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  • File : 1286641479.jpg-(154 KB, 800x658, 1241782134052.jpg)
    154 KB Custom Guard regiment: Hatamoto War Widows Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:24 No.12383837  
    Salutations, /tg/. I've a bit of writefagging for you here - the background detail for a custom Guard regiment I'm planning on experimenting more advanced conversion with. I would appreciate your comments and criticism about their hsitory and traditions - do they sound interesting, too overpowered, etc.

    I ought to get out of the way at the start that yes, they are Japanese in inspiration (no Guard regiment in the miniature range has that design aesthetic, so I thought it'd be a challenge), but I'm trying not to be weeaboo about it. The L5R pic is unrelated, but I don't have much eastern art in my /tg/ folder.

    Starting in next post:
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:26 No.12383843


    Faction: Imperial Guard
    Function: Heavy Line Infantry
    Homeworld: Hatamoto, Ultima Segmentum


    The world of Hatamoto was inducted into the Imperium around 200.M36. It had a pre-Imperial human society which had been passingly scouted by the Raven Guard monitors during the Great Crusade, but the Heresy intervened before any real compliance could be mounted. This lack of contact meant that Hatamoto was spared the ravages of Horus's terrible folly, but it also meant that it fell out of knowledge. The planet's brief brush with the Imperium was forgotten and dwindled down to vague legend, and it would remain isolated from human contact for millenia until Explorator probes tracking Ork migrations chanced across it.

    In the intervening years, Hatamoto had become a frequent victim of greenskin predations. While never actually subject to a full Waaagh!, it was nonetheless almost constantly raided, as various warbosses considered that giving the humies there a kicking was a good warm-up session to let the boyz stretch their legs before heading off to bigger battles and better loot elsewhere - it was almost a twisted mockery of an interstellar service station.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:27 No.12383849
    Of course, what was for the orks a bit of knockabout fun was for the Hatamotoese a desperate struggle to clench in nailholds over the abyss of extinction. So much of Hatamotese culture became oriented about the fear of invasion and preparation against it. Their architecture and aesthetics were quiet and understated - artful, but also easy to rebuild after a Bonebreaka tank has just steamrollered through it. Social structure was highly militant but also surprisingly complex, with interplay of different classes and castes establishing extensive lines of succession (not quite monarchical, but certainly heirarchical) and responsibility that would allow society to function and reform, avoiding anarchy even after a devastation. Hatamotese were also very suspicious of outsiders (having been swindled by a few other xenos visitors who promised aid against the Orks only to abscond with their fee), and even when the Imperium rediscovered the world the sharing of species meant nothing - it was only an enterprising Administratum prefect who recovered a fragment detailing initial contacts with the Raven Guard which established the link which allowed dialogue to be communicated.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:28 No.12383859
    The Hatamotese also involved the complete and total subjugation of women. Pre-Imperial Hatamotese females were literally chattels, invisibles expected to maintain the home and quietly raise the next generation (and army intake) in a unobtrusive and reliable way. Small handfuls of women over the centuries achieved some distinction as home-defenders, but these were the exceptions that proved the rule and even then they were couched in the milieu of submission and service.

    When the Imperium rediscovered Hatamoto, and broke through the shell of their understandable xenophobia as described above, the reaction from the Hatamotese was ecstatic, as they were seized by a realisation of salvation - that the endless cycle of penury and punishment at the hands of the greenskin vandals was finally at an end. A substantial Imperial Guard garrison was immediately established on Hatamoto to provide a visual indicator that Hatamoto now enjoyed shelter under the aegis of their new protector... and the Orks, sensing that the world now offered a proper scrap instead of a bit of an idle kickabout, responded with the long-threatened Waaagh!

