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04/11/11(Mon)23:00 No.14563258 File1302577245.jpg-(20 KB, 375x500, 187.jpg)
fine you insatiable bastard.
>Gaming group falls apart due to guy with sizable apt moving >Recently 1 bro and i start going to old FLGS where i have always gone. >Play a game or 2 in the evening. Not a very happenin place. >One week bro has to work late and cant make it. >Remember a coworker telling me about a LGS that had opened up around the corner from my house, decide to hit it up solo >Take 1500 points of infantry mob guard for a game >Walk in, OHLY BALLS ITS LIKE A GODDAMN AIRCRAFT HANGAR, WHAT ARE ALL THESE OTHER GAMES, 28mm HEROIC SCALE WWII TROOPS WTF SO GLORIOUS MUST HAVE FOR VETS, so much more room, terrain on the tables is on par >Couple of dudes playing, go over watch for a bit, ask someone that isnt playing for a game. >SM vs me 1500 pts, dosnt have a written list, but says its all WISYWIG, holy balls thats a lot of doods. >Play game, have a fun time, each have one obj at the end of the game tie, >GG all around, hand shakes, etc >go home and tabulate up what i was playing against,2k points of SM
>come back next week and play versus a new blood angels player, and help him get a solid feel for tactics and more complete grasp of the rules, and how to operate vs an extremely shooty army like guard. feelsgoodman. >Go to applebees after and get drunk on 2 for 1's
mfw i tallyed up that SM army i played against |