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Your name is Johan. You are a taxi driver.
This has been the case for as long as you can remember. Granted, that isn't very long.

Yet none of that matters now, because another chapter is quickly reaching its end.

What comes next, you do not know.

Time is dead as the once lively spark of the carnival lies dormant, the people and attractions still as like statues.

Around you shifting humanoid beings too amorphous to describe twitch and converge.

You were standing up, something which required more force than you'd like. There was an unseen pressure weighing you down, in the most literal sense possible.

Something about these beings was disturbing. What specifically? You did not know.

>You feel your hands turning into fists [COMMENCE COMBAT] You will get the run down of how combat works in this thread. Don't worry I'll try not to put in too many surprises since this is the first 'combat' option, just take note that these enemies are incorporeal.
>Go as quickly as you can [MINIGAME START] You will run from the encounter. This will require an initial roll, and then choosing a 'path'.
>Do nothing. Perhaps they'll be appeased if you don't show hostility or make any sudden movements? This will be the easy way out, but will come at a price.
>Write-in. (Note:Johan cannot currently speak so any verbal communication is practically impossible, if it was even possible to reason with these beings to begin with)
Welcome back to One Life. A quest that was originally intended to be a one-shot, it's getting a third thread and will likely get a fourth one after this.
Updates are once a day unless I'm too busy or tired.

Previous threads:

As a reminder: [Hard Mode] was chosen in Thread #1, so the difficulty is increased.
>You feel your hands turning into fists [COMMENCE COMBAT
first time here, what's this quest about ?
>You feel your hands turning into fists [COMMENCE COMBAT] You will get the run down of how combat works in this thread. Don't worry I'll try not to put in too many surprises since this is the first 'combat' option, just take note that

I strongly recommend reading the last two threads. it's tough to sum up, really. it's a surreal quest about an amnesiac taxi driver in an eerie town, trying to figure out who he is and what's going n while in a state of constant paranoia, with an undercurrent of supernatural unease. My main suspicions are that we're dead, having a schizophrenic episode, or have been abducted by aliens.
tldr: you are Johan, the local amnesiac and taxi driver. He has three 'interesting' ways of thinking (represented in three different colors) and tries to makes sense of the world around him. Generally there's light paranormal undertones.
Currently Johan is in a "charity" carnival for some vague reason he doesn't really understand (but is justifying it as gathering information), and just got done questioning a strange electrician.

Most other details and characters can be found in the previous threads, it's really not that big of a read.

>My main suspicions are that we're dead, having a schizophrenic episode, or have been abducted by aliens.
I don't want to spoil much but one of these theories will (probably, or at least mostly) be disproved/clarified in this thread, with the way things are going.
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Oh, and this is important: we're going to pork a mime.
>Go as quickly as you can [MINIGAME START] You will run from the encounter. This will require an initial roll, and then choosing a 'path'.
That all depends on what choices you guys make, but I won't rule it out.

>First Fist Fight

>Pathway Peril


But first, a small intermission:

--- Combat Instructions:

A single 1d20 roll will be made by an anon, representing an action you take. I will then ask for more d20 rolls: these will be for the enemies that act.

- You can choose one of three stances in every fight:

Offensive - Specializes in attack and speed at the cost of defense. Maneuvering and the ability to evade attacks is easier.
Risk and reward.

Defensive - Specializes in defense. You can choose to 'focus' when doing an action; this ability makes Johan immune to any distractions or mental effects by the enemy (has the downside of Johan gaining tunnel vision).
Immovable object.

Flexible - Keeps Johan's attack, defense, and speed at a stable rate. While easily adaptable to most situations, even being able to nullify certain attacks if you're harmonized properly, it doesn't specialize in anything and risks rendering Johan passive.
Flowing like water.

You feel your hands turning into fists.

This isn't something you're willing to run from, nor will you be rolled like some carpet and taken out to be beaten, there must be another option.
And, like a fire lighting up within you, you find it.

Adrenaline runs through your veins. And you feel life courses upon your hands, a blood-red outline on them that ends at your coat's wrists.

While vague, you can make out how many of these 'phantoms' there are; two by your right, one almost directly behind the other, and one to your left. Now that you've gained your bearing more, you notice their actual movements are slow yet erratic. They aren't doing anything you can notice, until you see the leftmost's vague outline begin to subtly shake. They are waiting for something to happen.

>A rush passes into you, making your body feel agile [Offensive Stance]
>Steel your mind and body [Defensive Stance]
>Maintain a calm mind and work with the flow [Flexible Stance]

Note: Since this is the first battle I won't be too harsh here. I'll probably write fight scenes twice a day instead of my usual one-update-a-day standard since these are relatively short, but that's liable to change depending on how busy/tired I am.
>A rush passes into you, making your body feel agile [Offensive Stance]
>Offense Is The Best Defense

A rush passes into you, making your body feel agile [Offensive Stance]

You feel yourself become nimble. The strength in your hands seems to grow twofold, making you almost break into a smile.

A strong, violent desire to punch something (or someone) enters your mind. But you don't let it control you, at least not yet.

The two beings on the right, once seemingly content to shift passively but now seeing that something was afoot, moved the upper parts of their bodies unnaturally from side to side in a fluid motions. The 'ghost' to your left, whose outline is now merging into itself, merged its 'arms' into one another, forming a strange scythe-like tendril that protruded from its left.

With that you think you'll...

>Sucker punch one of the beings.
>Jump behind the bench, then look for a projectile to throw at them while keeping your distance.
>Act reactively and try to counter any movements they make towards you.

>Concentrate on a side this turn? (If so, right or left?)

Remember to roll a 1d20 for any action you take here, I'll take a Bo2 for now.
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>Jump behind the bench, then look for a projectile to throw at them while keeping your distance.
>Concentrate on a side this turn? (Right)
>Over And Around

The vote isn't closed yet, I'll probably leave it open 4-5 hours from now (which is when I'll have some free time again).

In the meantime I'd like a 2d20 from any anon.
Rolled 1, 12 = 13 (2d20)

>Sucker punch one of the beings
>Focus on left

Rolled 2 (1d2)

>Sucker Punch
>Two Left Arms

>Over And Around
>Right Two For One

I'll start writing soon.
That crit fail is going to hurt the enemy pretty badly. Johan got lucky the rolls weren't higher than his.
With one quick motion, you jump behind the bench.

And you did it not a second too late, as creature to the right closest to you stopped its moving and lunged in your general direction, barely grazing you. This played out in your favor since at that very moment the scythe wielding being seemed to have cut into one of the 'arms' of the creature that lunged towards you, if the guttural sounds and the fact they were now fighting with one another, was anything to go by. They both were trying to attack you at the same time. Such a lack of coordination and care for each other on the enemy's side was reassuring to your current position. Then again this was a real Looney-Tunes business that just happened, even witnessing the remaining rightmost 'ghost' clobber the left one on the head a few times. You'd of found it funnier had you not been in the middle of such an unnerving situation.

But you shouldn't let your guard down yet. For this is no time to muse about things, find a projectile to throw at them!
And so you did start looking around. At first there didn't seem much of anything small enough to throw, which was worrying. But after a few seconds you find two rocks, one smaller than the other. It wasn't perfect, but it would do. You pick them up, and notice that the same blood-red outline seemed to seep from your hands onto the soon to be projectiles.

Without more than a second's hesitation, you throw the larger rock. And it lands true, breaking off a large chunk from the rightmost one that lunged towards you, and even piercing a bit of the other right one. It was a strange sight, as they both seemed spill both shadow and light from where you had punctured them. You're almost tempted to gaze at the sight in wonder, but you recall that this isn't over yet.
The former, with one last unnatural noise and shake, vanished into mist. The latter of the two rightmost, now with its attention divided between you and the scythe-armed being, paused for a moment and began to close its wound. You could have defeated them both had you focused on doing so.

The left being swings its arm again, this time towards the remaining creature.

>Just stay back and watch. You'll pick off whoever survives from this the moment the other vanishes.
>Join one of the sides and fight the other. (Right or left? Against which?)
>Try to finish off the both of them with the small rock you still wield.
>Just stay back and watch. You'll pick off whoever survives from this the moment the other vanishes.
Never interrupt your opponent while they make a mistake.

>Just stay back and watch. You'll pick off whoever survives from this the moment the other vanishes.
>The Guide For Any Battle

Will start writing in a bit.
Can I get a 2d20 in the meanwhile?
Rolled 14, 9 = 23 (2d20)

Thank you anon.
Seems like the scythe-armed one wins this battle.


Watch them tear each other apart.

Why should you do otherwise? No need to correct an opponent's error, especially when victory was so cleanly set on your lap. All you needed to do was play smart and with any luck you'd come out of this unscathed.

Meanwhile serene feeling is overcast in the air all around. Time, while still stopped for everyone else around you, seem to further slow as the two beings now fight each other.

Swiping from the left's scythe was deftly dodged by the right one's movements. It was a dance you were glad you had no part in. Of course, that was all liable to change in a moment.

With stabs and lunges, you were surprised at how compact the fight was, resembling more of a duel than anything. More and more the two pushed each other's power, movements becoming increasingly blurred as its violent flow became almost beautiful.

As terrifyingly elegant as this had become, in the end only one could remain.

If it had not been apparent before, the one on the right was posed to lose. Though it's movements were impressive, the attacks from the being didn't connect. Add the fact that it was hurt and the result only seemed clearer.

A part of you couldn't help but feel sorry for it, but such was the way of things.

Soon, after a particularly brutal finishing move by the scythe-armed one, it vanished into light and mist just like its companion.
The remaining creature was a bit bruised from what you could tell, spilling a bit of light from the strange arm it bore.

>Waste not a moment longer and attack the scythe wielding creature while its still distracted (Johan will default to throwing the rock at its head, but you can specify doing something else if you like).
>Hide behind the bench. You aren't sure it will even do much to help you, but with some luck it might buy you some time.
>Find a more strategic spot to fight the being, something that could deny it from using its scythe comfortably.

And remember to roll a 1d20 with any action you take.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

>Waste not a moment longer and attack the scythe wielding creature while its still distracted (Johan will default to throwing the rock at its head, but you can specify doing something else if you like).
Rolled 9 (1d20)

>Waste not a moment longer and attack the scythe wielding creature while its still distracted
>>Tackle, grapple, demand to know what it is and what it wants
It’s fine. We just gaslight QM into making them passing rolls.
>Waste Not A Moment

Well the good luck had to run out eventually.
Waste not and attack!

Once that whole ordeal is done, you opt on an offensive strategy. Feeling the rock upon your hand, you pause while thinking on what to do exactly.
Pocketing the rock for later, you decide to simply tackle the being and try to grapple, with the intention of interrogating it.
Going over the bench again with another jump, you mused about how this leap was similar to the pounce that was almost done to you by the 'spirit' that had vanished into mist and light. Something in the back of your mind bothered you about the action you were doing.

Not hesitating like last time the being slashed at you without even turning. And there it was; you made the same mistake the other daemon did, a tactic this opponent was wise to. It was a bitter irony that you were countered in the same way as the other enemy had been. Still, while you didn't have the advantage of mobility like the other foe, you were blessed by that blood-like 'aura' now being extended to your arms. Any pressing questions of what that was could wait, for now you merely felt the adrenaline and speed course through you. And you acted like your life might be in the line which it very well might be.

You feel something cold as the tendrils of the creature in the ensuing slice against your upper body. There was no pain, and instead a numb sensation runs over the skin that was touched. For the lack of a better term a feeling of 'decaying' was there, even your clothes weren't spared by the discordant yet physical discoloration. You wished to yell out, but you find cannot say anything. Any words, exclamations, or sounds for that matter, that you wished to make are gone, your vocal cords not responding in the slightest. It was like that same pressure from before when this strangeness had started.

For another moment, as you're deflecting and evading, you think about communicating with the creature in the same way Mimi was 'speaking' with you, namely pantomimicry. While you have a good grasp on understanding it, actually doing it escapes you. A part of you regrets not taking the time to be better at it when you had the chance, but then again it would've been a distraction had you done so.

While not in the middle of dodging the being's comparatively sluggish swings, you're able to make some distance. You still feel the rock in your pocket, and you're grateful that your throwing arm wasn't affected by the numbness.

You feel tired and slightly battered. The 'phantom' doesn't look much worse for wear, although it has slowed down considerably.


>You have a clear shot, don't get greedy and end this already. Potential [COMBAT END] if the rolled d20 is over 10.
>No. You'll try again to interrogate despite your muteness... somehow. This will take a high DC of 19-20.
>Jump behind the bench again and do your best to speak, or at least try to figure out why you aren't able to do so as you keep evading. Whether or not this will be a fruitless endeavor you're not sure, but you should at least try.

For any action remember to roll a 1d20. It's a Bo2 for now.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>You have a clear shot, don't get greedy and end this already. Potential [COMBAT END] if the rolled d20 is over 10.
>Clear Shot

A chance to end this quickly presents itself, and you'll take it.

You grab the soon be projectile from your pocket. And with one swift movement you throw your stone.

It pierces the being close to what would be its heart, leaving a small cavity that quietly drips down its chest in a beautiful chiaroscuro. As the brush strokes of light continue to fall, and the 'phantom' divides its 'scythe' back into something resembling more human-like arms.

With them there was an attempt mending, yet this was in vain as the hole simply grew and continued to spill out. It seemed to not be as proficient as the other two in its healing, a fact which you found interesting and would store for later.

Your mind goes back to the stone, imbued with such a strange power, being capable of causing this damage. It leaves you at a loss of words. Not like you could say anything now if you tried.

Adrenaline, once circling through your mind, was wearing off and leaving tiredness to catch up to you. That numb sensation was still a constant, and you dearly hoped this wouldn't be a chronic ordeal you'd have to deal with.

As you were thinking these things, the being in front of you soon started to follow the same fate at the other two before it.
Merely mist remained. And that too soon was gone.

You're about to get your bearings, perhaps even try and figure out what's going on, until you [greed]another sense of unease grabs a hold of you.[/green]

And you find that...

That the world was beautiful once again.

Even as the clouds descended, enveloping you like a fog.

You felt a tugging, and you followed it. It was condescending, perhaps, but you felt a strange pride swell up in your chest. Like you'd done this before, even.

And the feeling fit like a glove. It was almost like greeting an old friend.

And as the fog broke time seemed to resume. Fist as a minute, then another, and another after that.
Like an old train it started with a hiss. And life came back to life, that you would speak again.

Carnival music played in the background. People moved from this place to that. The numbness of those slashes was a ghost of itself, barely a memory. And you could talk again.

You're still standing where you were, proving your existence, with your mind on the situation that had just occurred.

>Go back to your hotel room and rest. You might as well of run a marathon with the way you're feeling, despite outward appearances. You're pretty sure you could sleep in your car if you tried to.
>Enter a bathroom, or at least someplace private with a mirror. You want to check up on yourself, and see if anything had happened to you or anything on you.
>Look for the man you last spoke to. You recall the direction he left in. You had questions and were certain he had answers.
>Enter a bathroom, or at least someplace private with a mirror. You want to check up on yourself, and see if anything had happened to you or anything on you.
>Enter a bathroom, or at least someplace private with a mirror. You want to check up on yourself, and see if anything had happened to you or anything on you.
>Reflection Reveal

I've been feeling tired, so this update might get done in the morning.
Rest well, QM.
I'll try to, thank you anon.


See if there's anything you should be concerned about.

While you're sorely tempted to either run after and look for the man that presumably sent you here or just go back home, you know that it would be wiser to discern if there's anything wrong first and foremost.

And so you leave, going back into the crowd. Finding a restroom, specifically one that isn't an outhouse (you'd checked and they don't seem to have any mirrors around), was more difficult than you'd expect. One would think that there'd be more of them scattered around considering the amount of people, but it seems like the people that designed this park didn't have that as a worry in their minds.

After asking directions from a surprisingly helpful stall operator, you get pointed towards a bathroom that was installed into the park's design. Unfortunately for you there seems to be a line outside, and a toll for it, to boot.

Other than that there was a house of mirrors, which couldn't be counted on for accuracy for obvious reasons. And there were probably some places behind the scenes that had mirrors, but you had no access to them. At that point you were better off going home or to a hospital, though the latter was somewhat scarce from what you've seen.

You resign yourself to pay and start waiting in line. While it might be an agonizing experience at least you don't really have to relieve yourself like the rest of these poor saps. Still a part of you wonders why they don't go to one of the at least three outhouses to use. Ultimately you cannot truly blame them, as some of those places were filthy.

Still after some time it's finally your turn. As you enter you find that it's clean (for a public toilet at least), but after some looking around the only thing odd about the place was a stray cockroach scurrying about. There were mirrors, to your great relief, which you used to look at yourself. While nothing seemed wrong with you while you looked at your own body without the mirror, either from inspecting or from touch, with the reflection you saw what looked like a nasty grey scar in the place you had been slashed and myriad smaller ones.

For a moment you can simply look at it, tracing over them with your finger. Only the ghost of a shadow's feeling remained, and even then it slowly started to vanish. The latter was in the physical sense too, as some of the smaller scars seemed to gradually go away, small bits of fatigue disappearing along them.
Within you the thoughts battled about how to deal with this and on whether or not to tell anyone about your condition.

You do an inventory check and find everything is where it belongs with nothing missing. Good. You let go of a breath you realize you've been holding.

You're still not sure what to think when you hear some banging on the door and a muffled shout. How rude. Yet understandable. You'd hate to be waiting out in the cold for who knows how long.


>You'll just check yourself once again before leaving, and see if you can get rid of that main scar somehow.
>Just leave and go somewhere else. You still aren't done getting information, now more than ever (Anyplace in specific? Johan will default to going back to the bench, but alternatively could go to some of the operating games, and perhaps even try to speak with one of the other two people he though worked in the big top).
>Suddenly, you have a bad feeling about your taxi. Did that electrician from before touch it? You had cameras that could prove any tampering, and you weren't afraid to check them even now while the carnival was in full swing.
>Suddenly, you have a bad feeling about your taxi. Did that electrician from before touch it? You had cameras that could prove any tampering, and you weren't afraid to check them even now while the carnival was in full swing.
>Just leave and go somewhere else. You still aren't done getting information, now more than ever
The big top.
>Sudden Feeling

>Big Top Again

I don't think I'll be able to write today, but tomorrow should be free for me.
I'll try to write in an hour or two, or at least roll between these, but I can't promise anything today.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Taxi Checkup
>2 Big Top

Will probably finish writing tomorrow.
A bad feeling courses through you.

And you immediately rush outside, opening the door and unfortunately pushing over a now outraged woman. You hear a few exclamations but pay them no mind as you course by the carnival's now maze like crowds.
Thankfully, you think to yourself, I've been around here enough to know where the entrance is.

Deciding to not go full sprint and instead walk at a brisk pace, soon enough you're able to navigate well enough. This doesn't mean you're in the clear, you haven't even gotten close to the entrance yet (you felt that this place wasn't always as big as it is now), and are in need of cutting through some places in order to get closer. Most notable of these was the house of mirrors you'd seen not so long ago and a dunk tank with a familiar, but now miserable looking, clown. You didn't know how he went from entertaining in front of a ride's line to where he was now, but you had more pressing matters on your mind currently.

Thankfully you were able to blip by the events, only gaining a few side eyes from some operators, and soon you were at the parking lot. That was rather fun, wouldn't you say?

As you cross the packed lot, having to avoid people that were still entering. While you made sure not to forget about where you were parked when you got here, it still proved a slight challenge to actually get there despite how close it was to the entrance. You couldn't imagine what it'd be like if it was further away.

But either way you're able to see it up close. Looks good from the outside. And you unlock the trunk, finding nothing out of the ordinary there.
You almost face palm as you start looking around, feeling conspicuous about your actions. Thankfully nobody seemed to care, and most are just going about their ways. With that as at least temporary assurance to placate your mind, you look inside the vehicle's guts and find nothing out of the ordinary, both in the engine or beneath it.

After that is done you finally decide to enter the car, and looking at the mirror in it you come to the epiphany that you might've been able to use it to look at your scars. Testing it by pulling your sleeve up, however, proves that for whatever reason it doesn't work here. That was equally troubling and intriguing for different reasons. But, not to get sidetracked before you think too long about other things and forget what you're doing, you look at your cameras and see what they've recorded. As it turns out, it's a large amount of nothing.

You feel relieved, and a little disappointed. It was a familiar feeling.

Rolled 5 (1d5)

Don't mind this, just rolling for something in the background.
Getting out of the taxi seems like much less of an ordeal than getting in. But that's to be expected, since you aren't exactly strapped for time anymore. It was two forty in the afternoon currently. Around half an hour has already passed since you came to check on the camera's of your car, and you're not even sure if you want to feel annoyed or happy that you've been able to kill some time before the big top opens. You lean back against the taxi's door as you think about that. Tempted as you were to go there, and maybe gain some more information, it might not have been as productive as you think it was. Compared to this it might've been. While that's true, you can't really say that checking up on this car was a waste of time either considering how not that long ago it-

And it was then, getting you out of your thoughts, that you see a familiar face...

"Evening, Johan. Not surprised to see you here" it was Mike, one of the Noirs. He had somehow creeped up on you, startling you for a second.

"I can't say the same about you. I haven't seen any of you guys around here, what are you doing here?"

"Oh you know, we've been up and about. No reason not to come here, eh?" Mike then takes out a box a cigars from inside his overcoat "want one?" he says as he takes one for himself out of it.

>No, I'm fine thank you.
>Sure, I'll have one.
>Actually, I'd rather you didn't smoke.

"Say, you seem to really like that thing" he aloofly motioned to the taxi with his free hand.

"Well, I have to. It's my job and only means of getting around" you say not missing a beat. He only gives a noncommittal 'hm' in response.

"Thanks again for breakfast. Mrs. T makes some mean pancakes."

"It's no problem really" you were half tempted to ask about who that Mrs. T was, but you can assume from implication that she was at least one of the cooks at Dingo's.

"Guessing you've been to the carnival already?" Mike looks at you as he says this.

"I was, I just came back to check up on the taxi. I got a bad feeling about it, you know how it is" you think that should be enough of an answer to make his inquisitiveness be satiated. You knew firsthand how intuitive the Noirs could be.

"Yeah, I know how it is. More than ya think" he looks away after saying this.


