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  • File : 1270957530.jpg-(395 KB, 819x1162, 1270703214696.jpg)
    395 KB Fate/Quest Storytime Shanker 04/10/10(Sat)23:45 No.9115611  
    Alright, it's about that time to pick up story time.

    I'm going to start off with a few pictures, and Re-post Saber's stats for shits and giggles, so anyone that wants to can have a bit of time to skim the last thread, and just generally give people time to gather 'round.

    Last thread can be found here, you just have to scroll a bit before we got into talking about it.

    >> Shanker 04/10/10(Sat)23:54 No.9115749
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    Real Name: Jeanne D'Arc
    Class: Saber

    Overall Rank




    B(Pre-Armor Change) A(Post-Armor Change)

    Magical Energy


    Noble Phantasm


    2.Divine Motivation(C Rank, Support)
    When fighting against impossible odds, Saber can cause all allys to fight at 200% of their own power.

    >> Shanker 04/10/10(Sat)23:55 No.9115767
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    Class Skills

    The power to "feel" the most favorable developments for oneself during battle.


    Magic Resistance
    Protection against magical effects. Differently from the Resistance effect that merely rejects prana, this ability cancels the spells altogether. Important to note that the term "verse" seen bellow refers to a set of three lines. Thus, a chant of two verses is equivalent to a Six-Line incantation.

    B:Cancel spells with a chant below three verses. Even if targeted by High-Thaumaturgy and Greater Rituals, it is difficult for her to be affected.

    Prana Burst
    Increase of performance by impregnating one's weapons and body with magical energy and instantly expelling it. Simply put, recreating the effect of jet burst by expending large amounts of prana.

    B: A normal weapon without strong divine protection will not be able to endure his magical energy-fueled attack

    The expertize to ride animals and vehicles.

    B: Most creatures can be rode with above average skill. However, cannot ride those of Demoniac Beast and Holy Beast-rank.

    Personal Skills

    Capacity to resist mental interference such as pressure, confusion and fascination.


    Natural talent to command an army. Increases the ability of allies during group battles. A rare talent.

    A: Can be said to have achieved the greatest level of popularity as a human being.
    >> Shanker 04/10/10(Sat)23:58 No.9115813
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    Alright. Going to dump a short comic, and then I'll get started, if anyone puts forth any intrist. If not...well, hell, you got a comic out of it.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:02 No.9115868
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    Oh, title of the comic is Gilgamesh Vs Rin, it's basically a short what if, if Rin had summoned him rather then Archer.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:04 No.9115903
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    There are...23 pages, 24, but, 2 of them are combined. This shall take a while.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:09 No.9115968
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    If you are reading the archived thread, and have any questions, please, feel free. As soon as I see a question, I'll do my best to answer.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:11 No.9116011
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    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:14 No.9116045
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    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:23 No.9116201
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    Humm. lets see if it goes, this time...page 7 keeps giving me trouble.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:25 No.9116229
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    Ah, there we go. There we go.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)00:28 No.9116279

    >> No Man 04/11/10(Sun)00:30 No.9116337
    Is that all you've gotten up to in the game, by the way?

    Oh, wait, you said there were like 14 more logs of the game.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)00:33 No.9116389
    I hope this ends in sex.
    >> MangoSentinel !Fj7.VhLi16 04/11/10(Sun)00:40 No.9116542
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    just never enough SWORDS in this here thread.

    Inb4 JAM IT IN
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:40 No.9116550
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    Tch. Ah, damnit, zoned out a bit.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:46 No.9116661
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    I got to number 6 last night. 14 more to go, baby.


    Sadly, it does not.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)00:50 No.9116773
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    That is not King Arthur.

    That is an animu cumdumpster.

    I can tell by the eyes, and from having seen many animus in my time.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:53 No.9116837
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    If you guys want, I can start story-time up while still dumping the comic. Will be a bit slow, thanks to shitty nets, but, I can.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)00:58 No.9116923
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    Going to keep dumping, sorry if I lost anyone when I was 'zoning. My bad, there.
    >> No Man 04/11/10(Sun)01:00 No.9116969
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    Go for it.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)01:03 No.9117027
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)01:04 No.9117070

    in middle age, you canĀ“t get that ass and legs
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)01:13 No.9117248
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    Alrighty. Story-time: Activated.

    Unsealing logs.....

    Logs Unsealed.

    Log 7.

    This part starts off a bit awkwardly, as we have two rather high 20 somethings (Saber insisted they take some pain stuff), one is topless, and nether of witch have much people-skills. An attempt at massage is made, and an awkward kiss after that happens, when the massage is stopped due to it reminding her too much of Lancer.

    James: "Um..just..just this." His arms go around her, gently, slowly tipping her face up to his, and he comes in, lips gently meeting hers. it's just for a moment, and his face is beet red when he pulls back. "I..sorry. I..um, I know, slefish of me.."

    Mor Rioghain 's face is almost steaming red from chin to ears. **

    Mor Rioghain: "N-n-never w-without my permission." She says, turn away and walking out of your room..
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)01:20 No.9117403
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    Saber chose that moment to re-appear, and after a short talk, its decided that if Morrigen wants to bitch about her food making skills, she can handle it, and that also deals with the worry of her being usless.

    Saber 's ears perk up. "How did she phrase "not being able to help"?" **

    James: "She kept worring about having to sit on her ass all day."

    Saber: "Oooh? Any other complaints?"

    James: "Uh...that you were a bad cook. Um..and that we did not need her, that we could plan just as well without her."

    Saber: "How close was the Cooking comment to being unable to help?"

    James: "Um, like, right after. "Well, I still think I'll just be on my ass if you don't let me fight" , then um, well, I kinda..got to the nipple on my massage, and then she threw in "you know, for being grown for a housewife, Saber is a BAD cook". "
    James gives a sigh, and he leans into her, resting his head on her sholder **

    Saber gives James a playful tap on the head with a chuckle. **
    Saber: "She wanted you to tell her to start cooking..."

    James: "Oh gods..you've got to be kidding."
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)01:27 No.9117564
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    Bit more fummbling around, Saber..helps with something, then it's off to tell Morrigen it's time to GB2Kitchen.

    It goes better then expected. Considering she had a gun in hand at the time.

    Mor Rioghain is now in the middle of dissembling a sub-machine gun. "Come in.." **

    James: "Um..hey." He cloese the door behind himself. "Got a moment?"

    Mor Rioghain: "What is it?"

    James: 'Um, just was thinking a bit." he perchers on the edge of the bed. "One. Id like you to do the cooking."

    Mor Rioghain: "I thought I was clear on this, I am no housewife." She says crossing her arms.

