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04/11/10(Sun)02:18 No.9118421 File1270966704.jpg-(440 KB, 836x1200, CS01.jpg)
Oh, yes, Caster is a lovely. Poor thing, had a shitty life.
Saber nods, and dashes forward, kicking off the ground, and latching herself off a low wall, trying to get hight. **
Archer Shoots an arrow off the moment her foot is about to jump from the low wall, striking now Saber but the wall, braking it and sending Saber back toward the ground. **
Mio Nostromo: "Hey! Your supposed to give you name before we begin!"
James lets out another sigh. "I DID. Do you got some hearing issues? I'm James, of NO house!" **
Mio Nostromo looks confused. "What do you mean no house!? Oh The hell with it, ARCHER!" **
Archer: Without hesitation the man launches a flurry of arrows over the parking lot, all of them seaming to seek out Saber...
Saber merely presses forward at a run, dogging some, defecting others, as she runs flat out, trying to find something to launch from. **
James: "Danmaku, then?" He brings his arms forward in a wide sweep, fingers stabbing out, each spot of air he touches leaving a twinkle in the air.
Mio Nostromo starts running from archer's side, before jumping off the roof and seaming to ride and invisible slide toward the ground... **
Archer Shots more and more at Saber, drawing her away from his advancing master... **
Saber does not bother trying to get near her, a whispered prayer setting her free from earth's bonds, her feet kicking from the ground, launching her forward. **
Archer draws his bow back and launches a single Arrow toward Saber... the arrow leaves the bow and becomes like a spear of pure light moving to slam into her... **
James 's hands keep stabbing out, until a minture night's sky is before him. He bows forward, right arm swinging around, encompassing the starry field. "Icicle Fall!" His left hand punches out, scattering the field around him. "EASY!" The last word is a roar, as the stars, twinkling, start to shoot forward. ** |