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12/18/10(Sat)17:57 No.13206176 File1292713079.png-(161 KB, 1521x1354, Ozzmarr Broladin 2.png)
When the CE Blackguard suddenly, watching this man charge off to his death, steps up out the crowd and screams after me. "WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DIE FOR THESE PEOPLE? THEY'VE DONE NOTHING FOR YOU, BUT CAUSED YOU ALL THE TROUBLE IN THE WORLD!?" Which surprised me...because my friend was playing the NE druid, this guy was someone elses character... My character laughs, as he rides off on his horse, he takes off the gauntlet on his right hand and throws it to the feet of the Blackguard, then answers, as he rides off to his death. "Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Sometime, with any luck not today you’ll die, probably a messy, ignoble death where this will stop mattering. But with any luck, you’ll die for something worth dying for. And remember above all...flesh grows old, metal dulls and dents, but Will...Will my boy, never breaks."
And with that, he rode laughing to his own death, in which the GM and I rolled against each other for every tiny, niggling little concession on how humiliating the death of a hero should be, from Fort Saves to not void my bowls, to a Will save to have the strength left to make one final cut on the enemy, which he fudged to fail. After watching my characters horrible, Ultraviolent, gut tearing death, the GM turns to the other players and says 'What're you doing' They've all been talking in the background while the GM and I had a dice off, and the Blackguard looks at him and says "When he leaves...I pick up the gauntlet, remove my own and put on his...then I go and save those people, using the time he bought us." Druid: I'll help. The others: Us too. Eventually they saved all of them from a massacre, the Blackguard then came back and, fighting his way past waves of mooks, got my corpse back. The GM told me to not come back as my characters 'didn't fit the feel of the setting', to avoid me causing more problems. |