>"Anyway it was nice seeing you here, I'll talk to you later. Give my regards to the rest of the Noirs." And you'll go back into the carnival. While it's still too early to get into the Big Top, you can still gather information independently. Maybe the Clown or Strongman from before could be a good start.
>"It may sound silly but it's a bit weird seeing only one of you guys around here. I was half expecting all of you to either come to the carnival together or not come at all. Especially since you guys like to eat lunch at Dingo's in the weekends, right?" According to Mimi, at least two people matching the Noir's descriptions were around here earlier this morning snooping around. You aren't going to accuse the Noirs of anything, but you're curious if Mike will talk at all about what they're doing.
>"Hey, I'm not planning on leaving yet. If you and the rest are here we could meet up. I mean I'm pretty new around town, so I could use a tour guide." Even if he declines it might give you some insight on where they'll be if you want to meet with at least one of them.
>No, I'm fine thank you.
>"Hey, I'm not planning on leaving yet. If you and the rest are here we could meet up. I mean I'm pretty new around town, so I could use a tour guide." Even if he declines it might give you some insight on where they'll be if you want to meet with at least one of them.
>Sure, I'll have one.

>"Hey, I'm not planning on leaving yet. If you and the rest are here we could meet up. I mean I'm pretty new around town, so I could use a tour guide." Even if he declines it might give you some insight on where they'll be if you want to meet with at least one of them.
>Clean Hands


>Tour Buddy

I'll probably start rolling to tiebreak the first vote and get to writing when I have some more free time, which will be around four to six hours from now.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Decline
>2 Cigar

As much as I hate to do this while in the middle of writing I'll have to postpone the update until tomorrow. There are irl things I need to fix some pipes in the sink that are leaking pretty badly are happening now and I'll be too tired to continue writing tonight after I'm done, sorry.
No worries, i happens. Thanks for the heads up, and good luck!
I appreciate it, and thank you!


"Hey, I'm not planning on leaving yet. If you and the rest are here we could meet up. I mean I'm pretty new around town, so I could use a tour guide."

"I didn't think you'd be going anywhere. There's nothing much to do, other than this shebang right there" he motions towards the general direction of the carnival and lets out a puff of smoke from his mouth. That cigar was firmly lodged between his thin frown. He seemed to have a talent for keeping it there while speaking. You were curious as to how he did it, but not enough to take one yourself and find out. Smoking was unhealthy, was it not?

"We may speak about about how much people like it, but from here it's obvious this that it's popular."

"It sure is. Just look at them" says Mike "like moths to a flame."

You turn towards where he's staring, and see that he's looking at the entrance of the carnival. A trickle of people, not as many as earlier but still enough to notice, enter the gaping maw of the park. Hardly any were leaving, and you couldn't shake the feeling it was going to stay that way for a while.

You also take note that he hasn't given an answer about meeting up with the rest of the Noirs.

"Say" before you can say anything he continues "you didn't happen to go by that tent in the middle."

"As a matter of fact I did" it's probably not wise to hide that from him "they're closed until four. At least that's what they said to me and all the rest of the people gathering there. Before they shooed us, that is."

"Hm, I see... I noticed there's a bit of overlap with the workers there and the usuals at Dingo's" another billow of smoke comes out between his lips, Mike not sparing a second to pause "a few familiar faces, too busy fixing the pretty lights and shining the big-shot's boots to talk. But that's life, see?"

"Yeah, that's life. But hey, sometimes you have to punch back, right?" you say, recalling how Mike used that phrase before. It was something you followed almost literally against certain 'ghosts' you'd come across, and had the scars to prove it. Well you almost has the scars to prove it. Looking back, you feel lucky to have gotten out of that alive.
And while in that train of thought something bothers you. There is a certain topic you wished to discuss. It was on the tip of your tongue, but you cannot quite recall it.

Yet you're not able to bring an end to that thinking as you can see Mike assessing your face. Something that happened not too long ago as well, it was-

"I think I know where a couple of the guys are" Mike agreed, surprising you out of your recollection once more "'sides it shouldn't take that long to show you around, since you've been around this joint already."

"That's great" you say "when can we get started?"

"Now's a good a time as any."

And with that you two are off.

It doesn't take too long to slither back into the hustle and bustle of the carnival. Mike wasn't one of the more talkative Noirs, a group that didn't communicate much to begin with, but he would point out certain things about the place which when prompted.

You felt like you had a more fundamental grasp on things. From how certain stalls and some of the more modest acts were actually connected to the park more than the carnival (confirming some of your theories after 'talking' to Mimi), to certain places that were less populated by the visitors The latter included a gravel pathway which, according to Mike, would lead to a bridge and a river if followed for long enough. He also seemed to know about the history behind some rides. The most intriguing to you was the roller coaster; which apparently had an entire team and storage system dedicated to its maintenance and assembly. It was far older than both the carnival and even the park itself, by at least a century (a fact which you found odd for some reason).

However you couldn't help but notice how he didn't speak much about the food, and would actively avoid speaking of apples, whether in bobbing barrels or the caramelized counterparts (the latter more than any of the rest). When pressed, he merely muttered about "not trusting the chow 'round here." You personally think he's just speaking from a certain bad experience.

All in all these pieces of information would be expressed in only a few sentences by Mike, within broken tidbits and colloquialisms, and rarely continued on their own organically without your further questioning.

Eventually you would both meet up with two more Noirs, respectively...


>Albin and the Lady. The former talking to a stall operator while the latter was sitting down by a table and reading another book.
>Jamesfield and Shapes. With Jamesfield scribbling something in a notebook while Arnold was swinging a hammer in a Whac-A-Mole game.
>Albin and the Lady. The former talking to a stall operator while the latter was sitting down by a table and reading another book.
>Albin and the Lady. The former talking to a stall operator while the latter was sitting down by a table and reading another book.
>Bookworm And Veteran

Writing. Might take a bit.
...Albin and the Lady.

The man was speaking, somewhat amicably, with one of the game operators. You couldn't exactly discern what the discussion was about, but Albin seemed to deal well with the opertor, giving smiles that didn't quite reach his eyes and making questions that nudged the conversation in a different direction as they went about with some meaningless chatter about money.

On the other side of the area, in a table by herself, was a woman sitting by herself by a table. You wondered how she could keep to her own so well, with how many were around.
A part of you thinks you'd feel rather lonely in such a situation. Perhaps this was diminished from the fact she was near someone she knew; namely Albin, the old detective. At least you were pretty sure he was one. And soon Mike would be here as well to boot, with you in tow. You knew the Noirs were friends, or close acquaintances at minimum. Something tells you that she would feel fine either way, so long as she had a book to absorb.

You and Mike approach the two. While you'd feel fine in just waiting for a bit, Mike had the idea of bouncing into the conversation with brute force.

"-but that doesn't have much to do with how the customer feels. Most of them are just happy to pay for a prize instead if given the choice. I can assure you that profits have gone risen by three-percent this year, up from the previous time I set up around here" the man speaking wore a red bow tie and a bowler hat with a red stripe around to match it. He talked in a way that would make you think he is curving, and as strange as that comparison is you had no better way to describe it.

"Say, how's life going?" the voice was immediately recognized by Albin, who turned around to greet him. After a few more words with the operator (and mumbled comments by Mike), the three of you went to join the Lady where she was sitting at. You greeted one another, both to the Lady and Albin. Then as the greeting came to a close it lulled into a pensive quiet, and you would've felt awkward had you not simply known that this was how the Noirs acted.

"So, I got shown around the place by Mike" you decide that enough time has passed in a silence surrounded by the noise of the carnival "I actually learned a few things."

"From Mike? Now that's a surprise" Albin said without bite to his words "I'd be surprised if you figured out which plane of existence we were on with him around."

"You'd be surprised, old man" came the reply from Mike as took another drag from the cigar. You saw the ghost of a frown appear upon the Lady's face from the corner of your eye as he did so "I just like to take care of the things when no one notices, see? Unlike you, with your side projects."

"No need to be so dramatic, 'take care of things when no one notices', bah" but after this banter he became pensive, scratching his head and closing his eyes "you know, that sort of thing doesn't come without practice. You know, it reminds me of when I was younger-"

"Before you serenade us with another one of your stories, gramps" Mike interrupted "Johan here tells us that some of the men from earlier were at Dingo's" not your exact words, you feel. And what did he mean by 'some of the men from earlier'? You did meet with a Blue Collar Worker today while in the carnival. He might be talking about some of the workers he'd seen earlier, but it could be something to look into. Perhaps the Noirs might know about that electrician from earlier.

"Tell us something we don't already know" Albin said with half a scoff "we aren't here for any average apples."

"A turnabout is happenin' around here" was the, you think unintentionally, shrill reply of the Lady. She put down her book and looked at Mike "and any type of apple is the least of your worries" there was such a serious expression on her face you couldn't tell if she was joking or not.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it" Mike seemed unfazed by the whole ordeal at this point "say, speaking of apples, you find any bad ones around?" his inquiry seemed directed at both Albin and the Lady.

"Half a dozen" was the reply from the Lady. She pointedly too no notice of the smoke Mike blew out after she spoke.

You felt like you were out of the loop. And you sense another silence rearing its head.


>"So, any plans for the day from any of you guys?" A bit straightforward, but it's not a bad question.
>"Hey Albin, just out of curiosity what were you talking about with that operator over there?"
>"Lady, what do you mean by 'a turnabout is happening around here'?"
>"Lady, what do you mean by 'a turnabout is happening around here'?"
Enough pussyfooting! These guys talk like the gamer operators all curving and indirect, like the event horizon of the black hole at the heart of matters. What is going on??
>"Lady, what do you mean by 'a turnabout is happening around here'?"
>What She Meant

"Lady, what do you mean by 'a turnabout is happening around here'?"

"What we talked about earlier" she replies "the hostile takeover. It's closer than we thought."

"Hostile takeover? What's closer than we thought? What are you guys talking about?" You really don't feel like being subtle anymore. Sure this may be a public place, but you've waited long enough for answers and are willing to take that risk.

"It's about that Lucian fellow's company Material World, and how they're consolidating things" Albin speaks in "usually it takes a few years for it to happen, but it's going in too hard and too fast for it to be normal" ah, that would be putting it lightly.

"And what does that have to do with the carnival?"

"Nothing. Initially, at least. But it looks like the E.V.L. got spooked and is pushing for somethin'. They have a buncha ground workers on site" the Lady replies in what you think is a lower tone. You don't know if it's her grating voice, but you can't help but feel annoyed. However it's not like she can help that.


"It's the main charity behind this place" Albin clarified. He must be talking about the Edifying Volunteers in Livelihoods you think. At least that's what you remember it being called.

You take the following silence in stride as you think to yourself. Or, as much as you can think with carnival music and countless conversations happening in the backround.

"Bad memory, eh?" Mike says. Mike breaks the silence. And it's just as well, you couldn't even hear your own thoughts with how much was happening. But after listening to what he said clicked, you feel a bit of a shiver down your spine. Had you been too easy to read? After a nod from your head he just grunts and seemingly doesn't notice "can't really blame you, it isn't common knowledge, even though they plaster their names on anything, from postcards to flyers" he pauses for a moment "say, you don't really know much about this stuff do ya?"

"Not really. This is above my pay grade" you sigh, more out of relief than what you imagine appears as exasperation "sometimes it feels like things are going too fast and out of control."

"Tell me about it" Albin says "sometimes life just goes haywire, son. And you gotta learn the ropes before they're tied around your neck" speak for yourself. What's wrong with going fast and taking a chance? But what Albin said is true. It's good to learn before what's going on around before you're taken unawares.


>Ask why they are doing this. You could phrase this like an innocuous question, like how they became detectives, and go from there.
>Ask where Jamesfield and Shapes are at. Seeing the Noirs separated, even in this regard, is still a bit odd to you.
>Ask about something else (there's the electrician Blue Collar Worker that they may know of, or you could ask Albin about a story of Hotel Oasis, or you could even just ask Lady's name and why she's called that, or any combination of anything really).
>Ask why they are doing this. You could phrase this like an innocuous question, like how they became detectives, and go from there.
>The Reason Why

I'll try to write, but I can't promise I'll be able to update today.
You think about asking them why they are doing this.

Yet you'll go about this in a way that won't be accusatory. Letting your thoughts realign, you think for a few seconds after politely thanking Albin for the advice.

"What made you guys decide to be detectives?" you decide to ask. It's a legitimate question that had been present in your mind, quietly lodged up in a corner, since you've met the Noirs. It could be seen as a bit of an ice breaker if framed a certain way.

"We each have our stories to tell" Albin begins "but to clear things up; it might surprise you that not all of us are detectives" and indeed it did, to say the least.

"The only two that are in the business are Jamesboy and Albin. More a hobby than anything else for the rest of us" said the Lady.

Yet the determination behind their personalities that pushed them to act in this way seemed too deep to be a mere hobby. They also seemed to be pretty invested into some high profile cases, at least from your point of view. You think about voicing this, yet realize that many people can be highly passionate about certain things (and you have the sneaking suspicion that overly aggressive inquiries would only get the tables flipped on you).

Further chatting showed that Mike was apparently a kickboxer of some sort, and the Lady was a librarian. It was honestly not too surprising for you, once you got over the fact neither were actual detectives.
After some more chatting you find the oldest member of the group speaking out about his experiences: he was once part of the police force's official investigations unit, but was eventually discharged due to him finding about some corruption and incompetence within there.

"it wasn't what it used to be, you know. Or who knows, maybe it was always this way and I was too caught up in catching crooks to notice" although he seems to be reminiscing wistfully you can sense a slight bitterness in his tone "I don't think you'd care much to hear about an old man rambling about the good old days, would you?" he laughs at his own joke.

The conversation devolves again into some smalltalk. While interesting by itself you feel like you haven't been able to get any progress.

"You know" you start again, trying to find a good way to even begin between the banter and talk "I still don't really know how you guys got interested in this sort of work to begin with."

"I like the mystery behind it" was the succinct answer from the Lady "so much to see and uncover."

"It's no different from any other fight. But the punches come without the fists, see?" Mike takes the now half used cigar out of his mouth and lightly taps it, causing small bits of dust gently descend down towards the ground "every once in a while we're lucky enough to see some guy go to the big house because of it."

"The big house?"

"Jail" said the Lady.

"Ah" you replied intelligently.

"You already know my story" Albin said.

"But do you guys actually pursue people, or take any cases?"

"Only Jamesfield and I do that" the old man looks at you with what seems like amusement "the official job of a detective isn't nearly as glamorous as you might think. It's inclined to mundane stakeouts to check up on whoever your client put you up to follow. Occasionally there's the missing person file that gets brought, but those tend to be cold on arrival."

"The more interesting stuff is found when you look for it" mentions the Lady.

"As long as it doesn't involve reading half a dozen books and a stack of old newspapers in one evening, I agree" Mike quipped, making the Lady blink in response to the banter.

"Ahem" Albin spoke up again after clearing his throat "you know it's not like we've done much other than watch what others do and cover after ourselves so far."


>"Speaking of, what do you guys think of the big top? Any theories?"
>"Something I just don't understand is what's the deal with those Livelihood charity guys."
>"Since you guys brought up watching others, there's this person I would like to know about..." Describe to them Daryl, you think his name was, the electrician. He was the last person you'd spoken to before you were attacked by those 'spirits' earlier.
>"Since you guys brought up watching others, there's this person I would like to know about..." Describe to them Daryl, you think his name was, the electrician. He was the last person you'd spoken to before you were attacked by those 'spirits' earlier.
>"Since you guys brought up watching others, there's this person I would like to know about..." Describe to them Daryl, you think his name was, the electrician. He was the last person you'd spoken to before you were attacked by those 'spirits' earlier.
>Somebody You Might Know

Sorry about not saying anything, I slept for almost all of of yesterday and just woke up. I'll update later today, probably four to five hours from now.
I'll get to writing.
I hope you're feeling okay, QM?
I did get slightly sick near the end of the week with food poisoning and didn't get much rest the day before that, so combined with working through the day I didn't have a fun time. But I'm feeling much better now.


"Since you guys brought up watching others, there's this person I would like to know about..."

"Alright, shoot" Albin gave you the prompting.

And you describe Daryl to them, how you think you saw him at Dingo's once or twice in passing, as well as a few things you got from the conversation with him. You don't talk about what happened afterwards, figuring that sharing it now might be too reckless and lead to much digressing.

They all listen intently.

"Daryl?" the first question said out loud after you were done, courtesy of the Lady. You confirmed that's what he called himself and saw a subtle hardening in Mike's face. The Lady simply gave out a 'hmm' while keeping the near stoic look on her face.

"I don't remember hearing about any Daryls" Albin spoke once more "but I do recall someone with that appearance. Son, are you sure you didn't see him sometime before last month?"

"I'm sure I saw him today" you reply. It wasn't that long ago, you're certain.

The Noirs scrutinize your face intently. The amount of times this has happened today is odd. You're left confused. Do they think you're lying? Why would you lie about this? Apparently your feelings are contagious, since the Noirs present soon gain perplexed expressions of their own as well. Seems like you passed that silent test. If there was one to begin with.

"Either you oughta get your eyes checked or there's some Oasis-tier funny business going on" said Mike before putting the cigar back in his mouth and leans back "cause that man kicked the bucket."

"What?" dead? But how was that possible? You feel your thoughts run cold as you try to formulate a sentence after that. But you're able to calm yourself and grasp onto clarity for an instant, it spreading through your mind soon after and taking you forward.

"Yeah, six feet under" says Mike, before being chided by Albin. You ask about the man they know about, at least.

Both the Lady and Mike look at each other, but Albin speaks first before their silent conversation can end "it isn't much, but..."

You get the story soon enough: a man by the name of Joseph Quinous was an electrician who often came by Dingo's to drink in the night. You were correct in your assumption that he was a Blue Collar, or at least he would hang around that group more often than not. But some months ago he died in a work related accident while fixing a transmission tower. You're informed that he had no known living family members, but many friends. Other than his death his life was seemingly mundane.

Albin asks you where it was you saw last saw him, and you tell him about the bench you two sat in.

With this new information, and the Noirs now thoroughly interested, it's decided that...


>You and the rest would stay here and continue to talk about it while Mike called the rest of the Noirs to come here. Perhaps you all could try to figure out who that was or what happened if you brainstormed?
>One or two of the Noirs will accompany you to the bench where you met 'Daryl' while the other(s) go find Jamesfield and Shapes. (Which ones go to where?)
>Try to get another lead from somewhere else. Maybe the Clown you saw a few times earlier, the Strongman, or even the ice cream man from the entrance (Daryl had an ice cream as well, and you haven't seen an ice cream stall in the carnival proper). (Which of the Noirs will accompany you? At least one of them will go to get Jamesfield and Shapes).
>One or two of the Noirs will accompany you to the bench where you met 'Daryl' while the other(s) go find Jamesfield and Shapes. (Which ones go to where?)
Lady & Mike will follow.

Glad you're feeling better, at least.
>Back To The Bench

I won't be able to update tomorrow due to how busy I'm going to be.
...the best way forward was going backwards.

And you would retrace your steps to the place where you met Daryl.
As this was being discussed the Lady and Mike looked at each other in wordless conversation. Both said, almost spoken at the same time, that they wanted to accompany you. On your part you had no particular qualms, at least none that came to the front of your mind for now. Albin then offered to get the other two missing members.

After briefly agreeing on where to meet, you went your separate ways. Is what you would say had you not been leading the two other Noirs towards the aforementioned place.

Going back didn't feel nearly as tedious as you would've thought, but that may simply be due to the 'event' that happened there. You pass the house of mirrors (which Mike had given you an abridged history lesson about the owner, a short mumbling man in a blue striped shirt that had a business in glassworks apparently, last time you passed it), the dunk tank, and the test of strength on your way without seeing a familiar face.
Neither Mike nor the Lady were much in the way of talking, and you had one less topic of discussion with Mike since you had expended your unofficial 'tour' of the place with him not too long ago. And so most of the walk is characterized by bouts of silence occasionally broken by a few sentences. From these you are able to get a bit of smalltalk in, and figure out that the Lady tends to take out most of the books she reads from the library she works at while Mike once won in a local fighting tournament.

Soon enough you, Mike, and the Lady are there. The bench is just as you remembered it, with it's slightly odd but not too strange design choice of having armrests on either side of it. You can see a line for a popular attraction from here a little distance away, you think its for some carousel, but the bench itself is mostly bypassed by the people coming and going. It simultaneously gave both a sense of privacy and a lack thereof.

"Here it is" you say. However Mike and the Lady immediately start inspecting it without saying a word. Mike is a little more active going as far as getting his hands dirty and looking beneath it, while the Lady seems more content to inspect from a distance.

You look around you, and to your relief this doesn't seem to have made a scene.

"Say, Johan" dusting his hands on his shirt, Mike didn't get them clean and now had some dirt on his clothes "this is the place you last saw him, yeah?"

"Yes, it was" you confirm again.

"Weren't there any people that saw you both talkin'?" said Mike again, flicking the stub of his cigar into a nearby trashcan "just 'cause people are goin' about here and there don't mean there isn't someone that saw nothin', especially from a dead man."

The Lady was quiet in this interaction, still looking at the bench from a distance, but decided to add a question of her own "did you see where he went to? A direction, at least?"

They both looked at you with their eyes.


>Focus on answering Mike's question, since there were some people that were speaking to him before you yourself started talking to him. Leaving out the part where strange humanoid beings that attacked you after speaking to 'Daryl' of course.
>Focus on answering the Lady's question. Although you only had a general direction you saw him going towards, it may be enough to find him. Or it may be a red herring. It has been some time since you saw him, and he may very well be in another place (if he was still in this carnival to begin with).
>Answer both of their questions to the best of your ability, while keeping the fight you had while time was at an apparent standstill to yourself (which would open a whole new can of worms at minimum). But other than that you would at least try to be as helpful as possible here.
>Focus on answering Mike's question, since there were some people that were speaking to him before you yourself started talking to him. Leaving out the part where strange humanoid beings that attacked you after speaking to 'Daryl' of course.
Aw yiss, it's Mimi o'clock.
>Answer both of their questions to the best of your ability, while keeping the fight you had while time was at an apparent standstill to yourself (which would open a whole new can of worms at minimum). But other than that you would at least try to be as helpful as possible here.
>Social Seeking

>Double Answers

I'll roll between these and start writing in a few hours.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>1 People
>2 Double

Answer them both.

"Well, there actually was something..."

And you speak to them about the direction he went towards to the best of your discretion. Pointing in the general direction, however, made both of the Noirs theorize he either went towards a gap in the carnival leading to the river or to the roller coaster. That is assuming he continued on in a straight line and didn't just decide to merge with the rest of the crowd, going somewhere else entirely.
This keeps them both interested, and it would continue to keep conversation going had you not spoken again in response of Mike's question.

