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03/15/11(Tue)11:34 No.14249770 File1300203295.jpg-(32 KB, 1024x768, Wraith.jpg)
#1 I could imagine that both Gorgons and Yuan-Ti were created by the same God, but while the Yuan-Ti still serve Merrshaulk, the Gorgons have cut themselves free from his influence.
The thing is, Yuan-Ti want to destroy everything. Everyfuckinthing. The Gorgons again,wouldn't mind to enslave you,rape you and steal your last pants (in this order), yet they still see you as a somewhat usefull good. They simply are unwilling to destroy the world,as they would rather dominate it.
Regarding their hair,I assume the snakes are connected with the blood system of the Gorgon, making manually feeding them obsolete (though I could imagine they still feed them from time to time,be it to ensure their loyalty or to reward one particulary well-behaved snake.
Since being connected to the blood system would very likely also mean that the snakes are connected to the Gorgon's nervous system, removing would be unimaginable painful,much like tearing out a limb. If the snakes possess their own complete brains and not just large nerve hubs,the cut should also bleed rather seriously,so I doubt that Gorgons ever will have a haircut (willingly,that is.)
I suppose that their hair either grows during their entire lifetime or that they can willingly control it's growth. They need a damn god neck musculature anyhow if they don't want to risk breaking their neck if their hair doesn't behave. |