    James: "Yeah. But, you keep bitching about sitting on your ass. " He looksup, meeting your gaze. "This lets you help. And you were complaning about Saber doing it."

    Mor Rioghain: "Fine, I do you're blasted cooking, but you better not think I'm doing it for any other reason." She looks away, as if in a huff.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)01:37 No.9117740
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    More awkward advances, and that takes us into log 8.

    Mor Rioghain: "D-does the crest... does it make me unattractive?"

    James 's mouth leaves her neck, and I rest my forhead agaist hers. "No. It suits you..the yin and yang, I mean. And I know how proud you are of it...something you are as proud of that as you are, it could never make you unatractive." **

    Mor Rioghain: "Without it, I'd not have been able to even summon Berserker.."

    James: "You would have found a way." He moves slighty, kissing her forhead, then each eyelid.

    Mor Rioghain: "I-I am weaker than you." She outright admits, her face red and eyes looking away, "With magic... and the tattoo gives me more than five times the power that I have on my own... Even with all of it you are better than me."

    James: "i've just got power....and I've not even worked at it. I can bairly use it. It would not matter HOW stonge I am...I still need you."
    James: "I'm not better. Really." his fingers once more start to press and dig, lips and teeth working her neck

    Mor Rioghain: "S-stop." She says, her voice ringing with regret, "I-I can't do this... Not right now..."

    Stop because she feels that her house has to come first, and she can't lay with anyone before that.

    Then it's shopping time, and one request.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)01:39 No.9117807
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    James: "Well, a chello case. One that's REALLY reinfoced, with an extra front compartment, large enough for my sword in the front."

    Mor Rioghain moves over to the desk and begins writing something down... **
    Mor Rioghain: "This was intended for rifles and ammunition... but it should work for a sword if you must use one..." She hands him an address and small instructions on how to move to a hidden cache...

    James: "I want the compartment to be sperate, so, when you are better, we can stuff the thing with guns, but, if people are around, get the sword in it, i ....huh?" i look at it, blinking.
    James: "You...had something like that ready?"

    Mor Rioghain: "I have over a million dollars worth of things hidden throughout the city and I've memorized where it all is... I told you I've been preparing for this for a long time..."

    James: "Yeah..but...I didn't..it..'s a lot. Does..sure it will work for me?"

    Mor Rioghain: "There are fifteen differant musican's cases with differant types of hiding places, Try them all.. and bring me the Black bass case..."

    James: "Yeah..sure. Um, anything else you want from that place?"

    Mor Rioghain: "I'd ask for you to grab the Thermite but I'm not sure I'll have a use for it..." She puts her hand to her chin in thought.. "hmm... maybe the c-4... No, Not usefull yet..."

    He is rather "Wut?" about all this, but, whatever, it's what he needs, so, time to go get it.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)01:44 No.9117884
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    And there is...well. Stuff. Guns. Lots of guns.

    You park at the now season-closed public pool, and it is not a fear walk to a shed to which the key is hidden in front of...
    Inside you move through the various maintenance equipment and find the trap door... The room it leads to is filled with weapons... You feel as though someone raided an army's storage facility and put it all in this small room...

    Saber: "If nothing else the witch is prepared..."

    James: 'Yeah. Find the black bass case. I'm going to see if I can find something renfoced enough you can slap people with it, not have it brake, and will let us hold Saya in the front of it." I start rummaging, intent on finding something to use, having been slightly short with Saber for most of the trip.

    Saber moves about, finding a line of Instrument cases... pulling out the black base case.. **

    James: "Yeah, that's what she wanted. See anything like what i would need?" He's still going around, picking up weapons, holding, wieighing them.

    Saber points to what looks to be a dark red, almost purple, wooden cello case... **

    James puts the gun to the side, and strides over. "Humm. Might work...' He starts to mess with it, opaning it, chaching for compartments **

    Saber: You note the case would never hold a chello as modified as it is.. there are several compartments on various sides, one easily fullfilling your needs...

    James: "Yeah, this will work. Not sure if it's renforced enough for you to use it as a club, but, yeah." He sighs, picking it up.

    Saber grabs one of the other instrument cases.. hefting it. "I dont think any of them are..." she slams the case to the concrete floor, notibly shocked at the large crack of concrete rather than near shattering wood.**

    James: "Wait, what the fuck?"
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)01:50 No.9117978
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    So, yes. Still leaning about magic, and what it can do.

    This includes magic BULLETS.

    Saber moves over to the ammo... lifting some from each pile.. **
    Saber: "This one is heavier.. and some of it has a feel of mana to it..."

    James: "Any idea of what it might DO?" He grabs a compact masheen pistol, slotting it into his case. "at least it fits well...won't bounce around."

    Saber: "That's good." She picks out one bullet and looks it over, "I do not know what she done with them... Shall we fire one?"

    James shrugs. "what's the markings on it say?" **

    Saber: "It is in Latin... I do not know..."

    James: "No, I mean, what's the english markings say? What's the parabellem?"
    James lets out a sigh. "I mean, what's the caliber?" **

    Saber: "Oh... This one looks to be ... a 50 calibur bullet...

    James nods, and grabs a desert egle, and an empty clip. "Bullet?" He holds out his hand **

    Saber hands James the bullet... **

    James thumbs it into the clip, and slots it home, yanking the slide back. "You wanna try it?" **

    Saber takes the gun, properly holding it out and aiming it for the wall... **
    Saber: With a loud bang she fires the weapon, the bullet slamming into the wall of concrete and going straight through. After the shot is already in the wall you feel the wind of the shot like a gust.. something must have been done to the bullet...
    Saber: Should you inspect it, the hole in the wall is almost four inches accross, the sides looking as though a drill had passed through...

    James: "Huh. Can you find more ones like that? Looks like a damn drill...got to keep my image up.." He grabs another case, and starts to load shells, bullets, and spare clips into it.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)01:55 No.9118036
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    A bit more light chatting, about how to fight, and changing it up a bit, and Morrigen leaves the house rather stupidly, despite having her chest still somewhat cracked open.

    Saber: "He has seen me fight without the mana to sustain combat, he will not be able to predict my manner when I fight properly..."

    James: "Well, there are a few tricks you might not think of, too. There were one or two openings I saw, like when he knocked your sword wide. You should have punched him. " He talks while he works, slapping the loaded clip into the gun, not pulling the slide this time, and thumbing the safty, before shoving it into his wasteband.

    Saber: "I would sheild bashed him when my sword was knocked wide if I could have Materialized it." This is the first you've heard of a sheild and you've yet to see one.

    James: "Oh...well, how was I saposed to know you sword and board?" He gives shrug, and starts to pack the cartons of ammo into the bag. "I fight one hand, well, two handed, but, lets me do things with the other."

    Saber: "I will listen but you know such is an insult to a saber servant..."