    Despite ostentatious promises at the time of induction, it soon became apparent that the Guard and Navy forces assigned to Hatamoto were simply too small to turn back the Orks. The Imperium eventually prevailed, but rather than having orks harmlessly patter off a shining and blemishless shield of a chivalrous and immaculate imperial knight, this final war was a messy, protracted, desperate, grievous and miserable rut in rancid trench mud, and only ultimately won with Space Marine intervention. Hatamoto survived - and, indeed, it has never been attacked by orks since that time - but salvation had been sullied, and the Hatamotese affection for their new masters had been eroded by promises unfulfilled.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:29 No.12383866
    There were other troubles on the world, however. In the years of contact with the wider Imperium, Hatamoto had been exposed to a wide variety of cultures, and that unheard-of novelty was creating ripples of dissent amongst a normally granite-rigid society... amongst their women especially. Matters came to a head when a Ministorum Mission came to teach Hatamoto how to properly worship the God-Emperor... with a Sororitas honour guard. The sight of the Canoness - a woman in such an eminent position and in such finery - standing alongside the chief Missionary sent Hatamoto into convulsions. This was an unexpected slip for the Missionaria Galaxia which is normally very sensitive to and accommodating of local ethnicity, although some suspect that higher powers acting in their own interest ensured that the Sororitas were dispatched deliberately to precisely precipitate the crisis.

    Lord General Mathieu Perivalé, who was the head of the Guard garrison and as Interim Military Governor the official ruler of Hatamoto before the Administratum appointed a local Imperial Commander, had an unenviable position. The heights of Hatamoto society were protesting loudly to the Imperium for its indiscretions, and given Hatamoto's martial traditions they had the ability to make their displeasure known with bloody rebellion if they were not satisfied. On the other hand, there were loud demands for liberalisation across the planet that were reaching boiling point. Perivalé was threatened from both above and below... and with the garrison much weakened after fighting off the Waaagh!, his army was too weak to resist either.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:30 No.12383877
    Perivalé successfully prevented civil war and preserved Hatamoto for the Imperium by striking on a third path. Women who wished to escape the suffocating constraints of Hatamoto's unyielding society and explore the depth and breadth of the wider Imperium could indeed do so - by volunteering for Hatamoto's first contributions to the Imperial Guard. This satisfied all parties. Hatamoto itself got rid of awkward dissidents and preserved its society intact, while the women found a measure of responsibility and authority that they had seen in that Sororitas canoness.

    In the intervening millenia Hatamoto has become fully integrated into the Imperium, and while the troubles of its arrival are now a distant memory (and women, while still relatively subordinate, have acquired greater opportunities - everyone is expected to serve the Emperor irrespective of his or her personal circumstances), the "War Widows" remain to this very day.


    Due to a quirk of their history Hatamoto's Guard levies, officers and other ranks alike, are exclusively female - while there is no actual legal requirement or treaty obligation to create this situation, and the planet's first regimental foundings were populated by women purely as a temporary stopgap and were not envisioned as anything permanent, sheer familiarity has caused the practise to solidify into a tradition. It is a highly irregular situation, but as the Departmento Munitorum always receives the number of soldiers it demands of Hatamoto it sees no reason to meddle with a demonstrably sufficient arrangement.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:31 No.12383889
    Due to a quirk of their history Hatamoto's Guard levies, officers and other ranks alike, are exclusively female - while there is no actual legal requirement or treaty obligation to create this situation, and the planet's first regimental foundings were populated by women purely as a temporary stopgap and were not envisioned as anything permanent, sheer familiarity has caused the practise to solidify into a tradition. It is a highly irregular situation, but as the Departmento Munitorum always receives the number of soldiers it demands of Hatamoto it sees no reason to meddle with a demonstrably sufficient arrangement.

