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You are Lorina de Lindan, princess, weapon-autist, inquisitor-in-training, and recently the victim of a large political conspiracy led by someone you don’t know, for unknown reasons, and with unclear goals. Honestly, you probably should have expected something like this would happen after joining a secretive society, the Inquisition to be exact, whose been tasked with the handling of Strangers, dangerous people from a dimension known as “Earth” before their Cheat Skills wreak untold havoc across your kingdom.

Recently, you’ve returned to the Royal Capital after being attacked by a suicidal(?) thug only to be greeted with a city on lockdown as anti-noble arsonists have attacked many estates, including your families. You were then unceremoniously grounded by your father and forbidden from associating with the Inquisition after a startling revelation leaving you to do the only logical thing you could, run away with a maid. Now, you’ve managed to sneak back into the city with your fellow inquisitor-in-training Marie Sarodieu, formerly known as Midori Suzuki, to investigate on your own terms.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%20Isekai%20Inquisition
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The estate of Duke Edwin de Cendre stands in front of you, well what’s left of it does anyway. You’re not exactly certain how made predominantly out of stone can burn, yet burn it does. Truth be told it doesn’t even look to be stopping anytime soon, the efforts of the bucket line only seem to be working to keep the flames from spreading to the surrounding acres of garden. Though you are rather curious why a mage is not simply dealing with the flames, you’re in the Capital, there should be a plethora of them. It’s not like there’s no water around to move either, the bucket line is originating from a small pond on the Cendre grounds, after all. So Why?

“You two!” A voice of a rather tired-sounding man says as a château guard runs up to Marie and yourself, “You more muscle from the guild?!” His breathes are raspy and by the smell he seems to have sweat through his armor. Ugh, commoners.

“We are, where do you need us?” Again, you let Marie do the talking. It would be a shame if you were found out now.

“Bucket-” He holds his knees with his hands, “Goddess, one second-” You wait, “Huff huff, bucket brigade. We already saved what we could but now we gotta douse this dastard!”

“Excuse me-” You say without thinking before immediately pounding your chest coughing and changing your voice to a much more manlier tone, “Ahem, excuse me but I have a question.”

“Yeah?” The guard is totally convinced by your acting, nailed it!

“Why haven’t any mages put out the flames by now?”

Another cough, “They tried,” He points to the line where an elven man wears an enormous and floppy hat, “But the arsonists must’ve snuck in and put anti-magic wards throughout the house. Though I bet the flames are magic themself somehow, no one’s managed to get in and find them. Too hot and too much smoke.”

“I see, was anyone hurt in the attack, is the Duke okay? The guild didn’t inform us.”

“Lord de Cendre is away at his summer estate, though we’re certain a few servants didn’t manage to escape the flames. Based on the screaming I heard at least,” He’s talking more than a guard on duty probably should, seemingly enjoying the small break you’re supplying. Or maybe you’re too used to the Royal Knights?

“What about the attackers themselves, did you manage to find anything else?”

“Hey, you girls some sort of Inquisitors or something? What’s with all the questions?”

“The guild receptionist told us to ask these questions and report back to them, they’ve hardly been informed about the attacks around the city,” Marie quickly lies.

“Ah, right sorry. It’s hard to imagine a couple of pretty girls like you working them, ya look closer to priestess anyway.”

“Right… Anyway, can you answer my question?”
“Sure, no one’d get mad at me for telling some cute guild girls. Attack was in the early morning, guys must’ve snuck in or disguised themselves and placed the wards around before lighting the place up. Then they tried to bar the doors from the outside, didn’t have more than knives to arm themselves though. Those we captured refused to say a word and soon enough the Royal Guard came along to take 'em away.”

“And the châteaus been burning ever since? That’s quite a while.”

“Yeah, why I’m pretty sure there’s something not right about it. Hell, everything that's able to actually burn in there should be nothing but cinders by now!”

“I see, thank you for the information at the very least. You may return to your job now,” He looks at you strangely? Why? Shouldn’t he know you’re his superior- Ah, undercover, right.

“Uh, right. So are you helping or not?”

>”Yes, we are!” Marie again swoops in with an answer. This time it’s not a lie as she leads you to the bucket brigade.

>”No, well- yes but not in the way you’re thinking,” Sure a couple of second-rate guild magicians couldn’t find dispel a few wards but they aren’t you. You doubt you’ll even break a sweat!

>”The guild only sent us to get some information, sorry,” You got all you needed from here, perhaps it’s best you left already.

Good to see you, QM!
>”No, well- yes but not in the way you’re thinking,” Sure a couple of second-rate guild magicians couldn’t find dispel a few wards but they aren’t you. You doubt you’ll even break a sweat!
>"Are there any servants still trapped inside? Or perhaps survivors who need healing magic?"
>”No, well- yes but not in the way you’re thinking,” Sure a couple of second-rate guild magicians couldn’t find dispel a few wards but they aren’t you. You doubt you’ll even break a sweat!
Hopefully we can do this in a way that doesn't immediately blow our disguise
>”No, well- yes but not in the way you’re thinking,” Sure a couple of second-rate guild magicians couldn’t find dispel a few wards but they aren’t you. You doubt you’ll even break a sweat!
>>”No, well- yes but not in the way you’re thinking,” Sure a couple of second-rate guild magicians couldn’t find dispel a few wards but they aren’t you. You doubt you’ll even break a sweat!
>”No, well- yes but not in the way you’re thinking,” Sure a couple of second-rate guild magicians couldn’t find dispel a few wards but they aren’t you. You doubt you’ll even break a sweat!
>”No, well- yes but not in the way you’re thinking,” Sure a couple of second-rate guild magicians couldn’t find dispel a few wards but they aren’t you. You doubt you’ll even break a sweat!
Counted, writing!

>Hopefully we can do this in a way that doesn't immediately blow our disguise
No comment.
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-No, well- yes but not in the way you’re thinking. Say, Guardsman, do you think there’s anyone that could still be inside?”

The man has the audacity to laugh at you! The peasant! Okay, maybe it’s more like a strained choke but still, the principle! “Ma’am this fire started hours ago and hasn’t calmed one bit. Anyone still inside has been with the Goddess for quite a while.”

The peon! Commoner! Plebian! “U-uh, okay. Is there anyone that might need healing magic? Or help?”

He shakes his head, “Some priestesses came awhile ago and healed what they could and took awhile those who required more work, thanks for the offer though.”

“They were able to heal outside the building?”

He nods, “But anything inside is instantly snuffed. Gotta be some pretty strong wards or something.”

“Hmph, we’ll see about that. Come, Midori,” With those words you march straight to the burning building and don’t look back. Not even at what must be a horde of admirers seeing such an elegant woman bravely sacrifice herself to break the enchantments. How little they know-

-Thiswasamistakethiswasamistakethiswasamistakethiswasamistakethiswasamistake! The words repeat themselves in your mind over and over as your body once again tries to expunge the gathered smoke in your lungs. It hurts to touch anything, even your own skin, even your everpresent companion Sturmfahrerin! Well, maybe you shouldn’t be surprised about that last one but she’s practically betrayed you! The heat is driving you insane and you’re pretty sure you’re somehow disfigured, it feels that way at least. Fuck! You looked so cool entering the burning building too, like a heroine about to save the day but only a few seconds later Marie had to retreat. Now, you’re lost and only able to pinpoint one of the wards! A tiny little pebble hexxed to Hell and back! The worst part is that even when you threw it out a window your magic and the buffs you cast on yourself didn’t return! How many of these fuckers still are there?!

You only have the vaguest of magic sense to try and find the wards and you’re too distracted by the heat, by the pain to even think about going after them. Too bad you’re in way too deep to get out now and you’re pretty sure that you yourself are on fire! It’s then that the realization strikes you, you’re going to die. Promptly, you begin to freak out. You probably shouldn’t, it’d be much more logical to calm down and seek a way out of the building where you can use your magic and heal yourself. The thing is though, you’re currently not logical. You’re thinking of hypotheticals, what happens when you die? Are you really going to the Goddess? Will Asher reverse time and save you? But shouldn’t you not remember if he does that? What happens to the timeline anyway? Will it be another Lorina that gets saved and not you?
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Needless, to say with so many questions flooding your head you’re currently not exactly in the sanest of minds. Perhaps, one could even say you’ve gone mad. Mad enough that when you turn a corner and instead of seeing the remains of the master bedroom like you should, you instead see a coordinate that should not exist. With a checkered floor and blue walls and many a clock that tick an insane chime and most importantly a corridor without the fire and the heat. And as you finish your dash into the strange corridor, with far too many doors, you expect to cough, cry, and simmer from what the château has done to your body. Only to find that you feel fine, better than fine even, great! Though it’s such a jarring experience you find yourself falling onto your buttocks after a brief stumble, only for your back to hit a wall where the “portal” you suppose was there.

And as you sit there, breathing and calming from the recent not self-made ordeal, you are beholden to a most peculiar sight. As the rabbit, yes a rabbit a totally normal rabbit that just so happens to walk on two feet and wears a fashionable suit, walks out from one of the doors while fiercely trying to affix a flower pendant on his suit. A weathered and gruff grunt ushers in, “I’m late. I’m late for a- Gah, I’m getting too old for this hooliganism!” He grumbles before opening the door opposite of him, emerging from a different door on that side and repeating the process thrice more. In one of them, he even uses the upside-down doors and walks on the ceiling!

“Damn kids, always getting themselves killed right after brooding. Why, does no one ever take my advice? And where’s Bill when you need him-”

“Uh, hello? Mister rabbit, hello?!” You call out to the peculiarly large, or are you just small(?), rabbit.

“Hm? Oh, hello Mabel, what are you doing here?” The rabbit barely passes you a glance.

“What? Have you confused me for someone else? My name isn’t Mabel?”

“Bah, news travels fast in what remains of Wonderland, and everyone knows you’re not Alice, so you must be Mabel.”

“W-who is that?”

“It doesn’t matter, you’d forget it anyway. Mabel knows very little, don’t you know? Ah, it would seem you wouldn’t, since well-” This rabbit claims you’re an idiot when he speaks in riddles that don’t make a lick of sense! Goddess, you hate it every time you come to this “Wonderland,” Or storybook place or whatever Asher and Marie said! And why does he sound so familiar?!

“No, my name is Lorina! Lo-ri-na! You hear me!” That does get him to stop fiddling with his pendant and take out a broken pocket watch. He makes a rather stumped face after that. How a rabbit can make such a face you don’t claim to know.

“Hm, seems I’ve led you in the wrong direction! What a terrible guide I must’ve been! Maybe the Wicked Queen, or was it the Red Witch, was right and the end of the world really is at hand if even I’m getting too old for my role!”
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“Yes, that’s all well and good but can you please help me leave this place and return to my home?” Wait why are you talking like this? You meant to curse out the beast! And why are your hands so tiny?

“You even sound like her, good chap that one, if you came from Earth that is! But I’m getting ahead of myself, would you accompany little Lorina to the croquet match? Alice should be playing with the duchess today!”

>Mental corruption is low [9%] you have free will

>”Why yes, mister rabbit, I’d love to go with you.”

>You bite your lip and storm off in a random direction away from the rabbit.

...I really wish our good nature would stop getting abused by these stupid book characters.

"I'd love to go with you, Master Bunny, but I seemed to have misplaced my ruby red shoes... Would you help me find them?"
How can I accompany Lorina? I am Lorina!
>>You bite your lip and storm off in a random direction away from the rabbit.
>>You bite your lip and storm off in a random direction away from the rabbit.
>>You bite your lip and storm off in a random direction away from the rabbit.
>>You bite your lip and storm off in a random direction away from the rabbit.
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“How could I accompany myself? I am Lorina, you got that right?”

The rabbit flicks a dismissive wave towards you, “Pah, no one really cares who are what you are around here. You’re just one of the many Alice surrounds herself with. I can hardly remember every name around here even with the amount dwindling. It’s not exactly a nice thing for reality to collapse, don't you know?”

You’re about to snap at the animal before coming to your senses and hatching a devious plot. One that’s sure to get at least some new information, “Y-yes, I’d love to accompany mi-master rabbit, sir! B-but I seem to have misplaced my ruby red shoes, could you perhaps help me find them?”

The next thing you know a playing card slams into your face, it feels like a stone! “Not yours, not yours! You’d do well not to mention such things here!” The rabbit shouts, “Didn’t your mother, or Lewis, ever teach you any manners?”

You bring your small hands to massage the pain away, “Hey! Maybe if you were all more honest with me, I wouldn’t!”

The rabbit sputters a bit more, like an Inquisitor just told you wished to help Strangers, before calming unsettlingly fast, “Ah, it seems you’re not yet knowledgable of our customs despite originating from our world,” You bite your lip to stop from shouting at his untruth, “Let me guide you to a bit of advice, Mabel, so you know so little!” After he tops off the final word with a flourish of his rabbit finger to his cheery tune his face drops immediately to deathly seriousness, “The denizens of Wonderland are all lies, every single one, even to ourselves. Don’t you forget that, little miss lie.”

You storm off, shoving the rabbit away as you leave down the endless corridor. He says something about how it’s a really bad idea to wander without a guide, but didn’t he just admit he was a liar? You’ll be fine, you don’t need him or anyone else in this twisted place. Almost immediately once he’s out of earshot you get the sensation that a lot of magical energy is emanating from, well, everything around you. The corridor shifts, one moment you walk on the floor, then the wall, then the ceiling, then back, over and over again. It’s not even a loop either, you’ve yet to pass the same scenery twice, every door has its difference, and every tile its cracks. What even is this place, some kind of pocket realm? But that’s magic that only exists in the realm of myth, like teleportation. Maybe a Stranger could do it but someone else? Not a chance.
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Eventually, you tire of the same scenery and no exit being in sight and take the, admittedly foolish decision, to open one of the doors and walk through. You say it was foolish as you found yourself in a forest that made you forget your name for a spell. Stepping back you try another door, leading to a land where the trees were mushrooms and the mushrooms were trees, there a disgusting overgrown caterpillar blew smoke in your face. Well, what about a third door? Oh, yes, of course, why wouldn’t you expect a giant egg to be trying to avoid falling off a wall and into a pit of spikes? That makes perfect sense. Then, who could forget the tea party through the next door with the two familiar faces of a hatter and hare? They’re too busy arguing to even give you, the Royal Princess, the time of day. Oh, how you hate it here!

You run down the corridor but every door you open leads you to an equally disgusting and unhelpful site that makes you run away even further from where you entered. Why you don’t think you’ll be dealing with trees that grow mouths and eyes nor a dumb-looking flightless bird desperately trying to run from its hunters, which happen to be other running birds? Maybe you did die in that fire and this is Hell? The Goddess would surely never allow Heaven to be a sickening place like this.

“Hm~ no courage, no heart, and certainly no brains. My o~ my, you’ve surely got a lot you need to gain unless you mean to feign in your vain attempt to reign~” Quickly you turn around after a poof of magic energy revealed a creature behind you. A fat purple thing that likens itself to a cat with a grin far too large for its face, it lies atop a shelve whose previous inhabitants have been pushed off to shatter on the tiles below, “But perhaps if she strode along the Yellow Brick Road she wouldn’t be so easy to goad~!”

“I am not easy to goad!”

“Behind you.”

To your great shame, you do indeed look behind you. But you have a perfectly logical explanation for it! Another surge of magical energy appeared and you were preparing to deflect an attack with Bedelia (forgetting she isn’t here in this realm), only to see the same cat lounging on the floor behind you. His obese belly is up like he’s a normal version of his species wanting it to be rubbed. You snarl.

A paw is flipped down in your direction, “So used to being the boss you too forget that you’re indeed lost. It’s true, so am I but I can’t always rely on my eye when I spy a lost little Inquisitor cry. Woe! What a terrible job I’ve secured. It doesn’t even cover my dental~!” Somehow the thing's grin gets even wider, “See~?”

“What is it you want? Speak clearly,” You order.
It rolls its eyes, “Fine, I can’t exactly insult the divine, now can I? It would certainly be crossing a line that would see Alice’s design fall right into these paws I always shine~” You’re half tempted to kick the cat away as it licks its paws and continue your search for an exit before it continues speaking, “But who about this? You agree to help one of mine by giving him a sign and I’ll assign your fate to be one that's more kind~”

“And how exactly do you want me to help you?”

“Go through that door,” His tail snaps up, and points to an emerald door that conveniently has [The Land of Oz] written on it. You turn back for more questions only to see the cat has somehow disappeared, leaving behind only a small cloud of smoke. Did it turn itself invisible or something? You check around for a bit but cannot find it at all. How irksome.

>You decide to walk through the door, finding yourself in a barrel wasteland

>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin

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>You decide to walk through the door, finding yourself in a barrel wasteland
As much as I don't like making deals with anything with teeth that big, I really don't want Lorina or Midori to be burnt to a crisp from going into a fire... Is all this going to lead to a negative trait: Pyrophobia?

If only we could take a flight out of here... And yes, I did indeed forget the relevant picture.
Just in case linking my vote matters.
>>You decide to walk through the door, finding yourself in a barrel wasteland
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I knew I recognized this particular image
>You decide to walk through the door, finding yourself in a barrel wasteland
>>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin
>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin
>You decide to walk through the door, finding yourself in a barren wasteland
Dang isekai worlds stealing our fairy tales
>Dang isekai worlds stealing our fairy tales
>>You decide to walk through the door, finding yourself in a barrel wasteland
This is the second time a fire-related incident has provoked one of these trips, yeah? There was the not-Scotish village before.
>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin
Stop taking corruptive trap options
>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d6)

>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin
>You decide to walk through the door, finding yourself in a barrel wasteland
>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin
6 to open the door

6 to escape

I'm going to be honest I haven't been feeling to well lately so I'm going to leave the vote open for now, might update tonight if there's another vote but most likely will not and I'll roll a tiebreak tomorrow.
>1 post by this ID
If you take out the single post IDs, the barren wasteland wins by one.
You're right but it's still page one so I'll give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

I knew I wanted to find that particular image but didn't want to redownload LoR so I grabbed it from a realization theme youtube video.
>You thrash and dash to find your way out until eventually smoke returns to your nostrils and heat to your skin
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You’re not sure what really transpires in the wake of your decision to demand that reality bend to your desire to leave. It’s all a haze, but you do know that it wasn’t a particularly pleasant feeling. You remember a few people yelling, the feeling of warm blood, the disappointment/adoration/respect of others, and a boisterous laugh. Then you remember the glass shattering and feeling once again returning to your body. The feeling of fire and stench of soot but not to the degree that it’s unbearable like you’re burning alive. Then you open your eyes.

The manor stands in front of you, a few feet away actually and Marie is next to you giving an odd look, “Are you alright Lor-Lauren?”

You blink, then blink again, “Uuuuh- Y-yeah I’m fine! Figured out how the wards are placed too.”

“That’s good, right? Are we going to go break them?”

“No, there’s too many, hidden all over the place. We’d probably die before we find them all.”

“Then what are we going to do?”

You look up in the sky and see the sun nearing midday, time has been spent but have you truly learned anything? Goddess, you need to catch a break, but where? The only conspirator you have access to is rather lacking in intelligence and the arsonists are dead or gone. In fact, how did the conspiracy recruit them? The corpses appeared to be peasants, were they bought out like Tamlin? Brainwashed? Or is it ideological, of which you have no idea what ideology it could be behind. As far as you know the peasants are more or less happy with your father's rule. Lindan’s been stable with no major wars other than the levies sent to the Demon Wastes, but all Kingdoms must donate a portion of their military as per the Church’s Treaty of Lastfall. So what is it that a conspiracy could promise them?