    James: "And you know well enough that I would not sugest something that was an insult without reasion. You know me better then that."

    Saber: "Which is why I will listen." She says heafting the weapons you have handed her..."

    James leans in for a peck on her cheek. "I know you can fight BETTER. but, my way is a bit..odd, and can be hard to predict. So, in YOUR hands, it should be an utter nightmare." He finishes loading the last of the ammo into the bag. **
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:00 No.9118104
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    Just a side note, this page and the next make me lol. Hard.

    Despite the foolishnes of it, you leave the safty of the house, and in a round about way, get to the cherich. With just a few questions, you are derected to a small office

    Mor Rioghain gives the door a firm knock... **

    A male voice awnsers, almost board. "Yeah?"

    Mor Rioghain: "Grail Buisness." Morrigan says quietly.. wiaitng to be given permission to enter.

    "Oh. Well, best come in."

    Mor Rioghain slips into the room, taking a seat in front of the proctor. **
    Mor Rioghain: "It's rules for the one who has defeated a servant or master to speak with you, so I should not have to tell you Berserker is dead. Though I would not be surprised of the Enizbern woman had claimed my life."
    You see a rather thin man, leaning back at his desk, a nameplate reading "Father Jotham Shealtiel" on the desk. "who, Eva? She was in here yeasterday, babbling about some kinda monster. It was rather hard to make out, but, she didn't say anything about you."

    Mor Rioghain: "So Saber's Master makes it into her description but not me?" She chuckles. "I assume your healing is only for those who've give up their stake in the war?"

    Overseer Shealtiel: "Thats the rules, yeah. No, nothing about you, at all. Just something about this crazy guy with an electric drill that shot lighting for a hand. She was almost catationic. " He leans forward, resting his elbows on the desk. "I take it you are not giving up?"
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:03 No.9118147
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    Nothing major, just talking about the war with the Over-seer.

    Mor Rioghain: "Of course not, I'll defeat every servant with my hands if I must." She says with narrowed eyes. "I should have sent Saber's Master to you to report he had summoned his servant but he is a bystandard, summoning a servant on accident. Something that should be impossible and his Magic borders on Impossibility."

    Overseer Shealtiel gives a chuckle. "Ah, so, you plan on taking him AND Saber, then? Sounds like you are going to need a good bit of luck, then. And I'd keep a watch for Evai, her magic is a bit...odd, right now. " **

    Mor Rioghain: "Thank you for the warning... I've already made the two of them follow me... It gives me time to replenish my mana after Berserker's draw..." She sighs. "Aside Berserker are any of the other servant's out of the game?"

    Overseer Shealtiel: "Nope. It's a bit odd, really. It's almost like there are a coulpe extras running around. Oh, and you best hope you hold is GOOD. I mean, if he's got magic like you say, why bother with you, after all?"

    Mor Rioghain: "He knows nothing of how to use it."

    Overseer Shealtiel shrugs. "never stopped people before." **
    Overseer Shealtiel: "But, anyway. Acadent, you say? then how the hell did he do it, if he's not even a proper mage?"

    Mor Rioghain: "It's stopped him so far..." She pauses at his question. "I'm not sure how... He did it while at least 45 feet from the circle created to summon Saber as well... But She is linked to him and he has the command spell..."

    Overseer Shealtiel: "She? Oh, lucky him." He laughs, rather hard. "Would have been the poor bastards luck, what with no way to give mana."
    Overseer Shealtiel starts to sober, as the other parts of your words sink in. "45? What the hell." **

    Mor Rioghain: "Oh yes, I've Paced it out... The boy is naive and incredible... If I did not see him with my own eyes I'd swear it was all impossible..."
    >> No Man 04/11/10(Sun)02:03 No.9118152
    BTW, Shanker, what's this comic called?

    I wish to hoard it away on my hard drive like so many other shiny things I have found on the internet.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:05 No.9118180
    Bit of a suprise, something else is running around.

    Mor Rioghain: "I've yet to meet most of the Masters so I shall take your word as a warining." She Stands. "I know you dislike speaking to those with an open dislike of the church, so I shall let you be. I only have more question, any other advice you can give me?"

    Overseer Shealtiel gives another shrug. "I had to be "offical' that time, sorry about that. Offace was bugged, then. I've got them out, by now. Mian thing? Try not to die. And, i wasn't joking. by what I've heard from all the masters, and what I've put together, there might be one or two extra running around, or we got sommething that react to the servetns like servents." **

    Mor Rioghain: "Reacts like servants? What the hell... Is it something you will need to call in your church's Burial agency for?"

    Overseer Shealtiel: "I'm not fully sure, yet. I'm waiting on a bit more information....i've never heard of anythign like that. But, from what I've gathered, I can give the location for all but Saber, at a few times, and even then, there are at least TWO servents at that time that others felt."

    Mor Rioghain: "I see..." She ponders... "Have you considered the possibility there is a Servant who can be in two places at once?" She shakes her head, "Well then again you know the names of all the servants so you would know if that were a possibility now wouldn't you?"
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:08 No.9118226

    It's called Gilgamesh Vs. Rin. That's all of it, I'm afraid....it would have been amazing had they done like a whole route.

    Lancer stops by, since her Master is in the area, and performs some more sexual assault. Damn Amazons.

    When you get out there, there is a rather familiar, and not exactly welcome, long legged female sitting on the bike. "You know...you are NOT making this easy on me, love."

    Mor Rioghain: "You know, I hate to damage a church's parking lot. She sighs, but if you want to fight that bike is lined with enough explosives to destroy even you." Morrigan says without her voice wavering.. though her insides feel like they are doing summer-salts...

    Lancer: "Oh, don't be that way, love. I just kept you from running into master. I saw you going in, I had to distract him for a bit." She lazily gets up, the jeans she's wearing hugging her figure, as she lazily walks over.

    Mor Rioghain: "Well then, I thank you. Shall we preserve this peace then? I rather do like the bike..."

    Lancer: "Oh, yes. Much better things to do, then fight." with that, shes on you, her lips urgently on yours, hungry tongue prying your lips open, utterly dominating your mouth
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:09 No.9118254

    After a bit of fun toying with the girl, Lancer wants her gone, before anything bad can happen.

    Mor Rioghain: "Must be a hell of a Man to earn your respect."

    Lancer: "oh..you've NO idea..." It's purred into your ear.

    Mor Rioghain: "If he is In the Magic Association, I know him." She sas softly, "Even if he does not know me, and I've spent years learning all there is to know about these people."

    Lancer licks the cloth in her hands. "Ooh..tastey. But, as much as I hate to say, you best get going, he's got to be almost done." **

    Mor Rioghain: "And I assume you will wait to make sure I am not attempting to learn his idenity."

