav cart and ran
>And waited for Malcador to speak again
>She opened her mouth, and softly spoke. “I do.”
>She opened her mouth, and softly spoke. “I do.”

Alright, i think you've bullied the literal child enough malcador.
>She opened her mouth, and softly spoke. "I'm sorry, Magistra. I could have asked where you went when I didn't see you where I was supposed to be, and the Custodian must have been busy. If you were teaching me a lesson, I think I understand and hope I didn't disappoint you."
>She opened her mouth, and softly spoke. “I do.”

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Pangea parted her lips, a rasp yet soft voice leaked. “I do.”

“Good, now come, you will listen.”

She heard the words, the sentences, yet the scale and the numbers overwhelmed her. Shortened jargons, numbers in trillions and billions, logistics, ships, weapons, food, manpower, there were too many to keep up yet the men talked like they were discussing their favorite books. The officers in blue coat and golden buttons laughed, and the officers wearing a beret and green coat nodded along. Navy? Army?

“Yes but we have the provision and we will see more.” A navy admiral said.

“Indubitably, let us move on to why we are truly here.” The Imperial Army officer harrumphed. “When will we set upon the stars, Lord Regent?”

Pangea swung her feet as she watched and listened. She looked up to see the banner of the Aquila hung on the ceilings, fluttering in all of its cardinal and gold splendor. The pillars stood in silence, as they always have. Everything was as it was.


The stars, world past Terra, the unknown.

“The stars?” Pangea’s eyes lit up. “We’re going to the stars?”

“Perhaps, when The Emperor commands.” The navy admiral said. “We do not know when.”

“Then why don’t we ask Father?”

The room halted. One snickered, another smiled a smile that did not feel like a kind smile.
“It is… impolite to ask. We are his subjects, we act, not question.” A Lord-Commander said.

“How can you act without knowing? That seems very illogical.”

Navy Admiral with a mustache with graying hair barked out a single laugh. The admiral was dressed in blue coat, but wore armor above his uniform.

“Indeed it is.”

Pangea frowned. “What’s so funny?”

“I laughed because it is true,” The navy admiral said, then bowed. “Lord Admiral Werserian, my lady.”

Pangea bowed back “A pleasure, Lord Admiral.”

>“So, Lord Admiral, will you come with me to ask Father then? You seem like the smartest one here, Lord Admiral, I'm sure you can convince Father.”
>“Do the rest of you think the same? Speak. I command you.”
>“Do the rest of you think the same? Speak. I command you.”
>>“So, Lord Admiral, will you come with me to ask Father then? You seem like the smartest one here, Lord Admiral, I'm sure you can convince Father.”

Gonna need a tie breaker or something guys
>“Do the rest of you think the same? Speak. I command you.”

Votes counted
“Do the rest of you think the same? Speak.”

The officers did not answer.

“The Ayan asked you a question.” Malcador said.

“You are correct, my lady.” A general said.

Other officers followed suit, answering in agreements. However, Pangea saw the cold distaste toward her. The eyes that judged, as if saying ‘who is she to demand an answer from us?’ Pangea stared back, she was the Princess, The Ayan of Terra, they were her subject, her subordinates. Malcador tapped his staff, instantly snatching the attention away.

“You will know when it happens. Come, Pangea.”

The walk back was silent, only the sound of the staff hitting the floor as they walked echoed. A custodian stood in front of a giant double door, still as a statue.

“Return to your room, your lessons are done for the day. You are free to spend your time however you wish. A custodian will accompany you if you wish to explore outside your boundary.”


“One more thing, until I allow you to, do not approach any Imperial Army or Imperial Navy Officers. They will be busy. You are dismissed.”

The custodian opened the giant double door as Pangea entered. Her room was simple, similar to her study, but came with two floors. The top floor contained her large bed, restroom and her table. The second floor was occupied by shelves full of books, mostly fiction and few historical records. Pangea laid on top of her bed, wondering what to do for the rest of the day. The silene did not last long, Panea sprang from her bed, with the thought to

>Visit her Father
>Wander the halls
>Write an atrocious self-insert fic where she's a powerful and respected and also super pretty Imperial leader who is always right and can do whatever she wants.
>>Visit her Father
I believe this is a good idea.
Curse Malcador for making us a semi-normal human girl instead of a 10ft tall demigod like the primarchs. What an asshole.

I did not expect that kind of answer.
The Emperor of Mankind swung his sword. The brilliantly flaming sword cut through a horde of foul xenos, Bodies flew, blood splattered, but the sword stopped, clashed against a ugly hunk of metal. An ork, tall as the Emperor— No, taller than the Master of Mankind, smashed his sword against the Emperor’s armor.

“My liege!” A custodian shouted

The Emperor, laid on the ground, unconscious. Despair has infected the army, but what is this? A woman in golden armor and wings descended, she picked up the Emperor’s sword and fough back.

“It’s the Ayan!”

“The princess!”

The beautiful, kind, and strong princess of the Imperium struck the foul ork, slaying it.

“My daughter.” The Emperor said. “You have defeated the ork.”

“I have.”

“You will lead my Imperium, and can do whatever you desire, even staying awake and not studying.”

Pangea scribbled furiously, writing every wishes and desires into the parchment. Unbeknownst to the servants who clean her room, there was a secret compartment on her desk that no one knew, not even Malcador. With a new story finished, Pangea placed the parchment into the secret compartment then grabbed a new stack of parchment next to her desk. She wrote about…

>a story of being in charge of a great fleet
>a story of leading an army into the battle
>ruling the imperium alongside her father
>ruling the imperium alongside her father

Fuck it I'm rolling with one vote
We're here, QM. Don't fret.
Thank you anon, my other qsts didn't have this much traction before so I just don't want to lose that.
You update really fast so votes don't really have the time to come in.
Well it is saturday, tomorrow will be the same and then one update per day.
>ruling the imperium alongside her father
>ruling the imperium alongside her father
You can't be a true child of the Emperor without daddy issues.
>a story of being in charge of a great fleet
This way we can support our bros directly
Ain't that the truth
>>a story of leading an army into the battle
In the vast hall of the Throne Room, Malcador and The Emperor stood on top where The Emperor’s throne shone. Everything seemed so small, reminding Malcador of the weight on his shoulders, only time he would forget was inside the small study discussing philosophies and history with Pangea. Though to Malcador, history lessons were reminiscing.

“Her writing is sloppy.” The Emperor said.

Malcador took back the parchments. “She is still a child. Lest you forget.”

Pure, untainted, infantile, those were the words Malcador thought when reading Pangea’s stories. However, the stories’ proved that Pangea wanted to serve, to lead humanity together with
the Emperor. Though her roles as “Ultimate Protector of The Imperium” was exaggerated. Pangea was meant to be a diplomat, not a warrior. Her interests in the military matters worried him, but knowing she wanted to be with her father, he hoped to persuade her into a less strenuous role.
“You are instilling it’s loyalty well.” The Emperor said.

“Her, loyalty.” Malcador said.

The Emperor nodded. “When will she be of use?”

“She is still a child.” Malcador said.

“Then when?”

Malcador hummed. “Soon, I will accelerate her education. Is this for the upcoming crusade?”

The Emperor nodded.

“I will begin with the subject she is interested in then gradually ease her in. It will do her good if you visit one of the lessons.”

“There are more important matters at hand.” The Emperor said, uncaring and cold as the metal walls itself. “She will grow under your guidance. I’m certain of it.”

“You are her father.”

“I am her creator.”

“They are one and the same.”

“Where is she now?”

Malcador closed his eyes, finding Pangea was an easy fear even if he was so far apart.

“She is in…”

>The Tower of Hegemon, asking the custodians about her Father
>Principa Collegiate, wandering with a custodian following behind
>The Hall of Victories, engrossed by the ancient machine known as The Mars Rover
>The Tower of Hegemon, asking the custodians about her Father

Okay big guy tell the little girl some war stories so she can have some inspiration when she writes about her oc donut steal.
>>Principa Collegiate, wandering with a custodian following behind
>The Hall of Victories, engrossed by the ancient machine known as The Mars Rover
>The tower of Hedgemon
>The Hall of Victories, engrossed by the ancient machine known as The Mars Rover
>The Tower of Hegemon, asking the custodians about her Father
>The Hall of Victories, engrossed by the ancient machine known as The Mars Rover
>The Tower of Hegemon, asking the custodians about her Father
>>The Tower of Hegemon, asking the custodians about her Father
>The Hall of Victories, engrossed by the ancient machine known as The Mars Rover

Hall of Victories

Tower of Hegemon wins
The Tower of Hegemon, demanding stories of the Emperor’s achievements. Usually, the custodians would not waste breaths on such frivolous questions for it was in their nature to boast. The custodians have been consistent. Most did not express emotions, but understood it. To Malcador’s surprise, few expressed it and even enjoyed speaking with the Princess. Though, most spoke to her to teach her about The Emperor

“She is in the Tower of Hegemon.”

“What use does she have there? Have her leave immediately, she will be obstructing their duty.”

“This will be a good opportunity for her to learn, her loyalty will be deepened.”

“Yes, but when was the last time you have spoken to her?”

“Three years ago. Let’s speak about more pressing matters, the time is nigh for our Great Crusade and I require your advice.”

Tower of Hegemon. Like many halls and rooms, the vast areas swallowed Pangea like an ocean. The golden giants spoke, with Pangea sitting on top of a stack of crates as their chairs were far too tall and wide. On the holo-board was one of their battles.

“I already know about the battles of the Unification War.”

“So you said, but you have not been in it.” Longinus said.

“It’s the same isn’t it?”

“It is not.” Longinus paused, he formed his words carefully. “I suppose there is no method that I can have you understand. Comprehending war is one matter, being in one is a wholly different endeavor.”

There was no promise that she would experience it, neither now nor in the future.

“Will I go to war?” Pangea asked excitedly.

“If The Emperor permits it so. You must trust The Emperor in his judgment. That is what I can teach you for now.”

Pangea nodded. “Father is really amazing, isn’t he?”

“He is.”

“But… he always talks with people that is worthy to him, am I not worthy?”

“I cannot answer that,” Longinu said curtly. “The Emperor has the weight of humanity on his shoulders. It is…. Difficult for him to spend his time on other matters even if it is you.”

Pangea pouted. “But what about magistra?”

“He is the Emperor’s right hand.”

“Does that mean if I can be helpful as magistra, I can talk to Father?”


Pangea’s eyes widened. This was her key.

>She had to impress Father with her martial prowess, like her Father had slain his enemies in the battlefield
>She had to be intelligent as her Father, as a scientist and a diplomat
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
Obviously, the solution is to out-Malcador Malcador.
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom

Get back at him by being better at his own game.
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
This sounds like a conclusion a kid would come up with. Besides, anything she can't match in psychic prowess, she can match in science or diplomacy.
>>She had to impress Father with her martial prowess, like her Father had slain his enemies in the battlefield
>Out malcador Malcadore. BE WISE.

He's also a decent diplomat, so. . . we could expand out.
>>She had to be intelligent as her Father, as a scientist and a diplomat
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
This does not feel like the correct choice, but it WOULD be one a kid would reach.
And I'm curious if we have psychic potential
>“She is in the Tower of Hegemon.”
>“What use does she have there? Have her leave immediately, she will be obstructing their duty.”
>“This will be a good opportunity for her to learn, her loyalty will be deepened.”
>“Yes, but when was the last time you have spoken to her?”
>“Three years ago. Let’s speak about more pressing matters, the time is nigh for our Great Crusade and I require your advice.”
this got a little confusing, the last 2 messages surely are Malcador and GEoM, but from the first one you'd assume they'd be swapped

>She had to be like Malcador, in all his psychic might and wisdom
>She had to be intelligent as her Father, as a scientist and a diplomat


Also, that's a good point, anon. Thank you.
The Tower of Hegemon, demanding stories of the Emperor’s achievements. Usually, the custodians would not waste breaths on such frivolous questions for it was in their nature to boast. The custodians have been consistent. Most did not express emotions, but understood it. To Malcador’s surprise, few expressed it and even enjoyed speaking with the Princess. Though, most spoke to her to teach her about The Emperor

“She is in the Tower of Hegemon.” Malcador said with an impassive voice.

“What use does she have there? Have her leave immediately, she will be obstructing their duty.”

“This will be a good opportunity for her to learn and for her loyalty will be deepened. What better source than the custodians when I am unavailable?” Malcador said. “It has been three years since you spoke to her. I’m surprised she still remembers your voice.”

“She is engineered from my genes, the attention she thirsts for is unnecessary.” The Emperor said, never changing his cold visage. “We have more pressing matters to discuss and I require your council.”

Tower of Hegemon. Like many halls and rooms, the vast areas swallowed Pangea like an ocean. The golden giants spoke, with Pangea sitting on top of a stack of crates as their chairs were far too tall and wide. On the holo-board was one of their battles.

“I already know about the battles of the Unification War.”

“So you said, but you have not been in it.” Longinus said.

“It’s the same isn’t it?”

“It is not.” Longinus paused, he formed his words carefully. “I suppose there is no method that I can have you understand. Comprehending war is one matter, being in one is a wholly different endeavor.”

There was no promise that she would experience it, neither now nor in the future.

“Will I go to war?” Pangea asked excitedly.

“If The Emperor permits it so. You must trust The Emperor in his judgment. That is what I can teach you for now.”

Pangea nodded. “Father is really amazing, isn’t he?”

“He is.”

“But… he always talks with people that is worthy to him, am I not worthy?”

“I cannot answer that,” Longinu said curtly. “The Emperor has the weight of humanity on his shoulders. It is…. Difficult for him to spend his time on other matters even if it is you.”

Pangea pouted. “But what about magistra?”

“He is the Emperor’s right hand.”

“Does that mean if I can be helpful as magistra, I can talk to Father?”


Pangea’s eyes widened. This was her key.
A quick fix
Malcador talked to Father plenty.

Malcador is wise and a strong psyker.

Therefore: She must be wise and a strong psyker.

It’s that simple!

Over the few months, Pangea followed Malcador much more, even after her lessons. Imperial Navy, Imperial Army, taxes, provisions, all manners of the most boring things in the world, Pangea grit through. Though the most difficult was something known as The Administartum. Anything that was something was within the construction of his new branch. She saw the value in such services, but still found it absolutely boring.



Inside Malcador’s personal library, Pangea’s face was pressed on the long wooden table, thanks to the records that acted as a booster seat. Her arms splayed out, her hair bundled into a simple bun with a golden hairpin. The room was thickened with musty air, filled with shelves of all manners of record. Malcador flicked his finger, an unknown force thwacked her hand.


“Pangea.” Malcador said once more.

Pangea pouted, but spoke. “Yes, magistra?”

Malcador used his psychic might to move the flock of books into the shelves of the fifteenth floor.

“I have an assignment for you.”

Pangea winced.

“You will—”

>Learn combat of your choosing
>Write a report of the Imperial Palace
>Write a report of the Administratum
Also another question, would you guys prefer I stick to the same order of primarchs found or maybe shaken up?
>Write a report of the Imperial Palace

I am leaning to sticking to the canon order but if you want to go for a custom order instead then go for it.
>Learn combat of your choosing
I dunno much about 40k lore, so w/e
>Write a report of the Imperial Palace

>would you guys prefer I stick to the same order of primarchs found or maybe shaken up?
I don't see why it should get shaken up, but if you have cool ideas or want to throw curveballs our way then feel free to. I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
>Write a report of the Imperial Palace
Becoming a stewardess would ease Malcador's duties with the palace itself while bringing more opportunities to meet with her father. It would also give her an eye for technological literacy. However, we should keep an eye on the Mechanicum when that becomes relevant and get a contingency plan formed to better preserve STC documentation in case a certain catastrophic event comes.

Roll with what you think is best, but maybe going with the default order unless we make decisions that would affect it may work out.
>Write a report of the Imperial Palace

I'm fine with either. Go with whichever you prefer.
>>Write a report of the Administratum

Darn, I missed the vote.
it happens
“You will write a report of the Imperial Palace you find an interest in.”

“That doesn’t sound like what I am capable of. Didn’t you say I am out of depth?”

Malcador withheld his sigh. “This is the first step. I have given you an assignment. Longinus will accompany you in this endeavor. You have three days. Now go.”

Just outside of the library, Longinus gave a brief bow. His fist rested on his chest and he bent down slightly. On the other hand was his guardian spear, gleaming in perfection as always. After attaining a map of the Imperial Palace, Pangea wondered where she should go first.

“Longinus, what do you think?”

“I was ordered not to voice my opinion.”

Pangea laid on the hard seat of a gazebo within the Inner Gardens. All manners of flora, plants, and even fruits gleamed as they were watered by the servitors. The map covered the entire table, with many locations written so small she needed a magnifying glass to do so.

Lion’s Gate, the largest spaceport in all of Terra.

Sigilite’s Retreat, magistra’s personal place of rest.

The Tower of Hegemon, she already knew how it was like there.

Petitioner’s City, a city under construction meant to house the serfs of the Administartum.

The list went on and on. That did not even count for the outer palace, adding more to the locations. Pangea wrote each location and how much she could write and improve on, though she wondered how she can improve on Father’s work.

“Well, we can first go to…”

>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
>The Throne Room (roll d2, 1 will have the Emperor present, 2 he will not be present)
>Sigillite’s Retreat

Better get voting
>Petitioner's City
I'm sure she'd be curious to see something new at the Imperial Palace.
>Petitioner's City
>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
>The Throne Room
>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
>>Lion’s Gate Spaceport

It will never cease to amaze me how much attention this is getting compared to my other qsts. Votes are counted and I'll get them done around 630pm pst.

Starting from this week there'll be one update per day due to work. Hope you all won't mind.
Nah, it's cool.
Will we get more updates during the weekend?
>Lion’s Gate Spaceport
Oh yeah, after gym.

Also ten minutes
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Lions Gate Spaceport. Unlike the Inner Palace, where security was guaranteed, it required an actual security escort. A procession, that formed quicker than Pangea assumed. four custodians, fifty solar auxilia, one hundred handmaidens and one thousand serfs, marched into the spaceport. Pangea watched from her carriage’s window, pulled by two augmented war horses.

A field of metal stretched before Pangea and stood tall as the ancient canyons. Wire intertwined like vines, pillars of smoke puffed up, servitors roamed along side groxes. People looked so different, covered in oil stains and soots they looked nothing like the people inside the palace. The people watched, in shock more than awe.

“That’s the ayan?”

“She looks more like a princess.”

“She is a princess, you idiot.”

The carriage past the entrance then stopped. A portly man stopped where the custodian stood. Fine red silk draped over his black coat with puffy sleeves and pants, his monocle and wires that burrowed inside his head gleamed. The solar auxilia guardsman took Pangea’s hand as she stepped down the carriage footsteps.

“Esteemed and honorable Ayan of Terra, it is an honor and a privilege to be in your presence. I am High Factorum Gaha, at your service.” Gaha bowed, bending as much as his fat guts would allow. “May I ask what brought you here?”

>“I am here to take a tour of the Lion’s Gate, I am to make a report to the Lord Regent.”
>“My reasons are my own, return to your duties.”
>“I am here to take a tour of the Lion’s Gate, I am to make a report to the Lord Regent.”
>“I am here to take a tour of the Lion’s Gate, I am to make a report to the Lord Regent.”
>“I am here to take a tour of the Lion’s Gate, I am to make a report to the Lord Regent.”

You thought I wasn't here.
“I am here to take a tour of the Lion’s Gate, I am to make a report to the Lord Regent.”

Gaha’s eyes widened only for a brief moment then bowed once more with a excited grin that showed his yellowing teeth. The tight coat held the man’s gut from drooping down and his powdered wig leaned down like an unstable tower.

“It would be my honor.”

First section of the tour brought Pangea to the docks. Behemoth ships, no matter the size, seemed gargantuan in her eyes. The servitor seemed big, well, everything seemed big in her eyes that she saw the smaller details far better. The wiring of the servitors, the grimes caking the corners of ships, the way people moved so… stiffly. Pangea moved her observations out of her mind. There were much more sights to take in after all.

“This is our humble but busy main processing terminal. Cleared out for your viewing pleasure.”

Not a single soul occupied the vast building. The receptionists stood, dressed so immaculately, perhaps too immaculate. How come their clothes were so pressed, didn’t they move when working? Where are the servitors? The skinny menials?

“Why is it so empty?”

“So it can be inspected better.” The High Factorum said with a saccharine smile. “When I heard you will be arriving, I had to make sure everything was perfect.”

“Then this isn’t how it is normally operated.”

“Well…” The High Factorum rattled out a nervous chuckle. “It is not.”

>“Then I have a reason to be here.” Pangea said without a hint of malice, she walked back to her carriage.
>“Will you ensure the next area will be operating as it should be?”
>"You decided to suspend the work of the Lion's Gate simply because I was visiting? Are you telling me you care more for appearances than efficiency, High Factorum Gaha?"
Fuck this guy. Our report to Malcador will be about how incompetent this Gaha dude is. Malcador would probably like that anyway.
>support >>6054796

Tell this guy to get his act together.
>“Then I have a reason to be here.” Pangea said without a hint of malice, she walked back to her carriage.

I think you meant "Then i have no reason to be here".
>>“Then I have a reason to be here.” Pangea said without a hint of malice, she walked back to her carriage.
Seconded. Pangea could ask Malcador how he got there as well.
Qm, what's your stance on the Alpharius question?
Because depending on how the scattering goes, Malcador will have to raise TWO superhumans.
>Implying pangea wasn't alpharius the whole time
Not so sure, I'll follow the latest lore maybe

“You decided to suspend the work of the Lion's Gate simply because I was visiting?” Pangea’s face scrunched in confused anger. “Are you telling me you care more for appearances than efficiency, High Factorum Gaha?"

The High Factorum flinched. His monocle nearly fell as he backed away.

“No no not at all, I halted the work so the spaceport can be inspected more efficiently!”

“That so…” Pangea said. “I’ll give you one chance to right your wrong. You have thirty minutes.”

“That is not enough for—”

Longinus tapped the ground with the butt of his guardian spear.

“The Ayan has commanded you, High Factorum.”

Gaha bowed with the sign of the aquilla. “R-Right away!”

The tour became narrower. The spaces for the procession disappeared. Only one third of he entourage could move freely. At the end, only Longinus and another unnamed custodian remained by Pangea’s side. High Factorum Gaha moved stiff like a servitor with a flatter but more sterner voice, it was as if someone had reset his brain.

“And here we are. The Stratophex, which contains the Sky City where the laborers and servitors live.”

The spacious elevator’s double doors slid open. The Stratophex was the middle level of Lion’s Gate Spaceport where the Sky City linked the upper and lower levels of the port. A large sector such as the Stratophex, it would take more than a day to explore it fully.

“Is there a specific location you would like to inspect, Ayan?” Gaha said.

“I will see…”

>Where the port laborers live
>Where the upper and lower levels are linked
>The busiest part of the Stratophex

Sorry for the late update, got knocked out when I went home
>Where the upper and lower levels are linked
>Where the upper and lower levels are linked
>Where the port laborers live
>The busiest part of the Stratophex
>Where the upper and lower levels are linked
>>The busiest part of the Stratophex

The link between the upper and lower levels had more people than the area could hold. Small cargo ships either nestled inside the ports or launched in the air continuously. The laborers dressed in gray jumpsuits or short robes genuflected, as if they saw a divinity.

“This is LN-69420, the Link as the… laborers call it.”


The Link stretched far into the sky, where the cargo ships shrunk to a small dot. Multiple bridges from different floors connected the lower levels and the upper levels like a web. Pangea strolled along the docks, observing the upper and lower levels. All in all, everything seemed to run smoothly.

“Who is in charge of the overall operations at the Link?”

The High Factorum puffed his flabby chest. “Why, that would be me.”

“Really. You?”

“While I do understand your first impression is not the best, I promises you on my honor, no, my life, that it is.”

Pangea raised an eyebrow, then walked toward one of the laborers. Longinus walked behind where the High Factorum could not see whom Pangea talked to.

“Raise your head, subject of the Imperium.”

A middle aged man looked up, his tired and wrinkled eyes opened wide. The robe hid his medium build but not his round shaped face, devoid of any sunken eyes or cheeks.

“Are there any grievances you have toward the High Factorum? Speak truthfully.”

“I—I don’t know, I’m just a laborer. But there hasn’t been a time where I was overworked.”

“Can others say the same?”

“Y—Yes, my lady.”

“That’ll be all.”

The tour ended without an issue after. Pangea stayed inside her room and finished the report on the Lion’s Gate.

>Which included High Factorum’s misdeed
>Which did not included High Factorum’s misdeed

The next, Pangea chose

>Sigillite’s Retreat
>The Tower of Hegemon
kek, btw what does ln stands for ?
>Which included High Factorum’s misdeed

>Sigillite’s Retreat
I'm sure I have no idea what you mean anon
>Which included High Factorum’s misdeed
>Add the following to the report of the High Factorum's missed: 'Further inspections needed to see if it's a one time mistake or an issue that training can fix or if he needs to be replaced.'
>Sigillite’s Retreat
I don't really want to throw out the guy if he can learn to do better in the future because if we get rid of him who can guarantee us if the guy that replaces him isn't going to be a complete retard that will only want to make things look good when people come to check up on him.

>Which included High Factorum’s misdeed
He fixed it as promised, however. Just leave a note to keep an eye on him. His head doesn't need to roll over this.

>Sigillite's Retreat


Out of curiosity, why Sigillite's Retreat?
We're either going to prank Malcador or begin plans for a surprise party on a special day. Surely, Alpha- Longinus would be more than happy to help.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 - He will be there

2 - He won't be there
>Which included High Factorum’s misdeed

>Sigillite’s Retreat
I'll support >>6056140
He fucked up but he doesn't seem to be completely incompetent.
Because Malcador is the one who actually runs the imperium on a day to day basis while the Emperor is doing his own thing and he has a lot of cool stuff because if memory serves me well he loved to collect any kind of historical artifact
(Rest assured the choice to write about the High Factorum but not as bad will be counted)

The hololithic door-plate bleeped as the custodian input the codes. The thick blast proof door opened with a hiss. Malcador sat on an old wooden chair with a dusty book in his hands, surrounded by old stone walls. Wide laboratory tools gleaned from the numerous candles that lit the room. Unlike the other rooms, The Sigillite’s Retreat was full of furnitures made of stones and wood. Behind Pangea, a custodian carried a small blanket and his guardian on the other hand.

“Hello, Magistra.”

Malcador closed his book. “I did not expect my study to be in your report.”

“It’s the oldest palace in the Imperial Palace,” Pangea smirked. “Occupied by the oldest man in the Imperium”

Malcador remained impassive then returned to his books, he spoke without looking back up. “Do not make too much noises, and do not touch anything. Understand?”

Pangea rolled her eyes “Yes, magistra. I remember the rules.”

“Let’s hope you do.”

Pangea observed many artifacts and took notes on each that she found an interest. From the paintings, ancient technologies, and to the chunk of stones, she observed every details despite knowing every artifacts inside the study, she never grew tired of seeing them. After she completed her notes, the custodian laid out a blanket on the floor near a spot full of potted plants of rare specimens.

“Pangea.” Malcador chided.