"I did 'talk' to a person before him, and saw a few others who might know a thing or two."

"Why do I feel like there's a catch to what you're sayin'?" said Mike. And you can't help but smile at the comment.

And you tell him of that mime, Mimi, whom you 'conversed' with. This drew a few strange looks from Mike, scrunching his nose when you spoke of how she talked in pantomime. You also talked to him about some others who seemed to be around, who despite you not interacting with them could give some answers of their own, like the probably-miserable Clown you saw earlier that or the Strongman weight lifter. These seemed to gain more of his interest.

"It's better than nothin' at least" Mike commented after you were done and sat down on the bench, inspecting it again before he did so "a lil' part of me feelin' like this is gonna either go somewhere or be a waste of just running around in circles."

"Hm" the Lady hummed, looking off into the distance "let's wait until the others come by before we make a move" she said. Mike grunted in agreeance.

You decide to keep quiet in this interaction, seeing if they would go somewhere or not. Unfortunately it seemed like another lull in conversation, a habit the Noirs seemed a bit too fond of in your opinion, had once again taken hold of them as they patiently waited for their fellows.

"So, we just wait?" you repeated.

"Yes" the Lady said without hesitation.

"Least until something happens. Or" Mike commented aloofly from the bench, almost reclining against it "unless you got any more info we could use?"

"No," you say after a moment's thought, but then decide to expand on that "at least not anything that would be helpful."

A part of you wanted to say right there and then about the strange beings that you saw, and subsequently attacked you. But a better sense takes hold of you, making you think about it not being the right moment and could take away from your focus.


After that, mostly out of a desire to not let things go quiet again, you try find other things to talk about. Yet it mostly goes back to talking about the same findings and theories from before, now even going as far as to plan out where they would find any leads or if it would come to anything. You eventually try to get them to talk about Lucian again, but there seems to be no developments (that they know of at least) in that front. You do however find that Dingo's was going to remain open for more time than usual for the next few days.

Soon enough you see Albin approaching in the distance, with Shapes and Jamesfield in tow behind him. Jamesfield is as conspicuous as ever with that overcoat and fedora, but Shapes seems to have worn something more casual to your surprise. Albin waves, something which is halfheartedly reciprocated by Mike, the Lady then turning, likely noticing something from the corner of her eye.

"Took you all long enough" Mike spoke as he inclined back on the bench more. You were inclined to agree with that yourself.

"Good to see you again too" Albin replied with a smile "and from the looks of it I'm sure you've gotten some work done sitting down there, no?" Mike grunted again, this time in annoyance as Albin chuckled.

"Don't you all worry, the cavalry is here. Albin filled us in with the scoop" Shapes declared, drowning out Mike's retort.

"Johan," Jamesfield said, not bothering with pleasantries as he looked at you immediately "Mike, Lady, you were all able to find something" he did not phrase the last part as a question, you felt.

"Eh, sorta" Mike spoke again, replying first.

"We got some more information that might be useful" the Lady spoke after that, and then looked at you.

Stopping a sigh once again you elucidate to the newcomers about the mimes, clowns, strongmen, as leads and as well as possible directions the man went. Repeating yourself did get a bit boring but it was good to create clarity.
Jamesfield was quiet while you spoke. But Shapes asked a question every once in a while, either trying to get some clarity on if Daryl was really here or something of that nature.

Soon enough, after a few passerby glance over in this direction, you all silently realize that you couldn't just stay here and keep talking forever.

Jamesfield put out the idea of going in teams of two, something with the other Noirs agreed with. It was then decided that...


>Searching around for the man, where he could've gone, or some material evidence he might've left was ideal.
>Following the leads and talking to people was a good start. Although you had only really 'talked' to Mimi before and established some familiarity with her.
>You would do both, half of you going to look for people and the other to look around for him.

>Any of the Noirs in particular you want to go with?
>Want to focus on speaking or searching? (Only available if the third option is chosen)
>You would do both, half of you going to look for people and the other to look around for him.
Focus on speaking.
>Following the leads and talking to people was a good start. Although you had only really 'talked' to Mimi before and established some familiarity with her.
You already know how I'm voting.

>Bring Mike
>Split In Half And Twice Over

>People Priority

>That Rough Fighter

Unless I fall asleep I'll roll in an hour or two. I might not be able to write today because of how tired I feel, sorry in advance.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Half
>2 Leads

Sorry again, really underestimated how quickly some things would get done irl. Will start writing in around 5-6 hours, which is when I'll probably have some free time.
I'll start writing soon.
Waiting warmly!
Sorry in advance for this taking so long. I lost part of the update when I was halfway done.


... there would be two groups: one for asking around, and the other for searching.

You would focus on speaking.

As that was being settled teams were made: Jamesfield and the Lady would go on to search in the potential directions 'Daryl' went to. Meanwhile Albin and Shapes would talk to one of the other individuals, with two of the most relevant leads (that being the Strongman and the Clown) whom you were happy to share the little you knew concerning them, and where they were last seen.

And with some quick goodbyes they all left. With the exception of Mike, that is. He in turn simply took another cigar from his case and shadowed you quietly, both of you in silent understanding of where you were to go. Just in case, you explained that you'd plan to meet with Mimi, and were about to retell to him about what you knew of her. Mike on his part waited with both a look of impassiveness, and almost out of place patience as you saw the smoke swirl up from his cigar. That was when you realized you had forgotten about telling the Noirs about that card Mimi gave to you.

However, you hesitated to show him the small card she gave to you. You did think it was something that Mike, and the Noirs in general, would doubtless be interested in. But you weren't sure it was something that Mimi would like.

>Show them the card that Mimi gave you. The Noirs would doubtless be happy about gaining another connection. Or at the very least, be able to see any connections more clearly.
>No, you'll keep it to yourself for now at least. You recall that she didn't show it to you until you had first introduced yourself near the end of your conversation. Which might mean nothing, but you'd still like to ask her first before risking a breach in her trust.

On the way to the place where she was last performing you're met with a surprising amount of mimes (which by your count was three, including the one that had bothered you in the test of strength), none of which were of any help in finding the mime you were seeking or anything else for that matter, as Mike would find out after some failed attempts of his. And all of them seemed to only care about entertaining themselves or the passerby, much to the Noir's annoyance. And why would they not? It is nothing short of folly to presume they might render assistance, when in reality, they exist merely as purveyors of amusement. But that isn't necessarily true, considering Mimi was able to help you once you took the time to try and decipher her pantomimicry.

And with that thought, you had managed to find the woman in question. She was in the middle of an act surrounded by half a dozen people. You are tempted to just barge in and talk to her but restrain your impatience, considering that it would be impolite in the best of scenarios.

From what you could see she was pretending to work in construction, perhaps as a nod to some of the things she's probably witnessed in the last day or so. She was very committed, almost to an impressive degree, if the climbing an invisible ladder, exaggeratedly nailing in some stakes, or driving an invisible truck and taking some invisible boxes out of it were anything to go by. In fact, some of the things she did seemed to be borderline impossible.
Looking back at Mike, he seemed to not care much for the performance, currently checking his watch as he breathed out some smoke. Not even a few seconds passed before he noticed you were looking at him.

"Is this the gal?" he inquired. You responded in the affirmative, earning you a nod and a "got it" in return as he looked back at the time.

After what you think was five more minutes she gave a bow and a flourish, signaling the end of her show to some polite claps and money thrown at the upside down hat on the ground, save for Mike who still didn't seem to care much. You yourself also threw in some money of your own before approaching her.

She sees you, then instantly greets with a wave and a smile.

"Hey there, Mimi. Good to see you again. Nice performance by the way. Did you practice for it?" you say. She shakes her head in response. It feels like it's been ages since you saw her, when realistically it hasn't been that long.

"Anyway, Mimi this is Mike. Mike, this is Mimi" you gesture to them both as you introduce them to one another. Mimi tilts her hat up with a grin, and Mike merely responds with an 'evening'.

After the introductions, she puts a finger on her chin, tilts her head to the side somewhat, and squints her eyes when seeing Mike.

"What?" Mike says, a bit of frustration from before seeping out "go something on my face?" but he is met with silence from the mime.

"Say, how 'bout you make this easier for all of us and talk like a normal human being?" Mike then comments, clearly annoyed by some of the previous encounters with the other mimes.

After another second of thinking she takes her hand from her chin and snaps her fingers.
She looks at you and does a pantomime: It was somewhat convoluted, using callbacks to when you were 'speaking' with her, but you understood that she was basically saying "I think this is one of the guys I saw snooping around earlier."
It almost certainly confirmed that the Noirs were indeed sneaking around this place, likely without anyone working here (save for a certain mime) being the wiser.

Mike looked at her, then at you, with an eyebrow raised.


>"She's saying she saw you here this morning."
>"Alright, well we'd like to ask you some questions about someone we're looking for..." Best to get to the point about 'Daryl' as soon as possible, even if she saw anyone with that appearance in passing it could be helpful.
>"I noticed there were a bunch of mimes around here. Is it usual for there to be this many?" Start with some silent smalltalk, you'll get to Daryl eventually.
>No, you'll keep it to yourself for now at least. You recall that she didn't show it to you until you had first introduced yourself near the end of your conversation. Which might mean nothing, but you'd still like to ask her first before risking a breach in her trust.
No fumbling the mime GF.
>"Alright, well we'd like to ask you some questions about someone we're looking for..." Best to get to the point about 'Daryl' as soon as possible, even if she saw anyone with that appearance in passing it could be helpful.
>No, you'll keep it to yourself for now at least. You recall that she didn't show it to you until you had first introduced yourself near the end of your conversation. Which might mean nothing, but you'd still like to ask her first before risking a breach in her trust.

>"I noticed there were a bunch of mimes around here. Is it usual for there to be this many?" Start with some silent smalltalk, you'll get to Daryl eventually.
Warming her up, Mike. Totally not just, you know, chatting up the cute mime lady.
>Keeping It Quiet

>To The Point

>Friendly Pantomiming

Will start writing in a few hours or so before I roll and write.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>1 Point
>2 Friendly

"I noticed there were a bunch of mimes around here. Is it usual for there to be this many?"

You decided to keep the information she presented to yourself, at least out of concern to not have her on the Noir's list of suspects or anything of that nature.

Starting it off slow, some smalltalk would be nice you figured. Well, more like small-pantomiming when it came to her. It honestly started to grow on you.

"Ain't no doubt, there's a whole crew of 'em shufflin' around this joint compared to the last few visits" Mike gave his two cents in the matter, eyebrow no longer raised.

Mimi, on the other hand, seems to be thinking about this carefully. You can tell she just wants to give a shrug and leave it at that, but after thinking better about it she starts a charade in response. And does so by pretending to be 'setting up shop', bumping into people and looking around, then pointing at the hat she has in the ground, as she shifted surprisingly quickly between bowing while holding out said hat and then like an audience clapping.
You gathered it was about how mimes aren't really part of any organized act here, but as more people came by more mimes and the like 'set up shop' to perform, much to the misfortune of people like Mimi who were here before.
The more you thought about it the more it made sense it made as to why there were so many of them.

"I see" you say, and glance at Mike. He seemed to lose interest somewhere in the middle of that pantomime of hers, and was checking his watch again "more people means more of a chance to get money" you put your thoughts into words as you look back at her "it makes sense" Mimi smiles and gives a thumbs up.

"Well, I mean you did say you weren't working for the carnival directly. Has it caused you any trouble over the years?"

At this the mime frowned, and did an elaborate pantomime that consisted of somehow kicking herself out of an invisible door and sneaking back in, only to be thrown out again. She then begrudgingly took out some money from her pockets and held it out to a version of herself that demanded it.

"Ah, I see. They're making you pay to act here even though you usually pantomime in this park" another smile and a thumbs up are her reply. You recall she did relate to you about being 'shooed away' by people around here, but you thought it only applied when she was nosying around the place.

"I hope you're doing better at least" you add, to which she uses her hand to give a so-so gesture.

And so it continues, with you asking her about how she's been and so on. You find that she was renting out a room in Moonlight's Cafe, the a place where she mentioned in that little card she gave you, where she also worked part time in apparently. She even had a few innocuous questions of her own, like your job or what you usually did in your free time, which you were happy to answer.

You hear the tapping of a shoe. Usually you wouldn't pay it any mind, considering the amount of people around but the way that this tapping went on made you feel like it was deliberate.

And immediately you feel sheepish as you saw Mike with an irked look on his face. You had almost forgotten about him. Noticing how he now had both of your attentions, he cleared his throat.

"Hey, it's all swell and good you two are chattin', but we ain't got all day to burn" he said, extracting a nub that was once the second (or was it the third?) cigar from his mouth, flicked it to a trash can that was a notable distance away "my pal and I got some questions for ya, see? We was hopin' you could lend us a hand."

"Right, we have some questions" you repeat, trying to get your thoughts in order again. Mimi merely gave a slight tilt of her head to the right as she looked at you with the usual impish grin on her face, curiosity evident.

"We were wondering if you had seen a man named Daryl, an electrician by trade..." you describe the man, what you know about him, and the strange situation you found yourself in because of him. Leaving out the part where you fought the shadow demons or whatever they were after he helf, but that went without saying.

Whatever mischief she had been thinking before, it was now replaced with a certain thoughtfulness. She gestures for you to repeat your question.

After a few more minutes, which you have the sneaking suspicion that she's dramatically stretching out to annoy a certain impatient Noir, she points to the direction with an exit towards the river, and then to the big top. After you ask her to elaborate, she reveals with another pantomime that someone looking like the person you described had come out of that exit and had gone within, and likely worked inside, the big top. You relay what her thoughts are to Mike.

Ultimately it doesn't really surprise you, considering your exponentially growing reservations concerning this 'Daryl' person.

"Funny how it all circles back to that..." Mikes says under his breath as he turns away.

>Thank her for the help she gave and make your way to leave. You and Mike then agreed to meet again with the rest of the Noirs and share your findings.
>Give Mimi thanks for the assistance and depart. Mike has suggested to seek out another person, intending to find more information and paint a better picture.
>You'll ask Mimi another question... (Anything in particular?)
>Give Mimi thanks for the assistance and depart. Mike has suggested to seek out another person, intending to find more information and paint a better picture.
>Give Mimi thanks for the assistance and depart. Mike has suggested to seek out another person, intending to find more information and paint a better picture.
>You'll ask Mimi another question...
"Hey, wanna grab coffee sometime? Since you live at a cafe and all, and it sounds like an interesting place..."
>Another Person To Paint A Picture

It'll be another hour or two before I write. I'll add the coffee question to Mimi too if there aren't any issues with that from anyone.
I'll start writing.
Sorry about yesterday. I got distracted by a wild animal that was making some noise by one of the windows, and after it went away I sat down thinking I'd just have a few minutes of rest, and ended up falling asleep there.


You and Mike looked at each other, and in silent agreement decided that you'd both soon depart to search for another person in order to paint a better picture.

But before that, you had one more question for the mime. After chatting with her some more as she pantomimed back, you let it flow naturally.

"Hey, wanna grab coffee sometime? Since you live at a cafe and all, and it sounds like an interesting place..." she looks at you, half surprised, before nodding and giving a smile. "Sure, that sounds great!" you could almost hear Mimi say, despite the mime keeping completely silent. You've been able to practically 'hear' her speak in this way after extended exposure to her pantomiming, practically seeing it as actual speech at one point.
Mimi pantomimes again, pointing to her wrist, acting like she was reading the time, and then towards the sky. Probably a question about when it should happen. You mentioned as much, seeing her give another smile at you knowing what she meant.

It was decided that you would both meet at:

>Tomorrow, at four in the afternoon.
>Noon, the day after tomorrow.

She played with her hair for a few seconds as the conversation, and that was stretching the definition of one you admit, came to a lull.

"Get a room, you two" Mike breaks the silence, and you can practically hear him roll his eyes in exasperation. Mimi, jolted from her thoughts but not shaken, merely responded by blowing a raspberry.
With a sight you clear your throat and thank her for the help she's given, and the mime smiles happily and waves the comment off. As you and the kickboxer make way to depart she gives a final--noticeably friendlier--wave to you. Perhaps mimes were not so bad after all. A sentiment Mike didn't seem to agree with, if the look on his face meant anything. But then again, it may just be Mike being Mike.

As you think that, however, you realize once more that you've been keeping Mike waiting again. It can be determined that the only reason he's not as angry as he could've been is because he knew the exchange was ending soon.

"Right, thanks for waiting" you say, feeling it best if you cleared the air a bit as you both walked.

"Eh, forget about it" Mike replies "that’s a walk in the park, no pun intended, next to how long the old man can yap" you assume he's talking about Albin "he could talk and listen for ages to squeeze some dirt outta somebody."

"Speaking of" you say "who should we go for next? The Strongman or the Clown?"

"The musclehead's our best bet" he said with no hesitation.

"Hm? Why is that?" you wanted to hear his reasoning.

"I know Albin is best at dealin' with them Pagliacci clown wiseguys. I give him an eighty outta a hundred for him convincing Shapes to take that lead, leavin' us with the big mug to handle."

Of course, Mike would know more about Albin's strengths and expertise than you would, having been around him for longer.

With that being said, you and Mike go to the test of strength first, the last place you'd seen the Strongman.

"Step right up! Step right in! Show your strength and win a prize!" that same shout was still being used.

Unfortunately you find that the man you're looking for isn't here. Talking to the operator, who seemed rather invested in getting Mike to 'take a shot at it', and Mike, for his part, seemed more nonplussed than anything. The both of you were able to find some information about the whereabouts of the Strongman; he'd heard him mentioning going to see the house of mirrors.

"Friend of yours?" the operator said.

"You could say that" Mike replied cryptically before you could get a word in.

"Shame that the fellow left" the owner began to lament "he brought in some good business, I tell you. Who wouldn't want to show it against some musclehead?"

He went on for a few more minutes before you both politely (at least in your case, you couldn't say much about Mike's behavior) excused yourselves.

The house of mirrors wasn't much better. As you both approached, no sight of the Strongman could be found. The bumbling and almost constantly muttering owner was of almost no help either.
However a person working there, a pale young man revealed as the son of the former, was able to provide directions on where the Strongman went after apologizing on his father's behalf.

And so, armed with further instructions, you both entered one of the smaller tends scattered around the carnival. This one in particular was somewhat on the fringes of the park, closer to one of the official exits in the back. While somewhat run down from the outside, it had a variety of games and puzzles neatly lined up, with people wasting money on them at their leisure.

A few rows off, you find a familiar burly man sitting on a barrel. He looked rather bored, and was eating a sandwich.


>Both of you talk to him, no reason not to.
>Let Mike start conversation instead, with you waiting within earshot by pretending to play on one of the machines nearby.
>Approach him yourself, but ask Mike to wait as backup instead.
>Tomorrow, at four in the afternoon.

>Both of you talk to him, no reason not to.

>Sorry about yesterday
hat a spooky series of events, had they happened to Johan.
>Noon, the day after tomorrow.
>Both of you talk to him, no reason not to.
>Tomorrow Afternoon

>Midday The Day After

>Dual Approach

Honestly it was probably a racoon or something. I slept pretty well that night otherwise lol

Will start rolling then get to writing in two to three hours.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>1 Tomorrow
>2 Day After

You both walk up to him.

And yet he doesn't seem to take notice of this until you're both just a few steps away from him.

"Hey there! How cah I help ya this nice evenin'?" the man sitting upon the barrel looks up, a surprisingly rustic elegance he portrays himself with and the hint of an accent. The latter is familiar to you, almost like you'd just heard something similar this morning and the days prior, but the placement escapes you.

The Strongman is clean shaven, wearing a striped sleeveless shirt with red and white lines. The choice in apparel is likely to show off his--and almost all other Strongmen that worked here shared this sort of informal uniform--strength more. His shorts matched said attire, despite being a plain red. His face, clean shaven as it was, came into contrast with jet black hair that was neatly combed backwards.
Another contrast came in the way he was sitting. The man had hardly moved from his spot but he clearly exuded confidence. You also noted that the mostly-eaten sandwich he was consuming, a common peanut butter and jelly, had left some smudges by his lips.

>Comment on it. Maybe not the most polite thing to say when just meeting someone, but who knows, there's a chance he might appreciate it.
>Don't say anything. At least for now it's better to ignore it, especially since Mike hasn't said anything about it yet.

You and Mike both look at each other for a split second, before breaking eye contact again in an almost silent agreement. Mike swiveled his gaze towards his watch again, giving it some attention.

"We were hoping to ask you some questions" you began.

"Hm" the Strongman gobbled up the rest of his sandwich with a couple of bites. After which he wiped his hands by the sides of his shirt, fortunately nothing seemed to stain and it was no worse for wear "what sort of questions?"

"The normal sort" replied Mike, looking up from the time "don't worry 'bout it too much. We’re just tryin’ to get the lay of the land and sort out some business with the people in here."

"Are you?" the Strongman himself now queried again "well, I’ll admit I might look like a guy with the answers, with these guns and all" he flexes one of his arms, then the other, in a sort of a stretch or perhaps a type of warm up, as if that explained something. He then crosses said arms "so I can’t fault ya fer thinkin’ that. But I am, ultimately, just some guy that carries big things."

"As long as ya lend us some answers, I don't see no heat comin' this way" the Noir says, not particularly impressed.

"I reckoned it was a bit nippy out, so I'm not fussed 'bout a touch o' heat" you'd think that this was really some sort of declaration or challenge from the Strongman, but he legitimately seemed a bit confused by Mike's statement.

Mike seems to catch on as well, and he merely grumbles that "it's a figure of speech."


>"We should start with introductions. My name is Johan and this here is Mike." Perhaps some introductions might help, you could attempt to find out why he's even here since you haven't seen many Strongmen that were connected to the big top be out and about.
>Ask about the big top itself. A bit more blunt, but he doesn't seem to concerned about formalities too much.
>You should ask about 'Daryl' the electrician, before getting too sidetracked.
>Comment on it. Maybe not the most polite thing to say when just meeting someone, but who knows, there's a chance he might appreciate it.
There’s ways to go about it smoothly as long as it ain’t the very first thing Johan says.
>"We should start with introductions. My name is Johan and this here is Mike." Perhaps some introductions might help, you could attempt to find out why he's even here since you haven't seen many Strongmen that were connected to the big top be out and about.
>Don't say anything. At least for now it's better to ignore it, especially since Mike hasn't said anything about it yet.