    Many of the War Widows' idiosyncacies stem from their manner of recruitment. Only single or divorced women may enlist or be commissioned - married or widowed females are excluded (married women already have a duty to attend to their husband, whilst the widowed must dedicate themselves to preserving their late spouse's memory and ambitions). On joining, a recruit selects one of the many millions of men from the planet's pre-Imperial era, or from the (all-male) PDF, who was killed in the defence of Hatamoto - thanks to the world's excellent traditions of record-keeping this is a straightforward task. In an entirely authentic ceremony the recruit is then married to this man (the wedding gown worn by the bride also serves as the future War Widow's dress uniform on formal and ceremonial occasions), even if he has been dead for centuries - which is entirely the point. Once married, the recruit then swears vengeance for a husband cruelly slaughtered by the enemies of the Imperium, and consecrates her Guard career to the spirit of pure hatred and revenge, to wreak terrible destruction amongst the aliens and deviants who stole her beloved from her - hence the Hatamoto regiments' nickname as the "War Widows".
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:32 No.12383895
    The actual level of observance of these oaths varies considerably. Some Guardsmen treat it as no more than a simple piece of ceremony to give an important point in life a little dignity and no more than that, and as soon as their wedding gowns are packed away discard the semblance of marriage too. On the other hand, there is also a hard core of Guardsmen who take their marriage vows extremely seriously, viewing any infraction on the Imperium with an intolerant outrage worthy of the most Monodominat inquisitors and even pursuing chastity (as sexual relations would be adultery), to the extent that they might seem Sisters of Battle in all but name. Naturally there is some degree of friction between the two extremes which often leaves the regimental Commissar with grave problems of internal discipline, and a common (although not universal) recourse is to take advantage of the puritans' vigour and clarity of purpose and organise them into separate grenadier companies. Irrespective of the closeness with which they regard their husbands, though, it is mandated that all War Widows must carry a photo of them as part of their uniform and be able to produce it and kiss it (to show their dedication to their spouse) on order. Also, no matter how 'unfaithful' they may be, War Widows are forbidden from re-marrying, as that would be bigamy.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:33 No.12383900
    Even though the first Hatamoto regiments were founded as a 'safety valve', an outlet for social radicals to escape from (and so preserve) a conservative society that would not bend to them, that is not to say that the War Widows are loose women by any means - even Guardsmen who are not of the hardcore extreme tend to be fairly austere and severe in their manner. This often disappoints neighbouring regiments who were hoping for a consignment of "girls gone wild" to spice up their leave - and a new Commissar assigned to a Hatamoto regiment will be quickly disabused of the notion that he's swanning up to a giant harem. Hatamotese are also conventional in their religion, following the standard Ministorum creed (although the Ordo Hereticus has noticed a higher propensity than most to succumb to the Temple Tendency, dazzled by ostentatious finery unknown in their more austere homeworld), seasoned with ancestor-worship. Most War Widow chaplains assert that life is the proving ground demonstrating your worthiness to join the ranks of the God-Emperor's immortal legions, finding perpetual glory in heavenly victories, and for their part soldiers often call upon the spirits of those promoted (never "departed") to offer spiritual orders and instruction and guide them through times of trouble.

    Hatamoto regiments are also known for the high quality of their music. Each batallion in a regiment will have its own official band, and many War Widows who are not formal musicians will still keep up an instrument in their own leisure time. They are also notable for avoiding traditional martial music in their repertoire - while war Widows can still belt out a rousing refrain of "Imperator, Exemptor" to an appreciative nod from the Massed Bands of the Mordian Iron Guard, they prefer quieter and more sedate themes to the usual marching beat.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:34 No.12383915
    However impractical it is for soldiers, War Widows have a marked tendency to prefer long hair, folded and tucked under the helmet during battle (in a pinch their long hairpins can and have become improvised bayonets!), and often decorated with scents and ribbons when on leave.


    Hatamoto War Widows battledress includes a full-length hakama with a padded cloth jerkin or robe for flak protection. They wear long, heavy gauntlets and a rigid cuirass, plus an open-faced helmets with a deep rear sweep to protect the back of the neck. They wield standardised Guard equipment of all types.