    Lancer: "I'm trying to make sure you do not DIE right now. Please, love, get going." There is a real note of worry in her voice

    Mor Rioghain nods **
    Mor Rioghain: "Fair enough Lancer, but when I kill your Master without trouble you will admit you were wrong." She says quickly before hoping onto the motor cycle and taking off...
    >> No Man 04/11/10(Sun)02:11 No.9118299

    I concur. Even if I've never done anything but read the wikipedia article, I would find it interesting.

    Also Caster. <3 devoted girls. Or borderline yandere, it's hard to give Caster a term.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:12 No.9118302
    They all get home, talk, bla, bla, bla. nothing really plot-relevant.

    Night-time means patrol-time, though.

    And, the boss music starts to play.

    James: "You know, this is UTTERLY messing up my sleep schedual..."

    Saber: "there is not much choice in it, however. we must do this."

    James: "Yeah...yeah. I know. Still, though." He slouches along, looking down

    Archer: An Arrow whizzes past Your head, hitting into the street light next to you. Wrapped around the normal seeming Arrow is a small sheet of paper, with the word CHALLENGE written on it.

    James: "Oh....lovely. Saber, give me the case and armor up." He holds his arms out, expectetnly.

    Saber tosses it into his arms, as armor apperse around her body, drawing her blade. **

    Mio Nostromo: From the roof of the mall you hear a voice call down. "I am Mio of house Nostromo! State your name, Saber's Master!"

    Mio Nostromo: Hard to see her even though she stands on the roof, her figure wrapped in a leather jacket and pants, and ironicly a long red scarf... in her hands is a long staff...

    James lets out a sigh, as I pull the shotgun out, and sling it acorss my sholders, and the auto-pistol into a holster, a small bag of shells and clips for both behind me. "James. I don't got a house. Wanna come down, so we can do this, or do I gotta come up there?" **

    Mio Nostromo: Her long black hair flows in the wind, not much contrasts from her darker egyptian skin.. She laughs at your comment, "Once we have your name, we can begin like this! You think I would give up my Archer's Advantage? Come get us Saber!"

    Archer is an older oriental man with a long beard turned snow white from age, his bow must be nearly a foot taller than he is... **

    James: "That's not cool. Saber?"
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:18 No.9118421
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    Oh, yes, Caster is a lovely. Poor thing, had a shitty life.

    Saber nods, and dashes forward, kicking off the ground, and latching herself off a low wall, trying to get hight. **

    Archer Shoots an arrow off the moment her foot is about to jump from the low wall, striking now Saber but the wall, braking it and sending Saber back toward the ground. **

    Mio Nostromo: "Hey! Your supposed to give you name before we begin!"

    James lets out another sigh. "I DID. Do you got some hearing issues? I'm James, of NO house!" **

    Mio Nostromo looks confused. "What do you mean no house!? Oh The hell with it, ARCHER!" **

    Archer: Without hesitation the man launches a flurry of arrows over the parking lot, all of them seaming to seek out Saber...

    Saber merely presses forward at a run, dogging some, defecting others, as she runs flat out, trying to find something to launch from. **

    James: "Danmaku, then?" He brings his arms forward in a wide sweep, fingers stabbing out, each spot of air he touches leaving a twinkle in the air.

    Mio Nostromo starts running from archer's side, before jumping off the roof and seaming to ride and invisible slide toward the ground... **

    Archer Shots more and more at Saber, drawing her away from his advancing master... **

    Saber does not bother trying to get near her, a whispered prayer setting her free from earth's bonds, her feet kicking from the ground, launching her forward. **

    Archer draws his bow back and launches a single Arrow toward Saber... the arrow leaves the bow and becomes like a spear of pure light moving to slam into her... **

    James 's hands keep stabbing out, until a minture night's sky is before him. He bows forward, right arm swinging around, encompassing the starry field. "Icicle Fall!" His left hand punches out, scattering the field around him. "EASY!" The last word is a roar, as the stars, twinkling, start to shoot forward. **
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:19 No.9118443

    It's only a three-part comic, this time.

    Saber 's blade comes up, blocking most of it, but it knocks her back to earth, her feet digging into the ground as she trys not to fall to her knees. **

    Archer: Even as Saber lands, two more Arrrows of light rain down to her...

    Mio Nostromo laughs, and as if snow caught in a snowplows blade, the lights in front of her are pushed aside as she runs at you unhindered... **

    Saber 's blade forces one to the side, but the other strikes across her armor, metal splintering as she let's out a gasp of pain. **

    James: "Son of a..." The shotgun comes up from his back, and up to his shoulder, as he drops to his knee, taking aim.

    Mio Nostromo skids up next to him swinging her staff wide to hit Jame's shotgun... **

    Archer takes aim and mechanically shoots off one of his spears of light every second, each seaming to Strike where Saber is least able to block... **

    James lets the gun fly from his hands, not bothering with it, spiraling green arcing around his arm as he lunges forward, punching for her midsection. **

    Saber slowly tries to press forward, her blade dancing around her, as she tries to reach..anything, cover, him, anything. **

    Mio Nostromo is thrown back, as your punch stops a foot away, feeling like you just punched a wall.
    Mio Nostromo: "What the hell is that!"

    Archer doubles his shooting pace, one every second still going for Saber, but the other striking anything near her that could be used for cover and shattering it. **

    James shakes his hand, cursing, as he looks up, a snarl on his face. "Just the start!" The auto-pistol clears it's holster, as he simply sprays it at her, left handed. **
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:24 No.9118513
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    And forgot the damn pic.

    Saber 's blade starts to slow, blocking the ones that would be kill shots, trying to misderct the rest, tacking more nicks and cuts, as she presses on. **

    Archer begins speeding up a bit more, barely noticible to saber, but it clear that if it keeps up too long one or two might get through her defense... **

    Mio Nostromo: When the bullets get within a foot of her they start bouncing to either side and her face tighten's with effort...
    Mio Nostromo: "You'll run out of bullets sooner or later!"

    James lets out a mad laugh. "i've got a lot more then just BULLETS, woman!" **

    Mio Nostromo laughs, "Nothing you've got can break my defense!" **

    Saber 's arms slowly start to speed, as she starts to draw on her mana deeper, her mouth setting into a thin line, as she dashes forward. **

    Archer launches a single arrow, this one twice the size of all of the others, almost like a missle of light shot at the ground in front of saber quickly exploding, putting an end to a charge... **

    James 's gun clicks empty. "So..a wall? You're a wall...standing in my way. " His faces sets. "I've got something that will go right through that, every time!" His arm flys up, green, spiraling lighting swelling around his arm, coming to a point, looking for all the world like a drill, twisting and spinning. "ARC DRILL!" His arm flys forward once more, only this time, a sprialing arc of blinding green bursting forth. **

    Saber is flung back, bounching acourss the ground, as she throws herslef back to her feet, spitting blood. **

    Mio Nostromo holds up her hands, the Drill smacking into a large wall of red, your drill indeed bursting through and yet, to your left the Master is giving a large downward swing of her staff, aiming for the top of your head... **

    Archer Goes back to the same pace as before with his spear like arrows of light that shoot down at you... **
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:29 No.9118579
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    So, everything is going to shit. Archer and Mio are like perfect counters for him and Saber. shit sux, man.