You do take a moment to let the guard know of your discovery. Was that entire thing a vision or did you travel back in time? A preposterous notion if the world still made sense to you, time-travel magic isn’t real, but It certainly felt real. Then there’s the fact you know a Stranger that can indeed travel through time. Why did it have to be you of all people that Lyndale decided to make a cuckold? If she chose anyone else, annulled any other marriage, this insanity would sure not be happening, right? A month ago all you had to worry about was practicing your skills for the next semester’s Mageknight tournament and enjoying your summer, now you’re being burnt alive trying to unravel an otherworldly scheme.
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You find yourself simply watching the manor for another moment, as the plumes of smoke and flakes of fire continue in their march toward the sky. The fire must be magical in nature, but then how is it not being disrupted? Is it even worth checking out when there could be more promising leads? You do a quick scan of the area, both mundane and magical, and other than the dead zone of the manor for magic the only place you can see any trace of people or spells is in the bucket line, all from seemingly adventurers going by their outfit. The elven wizard, an armored mercenary, a hooded figure exposing no skin, and a demi-human. Other than that there’s just you and Marie, and a few magical devices around the estate, the kind that power fountains and the like.

You hope Asher’s having more luck with the Inquisition.

>While you’re here you should try and investigate the source of the fire

>While you’re here you investigate something else [What?]

>Go somewhere else to investigate [Palace, Adventurer’s guild, Cathedral, Etc]

>PoV Switch to Asher and Tamlin in the Cathedral
>PoV Switch to Asher and Tamlin in the Cathedral
>>PoV Switch to Asher and Tamlin in the Cathedral
>Go somewhere else to investigate [Adventurer’s guild]
If the fire brigade consists of adventurers, I wonder if this fire is here just to distract them. The palace has its own guard, so where are they being distracted from?
>>While you’re here you should try and investigate the source of the fire
>While you’re here you should try and investigate the source of the fire
>While you’re here you should try and investigate the source of the fire
>While you’re here you should try and investigate the source of the fire
>PoV Switch to Asher and Tamlin in the Cathedral
3 for a little switch up

1 to pay a visit to Olivers

4 to find the source of the fire

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There’s an old Stranger saying you’ve heard before, a bit of wisdom passed across a world of “demons” into yours even if most people that use it are just young nobles trying to sound smart at the Academy but you digress. While you can’t remember the specifics of the statement or what it’s called, most of your memory in that era was dedicated to magic study (ugh) and learning how to wield more weapons. Did you know that the reason elven bowmen appear slender is because they use a combination of magical reinforcements and strict dieting so they do not gain the muscle mass of a regular bowman? Oh, you’re off-topic. Anyway! The saying goes that you should look for the solution to a problem with the fewest number of variables, or something like that. Currently, you know of two variables, the first being that the manor is filled with magic-nulling stones and the second is that the fire must be magical in order to burn for so long at such intensity despite constant efforts to quench it.

Now you could theorize many possible variables from this, perhaps the anti-magic stones are set in a certain way that allows for magic to be cast should the user channel it just right. Maybe the fire itself is not special and there’s a complex scene of machinations that has been constructed below the estate- Wait stop, get to the simple answer already, Lorina! There are multiple magic users in the area, it’d be a good idea to get a read of them since if one of them is at fault for this disaster, you’re only working with three total variables. Sometimes your intelligence is frightening, but it should be. You are Lorina de Lindan.

So in all your infinite wisdom, you join the bucket brigade. You get a few glares and a muttering of “Finally…” As you and Marie fall in line. None of these peons truly know that a royal has lent down a magnanimous hand to assist them in their plight of passing along buckets of water. For soon, your deductive skills will relieve them of this task. You only need to figure out which one of the casters gathered here is the culprit, or if they are here at all.

The first one you rule out is the elf, he’s sweating far too much from the excretion of physical labor. Again, his kind greatly pride themselves on their psyche as in elven society excretion is seen as a sign of lower status, it is much the same as in human society now that you think about it but multiplied in their case. At first, you’d think he’d be faking it after all what fool wouldn’t use muscle reinforcements? Then you get a look at the man wearing the floppy hat, you see true weariness in his black irisless eyes and it seems his magic exhaustion level is high. The boyish fool probably never even learned that area of magic, deeming it to be beneath his role as a mage. A decently common story among their kind, or at least the few you met at the Academy.
The next adventure is the armored human, he bears the insignia of the Diamond- Wolves was it? You can’t remember, but it’s a decently large troup your father has spoken of on occasion, the only reason you remember it. Regardless, the mana pool you can sense is unguarded and small, most likely only learned little bits of magic to help with his swordplay. Something you respect, even if he barely knows more than a few cantrips and buffs, it shows his dedication to swordsplay at the very least.

Then there’s the demihuman who is also very quickly stricken from your list of suspects. She seems to be some species of Woodfolk, a mix of man and plant, the leaves and flowers in her hair look rather pretty even if seeing patches of bark mixed with her earthy skin is odd at first. The woman wears the attire of a servant and looks to only have scant more for magic than what her kind would have naturally. Most likely a gardener or the sort who mixes magic into the soil to improve the beauty of the estate. You wonder if Cathrine hired a few magical gardeners to speed up the growth of her tulips? A thought for another day.

The final is by far the most suspicious, the hooded figure. They wear gloves seemingly not to reveal their skin, perhaps their a vampire and allergic to the light? Would it be rude to check? Hm, since you’re here trying to solve a mystery, and you’re royalty, it would probably be fine.

“H-hey, watch it,” The man pants as you brush up against his arm to grab the bucket from his hands.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-” Your elbow “accidentally” bumps into him as you pass the bucket along.

He turns, “M-mi’lady please-” Then you turn to face him, grab both sides of this hood, and pull them down. He’s shocked, as are a few others who heckle you about “rudeness” but you don’t mind, because you see it. The black hair-

He looks at you under your hood as you face him-

The tanned skin-

He looks down just a little bit seeing the ramifications of your quick movements-

The smaller eyes, Like Marie’s-

He blushes-

You punch him-

“A T-tsundere-” He wistfully whispers as he falls back and rubs where you hit him on his cheek.

“Surrender, Stranger!” You shout over him uncaring for his unfamiliar words.

It’s then that a wall of flame appears between the two of you as he scurries back, much like a rat. Behind you, the flames of the house begin to dissipate as the ones in front of you grow longer and taller, the bucket brigade disperses into those fleeing and those gathering to fight… Which turns out to just be you, Marie, and the Mercianry. So much for being adventurers, you guess.
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As the three of you orientate yourself with the threat and your grouping the stranger lifts his hand into the air and behind his back. You also see the water ripple behind him as he does this along with the flames losing some intensity. Then from under his cloak, the Stranger pulls out a-

You gasp at the Stranger’s next actions-

He blushes deeper at your amazement over his amazing moves-

You compose your stance, in anticipation-

He sees your movements and understands the romantic undertone of this battle, blushing once more-

-a messer! Quickly Sturmfahrerin is in your hands, you cannot pass up the opportunity to test her against another of her kind! You completely tune out his words, unknowing he’s trying his best to flirt with you, as you get yourself ready for a fight, waiting just enough time to allow the fleeing a good bit of distance. For some reason, Marie is having trouble trying not to choke, whatever, you might get a duel today.

The man looks up his eyes resolute and melancholic and he glares at you, somehow a part of the fire dissipates without a chant to gesture as he charges, sword held high, “Forgive me, my love!” He yells causing you to grimace. He’s not the soppy philanderer type of duelist, is he? They’re the worst! With their foppish attitude and complete overconfidence.

You step in front of the mercenary so that you might fight first, and

>Match the Stranger blow for blow

>Use magic in some capacity [How?]

>Attempt to communicate with the Stranger [What do you say?]

>Use magic in some capacity [How?]
He’s seems to be some sort of overly romantic or perverted but pretending he’s not sort. Either use our illusion magic to make a few copies of us and Marie or to ensorcel him with our beauty. Then we can get talking once he’s been captured.
>Match the Stranger blow for blow
Messer vs messer
Also really? He's already in love? So easy.
>Use magic in some capacity [How?]
Definitely agree with >>6070255's suggestion to use a glamor spell on us to distract him.

Also, fuck this guy, only us and our swordmanship teachers are allowed to use messers. Although maybe we can give Asher one of our single handed messers as a reward after this whole debacle is finished? In character, Blitzreiter hasn't gotten used in a while, and out of it, it'd be a good way to learn about that whole "Give a coin to whoever gifts you a knife" superstition.
...just realized something.
He's not wielding a messer, is he, Strange QM?

>inb4 someone suggests a Kriegsmesser vs Katana argument to distract the guy for Marie to knock him out
>Attempt to communicate with the Stranger [What do you say?]

"Just surrender already. You only succeed with the element of surprise"

This is of course a blatant lie but it might shake him up a bit.

If someone comments on the Messer. 'you don't understand. I didn't choose the Messer, the Messer chose me!'
Thirding this. Hit him with the nasal exsanguination.
>Match the Stranger blow for blow

He is, though he definitely doesn't know what that name means.

Jesus Christ, anon. Gnarly.
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“Surrender now and you may see some semblance of mercy. The only way you could win is with the element of surprise, something you’ve lost already,” You state with finality.

He smirks, ew, as if he knows something you don’t, “Love, there’s still so much about me you need to learn!” He cries as he leaps out of the flame and slashes straight through you. He looks terrified as the rest of your body disintegrates to black particles, his hands shake, and as he goes to scream. You don’t let him.

You swing for his exposed neck, only barely being forced back by a frantic guard. It wouldn’t have been the quickest duel you’ve fought, but oh well. The flames return to shield him, as a giant wall not as a quick flash. Normally a move like this would be a good way to overuse your mana, but seeing as you’re up against a Stranger that’s a rather mute point.

“A-aha, darling I should have known you wouldn’t go down so easily!” He says as he looks at a copy that is not you. He grows a rather dumb face as his head turns and he sees the five different Lorina de Lindans on the field. Then he blushes and shakily exhales which quickly turns into a lecherous smile as he looks at your copies, “I didn’t take you for an illusionist, shame we can’t use all of them now but I'm sure we will later” He says with that shaky but not scared voice. What did he mean by that? And besides you're much more than a simple illusionist damn him!

His eyes close as he strikes a pose with his sword. Then the flames are upon you, all of you. Four Lorina de Lindans are dissolved as the fifth braces herself with swiftly cast fire protection wards. Marie and the mercenary dodge the flames as you are singed, but only slightly. Yet, despite his attack dispelling your illusions, the only thing you can think of is how much of a fool he is. Again you set upon him with a flurry of blows, the expectation that this will turn into a battle of steel but as messer meets messer, but as knife meets knife you come to a startling realization. The Stranger is rather shit.

Your blitz has made him drop all concentration on his fire as he’s faced with the reality of a woman on top of him and not in the way he’d like. Multiple gashes line his body while his cloak is in tatters. In just a minute, and a couple of seconds of swordplay, the fight is over before it’s even begun. You’re left feeling rather disappointed as you level the tip of your sword at his throat, his body falls to the ground, his messer feet away. He frantically for something under his raggedy cloak, but whatever dagger he has cannot stop you so you keep your sword in place. In a delirious state, the Stranger looks around, “Yield,” You growl but he doesn’t hear you as his eyes catch on the pond behind him. He closes his eyes and lets out one last breath before a sharp pain in your shoulder makes you stumble back. I-is that a gun!? Did he just shoot you?!
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All questions are dashed as a tidal wave is set upon you. The four of you are sent crashing to the fallen ruins of the Cendre Château. With a spike of pain, you’re set upon the rubble before coughing up the water from your lungs as the wave ends. With a second to orient yourself you see Marie in a similar position to your own, the Stranger standing with his hands on his knees and the mercenary dying, a piece of the building's iron reinforcements protruding from his chest. In the distance, you also see a contingent of people racing towards the estate, guards perhaps?

Once you’ve regained your breath you’re forced to roll and dodge a spike of ice that rises from the puddles on the ground. Marie instead breaks the ones after her with beams of all-consuming radiance, the adventurer is not so lucky. At least it was quick. The bastard also knocked away Sturmfahrerin in the wave but as you go to find her the rubble from under your feet shifts. Then rumbles. Then flies.

From all angles you’re attacked by flying instruments of death, the fire gone but the ground and water having been turned against you. All as the air gets progressively harder to breathe. Thankfully your good hand, the one not connected to the wounded shoulder, finds the hilt of Bedelia and you’re able to smash apart the largest of the rubble and ice. But that doesn’t stop the smaller ones from striking. Soon you notice that there’s no follow-up, and even as lightheaded as you are you can turn to see the Stranger rooted in one place, using all his concentration to keep the assault on you and Marie, even if that means a stray bolt from Marie’s sword find purchase on his form. Another spike of ice is sent toward you’re head and you’re forced to again focus on defense. Still, from the corner of your eye, you see him bringing his gun up and towards Marie.

>You focus on defending yourself, you’re wounded and it’s the safest option.

>Without minding the damage it could inflict on your body you race towards the Stranger with Bedelia.

>You’ve noticed something about this Stranger, he’s put up no wards to protect himself. You could end this fight here with one lethal spell, forcing the fluids from his head to fall from his nose.

Wtf, did he enter the avatar state

>You’ve noticed something about this Stranger, he’s put up no wards to protect himself. You could end this fight here with one lethal spell, forcing the fluids from his head to fall from his nose.
Would prefer to cast this nonlethally if possible, but if not rather him than us or Marie
>You’ve noticed something about this Stranger, he’s put up no wards to protect himself. You could end this fight here with one lethal spell, forcing the fluids from his head to fall from his nose.

Same here. I just hope his actual Cheat Skill is the ability to dispense a lot of blood and survive…

Also, gonna roll for Lorina’s and Marie’s clothing damage, in case the ecchi helps defeat him. Let’s say d20s for each Inquisitor…
Rolled 12, 20 = 32 (2d20)

I keep forgetting this shit…

Lorina’s the first roll, Marie’s the second.
>You’ve noticed something about this Stranger, he’s put up no wards to protect himself. You could end this fight here with one lethal spell, forcing the fluids from his head to fall from his nose.
This is not exactly what I meant by nasal exsanguination, but Power Word: Nosebleed is even cooler
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>Rolled a 20 for ecchi clothing damage for shits and giggles
>Probably not going to happen
>Already bummed
>Suddenly realized I've wasted the very first natural 20 we ever got in the quest

...this hurts...
>Without minding the damage it could inflict on your body you race towards the Stranger with Bedelia.
Just letting you know this is a very lethal option but it will end the the fight instantly.

…I can work with this

Shit, what did you mean?

Not writing just yet so vote is still open.
>Shit, what did you mean?
I thought seeing multiple copies of Lorina will arouse him to the point the resulting nosebleed will be debilitating.
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Hmm... Even if the guy's a perv, I don't want him to kick it. ...admittedly because The Familiar of Zero was in my manga library in my younger years.

...you're a genius, anon.

Changing my vote to...
>[Write-in] Illusion up some nearly naked versions of ourself and Marie, complete with beams of light censors over anything poking out.

>…I can work with this
This guy is headed to the gallows anyway. Not only is he a Stranger, he's taking direct action against the crown.
Though capturing him for interrogation would be smart.
>[Write-in] Illusion up some nearly naked versions of ourself and Marie, complete with beams of light censors over anything poking out.
2 to finally start killing people

1 to simply attack

2 for conveniently placed objects to stop any nudity

I'm away from the house for most of this month so my writing time is severely limited. Going to leave the vote open until this afternoon or tonight because of that but I can't promise an update then. Thank you for sticking with me.
>[Write-in] Illusion up some nearly naked versions of ourself and Marie, complete with beams of light censors over anything poking out.
Counted, writing.
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Then it seems you notice something rather alarming about Marie. You’re also not sure if it would be appropriate to comment on that thing for the flames of the Stranger and the unrelenting assault of debris seem to have left her in a rather [i]compromising[/i] position. Oh, how Cathy would rage at how the clothes she worked so hard to pick out have been reduced to little more than rags that cover her, well, then cover her. You will speak no more than that, or on the convenient floating stone that blocks out her unmentionables. Oh Goddess, there are a lot of guards racing here too they’ll see your face through your tattered robe. You need to end this fight fas and get out of here!

Think, Lorina, think! He will need to open his eyes to fire and then you can- That’s it! With a plan like that this duel is in the bag already, imagine if Herrman could see you know! It’d be like when you dedicated tournaments to him- DON’T THINK OF THAT NOW!
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Your eyes open both weary and tired. You have complete mastery of the elements, the boon She gave you so that you could get back against all the bullies in this world! You swore no one will ever hold you down again! But before you, down the sight of your iron, is yet another Goddess. You thought the silver-haired beauty was your perfect woman before, but that was before her. Skin as smooth as porcelain, sultry eyes, a youthful physique, and some very nice- ahem- parts. Your new fantasy lifestyle is about to let you score, this place is just awesome!

Oh, how it breaks your delicate heart to fire at such a beauty, perhaps you could..? Yes, you’ll shoot to wound this woman of Nihon, a woman led astray from her people to work with these fools of the new world. You’ll save her once this is all done, you’ll fix her, free her of whatever lies the Inquisition has filled her head with. The other did call you a Stranger, after all, an ignorant word to describe what you are, they must at least work with that decrepit organization. But you’ll lead her right, and you’re certain she’ll be thankful for your help. Maybe she’ll even- s-she’ll even-

Your pistol fires, and you wince as it leaves a mark on the woman's pristine thigh. You swear you’ll find a way to repair it someday! But with all the glares, the beams of light that work to cover her artistically beautiful nude form it’s so hard to aim. You wince as another of those shards of light grazes you, but you’ll endure anything you must to have a chance at-! Ahem, to be able to romance and save this beauty. There’s no way she wouldn’t fall for you, you’re strong now! Unlike before, there’s no way that you’d be rejected now the bullies can’t- Wait where did your blemish go? Her plump and pure thigh is unmarked, did she heal-? No, it’s still here but there’s two- three- four?

You can feel something warm dribble from your nose and onto your lip as you see so many Japanese Goddesses before you. Your brain goes into overdrive competing with another important part of your body farther down for their share of blood, and momentarily- or maybe for a bit longer- your concentration drops on the elements. The whirlwind you conjure, the storm in your control, resides for a moment as you appreciate the women in front of you before your brain wins out and you realize the cause of this. The Illusionist! That damn whore! She’s trying to distract-

You hear a loud crunch as a mace impacts flesh and feel a brief pain at the back of the head, and then you feel no more.
You hope you didn’t kill him- Wait he’s still breathing, he’ll be fine. The more important question is will you be? Sure, you’re sore and wounded but nothing that can’t be fixed with healing magic, of which you’re already applying, but your head is revealed! Oh, and Marie is all but naked with naught but a conveniently placed bar of steel covering her but that’s her problem. You don’t mention how that bar also has an impaled man on it, that would be unsightly.

“LORINA, HELP!” Ah, it would seem her state is also your problem as well, at least she’s going to make it your problem as she grabs your shoulders, “They’re coming give me your clothes!”

“What no! Take his!” You say and point towards the unconscious Stranger.

“Ew, no! I'm not touching him! You do it!”

“No!” Rapidly you think of an excuse, “I-i’m unwed, and stripping a Stranger male would be a scandal!”

“You being with me is going to be a scandal when the guards get here in two seconds!”