>You should ask about 'Daryl' the electrician, before getting too sidetracked.

Play it cool. Let Mike take the lead on this one. We tested his patience a bit with Mimi.
>Food On Face

>Don't Say It


>Electrician Inquiries

I'll roll then write in around four or five hours.
I might not be able to update today though since I'm feeling pretty tired from all the work I've done today and will probably be more so later.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Comment
>2 Don't
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>1 Introductions
>2 Electrician

Will hopefully start writing soon.
You and Mike will focus on Daryl for now.

You motion for Mike to begin, to the kickboxer's visible relief.

"We got a fella we're itchin' to hear about. My pal here's gonna spill the beans, see?" he begins.

"Oh?" says the Strongman, and Mike looks at you and waits for you to start.

You start to describe the electrician, and the situation behind him. You'll admit, a part of you feels a bit disconcerted about telling too much. Generally, you take pointers about what to talk about from Mike's facial cues. You silently thank your lucky stars for being all your interactions with pantomiming today, as it's help can't be overstated, although it could've been better. With this strategy you and Mike end up telling the Strongman about Daryl's words to you, how he was presumed dead, and less important details like him eating ice cream at the time, while almost completely omitting Daryl--or Joseph Quinous--was a regular at Dingo's. You let Mike take over a few of these parts, and he smooths a few details here and there. As time goes on a growing part of you honestly doesn't think you needed to worry about covering your trails with this guy, seeing how he was more interested in the ice cream than anything, and you had the sneaking suspicion he was only paying half attention to what you both were saying. Still, better safe than sorry. It would be best not to be caught unawares, and underestimating anything could be deadly.

"So the only place ya coulda got ice cream is from the front, huh?" the Strongman says.

"From what my buddy here says, you betcha it's true" Mike responds.

"Y' think the stall's still 'round?" he inquires. Mike looks at you, and you in turn look between the both of them before giving a shrug.


For a moment you hesitate, and wait a moment longer after the first words are being spoken between the Noir and the Strongman.

"Hey, uh" you start somewhat awkwardly "you got some of that on your face."

"What?" the man said. And you could tell Mike was tempted to roll his eyes. You heard him grumble about something, but it was too low to make out the words.

"A bit of sandwich on your face" you try to clarify.

"Oh" he says, and searches around in his pockets for something.

"Here" Mike says, producing a napkin from his overcoat. The Strongman thanks him, and after a bit of trial and error he manages to get the offending smudge on his face. The napkin is disposed of in the nearest trashcan. They nod at each other after its done, seemingly coming to an understanding of some sort.

For some reason you feel a bit of tension disappear from the air.


"Anyway, about electrician... Do you know anything about him?" Mike presses on for now.

"Hm, Daryl" the Strongman closes his eyes for a moment, deep in thought, before suddenly opening them "nope. I got nothin’ 'bout any Daryls, sorry."

The disappointment is palpable in both you and Mike's faces. You're about to cut your losses and thank him before he continues.

"But I did hear 'bout some electricians that got hired a few weeks back. Somethin' 'bout not havin' enough juice for a 'Big Show' or whatever" now that was much more helpful news.

"Can you tell us more about that?" you asked.

"More 'bout what?" the other man asked back at you.


>"About the electricians."
>"About this 'Big Show' you're talking about."
>Look at Mike, and motion for him to respond.
>Look at Mike, and motion for him to respond.
>Mike Motioned

Motion to Mike.

He accepts the offer with confidence. The Noir takes the opportunity to pace around a few steps before responding.

"I got a question for ya... But first, mind if I smoke?" Mike seemingly doesn't deign himself to wait for a response. He takes out a cigar, a lighter soon following alongside it on his other hand. The Strongman tenses.

"Sorry bud, can't have you smoke in here. We're in a flammable tent an' all. Just gotta step outside if you wanna kill your lungs, you know how it is" he says all too quickly and gives a brittle smile afterwards.

"You sure?" Mike said, and a steel can be seen in his eyes "and it's not 'cause you're sitting on a powder keg?"

The two men stare at each other for a few seconds. Indeed, now that you take a closer look, small bits of grey powder litter the floor, proving that it is indeed a barrel of gunpowder. You can't help but feel a growing worry, but it doesn't take away from the initial shock. That is, until the Strongman starts to laugh lightheartedly, injecting enough jubilance to make the area feel lighter. Had things been just a little more tense, you feel like this situation would've devolved into something worse.

"Well, guess the cat's outta the bag" he says "yeah, we're cookin' up some fireworks for tonight. Jus' a lil' special treat for the folks."

"Is that so" says Mike, putting away his cigar and lighter "this is the first I'm hearin' about a lightshow, see?"

"Well yeah, that's 'cause it's s'posed to be a surprise" the man says. Mike gives a 'hm' in response. You know as a fact that the Noirs in general tend to have a good knowledge on things ahead of time, so you find it odd.

Thankfully, also to your disappointment, Mike seems to drop the subject and return focus to prior conversations.

"Anyways, we were talkin' about them spark plug guys and that 'Big Act', see?"

"Right, yeah!" the Strongman responds as if just remembering himself "well, you see, there were some rumors 'bout logistical messes an' all that. Especially once we got more fellas showing up. I think they brought on, like, three more electrician guys? Maybe four, can't say for sure. But that's 'bout all I caught wind of" he gives an apologetic half-shrug.

"Is that all?" Mike asks.

"Well, that's all I heard from the grapevine. Never actually met any of 'em."

"Let's move on to the 'Big Show', then" Mike moves on "it's gotta be a real shindig if it needs so many people."

"I heard it’s gonna be a real classy gig. Lots of performers an' critters an' such. I ain't high enough up the chain to know the deets, just gotta keep an eye on things down here and not ask questions," he pauses for a moment "honestly it'd be wicked better if guards knew what they were guardin', if ya ask me."

"I suppose it would, like how ya in the know 'bout these firecrackers-to-be that you're sittin' on?" Mike says.

"Yeah, sorta like that" the Strongman smiles sheepishly. Mike doesn't reply, other giving out another 'hm'.

"Well if that's ev'rythin', I gotta get a movin'. Work's callin', and all that. I could prob'ly squeeze in one more question if it's quick" the Strongman speaks again, breaking the few seconds of quiet.


>Now seems like a good time to wrap up the conversation and go meet with the other Noirs again.
>Maybe you and Mike should exchange introductions with the Strongman. It wouldn't be the first time you've had introductions happen near the end of a conversation, and another connection might be helpful.
>Ask a question. (Anything specifically?)
>Maybe you and Mike should exchange introductions with the Strongman. It wouldn't be the first time you've had introductions happen near the end of a conversation, and another connection might be helpful.
>ask if he's seen any shady, even SHADOWY, guys around. Grim, a litrle ghostly in demeanor. Play it vague, see how he reacts.
>Exchange Introductions

>Shady Guys

Will roll between these in a few hours, then I'll get to writing.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Late Intro
>2 Shady

Writing. Might take a while.
Introductions might be in order, as you've done before.

"Before you go" you said "my name is Johan" you stretch out your arm.

The Strongman looked at your outstretched hand for a moment, seemingly considering something before responding "name's Anton, good t'make your acquaintance" he uncrossed his arms and shook your hand with cold, callous fingers. His grip was firm, but awkward.

"Mike" the Noir curtly added, but made no further action.

"Right-o" Anton then said "so, if there's nothin' left t'do here, I'm gonna take my leave" he got up from the barrel he was on, stretched, walked forwards a few steps before stopping suddenly and turning around "you guys mind keepin' that whole fireworks thing hush-hush? Might make me look bad if it gets out, ya know?" he gave another smile, teetering on the edge of an emotion you couldn't quite place.

"Might be too late for that. I might not be the only person that would've noticed, most likely. If the worst hasn't happened yet, odds are it won't, so I wouldn't sweat too much" Mike said, probably predicting the feelings going through the Strongman's head "besides, Johan and I don't really go around spreading rumors, far as I'm aware at least."

When it came for your to speak something, you...

>Voiced a similar sentiment as Mike's, backing him up with his way of avoiding the question.
>Assured Anton you wouldn't talk about it actively, but made no promise to lie if it came up.

"If you wanna find me just ask 'round for a 'Fyo'. You'll track me down eventually, especially while the carnival's in town. Have a good one, folks" he tapped his index and middle fingers against his chest, in what you imagine was some sort of goodbye. You look at Mike for answers, but he seems to have either not payed attention or simply not cared for the gesture. A question to remember--if you could--for later, perhaps.

With all that said and done, you and Mike make your way to leave.

Exiting the tent you find that there is confetti gliding gently through the wind all around the place. While it gave the carnival a more colorful and wistful appearance, you couldn't help but imagine how much of a nightmare this would be to clean up.

"Huh, interesting..." you say as a you let a small piece fall on your hand. Cheap, but it got the job done.

"Yeah, they pull out the confetti every year at 'round this time" Mike explained. He waved off that got too close to his face, then mumbles under his breath "more trouble than it's worth, see?" and you did see, with a piece almost getting into your eye. You could see how this would become annoying in certain circumstances.

"Well, I think it gives the place a nice aesthetic" you say, getting another grumble from the Noir for your troubles.

"So, what did you make of that?" you ask Mike after you two make what you consider to be an acceptable distance from any prying ears.

"That mug ain't as sly as he thinks. You saw how he was 'bout the fireworks, almost like they was his gig? Puttin' on a show like he’d take the heat if it got out? There's some funny business brewin’ behind the scenes, and he isn't gonna go spillin' his guts out anytime soon."

"What makes you say that? About the 'funny business', I mean. He doesn't seem like the type of guy capable of managing that sort of responsibility" while it may sound condescending, you honestly imagine it being the case. You wanted to mention the fact he was having his lunch break while sitting on top of a gunpowder barrel and use it as evidence, but the absurdity of it seemed to finally hit you after a bit of delay.

"Call it a hunch" he takes out a cigar, thinks better of it when a couple spots of confetti land on it, then returns it back to his pocket after swiping the small bits of paper off it with an annoyed grunt "listen, just 'cause the guy ain't got the chops doesn't mean the heat ain't on him. That kinda racket goes on all over this joint, see? I'm willin' to bet he's makin' moves now, shufflin' those gunpowder kegs someplace else."

You thought about that for a little while, but you still couldn't see it. Mike apparently noticed that from your expression.

"I'm not sayin' he's a big wig, just that he's got more cards than he's showing, get me?"

"Yeah, I get you. But you kno-" your sentence is rudely interrupted by a piece of confetti flying into your mouth. You spit it out, and realize with displeasure that said annoying-confetti-circumstances seemed to befall you sooner than expected.

"I'm starting to see what you mean, Mike" you say again, and can't help but see Mike's own satisfied look that practically said I told you so.

Anyway, you both decide that...


>The two of you will actively seek out the rest of the Noirs. Mike said he had a method of asking if they needed help or not without giving away anything. This could definitely prove useful if something was going on that might be relevant enough that'd you'd wish to see it for yourself.
>Waiting in the spot where you'd agreed to meet with the rest of the Noirs would be prudent. Mike would call them, he said. It would just be a matter of waiting, and perhaps give you an opportunity to gain more clarity on what Mike was talking about or just think by yourself for a bit.
>You would both try to locate that Clown. It might seem redundant, but you both wanted to be thorough. But really for you personally, it's mostly just curiosity getting the best of you.
>Assured Anton you wouldn't talk about it actively, but made no promise to lie if it came up.

>The two of you will actively seek out the rest of the Noirs. Mike said he had a method of asking if they needed help or not without giving away anything. This could definitely prove useful if something was going on that might be relevant enough that'd you'd wish to see it for yourself.
>Voiced a similar sentiment as Mike's, backing him up with his way of avoiding the question.
>Waiting in the spot where you'd agreed to meet with the rest of the Noirs would be prudent. Mike would call them, he said. It would just be a matter of waiting, and perhaps give you an opportunity to gain more clarity on what Mike was talking about or just think by yourself for a bit.


>Active Searching

>Wait And Talk

I'll try to roll in four to five hours to decide if I'm still awake by then. Though I might not be able to write today.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Assurances
>2 Likeminded
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Active
>2 Wait

I've been surprisingly busy today, so I might only be able to finish writing later on. Mostly just rolling now to get started.
You and Mike agreed to search for the Noirs.

And after some discussion it was settled. Things ended with Mike taking the more proactive approach with the search, while you smoothed things out with anyone either of you happened to talk with. While initially things were far less intensive than seeking out the Strongman--Anton--it became considerably more tedious after hitting the first few places. It didn't help that Mike seemed to oscillate between silence and annoyed murmurs about the little flying pieces of confetti as you two walked and dodged said multicolored paper. Where did that stuff come from, anyway?

Passing by familiar structures and faces, for what feels like the third time at least, the walk stretched on. It was rather annoying to keep repeating things, but still better than doing nothing.

Retracing both your steps, and the assumed steps of the others (according to Mike at least). Soon you both encounter evidence of where the Lady and Jamesfield went to, after asking a question to a man selling balloons by one of the entrances who confirmed their descriptions. They already came back from one of the exits, and Mike puzzled that they were headed towards that little known exit here that connected itself to the river.

While in the middle of going there, you both by chance happen to spot Shapes in one of the lines for a ride. Said line was difficult to miss, both due to its length and the attraction itself: the rollercoaster.
Mike approached him after seeing that Shapes wasn't kept by anything. Mike motioned you to wait by, and so you did, keeping watch, and saw what appeared to be some angry stares from people in the back, followed by an exchange of words between the two Noirs. You couldn't discern what they were saying, but it would seem that nobody likes anyone that cuts through the line. While Mike ignored this he also, however, didn't provoke them by keeping his distance from the line itself.
After another minute or so he came back and brought you up to date on what was going on.

"Looks like Shapes and the old man figured it’s best to split, get a wider net out there" he said in a near whisper as you two kept walking "they dug up some more leads from that clown guy. Shapes is gonna sniff around for details on the fella runnin' this rollercoaster, who could be tied to the big top someways. I bet the truth is he just wants to kick back and enjoy himself on the ride, see?" you could see a subtle scowl form on his face as he made the last statement regarding Shapes "Albin, thanks to that Pagliacci fella, is hot on the trail of some manager's breadcrumbs, sniffin' around a rumor about the cops bein' in here making a move" the police? That was interesting "I wouldn't hold my breath for that one, they ain't getting their hands dirty with the real troubles. This sorta stuff is outta their league, no matter what they say. I wouldn't be shocked if they're in cahoots with some funny business."

"If it's true it could be big."

"Eh, not big enough to change anything goin' on" Mike said, pessimism blemishing his voice.


>You'll both go and find Jamesfield and the Lady. They seem to be more isolated, and might need the help.
>Both of you would look for Albin and follow the paper trail, so to speak.
>Perhaps separating, like Shapes and Albin did, isn't such a bad idea. (Who goes where?)
>You'll both go and find Jamesfield and the Lady. They seem to be more isolated, and might need the help.
>Ask Mike if this town is really that bad, and how long it's been like that
>You'll both go and find Jamesfield and the Lady. They seem to be more isolated, and might need the help.
We probably shouldn't waste our time.
>Perhaps separating, like Shapes and Albin did, isn't such a bad idea. (Who goes where?)
Johan goes after Jamesfield & Lady. Mike goes after Albin.
>Isolated Assistance

>Split Paths

Will start writing in around a few hours. I'll also include asking Mike about the town if there's no objections to that.
After some slight deliberation, it was decided that you'd both go to find Jamesfield and the Lady.

It was the natural choice, considering that they were both in a relatively isolated area and if encountering any danger would be in trouble. Both you and Mike would go; seeking strength in numbers just in case worse came to pass.

While you both wouldn't be openly running towards them--since that would gather unwanted attention--a brisk pace was silently agreed on as the standard.

In the meanwhile, you decided to inquire something that had been bothering you, as the two of you weaved through both crowds and flying slips of paper.

"Hey, Mike?"

"What's eatin' ya?" he said, paying more notice to his surroundings than the imminent conversation.

"Has it always been this way?"

Mike frowned more than he already had been, as much as was possible without concealing his efforts to not scowl, as his forehead became wrinkled.

"You gotta be more clear than that, bud" said he. A bit more attention was on what you'd just said now at least.

"What I mean" you cleared your throat while you deftly avoided a couple of playing children that ran in front of you "has this town really that bad?"
You were acutely grateful that the myriad conversations and sounds surrounding you kept any eavesdroppers from figuring out what you two were saying. While lip readers could bypass this, if they could get a good look at you both for an extended while that is. But as it was, the crowds and attractions brought good cover. Not only that, there-

"In what way? That could mean a whole lotta things, see?" Mike reiterated, making your train of thought drop you off from your daydream.

"Well," you tried to find the words "about the corruption, incompetence, embezzling, and all of that stuff that's happening right now even. Has it always been this way?"

"Sure, it can get pretty rough" Mike said. You had the distinct feeling he wanted to have a smoke right about now "especially if you ain't savvy with what you're doing or what to watch out for. If you wanna know if it was peachy back in the day, you're askin' the wrong guy. Gotta have to ask Albin or someone without rose-tinted glasses about how things were. But for the average Joe today, life ain't too shabby, see?" he pointed at a random family that was playing in one of the stall games. You think they might be the same family of four that you talked to when first arriving here. And sure enough, like Mike said, they looked happy. Yet you couldn't help but notice a sense of resignation in their faces. It was that same soft and subtle brush of melancholy that could be found in most people around here if you payed enough attention.

"As long as you keep a low profile and get lucky" Mike murmured this last line with a hint of bitterness.

"A low profile, huh?" you repeat to yourself, but gain no further answer from the Noir.

You both continue the walk in silence.

Eventually the entrance, or exit, depending on how one sees it, is reached after slipping out of the crowds.
It is an opening between some run down brick walls. From the way it was designed you assume there once was a gate here, but it seemed to have either been removed or worn down from age. A gravel pathway stretched forward with trees and shrubbery that flanked it on either side. Everything was rife with grass and dandelions, the latter's seeds being picked up by a now gentle breeze and making it's currents known. Birds chirped happily. The relative sereneness of the area, after being amongst rowdy crowds and the near constant backdrop of the carnival, made things far more surreal than they had any right to be. But you could not linger any longer, at least not until your mission regarding the Lady and Jamesfield was done.

After looking back to make sure there wasn't anyone following you (Mike taking the time to light up another cigar), and being satisfied with the result, you both went forward. The crunch of the ground accompanied each step.

While you wanted to move faster since there was little need to worry about the crowds now, Mike seemed to be more on the side of moving forward cautiously. Eventually he relented, his own impatience getting the better of him, and you both began to go at a jog like gait.

Mike, despite his shorter stature, was able to keep up with the quicker pace and even overtook you in a few occasions. And this turned out to be rather good for you in hindsight, since he stopped you with an arm to your shoulder. Without a word, he motioned for you to be quiet as he pressed his index finger against his lips. At first you were confused, but then you realized something: it was quiet, unnaturally so. You both snuck forwards, stepping out of the pathway and now silently leaving footprints on the soft ground. The trees eventually became smaller in number and further apart, and the placid silence gave way to the sound of water. In the distance a stone bridge came into view, and beyond it the remains of a wooden fence alongside the distinct marks of tires on the dirt. So this was the place your taxi nearly flew from one side of this very bridge to the other. Good times.

Your attention, however, is rudely taken away from recalling that event to the sight of Jamesfield with his hands in the air. The Lady, from what you can notice at this distance, is sitting down with her back against a larger rock, either unconscious or asleep. There is a third party there, a strangely familiar man whose appearance you can't quite recall. You see the gleam of a knife in his hands reflect the sunlight. A fourth person is hanging behind with his arms crossed, saying something indiscernible.

Both of you had the good foresight to peek from behind a tree before going forward. It wasn't too far away, perhaps around three meters or so, and they had their backs turned to you both. You and Mike glance at each other. You could see the burning fury passing through the Noir's eyes, and the feeling infected you. It would soon be silently decided that...


>>You'd go on the offense:
>The two of you would sneak towards them for an ambush.
>One of you would rush forwards while the other stays back and flanks them after the first distracts them. (Who stays back?)
>Mike and you would look for some rocks, or some other projectile, to throw at one of the people there. Then you and Mike would rush in after hopefully disorienting them.

>>You'd try to solve this diplomatically: Warning: Mike will not be happy about this. Unless a clever write-in is made Mike will go on the offense.
>Attempt to talk this out. Perhaps this is a misunderstanding?
>One of you would remain hidden as backup as the other approaches the situation.
>Try to sneak closer and gain as much information as possible before doing anything.
*go on the offense by himself.
>One of you would rush forwards while the other stays back and flanks them after the first distracts them.
We distract, Mike flanks.

Eesh, I hope Lady's okay...
>One of you would rush forwards while the other stays back and flanks them after the first distracts them.
Johan distracts.
>Flank Forward

I'll start writing in a few hours.
Writing. Might take a while.
You would distract, while Mike prepared to flank them.

A nearly synchronized nod between the both of your heads finalizes it, and a plan is formed with hand motions. You break off and approach silently. Thankful that the grass and ground muffled your steps.

Jamesfield's expression subtly changes when you come into view, yet he makes it a point to not look back at your face. That is an act you can appreciate.

"... ah, I see that sum has taken your interest" the fourth person, a lithe looking man with a strangely soft voice spoke. It made you angry to listen to. You assumed he was misconstruing the changing sentiment plastered on Jamesfield's face "I'm not surprised you'd care about money, with this economy being the way it is."

"Life is full of surprises, ain't it?" Jamesfield said in an aloof tone. You could practically feel the frown on the other man's face. If Jamesfield's words weren't a cue to act, you didn't know what was. So you move to strike at the closest adversary, who happened to be the same man with whom Jamesfield was talking to, hitting him in the back of the head and stopping any soft-spoken reply from formulating in the enemy's mouth. He staggers for a bit and almost loses balance, but rights himself quickly. He swirls back at you with a look of indignation.

You move to the side, reflexes honed from the earlier fight you had with those 'shadow' beings, and much like then adrenaline was coursing through your veins once more. You fully anticipate a slash from the knife wielding man, now that you're in the spotlight.