    Mio Nostromo 's staff hits the concrete with a snap, a large crack issuing from the spot... you have no doubt that would have broken you or any human like a grape... **
    Mio Nostromo: "Oh Come on! Will you just give up already?!"

    Saber brings her sword down in a harsh two handed grip, smiting the ground, dust and debris kicking up all around her. **

    Archer Launches down another missile like arrow, explosion causing enough wind to dispel the crust... **

    James brings his right arm up, a small gun nestled in it. "Not on your LIFE!" He lets loose another laugh, two shots ecowing from it, as he moves backwards, back towards his case. **

    Saber rolls her neck, kicking up part of the smashed concrete, and strikes it with her blade like a bat, sinding it flying at Archer. **

    Archer shoots a regular arrow at a speed almost too fast to be seen, hitting the bit of smashed concrete out of it's collision course. **
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:31 No.9118595
    So, of course, SOMEONE has to have a big Damn hero's moment.

    Mor Rioghain: With a roar of it's engine, the sound of speeding motorcycle fills the battle field. Morrigan speeds through the broken up parking lot toward Saber comming to a halt just a few feet to Saber's left. "You look Worse for the weather!"

    Mio Nostromo 's sheild does not light up as it did for you with your Arc Drill as it does with the spiral bullets... **
    Mio Nostromo: "What the hell! Didn't she loose her Servant?"

    Saber: "Sholders! NOW!" She steps back, kneeling.

    Mor Rioghain sighs. **
    Mor Rioghain: "Get on my bike and help James, I will deal with Archer."
    Mor Rioghain gets off the bike lethargicly streching like nothing is the matter. **

    James: "Funny thing...she's like me...never gives up!" As his foot bumps the case, he reaches back, and yanks the first thing that comes to hand, PKD in hand.

    Mio Nostromo: "HEY! YOU! Did I Honestly just hear you think you can take on my Archer where Saber has failed?!"

    Saber kicks another rock from the ground, causaly batting it at the yelling girl **

    Mio Nostromo: The Sheild harmlesly blocks the blows...
    Mio Nostromo: "Hey! I'm Talking to you!"

    Mor Rioghain pulls out her Shotgun, and loading a single shell. **
    Mor Rioghain: "I don't care what you call yourself, but if you want to live, I'd run now or hope Saber is a merciful heroic spirit."

    James: "Don't bother." He brings the gun up, and holding it with both hands, starts to fire at the bitch, each shot jerking the large gun back

    Saber keeps batting debris at her, as she slowly makes her way to the girl. **
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:31 No.9118610
    Mio Nostromo: Wth a quick flick of her arm she throws up a diamond, "Pryamid of Invinicibility!" and with that a semi-transparent white sheild in the Shape of a pyramid srounds her...
    Mio Nostromo: With the created pyramid she begins an incantation which you can not understand... but it does not take long before a larger bubble over the pyramid you and saber can be seen.

    Mio Nostromo: "You two aren't helping her..." She says with a sneer, "ARCHER! Make the bitch pay for her insults!"

    Saber: "We are not TRYING to." She almost causaly plunges her blade into the pryamid.

    James: "She can do it herself..." He reaches back, pulling a slightly curved blade from a black laquared sheath.

    Mor Rioghain looks up to archer as she pumps the shotgun one and with her eyes becoming more vibrant as she slowly walks forward. **

    Mio Nostromo: The Large pryamid dioes not seam to notice your blades the way titianium ignores a drop of water...

    Mio Nostromo: "You aren't gunna watch her die?" She crosses her arms, " 'Cause I am."

    Archer begins shotting his flurry of arrows, all of them falling harmlessly to the ground around her... **

    James: "Damnit...twice in a week. Saber...when I crack this...." I put Saya down, layin it acorss the case.

    Saber nods, eyes almost loumonos, as she waits. **

    Mio Nostromo: "Archer! Stop playing around!"

    James throws his arm up, lighting starting to crackle. **

    Archer: Without a delay, Archer shoots off his arrow like a spear of light and it too harmlessly hits the ground to her left...
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:32 No.9118623
    Archer pauses for half a second before launching of four more arrows of light... each of them harmlessly falling to the side... **

    Saber: "Do you yeild? This is your only chance..."

    Mor Rioghain begins speaking in latin, a long chant which feels somewhere between spellcasting and a prayer.. **

    Saber: "This is your ONLY chance. Do. You. YEILD?"
    Saber 's sword striks the shild once more. **

    Mio Nostromo: "You have nothing that can break this sheild, Nothing short of Sorccery can do it!"

    Saber: "So be it. Master!"

    Mio Nostromo: "ARCHER! Will you hit the woman!"

    Archer shoots his missle like arrow at Morrigan only to have it visibly shoot off to the side... **

    James: "A drill is a thing that makes a path for those that follow behind! Digging a path for the next genrtation! If you plan to dig, then dig for the heavens!" Power is corseing up and down his arm, the phantom of drill forming around it.

    Saber: "Morrigen! Let your aim be true!" Her eyes never leave the sight before her, waiting for her moment.

    Archer begins using the near uncatchable speed of his earlier attack but four arrows of light at a time... **

    James: "SPIN UP!" It's a roar at this point, as he has to slowly force his arm down, sweat poring from his face.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:33 No.9118632
    Mor Rioghain stops walking forward, the ground around her begining to looks like a platform from the arrows hitting the ground around her... she raises the shotgun aiming it for Archer and as she squeezes on the trigger, she speaks the final words of the chant, "Verus Ars Magica: Putus Deleotus!" **
    Mor Rioghain: With her words a light errupts form the gun, spreading everywhere, seamingly eliminating shadows and turning night into day... Winds like a hurrican puls through the air and a tornadow like beam surrounded by thousands of tiny blades of water mimicing the ocean's raging waves, shoot from the shotgun toward Archer...
    Mor Rioghain: and like that, a rather large section of the mall roof and Archer seam to disapear like fog against the noon-day sun...
    Mor Rioghain: When the light fades the night seams all the darker...

    Mio Nostromo: "That's... that's not possible..." She speaks while tears fall down her cheeks and she collaspses to her knees...