Gah! She has a point, but no way are you stripping him or the corpse yourself, would you even have enough time? Are the leaves on that bush going to cover Marie long enough? Wait, why is her sword rattling? Why hasn’t it been dispelled?

It’s then that you bear witness to a blinding sight, literally, Marie glows a radiant white that practically overloads your senses with magic as strings of pure white fabric sprout from her sword that’s lodged itself in the ground. Through your fingers covering your face from the glare you can see her strike a multitude of what you think are supposed to be graceful poses as the fabrics wrap around her body and her sword flies into the air then her hand. By the end of it, she’s wearing a white outfit that you swear sparkles in the sunlight and there’s a beaming smile on her face.

But no time for that! There’s a rapidly approaching contingent of guards and- wait is that Alyssa? No couldn’t possibly be, ugh what do you do?!

Marie pouts at your lack of reaction to her display.

>You rush out of there with the Stranger to evade the guards, Marie’s “transformation” didn’t make you a new cloak!

>You wait with the unconscious Stranger even if the guards will notice you.

>>You rush out of there with the Stranger to evade the guards, Marie’s “transformation” didn’t make you a new cloak!
>You wait with the unconscious Stranger even if the guards will notice you.
Well, we were heading back home before we got sidetracked by the fire…

>”Alyssa, which of these knights do you think is the closest to my size?”
>”You there, knight! Give me your armor to cover myself with!”
>You rush out of there with the Stranger to evade the guards, Marie’s “transformation” didn’t make you a new cloak!

Be sure to drop a "nice duds" so Marie stops pouting
Almost forgot, whatever vote wins, ask Marie:

>"What is a Tsundere, and what should I do to not be called that by this wretch?"
>You rush out of there with the Stranger to evade the guards, Marie’s “transformation” didn’t make you a new cloak!
>>You rush out of there with the Stranger to evade the guards, Marie’s “transformation” didn’t make you a new cloak!
>You rush out of there with the Stranger to evade the guards, Marie’s “transformation” didn’t make you a new cloak!
I feel I should mention that only Lorina's cloak got torn apart, mostly the hood.
Oh. Well alright then.

I guess if we're going to book it, might as well suggest illusioning up a Lorina and a Marie where we are to distract the guards and turning both non-illusionary versions of us invisible to escape.
Writing, going to be a short update though.
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You didn’t get this far into the city to get caught now! A small chant and a bit more mana spent and a double, triple(?), of you, Marie, and the Stranger, is put in your place. As you grab the duck behind the rubble, grab the Stranger, and sprint away. Hopefully, the three fakes will fool them long enough that they can’t follow you, the spell gets progressively less powerful the farther you get until it completely disappears, hopefully, it’ll be enough. An invisibility spell would be an amazing benefit during your retreat from the estate’s garden if only a spell such as that was possible and didn’t solely exist in the realm of fiction, or Stranger magic.

It is rather vexing that those people are the ones who get all the ludicrously powerful magic just handed to them without needing years of studying. “Oh, I have a magic sword that lets me pilot and vehicle and gives me free clothes!” Insanity, plain and simple. It took you years to memorize all those formulas, prayers, and incantations, it’s unfair! Why can’t magic fall into your lap, you deserve it!

You don’t look back once you pass the fence, nor when you retreat down alleyways without any sense of direction, nor when you get looks of shock and confusion from commoners as you evade guard patrols with an unconscious man over your shoulder. You do cut it close quite a few times trying to evade the many guard patrols, some you’re pretty sure are looking for you specifically. It’s rather taxing, all things considered, seeing as you need to use quite a lot of illusion magic to trick your way across the city.

You finally catch your break when you spot a large stone bridge that goes over a particularly large portion of the river that the city was built on. A mixed district is put on top, stores of artisans and taverns on the bottom of large buildings while residents are crowded on the upper floors. It’s very crowded with the city on lockdown and people forced to return to their homes, and a few spells get you past the overworked guards and into said crowd. It only takes a little bit of maneuvering and climbing to find yourself under said bridge, in a little nook where the boats that pass below shouldn’t be able to see what’s about to happen.

“Alright, good job, Marie,” You say as you put the unconscious stranger next to the wall and tie him up with the same spell you used on Sally, barely taking anything out of your remaining mana.

“I didn’t do anything though?”

“You followed me and obeyed my orders, that deserved praise,” You say with a resolute nod at your handiwork.

“Go to Hell, Lorina,”

“No. By the way, I have a question.”


“What is a Tsundere? And what can I do to not make a wretch,” You kick the unconscious man to emphasize your point, “like this, call me one?” You state with the utmost seriousness.
She giggles, “Sorry, don’t think you can.”

“Why not?

“You fit the criteria, not perfectly but pretty close.”

“And what do you mean by that?” Your words are dangerous as you glare at the strange woman.

“Well, you got a cold and harsh exterior but you’re actually a softy on the inside.”

“I am not a softy!” You snap.

“See? That’s what a tsundere would say!”

“No, it isn’t!”

“You don’t even know what it means!”

“Shut up! Tell me how to stop it!”

“That’s an oxymoron,” You don’t pout your gracefully cross your arms and puff out your cheeks then you notice the Stranger start to wake and get distracted, “Maybe you could ask out Asher? Maybe that’d help you change your ways.”



Ugh, you can’t get anywhere with this woman. So you do the mature thing and dismiss her with a wave as you think about what to do once the Stranger wakes. You’ve never been in an interrogation before, so you don’t really know what you’re supposed to do. Threaten him? Pretend to be his friend? Seduce him? Ew, no not that last one.

>Marie suggests a routine called “Good Cop Bad Cop,” You’re told just to yell at him a bit.

>You’ll have him wake dangling over the rapids below, that’ll scare him!

>Maybe it would be best to try and be friendly? Catch him off guard?

>Marie suggests a routine called “Good Cop Bad Cop,” You’re told just to yell at him a bit.
Don't get him near water, he can control elements
>>Maybe it would be best to try and be friendly? Catch him off guard?
Treat him more like a political prisoner than a common criminal
>>Marie suggests a routine called “Good Cop Bad Cop,” You’re told just to yell at him a bit.
>Marie suggests a routine called “Good Cop Bad Cop,” You’re told just to yell at him a bit.
>Wonder momentarily how Asher would be able to teach us not to be… whatever that thing is called. Ignore Marie smirking.
>Marie suggests a routine called “Good Cop Bad Cop,” You’re told just to yell at him a bit.

>“You don’t even know what it means!”
Couldn't we figure out what it means from
>“Well, you got a cold and harsh exterior but you’re actually a softy on the inside.”
Lorina definitely can, but at that moment she doesn't really care too much about the strict definition. Both of them just want to yell at each other because it's fun and lighthearted banter is a good way to destress after a fight.
Man, I’m loving the banter ideas your conversations are giving me QM.

Regarding the “Designated Waifu”:
>Ota: “From the moment I first aimed down the sights at you, oh Goddess, I knew it was my Destiny to romanticate you!”
>Lorina: “Wait, like those Designated Waifus in your literature, Marie?”
>Marie: “NO! No, nonono. Not like that.”
>Ota: “Actually, while it’s sort of a generic term, it sounds like that cou-“
>(sound of a plank swiftly applied to the back of a head)
>Marie: “…no, I’m not. And I’m certainly not his.”

Regarding “Being a Softy”:
>Lorina: “I am NOT “soft”, in any way! Asher, tell them I am not soft!”
>(Asher desperately tries to ignore the extremely noticeable softness)
>You’ll have him wake dangling over the rapids below, that’ll scare him!
>>Marie suggests a routine called “Good Cop Bad Cop,” You’re told just to yell at him a bit.
Ah shit, did we grab either our own or the Stranger's messer? If we didn't get Sturmfahrerin, hopefully Alyssa retrieved her...
>Maybe it would be best to try and be friendly? Catch him off guard?
In my mind that was such an obvious thing Lorina would do I didn't even think it was worth writing about. Sorry for any confusion.

2 to be friendly.

5 for Hero (Lorina) Sidekick (Marie) Action

1 to accidentally put him back in his element.

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To be fair, perhaps in one of your sentences you meant to say Lorina grabbed Sturmfahrerin instead of... a duck?

>As you grab the duck behind the rubble

...not that I mind getting a free mallard out of this, but you see how it could be confusing.
Yeah, didn't catch that. Tried to rewrite a sentence without deleting the previous one. On one hand I should edit more on the other hand I'm lazy and not sober.
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The Stranger’s awakening is anything but pleasant, you make sure of that. After all, you channel the scariest man you know, your father, into your actions, “You are aware that your actions would be enough to condemn a common man to death? That the only reason you’re still alive is solely through our mercy?”

“Wha-? Is there water-?” His voice is soft and confused, you decided to rectify this with a kick.

“Did I grant you permission to speak, ingrate?!”

“H-hey-” Another one, then another as he struggles. There’s blood falling from his nose again, you might have broken it. Oops.

“Dozens killed because of your actions today! Do you know how many families will grieve because of you?! Mothers left without their children, children without their parents.”

“I-I Didn’t-”

Your kick is harsher this time, “You think I’m joking when I say you should be thankful?! If it was up to me your head would be on a pike outside the city walls.”

Marie swiftly moves in after your sentence, sitting right next to the man and holding a cloth to his face, “But it isn’t up to you, right Lauren?” She gives a disarming smile to the hurt man, and a pleading one to you.

You cross your arms, “Hmph, might still be if he surrenders his information.”

“But you will, won’t you?” Marie says, her complete attention on the Stranger, she puts one hand on his thigh and he shivers, “Look, I know what you are and you know what I am so why don’t we agree to help each other? Countryman to countrywoman?”

“A-alright,” He has a strange look on his face, half scared, half comforted. Was that Marie’s goal? From what you know you’re supposed to torture somehow during an interrogation, not try and reason with them- Unless they’re a noble you correct. Even if that does seem rather unpleasant, is this a better way? “But who are you?”

“My family name is Suzuki, and this here is Lauren London, she’s my companion.”

“I’m Ota, n-nice to meet you?” He tries to smile at Marie, it looks pathetic.

“And it’s nice to meet you too. Now, Ota, we’re both Inquisitors-” The Stranger seizes up for a second before Marie moves in, the way she can just change her expressions and mood on the fly to what is what before scares you a bit. She raises one hand up his thigh, only the slightest amount, and drops the cloth stalling his blood and uses that hand to cup his chin and cheek. His entire attention is brought to him just like that. Marie looks motherly, she’s younger than you, and disarming, yet none of those emotions are real. She’s pretending. How is she able to do that? You certainly aren’t, at least not as well.
“I’m not sure what you heard but the Inquisition gets a bad wrap, we’re here to help stranded people like us adjust to this new world,” Alright, now that’s a bit of a stretch, but the man seems too enamored by her lips to care, “But people like us can make a couple of mistakes when coming here, I know I did,” She didn’t make any mistakes though and you’re pretty sure Johann didn’t either and he’s in house arrest, “You did too,” There’s a pause and you take that as a cue to jump in.

“Enough to land your head under the executioner’s axe!”

“And some people got hurt, and are rather angry about that. I can help you escape all that, but first, we need to know the answers to a few questions like-” She again stops.

Wait, What do you want to ask him?

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Alright, I've got a bunch of questions that this guy might be able to answer, so please bear with me...
>"It's obvious that someone gave you the idea to attack that estate you were at, particularly seeing since you've been supplied with one of your world's flintlocks and corresponding ammunition. Tell us what they told you about this place, and what they looked and sounded like."
>"What exactly convinced you that attacking the manor of one of the kingdom's most recognized and connected noble families would have been beneficial to your situation?"
>"Did your savior inform you that there were still servants inside the manor before you started?"
>"Did you notice anyone else who looked like they came from your kingdom of Japan? Perhaps a foreboding looking knight in black armor who swore a lot?"
>"Did you overhear anything from them regarding what is going on today, what with the assassinations and terrorism?"
>"Am I right in assuming that your employer did not inform you that our organization is willing to work with people in your sort of situation, either as employees or as contractors?"
Wait so do we have a duck now? I like ducks, ducks are cute, we should have a pet duck.
>"It's obvious that someone gave you the idea to attack that estate you were at, particularly seeing since you've been supplied with one of your world's flintlocks and corresponding ammunition. Tell us what they told you about this place, and what they looked and sounded like."
>>"It's obvious that someone gave you the idea to attack that estate you were at, particularly seeing since you've been supplied with one of your world's flintlocks and corresponding ammunition. Tell us what they told you about this place, and what they looked and sounded like."
>"It's obvious that someone gave you the idea to attack that estate you were at, particularly seeing since you've been supplied with one of your world's flintlocks and corresponding ammunition. Tell us what they told you about this place, and what they looked and sounded like."
>"What exactly convinced you that attacking the manor of one of the kingdom's most recognized and connected noble families would have been beneficial to your situation?"
>"Did your savior inform you that there were still servants inside the manor before you started?"
>"Did you notice anyone else who looked like they came from your kingdom of Japan? Perhaps a foreboding looking knight in black armor who swore a lot?"
>"Did you overhear anything from them regarding what is going on today, what with the assassinations and terrorism?"
>"Am I right in assuming that your employer did not inform you that our organization is willing to work with people in your sort of situation, either as employees or as contractors?"
Good ones.

I'll had a funny one
>Now, be a gentleman and roast that duck I caught. It will make fine dinner, and if you're able to control yourself enough, maybe a cook's life is waiting for you.

Cooking Mama Isekai Road
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>Duck votes to kick Ota's ass
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>Mystery duck is secretly also a stranger that was reincarnated into a dangerous monster that aesthetically looks just like a duck
>Ingratiates themselves into the party so it can live in the lap of luxury and perv on the girls without anyone’s knowledge
Update will come tomorrow since I've been moving around too much without any good wifi to write these past few days. Vote is still open.

Ask and you shall receive...
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Now let's have the monster duck team up with the haunted doll in a one shot adventure to peep on the main cast at the Japanese style hot springs (that is inexplicably found in a Western style fantasy world) without getting caught!
Inexplicably having an Onsen as a normal commodity in Lindan is actually a pretty funny idea...

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For some completely unknown reason, the flight of a duck catches your attention as it seems to come up from under the bridge to the rest of a support beam in front of you. It quirks its head at you as you stare at it, wait- it almost looks like one of the ducks from the Cendre pond- You stop yourself, this isn’t relevant, “It’s quite obvious someone gave you the idea to attack the estate you were at unless you simply got a penchant for arson? Should’ve seen the other arsonists we caught, they’re hanging from a rope outside the palace right about now!” You should, allowing Marie to finish.

“Let me handle this,” She firmly states to you before turning back to the Stranger, “What she’s trying to say is your Cheat Skill doesn’t seem to involve firearms yet you had one. We want to know who supplied you with the munitions and sent you to that estate.”

“Y-you promise I’ll help me out if I tell you, right?”

She tilts her head a bit and widens her smile, you don’t think the Ota notices how brittle it is, “I was alone for a couple weeks after spawning in here, didn’t run into much trouble, but my antics at a broth- ahem- my antics caught the attention of another of us,” He gestures to himself and Marie, “And he taught me a lot about this world. He was a white guy, about middle-aged I think, and said he was a Desert Storm veteran, anyway, he had the power to conjure any weapon he wanted and knew existed,” Your lips purse as Marie goes a bit pale. Never before have you envied a Stranger as much as you do now. However, there’s also a different question.

“What’s a ‘white guy’ is that a type of demihuman?!” You shout to the Stranger.

You’re rather hastily corrected by Marie who stutters a bit at your outburst, “It means his skin looks like yours and not mine.”

“Ah. Why is that important?”

“It will help us identify him?”

You blink, “Everyone in this kingdom has skin similar to mine.”

Marie sighs “Whatever,” She says before continuing, “Did you know there were still people inside the manor when you set it on fire?”

“Of course I did,” He admits to murder seemingly without guilt or remorse, “But they’re not, you know,” Again he gestures to him and Marie.

“Can you please elaborate?” Marie seems to be struggling very hard to maintain composer, “They’re not?” The duck also seems to have waddled a bit closer on the beam above you- that’s not important.

“Like us, you know? From Earth. They’re basically NPCs, they don’t matter,” You think for a second that this whole good-bad routine is going to be useless as Marie strikes the man but then she brings her hand behind her, secretly summons her sword, and her emotions calm. It’s gone by the time she brings the hand back to caress the Stranger’s shoulder. She looks happy at a glance, but you can tell she very much isn’t. Tough luck, this was her idea.
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“Well then, what exactly compelled you to attack the manor of one of the Kingdom’s most recognized and connected noble families? Did you believe it would be beneficial to your status, lowlife!?” Perhaps you get a bit too close to his face as he stutters more severely, or maybe the proximity to Marie is finally getting to him. You’re more beautiful than she is but you’re also more intimidating so it really could be anything.

“N-no! W-well yes, I did!” He stutters, “B-but not like that- I mean I didn’t know that you were also good guys! But Sensei said my success would help cause enough chaos so that he could get some ‘real work’ done and start ushering in a new age of Earth dominance in the New World. But he wouldn’t say what that work was, I took him as the paranoid type, the kinda guy who has plans for plans.”

“So you knew you were working with more than one person?! Anyone else you know from this Kingdom of Japan of yours? Already caught one of your lackeys, a black armored knight who swore like a sailor.”

“I knew there were others of course but I haven’t met them, “He flinches as you raise your kriegmesser slightly out of her scabbard, “I-i’m being honest! After he spent a few days training me on my Cheat Skill and telling me about the Inquisition and stuff he gave me my mission and said if I succeeded I, along with others who succeeded in their missions, would be gathered to be informed about what happens next,” As he says this the duck flies down to the ledge you’re on, it seems to be trying to get a better look at the three of you? Or get closer? What does it want, food? You kick in its general direction to scare it away, doesn’t seem to work.

“I can assure you, whatever he told you about our organization is wrong,” Marie comforts, “I bet he didn’t even tell you that the Inquisition often hires Stranger as contractors for their Cheat Skills or even Inquisitors,” She smiles.

“Y-yeah,” He tries to smile back.

“So this organization your employer worked for, did he tell you anything at all?” You question.

“N-not anymore than I told you already, I promise!” The worst part is as far as you can tell he’s telling the truth, Marie can’t seem to find any fault in his logic either. Another bloody useful idiot this hooded figure got to work for him. You feel like you’re one step behind and you hate it. You pinch the bridge of your nose, at least you have a bit more to work with.

Then you look back at the tied-up Stranger, “Y-you’re going to help me now right?” He practically begs.

Yeah, right you

>Execute him on the spot

>Knock him out to deliver to the Inquisition

>Are cut off as the duck by your feet rapidly shifts- Oh Goddess! What is that?!
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Seemingly having heard enough or finally finding the right position to attack the duck from the estate launches itself as the Ota. As it does so its form rapidly shifts in a most disorientating and gruesome manner, wings and legs turn to long and gangly limbs, feathers to purple cloth covered in ghostly white patterns, and by the time the creature has completely changed forms long and sharp claws have found their way into the Stranger’s throat, silencing him forevermore. You bring Sturmfahrerin out in front of you as Marie reels back away from the attacker. It’s then that your mind puts together the pieces of what’s in front of you.

A tall but emaciated figure stands above the two of you, covered from head to two in purple sashes that reveal almost no skin other than its clawed hands and parts of its face. Its skin is a pale white littered with murky splotches and its eyes are the complete opposite of an elves whereas instead of a pure black, they're white, unsettlingly so. As it sets itself up to lunge again you scream “Changeling!” as you:

>Retreat, up the side of the bridge and into the crowds above you

>Launch into a melee with your multitude of weapons

>Cast a spell

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>Knock him out to deliver to the Inquisition
Not that it matters to the nerd anymore, but we might as well say we tried.