    The Hatamoto War Widows are very much exclusively "heavy line infantry". They are unsuited to skirmishing, being hardly ever deployed in formations smaller than a company; and it is the batallion, not the platoon or section, which is the standard field unit. Armoured Hatamoto regiments have occasionally appeared over the millenia, but are so rare as to be not worth considering - when the prospect of a tank regiment of War Widows was first raised the Fabricator-General of the nearest Forge World refused to release the necessary materiel, only citing that the request was "unsuitable". His initial scotching of the notion has since become convention, and in the Imperium's classic bureuacratic style there have only ever been reluctant and fitful attempts to step out of its long shadow. Mechanised regiments have appeared more often, but the War Widows have no characteristic tradition of it unlike, say, the Armageddon Steel Legions.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:35 No.12383925
    War Widows are noted and commended for their aggressiveness and high levels of vigour, which reccomends them as assault troops: they are typically fielded in an army's van and are often used as linebreakers to crack open the hard shell of an enemy's defence. Their powerful aggression is tempered by the fact that they are not berzerkers - however much bored Munitorum adepts giggle and sneer about organising their companies so that the soldiers' periods all match, War Widows have no affection for forlorn hopes and suicide charges and will not blindly batter themselves to bloody ruin against a tough obstacle out of sheer futile obstinacy. On the other hand, though, detractors whsiper that the War Widows are all sound and fury, signifying nothing, making a lot of noise but not having the stomach for a proper fight - and it is true that officers are reluctant to commit their soldiers to repeated fighting. Strategians liken the Hatamotese to a tide - rolling in irresistibly, bashing the front strongly, and then rolling back out again just as regularly - but, crucially, still coming back again.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:35 No.12383933
    During extended engagements Hatamotese regiments maintain their momentum with a complex arrangement that has been likened by observers to a game of solitaire. Hatamoto batallions are oversized, usually consisting of a dozen companies or more. These advance in blocks of three 'ranks' and four 'files', except that each spot is occupied by a company instead of an individual soldier. As the front companies tire or sustain casualties, they are brought back or moved aside, swapping places with a company behind them which leapfrogs forward, or being added to and extending the file beside them. The constant 'shuffling' of companies might seem inordinately complex but it ensures that the front is fresh, strong and keen-edged. Extensive practise also means that the War Widows are also relatively nimble, being quick to respond to orders and executing field manoeuvres neatly. As a corollary of this, it is also inculcated into regimental commanders to maintain good working relations with the Munitorum, such that War Widows have a strong grasp of logistics and while they are not always the strongest they are usually amongst the most efficient regiments in the army.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:36 No.12383937

    -"Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Woman": The Siege of Senereptingham, 325.M39-

    At the time of its founding, the 112th Hatamoto was the first regiment of War Widows to be raised in fully forty-six years. It was also a large levy - the one single regiment ultimately recruited some one and half million soldiers, more of a small army in its own right. As hastily as it had been levied by a Munitorum who did not want to risk losing an entire generation of fighting bodies, the Munitorum was also circumspect about its use - to have the first regiment in an age be smashed to pieces in some hopeless trench war would be disastrous for the planet's morale. Consequently, the 112th was assigned as the permanent garrison of a newly-discovered world only recently brought into the Imperium. In this role the 112th served quietly and efficiently, becoming more of a police force than an army, maintaining public order with the only military engagements being occasional squabbles with mountain and island bandits, plus the usual smattering of Ork pirate raids. After two decades the 112th had kept an admirable peace on the world, but with even its youngest soldiers in their late thirties it was rapidly approaching the end of its useful service life - indeed, the 112th was being wound down to disbandment and preparing to hand over responsibility to a native PDF... when the World Eater horde of Grieshlek the Grievous appeared in orbit.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:37 No.12383939
    Field Marshal Sumomo Momono, head of the 112th, was by this point a slight and small woman who had just turned eighty, and she would have been forgiven for quailing at what she had been confronted with when she was supposed to be planning her retirement. However, precisely the opposite happened - in bold brazen bravery, she directly communicated with Grieshlek and Greivous and personally challenged him to battle. Khorne required that Grieshlek accept or be accused of dissembling and warped into an appropriately low and scraping Chaos Spawn, and so the bizarre situation developed that despite the fact that a marauding Chaos fleet was in orbit, most of the world never saw so much as a shot of conflict whilst the two armies drew battle lines around the country of Senereptingham . While Secretary-General Maurice Kember, head of the MCMLXI Munitorum Labour Corps, deserves distinction for the incredible logistical feat of rushing over a million War Widows and their equipment from scattered postings across the planet in the space of just a few days, his star is obscured by Sumomo Momono's and the 112th War Widows' own. Over two months of constant battle they fought five thousand Traitor Legionnaires and over a hundred and fifty times that many high-quality cult warriors... and won. While assisted by Grieshlek's leiutentants' tendency to fight without support so they could prove their personal warbands' own mettle, the tremendous grit to face down the ravening hordes of the Archenemy and Khorne Berzerkers alike should not be undermined. The 112th was devastated by the action - including the post-campaign Inquisitorial purges of those War Widows deemed overexposed to Chaotic corruption by the ordeal, only 250,000 survived - but their incredible victory made them heroines of the entire sector.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:38 No.12383946
    The 112th weren't allowed to enjoy their retirement after going out with a bang, though - although Grieshlek was dead, irruptions of xenos and rebellion had accompanied him and the 112th were needed more than ever. The 112th was divided into four separate divisions and sent to different warzones...