Said slash would never come, as you see someone flying like a bullet towards the said person, punching him from the side of his face. Mike was here, and on his fists he bore a pair of brass knuckles. Like lightning he changes targets and flies against the one you had hit from behind, hitting him in the gut and making him double over. He changed gears again and followed placed his attention towards the one who had the knife. From the edge of your eyes you see Jamesfield joining in the fray as well, the two of you keeping the soft-spoken man, who happened to be more resilient than his frame might indicate, on the defensive. In the meanwhile Mike was dodging and weaving as he strategically made punches against any attempted shanking. They seemed to be on an almost equal level, both with a swiftness that was nearly blinding.

Something was bothering you about him. And that's when it hit you; the knife wielding man was left handed, just like the man that had threatened you not too long ago. He too seemed to come to a similar realization as well, hesitating for a moment. It was this misstep that allowed Mike to successfully disarm the man from his knife with a well delivered punch to his left fingers. It flew from his hand dramatically, stabbing the ground some distance away, close to the river.

It was fortunate that Mike was here with you. Had the kickboxer been absent, things might've ended up differently.

Looks like you three had them on the defensive. But how to keep this up seems to be the question.


--Choose a stance:
>Keep up the fight, hitting fast and hard has worked so far. Offensive
>Don't get greedy, and focus on reacting if they do anything. Defensive
>Keep yourself balanced, and cover for the other two if help is needed. Flexible

--What is the goal the three conscious men have?
>Capture them. As for whether to send them to the police, or interrogate them yourselves, that is something you'd discuss later. [Hard Roll]
>Make them flee. Straightforward and effective. [Medium Roll]
>Keep yourselves alive, preferably with as little bruises as possible. While this is easy enough to do now, it won't change the situation much. [Easy Roll]

Give me a 1d20. Best of two.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

>Keep up the fight, hitting fast and hard has worked so far. Offensive
>Capture them. As for whether to send them to the police, or interrogate them yourselves, that is something you'd discuss later. [Hard Roll]
Well there we have it.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Keep yourself balanced, and cover for the other two if help is needed. Flexible
>Capture them. As for whether to send them to the police, or interrogate them yourselves, that is something you'd discuss later. [Hard Roll]
And thank goodness for that.
>Fight On

>Offensive Stance

>Flexible Stance

Well this should be interesting.
But sadly I don't believe I'll be able to write an update today. Should get back to it tomorrow unless something unexpected happens.
See you tomorrow, QM!
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Offense
>2 Flexible

I'll start writing in a bit.
You would aim to capture them, despite the risks it would present now and afterwards.

Filled with resolve, you keep going on the attack. Deftly, you evade some jabs the man you and Jamesfield were fighting against was throwing. Deja vu about the previous battle today filled your muscles, and you felt the crisp air enter your lungs. Jamesfield helped, distracting with sucker punches while you acted as the main hard hitter.

The feeling of adrenaline keeps coursing through you.

You throw a punch. It feels sharp and angular. More attempts are made by him to attack, but with how sluggish those punches of his are you can tell he doesn't have much left to keep going. A fist towards his abdomen followed by an uppercut courtesy of Jamesfield and he goes down.

You don't waste any time in looking him over, and go fight that familiar knife wielding foe.
He and Mike are still head to head in terms of speed and technique. It was almost a thing of beauty, to see such violence unfurl. But there was no time to stand around, and you intervene. Despite two of them on almost equal footing, he was still was slowly able to guide the fight into a position where he could dive for the his weapon of choice on the ground.
With you entering the fight, the scales are tipped.

You decide to make some light punches, seeking out weak spots and places were he his guard is down, forcing him to defend against you. Doing this, you allow the brass-knuckle ally ample opportunities to assist you in whittle his stamina down.

He stays still despite knowing he would be beaten he still didn't flee. Whether that was folly or something to be commended, you did not know. But the outcome was nevertheless set in stone the moment Jamesfield also joined. Even then he still held you three back for a surprising amount of time.

It was done.

The Noirs and you had won this battle almost unscathed, only letting out a bit of sweat from the whole affair. However the same couldn't be said about the only woman here, the Lady still seemingly unconscious. Your thoughts first press you on making sure she won't die or anything as drastic, and you make to voice for that now that there isn't any urgent threat to take care of.


"She'll be fine" he said, foreseeing what you were about to say. He catches his breath before continuing "the talking guy" he pointed a thumb at the man that had spoken to you, now knocked out cold "snuck up on us and got her with some chloroform. Blade-slinger over there popped out right after and said he’d shiv me if I tried anything funny."

That explained that at least. You're about to ask for the details but Mike beats you to the punch.

"What's the story here?" Mike said, carefully taking off his now bloodied brass knuckles. You look at everyone still standing, and you think it's fortunate that there aren't any bloodstains on any of you three's clothing. At least, none that you noticed currently. You saw Mike look at the river, Jamesfield following his gaze as well. Likely going to wash his weapons, then. It would be wise. Not as wise as doing so in private, away from anyone watching. If none witnessed the fight, then it is unlikely anyone would care about a man washing something in the river. But still, it wouldn't hurt to be cautious...

"... then the guy offers me a deal to keep my trap shut if I told the Lady we just got robbed. Lucky for us, you two showed up right on time" you realize too late that Jamesfield was well into giving an explanation on what happened, and mentally chastise yourself for getting distracted by your thoughts.

"It was lucky, yeah" Mike said, slightly disturbed "I dunno if I'd call myself lucky if I was you" he pauses "were you actually going to go through with the deal? What 'bout the Lady?"

"The Lady is a tough cookie, she's seen worse" he glances at her for a few moments as he says this, taking off his jacket, folding it, then placing it beneath her head with a strange yet nostalgic melancholy in his eyes.

"Go through with it..." Jamesfield repeats soon after "with what? Keeping quiet?" he looks back at Mike incredulously "after seeing that I don't think I could if I wanted too."

"Yeah, can't blame you" Mike says, and falls silent.


>"I'm sorry, I don't think I caught that first part of what you said, Jamesfield."
>"So, what are we going to do with these guys?" A plan needs to be made sooner rather than later.
>"Well this is fine and all, but shouldn't we get the Lady someplace safe before anything else?" Seeing to the unconscious should be a priority. This will likely have the consequence of getting the Noirs to congregate again.
>"I'm sorry, I don't think I caught that first part of what you said, Jamesfield."
>"I'm sorry, I don't think I caught that first part of what you said, Jamesfield."
>Conversation Catch Up

Will start in around a few hours.
Writing. Might take a while since I'm feeling tired.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I caught that first part of what you said, Jamesfield."

Jamesfield was about to speak, but seemed to think better of it.

"The Lady and I found something before those two got the drop on us" Jamesfield stated "it ain't exactly a pretty sight..." he seemed to trail off. After a minute passed, a part of you found this stalling to be annoying. While the other part was still riding the coattails of adrenaline, which were now mixed with a tinge of curiosity.

"What?" you say, almost feeling self-conscious "look, if you don't want to say it, then just show me."

He and Mike looked at each other for a moment before looking back at you.

"Sure, if that's what you want" the leader of the Noirs shrugged, before turning and walking away. Mike remained where he was, saying he'd keep watch over the two men and the Lady just in case anything happened.

The two of you walk about in somber silence for around ten minutes, the river's flow becoming more deafening, despite its gently flow, as you two went down the slope leading to it. You both approach the underbelly of the bridge, but before entering beneath, Jamesfield leads you downstream of the river. The stroll continues almost hugging it's edge, but not close enough to have the fear of falling or slipping in the waters. Soon enough you both arrive to a distinctly sharp curve by the river's bank. A mild stench can be smelled here, something which you can't place your finger on at the moment. It is some ways away from the road now, closer to some trees that created some cover (yet a few of which, you note, were nothing more than stumps) and notably disrupted large rocks.
You two stop there. For a moment you feel confusion at what you're supposed to be looking at, and only when noticing where Jamesfield is looking do you see it.

A large black bag, enough to hold a human or two if it tried. And that analogy is aptly used, because protruding from said bag was a human hand.

To say you feel a bit speechless is putting it mildly. You take a tentative step forward, and stop when you realize the smell from earlier originated from said bag.

"That right there is good old Joseph Quinous. Leastways, if we're goin' by the scar on his hand, it checks out."

The logical part of your mind soon enough notices that fact as well. His left hand is similar, almost identical to the one you saw earlier (as far as you can recall, at least), but you latch onto a small inconsistency. Try as you might you don't recall seeing any scar upon either hand of Daryl's, and one was present on this thumb here.

"... I don't remember seeing that scar on Daryl" you blurt out.

"Really?" the Noir says, glancing at you "hm" he remarks before closing his eyes to think.

A million emotions pass through, but eventually after getting your bearings you finally feel...

>Nothing in particular. It may sound cold to you, yet this sort of situation requires concentration and stoicism. There is a law and procedure regarding these subjects, and you will follow it.
>Alive, and happy to be here, strangely enough. This is nothing to be enthusiastic about, obviously, but in this lies a mystery, and you are thankful beside you is one that could help unraveling it.
>An odd sense of calm. Perhaps you could uncover something from this, perhaps not. It was ultimately not something for you to decide.

"Well, I hope that answers that" Jamesfield says after a bit.

"You could've just said it, you know" you say, averting your eyes from the scene. You see a fish swimming near the surface of the river, going against the current.

"Maybe. But you did ask for it" that you did. You grumble to yourself, in a way somewhat reminiscent of a certain kickboxer.

"Besides, it isn't a pretty thing to talk about" the Noir says before turning back to the way he came.

"It's a much less pretty thing to look at" you say back, but the Noir merely shrugs again before agreeing.


>"Wait, should we really just leave this here? What if someone comes by?" It is a legitimate worry, but still you run the risk of leaving your fingerprints and the like on it if you do bring the bag with.
>"You still didn't say the first part of the conversation, you know." Perhaps a bit of smalltalk could lighten the mood. But you also want to know how he and the Lady came across this exactly.
>Just go back up with him quietly, there isn't much to say, and you'd like to think for a moment.
>An odd sense of calm. Perhaps you could uncover something from this, perhaps not. It was ultimately not something for you to decide.
>"You still didn't say the first part of the conversation, you know." Perhaps a bit of smalltalk could lighten the mood. But you also want to know how he and the Lady came across this exactly.
>An odd sense of calm. Perhaps you could uncover something from this, perhaps not. It was ultimately not something for you to decide.
>"You still didn't say the first part of the conversation, you know." Perhaps a bit of smalltalk could lighten the mood. But you also want to know how he and the Lady came across this exactly.
>Strange Serenity

>Catch Up Take-Two

"You still didn't say the first part of the conversation, you know."

Jamesfield stopped, glanced back at you, then turned forward again.

"That much is true. Alright, let me spill the beans on how things went down."

Said 'beans' were rather enlightening, it turns out. Jamesfield started by speaking about how he and the Lady used to work together in the past. Before becoming a librarian she was apparently some sort of assistant detective under both her and Jamesfield's 'Old Agency'. You're tempted to ask about the story there, but instead opt on letting the Noir continue his flow without the fear of him digressing.

"We were using some old techniques, keeping an eye out for anything off about anything. That gate back there? It looked just like it always has. Same business with the woods. We checked and double-checked both. But it was when we went out to the river that we found signs of people comin' and goin'. Like that, fresh from today" he points at an indentation in the grass, and you see the subtle displacement and breaking of plant life. It was something you likely wouldn't have noticed had Jamesfield not made it specifically known "there were tons of little tells that told us this place was tampered with. It was just a matter of followin' the breadcrumbs before we found that bag" he looks down and sighs "it was tough convincin' the Lady to not open it up like some sort of picnic basket" again you're solely tempted to ask about this, and again you keep such inquiries on the backburner and let him continue on "after that we decided to go back and tell the others, but some guys got the drop on us, the Lady got knocked out, and you know the rest."

You nodded your head. That about explained everything, as far as you could tell at least. You were both halfway back to where Mike and the others were. Climbing up the inclination you're able to appreciate the little things in life. The chirping of the birds, the breeze from the river, even the lingering smell of the dead. After the storm that was the fight, and the revelation of a dead body; and yet the world was peaceful still.
You took a breath. You felt that same peace envelop you.

"So, about that body. You really think it's that same electrician we were talking about earlier?" you ask after a few moments.

"I can't be too sure until we see the rest of the man himself. Or what's left of him, at least."

"Didn't you-"

"No" he says, cutting you off "not without any gloves. I know for a fact Shapes has a few pairs in his car. And I have some of the more professional detective stuff at home. I didn't expect things to go as they were, but here we are."

Mike soon comes into view, and beneath him all the unconscious. Nothing seemed to have changed, except for Mike now sporting a cigar in his mouth as he reclined against the tree you and he both hid behind not too long ago.

"I hope you haven't been leaving cigar butts around the place" Jamesfield frowns. That is something you have not considered. Surely, he would flick them into trash cans or the like, right? For some reason you feel rather apprehensive about this revelation, even though for all intents and purposes you shouldn't really care. Why do you, then?

"Pipe down, would ya?" Mike replied. And for a few minutes the two of them go on about this. As if they had not just been in a fight against some clearly criminal elements.

You think about interjecting by saying something.


>"So do we have some sort of smelling salts, or something to wake these people up? I mean, we can't just leave them here."
>"I think we should check the pockets of these guys here or at least tie them up, just to make sure they don't do anything funny." Jamesfield did make a good point about gloves and such, but at least the three of you could figure out something just in case they wake up before you're ready to deal with them again.
>"I guess it's time to call the rest of the gang, right?" This is going to happen either way, no reason to waste time and stall (will Jamesfield or Mike look for them?)
>"I think we should check the pockets of these guys here or at least tie them up, just to make sure they don't do anything funny." Jamesfield did make a good point about gloves and such, but at least the three of you could figure out something just in case they wake up before you're ready to deal with them again.
>Pocket Pressure

"I think we should check the pockets of these guys here or at least tie them up, just to make sure they don't do anything funny."

This does stop the minor bickering, but in its place you gain the disapproving face of Jamesfield.

"Like I said, I'm not too keen on makin' a move like this without gloves or my usual stuff. Besides, where we gonna score anything to tie them up with in these parts?" he says this, but Mike is already checking the pockets.

"Take it easy, will ya?" the heavy hitter says "I got somethin' that’ll do the trick, see?" just as he says so he stops, uncrouches and produces a napkin from with the initials M.D. on them. You assume they're Mike's initials, the 'M' checking out. The frown on Jamesfield's face doesn't go away.

As the other Noir doesn't say anything further, and Mike takes it as a green light to go forward. He unfolds said napkin, then envelops it around his hand. He pats the sides of the two people unconscious men. Mike stops at a certain point, and carefully extricates a knife belonging to the soft-spoken man with said napkin. It's a good thing he was knocked out before he could use it, or give it to his now sleeping buddy. Mike puts it behind the rock the Lady was sleeping, in a place that wouldn't be found by just giving the area a superficial look. Other than that, apart from a ballpoint pen on the smooth-talker, Mike seems to find nothing else. It's unfortunate that there wasn't anything that could identify them, but that would be too convenient you feel. At least you and the Noirs can scrutinize their faces.
Throughout all of this, both are thankfully still out cold.

"Alright, that settles that" Jamesfield ended the focus in the air with his words "with any luck that should put us in the clear. I am surprised, though" he continues after a pause "that they didn't have more weapons. Or any poisons. Unless there's some hidden on them. Speaking of," he suddenly seems to have some sort of revelation as he moves to action. He pries open the mouth of one of the men, and after a quick inspection moves to the next. Your confusion soon ends after his next words "here we are. Do you two see this?" he points a finger at a distinct looking molar "a fake tooth."

"So this guy had some bad habits and knocked out a tooth, big deal" Mike responded.

"It's not that simple. In fact, if you'll take a closer look" you obliged. He pointed at what looked like a crack on said tooth, ridged in an unnatural way. He then tapped it from the side "it's hollow."

It sounded ridiculous at first, like something out of a spy movie. But you've seen enough strange things to shake away your skepticism. Adding something like this wouldn't be too far out there.

"Wait" you said, thinking you also had an epiphany "you think he might be hiding a cyanide pill in there?"

"Unlikely" Jamesfield replied "the regular size for those types of pills would be too large to stash inside a tooth" that sounded fairly less fantastical, and helped with believability.

Yet otherwise you honestly feel a bit excited at the prospect of finding something more, but the calm emotion from before tempers this.

"So what's the hold-up? We just rip it out and let the good stuff spill, see?" Mike voices your thoughts before you could be further tempted to do so yourself.

"Because it could wake him up. Or it might need to be opened in a certain type of way for it to dissolve anything important that's inside them. Or any number of things. Really it depends on what type of fake tooth this is."

"Aren't you the detective here? Can't you tell how it's supposed to be done?" you ask.

"Albin has a better feel for these sorts of things than I do" Jamesfield begrudgingly admitted.


>"In that case, I think we should call the rest of the guys here. At least so we can have Albin look at it. Any volunteers?" If what Jamesfield said was true, then he would be the best to deal with this.
>"I have to agree with Mike, why not try to take it out ourselves? It can't be that hard."
>"There's still the issue of them being untied. We could always just use one of our coats to tie them up or something." Yet given how cold both the air and the weather are, you feel like this could an idea you would regret.
>"In that case, I think we should call the rest of the guys here. At least so we can have Albin look at it. Any volunteers?" If what Jamesfield said was true, then he would be the best to deal with this.

>"In that case, I think we should call the rest of the guys here. At least so we can have Albin look at it. Any volunteers?" If what Jamesfield said was true, then he would be the best to deal with this.

I'll get to writing.
"In that case, I think we should call the rest of the guys here. At least so we can have Albin look at it. Any volunteers?"

"You took the words right out of my mouth" said Jamesfield to you.

"I think you should" Mike said, looking at the Noir leader "Albin will probably want to hear it out of the horse's mouth, see?"

"That much is true" Jamesfield agreed "I'll go. Keep watch around here, you two. I don't think there's anyone else around, but that's no reason to keep your guard down" he turned around, but suddenly looked back at you both "and don't tamper with them, alright?" he pointed in the general direction of the two men unconscious men as he did this.

Neither you nor Mike voiced any opposition to that, so after a nod (and one last look at the Lady) he left.

Some time passed in silence, with you trying to process everything that had happened. Nonetheless your thoughts were jumbled enough to lose focus, but at least your calm mind kept you in place. A part of you thought about just trying to relax tomorrow, given how hectic these last few days have been. But you knew that tomorrow would likely bring about many problems, if today was anything to go by. Hopefully the day after that would give you a break, considering you were planning to meet with Mimi that noon.

You look at Mike, and he seems to be halfway done with his cigar. Granted this was the very same one from before, that is.

"Hey Mike" you break the silence "does this sort of thing happen often?" at that he gives you a strange look.

"Didn't we already have this conversation?" he shook his head "I already told you how it's like-"

"No, I mean, this sort of danger specifically."

"You tell me, buddy. You're the wiseguy that nearly got carved like a pumpkin in your jalopy"

"You're one to talk, you almost got shanked by that man in the fight" he made a good point, though. Danger might come no matter what you do. Mike grumbles about 'it not being half as bad as some fighters he's faced in the ring', then takes another drag from his cigar and exhales before continuing.

"Look, to get back to what you were talkin’ about, it all hinges on what's cookin', see? I ain't foolin' myself, I know I'm the muscle here, and sure, things can get a little hairy once in a while. But I feel like you don't want to hear my blabber, so I'll answer your question: no, it's rarely this hot unless we stir the pot, which I reckon we did this time around."

"Seems like that's the case" you were half relieved to hear this wasn't the usual. You wondered, though, how far this little mystery could go.

You looked at the Lady, recalling how she and Jamesfield seemed to have a connection of some sort. Any attempt at getting it out of Mike was rebuffed, him saying that 'it wasn't my story to tell' and things of that nature. But otherwise you let the time pass with either useless smalltalk or peaceful quiet in order to fill the silence.


Around thirty minutes later a cotton candy wielding shapes, a neutral faced Jamesfield, and a grim looking Albin enter the area. It seems like both Shapes and Albin were notified pf what was going on here, given their expressions. The two newcomers greet you and Mike, but clearly have their minds on other things.

Albin, without a word, kneels down and examines the clearing where the three unconscious people lay.

"The place 'round here is eerie. The difference between this area and the carnival is like night and day" Shapes shares a feeling you can empathize with. He looks at the ground, towards the two unconscious attackers "... looks you guys were busy, huh? Jamesfield told us all about it while we walking" he faces towards you and Mike "we were also able to find out about some things while asking around, too."

"I bet you had a blast over there on that rollercoaster" Mike mumbles without looking at him, a bit bitterly at that. Shapes catches his words, and defends himself by saying he only went on it 'once, for research purposes', but this doesn't seem to make Mike any less annoyed for some reason.

"This is the one you were talking about, isn't he?" Albin points at the one of them, the one bearing who once bared a knife and has a hollow tooth. Jamesfield nods.


>Mediate between Mike and Shapes, the last thing you need here is an actual argument happening. You are curious about what Shapes, and Albin for that matter, have found. It could potentially be connected to the situation at hand.
>Observe how Albin and Jamesfield remove the tooth, as the senior Noir seems to be preparing himself to do. It may not bring you any foreseeable benefits to just look and ask questions, but it is very interesting nonetheless.
>Try to make sure everyone is on the same page and strategize on what everyone should do next. It would be ideal if the Lady were to be able to participate as well in this, but it's good to have a start. Besides, you all need to work together in order to deal with the fallout of this.
>Observe how Albin and Jamesfield remove the tooth, as the senior Noir seems to be preparing himself to do. It may not bring you any foreseeable benefits to just look and ask questions, but it is very interesting nonetheless.
>Try to make sure everyone is on the same page and strategize on what everyone should do next. It would be ideal if the Lady were to be able to participate as well in this, but it's good to have a start. Besides, you all need to work together in order to deal with the fallout of this.
>Pulling Out Teeth

>Same Page Progress

Will roll and start writing in a few hours.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>1 Teeth
>2 Strategy

Sorry anons but unfortunately I won't be able to write today. Tomorrow might be the same story, but I'll try my best to squeeze out the update if I can.
But for now you will try to get everyone on the same page and up to date.

"Before everyone goes on, I think we should take a moment to talk about what we've found before we do anything" you speak to the awake Noirs in general, vying to start a strategy. A small voice in the back of your head makes you think it might be in vain, but it seems to have gotten the job done. Well for the most part at least, Mike seemed to still be annoyed.

"He's right" was the response from Jamesfield, now taking over "we should make sure we're all on the same page. We don't want to come to any assumptions while we're working here. Anyone wishes to start?"

"Let's get this over with" Mike said. You both looked at each other, and with a nod, began to recount what had happened while you two were gone.