>Cast a spell
Glue, aimed right at the changling's feet. When it lunges at us and fails to move, throw what's left of our cloak over it. ...and pray our rolls are good this time.
>Launch into a melee with your multitude of weapons
It is in melee range...
>Launch into a melee with your multitude of weapons
The best counter to claws is slicing the hand off.
>Knock him out to deliver to the Inquisition

>Launch into a melee with your multitude of weapons
>>Launch into a melee with your multitude of weapons
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I've basically stopped using rolls in favor of having in vote be based on the strength of Lorina's opponent but usually fights have a success option, partial success or failure option, or failure options, with write-in's being graded leniently depending on what the plan is. Again, you guys have been really good avoiding trap options.

No update tonight but I want to remind you about your current arsenal
>Sturmfahrerin [Kriegmesser], a [Sci-fi Assault Rifle], [Stiletto], [Garotte], Cinder [Matchlock Pistol], [Various other hidden daggers], Bedilia [Mace], [Sap]
If you'd like to specify what weapon(s) you want to use please do so since I don't see how that choice can lose at this point.
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Well, now that I've realized the inspiration of this new character, I'm just going to put a final option down here we can use in the next update...

Genuine appreciation and kindness.

Also, I thought we would have snagged that pistol the nerd had on him as well as Sturmfahrerin?

Now I'm gonna go to the /qtg/ and beg Peekay to come back to continue Greenhorn and bring back Haremvania...
Slice those claws off!
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In the half-moment it takes for you to dodge the changeling's attacks and strike back, the purple robes are replaced with straps of leather and wool, and the pale skin with green as a burly orc stands before you, taking up far too much of the ledge for your liking. Regardless, with such a big target, your war knife quickly finds purchase in its form, even if it does block with its forearm. A cut that deep needs to hurt. Its new form makes it easy to dodge its strong but sluggish punches. You smirk, for your speed is superior.

Not even seconds later, that smirk is replaced by shock. You have to dodge an overhead swing from Marie, as the large orc twists and convulses down to shift into its much thinner true form. Then, as you're busy recovering from the near not-so-friendly attack, the changeling shifts again to the form of a tiny rodent that dashes towards your leg. You find Sturmfahrerin is remarkably less effective when swung towards tiny rats, and you're a bit too busy taking frantic steps back while avoiding the ledge's edge and the water far below to not hit the ground. You’ll need to polish her later to make up for that but it’s not entirely your fault since Marie continuously shoots beams of energy from her sword at the vermin, which means you also have to dodge her scorching spells making you dance like some court jester, or you assume so your father hated them so they were never apart of your courtly life. Though finally one of the bolts hits the rat's back, making the thing yelp in pain before instead suddenly it shifts back into its true form. If you weren't in a life-or-death situation far away from your time-traveling mentor, you might have found rat's yelps turning into curses in a demihuman language humorous. Still, you are in a life-or-death situation, so you don't. Instead, you use the time the changeling is stunned to get into better positioning, cast a few bodily enhancement and weapon reinforcement buffs, and analyze the situation.

Changelings are a very, very rare breed of demihuman to the point that this very well could be the first time you've encountered one, and it's not even just because humans vastly outnumber all demihuman species combined. Though you’re certain it's your first time encountering one in its true form. You’ve never before felt that sense of inhuman wrongness that is associated with race, it is such a strange feeling looking at it. You know for a fact that many choose to live their entire lives in an alternate form because their true one produces this feeling in other races, leading to their kind oft being despised. Why do they have this effect? You can't claim to know though the unsettling feeling that upsets your entire being is as you stare at the pale thing with its singed robes and back gives you an unnatural desire to extinguish its life in this fight.
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"If this ends up being another Stranger, I swear to God," Marie mutters before sidestepping you and engaging the fiend in melee.

In the following moments, you notice that the thing can deflect and parry her blows with its claws, most likely a combination of biology and reinforcement magic. Though it acts in a manner where its wrists and arms are prioritized in its defense, a weak point? You'll have to exploit that. You find your chance when Marie takes a blow to the arm then torso from the fiend's claws and is sent reeling back into the bridge's pillar, rather close to Ota's corpse. Instead of committing to ending her, however, it changes its form once again to that of a hawk, and its avian head turns towards you.

But it's too late for it, far too late, you’ve been given time to plan. You pull the trigger on Ota's gun and a bullet finds purchase in the bird's shoulder. The changeling shifts and falls from the pain. You take the initiative to advance with your eternal companion, impacting her with the changeling's wrist from what you figured is its dominant wrist, severing the entire hand from its body. Again, it shouts in pain as its claws fall into the water below, and its other clawed hand cradles its new stump. Words full of vitriol in both the common tongue and many you cannot claim to know are thrown towards you, Marie, everything, as it backs up towards the ledge and its body again begins to transform.

Yet, in a split second, it starts to grow scales, and you

>Go in for the kill. The enemy has an experienced changeling; it's too dangerous to let live

>Allow the wounded beast to flee with its tail between it's legs

>Knock the changeling out, but you're unsure if it'd even survive unconscious with three major wounds

Hey, it's not my fault she's best girl.

The urge to write more monster girls is a constant demon I must battle. Maybe someday I'll write a different quest with them as a focus.
>Knock the changeling out, but you're unsure if it'd even survive unconscious with three major wounds

>"See? A softy, just like I said."
>"Quiet, you."
>Go in for the kill. The enemy has an experienced changeling; it's too dangerous to let live
>Go in for the kill. The enemy has an experienced changeling; it's too dangerous to let live
>>Go in for the kill. The enemy has an experienced changeling; it's too dangerous to let live
>>Knock the changeling out, but you're unsure if it'd even survive unconscious with three major wounds
>Knock the changeling out, but you're unsure if it'd even survive unconscious with three major wounds
I want to interrogate them. If they were sent to silence Ota, they can be a valuable source of info.
>Knock the changeling out, but you're unsure if it'd even survive unconscious with three major wounds
We can't kill it, it's rare. Maybe even endangered.
>>Go in for the kill. The enemy has an experienced changeling; it's too dangerous to let live
4 for an execution

4 to knock out

Like usual for a tie leaving the vote open since I don't want to roll to decide Lorina's morals.
>Knock the changeling out, but you're unsure if it'd even survive unconscious with three major wounds
Well, the 1 post ID's cancel each other out so the nonlethal option wins.
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The changeling's form convulses once again to the form of a small fish as it jumps off the ledge. It's too bad that it isn't fast enough, though, as with a bit of magic to increase your speed you’re able to dive forward, grab the fish, and throw it as hard as you can to the nearest wall. You learn something new at the impact; changelings revert to their true form when unconscious. They also tend to bleed a lot. Doubly so when missing a hand, and with an open shoulder wound. "Marie! Dig the bullet out while I heal its stump!" You shout before exerting all the healing magic you can, praying you can knit its flesh together before it expires.

"Wait- I don't- Argh, dammit!" She yells before you see her kneel at the changeling's other side out of your peripheral vision. You realize she lacks adequate equipment as she reaches into the wound with her fingers. Out of pity, you give her one of your daggers, not Albrecht’s Stiletto, before resuming your task.

By the time the stump has come together enough so that the bleeding is manageable, you unclasp your shoulder cap and tie it around the stump before rotating the pale creature onto its back and begin healing the scorch marks left from Marie’s blast. Seems the wound expanded proportionally from when it was hit as a rat and much of the purple robes are irreparable. It's only when you're halfway through that Marie finally finishes getting the remnants of the bullet out of its shoulder, and you're forced to heal two wounds at the same time. It is taxing and time-consuming work, but the soft breath and pulse of the changeling reassure you it isn't all for nothing. Especially as it keeps breathing once its wounds are closed. It’s only then do you allow yourself to sit and relax, absolutely covered in blood and sitting between a corpse and what just might become one if not brought to a more advanced healer. What? You're a mageknight, not a doctor; you only know a little more than how to knit wounds on the field, not any advanced healing magics.

"Do you mind, or are you too exhausted?" Marie says while sitting down on her knees in front of you, gesturing to the lighter wounds on her person. They’re not exactly huge, but definitely painful, and nowhere near lethal. The process of healing this is honestly more relaxing than anything, even if it takes up until the very last drop of your mana. You need a nap severely, but taking one here would be a bad idea.

Then, Marie decides to playfully bump your shoulder and gesture to your state and the changeling, "See, you are a softie."



"Be quiet."

"Yes, ma'am!"
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To your shame you’re too tired to make it so Marie doesn't have some slight scarring even if she doesn’t seem to mind, but overall you're satisfied with your results. You'd like to see Lyndale match what you just did! Fighting off a Stranger, Changeling, then healing someone from the brink of death. Ha, like that little commoner would ever be able to!

Then a wave of vertigo hits you once the adrenaline begins to wear off, you didn’t think it was possible to get more tired. Then you gag as rancid smells of the post-battle remnants hit your nose. You try to stand and find yourself unable to. A rather upsetting problem seeing as you need to rely on Marie to get up, and you're forced to practically hug her to walk a bit. But being above the corpse and body with her allows you to contextualize the new problem you face. What the hell do you do now?

You have a dead Stranger and an unconscious changeling under a settled bridge that has [i]very[/i] heavy foot traffic above due to the lockdown. The two of you are also completely covered in blood, your outfits ruined to the point Cathy would weep if she saw you, and you yourself are dead exhausted from mana overuse. Perhaps you could leave the two here and try to continue your private investigation around the city? It'd undoubtedly be challenging, but you're sure the changeling is stable, and it certainly shouldn't be awakening anytime in the next couple of days. You could also call the guards, but that complicates things, involving the authorities in this mess while you're still on the run. Or you could send Marie to the Cathedral to notify them or try to get Asher. You can do a wealth of things, but are any of them exactly good decisions?

>Go notify the guards above the bridge of what happened here

>Send Marie to the Cathedral [Would you like to play as Marie?]

>Leave the two here and go somewhere else [Where?]

>Go notify the guards above the bridge of what happened here
We can have Marie do it if it's too risky to show our face
>Grab an old cloak on a nearby washline and put a gold coin in the clothespin.
>Go notify the guards above the bridge of what happened here
>Head over to the Dawn's Light tavern to recover.
Supporting this
QM, if Strangers look like Japanese, how does Marie manage to pretend to be a local?
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Most people in Lindan are uneducated commoners and would assume that Marie is either a foreigner or a type of demihuman before jumping to the conclusion of a Stranger. It's easier to assume that than an actual demon is standing next to you even if they know it is a very slight possibility.

this could also be true.
>Go notify the guards above the bridge of what happened here
>Go notify the guards above the bridge of what happened here
Keeping voting open for now but letting you know it's unlikely you'll be able to sneak away if you notify the guards. There aren't many places for you to hide and once the news breaks the area will be swarmed with people and you'll be questioned for your involvement. That is unless you have a plan you'd like to add.
What if we leg it right now, have Marie notify the guards in a couple minutes after we've gotten some distance, and meet back up outside the area?
Did you forget how Lorinda’s using Marie as a crutch to stand up? I think running is off the table until a long rest.
We can't just take 5? Mana exhaustion blows.

I'll swap to
>Send Marie to the Cathedral [Would you like to play as Marie?]
Yes Marie POV
What if we flashed tits to convince them to let us go?
>We can't just take 5?
Consequence of keeping the changeling alive but you have a valuable source of intel because you did.
Honestly, this would probably make a worse scandal than you're already in.
It works in my animes!
What if we have Marie flash them instead of us
>Leave the two here and go somewhere else [Dawn’s Light]
Probably not a good idea to go alone as Marie, seeing as she’s Lorina’s only defense now, and going back to the family will likely get Marie imprisoned or barred from going in with us and prevent us from informing Asher that there’s a Stranger with access to nuclear weapons because of dad’s “muh religious caste said all Strangers bad no exceptions despite the blindingly obvious truth otherwise” thing.

I swear to the Goddess, if we’re forced to take over for that ditzy bitch, the first thing we should do is exile the top ranks in the church, from bishop and higher, to permanently fight in the demon crusades as punishment for this bullshit, and exile the lower ranks who supported them to the least pleasant places of Wonderland, Oz, and the Kingdom of Wizdom’s Mountains of Ignorance until we say they can come back. Like, after ten to twenty years.
Oh, yeah, forgot to link it to my previous post >>6082198.

In fact, to make it official...

>Grab an old cloak on a nearby washline and put a gold coin in the clothespin.
>Leave the two here and go somewhere else
>Head over to the Dawn's Light tavern to recover.
Hopefully we can get Clarice and the Purse Pokers or whoever to help us contact Asher.
>Go notify the guards above the bridge of what happened here
Too tired today to finish the update I started writing but looks like notifying the guards is still the winner here. So I'll just ask if you'd prefer if Lorina were to meet with more of her family or those in the Inquisition in the next update, was going to roll for it earlier but this seems better.
Family if we have to choose
I'd like to try seeing what's up with Asher at this point.

You guys think after Lorina recover, we can try to call Asher up with magic by using Bedelia as a focus because of it's association as a gift we got from him?
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You stumble, forcing your fellow inquisitor-in-training to grab you then gently lower your form to the ground. You do manage to get a bit of distance from the corpse and body, but there isn't much room to spare down here. It's with a shaky nod and unvoiced understanding that Marie climbs to the bridge above. You try to stay awake while she's away, you really do. Stay vigilant and on guard. A defender of the Stranger's corpse and unconscious changeling, for you know, the Inquisition, the organization that is your escape from the noble world, will have a vested interest in both.

But you just can't.

The next time you wake, you're barely lucid and Strange voices converse with Marie. "Goddess, it looks like a slaughterhouse…"

"The Hells with that guy? Why does he look so strange..?"

"Hey, there's another person here! Wait, is that..?"

From the sounds of armored joints and different voices, it seems Marie ran into an entire squad and convinced them to come down here. It's a shame your vision is too blurry to make out anything but some rather drab colors. You feel as if you've been put in a barrel that was kicked off a waterfall. Why won't the world stop spinning?

"I'm sorry, Miss Adventurer, but this situation is outside the capabilities of your rank. As such, we’ll need to take you into custody for questioning."

"Care to repeat that? I informed you that it was a stranger, correct? This is official Inquisition business, as my other card here states. Please see the two bodies delivered to the Cathedral of the Goddess, posthaste."

"R-right, my apologies, ma'am!"

"Hey, captain, what should we do with her?" Another guard asks, his voice louder than yours.

Marie starts to speak again, but your lucidity fails you, and exhaustion takes you. The next time you awake, your vision isn't as blurry, but it isn't exactly clear. A woman in a dark robe sits on the other side of the furnished but bumpy carriage. The capitol's roads shouldn't be this bad; you must be moving fast. By the looks of her clothing, the robed woman must be employed by the royal court.

"Extreme magic overuse led to a severe mana shortage. Trivial external wounds. Should be in a much worse state than now. Shockingly high chance of survival." The woman rambles to herself, but there doesn't appear to be anyone else in the carriage. AT least anyone else you can see; it's shockingly brutal to move your head at the moment. And the cushion is so, so comfortable. You should rest your eyes for a moment. "Hm, strange energies flowing through the body in place of- mana? No. Blood? No. Life? No-"
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It's a familiar ceiling that you find yourself waking up to. As dawn's light reaches you under warm sheets through red curtains. You're still rather tired but haven't felt this rested in a while. Though your hand is unreasonably sweaty at the current moment. Your eyes are heavy, but with a great force of will, you force them open and sit up in your bed. The force of your rise causes one of the two figures in your room to stir, the one tenderly holding your hand. Your mother, Carroll de Lindan, sitting in a wooden chair she's brought next to your bed. She blinks the sleep out of her eyes before leans over to place a hand on your head analyzing your entire body, "Oh, darling, are you alright? Everything is fine now; you're okay now."

"Mom?" You stutter out in a dry voice.

"Yes, sweetie!?"


"Ooh, right!" she says before frantically looking around behind her until she finds a gold-encrusted goblet on your nightstand. "Here!" She practically shoves the chalice into your hands.

You drink slowly as you survey the state of your room. Everything seems fine, just as you left it. The curtains are all closed, so you can't see the city's outside or state. Though you know another silhouette, you're not exactly used to being here. She stands near your grand doorway, one foot pressed against the wall. A red cloak draped over her body, showing tiny but her face and gray hair, and two ears poked out from under her hood. You know this woman, for she is an Adamantite adventurer, the future queen of Lindan, an uncouth barbarian, and your sister-in-law, a wolf demihuman simply listed as "Red" on her adventurer card. She nods to you, but it is informal where one's head goes up instead of down.

"Yo," She says with a slight wave as she watches you.

You give a confused glance to the woman and then to your mother as you hydrate your chapped lips and dry throat. Why is she here? That is all you can think of, for you've had very little interaction with the commoner, primarily due to your father's general dislike of her and her tendency to leave the royal grounds at her leisure to take on more quests.

Red makes no intention of explaining herself, forcing Mom to speak. "She's been watching over you since you returned last night, seeing as-" She hesitates, and in that moment, Red takes the initiative.

"Seeing as ya ran away from home and returned the followin' day half-dead and covered in other people's blood. Gotta say, kid, I didn't know you had it in you; nice work," It's her honesty that's the worst part. From her smirk, you can tell she's genuinely impressed by your escapade.

"But what about the Stranger and the-" Your mom is the one to cut off your hoarse question.

"Shh, darling. We can talk about all that later when you're feeling better. You still need to rest." Unknowingly, you make a face at that, causing Red to respond again.
"She won't be able to if she thinks her friend might be in trouble. The Stranger girl you were with was pretty smart, got the body, and the demi carted off the cathedral before the guard could confiscate them."

"Then why am I?" Here and not at the cathedral? You would finish the sentence, but something tells you it might be the wrong thing to say in full, especially while back on estate grounds.

Thankfully, your mom picks up on the hidden intention: "Because she was worried about you and wanted to make sure you got home safely."

"I'd rather put my life in royal doctors vs. Inquisition one too, to be honest; the latter might try and dissect ya first if you're not careful," You don't think that's true, "Anyway if you're wonderin' about the riots they've seemed to have been quelled since word got out there's Stranger's involved. Nice job with that."

"What do you mean? Shouldn't that make more chaos, not less?"

"People tend to listen to the guard more when they know Stranger's's out to get them. Also, whoever's behind the attacks will have a harder time recruiting since nobody wants to work with a Stranger. 'Cept you that is," She shrugs, "But hey, I ain't judging."

"Your father and brother are currently with his advisors and the Lord Inquisitor to discuss what will happen going forward. Don't worry, Ina, everything's going to be fine," Your mother reassures with the warmest smile she can muster.

Red again shrugs, "Sorry, but I ain't gonna help ya sneak out this time, kid. Art told me to watch you while you're resting, and I will do that."

Your mother makes a face, "And don't think you aren't in trouble either, young missy! I-I won't let you run off to the Inquisition either!" Her tone is much more shaky than Red's.

>" Then can I at least be taken to the discussion Father and the Lord Inquisitor are in? I have intel they'd like to know."