    ...none ever arrived. Their transport ships were declared Lost in the Warp in a cruel tragaedy and trick of capricious Fortune, or a last gasp of revenge by some wretched Chaos sorcery, but the Hatamoto themselves take a different view. Indeed, they call the episode the "Compass Miracle". They didn't arrive because the heroines had already attracted the sight of the Emperor, who already deemed them worthy to serve in his eternal army and rather than wait for death took them right then and there. To this date, the 112th has never been refounded, because it has never been disbanded - the 112th is said to continue to fight alongside the God-Emperor to this very day.

    -"Turnabout is fair play": Wiping Zapwakka's Smile, 478.M37-
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:38 No.12383952
    Accurate Tarot readings, augmented by physical reconnaisance from Deathwatch kill-teams, meant that the Imperium had a strong handle on Waaagh! Zapwakka during its early stages and adequate time to prepare to receive it. Lord-General Van Luyten was assigned command of the CCLIV Army (the famous "Clives") to ready defences against Zapwakka's horde when it eventually invaded Imperial space. However, Van Luyten was well-known for his proactive approach to war and instead proposed that the 254th Army should take the offensive, fighting Zapwakka whilst his Waaagh! was still chewing through the xenos Gesshik - fighting the Orks on foreign soil would keep the destruction of war away from Imperial infrastructure, whilst also allowing the Guard to mop up the remnants of the Gesshik and deliver a new cleansed world into the Imperium, killing two birds with one stone. However, the 254th Army also lost the advantages of prepared defences through this strategy and it soon became evident that its size and resources was simply unequal to the task of bottling up a Waaagh! in full effervescence.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:39 No.12383957
    As the battered 254th Army retreated to its landing zones, the 46th Hatamoto War Widows were assigned the role of rearguard - Van Luyten knew of their world's long history with the Orks and hoped that a bit of honest hate for an old enemy would make them more resistant to the oncoming greenskins than most. This indeed was the case... and in fact, the 46th were so effective at fending off the harrying Ork warbands that they did not only hold the Orks at arm's length but actively shoved them back began advancing to pursue and annihilate broken hordes. Van Luyten saw what was happening and, rather than simply appreciate some extra breathing space, in a risky strategy ordered the rest of the 254th army to turn around and advance back on the breaking Orks themselves. It was by no means a sure thing, and liberal application of commissars was needed to get some surly regiments moving again, but he came to win a great field victory that scotched Zapwakka's hopes of routing the 254th Army and consolidating into further invasions.

    The 46th Hatamoto did not win the war in a single action by any means - the 254th needed heavy reinforcement and a few more years of fighting before Waaagh! Zapwakka eventually blew out, and the 46th itself had been badly mauled in the rearguard losing fully half of its strength. However, they had proved to be pivot around which an ignominious withdrawal had been spun around to a grimly-determined perseverence - when commenting on the battle, the regimental commander simply remarked that as long as her soldiers shot and the enemy died, there was no need to do anything different. For this action, the 46th was awarded the incredible and magnificent honour of having its regimental banner conveyed to Earth to join the massed colours representing the humble homage to the Lord of All on the steps to the Eternity Gate in the Imperial Palace.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:40 No.12383965
    -"Wedding presents": The Anniversary Raid, 040.M41-

    Archon Hessik of the Sheer Grief Kabal had enjoyed a successful slaving circuit, the holds of his ships crammed with many thousands of captives to grace his holdings in Comorragh. However, Hessik did not enjoy a share of glory commensurate with the physical scale of his spoils, because he had to endure a constant whispering campaign, mandrake-like in their insidious ability to penetrate any social circle in Comorragh, that he merely preyed on easy targets and did nothing to actually earn his fortune. There was truth to these rumours - Hessik did not like exposing himself to danger when he could help it - but in an attempt to quash them he seized on a report of an Imperial Guard regiment taking part in a 'marriage ceremony' - here he could say to have defeated a true army, while still having an easy time of it.

