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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 758. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After Chaya visited Raditz and learned the truth, encountering the Tuffle menace directly and fled back to Dreadzone, Kars told Karn how to beat the monster before fleeing the mortal realm once more. Karn reaches out to his daughter, promising her that this monster won't get away with this before asking Towa what she could find out. After a day of training, Towa revealed secrets of the Tuffle creation 'Baby', and her, Karn, and Meloka ventured to Planet M-2 to discover the Tuffle's secrets. After destroying the planet in battle with the planet's Champion Rilldo and dropping off the information gathered to Arctus to decrypt, Karn returned home. And after telling King Vegeta everything, Karn took up training to execute the plan to stop the Tuffle menace. But as we rejoin Karn, you were staring at your first Power Ball, transforming into a mighty Oozaru!

“GWROOOOOOAAAAAR!!” you bellow, beating your chest as the three golden, lesser Oozaru challenge you. So you accept the challenge, immediately going on the attack. You dash at the largest, slamming your right fist into his jaw and knocking him off his feet. Immediately the two others rush at you, one from each side to try and team up on you. But you're stronger; reaching out with your right, you grab the faster of the two, swinging them around into the other and knocking both over. And as both collapse you draw your head back, firing a beam of energy from your mouth at them. Only for your attack to suddenly hit something before them, your beam deflecting up into the sky. Suddenly you feel your power dip, your power faltering a moment. Ending the blast you look up, trying to see the moon, only for a tiny figure to suddenly appear standing on your snout. The tiny being lands on her toes, staring at your face with no hint of fear in her expression.

“Alright hun, that's enough. Get a hold of yourself, Karn.” the person says, their sheer audacity stunning you. But only for a moment, as the three other Oozaru rise back up to their feet, roaring in challenge. You feel the primal urge to challenge them, to show them how strong you are, but there's something about this small figure. Almost like they are even stronger, the tiny being almost challenging you to try something.
“Grrrrrraaaaaa!” you roar, swinging up with your left to try and punch this tiny being off your face. But she leaps up over your fist, easily dodging your attack like she somehow saw it coming!
“Tch! Come on Karn, pull it together!” the tiny woman shouts as your swing hits nothing but air. “You're better than this!”

“GWROOOAAAARRR!!” comes the roar of challenge, you turning back to the strongest of the three Golden Oozaru as they beat their chest in challenge. “FIGHT ME KARN!”

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Well? What do you do?
>Ignore the Golden Oozaru's direct challenge, turn your focus back to the smaller figure and try to crush them. For some reason you feel they're the strongest being here, and if you beat them the others will submit
>Focus on the biggest, strongest Oozaru who just called you out and attack. The tiny being can wait, you have to show dominance to the weaker Oozaru challenging you first
>Turn on the tiny two Oozaru first, take the weaker two down so you can focus on the strongest, one-on-one
>Other(write in)
>>Ignore the Golden Oozaru's direct challenge, turn your focus back to the smaller figure and try to crush them. For some reason you feel they're the strongest being here, and if you beat them the others will submit
This little one has some balls.
>Ignore the Golden Oozaru's direct challenge, turn your focus back to the smaller figure and try to crush them. For some reason you feel they're the strongest being here, and if you beat them the others will submit
>Ignore the Golden Oozaru's direct challenge, turn your focus back to the smaller figure and try to crush them. For some reason you feel they're the strongest being here, and if you beat them the others will submit
Ignore the Golden Oozaru's direct challenge, turn your focus back to the smaller figure and try to crush them. For some reason you feel they're the strongest being here, and if you beat them the others will submit wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 60
Second DC: 45
Third DC: 90
Rolled 40, 68, 99, 99 = 306 (4d100)

Are you sure you don't mean 3d100?
No, I mean a 4d100. The fourth just isn't a DC'd roll, but for something else entirely.
Had to check
Rolled 26, 62, 55, 92 = 235 (4d100)

Rolled 48, 22, 15, 99 = 184 (4d100)

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40/100, 68/100, 99/100, DUB 99/100. Failure, success, surprising success and, well... Can't NOT give it to you off that roll, writing.
Things are about to get real GT in here
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But despite the largest of the other Oozaru's challenge, the tiny being keeps your attention. Something about their power, about their strength tells you they're the strongest one challenging you. And you're going to take them down first!

“GRRRAAAAAA!!” you roar, leaping into the air after the tiny figure, swinging first with a right, then a left. Both of which miss the small figure, like trying to swat at a fly. But that doesn't mean you stop swinging, firing off another three swift strikes, each of which narrowly miss as well.
“Come on Karn, don't let this power control you!” the woman shouts as she weaves in and out of your attacks with seeming ease, further enraging you. Your anger continues to swell as she keeps dodging your attacks, weaving through another three swings before her fiery god-like aura suddenly blazes. Power, power that resonates within your very being surges from her, driving your rage as she becomes divine. She then dashes in, closing the distance instantly and driving her heel into your forehead. The power of her kick sends you crashing down to the ground, head ringing from the impact. Vision swimming, you lay flat on your back a moment as the world spins. “-wer control you.”

“Gyuuoh?” you groan in confusion, it taking you a moment to understand what happened. But as you lay there, the divine aura blazing up in the sky like an inferno feel your power focus on that. The divine power blazing increases your fury, and with a snarl fire another beam from your mouth up at her. “GRRAAAAAHH!!”

Once again it strikes some sort of shield, deflecting your beam away from her and further off into the sky instead. You end the beam, pushing yourself upright. But the blazing god disappears from the sky, reappearing standing right on your snout. Except, instead of attacking the divine aura fades, the woman becoming more... Familiar.

“Karn, listen to me. You're stronger than this, we need you back! Don't let this form consume you!” the woman says. “Please, listen to me!”

As you look upon her, she looks very... Familiar. But then it clicks, a single name appearing in your mind.

“Me....Lo....Kaaah.” you say, speaking your wife's name. And as you do, understanding floods throughout your being. And you feel yourself begin to change.

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“Grrrrrrr! GWRRRRROOOAAAAAARR!!” you roar in agony, clutching your head as pain floods throughout your body. Everything fighting against you controlling this power, agony coursing through your veins. But as you focus on your wife, on her being, your body begins to change. Everything you can see starts to get bigger, growing larger and larger as you fall to all fours. But your hands and arms are no longer those of an Oozaru, but something... Else. As your hands return to normal your fur, instead of disappearing turns pink, you feeling unfamiliar but tremendous power surging within your being. Your body continues to shrink as your power grows, and with a sigh, it's over. You push yourself back up to your feet, looking up at your wife flying above you.


“Karn? Are-Can you hear me?” she asks, tentatively drifting down closer towards you. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” you say simply, giving her a smirk. “Never better.”
“What the hell is going o-Karn?!” another voice shouts, you turning and seeing King Vegeta flying to a stop. He looks down at you, stunned as he sees your newest form. “No way.”
“Way.” you reply simply, meeting the king's gaze. “Looks like I didn't only learn the Power Ball today.”

But what do you do now?
>Challenge King Vegeta, Meloka, everyone to a quick spar. You want to see what this new form can really do
>You remember the king having trouble with this form initially, ask him how long he thinks you've got like this
>With this power you can easily do this now, call Towa over to send you to Planet Eudora immediately. You're going to handle the Tuffle right now
>Other(write in)
>You remember the king having trouble with this form initially, ask him how long he thinks you've got like this
>You remember the king having trouble with this form initially, ask him how long he thinks you've got like this
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>>You remember the king having trouble with this form initially, ask him how long he thinks you've got like this

>your newest form.
This is amazing.
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Rolled 32, 70, 25 = 127 (3d100)

First time transformations are always hype.
You remember the king having trouble with this form initially, ask him how long he thinks you've got like this wins it. Writing.
Oh yeah, we can do this now. I remember the last time we bumbled into super monke and it lasted like 5 seconds
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But as the king looks down on you in shock, everyone else staring at you, you turn your focus to King Vegeta IV.

“Hey, King Vegeta. When you first got this form, you couldn't power down, right?” you ask him, turning and looking up towards him. “So, how long do you think I've got?”
“What? What do you mean?” he asks you.
“How long do you think I've got before my power finally burns out, and I power down and collapse too?” you ask more seriously. “I remember you couldn't power down until you'd burned yourself out, doubt I'll be able to do so either. So, how long you think I've got?”

“Hrmm.” Vegeta says, hand to his chin as he descends, landing before you. While seemingly lost in thought he idly transforms as well, taking on his own Primal form. Perhaps to better judge your strength in relation to his own. “Well, I don't know how your Berserker power will influence things. But it probably depends on how much power you use. But once you're done, you'll be down for at least a day, if not more for your power to recover.”
“I see. Then I guess I have no time to waste.” you say to him, reaching out telepathically to Towa. “Hey, are you awake?”
“Of course. As if anyone could sleep once you transformed.” comes the reply, but you feel a hint of pride in her snark. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah. I think it's time this Tuffle bastard paid for what he did.” you answer, Towa disconnecting the mental link.

“Agreed. While getting you more practice with the Power Ball would have been preferable, we don't have time now.” King Vegeta IV replies as Towa starts flying from you home towards you, sensing her energy rapidly approaching. “Remember; no matter what. No escape.”
“Right.” you reply with a nod, Meloka turning to him in confusion. Towa arrives, flying down and landing by you. “Ready?”
“Better question should be if YOU are ready.” she replies, Meloka whipping her head around. “Remember, don't drop your guard, for anything. If he gets into you, there's only one person you can call to save you.”

And as she says this, another ki appears. You turning towards it, watching as your firstborn son Chilli suddenly appears with Instant Transmission.

“Well, that's a surprise.” your son says, looking you over in the Primal form. “Didn't think I'd see you take this form Dad.”

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“Hey, son. Didn't think I would either.” you tell him, realizing immediately why Towa called him here. If you're bested, if that monster starts trying to take you over, it's his job to undo it with his Chaos magic. To save you from being conquered and possessed. “You got my back?”
“Always.” Chilli responds, nodding seriously. You nod back, then turn back to your wife.
“Thanks hun. I'll be right back.” you tell her, walking over and picking her up, hugging her to you. She embraces you back, clutching to you a moment. Enjoying the seconds together you then release each other at the same time, sharing a knowing look. You both nod, and stepping back Towa walks over, laying a hand on your shoulder. “Let's go.”

You take a deep breath, and as you exhale the world changes. One moment you're home, the next find yourself in the small village Raditz lived in with his wife. Appearing just outside his home, outside the small wooden cabin he'd presumably built himself. Where Raditz and Redis are just walking out the door, freezing upon seeing you.

“I'm giving you one chance to live.” you say, meeting the stunned gaze of Raditz. “Let them go, and I won't kill you.”
“General Karn. I wasn't expecting you so soon, nor in... This form.” comes the monster's reply, you sensing a . Redis immediately backing back towards the door as he leans his head, cracking his neck. “But this will save me some time hunting you down.”

As he says this his hair turns from black to pale white, crosshair-like lines appearing in his eyes as well as red lines appearing on his face.

“Good luck.” Towa says, vanishing. Leaving you facing the monster.
“Heeheeheeheeh. So, have you come to KILL me, you filthy ape?” the Tuffle parasite within him asks. “Come to kill your daughter's love, since she couldn't bring herself to do so?”
“Something like that.” you reply, taking your fighting stance. “You have to be stopped, no matter the cost.”