>You sink back into your bed and stare at the ceiling; you really aren't escaping this time [PoV Shift to Asher]

>"Then can I at least be taken to the discussion Father and the Lord Inquisitor are in? I have intel they'd like to know."
>"No, mother, it is not fine." (clambers out of bed)
>"Get Marie and Asher. The Stranger we're fighting has the ability to create their world's weapons, and was in some sort of war in a desert. They probably know more about that better than anyone else, and if their world has anything like what I saw with the Metal Island, Asher WILL be needed."
>>You sink back into your bed and stare at the ceiling; you really aren't escaping this time [PoV Shift to Asher]
>" Then can I at least be taken to the discussion Father and the Lord Inquisitor are in? I have intel they'd like to know."
>" Then can I at least be taken to the discussion Father and the Lord Inquisitor are in? I have intel they'd like to know."
Wins by a wide margin.

Sorry again for the delay but I'm finally back home. Writing.
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You feel uncomfortably weak trying to move out of bed. All your limbs shake, almost as hard as your mother trying in vain to stop you, yet you soldier on regardless. Your mind flashes to the now-dead Stranger and what he let slip, then to Marie’s face losing its color, then finally to the Metal Castle and all the things you could barely comprehend. What weapons of annihilation can Earth still offer? You’re unsure you even wish to know. Fights should be between combatants close enough to feel their opponent’s breath, where the victor is decided by skill alone. Yet, even the fantastical rifles of the skeletons, of which you still own one, could change warfare forever in this world.

“No, Mother, it’s not fine,” You say as you clamber out of your nice, lavish bed and into your slippers. It seems you’ve been put into your nightwear while you were out, and they probably burned your previous blood-covered outfit. Still, that doesn’t stop you from shuffling away as your mom tries to guide you back to bed. It’d be easier for her if she touched you, but she refuses. She probably thinks you’ll shatter if she tries to grab you, “I have things I should tell Father and the Lord Inquisitor. T-they’ll want to know.”

“H-honey, I’m sure they already know- you don’t need to-” The robe feels nice around you. You’re surprised you haven’t been stopped yet, given the looks your mother is giving your sister-in-law.

The gray-eared demihuman rolls her eyes, “If she doesn’t leave the palace, I ain’t gonna bug her,” She says before eyeing your walk-in armory, “Though I wouldn’t mind staying here for a bit longer. Nice collection, by the way.”

You mumble some form of thank you as you continue in your march. It is totally a march. Anything less would be demeaning, no matter how much mana exhaustion sucks. You haven’t felt this tired since arranging all those events for the Academy’s cultural festival. However, you realize a mistake you made as you open the great doors to your room and walk into the hallway where a few menial servants do their duties. You turn to your mother, who is just walking behind you, “Where’s dad?” You ask, moreso whisper.

All she does is sigh.
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The Kingdom of Lindan is well known for the privileges given to its nobles and even its commoners when it comes to governance. A shining example is when a Magnum Concilium, Great Council, is called to discuss matters of great importance with people from all walks of life attending and given equal opportunity to speak to the king. But given how messy this whole situation is, only the Curia Regis, Royal Court, has been called into session. It comprises a much smaller group of year-round members, all very high nobility or, in one case, of the eight members, an exceptionally wealthy merchant. Even Duke Edwin de Cendre is in attendance; a rider must’ve been sent to him as soon as the attacks started. Other than the king and his advisors, two different people of importance are in the room you enter, your brother Arthur de Lindan and the Lord Inquisitor, a bald and very fat man with an uncomfortably large smile as he looks in your direction.

Everyone looks in your direction as you enter the highly formal and secretive meeting with a tremble. Not because you’re nervous, mind you, but because you’re ill. You feel somewhat underdressed here, especially so with how “fashionable” some of the nobles here are. Your mother and Red trail a few feet behind you; the latter gives a half-wave to her husband. Your father’s face does not look all that happy to see you, “Lorina…” He trails off.

You give the best bow you can manage. A curtsy is too hard right now, “Esteemed councilors, may I please have a moment of your time? I believe I possess information that will be vital to the discussion here.”

A wave of confusion ripples through the advisors, soft whispering, and raised eyebrows. You understand the last thing you should be doing is attending a high-society gathering, and you haven’t even had time to brush your hair. Yet, here you are, “Lorina, this is not the time for-”

Surprisingly, the Lord Inquisitor cuts your father off with a wave of his sausage-like hand; with such little regard for your father’s authority, you glare, “Oh, don’t look so dour, Lewis, let the poor lass speak. Is she not the woman of the hour? I’m sure whatever she has to say will have our interest piqued,” Wait, is his voice familiar? You quickly disregard that thought as the man grins more at your staring, and you look away.

“Fine, Lord Inquisitor, just this once. Lorina, you have one minute to state your piece before you’re dismissed so you can stop making a mockery of court customs. Speak,” Your father commands.
“R-right, I’m not sure what’s been told already, but when Mar- I mean Inquisitor-in-training Marie and I caught and interrogated a Stranger,” Another concern rippled through the room, “Attacking the Cendre Estate, we got some rather. First is that Strangers are being collected and tested by the orchestrates of the attacks, but more importantly, the recruiter of them, another Stranger, has an extremely worrisome Cheat Skill. He has the ability to create any demontech weapon he desires a-and I’ve seen what demontech is capable of first hand and believe-” What is it you believe? What are you allowed to share if you don’t wish to be kicked from the Inquisition? Probably not Asher’s and Midori’s secret, “I believe that this is a situation only the Inquisition is properly equipped to handle,” Is this a good idea? Undermining royal authority while being a princess? Probably not, but the situation is too dangerous, “Especially those well-versed in demontech like the ones I’ve worked with.”

At least no one questions why you’re here after that, even in a room mostly filled with old codgers, the words “Stranger” and “demontech” are enough to unnerve them into silence. But that’s the end of it, right? You got up and informed the Curia Regis of information the Inquisition might not have shared willingly. You should go back to bed, right? Your father looks to be about to dismiss you already, anyway.

>” And I’d also like to formally take part in bringing these Strangers to justice.”

>” That will be all esteemed council members. Thank you for listening to me.”

>” That will be all esteemed council members. Thank you for listening to me.”

We can worm our way in later when we're not on the verge of passing out.
>”And I’d also like to formally take part in bringing these Strangers to justice, once I recover enough to take part.”
I don’t want to have to sneak out of the palace again with the security increased.
>” That will be all esteemed council members. Thank you for listening to me.”
>>” And I’d also like to formally take part in bringing these Strangers to justice.”
>”And I’d also like to formally take part in bringing these Strangers to justice, once I recover enough to take part.”
>” That will be all esteemed council members. Thank you for listening to me.”
>” That will be all esteemed council members. Thank you for listening to me.”


Writing, going to be another short update.
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“That will be all esteemed council members, thank you for listening to me,” You say with another bow. When you rise and survey the room, you see looks of distress and heavy thinking, but none look outright upset at you. Except for your father and the Lord Inquisitor, that is. You suspect your father is upset at you in general for being here, while the Lord Inquisitor may be upset for letting you lose information he himself didn’t give. However, you get a strange feeling that isn’t why, moreso he looks expectant. Like he’s waiting for you to say more, yet you don’t.

“Then you are dismissed, Lorina. Please get some rest,” your father says with a wave of his hand. You do not hesitate to leave the room as he looks away from you, though you’re certain there is concern in his words, even if they do not match his tone or expression. He didn’t mention anything about a punishment!

Once you’re out of the chamber, your mother gives a huge sigh of relief at the fact you didn’t do anything too stupid other than appear before some of the most influential people in the country in your nightclothes and slippers. But as she goes to speak, most likely to chastise you, the door opens, and you’re enveloped in a crushingly painful hug courtesy of your older brother, Crown Prince Arthur. “Ack! Let me go! Let me go, you fiend!” You try to scream, but the embrace only gets tighter.

“It’s good to see you safe, Ina. You had us worried the other day, should’ve seen how much mom cried,” Arthur says as he relents the embrace. Your eyes get a fuzzy feeling as you stand on your own feet again, and you need to clutch your mother for support.

“Were you trying to kill me!?” You say in a tone that’s quieter than you’d have liked.

“Aha, sorry, Ina. I just wanted to let you know we’re all happy to have you back home. Even if it’s because of bad circumstances.”

“Knowing you’re here, I’m going to try to leave twice as hard now.”

“I think Red’ll put a stop to that real quick. Right, honey?” He says to the cloaked woman, only getting a shrug in response, “Ah, well, I hope you’re at least here come tomorrow morning, Lorina. I’m going to be too busy today to hear all your Inquisition stories,” He says before jerking his head to the door behind him, “But I’m glad you’re safe,” With a small goodbye to Mom and a small kiss to his wife, ew, the prince reenters the council.

The rest of the walk back to your room is spent in relative silence, only your mom whispering encouraging words as you stumble back to your bed. How humiliating it is to be treated like a kid when you’re nearly old enough to graduate from the Academy. You can only imagine how your friends would- Ah, they’d laugh at you regardless, wouldn’t they? At least Cathy wouldn’t.
It’s more dreams about that Academy that you find yourself sleeping in. Not even dreams of the Inquisition that’s totally affecting more of your life right now. So why can’t your mind stop drifting to that wretched place! If its headmaster wasn’t a member of the Curia Regis, you’d have half a mind to get it shut down. At least that’s what you grumble about as you wake from those horrid dreams. But quickly, you shake them from your head. There’s no way the Academy can be mission going forward, no way at all.

As you rub the sleep from your eyes, you feel groggy but now overtly tired. Actually, you barely feel tired at all. Someone must have helped refuel your mana, a dangerous procedure for anyone, not an experienced healer or priestess. You feel a little sting that twinged with annoyance near your chest, the place where you stored that strange photo, but someone changed your clothes, so it shouldn’t be- It is still there. Ah, you should’ve guessed something from that strange girl wouldn’t easily be disposed of. Yet, as you fully slip into full consciousness, it dies down. It almost feels like a magic item in the process of being dispelled. Maybe because of your repeated attempts to deny Alice, it’s not being allowed in?

Whatever, you don’t like to think about that stuff anyway. As you look around your room, you see it’s rather dark but does not yet require a candle. Seems you’ve slept for an entire day. Your mother appears to be gone in her place, your servant’s bell and a note explaining to ring for an attendant to bring you dinner. Red’s still here, but now she’s moved to sit on a plush chair, reading a book in one hand and a bundle of cloth in the other. She doesn’t make any motion to recognize that you’ve woken up other than a glance and shake of her head. You’ll never understand how this woman, of all people, was allowed to marry the prince. It’s like allowing a commoner into high society, like Lyndale was allowed in the- Argh, curse that damn dream!

You need to do something to get those thoughts out of your head, but the question is, what do you want to do?

>Ring the bell and get a maid to bring you dinner

>Talk to Red (but only since she’s the only one here and absolutely no other reasons) [About what?]

>Try to sneak out? Maybe Red won’t care?

>Try to convince Red to go for a walk around the halls of the castle

>Ring the bell and get a maid to report on the status of the assassin hunt.
>Ask Red about her (suspicious) nonchalance towards our working with Strangers.
>Ask both Maid and Red about Asher and Marie, and if we’d be able to see them again.
Phoneposting while on trip. Forgive me.
>Try to convince Red to go for a walk around the halls of the castle
>Talk to Red (but only since she’s the only one here and absolutely no other reasons) [About what?]
Weapons. Surely she knows them well as an Adamantite rank? Something you can bond over.
>Ring the bell and get a maid to bring you dinner
>Ring the bell and get a maid to bring you dinner
>Try to convince Red to go for a walk around the halls of the castle
>>Try to sneak out? Maybe Red won’t care?
>>Try to convince Red to go for a walk around the halls of the castle
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Curses, it may be pretty late into the day, and you’re probably under house- room(?) arrest, but you’re not exactly tired. You just slept for a whole day how could you be exhausted? But Red is the only person around. Goddess, you could probably have more fun talking to one of Herrman’s friends than her, but she’s all you got. And you probably don’t want to offend the barbarian too much if you have any hope of her allowing you for a walk around the palace grounds. A brief thought has you wondering if you could use that to escape again, but you dash it. You’re strong, but you doubt your Adamantite rank strong, not yet, at least. You’d place yourself as a recent MageKnight “Graduate” at the top of her class at around Gold, rank 6 of 10, Diamond, rank 7 if you’re charitable. Those in ranks above that usually have years of experience to complement their raw talent and skill, of which you have an abundance of. The skill and talent, not the experience. You wonder what ranks Asher and Marie might have should they have joined the Guild formally- wait, they have, haven’t they? Marie is rank 1, Copper, and even if that’s not true to her abilities that’s still her legal rank. You aren’t sure what Asher has. Maybe you should ask him?


You ring the bell as you’re distracted by outside thoughts, “You hungry, kid?” Which Red chooses to catch on.

“It’s not like there is much else for me to do while confined here,” Your stomach betrays you with a growl, to which the cloaked woman raises an eyebrow. You sigh, “Yes, I am hungry as well.”

The woman snaps her book shut, causing a loud clap to resound throughout the room. Surprisingly, her baby does not wake from it as she sets the book down. “Makes sense; you haven’t eaten all day. Mother said it would take a few minutes for them to warm up something for you. Said it was your favorite or something.”

Oh, how thoughtful of mom but that doesn’t explain, “Why are you so attentive all of a sudden?”

“You’ll find out when they get here.”

“That doesn’t explain anything at all.”

“I know,” You make a face that isn’t exactly pretty or ladylike at her in response. But after a few minutes of just sitting in your bed, the silence gets awkward between yourself and your guard. “So…” You trail off as your eyes look around your room, searching for anything to discuss. Aha! “What do you think of my armory? You must have something similar as an Admantite, no?”

“Biggest personal armory I’ve seen I’ll give you that. Bit excessive in all honesty, how often do you even use everything in it? You’d have to be some kinda maniac to try and master all the different types of weapons in there.”

You feel a vein pulse on your forehead as you glare, “I can assure you that I have used everything in there in at least one duel. I would think someone of your prestige can at least appreciate how well-maintained they are?” You sniff condescendingly, your head turned up.
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“Eh,” She shrugs very lamely, “I’ve always stuck by ol’ reliable. Ain’t met anything that can stand up against my hand cannon and ax.”

“That’s a rather strange combination of arms.”

“Oi, I don’t wanna hear anyone disrespecting the lads, not even family,” Family? She actually considers you her-

There’s a knock on your door, which disrupts your conversation. You yell for the maid to enter, ready to finally receive something to eat, but you are shocked at the well-dressed blonde who enters. Alyssa May should still be resting at Asher’s or some other facility, not working as your maid. How’d she even get here? You’d think she’d be exiled from the capital entirely for the stunt she helped you get away with. For that, your eyes rapidly dart from her to Red, but your brother’s consort makes no moves that indicate hostility. Does she even know?

“Commander,” Alyssa says as she sets up a folding wooden table next to your bed before placing a plate of food atop it and bowing, “Shall I be of any more assistance?” Still, your eyes look between her and Red, confusion and a different, less pleasant emotion written all over them.

“How?” You stutter, “Shouldn’t you be-” You find your words failing you.

“I understand commander. I must apologize for my failure to defend you earlier this morning. I know there is no excuse. I will accept any punishment that you deem fit to deliver,” You bow again before continuing to watch you with that robotic stare of hers.

“No! That’s not- I didn’t- Um, uh. Are you okay?”

“I am currently combat capable, yes.”

“I’m better!” Red shouts to no one as neither you nor Alyssa pays her any mind.

“I can see that, but how? You should still be recovering,” Her bones were quite literally crushed. Even with healing magic, that’s still a wound that should take months to heal.

“I do not fully understand. I awoke sometime after the fight, fully healed after a strange dream I cannot currently recollect. I found your note and ran to the city to provide my assistance. I once again failed as I could not find you, again I must apologize,” She bows, “I then set out to find Lord Beneger, found him in discussion with Inquisitor Asher, and was once again send to provide you with assistance once you were found.”

“How did my parents even allow you back in? You- do they know?”

“Oi, kid, don’t think we’re a bunch of idiots, yeah?” Red again calls out. This time, you do pay attention.

“Then why?”

“Don’t rightly know the full story but from what Art told me, the Lord Inquisitor requested her placement. If you somehow didn’t know, he’s a very hard man to say no to, y’know, since he’s the Lord Inquisitor? And since Miss Spy here only did what you asked of her, it’s not like we could claim she endangered you, of her own free will at least. Mean we could but it’d become this whole thing we don’t have time to deal with.”

“I only wish to serve, commander.”
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“I’m also pretty certain she’d find a way to sneak in if we didn’t allow her, and that’d only serve to make my workload larger. You aren’t sneaking out again, by the way.”

“I didn’t plan to.”

“Uh-huh, sure.”

“Commander, your food is getting cold.”

“Oh,” You forgot about that, “Right.”

It’s with a full stomach that you manage to convince Red to let you walk around the moonlit halls of the palace. It helps with digestion, after all, and the chirping of birds and bugs at night does well to mask the sounds of conversation. At least more so than the echoes of your large and mostly empty room. However, you take a slight detour in your mostly silent walk so that Red can “dispose” of Edith by forcing her upon your exhausted brother. The way the intense woman’s tail started to furiously wag at the sight of him and her child together was certainly a weird sight. But after all that, you find yourself sitting on a bench surrounded by hedges and flowers overlooking a large fountain. Alyssa sits next to you while Red looms a few feet away, arms crossed. By this time of night, only a few should even walk across the garden, and with your hushed whispers, they shouldn’t be able to hear any of your conversations.

“You were with Asher earlier, right? Was Marie there? What are they doing? I want to know everything,” You ask in rapid succession once Red signals that no one is around. Then you immediately catch yourself and eye the wolffolk demihuman, “Everything that you’re allowed to-”

“Kid, I’m a part of the Royal Family. I know everything everyone else here does, that includes your Stranger buddies.”

“Stranger buddies? That’s a rather nonchalant way to address what most people, including father, see as demons,” You goad to get her reaction.

Unsurprisingly she shrugs again, “I’m Adamantite, you don’t get that high up in the Guild without witnessing some crazy shit. Sure, this Inquisition shit is new to me, but it’s not exactly surprising. You get that?”

“What could be stranger than-” You catch yourself again, looking around for any spying servants or guards.

Red groans, “That’s not really important to you know, is it? Pretend I’m not here.”

“Hphm, fine. Alyssa, speak.”

The maid nods, “Asher has been working with Lord Beneger for most of the day, seeing about the application of the ‘Slaver’s Crest’ Cheat Skill you and him recovered on the Stranger he captured this morning, the one we fought against.”

You make a face, “They’re using that thing? How? Why?”

“It was under Lord Beneger’s orders, sadly I have no other knowledge. However, I also learned Asher underwent a ‘Phonecall,’ a form of strangetech communication, with another Stranger in Ivern who has apparently been compromised. Said Stranger has been instructed to hide until a train arrives to extract him. The train will leave early tomorrow, Asher will be onboard.”

You force yourself to continue, hoping to process that as Alyssa continues to talk, “What about Marie?”
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You force yourself to continue, hoping to process that as Alyssa continues to talk, “What about Marie?”

“She has been tasked with interrogating one other Stranger who was captured today by Inquisitor Edgar due to her otherworldly status. I was not allowed any information other than basic rumors. Still, it seems that Stranger was cooperative and told me the location of the meeting place where many Strangers will be gathering tomorrow morning and succeeding in their attack plans during the arson spree.”

“Wait, I know about that from the Stranger I defeated today,” you say, connecting a few dots in your mind. “Is there anything else you can tell me? Please?”