    What Hessik didn't know was that this was the 28th Hatamoto renewing its wedding vows in an anniversary ceremony - and they kept their lasguns at their side throughout the ritual. Uniquely amongst the War Widows, the 22nd now wear red dress uniforms, after all the xenos blood splattered over their gowns that day.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)12:41 No.12383972
    ...and that's all.

    Thanks for reading - I hope you found it interesting. If you want to take issue with anything for any reason, please do so - all criticism is appreciated and I'm happy to consider changes.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)12:42 No.12383982
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)12:43 No.12383986
    I like it.

    It's got the feel without being Weeaboo at all. Sounds like a very viable and plauseable guard company.
    >> Servant of the Emperor 10/09/10(Sat)13:02 No.12384164
    Well at the end you called Terra Earth (same thing but may as well keep it 40k) and in the final one you called the 28th the 22nd
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)13:58 No.12384650

    You say you don't want to make them weeaboo, but:

    >>Hatamoto War Widows battledress includes a full-length hakama with a padded cloth jerkin or robe for flak protection. They wear long, heavy gauntlets and a rigid cuirass, plus an open-faced helmets with a deep rear sweep to protect the back of the neck. They wield standardised Guard equipment of all types.

    They're wearing fucking kendo uniforms. Fucking stupid. What next, power katanas?
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)14:03 No.12384696
    Thanks for the comments, guys.


    >>They're wearing fucking kendo uniforms. Fucking stupid.

    Eh, I figured that it wasn't anything more offensive than the Praetorians partying like it's 1879 or the Vostroyans waddling under four stone of Prussian bling. I was also planning to use the bottom half of the new mandrakes as a base.
    >> !UdzMmUq0Oc 10/09/10(Sat)14:08 No.12384749
    I don't have time to actually read all this, but "Hatamotese" sounds kinda dumb when reading what I did.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)16:25 No.12386083
    Don't have time to read myself either, but it seems a shame to let OC just sink to page 15 so polite bump.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)18:35 No.12387141

    >>I don't have time to actually read all this, but "Hatamotese" sounds kinda dumb when reading what I did.

    Hmm, fair enough, I'll change it to "Hatamotans" then.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)18:38 No.12387169
         File1286663908.jpg-(65 KB, 333x480, BE003765.jpg)
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    >they are Japanese in inspiration


    Actually, the attitude and doctrine of the Imperial Guard as a whole seems not too different from those of the Imperial Japanese Army.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:11 No.12387470

    The Japanese used "Banzai!" as their warcry, which is "10,000 years!" of imperial glory... conveniently, that's the length of the Age of the Imperium too.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:20 No.12387578

    But the OP says that this world was rediscovered in .M36. What did they say then? "arfabanzai?"
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:21 No.12387596
         File1286666507.jpg-(170 KB, 430x391, edofire1.jpg)
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    Yeah, the Imperium is extremely weeaboo.

    >They're wearing fucking kendo uniforms. Fucking stupid. What next, power katanas?

    Sounds like Edo Firemen with coats made from kevlar and Kurita helmets.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:22 No.12387611
         File1286666574.jpg-(31 KB, 247x420, kurita.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:27 No.12387655
         File1286666829.jpg-(30 KB, 444x319, m500484a_99110101430_SpaceWolv(...).jpg)
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    >>12383837but I'm trying not to be weeaboo about it.

    If you modeled your HQ as dual wielding katanas and riding a giant nine tailed fox, he would be normal in 40k
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:29 No.12387674
    Model one dude with a bionic arm with a giant heavy sword.