    James grits his teeth as the last of the light fades, and forces the last of the chant from his lips. "DRILL! BREAKER!!" The etrenaly spinning tip of the thing smashes into the wall, trying to burrow through. **

    Mio Nostromo: "S-stop!" She cries out, the wall getting less and less tansparent... "I withdraw..."

    Mor Rioghain slowly walks your way, her eyes seaming somehow dimmer than before... **

    Saber: "Morrigen? Will you acept her surrender?"

    Mor Rioghain seams to alter her direction at Saber's speaking, heading more straight towards them. **

    Mor Rioghain: "I will accept her Crest and nothing less."

    James 's engery starts to slow, the thing turning slower, as the power wekens, until at last he stops, dropping onto his rear, panting. **

    Mio Nostromo looks up shocked... her pyramid fading away.. **
    Mio Nostromo: "I-I'd have to die to give you that. I-I surrender, just don't kill me, please!"
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:34 No.9118651
    Mor Rioghain: "Aww, begging for your life, quaint." She shakes her head. "I can let you live, but you'll be mine, and one way or another that crest of yours is mine."

    Saber steps in the way, blade flicking up. "You will not slay her." **

    Mor Rioghain nearly walks into the blade, blinking a few times. "Saber, I have more of what I just used. But if she agrees to be mine I have not problem dropping her at the church for the proctor to protect until the end of the war, at which time she shall be my indentured servant until the Crest is mine."" **

    Saber: "Do you have more on you, right now? My blows will not be averted by eyes. How fast can you speak?" Her mouth is pressed into a grim line, but tears fall slowly from her eyes.

    Mor Rioghain: "I do... and I need not speak it again so soon after using one."
    Mor Rioghain is trembling almost falling over... **

    Mio Nostromo creis out, "Alright! I give up, I'll do it..." **

    James coughs, spit tanited red, pushing himself from the ground, using his sheathed blade as a crutch. "Morrigin. Do you SWEAR, by" He's over come with a coughing fit, more crimson spilling from his lips. "Do you Swear by your own crest that she will survive?" **

    Mor Rioghain: "She will, it will make the process last years, but she will survive."

    James nods. He slowly pushes forward, each step slow, until he stands by Saber pushing her blade down. "Thank..you. Teacher." with that, he falls forward, limp agaisnt you. **

    So, in what is a quickly forming habit, he overstressed himself and knocked his own dumb-ass out. Again.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:34 No.9118661
    Mor Rioghain: "Well this is a fine predicament..." She sighs, "I was hoping to have him drive and you ride my motorcycle Saber... But since he is out, would you carry him. I understand if you will be leaving to bring him to his workshop."

    Saber 's blade clatters to the ground, as she cathes him. **
    Saber: "No. I shall see this one gets to the Cherich.....he would not acpet any less."

    Mor Rioghain: "So be it... Where is the Car?"

    Saber jerks her head. "Back there. I was getting an odd feeling from here....we parked a while away." She lays him down, before starting to gather the weapons he used and tossed aside. To the girl"It was inpresive that you held out like that....I was about to boost his power. A few more seconds and you would likely have died." **

    Mio Nostromo: "My sheild is truely invincible... it eats the energy of any attack to strengthen itself, nothing short of soccery could ever defeat it..."

    Saber: "Perhaps. Perhaps not. It's just as well we did not put it to the test....the effects...would have been rather ugly. I doupt there would still BE a parking lot, or a mall."

    Mio Nostromo: "It has been tested agains nuclear weapons..."

    Saber: She slots each weapon into it's home in the case, sholdering it easly, her broken armor still covering her body, as her blade vanishes.
    Saber: "Nuclear weapons are not my Master." She nods to the distance. "This way, please." She kneels, and picks him from the ground, cradling his body as she carrys him.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:35 No.9118670
    At the Church...
    Saber pulls into the parking lot, backing into a space. **

    Mor Rioghain: "Come on Nostromo, Time to go." she looks at Saber, "You may want to stay here... I'll go and get her settled in and speak with the Priest.
    Mor Rioghain exits the car rahter limply, her from seaming like a moved doll... **

    Saber: "No. I will acompny, as will he." She exits the car, his body once more in her grasp. "I will feel better inside, anyway. Just..incase anything does happen." She looks into your eyes. "And I truly do not mean you. I mean Assassin, or one of the others."
    Saber is still clad in her battered and damaged armor, her Master ever gently cradled in her arms. **

    Mor Rioghain sighs at Saber's comming. "Fair Enough..." **
    Mor Rioghain knocks at the appointed door before pushing in Mio. **
    Mor Rioghain: "Let's go,"

    Overseer Shealtiel: "Ah? Come in." He's behind his desk still, a sandwitch on a plate beside him.

    Mor Rioghain opens the door tossing in Mio before walking in herself. **
    Mor Rioghain: "She is out of war." She Gestures to Mio, "I've taken out Archer, the mall is in shambles."

    Mor Rioghain: "Also, This is Saber and her Master."

    Overseer Shealtiel: "Ah. Humm..not nearly as scary as Evai made him out to be....looks like he's dead. Or, almost." he peers over his desk, before taking a bite of the sandwitch.

    Saber 's lips meraly tighten. **
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:36 No.9118678
    Overseer Shealtiel: "and you were the one that took down archer, too? All in all..not very impressive on his part."
    Overseer Shealtiel: "or hers..." He nods at Saber.

    Mor Rioghain: "He decided to go all out again... But the boy decided to go all out on an impoble object." She sighs, "Such a handful for Saber, but that's not important for the time being. You should give Saber credit, she took on her antihesis and would have almost won, while I on the other hand am Archer's antithesis. Taking out any Archer servant is expected of me."

    Mio Nostromo: "It can never be Expected for any human to beat a servant!" She nearly yells from across the room.

    Overseer Shealtiel: "All out? Really. And what did he do?" It's aimed at Mio.

    Mio Nostromo: "It was... Well a drill of green lightning... I wouldn't have thought anything living could have made my Pryamid darken short of caster and he almost made it opaque... I've seen 50 pounds of C-4 have less effect..."

    Overseer Shealtiel: "A drill? An odd choice for a weapon. Unweidly....but, it would have worked well, in this case, had it not been impssoble."

    Saber: "It was not impssible." She does not look up from her seat, where she still holds him.

    Mio Nostromo: "Yes, It Tru-"
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:36 No.9118688
    Mor Rioghain: "Not the important thing right now. Did any other Servants or Masters perish?"

    Overseer Shealtiel: "No, this was the first since you lost Bezerker. And she is the first to forfit."

    Saber: "Not suprising. It seems we are the only ones botherng to fight." She's slowly rocking him in her arms.