Alyssa offers an apologetic hanging of her head, it is a very robotic gesture, “I am sorry, commander. I was not permitted to know more, only instructed by fa- Lord Beneger to return to your side.”

“And do you know why that is?”

“No,” Finally, she raises her head, “My apologies.”

“It’s,” You swallow, “It’s okay. I forgive you,” You say very wearily, still unsure what made her this way or why she apologizes so much. You don’t expect a smile to appear on the servant’s face. It’s a small thing, barely more than an upturn of the corners of her mouth, but it’s filled with more joy than most you’ve ever seen, so used to the fake emotions of court as you are. It’s almost childlike how pure her emotions seem to be.

“Thank you,” And after a few more moments it’s gone, her face returned to it’s careful neutral.

“Well, I intend to-”


You’re cut off, “Go back to bed and sleep?” Red asks rhetorically, “Stay in house arrest like a good little girl? Think I should let you know that Father’s back into looking at marriage proposals for you.”

“What!” You shout, scarring a few birds from nearby trees, “But I- The dismissal! My reputation was tarnished! I’m unmarriable!”

“Hey- hey, keep it down,” Red tries to shush you, her silent smugness replaced with frustration, “Look, you’re still a Princess, third in like to the Kingdom? Sure, your propositions might not be as good, but they’re still there. I’m sure he’ll consult you as well, so you shouldn’t need to worry too much-”

“No, unacceptable!” You declare, “I’ve been taken out of courtly life; I have no desire to return as of the present moment.”

“Sorry, kid, but that’s not exactly your call to make. Look, maybe you can convince him to send you to some cushy army position on the frontier if you don’t wanna marry. But in no way is he letting you join back with the Inquisition. Least, not from what I know.”

“I am at your disposal, commander,” Alyssa reassures? You’re not exactly sure what she’s implying. Despite how skilled and talented you might be, you’re not sure even the two of you could take down Red, even if she doesn’t have a Cheat Skill and you can’t see any weapons on her. Though you could always try.
>You’re insistent on getting yourself on that train heading to Ivern with Asher [But the question is how?]

>You’re insistent on going to that Stranger meeting with Marie [But the question is how?]

>You sigh and return to your room and your bed for now at least

>You’re insistent on going to that Stranger meeting with Marie [But the question is how?]
>"I assume father's answer is a Nunnery, then? Live my life with no friends locked in an abbey in service to a Goddess that decided the best way to gain my support was to break my heart twice and saddle me with nightmares of maddening liars and fake allies? No, I think not."
>"Those two might have been Strangers, but they were kinder to me than nearly all of the nobles and wealthy businessmen I went to school with. And if that's not an indictment towards the peerage and the gentry of Lindan, I don't know what is."
>(stomps back to room)
>"Well, Alyssa, if we cannot leave here... we'll just have to bring them to the palace instead."
FYI, I'm nv49wCJR and H/S+gXZH.
Damnit, I got to read the updates twice...
>"I assume father's answer if I refuse to have him break my heart again with another betrothal to someone who probably was present to the recent MageKnight gala, or as I know it, the worst night of my life, is to send me to a Nunnery, then?"
>"I assume father's answer if I refuse to have him break my heart again with another betrothal to someone who probably was present to the recent MageKnight gala, or as I know it, the worst night of my life, is to send me to a Nunnery, then?"
>You sigh and return to your room and your bed for now at least
Maybe we can convince any man to run away and join us?
>You’re insistent on going to that Stranger meeting with Marie [But the question is how?]
Bring the meeting here obviously
>You sigh and return to your room and your bed for now at least

I think you should go for a third time
>"I assume father's answer is a Nunnery, then? Live my life with no friends locked in an abbey in service to a Goddess that decided the best way to gain my support was to break my heart twice and saddle me with nightmares of maddening liars and fake allies? No, I think not."

We can also tell her outright to either help us, as our sister, or stand down and let us leave.
>>You sigh and return to your room and your bed for now at least
3 for the write in

3 to go to bed

2 have said they wish to go help Marie

I'm not exactly sure what to write for the write-in other than Red's reaction to it. So unless otherwise stated in the next few hours before I start writing I'm going to add that to the return vote.
I guess what I was trying to imply was that Lorina and Alyssa should try to find a way to interrogate the Stranger inside the palace with Marie. My best guess is to do that under the guise that we think there is a terrorist threat to the kingdom akin to that explosion we saw in Ivern, and as one of the few survivors of that, we have to make sure it cannot happen here.

Slightly off topic, but I really don't get being passive about this. It feels like the more we wait, the worse the situation becomes, and our parents just won't commit to keeping their kingdom safe due to their worry to keep their family safe. Not to mention that I'm pretty sure one of Dad's proposal meetings is going to become an assassination attempt by whoever wrote us that letter.
Writing, short update for real this time.

Yeah sorry, while that's a creative write-in I don't think Lorina would be able to convince anyone to bring a Stranger into the Royal Palace at least in a timely manner. As QM I can't speak on the spoiler though.
To be fair, the spoiler was more towards the other players. I guess I’m just wondering about their logic for staying put.
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You laugh. It is a rather pitiful thing, bearing no humor or joy. “So that’s it then?” You question to nobody except the world itself, “I assume father’s answer if I refuse to have him break my heart again with another betrothal to someone who probably was present at the recent MageKnight gala, or as I know it, the worst night of my life, is to send me to a Nunnery, then?”

“Eh, like I said, military backlines is more likely. No real reason to have a priestess with Mageknight training,” Red says in a lame manner, taking your statement as an actual question rather than understanding its meaning.

“That’s not the point!” You cry out, “For the first time in my life, I’ve had autonomy and real freedom, and I handled it well! Hell, my mentor was ready to make me a full-fledged Inquisitor, but now all that’s being stripped away, and for what?! To marry me to some decrepit nobleman whom I’ll never love as I did Herrman? Phewy! I should be out there helping, yet my abilities are being squandered, and I await nothing but a life of tedium!” You turn, “Come, Alyssa,” And stomp off in the direction of your room. Leaving Red behind.

The demihuman looks confused at the retreating form of her silver-haired sister-in-law. All she can think is why is she the one Lorina’s ranting to? Not like there’s anything she can do to make a difference, she’s just guarding her as a favor to Arthur. “Always with the drama in this family,” She sighs before following at a far enough pace to still hear the princess while not being too close to strangling the poor girl. Metaphorically, of course, teenagers need their space after all. Wait, is Lorina still a teen? Red’s never been good with birth dates and the like, something grandma was never quite pleased with.

Your room is almost exactly as you left it, the only difference being a servant removed your plate of food and made your bed. You feel antsy as you look over it, you wish to join Marie and continue where you left off but as Red enters the room behind you, sits down, and picks up her book, you intimately understand how trapped you are. You’re certain Alyssa and yourself could defeat any number of guards, but the demihumans? Not as likely. But just how long does she intend to watch over you? Would it be possible to wait her out? Maybe convince her? By now, you’re certain every other member of the Royal Family is asleep, and should she leave, you’d have free reign over your life for one more night. But come morning, should you sleep, you’re confident you’d meet with your parents again to discuss your fate, overlooking many proposals and the like. It’s not like you’d be exceptionally upset living the life of a consort. You were perfectly continent with that being your life path only a year ago.

But now, it wouldn’t be with Herrman.

>You try to convince Red to leave [By saying what?]

>You try to wait out the adventurer with Alyssa

>You just go to sleep

Okay, so I'm leading towards the first option, but I need some clarification. Is it "convince Red to leave your room" or "convince Red to leave with you"?
To leave the room
Hmm. Alright, I was coming at it through convincing her to come along...

I guess the best options I got for convincing her are...
>1. Piss her off or offend her to the point where she leaves, or is forced to leave after she assaults us.
>2. Make her uncomfortable by either telling her the disturbing things we saw on the island or by having a bout of crying. (Crying will probably come with a risk of us falling asleep, though)
>3. Have Alyssa set up a distraction somewhere in the castle, perhaps rigging up our rifle aimed towards our bedroom outside and setting it up to fire wildly into our room as a staged assassination attempt, where we'll bring up the letter we got from the mystery noble and convince them to let us leave the capital for our safety.

I'll just put them down as options for right now, though, not going to vote just yet.
>You just go to sleep
>You try to wait out the adventurer with Alyssa
>You try to wait out the adventurer with Alyssa
>>You just go to sleep
>>You try to wait out the adventurer with Alyssa
>You try to wait out the adventurer with Alyssa
We slept for a full day. She didn't.
We can even lace some subtile sleep magework.
The hell with it. Here's my vote.

>You try to wait out the adventurer with Alyssa

Get something to mask our scent before we leave, too.
>You just go to sleep
3 to sleep and await tomorrow

5 to pretend to do the other vote

I just want to state I think option 3 here is a really fun idea though

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You wonder what rumors would start around the Capital if the princess was known to routinely sneak out of the castle. Where would they think you go? Perhaps to an unregulated dueling circuit? No, that’s where you’d want them to think you’d go, since that might be kind of cool as a rumor, most likely they’d think less of you due to the disilluion of your bethroval. Then there’s the fact you were the one kicked out of the Academy and not Herrman, the foreigner. So, of course, it must be your fault! Even though you were the one wrong, and everyone simply decided you’d be the one to pay for being cucked. Argh, the whole thing makes you so angry!

But at least it keeps you awake.

That’s the premise of your plan, of which you shared to Alyssa with secret messages and gestures also known as whispering. You are to return to your bed and pretend to sleep, the hard part being you can’t actually go to sleep. Granted, this is a bit more complicated than you thought, even if you aren’t all that tired. You slept for the entire day, after all. But your bed is just so comfortable compared to what you’ve been sleeping on that you just can’t help it. Though you did make sure not to sleep with any of your arsenal tonight so that helps in keeping you awake. After all, like any sane person, you find it rather difficult to sleep if you aren’t sharing your bed with a bladed instrument of death. Many women, especially those of noble birth, would agree with you. You’re certain.

But as you lose yourself in your mental fortress of memories and thoughts, Red doesn’t leave; she doesn’t leave for quite a while. She simply sits there with a small candle and reads her book as Alyssa sits beside her in complete silence. An hour passes, then two, and nothing seems to change. You’ve even woven a mix of illusion magic into your bed and sheets so you appear as a perfect sleeping doll even with your eyes open. It’s rather annoying, honestly. If you waste a night because Red has nothing better to do than guard you like some dog- Ah, she’s closed her book and snuffed out her candle. Perfect.

Then her eyes lock onto yours, less perfect, “Kid, you got five minutes before the royal guard gets here. I can’t be bothered anymore,” She says before making her way to your door and looking back, “Try not to get yourselves killed or whatever,” She yawns and then leaves.

Immediately, you jump out of bed and race to put on your day clothes, making certain to bring an extra shoulder cape this time. It stays in Alyssa’s bag though, she’s the servant here so she should carry your stuff. Then you grab a few things from your wardrobe, including

>What weapons would you like to take?
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And you’re off. You don’t even bother to close the window behind you. The note you left on your pillow will alert everyone that you’re safe and not kidnapped. Then, it’s up to Alyssa to maneuver out of the courtyard and into the city. The Capital’s still in curfew, but you notice much less agitation as you walk through cramped and dirty alleys. Guard patrols are unharressed and unheckled, many people obey the rules and those that don’t look to only be going on small walks between buildings Red must’ve been right about how letting slip how Stranger’s are involved pacified an entire city. You never really thought much about it before but they genuinely are hated, not even foreigners from belligerent kingdoms are so feared.

Only once the maid is certain the two of you’re safe that she turns back to you and asks the simple question, “Where to?”

A breath of air leaves your mouth before you click your tongue. Now, where might Marie be? That is something you’re uncertain of. And even if you don’t necessarily need to find her immediately, you’re still deadset on joining her come morning. But for now, where do you want to go?

>Good chance Marie’s at Asher’s place again

>The Cathedral isn’t a bad option to check

>Someplace else? [Write-in]
>>Good chance Marie’s at Asher’s place again
>Good chance Marie’s at Asher’s place again

Can we have any influence on what the note says to our parents? Because I’d like to mention that the noble who wants to kill us probably was planning to put an assassin in there as a ringer, and leave them the note as proof.

Oh, and let’s get something nice for Red when we can, since she gave up watching us. Perhaps a Stranger firearm or tomahawk?
put an assassin in the proposal prospects as a ringer.

>Good chance Marie’s at Asher’s place again
>Can we have any influence on what the note says to our parents?
If you'd like to that's fine.
With my writing hands, I jerk off whoever I please.

Don't worry though she isn't going to be relevant again for a long time after the last post.
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>If you'd like to that's fine.
I figure something like:

>"Daddy, I love you, but after the whole situation with Herrman and Lyndale, I've come to the conclusion that marriage will never be for me, much less romantic love. If I return, I choose the back line, because at least it won't break my heart again. If I don't, please take care of Sturmfahrerin, and give Marie Bedelia and Asher Cinder and Blitzreiter. Red can let my niece choose whatever she'd prefer from the others that aren't Strangetech."

>"I'm sorry I wasn't the daughter you've always wanted, and for the heartache I've given both you and mother. I guess I have too much of you in me."

>(additional note pinned to the threatening letter in the ziploc) "Also, make sure that whoever wrote this note I received is impaled on the parapet alive. Probably was going to send an assassin after us during the proposals, I'd check through those."
>Good chance Marie’s at Asher’s place again
Awful, no please

>Good chance Marie’s at Asher’s place again
Well, they can't all be winners, I guess... What would you prefer be written instead? Or cut out of it?
Weapon : Kind and Regards, a matching Dagger and Pistol set.
Althea, a Flamberge.
Yumiko, a eastern-style pair of T shaped staff known by the locals as "tonfa" extremely efficient against blades.

>Good chance Marie’s at Asher’s place again
Just take a couple of work dresses and a dress when we need to look attractive

>Good chance Marie’s at Asher’s place again
Oh, right, weapons…
Leave the assault rifle, take the 1911 and ammo.

>Sturmfahrerin, Bedelia, Cinder, stiletto from Herrman, garrote, cosh, 1911, throwing knives.
Writing on a rather one sided vote.
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The walk to Asher’s is rather long, but it isn’t arduous in the slightest. Perhaps you’ve managed to pick up a thing or two with all the sneaking around you do these days? Or maybe the child-soldier turned maid is a savant regarding directions. In the end, it doesn’t truly matter which way or the other as you arrive to Asher’s excuse of a home after a silent journey. Seriously, would it kill him to invest in some better property? You’re practically disgracing yourself simply by entering this shack fit only for a commoner.

You hear some shuffling and a muffled yell after you pound on the slab of bark that functions as a door. A light comes from the window as the door opens, revealing an Inquisitor in only his trousers holding an oil lantern, a blanket, and pillow haphazardly strewn across a couch behind him, “Oh my God, Lorina,” He sighs at the sight of your face. Most likely embarrassed at the fact he’s addressing you in such an immodest state, as expected of a commoner, “What the fuck, princess?” Or not.

For some unknown reason, your face is rather hot; it must be the summer air, “F-feel relieved for I have arrived to assist Marie come tomorrow morn!” You declare.

“Please tell me you have your parent’s permission this time? Please?”

You remain silent as you walk past him, eliciting a groan from the man. Soon enough, the commotion wakes Marie up. She walks out of Asher’s bedroom, wearing a onesie with slippers that appear to be made from the same material as her sword-made outfit. She, thankfully, has a much more receptive response to your arrival, “Oh my God, Lorina!” She shouts before rushing over to hug you, “You’re okay, and- and Alyssa’s here too! We’re all back together, that’s great!”

“If my house gets attacked by another Stranger tomorrow morning, I’m killing all of you and then myself,” The Inquisitor grumbles as he puts the lantern on a table and collapses on the couch. Alyssa joins him, sitting on the other side while maintaining a perfect attention while Marie leans against a wall, and you find another chair. It’s wooden and uncomfortable. “I assume Marie has already informed you of what transpired when we were away?”

Asher simply nods as he rubs his forehead, so you continue, “Alyssa has given me a quick brief on your two situations, but I would like to inquire more, seeing as we will be working together in the foreseeable future. Asher, please start.”

“Why me? Can’t we do this in the morning?”

“You are leaving early, are you not?”

“I am.”

“Then you wouldn’t be able to tell me what happened to you today.”

“That’s the point.”
With a movement of your hand and a use of your completely full mana reserves, a small mist shoots at the grumpy man. He hisses, much like a cat would, before complying, “Fine, whatever you spoiled, princess,” “Hmph,” You cross your arms, “Less happened than you would think, handed Saori off to Inquisitor Beneger,” He loses eye contact as he says the Inquisitor’s name, “Then I was told to give Johann a phone call, don’t worry what that is, and gave the order to have him extracted.”

“That wasn’t very specific, even Alyssa told me more.”

You hear a mumble about being too tired and a few curses, but eventually, he relents, “I used strangetech to communicate with Johann. Learned that he was frequently visited by an Inquisitor under the pseudonym ‘Rabbit,’ who we quickly identified as Abram. Turns out he’s turned traitor. He was having Johann produce items that we never cleared for use and he never documented, most items the caputred Strangers and rioters had. So we’re pretty sure he’s with the coup attempt. Kinda Strange since Abram is vocal about supporting the Radical faction, but it is what it is,” Asher practically spits out the last part. He’s not very good at hiding when something bothers him, “I told Johann to hang tight and pretend everything was normal as we send a train up to get him. I’m going to personally get on that train and make sure Abram or another Inquisitor doesn’t deal with him as he’s taken to safety. I’ll be out of the city for a few days because of that, we’re using your new traincar hope you don’t mind.”

“What? Why wasn’t that brought to me?!”

“You were a bit too sleepy when it happened,” You blush a bit at the logical excuse, “And technically, it’s the Royal Familie’s train, so the king’s train, not yours.”

You don’t let your annoyance show, not at all, “And what about the slave crest put on Tamlin? Why was that used?”

He clicks his tongue, “Heard about that?” His sideye at Alyssa isn’t subtle, even in the dark, shockingly she reacts. A small frown decorates her face, “That was Inquisitor Beneger’s decision. He’s taken up her training so Goddess have mercy on her soul. Anything else, princess?”

“No, it was a decent enough explanation. Worthy of half-marks, in my opinion,” “What, why?!” “Anyway, Marie, what about you?”

“You know your world’s crazy, Lori?” You look at her, confused, “I talked to a slime today, and actual slime,” She says like it’s a normal thing, even if she gives off the impression it’s anything but. Which isn’t that weird, slimes can’t usually talk, “Apparently, slimes are just a thing that exist in this world, actual Dragon Quest style slimes.”

“Huh, of course they exist. They’re common monsters. Does Earth not have them?”
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“No, Earth doesn’t have them! I mean, it’s pretty cool, but I keep having to remind myself I’ll have to get used to this world. Remind myself that I haven’t even graduated High School and my job now involves talking with real-life slimes. He was pretty nice too! A Stranger, of course, since I was interrogating him, but it hasn’t fully set in yet.”

“You get used to it,” Asher calls out with a deadpan face and is promptly ignored.

“Anyway, after you left, I went to the Cathedral and gave the Changeling and man to the priestesses before I was escorted to some dungeon that’s apparently under the Church because that’s normal. A couple of inquisitors said my insights about Earth might help with a few interrogations of captured Strangers. Apparently, every arsonist group had at least one, and a few were captured or killed. I didn’t get much out of most, but I learned today my sword makes it so torture doesn’t phase me, so that’s cool, I guess,” Her inflection makes you believe she thinks that’s anything but cool.