Well? How do you start this off?
>Rush and attack, overwhelm him with your new form's raw power and speed
>Activate your Energy Body then rush and attack, don't give him a chance to get his parasites into you
>Energy Body and defend, see what he's got
>Forget trying to save Raditz, this monster needs to die. Now. Red Dawn, unleash your full power and obliterate Baby and Raditz, along with this village and the surrounding area before that monster can even try anything
>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, don't let him get close enough to infect you
>Tell him you'd feel bad if this wasn't at least a fight, create a Power Ball and toss it into the daytime sky immediately
>Other(write in)
>Rush and attack, overwhelm him with your new form's raw power and speed
I'd rather not cede initiative nor accidentally hit Redis in the crossfire. I say we opt for spanking the shit out of him.
>>Energy Body and defend, see what he's got
>Rush and attack, overwhelm him with your new form's raw power and speed
Make sure he dances to OUR tune. Getting initiative is top priority.
>>Rush and attack, overwhelm him with your new form's raw power and speed
We're going to slap you so hard you shit yourself out, Baby.
>Rush and attack, overwhelm him with your new form's raw power and speed
>>Activate your Energy Body then rush and attack, don't give him a chance to get his parasites into you
Rush and attack, overwhelm him with your new form's raw power and speed wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 15
Second DC: 45
Third DC: 70
Fourth DC: ??
Rolled 14, 82, 79, 10 = 185 (4d100)

Rolled 93, 49, 72, 96 = 310 (4d100)

Rolled 80, 32, 87, 34 = 233 (4d100)

>top percentile for the mystery DC
Looking like a big success across the board. Baby don't know what hit him
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93/100, 82/100, 87/100, 96/100. Triple success and massive high roll on the mystery, writing.
As the saying goes "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face".
Those rolls look really good.
>So what? He's a little hairier now, but this ignorant Saiyan will n-
>Why am I looking at the floor?
>Why can't I move this body?
>Why does my host's mouth taste like boot?
You know I kind of wonder if karn mouths off about personally killing the tuffle menace once already, would baby lose his shit? It's one thing if it's of the species that killed his, but if baby here learned this was one of the actual killers, how more mad would he get?
Dun Moch could actually come in handy here, I'll admit.
>Your kind just doesn't know how to accept death.
>I've lost count of how many of you weaklings I killed. Care to refresh my memory?
>You cowards always hide behind your tricks and technology. You're too pathetic to beat us yourself and have to use one of our own to have a chance at revenge.
I'm all for taunting Baby.
>"It's hard to tell the difference between Tuffle children and adults, they're both so small. I wonder how many times I made that mistake "Baby"."
If you're gonna go 100% you may as well go 110%.
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“Well well, try your best to st-!” he starts, you exploding off the ground. Closing the distance instantly, driving your right fist into his guts. Knocking all the air out of him instantly, the force of your blow launching him backwards. Smashing down his own door, sending him flying through his home. Breaking down all the walls through it and sailing through, then smashing through several trees as well. You then kick off the ground after him as Redis screams in panic, you blasting through the opening and catching back up to him in a second. Sliding to a stop you reach out, grabbing him by one ankle and swinging him in a circle, smashing him back-first into a tree he'd narrowly dodged. Using his body like a saw, cutting straight through it and sending him flying in another direction. “Kuyaaaah!?”

“Damn. This form's quick.” you mutter to yourself, looking down at your hand and clenching your fist a couple times. Then, after a couple seconds focus back on Raditz' ki, dashing back over to him. Closing the gap near-instantly, catching him once more then dashing past, getting around him and kicking Raditz in the back. Sending him flying straight up into the air, crying out in pain as you dash out past him once more. Reaching the upper atmosphere in a second or two, lacing your fingers together and swinging your joined fists down. Your hands slam into his face, sending Raditz crashing back down to the planet far below. You watch from the upper atmosphere as he drops, crashing to the planet's surface in the forest far below. “Hmph. Would be easier to kill this guy instead of drawing this out.”

With that thought in your mind you descend, arms crossed as you land by the massive crater. Where, in the center Raditz rises, surprisingly only a bit scuffed and scratched up.

“Tch.” he seethes through clenched teeth, turning to face you. “Filthy ape. You disgusting creature, how DARE you touch me?!”
“Come on, is that all you've got?” you taunt, smirking down at him. To which, unlike what you'd been expecting, he also smirks. Which gives you an immediate bad feeling.
“I must admit, this power is quite something. Had you come to me yesterday, after I forced your bitch of a daughter to flee with her stump of a tail tucked between her legs, you may have been able to best me. But because you are here today, you're too late. Your foolish daughter gave me the secret to besting you.”

“Oh yeah?” you ask, and despite feeling quite confident he lacks the power to best you, your curiosity gets the better of you. “And what's that?”

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>Art by @Decial10

“MY SLAVES! GIVE ME YOUR POWER!” he shouts, throwing both hands up into the air, levitating off the ground. At his shout you immediately retake your fighting stance, readying yourself for an attack. But, instead of attacking you or creating an energy attack, you feel his power beginning to swell. “DEVOTE YOUR ENTIRE BEINGS TO ME!”

And as the Tuffle parasite-controlled Raditz continues to rise, you feel his power beginning to not only grow, but change. His strength begins to not only radiate with mortal power, but also divine might. Which makes your Berserker Soul blaze in response, sensing a deity's power.

“What the-?!” you exclaim, shocked at how this creature somehow acquired divine might, but then you get it. Raditz knew Chaya and how her power worked, so if this monster knows Raditz' memories then it would also know what he knew. And with the secret to Chaya's divine power, he's using all the beings he's enslaved as some sort of substitute for Chaya's audience, infusing himself with divine might. Suddenly what look like two wing appendages sprout from his shoulder blades as his muscles expand, shredding the shirt he'd been wearing.
“HRRAAAAAAA!!” he roars as his transformation finishes, sighing out and opening his now monocolor eyes, staring down at you. “As king and god of the Tuffles, I King Kudamo reborn, shall destroy you!”

“Oh yeah?” you reply, Berserker aura blazing brighter green in response to his newfound divine might. “You think becoming a god will help you fight me?”
“Fight you? No, it will help me kill you! SHYAAAAAA!!” he roars, blitzing down towards you.

But what do you do?
>Rush in and attack as well, show him the REAL difference between your strength and his
>Activate your Energy Body, tank his first hit then go on the offensive with the Djem So. Break him down and crush his will to fight
>Dodge and counter with the Su Ma technique, stay one step ahead of him with this form's crazy speed
>Keep your distance with your energy attacks, force him onto the defensive without letting him get close enough to try and take over your own body
>Unmovable Energy Body, let him try every attack he can think up and see how weak he really is
>Other(write in)
>>Activate your Energy Body, tank his first hit then go on the offensive with the Djem So. Break him down and crush his will to fight
>Activate your Energy Body, tank his first hit then go on the offensive with the Djem So. Break him down and crush his will to fight
>Activate your Energy Body, tank his first hit then go on the offensive with the Djem So. Break him down and crush his will to fight
I wonder how Primal effects our Energy Body.
I'll be honest, I forgot why we went primal in the first place. A bit reckless to duke it out with a named antagonist with a powerup we JUST bumbled into, but whatever. Hopefully we don't get the ol' stamina drain that has plagued our buddy frieza.
>Hopefully we don't get the ol' stamina drain that has plagued our buddy frieza.
Even if Karn wasn't famous for his bottomless gas tank, we probably wouldn't have to worry about it in this specific instance given the nature of Primal as an energy efficient form.
That said, not a bad idea to keep the super moves under wraps until we can catch Baby outside of a host.
>Activate your Energy Body, tank his first hit then go on the offensive with the Djem So. Break him down and crush his will to fight

>Art by @Decial10
Great art.
A side consequence of Meloka trying to get you to reign your power in and get control, instead of mindlessly rampaging. Anyways:
Activate your Energy Body, tank his first hit then go on the offensive with the Djem So. Break him down and crush his will to fight wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 35
Third DC: 60
Fourth DC: 79.92
Rolled 47, 54, 48, 16 = 165 (4d100)

Rolled 8, 20, 94, 30 = 152 (4d100)

go time
Rolled 83, 74, 24, 76 = 257 (4d100)

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83/100, 74/100, 94/100, 76/100. Triple success and narrow failure. Writing.
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As he charges you smirk, activating your Energy Body. Your ki coalesces into a shield around your body, forming your stalwart armor just as the Tuffle closes in, his fist slamming square into your face. But you don't even feel it, his blow not causing you to so much as budge.

“HAAAAaaaa... What?!” he exclaims, eyes widening in surprise. He recoils back, looking shocked that his blow didn't even so much as move you.
“Come on, is that all you've got?” you taunt him, the Tuffle snarling and swinging with a heavy left. Which you stop by stepping into it, blocking with your right forearm, deflecting it wide while swinging your left up into his guts.
“Kyuagh!?” he spits as your attack winds him once more, doubling the Tuffle over in pain as he clutches his guts. Staggering back away from you, he manages to keep his balance, trembling in pain.

“What's wrong, Tuffle? I thought you were going to destroy me?” you taunt, walking him down. Raditz's body manages to rise himself, taking Raditz' fighting stance then firing a leaping right hook. Which you block with your forearm again, using the momentum to twist up into a spinning left knee. Reaching out with your right you catch his knee, pulling him closer and driving your own left knee into his face. Sending him crashing down, bouncing off the ground and flipping through the air, landing on all fours. “Don't tell me that this is your best?”
“Filthy MONKEY!!” he roars, raising his right hand and firing a massive ki wave at you. His energy washes over your shield, you simply walking through his blast. You step through it easily, the Tuffle ending the blast in shock. “Wh-Whaaaat?!”
“Pitiful.” you say, staring down at him before firing a right kick into his chin. Knocking the Tuffle into the air, dashing after him and unleashing a barrage of heavy strikes to his chest and head. Ending your combination with a heavy right knee to his guts, then firing a right elbow down into the back of his head. Sending him crashing back down to the ground once more.

You turn slightly, looking back over your shoulder as the dust thins, seeing the monster laid out flat on the ground, eating the dirt. Smirking at the sight you turn, descending as you see the monster start snarling, slamming a fist into the ground.

“D-Dammit! DAMMIT!” he snarls, slamming his fist down over and over. “No, no no no! This isn't how this is supposed to go! I should be a god, not manhandled by some APE!!”

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“Come on now, Raditz would be smart enough to know that a god wouldn't be able to stop me.” you tell him, walking over as the Tuffle pushes Raditz' body back up to his feet, staggering a bit unsteadily upright. But as the creature stands there in Raditz' body, arms hanging limply, suddenly you feel something. No, someone, rapidly approaching. Turning, you see the form of Raditz' girl Redis, stopping her flight short. You notice one of those extremely sharp black stone knives in her hand as she stares at you with the Tuffle's hate in her eyes, leveling the weapon at you. But to this all you can do is smirk. “Really? You think that that is going to stop me?”
“No, but this will!” she replies, reversing her grip on the blade and pointing it at her very pregnant stomach. Directly over the ki of Raditz' and Redis' unborn child within her. “Make any moves and their child, their precious monkey baby dies!”

The smirk dies on your face as you glare at the monster, emerald aura blazing as your fury threatens to explode forth on its own. And even possessed, Redis' body suddenly trembles in fear of your wrath. Taking an unconscious step back from your anger, you immediately surge forward, closing the distance instantly and grabbing her wrist with your left, wrapping your right over her fist and controlling the weapon. Pulling it gently back away from the pregnant woman's stomach, meeting her eyes with a furious snarl.

“You EVER threaten that child again, I will chase you to the afterlife and kill you again there!” you snarl, Redis going pale and trembling in fear before her eyes roll up into the back of her head, going limp as she passes out. Gingerly you set her down, taking the knife from her as your instincts suddenly scream at you that you're in danger. Turning, you see that the main parasite hasn't been idle, rising up into the air as it created a massive ball of energy. One that radiates with pure malice and hatred. And as you watch his body begins changing once more. His body grows even taller, pants tearing apart to reveal his legs have turned black, the 'wings' coming from his back having slimmed down, transforming into an almost vest-like part of his upper body as he cackles maniacally.

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“This is for you, Saiyan! It is all of the hatred that has built up towards your race!” Raditz shouts down at you, his Event Horizon-sized attack held overhead. “It is the repayment for the sins of you and your filthy race!”
“You say that like you bastards weren't trying to wipe us out too.” you shoot back, planting your feet and tossing the knife, bracing yourself as you plan your next move. “The only difference is, unlike your race, we Saiyans are warriors! And our strength was greater than yours!”
“You and your entire filthy race shall be destroyed!” he snarls, throwing the orb down. You can't run, that attack will destroy the planet. And you can't risk fleeing with Redis, because she might spread the parasite wherever you take her unconscious form. No, you have to stop that attack! “REVENGE DEATH BALL!”

