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10/30/11(Sun)20:51 No.16790049>>16789615
youre not thinking this trough systematicaly
if you have a hierarchy of some sort, a social order of some sort, that social order momentarily dictates the modes of reproduction and they determine the social order in turn(dialectics, no)
what i eman is that if you have what we now call "noble houses" it is those same noble houses that controll and commision reproduction, so if youre vat-born, you are born into the noble house, or into some form of social structure, othervise there would be no reason for you to be produced in a vat, since that presuposes an intentional industrial process, which presuposes knowlege, infrastructure, resources, labour etc... you might be disgarded if you turn out bad but generaly you are born into the house - klan - tribe - family - hive - whatever...
what could i compare this with to make this more obvious than it allready is
WOD vampires - right... you exist only as a specific tipe and as such you are of a specific "tribe" or whatever, and your very existance presuposes, most often, a structure of some kind, a system by which you are made, not just random proliferation, and trough this your basic traits and character profile is determined
in the same way here, if you are produced, vat-born, then you are produced in a specific system, with a specific social/political position, in a specific political entity, say a house or a klan, and for a specific purpose, so you have a tipe, character class, "worker", "fighter" "managment", "inteligence", whatever, determining your traits, avalability of auguments, number of points or bonuses you get etc...
the same goes even more so if you are hive-born, because then you are asigned a function by birth itself, even if you might belong to a different caste
if you are free-born, however, then you are simply free
you are also literaly scum and you likely have no kidneys, if your organs work at all, but at least youre free to follow your dreams |