    Make him count as a dude with a powerfist.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:36 No.12387730

    Hmm. Thanks for those images. I'll keep them in mind when I get round to trying building my first models.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:43 No.12387796
    i honestly don't see the problem with katanas and power katanas since we have people wielding chainswords and chain axes. Katanas are after all a very visible aspect of japanese military culture and history.

    It's not like they're magic swords wielded by half demon half eldar white haired super swordsman.

    Also, perhaps mold the army to be more about close combat due to their technological backwardness they lack much in the way of heavy armour. So bayonets and swords everywhere.

    Dunno where youd be able to put this in but i think itd be cool if you had some crazy japanese guerrillas that fight wars that have been over for decades. Like have a platoon that fights a jungle war against a tau occupational force that eventually inspires a planet wide revolt. And has earned them a place in all of these regiments,
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:46 No.12387824
    >>I'm trying not to be weeaboo about it

    Okay OP, I can under--

    >>Field Marshal Sumomo Momono, head of the 112th, was by this point a slight and small woman

    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:51 No.12387849


    Uh... I don't?
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:54 No.12387872
    Damn, OP, you've really fleshed this out. I'll be saving this copypasta for myself, if you don't mind.

    You've got a good idea here OP, I hope you go through with it.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:54 No.12387877
    40k already has power katanas.

    There's a nice piece of artwork of some asian Inquisitor with a power katana fighting a traitor Inquisitor.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)19:55 No.12387890

    Sumomomomomo, a manga about a maniac martial arts girl who's also about two foot high.

    OP also has the governor "Mathieu Perivalé" = Matthew Perry, although that one's a bit more subtle.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)20:20 No.12388109

    >>Dunno where youd be able to put this in but i think itd be cool if you had some crazy japanese guerrillas that fight wars that have been over for decades. Like have a platoon that fights a jungle war against a tau occupational force that eventually inspires a planet wide revolt. And has earned them a place in all of these regiments,

    Hmm. There's a thought, actually.

    One other thing I was thinking about is how to adapt japanese folklore. Where Japan has tengu and kitsune, Hatamoto has psykers who were driven out into the wilderness areas of the world for their witchcraft and their runaway powers make them grotesque mutants. When the "Black Ships" UT-1853 and MR-1868 arrive on the planet's induction into the Imperium, the Inquisitors on board set about recapturing all of these rogue psykers and helping create modern Hatamoto. How does that sound?


    Eh, caught me out. Given we were dealing with Khorne and challenges though, the reference seemed appropriate.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)20:23 No.12388135
    OP, you do know that there's already a Jap system in the Imperium, right? "Fear the Alien" had the Yamato and Izanagi planets.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)20:25 No.12388148
    Sorry, forgot my trip in my last couple of posts.


    Yes, I do, but it's a big 'ol empire out there - I'm sure that they have room for two.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)20:44 No.12388341

    They had Ork problems, too.
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)20:47 No.12388383

    A lot of places have Ork problems. It's sort of a feature of the setting...
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:00 No.12388509
    Liking it, OP. It seems pretty developed.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)21:45 No.12388879
    I like how you've made an all-female regiment without making them a bunch of Amazons or Girl-Power nuts, they have their own character.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)22:36 No.12389333

    >One other thing I was thinking about is how to adapt japanese folklore. Where Japan has tengu and kitsune, Hatamoto has psykers who were driven out into the wilderness areas of the world for their witchcraft and their runaway powers make them grotesque mutants. When the "Black Ships" UT-1853 and MR-1868 arrive on the planet's induction into the Imperium, the Inquisitors on board set about recapturing all of these rogue psykers and helping create modern Hatamoto. How does that sound?

    Mmm. I don't know. I like the folklore adaptation idea, but the Black Ship stuff is a little too obvious
    >> Frazer !!wm/iGCt4PMc 10/09/10(Sat)23:03 No.12389622
    I hope that no-one minds if I give this thread a bump - no more after this.
    >> Anonymous 10/09/10(Sat)23:05 No.12389650
    anyone who's not white is out of place in the imperium of man

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