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  • File : 1282546676.jpg-(49 KB, 580x530, 101.jpg)
    49 KB Confessions of a Wayward Son VI (Cont.) Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)02:57 No.11789156  
    Armored joints snarled in unison as the Titan rose. Its massive shoulders drove into the cavern ceiling, grinding rock and stone into minute fragments of debris. Showers of granite rained down upon the bellowing god-machine, bouncing off its indomitable frame and piling in heaps by its splayed toes. Little by little, the cave’s natural barriers gave away, unable to defy the Warlord’s attempts to rise. With a roar that shook the heavens, Trucido Rex emerged from its underground tomb, splinters of rock exploding away as the war construct tore itself free.

    A cloud of swirling dust obstructed the Titan from view. Perhaps it was this reason that the Dark Mechanicus and the Iron Warriors did not pay attention to the sudden eruption of stone not two kilometers away. Instead, their attentions were solely focused on their prize, the buried war-machines that lay under the planetary crust of Zera.

    That would prove to be their undoing.

    From the cloud of pulverized rock fragments, strode Trucido Rex, its war horns blaring.

    From my vantage point within the god-machine’s head, I saw the Chaos forces milling around on the ground like ants. The Titan saw what I saw, and its voice reverberated within my skull once more.


    “Aye,” was all I could manage. The strain of having to power the god-machine’s locomotion and its weapons system was taxing my conscience, and I did not know how long I could keep it up.


    Trucido Rex laughed, a deep and metallic sound that boomed into the recesses of my mind. It swiveled its torso, until every cannon, every laser, every weapon was pointed in the direction of the foe.

    “DIE,” it spat and then unleashed hell from its gun barrels.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:30 No.11789425
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    Entire swathes of the Chaos horde simply ceased to exist. One instant they were digging into the dirt, servitors, menial slaves, and Skittari engaged in the backbreaking labor of unearthing the planet’s hidden treasures. The next instant, they were gone, erased from existence by a single salvo from the Warlord. They did not even have the chance to scream.

    Trucido Rex laughed again, its very footsteps sundering the earth.

    The defense batteries mounted across its metal hide blazed with fire, striking the traitors with punishing salvos of exploding shells and bright lasbeams. Battle cannons roared, blasting apart corrupted techpriests and their menials in flashing detonations. Multi-lasers cackled and hissed, scorching self-cauterizing holes into panicked figures. Heavy bolters stuttered in refrain, stitching a bloody path through packed masses of fleeing forms.

    Through all this, I could feel the Titan’s bloodlust in my mind, an animalistic, bestial emotion that threatened to overwhelm me.

    The god-machine’s shoulders hunched, and the tri-barreled weapons on each pauldron flashed into life. Spears of incandescent light lanced from each Turbo Laser, seemingly splitting the sky as they traversed. A barrage struck a duo of Iron Warrior Predator tanks and a Vindicator siege vehicle. All three were vaporized on the spot, their crews burnt to ash within milliseconds. The other volley missed. Or so I thought. The laser blasts sliced through the air and impacted against the rocky skin of a mountain. The peak was seared in half. Tons of disturbed stone slid like an avalanche into the Chaos mass, and buried hundreds beneath a tide of crushing death.

    “I AM A GOD,” the Warlord boomed, its war horns blaring in challenge, “FORGED BY MAN. MADE INTO THE ULTIMATE WEAPON. ALL WHO STAND AGAINST ME WILL PERISH. DIE. DIE! DIE!!!”

    It lifted its arms and both Volcano Cannon and Gatling Blaster fired in a frenzy of blinding flashes.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:34 No.11789455
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    I love you, World's Slowest Writefag.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:35 No.11789459
    >Multi-lasers cackled and hissed, scorching self-cauterizing holes into panicked figures.
    >Multi-lasers cackled and hissed
    >> >___< 08/23/10(Mon)03:36 No.11789473
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:38 No.11789485
    I love you too anonymous poster. I love you too.