“I’m just going to close my eyes a bit…”

The scents of mug-warts and grasses and the cool air made for a perfect place for a nap. Malcador shook his head as Pangea drifted into the dream world within minutes. In her final moments, she saw Malcador glaring at the custodian.

On the final day of her report. Pangea found herself at the

>Tower of Hegemon
>The Throne Room
>The Avenue of Sacrifice
>The throne room

Might as well make it special
>The Throne Room
>The Avenue of Sacrifice
>>The Throne Room
>The Avenue of Sacrifice
>>The Throne Room
>The Throne Room
>The Throne Room

Throne Room it is.

Now to roll

E-Money will be there

E-Daddy will not be there
Rolled 2 (1d2)

I'm an idiot
The Throne Room.

Pangea’s heartbeat quickened. She had only one memory of being here, and that was when Malcador became her mentor. Pangea stood at the very entrance of the Throne Room, at the very edge of the eternity gate. She visited the Eternity Gate before, learning the meaning of such grand halls, the legacy of her Father. From the giant doorway, she saw the splendor that was the Throne Room.

“Will you enter?” The custodian escort said.

“Yes…” Pangea said breathlessly. “Let me just uh… yes. Soon. Maybe. Later”

She saw the Throne suspended over the giant mechanized door installed on the pyramid. Slew of wires, cables, pipes, and conduits held the Throne above. Some bundles of cables on the mid section of the pyramid resembled a giant worm, resting its gargantuan body. A brilliant light shone, but only reached to the Throne. Below the pyramid, the custodians stood guard on the ground level. Even them, the golden giants, could not fill the surface of the Throne Room. Pangea took a step forward.

“Are you afraid?” The custodian said.


Then took one step back.


Pangea took five steps forward into the Throne Room. The room swallowed her courage, grinding it to dust. She has been in many large spaces, such is the case for someone small as Pangea, but the Throne Room’s atmosphere sloshed with thicker gravity with stifling air, as if to repel an unworthy presence.

“Breathe, loosen your tense muscles.” The custodian said.

Pangea wheezed out her held air.

“This is but a room.” The custodian said.

“It’s not.” Pangea stared at the Throne.

“It is, if you think it is.” The custodian said. “You are bringing strife where there is none. Breathe, grasp your mind, and walk forward.”

The custodian leaned down, gently nudging Pangea forward.

“W—Wait, I'm not sure if this is a good idea!”

“Do not hesitate. Go.”

Pangea’s might was no match, and she soon found herself inside the Throne Room. Pangea stood inside the room.


>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
>Saw a haze of gold and purple hue surrounding the throne
>Saw nothing, but heard someone approaching from behind
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
"Prophetic visions of a terrible future build character"
-Curze probably
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
Grim visions to capitalise on her trpidation. Bully the child.
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
>Saw nothing, but heard someone approaching from behind
Of course the Emperor isn't here. He's committed to being an absentee father to the only kids Chaos didn't steal from him.
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
>Saw nothing, but heard someone approaching from behind
>>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
I really want her to have psychic potential, hopefully this alludes to something like that
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
Self fulfilling prophesies ahoy!
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne and complaining
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
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>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
>Saw a brief glimpse of a corpse sitting on the throne
Surely nothing to worry about. She just tired and nervous.





A corpse.

A gangly corpse.

A husk of a great God.

Pangea fell on her buttocks. Her mouth split open, her chest heaved. Tears streamed down from the corners of her widened eyes.


The custodian knelt, his golden hand gently shook Pangea’s shoulder. Pangea turned around.
Storm's Teeth





Two heads.
zam, the custode will die in the future ?
Pangea clutched her head, tightly clutching on her long black hair. She shut her eyes close. When she saw the Throne Room, she saw something far worse, something she could not describe with words.


She screeched. Her cries echoed through the Throne Room, sharper than chain swords, louder than the screaming warp engines. The custodians stood strong, they only saw a child in hysterics, shaking, curled up like a dying worm. The custodian escort saw her tiny fingers going below her eye lids and into her soft, jelly, eyes.

“Get Malcador now!”

The world turned to darkness.

When Pangea opened her eyes, she saw the familiar golden walls, the table, and the window that showed the splendor of the Imperial Palace. This was her room. Sitting beside was Malcador, upon seeing her awoken he gently brushed his hand on Pangea’s forehead.

“How are you feeling?”

She saw Malcador. Then dust. Then— nothing. A cool wind pressed her head.

“It seems like there’s another lesson required for you.” Malcador said softly. “Rest for now.”

“Have I gone crazy?”

“No, your… gifts are awakening.”

“They don’t feel like gifts…”

“Once you learn to harness it, it will be.”

Pangea sniffled. “Will Father come to see me if I can harness my gift?”

Malcador held his sigh.

“Sleep. We will talk soon.”

In the deeper regions of the Throne Room, The Emperor observed his experiments. The holo-screen of the galaxy brightly lit before him. So many worlds to reunite, different culture, religion, philosophy, and within them his sons lived outside of the path they were meant to be on.

“Pangea has succumbed to a psychic awakening.”

“I felt no psychic wave from it.” The Emperor said.


“Yes, Pangea.” The Emperor said. “Let me know if it is anything important.”

“She wishes for your visit.”

Malcador returned to his study. As he read the report, he saw Pangea’s interest in logistics. From the Lion’s Gate Spaceport, she had the wisdom to recommend a soft action on High Factorum, her interest in the academics from visiting his study and the responsibilities of the Throne by visiting the Throne Room. She enjoyed hearing of her father’s triumphs. She saw the value of patience. Yes… he knew what to do to ease her mind while training her psychic gifts.
>Write-in (insert primarch homeworld)

Terrible no good future vision buddies. Maybe he'll come to learn that the future isn't set stone because it's been grinded down into dust and got snorted up by soulless egyptians automatons. And he's always fun whether he's insane or not, which is almost never.
Where else to turn for someone interested in learning logistics but the homeworld of the UltraBeancounter?
I dunno much about the lore, so I just went with the names. Supporting this instead.
>support >>6057359

Night haunter!
Macragge is tempting.
As are a lot of other option however, so I'll just go with my gut. Surely associating with Magnus will turn out well.
Horus was supposed to be the diplomat after all.
Also set up for maximum drama.
Got saturday shift today then gym so not counting the votes yet.

>no barbarus

My man Mortarion is getting no love
I like Mortarion but having our first impression with him be through Psychic shenanigans sounds like a recipe for disaster considering his circumstances.

My 2 favorites are either Roboute because influencing him means influencing a lot of things or Konrad because the man needs a break.

Magnus is kinda eh, i like him but Magnus is gonna Magnus no matter what happens i feel.
I don't think meeting Roboute now vs. later will really have much of a difference, if I'm gonna be honest. I also feel like in Warhammer quests Psyker stuff is barely ever explored, so I really wanna head to Prospero and have some fun with Magnus. Maybe we'll help curb his hubris a bit (probably not), but who knows


Prospero it is
A distant cry.

Neither loud nor cruel.

A pathetic, sniveling cry, echoing in the vast emptiness of the warp.

Magnus’s immaterial form swathed in the warp, uncovering the layers of the mysteries methodically like no other sorcerer has done. The unknown was just a puzzle to Magnus, easily understood if one had the knowledge and the talent for it. Magnus watched the dim golden light drifting in the warp, curling her legs to her just and wrapping her knees with her small hands.

A creature of the warp?

Or a lost soul?

Magnus approached closer. The child appeared like Father, no, she was Two-One, his sister. Magnus knew nothing about his brothers, but he knew he was the only one among his brothers to know his true origin. Magnus approached closer. This was her unconsciousness in the warp, no fully realizing her place, acting as if in a dream.

“Sister, are you alright?” Magnus said softly.

“The world will burn…” Her voice echoed, as if she was inside a cavern. “There will only be war.”

“Why do you say so?”

“I’ve seen it.”

Foresight. An ability that he did not have. Being able to see the strands of destiny was a gift, not a talent.

“You have seen what could happen, not what will happen.” Magnus said.

“How do you know, Red one?”

Magnus held back a scoff, he reminded himself that his sister was no talented as him. “Because I have learned and mastered all manners of the psychic arts, my dear sister. Trust in me, trust Father.”

“Fa… ther?” The unconscious manifestation said.

“Yes,” Magnus said with a kind, almost patronizing voice, “Father, I have spoken with him.”


The surrounding cracked.

“You spoke with Father?”

Jealousy. Anger. Hatred. The violent emotions swirled into a storm.

“But he hasn’t spoken with me… but with you?”

>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
>Magnus quickly moved, he palmed Pangea’s forehead, while it was brute force she needed to be calmed before her mind broke.
>Magnus held Pangea, he called Father to calm her sister’s psychic mind
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
>>Magnus held Pangea, he called Father to calm her sister’s psychic mind
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.

I do not trust big E's parenting skills.
>>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
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I don't either
>Magnus made his appearance small, he spoke once more with a soft voice. She had to be soothed, not flattnened.
Aw yeah, time for some Magnus bonding.
Magnus shrunk, the luscious mane and the muscles of a demi-god decreased. He cupped Pangea’s cheek gently, this small girl, held so much potential, he knew he had to be gentle. He channeled his power to softened the psychic rage. Subtly, quietly, so that she cannot notice.

“Father will speak to you, soon, once you have proven yourself.”

“Will that be before or after our fall?”

“There won’t be any of that.” Magnus lit in a brighter golden hue. “You will not fall and neither will I, my dear sister. I, Magnus, your brother will swear upon the Throne.”

Magnus stroke Pangea’s long and flowing black hair. Their eyes met. For a daughter of The Emperor, she looked so… normal, only her skin tone and hair color seemed to match Him. Foresight is a gift, but… that could not be all. Just what purpose did she have?


“Yes, your brother.” Magnus smiled, he continued to stroke her hair. “So rest easy now… rest, grow, and we will meet again.”

Pangea opened her eyes. She sat up from her bed and saw her room. Standing guard was a custodians. Visions haunted her once more, the same face that had his face split in two by a giant chainsword but in a different armor. The custodian that stood in front of her bed was a false one.

>Pangea kept her silence, and closed her eyes
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”

Lmao i should have realized it at storms teeth XD. It was Alpharius back with us there in the throne room.
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
lorefags, do custodians get corrupted like chaos marines do ?
I think this is the primarch of the Alpha legion Alpharius and not a custodes anon.

Its said in some sources that the Primarch Alpharius wasn't found last but rather landed on Terra and was raised by Malcador and big E secretly and that he sometimes masqueraded as a custodes to test the palaces defences.

What made me believe that the man back in the throne room wasn't a custodes but Alpharius is that storms teeth is Rogal dorns chainsword which he used in the Horus heresy to cut of Alpharius head.
Also the "two heads" bit probably alludes to the fact that the 20th primarch Alpharius Omegon was actually a a set of twins Alpharius AND Omegon.
As for if Custodians can get corrupted? i don't think so the changes they go through is far more extensive then that of a space marine and designed to make them completely subservient and loyal to the Emperor.

I might be wrong but i can't think of any examples of the Custodians falling to chaos.

And correct, I'm happy to see someone got it.
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
Pangea confirmed to be more perceptive than literally all the primarchs, lmao.
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
We better not let it get to her head because she didn't realize it at first either lol.
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are bald"

I don't know man, bald people are pretty evil
>“You…” Pangea hesitated “You are not a custodian.”
What's the worst that could happen?
votes were counted btw
“You…” Pangea hesitated, she swallowed the lump in her throat “You are not a custodian.”

The false custodian did not answer, he slowly removed his helmet. Pangea stared at her blanket, not daring to meet eyes with the imposter. He stood in silence, his hand gripped his spear tight. The door to her room suddenly opened.

“He is your brother, Alpharius.”

Malcador entered the room. Pangea whipped her head away after a moment of seeing. Wherever she looked, she saw the madness inducing images. Malcador wrapped a black cloth around her eyes.

“This is…” Alpharius said.

“A temporary solution.” Malcador said, he ran his hand on Pangea’s head gently. “I will find a way for you to acclimate with your new power and your awakening.”

“I can’t see anything.” Pangea said with a trembling voice. “Will I wear this forever?”

“You won’t. Until I ascertain other abilities you might have, this will stay on, I’m sorry.”

>“Don’t be. I trust you magistra.”
>“What would Father want?”
Sorry for the late update, I had to think about where I want to lead this into or better put, the paths that you all might be able to go, like a character build.
>“Don’t be. I trust you magistra.”
>"I talked with a weird red man"

support both of these
>Look into a mirror
>“Don’t be. I trust you magistra.”
>“Don’t be. I trust you magistra.”

And supporting this write in.

Aw, I was hoping for the Magnus write in too.
Pangea’s hand search for Malcador’s hand, the small hands shifted on the soft blanket like a blind mouse. Once she found his hand, she gently grasped it.

“Don’t be, I trust you magistra.”

Malcador paused, the word nearly slipped but his stony visage prevailed.

“Rest, acclimate to your new situation. I’ll have to find a way for you to move. Alpharius, you may go now.”

“She needs assistance, she can’t stay in bed forever.” Alpharius said.

Malcador kept his eyes on Pangea and his hand did not move. Regret? Anger? Alphatius could never pierce Malcador’s thoughts.

“I will get her an escort.” Malcador said.

Alpharius hummed. “Then I’ll stay here until she does.”

“Do as you wish.”

“Wait, magistra.” Pangea said.”I…”

She paused. With everything that happened, this could have been a dream. Another vision among the nightmarish images despite being soothing. She bit her lip, then stayed silent.

“Yes, Pangea?”

“It’s nothing. Will father come visit me?”

“I’ll see if he can.”

Pangea’s hopeful smile deflated. Malcador left the room. Alpharius knew the art of clandestine operations, assassinations, espionage, but not consoling a child stricken with psychic powers. He…

>sat in silence, better to have her talk first.
>grasped her hand, “Pangea, how are you feeling?”

I never thought I'd work with Alpharius first but here we are.
>grasped her hand, “Pangea, how are you feeling?”
>sat in silence, better to have her talk first.
>>grasped her hand, “Pangea, how are you feeling?”
>grasped her hand, “Pangea, how are you feeling?”
>"wanna sneak out?"
I NEED wacky hijinks.
>grasped her hand, “Pangea, how are you feeling?”

Alpharius sat in a brief silence. He hesitantly brought his hand to graph Pangea’s. The golden gauntlet engulfed her tiny hand. Alpharius had to wonder, what purpose did she serve? He and his brother were subterfuge, his brothers were also bred for war of different kinds. Each of them were created with a purpose. Yet, from Malcador’s reaction, Pangea did not meant to have this… unfortunate ability.

“Pangea, how are you feeling?”

“I’m… I’m alright.” Pangea said. “Though I wish we met in a better circumstance. Also, why were you pretending to be a custodian?”

“I was trying the armor out.” Alpharius smoothly said. “It looked good.”

Pangea nodded in understanding. “They do have sparkly armor.”

“They do.”

Pangea sat up from her bed, her hand scratched over her eyes. Alpharius hesitated, but his question broke in.

“What happened?”

Pangea’s shoulders flinched like a released coil.

Alpharius winced inwardly. “If you’d like to answer.”

“I saw… I saw…” Pangea began to sob.

He hoped none of his brothers were like this.

>Alpharius searched a way to distract her
>Alpharius waited for her to speak
>Alpharius waited for her to speak
>Alpharius searched a way to distract her
It's best to let her calm down a bit more and reflect on this before we decide to act on the information. We should avoid indirectly alienating Alpharius and Dorn from one another. Besides, Malcador won't be happy with the former if he sees Pangea crying next to him.
>>Alpharius waited for her to speak
>Alpharius searched a way to distract her
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Extraction required precision, timing, which he had neither at the moment. He was not interrogating an enemy, or scouting ahead, he was… talking to his sister. Throne that sounded odd. He knew that what his sister saw was important. Yet, he could not ask. Was it empathy? Guilt? There were no right terms to pinpoint why he could not bring himself to wait.

“Now you have twenty more brothers to meet.” Alpharius said.

Curiosity took ahold Pangea. “I have twenty brothers?”

“Did Father or Malcador not inform you?”

Pangea shook her head, her long black hair spread on the blankets and the pillow.

“I haven’t spoken with Father since… since a long time.” Pangea said, she looked down, shoulders drooping down.

Another topic to ignore. The child of the Emperor, the only daughter of the Emperor was so… vulnerable. Granted, she is still a child yet there was nothing special about her. One thing was certain, she needed protection. Physical threats he could, with no problems, but not… whatever this was. Until Malcador returned, Alpharius had to distract her.

“Is there anything you’d like to do?”

“I want to play regicide. It should be downstairs.”

Alpharius retrieved the board and the pieces, but not before seeing the tactics before. A Red Tide Offensive, a rather aggressive move for someone like Pangea. Alpharius returned with the pieces.

“Black or white?” Alpharius said.


The game began.

>Alpharius allowed Pangea to win
>Alpharius played at the best of his ability, wanting to see if Pangea had a hidden potential. (Roll 1d2, one is winning and two is losing for Alpharius I will see how many ones and twos there are within the hour.)
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>>Alpharius played at the best of his ability.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Alpharius played at the best of his ability, wanting to see if Pangea had a hidden potential.
Throwing it would be an insult to her
>>Alpharius played at the best of his ability, wanting to see if Pangea had a hidden potential. (Roll 1d2, one is winning and two is losing for Alpharius I will see how many ones and twos there are within the hour.)

Feels fitting for the cunning Primarch.
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Sorry was playing Yakuza Kiwami, shit's so fun. Counted
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Alpharius played at the best of his ability, wanting to see if Pangea had a hidden potential.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>Alpharius played at the best of his ability, wanting to see if Pangea had a hidden potential.
our girl won, zam
1 is a victory for Alpharius. It's hardly surprising that a primarch would defeat a child at chess.
Regicide, a game that tested one’s tactical acumen and revealed their personality. The pieces of the regicide were set per the player’s preferences. Some preferred to set far from their own side or to the edges of enemy territory. Pieces had its own range of attack while other pieces could only attack up close. Regicide represented a battlefield, with different pieces with different abilities with a simple goal: Annihilation.

A Fool’s Guard opening. The pieces would be scattered as if thrown on the board, but they were meant to be a trap, luring anyone stupid enough to enter. Knowing Pangea, he only played with Malcador, and he was a crafty man. Plots within plots, secrets layered on deceit.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

“I almost beat Malcador, brother. It’s best you don’t underestimate me.” Pangea said with a confident huff.

“Very well.:”

Full offensive play. He won, but it took two and a half hours. Once Pangea realized her intricate plan was facing a fully offensive play, she had to switch strategy quickly, a difficult task for A Fool’s Guard opening.

“But… my plan was so perfect!” Pangea said.

“That’s where you lost, you thought your plan was certain when no plans ever are.” Alparius said. “You still did a good job adapting to it.”

Pangea sighed. “Thank you… I guess.”

“You’re welcome to challenge me again.” Alpharius said.

The double door opened. Malcador returned with a strange beast on a collar a

>noble warhound of an ancient breed
>A four legged large lizard like creature
>black bird
>Write in (keep in mind this is a pet/assistant so please choose wisely)
It's interesting that Pangea is able to play with a blindfold. I wonder how it would have turned out without one.

>noble warhound of an ancient breed
They're not called man's best friend for no reason. It'd also lead to some funny moments with War Hound marines and Leman Russ. We should probably zip over to Nuceria as soon as we get the chance and try to catch Angron before the Nails dig too deep or the revolution starts.
>noble warhound of an ancient breed
>noble warhound of an ancient breed
>black bird
>black bird
>>A four legged large lizard like creature
>noble warhound of an ancient breed

Blind people and dogs a tale as old as time
>black bird
Birds are cool
>>noble warhound of an ancient breed
>black bird
Bird are way more aesthetic and fits with her plan to become Malcador-y
>noble warhound of an ancient breed
Watch as we get something like a Yorkshire Terrier.
>>black bird
2 headed bird
>2 headed bird
>black bird
With two heads, just like the Aquila
>noble warhound of an ancient breed
There will be a very late update. It's gym day bb
>7 votes for both the hound and bird
This will be a close one.

Black Bird

A tie, I'll wait until tomorrow or when I see a tie-breaker
>noble warhound of an ancient breed
Well the tiebreaker is here. But I want to do something fun... this will be a short update.
The double door opened. Malcador returned with a strange beast on a collar, a noble warhound of an ancient breed. Alpharius watched as the hound followed Malcador. The claws tapped against the hard metal floor and the hound panted as it did. The hound came closer to their seat.
“This will be your guide for now. This is a hound of an ancient breed from Old Albia.” Malcador said.

An obvious lie. Though Alpharius could not reveal it due to his sister’s wide smile. The unusually sharp claws tapped against the hard metal floor and the hound panted as it did. The hound came closer to their seat. As Pangea reached her hand, the hound nuzzled into her hand, as if the hound knew its master already.

>The hound’s coat was shaggy and wiry, it had a square snout and small black beady eyes. (basically an irish wolfhound)
>With a pointed snout, long pointed ears and soft white furs, the hound licked her face (basically a great pyrenees)
>The hound licked her hand, since it could not reach her face. The coat was shiny with a black and brown color, its face far too pathetic, and the hound… no, not a hound, a rat, what kind of dog was this? What was Malcador thinking? (basically a yorkie)
>1 post by this id on a tie breaker
>With a pointed snout, long pointed ears and soft white furs, the hound licked her face (basically a great pyrenees)
>With a pointed snout, long pointed ears and soft white furs, the hound licked her face (basically a great pyrenees)
>>The hound’s coat was shaggy and wiry, it had a square snout and small black beady eyes. (basically an irish wolfhound)
>With a pointed snout, long pointed ears and soft white furs, the hound licked her face (basically a great pyrenees)
A big fluffy dog to distract her from the feelings of dread that come with knowing just how bad things are going to get.
>The hound licked her hand, since it could not reach her face. The coat was shiny with a black and brown color, its face far too pathetic, and the hound… no, not a hound, a rat, what kind of dog was this? What was Malcador thinking? (basically a yorkie)
Yorkies are cute
>The hound’s coat was shaggy and wiry, it had a square snout and small black beady eyes. (basically an irish wolfhound)
>The hound licked her hand, since it could not reach her face. The coat was shiny with a black and brown color, its face far too pathetic, and the hound… no, not a hound, a rat, what kind of dog was this? What was Malcador thinking? (basically a yorkie)
>>With a pointed snout, long pointed ears and soft white furs, the hound licked her face (basically a great pyrenees)
>With a pointed snout, long pointed ears and soft white furs, the hound licked her face (basically a great pyrenees)

Votes are in
While not big as the primarchs, this hound with a soft and fluffy white coat easily outsized an average human male. Not a wolf, no, its sharp snout and small black beady eyesm and the droopy ears betrayed the fearsome appearance. The claws tapped against the hard metal floor and the hound panted as it did. The hound came closer to their seat.

“This will be your guide for now. This is a hound of an ancient breed from Asiana.” Malcador said.

As Pangea reached her hand, the hound nuzzled into her hand, as if the hound knew its master already.

“It’s very fluffy!”

“Yes…” Malcador seemed to loathed the word. “Fluffy. This was from your father.”

“Father?” Pangea’s head snapped up. “He… he was thinking about me?”

“He is busy, but yes, he has.” Malcador said. “He will visit you soon, but until you are ready and mastered your own abilities.”

“I will, I promise I will!”

“Good. We start tomorrow. Alpharius, we have an important matter to discuss.”

“Of course.” Alpharius gently rustled Pangea’s head. “I’ll see you again, little sister.”

A month had passed ever since her training. Inside a wide arena, Pangea channeled her psychic power, using her power to…

>Move a heavy object
>conjure the four basic elements
>use the raw warp powers itself, albeit with great difficulty
>conjure the four basic elements
Let's start with the basics
>Move a heavy object
>Assess and identify strands of time in the past, present, and future
I would not recommend this, the very act of seeing the future made her try to claw her eyes out. There's a reason why I didn't include that option.
>Raw warp
Spec is for suckers
>Communicate with her dog through her thought
Telepathy seems nice and lets not blow pangea's brains out guys
>Move a heavy object
>>conjure the four basic elements
>>conjure the four basic elements
Let's start small
>Move a heavy object
>Move a heavy object
Being able to crush a mans body with your mind is cool.
>Move a heavy object
Heavy Object

Four Basic Elements


Telepathy wins
Pangea imagined the dam in her mind, opening ever so slightly. Trickle, sprinkle, flowing, never unleashed. Pangea allowed her psychic eyes to grab the slab of metal then holding it in the air. Pangea opened the dam a little more, allowing the power to flow through.

“Hold.” Malcador said. “Pangea, the slab is falling.”

“I know magistra I’m trying!” Pangea said.

Malcador watched in silence. The slab held in the air by hazy golden light trembling. Bit by bit, the slab descended. Pangea’s lips split into a strained scowl, her teeth gnashed as her jaws clenched. Her arms weaned, sweat dripped from her chin, and her hair flowed as if in water.

“It’s slipping.”

“I said I’m trying!”

“Focus.” Malcador said.

“I’m focusing!”

Malcador held his next word, he only watched the slab shake as it slowly descended. Suddenly, the slab launched with a blinding speed into the wall. A thunderous crash would have echoed, if not for Malcador catching the slab with absolute ease.

“Throne!” Pangea stamped her feet, her blindfold nearly slipped. “I hate this!”


“No!” Pangea growled. “Why can’t I just take this off? Why can’t I work on my foresight? That’s the only way I can be useful or else…”

“You will learn the basics first.” Malcador said with infinite patience. “You are not ready. That will be all for today, you may retire to your room or spend your time as you wish.”

“Are you going to see Father?” Pangea said.

“I have business with the Captain-General.” Malcador said. “I will see you tomorrow. Do not practice on your own.”

Pangea laid on the floor with her hound acting as her pillow. Despite being slick with sweat, the hound did not care.

“Hey Luna…”

The hound, Luna, opened his eyes, looking at Pangea attentively.

>“I think I’m going to practice longer, just a tiny bit.”
>“Let’s go back to my room… I’m tired.”
>“Let’s get into some mischief.”
>“Let’s go back to my room… I’m tired.”
>“Let’s get into some mischief.”
Cheeky brat time
>“Let’s get into some mischief.”
>“Let’s get into some mischief.”
Can't be all business or we'll be as boring as Guilliman.
>“Let’s go back to my room… I’m tired.”
>“Let’s get into some mischief.”
>“Let’s get into some mischief.”
>>“Let’s get into some mischief.”
>>“I think I’m going to practice longer, just a tiny bit.”
>>“Let’s get into some mischief.”

Cheeki breeki brat time, counted. And it's saturday fellas, meaning I'll be updating all day,
“Let’s get into some mischief.”

Luna barked, as if he understood her words and intent. Pangea mounted on Luna’s back and went on her way. Pangea and Luna returned to the Administratum sector, still remembering the documents she had to look for and was thoroughly taught a lesson.

“Shh.” Pangea hissed softly. “We’re gonna go in, and mess with them come on.”

Luna stalked the bookshelves with ease, the usual tapping noise when his claw hit the ground disappeared. Somehow, the Administratum workers failed to notice Pangea and Luna. She saw a familiar face, the red robed woman with a hair bun that helped her find the documents, well not all of them.