    Mor Rioghain looks a bit irritated at the loss of Berserker. **

    Mor Rioghain: "Well then, Mio, you do not leave the church until I come and get you, you understand?"

    Mio Nostromo: "Y-yes Mistress"
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:39 No.9118729
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    And, with that, Log 8 ends, and Archer is no more. 2 Servants down, 4 to go. possibly 5, if the overseer is right, and there is another running around.

    Thoughts, questions?
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)02:50 No.9118851
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    well, as intrest has dropped a bit, I'll stop for now, but stay in the thread. If you want me to start back up, just ask.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:02 No.9119011
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    alrighty, then. I'll let this go on standby, and check back every hour or so, for a bit, with a bump to see if anyone wants me to go on. If not, I'll archive this bitch up, and start a new one in a day or so.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)03:15 No.9119223
    You have at least one person still interested.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)03:18 No.9119262
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    Pretty spot-on.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:20 No.9119298

    Alrighty, then.

    Well, they git Mio dropped off, and get back to the car, with out any real issue, outside of saber geting hella confused about something.

    Saber: 'Look at his hands."
    Saber proffers one at you. **

    Mor Rioghain: "I will take it as a measure of your worry..." She near whispers, before she looks down at his hand...

    James 's hand looks...utterly fine, completly normal. **

    Mor Rioghain: "Is something wrong with it?"
    Mor Rioghain continuely moves her hands along James's hand seaming to feel every inch of it for any sign of a problem... **

    Saber: "No...that's the odd thing. His hands were massive bruses, I think some of the fingers a bit out of joint, just half an hour ago, when the battle ended."

    Mor Rioghain: "I think I can understand this..." She says with a nod... "You know of Mystic Eyes?"

    Saber: "Yes. In throry, at least. A seer of our army had eyes that no untruth could pass before."
    Saber: "And I know you can chanle it as to make ranged wepons miss....it's why I asked you to be on my sholders. I had planed to charge him...I did not know you had a weapon that could slay a servent."

    Mor Rioghain: "Right, a Magic circuit sometimes mutates inside a Magus's body... causing Mystic eyes like mine or others and some people get other things from a mutation of their circuit... I believe your Master shall be in rather good health for the rest of his life..."

    Mor Rioghain: "The other problem is sometimes Mutations are imperfect.. When he wakes we will need him to test his hands and make sure he has not lost any sensation or moblity...

    Saber: "Oh? But, I thought he caused damage to his, when he attempted to heal you."

    Saber starts the car up, and slowly pulls out of the parking lot **

    Mor Rioghain: "Yes he caused damage to it, but even if I were to burn my circuit to the point I'd never be able to use it again, my eyes would still function..."
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:23 No.9119355
    So, everyone but James knows he can heal. Oh, and he has no idea Morrigen has magic eyes, but, yeah.

    Also, Saber finds out that Morrigen was bluffing about Mio. and she has only one more of those specal shots.

    Saber: "Yes, an utterly new spell effect. I'm rather sure, despite the name, it was still an elctrictly attack, and, it only failed due to her barriesrs. he needed a more pointed, focused attack to breach them."

    Mor Rioghain: "So he progresses even without my lessons... I'd still want him on bedrest for another five days before I'd have allowed him to cast anything and yet here he is going and using his circuit in increidible new ways..."

    Saber: "it was...rather stunning. The idea behind the attack was eligent, and had it been anyone but her, likely to work. He called it..."Icesikle fall." He got a mass of indivuidual small bursts of lectricty floating before him, like a full night's sky, and then..willed it at her, it comming from all directions.'

    Mor Rioghain: "I would not have pinned him for the very creative type..." She looks thoughtful for a moment before she lets out, "Oh... Saber, thanks for playing along with my bluff with Nostromo.. It was not something I'd like to have seen, her barriers with us all so weakened... To think she Honesly believed I could fire off another shot," She lets out a long breath of relief, "It would only have worked better if you had managed tears..."

    Saber: 'I...I was crying. Morrgin...I was..I was ready to fight you. I did not wish to. It...it hurt."

    Mor Rioghain: "You should know this by now," Her voice filled with shock, "I can not and would not fight you... She blinks, um.. What Time is it?"

    Saber: "It is a bit...a bit affer 1 Am, i do think."
    Saber: "I..am glad, as well. if anyone had a chance of breaching it, it would have been Master. I was about to unleash my Noble Phantasim, to aid him."
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:24 No.9119363
    Annnd, Morrigen can't see for shit right now.

    Mor Rioghain: "I am glad there was no need." She says softly... "I only have one other shell like the one I used tonight, and I hope not to have to use it..."

    Saber: "Oh. yes....very true. I think it may be needed for Caster. That is the only one I am still very worried about. the others, well, they are strong. But, I can fight them, it was shear bad luck the matchup tonight. It was as if they were made to perfuclty counter us."

    Mor Rioghain: "You two should not be patroling without me.. Today or Yestarday..."

    Saber: "it was..nesscicarly.We needed you to rest, and heal a bit more, as well as gather more mana....something Master never seems to be short of."

    Mor Rioghain: "Well then tommarrow.. when James wakes would you pick up my bike?"
    Mor Rioghain: "If not I should be able to do it the day after tommarrow..."

    Saber: "Yes. I..I will do it in the morning, if I can entrust him to your care, while I get it. After he wakes, of course."

    Mor Rioghain: "If He needs to be taken care of, we will wait... I was more worried about having someone to opperate the minigun..."

    Saber: "No, I..I trust you with him sleeping. I just wish to be there for him, when he awakens."

    Mor Rioghain: "... Am I so good at disgusing weakness that you have not noticed yet?" She asks hesitantly.

    Saber shakes her head. "The longer I am linked to him...the more I seem to take on his trates. Such as his oblivousness. Please, tell me, Morrigen. You..You are my friend." **

    Mor Rioghain: "I could only come directly toward you once I had fiished of lancer, I ddid not see you crying. I had Mio lead me into the priest's office while I placed tthe way in in my mind so I could leave, I could not see a problem with James's hands or read the clock...
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:25 No.9119384
    Bit of back and forth about Morrigen possibly over-extening herself.

    Mor Rioghain: "Do you see a patern?"

    Saber: "You...your eyes. You over strained them...."

    Mor Rioghain: "I am currently legally blind.. without corrective lenses" She admits, "If it did not interfere with my Mystic eyes, I'd wear my normal prescription more often...

    Saber: 'Just wear glasses. He does, most of the time. he only dose not in battle, as he would need a new pair every time, with how he fights." she makes a turn, aclerating slightly.

    Mor Rioghain: "I have glasses, though I wear them when legitimately needed, but I can't use my eyes while I wear them."