But how? What do you do?
>You already have your Energy Body up, brace yourself and catch the attack. You should be able to withstand it and throw it back, or if it blows up you should be fine in your armor
>Drop your Energy Body and Final Flash, overwhelm his orb with your power
>Dawn Breaker after dropping your Energy Body, use the piercing property of the attack to rip right through his blast and destroy it before it ever hits the ground
>Charge up your Piercing Fist MkII, blast straight through the attack and hit Raditz too
>Other(write in)
>>Dawn Breaker after dropping your Energy Body, use the piercing property of the attack to rip right through his blast and destroy it before it ever hits the ground
>Dawn Breaker after dropping your Energy Body, use the piercing property of the attack to rip right through his blast and destroy it before it ever hits the ground
Alright, enough fucking around. I'm ready to kill this asshole
>>Dawn Breaker after dropping your Energy Body, use the piercing property of the attack to rip right through his blast and destroy it before it ever hits the ground
I do not like either of these. I know he is going to come up from the ground or something. I'm onto you, Tuffle.
Dawn Breaker after dropping your Energy Body, use the piercing property of the attack to rip right through his blast and destroy it before it ever hits the ground wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 35
Third DC: 70
Rolled 38, 85, 60 = 183 (3d100)

Baby will DIE by this week's session.
Rolled 29, 77, 37, 41 = 184 (4d100)

I am retarded and can't read nor write.
Rolled 79, 65, 2 = 146 (3d100)

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79/100, 85/100, 60/100. Success, success and failure. Close, but you don't quite get him yet. Writing.
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“Tch!” you seethe out through clenched teeth, reluctantly letting your Energy Body drop as you throw your arms out to your sides. Focusing your power, drawing upon your might you begin charging your ki. The titanic orb drops as you create a half dozen orbs of ki on slightly different wavelengths out from each hand, spinning them faster and faster as you begin combining them into the two separate energy orbs. At first the ki resists you, the different ki pushing back against each other. But you force them to merge, crushing the energy together until they begin to meld. Powers combining their strength doesn't grow by magnitudes but exponentially, their strengths spiking dramatically. It takes long enough for the massive orb to drop more than half the distance between you and the Tuffle parasite for your attack to be readied, but now it's time! “Take this! DAWN BREAKER!!”

Roaring you throw both spinning orbs forward, unleashing their twinned energies as a pair of spiraling, piercing energy beams that rocket through the air. Your twin beams slam into the massive dark orb crackling with malice, smashing against its side a moment. But that attack, the hatred of the Tuffles is no match for your own rage, punching straight through his blast after a few seconds.

“WHAT?! IMPOSSI-!!” you hear him shout for a moment before his massive attack detonates. The titanic blast's explosion disrupts your blast, causing it to unravel and splinter from the force as the shock wave hits, staggering you back a couple steps. Nearly stepping down on Redis, instead stumbling over her. But you manage to stay on your feet, looking up just in time to see the last of the blast fade away. Leaving only a cloud of smoke, obscuring your view. You can still sense Raditz' ki, however, somewhere beyond the smoke. He's still alive, you didn't hit him with your blast.
“Haaah, haaah.” you pant a bit from the exertion of the attack, then refocus and once more activate your Energy Body. Last thing you need is getting sneak attacked and infected by that bastard's parasites. “Phew.”

“You-! Miserable, vile, disgusting APE!!” the Tuffle roars, Raditz' aura suddenly blazing in rage and blowing away the thinning smoke. Revealing his 'new' form as his power spikes, bringing it higher than anything you've felt from Raditz before. “I'll slaughter you, feed your entrails to the birds and use your bones to craft my throne!!”
“Even after all this, you're not quitting?” you call up to him, crossing your arms smugly. “And I thought you Tuffles were supposed to be smarter than us 'dumb apes'. Seems you're too stupid to know when to quit!”

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At your provocation Raditz dashes down, aura blazing with that same malicious, vengeful aura his attack had. However, as he does his power only seems to grow, swelling by the second as he charges. And right as he reaches you he swings his right, aura condensing around his fist in a piercing point. YOUR piercing point, that bastard copied your Piercing Fist!

“Tch!” you exhale through clenched teeth, trying to dodge at the last second. But he planned his attack well, the spiraling energy punching straight through your Energy Body. You narrowly avoid a direct hit, the slashing energy cutting through your shield and scratching up your left cheek and ear before he sails past, slamming into the ground. Immediately you leap back, reforming your Energy Body with a thought as your feet touch back on the ground. He rises, turning to look at you and smirks when he sees you bleeding.
“Heeheeheeheeheeheee! Even you can't dodge me forever.” he says, raising his right with the energy still spiraling around his fist. “I'll cut you down, one swing at a time until I turn you into my next slave!”

Seems he found a counter to your Energy Body, but you never would have thought it would be your own technique. Perhaps you should have a word with Chaya after all this, to keep her from spreading your moves around? But first, you need to figure out your next move.

>Rush and attack with the Djem So, he can't attack you effectively if he's too busy being beaten down
>Rush and dodge, evade his hits and counter with the Su Ma
>Get your distance and try your energy attacks, keep him at range and don't let him in close. If your Energy Body doesn't work, your only option is keeping distance
>It's time to put the plan into motion, use the Power Ball and force him to transform. A Golden Oozaru will be stronger, but without his mind he's much less dangerous
>Other(write in)
>>It's time to put the plan into motion, use the Power Ball and force him to transform. A Golden Oozaru will be stronger, but without his mind he's much less dangerous
Yeah, drawing this out is becoming less and less tenable.
>>It's time to put the plan into motion, use the Power Ball and force him to transform. A Golden Oozaru will be stronger, but without his mind he's much less dangerous
>It's time to put the plan into motion, use the Power Ball and force him to transform. A Golden Oozaru will be stronger, but without his mind he's much less dangerous
He copied our fucking flow. Enough is enough.
Next thing you know he'll marry a swolestack murder-wife and put out a cover album too. Dastardly behavior.
Give it a week and he'll start dying his hair green. An absolute FIEND
It's time to put the plan into motion, use the Power Ball and force him to transform. A Golden Oozaru will be stronger, but without his mind he's much less dangerous wins it. Roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 45
Second DC: 60
Third DC: 85
Fourth DC: 50
Fifth DC: 55
Rolled 53, 7, 3, 64, 98 = 225 (5d100)

Towa and Meloka please for the love of God be ready to gank any third parties.
Rolled 54, 100, 63, 73, 25 = 315 (5d100)

Rolled 8, 61, 85, 37, 5 = 196 (5d100)

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I am the fucking best
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54/100, CRIT/100, 85/100, 73/100, 98/100. Success, success, narrow success, success and success. Most impressive, writing.
And this, this shit right here is exactly why the saiyans murdered all the tuffles, vengeful psychotic little shits.
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This is starting to actually get dangerous, his power is increasing by the minute as you fight and he's countering your techniques. If you drag this out too long, he'll be even stronger than you before you make him a Golden Oozaru. So, it's now or never, you have to start with this plan immediately.

“Tch!” you exhale through clenched teeth, dropping your Energy Body as you explode up into the air. Seemingly fleeing, getting away from his fist.
“No use!” the parasite shouts, exploding off the ground after you. “You won't get away!”

In this form he's faster than he was before, closing the distance quickly. With a grunt you abruptly turn to face him and abruptly change directions, leaving an afterimage behind as you dash straight to your left.

“HAAAAA!!” he shouts, swinging his weapon. His drill pierces straight through your illusion, the Tuffle letting out surprised noises as he sails through without resistance. And with his back turned you focus, as Nappa, Tunnip, Aisha and Meloka taught you. Creating the false moon in your hand as Raditz turns. Eyes widening in panic as he sees your attack. “Wha-!”
“Burst open and mix!” you say, holding the sphere in your hand as it begins releasing the special Blutz Waves. The energy revitalizes you, causing your heart to beat faster under its influence. But 'Baby's reaction is far more explosive, the parasite-controlled Raditz grabbing at his head in agony as he falls uncontrollably out of the sky.
“Graaaaah! N-No! I won't be! A filthy ape! Like YOU!!” he shouts, yet despite his control over Raditz' body, he still transforms. Fur begins sprouting all over his body once he lands on the ground, except the weird vest-like yellow structure on his torso as his body grows. Larger and larger as his appearance becomes more bestial, roaring at the sky as his evolution is complete. “GWROOOOAAAAAR!!”

“Yeah, that's right. Your turn to lose control.” you say, tossing the sphere up into the air. Getting it well out of reach as you drop back down to the ground yourself. The golden beast bellowing out brainlessly in challenge, beating its chest. “Alright big guy, now time to keep you-”

But you're interrupted mid-sentence as his head then whips over and down towards you, immediately firing a mouth beam directly at you!

“BAAAAAAAAH!!” he roars, pinkish energy bursting towards you!
“Shit!” you exclaim, immediately kicking off the ground and leaping straight up into the air. Only for Raditz to stop the attack, swinging a massive left fist at you. With no time to dodge you're forced to block, crossing your arms a moment before his fist makes contact. The blow sending you flying backwards. “TCH!”

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“Huaa huaa huaa huaa!” the Golden Oozaru laughs, smirking maliciously before speaking. Not in the usual voice of an Oozaru, but the monster's own. “Did you really think that turning me into an ape would break him free of my control? -I- control this beast, it does not control me!”
“Hmph. Seems I underestimated you, Tuffle.” you say, lowering your arms and smirking back at the monster. “No matter. Even with all that power, you still won't be bale to beat me!”

“Heeheeheeheehee! Aaaaaahahahahahaaa!!” the parasite laughs, then clenches its fists. Raising them overhead, his power blazes, nearly on par with your own! “Stupid monkey! All you've done is make me stronger!”
“Well, at least you'll be a challenge now!” you shout, trying to sound confident as you take your fighting stance. This isn't what you'd planned on, but you have to save Raditz. You have to buy enough time for the monster to grow, to acclimate to the larger body before removing his tail. Then once he reverts, you'll be able to hunt that monster down and exterminate it before it can find another host. “Now I can have some fun!”

But what do you do?
>Activate your Energy Body, rush and attack. Fight him power against power
>Activate your Energy Body and defend, try and mitigate the damage he'll do with this new level of power
>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, force him to both try and keep up and avoid your power
>Use your Spirit Control Gigantification to match his size, then fight him with your Djem So to overpower him
>Other(write in)
>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, force him to both try and keep up and avoid your power
We've got the stamina to send this guy on a wild goose chase. Let him think he's got the upper hand before moving in for the kill
>Use your Spirit Control Gigantification to match his size, then fight him with your Djem So to overpower him
This could be very risky, but I think Karn isn't stupid enough to keep his Gigantification active once Baby flees from his host.
Still tied? Very well, adding ten minutes to the clock
>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, force him to both try and keep up and avoid your power

Raditz's body is totally unused to all this power, he'll burn out if we keep making him burn it all
Keep your distance and use your energy attacks, force him to both try and keep up and avoid your power win with the extended buzzer beater, roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 65
Second DC: 50
Third DC: 35
Fourth DC: 70
Fifth DC: :^)
Rolled 31, 94, 49, 32, 87 = 293 (5d100)

Smiling? At me? YOU FOOL!!!!
Rolled 22, 62, 100, 68, 60 = 312 (5d100)

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Rolled 42, 50, 42, 58, 40 = 232 (5d100)

oh deer oh deer
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42/100, 94/100, CRIT/100, 68/100, 87/100. Failure, success, CRITICAL, narrow failure, and mystery. Writing.
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As you stare down the colossal monster of your own creation, you hesitate, trying to decide how to proceed. But the Tuffle has no such hesitations, rushing forward and swinging at you with a downward right hammer fist. Dashing back you avoid his strike, fist cratering the ground as you fly back only for him to dash forward, dragging his fist through the ground into a powerful uppercut. That you don't get your guard up in time, taking the heavy blow full to your everything as his punch sends you flying back. Tumbling upside down one, two, three times before righting yourself, but not slowing down as you figure out your plan to wear him out. With a snarl you throw both arms wide, gathering your ki into both hands. He's fast as ever and far stronger, so you'll need to keep your distance. Wear him down from range as you draw your right back.