“Watch this.” Pangea whispered.

The file fell after the woman finished shelving it. The woman stared at the file, confused at what just happened, but shrugged then shelved it again. When the woman turned around, Pangea nudged the file out of the shelf.


The woman shelved the file again, turned around, then head the file drop once more. After the third prank, she simply stared at the file. That was when Pangea fished out another file. The woman rubbed her eyes, unsure if she was hallucinating.

>Suddenly, the woman saw a white hound staring
>Thankfully, the strange occurrence ended there
>Satisfied with her prank, she moved on to a bigger target
>Satisfied with her prank, she moved on to a bigger target
So are we blindfolded or not?
Btw riding dogs commonly ends with breaking their spines
That'll be explained more later on, anon.
>Thankfully, the strange occurrence ended there
This isn't a prank, this is just getting in the way of her job. Let's leave her be.

>Write in
>Put Groucho glasses on the statues in the Administratum
Now this is funny. Maybe in the future, we could hatch a plan with Alpharius to throw a surprise party for Malcador once the Emperor decides to head for space.
>Thankfully, the strange occurrence ended there
>Thankfully, the strange occurrence ended there
We do a little bit trolling
>Thankfully, the strange occurrence ended there

We did a bit of trolling
Thankfully, the strange occurrence ended there. Pangea saw no point in bothering a woman when she repeated her reaction over and over again. Next was scribbling on some of the walls, cryptic or with ancient languages that no one could understand. Unfortunately, that ended with no results either. The custodians, the astartes, not even the servants elicited a reaction that she wanted. Everyone was busy, performing their own tasks given by Father. Pangea realized it was only her that did not do anything noteworthy.



Malcador suddenly appeared behind her, with a deeper frown that usual. Pangea shrank and Luna’s droopy ears drooped further.

“I did not realize you needed stricter discipline, perhaps I was wrong to give you free time.”

“N—No magistra I was… I was…”

“You were?”

Pangea clenched her jaws tight.

“I will look over this because you did not make more foolish decisions. If I see you disrupting palace operations for your own amusement, you will be punished, do you understand?”

Pangea retreated to her room, hugging her pillow on her bed as Luna was acting as a couch.

“What’s wrong with having a bit of fun?” Pangea grumbled. “Right?”

Luna whined.

“Yeah I know, I should have known better. What am I supposed to do? All I do is study and not do anything! It’s like magistra doesn’t trust me!”

Luna barked.

“Something big? Right, I need to show Father that I’m like Malcador in all his psychic might and wisdom… but how?” Her eyes opened up. “Lion’s Gate Space Port is important for Father, I can make that place better and I’m sure the High Factorum will thank me for not having him punished too! After studying let’s go there!”

Pangea arrived at Lion’s Gate Spaceport after her lessons…

>But in disguise, to search for corruption
>With her retinue as always, to see if there needs to be improvements
>With her retinue as always, to see if there needs to be improvements
>But in disguise, to search for corruption
>>But in disguise, to search for corruption

Aww yee
>With her retinue as always, to see if there needs to be improvements
Doing this is just asking for something untoward to happen to us or getting a roasting for risking it, as much as we might like the idea
Rolled 2 (1d2)


Under the cloak of night, Pangea exited the Imperial Palace with ease, using shortcuts and hidden routes to make her get away. Once outside, Pangea straddled Luna and rode toward the space port. Many leaps later, Pangea watched the distant Inner Palace, waiting if the alarms would ring.

“They… they have to realize I’m gone right?”

Luna whined. Pangea wondered if anyone actually cared or even realized she was gone. Now that she realized… Where were the custodians? Or better yet, why did none of the security cogitators activate when she left? Was she so insignificant that they weren’t necessary? Pangea sighed, then fixed her gaze to the space port.

“Let’s go Luna, and remember the plan. We’ll show Father that we’re capable as Malcador.”

From afar, Pangea saw the security infesting the spaceport. From the top to bottom, heavily armed guardsmen patrolled the area. Pangea held on to Luna as he gracefully descended from the rooftop, leaping on the arches and bridges without a sound. Pangea used her telepathy to create distractions to brute force her way into the port. Pangea used her developed telepathy to cause a stack of crates to crash and shattered windows through out the port. As the commotion spread, Luna dashed inside a warehouse. Pangea quickly made a wall of crates to hide behind.

“Alright, we’ve gotten this far to find the corruption of the port… but if there is corruption where would I find it?”

Luna blinked. Pangea pondered, then clapped her hands together.

“I know, it has to be in—”

>High Factorum’s office
>LN-69420, The Link
>The Stratophex
>The Stratophex
>High Factorum’s office
>The Stratophex
>High Factorum’s office

A high person always wants to be higher, something something icarus.
>High Factorum’s office

Also, Mawnaw, shouldn't that be telekinesis?
Telepathy is reading and communicating between minds, telekinesis is moving shit with your mind.
>LN-69420, The Link
Sometimes corruption is in the least obvious place
Yes you are absolutely correct, that is my mistake

Votes are counted
The High Factorum’s office, that was the obvious choice. Pangea stretched her neck up, the High Factorum’s office was at the top of the Lion’s Gate Spaceport. The building interior would crawl with security, so would the exterior though she realized with the ruckus created everyone would be outside.

“Inside it is, let’s go Lu—” Pangea stared at her trusty hound. “I don’t think you’ll be able to fit through, Luna.”

Luna whimpered.

“Not my fault you’re big. Just make a big distraction and I’ll sneak in. Ready… go!”

Luna barked, then galloped outside as it howled. Amidst the chaos, Pangea entered the main hub of the port, then climbed all the way up through the elevators. Outside, Pangea stood at the lowest bridge of the Link, she watched the cargo ships moving under the cloak of night. Small lights illuminated the massive structures of the space port and highlighted security’s movements.

“Hey you, what are you doing late at this hour?” A laborer carrying a box said. “You’re past curfew and don’t say you’re working the nightshift, you kids don’t have nightshifts.”

Pangea pulled her black hood down.

“I was going to uhm…”

>“See the High Factorum, he told me I have a special job that only I can do.”
>Pangea slapped the crate with her telekinesis then ran
>Pangea pulled her hood back, “Do you know who I am?”
>“See the High Factorum, he told me I have a special job that only I can do.”
>“See the High Factorum, he told me I have a special job that only I can do.”
>“See the High Factorum, he told me I have a special job that only I can do.”
We really need to work on this girls deception skills, maybe look into using psyker skills to disguise herself like poppa E or something
>“See the High Factorum, he told me I have a special job that only I can do.”
I don't see how this could be misunderstood or cause problems. I'm sure this will go well.

Votes are in. Again, today I will be monitoring this thread to do many updates as I can, preferably every hour or two, I need to finish Yakuza Kiwami.

Out of curiosity, anyone playing anything fun this weekend?
“See the High Factorum, he told me I have a special job that only I can do.”

The laborer stared at Pangea, this little girl in a black hooded robe with blindfold on. Many things did not make sense. How did she navigate? What special job was it? Why did the High Fatorum want her in the middle of the night? The laborer’s nose wrinkled in disgust, but he knew this was none of his business. Living in Terra was already difficulty, he did not want more trouble for his family.

“Do you know how to get there?” The laborer said.

“I do.” Pangea said.

“And… you can see even with that thing on?”

“More or less.” Pangea shrugged. “If you’re done pestering me, I have a business to attend to.”

“Wait.” The laborer hesitated before speaking. “No nevermind… off you go then.”

Pangea walked toward the lift toward the upper offices. Her steps skipped along the metal floor, she didn’t know how good she was at being an infiltrator. Pangea entered the final lift to the High Factorum’s floor and arrived at his office’s door. Pangea gave the doorknob a gentle pull, and to her surprise the door opened with no resistance, not even the security cogitator asked her for any kind of password. Pangea entered the office.

“It’s smaller than my room… how can people work here?”

The moonlight bathed the office through the ornate windows, casting a shadow over the quiet and empty office. Pangea first walked past the statues of the Imperium’s greatest heroes, their shadows casted over Pangea’s tiny frame. She looked up at each of them with jealousy and awe. Then, she saw the High Factorum’s personal cogitator’s screen glowing in dim green light, baiting Pangea’s curiosity. At the end of the room, Pangea arrived at High Facotrum’s table littered with parchments and candles. On the right of the table was a tall bejeweled cabinet and on the left was a clumsily organized bookshelf. Pangea pulled her blindfold off, with no people in sight and no visions to haunt her, she let out a sigh of relief then first investigated—

>The bookshelf
>The High Factorum’s table
>The cabinet
>The High Factorum’s table
>The cabinet
Sensitive material nobody wants to be found would probably not be out in the open...
>The cabinet
>The cabinet
>The cabinet

Is there even heresy in this era? Aren’t we all about the Imperial Truth and state-sponsored atheism?
>the cabnet
The bigger question is why the hell did big E even make us?

Votes counted

the answer is in the first post
Pangea opened the cabinet. Gems, golden inkwells, glass figurines, the cabinet was filled with useless but expensive trinkets. Pangea searched the cabinet, examining each bobble with careful and observant eyes a child would have. One item however, struck her attention, a black metal case bigger than her hand. Suddenly, Pangea heard the doorknob, she quickly snapped around, using her telekinesis to push the door close.

“Odd… I thought I left the door open.” High Factorum Gaha said. “Blast it all. Give me a moment, I apologize.”

The doorknob jiggled again.

“This blasted door, this never happened!”

The doorknob rattled like an unstable engine. Pangea whipped her head around the room, searching for a place to hide. The statues? Underneath the table? Pangea stared at the window behind her… she swallowed a lump in her throat.

>Pangea climbed out the window
>Pangea hid behind a statue
>Pangea ducked underneath the table
>>Pangea climbed out the window
>Pangea climbed out the window
>Pangea hid behind a statue
>>Pangea climbed out the window
>Pangea hid behind a statue
Who knows how high the window is from the outside.
File: TIOM ART 3.jpg (30 KB, 640x713)
30 KB

Votes counted
The door opened with a heavy thunk. High Factorum Gaha dusted off the non-existent dust on his neck ruffles as he entered his office. The room was as he left it.

“There we are, now where were we?”

Gaha hummed as he opened his cabinet as he searched inside. The man in a slick dark blue coat and pristine armor beneath watched The High Factorum hum, he pulled a chair from the table and sat with his legs crossed, his sharp narrow eyes watched the High Factorum open his cabinet.

“Where did you say you got this again?”

“Can’t say Henry. The smuggler told me it was a cavern from a former territory here known as Ursh. It is a strange thing, but powerful. I’ve been testing it on the serfs below with variable results.”

“Are you sure it was wise to put something so valuable in your cabinet? Even if that security breach was brief, it was still a security breach.”

“Please, I bet it was some hysteria from the peasants. I’ve been gone only for a few minutes. I’m sure it’s nothing to…” The High Factorum paled, his mouth gaped open. “It’s not here… It’s not here!”

Pangea stood just outside the window, hearing the entire conversation and the chaos unfolding inside the office. Her small hands grasped on the flat wall as her feet shuffled bit by bit to move away. Once she saw the end of the trim, she saw a balcony nearby that required a running jump. Pangea then looked down and saw a gargoyle statue below that she could step on to move down.

>Pangea breathed slowly, then made a running start
>Pangea stepped on the gargoyle
>Pangea stepped on the gargoyle
>Pangea stepped on the gargoyle

I hope this doesn't backfire.
Make sure to tie the box onto our back so both of our hands are free.

>Pangea breathed slowly, then made a running start
The gargoyle is likely a servitor of some kind, and we could use what little telekinesis we have to glide to the balcony.
>>Pangea stepped on the gargoyle
>Pangea breathed slowly, then made a running start
Gargoyle too sus
>>Pangea breathed slowly, then made a running start
Rolled 1 (1d2)


Pangea backed away from the balcony, she stared at the gargoyle and with a heavy sigh, stepped on its head. The stalwart gargoyle did not move, as Pangea’s feet reached the platform the gargoyle stood on she heard an ear piercing siren. More lights illuminated the port, several dropships flew down, Pangea saw war ships now patrolling the area.

“Oh sweet Terra…”

If not for the conversation between The High Factorum and the unknown man, she would have returned the item. From The High Factorum’s panic, she knew what she took was an item of interest, especially when she heard the High Factorum mentioning human test subjects. Pangea used the gargoyle to descend further, and stretched her leg to the trim of a window.

“No no no!”

Her foot slipped but her grip saved her fall. Pangea breathed deep then exhaled, she extended her leg slowly, then pushed herself off of the gargoyle then grabbed the window frames. The window thankfully opened and Pangea found herself inside again.

“Search the floor, the thief couldn’t have gone far!”

Pangea saw a door nearby or… she could turn the corner and take her chance.

>Go inside the door
>Go around the corner
>Go inside the door
>Go inside the door
Pangea slammed the door shut. Using her telekinesis, various desks and cabinets blocked the door in a messy pile. The sounds of footsteps grew closer, louder, and… heavier. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. Not heavy as a custodes, but not lighter than a Solar Auxilia soldier. Pangea hid inside a locker as she held the barricade with her telekinesis.

“The door’s jammed!”

The footsteps stopped. Bang.

“Something’s blocking it!”

Bang. Bang. Bang. Pangea used every drop of her psychic powers to hold the door, straining her focus.

“Out of my way.” A gravely voice commanded.

“Y—Yes my lord.”


A wave of powerful force struck the door, severing the telekinesis from Pangea’s concentration. The door and the various barricades exploded into splinters. A sharp pain stabbed her soft brain as she cried. The guards entered the room, she watched from the slits of the locker. Among the guards, one stood the tallest and the heaviest, encased in dark ceramite and round pauldrons. This armored giant was no custodian, but an astartes, bearing the mark of—

>The Luna Wolves
>The First (The Dark Angels)
>The Imperial Fists*
>Write-in (loyalist legion only)**

*From what I could gather, it seems that The Imperial Fists had no name before the reunification with Rogal Dorn, if anyone can tell me if I’m wrong please let me know.

**You guys will definitely have a chance with the traitor legions soon, I only wanted to explain since I don’t like restricting choices.

***Also, I know you guys are waiting for the primarchs and we’re getting close. This is the first step of beginning the establishment of the primarchs. Also, in this qst the Pacification of Luna already happened not during the Great Crusade, sorry for the lore break everyone.
>The First (The Dark Angels)
>>The First (The Dark Angels)
>The Imperial Fists*
>Write-in (loyalist legion only)**
>The Revenant Legion (Blood Angels)
It's funny.
>The First (The Dark Angels)

Ah yes, the "We're so loyal don't look into our history" legion. Votes counted
The First, also known as The Angels of Death. They were the astartes, when questioned which legion was the model legion that astartes would follow, the answer was The Angels of Death. Pangea covered her mouth, her heartbeat quickened as the heavy footsteps approached right in front of the locker.

“My lord?” A guard said.

“Scout out the next area. Go.”

The lighter footsteps left. Pangea’s heartbeat reached its peak speed. The locker door slowly opened with a shrieking creak. The astartes loomed like the giant he was. Pangea looked up, with no words escaping her mouth, only gazing at the two red glowing eyes.

“Ayan.” The astartes’s voice rumbled. “The Angels of Death have been tasked to find you by the Lord Regent.”

“M—Magistra?” Her heart sank. “He knows?”

The astartes nodded. “We are instructed to bring you back, whether you want to or not.”

“Wait, I need you to take me to father.”


“I found this.” Pangea held out the rectangular box. “This was owned by the High Factorum to test on the citizens. He needs to know.”

“I will let the Lord Regent know. Let us go.”

The astartes carried her back into the Imperium Palace, the castle of gold that lit brilliantly under the cloak of night.
“We will be entering the Throne Room, do you have your blindfold?”

“I…” Pangea searched her pockets. “I don’t.”

“Then close your eyes.” The astartes said without pity.

Inside the Throne Room, Malcador and The Emperor stood in the room. Pangea’s eyes closed tight. The Emperor stood next to Malcador, shrouding his psychic radiance that lit brighter than the sun.

“Set her down.”

Pangea stood at the vast Throne Room, like a grain of sand on the beach.

“I don’t know why you chose to embark on this foolish endeavor. I am disappointed in your action.”

Her shoulders flinched. “I—”

“Whatever your reason. You will be punished. “You will—”

>Be under strict guidance of the Captain General, you will learn discipline to curb your insufficient behavior.
>Be a serf to the first legion, you will learn the value of duty and honor there
>be under a strict schedule devised by me
>>Be under strict guidance of the Captain General, you will learn discipline to curb your insufficient behavior.

More of the golden Bananas!
>Be under strict guidance of the Captain General, you will learn discipline to curb your insufficient behavior.
Her loyalty itself isn't under question.
>Be a serf to the first legion, you will learn the value of duty and honor there
>Be a serf to the first legion, you will learn the value of duty and honor there

Caliban dueling practice
>Be a serf to the first legion, you will learn the value of duty and honor there
>Be under strict guidance of the Captain General, you will learn discipline to curb your insufficient behavior.
>Be a serf to the first legion, you will learn the value of duty and honor there
Say what you will about them the Dark Angels have the best drip by far.
>>Be under strict guidance of the Captain General, you will learn discipline to curb your insufficient behavior.
>>Be a serf to the first legion, you will learn the value of duty and honor there
I want to be the first watcher in the dark and carry swords
>Be under strict guidance of the Captain General, you will learn discipline to curb your insufficient behavior.
>Be under strict guidance of the Captain General, you will learn discipline to curb your insufficient behavior.
>Be a serf to the first legion, you will learn the value of duty and honor there
Captain General

The Angels of Death

Sorry guys I'm too tired to write today. I'll come back tomorrow and write double.


What do you want to see more of?
Rest easy friend.
I'd like to see the Emperor and Malcador examine the thing that Pangea found.
I hope it's actually somewhat serious and gets him canned.
The occasional POV change to see how our actions affect those around us.
Rolled 1 (1d2)



No changes in the votes. I will roll a dice, and then I will come back later to see any differences. If there is no tie breaker I will follow the dice. If there has been changes I will count that vote.

Guys, thank you so much for your participation.
Also definitely, I'll work on those two, thank you for answering
Allow me
>Be under strict guidance of the Captain General, you will learn discipline to curb your insufficient behavior.
I want our little girl to turn into a hardass who definitely doesn't continue to write bad self-insert fics in her spare time. No siree.
One one hand, this whole escapade was a doomed and foolish course of action from the start that we should never have done. On the other, I think it's just the sort of thing she would do.


The votes have it. Counted and now writing.
The Ten Thousands

The Golden Legion

The Watchers of The Throne

These were the three of many titles of the grandest force of the Imperium, the Adeptus Custodes, Father’s companions. Pangea walked across the long and vast marble field of the Tower of Hegemon. The custodians, armored in gold and draped in cardinal cloths, patrolled the area, few greeted Pangea while most others walked past. Despite the golden giants, the Tower of Hegemon was monastic in appearance, devoid of grand decorations or beautiful engravings that many sections of the Imperial Palace had. Yet, an aura of elegance overflowed from each custodian that moved with a purpose, driven by duty and honor for Father.

“Well Luna… I guess this will be our new home for now.”

The towers glistened under Terra's sun. Pangea stood in front of the tall, auramite, gate, emblazoned with the Aquila. The two headed eagle stared down, sneering, judging, questioning who she was to stand in front of the gate of the Emperor’s guardians so blatantly.

“Well Luna… I guess this will be our new home for now.”

Luna whined.

“Yeah well, at least you can go anywhere without restriction,” Pangea sighed. “Why did I think breaking into the Spaceport was a good idea?”

A heavy thunk boomed. The giant aurumite gate began to open. At the center, one custodian stood waiting, sporting a flat mohawk and a shave head with a strong jaw and a stony visage.

“I am Constantin Valdor, The Captain-General and your new mentor.”

“Greetings, Captain-General.” Pangea said with utmost politeness. “When will the lessons begin?”

“We will begin now.”

[Choose one Interlude]

>Imperial Palace, Throne Room
>Prospero, Tizca
>Prospero, Tizca
>>Imperial Palace, Throne Room
>Imperial Palace, Throne Room
>Imperial Palace, Throne Room
>Imperial Palace, Throne Room
>>Imperial Palace, Throne Room

It's saturday, you know what that means. Votes counted.
The laboratory below the Throne Room hummed in a low pitch. Technologies of the ages past filled the room. On the wide and tall examination table, the rectangular box floated between two examining machines, glowing in shimmering gold as The Emperor observed to see the possibility of chaos influence. Malcador read the preliminary observation notes printed from the machine.

“This is from Ursh without a doubt.”

“It is.” The Emperor confirmed. “It is expected to see items like these being smuggled in. To think we would see the Flagelator again… I thought they were all lost to time.”

“Kalagaan may have been a warlord, but he was a skilled psyker.” Malcador said. “What shall we do with it?”

The Emperor took the box in his hand. The golden light enveloped the box. The metal box convulsed, then slowly turned into a mass of spikes, a dagger, and a shackle.

“The depository of ursh-metal is gone, Kalagaan managed to use them effectively because he had many in his disposal.” The Emperor paused, he turned the metal box into a piece of a small circlet of a simple design. “Give this to it— Pangea.”

Malcador took the circlet with no reaction visible, “It will be done.”

“Has her training begun?” The Emperor said.

“It has, under Constantin Valdor’s tutelage. I worry her psychic potential will not grow.”

“She is only limited to telekinesis and foresight. Much like I was when I discovered myself. She is stable, there is no reason to worry old friend.” The Emperor said. “She will grow as I have.”

Malcador paused. “Why the sudden interest?”

The Emperor shifted his shoulders, staring out at the map of the galaxy project from the cogitator. “Soon, she will fulfill her purpose.”

>The dreamscape, Warp
>The Tower of Hegemon, Training Halls
>The Tower of Hegemon, armory
>The Tower of Hegemon, Training Halls
>The dreamscape, Warp
>The dreamscape, Warp
Time for our
our what ?
You heard me, anon. Also votes counted
The dreamscape, Warp, a limitless space of purple and blue haze. Magnus traversed through the warp, but stopped when he heard the familiar sobbing. Pangea, his sister’s subconscious, floated in the immaterium. Magnus approached slowly from above as he shrunk himself.

“Sister, what troubles you now?”

The subconscious soul sobbed. “Father no longer wants me.”

“What led you to believe that?”

“He kicked me out and had me leave my room.”

Magnus peered into the soul’s memory, he visibly winced as he saw her desperate attempt to please her father and the subsequent punishment.

“This is not banishment, little sister. Father wants you to succeed, to grow, that is why he sent you.”

A golden hue pulsed. “Why doesn’t he love me?”

“He does. Otherwise he would have left you, but he did not. Trust in my judgment, Pangea, trust in your brother.”

Pangea opened her eyes. Gone were the golden walls, her soft bed and wide arrangements of entertainments and serf. Instead, she woke up on top of the floor in a small room not even fir for her wardrobe made up of auramtie walls and ceilings. Pangea sighed, on top of a degraded lifestyle she dreamt of a strange red man talking to her. It all felt so real, but things in the dream never were. Pangea’s day as a recruit began, per her schedule she first arrived at

>The Captain General’s office, to see what her day would consist of
>the armory, her day began with polishing the weapons and armor of the custodes
>the study, to sit among the newly made custodes to learn many knowledges
>The Captain General’s office, to see what her day would consist of
>the study, to sit among the newly made custodes to learn many knowledges
>The Captain General’s office, to see what her day would consist of
>The Captain General’s office, to see what her day would consist of
>the study, to sit among the newly made custodes to learn many knowledges

Votes counted
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Pangea yawned. Inside the monastic office, Pangea wondered how the Captain-General. Much like her room, auramite walls surrounded the office. The white stone table and chair held the Captain-General’s massive body including his armor. Once again, Pangea notice the size of the room and her smaller stature, wishing she would be as big as the custodians.

“Next time, you will arrive fifteen minutes earlier. Do you understand?”

“But… I came on time.”

“Only the indolent arrive on time. The earnest will arrive earlier than they are expected to be.” The Captain-General commanded. “From now on, you will be under my tutelage and the other custodians. You will breathe discipline, move with purpose, and learn honor. Do you understand?”

“I do.” Pangea said with a sharp tone.

The Captain-General’s expression did not soften. “You will go to the armory and polish the helmets.”

“How many of it?”

“All of it. Go.”

“Wait all—”

“Go. Now.”

Pangea found her way to the armory, a massive room of mastercraft weapons, armor, and various tools of custodians. Pangea stared at the rows of helmets… far too above. Pangea—

>sought out a ladder
>Called Luna to retrieve the helmet
>asked a custodian
Write in: Used her Telekinesis.
I just hope we don't fail and make a fool of ourselves.
That telekinesis is really paying off.
>>sought out a ladder
>sought out a ladder
Votes counted

Holy shit 425 replies what the hell
It would be funny if Pangea asks for a ladder and she's just told to there aren't any and to figure it out herself, kek.
Pangea climbed the ladder to the row of helmets. With the better view, Pangea brought each helmet with a strained mind. The ladders built for the weight of the custodian equipment, stood stalwart as Pangea brought each helmet down while she stayed on the ladder. The golden weapons and armor pieces shimmered, a sea of golden ceramites and blades, Pangea wondered what it would be like to wear such armors, to wield weapons, to be a trusted companion to Father.

And I’m… just a daughter of The Emperor. Pangea sighed as she finished her thought.

The Daughter of The Emperor. A title so meaningless, a title born not because of effort or achievement but by blood.Everyone. Malcador. The custodians. The astartes. The soldiers of the Imperial Army. The arbitrates. The serfs of the Lions Gate Spaceport. Her servants. Even Luna. They all had a purpose in their life. Hers? Past studying she never knew what she was meant to be. Pangea climbed down the ladders.

For now, my purpose is to clean these helmets

Pangea smeared the cleaning agent with the golden rag, moving her hands up and down as she cleaned the top and bottom portion. An hour later, Pangea’s arms ached, her knees numb from kneeling for so long. The serfs watached from the entrance of the armory as the princess did the work of the menial in all the wrong way.

“Do we just let her work on it all alone?” A serf said.

“I heard she did something to anger the Lord Regent.” Another serf said.

“I never thought I’d see her up close…”

Of course, Pangea heard it all. Her hand gripped the golden rag tight.

>Pangea finished her work as fast as possible
>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered
>Pangea ordered the serfs to clean the helmets
>>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered
>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered
there's no point of doing a shoddy job. let's clean it through,
>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered
>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered
We got into this mess because we wanted to take a shortcut to success. Let's try not to make the same mistake.
>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered
Each of these options will lead to a reaming, so let's at least get one for being too slow rather than something more disappointing
>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered
>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered

Also, I'm assuming the High Factorum has been thoroughly obliterated at this point?
>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered
Also, thanks for integrating the telekinesis.
It's a nice touch.
I worry that any bird we meet will grow 2 heads after that vision earlier

It makes sense that she'd be desperate to try her psychic abilities whenever the option comes up, so
>Pangea finished her work as fast as possible
In hopes of hands-on training her mind further.
>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered
>>Pangea continued to work meticulously on each helmet, finishing only halfway through as Constantin Valdor entered
It has just occurred to me that perhaps the best course of action could be to ask the serfs for some instruction and advice while still doing it ourselves. Maybe that's the objective we're supposed to be pushed towards doing instead of just beating our head on it inadequately.