Compared to what happened here, it was rather minimal. The search, the Strongman, and the gunpowder which would soon become fireworks were spoken of. Shapes commented on how it's illegal to have fireworks without a license, but Albin countered by saying how for a place like this it was nothing. Jamesfield brought up how suspicious the whole thing was, and the rest of the (concious) Noirs agreed. Albin stated that he would look into it later.
Other than that, there was nothing much else to comment on save for the fortunate decision you and Mike had deliberated upon to seek out Jamesfield and the Lady.

"This is the part where me and the Lady come in, I'll handle it from here" said the Noir leader, after you and Mike had clearly finished speaking.

He retold what he had said to you almost word for word. There were a few added superfluous details, such as how the last bars from the gate had been removed, how the chloroform doused fabric that was used against the Lady was likely still under the coat of the man, or how there were more dandelions this year than the last. When the subject was reached, Albin was keenly interested in the section about the corpse along with Jamesfield's certainty that it was the body of the electrician--Joseph Quinous. Shapes on the other hand was uncharacteristically silent through the whole thing.

You personally had reservations about the whole thing.

"But you mentioned we couldn't be sure about that part until we could look at his face" you said, referring to the connection between the corpse and the man you saw earlier.

"Now we can" Jamesfield puts his hand under his coat and takes out some rather surgical looking gloves "I got a few things that might help."

"So what are we waiting for?" Mike said. Like Shapes he had been silent, but that was more due to him already having the gist of what was going on.

"Not so fast" replied Jamesfield "we still got some tales left in the tank" he motioned to the rest of you "we all found some interesting things, I gather."

"I know I did at least" Albin says "but this whole situation puts it in a bit of a different light."

"Yeah, you and Pagliacci really hit it off I heard" commented Mike.

"I wouldn't say we were on the best terms, you know" Albin said with a chuckle "I believe he finds me good company, at least. But that's not really relevant in terms of what I've found, you know?"

The most senior Noir continued on, speaking about a manager who was, in Albin's own words, 'not just corrupt, but sloppy'. It was apparently quite the ordeal to pinpoint his location, despite the man leaving 'painfully obvious' evidence of his being wherever he went. This manager, a Martin Espinoza, had a wide collection of people under him. Many of whom shared a strong dislike of him, but others seemed to think highly of him for reasons Albin didn't have the time to find out. Espinoza was deeply connected to the E.V.L and the I.A.C, and from what Albin understands was likely was put into the position of manager due to nepotism. While the old Noir searched for any connections this manager might've had with the police, looking at the rumors as a guide, but they proved to be fruitless. However, he did find proof that there were some 'half-undercover' (as Albin put it) policemen prowling around here. Yet more concerningly he heard about a deeper security service that ran down the ladder of the E.V.L, likely clandestine in nature.

"... but it's best to take all of that with a grain of salt. I've only been able to confirm what I could in the time I had" Albin concluded "now, if you don't mind" he then proceeded to take his attention back towards the unconscious man.

"Shapes?" Jamesfield said. You all, save for Albin and the Lady, looked at the man in question.

"Yeah?" said he.

"Find anything?" Jamesfield said.

"Sort of" Shapes cleared his throat "but nothing like Albin or you guys found. The ride was lousy" Mike rolled his eyes "and not in the way you think. It was rusty and janky, lookin' like it was gonna bite the dust after how fast it went. I'm not seein' it lasting the weekend, let alone a whole 'nother year. The head-honcho of the place wasn't any help neither. Just said she was just there to punch a clock, nothin' more."

"Wasn't the fella that ran the place a guy named Murrey?" Mike interjected.

"Not anymore. He's outta the picture for a new gal; a broad called Milly, and I’m thinkin’ she’s tied up with the big top. They had a bunch of security like theirs at least."

"You manage to nail down anything?" Jamesfield asked.

"Sort of?" Shapes repeated with a shrug "the only person I could talk to was Milly, she had a bit of a creepy smile like Bea's" the Noirs that were neither unconscious nor in the middle of pulling out teeth glanced at each other with a knowing look "and she knew how to keep mum at the right times, but the security did what she wanted 'em to when asked."

After that the three Noirs continued to compare things with one another, mostly repeating and reevaluating. Thankfully it seemed like Mike's annoyance had dissipated for the most part, mostly thanks to Shape's lack of sheepishness. You saw the Lady stir from the corner of your eye. Jamesfield turned his head to her, having noticed her movement as well.


>"Who's Bea?" You'd like to know, at least for context's sake, while Jamesfield tended to the Lady.
>"So, we can all agree that these two are probably part of the 'deeper security' Albin was talking about, right?"
>"I think the Lady might be waking up." Best to bring notice to it, you suppose.
>"I think the Lady might be waking up." Best to bring notice to it, you suppose.
>"I think the Lady might be waking up." Best to bring notice to it, you suppose.
>Wake Up Call

"I think the Lady might be waking up."

That seems to take the attention of all the Noirs (save for Albin, who is preoccupied), and they gather around her.

You see her open her eyes and slowly look around. She blinks once, then twice, and gets up with Jamesfield's help.

"I missed something" she states matter-of-factly before brushing dirt and dandelion seeds off of herself.

"You did" said Jamesfield "want the quick of it?"

"If you would" says she "but first, here" she gives him back his coat, which he had placed behind her head "thank you, but you'll get a cold without it."

And so with a nod Jamesfield puts on the article and fills her in, first informing her about what happened immediately after she passed out before telling her about about what everyone else found. Shapes and Mike were speaking to each other as she was being brought up to speed, the two men now talking about the potential connections between the woman Shapes had met and some other past case Albin was apparently presiding over. The two simultaneous conversations sometimes merged with each other or overlapped.

"Hmm" she said "that's unfortunate."

"Her and this Martin fella, I bet they're tight with the same crew" says Mike to Shapes, in reply to a theory he was entertaining. Despite talking to him, the fighter seemed to have his concentration on other things.

"It does look obvious" replied Shapes "that's why I think there's more to this. I mean, it'd be a real snooze if they're both just connected to the E.V.L" Mike seemed to agree with the first part, but then frowned more than usual at the second.

"What is unfortunate?" you say this, trying to focus on a single conversation with medium amounts of success, after the Lady doesn't elaborate further.

"The whole situation" she says impassively "this will take a while to shake off, especially with how the cops are."

"Not if I have anything to say about it" Albin seemed to have been done with the tooth extraction "it might've been years, but this old man still has clout in the force. If worse comes to worse, I can call in some favors" you'll admit that is reassuring to hear.

"How did it go?" asked Shapes.

"You're talking about the tooth?" said Albin, Shapes confirming with a 'yeah'. You admit you had almost completely forgotten about that "it was a success. Remember that case with Oasis?" he says, and both your and Jamesfield's interest is piqued "well there was-"

Without warning, Mike pounces on one of the seemingly unconscious men. It was the one that tried to shank him earlier, you realized. The man twitches, then suddenly opens his eyes, and after a second and a half he jolts with nearly impossible speed. But his flight was folied by a cruel kick from the kickboxer, and was knocked out cold again. After this Jamesfield checks the other man, smooth talking and now with one less tooth, and confirms he's still out for the count.

"... I think it's time to tie them up" you say. The rest of the Noirs agree, and Jamesfield takes out some twain rope.

With the Noirs all bunched together again, you feel they're rubbing off on you. Consequently, your awareness has increased.


>You and the Noirs will discuss on what to do with the two attackers, and if they should be interrogated now or just handed over to the police (suggestions can be made on what to do with those two, just be aware of the possibility of Johan not being able to convince them. Johan will default to going along with the Noirs if no suggestions are made).
>Albin and the Lady were curious about the body, and now equipped with gloves provided by Jamesfield they wished to look at it. You would follow them, whether out of a desire to confirm the identity of the electrician or mere morbid curiosity.
>Before getting interrupted, Albin was about to say something about that tooth and connection to the hotel you were staying at. You and Jamesfield wished to find out what it was, and asked him about it.
>Before getting interrupted, Albin was about to say something about that tooth and connection to the hotel you were staying at. You and Jamesfield wished to find out what it was, and asked him about it.
>Before getting interrupted, Albin was about to say something about that tooth and connection to the hotel you were staying at. You and Jamesfield wished to find out what it was, and asked him about it.
That's more personal...
>Tooth And Nail

The tooth related to a more personal matter.

And with that in mind you decided to find how it related to the hotel, if at all, sooner rather than later.

You, Jamesfield following close behind, approach the oldest Noir. He is speaking to Mike and the Lady about something or another.

"How this sort of thing was able to go under our radars is strange. I'm sure there would've been some notice or evidence, especially with how we looked at the archives" said Albin.

"Don't remind me" grumbled Mike.

"We have more knowledge for next time, so it wasn't a waste" you had the suspicion she was subtly defending a stance of hers that you weren't aware of "knowing how things are run, I doubt this was written down in the books or seen by the eyes of the fuzz."

"You never know" replied Albin "incompetence is never to be underestimated and stranger things have happened before."

"There's a 'strange thing' by the river if you wanna look at it" Mike quipped.

"I'd be glad to. However, I think I'll be delayed on that front" he turns his attention to both you and Jamesfield "I'm guessing this is about the tooth."

"Yes" Jamesfield confirmed in a nod.

"I was more interested in how it connected to Hotel Oasis" you explained.

"Makes sense. You're staying there, aren't you?" asked Albin. He already knew the answer "but that requires a bigger story to provide context."

"The tooth?" you inquired.

"More specifically what I found in it" Albin stated "get yourselves comfortable, this might be a long one. Depending how many details you two want, that is."

"This has to do with one of those 'stranger things' you mentioned, right?" you recall the Noirs talking about how the Hotel Oasis was a 'hotspot' for oddities. Other than the gym exploding you haven't really noticed anything out of the ordinary. Then again you have only been booked there for less than a week. Hardly enough time to get a good feel for things.

"Yes and no. It was a missing person case, a couple years before the 'gym incident', mundane in one of the worst possible ways. We found out it was a kidnapping, and the person responsible had a tendency to leave gilded nails as a signature of sorts."

"You're saying these people were kidnappers?" you glanced at the criminals in question, now bound to a tree.

"No, that is someone else entirely" a small relief, you think. Albin produces the tooth in question and gently pops it open "yet our 'friend' here has some interesting bits and bobs lying around."

A golden nail, less than half the size of a pea, was lodged in one of the walls in the inside of the tooth. It had four carvings of arrows, each pointing to a different direction like a compass, ingrained on its head. These were surrounded by small square dots that were by the edges of the head.
There were some other objects alongside it, the most notable being a miniature playing card (a Jack) and a what looked like a minuscule kitchen knife.

"Is there any way to contact this kidnapper?"

"Last we heard he died in prison. Although that might be in question, seeing how people like that electrician were apparently still walking."

"That all hinges on if it's the same stiff that Johan laid eyes on earlier" Jamesfield said.

"Wait, what does this have to do with Hotel Oasis?" you asked, trying to get back on the topic.

"I was getting there" Albin continued "the last place the kidnapped had been seen was in that hotel. We went there to investigate, not too long before something else had lead us there. I think this was when the staff was starting to get enough of us, that Bea girl in particular was pretty annoyed. It was there that we found the nail, almost identical to the one I just showed you but exponentially larger, smack in the middle of the room's chaos like the eye of a tornado. There were quite a few others, each bearing a different message and symbol on them. It was quite the chase" the Noir reminisced fondly "but eventually it had to end. I'll spare you the details, but we were able to trick him into coming back to the hotel and set up an ambush. Well I say we ambushed him, but it was Mike who did most of the heavy lifting in the fight."

Somewhere in the middle of that conversation Albin had closed the tooth again and placed it in a small, clear, ziplock bag. Shapes made a comment about the Hotel, specifically referencing the attic as being 'a place that gave me the heebie-jeebies'.


>"Would it be too much to ask about the missing person?" It could help you get a new lead. Another Noir will probably accompany you if you decide to get answers this way, however that might not be entirely bad considering the situation.
>"Anything about the other items in there?" You find the collection of things inside the tooth to be bizarre.
>"Do you guys think that the hotel will be affected by this sort of stuff?" It is a bit worrying.
>"Anything about the other items in there?" You find the collection of things inside the tooth to be bizarre.
Objects to keep an eye out for. But what do they mean?
>"Would it be too much to ask about the missing person?" It could help you get a new lead. Another Noir will probably accompany you if you decide to get answers this way, however that might not be entirely bad considering the situation.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>Objects And Answers

>Witness Protection

Will roll between these now to get started. Might not be able to write today.
"Anything about the other items in there?"

You point at the tooth right before Albin is able to put it in one of his pockets.

"Yes" says the old Noir.

"Will you tell us what it is?" you ask after he doesn't elaborate.

"I need to properly verify these before making any assumptions" said he "it wouldn't be right to just give off an opinion that might lead us to chase geese from a first glance."

"Isn't it the job of a detective to make assumptions about the things you see?" you say. You're not really sure that's how it goes, but it sounds about right "and shouldn't it be the police's job to look after evidence?"

"That depends on the situation" he looks at you for another moment. You don't miss the odd look he and Jamesfield gave you in the latter question you'd made "but if you really want to know about these things, I can give you my thoughts."

"I got a hunch where this is headin', but I'd also like to hear it straight from you" Jamesfield interjected. You voicing a similar desire to hear his opinion soon after, though still in the dark about the implications.

"Very well. But don't expect this to be the be-all end-all, you know?" he gave a quick smile, it being tempered as he spoke on "with that said, there isn't much to go by except wordless messages, microdots, and potential symbolism. There were a few small compartments in this fellow" he lifted up the bag with the tooth in it "and with many potential things places to 'store' items in there. Which leads me believe this was some sort of message we've intercepted."

"Probably a briefing on the stich, if you ask me" Jamesfield adds.

"I was assuming the same thing" said Albin, turning to him briefly "sort of like what Mike likes to do, in a way. Although, he wouldn't be prideful enough to just keep on fighting."

"Unless they wanted to get captured?" you propose.

"Unlikely. I've been in my share of scuffles, and I know when mugs are givin' it their all. They put up too much fight for that" Jamesfield gave his imput.

But on the subject of Mike, you looked around to see his reaction for what you imagined was a mixture of praise from both Albin and Jamesfield, especially since he'd been rather quiet lately. You start to feel alarmed when you realize that he, and the Lady for that matter, were gone.

"They went to check out the corpse" Shapes clarified. When did that happen? You feel a bit ashamed not to have noticed.

"Something I'd like to get to as well, you know?" said Albin as well, as he moved towards the place in question.

>"Wait, can you tell me what the 'symbolism' could mean?" It'll take some of his time, and might be meaningless in the end, but you're too curious to leave that hanging.
>Let him go, you can always ask later. It's clear he wants to look at the body, so it would be best not to delay him.

"With that" Jamesfield continued a few minutes of silence had descended from Albin's departure. He looked at the two criminals, still knocked out and still tied to that tree "I’m startin’ to wonder if these two shmoes had nothin’ to do with that other fella gettin' whacked."

"Why's that?" Shapes asks.

"I dunno. It's just a gut feeling" he responds, closing his eyes in deep thought for a minute before taking out a notebook from his coat and flipping through the pages.


>Try to see what the Head Noir's hunch is all about. You might be of help, but you may just as likely get in the way (if picking this choice roll me a 2d100, best of three).
>Might as well catch the others that are looking at the dead, see how they're doing. You'll probably catch the tail end of what's going on, but you'd still like confirmation nontheless.
>You would inspect the two men that had attacked you both. This could be redundant since the Noirs have already done so, but who knows you might find something they overlooked.

>"Wait, can you tell me what the 'symbolism' could mean?" It'll take some of his time, and might be meaningless in the end, but you're too curious to leave that hanging.
>Might as well catch the others that are looking at the dead, see how they're doing. You'll probably catch the tail end of what's going on, but you'd still like confirmation nontheless.
>"Wait, can you tell me what the 'symbolism' could mean?" It'll take some of his time, and might be meaningless in the end, but you're too curious to leave that hanging.
>You would inspect the two men that had attacked you both. This could be redundant since the Noirs have already done so, but who knows you might find something they overlooked.
>Symbolic Thinking

>Corpse Catch Up

>Double Examination

Will give it around three or four hours before I start writing.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>1 Corpse
>2 Criminals

Writing. Might take some time.
We're a regular detective ourselves, at this rate!
There's a strong opportunity, especially with how often Johan and the Noirs hang around each other.


Looking over the two tied to the tree could prove to be redundant, but had the off chance you might find something useful.

You leave Jamesfield to think, not wishing to interrupt anything any progress he might realize on his own.

You're tempted to look at the body even more, however. The only thing really keeping you from doing so was not wanting to clutter the scene too much with too many people.

Walking to the two men, bound by tree and rope, was merely a few steps away. Looking back you see Shapes glance at you curiously, but he makes no further move besides that.

Turning your attention back to the two bound men, you proceed to inspect them. Both looked lithe and thin, but the one wielding the knife had a far more obviously athletic body type.
He was the same man you'd seen at Hotel Oasis, with the deep voice and the green plaid shirt. It's strange to believe it hasn't been that long since you last saw him, with him threatening you in your very own taxi. His hair was jet black and his face was sharp, but the most notable part of him was his rather pointy nose. Bruises adorn his face, a testament to Mike's ability. He wears black sweatpants and a dull colored modern looking jacket. It is very nondescript.
The other, a soft-spoken man with a young looking face, dark brown hair, was slightly taller than his companion. His appearance looked rather normal, but his expression seemed to be soft and sincere even when unconscious. A total difference from how the malice and outrage he showed when you and Mike jumped them. You almost couldn't believe he had a knife hidden on his person as well. The only thing to really break the illusion where the almost imperceptible bags under his eyes. If the knife-man's attire didn't bring attention to himself, his was the opposite. He wore bright yellow and pink colors on what seemed to be some tactless combination of a coat and sweater, it was a fashion sense that should look appalling but he managed to pull it off well. Strangely, he didn't seem to bear many bruises despite specifically recalling how you and Jamesfield attacked him.

After looking them over a few times you find some points of interest: their shoes where muddy. Not caked with them, but enough to be noticeable. Either it came from the soft dirt or someplace by the river. Besides that there were small bits of blood on them in different parts. Whether it was their own, from the Noirs, or from the corpse you did not know. The man that wielded the knife seemed to have his fingers slightly point inwards, one hand involuntarily almost balled into a fist. The other's hands were nearly straight and kept at with a calmness.

They way they both carried themselves, even in this state, made you think back to what Albin said.


"Wait, can you tell me what the 'symbolism' could mean?"

Albin turned around, with a slightly tired look on his face.

"It could be a bunch of things, most likely representing the people there: the knife for the knife wielder, the playing card for the talker. The question here would be what the nail actually means."

"How can you be sure that's what it is?" you queried.

"I can't" said Albin. He spoke to you again "look, son, the reason I don't like making these sorts of theories about symbolism is because it can make you chase shadows" looking for shadows might be something you want to do, however.

After confirming neither you nor Jamesfield had anything else to say, he departed with haste.


You try to think of any theories to make. You are certain you could find something if you put your mind to it. But what?
Before you realize it you're pacing back and forth, trying to find an answer the Noirs hadn't yet. You come to a few conclusions, but keep thinking back to how Jamesfield said he didn't think they murdered the other man. Could it be the work of a third party you've yet to see? Perhaps connected to the kidnapper the Noirs were talking about?

You turn around to pace again, but find yourself facing Shapes. You almost jump. He startled you.

"What's up?" you ask, not wanting to let the silence hang for too long. Shapes takes a bite out of his cotton candy.

"Nothin' much. Just waiting for everyone to come back and stuff" he replied nonchalantly "hey, don't get me wrong, it's not everyday we find a dead body. But this isn't really my type of scene, you get me?"

"Well, what is your type of scene?" you ask, more to pass the time than for any real interest on your part.

"You know, looking at things, looking the part, following threads of evidence, making sure everything is in order, having fun, things like that" he says with a smile "what about you?"

>"I don't know, really." Be honest.
>"I usually just go along with things as they come." Not exactly a lie.
>"When I'm in my taxi." It's true you like the feeling of driving, and you care about your taxi, but whether or not it's actually your 'scene' you don't know.

You think for a few moments afterwards, but again you can't really muster any significant care. You're not really sure why you're thinking this way, perhaps the last few days and the two fights have have desensitized you. Or maybe you're just tired. Although you can't really say it's been too terrible, all things considered. You feel like you've already had that thought before.

"Hey Shapes, uh, Arnold was it?" you say somewhat quietly for some reason, a part of you fearing the unconscious men could still be listening "is there anything you want to ask me?"

"Eh, nothin' much" he repeats what he said moments ago "don't mind me, just bendin' an ear to see what you're doing. Jamesfield is lookin' over his notes and I don't feel like lookin' at a body after I've have that big breakfast of yours. killin' time" probably not the analogy you'd of used "metaphorically" he adds as an afterthought and takes another bite. His appearance at first glance would make you think he's a 'hardass' like Ryan had described the Noirs, but after meeting him he seemed to be rather relaxed (at least when compared to the others he hung around with).


>"Alright, I won't." Maybe do some smalltalk, but you'll go back to primarily focusing on the criminals. You feel like you might be getting close to a breakthrough! (Roll a 1d100, best of two)
>"Hey, what do you make of all this?" Out of all the Noirs Shapes seems to be only one who isn't as animated as the rest, and you wonder why.
>"Yeah, I didn't really want to get in the way. I'm mostly just curious about these two criminals." Share what your assumptions about these two are. Who knows, it might help you out if you both bounce ideas.
Sorry in advance for any typos and sentences that don't make sense, I'm a bit tired right now.
>"I don't know, really." Be honest.
>"Hey, what do you make of all this?" Out of all the Noirs Shapes seems to be only one who isn't as animated as the rest, and you wonder why.
>"When I'm in my taxi." It's true you like the feeling of driving, and you care about your taxi, but whether or not it's actually your 'scene' you don't know.
>"And, you know, I think mimes. Mimes are cool."

>"Yeah, I didn't really want to get in the way. I'm mostly just curious about these two criminals." Share what your assumptions about these two are. Who knows, it might help you out if you both bounce ideas.
>"I think the nail is a third operative, a third killer... Maybe still in the area. But I'm not sure what the nail implies about how she operates."
>Unknown Honesty

>Driving And Mutes

>Shaped Opinion

>Third Party Theory

Will roll and start writing in a few hours from now.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>1 Don't Know
>2 Mimes And Taxi
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Ask Shapes
>2 Sharing Theories

"Hey, what do you make of all this?"