“Ah,” However, you aren’t socially adept enough to know what to say to comfort(?) her.

“Mhm, yeah, the only one I gained anything from was from a Japanese man, the slime, who willingly handed himself over to the Inquisition. Said he was a double agent to help us out, and we just didn’t know it yet, he apparently went along with the arson plot to sneak into the Stranger meeting, and after he completed the burning of a manor, he said he made sure everyone evacuated beforehand I didn’t ask how but the claim was verified, he was told the location of the meeting for Stranger recruits.”

“Why would someone do all that? What does a Stranger have to gain? None of that makes sense.” You question.

“It didn’t at first. I’m not sure it does now. But he claimed to be a part of the ‘League of Heroic Monsters,’ a group of Strangers who’ve been brought to this world as monsters yet have the same goals I first did. To be a hero.”

“But that doesn’t fully explain why any of them would willingly work with the Inquisition. They could be killed by any passing adventurer or guard simply for being monsters, must less for being Strangers.”

“Well, he said the group has been around for a while, a few years at least while living in hiding, and that once they were approached by a ‘stereotypical villain character,’ they decided now was the time to change things. They did that by having a member go undercover before snitching to the Inquisition with valuable information in hopes of being given a pardon.”

“Were they?”

“Depends on how tomorrow goes, that’s when the meeting is by the way. I’m going too since I’m clearly a Stranger and can definitely sneak in as a supposed member of his league.”

“But you’re not a monster?”

“From this point forward, I’m a pretty vampire girl.”

“Whatever, I’m going to go to that meeting with you.”

“Okay, I’ll wake you up when we have to go.”

“That’s it?” You question.

“Yeah, why?”
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“I just thought-” You very subtly gesture to Asher, “I’d need to convince you is all.”

“No, I’m happy to have you. I’m not some old grumpy man like he is.”

“I’m not old!” Asher calls out, but it’s relatively softer than his usual retorts. A look in his direction shows his head on the couch’s pillow and his eyes closed. What an ignoble performance in front of royalty.

“Good, it shows good character to be accommodating to your betters.”

“Of course, Lorina. “Her cheekiness can be physically heard. You aren’t a big fan of a plebian mocking you, but you decide to let her off this time with nothing more than a huff- and definitely not a pout. To which Marie laughs, embarrassing you further.

Regardless, you

>Ask or tell the two something else before preparing for bed and the day tomorrow

>Simply going to bed

>Ask or tell the two something else before preparing for bed and the day tomorrow
>”What’s with the bad blood between the Lord Inquisitor and Dad? It seems like they’re trying to use me as some sort of pawn against each other.”
>”Have you heard any word or suspicions about any of the Traditionalists getting closer to my father? Either by leaking or… marriage?”
>”Dad’s probably going to either marry me off to a geriatric noble, send me to the back lines far away from danger, or just revoke my title and disown me the next time I return home. If I can’t see you guys again or mail letters to you, I wanted to let you two know I’ll miss working with you.”
Best I can think of now. Night.
>Ask or tell the two something else before preparing for bed and the day tomorrow
>”What’s with the bad blood between the Lord Inquisitor and Dad? It seems like they’re trying to use me as some sort of pawn against each other.”
>”Have you heard any word or suspicions about any of the Traditionalists getting closer to my father? Either by leaking or… marriage?”
>”Dad’s probably going to either marry me off to a geriatric noble, send me to the back lines far away from danger, or just revoke my title and disown me the next time I return home. If I can’t see you guys again or mail letters to you, I wanted to let you two know I’ll miss working with you.”
Alright, back from family nonsense and remembered something important to ask Asher.
>”Please keep in mind that the insurgents had at least one changeling in their ranks, Asher. We should consider the possibility that there is another from them posing as Abrams. If you knock him or the changeling unconscious you should be able to see if he’s been replaced, so pack something to sedate him. I’d also check to see if he has a brand on him, like Tamlin does now, in case this leads back to the Inquisition faction war.”
Asher should still also have that letter of recommendation that we be promoted to full inquisitor, yeah? We should cash that in so that in case we are disowned or "sent away" we'll have the authority of the inquisition to back us up
I think that was just Asher saying that to the cleric manning the desk at night, though. Nothing like an actual physical letter.

Also, important question for everyone... Who looks better shirtless, Herrman or Asher?

You can definitely get him to write a letter should you wish, but Asher is a respected enough Inquisitor he was basically offering to bludgeon his way through bureaucracy for you. He'd still do it but it would have to be after he returns from Ivern.

Depends if you like fighters or wizards more. In the D&D class kinda way not the magical virgin way.
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A small pillow hits the dopey-eyed Inquisitor, raising him from his near slumber and alerting him to your much more dignified form, “I still have questions, you will answer them,” You state.

“Can you be quick, please? Come on, It’s like two AM.”

“It is a noble’s prerogative to take as much time as they please. Now tell me, what exactly is the bad blood between the Lord Inquisitor and my father? It feels as if they’re trying to both use me as some sort of pawn in a game I have no knowledge of, neither rules or sides.”

Asher slumps even more, “Jesus Christ, you woke me up at two to talk about politics?! I thought I made it pretty clear I’m not usually a part of all that.”

“Then answer the question to the best of your ability.”

“Fine, whatever,” He says as he rubs his eyes and begins to use the pillow you’re through as some sort of fidgeting instrument, much like you often do with your stiletto, “Look, the Lord Inquisitors, weird. Like really weird, most people who work with him end up disliking him in one way or the other. But I’ve known him long enough to know he’s a good person, or at least he tries to do good things, even if he can be rather pragmatic about it. Type of guy that’d gladly let an orphanage burn down to save a city-”


“That was a bizarre analogy, personal experience?” Marie asks.

“What!? No! It’s just- Ugh, fuck off and let me finish. The Lord Inquisitor is always working towards one plot or another; sometimes, that involves sending a kid over to kill the Demon Lord. Sometimes, it’s poaching a princess from the military. So I can’t say exactly what he wants with you, but I can say it’s probably for a good cause.”

“That was a rather unsure answer to the question, but what about father? Why would he dislike the Lord Inquisitor other than him being weird? Father is strict but not nearly so ignorant to dismiss a man for that alone.”

“Look, princess, you know the King far better than I, a mere lowly peasant. But what I know from an outside context is that the Kings rather conservative, didn’t like strangetech or even new technology that originates from this world, doesn’t like change, doesn’t like the peasantry, doesn’t like a lot of things, you get the picture.”

You open your mouth to argue with a finger raised, but over the course of a few second that finger wilts adn you lose your words, eventually settling with, “My father is not a bad king.”

“Never said he was. I’d bet money the reason you have to sneak out is because he actually loves you and doesn’t want you to get hurt. Not many kingdoms nowadays can claim to have a king that actually cares about their kids. Still, between him and the Lord Inquisitor, those are two personalities that are going to clash.”
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You nod, his answer now more acceptable, “And on the topic of my father, have you heard anything about the Inquisition’s traditionalists getting closer to him through leaking information or…” Your eyes suddenly find that the couch’s corner is quite fascinating to look at, “Marriage and the like?”

“Uh, no?” Asher’s answer is more confused than anything.

“Ah well,” You purse your lips, “Father seems to be thinking of marrying me off to some geriatric noble or sending me far to the frontier at a border post, or maybe just disinheriting me and disowning me next time, and I also wanted to inform you two of that,” Ah, for some reason your face is heating up, and the floor is entrapping your eyes with its beauty, “The two of you have been rather… accommodating and if I can suddenly no longer contact you I wish to inform you as to why before that can happen.”

As you look up, you find the tiny house to be rather blurry for some strange reason you can’t tell. Asher himself looks rather distressed as he keeps looking to a still Alyssa as if for help. You don’t know why. That is all before you find yourself in the warm embrace of Marie for some unknown reason. It lasts for a bit. “We could always run away together,” She says as he lets go of you.

“H-huh?” Your voice catches for a moment; you can’t tell why.

“I mean, it’s not like I have any attachment here, and if your family kicks you out, you’d be free to do what you want, no?”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re both skilled enough to make it as adventurers, too. We’d be real manga heroes. I’m sure it’d be difficult, but so is being an Inquisitor.”

“Please don’t talk about deserting right in front of me,” Asher groans but is ignored.

“Marie, what are you saying? Even still, I have a duty to my family and kingdom-”

“Yeah, we’d probably have to leave the country, but that shouldn’t be too hard,” She adopts a faux thinking pose with one finger on her chin, “I’m sure with the two of us, maybe even three or four, we’d have no trouble carving out a life for ourselves. Maybe we could even find this world’s Japan, and I could be the one to tell you about cultural norms for once.”

“Marie, please,” You stress, “Be serious right now. I’m trying to tell you-”

“Something stupid, right? Since we’re going to solve the case tomorrow or maybe the day after, you’re going to return home a triumphant hero who saved the country, the Inquisition is going to promote us both, and we’re going to be really cool as we do all of that, right?”

“That sounds a bit daydreamy,” You say, but it does sound pretty nice.

“Even if that doesn’t happen you still have plenty of options, you don’t need to be so defeatist, Lorina, it doesn’t suit you all that well. And should the worst come, we can also run away together, couldn’t we?”

“I-isn’t that something someone should just say so certainly? Especially since there’s the connotations…”
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“Ah! It doesn’t have to be romantic either,” She quickly raises and waves her hands as if surrendering, “I didn’t really mean it that way, but if you-”

“Stop before you make a fool out of yourself, Marie, I’m begging you,” Asher says, “Can we please just get to bed and do all the sappy friendship stuff in the morning?” He looks more put together seeing that you’ve calmed down, at least somewhat. Your vision is clearer and your hiccups are gone.

“Right, yes, that will work,” You say before a stray thought enters your head, and you again turn towards the Inquisitor, “Wait, I wanted to let you know since there’s a changeling-”

“Yeah, I got that part, princess.”

“Well, about Abram, if you knock him unconscious, he might-”

“Well, see. Goodnight, Lorina,” He’s a bit more forceful then. You don’t press the after that. Finding yourself more content dealing with the mundane problem of how uncomfortable Asher’s bed is and mentally complaining about how much space Marie, a very tiny woman, takes up.

Your dreams, however, are anything but mundane.

You’re seated on a hill with only a red mushroom with white spots that look much like an umbrella, protecting you from the red rain. Your metal chair is uncomfortable, but what makes you even more weary is the little blonde girl sitting at the other end of the white table. A cup of blue tea sits in front of you, nested in a cup of fine china on a plate with just as much quality. There’s a lake at the bottom of the hill, filled with red liquid much similar to the rain. On the opposite side of the hill lies a burning estate that is very familiar, yet you’ve never seen it with your two eyes. Mr. Dodgson used to tutor you there; a part of your mind tries to inform you, but you reject it. You’ve never seen that estate in your life.

The girl, Alice, sets down her cup, the liquid is purple, and looks off over the lake, her eyes gazing at the griffin and the cowish turtle performing a rather macabre dance. “It seems the white rabbit is going to die soon,” She off-handedly remarks, like that should mean anything to you.

“I don’t care.”

“You would if you knew what I meant.”

“I don’t.”

She takes another sip, “A lot of people are going to die soon.”

“How do you know that?”

“She’s going to come back. It always happens like this.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I know, and I’m sorry.”

“Are you going to tell me? Or can I leave?”

“Hey, Lorina?”


“Do you think your world deserves to live?”

“What do you mean?”

“Does it really deserve it? Even if it was never supposed to exist? Even if we were never supposed to inhibit it?”

“Hmph,” You stop talking, seeing as she isn’t going to even entertain listening to you.
“Hey, sis, can you promise me something?”


“Don’t listen to what She says, please. Even if you won’t do it for me, do it for your friends. They would never like the world She plans to make. She’s going to come for you soon, Asher didn’t kill her forever.”

>You grunt, noncommittally but stay with Alice

>You use your wings to fly far, far, away and into the clouds, meeting with a strange girl riding a hot air balloon

>You simply wait for this frustrating nightmare to die out on its own

>"Her? Was it someone Asher fought in the wastes?"
>You grunt, noncommittally but stay with Alice
>"...Yes. Yes, it should live."
Welp. Now I'm feeling depressed... You did a good job with the last bit of this update, QM.
>You use your wings to fly far, far, away and into the clouds, meeting with a strange girl riding a hot air balloon
>You use your wings to fly far, far, away and into the clouds, meeting with a strange girl riding a hot air balloon
>>You simply wait for this frustrating nightmare to die out on its own
>>You grunt, noncommittally but stay with Alice
>>You use your wings to fly far, far, away and into the clouds, meeting with a strange girl riding a hot air balloon
>You use your wings to fly far, far, away and into the clouds, meeting with a strange girl riding a hot air balloon
>You use your wings to fly far, far, away and into the clouds, meeting with a strange girl riding a hot air balloon
5 to ditch

2 to stay

1 to reject

Actually might take a bit longer than usual, something came up. Though vote's basically been decided for awhile anyway.
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You don’t answer the little girl, don’t even humor her. Not at all. For something that Marie said to you stuck out a bit more than everything else when you were still awake, that you can always run away. It’s quite the easy thing to do when you have wings of your own; after all, you are a Lory, the Lory, the one that won the race. You’re fast enough to beat even the rain, and you show that to the little girl as she watches you disappear, far off into the sky and clouds. Far away from her grasp. She doesn’t look happy, or even mad, simply sad with a healthy dose of pity for the poor fool who flies far too high.

For you the land above the clouds is of a like you’ve never seen before. Not even when riding in that flying contraption with Marie. Your first thought is how wondrous it looks, the endless expanse of blue sky with fluffy clouds below you that hide the ground below. Your second thought is about how cold it is.

You don’t know how long you glide nor which direction you head but it is a relaxing journey nonetheless. One without fear or worry, where you’re allowed to go as fast as you with when you wish to do so. No one to instruct or deride you and especially no one to heckle you. After a while, you close your eyes and simply bask in the breeze that is until-

“Aha, gotcha!” A voice shouts as a click sounds from behind you, and you run face-first into gilded bars. Naturally, at the commotion, your eyes open, and you find yourself being hoisted in a peculiar cage, one for a bird, by an even stranger woman. She looks every bit like a peasant girl, but her expression betrays something much more delirious. Or at least the large bags under her eyes almost make her look far more crazed than any ordinary peasant. Then there’s the fact no normal woman rides in a basket above the clouds, much less one with a flame aboard.

Your immediately reprimand the much large woman but the only thing that leaves your mouth is a series of squawks and squeaks. To which she simply jostles the cage again, “What a pretty little bird. Such bright colors too, must not be from around here since this place is all too drab. Are you an invasive little birdie? A Stranger to those around you? Certainly looks to be the case.”

Again, a series of avian curses come from your body, all very composed and intelligent. Vexxingly, the woman pays the littlest bit of mind to your struggle as she dangles the cage over the endless void below her ballon. “What an interesting little thing you are. Maybe I should just keep you. Wouldn’t that be nice? If all the lost little birdies got to enjoy life in their little golden utopia? I think it would be,” She sighs dramatically, “But it seems I’m stuck here until someone lets me down again. Prison is such a bore without any friends to keep me company. So I suppose I have nothing left to do but keep you around, little birdie. At least until I can get my old friends again. You don’t mind do you?”

You hiss.
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The creepy woman smiles at you, “I didn’t think so. See? Isn’t it so much nicer when you don’t resist me, Lorina?”

The last thing you remember as you wake is a painful, wretched heat that encompasses your entire body as it boils alive. Then, a flash of a different world, one of a waste filled with demons and a rotting corpse at the center of it all. The outfits of both her and the woman were frighteningly similar.

The morning is nothing special other than the fact it’s entirely unpleasant. Asher’s bed is not what one accustomed to the life of nobility would consider comfortable. Marie also somehow seems to have acquired most of the blankets sometime during the night. Then there’s that fact Alyssa doesn’t have any sense of subtly when waking early and preparing for the day. Then Asher leaves practically without saying any farewells or fanfare in a very improper manner, Marie hogs the outdoor “bathroom” for far too long, and Alyssa, well, having someone hover over your shoulder while you do quite literally anything isn’t exactly pleasant. Her impassive gaze somehow feels judgemental when you do even the smallest of things.

But you get through it well enough and can find yourselves to the cathedral with very little fanfare, again wearing your cloaked disguise. Thankfully, Marie is an expected element and you, very discreetly, drop your name to a dungeon guard, so there’s no problem entering. Though it is an insanely strange realm that you enter below the cathedral. There are no damp stone bricks, rusty iron bars, moss at the corners of rooms, or slacking guards. Instead the entire area feels… sterile, in an otherworldly sense. The place wouldn’t look too out of place in the Metal Castle. You’re confident they’ve used a liberal amount of secret strangetech to ensure this lair is as secure as possible. Complete with guards that seem to be nearly as disciplined as royal ones.

That’s not to mention the variety of Strange people who are locked up. Granted, most of the cells seem empty, but you can count at least five in separate rooms. One holds a typical boy of around ten, another a large man who huddled in a corner muttering, the third a rather endowed woman who tries and fails to catch the eyes of the guards, the fourth a short woman who looks to be scribing a spellbook, then finally a common blue slime in the center of its cell. At the entrance of said cell stands an older man in dark attire.

“You’re the Stranger,” He says to Marie as the three of you approach, “Who are they?”

You simply undo your hood, revealing yourself as your long hair beautifully sways out and down your back. He merely nods, “It’s nice to have you back with us, Your Highness, Inquisitor Corvus,” he introduces before commenting, “What about her?”

“My bodyguard,” You say to which again the man nods, “Are we allowed in?”
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“He’s asleep,” He says, but as he does so, he signals the air and the cell door parts to allow you and Marie entrance. You honestly couldn’t tell the creature’s state of consciousness, perhaps it’s something you pick up on when you deal with monsters for long enough. However, to deal with this predicament, you decide to poke the thing with Bedelia. It moves weirdly.

“Ah, I’m awake! Wait- I’m not a bad slime! Please don’t hit me with that thing!” It screeches out in a high-pitched voice, “W-wait- Midori!” The slimes stares to bounce up and down, “Oh, it’s great to see you! Are we leaving yet? I’d like to get out of here as quickly as possible!”

“Soon, right?” Marie looks back towards the Inquisitor, who again gives nothing more than a nod, “Yeah, you’ll just need to lead us,” Again, she looks around, “Four to the meeting point before going in with me.”

“Oh, but that’s not till noon! I want to confer with the League before we go. Some of them might want to come as well!”

“You didn’t say anything about that yesterday,” Marie again looks to the Inquisitor, who finally speaks up.

“Not a smart idea.”

“Huh, why not?” The slime asks.

“Could be a trap.”

“What?! The League would never betray us! It’s will completely safe, I assure you.”

Seeing as the Inquisitor does very little to break the Stranger’s confusion, you take it upon yourself, “He means you might betray us.”

The slime gasps as if scandalized; how a slime can gasp, you have no idea. “But I’d- No, I wouldn’t do that!”

The Inquisitor shrugs as Marie asks, “Are we allowed to go to his… ‘League Headquarters,’ place, thing?”

“If you deem it necessary,” Are you always going to be stuck with the hands-off loner Inquisitors? Is it some kind of joke some Inquisitor is making against you?

“Please, can we go?” The slime asks as Marie looks towards you.

Is it a conspiracy that you have to make decisions for everyone? Perhaps you’re the only capable person in this world.