Votes counted
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Constantin did not like the primarchs. Even more knowing that they will grow without The Emperor’s guidance, shaped by their own world and experiences, too independent with too much power. Even now, he wondered if he should convince the Emperor to give up searching for his “sons” and forget about them. Then, there was Pangea, she was neither a primarch or a custodian.

“Is the princess still inside?”

“Yes m’lord.” The serf answered. “She’s been inside for hours I think.”

A buffer. Valdor nearly sneered at Malcador’s explanation. Were the primarchs so feeble and unstable that they needed a buffer, someone to stroke their ego so they would not bother The Emperor? Valdor placed his discontent away, he knew Malcador knew better than he despite Valdor’s own doubts. With all work done for now, he found the time to see if Pangea had finished her work. Most likely not, since he knew a small child like her would never finish the work on time.

“Alright… that’s another one done.”

Pangea wiped the sweat off her forehead. Valdor watched the daughter who knelt beside the helmet that was as tall as her. Of course, the method and her meticulousness was no match from the serf’s work. Her effort however, did not go unnoticed.

“Ayan.” Valdor said. “You have not finished.”

“You didn’t give me a lot of hand to work with.” Pangea said pointedly.

“The serfs will finish the rest. Follow.”

“But I’m tired…” Pangea whined. “Can’t we do it tomorrow? The sun’s going down.”

Valdor bit back a nasty retort. “Your Father did not rest when the sun set. You will not either.”

Inside the wide arena, Valdor found the tiny weapon rack for the princess, each being a pure replica of the custodes weapons but wieldable for the princess’s small frame. Valdor walked to the rack and chose—

>The Guardian spear
>The Castellan Ax
>The Meridian Swords

Write-in is highly encouraged, it does have to be custodes weapon however. I used lexicanum but as long as it's a custdoes weapon it's alright.
>The Guardian spear
old reliable
>>The Guardian spear
The first tool of Hamankind was the spear in my book
> Misericordia

A fancy mostly cermonial dagger (for a custodian) mostly used to symbolize that the bearer answers to no imperial law or institution except the Emperor
>The Guardian spear but with a practice version of an Adrathic Disintegration Beamer.

I know this'll sound dumb, but bear with me.
I figure a bolter might be too unwieldy for her to handle, even scaled down.
But, she obviously can't have a full power Adrathic, so it's not the real thing, just a practice beam.
Also, given her role, it might be interesting to have that be a sign of the Emperor's authority vested in her, given how much he has all those weapons on lockdown.
Maybe I'm overthinking this too much.
I think that's a fine thought anon, I'll consider this in addition to the guardian spear if that vote wins.

Votes counted
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Valdor picked up the wooden guardian spear, he nearly smirked at the sight, he was certain this was delivered by Malcador. The Emperor was too busy for such matters, too many decisions to make time for this child. Valdor caught an odd detail to the spear. Instead of the bolter attachment, it was an adrathic beamer. Valdor paused, then resolved himself, with a long exhale. Valdor held out the toy-spear to the child.

“This is a guardian spear, a weapon used by us custodians. It is a tool to slay the enemies of the Imperium. You will learn to wield it, you will know every pieces, every moves, every advantages and its weaknesses. This will be an extension of your body.”

If Malcador believed Pangea could be a true daughter of The Emperor, then he would do his duty. This child already existed like the primarchs, but she would be molded into a custodes.

“Does that mean…” Pangea’s eyes widened as it sparkled. “I’m a custodes!”

“No. Absolutely not.” Valdor said.

Pangea’s smile fell. An odd twinge poke his heart.

“Not yet.” Valdor corrected.

“Really?” Pangea’s smile returned.

“I make no promises.”

Valdor tossed the guardian spear, which landed on the ground with a loud, rattling, thunk.

“Tomorrow you will catch it.”

Pangea picked up the spear and held it. Valdor replied in kind, the giant stood with Apollonian Spear in his hands. Pangea

>Stayed her hands
>Quickly fell back
>Stayed her hands
what does TIOM stand for ?
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The Imperium of Man Art. I should have added the P for Princess for TIOMP but it was a little too long. It's 3.75 since I didn't color and stuff.
>Stayed her hands
>Quickly fell back
Not yet aware of how to conduct a spar, yet not content to watch without taking SOME action
>The Imperium of Man Art. I should have added the P for Princess for TIOMP but it was a little too long. It's 3.75 since I didn't color and stuff.
i see. btw how tall is Pangea ? I know that the bananas are everyone important is tall but I didn't think they'd be reaching into 4/6 meters tall.
>Stayed her hands
Let's keep close attention. Valdor would not like Pangea to get distracted.
>Stayed her hands

Observe before you strike,
I have heard different things but for the most parts it seems to go something like this.

Space marine: 2,1 - 2,5 or aboutish 8 feet
Custodes: 2,5 - 3 or aboutish 9 feet
This is not a hard fact from what i have seen and numbers vary wildly it seems depending on sources.

Primarchs vary wildly in height.
I'd say the average height of a normal child. To Pangea everyone is a giant, I like to use those words to describe how she sees the world.


This is not counting any height added by their power armour of course.
Also, until childhood arc is over, she's gonna be short. I fucking love the image of this small child in a hall of fucking giants. I think it's just fucking adorable. Like imagine Perturabo and Pangea. This big motherfucker in huge-ass armor and a little kid. Idk, it's funny in my head.
Its cute but if you want a real giant then the biggest primarch is Vulcan XD
>The Arena (Pangea’s combat doctrine)
I hope that, after she master's the spear, she integrates her telekinesis.
As she gets older it can be crazy shit, like blocking with her blade and using it to either hit her opponent, or sling blades at them.
Heck, might even throw grenades at other enemies.
What I'm getting at is that, in a melee fight, Telekinesis can be really fucking OP.
Pangea stayed her hands, she waited, for no fools would attack withotu a plan. A plan… Pangea looked up, then looked up with her neck stretched back, it was then she could see the fae of her opponent: Constantin Valdor, The Captain-General of The Legio Custodes*. Then in a blink of an eye, he disappeared.

“What the—”

“Why did you not move?”

Pangea turned around. The tip of the guardian spear floated only an inch away from ehr face. Valdor pulled back his spear.

“I uh… I thought I’d study you first then fight.”

“A good practice.” Valdor said with a small nod. “But you do not have the skills to afford such a luxury.”

Valdor hit the end of his spear on the ground. A clear echoing clang echoed.

“Every morning, you will arrive to my chambers. After you receive your daily assignment, you will train your body by other custodians that will be in charge of you. Today, you will run the laps of this arena.”

“For how long?” Pangea said with a worried tone.

“Until I tell you to stop.”

Thus. Her training began.

Wake up. See the Captain-General. Train. Eat. Attend daily tasks. Study. Sleep. Over and over. Slowly, but surely, Pangea learned the ways of the Legio Custodes.

>The Arena
>The Chamber of Reflection
>The Principa Collegiate
I'll still count this vote anon, if that's ok with you
>The Principa Collegiate
Wait a second, i just realized something.
Where's her blindfold, and how has she been getting around?
Were the visions solved offscreen?>>6069082
>The Principa Collegiate
she can still "see" with the help of her psychic ability. Imagine DareDevil's "sight" If she took off her blindfold it will be known.
>The Chamber of Reflection
>The Chamber of Reflection

Three months had passed. Instead of her normal routine, Pangea stood alone in a quiet and empty room. White ceramites wall surrounded her, the silence intensified where even the tiniest step on the floor echoed. Yet, Valdor’s movements made no sound.

“Sit.” Valdor commanded.

Pangea sat.

“Take off your blindfold.”


“Take off. Your blindfold.”

“But I’ll—”

“Now.” Valdor did not yet, or raised his voice, yet the words thuumed.

Pangea nervously removed the blindfold, but kept her eyes shut.

“Open your eyes.” Valdor said.

Pangea opened her eyes carefully. She saw the room surrounding her. Then, she saw the mirror. Her face was skinnier, hands rougher than before, shoulders firm but still small. She did not see anything.

“Now look at me.”

Pangea turned around. Constantin Valdor, the first Captain-General. Pangea witnessed his bravery, his savagery, and ultimately his disappearance. The grief and the rage that boiled beneath the stoic visage scalded her mind. Pangea released a dreadful scream. Valdor remained, he looked behind him then nodded back, then approached Pangea as she curled up to her knees. Valdor—
First vote.
>Valdor grabbed Pangea’s head then pried one eye open. She let out a sobbing shriek. Without the cruel training, Pangea would not be able to master her most important ability.
>Knelt beside her, he gently placed his hand on her shoulder with pity. The lessons will be softer, but she will not master her ability in time, maybe she would still cling to her blindfold…

Second vote
>The Arena
>Principa Collegiate
>Valdor grabbed Pangea’s head then pried one eye open. She let out a sobbing shriek. Without the cruel training, Pangea would not be able to master her most important ability.

>Principa Collegiate

The custodes are very good at what they do but they can be a bit dickish with how they do it. Also this is Valdor he is gonna bend over backwards twice over to complete whatever task big E assigns to him.
>Valdor grabbed Pangea’s head then pried one eye open. She let out a sobbing shriek. Without the cruel training, Pangea would not be able to master her most important ability.
I'm in agreement.
Custodes ain't exactly gentle.

>The Arena.
>Valdor grabbed Pangea’s head then pried one eye open. She let out a sobbing shriek. Without the cruel training, Pangea would not be able to master her most important ability.
The other anon is right about Valdor's priorities. That being said, let's avoid snapping her neck and crushing her skull.

>Principa Collegiate
>Valdor grabbed Pangea’s head then pried one eye open. She let out a sobbing shriek. Without the cruel training, Pangea would not be able to master her most important ability.

An honestly surprising vote

>Principa Collegiate

Votes are counted
I like that Pangea has a closer relationship with the Custodes but Valdor is gonna Valdor when it comes to carrying out big E's wishes.

Also will probably sleep now so night.
A year has passed since the beginning of her training. A black bag followed underneath her eyes, her long straight hair curled into a slight frazzle, and her posture slackened forward. Pangea’s footsteps dragged yet still moved with trained grace like a stalking predator. Pangea entered the Principa Collegiate, where many scholars studied the history of Terra as well as other philosophies and the Imperial Truth. Pangea watched the Collegiate drown in fire, crumbing into ruins. She shook her head.

“It’s not real. They are nothing. Nothing.” Pangea whispered to herself.

Pangea skulked through the shadows and hopped silently between the unseen buttresses then landed at the entrance of the Hall of Wars, the archive of every battles, war, and valor that humanity faced. Pangea walked through the halls and the archest that held the roofs that reached the skies of Terra. The marble floor echoed quietly with her footsteps. As she wandered, her foresight appeared like a broken cogitator screen. Pangea clutched her head, but held stalwart. Pangea passed through the battles of the Unification War. Each painting depicted her Father, Malcador, and Constantin Valdor in all their glory.

>Pangea still thirsted for such glories, her heart burned with the ambition of being the greatest
>Pangea’s heart remained cold, unwanting of glory and only focused on what she needed to do
Sorry for the short update everyone, I'll do another one after this vote.
>Pangea still thirsted for such glories, her heart burned with the ambition of being the greatest
>Pangea still thirsted for such glories, her heart burned with the ambition of being the greatest

Yeah its more fun that way.
>Pangea’s heart remained cold, unwanting of glory and only focused on what she needed to do

Tired girl too tired for this shit
>Pangea’s heart remained cold, unwanting of glory and only focused on what she needed to do
I will need a tie breaker my battle-brothers.

Also out of curiosity. What is your thought on the female custodes? Yay or nay or meh?
>Pangea still thirsted for such glories, her heart burned with the ambition of being the greatest
>female custodes
I see no harm in them. Especially if they too pick up the armorless post-Heresy fashion
>Pangea still thirsted for such glories, her heart burned with the ambition of being the greatest

Female custodes were a pointless addition to the lore but I'm not about to shit myself in anger because of them. Throw em in if you want to.
Nah, use the sisters instead
>Pangea still thirsted for such glories, her heart burned with the ambition of being the greatest

I did not mind GW adding female custodes i just think they were as usual very sloppy with how they communicated it to the fans, and i had expected they would come out with something like a book or a series of short stories for some female custodes character to help sell it. Their designs could have used some work though, there are a lot of fan works of female custodes which is way better then what GW decided to go with.

Still a little sad that this means that GW is probably going to give even less attention to the sisters of battle.
>Her heart still thirsts.

I dislike them.
Eh I was more curious than anything.
That won't spell a fun time for Pangea I think.

Yeah they could have done a better job.

Votes counted
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There's plenty of evidence as recently as 9th edition that Custodes were exclusively male. The problem is that the reason for the retcon is obvious and that the SoB and SoS, two all-female factions, are yet again starved for attention.

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The worst part is that not if they existed as they keep trying to gaslight people into believing, they have done nothing of remarkability or note in history and then proceeded to have a shitty codex with their new inclusion.

Sisters of silence needed new models
just to supplement it, the problem with female custodes in canon is GW trying to make WH40K into another star trek and losing what makes it original.
thanks, anon
Yes? I never argued that GW hadn't originally made the custodes exclusively male?

What i said was that i personally don't really mind female custodes as i see it separate thing from the whole female space marine argument (which i feel should keep to the all male bit). And that in quest terms it allows Maw to give some sort of female companions to Pangea since the sisters of silence would be a terrible idea for that.

But even as i said i don't mind female custodes i also pointed out that GW were very sloppy with their introductions and pretty lazy with their design. And should have done better with both communications with their fans and with the work on them.

Also i am very sad the SoB will get even less attention now =(. They are one of my favourite factions.
Its a pretty baffling choice really, the much simpler option would be to just say it as it is. Its not like they haven't done huge retcons before and trying to play it off as the fans being to dumb to understand is just insulting really.

Also yes please give the Sisters more models they could use some attention after all this time.
There's also plenty of evidence that Malal existed. Also I didn't see any disappointment when the Squats were unsquatted.
>Pangea still thirsted for such glories, her heart burned with the ambition of being the greatest
As she learns of more of the Galaxy, her own world grows as well.

Flavor-wise, I think they work best as a distinct type of soldier/different unit on the tabletop. The majority of types of Imperium super soldiers tend to be gender locked, based on how they're created, so it would make sense that women who become Custodes have a different process to themselves, or else lead to a unique end result.

In the context of the quest it fits with Pangea's (at this point) likely future status, instead of associating with an Astartes legion of her own, she gets the Custodes.
Two years later...

Spears clashed. sparks flew. Two golden blurs zipped across the arena. Ra Endymion swung his spear in an wide arc. Pangea ducked under the strike then thrust her spear up. Ra flicked his wrist, his whipping spear parried the attack. Pangea scowled as the force of the parry sent her feet skidding across the arena floor. Pangea twirled her spear then circled Ra, glaring with her sharpened eyes as if to pierce through him with her sight alone. Pangea charged forward.

Pangea heart quickened, adrenaline pumped into her throbbing veins, sweat flooded as her long black hair swished like an unfurled cloak. Unlike Pangea’s hurried and snappy movements, Ra’s body flowed like water and hit hard as a battering ram. One hit would be enough to send Pangea to the walls of the arena. Pangea pivoted, then feinted a thrust, or, she thought she did.

“What the—”

In a blank of an eye, Ra’s spear coiled back then whipped sideways into Pangea’s side, launching her into the air and landing with a heavy thud. Pangea looked up to the ceiling, back on the floor and her vision spinning.

“You lasted fifty two seconds this time, improving by three seconds.” Ra said. “Your way of combat is taking shape. You—”

>Are adept in aggressive assaults, but you must not rely on your instincts too much, there must be thoughts in your movements
>Are adept in methodical combat, perhaps too much, you must not hesitate when a decision must be made
>Are adept in aggressive assaults, but you must not rely on your instincts too much, there must be thoughts in your movements
I like this combed with our psycher stuff
>Are adept in aggressive assaults, but you must not rely on your instincts too much, there must be thoughts in your movements
>There's also plenty of evidence that Malal existed.
He was memory holed because of a legal dispute iirc.

>Also I didn't see any disappointment when the Squats were unsquatted.
There was a ton of disappointment. Everyone was joking about how Votann look like bootleg Starcraft marines and how the Necromunda squats are a lot more faithful to the original designs.

>Are adept in aggressive assaults, but you must not rely on your instincts too much, there must be thoughts in your movements
>Are adept in aggressive assaults, but you must not rely on your instincts too much, there must be thoughts in your movements
Behold, the fury of a very angry princess!
>Are adept in methodical combat, perhaps too much, you must not hesitate when a decision must be made

Malcador rubbed of on us after all that time raising Pangea.

A black circle princess who fights like an instinct-driven berserker who thirsts for glory. Which primarch do you think she'll get along the most and not get along the most?
>Which primarch do you think she'll get along the most
Angron or Russ.

>and not get along the most?
Angron or Russ.
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Yeah that sounds about right.
>Which primarch do you think she'll get along the most
Now that we're locked in for furious little glory hound. Definitely Russ.

>and not get along the most?
There was never any chance Morty wouldn't hate her with every fibre of his being.
God yeah. The thing is from what I've researched he is written inconsistently. I do like his drip though.
Oh right this is also votes counted.
One year later…

Pangea gazed at the hive and the spires of Terra. Pain mashed into her eyes as if a talon squeezed her eyes into mush. Blood seeped from the corner of her eyes as red slowly clouded her vision. Pangea squeezed the rails, harder and harder as the scenes burned into her mind played over and over again.

“That’s enough.” Valdor said.

Pangea kept her eyes open.

“Pangea. I said that’s enough.” Valdor repeated with a firmer tone.

Pangea closed her eyes, she sucked in a gulp of air as her legs nearly gave out. The taste of ash and rubber disappeared, her muscles loosened, and the images while present returned to the back of her mind. Pangea traced her finger on the circlet on her head, the only gift from Father all those years ago.

“Your control is improving.” Valdor said.

“I need to control it more, withstand it more.” Pangea hissed angrily, her head hung low. “I can’t use it like Father or Malcador can.”

“They are thousands of years older than you.” Valdor said. “You have become too eager, too impatient.”

Pangea rolled her eyes and scoffed in her mind.

“Tomorrow, you will—”

>Investigate a newly discovered underground chamber in Luna’s facility
>Find an underworld criminal lord and eliminate him
>Investigate the Lion’s Gate Spaceport to arrest cold traders*

*The Cold Trade is an Imperial term for the illegal, but highly profitable, smuggling of Xenostech and other illicit goods into the Imperium.
>Investigate a newly discovered underground chamber in Luna’s facility

Mystery box. Is this even a question?
>Investigate the Lion’s Gate Spaceport to arrest cold traders*
>Investigate the Lion’s Gate Spaceport to arrest cold traders*

They say Jaghatai had one of the higher opinions of psykers among the Primarchs, so he and Pangea should become quick buddies. Agreed >>6070962 that Mortarion will be begrudged.

In terms of connections to the Primarchs, the spaceport might be the mystery box...
>Investigate the Lion’s Gate Spaceport to arrest cold traders*
We just can't get enough of this place.
>>Investigate a newly discovered underground chamber in Luna’s facility
>Investigate a newly discovered underground chamber in Luna’s facility
>Investigate a newly discovered underground chamber in Luna’s facility
>Which primarch do you think she'll get along the most
Sangiunius and Vulkan seems like a good bet on grounds of their relatively open attitudes and humane outlook.

Alpharius is a maybe since he has known her the longest.

Magnus if she can remember her interactions with him clearly.

>and not get along the most?
Mortarion - hates psykers so that will probably be a big hurdle for them.

Konrad - is insane and unless we can convince big E and Malcador to intervene his canon shenanigans will likely disgust Pangea.

Angron - Is violently insane and while Pangea would likely seek to help him remove the butchers nails she will likely be disgusted by his rampant butchery.

Now for more maybe cases that will depend on how we interact with them.

Dorn - seems to mistrust psykers though not hate them. Is very very stubborn and will likely disagree with Pangea on several matters. Not particularly good with emotions both his own or others and often puts his foot in his mouth.

Russ - Openly vehemently against psykers while privately not really caring as much, Pangea will probably be outraged at his hypocrisy there. Is a proud barbarian warlord in both the good ways and the bad ways.

Votes counted
I think she'll share a special bond with Alpharius.
They've both been there from the beginning, were raised primarily by Malcador and have a difficult relationship with Valdor.
Add to that Pangea knowing of his existence, which was one of the Imperium's best kept secrets for the longest time.

There's also the Horus question.
She'll either really like him, since he was just very likeable.
Him being the first (official) recovered Primarch means they'll moet likely get plenty of time to officially interact with one another.
The question is what Pangea's foresight will show her and if that will be enough for her to avoid him.
Obviously she'll get along with the hot boy Fulgrim
>Angron - Is violently insane and while Pangea would likely seek to help him remove the butchers nails she will likely be disgusted by his rampant butchery.
If we get to him earlier enough, we might have time to remove the Butcher's Nails without threatening his life, but we'll have to either convince Malcador to head to Nuceria early or give us permission to go there ourselves.

>I think she'll share a special bond with Alpharius.
No no no.

It will be Curze-boi. Misery loves company, think of all the broken dreams they can share. Emo boy meets equally depressed girl, the drama writes itself.

t. Not a tzeentch voice in your head
“Tomorrow, you will investigate a newly discovered underground chamber in Luna’s facility.” Valdor said.

“I’ve… never been outside of Terra before.” Pangea said, looking up at the sky, she smiled. “This will be my chance!”

“This is an investigation, one you will not be doing alone.” Valdor said.

Pangea huffed. “I can handle this myself.”

“No, you can’t.” Valdor said. “This is not negotiable. You will not go alone. They are already there so you will meet them. Now get ready, your ship will move out tomorrow.”

That night, Pangea laid on her bed, eyes wide and with a ear to ear grin.

The thunderhawk’s door slid open with a hiss. Pangea observed the facility’s as she stepped off the boarding stairs. Sterile white lights lit the facility and its metal interior. A low hum pitch and the occasional thunk from working tech priests echoed. A row of voidsmen-at-arm and tech priests lined up on each side, each bowed with the sign of the aquila. A well dressed admiral stood at the end of the line, one now with a whiter facial fair and slightly wrinklier face.

“Princess. It has been a long time. Allow me to introduce myself once more, I am Lord Admiral Quinox Werserian. A pleasure to be in your service again.” Werserian bowed.

“Greetings Lord Admiral.” Pangea said with a curt nod. “Lead me to the site.”

“Of course.”

Pangea and the voidsmen-at-arms followed Werserian through the narrow halls. As they descended, Pangea stepped over loose wires on the ground and walked past shattered cogitators. Rusts infected the walls and the joints of various mechanisms. The air grew damper, the scent of something sickeningly sweet intensified. At the end, they arrived at tall and thick metal blast doors with a single cogitator. Out of five astartes, one astartes with an arrow pointing up strode forward to Pangea then lowered his head briefly.

“Princess. I am Oberon, the sergeant of this squad. We are here to aid you in scouting the facility ahead. We are under your command.”

Pangea’s heartbeat quickened, her hands tingle, her, in charge of a squad!

>“Very well, I will lead from the front. You will follow.”
>“Your squad can scout on your own. I will move on my own.”
>Write-in (please keep in mind of Pangea’s personality established)
>Lead on Sergeant

Pangea is a studious learner if anything. Here is an opportunity to watch the legiones put into practice what she has only seen in text and theory
>Lead on Sergeant
Supporting >>6071513
>“Your squad can scout on your own. I will move on my own.”
>“Very well, I will lead from the front. You will follow.”
Go as a group

Votes counted
“Lead sergeant, I will follow. I thank you for this opportunity to learn.”

“Good. We will move out then.” The sergeant then nodded to the techpriest.

A blaring alarm roared as the tall blast door opened. A gust of air rushed out along with a sweet scent that now smelled of flowers and tasted of burnt meat. The parting blast doors revealed only a smidgen of what was ahead, with the rest being a pool of abyss ahead. Pangea slid the helmet on. Through a narrow hallway, another door opened.

“Wow…” Pangea whispered.

Pangea and the astartes entered the darkroom. The build in night vision showed a vast room, pods hung from the ceilings and sprouted from the ground. Loose wires hung from the ceilings while on the ground fragments of metal and glass scattered across the floor. The debris cracked underneath the silent yet footsteps of the astartes. They arrived at the end of the room, with a cogitator made up of multiple systems and screens, some with shattered parts and others with ripped components.

“Begin a perimeter scan.” The sergeant’s vox-link relayed the orders to their helmets.

Pangea stared at the cogitators, able to recognize the components similar to the modern cogitator she was confident in turning on the machine. Pangea…

>follow the orders
>examined the cogitator

I will be up, so expect updates within three votes and updates being posted from 30 minutes to 1 hour time frames.
>inform the others about the cogitator
It looks important enough to point out and act upon if permitted.
>follow the orders
>follow the orders
Pangea marked the cogitator on her mind. For now, she was here to learn but also to follow orders. Pangea pointed her spear forward, the helmet’s display scanned the area. The squad moved past the cogitator. Within the darkness, despite the dark vision, Pangea caught a faint outline slither between the pods, she quickly aimed her modified guardian spear to the outline.

“Three o’clock.” Pangea said.

The astartes aimed their bolters but did not fire.

“Permission to fire next time?” Pangea said.

“Granted.” The sergeant said.

The skull servo returned, reporting no enemy or any critical structures a second time. The first time was through the entrance to the end of the room. Pangea bit her lips, but spoke again.

“I… I swear, I saw something moving.”

“There may well be.” The sergeant said. “There are creatures that can evade the helmet’s enhanced visions and our own senses. Bellick, go with the Ayan to find a way to turn on the lights.”

“Understood, sergeant.”

>Pangea followed Bellick
>Pangea saw the cogitator, “Sergeant, I think I can turn on the lights from that cogitator.”
>Pangea followed Bellick
>Pangea followed Bellick
>Pangea followed Bellick


To my three players lol, which primarch do you look forward the most?
Having narrowly missed the vote, Russ and Lorgar are both going to be interesting
as is Omegon
Dealing with Konrad's going to be interesting.
Pangea followed Bellick.

“The wires leads up there.” Bellick pointed at the catwalk, one too narrow and low for an astartes. “Can you reach up there?”

“Looks easy.” Pangea said. “Watch my back.”

Pangea ran up to a pod then launched herself up. Her hand caught the railing then hurled body forward to vault onto the catwalk, dust fell from the ceiling as the catwalk rattled with a loud clang. Pangea looked back at Bellick, she felt his disapproving gaze from the helmet, she shrugged.

“Enough boasting. Find the power source, Ayan.”

Pange rolled her eyes. The catwalk’s metal walkways clang underneath her heels. Her feet nearly tripped on tangled wires that slithered on the catwalk.

“I found what looks like a power breaker. I’ll—”

A soft clack grabbed her attention. Pangea snapped toward the sound and pointed her guardian spear.

“Bellick, do you see anything down there?”