You've come to realize Shapes hasn't really spoken much about anything. The most he did was converse about the woman that managed the roller coaster and retell what he had found, the former was more for the sake of defending himself against the kickboxer's annoyance and the latter because it was specifically asked of him by Jamesfield.
He looks at you, then at the tied up attackers, then back to Jamesfield (whom you now noticed was muttering about something), before looking back to you again and shrugging his shoulders. You were a bit surprised at that, since not too long ago he alluded to how he thought there was something more with what was going on.

"What about what you said to Mike?" you inquired. Surely he formed some more opinions about the matter, especially with a dead body and the assault that was dealt with "you said something about how it related to a past case Albin went on, right?"

"Yeah, I did" he said as he took another bite from the cloud-like confectionery, speaking with his mouth half-full. At this point you were both walking away from the criminals, you reasoning that it's better to be safe than sorry when it came to speaking about information "but I think Albin already shared what happened."

"And what about that woman you spoke to earlier? You said you thought there was more to things than there seemed."

"Oh, her?" he said "she wore a fake smile all the time, but didn't do nothin' too suspicious aside from bein' creepy" the words 'fake smile' seem to click with you, and memories of a certain receptionist appear in your mind "anyway, I figured it'd be a real snooze if everything was just as it looked."

"What do you mean?" you're a bit confused. What is he getting at?

"It’s a whole lotta more fun this way, you know what I mean?" you didn't.

"Well" after a few moment you try to find something to say "at least things are going to be interesting for a while" you're assuming this is what he means, and would be looking forward to it, but from the small waning of his smile you realize that wasn't the case.

"Eh, I dunno. I mean I like lookin' the part and the idea. And I like getting out there and the adventure of findin' dirt. But actually dealin' with a murder? That makes it lose its luster. Like I said, this isn't really my type of scene. Maybe for the others it is, but not for me" he continues, and despite the lighthearted tone of his voice and the way he jokingly raises up his hands, he seems to mean it. You can't help but feel a tinge of disappointment, you'd think that the Noirs would all be down for solving a mysterious death, but at the same time you understand not wanting to get close to danger. Either way it's clear that Shapes will want to take more of a backstage role, at least compared to the other Noirs.

In contrast to how Shapes didn't really think about things, you did come to some assumptions: the first being how the person that represented the 'golden nail' was likely still in the carnival. Agreeing with both Albin's symbol clarification and Jamesfield's hunch, there was probably a third party involved. A few ideas on who it could be swirled in the back of your mind, but none really materialized. Especially considering it could be someone you haven't even met.

"There's also how" he continued, snapping you out of your hypothesizing "my type of deal isn't like yours. Me and the others were wonderin' what makes ya tick, and we were talkin' about it just today" that was not wholly unexpected, but you still feel a bit odd from the admission "but after what you said about drivin' around, mimes, and all that jazz, it makes sense now. You're more of the type that likes speed and like rubbing elbows with colorful characters. It's like an art for you, right?" you nod, not really expecting him to take all of that from your answer. You're not sure you'd put it that way, but it's true you like the feeling of going fast and you found 'speaking' to Mimi as enjoyable.


"When I'm in my taxi"

Sure, you'll go with that. You can just remember the drive, both in a literal and metaphorical sense. It felt like you could take on the skies themselves. The desire to go faster, and faster yet. The will to succeed.

"Driving is great" you add, and you mean it.

"Hm" he responds, not really looking like he's paying attention.

"And, you know, I think mimes. Mimes are cool."

"As in pantomiming or the mimes themselves?" he asks.

"More of the latter than the former" you reply, mostly thinking about a certain quiet and impish friend you made today. You're looking forward to meeting her again.

"So, that's your scene. Makes sense, both cars and charades can be a bit of an art when you think about it."

You nod your head, and after a bit more smalltalk you let the conversation gradually wither away, suddenly feeling a bout of ennui.


"And you said that you liked mimes too. What's up with that?" you could answer that, you think.

"Nothing much. I just met one that was really helpful and did some impressive charading" you think that keeping your more personal thoughts about Mimi and mimes to yourself is wise. Although you feel like you might've mentioned Mimi to the other Noirs, you can't really recall when exactly. At the very least Mike knows you two know each other.
Honestly she was pretty crucial in flipping your opinion on mimes, you could hardly believe you used to dislike those silent entertainers. Remnants of some past emotion, perhaps. Or merely some annoyance that was colored from an emotion.

You clear your throat and think about what you want to say next. Perhaps you'll share your own ideas with the others when they come back.


>"Even if you don't really make anything out of this, what do you think the others might conclude?" Best to steer the conversation back into asking about more pressing matters. He'll likely have some insight on what they're thinking.
>"What were you guys doing here before all of this happened? If you don't mind my asking." Shapes seems to be in a talkative mood again, he might speak about a what the original plan was. You think you have a general idea of what they were doing, but it's good to get a clearer picture.
>"Out of curiosity, what exactly are you guys? Are you some sort of club, or just a bunch of friends meeting together?" Now that you think about it, you're not really sure what the Noirs are exactly. This isn't a full time profession, clearly, but they still put in some effort to meet with each other.
>"What were you guys doing here before all of this happened? If you don't mind my asking." Shapes seems to be in a talkative mood again, he might speak about a what the original plan was. You think you have a general idea of what they were doing, but it's good to get a clearer picture.
>"Do you guys ever investugate anything spookier, as mysteries go? You know... UFOs, ghosts, that stuff?"
>Prior Arrangements

>Paranormal Oddities

Will start writing in a few hours and will roll between these two unless there's any changes.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Before
>2 Paranormal

"What were you guys doing here before all of this happened? If you don't mind my asking."

You consider asking him about any strange or paranormal activity the Noirs might've been around, mostly in the hopes that you could get an answer about whatever those 'shadow creatures' from earlier were. However you dismiss that thought, deciding to focus on what immediate suspicions you could put to rest.

"That? What do you mean? Oh right, you weren't there for that, were you?" you shake your head in responce.

"I'll tell you, it's not really that big of a deal or secret. I mean we weren't doing anything illegal, technically" he says "but it's nothing the police would really care about. I mean, it's just that the E.V.L was doing some stuff that seemed weird, and we just decided to do something about it. Well, more like observe people doing stuff while keeping our hands clean from everything. Guess that really didn't go to plan, did it?" he chuckles. You recall the Noirs speaking about finally doing something, you assumed they were talking about making a move. But if Shapes is to be belived, it was more like observing things go down. But then that wouldn't-

"There's also that thing Albin was doing. What was it about again?" Shapes speaks, then snaps his fingers as he recalls "oh right, something about a corruption case between the cops and the I.A.C."

"I thought he said there wasn't any connection between them?" you remember Albin specifically said there wasn't.

"No, that was the E.V.L's charity racket and the management here. It's an open secret that the I.A.C got their fingers deep in the cop's pockets in some places, but Albin was huntin' for something specific 'round here that could shine some light on their bigger operations" you sorely wanted to inquire about the I.A.C, but you couldn't really find the way to do so in a natural way. Besides, these three letter organizations and places are starting to give you a headache. It seemed like Shapes wasn't done speaking yet "but I don't think the search went anywhere, especially not with this falling on our laps."

"I feel like I'm at least slightly responsible for everything that's going on, especially with me talking about searching for Daryl" you say, as a sudden thought that emerges from your hindsight.

"Nothin' to worry about. I might not be the biggest fan, but the crew's eatin' it up and havin’ a good time. Just look at Jamesfield over there" he points at the other Noir, who is now sitting down on a rock while furiously scribbling in a notepad. You don't really know if you can define that as 'fun', but you'll take Shapes' words at face value.

"Even when me, Mike, and Jamesfield did a little snoopin' this morning, none of the others cared as much as they does now" Shapes shares some interesting information, unwillingly confirming Mimi's testimony earlier.
Just as you were about to talk again, you see Mike, Albin, and the Lady start to approach from the distance. Soon enough they're here, with Mike the only one looking more grim than usual.

"Good to see you guys again" Shapes greets them "how were things?"

"As good as you'd expect them to be" Albin responds. The old man then clears his throat before speaking again "under normal circumstances I'd say more, but as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words."

"I can confirm it was Joseph Quinous" the Lady adds "or what was left of him, at least."


>"Do I want to know?"
>"What's the status on the body?"
>Stay silent and let the Noirs talk. You'll only speak if there's something you want to get more clarity in.
Forgot to put a [1/2] there.
>"Do I want to know?"
>"Do I want to know?"
>Know Me Not

"Do I want to know?"

You now feel rather happy you didn't accompany any of them to look at it.

"Probably not" Mike is the first one to respond.

"It's not so bad as some I've seen, and definitely not the most gruesome" Albin adds.

"Forgive me, I should've been more specific" the Lady says afterwards in her usual high-pitch. Although before you can correct her misunderstanding, she continues "the body is divided in many different pieces. There's hardly any blood, or verifiable organs" still that was probably already more than you wanted to know about "the divided parts are the arms, legs, the neck, hands and feet. There are two missing limbs; the right arm and the left leg. How's Jamesboy doing?"

"He's right over there" Shapes says and points a thumb to the other Noir, ignoring the subject whiplash "and he's in another one of his thinking thinking moods, so I thought it best not bother" the Lady nods and walks over to Jamesfield, seemingly ignoring the warning.

"Sorry about that" Shapes says to your "she can be a bit tone deaf sometimes."

"That's not her at her worst. I remember back when she used to be a coroner" Mike said while grumbling the last bit, making you almost miss it.

"Don't worry about it. Don't let me stop you guys from discussing what you need to" you say. You'll privately admit to yourself that while a part of you feels sick when thinking about the corpse, you'll admit you were still curious.

"In that case I'll spill somethin' that's been gnawin' me" Mike spoke once more seeing your words as a way to bring back that conversation, despite looking the most affected by this out of them all, save for Shapes perhaps (who became silent once again). This fact about the kickboxer surprises you for some reason, now that you think about it "the cuts are way too clean. And what really gets me is how he's in such good shape, see?"

"What do you mean?" he's a corpse, as far as you knew. Dead bodies weren't exactly the image of good health.

"It's too fresh. Even that stink is at most a few days old" Albin adds. You might not have seen the body, but from an outsider's perspective like your own it was certainly strange "and word was it that he died from electrical shock, but despite that there wasn't a single burn mark."

"What about that scar?"

"Electricity doesn't leave scars, usually" Albin scratches his neck "and that scar has been there before, from what we last found about him" you ask Albin what he means by that "we usually check up on the lives of people that die suddenly. Sometimes we find something about it."

"Looks like this is one of those times" you say.

"Wish we could'a found out more before he kicked the bucket" Mike said.


>"Hindsight is twenty-twenty. Is there anything in any archive about what happened to his body? Where he was buried, at least?"
>"Maybe we should ask our two 'buddies', despite how tied up with life they are right now." Asking those two about what happened could prove risky, but might shed some light on things if done right.
>You'll politely excuse yourself and go see what the Lady and Jamesfield are talking about. This conversation has become rather grim, and theirs couldn't be any worse, right?
>"Hindsight is twenty-twenty. Is there anything in any archive about what happened to his body? Where he was buried, at least?"
>"Maybe we should ask our two 'buddies', despite how tied up with life they are right now." Asking those two about what happened could prove risky, but might shed some light on things if done right.
>Trace Back Your Steps

>Ask The Assault

I'll roll between these and start writing in a few hours.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Backtrack
>2 Ask

Writing. Sorry for taking so long, got held up by something.
"Hindsight is twenty-twenty. Is there anything in any archive about what happened to his body? Where he was buried, at least?"

"Yeah, we hit those right off the bat" Mike replies "you'd be better off trying chattin' to Jamesfield and the Lady on that front" you glance at the two Noirs Mike spoke of, and they seem to be sitting down and... meditating? No, now they're clearly speaking to each other.

"We weren't allowed to look at the body back then, however" Albin says, bringing your attention back to the conversation. You'll have to ask what that was about later "they might've had the excuse of it being a 'breach in privacy', yet now the true motive seems pretty obvious."

"Maybe. That's besides the point" Mike retorted "the fact that this was able to slip right under our noses isn't good. We need to check up on our sources again."

"I'll admit we probably could've done more and digged a little deeper" Albin muses "but everything seemed so mundane it didn't seem like it was worth the check. I suppose that should've been our first clue that something was off" he then turns to you with a thin smile "like you said, hindsight is twenty-twenty."

"So, you guys didn't find anything?" you have a hard time believing that, the Noirs can be extremely detailed with everything they put their hands on.

"I wouldn't say we found nothing, only that we didn't find anything interesting; residence, friend group, bank affiliation, relatives (or lack of them, in this case), things like that" Albin elaborates "it's simply that nothing seemed remotely out of place, everything pointed to him being an average Joe, you know?"

"What could've made him get caught up in all of this, and end up butchered in that way?" you ask, more rhetorically than for any other purpose.

"That's the million-dollar question, see?" Mike said.

You are tempted, very much so, to suggest waking the two criminals to ask about it. But since nobody really suggested that, and from thinking about it logically, you stop yourself. It would be precipitous to wake them up now. They'll regain consciousness on their own time, no need to rush.
You shake your head and get your mind back on track.

"How about the people he used to hang around with? Sounds like prime material there. Or maybe his residence? There could be something left in the place that could give us a clue" you suggest, trying to be helpful.

"We could sneak into his old joint and poke around a bit, see?" Mike suggests.

"There's a chance that isn't going to lead anywhere" Shapes chimes in "that apartment might've been cleaned out by now."

"You never know" says Albin, in a rare agreement with Mike "the amount of times I've found something that's got no right to be there would advise me otherwise. Besides, the place has been abandoned for a while now" Shapes doesn't say anything in response to that "but what Johan said is true, there is prime material in his old buddies. I'd like to check up on some of them at least, sooner rather than later."

"I dunno" Shapes spoke up once more "I think a smoother approach to the play. We can't just go guns blazing into people's pads, dead or not, and checking up on others could raise suspicion. I’m all for makin' moves, but we gotta keep the heat down and let the coppers do their legwork for now" that gets an annoyed grunt from Mike, although Albin seems to be more sober at the suggestion.

The Noirs here continue to discuss their positions, and what would be best for the future. Personally, you...

>Agree with Mike. Going in the place seemed like the best course of action, if Albin's assumption was correct at least.
>Agree with Albin. Speaking to the friends of the late Quinous could lead to some good leads, knowing what you all know now.
>Agree with Shapes. Laying low and going for a softer and passive search sounds like the safest move, especially with a murderer on the loose.
Forgot the [2/2] there, and I'm not able to delete the post for some reason.
>Agree with Albin. Speaking to the friends of the late Quinous could lead to some good leads, knowing what you all know now.
As a starting-point at least.
>Agree with Mike. Going in the place seemed like the best course of action, if Albin's assumption was correct at least.
>Friendly Connections

>Apartment Snooping

Will roll and start writing sometime in two to three hours.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Albin
>2 Mike

You agreed with Albin.

In the end the best option was to keep asking around for any leads. Eventually something would be found. After asking about some of Albin's points concerning the idea of revisiting Joseph's friends and acquaintances both from Dingo's and elsewhere, you considered--seeing as you were a relatively new face in these parts and unknown to most around here--how it might be better if you were the one who asked around. You'd make sure to think about when a good opportunity to do this would be, ideally one that didn't interrupt your coffee with Mimi.
While you did feel tempted to ask what exactly Mike's approach was all about, in the end it didn't seem like a priority to you.

While this happened, Jamesfield and the Lady approached your group. By the looks of it they were done talking about whatever it was their discussion brough them towards. In few words, they communicate that they've been thinking and talking about the place. It is obvious, to those two at least, that this runs deeper than a some superficial bribes and attempted deaths. The Lady shares that she's taken a few pictures of the corpse while she looked at it. You aren't entirely sure about the legality behind that, but given what you've heard about the police--as well as their failure to capture the knifed criminal you reported--leads you to at least understand why she'd do that.
You do, however, voice those thoughts. In response you get a lenghty amount of almost indecipherable legal terminology from the Lady, with the gist (provided kindly by Jamesfield) being that people are allowed to take pictures of nearly anything due to a legal loophole. Briefly you wonder for what reason the Noirs would know about this, but quickly realize they would likely be fully aware of any legal grey-areas if only for the sake of finding out about it.

This inevitable brings about the subject of the police, as well as their effects on this situation.

"It'll take a while for the police to arrive" Albin sighs "I'd give them a few hours of scrambling around before they do anything."

"Even for a murder?" you say incredulously.

"That's just how things go 'round here" Mike mutters bitterly.

"Maybe any undercover cops could be of help here" you recall the Noirs mentioning that around here.

"It's be easier to get one to admit to murder than have " Albin says "and even then it's unlikely they'll help with anything other than speeding up a response."

Eventually you and the Noirs decide...

>To call the police. Mike will go back to the carnival and find a booth to contact them, while Albin will speak to them personally when they arrive in order to clear things up.
>Not call the police, yet. It wasn't really said out loud, but you all wanted to wait until after the two criminals had woken up to speak to them before anything.
>Suggest some other course of action (write-in).

All of this talk about the police and criminals reminds you of something, namely that you haven't talked about how the knife wielding man was likely the same one that had threatened you while you were in your taxi.


>"There's something else I need to say, before I forget." Best to bring it up now rather than later.
>Stay silent about that for now, and instead offer in helping out with any plans to question the people close to Joseph Quinous. You've already voiced something like this so far, but it would be good to strategize with the other Noirs.
>Bring up the fact you've already seen the knife wielder, but also talk about you theory; that there is a third person who likely the real murderer, and is represented by the golden nail.
>"It's be easier to get one to admit to murder than have "
*"It'd be easier to get one to admit to murder than have them do anything useful"
>Not call the police, yet. It wasn't really said out loud, but you all wanted to wait until after the two criminals had woken up to speak to them before anything.
>"There's something else I need to say, before I forget." Best to bring it up now rather than later.
>Not call the police, yet. It wasn't really said out loud, but you all wanted to wait until after the two criminals had woken up to speak to them before anything.
>Bring up the fact you've already seen the knife wielder, but also talk about you theory; that there is a third person who likely the real murderer, and is represented by the golden nail.
>Do Not Call

>Circle Back To The Knife

>Knives And Suppositions

I'll try to start writing in a few hours. I can't promise I'll finish writing today since I'm feeling slightly sick, should be better by tomorrow either way.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Bring It Up Now
>2 Say It With A Theory

Sorry for not saying anything. I fell asleep earlier than usual.
I'll probably have the time to write later on today, again sorry for the inconvenience.
Don't sweat it.. Focus on getting better, and whenever you're able to write, we'll be here.
While I'm feeling better, I don't think I have it in me to update today because of how long of a day it's been for me.

Thank you anon. that means a lot. I'm happy to be writing.
See you soon, QM!
"There's something else I need to say, before I forget."

"I don't know if I already said this" you start, trying to get everyone's attention "but I'm pretty sure one of the guys was the same one that threatened me some days ago" you motion to one of the criminals, namely the one with a stabbing inclination. The other three look at whom you're referring to.

"Small world, isn't it?" Albin says with a hint of mirth "although, that brings about no small amount of questions."

It would seem like it was the case, as afterwards the other Noirs would riddle you with inquiries, each of which you responded to the best of your abilities. However you really didn't know much about the person, and this reinforced the desire to interrogate them, a consensus which the Noirs were happy to have decided upon.

When that is done with you once again become sorely tempted to speak about your theory concerning these happenings, but Jamesfield beats you to the punch.

"What I figured" he starts "and what I reason we've all figured, is there's a whole lotta more players in this game than we thought. Some angles gotta be watched and double checked, especially with the tooth deal and all the goods tied up in it, like Albin here was talkin' about" the man in question nods his head "some pathways got a clearer view, like the flatfoots snoopin' around or the possible ties the E.V.L's been flauntin' about. But that's besides the point" Jamesfield clears his voice "that being, why's the body-bag turn up where it did?"

"What do you mean?" you ask. Jamesfield already mentioned he thought the two that attacked aren't responsible, so unless he's had a change in view you wonder how exactly he'll defend it. You yourself have a similar view, and half wonder if it bears any connection to what he'll say.

"I mean," Jamesfield continues "Why didn't they hide it better? Why was it out in the open? Or why they didn't at least hide the hand, there was no reason for it to be sticking out the way it did. Unless they wanted it to stick out."

"This lends more credence to those bearing a 'message', like we were discussing about earlier" Albin adds.

"So you guys think this might be something against us? Or specifically made for people to find it?" you ask, now a bit more worried again. Is this some sort of trap you and the Noirs have walked into?

"I'm not buyin' it was for just any old mug to find, let alone us" Jamesfield responds "the Lady and I wouldn't of been approached, and that yapper wouldn't tell me to keep my trap shut for some dough."

A chill runs through your neck, and you feel eyes piercing the back of your head.

"I wouldn't have asked for a better explanation, detective" and a familiar voice responds, the placid low key which preceded the more darker inclination that his tone seemed to naturally imbue itself in.

It seems like at least one of the attackers woke up.


>"How do you know he's a detective?" That piques your curiosity. There's not much he can do and you know he wants to speak with you, so you might as well try. Starting with the most notable one.
>"No need to keep your voice fake, we all know what you sound like."
>Let the Noirs handle him.
>Let the Noirs handle him.
>Let the Noirs handle him.
>Leave It To The Detectives

You will let the Noirs handle him.

As you keep quiet and decide to observe their actions, you notice that the Noirs adopt a level attitude. All except for one, it seems.

"He's-!" Mike exclaims as he moves forwards, only stopped by Jamesfield and Albin pulling him back.

"Pipe down" said Jamesfield before turning to the now awoken man "what happened here?"

"What happened where, Columbo?" the man replies, with hardly a hint of animosity. While he does not smile, you note that his voice remains amiable. Just like it was when you first picked him up on your taxi.

"You know what I mean" Jamesfield sighs "look, we just want to ask a few questions. We'll let you off easy-like afterwards."

"And if I don't want to answer?" he says. You feel another chill run down your spine, not because of his words (which seemed sincere enough) but because you know that's not his true tone. Why where you fixating on that, honestly?

"Then you'll be speaking to this" Mike answers. He reveals a fist, brass-knuckle brandished.