“HAAAAA!” you bellow, firing your Scattershot at the rapidly-approaching Golden Oozaru. At halfway between you and he the one orb splits into scores that slam into the Oozaru and his surroundings, obscuring him within a cloud of smoke. As it does you draw back your left, swinging it forward and firing a second as you focus more ki into your right. Once more your Scattershot splits and explodes, further obscuring you from his sight as you shape your ki into your Energy Javelin. Just as you throw the weapon, the Tuffle blazes Raditz' golden aura up, blasting away the smoke. Only to see your attack coming at the last second, hitting him in the guts.

“Keh-! Wha-?” is all he has time to say before the weapon detonates, the blast tearing open his guts in a spray of blood. “Gyuuaaaaah?!!”
“Got you.” you reply, gathering more energy into your hands as the puppeted Raditz drops to a knee, left hand going to the injury and keeping his guts from spilling out.
“Wh-What the hell are you doing?! You could have killed him with a blast like that!” the Tuffle shouts, a hint of panic in his tone. “Don't you value his life?”
“Of course I do. But killing you matters more.” you reply, creating another pair of javelins. “If you leave him and I get to save him, great. If not, that's too bad. But either way, you're dying today.”

“Tch! Grrrr!” he snarls through clenched teeth, but just as you draw your right arm back, suddenly another ki suddenly appears. You turn, noticing Raditz' face turning as well as he senses it too. But as you recognize the energy, dread fills you. That's Chaya's ki, she's about to Instant Transmission to the battle! “HAAAAAAAAAAA!!”
“DAMMIT!” you shout, abandoning your attacks and flying towards your daughter's energy, throwing your arms wide and hoping you're not too late! “BARRIER!!”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 225 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying this episode so far? Ready to see how this plays out, how Chaya's arrival will affect the fight, and what this crit was for? Do you think you can really stop Baby here, or will the 'Reborn Tuffle King Kudamo' live to fight another day? All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues, in just a few over 11 hours!
You know you'd think if he inherited the Tuffle's memories in any amount he'd remember exactly how savage and brutally violent old school Saiyans are even to their own kind. I guess he assumed that just because Karn was a pretty chill dude now that he wasn't an equally ferocious murderer when the chips are down. He trusts Raditz' memories too much.

Also, goddammit Chaya can you not for FIVE MINUTES?
Karn needs to ignore chaya for long enough to kill the tuffle shithead, he is a threat to everything and chaya will only get in the way.literally indulged in her byllshit for way too long in this quest already, I'd rather get this done and over with.
I am enjoying giving Baby the works, but I can't help but feel something or SOMEBODY is about to complicate an already convoluted plan. Regardless, I am on the edge of my seat.
>"but I love him!"
Girl you are literally increasing the difficulty of saving him by being here because now he's gonna try and hide behind you, who he knows Karn WON'T kill.

I guess we could have told her the plan before we came here, but she still would have showed up the moment Raditz took a serious hit anyway. You know what, I blame Bane. He was an even worse influence on her than we were.
You know the worst part of this for me, as soon as baby is put down I guarantee zamasu will probably show up right afterwards into this timeline, with some of karns family in tow with their bodies taken over by various zamasu's and karn is probably gonna be done with shit by the time he has murdered all the assholes, karns family will understand just how brutal the man actually is when all the chips are down and it may very well alienate people to a degree.
He has Raditz' memories of how Karn treats those close to him. And thought Karn would subconsciously pull punches against him while in Raditz' body.
She's here to 'correct her mistake' and save Raditz from her own failure.
Perhaps. Although, she does possess the means of destroying the Tuffle parasites within someone. Perhaps it works on Baby too?
Convoluted? This situation hasn't even begun to convolute!
She's here to save him, same as you. You even learned the Power Ball just to avoid killing him. And avoided voting to simply kill him several, several times already.
I can say this, it's far too early in the arc for Zamasu to arrive in your timeline. We're only in the second episode.
Chaya has never learned the "When Dad steps in to fix something you let him do it" lesson. Tragic. And the whole main character syndrome she has. "Fixing her mistake" as if anyone could have predicted or stopped Baby from showing up and nabbing Raditz. Chaya, please, the universe does not revolve around you. Even if you hadn't gone full psycho and drove him into bumfuck nowhere there's still no guarantee it wouldn't have turned out something like this. This is just bad luck, nothing more, nothing less.

I am always so deeply frustrated with our children. Whether it be by them not trusting Karn, or thinking they know better or by insisting they don't need help. These dang kids.
>Perhaps. Although, she does possess the means of destroying the Tuffle parasites within someone. Perhaps it works on Baby too?
Please God tell me she's not hedging her bets of the Raditz X Chaya shippers that remain.
>I can say this, it's far too early in the arc for Zamasu to arrive in your timeline. We're only in the second episode
Oh good Lord, is every slow burn threat about to pop off this arc?
>as if anyone could have predicted or stopped Baby from showing up and nabbing Raditz
If she hadn’t literally driven him to exile himself to protect his to-be wife, Baby would never have captured him. He would still live on New Salda with most of the rest of his race instead of being out in the middle of nowhere with no backup or support. Sure it would have gotten someone else, but then it wouldn’t be her fault.
>I am always so deeply frustrated with our children.
That’s because the ones not causing trouble get far less screen time.
No, just in the belief that she CAN do it. Which is how her powers work. If her fans believe it, she can do it.
And no, this is the Body Snatchers’ arc. Not everyone else. We’re only two episodes in, this is still the intro/prologue.
If she hadn't driven him to exile doesn't mean he wouldn't have gone on a damn vacation or mission. Literally unpredictable. There is no "This would NEVER happen" because as everyone should be keenly aware, possibilities are endless. And even if she could see that she had absolutely 0 hand in it, if it were Raditz she would still do the same thing. Because it's not about it being "her fault" it's about it being "her man". Even when he isn't her man. She's just telling herself it's her fault because she loves him and needs an excuse to save him. There's no rhyme or reason behind that, she's doing it because that's what anyone in love would do.

I'm telling you man, she's all outta whack in her noggin' because of the life she's lead. She don't see it neither. Damn near noone can if it's their own brain. I don't blame her for that. But I do blame her for showing up goddammit just back off for ten damn minutes and trust your dad to do it. Dang selfish girlchild.

I for one do not have faith in her plan because of one key little detail. It requires Baby to act a certain way of his own volition, unlike ours which should cause him to act a certain way irregardless of his desires. What if he takes over Redis instead of going for Chaya when pushed. Karn would probably feel much worse killing a baby and its mother than the father willing to give himself up to save aforementioned people. And Chaya would probably hesitate as well because it's Raditz' kid. And you can't hesitate around monsters like Baby.

>That’s because the ones not causing trouble get far less screen time.
Nah they're all rowdy little goobers. They'll all get there sooner or later. That's just how kids do. It is the nature of a child to frustrate their parents and vice versa.
>fall asleep
>wake up to this
Oh Chaya. Our idiot daughter and foolish firstborn. I'm only mad that I didn't see it coming.
Frankly I'd feel like a much bigger piece of shit for offing Raditz's wife instead of the guy himself. We know more than nearly every other saiyan that your wife is YOUR WIFE. And I don't think the dragon can bring back unborn fetuses from the dead since they technically haven't lived in the first place. This is even more fucked than OG GT's Baby Saga.

Redis's situation in general is uncharted territory. I worry for her the most out of everyone under Baby's command

Not quite, she genuinely blames herself for Raditz and his family getting controlled. Were it someone else she'd still want to help them, and get her get back against a monster that tried controlling her, but she wouldn't feel personally responsible.
She thought her dad just went straight for his usual option against the threats to their people and is showing up with an alternative solution.
Her plan is to have Baby enter her instead of her farher, where she can crush him to dust.
Doesn't think about them, a lot of the time forgets they even exist.
How? She said it in the epilogue.
Very fucked. Things could end badly for them, depending.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I wish I hadn't just read that.
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>How? She said it in the epilogue.
Please be patient I'm a retarded speedreader
Me neither
All things considered; it isn't a BAD plan. Risky, but not without its merits.
Fair. She did say she was going back to save him. And having learned her lesson from the Kaliflor fight, rested until her Blue power was back to one hundred percent before going into this fight. Running out of power and faltering would have spelled disaster for her plan.
>All things considered; it isn't a BAD plan. Risky, but not without its merits.
I understand why she thinks it could work, it's not an entirely baseless assumption either.
But she's failed to consider the fact that the PARASITE ITSELF might act WAY FASTER than some eggs. Just my two cents.
Then there's also the more obvious risk of BABY HIJACKING HER ENTIRE FUCKING AUDIENCE.
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Several things all happen at once. Your shield begins to coalesce around you, forming the spherical shield of emerald ki. The Tuffle's mouth blast streaks through the air towards your daughter's energy, her body then appearing. And in her base form of all things, not showing up as her strongest state despite this monster's power being nearly equal to your own. But just as the blast's about to hit, your shield fully hardens, the blast slamming into it.

“GUH!” you grunt as the sheer weight of the blast slams into you. Knocking you back nearly a foot, your daughter looking around in confusion.
“Thanks for the.... Da..... Daddy?” Chaya asks, tuning towards you but freezing upon seeing you in this form. “Woah, no way. You really...?”
“What the hell are you doing, Chaya?” you ask her through gritted teeth, keeping your shield up as the Tuffle continues the blast for another few seconds. “Why are you here?”
“To save Raditz.” she says, clenching her fists. And as the Tuffle's attack ends, your daughter transforms. “HAAAAAAAA!!”

Her mortal ki vanishes entirely as she transcends, transforming into the divine state of Super Saiyan Blue. Again your Berserker Soul blazes, flaring wildly as your Barrier ends around you both.

“I figured out how to get the parasites out of me, and now I'm going to do the same for him.” she tells you, then turns to her Tuffle-controlled former lover. “Did you hear that, Raditz? I'm going to save you! Just hold on a little longer!”
“And how do you plan on doing that?” you ask her telepathically, not risking her revealing her plan to him audibly. To which she turns back towards you, giving you a wink.
“With my divine power, I figured out a new technique. He can't hide from me inside ANY body, now.” she answers confidently. Her mind reeks of confidence, you getting flashes of her crushing the parasites within her, how she felt them being ground to dust.
“Do you think he's going to fit, after adjusting to this version's size?” you reply, also telepathically as you take your fighting stance, staring down the giant monster. “We already have a plan.”

“We? And what plan?” she asks back, taking her own fighting stance as the Tuffle readies himself for combat once more. Quickly you sum up what Towa discovered, the fight on the Planet M-2 and how you even learned the Power Ball technique to get him to this state. But as you talk of the Power Ball your daughter's guard drops completely, turning around to face you with a stunned look on her face as she exclaims. “Hold on. You DIDN'T know the Power Ball?”

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“This isn't the-MOVE!” you start to say, only to see the Golden Oozaru fist suddenly close in. Without waiting you instantly spring into action, shoving your daughter clear, turning towards the strike and catching his massive fist with your hands as the Tuffle begins laughing.
“Heheheheeheehee. Haaahaahaahaahaahaaa! Now this, this is perfect! I get to take both of you at once!” he says, firing a second swing at your daughter. Who simply leaves an afterimage behind as she dashes straight down, his fist passing through nothing but air as her boots hit the ground. “Father and daughter, slaves to the Tuffles together! Don't worry, your power will allow me to subjugate your people faster, and with fewer casualties.”

“Like hell! HAAAAA!!” you snarl, aura blazing as you shove him back. Stealing the Tuffle's balance a moment, giving you the opening you need. Quickly gathering your ki, you launch a second javelin, this time from far closer range. However, he sees it coming, blocking the strike with the odd, almost metallic-seeming growth out of his forearm. Only for your attack to detonate a moment later, blasting away a large chunk of his left forearm.
“KYAAAH!!” he shouts in pain, staggering back. Clutching his arm now, instead of his guts. Allowing Chaya to see the damage you've done so far. But she doesn't react, simply flying back up beside you, taking her fighting stance to your left. “Miserable apes!”
“So, what's the plan?” she asks you aloud, you taking your fighting stance as well as 'Raditz' lets go of his arm, clenching his fists with a snarl.

