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!!857o4GkKJgy 04/02/11(Sat)15:06 No.14450716 File1301771164.jpg-(294 KB, 600x600, ff5934a54e2f833933b3049c22f92b(...).jpg)
Despite this setback, you nevertheless press on with your assault. The enemy force concentration here is relatively minor, a single company of GM's backed up by a heavy allotment of Salamis Cruisers intermingled with balls. For about two hours they appear to have been in a holding pattern. Perhaps your reclaiming the debris field has thrown them for a loop?
In anycase, you swiflty push the attack, wary of being out here in the open for too long. The Musai and the Outer Heaven opt not to open the fighting with a salvo, since that would reveal themselves to the more numerous enemy. Instead your Mobile Suit forces lead the charge, with your team and the Death Wasps leading the way.
The initial exchange is deadly, attempting to blitzkrieg through the lines through massed bazooka and panzerfaust fire intended to supress the enemy was only partially effective, and both companies take 30% damage, you all fare much better, managing to strike the enemy forces furiously.
Your attacks almost completely annihilate the enemy mobile suits and balls, and the ships retreat from you, firing as they go. It looks like the left flank is beginning to collapse. However those ships are still not destroyed, and you will have to charge forwards again to put the cat amongst the pidgeons.
sorry that took so long. |