“I do not.” Bellick said.

Her grip tightened. There, she saw it, a humanoid figure crawling on the wall, the creature detached itself on the wall. Pangea lit her shoulder mounted light, then in the split moment—

>Fired her guardian spear
>Jumped down to follow the creature

(no write-in)

Lorgar will be certainly an interesting one
I got something for Konrad alright. His story is a bit pitiful, only a bit.
>Fired her guardian spear

He may outrun us, but he will not outrun boolet
Fulgrim, just so she can join all her brothers in dabbing on him. But also because she has that same hint of arrogance from her palatial upbringing, just not enough for it to dominate her character. Like seeing a dark mirrior of one of her flaws.

You have more qm, its just bad timing for some of us I think.
Well it is Friday. But Fulgrim is also an interesting one. I'm researching each primarchs so I can portray as best as I could. As far as I know. Fulgrim while arrogant is a good dude. He wants to elevate humanity and wants them to be better by pushing themselves. I can respect that.
>Fired her guardian spear
>Fired her guardian spear
I still find the scene where Curze is literally crying out for his dad like a lost child while hugging a meat effigy of the Emperor kind of funny. That boy ain't right.
>Fired her guardian spear
He is also THAT guy. A lot of his scenes in HH portray him as deeply conceited, pompous, and all around punchable dude. Clonelord is probably him at his best character, even though its a clone of him with full knowledge of the heresy. Even in there Bile notes that Fulgrim clone has his deeply flawed character traits that would repeat the same mistakes.

All round a shitter but at least he dabbed on Lorgar, so theres that.
>want to get to the soonest
Angron, for obvious reasons.

>looking forward to
However the QM plans to handle the forgotten Primarchs.

>Fired her guardian spear
Khan or Konrad would be interesting
My kill! It’s mine! Pangea turned her spear around.

Pangea fired her guardian spear. Her helmet changed to thermal, but even then she could not find her target. The hot las beam melted through the railings and the supporting arches that held the catwalk in the air. Pangea fired again, and again, gritting her teeth as she scowled when the shot missed. A heavy clang shouted and a long creaking whine followed. Pangea stopped. Her footing slowly dipped down. The catwalks’ supporting rails and bars that held the catwalk aloft crumbled.

“Oh Throne…”

With one final crack, the chunks of metal catwalk fell. Pangea quickly ran, then jumped down to the nearby pods and landed on the ground. Pangea checked the perimeter, her helmet switched to thermal as the dust swallowed the room whole. Four shadowy figures of astartes rose.

“Report.” The sergeant said with a cold voice.

“I—I saw the target move and took a shot… shots.” Pangea said.

“Account for the old structures next time.” The sergeant chided. “Do not fight without your reason.”

“I will.” Pangea said.

“Bellick, your vital sign is active but I do not see you. Report.” The sergeant said. “Belick. Report. Arton, find Bellick.”

“Yes, sergeant.”

Pangea wanted to volunteer, but her shame of causing the mess shoved the suggestion back into her throat.

>Pangea waited with the sergeant, keeping her vigilance at its sharpest, not allowing any distraction
>Pangea examined the content of the pod’s content

Alright next question. Favorite guard regiment?

Mine's Catachan. I love 80's styled action movies and they retain that 40k silliness taken out in the modern 40k.
>Pangea waited with the sergeant, keeping her vigilance at its sharpest, not allowing any distraction
>Pangea waited with the sergeant, keeping her vigilance at its sharpest, not allowing any distraction
>Pangea waited with the sergeant, keeping her vigilance at its sharpest, not allowing any distraction
>cogitator, turn the lights on
If we're going by looks, solar auxilia. Love the almost steampunk aesthetic
In hindsight, the best option was to neither shoot or chase. Next time Pangea should just pretend she didn't see the thing, let it get close and complacent, strike when it comes too close for it to get away.

>Pangea examined the content of the pod’s content
>Pangea waited with the sergeant, keeping her vigilance at its sharpest, not allowing any distraction

>Favorite guard regiment?
Tallarn or Elysian.
>Pangea examined the content of the pod’s content

solar auxilias are definitely a unique aesthetic in 40k as a whole IMO
Tallarn have that Lawrence of Arabia look I just dig
Pretty sure there was a quest about them
Just caught up, fun quest so far. I'd have to say Solar Auxilia for 30k, and Maccabian Jannisaries for 40k.
>Pangea waited with the sergeant, keeping her vigilance at its sharpest, not allowing any distraction
The cogitator did not matter. Only the mission mattered. Pangea waited with the sergeant, keeping her vigilance at its sharpest, not allowing any distraction to snag her attention. This time, she would wait, ignoring the putrid scent from the broken pods. The strange humanoid shape glooping down from the pods laid still.

“Bellick. Report.” The sergeant said once more.

“On your three!” Pangea shouted.

The sergeant unleashed his bolters. The thuuming shots blasted through the pods and walls. Yet, the strange being skittered across the walls. Pangea fired as well, following suit but not chasing the target. This time, Pangea gained an eyeful of the figure and its wriggly and fleshy tail.

“What is that?” Pangea said.

“It does not matter. Find—”

The shadowy figure lunged, stretching its long gangly limbs. Pangea pivoted past the sergeant and swung her spear. The blade cut the creature in half, its gooey blood splattered across the floor. The sergeant nodded at Pangea.

“What now?” Pangea said.

“Arton. Bellick. Report.”

The vox remained silent.

“Sergeant. The Ayan should escape and we should find Arton and Bellick.”

>Pangea pointed her spear at the astartes. “I’m right here, astartes. Do not disrespect me like that again.”
>“You rob yourself of a capable hand, are you insane?”
>Pangea did not speak, waiting for the sergeant’s words.

[no write in this time]

Oh hey anon, thank you! Oh yeah Jannisaries don't get a lot of love sadly.
>Pangea did not speak, waiting for the sergeant’s words.
>Pangea did not speak, waiting for the sergeant’s words.
I don't like the squad's chances on their own, but...
>Pangea did not speak, waiting for the sergeant’s words.
This operation didn't concern a known pressing threat. Can it be salvaged? Let's wait for Oberon's assessment.

>>“Sergeant. I heard something over there. Beneath the cogitator I think there’s a door.” Pangea said.
Pangea did not speak. Instead, she waited for the sergeant’s words. The few seconds that it took stretched for Pangea. The sweat on her brow trickled down, she swallowed the lump in her throat. And all burdens fell off her shoulders as the sergeant shook his head.

“She will stay.” Sergeant Oberon said. “We will move to find the rest of our brothers.”

“Wait for a moment.” Pangea knelt to examine the creature.

The elongated limbs ended with a hook shaped claws. Pangea’s light illuminated their pale pink skin. The skinny and long tail had neither spikes nor sharp ends. The most peculiar of all, a tattered garb covered the creature. Pangea examined its head. The slit and lifeless eyes stared back. The teeth were composed of sharp fangs and its nose was flat, almost sinking into the skin.

“I’m ready.”

Pangea followed behind the sergeant. At the source of the catwalk, Bellick and Arton turned back.

“Sergeant, I’m glad to find you. Why did you not answer my vox-call? We searched the room and could not find you.”

Pangea cocked her head in confusion. “He did call you. It must be an unknown interference.”

“Most likely.” Bellick nodded. “Then why could we not locate you? This room is not as vast as it seemed.”

Pangea shrugged. “Bad luck?”

“There is no such thing.” The sergeant said. “We have done our sweep and eliminated the threat. Our job is done.”

Intruders… we must kill them now or our home will be invaded!

No! We must not anger them. We must hide before they find the door underneath the wall of glasses! Look what happened to Tile-Grabber.

Pangea turned around, hearing the whispers from the cogitators.

>“Sergeant. I heard something over there. Beneath the cogitator I think there’s a door.” Pangea said.
>She said nothing, eventually she and the astartes squad left the room. In the middle of the night before her shuttle would send her home, she stood inside the room again.

[no write-in]
I will still count this vote if you want anon
I would
>“Sergeant. I heard something over there. Beneath the cogitator I think there’s a door.” Pangea said.
>“Sergeant. I heard something over there. Beneath the cogitator I think there’s a door.” Pangea said.
Can't leave a job half finished.
>“Sergeant. I heard something over there. Beneath the cogitator I think there’s a door.” Pangea said.
>“Sergeant. I heard something over there. Beneath the cogitator I think there’s a door.” Pangea said.
>“Sergeant. I heard something over there. Beneath the cogitator I think there’s a door.” Pangea said.
These creatures look a lot like hairless rats. Perhaps they were genetically "uplifted" by humanity during the DAoT for a certain purpose. It would be prudent to take one for interrogation to see if that really is the case and to map out whatever is left of the chamber.
Nah we're on Luna so they're most likely escaped genetic experiments of the Selenar.
>“Sergeant. I heard something over there. Beneath the cogitator I think there’s a door.” Pangea said.
>they're quite literally lab rats
Pangea pointed at the cogitator. “Sergeant. I heard something over there. Beneath the cogitator I think there’s a door.”

“Now she speaks nonsense.” The last and unnamed astartes said with a shake of his head. “This should be done by us, only because we were ordered by the Em—”

“Silence, Elenarch.” Sergeant Oberon said. “She is the daughter of the Emperor, the Princess of The Imperium of Man. Do not forget that.”

“Yes sergeant.” Elenarch then bowed to Pangea in a half hearted action. “My apologies, princess.”

“See that you don’t make that mistake again.” Pangea said with a snarl. “Now sergeant. I heard a conversation coming from that cogitator.”

“Is this your… psychic ability?” The sergeant said.

“It is, do you doubt me as well?”

The sergeant shook his head. “I do not. But it will take more than us to remove the cogitator. The techpriests must be present as well.”

“No, they don’t.” Pangea paused. She removed her helmet and breathe out slowly. She wielded her training and allowed her power to flow just a little, a drop to see the facility during its slumber.


Pangea fell on her knee. Heat boiled her eyes as blood dripped down her cheeks. By now, she could withstood the visions, to utilize her ability however, was a different endeavor.

A well lit facility suddenly lost its powers. The pods’s light shut off. A man in a robe quickly typed on his remote cogitator in his hand. With a push of a button. The large cogitator on each side moved to the center, trapping a stairway.

Pangea gritted her teeth. She need to know more.

Then suddenly, something, a blue fat creature opened the cogitator and entered. Since then. The inhabitants was able to open the door, they smashed the pods to eat the contents inside and reroute the cogitator’s wire deep within the laboratory’s basement. They even made a short cut from the vents.

Pangea gasped for air after she stopped her power.

“Those creatures…” Pangea gulped a mouthful of air. “They’re underneath the cogitator. I can confirm it.”

“Your plan?”

>“There’s a vent I can squeeze through. I’ll go in and scout ahead.”
>“There is an entrance through the vent but it will be much of a risk. Get a demolition team in here and I will enter first. You will follow after I scout ahead. The entry may not fit you and I will not have other soldiers be at risk.”
>“There is an entrance through the vent but it will be much of a risk. It will take time but I’ll have the techpriests find a way to open the doors. We will stand watch until then.”
>“There is an entrance through the vent but it will be much of a risk. Get a demolition team in here and I will enter first. You will follow after I scout ahead. The entry may not fit you and I will not have other soldiers be at risk.”
>“There is an entrance through the vent but it will be much of a risk. Get a demolition team in here and I will enter first. You will follow after I scout ahead. The entry may not fit you and I will not have other soldiers be at risk.”
>“There is an entrance through the vent but it will be much of a risk. Get a demolition team in here and I will enter first. You will follow after I scout ahead. The entry may not fit you and I will not have other soldiers be at risk.”
>There is an entrance through the vent but it will be much of a risk. It will take time but I’ll have the techpriests find a way to open the doors. We will stand watch until then.”
bleeding eyes
>“There is an entrance through the vent but it will be much of a risk. It will take time but I’ll have the techpriests find a way to open the doors. We will stand watch until then.”
We are not actually pressed for time.
Actually I think I'll swap my vote from >>6073182 to
>“There is an entrance through the vent but it will be much of a risk. It will take time but I’ll have the techpriests find a way to open the doors. We will stand watch until then.”
>“There is an entrance through the vent but it will be much of a risk. Get a demolition team in here and I will enter first. You will follow after I scout ahead. The entry may not fit you and I will not have other soldiers be at risk.”
>“There’s a vent I can squeeze through. I’ll go in and scout ahead.”

Techpriests would take too long. These things would escape while they would wait.

“There is an entrance through the vent but it will be much of a risk, we need to make sure nothing escapes from there. Get a demolition team in here and I will enter first. You will follow after I scout ahead. The entry may not fit you and I will not have other soldiers be at risk.”


Pangea was not certain whether they could fit or not. However, her thirst for glory blinded her of the consequences. The voidsmen-at-arms soon arrived and set off the melta charge. The cogitator exploded into small smithereens in a gulf of fire.

The fate-cryer was right!

The end times is here!

End time? Fate-Cryer? Pangea shrugged. Knowing full well these things were nothing more than creatures of experimentation, the fact that they could talk, let alone a religion, already surprised her. Pangea watched as the voidsmen-at-arms clean the debris, and after they found the blown off trap doors everyone moved to a defensive position.

“Tread carefully.” Sergeant Oberon said.

“I will, don’t worry.” Pangea winked at the sergeant, silently mouthing: Alpharius.

Pangea walked down the stairs and entered a circular cave. At the end, Pangea craned her neck up then looked down. These creatures watched from the scrap metal huts welded on the walls. This was not a room but a spire, stretching far above where metal scraps were welded as a bridge. This was a primitive civilization composed of lab rejects.

We need to flee!

We must fight!

We must make peace!

The lab rejects argued against one another all while glaring at Pangea from above.

>Wait for them to finish, maybe they have a representative
>Make a vox-call to eradicate these disgusting rejects
>Pangea walked forward and introduced herself.
>Pangea walked forward and introduced herself.
2/3 don’t wanna fight so we have a chance
>Pangea walked forward and introduced herself.
We are supposed to be the diplomatic one
>Pangea walked forward and introduced herself.
Humanity does not wait for others to announce themselves
>Pangea walked forward and introduced herself.

Pangea walked forward. Her armored heel clacked against the hard floor. Her spear gleamed, the mastercraft spear held high compared to sharpened metal shivs. Pangea saw their faces, distorted with inward nose and ears, some with a cancerous tumor that sickened her stomach. Even then, Pangea sensed their fear, heard their words of sorrow and apprehension. The helmet filtered through the noxious and putrid scent, even then Pangea tasted vomit from the gatherings of the disgusting lab rejects.

“I am Pangea, Daughter of The Emperor of Mankind.”

The creatures did not speak, they whispered in gurgling sounds and hisses. They did not understand her civilized language. Pangea focused her psychic power.

I am Pangea, Daughter of The Emperor of Mankind. Your… home was part of a reclaimed facility of the Imperium of Man, which you are all now a subject under.

Large chittering echoed in the spire. Pangea saw their elongated front tooth gnaw as their lipless mouth move. A wrinkly and white haired thing jumped down, seemingly without a sound, covered in red tarp. Pangea covered the urge to hurl, as their wrinkly skin drooped down like old moldy fabric left in a damp and dusty storage room.

You speak our language. I am Uriden. The elder of our fair village. We are the people of Fate-cryer. Not the Imperium of Man or some false emperor. We will not bend our knee.

Fate, destiny, a set of events and developments out of a man’s control and considered as predetermined life by a supernatural power. A relic of the dark ages, religion. Pangea let their defiance slide.

And whos is this Fate-Cryer? Pangea said.

Our prophet, our master who raised us up so that one day we may serve the Bringer of Fate. Uriden raised his arms with closed hands, muttering some guttural words of reverence.

Pangea’s grip of the spear tightened. Under the Imperium’s law. You will throw your misguided beliefs and join the Imperium as its subjects. Or you will face the might of the Imperium until you surrender or all your people are exterminated. This is your final warning.

The chittering grew louder. Uriden the Elder stretched his skinny, flabby, arms.

Then strike me down. For I will be the first of many. We will not throw our faith in the Bringer of Fate… However, if you are of an open mind, we invite you to learn as a guest. The choice is yours.

“Princess. Are you safe?” Sergeant Oberson said through the vox.

>Pangea Ignored the vox call then thrust her spear into the elder. So be it. I will slay every miserable filths in here.
>Pangea ignored the vox-call. I accept your invitation, Uriden.
>“We have mutants under here who have refused to be under compliance. I will need assistance.”
>Pangea ignored the vox-call. I accept your invitation, Uriden.
Emps is the Bringer of Fate
Or maybe it's Tzeench, but we can convince them it's Emps
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>“We have mutants under here who have refused to be under compliance. I will need assistance.”

>Then suddenly, something, a blue fat creature opened the cogitator and entered

>Bringer of Fate
This smells like Tzeentch, but a shootout in a space where things can easily collapse to the floor and potentially valuable archeotech could be destroyed would be undesirable. We just have to prove to them that they are misguided, but if that fails, we could at least take a fight to a spot where we'll have more control over the damage.

>Respond to the vox-call and invite Uriden and one or two of his advisors outside. You will prove to him that he is misguided after identifying the errors in his doctrine. Failing that, leadership of the den can be more easily subjugated while minimizing damage of the chambers and any hidden archeotech.
>but we can convince them it's Emps
This is also an option.
>“We have mutants under here who have refused to be under compliance. I will need assistance.”
Your rides over mutie. Time to die.


Need a clarification anon. Are you sticking with your write-in or >>6073612 ?
>“We have mutants under here who have refused to be under compliance. I will need assistance.”
Uh oh. Chaos servants alert. Time to call it in.
I mean that I'm sticking with the write-in, but convincing them that it's actually the Emperor could be useful if the opportunity presents itself.

Looks like this vote wins then. Counted
The territories of Terra did not require two warnings. Neither would these mutants. Pangea breathed deep, then exhaled slowly, ending with a quick nod of her head.

I see…

Pangea linked in to her vox.

“This Pangea. I found mutants under here who have refused to be under compliance. I will need assistance.”


I will leave you to peace then.

Something sharp pierced her head, a dull thudding pain that Pangea withstood thanks to her training with her foresight. In a glimpse, she saw a fat blue creature, laughing, pointing with its long finger. Pangea saw a purple and blue cloud, glittering, shining. The cackling voice echoed and pierced her ears.


Pangea screamed, she pried her eyes open to see the mutants descend like a fleshy flood. In a mere moment, Pangea found herself swinging her spear in a mad bid to survive. The hotshot las melted through. Pangea pushed her arms forward, a wave of psychic force shoved the wave of mutants back with ease.

Valdor’s golden gauntlets… she remebered his thick fingers that pryed her eyes open. Past, present, future, these boiling images poured into her eyes and brain.

Yet, she did not hold malice now. For a split second, she thanked Valdor’s unmerciful training. If not for him, she would have remained blindfolded forever, and her telekinesis would have remained weak.

You are adept in aggressive assaults, but you must not rely on your instincts too much, there must be thoughts in your movements.

Ra Endymion’s words echoed in the back of her head as she cut through her enemies. Pangea brandished her spear, instead of firing her las as one of methodical mind would do, she dove in. The spear chugged the blood of its enemies greedily liker her wielder’s thirst for glory.

“We have no line of fire lord!”

Sergeant Oberon: Alpharius, scowled. He would chide his sister later. For now, he and his men brandished his chain sword and assisted her in battle. Within minutes, her enemies, rather, the pieces that were her enemies, scattered across the floor in a pool of dark blood.

>Pangea poked Alpharius. “Hey, I didn’t need any help. I was fine on my own.”
>Pangea forced out a yawn. “A little late to the party don’t you think?”
>Pangea giggled, her feet tippy tapped. “Did you see that? They stood no chance against me!”

[No write-in]
>Pangea giggled, her feet tippy tapped. “Did you see that? They stood no chance against me!”
I see this as the least bad option.
The others smack too much of sass and arrogance.

Also, I really hope Emps or Malcador are informed really fucking fast about the Chaos presence.
>Pangea giggled, her feet tippy tapped. “Did you see that? They stood no chance against me!”
I think this should be delivered more as a sister eager to show her brother rather than bragging to his face. Let's show appreciation for the help from Alpharius and the others.

I agree. We should send a report back to Malcador about them knowing specifically who her father is and the term "arch-enemy." Despite how little Pangea would know at this point, even she would figure out something's amiss.
>Pangea forced out a yawn. “A little late to the party don’t you think?”
>Pangea giggled, her feet tippy tapped. “Did you see that? They stood no chance against me!”
Doing happy tippy taps like like you just got asked out by your crush while covered in the blood and gore of your enemies is one hell of a vibe.
I do wonder just how damaged Pangaea is going to become over this story.
>Pangea giggled, her feet tippy tapped. “Did you see that? They stood no chance against me!”

>Pangea giggled, her feet tippy tapped. “Did you see that? They stood no chance against me!”
“Did you see that? They stood no chance against me!”

Lord Admiral watched in pure confusion. Perhaps awe, certainly a paternal side of him was there, and maybe shock, the emotions whirled inside his head. Here he was watching with his men as the young girl tapped her feet in glee surrounded by the mountain of gore. This was the Princess of Imperium, The Ayan of Terra.

“Mutant slayer…” A voidsman-at-arms said. “I’ve never seen someone kill that many with just some spear.”

The pool of blood splattered with each tap of her heel. Blood smeared the golden armor and drenched the small guardian spear. The veteran voidsmen-at-arms held their urge to gag, they smelled worse and they’d be damned to make a scene in front of the princess.

“That was reckless of you. You should have fallen back.” Sergeant Oberon said.

“Oh please,” The princess waved her hand dismissively. “They had no chance against me. Come on, didn't you see how I was cutting them down?”

“Even so. You engaged an enemy without gathering information.” The sergeant paused. “However… you did well.”

“I know.” The princess puffed her chest in pride. “Maybe you should call me for help next time.”

“Our mission is done here. We will depart.”

Werserian watched the astartes walk past. Weserian sighed inwardly as his boots slogged through the messy pool of meat and bodily liquids.

“Excuse me, your eminence.” Werserian said. “Congratulations on the completion of your mission. Your shuttle is prepped to take you back to Terra.”

“Good. I’m sure I will be called to report. This facility is important to Father after all” Pangea said.

Father. Only few could claim The Master of Mankind with such titles.

“Perhaps after you clean yourself?” Werserian said.

>Pange shook her head.
>Pangea nodded.
>Pangea nodded.

It doesn't seem to be pressing enough for us to not clean ourselves, besides its just bad manners to drag blood and gore everywhere.
>Pangea nodded.
Of course. Let's take Werserian's implication to heart and compose ourselves a good measure.
>Pangea nodded.

Pangea is a lovable brat right now but I do hope you've prepared some fire roasting lines for the inevitable heresy showdown. Maybe for a more mature and level-headed Pangea by that time.

You have no idea what I'm cooking, brudda
>Pangea nodded.
I'm guessing you call the vote when you reply with counted but I'm throwing mine in anyways.
“Very well. Have the serf draw a bath and clean my armor.”

“And your spear?”

Pangea clutched her spear. “I’ll clean it myself.”

Pangea first took off her armor and wiped the most noticeable mess on her body with a hot towel. Then, she found a small empty room where she had mountains of the finest polishing cloths and scrubbing pads. An hour later, her spear looked better, she smiled as her spear gleamed once more. Three solid knocks rang.

“Your eminence, this is the Lord Admiral. May I enter?”

“You may.”

The Lord Admiral entered, he saw the young princess in an army fatigue meticulously cleaning her spear.

“It’s a fine spear.”

“It is.” Pangea said.

Werserian observed her face closer. She certainly grew up, slowly shaping up to be a fine woman with sharp features resembling the Emperor with soft feminine charms resembling no one he knew. Though he saw the disinterest in her eyes, gone were the peppy child cheering herself but now a silent girl. He did hear from the other officers that the princess was rather reserved except when it came to combat.

“May I ask the name of your companion?”


Oh yes, Luna, the faithful hound of the princess. While the hound did not serve as her guiding hound, Luna still followed the princess wherever she went.

“I meant the spear.”


The frazzle braid looped up thrice on each side of her head swayed as the princess looked down.

“It doesn’t have a name. It’s a weapon.” Pangea said.

“But an invaluable companion nonetheless, it deserves a name like Luna does.” Werserian tapped his power sword at his side. “I named mine Roseate, after an ancient Terran flower.”


“It doesn’t have to be now of course. But it is good to do so.”

“I see. Is there other reasons you came to visit?” Pangea said politely.

“The water for the bath is complete. If you are ready, I’m ready to guide you.”

Pangea grabbed her spear then nodded. “I am, lead me to the bathroom.”

As Pangea followed, she glanced at her spear. Thinking of a name.
Pangea soaked her body into the hot water drawn up on rectangular shaped bathing tub. The facilities of Terra contrasted harshly. Metal walls, no gold whatsoever, and no splendorous views. The void did not match the golden beauty of the Imperial Palace. However, Pangea knew not to complain after all she would be going home soon. A question did sprout not that all was calm.

What was that blue creature? Bringer of Fate? Fate-Cryer? Arch-enemy?

Pangea sank her shoulders in the hot water, sighing happily. Perhaps magistra would know, it certainly have been years since she went to the Sigillite’s Retreat after all. While she did meet Malcador for her studies they did not find the opportunity to spend time together.

Well, I guess this will be a good opportunity to visit him… Maybe Father will be there too Luna’s important to him after all!
Back in the Imperial Palace, what Pangea imagined to be a glorious welcome was a silent one.Pangea wore her polished armor but instead of a helmet she wore her circlet, a small part of her wished Father would be there, but she knew well he would not be present as always.

At least I’ll get to tell magistra how awesome I was.

Pangea sighed, slouching down as she followed the custodian that led her to the Throne Room. Pangea gritted her teeth as the images of the horrid future pelted her brain, but the repeated practice of being in the empty room made it easier for her to endure. Having Luna at her side helped as well. Malcador stood at the end of the long flight of stairs that led to the Golden Throne.


“I’m back magistra.”

“So you have. I hear the investigation was completed.”

Pangea nodded vigorously. “I did, I was slicing and dicing—”

Malcador tapped the floor with his staff. Pangea stopped her words immediately, knowing well what that meant.

“Your aggression needs to be curbed.” Malcador said.

“But I was—”

“Do not interrupt me.” Malcador’s word cut any opposition. “You headed to an unknown area and were nearly overwhelmed. Your reckless style of combat needs tempering. Write a report on the incident and see Re Endymion for training. However, I am glad that you returned without harm. You did well, Pangea.”

“Really?” Pangea said.

“Indeed.” Malcador said with a soft smile. “Now rest in your room and take the day off tomorrow. You have earned it.”

Pangea clasped her hands together. “Maybe I can come to your study?”

Malcador nodded. “You may.”

”Yes!” Pangea pumped her fist. She looked around “Oh, where’s Father?”

“He is attending to his work.”

“That’s what you always say… I haven’t seen him for years, magistra. Did he forget that I exist?”

“He gave you that circlet. He cares. He is just busy.” Malcador said.