>Tell her the plan to keep him occupied until Towa gives the signal, then go for the tail. Cutting it off will force the Tuffle out, then you both can kill him before he gets into anyone else
>If you can damage Raditz to the point Baby flees, you might not have to cut his tail off at all. As long as Caulifla is up and ready to appear to heal him, and you can protect her
>Tell her you'll deal with the Tuffle, use her power to start freeing others like Redis who're controlled by the parasites. She may need more help, but you haven't had time to check
>Other(write in)
>>Tell her the plan to keep him occupied until Towa gives the signal, then go for the tail. Cutting it off will force the Tuffle out, then you both can kill him before he gets into anyone else

Then if that doesnt work we have Chayas plans for a back up, as well as freeing redis and the rest.
>>Tell her the plan to keep him occupied until Towa gives the signal, then go for the tail. Cutting it off will force the Tuffle out, then you both can kill him before he gets into anyone else
>Tell her the plan to keep him occupied until Towa gives the signal, then go for the tail. Cutting it off will force the Tuffle out, then you both can kill him before he gets into anyone else
>Tell her the plan to keep him occupied until Towa gives the signal, then go for the tail. Cutting it off will force the Tuffle out, then you both can kill him before he gets into anyone else
in hindsight, we really should've brought her into the loop. atleast we have a plan B, though I dont like it that much.
>Tell her the plan to keep him occupied until Towa gives the signal, then go for the tail. Cutting it off will force the Tuffle out, then you both can kill him before he gets into anyone else
Tell her the plan to keep him occupied until Towa gives the signal, then go for the tail. Cutting it off will force the Tuffle out, then you both can kill him before he gets into anyone else wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 45
Second DC: 60
Third DC: 35
Fourth DC: 70
Rolled 7, 81, 47, 36 = 171 (4d100)

heres hoping
Rolled 6, 54, 51, 46 = 157 (4d100)

Rolled 72, 11, 20, 19 = 122 (4d100)

Rolled 29, 34, 66, 59 = 188 (4d100)

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72/100, 81/100, 51/100, 46/100. Triple success and a failure, not bad at all. Writing.
fuck I should've rolled, but I was distracted
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“Here's the plan.” you think to your daughter as the Tuffle-controlled Golden Oozaru roars in challenge, aura blazing. “We keep him in this form, give the parasite inside him time to grow and adapt to his larger size. Then, we cut off his tail, and-”
“What?!” she exclaims, unable to hide her shock. At this moment the Tuffle attacks, leaping forward with a flying left punch. But your daughter, despite her momentary distraction is still aware of her surroundings, dodging his blow as you do the same. “You're really going to do that to him too?”

“Yes. Better that than death, or worse.” you reply to her, flying up into the air along with your daughter as the Tuffle spins, firing a backfist at you both that easily misses. “When his body reverts, it'll force the parasite out. And once that monster is forced into the open, we kill him.”
“He's going to be upset about losing his tail. It takes a lot of time to adjust without it.” your daughter replies, still telepathically. “But at least he'll be alive to be mad at us. Let's do it.”
“Keep your distance, let's wear him down with energy attacks.” you reply, gathering your ki into both hands as the monster turns towards you. “HAAA! HRRAAAA!!”

With your shouts you fire two Scattershots down, peppering him and the area with explosions. Meanwhile your daughter gathers her energy in both hands, charging up a quick Final Flash. And as the golden face of Raditz' Oozaru form emerges from the cloud of smoke from your attack, your daughter fires. Slamming her golden beam straight into his face, sending him crashing back down to the ground. Chaya ends her beam with a smirk, raising both hands overhead and charging up a sphere of ki. One that looks quite like the 'Revenge Death Ball' that the Tuffle used, except pale azure instead of dark. Meanwhile you charge your own energy up again, preparing another pair of attacks.

“I'll hold him while you charge.” you tell your daughter, firing another pair of Scattershots down. However, instead of all the blasts striking the ground, you stop them before they impact as a Hellzone Grenade, trapping the Golden Oozaru as he rises back up to his feet.
“What?” he shouts, looking around in a panic.
“You're going nowhere! HAAAA!” you roar, clenching your left fist. Causing half of the blasts to all streak down, slamming into Raditz from all sides. The blasts stagger him back a step, you then clenching your right and causing the other half to all slam into him as well. As the Tuffle drops down to a knee, you create another pair of orbs in your hands, swinging them together overhead and creating a smaller, far less powerful Event Horizon. “Eat THIS! Event Horizon!”

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Throwing your orb down, the Tuffle pushes himself up to his feet and bracing himself. Catching the gigantic orb, it slamming down onto him and forcing him back down to a knee.

“Graaaaaah!” he roars, struggling against your attack. But as he starts pushing it back, rising up to his feet to throw it back, you detonate the energy. Clenching your fist, the orb's core goes nuclear, detonating right in the 'Tuffle King's face. Your attack bursts with blinding light, forcing you to shield your eyes a moment. But as the blast ends, Raditz' form obscured by the mushroom cloud of smoke where he'd been standing.
“It's ready!” your daughter calls, glancing back to see her holding a much more massive blast overhead. “Let's see how he handles THIS!”
“DOUBLE SUNDAY!!” comes the monster's voice, twin pink beams the as broad across as the Oozaru's spread hands exploding up out of the smoke. You activate your Barrier, deflecting the blast around you, but your daughter doesn't dodge. Instead, she points with a finger, the orb over her head firing an ultra-dense beam of energy.

“Sky Cannon!” your daughter shouts as her attack fires back, the energy slamming into the Tuffle's own. Her power overpowers the pink energy easily, smashing apart the Golden Oozaru's power as it blitzes the large form.
“What?!” he exclaims, stopping his attack and leaping aside. Narrowly dodging your daughter's blast, she ends the beam. Firing it again at where he lands, forcing the Golden Oozaru to scramble. He leaps aside, dashing back and forth to dodge her attacks. But then he starts moving towards the downed Redis, you immediately realizing what he plans. So, you decide to cut that option off, raising your right to your forehead. You use your Instant Transmission to teleport to her side, grabbing the downed pregnant woman and taking off into the air. “NO!”

“You're not using her as a shield!” you shout, leveling your hand and firing a beam at him. Forcing the golden figure to leap aside, only for your daughter's beam to hit him in the back. Slamming him down into the ground, smashing his body down further and further into the planet's surface. However, as she does, suddenly you sense approaching ki signatures. A LOT of ki signatures. Turning you see hundreds of single-pilot spacecraft, the Blarg fighters all opening fire on you and your daughter. Their cannons aren't extremely dangerous, but enough of a threat that you're forced onto the defensive to protect Redis with a Barrier. Your daughter, however, goes on the attack, ending the beam on the king and instead firing her beam through the air. Smashing and obliterating the spacecraft, killing them by the score. In that moment of distraction, the Tuffle leaps up from the ground, closing the distance and slamming his fist into your daughter's back.

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“KYUUUH!!?” she cries out in surprise as the attack sends her flying, breaking her concentration. His Golden Oozaru body then reaches up, grabbing her Sky Cannon orb in both hands. Then, with a smirk turns, throwing the massive attack at you!
“Shit!” you exclaim, focusing more energy into your Barrier as the super dense orb flies towards you. It slams into your shield, and despite your Barrier's strength, it shatters from the attack. And with no time to dodge, turn your back on the attack, shielding the woman as the orb crashes into you. The weight drops you, knocking you out of the air and slamming you down to the ground, landing on all fours. Bracing yourself above the pregnant woman, keeping the blast from crushing her with all you've got for several seconds. Until, suddenly the weight simply vanishes. Sighing out, you glance over your shoulder, seeing the orb rising on its own. No doubt your daughter having regained control. “Tch.”

You then blast back up into the air, watching as your daughter fires energy blasts from her hands and feet while dodging and weaving through the Golden Oozaru's massive swings. He can't touch her, and with each evasive maneuver she fires one or two blasts into his face. Keeping her too occupied to use her Sky Cannon, but still keeping the pressure up.

But what do you do now?
>Rush in and attack, keep him occupied close range so Chaya can focus more on ranged attacks
>Let Chaya keep him occupied as she is, while you stay at range and use your energy attacks to back her up
>Dash in and grab his tail, swing him down to the ground where you and Chaya can keep pummeling him with energy attacks like before
>Let Chaya keep him occupied while you set up another Hellzone Grenade around them, then have her teleport out once you give the signal to blast him again
>While she has him busy set up a much larger Event Horizon than the last, then swing it down and slam it down onto him
>Other(write in)
>>While she has him busy set up a much larger Event Horizon than the last, then swing it down and slam it down onto him
Chaya can hang, we have time to set up something big from where we are.
>While she has him busy set up a much larger Event Horizon than the last, then swing it down and slam it down onto him
>While she has him busy set up a much larger Event Horizon than the last, then swing it down and slam it down onto him
>While she has him busy set up a much larger Event Horizon than the last, then swing it down and slam it down onto him
While she has him busy set up a much larger Event Horizon than the last, then swing it down and slam it down onto him wins it. Interesting, roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 25
Second DC: 40
Third DC: 70
Rolled 30, 43, 74 = 147 (3d100)

Rolled 84, 28, 25 = 137 (3d100)

Rolled 48, 29, 23 = 100 (3d100)

well here we go
Rolled 44, 14, 55 = 113 (3d100)

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84/100, 43/100, 74/100. Triple success, he won't see this coming until it's too late. Writing.
Hey the second number in each roll is the first number of the prior. That's kinda neat.
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one of my favorite scq shitposts
Very nicely done.
Annnnd saved
“Keep him busy, I'll hit him with a real blast.” you telepathically tell your daughter, rising up higher into the air while gathering your ki. Pouring more and more energy out into both hands, you form two orbs, each one larger than yourself out to your sides as Chaya continues fighting the Golden Oozaru. Watching her fight, her movements are so practiced, so smooth you don't think she's even thinking about how to move. Using movements borrowed from the Su Ma style, instead of flipping, spinning and twisting around her foe, she remains in relatively the same spot. But fires from her hands and feet the moves she would have maneuvering around a target, launching her energy with each one. An adaptation of the Su Ma you'd never even considered, and one you'll have to ask if she's shown her mother yet.

But once the orbs are each roughly double your own height in diameter you then swing both overhead, the twin orbs trying to repel each other. Gritting your teeth, veins bulging from the strain you force the two orbs together, condensing them down into a singular projectile. However, they keep trying to repel each other, the larger than normal energies not melding. Forcing you to keep condensing that energy down, crushing the orb until it could fit between your hands. Then, you feel it, the energies begin merging properly. And rapidly expanding too, you raising both arms up overhead to give your attack room to grow. In seconds it forms a sphere twice the size of your ship back home, but it keeps growing. Double, quadruple, up to around eight times larger than your home before the energy stabilizes. The weight of the attack pressing down on you, exhausting your arms from holding so much heavy power overhead.

“It's ready, let me know when you're ready to dodge!” you telepathically shout to Chaya. Who acknowledges this as she backflips under a right, firing blasts from her feet one after another into the Tuffle's face before he switches to a hammerfist with the same right hand. Causing her to spin out around it, firing her left hand's ki blast with a backhanded toss, striking him directly in the nostril followed by the right directly into Raditz' left eye.
“GYAAAAH!” he cries out in pain, hands going to his face as he recoils.
“NOW!” your daughter replies, an instant later her energy appearing behind your own as she prepares to teleport. And with a roar, throw your attack.

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“HAAAAAAA!!” you roar, putting your all into throwing the massive orb towards the Tuffle menace. Who turns, Chaya vanishing completely as she dodges his left fist.
“Wh-WHat?!” he exclaims, shocked by the massive attack suddenly heading his way. “IMPOSSIBLE! I won't-! HRRAAAAAA!!”

You sense Raditz' energy spiking even higher, feeling his power rise as the attack crashes into him. He isn't consumed instantly, holding the attack back to keep it from swallowing him. But he absolutely cannot stop your massive attack, the energy forcing him further back and away. Your energy carries his body further and further back, forcing him into the sky before, suddenly his energy spikes even higher. And, with that second spike of his power, somehow DETONATES your massive blast. Your energy explodes in a massive, world-shaking blast, the shock wave knocking you back into your daughter. Raditz' energy drops, but doesn't vanish, you feeling his power dropping down to the ground.