    Now off to sleep I go.
    >> HarryDresden !fwWIzARDzM 08/23/10(Mon)03:44 No.11789515
    Big fan of this story and this writefriend. Gotta ask though, where's part 3?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:44 No.11789518
    >Armored joints snarled

    Yeah, no.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:50 No.11789564
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    I love you OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)03:53 No.11789591
    >I never graduated beyond grade 4 story writing.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)05:34 No.11790254
    Im beginning to realise tht this writefag is in fact, a little cunning for being so slow. The long wait between posts is torture for the fa/tg/uys and when each new post arrives we read it avidly and care not what happens, only tht the beautiful words keep coming.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)08:33 No.11791239
    I don't care. But I cried when I noticed that the old thread was gone, and went digging in past pages of /tg/ for this one.
    Well. That one lasted for a week. Let us see how long this can be.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:03 No.11793204
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    Giant craters fifty meters in diameter appeared where the Gatling Blaster spat its rage. Men and machine were sheared apart by the weapon’s wrath, limbs and body parts thrown haphazardly into the air. A Rhino transport and its load of Iron Warriors was blasted asunder by an accurate round, slaying all ten Astartes inside and cutting down scores of fleeing Dark Mechanicus with flying shrapnel.

    The Volcano Cannon shuddered and belched forth a ray of focused heat, laying waste to anything it touched. Those directly in the cannon’s line of fire instantly vanished, scorched away in a heartbeat. Not even specks of ash were left of these poor fools, every atom in their bodies having been burnt from existence. The enemies that fled slightly away from the searing beam suffered equally gory fates. Not close enough to be vaporized completely by the intense heat, their frames nevertheless felt the fury of Trucido Rex. Skin caught on fire, becoming shriveled and crisp. Flesh melted away to reveal the bone, sloughing off blackened skeletons like one would shed a robe. Skinless and fleshless, scorched skeletons fell into heaps of scattered bone and lifeless limbs.

    The Titan saw the ruin it had wrought, and chuckled deep with its resonant voice. I gritted my teeth as I felt the god-machine’s continued needs leech psychic energy from my body.

    A three-toed foot slammed down, smashing a squad of Iron Warriors into the soil and knocking down dozens of their minions. With a malicious chortle, Trucido Rex grinded the traitor Astartes into the unyielding earth, delighting in the agonized screams that came from beneath its splayed foot. Even from my position sixty meters above the ground, I could hear the ugly crunching sound of crushed ceramite.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:10 No.11793259
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:25 No.11793394
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    Return fire stuttered from the traitors, those having kept their wits finally turning their weapons onto the behemoth that strode into their lines. A Havoc Squad of Iron Warriors sent spears of light towards the Titan from their portable lascannons, while another squad blasted away at the towering god-machine with Reaper autocannons. Half a score of Terminator clad veterans let loose with their combi-bolters, sending exploding shells and streams of melta fire towards Trucido’s leg plates. A trio of daemon-infused Obliterators unleashed a bright salvo of indiscriminate weapons fire, answering the bellows of the Titan with their own growling roars. And from the masses of the fleeing menials and slaves, marched ranks and ranks of Dark Mechanicus Skittari, their machine parts whirring and clicking in unison. Lasfire slashed through the skies, targeting every square inch of the admantium colossus.

    The Void Shields flickered and held. Trucido Rex stomped down with one mighty leg and ended the life of two score groveling heathens. Its war horns blasted its mocking laughter as it swiveled to point every gun it had at the traitors.


    A volley of punishing fire leapt from a hundred roaring barrels.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:29 No.11793428
    Missed the last thread. Have no idea where the story is right now.

    Fuck my life.

    >nuclearism, asencese
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:43 No.11793575
    It's been archived. http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/11689755/
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:46 No.11793601
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    Fuck yes! Die traitor heretics, die!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:52 No.11793672
    How powerful are Titan Void Shields anyway?

    Either way, BAD FUCKING ASS
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:55 No.11793699
    If I ever have a Titan, I can only hope it will be half as cruel and badass as Trucido Rex.