“He gave this to me years ago.” Pangea said. “Am I such a burden that he can’t spend a minute seeing me? What is he doing that is so important that he can’t be present to hear about his most important facility?”
Suddenly, two heavy footsteps thudded. Pangea turned around, her eyes widened, she stood frozen. It was Father and an unfamiliar man. Pangea stood frozen. She stretched her neck up to meet his gaze once he was close.


The Emperor of Mankind looked down. “Pangea, it is a good opportunity that you are here.”

“Is it about the Luna Facility?”

Malcador and The Emperor shared a brief glance. Pangea could not glean but she knew that Father did not know, he had to, or he would not share the short telepathic conversation. The Emperor then shook his head.

“No, it is not.” The Emperor gestured to the young man next to him with a faint smile. “This is Horus, Horus Lupercal, your brother. I was showing your brother the inner palace. There will be a ceremony to welcome him into the Imperium officially. Why don’t you get to know your lost brother?”

“It is a pleasure, sister.” Horus knelt and held out his hand.

Pangea met the eyes of his brother. The images now made sense. This was him, the scourge of the future, the traitor of humanity, the face she saw many times in her training, this face was named Horus Lupercal.

>“I’ve done everything I can to serve you father… toiled and toiled to be of use to you so I can see you again. What is he that has your attention where I’ve been with you since I was born!” Pangea ran out of the Throne Room. Horus saw the tears spilling from her cheeks as she did.
>Pangea Swatted his hand then looked back at The Emperor with trembling fists. “I’ve done everything I can to serve you father… toiled and toiled to be of use to you so I can see you again. What is he that has your attention where I’ve been with you since I was born!”

2. Spear's name
>The Golden Wing
>Or do it later
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Holy shit what an update. This went longer than I planned. Also finally, a Primarch! Thank you for waiting everyone.
>“I’ve done everything I can to serve you father… toiled and toiled to be of use to you so I can see you again. What is he that has your attention where I’ve been with you since I was born!” Pangea ran out of the Throne Room. Horus saw the tears spilling from her cheeks as she did.
I don't like our options here, but I think the 1st one can make us talk to horus later at least

the day's begining
>There are many things I wish to tell you father, many you have kept from me as well. For all your grand plans and endeavours, you've forgotten the little things that matter in life. It will be the pebble under your heel that trips you rather than the boulder infront that stops you in the end.
>curtsy and walk away
Suitably cryptic for 40k-esque misinterpretation and still throwing a tantrum
2. Spear's name
>Broken Arrow
For the ancient terran code phrase for mutually assured destruction.
>“I’ve done everything I can to serve you father… toiled and toiled to be of use to you so I can see you again. What is he that has your attention where I’ve been with you since I was born!” Pangea ran out of the Throne Room. Horus saw the tears spilling from her cheeks as she did.

As for a name for our spear how about
>Bitter Mercy

We're not an eldar, anon. Leave the needlessly cryptic nonsense to the lame space elves.
>“I’ve done everything I can to serve you father… toiled and toiled to be of use to you so I can see you again. What is he that has your attention where I’ve been with you since I was born!” Pangea ran out of the Throne Room. Horus saw the tears spilling from her cheeks as she did.

Question here QM.

When Pangea writes the report will she remember the details about the mutant fight proper? The first option seems to be winning so it seems she gets sobered up from glory drunkennes.
Will the keywords the mutants said ring any bells for Ra Endymion?
Can she confide in Malcador about what she recognized when she saw Horus?
With how things are, I don't think Malcador or the Emperor would believe her.
None of her big foresights have come to pass yet to give her credibility and Horus' fall is still a long ways away.
Her best bet could be Alpharius, since he trusted the Cabal's predictions in Lore and is one of the more open minded Primarchs.
Other than him, she doesn't really have someone to confide in.
She may be doomed to be the Imperium's Cassandra.
>*whisper to self* the great betrayer…
>Immediately move to strike our false brother down. Father must be protected

>The Golden Wing
>Imperium's Cassandra
Had the exact same tought
>“I’ve done everything I can to serve you father… toiled and toiled to be of use to you so I can see you again. What is he that has your attention where I’ve been with you since I was born!” Pangea ran out of the Throne Room. Horus saw the tears spilling from her cheeks as she did.
I don't think anyone is going to read a write-in at this point.

That's the best part, its why I wanted to do this>>6074101
40k runs off this kind of shit. And irony, so much irony. I fucking wish HH books ended with the same line as the start.
>I was there the day horus killed the emperor
Such a missed opportunity.
>>“I’ve done everything I can to serve you father… toiled and toiled to be of use to you so I can see you again. What is he that has your attention where I’ve been with you since I was born!” Pangea ran out of the Throne Room. Horus saw the tears spilling from her cheeks as she did.

>2. Spear's name

at least if we meet orikan we can laugh about it
>I don't think Malcador or the Emperor would believe her
We should probably have Pangea visit Malcador's study and talk about this, I mean the distance of her visions and how to prove them.
Malcador and big E has the unfortunate situation of being perpetuals and also incredibly powerful psykers, this tends to make them fall into a "i know better then you" mindset while forgetting that they share the same human flaws as the rest of humanity.

If we want to get through to them to make them listen then we will have to chip away at their first instinct to dismiss Pangea's visions as her being unable to correctly use her powers.

I suggest working on Malcador since we are closest to him of the two and big E actually listens to him when he argues with him.
Oh god it could end up even worse.
They see Pangea throwing a fit when confronted with Horus and then she claims that he'll be the Imperium's downfall.
They're totally going to believe she's the first child getting angry about the younger one getting all the attention.
Which is really unbecoming of her station, if not treasonous.
I think we can be pretty safe from being seen as treasonous. Mal and E are both psykers and know how volatile and unreliable the warp is so i think its more likely that they either believe that Pangea is simply not ready because she was made much more human then her brothers or that she is the victim of some sort of warp predator haunting her.


Votes counted
Also, love the discussion guys

She will, this wasn't some berserker fight she had after all.

This really puts Big E and Mally we'll.

I had to do some research and damn that fits her.
“I’ve done everything I can to serve you father… toiled and toiled to be of use to you so I can see you again. I came back triumphant.” Tears rolled down her hot cheeks. “But you ome back with this… traitor. What is he that has your attention when I’ve been with you since I was born!”

The Emperor’s silence gave her the reply. Pangea glared at Horus, the future traitor, the killer of humanity. The genuine concern in his eyes made her vision much more bitter. Pangea ran out of the Throne Room. Horus saw the tears spilling from her cheeks as she did. Pangea ran as fast as she could, jumping from arches and between domes of the palace. Pangea stopped, finding herself at an arch behind the main gates of the palace, she waited to see if anyone would follow.


Pangea stared at the hive below. Malcador sighed.

“Pangea.” Malcador said again. “We need to talk.”

Malcador knelt then placed his hand on her shoulder with a sympathetic gaze. Pangea turned her head around, keeping her silence in the most petulant way possible. The hives below glistened like tiny stars.

“I understand you are upset. Your father has ignored you and he has given attention to someone that he just met. However, he is your brother, your long lost brother, you cannot fault him for being elated.”

“Because he is a primarch and I’m not.” Pangea said with a bitter tone. “Why did he create me?”


“No!” Pangea rose to her feet, tears still swelling in her eyes. “He created me but he never paid attention to me. I saw what he will be, he will rebel with his other brothers!”

Malcador stood slowly, using his staff as his knees pushed up frailly.

Malcador shook his head. “They are the future that may happen, not the future that will be. We have talked about this. I have spoken with The Emperor and gave your perspective and he is regretful in what he has done.”

“He… he is?”

“He is.” Malcador confirmed. “That is why he will make time for you tomorrow and more from now on.”


Malcador wiped the tears off her face with a paternal smile. “Yes, anything. Now, let us return home.”

Pangea smiled. “Alright.”

Inside her room, Pangea laid her head on Luna, wondering what she wanted to do with Father as she wrote her report on the data slate.

>Perhaps sparring with Father?
>Maybe spending time in his lab?
>Pangea frowned. She would rather spend her time with Malcador.
>Perhaps sparring with Father?
>>Maybe spending time in his lab?

Big E and Malc has some really crazy shit hidden away in their labs.
>Maybe spending time in his lab?
This is also where Pangea should give her report.
Writing it down is merely for memory and formality.

Also, we need to have a dream interlude with Magnus, it's very fitting.
>Maybe spending time in his lab?
Perfect place to deliver a report. Also titsnitch on holy terra, at this stage. Yikes.

The morning air tasted different. Pangea rose from her bed early and walked past her wide table where parchments, quills, and inkwells littered the desk then into her restroom. Hot fresh water soaked her skin as she scrubbed every inch of her body with soap and body-hydrating syrup. The long raven hair rested like a giant serpent, taking up half of her bathroom tiles. Pangea quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face with simple soap and face moisturizer.

“Gotta look the best today…”

Then came the base shampoo. Then the hair-hydrationer. Then the hair-nutrition shampoo. Then the hair-strengthening shampoo. Then the hair-growth shampoo. After that, second base shampoo Then the scalp cleanser shampoo. Then finally, the hair-luster shampoo. For a special day like this, Pangea then added a splash of liquid-mint for a fresher hair scent. All in all, the usual two hours of her morning turned into three and a half.


Her faithful hound ran up, mouth open wide and tongue hanging like a swinging pendulum. Pangea grabbed a comb and quickly fluffed her furry companion. For the final touch, she placed a golden collar and vambraces on Luna. Pangea massaged Luna’s face.

“Who’s my handsome man?”

Luna barked.

“Yes, yes you are. You and I are going to impress Father.”

Pangea dressed into her gold dress and her circlet. Her hair flowed freely with her bangs parted. Pangea tested the dress’s secret feature and smiled when it worked.

“Let’s go.”

In the Throne Room, past the gates and into the pyramid of stairs Pangea entered the laboratory. She looked up, down, left, right, as the mesmerizing machines of science crackled and whirled. Giant machines wrapped in wires and riddle with cogs whined. Small delicate sensors and cogitators sparkled. A hue of gold and blue surrounded the laboratory. Pangea checked her chronometer on her wrist, she was certain she was not late.


The Emperor spoke. Pangea gasped as she heard his voice and the sudden golden armor. The once shimmering golden dress dimmed out, its glimmer taken away by The Emperor’s presence.

“F—Father.” Pangea lowered her head then looked back up.

A silence echoed between them. The Emperor remembered his old friend’s advice. If she were to be the primarch’s anchor and emotional support, her loyalty must be built strong. He regretted assuming she would follow him due to her blood being his.

“This enemy you met on your report. Do they trouble you? Are you doing well?”

Pangea shook her head. “No enemies can ever harm me, Father. You can rest easy. I’m ready to fight anytime, anywhere. For the glory of the Imperium.”

Arrogant, eager, and greedy for glory and battle, Pangea’s reply reminded of himself in his youth before his awakening. The Emperor gazed at his daughter’s tanned visage, resembling his face and Erda.

What is your thought on Erda, yay or nay on keeping her lore?
>“Do you know why you are created?” The Emperor said.
>“Are there any arheotechs that interests you?”
>“There are many things I wish to show you what humanity is capable of, come, I will show them.” The Emperor said
[no write-in]
>What is your thought on Erda, yay or nay on keeping her lore?
I say just keep her out of the picture, as much as I despise the character. I don't want to deal with her more than we have to.

>“Do you know why you are created?” The Emperor said.
Pangea deserves some closure about this subject. It's clearly been sitting on the back of her mind and will haunt her if left unanswered for years longer.
>yay or nay on keeping her lore?
I'd prefer not to. Erda sucks.
>“There are many things I wish to show you what humanity is capable of, come, I will show them.” The Emperor said
Nay, may Erda stay dead and unremembered as a terrible one of thing, that no one, not even her supporters want to deal with.
Also, >“Do you know why you are created?” The Emperor
>“Do you know why you are created?” The Emperor said.
Screw Erda, the bint can go away and stay away
never heard of her before
>“There are many things I wish to show you what humanity is capable of, come, I will show them.” The Emperor said
>“There are many things I wish to show you what humanity is capable of, come, I will show them.” The Emperor said

I do not have any strong feelings whether to have Erda in the quest or not
>“Do you know why you were created?” The Emperor said.

If implementing Erda make her role something unexpected.
Missed this vote but for the spear, I like the idea of choosing a name that represents defying the "fate-bringer" and its worshippers, her most important battle so far.
encompasses that simply
>“Do you know why you are created?” The Emperor said.
If you have something you think would be interesting with Erda then I wouldn't want to stop you but personally, I'd say nay.
>>“Do you know why you are created?” The Emperor said.
Erda is cool to me , mainly cause the other idea is Big E is both mother and father is that a odd cookie to get into
>“There are many things I wish to show you what humanity is capable of, come
>“Are there any arheotechs that interests you?”
I don't like Erda, so I'd say nay.
Absolutely no to Erda.
>“Do you know why you are created?” The Emperor said.

Also, I really can't wait for Emps reaction to Chaos being present.


Wow lots of hate on Erda, why is that? I know the general reason but curious
Like I said, I don’t know her. Who is she ?
She makes the Emperor look like a paragon of parenthood by comparison. She really thought casting her kids into the pits of hell would be better than letting the Emperor raise them, I bet Angron would have been very thankful if he knew about what she did. She's just poorly written.
In 1 story GW played around with the idea of who donated the eggs for the primarchs conception and created Erda a perpetual who worked alongside big E and Mal to create the imperium.

Erda would later have a disagreement with big E on how the primarchs should be raised with her favouring that they should be treated as their genuine children and big E wanting to groom them for their role as early as possible.

She grew disillusioned with big E after he forbade her contact with them as they began to be grown enough to take out of their pods and tried to take them away from big E by creating a warp portal, but she ended letting the chaos gods interfere and the primarchs instead scattered across the galaxy.

She would then go into hiding for the entirety of the crusade before being killed by the traitors during the heresy.

Reactions to Erda was mixed and i don't think she was brought up again after 2 novels and she is currently in canon limbo i think.
Read this page, it’s all of the reasons why a lot of people hate Erda if not passionately, then definitely with an apathetic really towards her. 1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Erda
“Do you know why you are created?”

“No, Father.”


At a room far from the main laboratory, she entered a concreted room where a tall metal pod rested without wires or any power source. Something called to her, a sense of familiarity. Pangea traced her hand on the glass, staring at her own reflection.

“This is where you were created.” The Emperor said. “We found you in the deepest cells of fortress owned by a warlord during the Unification War.” The Emperor said. “I admit, I did not support your creation. I saw no use of a daughter.”

A sharp pain pierced through her heart. She stared at the glass that now reflected the Emperor. Her anger subsided as The Emperor approached closer. His bright golden armor dimmed, she saw his face clearer despite his unchanging visage. Pangea turned. The Emperor placed his hand on her shoulder with a determined gaze.

“However, as I watched you bond with Alpharius you have proven your worth. Alpharius was distant in the beginning, but as he became your brother he and I have a common interest which led to a closer bond.” The Emperor said with a polished smile. “I created you to be an anchor for your brothers. To support them should their emotions weaken them and you have proven yourself. You are the rope that ties our family together.”

Pangea brushed his hand off her shoulder. She knew what that meant. “So that’s what I am… some emotional support so they are loyal to you.” Pangea shook her head, she gazed back with an icy gaze. “I’m just a pawn.”

“You are my daughter.” The Emperor said.

“Now that I think about it… you spoke to me when you found him.” Pangea chuckled bitterly. A venomous glare aimed at The Emperor.

“Pangea. Each primarchs, my sons, your brothers, were created with a purpose. This is beyond your wants, but for the future of humanity. I need you, and I apologize for any harm I have done…” The Emperor held his hand out. “There is something else I wish to show you, if you would like.”

>Pangea shook her head. “I am not your daughter and you are not my father. You are my creator, and I will do what I was made to do.”
>“I’m not your puppet or your tool.” Pangea walked out of the room, throwing her Aquila hair piece on the ground.
>Pangea took his hand.

[no write-in]
>Pangea took his hand.

I don't think Pangea is jaded enough to turn E down right now. Hurt? yes but i think she still craves his affection.
>Pangea took his hand.
Our whole character motivation is to get on his good side, not sure why she'd be so bent out of shape about it now.
When I wrote this I imagined this: Pangea has been training to be a great use for Emps, to be of great use to him, then she discovers she's basically their emotional support animal. Because of her aggressive, glory seeking personality, she was more betrayed
Ah, right, I also forgot that it's been years at this point and not just a few days. Either way I don't think the goal would be totally dead just yet. I'm still gonna shoot for Malcador's good side though, he seems like he actually gives a shit.
>Pangea took his hand.
I mean, we really don't have a choice.
>Pangea took his hand.
I know there's no write ins, but could Pangea take his hand reluctantly, with some tears in her eyes?
As you said >>6075579 she feels betrayed, but this is also everything shes ever wanted so she's super conflicted about everything and the betrayal, anger, joy, and sadness are all mixing together.

Also, what's this about finding her in a warlord's fortress?
Was she already created?
We're gonna need some answers.
>Pangea took his hand.
Their never really was any other option, desu. And, well, I would say its okay to do a leap of faith with this action, especially as Emp's still has his emotions at this point in time so him trying to make up for him being cold is really saying a lot coming from him.
>Pangea took his hand
>“I’m not your puppet or your tool.” Pangea walked out of the room, throwing her Aquila hair piece on the ground.

We shall become the traitor that brings the Imperium to it's knees!

Prove we're better than Horus and stick it to galaxy's worst Dad at the same time!
>I'm not your Daughter, and you are not my father. You are my creator.

Years of working hard, trying to impress and get his notice, to be told she wasn't worth the investment?
She'll serve. But he isn't her father anymore.
Uncle Mal can probably serve the purpose better.
>Pangea took his hand reluctantly, with some tears in her eyes

Supporting this

Were a bit broken
>Pangea shook her head. “I am not your daughter and you are not my father. You are my creator, and I will do what I was made to do.”
Toss up between this and taking his hand. I do think she still desperately wants his affection but at the same time is a bit too angry to make what might be a better decision.

Votes counted
Complicating matters, it's hard to tell (or to say) how much that will distance their relationship, since implies Pangea still cooperates with Emp's plans. She'll probably need to see what the Emperor wants to show her eventually anyway.
She was told the opposite though.
>However, as I watched you bond with Alpharius you have proven your worth
With heavy reluctance, Pangea took his hand. Despite his left hand being encased with auramite gauntlet, she felt warmth from it. Was it happiness? Vindication? Pangea did not know how to name this new emotion swelling in her heart that tickled her chest. The Emperor brought her to a small chamber. Pangea saw a mannequin of her size, exactly her size, wearing only gauntlets, a collar and sabattons with a simple design.

“What is this?” Pangea said.

“This is my gift to you.” The Emperor removed the armor pieces and placed them into his hands. “These metals are the same you found in the High Facotrum’s office all those years ago.”

“Right… I remember that.”

“I heard from Ra that you prefer an aggressive style of combat. These metal are known as psy-materialis, strong metal that can be shaped only by raw psychic power and telekinesis.” The fingertips of the gauntlets changed to talons. “These are my gifts for my… neglect.”

Pangea wore the gauntlets and the sabattons, she tested the shapes, forming long blades and talons on different areas. Pangea also shaped Luna’s new collar, opting for a spiky collar.

“I… thank you, Father.”

The Emperor waved his hand. The golden lights shaped her gauntlets as an eagle’s wing.

“If you’d like. I give you the permission to bear my aquila.”

Pangea did not change her armor but nodded. “Thank you, I will do my best for you. Luna too.”

The Emperor stroke Luna’s chin.
“Great leaders can bring anyone to their side, even animals. I have no doubt you will do great things for me.” The Emperor said. “I also heard you encountered strange creatures at Luna.” The Emperor said.

Pangea shrugged. “Sure, some weird vision from a mutant. But there are mutants with psychic power aren’t there? There were tribes of mutant known as Gentra in Albia.”

The Emperor paused, then nodded. “Indeed, very studious of you, daughter. Malcador and I are proud of what you have achieved.”

Pangea’s shy smile brightened. “Thank you, Father. I’ll bring more glory with my spear in the coming future!”

The Emperor formed a smile, perfectly crafted that imitated Malcador’s. “That’s my girl.”

Pangea skipped out of the Throne Room. With Father having to attend more work, Pangea had to leave for today but was given a promise of more time. At the entrance, he stood, Horus Lupercal. Pangea ceased her skipping and killed her smile. Luna however, remained friendly but stayed at her side.

“Sister. I heard you were with Father so I waited here to speak with you.” Horus then saw Luna. “You have a fine beast. May I?”

“Don’t ask me, ask him.” Pangea said.

“Ha!” Horus barked a laugh. “A true wolf I take it.”

Horus knelt, carefully reaching his hand out. Liuna sniffed the hand and as the hand approached closer and closer, she accepted the gentle petting.

“May I ask her name?”

“Luna.” Pangea said.

“Luna.” Horus said with a wild grin. “Like my legion, the Luna Wolves.”

“I named her before knowing about your legion.” Pangea snipped.

“Of course, I meant no insinuation.” Horus stood up. “Sister… I heard from Malcador why you have acted such a way. I want you to know I have no intention of taking Father’s attention. My only wish is his goal, and to know you better. To be true siblings.”

Horus held his hand. After a thoughtful pause, Pangea returned the handshake. Her vision was but one future.

“I understand you have met the first legion, but not my Luna Wolves, would you like to? Perhaps I will partake in your favorite activity?”

>“I will meet your sons, I should be familiar with the legion that took Luna after all.”
>“I like sparring, how about it?”
>“I will meet your sons, I should be familiar with the legion that took Luna after all.”
bro time
>“I will meet your sons, I should be familiar with the legion that took Luna after all.”
Horus was an okay dude before Erebus manipulated him and he got chaos alzheimer's.
>“I will meet your sons, I should be familiar with the legion that took Luna after all.”
>>“I will meet your sons, I should be familiar with the legion that took Luna after all.”

Horus was considered one of the more likeable primarchs before his fall so getting a good relationship with him should be helpful.
*sigh* Say it with me everyone.
>Fuck Erebus
Oh man, my favorite primarch and his legion. Good times.
>“I will meet your sons, I should be familiar with the legion that took Luna after all.”
>Pangea shrugged. “Sure, some weird vision from a mutant. But there are mutants with psychic power aren’t there? There were tribes of mutant known as Gentra in Albia.”
It's weird that she stopped at that. Something's up.

>“I will meet your sons, I should be familiar with the legion that took Luna after all.”

“I will meet your sons, I should be familiar with the legion that took Luna after all.”

“Then let’s.”

Entering a ship has always been a treat. Seeing the inner workings of the vessels and imagining roaming the stars tickled Pangea’s sense of glory hunting. Inside the Vengeful Spirit, Pangea saw the banners of the Luna Wolves, a wolf sigil casted on a moon. Unlike the first legion, the armors of the Luna Wolves were grey, with wolf pelts draped over their shoulders. Not all wore their helmets, they let their long top knots and wild mohawks breathe freely. Each astartes stood and bowed as they walked in a set path.

“My lord. My lady.”

Their skin was pale with freckles, with rough faces that gave them a savage look. Their ganger origin did not hide but proudly displayed, from their language and their ridiculous hairstyles.

“Primarch. Princess.”

The astartes placed their fist on their chest and lowered their heads. None seemed to display any crude or brusque attitudes. At a wide sparring field, she saw the Luna Wolves training. The astartes’s bolters bellowed. Sharp clangs rang as their swords clashed. Some shouted as they grappled and pummeled one another. Their movements were swift and brutal, resembling their bloody glories and new Cthonian culture.

“Malcador said you prefer an offensive combat much like my Cthonian sons.” Horus said.

One of the astartes headbutted their sparring partner as they attempted to gain superiority in a grappling practice.

“What do you think, sister, maybe you would like to join?”

“Horus, these are all astartes sized weapons.” Pangea said.

“Oh, yes, you’re quite right. I apologize, Pangea. It was not my intention to insinuate.” Horus said.

“I was not offended so it is fine, brother.” Pangea said
>“Regardless, I’ll try my luck.” Pangea wore her new armor. She finally tried her dress’s secret feature, with one pull, the excess fabric shed like dead skin. “That is, if anyone is brave enough to challenge me.” Pangea said loudly.
>She pointed at a warrior who seemed rather handsome amongst the rough looking astartes. “Who is that one over there?”
>Pangea watched in silence
>“If you don’t mind asking, what is Cthonia like?”
>“Regardless, I’ll try my luck.” Pangea wore her new armor. She finally tried her dress’s secret feature, with one pull, the excess fabric shed like dead skin. “That is, if anyone is brave enough to challenge me.” Pangea said loudly.
Pangea can last slightly under a minute against a custodian, I wouldn't be too shocked if she could defeat an astartes in single combat.
>“If you don’t mind asking, what is Cthonia like?”
Curious child is she
>“If you don’t mind asking, what is Cthonia like?”
>“Regardless, I’ll try my luck.” Pangea wore her new armor. She finally tried her dress’s secret feature, with one pull, the excess fabric shed like dead skin. “That is, if anyone is brave enough to challenge me.” Pangea said loudly.
>“If you don’t mind asking, what is Cthonia like?”
This would only take a few minutes for Horus to answer, so there's enough time to get to sparring afterward.
>“If you don’t mind asking, what is Cthonia like?”

All I can think of is how this man will betray our Father, our Imperium and all of Humanity

He must not be allowed to fall…other than by our own hand
>I'll try my luck.

She was told, "your value is entirely derived by how much closer I got with your brothers through you as a common link." Her very existence was enough, regardless of any of her other efforts or training.
>“Regardless, I’ll try my luck.” Pangea wore her new armor. She finally tried her dress’s secret feature, with one pull, the excess fabric shed like dead skin. “That is, if anyone is brave enough to challenge me.” Pangea said loudly.
In this universe, challenges are important enough to specifically train for
>“Regardless, I’ll try my luck.” Pangea wore her new armor. She finally tried her dress’s secret feature, with one pull, the excess fabric shed like dead skin. “That is, if anyone is brave enough to challenge me.” Pangea said loudly.
With how WH armors are, wearing one under a dress probably looks quite comical
>“If you don’t mind asking, what is Cthonia like?”
>“Regardless, I’ll try my luck.” Pangea wore her new armor. She finally tried her dress’s secret feature, with one pull, the excess fabric shed like dead skin. “That is, if anyone is brave enough to challenge me.” Pangea said loudly.

Question first, then the challenge.
Are we allowed both options?
>“If you don’t mind asking, what is Cthonia like?”


Votes counted
“If you don’t mind asking, what is Cthonia like?”

Horus frowned. “I would be lying if it was a paradise for me or a place I loved to thrive. It is an abandoned world of a planet once thriving with industry, but it is now riddled with gang wars and decaying buildings. A place of violence. Where the strong survived and the strongest thrived.”

“How do the people live?”

“By mining and stripping what little resource that are left.” Horus then looked toward his sons. “But one day, I will make Cthonia thrive again. I will make it the brightest jewel of the Imperium. And you, sister?”

Pangea’s eyes focus on one warrior who seemed rather handsome amongst the rough looking ganger turned astartes. His rippling muscles flexed as his arms swung his sword.

“I lived within the Inner Palace so I can’t say I lived in Terra. The only people I talked to was Malcador and some serfs. I guess Ra and Constantin are among that list.”