“We can't let him escape.” you say, raising your right to your forehead.
“Right.” your daughter replies, holding onto you as you focus. Teleporting from where you were to the site of where Raditz has dropped, seeing him still in his Golden Oozaru form. Pushing himself up off the ground, panting heavily as his body is burned and scuffed from your attack's sudden detonation. Rising up, he sees you both, snarling in pain, anger and frustration.
“D-Damn you, monkey.” he says, trying to stand but staggering back down to a knee. “You damnable apes, I won't fall here. You can't, I won't be stopped like this.”

“Karn, it should be long enough.” Towa thinks to you. “Take his tail, and end this.”
“We won't fail.” you tell her, ending the mental link with her and turning to Chaya. “It's time.”
“Already? Alright, let's put an end to this monster.” she says, clenching her fist and blazing her aura. Your Berserker aura flares in response, the Tuffle looking up to you both with a hint of fear in its eyes. “This ends now, freak!”

But how do you do this?
>Go down and cut his tail yourself, have Chaya remain in the air to see the monster if it tries to escape
>Toss him into the air and have her cut his tail midair, leaving him nowhere to hide when escaping Raditz' body
>Have Chaya fly down and cut his tail, while you stay overhead and watch. Make sure that that monster doesn't flee, no matter what
>Other(write in)?
>>Toss him into the air and have her cut his tail midair, leaving him nowhere to hide when escaping Raditz' body
>Toss him into the air and have her cut his tail midair, leaving him nowhere to hide when escaping Raditz' body
Owari Da.
>Toss him into the air and have her cut his tail midair, leaving him nowhere to hide when escaping Raditz' body
>Toss him into the air and have her cut his tail midair, leaving him nowhere to hide when escaping Raditz' body
>An adaptation of the Su Ma you'd never even considered,
Very nice.
>>Toss him into the air and have her cut his tail midair, leaving him nowhere to hide when escaping Raditz' body
Toss him into the air and have her cut his tail midair, leaving him nowhere to hide when escaping Raditz' body wins it. Let's see if we end this threat here and now, roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 25
Second DC: 60
Third DC: 45
Rolled 24, 78, 75 = 177 (3d100)

Rolled 60, 84, 15 = 159 (3d100)

Rolled 61, 10, 24 = 95 (3d100)

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61/100, 84/100, 75/100. Triple success, looks like this is it. He's not getting away, writing.
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11/5, absolute fantastic work. This is my new favorite meme made for the quest.
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Is the blue one hitting the family guy death pose?
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“Chaya, get ready! I'm going to toss him into the air, when I do cut his tail.” you tell her telepathically as the Golden Oozaru struggles to rise one final time. “When you do, get clear. He'll have nowhere to hide, and we can end this.”
“Right!” she shouts aloud, blazing her divine aura higher. You then dash down, flying towards the Golden Oozaru. He snarls, swinging a clumsy right towards you. Which you stop, catching his fist with your palms. You then fly down past his fist, landing on the ground then dash between his legs, sliding to a stop by his tail and grabbing it. Clutching his tail with both hands, lifting and spinning the tail with a roar!

“Haaaa! HRRRAAAAA!!” you bellow, spinning him once, twice, three times around you before pitching him straight into the sky.
“Gyaaaah?!” the parasite shouts in startled surprise, watching as your daughter creates her ki blade in her right hand and dashes forward. Before the Tuffle parasite can recover, she flies in, slicing his tail clean off with a backhanded, bladed chop. With a single strike she severs his tail, it dropping down to the ground with a crash. “Wh-What?!”

Then, you both feel it. His energy immediately begins to plummet, his body starting to shrink. His fur starts fading as well, body reverting back to his base form.

“N-No! No, this-! This can't! Be!” he shouts as he tries to maintain his power, but he can't stop himself from continuing to shrink. “Dammit! DAMMIT!”

“You got him!” Chaya shouts, watching from the other side, watching your blind spot of him as he continues to revert. “That's right, get the hell out of him you monster! Come out here and face us face-to-face!”
“You-! Ignorant monkeys! That won't be enough to-! Hold on. Wh-Why am I being crushed?”
“You expanded inside him as he transformed, and now that he's getting smaller again, you won't fit anymore!” you call, seeing the terror in his eyes as he looks to you, face reverting more and more. “So you can either stay in there and get crushed into nothing, or flee his body and come fight us. Your choice.”

“This-! You, there's no way you could have come up with an idea this clever! You're a simple, stupid MONKEY!” he snarls, Raditz' body now three-quarters back to his original size. “Who? WHO came up with this plan?!”
“Wouldn't you like to know?” Chaya taunts, ending her ki blade. “Now, get out here and fight me! I'm going to make you pay for what you did to Raditz and his family!”
“Tch! Grrrrr! Hrrraaaaa!!” he roars, throwing both arms wide and unleashing all the power Raditz has left. His ki bursts forth in an Explosive Wave. No doubt trying to knock you both back, to create an opening to escape.

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“Barrier!” you exclaim, throwing your own arms wide and making an energy shield around you. His energy slams into your own, but your Barrier holds firm. Chaya does the same, her ki shielding her as well. In that moment, with both of you occupied, he takes this moment to escape. You watch through Raditz' storming energy as the Tuffle shoots out of his face, pouring and shooting out of his eyes, nose, ears and mouth, dashing away from both of you. “OH NO YOU DON'T!”

Keeping your Barrier up you dash after him, rapidly closing in as his Majin slime-like form coalesces into a humanoid form. Grey skin, the same yellow vest-like growth, as well as the same blue shielding cover over his eyes. He's trying to flee, but realizing that you're closing in he stops, lunging towards you.

“SHYAAAA!!” he roars, you dropping your Barrier and activating your Energy Body instead. Your shield covers you as he 'liquifies' himself once more, trying to fly into your open wounds. But he splashes against your Energy Body, unable to get through it and into you.
“DAAADDY!!” your daughter screams in panic, dashing down while gathering her energy in both hands. Ready to slaughter the monster, to keep it from invading you as well.
“I'm fine, stay back!” you shout to your daughter. “Shoot him, now!”

“DIIIIEEEEE!!” your daughter bellows, combining her energy together and unleashing it in a golden stream. “FINAL FLAAAAASH!!”
“Nononono, wait! Do-! GYUUUAAAAAHH!!!” the 'Reborn Tuffle King' Kudamo screams as your daughter's golden energy washes over you both. Your Energy Body shields you from her power, her attack cutting away a bit of your own defenses. But the Tuffle parasite is erased, you watching as he dies. His body is erased entirely, your daughter extinguishing the Tuffle menace. Getting her first Tuffle kill, exterminating the last of their race. The last Tuffle is dead.

“Haaaah. Well done kiddo.” you say, dropping your Energy Body. Turning to look at her, you smile at your daughter. “Well done. We did it.”
“We did. But it's not over yet.” she says, taking a deep breath and flying back over to Raditz. You follow behind, curious, as she dashes over to his unconscious body. “We have to act quick, or we can't save it.”
“Save what?” you ask her, seeing her not going to his body, but instead his severed tail. Realizing immediately what she intends, hoping to keep Raditz from turning out like her.

But what do you do? Is there anything you CAN do?
>Telepathically call Towa and Chilli, tell them it's over but that Chaya needs their help to save Raditz' tail
>Leave the rest to her, you've done your part. Wish her luck but go home, you've done enough
>Go find Redis and take her back home with you to have Dr. White and Towa run every test they can to make sure she and her baby are both okay
>Other(write in)?
>Telepathically call Towa and Chilli, tell them it's over but that Chaya needs their help to save Raditz' tail
Alright, crash cart time!
I find it way too suss that hes dead that easy but I can't think an IC way to phrase that.
>Telepathically call Towa and Chilli, tell them it's over but that Chaya needs their help to save Raditz' tail
Eat shit, you tech toddler betas.
>>Telepathically call Towa and Chilli, tell them it's over but that Chaya needs their help to save Raditz' tail
Nah, he's definitely dead. Unlike the dragon team, we don't halfass the job.
>>Telepathically call Towa and Chilli, tell them it's over but that Chaya needs their help to save Raditz' tail
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Rolled 16, 99, 66 = 181 (3d100)

Telepathically call Towa and Chilli, tell them it's over but that Chaya needs their help to save Raditz' tail wins it. Writing.
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Seeing how she rushes over you reach out telepathically, connecting your mind to both your firstborn son as well as Towa.

“We did it. That Tuffle bastard's finished.” you tell them both with a thought. “However, Chaya's trying to save Raditz' tail. So he doesn't end up like her.”
“I understand.” your son replies, a moment later you sensing both his and Towa's energies by you. By the time you end your telepathic link his Instant Transmission teleported bot himself and Towa by your side. Your son immediately goes over to your daughter, while Towa turns to you. Her expression serious. Deadly serious as she transforms into her Demon God form.
“Come with me. I may need your help.” she says, you nodding as she then takes off. Flying behind her, you realize she's flying back to Redis. Leading you to the woman, who is now sitting up, looking around confused. She sees Chaya's massive Sky Cannon orb and screams, backing up a few steps before realizing that it's not moving.

“Huh? What's going-?” she starts, then turns as she hears you and Towa land. Turning, she sees you both, recoiling at the sight of you both. “Where's Raditz?”
“Chilli and Chaya are with him trying to save his tail. We had to sever it t-” you tell her, only for her to flare her aura, trying to fly off towards him. But Towa stops her with her magic, holding the woman in place.
“Wha-What are-? You? Doing?!” she says through clenched teeth, unable to even open her mouth from Towa's constricting magical spell. “I have to save him!”

“No, my dear, you need to worry about yourself.” Towa says, leveling the spear at her. The woman's eyes widen in shock and sudden fear, clearly terrified. “You had that parasite inside you, I need to make sure you're clean. Both you and your child.”

At the word child Redis stops trying to break free, eyes going even wider than before. She tries to look down, but still trapped within Towa's magic can't move.

“You think he, that... THING, hurt our baby?” she asks, looking back up to Towa with tears in her eyes. To which Towa nods, ending the spell and letting Redis collapse to the ground. Sitting down, hands to her stomach in worry. “But I can still feel them, they're still alive.”
“Yes. But now I must make sure that bastard didn't hurt your baby in any way.” Towa says, much more gentle this time as she kneels down beside her, laying a hand on the other woman's shoulder. “Please, relax. This will only take a few moments.”