    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)13:57 No.11793724
    The only thing that can reliably break them are other Titan-sized weapons. The only way to get in one is to stand still, pray it doesn't step on you, and let the field pass over you; voids work only on things moving a certain speed.

    And then you have to survive the attempt to enter.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)14:02 No.11793789
    Depends on the Titan variant. Warhounds are the least protected, followed by the Reaver class, then the Warlord, and finally the Imperator, which is generally invulnerable to anything based on land short of Ordinatus Platforms.

    That being said, a Void Shield is unique because unlike other sorts of Sci-Fi shields, it doesn't collapse under constant fire. To breach a Void Shield, you need to hit it with the exact amount of ordinance or more to down it. Slightly less, and you haven't done a damn thing sort of pissing it off.

    Warlord Titans are protected by multiple layers of Void Shielding and have powerful weapons to boot. There's a reason why the Warlord and the Imperator aren't used for gaming short of Epic.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)14:09 No.11793862
    Even that picture is badass. Chaos is like, "Hurr we're so cool and edgy, we have spikes and shit and we're totally the bad guys" and the Titan is like "You're gonna get raped, faggots"
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)14:10 No.11793876
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)14:20 No.11793979
    Am I the only one reminded of the Warbot Model 425 Mark IV?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)15:45 No.11794834
    will there be more today?
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)18:44 No.11796739
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)20:00 No.11797702
    need more confessions.
    >> Internet Black Knight 08/23/10(Mon)20:16 No.11797938
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    Bumpity bump bump

    >thorium-234 muspones
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)20:18 No.11797969
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    With one barrage of hellfire, Trucido Rex slew a thousand of its assailants.

    The Havocs were blown to pieces by the exploding shells from battle cannons, their formidable armor of little use against weapons usually mounted on a Leman Russ chasis. Bright beams of lasfire impacted against the misshapen figures of Dark Mechanicus Skittari, spearing metallic forms with angry lances of light. The heavy bolters added to the carnage, blasting apart scuttling, spider-legged creations and lobotomized weapon servitors with equal vigor.

    The bellowed challenge from the Obliterators was answered by a salvo from the Titan’s Turbo Lasers. What daemonic protection they wore was vaporized along with their twisted bodies as six shafts of incandescent energy smote into their position. Anything that was unlucky enough to be standing near the once-Astartes died as well, becoming motes of floating ash as the laser cannons gouged massive furrows into the earth in their destructive fury.

    The Terminators’ return fire suddenly halted when Trucido’s Gatling Blaster thundered in displeasure. Hulking suits of armor were shredded by high explosive shot, the rounds pitting from rapidly cycling cannon at an immeasurable rate. A whole squad of Perturabo’s finest sons was slaughtered in this manner, their admantium plates obliterated by scores of detonating projectiles. A Land Raider was caught in the fearsome volley as well and sundered into an unusable ruin.

    Still laughing, still roaring, Trucido Rex lit up the skies with discharge from its Volcano Cannon, and scorched a kilometer-long path of death through the traitor horde.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)22:56 No.11800137
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    Cool story OP but I think we've had enough one sided massacres. How about more on what Apophis is doing in the present?

    Oh and MOAR!
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:34 No.11800575
    Anything going up against a Titan is going to be massacred unless it's another Titan. Even superheavy tanks equipped with Titan killing weapons have to operate in groups to bring one down. That being said, Trucido Rex isn't getting scot free in this chapter. Remember both Apophis and Trucido are facing Dark Mechanicus, and what do the evil machine men usually have in the bowels of their ships?

    Hint: It begins with a 'T' and ends with a 'n'
    >> Shas'o R'myr !!J5+vjygjQuK 08/23/10(Mon)23:35 No.11800582
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    >7871 arkwepor
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:37 No.11800596
    Alas, even the corrupted tendrils of the Dark Mechanicus cannot harness the great powers that is Tron.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)23:43 No.11800662
    >Speed reading is very hard, only Tron can do it.
    Fuck your shit.

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