“And me.”

“I suppose…” Pangea said.

After witnessing the sparring matches, she was led to a throne room, a much smaller and a more modest throne. Another chair was set, one made with perfect elevation to see Horus’s eye level and with luxurious cushions for Pangea’s taste. Between the throne and the chair was a table with a checkered board.

“Regicide?” Pangea said. “Haven’t played that in years.”

“I just learned this game myself.” Horus said. “So we will both be at a disadvantage. Unless you have a different game you’d prefer. Of course, if there are any snacks you would like I will procure them.”

>Pangea sat on the chair. “Regicide sounds fine to me.”
>“I was thinking of a more competitive game, I want to test your mettle.” Pangea said.

>Write-in for snacks.
>Pangea sat on the chair. “Regicide sounds fine to me.”

>Cotton Candy and coxinha
>Pangea sat on the chair. “Regicide sounds fine to me.”

> Fresh fruits
>Pangea sat on the chair. “Regicide sounds fine to me.”
My only hope is that Jackfruit survived into the 30th and 40th millenium.
>Pangea’s eyes focus on one warrior who seemed rather handsome amongst the rough looking ganger turned astartes. His rippling muscles flexed as his arms swung his sword.
Wait. If Pangea is Horus's sister, and these are his genesons, doesn't that make her their aunt?

>Pangea sat on the chair. “Regicide sounds fine to me.”

>Fresh fruits

>Fresh Fruits

Also, I really did not see it that way. Jesus kek.
“I don’t see why not.”

Pangea sat across Horus, when she saw the black piece being handed over, she frowned.

“You’re the one who’s learning Regicide. You don’t have to put me at an advantageous start.”

Horus turned the black side to his. Then the games began. It has been so long, she remembered the last time she played with Alpharius and the lesson he taught.

“I hear you use a spear.” Horus moved his front line troops first. “Did you choose your weapon?”

“No, Constantin did.” Pangea moved her pawns as well, then her knights. “I did learn t use other weapons but the guardian spear was the most comfortable for me. You?”

“Anything I could use really.” Horus said with a shrug. He placed his vanguards to the front. “Stubbers, las, blunt, sharp, whatever I could use I did. Never had a preference.”

Horus’s board came with a direct opening. So, Pangea answered the same. Her plan continued to stay as is, never assuming the same but always staying on the offensive, pushing bit by bit.

>Pangea continued her offensive tactics
>Pangea slowly moved her unit to flank Horus
>Pangea turned defensive, luring Horus in
>>Pangea slowly moved her unit to flank Horus
>Pangea slowly moved her unit to flank Horus
>>Pangea slowly moved her unit to flank Horus
>Pangea slowly moved her unit to flank Horus
>Pangea continued her offensive tactics
>Pangea slowly moved her unit to flank Horus
>Pangea slowly moved her unit to flank Horus


So I broke the lore here, regicide is basically 40k game but without the rules because I'm too dumb to make it specific.
Pangea’s forces flanked Horus’s main army, his eyes widened a smidge. The tide of the battle changed. Horus quickly adapted his troops, making a defensive line and launching his own counter attack. Pangea’s eyes squinted at the board. For someone who is just beginning to learn, Horus knew some advanced maneuvers.

“When did you start learning this game again?” Pangea said.


Pangea frowned. “Yesterday. Cthonia is near Terra, there has to be Regicide. There is no way you can know about Valored Heart offensive.”

“I swear to Father that I am still learning.” Horus said with a light chuckle. “If I may sister, what is your hobby?”

“I like to write. Mostly train though.”

“Like poems?”

Pangea avoided her brother’s gaze. She instead plucked the grapes and tossed them into her mouth, munching silently and slowly to buy time, even swallowing in an agonizingly slow fashion. If anyone read her self insert story, she would turn traitor to hide her shame.

“Something like that. But I like to read more. What about you Horus?”

“Sparring, drinking, reading, just about everything.” Horus leaned back on his throne.

>“Do you have anything from Cthonia? I wouldn’t mind trying them.”
>“What do you like to read?”
>“Then how about some sparring? It looks like we’re ending in a draw anyways.”
>“Do you have anything from Cthonia? I wouldn’t mind trying them.”
time to try local cuisine
>If anyone read her self insert story, she would turn traitor to hide her shame.
Alpharius probably already did, kek. He and Magnus could blackmail her with this knowledge.

>“Do you have anything from Cthonia? I wouldn’t mind trying them.”
Knowing Horus, it's either some kind of alcoholic beverage or bread he baked himself. I miss Cupanon.
>“Do you have anything from Cthonia? I wouldn’t mind trying them.”

>"What is your impression of Terra? I have never been to any other planet so i would like to know if it lived up to the expectations of our species homeworld."
>“Do you have anything from Cthonia? I wouldn’t mind trying them.”

And supporting this write-in>>6077624
Yeah I miss him too

Votes counted
The serfs poured into Horus’s cup then Pangea’s. The clear liquid reflected Pangea’s confused face. The drink was neither red nor amber but deep yellow. Pangea cocked an eyebrow at the drink, yet, when she brought her nose close to the drink an overwhelming sterile scent squeezed her nose. Pangea jerked her head back.

“Throne!” Pangea scrunched her nose. “This is pure alcohol, did you get this from the hospital?”

Horus chuckled. “This is avamen, it is alcohol with a venomous animal. Of course, this is safe to drink.”

“That doesn’t sound safe at all.” Pangea lowered the grape cluster and bit several berries.

“I assure you, it’s safe. Since I made this myself.” Horus took a long gulp without a single hint of revulsion, he grinned. “See?”

“You made this?”

“Why waste money when I can brew my own?” Horus said with a proud smile. “So give it a try.”

Pangea looked down at the glass. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try…”

Pangea sipped gingerly. Bitterness and acidity burnt her throat, but she managed to keep the drink under control. Pangea squeezed her eyes shut, battling the urge to gag and hack. A sour after taste made the drink an even more unpleasant experience.

“If you can’t handle it I can bring—”

“I can handle it.” Pangea growled.

One move. Drink. Second move. Drink. Third move. Drink. Drink. Ddinkh…


“I can handleg it…” Pangea slurred.

“I’m sure you can.” Horus rested his head on his hand, gazing at his sister intently. Pondering. “Sister… what did you see in your vision?”

Sedated and slurring, Pangea hiccuped. Yet, her fixed stare set uneasiness that Horus allowed his mask to fall. He no longer saw the attention seeking, softly raised, and pampered girl. No, he now saw an oracle burdened with horrors beyond the stars, as if she was in a state of fugue.

>“You…” Pangea pointed her finger. “You will ruin humanity. And forever be known as the arch-traitor. The worst of the worst.”
>“You…” Pangea pointed her finger. “You will bring ruin to everyone you love. Kill the dream of our Father. And you will lose yourself. Forever branded a smear on humanity’s history.”
>“What I saw…” Pangea clutched her head then looked up. The regicide table flung into Horus’s face. The gauntlet's fingertips turned into talons as Pangea leapt at Horus.
>“You…” Pangea pointed her finger. “You will ruin humanity. And forever be known as the arch-traitor. The worst of the worst.”
>“You…” Pangea pointed her finger. “You will bring ruin to everyone you love. Kill the dream of our Father. And you will lose yourself. Forever branded a smear on humanity’s history.”
>“You…” Pangea pointed her finger. “You will bring ruin to everyone you love. Kill the dream of our Father. And you will lose yourself. Forever branded a smear on humanity’s history.”

That is, by those who are allowed to even know you existed.

…but maybe this future doesn’t have to be our future
Smooth move Horus.
Now suffer the consequences.

>You will bring ruin to everyone you love
>"You losing yourself and waging a war on father and all of our brothers that extinguishes stars"
>“You…” Pangea pointed her finger. “You will bring ruin to everyone you love. Kill the dream of our Father. And you will lose yourself. Forever branded a smear on humanity’s history.”
>“You…” Pangea pointed her finger. “You will bring ruin to everyone you love. Kill the dream of our Father. And you will lose yourself. Forever branded a smear on humanity’s history.”
I'm going to be honest, it'd be really fucking funny if Pangea casually asks Horus how many shots of avamen she drank after saying that.
>>6077747ever seen the Epic no longer you , in my head she doing that song but made to fit the setting and more ghosts doing backup
>“You…” Pangea pointed her finger. “You will bring ruin to everyone you love. Kill the dream of our Father. And you will lose yourself. Forever branded a smear on humanity’s history.”

Hey, since you like daily updates.
You should try this site called Fiction.live, It was made by a 4chan QM where you can do quest live.
>You should try this site called Fiction.live, It was made by a 4chan QM where you can do quest live.
didn't know the founder was a channer
>didn't know the founder was a channer

Oh yeah, he even added some things from 4chan like the green text and the dice command

The userbase is very different and the depth of discussion is nothing compared to here. I say this as someone running a quest over there.
He is, and is also in a typical 4chan fashion, autistic spaz
Horus glared at the possessed girl, half concern and the other half gravely offeneded. Malcador did say he would try and betray father. But to be labeled as a 'smear of humanity'? Horus leaned back and his back firmly pressed on the throne. The stare continued. Pangea leaned forward. Golden, fierce light crackled, the black gauntlets curved into a talon, then unfurled on the chair. Her sudden sharp gaze loosened to a drowsy stare. A bellowing belch escaped from her lips.

"So don't do anything funny.” Pangea slushed. “Also… how many shots did we have?”

Horus’s hardened gaze softened. He laughed softly. “Twelve. You had twelve.”

“I tink I shuld go…”

Pangea slipped out her chair then flopped on top of Luna.



“Please don’t make me kill you.” Pangea yawned then her head collapsed. “Good night.”

The next morning, Pangea hissed at the pouring sunlight. Luna slept soundly on his own. Her head spun. Dryness scratched her throat. Laying on the floor on Luna’s bed, Pangea groaned as she tried to stand back up. The restroom reflected a haggard and pale face, her long hair frazzled everywhere like an unruly weed. Pangea brushed her teeth, showered, and prepared for the day.

>Pangea visited the Tower of Hegemon to train
>Unsure of how things ended, Pangea sough to find Horus
>Pangea searched for Alpharius, it had been a long time since she saw him
>>Unsure of how things ended, Pangea sough to find Horus

Man just got told his name would become a synonym for traitor. He could probably use a pat on the back.
>Pangea searched for Alpharius, it had been a long time since she saw him
>Pangea searched for Alpharius, it had been a long time since she saw him
We might not have seen him, but I bet he's seen us.
Also, drinking that much, irresponsible girl. How old are we now anyway?
>Pangea searched for Alpharius, it had been a long time since she saw him
>Unsure of how things ended, Pangea sough to find Horus
>Unsure of how things ended, Pangea sough to find Horus
I knew it would be really fucking funny funny.

>Unsure of how things ended, Pangea sough to find Horus
It would be bad to part on bad terms.
>Pangea searched for Alpharius, it had been a long time since she saw him
>Unsure of how things ended, Pangea sough to find Horus
>>Unsure of how things ended, Pangea sough to find Horus
Also what's the current year? I'm guessing 802.M30 or 803.M30

I say around that yes
Training would come later. Not like Constantin would be mad for doing what she was created for after all. After a quick two hour shower, Pange dressed into her armor and set out to the Vengeful Spirit. At the entrance, the astartes bowed once more but blocked Pangea from further entry.


Pangea recognized the astartes, the one from the training that caught her eyes.

“I’m here to see Horus.”

“Allow me to escort you then.”

Pangea raised an eyebrow. “And you are?”

“Garviel Loken your eminence.”

Loken’s hard visage reflected the Cthonian blood and hsi hard set of eyes and square jaws gave no sense of levity in his voice. Not that any astartes had any levity. Then again… so did the custodians.

“Very well, lead me to him.”

Pangea followed Loken to the Throne Room. Horus sat in his throne, with a grimacing frown as he stared out into space. The deep pondering eyes gazed through, as if he did not see Pangea.

“My primarch. I—”

Pangea approached carefully to hit throne. “Horus? Are you alright?”

“Is it true what you really said last night?” Horus leaned forward. “That I will be a smear on humanity?”

“It is one of the future, yes. I was drunk so I could have been a bit more…” Pangea’s shoulders dropped. “No, I wasn’t being dramatic. I truly did see it. But not the one that is set in stone. I’m sure Malcador told you that.”

“He did but to think that there is a future that I would. Sister, I have a request for you.”

“I’ve been thinking…” Horus muttered. “If being a traitor is one of the future and you know this. Do you know who else will be and will you tell me?”

>Pangea shook her head. “No, I won’t do that.”
>Pangea nodded. “On the condition that you do not treat them any differently.”

I do have an account where I tried my original setting quest but it didn't go well even if I tried to update everyday.
>Pangea nodded. “On the condition that you do not treat them any differently.”
>Pangea shook her head. “No, I won’t do that.”
He'll do something stupid like try to kill them, I just know it. Besides, this is something we'd need to clear with Malcador first.
>Pangea shook her head. “No, I won’t do that.”
>Pangea shook her head. “No, I won’t do that.”

Every human has the potential for a dark and twisted future…brother

Just as all have a path of glorious heroism and honour
>Shook her head. It does nobody any good to know such things.
> It was wrong of me to lay that on you yesterday when you have done no wrong brother. Let the two of us keep this possible future to ourselves and instead ensure it never comes to pass by leading our brothers to a better one.
>Pangea shook her head. “No, I won’t do that.”
He needs to know that our telling him could create a self fulfilling prophecy.
That in telling him, he would inherently treat them differently.
Which could create rifts, etc.
>Pangea nodded. “On the condition that you do not treat them any differently.”
Its important to tell him that by trying to avoid being a traitor or trying to stop a future could cause it. Just be cursed and stress about the future like the rest of us
>Pangea recognized the astartes, the one from the training that caught her eyes.
This is going to get her in trouble someday if she keeps doing this.

>Pangea shook her head. “No, I won’t do that.”
I would like to voice that "won't" should be replaced with "cannot" in this statement, and to apologize afterward. Pangea hasn't met all of her brothers yet, anyway. He might get paranoid about the rest of his brothers with just this statement alone, so it's important to emphasize that his brothers' possible futures are multiple like his own. She isn't doing this out of a lack of trust for him, but to avoid the risk of pushing any of the Primarchs toward a dark fate. >>6078688 brings up good points to mention as well. Anything specifics that she would tell Horus or the others could only be told when pertinent to any given situation.

Pangea shook her head. “No, I won’t do that.”

Horus closed his eyes tight, then glared back. “We can change the future. Prevent—”

“Nothing. This future is but one. That is how foresights work. We can see what can or will happen and never the path to the future either. Horus.” Pangea sighed. “Brother. If you try to fight the future, you will only fulfill it. Telling which of our brothers falls will only lead to ruin. I only came here to see if you are doing well.”

“I see…” Horus huffed. “You are right, thank you sister. I cannot let the future bind us.”

“Good. I will take my leave now. I wanted to see if you were after my… unrestrained words. I will see you soon brother.

“Sister, I have a request. Soon, I will be departing with Father so he may teach me in war. I want you to come with me.”

“For what reason. You and Father are alone, maybe more than enough to conquer the galaxy.”

Horus nodded. “But you will keep me in check. Curb any notions of corruption.”

“My place is…”

What was her place? Yes, she knew her purpose, but her place? Was it beside Father? Malcador? Terra? Pangea looked down at her feet, still pondering.

“I will need time to think.” Pangea said.

“Of course, I will visit you the day before my departure.”

Back in the Tower of Hegemon, Pangea twirled her guardian spear alone, Palatine. There was no thought in her movements, only instinct. Her aggressive attacks were unleashed and led by her instinct, not her training or strategy that was drilled into her head through countless sparring. On the white ceramite floor, Pangea sat down with her knees tucked in with Palatine tucked between her thigh and her stomach. Pangea—

>Thought to visit Malcador, maybe he had the best answer
>Continued to train on her own, this answer had to be found by her
>Thought to find her (favorite) brother, Alpharius, if she could find him, but she knew one spot that they met everytime.
>Continued to train on her own, this answer had to be found by her
>Continued to train on her own, this answer had to be found by her
>Sought to meditate and glimpse futures.

I say she should instinctively reach out for futures.
Or, reach out subconsciously to that presence that comforted her in the warp long ago.
Frankly, I really want her alongside Emps when he discovers Angron.
He's literally the easiest primarch to save.
>>Thought to find her (favorite) brother, Alpharius, if she could find him, but she knew one spot that they met everytime.
>Thought to find her (favorite) brother, Alpharius, if she could find him, but she knew one spot that they met everytime.
>Continued to train on her own, this answer had to be found by her

Pangea continued to wield Palatine and spun with fury. Cleaved training dummies soon littered the arena floor. Pangea released her raw rage into her attacks, raining hot las and delivering death blows after death blows. Sweat drenched her body, yet her heart beat steadily and her muscles did not wane. Pangea stopped, staring at the training dummy.

What was her place? Father? Malcador? What was the enemy infront of her? Not the future for certain, as Malcador said this was one future but one and a fractional one at that. The mutants? What?


Pangea threw Palatine off, her fists pummeled the innocent training dummy until the body was reduced to a broken can. Pangea picked the dummy over her head then hurled it into the floor, breaking the dummy in half. No answers. Her violent outburst did not tear the answers she sought for. Pangea fell on the floor, lying on her back as she stared at the ceiling.

One thing was clear.

This answer was for her to find. Her path was for her to tread. And no one could build her path but her. Not Father, Malcador, Constantin, Alpharius or Horus. Pangea sighed, at least she knew who to seek for her answers.

A week later, Pangea walked along the Inner Palace’s ramparts. Petals fluttered down as she watched the ceremony come into full bloom. Despite Horus being in Terra for couple days, the ceremony took longer than expected.

“You’re not attending the ceremony?”

Alpharius appeared behind, appearing as a custodian.

“You aren’t either.”

“I’m not supposed to be seen.”

Pangea rolled her eyes. “You always use that excuse for everything.”
Alpharius chuckled. “Yet it’s true. But my question stands, why aren’t you? You’re supposed to be down there.”

“Technically, I’m supposed to be there when he takes his oath. Until then I’m staying here.”

“Pangea…” Alpharius said chidingly.

>Pangea clicked her tongue. “Oh alright, I’ll rub shoulders with the fat aristocrats.”
>Pangea sneered. “He can have his own ceremony as he likes. I’m not going. Not like Father will care.”
>“I’m staying here.”
>Pangea clicked her tongue. “Oh alright, I’ll rub shoulders with the fat aristocrats.”

Show up for Horus not the fat aristocrats
>Pangea clicked her tongue. “Oh alright, I’ll rub shoulders with the fat aristocrats.”
>Pangea clicked her tongue. “Oh alright, I’ll rub shoulders with the fat aristocrats.”
Here’s a question for both the QM as well as my other anon’s: How do you think Pangea would react upon meeting one of the Emperors literal children?
Not a Primarch, but one of his biological offspring that resulted from sex during his earlier years, long before becoming Emperor of all mankind.
Would she see them as kin, or would she think that they’re just shameful reminder of her fathers past?
>Pangea clicked her tongue. “Oh alright, I’ll rub shoulders with the fat aristocrats.”
The things we do for family.
>Pangea clicked her tongue. “Oh alright, I’ll rub shoulders with the fat aristocrats.”
Since I'm not much about the sensei, I think Pangea would treat them a bit better knowing that they are not primarchs.

Now Fulgrim? That's gonna be a good time.
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>The things we do for family.

Votes counted.

"No Vin, you can't fight Horus you won't win!"
"He won't, not against with our family."
"But he is family!"
Auramite walls glistened as white ceramite floor echoed with footsteps and laughter. Giant crystal chandelier lit the entire room. Delicacies of far flung planets lavishly presented themselves on wooden tables covered with fine white silk, prepared by the most skilled serfs.

“Speaking of your sons, where is your daughter, My emperor?”

The Emperor opened his mouth, as not all had the psychic gifts. Surrounded by decadently dressed nobles, The Emperor wore simple toga. Though the fabric and his whole aura glowed that he needed no luxurious clothes.

“She will arrive soon, her training takes precedence as always.”

“Ah yes, I’ve heard of her martial prowess. Took care of that nasty mutant infestation that nearly endangered Luna station.” A lord said. “My lord, my sons are also of martial prowess. I'm sure they’d get along.”

The Emperor presented a delicately formed smile. “Unfortunately she has duties that I have assigned. Perhaps when she is not busy.”

The aristocrats, Lord Commanders, Generals, Lord Admirals, and just about anyone that was someone convened on the Inner Palace’s inner courtyard. Even some prominent Rogue Traders dynasties such as the Winterscales, Castellan and the Valancius. As Horus Lupercal and The Master of Mankind conversed and easily won over many lords and ladies, another processional horn blew.
“Presenting, The Ayan of Terra, Princess of The Imperium, Pangea.”

The onlookers watched the most powerful young woman walking down the stairs. Her flawless bronze skin glowed under the light like a finely polished spear, enchanting every eye to follow her, young men especially, earning a glare from their mothers or fiances. Yet, some lords saw opportunity within the princess.

“She certainly has grown beautifully. I can hardly see that rambunctious child.” One lord said with a chuckle. “She’s around my son’s age. Perhaps I should introduce her to them.”

“Don’t try it," I'd say.” Another lord said. “Too much of a risk. Imagine if one of your boys upset her. Can you imagine?”

“How old is she now? Twelve? Thirteen?”

The princess was dressed in a white toga with golden accents much like The Emperor and Horus Lupercal did. Except her fabrics draped further down like a dress that revealed her flawless bronze skin. White flowers decorated her black circlet into a beautiful mesh of opposite colors. No jeweleries surrounded her like other women had, yet she glowed like The Emperor albeit in a dimmer light.

“Your sister is the most beautiful flower in this ceremony, my lord.”

Horus nodded. “She most certainly is.”

The princess moved with flowing grace like a soft wind, almost unworldly like The Emperor. Once at the ballroom floor, a wave of attendees introduced themselves. One after another, the princess greeted with superior eloquence.

“I am from house McDonald—”

“You eminence I am Johan Nike—”

“Sister!” Horus presented a big smile. “There you are, I was looking for you.”

Horus Lupercal, primarch of the Luna Wolves, walked without any resistance as the crowd parted ways.

“Father have been waiting for you, come with me."

Pangea walked alongside Horus, his large stature made him an excellent shield. The people bowed in every step they went.

“Thank you for the rescue, I forgot how intense these gatherings can be."

"You're welcome. I'm just glad I found you before you were swarmed. You'd rather face the mutants wouldn't you?"

Pangea giggled. "I very much would. Well at least with Father I'll just be a center piece."

"Don't bring yourself like that, Pangea. You're worth more than these fools can see." Horus said.

"I... thank you Horus."

Horus nodded. "No need to thank me, sister."
Reunited with Father and Horus, Pangea was only spoken by old ladies and lords who spoke of their children while The Emperor and Horus had planetary governors and Lord Commanders seeking their audience. Pangea continued her conversation with some fat-lord claiming to be a hunter and a warrior, she wanted to challenge him here and now if it meant getting out of this party.

“You mastered so many weapons, you truly are a warrior, your eminence. My sons are also quite agile with their power-spears.”

“Thank you lord Gran.” Pangea said with a plastic giggle.

“What weapon are you fond of aside from your spear?”

“I’ve grown fond of—”

Choose Pangea’s new weapon mastery.

Dual-wielded stormbolters
Yes, this is a shitpost
I'm not sure power bows are a thing but I do know the Interrex cyber-centaur guys use archaeotech laser bows.

Something for EXACTLY these types of situation.
>Crozius Arcanum

I find the idea of Pangea popularising it as the weapon/proof of office for space marine psykers funny
>“I am from house McDonald—”
I see what you did there, kek.

>Crozius Arcanum

“The power bow.”

“An elegant weapon for an elegant young lady.”

“You’re too kind, Count Rothchild.”

Pangea turned off her mind and simply replied person by person, being on a constant auto-pilot mode. The ceremony went on, Horus knelt in front of The Emperor and made his oath. All very touching. After The Emperor's speech, the party continued but with far more sycophancy from their nauseating smiling faces. With everything that ended. Pangea turned to leave.


She stopped. Turning around, she saw The Emperor calling her name psychically. Pangea stared back with an impassive face.


Stay here with Horus. You will not leave yet.

Pangea sighed but returned to Horus’s side, becoming the little flower that she was. Everyone wanted Horus’s attention, the only person that exceeded his charisma was none other than Father. Pangea’s urge to leave grew further, almost bursting into a sprint when the closing ceremony ended.

Pangea. Come with me. There is something I need to discuss with you.

The Emperor approached with his two custodians by his side. Pangea followed him inside a circular room made of white ceramite. The Emperor sat with his legs crossed.

Use your foresight.

Her body flinched, Pangea slowly sat down and opened her eyes. The horrific vision of Father entombed on the Golden Throne. The images boiled her brains, tightened her throat, seeing the future of her Father simply—

See the future as red strands. You have learned to endure the visions, now you must harness them

A golden ray soothed her pain, massaging the strained psyche. Pangea did as followed, imagining the future as strands.

Good. Now unfurl and separate them into the warmest and the coldest. What do you see?

Pangea saw images of many men. Two being Horus as the cold strand and Alpharius being the warmest. Pangea shifted toward the—

>The coldest strands
>The warmest strands

Hint: Think about how Pangea is now, and use that to guess who she will get along with the most like the question I asked before.
>The warmest strands
>“You’re too kind, Count Rothchild.”
A dark future, indeed.

I'm guessing that the cold and warm strands represent negative and positive futures for Pangea, respectively. Although she knows that it is possible for Alpharius to fall someday, she also knows that he will not fall. However, as it is possible for Horus to fall in the future, she feels more ambivalently toward him. It's obvious that she gets along more with the former, but it's not certain what this choice will entail. My best assumption is that this will determine her disposition toward her visions going forward.

>The warmest strands
>The warmest strands
>The warmest strands


Also 800 posts holy shit.
Pangea left the cold strand on its own and embraced the warmth. The soft light hugged back. For a brief moment, she saw them on top of a balcony. Her and her brothers, in joy, as humanity celebrated Horus’s achievement. The warmth, so comfortable and soft, Pangea reached out further to dream a little longer. Suddenly, the golden light disappeared. Then… she saw death. Brothers against brothers. Severed head. A tortured soul. The Imperium in shambles. Malcador… dead. Pangea snapped back. Blood seeped from the corners of her eyes.

Unlike me, you can see the future’s full path but in exchange you can only see one. I can see many futures with clouded paths so I cannot see each future as well as I wish to. But you can. Unfurling the strands you can see the details, it is time you master your gifts.

Pangea heaved. “So you just… showed me this happy ending just to teach me a lesson?”

The Emperor stood up and offered his hand then pulled Pangea up.

As much as I care about you, daughter. The humanity’s future rests upon our shoulders, I cannot coddle you as you were before. You also have a responsibility/

“I’m not a primarch…” Pangea said.

You are my daughter. The Emperor stroked her head. From now, you will train on your foresight. Speak to Malcador if you need assistance but this is your trial. I believe in you, Pangea

In the Throne Room, The Emperor returned.

Have you spoken with her? Malcador said.