"Let's say you do. And when the police come, what will you tell them?" he inquires, somehow lacking hostility in his tone "you know this won't go over well with them, detective" you notice from the corner of your eye a subtle, almost imperceptible change on Albin's face. It was almost like he wanted to shake his head and sight. Had you not chosen to observe and let the Noirs handle this, you wouldn't of noticed it.

"That's a bridge we'll cross when we get there" Jamesfield doesn't confirm or deny anything when talking to him "and cut the whole 'detective' act, will ya?"

"Sorry if it annoyed you, it's just that you look like you fit the part perfectly" the tied man says.

"It's not like I got much in my threads" Jamesfield waves away the comment. The Lady, with a small nod, confirms the truth in Jamesfield's lack of a large wardrobe "but anyway, let's start simple: why?"

"Why what?"

"Why are you doing this? Did you want to be caught?" you know what Jamesfield's and the other's thoughts are on this.

"For a job. And no, not by you people anyway."

"Hm" Jamesfield hummed and closed his eyes "I know what it's like" he opens them, then stops speaking for a couple of minutes and steps closer to the interrogated "once upon a time, I was there where you are. Listless, floatin' around, barely scrapin' enough to get by. That was until I found somewhere I could belong, and people I could trust. But I can tell you, the folks you're rollin' with aren't the golden pals you think they are."

"That just goes to show how much you know" said the former knife wielder, almost chuckling now "and reveals how much you think you know. I don't have any 'pals', nobody really does. Like any sane human being, I only have interest" Jamesfield merely hummed again. None of the Noirs seemed perturbed at this, keeping level faces. And you decided to follow suit.

"Sane? Like hell you are" said a new voice. It seemed like the other man, the soft spoken one with the garish fashion sense, had just recently woken from his unscheduled slumber "you've been sidetracking the mission for some pointless goose chase. And I'm fine with little distractions, but if it starts to affect me, that is when we have a problem" the knife wielder gave no further response, instead opting to look at each of the Noirs and yourself "of course, I am ignored again."

"I think we're getting sidetracked here" Albin intervened "from most of the main points. Besides, I don't think we even got the names of you two. Is there anyway you both wish to be addressed?"

"Call me Knife" said the one who once wielded the knives.

"The Jack of Hearts" said the other "and what might we call you all?"

"Doesn't matter" Mike interjected "just keep on talking" the man, 'Jack', looked outraged. It was rather odd, you thought, he seemed less outraged over being captured and interrogated than he did if he perceived a slight against him.

"Sorry about my friend here" Albin said with a disarming smile "this sort of thing isn't a usual occurrence."

"This isn't usual for any of us" Jack said.

"You can say that again" the old Noir chuckled "especially with the need to lead a team and so on."

"A leader?"

"Well yes" Albin clarified "I think it's rather obvious you are the one who calls the shots, with the way you carry yourself. I heard you took quite a few hits before you went down."

"It is true I get the spotlight wherever I go" he said with some faux melancholy. Perhaps it might help if he didn't have such a conspicuous fashion sense he wouldn't have this problem. If it even was considered a problem to him "and I do pride myself in my physical strength and attunement. It wasn't easy to get in the shape I am."

"Indeed" continued the eldest Noir "your hands are full with responsibility as is. You know, considering the circumstances anyone would've acted in the way you did." and once again Jack agreed.

"I suppose it would be too much to ask who gave you the body and the bag, no?" the old Noir gave a brittle smile.

"Sorry, but the people that gave us the corpse wanted their identities to be confidential. You understand, surely."

"Of course" Albin said. It wasn't until a few moments later that you realize what he had done; confirming the suspicions of them not being directly responsible for the murder. You had the feeling Albin and Jamesfield had some other tricks up their sleeves to get that answer if it hadn't of worked.

Albin, Jamesfield and Mike seem to have been doing a good job at getting the two criminals to open up somewhat. Much better than you could've done, at least. You feel like now is a good chance to either ask something or nudge the conversation in a direction.


>Try to nudge the conversation to reveal a third member of their group.
>Try to nudge the conversation to reveal who they're working for.
>No, actually you'll stay quiet.
>Write-in. (Ask them a question directly?)
>Try to nudge the conversation to reveal who they're working for.
>Try to nudge the conversation to reveal who they're working for.
>Nudging Upwards

Writing. I've been weirdly busy recently, so the update might come sometime tomorrow.
And realized that figuring out whom they worked for took priority.

You looked up. The sun was beginning to kiss the horizon, gently tipping down out of view. It was likely soon to be four in the evening, if that hour hasn't been passed already.
Stifling a sigh, you close blink as you realize that you might not have the opportunity to look at what the Big Top was all about first hand. However if the premonitions and warnings of the Noirs hold any water then that might be for the better.

Again your mind wandered. Jack of Hearts and Knife. It seemed like Albin's hypothesis on the items being symbolic was true, and in one of the most blatant ways possible no less. You wished to discuss this with the others, and find out the implications behind it.

But none of those things are here nor there. Therefore you must focus on what must be done now, for the tyranny of urgency takes precedence over all things.

Another silence threatens to overtake the conversation. And in fact it already had done so. After a few more moments that seem to stretch on for too long you decide to say something.

"Anyway, about that tent the charity was hosting in the middle" you say, not directed at either of the criminals but to the Noirs in general "and they're setting up a lottery with a grand prize. You think I might have a chance if I get a ticket this late?" you don't say this with the intent to actually participate, but rather as bait to reveal any connections.

"I don't see why not" thankfully Albin seemed to see what you were trying to do "it's a game of chance, you know? There-"

"It's the luckiest of chance games alright" the smooth voiced Jack interrupted "and luck is something that only few can master."

"What are you on 'bout?" Jamesfield pressed further, despite him and the rest of the Noirs already having an idea on what the 'Jack' was talking about.

"Just that you're looking at one of the victors in this little game" he replied, a hint of smugness in his voice "it's something only those with the right connections and knowledge can accomplish, if you know what I mean."

Was this guy actually bragging about being part of a corrupt lottery? You were almost amazed by the brazenness.
At least it more or less confirmed he was connected to the E.V.L, implicitly.

Knife kept silent on the matter. You couldn't tell if this was a confirmation or not.

"I can see the use in it" Albin says. He seems to have a good way of smoothing over the egos in others "but I gotta say, I'm surprised you're here doing gruntwork. I can imagine you'd want to get this over with and go back to finer things."

"That is true" the Jack agrees again "it's really been such a bother. Especially while having to make sure this guy over here stays focused on the mission."

"I can sympathize. I have some problems with people like that myself" as Albin says this with a sage nod, you notice Mike giving him a side eye.

"And it's all just for some money, can you believe it?!" the 'Jack of Hearts' raises his voice, ignoring Albin's comment and almost shedding his composure and soft spokenness "I keep on telling him that we could get money from other places, hell even I would be glad to pay him to drop it, but nooo we just had to keep making detour after detour looking for some guy that's probably out of the continent at this point!"

"He's still here. In this very carnival" Knife speaks again, pausing before continuing "and I don't care about the money. It's about how it looks. In my line of work skipping out on payment sets a bad precedent."

"Some good that does" his companion replied "now look at us. If we'd just come here earlier like we were supposed to, none of this would be happening! What sort of precedent do you think this sets, huh?"


>Try to figure out what type of work Knife does.
>Since at least one of them is connected to the E.V.L you might have some luck in trying to get more knowledge about any strange incidents and the like, although this doesn't come without it's risks.
>Perhaps it might be best to keep any questions you have to yourself and see where this goes, the Noirs seem to have things handled well.
>Try to figure out what type of work Knife does.
>Since at least one of them is connected to the E.V.L you might have some luck in trying to get more knowledge about any strange incidents and the like, although this doesn't come without it's risks.
"Is it worth dealing those shadowy fuckers?"
If they seem confused or guarded...
"Nevermind, must be below your paygrade. I'll ask your third partner."
>Job Related Inquiries

>The Strange And Unknown
I'll roll between these and start writing in an hour or two.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>1 Job
>2 Shadows

After getting called to help family members with their car and almost falling asleep afterwards I think I won't be able to update today.
Sorry about this, hopefully after some rest I'll be able to get back at it and finish the update.
No worries, thanks for letting us know. we're on Page 9, so you may want to archive soon, by the by.

Already did last time I was writing. But I still appreciate the reminder, thank you anon.


And again you will try to nudge them into revealing something else, especially concerning any incidents you might've had today...

And you decide to speak at the most opportune moment, your mind now thinking of different ways and methods to push and pull the conversation towards the direction you wished for it to end up in. Thoughts about the E.V.L, another member to complete their triad of these two dark criminals, shadows that you've fought plague your thoughts like mud in the water.
Currently the two criminals were still bickering, with the occasional comment from either Jamesfield or Albin. They had somehow gone over the methodology of the charity with the 'Jack of Hearts', using the admittedly flimsy flattery and excuses of 'wishing to know more from the best of them'. You half-listened, the conversation making you feel rather impatient--a sentiment which was shared by 'Knife' if his comments and reactions are anything to go by.
However you're able to soon find the perfect opening when the Jack of Hearts speaks again about the E.V.L's influence in the roller coaster, hiding less this time.

"... and she said it wasn't something we could manage, but we did. Well, I did" he sniffs "after that old guy got the boot, Silver Merry or something-"

"Silva Murrey" Mike corrects.

"Whatever. We were right in the middle of contacting some guys, and I noticed they were holding off on the managers when it came to cash."

"Is it worth dealing those shadowy fuckers?" you ask, maybe a bit more harshly than you'd intended.

"What?" the Jack of Hearts looks at you in confusion. But it seems like Knife, quiet after his altercation with the Jack, now had his attention to you.

"Nevermind, must be below your paygrade. I'll ask your third partner" you add.

Once more, the Jack was in outrage. He defensively voiced about how you didn't know anything, adding many colorful expletives and commendably creative insults. Seriously, what was this guy's problem?
On the other hand, you noticed how he was letting more and more little things slip. Names, places, and other things the Noirs were doubtlessly mutely ecstatic about.

"Shut the hell up" a familiar tone and phrase appeared. Knife's voice had returned to it's natural state. You realized now how doubly fitting the nickname was: not only was he skilled with knives, but his voice sounded like it too.
The Noirs, collectively and for the first time since talking to these two, seemed unnerved by the sudden change in tone.

"What!" the Jack was nearly screaming now.

"Golden Nail" the Knife says levelly. This seemed to do the trick in making his companion calm down.

"Oh. That makes sense" the Jack said. You wait for a few seconds to see if he'll elaborate, but he doesn't. Just when you're about to say something Knife speaks up.

"Before you ask" the Knife said. You stifle a groan. Those were the same words Daryl had said to you before he proceeded to explain nothing. You expected more of that from Knife here, honestly "yes, we know about what you're talking about. Probably the exact moment it happened to. You were at the bench, right?" or perhaps not. You weren't complaining.

"Yeah that was me. How could you tell it was me? How did you know about that?"

"I didn't" said Knife "but now I do" you internally kick yourself.

The Noirs observed this exchange. You could practically see the gears spinning in some of their minds.

"He's talking about the Strangers, right?" the Jack asked no one in particular. What was he talking about?

A wild thought forms into your mind.

"Those are the oddities from out of the plane, right?" said the Jack before turning to his fellow that was tied to the same tree as he was "you know about them more than I do, Knife" and with those words gave the stage to his compatriot.

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't" Knife answered unhelpfully. He turned to you "but there's others that could help you more than I could. You just need to know where to ask. Strangers can rip into your flesh, and take you away..."

You you had to voice it before it ate into your worries.

Strangers? From out of this plane? Did he mean... "...like aliens?"

There is silence for a few seconds.

The Knife starts to chuckle. And that chuckle turns into a laugh. The Jack of Hearts soon joins him.

"Are you serious?" the Knife said to what you thought was a grand epiphany on your part, somehow retaining the edge in his voice as he laughed his sides off. It didn't help that this was the first time you saw him give so much as a smile. It made you feel foolish.

"Oh of course" the Jack adds, sarcasm dripping from his words "we have you all surrounded by little green men with ray guns, ready to abduct everyone with their spaceships. You're all fucked, basically. Surrender the planet now before it's too late."

"Alright, I get it" you felt a mix between cold anger and burning shame at being taunted. Albin pats you on the back.

"It's not too far flung of a theory, son" he says in an attempt to be reassuring "there's been crazier things happening in this strange world, especially around this part of town. It would explain some things I've seen back in the day, at least."

You sigh. Honestly, at least this confirmed you weren't abducted by aliens for any period of time. That was honestly a bigger burden off your back than you were aware of, feeling a portion of stress inside you melt away.

"More of a chance ghosts are behind this caper, see?" Mike says. You're surprised he doesn't have another cigar in his mouth. And as for the comment, you can't tell if he means that he doesn't believe in aliens, or if he simply believes in ghosts more than them.

"Ahem. Anyway" Albin starts before you can ask the kickboxer anything "speaking of abductions, there was once a kidnapper who used a golden nail as some sort of a signature, you know? He put the news in a tizzy. Any relation to that 'Golden Nail' you mentioned earlier?"

"I see you keep up with the news" Knife said, not responding to the inquiry "I thought most people just moved on after the novelty wore off."

"Reading the papers is a habit of mine" Albin smoothly responded with a smile "it brings a sense of nostalgia."

"It was a clean case, open and closed. The man passed away in prison" the Knife continues "the news reported it was all over, and everyone lived happily ever after."

"Spill the beans" these words came from Mike as he raised a fist. He seemed to have had enough of them dancing around the inquiry.

"And what’s the deal with Daryl?" Jamesfield interjected. This wiped the smiles off of both the Jack's and Knife's faces. You didn't know why he would mention Joseph Quinous, especially referring to him with the fake name, but the head Noir seemed to have formulated a theory.

"Where did you hear that name?" asked Knife.

"You first" Jamesfield replied stoically. The Lady whispered something into his ear, and he nodded back to her.

"The Golden Nail used to be a professional kidnapper and blackmailer" Knife begins "he has his own way of doing things."

"You two knew the guy" Jamesfield deducts. They are both silent on the matter.

"And I'm willing to bet" Jamesfield paces around as he starts to speak "that this 'Daryl' person is different from the man in that body bag."

"Well said. Well said," Knife looked back at him, his serious energy back and his dark tone retreating back into himself "are you sure you're not a detective? You fit the mark" Jamesfield said nothing in response. Knife took this as the prompting to speak more "and wouldn't you know it, I'm still in need of finding someone."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Mike pushes himself into the conversation.

"Nothing much. All I ask is for someone to scratch my back while we scratch yours" the Knife said coldly.

"This again?" the Jack of Heats groaned. Knife ignored him.

"I know that my debtor was someone who worked here, trying to weasel himself into the organization of the carnival. He is the type of person many would trust for reasons that escape me."

"You want us to track down this wise guy with just that, huh? You gotta do better" said Jamesfield.

"He is part of the weightlifters in this carnival. A bumbling sort, always with luck or numbers on his side" that gave you an idea on who it was. You and Mike glanced at each other. Neither of you said anything, the same with the rest of the Noirs.

While these two criminals might try to act smart, there was one thing you could tell: while these two knew more than they let on, they likely didn't know as much as they thought they did.

[5/4] I miscounted the amount of parts this word count would take, my bad.

>Reveal what you know about Anton. This might be the 'debtor' Jack is looking for, although it's just a hunch. But you have the sneaking suspicion this might cause a string consequence down the line... QM note: Johan will be technically breaking his word if he chooses this. Even though he said he wouldn't lie if it came up, Johan would be actively spreading the secret of the fireworks.
>No, you wouldn't play these types of games with the men that threatened to kill you and the Noirs not too long ago. These are the types of people that are too dangerous to entertain in any way. Besides, they're in no position to bargain. The Noirs were already doing an excellent job at interrogating them. Momentum was on your side.
>There was one last thing you recalled that wasn't yet brought up with these two, and it burned your curiosity. And that was the hollow tooth. You wondered why Albin and the rest of the Noirs hadn't asked about it yet.
Just as a heads up, the next update will probably be the last for this thread.

After that it'll probably be around four or five days before I make another thread, maybe three if I'm lucky.
>No, you wouldn't play these types of games with the men that threatened to kill you and the Noirs not too long ago. These are the types of people that are too dangerous to entertain in any way. Besides, they're in no position to bargain. The Noirs were already doing an excellent job at interrogating them. Momentum was on your side.
>Reveal what you know about Anton. This might be the 'debtor' Jack is looking for, although it's just a hunch. But you have the sneaking suspicion this might cause a string consequence down the line...
Good card to play, and I didn't personally even want to make that deal. I'm amenable to the arguments of the other regular anon, though.

Thank for running this. You're doing a great job of the creepy /x/-style mystery vibe, and I always look forward to this thread updating.
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I had an AI take a stab at a couple standout characters, too.
>Keep Up The Speed

>Card Pull

I'll roll between these two if there aren't any changes and start writing in around a couple of hours.

Sweet! Thank you anon! Saved.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>1 Momentum
>2 Trade

What need did you have for worries and concessions? You and the Noirs had the momentum, all you needed to do was keep it up.

You said nothing. Scum like this couldn't be trusted, and their slow moving requests would only keep you back from progressing ahead. There was still a

"We'll keep a lookout" Jamesfield said neutrally "but no guarantees till you tell us what we want to know."

"Listen, pal, you ain't exactly sittin' pretty to be askin' for favors, see?" added Mike, voicing your thoughts.

A part of you is deeply tempted to just tell him what he wants to hear, but then again it could lead to unexpected consequences that may not be entirely in your favor. Besides, you could use this information to your advantage in the future if you ever meet Anton again or you could simply wait and see what happens.

"That's a shame. I was hoping we could've had a mutually beneficial deal" Knife says before going silent.

"Finally" after nearly a minute of silence the Jack speaks "as patient and humble as I am, even I can have trouble following such inferior distractions. I for one thank you for your refusal to entertain this bastard's obsession" the Jack of Hearts says. To your surprise, and slight amusement, he genuinely seems relieved.

"And that reminds me" Jamesfield says. You see him take out a knife with a gloved hand. It is the same knife Mike took out of the Jack of Heart's pocket. The criminal in question was nonplussed.

"Oh how nice of you to warm that for me. If you don't mind, I'll be taking that back" said the Jack.

"It ain't bad. However it doesn't hold a candle to the beauties you friend, the Knife, had in stock" Jamesfield responds. He doesn't give back the weapon. You're not really sure why he's putting so much emphasis on this in specific, but you'll observe where this is going.

"You still don't know anything, do you?" the Jack says "I don't know how Knife thinks you're a detective if your eyes don't even work right" how ignorant he was of the truth.

"Really?" Jamesfield puts on a good show by flipping it this way and that "and I'm guessing it's rare?"

"That thing costs more than what you'd make in a year, so you better believe it is" the Jack of Hearts boasts.

"An heirloom?"

"Sure, you can call it that-"

"Do you normally have it on you?" Jamesfield queries. He sees an opportunity to interrogate more, and chances on putting forth some rapid fire questions.


"And today it was different?"

"Well yeah-"

"You was lookin' to lend it to your pal here, isn't that right?" the Jack scoffs at Jamesfield's suggestion.

"Why would I do that? It's mine. Always has been. He-"

"Where'd you buy it from, huh?"

"I didn't."

"And you didn't think 'bout using that shiv in the fight?"

"Don't call it that. Why would I waste-"

"And how much dough did you use to get your hands on this, huh?"

"More than you can imagine-" Jamesfield makes to interrupt but the Jack cuts him off "and it took me years to buy it! So you don't have a chance in hell to do the same. It has a tracking device-"

"Are you sure about that?" Jamesfield inquires again, to which the Jack reiterates what he just said again with some extra smatterings of exasperation (and no little amount of arrogance) "because you did just say you didn't score it from anywhere."

"Well that's because I didn't..." the Jack says, lamely trying to cover over his slip up "it was mine."

"I recollect these shivs havin’ a real nice touch to 'em" and Jamesfield, with a smooth movement of his wrist, makes the knife retract, thus revealing that it was in fact a switch blade. It's odd, since from the outside it appears to be a simple knife, if a bit ornate. Perhaps if you get a closer look you might find something more to it. Jamesfield stares directly at him "these have been floatin' around for a bit, kept warm by all different sorts" he looks at the blade again "but it can't be older than a decade, if that."

The Jack swears under his breath and mutters something about being wronged. He seems angry again, to say the least, but at least that anger isn't directed at you or the Noirs. In this instance you can't blame him. Knife on the other hand seemed to be somewhat interested in the goings on here, despite remaining quiet.

"I'm just throwin' it out there," Jamesfield begins to conclude "but this 'Daryl' fella's got a piece in this puzzle, right?"

"Fine" the Jack says "I'll tell you about him."

He proceeds to reveal that this Daryl person was in fact the third member a group called the 'Black Triumvirate' (a name which you found to be somewhat corny) consisting of the Jack of Hearts, Knife, and the Golden Nail. Daryl went by said moniker, Golden Nail. Knife and the Jack of Hearts still refused to speak about their own identities, undeterred by Mike's threats or Albin's talking. However they do reveal that their work consists of 'odd jobs', dirty work given to each of them individually according to their strengths, from what you understand. You wonder if they are mercenaries of some sort, but these two seem to be obviously more ingrained in whatever greater network they were part of, hardly independent actors of any kind. But you were simply theorizing at this rate.

The Jack of Hearts is about to continue before he is interrupted by something dramatic.

A distant popping sound can be heard in the sky. You, along with everyone else, look up to see a colorful explosion of light. The firework's iridescent sparks don't reach their full splendor due to the waning sun and the scattered blots of clouds in a now orange tinged sky.

"Feels like it's too early for fireworks" Mike says. Albin seems like he's about to respond, but is interrupted by a bright flash of light emerging upwards from the carnival.

This garners the curiosity of everyone, even the Jack of Hearts and Knife seem surprised by this development.

A second explosion could be heard, roaring with more confidence than the comparably small firework in the sky. It came belatedly after the brilliant burst of light, also from the grounds of the carnival proper.

You were at a loss for words. You couldn't peel your eyes away from it. It's echo still lingered, making you ball your fists.

You were grateful you felt so calm and free of stress.

Because the seconds stretched on for far too long.

Thank you for reading the third installment of One Life.

The next thread will begin around three to five days from now!
Thanks again for the quest, QM. Hope to see what happens next soon.
>There was still a
Still a what?

Thanks for running. See you soon!
Thank you anons! I'm really grateful for all you guys that have been participating.

>Still a what?
That's a typo, sorry. It wasn't supposed to be there.

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