> You’re in support of following the Stranger to it’s hideout

>Your time would probably better be spent at the cathedral


>Your mental corruption fell by 15% to a total of -6%
>Your mental corruption fell by 15% to a total of -6%
Oh, damnit... The percentage isn't a progress bar... It's a Fallout style karma situation, and whoever this is is the other side of the see-saw. And possibly the one who Asher killed.

>You’re in support of following the Stranger to it’s hideout
> You’re in support of following the Stranger to it’s hideout

>Your mental corruption fell by 15% to a total of -6%

What the fuckoli is going on with our headoni
>You’re in support of following the Stranger to it’s hideout
>>Your time would probably better be spent at the cathedral
>> You’re in support of following the Stranger to it’s hideout
> You’re in support of following the Stranger to it’s hideout
Pretty singular vote

I approve of this image though

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We're on page 9
It's a slow board, we should be okay for at least an update or two.
I'm not going to worry before a day or two in page ten. Next thread of this will most likely go up pretty quickly after that anyway since another idea I want to run is not nearly close to done enough before I can actually do it.
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How many times per day do you find yourself questioning your life choices? It’s a higher number than you’ve ever used to, and that’s for certain. Might be due to the fact you’ve taken to spending time around extra-dimensional invaders in your free time, or maybe it’s because you’ve run away from home multiple times so that you have the chance to investigate conspirators and kill them. Nah, that’s probably not it; much more likely, it’s because you’ve run away from home to spend time with extra-dimensional killers, one of which just so happens to have taken the form of a pest monster. A blue vermin, most commonly known for getting into grain storage before some teenager is given a few coins to cull them.

Oh, let’s not forget the fact the area the slime is bringing you to can eloquently be described as “the bad part of town,” but that’s neither here nor there. It’s not like that part even matters anymore. Just in the past few weeks, you’ve been spending more time in the parts of cities you wouldn’t have even looked at with an uptilted nose before. Goddess, the rumors this would start if you were caught lurking around here last semester. You still get plenty of eyes on you since a slime is leading a group of three across the city, but you’re disguised, and no one seems to want to question the Inquisitor-looking fellow. A smart decision on their part.

“Come on, it’s right up ahead!” The slime says in its ever-chipper tune, “I can’t really see it without eyes, but Xiao-san says it’s really well put together for the area and has a sign that says Hickory!”

There’s not a single building in this area that you would describe as “put together,” but there is one with the remnants of a sign on it. However, instead of Hickory, you can only really make out the “ick” part and what an apt descriptor for the building that is. Dark, damp, and dingy, with no indicator of what it was before it was abandoned. A house? Inn? Pub? Storehouse? You’ve no idea, but the small hidden building on the edge of a seemingly forgotten road is where you’re led. You don’t even sigh, you weren’t even thinking a secret base could be anything else. You suppose you should count yourself lucky you weren’t asked to explore a septic tank instead. No doubt that’d be a place monsters would love to congregate.

“This neighborhood was quarantined during a small Living Rot epidemic two years ago. Never recovered after that, a good location if you want to disappear. How did you find out about it?” The new Inquisitor you’re with asks as he looks around the area. His gaze is calculating, and every word he says seems to have a meaning. Similar yet at the same time very different to Asher. At the very least, he’s much more silent during the interim moments of your journey. You’re not sure if that’s better.
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“Oh, really? I wouldn’t know, hehe,” The slime vibrates as it talks, a shudder going across its entire wet form, nerves most likely, “Mik-san apparently found the place before he found me, he’s our leader, so if you have any questions you’ll probably want to ask him.”

“How many of there are you?” The Inquisitor asks instead of continuing the dialog.

“There’s only three of us right now, me- or uuh Usami Minato, but you probably already knew that. Then there’s the skeleton Mik-san, he’s been here forever and knows pretty much everything, Xiao-san’s a spider,” Another nervous vibration as he says her name, “she’s uh, kinda scary- but really nice when you get to know her!”

“That’s all?”

“W-well, we used to have a guy who reincarnated as a sword, but he was- well, we had to kick him out since he was, ah, he wasn’t very nice,” Before anyone can ask him anything, he continues, “But! Wasike, our locust member, left on good terms! He just wanted to see more of the world.”

“Where did both of them go?” This question is asked with a bit more force.

The slime shivers quite a lot this time, “I- I, uh, don’t know?” He seems to expect a retort as it shifts a part of itself backward, but none comes from the black-clad Inquisitor. You don’t think that’s more reassuring.

Soon enough, that no longer matters as you ascend some deteriorating stone steps and reach what once could have been considered a door. The windows of the building have long been boarded up, and the many holes in the building look to have been patched with cobwebs and string. No doubt the work of this Xiao woman, but it gives a more authentic look of an actual abandoned building. To think that monsters could so easily hide away in the Capital City without notice, you wonder if any of the other forgotten buildings have the same sort of occupants, perhaps without the minds of Strangers.

As you go to open the door, because of course you lead the way for the others, the slime again class out, “Wait! Let me warn the others first. It will only be a second!”

“Warn?” Marie asks, but by then, the slime has already slipped under the door and entered the building. The two of you share a questioning look as you hear some shuffling and movement beyond the door. Then, without warning, the door slowly opens with a screeching creak, revealing an oppressively dark interior. No one seems to have opened it. So, of course, you’re the first to step inside wholly and utterly without fear.
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The only light comes from an oil lantern on a table in the center of the room. It casts a warm glow on the unusually still set of plate armor positioned upright on a wooden chair. Three others are positioned on the opposite side of the round table. The interior layout that you can see seems to be that of a brewhouse, but most furniture appears to have been pushed to the sides of the building, a myriad of cobwebs are connecting them. One cushioned chair is even levitated off the ground a good few feet in a position that reminds you of a hammock. The beady red eyes hidden in a dark corner of the room leave no second guesses to the culprit. As you approach the table and take the centermost seat, you don’t seem to find where the slime went.

“It’s rather dark in here,” You comment to the suspiciously still armor as Marie sits beside you. The Inquisitor elects to stand.

As expected, a voice comes from the plate armor. It’s deep yet clear, like the kind you’d expect an old nobleman to have, “My apologies, none of us see the world as we used to. Light is no longer something sacred to us.”

“You are?” The Inquisitor questions.

“I am known as Mikail, a denizen of this kingdom for many years now, yet I remain a Stranger to those born here.”

“It’s normally seen as rude to carry discussions with a helmet on,” You state, though you already have an idea as to why it has not been removed.

“You speak truth, Your Highness,” He should have no knowledge of your attendance. He must know your face, “And I shall remove it should you ask. Though I’ve found that many people find conversing with a skull to be most unpleasurable.”

You briefly look around at Marie and the Inquisitor’s barely lit faces and see nothing but stoicism on both, “Remove it then,” You command.

“Of course,” The Stranger’s gauntleted hands reach for his helm, and underneath is a somewhat disconcerting sight, an animated skeleton bleached white. His jaw moves as he speaks with a rather loud clacking noise as he has no lips to block the sound of his hitting teeth. Still, somehow, your impression of the man does not change, “I must say this is more people than I was expecting would come, or would come at all. And while my face doesn’t show it, I am shocked that I am currently sharing a table with this kingdom’s princess and another Stranger. Pardon any offense, but you are Asian, correct?”

Marie nods, “I’m Japanese, but please refer to me here as Marie.”

“Certainly, Inquisitor Marie. That is correct as well? You come here on their side?”

Again, she nods but then seems to defer to you, “I’m on Lorina’s side. Unless the Inquisitor says something, you should defer to her.”
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The skeleton nods once again, directing his eyeless gaze towards you. You’ve never stared at a skull for so long before. Not even in anatomy class, and that room had a much different atmosphere to the one you’re currently in. Do they keep their base looking like it’s haunted on purpose? Could it technically be considered haunted?

“I assume you have many questions then? I don’t suppose it’s often that Inquisitors speak amicably with Strangers,” He pauses; if he had them, you’re sure his eyes would dart towards Marie, “Or perhaps it is; I may be more ignorant of this world than I realize.”

Inquisitor Corvus does not speak even as you wait for him to do, so you must improvise, “The group who tried to recruit Usami, what do you know about them? Where will this meeting between you be located? That should be enough to start.”

“Well enough, I suppose I should start at the beginning. I am an adventurer, pardon if I do not give my rank or the name I put on the card, somehow they, the group we refer to, discovered my identity through that. About two weeks ago, I was requested specifically for an escort mission, that’s where I met Joseph, or at least that’s what he called himself. Claimed to have been transported inside the body of a denizen of this world and sought to make it a paradise for people like us, Strangers, I mean, and in doing so, arranged the help of a mysterious benefactor, of which he did not tell.”

“He was transported, so he’s a case of possession then? He took over the body of a citizen of Lindan? Did you learn anything about the original person he took over?” You ask.

“That appears to be the case as far as I know. He seemed to exercise complete control over his body, however. I am no theologian and, as such, cannot claim to know or understand whatever happened between their two souls.”

“I see, please continue then.”

The skull nods, “The mission I was sent to do was oversee the looting of the estate of one Henry de Oxford, the Headmaster of the Mageknight Academy. I asked to instead send a Stranger representative on my behalf, someone I trust, Joseph relented, and the Inquisition knows the rest of that story. It’s what brought you here.”

“Why didn’t you go yourself?” Inquisitor Corvus asks, a good thing, too, since you don’t want to make it clear you do not, in fact, know the story from there.

“I wished to coordinate with Xiao and scout out the location Joseph spoke with me to meet when he gave me my task. Apparently, I had impressed him in some way and was given the information prior to the actual completion of my assignment. Either that or he was set up a trap, reasoning that I would snitch to the Inquisition, which I, of course, have.”
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“And what of the location?” You ask, “Where is it? Is it another building like this?” You say as a shiver goes up your spine, and as you swat an all-too-large spider, you notice it climbing up your chair. About the size of your thumb, not even close to the size of whatever beast watches you from the shadows.

“It’s the river, actually. Specifically, the meeting location appears to be a currently docked houseboat. Xiao staked it out for a day and night, and there doesn’t seem to have been anyone inside for quite a while, most likely put there weeks in advance. I’m of the assumption you plan to follow one of us there, am I wrong?”

Just as you’re about to reply, you see the slime enter the room from an unlit doorway with what appears to be a plate on his head, carrying four different drinks and a pipe. Once he approached the table, Mikhail grabbed the dish and set it between the four of you, with a small word of thanks, “Drinks?” He asks before he takes the pipe and lights it with a minor spell. It stays locked in his jaw, and you think it’s only there for display before somehow he breathes it in, and smoke flows out of the many holes of his skull.

“What is it?” You question, the glasses are small with a tannish liquid sitting under a sphere of ice.

“Old whisky from the brewery’s previous owners. It’s about all we have to prepare for guests since our diets now differ slightly from the average humans. Unless you’d prefer the assortment of small critters and monsters Xiao keeps in the basement? Birds and mice mostly.”

“I’ll pass,” You say before something rather unusual happens. Inquisitor Corvus takes the drink and downs it in one long sip. Now, there’s a multitude of reasons you find this wrong, one, alcohol before a mission- a fight is rather unwise, two that could very easily have been poisioned, and three, alcohol looted from a brewery abandoned because of plague is most unsanitary.

“It’s good,” Is all he says.

“I’m glad. Most unfortunately, I haven’t been able to drink anything in years due to my obvious condition.”

“A disheartening ailment then,” The Inquisitor nods in understanding… What just happened?

Anyway, you return to looking at the armored skeleton and

>Ask him, or one of the others, something else [What?]

>Agree to follow the slime to the meeting point

>Suggest one of the other Strangers be sent to the meeting point

>Allow the Inquisitor to come up with the plan. He technically outranks you here

>>Allow the Inquisitor to come up with the plan. He technically outranks you here
>"Pardon me, but this Joseph was mentioned as being a veteran of some sort a war in a desert. Could any of you inform me what sort of situation that was?"
>"Do you have any contacts, Stranger or otherwise, within the Adventurer's Guild? Particularly ones who would be willing to assist us?"
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>Suggest one of the other Strangers be sent to the meeting point
...I should have probably specified if you'd like to bring Mikhail or Xiao instead of Minato, so please do that.
>"Pardon me, but this Joseph was mentioned as being a veteran of some sort a war in a desert. Could any of you inform me what sort of situation that was?"
>"Do you have any contacts, Stranger or otherwise, within the Adventurer's Guild? Particularly ones who would be willing to assist us?"
>Allow the Inquisitor to come up with the plan. He technically outranks you here
Eh Mikhail?
>>Agree to follow the slime to the meeting point
“Before anything is decided, I’d like to ask a few questions,” You say to the room, “Specifically about this, Joseph. We learned from another Stranger that he claimed to be a veteran of an Earth war. I can only assume he claimed it was desert-?” You trail off, “Was there some sort of famous Earth desert war?”

The skeleton puffs on his pipe before continuing, “You’re going to half to be a lot more specific than that, Your Highness. There’s been quite a few wars in a variety of deserts.”

Thankfully, Marie chimes in, “We learned he was a ‘Desert Storm’ veteran. You know when the Americans invaded Iran? That’s the country, right?”

The skull turns towards her as if in astonishment, “The Americans never invaded Iran. Not while I was alive, at least.”

“Well, Desert Storm must have been after you died- wait, when was that?”

“Around 2018-” He’s cut off.

“Huh? I died in 2023, and I don’t think there were many big wars after 2018 other than the Ukraine one.”

“Wait, Ukraine? What happened in Ukraine?” The skeleton seems a bit more concerned, but it’s all for naught as the slime shivers, “Guy, I think we’re getting off topic.”

“Oh, right. My apologies,” Mikhail says to you before looking at Marie briefly, “Later, please.”

She nods before looking to you, “Sorry Lorina, you’d probably have more luck asking Asher about that if he was still here, that is.”

“And why is that?”

“He’s American, I thought that was pretty obvious?”

“Most of the words you two said lack any meaning or context to me,” you sigh. “Can you just let me know if there are any unique circumstances around what his being a veteran might mean?”

“Oh, okay. Well, given that Joseph is an American veteran, he probably knows how to make and use a lot of guns that can kill someone very fast,” She says with a self-assured smile.

Like you couldn’t just make that assumption yourself, you mentally eyeroll but say, “Thank you, Marie. Now, Mikhail I also wanted to know if you have any contacts with the Adventurers Guild such as helpful contacts, think of this as idle curiosity.”

“I know a few people, yes. Oliver’s place is quite good for making business friends, as you might say. Though I can’t consider as of them close, you’d probably have more luck putting in a private bounty with the guild receptionist. I believe her name is Clarice? At least she is when she’s not adventuring herself. Though I doubt you have enough time before the meeting starts, vetting adventurers for jobs is a rather lengthy process.”

“I see, thank you.”

>Voting is still open
>Agree to follow the slime to the meeting point
We've been making the orders for a while now, let's not stop here.
Wait, hold on, /qst/ ethics question, does voting for a new choice after getting the questions answered okay in this situation?
Huh, do they come from alternate versions of Earth?

>Agree to follow the slime to the meeting point

100% ok
I think Marie is just too dumb and messed up Iran and Iraq.


Someone else

Looks like it's slime time. Writing. This will be the last update of the thread.

Hey, it's not like every random Japanese highschooler is a 1990s warfare expert out there!
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There’s not much that needs to be said about the meeting after your brief round of questions. It’s mostly just discussing directions and planning, though you do catch a few subtle hints that the monsters plan to relocate, which is countered by hints at a vague reward should all go well, and the Inquisition can easily contact them again. You’re not sure whether the Strangers actually believe that or not, judging from the aggravated chittering from the shadows around the red eyes, but perhaps things will get better for them? You can’t imagine what the Inquisition could do to make their lives easier anyway. It’s not like Marie, where they could get away with claiming to be a foreigner; they’re monsters. Goddess, if they approached you before your life went down the gutter and normal stopped making sense to you, there’s a decent chance you’d have simply just cut them down.

Soon enough, though, the four of you make your way through the backroads on a very complex route designed to make it hard to track or follow. You don’t really get it. How does going in a circle thrice before stopping to eat at a cafe prevent you from being followed? But it’s what the Inquisitor suggests you do, and it’s not like you have much else to do.

You won’t lie. It is rather nice to sit outside with a pastry of quality under an umbrella to block out the harsh heat of the sun. You even managed to snag a newspaper on the walk so you could see the results of tournaments you haven’t been able to attend or participate in due to recent events. The word puzzles are a nice addition as well. Though you won’t lie, seeing Marie drop a tarte into an old “Hickery” branded sack to feed the slime inside is certainly something. To everyone else, it must seem she’s a barbarous girl to try and store such an item in such a bag so unbecoming of it if only they knew- Hm, wait. Now that you think of it perhaps having a pet slime wouldn’t be too unusual of a fad for the Lindan nobility. You’ve certainly seen people participate in weirder.
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It’s about an hour from the meeting that the three, truly four, of you, leave the little corner store in the wealthier part of the city and depart down the river. The meeting location for the Strangers is in a residential but classy part of the city, where the river is rather lazy and small. Technically, it’s a tributary but still bares the same name. Gondolas ferry couples and families up and down when men of business converse over lunch at riverside pubs. In the distance is a University of no real note's yard where young nobles and wealthy laypeople study on the grass with an idyllic view when men and women with rooms in small highhouses function similarly on their balconies. There’s a decent crowd around and quite a few stationed guards, but the whole area seems to give a feeling of laze and content. None of that is to mentioned the houseboats docked to the side of the river, along with a particular green one with a Strange marking, that of a crucifix. Apparently, according to Mikhail, that symbol holds a special religious meaning in many parts of Earth, though you can’t imagine as to why. Perhaps crucifixions are a popular execution method there? It’s far too barbarian in your opinions, such things should be handled with class and death should be delivered quickly. But Earth is a barbaric realm, you suppose.

“I thought I’d be more nervous for this,” Marie remarks as she shakes her limbs to loosen up, “I used to get the jitters over small quizzes, but now dangerous situations don’t even phase me.”

“Marie, your swords out,” You comment. You really need to get her a good scabbard for that thing. It’d need to be custom-made to fit its weird shape, and you know, just the man for that.

She blinks, “Oh, right. Is it a bad thing I’ve kinda just accepted it talking to me in my head? I forget it’s there a lot of the time.”

The Inquisitor nods but doesn’t speak.

“Eee- I’m sure it’d be fine,” She says with a weird expression. Like she’s trying to play it off and smile while also trying to make a sort of “uh oh” face. Sarcasm perhaps? “Anyways, we should get going,” She finishes.

And to that, you all agree. It would make sense since you agree to

>Have you and the Inquisitor wait in a nearby pub overlooking the meeting point as Marie and Usami infiltrate it

>All get in ambush positions around the boat

>Have everyone but the Inquisitor sneak in. You’d bring him too, but he refused
>Have you and the Inquisitor wait in a nearby pub overlooking the meeting point as Marie and Usami infiltrate it
We can make small talk
>Have you and the Inquisitor wait in a nearby pub overlooking the meeting point as Marie and Usami infiltrate it
>>Have you and the Inquisitor wait in a nearby pub overlooking the meeting point as Marie and Usami infiltrate it
>>Have you and the Inquisitor wait in a nearby pub overlooking the meeting point as Marie and Usami infiltrate it
>Have you and the Inquisitor wait in a nearby pub overlooking the meeting point as Marie and Usami infiltrate it
>Have you and the Inquisitor wait in a nearby pub overlooking the meeting point as Marie and Usami infiltrate it
>Have you and the Inquisitor wait in a nearby pub overlooking the meeting point as Marie and Usami infiltrate it

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