I have, let us see if this theory of yours will bear fruit, old friend. If she can finely comb the future she sees and can find the missing primarchs, then she will be more valuable than we thought.

A week had passed. Pangea sat inside the meditation chamber. The warmth she felt, as short as it was, her mind kept craving for that loving embrace. Pangea used that as her catalyst and began searching once more. She saw a world never seen before. A name whispered from nowhere:

wolf man wolf man

Ferrus is a pretty underused Primarch especially since people tend to simplify him as the "might makes right" guy.
Or survival of the fittest.
I hate furries and europeans so iron man it is.

Gotta find Fulgrim before his geneseed becomes too big of an issue. We may also find Angron sooner this way as well, who is also on a timer.
Come on Nuceria baby!
Angron is literally the easiest Primarch to earn the loyalty of and prevent him joining the rebellion.
Save his rebellion and remove the damn nails.
Or, get to him before the nails.

Huh, an interesting choice. Why anons?

A bit late but I would've voted for Chemos because out of Russ, Ferrus and Fulgrim, the pheonix lad is the only traitor and both Russ and Ferrus are hardcore loyalists. Plus Fulgrim was an okay guy before being mind controlled by the evil snake sword, kind of an asshole at times but not the worst primarch.
As one of two loyalist Fulgrimfag in existence, I am happy with this choice and hope that my Primarch will not end up as a daemon snake sextoy this time around.
The 3rd legion's geneseed gets corrupted in the normal timeline, so this is to nip the weed in the bud before it becomes a problem. It's also closer to Nuceria than the others.
That spoiler, LET'S FUCKING GO!
So not to put a dampener on it but we might overshoot Angron by almost a century.

Horus was found .M30 801
Angron however was found .M30 899

I don't know how long Angron spent as a gladiator if anyone knows please tell me, but he was physically about 5 years old when capture which in Primarch accelerated growth can be at a couple of months old and he got the butchers nail inserted when he was physically an adult.

I would roughly guess that a roundish 5-10 years (counting his accelerated growth) after he was captured is the time they would have been drilled into his brain as any later would have meant wrestling with a fully grown Primarch.

And if we are generous and say that Angron lead his slave revolt which was without modern weaponry mind you for a another 5 years as he did sack several cities but was never able to seriously threaten the established order on Nuceria.

All of that adds up to about 15 years of living on Nuceria and if we count backwards from 899 Angron probably lands somewhere in the 880s nearly 80 years from now.

What i am getting at is that Angron probably hasn't even landed yet, he probably wont land in several decades from now on.
I don't think that's how it works. It's implied that Angron was fighting in the arena for many years until the events of the rebellion almost a century later, and all the Primarchs were scattered at the same time.
Possibly but so far i haven't been able to dig up any solid numbers and mostly had to default to guess work on how it was possible to keep an angry primarch as an arena gladiator.

That and the fact that many of Angron's gladiator friends that raised him were actually still alive and joined his rebellion seems to imply that he spent 1 maybe 2 decades at most as a slave.

Of course this is all based on the idea that Maw is following the canon timeline and not just shuffling things around to make it more convenient for a quest.
>and all the Primarchs were scattered at the same time.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean much when the warp is involved.
The warp is famously unreliable and since the primarchs pods were essentially adrift yeah there is going to be a difference when they popped out on their planets.

For now we will have to wait until Maw decides on how he will play it in this quest.
I can see a good argument for compressing the Primarch discovery timeline for gameplay purposes since Corax joined about 120 years after Horus.
“Chemos?” Malcador said.

Pangea laid on the soft fur rug in her short red robes. Beside her room, Malcador’s study was the second most comfortable place she loved to lounge in. The smell of earth and various alchemy materials calmed her senses. The various artifacts reminded her of many fond memories with Malcador. At this point, Malcador gave up on teaching manners inside his study.

“I felt the name.”

Malcador stroked his chin “It will take time to find this world, but knowing the name will make this search drastically short. Great work, Pangea.”

She smiled mischievously. “How great?”

Malcador flatly stared back. “No digging for compliments. Off to your training, your Father and I have matters to discuss.”

In the halls in the Tower of Hegemon, Pangea heard the whirlwinds of blades whistling but never clashing. The custodians’ attacks never collided. Instead, their attacks retracted in then shot back out at blinding speed. Their lightning thought processes and reflexes made it that their attacks never came to touch. To the non-ascended eyes, the custodians would seem like a blur, a ghost.


Yet… she heard the metal collide, brutally, unrefined sounds that she could never expect in The Tower of Hegemon. Instead of Ra or Valdor, she saw Horus and Father. Pangea's grip on her spear tightened, as did her stomach. An ugly and acidic feeling boiled in her stomach. There was a feral glint in his eyes, a mocking sneer that Horus managed to hide. He had to be hiding it. He had to be mocking her. Why else would he be here in her training ground?
“Pangea!” Horus called.

Horus saw his darling little sister enter. Father was right, she did come in at this time.


“Hello Father—” Pangea aimed her glare at Horus. “I’ll… just come back later.”

“No wait,” Horus quickly said. “Train with us, I’d relish a chance to spar with you, sister.”

Horus saw Pangea turn to her Father, as if he was but a fat noble she had to entertain. He held his disappointment, but he knew why she felt that way from Malcador, with the promise that he would never tell Pangea. Horus saw his sister’s shoulder droop and her back hunching as she entered the arena.

“I hear you are a master with your spear. I’m glad we have a chance to bond through combat.” Horus said.

“As do I…” Pangea spat the next word like spoiled meat. “Brother.”

Just what does he have to do to get along with his sister? Just what was he doing wrong? They were both superior beings, him more so as a primarch, but why wasn’t there the mutual respect when he was being more than polite?

>“Sister, how about a bet? The victor can ask for a wish that is within their power.” Oh yes, it was all coming together.
>“If you’d like, we don’t have to spar.”
>“Sister, how about a bet? The victor can ask for a wish that is within their power.” Oh yes, it was all coming together.
Kronk Horus let's go.
>“If you’d like, we don’t have to spar.”
>“Sister, how about a bet? The victor can ask for a wish that is within their power.” Oh yes, it was all coming together.
>“Sister, how about a bet? The victor can ask for a wish that is within their power.” Oh yes, it was all coming together.
>“Sister, how about a bet? The victor can ask for a wish that is within their power.” Oh yes, it was all coming together.
I feel like we've been ignoring Alpharius too much. He's our first brother, we should spend more time with him.
>“Sister, how about a bet? The victor can ask for a wish that is within their power.” Oh yes, it was all coming together.
What the fuck? Didn't we have her apologize for what she said while drunk not too long ago?
Horus is gregarious, energetic, sociable and very capable.

He is also ambitious, heavy handed when crossed and somewhat insecure in regards to how those he cares for perceives him.

In Horus mind he probably feels the need to pull of something that will sweep Pangea of her feet to show he isn't like what her visions showed her.
In other words we need to drill it into that thick skull of his that we do believe he is different from our vision of him.
>“Sister, how about a bet? The victor can ask for a wish that is within their power.” Oh yes, it was all coming together.

Votes counted
“Sister, how about a bet? The victor can ask for a wish that is within their power.”

Pangea’s face scrunched. Anger pinched her nerves. First he comes to her training grounds and challenges her in front of Father? Pangea placed her helmet on.

“You have a deal.”

Horus and Pangea prepared their stances on the opposite end. The helmet covered her snarling scowl.


Pangea launched forward, shooting bursts of jabs that Horus parried and blocked. Her thrusts were stings against a stone wall. Small bursts of stings and feints continually tested against Horus. A strange thing happened to Pangea. While Horus was fast and strong compared to the custodians he was… lacking. Swipe to the left, a feint over head strike then a lightning claw stab. His attacks were predictable and unrefined.

“Argh!” Horus grunted.

Yet, his attacks crept up faster, each strike and claw swings. Horus began to adapt into her aggressive attacks. Pangea sprung back, assessing Horus’s rising prowess. He was a primarch after all. Were all primarchs lacking in combat? Horus and Pangea charged.

>Pangea rolled between Horus’s leg and unleashed a flurry of thrusts. She used her small stature to slip away and attack, like chipping a pillar with a fork.
>Pangea flanked Horus with ease thanks to her small stature. She climbed on Horus’s shoulder and used her spear to crush his throat.
>As Horus swung his maul to the right, Pangea used her telekinesis to pull the maul, prying his defense open. Pangea’s vengeful kick slammed Horus’s groins
[no write-in]

Which primarch do you think can beat Pangea and which can Pangea beat?
>Pangea rolled between Horus’s leg and unleashed a flurry of thrusts. She used her small stature to slip away and attack, like chipping a pillar with a fork.
Checked. The second feels personal and the third feels like cheating.

>Which primarch do you think can beat Pangea
The Lion for sure. He is an unparalleled swordsman, second only to the Emperor.

>which can Pangea beat?
>>Pangea flanked Horus with ease thanks to her small stature. She climbed on Horus’s shoulder and used her spear to crush his throat.

>Which primarch do you think can beat Pangea
Lion because he is a beast in battle.
Konrad is insane but he is an incredible murder blender, especially with his precognition.
Sanginius much like the Lion is a beast.

>which can Pangea beat?
Lorgar was always the primarch who could convince a million souls to march in whichever direction he pointed with only a few words but he is not one of the better warriors.
Alpharius/Omegon is a big maybe as its hard to gauge how skilled they are in comparison to the other primarchs.
Angron if he remains as in canon could be whittled down by Pangea's psychic abilities.

>Who can Pangea maybe beat?
Dorn, Guilliman and Perturabo are all good but good in a bringing the basics to another level kind of good. If Pangea can create an upset with her psyker abilities that throws them of their game then she could probably win.
>Pangea rolled between Horus’s leg and unleashed a flurry of thrusts. She used her small stature to slip away and attack, like chipping a pillar with a fork.
>As Horus swung his maul to the right, Pangea used her telekinesis to pull the maul, prying his defense open. Pangea’s vengeful kick slammed Horus’s groins
Father's watching, might as well show him all of our skills. Plus, it's not like Primarchs use anything down there anyway.
>Beat Pangea
Most of them probably could, Pangea is good but she's no Primarch.
>Lose to Pangea
Maybe Lorgar since he's not much of a fighter.
>Pangea flanked Horus with ease thanks to her small stature. She climbed on Horus’s shoulder and used her spear to crush his throat.
Most primarchs could probably defeat her but Lorgar's a little bitch so maybe she'd have a good chance against him.
>Father's watching, might as well show him all of our skills. Plus, it's not like Primarchs use anything down there anyway.
Kicking him in the balls is pretty low for Pangea, especially since he's her brother. We're trying to change the future, not set it in stone.

I think we just need to land a hit. That would be a bit excessive.
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The absolute disrespect on Lorgar holy shit kek. I thought so too though. Another question, do you guys want Pangea to be powerful as the primarchs?
Counter point: It's cooler than stabbing him the back and suits the way she fights
Lorgar's the runt of the litter.
You know it Maw XD

Jokes aside the primarchs were made for different tasks and while there was overlap to ensure redundancies its clear Lorgars wasn't as martial as some of his brothers.

He does however make up for it with godlike charisma, a very stable gene seed and his powers as a Psyker such as precognition, healing and the usual forms of telekinesis and such.

In short never underestimate a primarch even when you confront them in an area they are not focused in.
We were created by some other warlord, there's no way we're as strong as the Primarchs.
Yes and no

I'll leave the votes for now since I got half day for work.
>Can reasonably beat

>Cat's chance in hell at beating
Angron pre-daemon

>Maybe if you squint
Fulgrim (he's supposedly one of the best swordsmen but fucking perty beat is ass bare handed so there is that)
Vulcan (but he managed to apply hammer to face vs konrad)
Morty (if she fights him like jagatai does)
Everyone else is here
He's from Cthonia, he might even respect us more for fighting like a desperate ganger.
>do you guys want Pangea to be powerful as the primarchs?
Weaker physically but stronger in terms of psyker power, kinda like Malcador. I just don't want her to seem like a Mary Sue.
seeing how she able to train with the banana boys and girls(yes I pro female custodian) see should be in that tier at less higher then Magnus when he not cheating with space magic , reason being when the smallest brother picks you up to break your back over their knee I think you can't fight really good
>Pangea flanked Horus with ease thanks to her small stature. She climbed on Horus’s shoulder and used her spear to crush his throat.
>do you guys want Pangea to be powerful as the primarchs?
I figured we can do a Malcador kind of thing. We woud be weaker then a primarch but using immense Psyker powers to hold our own if we really need to.
I somewhat agree with this.
I forget, do the primarchs have all the Space Marine superorgans? If yes, there's no way Pangea woudl beat any of them without similar augmentations.
1. Fork strat


Pangea flanked Horus with ease thanks to her small stature. She climbed on Horus’s shoulder and used her spear to crush his throat while her knee pressed the back of his neck. Horus clawed his throat, gagging, as he never expected the strength of his little sister to be formidable. Pangea pulled back harder, harder, using every ounce of her strength to make an early knock out. However, Horus grabbed Pangea by her hair and yanked her out. Palatine skidded across the floor.

“My hair…”

In Horus’s hand was a bundle of long and black shiny hair.

“You’re going to pay for that!”

The well-thought-out attacks turned to unyielding assaults. When she should have parried, she counter-attacked, when she should have dodged, she counter-attacked. Like a tiny pickaxe chipping away auramite. Horus tossed aside the bundle of hair then returned to the fight. Pangea. The brutal fight between the cat and mouse continued. Pangea stepped back, as she eyed the lightning claws swipe she narrowly dodged the incoming maul, but not the kick that followed. Pangea slid across the floor, and before she could get up, Horus's maul swung. Pangea—

>flew across the floor, before she could get up the maul floated above her face. Horus won.
>got up in time, she mustered all her strength to stop the maul with her telekinesis
Here's my issue. There's no combat system to make this a win fair and square, and this is a narrative qst. So, I will give the readers how you want this to happen. If Pangea wins, the other branch will play out. If she loses, Horus will ask her to accompany her in his early days as a primarch. Choose your poison.
>If Pangea wins, the other branch will play out
What do you mean?
>However, Horus grabbed Pangea by her hair and yanked her out. Palatine skidded across the floor.
I told you guys he doesn't mind playing dirty. I think it's time we use our telekinesis.
Probably following our vision and going to Chemos.
>got up in time, she mustered all her strength to stop the maul with her telekinesis

He needs to be humbled now so he doesn’t get humiliated later
This is a hard one.
But, I really do want her to carve her own path.
>got up in time, she mustered all her strength to stop the maul with her telekinesis
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Also, I just thought of something.
Will it get to the point where Pangea will be able to examine multiple futures in quick order?
Either way, if she does any divining with Erebus in proximity, then pic related.
>got up in time, she mustered all her strength to stop the maul with her telekinesis
A bit meta, but this being a narrative game probably means that we could never full stop the Heresy since that would make for a boring story. Which of our brothers do you think we need to get to saving right away?
Horus is a major one, but I think we should also try and save Lorgar since he was/will be responsible for most of the daemonic shits during the war.
>got up in time, she mustered all her strength to stop the maul with her telekinesis
And disarm him if we can.
>A bit meta, but this being a narrative game probably means that we could never full stop the Heresy since that would make for a boring story.
Not necessarily. Something else could always pop up.
>flew across the floor, before she could get up the maul floated above her face. Horus won.

Sticking around Horus seems like a fun way to start of the great crusade.
f>lew across the floor, before she could get up the maul floated above her face. Horus won.
>got up in time, she mustered all her strength to stop the maul with her telekinesis

Were not going to this man

The great betrayer, enemy of humanity

We’ll have to be knocked out before we give up
I can't imagine anything that could be a threat to an Imperium with all the Primarchs outside of like a full on warp tear across the the galaxy.
>got up in time, she mustered all her strength to stop the maul with her telekinesis
I want the heresy to still happen, exactly the same way it did. Maybe with a bit of self fulfilling prophecy
>1 post by this ID

woops counted
Pangea got up in time, she mustered all her strength toward her telekinesis. The maul stopped, suspended in the air before crashing on the floor. Pangea unfurled her folded bow, nocking the arrow point blank at his face. Horus looked down then back up. All he had to do was swing up, but could he be faster than an arrow? Did he feel lucky? Did he? Horus closed his eyes as his head lowered.

“I yield.”

Pangea’s heart leapt. Her head snapped toward Father and he nodded with a small smile.

-Well done Pangea. Horus, you also did well fighting an opponent you never encountered. Psykers like her can also be a dangerous combatant, let this be a lesson to you.-

“Yes, Father.” Horus said humbly.

Horus pushed his knees up, he extended his hand with a sportsmanship smile with his hand reached out, an ancient Terran gesture of friendship.

“Well done, sister.”

Pangea took his hand tentatively but eventually returned a firm shake that was tighter than she anticipated.

“You as well, brother. Though I’m not fond of my hair being pulled…”

“Price of taking a risky maneuver, my dear sister. I believe my sons should also spar you, they have gotten bold due to their famed history. If you will do me the honor that is.”

She shrugged. “Perhaps. You will soon leave Terra with Father, yes?”

“Soon. And as we discussed, you may ask anything as long as it is within my power.” Horus said.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

>Pangea continued her training alone. Even as night fell, and the silver moonlight bathed the Imperial Palace, she stayed in the training area.
>Pangea stood on the ramparts, waiting for Alpharius. It had been too long since they talked.
>Pangea returned to her room, snuggling close with Luna

Sorry for late reply

My question

What are some criticisms you have so far? It's my first time questing after all.
>Pangea stood on the ramparts, waiting for Alpharius. It had been too long since they talked.
Might as well before we get busy for a period of time again.

>What are some criticisms you have so far?
Actually, I have a question. What's usually the decisive factor in whether a write-in is available or not?
>>Pangea stood on the ramparts, waiting for Alpharius. It had been too long since they talked.

>What are some criticisms you have so far?
I think you are doing a good job on the characters and i like their dynamics so far. Also love your pictures they were very cute XD.
>>Pangea stood on the ramparts, waiting for Alpharius. It had been too long since they talked.
Whatever we do next, I'd prefer to have Alpharius with us.
How Pangea response to people can be a bit extreme sometimes. Like when the Emperor revealed our origin.
>Pangea stood on the ramparts, waiting for Alpharius. It had been too long since they talked.
>Pangea stood on the ramparts, waiting for Alpharius. It had been too long since they talked.

Well she is a teenage girl.
>Pangea stood on the ramparts, waiting for Alpharius. It had been too long since they talked.
>Pangea stood on the ramparts, waiting for Alpharius. It had been too long since they talked.


Alphie time
The hives and the spires glittered underneath the dark sky. Standing in the ramparts, Pangea watched the tiny lights fade in and out, so many people, so many lives, yet she had no responsibility for them. Even so, seeing the vast hab-units truly daunted her, knowing well she stood at the top.



Alpharius appeared without a sound. Pangea embraced her brother. Alpharius’s large handed patted her head, as one would do for a pup, gently, softly, so as to not break her tiny head.

“How have you been?” Pangea said.

Pangea gave up on asking what he have been up to. The vague answers did no favors but she understood his secrecy. Pangea’s hair danced with the soft blowing wind.

“I am well. How about you? I hear you are not getting along with our new brother.”

“Mo it’s more like… he’s not a bad person to say.”

Alpharius chuckled quietly. “You’re just jealous he is stealing Father’s attention just when you had it.”

“No…” Pangea avoided his gaze. “Yes.”

“Have you ever thought about giving him a genuine chance?”

“No.” Pangea said. “And I don’t want to. It took killing mutants and studying for all my life to have his attention. Horus? He just had to exist! He made me just to be their pet! Because of his precious primarchs. To the void with them all.”

“I am a primarch.” Alpharius said.

“You’re different. You care because you did. You wouldn’t have been with me like now if you didn’t. I’m just a pawn for him.” Pangea said.

Pangea sat on the floor, knees tucked toward her chest with a determined pout.


>“I was created for subterfuge. I use deception and infiltration, and will never bask in glory. I do it because it is my duty, as it is yours to support the primarchs so they may unite humanity. You are part of something far greater than yourself, it’s time you realize that.”
>“Just like Horus and I, you were created for a reason. If you were meant to Be some pet, you would not be given these gifts. Father has bigger plans for you, you need to trust him. Like we trust each other.”
>“I understand this is frustrating, I would be too if I was meant to be some pet. So carve your own path, fight for your own life.”
>>“Just like Horus and I, you were created for a reason. If you were meant to Be some pet, you would not be given these gifts. Father has bigger plans for you, you need to trust him. Like we trust each other.”
>“I understand this is frustrating, I would be too if I was meant to be some pet. So carve your own path, fight for your own life.”
I'm of the opinion that Alpharius is the surviving twin in canon and Omegon was the one Dorn killed so telling her to find her own path is fitting for him since he goes on to reject the two futures the Cabal revealed to him and chose to find a third path.
>“Just like Horus and I, you were created for a reason. If you were meant to Be some pet, you would not be given these gifts. Father has bigger plans for you, you need to trust him. Like we trust each other.”
>“Just like Horus and I, you were created for a reason. If you were meant to Be some pet, you would not be given these gifts. Father has bigger plans for you, you need to trust him. Like we trust each other.”
>“Just like Horus and I, you were created for a reason. If you were meant to Be some pet, you would not be given these gifts. Father has bigger plans for you, you need to trust him. Like we trust each other.”

Its hard to pin down Alpharius/Omegons personality and beliefs but its clear he cares for Pangea so trying to cheer her up seems fitting
>“Just like Horus and I, you were created for a reason. If you were meant to Be some pet, you would not be given these gifts. Father has bigger plans for you, you need to trust him. Like we trust each other.”
>“Just like Horus and I, you were created for a reason. If you were meant to Be some pet, you would not be given these gifts. Father has bigger plans for you, you need to trust him. Like we trust each other.”
>“Just like Horus and I, you were created for a reason. If you were meant to Be some pet, you would not be given these gifts. Father has bigger plans for you, you need to trust him. Like we trust each other.”
Also an overwhelming vote, counted

When choices have a consequence in later plot
>When choices have a consequence in later plot
Does this mean write-ins are only permitted when they have no consequence, or am I mistaken?
More or less. They're not consequence free, but it is a situation that's flexible.
“Just like Horus and I, you were created for a reason. If you were meant to Be some pet, you would not be given these gifts. Father has bigger plans for you, you need to trust him. Like we trust each other.”

Pangea frowned. “If he does have a bigger plan, he sure as hell didn’t share it with me. I didn’t ask to be created, I didn’t ask for these gifts, do you realize how much of an ordeal it was training my foresight? Do you?"

“Of course I don’t. All I’m saying is that you need to trust Father.”


Pangea buried her head into her knees. Something slowly sprouted within her. Her brother, her first, took Father’s side. Not hers. But his. No one was truly on her side. A tiny bud of ugly jealousy and infectious doubt rose, hiding beneath a myriad of other emotions. But how could she say no when her brother was so earnest?

“I’ll try.”

“That’s all I ask.” Alpharius said. “I’m glad you understand. I need to go soon, so please try to get along with your brother.”

“Will you be gone for a while?”

“You know I can’t tell you that.” Alpharius said with a saddened frown. “I’ll see you when I can.”

The next morning, Pangea stirred further in her sleep. On top of her fluffy bed, Luna’s warmth trapped her further. The door opened without a knock. Pangea sat up on her bed and yawned with Luna simultaneously.

“Uncle, why can’t you knock like normal people?” Pangea whined.

“I have tried to contact you telepathically. You have ignored it.”

“What do you want Unc—” Pangea harrumphed. “I mean magistra?”

“The Throne Room. Your Father would like a word with you. Be there soon as possible.”

Drowsiness snapped away. Thirty minutes later, Pangea dressed in red and gold robes with her cricket freshly polished. Pangea faced her Father who sat on the Golden Throne with Malcador standing beside him.

-Daughter. I have assignments for you.-

Pangea blinked. “Assignment?”

-I will leave for Chemos. I want you to accompany me. However, that will leave Horus on his own for his next assignment. I will allow you to make a decision. Assist Horus in bringing peace to the underhives of Terra in Ursh or come with me to Chemos.-

“Father, I can’t make a decision like this now…”

-Being a leader means making decisions decisively. Make your choice.-

>“I will accompany you to Chemos.” or [write-in agreeing to this choice]
>“I will assist Horus in cleansing the underives of Terra.” or [write-in agreeing to this choice]

Final vote for this thread, any questions, comments or concerns?
>“I will accompany you to Chemos.”
Also, I gotta admit I'm really enjoying this quest so far, it's been a pretty great story.
You've also been fairly responsive.
Only flaw is I don't know if Pangea has the proper weapon on her Spear, lol.
But, seriously, keep up the good work.
Only thing you could improve on, so far, is a faster update schedule.
Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope it's more of the "less" than the "more." I've been enjoying the quest so far, nonetheless.

>“I will accompany you to Chemos.”
I would like to suggest writing a letter to Horus or sending a vox message before heading out.
I wish I can update more but once or twice is all I can do. Thank you.

Not sure what you mean by that, mind being more specific? Do you mean the show don't tell? Thank you.
>No one was truly on her side. A tiny bud of ugly jealousy and infectious doubt rose, hiding beneath a myriad of other emotions.
Well we've gone and fucked that up. Go to Chemos but talk to Horus first, maybe we can ask for a member of his Legion to come with us and to serve as a liaison between him and us.
>“I will accompany you to Chemos.”
>Not sure what you mean by that, mind being more specific?
Oh, I was under the impression that you were making choices write-in choices less meaningful by design. I meant that I was hoping that isn't the case, but I'm enjoying the quest so far.
>“I will accompany you to Chemos.”
>"only flaw is I don't know if Pangea has the proper weapon on her Spear, lol.
>Well we've gone and fucked that up.
how ?
>“I will accompany you to Chemos.”

Have we accepted that Horus’s fall is inevitable?
Yeah, that is an issue of mine. Sometimes I have difficulties making a choice at the end of the update. Thank you for the feedback.
Hang on, am I blind, or did we not decide on what we want to wish for after defeating Horus?
We could ask for a hug, or for him to come join us on Chemos as soon as he is done on Terra.
I don't think it's inevitable, we're only heading to Chemos while Horus will still be on Terra.
We haven't decided yet, no. I think we should ask him to accompany us to Chemos, but that might mess with Maw's plan for the story.
He was going to ask us to accompany him if he wins the duel, so I assume we could also do something similar.
>“I will assist Horus in cleansing the underives of Terra.”
Let's not write Horus off as being unsalvageable.
>>“I will accompany you to Chemos.” or [write-in agreeing to this choice]
Bring Abaddon or the some member of the mournival like gavriel loken
I don't think that's what we'd be doing by deciding to go to Chemos. If we have the time, we should see him one more time before we head out, just to make sure we're on good terms. We should establish a line of communication if possible.

I'm not sure they would be so enthused about being separated from their newfound gene father already.
Here's hoping a new thread won't take too long.
OP, did you archive this quest ?
I don't know if he did, but I sure hope someone does.
I did, the cover art for the second thread is done now writing the opening and taking a bit of break
Good to know it's taken care of.
And take it easy between the threads.
Keep up the good work.
next thread >>6086040

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