And as Towa uses her magic on the woman, no doubt checking for more of those same parasites Towa told you of. But as she scans the woman, you can't quite believe that it's over. It almost seems... Too easy.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 225 paused-
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoying the run so far? Do you really think it's over, that Baby is dead so easily or is he still alive somehow? Will Chaya's power work on everyone else, to free them of the now-deactivated parasites, or did it only work on her? Will Chilli be able to do what he couldn't before, and save Raditz' tail unlike how he failed with Chaya those years ago? Enjoying the arc, and ready to see where we go from here? All this and more, next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
I'm pretty sure you could easily fix the tail by just gluing it back on right away. I mean come on. Simple.
Baby is a complete jobber. He's definitely dead, lol. As for Chaya's gambit, we will have to see, and I have faith in our son, he's much more proficient with magic now. And finally, I'm ready to either kick back or clear the shitlist once and for all.
Nah I don't believe that after all that build up, and him getting help from Nefarious and potentially Chrona or another Towa considering how the planet was temporally hidden, do I think hes down for the count. That instance of him is but I know a rat has even more lives then a cat and the tuffles are one of the biggest rats out there.
He isn't Buu or Cell, able to survive from a molecule or cell like those monsters. Destroy his body to that level, his canon body couldn't survive.
WERE one of the biggest rats out there. But we'll see soon enough, I guess. Or perhaps not, perhaps we'll just have to live with the worry in the back of our heads he somehow survived and is still plotting.
>Cannon body
There are far more efficient wishes.
We don't know, will have to wait for Arctus to dig through the files saved to Dr. Myuu's brain. To give Towa files to compare against the more canon counterparts, and see what's so different about this one and/or if there were 'siblings'.
Jokes aside, we should probably take a trip to Namek after our power nap. I'm sure Porunga can cleanse the total infected population in the Galaxy, right?
Somewhat wondering why people kept talking about wishing Raditz back alive when we know that Frieza made a wish to just be able to do that whenever he wants a while back.
Honestly? I assume most folks forgot about it given how little it actually comes up. As it would turn out, when you make sure your allies can keep up with you and don't treat the death like a minor inconvenience, they don't die much at all.
The real win is not using a "nuh uh" card. And Karn likes winning.
i thought about it but freeza is currently busy iirc and the plan was clearly good enough so there was no point
Well that's the thing. If time allows for it, Karn's grabbing his friends, checking up with expert sources, and hashing out his gameplan before shit pops off.
As a result, casualties are kept to a minimum, we RARELY have to rely on Hail Mary plays, and the Dragon Balls aren't abused like a choir boy in a Catholic church.
Meanwhile in Canon, those guys are flying by the seat of their pants and paying for it more and more as time goes on.
I did forget Freeza did that. The thing about this quest is that even though we know of dragonballs, they rarely come into play as these gamebreaking devices since we rarely need to wish for anything and have a rechargable portable magic dragon button in our wrist. Karn and his friends have been playing smart and efficient for so long that our crew doesn't need crutches like those to keep up with the universe. I can only imagine Karn's reaction to the canon Cell Saga fiasco and how many times the dragon team were being retards
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>tfw the power of friendship is just having people with different skillsets and knowledge bases to provide the ultimate security net and allow everyone to perform to excellence
>tfw it's not just screaming "i fight for my friends" and punching harder
Best timeline for sure.
>enjoying the run so far?
Yes, a lot.
I agree.
>We don't know, will have to wait for Arctus to dig through the files saved to Dr. Myuu's brain.
I suspect Baby is alive and he will return with a threat level comparable to Flood.
Possibly, although before making any wishes you may want to wait for Arctus to crack that encryption. Against an artificial being like Baby, knowledge will be power. And while, OOC, he's gone, IC you don't know that for sure.
A very good point. But he hasn't used that power to your knowledge, so most people IC have forgotten it.
True enough. Having a competent team and doing at least a decent level of research before diving into threats not currently on your world, you can eliminate them efficiently.
Ha! Very much so, a good plan and effective allies make for far easier confrontations. But become even greater threats when turned against you.
>I can only imagine Karn's reaction to the canon Cell Saga fiasco and how many times the dragon team were being retards
What do you mean you had THREE YEARS and didn't destroy the creatures a future self told you killed you all? Do you think you DIDN'T train in that other timeline? Absolute morons.
Ha! And great gif.
Good. But no, I will say OOC that Baby is dead, even moreso than Dumplin.
>What do you mean you had THREE YEARS and didn't destroy the creatures a future self told you killed you all? Do you think you DIDN'T train in that other timeline? Absolute morons.

>Okay guys, so a bunch of androids and shit are gonna murk the fuck outta y'all. So you need to get really strong and kill them when they show up.
>Hey what if we use the dragonballs to wish to know where this hidden lab is?
For how often they use the dragonballs no one thinks at all that it can be used for something other than "undie pls". Except for the villains. That's how you can tell they go from bad guy to good guy. They stop wishing for shit like immortality or strength or bulma's panties and start asking people to be brought back from the dead.
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>pic related shows up on New Salda and gives everything there the big old red thumbs down
How does Karn react?
I have no idea who these dudes are, but if they wanna come around and start causing trouble they can get a big green boot up their asses just like everybody else.
But once he and his lab were destroyed, ending the signal, his self-bots all also ceased all functions. Just had to kill the real one.
The Cell saga should have been a learning moment. One they didn't learn from, repeating several of the same mistakes in the Buu arc, completely unprepared for the next threat. In seven years they could have used the Dragonballs once to know when and were the next Earth-ending threat would first appear, AND how to stop it from coming to pass with the two wishes Dende's Shenron has. Imagine Vegeta and Gohan rock up on Babidi's ship when it first goes to land, obliterating it in space and only leaving Dabura and possibly Buu's egg alive. Freed of Babidi, the Demon King could return to his realm after explaining Buu, and whenever Shin finally tracked Babidi to earth they could hand him the egg, problem solved.
Not going to lie, I only have a guess as to what they are. However, If Doom can stand against them, then probably so can Karn.
Ha. If they come in peace they can leave in peace. Just like Amazo.
>Ha. If they come in peace they can leave in peace. Just like Amazo.
True. You get what you give.
>Imagine Vegeta and Gohan rock up on Babidi's ship when it first goes to land
Gohan, Vegeta, and Piccolo with 7 years of consistent training post-Cell would be a sight to see. Hell, Gohan probably would have been able to keep up with his studies as well if Bulma helped him optimize his regimen. Super Saiyan 3 and a bachelor's degree by 18 by my estimates.
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That's not really a fair statement, GD...he wages a war against an infinite number of extremely powerful celestials and ultimately wins.
No, Super Saiyan 3's off the table. Vegeta never would have reached that level, he didn't train properly. Goku only reached that level through a combination of a heavenly body with VASTLY better stamina and no need to ever sleep for the 7 years he was dead. If Vegeta or Gohan had their tails it would be a different story, as even a child can maintain 3 with a tail and experience.
I was right. Still dunno who/what they are, but from his speech they're gods. Which Karn inherently has an edge over and resistance to.
So a Saiyan's tail is a power stabilizer? Interesting. I'm personally fond of the headcanon that SS3 is an incomplete variation of SS4, where the user tries to tap into that raw primal power through brute strength in a form that doesn't properly channel it, hence the massive stamina drain its infamous for.
>No, Super Saiyan 3's off the table.
Damn, I forgot about the tails. Still, with all that training together under their belts, Super Saiyan 2 would be enough to smoke the shit out of everything until Beerus comes to town.
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Celestials are... quite frankly way, WAY above our paygrade and we'd want nothing to do with them. Basically Zeno level more or less. That being said they wouldn't be a problem, they just want to make things evolve and I think our evolution would be pretty impressive to them.

Doom proving that you do NOT fuck with him, doesn't matter who you are.

Celestials are called space gods but they aren't really "gods" in the traditional sense. They're more or less ultra powerful cosmic creative forces that were spawned by the sentient cosmos, at least the true ones in the superflow are. They're important enough their race gets to join the Living Tribunal's courtroom. They completely punk all the actual gods of Marvel normally, Odin was literally spending hours trying and failing to hurt them, while massively amped with the fucking Destroyer Armor, entire Odinforce and all the souls of Asgard and other gods and then he got a fucking beat down from the unimportant ones. They genuinely humiliated him.
I wouldn't put them at Zeno tier. They're more Beerus Tier, if Beerus was a Creator instead of a Destroyer. Which, hey, Karn could potentially defeat one in a 1v1...but in an all-out war against as many as there are stars in the sky?
I mean, in the Superflow? They probably would be. The real Superflow Celestials from the First Firmament created the Beyonders, the same ones that genocided some of the subsequent multiverses/cosmos. Basically only TOAA is above the Superflow. Even outside it, the average Celestial dwarfs a cosmic cube, and those things are basically Universe Trees. In fact, Thanos wanted one badly once in the comics so he could remake the multiverse of that era with it. They just tend to job badly outside the abstract realm/LT's court in their armor bodies.... like REALLY badly (fucking Exitar got killed by Susan Storm dude WTF)
Yes, Elder Kai basically spells it out in GT to Goku. And, I mean, possibly? Who really knows.
Well, not really. Vegeta didn't reach 2 until Babidi gave him the boost, although his base Super Saiyan in the Buu arc was stronger than Cell Games SS2 Gohan/Super Perfect Cell. Given he compared Dabura to Cell and was entirely confident he could smoke him and was annoyed with Gohan's regression.
>and we'd want nothing to do with them
When has that ever stopped ANYTHING trying to start shit with Karn?
Which is why I'm so confused at the RDJ/Doom hate I saw from a bunch of morons who only know him from his POST-Marvel work.
>creative forces
You mean like the Kai? The DIVINE beings who create who are above the other deities of each planet? I think they're still divine beings, given what they are.
With the Berserker God form, Karn cannot stop beings of that tier. Yet.
>tend to job badly outside the abstract realm/LT's court in their armor bodies.... like REALLY badly (fucking Exitar got killed by Susan Storm dude WTF)
Well, perhaps Berserker God could. But with Marvel being U6, that's not your problem.
>Vegeta didn't reach 2 until Babidi gave him the boost
Probably because he was training by himself and couldn't get around the mental blocks. Dude clearly had the horsepower for it, so I stand by my assumption that his mindset was what was holding him back.
>Well, perhaps Berserker God could. But with Marvel being U6, that's not your problem.
Not our problem YET.
One thing that people never seem to comment on about Babidi's mind control is just how insanely beneficial it could be if, you know, you tuned it for your own purposes.
It gives a truly potent power boost. It gives PERFECT energy control. It gives you the ability to shrug off injuries that would kill or otherwise paralyze you. It lets you keep going long past the point where you would normally run out of stamina or energy. It's goated with the sauce is what I'm saying.
It's a shame it only ever works on people with evil in their hearts and a lack of mental discipline.
And after Goku's sacrifice and Gohan killed Cell, Vegeta swore he'd never fight again. He kept up his training but didn't push as hard as he did while Goku was alive.
Faustian Bargain at it's peak. All that power, all that advantage. All for the low, low price of your free will and thought.
>lack of mental discipline
U wot m8?
>U wot m8?
I'm just saying, he folded as soon as Goku started flexing those higher transformations.
His pride has always been his exploitable weakness/fault, having one glaring flaw you struggle to overcome doesn’t make one undisciplined. But he didn’t fold at seeing a new form in the Buu saga, he folded when he realized how much stronger Goku was. To have his entire Super Saiyan energy sucked out of him to just do it again, and feed several Super Saiyans’ worth of power to Yakon with barely breaking a sweat hurt his pride badly. He realized even it they fought all-out he’d lose due to the difference in power reserves. Not knowing that his heavenly body had a time restriction tied to higher power states.
See, this is what I appreciate about these threads. Even when I'm wrong, I still learn something new about something I like via genuine discussion. You don't get this on /a/ or any other DBZ forum.
>I will say OOC that Baby is dead, even moreso than Dumplin.
I believe you. I guess I was anxious about it because somebody with time related powers interfered in creation of Baby in our time line.
>But as she scans the woman, you can't quite believe that it's over.
I agree with Karn here. I think there is still something left related to this matter but not yet found. I'm looking forward to Arctus revealing secrets from Planet M-2.
I'm just glad we BTFO'd Baby before he could start doing real damage. I could never tolerate the thought of a new Planet Plant on our hard earned Saiyan soil.
Well, I'm passionate about the source material(obviously), so I like to share info. And other places are much too toxic for discussions.
Oh absolutely. Always stay on your toes.
Quite possibly. We'll see what Arctus finds, plus you still have Rildo out there somewhere wanting revenge. Plenty left of this matter.
Yes, compromising the Blarg is bad enough, but stopping the spread before worse could happen is good.
A cat with zoomies has the same amount of mental discipline as Vegeta, all the effort for so little to show for it is still, technically, a lot of effort.
Oh no, Meloka Wolbach has a problem we'll see tomorrow! She inherited her mother's naming conventions!

I disagree. Man powered through what even the DEMON KING Dabura couldn't, even with all his magical knowledge and demonic resistances. An undisciplined mind cannot resist control, as Batman has proven on more than one occasion by resisting.
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Thursday already? Damn, time flies.
So she has great taste in names?
-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 225 Intermission-


“You really have to go right now?” you ask your father, who turns to you with a slight frown.”I'm sorry kiddo, but I have to. You know how bad things have to be for your grandpa to be asking for my help.”
“I guess.” you say, frowning and clutching the giant crystal Raptite egg to you, hugging it instead. “Come back safe, okay?”
“Don't worry, I will. No matter what.” your father tells you, leaning back in and kissing you on the forehead, reaching down and ruffling your hair a moment. “I promise, I'll read you that story tomorrow night.”
“It's a promise.” you tell him, nodding once. He nods back, taking his hand and raising it to his forehead, vanishing without a trace. Leaving you in your bedroom, all alone.

You are Meloka Wolback, daughter of the Crystal Sage Chilli and Master of Explosions Megumin, two of the strongest Archwizards of the Crimson Demon and Saiyan bloodlines. However, in recent days your father has spent more and more time away from home. When you were younger, he'd make sure to be home every night to tuck both you and your brother in, but recently, especially with the massive skeleton invasion yesterday he hasn't been around. Which does make you sad, as you miss your father. But he's really important, everyone turns to him to fix their problems. All the time, no matter what you are doing he's always running off to fix someone's problems. Some days, you wish he would leave all them to spend more time with you.