    Saber: "Well, glasses can just be pushed up onto your forhead. Just a thought. But, were you just blind tonight? I did not notice any issues before now, as much as I can think."

    Mor Rioghain: "I've overused my eyes tonight... if Archer's arrows were not lit up, I'd not have been able to stop them anymore..."

    Saber: "Very lucky, then." She reches over, giveing your sholder a squeeze. "Will you be alright in the morning?"

    Mor Rioghain: "Nearly, by tommarrow I'll have been alright"

    Saber: "Alright. And your side?" She pulls in, clicking the button to make the door rise.

    Mor Rioghain: "I told you... my side only lowers my battle potential by 30%... and thats only because My defensive abilities are down, I'my still just as lethal...

    Saber: 'No, while you were active, you could have torn the sticting, or started to bleed, or anythign. I want to be sure you are not in pain."
    >> Anonymous 04/11/10(Sun)03:25 No.9119400
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    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:26 No.9119414
    And, of course, Ego.

    Saber: "That is good." She gets the case from the trunk, before slowly gattering him into her arms.
    Saber: "Will you need anything, before you retire?"

    Mor Rioghain: "Acctually there is one thing I need." She does her best to make eye contact with saber, "I need you to say one thing,"

    Saber reches out on small hand, tipping your chin, so your eyes meet hers. "Yes?" **

    Mor Rioghain: "I want you to say 'I'm Sorry, Morrigan, I should have listened to you, you did better in battle than I."

    Saber laughs. "Had it been any other foe...you would have been cut to ribbons. but, with Archer...yes. You did better then me. Thank you." **

    Mor Rioghain: "Had it been any other foe, I'd have used you as a distraction."

    Saber leans in, giving you a soft, chaste kiss. "Had it been any other, we would have been packing up to leave by the time you got there." **

    Mor Rioghain: "I doubt that. Now who's arrogant in their own abilites?"

    Saber: "A combination of my own and masters." she slings the case over her sholder. "Would you mind inspecting him, before you go to bed, to insure there is nothing that could harm him too much in the night?"
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:27 No.9119436

    Hey, I'm just copy-pasting from the logs. Damn Rich Text Docs lack any spell-checking.

    They get his ass checked out, and he wakes up just for a bit.

    James: "n....never...never did thank you."

    Mor Rioghain raises an eyebrow. **
    Mor Rioghain: "What for?"

    James: "Tonight. Kinda..kinda passed out before I could." he reaces out, rather blindly, for you.

    Mor Rioghain notes the movement, trying to grasp at him with her own hand.. **
    Mor Rioghain: "What kind of teacher let's an apprentice get in trouble?

    James 's hand finaly smacks into yours, and he grabs on, grip both weak and firm at the same time. "T-true. True enough.Get...get Mio dropped off alright?" **

    Mor Rioghain: "Without trouble." She says softly. "You need rest you over confident fool"

    James: "Not..not overconfident. We won, d-didn't we? K..knew you could do it."

    Mor Rioghain: "You keep up this hot blooded tom-foolery you're destined for an early grave..."

    James: "th...the war won't be forever. H-has to end, at some point." He gives a sigh, mixed with a cough.
    James: "B-besides....not gotten me k-killed yet. Oh. G-got a new trick t-to show you, l-later."

    Mor Rioghain: "No more of your tricks until I say you are ok to use magic!" She says stubbornly. "I want you to keep yourself safe!"

    James: "N-not for a w-while, at least. D-don't worry...don't p-plan on burrning out by the first half of t-the show." He tries to squeeze your hand.

    Mor Rioghain: "It seams like your referencing something..."

    James: "Heh....I'll s-show you some time. Don't worry. I'll b-be fine in the morning." He weakly tries to pull you closer.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:29 No.9119455
    Just a bit more talking, then, bed time, because we now have two rather fucked up protagonists.

    Mor Rioghain: "Saber is going to bring you two pills, take them and sleep well alright?"

    James: "Will. Y-you, too. Sleep well, I mean."

    Mor Rioghain: "I will." She heads to the door offering a, "Good Night," Before leaving for her own room..

    Saber is waiting in the door, a soft smile on her face. She gives your sholder a sqeeze as you leave, before stepping in. **
    Saber slips into the room, sitting on the bed next to James. **
    Saber: "I have your medicine Master."

    James: "Huh? A-ah. Thanks." He tries to push up, and failes.

    Saber: "Stay down, You can't push yourself while your injured..." she moves over, playing a hand on your chest with a soft and yet firm grip... "Now take these..." She puts the two pillis into your hand...

    James nods, pushing them into his mouth, and swallowing. 'you...you're still in your armor. And..it's broken....how..how do we f-fx that?" **

    Saber: "It will be fine when My mana is restored."
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:30 No.9119480
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    And, this brings us to log 10, the longest one I have.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:32 No.9119508
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    Questions or comments, before I get this one started? Short break on my end, bathroom and all that.
    >> No Man 04/11/10(Sun)03:43 No.9119654

    Thread archived yet?

    I've got to sleep, engrossing as it is.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:44 No.9119669
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    Alright. No questons? Hot Rider.

    As per normal, at this point, he's up and fine, despite coughing his lungs up the night before.

    James pushes up from the bed, yawning as he stretches, bones popping and cracking as he starts to get up. **

    Saber: "Morning Master." Saber reveals herself from behind your field of vision...

    James: "Hey, Saber." He reaches out, giving her arm a squeeze. "How long was I out this time?"

    Saber gives a beaming smile to James. **

    Saber: "Ooh, only about ten hours."

    James: "What, really? It...it was a lot longer last time."
    James pulls on a shirt, as well as a pair of flenal pants, giving his leg one more shake **

    Saber: "You're getting better at it, what can I say?" She offers you a helping hand to bring you upstairs...

    James: "Yeah, I guess so. I did a LOT more last night, too." Even though she can likely tell he does not need to, he leans on her as they walk up.

    Saber: "Yes, but you are more adept at what you are doing... I think your body is becoming much more accepting of what you are doing..."

    Mor Rioghain: As you enter the kitchen Morrigan is setting food on the table... French Toast, with a small omlet and canadian bacon...

    James: "Hey, Teacher. Got enough for me ready?"

    Mor Rioghain: "And who do you think this is for?" She says in an irritated tone, "I'll tell you who it's for - a man who can not accept the words 'limit' or 'impossible' that's who."
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:47 No.9119702
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    Alright, one moment, and it will be. I'll try to get an early start, tomorrow on this. Look for the Shanker Sign around 10 or 11 PM, EST.
    >> Shanker 04/11/10(Sun)03:53 No.9119809
    And, thread Archived.

    I can keep going, or, like I said, I can start back up around 10 tomorrow.


    Archived thread.

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