“Haaaaah.” you sigh, clutching the giant crystal egg your Grandpa got you for your last birthday as you lay on your back. Letting its weight settle on you, the sensation strangely comforting as you close your eyes. “Come back soon, Daddy. I want to say good night again... before I go... to....”

Everything changes, your dreams a weird mix of the terrible things you'd seen when the monsters invaded and destroyed the village, but then suddenly in your dream hear a massive sound.


But that noise isn't in your dream, your eyes shooting open as it wakes you up immediately laying on your right side, the crystal between you and the morning sun coming through your window. And, looking up, you see the giant green crystal egg is cracked! Oh no, you broke it!


“Huh?” you say, watching as the cracks spread across it's surface. Taking on the look of a spiderweb as the cracks spread from the first one. And then, with one final crack, the egg shatters.
The green crystal shatters, shards blowing everywhere as the top half of the egg simply explodes out. Beautiful emerald wings, gleaming in the sunlight spread out for their first time, its wingspan easily twice your own height.

“KHRRIIIIIIIN!!” the bird calls as it spreads its wings, stretching out for the first time. And it's absolutely.... Beautiful. You've never seen anything so beautiful in your life.
“Raptite...?” you mutter, the bird's head turning and looking towards you. One glowing eye meets your own, it then leaning back in a gesture that looks like confusion. “Is-Is that you?”
“Khrrrrrrrrp?” it chirps, turning fully to face you then tilting its head. “Kheer?”

“You finally hatched!” you say with a smile, reaching out. It looks at you, folding its wings in as you gently hug it to you. The crystals are oddly warm, radiating with a head that doesn't match normal magic crystals. “I've been waiting for you!”
“Khrrrrrrrr.” it almost purrs like a cat against you as you fall in love, this creature is your new favorite thing ever. You will do whatever it takes to protect your precious little bird.
“Ah! That's right, I need to name you!” you say, pulling back and holding it under the wings with your hands as you look it up and down. “Hrmmmm. What's a good name?”

You stare at your new friend, trying to come up with a name as it looks from you to your room, studying its surroundings curiously. As it does, a name comes to mind.

“Modoriiromoukin!” you say after a moment's thought, remembering your language lessons of the Crimson Demon Clan's creator. “How about that, do you like that name? Are you Modoriiromoukin?”
“KHRRIIIIIIN!!” it calls, once more spreading its wings. And, for a moment your new friend glows, a light coming from within it. The light then fades, the crimson glow fading from its eyes as it looks at you. You smile looking at your Raptite falcon, smiling happily when the moment is interrupted by a gurgle that shakes your entire bed. And you feel it, you're hungry.

“Hehe, let's go see if Daddy came back and brought breakfast.” you say, picking Modoriiromoukin up as you get out of bed, trying to decide how to carry your new friend down the stairs . You think for a few seconds, then decide how to make an entrance with your new friend. Picking Modoriiromoukin up, you set it on your shoulders, its crystal talons latching onto you as you hold it steady. “Hold on, don't fall off Modoriiromoukin. Stay there, okay?”
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“KRHHIIIIIIN.” caws your new friend, latching onto your shoulders and finding its balance. Satisfied that it's not going anywhere you start heading downstairs, arms spread out to your sides as you rush down excitedly. You hope your Daddy's back, but as you run down to the dining room, find he's not here. However, your mother is, setting pancakes on the table with her back to you. But your brother sees you, or, more accurately sees Modoriiromoukin. And immediately panics.
“WAAAAAAAH! MONSTER!!” he shouts, pointing. Your mother immediately whips her head around, magical circles forming under and behind her, as well as all across the room. The entire tower, your home hums with barely-restrained magic, your mother's eyes glowing bright a moment until she sees you under your new friend.

“BE-! Oh, good morning, I see the Raptite finally hatched.” she says, immediately powering down. All the circles fade, and at his mother's words your little brother calms down too, looking now more curiously towards your new friend. “So, have you given it a name?”
“Of course! Momma, Kazuburo, meet Modoriiromoukin.” you say, raising your arms up to present your new friend. Who, sensing the moment spreads its wings wide, they once more catching the morning sunshine through the large windows on this floor.
“Woaaaaah! So pretty!” your little brother says excitedly as you walk over, taking your seat by him. But then you look to your mother, unsure of where your friend should be. So she goes to you, pulling out the chair beside you and setting a plate before you and Modoriiromoukin, giving you a stack and the crystal bird a couple as well. It looks curiously at the food, looking from it to you.

“They're pancakes. And momma makes the best pancakes ever, dig in!” you tell your friend, who seems to understand as it turns back, pecking at the fluffy bread curiously. But you dig in whole heartedly, devouring your breakfast in minutes. You finish your rather tall stack, finishing with a sigh then turning to your mother and thanking her before asking, “So, did Dad come back yet?”
“No, he hasn't come back since last night.” your mother replies, and despite trying to hide it you see the worry in her eyes. You know every time your Dad leaves, she worries about him. Looking out toward wherever he went, looking longingly out the windows. And as you have the thought, you remember that you can sense energy as well. So you try and find your dad's energy, which should be easy as one of the two strongest on this planet. And, after a moment, you find him. But even better, he's here!
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“Daddy!” you say excitedly, bolting up and out of your chair, turning to the stairwell to the first floor. Only to remember your friend, turning back and grabbing your crystal bird and setting it back on your shoulders.
“Daddy?” Kazuburo asks, sitting up. Your mother turns to you curiously, then smiles, walking over to your brother and unhooking him from his seat. Together you both take off down the stairs, your brother following close behind you as you sprint down the stairs. And as you land at the bottom floor, the front door finishes opening, your father, your daddy standing there. “Daddy!”

“Hey there kiddos. Up early aren't-Oof!” he exclaims as you and your brother dash at him, Modoriiromoukin leaping off your shoulders and flying in the air as you both slam into him. Knocking your father back a half step, catching you both. Feeling your father's hug, smelling his unique smell, it puts you more at ease. A tension you didn't know you'd been carrying since he left the night before eases out of you, everything just feeling... Right. “So, looks like the Raptite hatched last night, huh? So, have you named him yet, or do you want me to help you pick out a name?”
“I found the perfect name!” you say, stepping back and walking over to your friend. Who immediately lands back on your shoulders, you giggling and turning back to your daddy. “Daddy, this is my new friend, Modoriiromoukin! Say hi Modoriiromoukin!”
“KHRRIIIIIIIN!” your friend screeches, spreading and flapping its wings once. You see your father's face scrunch up a bit at the name, raising his now-free hand to his chin, looking at your new friend.

“Hmmm. Modoriiromoukin... I think... It fits.” your father finally says, smiling. But you know something's wrong, his voice sounds... Faint, weak even. “Modoriiromoukin it is.”
“KHHRRRRIIIIIIIIIIN!!” it screeches, the light catching it as you step forward. Reflecting the sunlight all over the room, you smiling happily at your Daddy's approval of your name you chose. Then you hear your mother come down the stairs, smiling as she steps down the final step. But as Modoriiromoukin lowers its wings, your mother sees your father and her eyes widen in shock. Her hands go to her mouth, skin going pale.
“Oh gods, Chilli!” she shouts, rushing over to your father. Who smiles at her, but then he suddenly drops down to a knee, coughing up a spray of crimson onto his foot and knee. You feel your entire body go cold, oh no! Daddy?


-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 225 Intermission End-
huh what the fuck
Makes you wonder what mess he got himself into after leaving Eudora? And what a child didn't notice about her dad's return? Always a conundrum, having a biased pov character who doesn't notice everything. Knowing which details they'll see, and which they'll miss until pointed out.
I'd laugh if it was just a giant spike sticking out of his back that Mel didn't notice because of the height difference.
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GD, Bandai Namco has gotten access to your notes somehow.
Would be pretty funny. We might see what happened in the epilogue, or I might take an entirely different direction. Leave you all in suspense longer.
Ha. But no, not my notes. Besides, my plan was always for Baby to die this early. :^)
Baby confirmed jobber. It was the Tuffle DNA holding him back.
Hah, perhaps. Or perhaps he was only the prototype, the first step towards something greater...
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>Hah, perhaps. Or perhaps he was only the prototype, the first step towards something greater...
Just gonna pretend you didn't write that and I didn't read that.
Same. What were we talking about again?
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No can do, I'm pulling a double shift.
I dunno, something about Chilli?
>is this the Krusty Krab?
Not sure how or why Chilli randomly got AIDS, but I hope we can do something about it soon. I'm worried.
I only said perhaps. Perhaps that was a bluff to get you all thinking down the wrong route so no one would figure out the next twist?
Know nothing. I have stated nothing.
Lmao, no. After leaving Planet Eudora he returns home to handle another crisis or two or twelve, and doesn't return to his house much less sleep the entire night.
So he's overworking himself, then? Fool boy, he takes too much after his father.
My running theory is that the eggs are designed to hatch into new tuffle parasites rather than being purely intended as a mind control vector. They are eggs, after all.
Also, uh...does this make Baby a female? A hermaphrodite, if they're self-fertilized?
>So he's overworking himself, then?
That’s a given. Not only is he studying magic, raising a family, working as both a Reaper and as defender of the Crimson Demon Clan, he’s also a teacher, leader of a massive planetary alliance, and magical researcher helping his sister figure out some of what she can do with the divine magic she’s been blessed with. Unlike his father, he’s burning the candle a bit from every side.
A pretty good theory. However, that would mean the ones Chaya crushed within herself were full-fledged Baby parasites as well. And that she would now essentially be immune, as is Towa with their separate powers.
Amoeba? Do viruses have gender?
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I guess he's starting to understand why so many Wizards end up inducing magical insomnia despite the obvious risks. Kind of a shame though, if only there was another person around his age he could talk with about this specific problem...
Many men wish to be Karn. Many men do not understand what it takes. Many more simply do not have the diamond body Karn has to put up with such abuse. Chilli's mind is willing, but his body is only hard as steel. Cryin' shame.
Even more don't see that even Karn runs up against his own limits time and time again. Chilli's current pace is clearly unsustainable by his lonesome, which is why he needs to take a page out of his father's book and start building up his allies so shit doesn't always fall in his lap.
He needs to make that dang slime and that dang skeleman do some dang training to get some dang stuff done. Dang it!
Or he could work with Cooler to get some Saiyans stationed on his planet. Cooler did express interest in hybrids after all, trying to engineer ones with a Super Saiyan's strength and the Crimson Demon's magical potential might appeal to him.
True, but he knows the king is busy and wouldn’t want to occupy even more of his precious time unless Vegeta reaches out first. Despite living away, he IS still the King to Chilli.
He’s building the same sort of thing, alliances with powerful beings to further increase power and influence, taking on a student to pass along not only his teachings but his learnings, and raising his own family. But unlike his father, he has taken up a leadership position with responsibilities and obligations beyond being a manifestation of their hope. He has meetings, regulations, all the things King Vegeta is burdened by as well.
He’s working on that. And has also been looking for someone else to teach his Chaos power to, but no one he’s tested has been compatible. Even Kazuma and his near-limitless supply of Skill Points can’t learn it. He is the only Disparity mage he’s encountered, aside from himselves.
They were present for at least one of the emergencies he had. May or may not have been related to Velsharoon.
>He’s working on that. And has also been looking for someone else to teach his Chaos power to, but no one he’s tested has been compatible.
Well if he can't find one...why not just make one? Sure, he may not be an expert in THAT field, but I imagine he knows one at least.
or get a Vessel to fill with Chaos juice, kinda like we did with Haathe
>just find somebody and inextricably link them to Chaos
I want you to imagine Haathe, but with every shitty inclination of a chaotic neutral character. And that's before any transformations.
We filled her with the essence of pure violence and she isn't in a murderous rage most of the time so I'd say my idea deserves some credit
Impossible. Even Towa couldn't build one with fifty years to experiment.
Haathe's circumstances are unique to her. To replicate her you'd need a being of comparable power. And not even your body is strong enough. She is quite literally built different.
The difference is trying to fill another being with Chaos isn't like a soul, like the Berserker or Darkmoon mantles.
Less than 24 hours now!

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