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!!0ZviLFh59My 01/26/12(Thu)21:00 No.17688721 File1327629651.jpg-(20 KB, 430x357, 1326851470275.jpg)
The little devil saunters off, looking quite pleased with herself, and with your expression.
"She hid it in the piano," Trude whispers to you. "Ignore her, she's not used to having men around she can harass."
"She has 250 kills?" you mutter in disbelief.
With that task complete, you dash to your room, strap on your sidearm (with four rounds left for it, since nobody in the entire base seems to have .45 ACP to spare, just more fucking 9mm,) slip on your uniform cap, and dash to the tarmac as fast as possible, checking for Frenchy at every corner. You make it to the last doorway, check your Six for the Hound of Gaul, and make it to your aircraft unnoticed.
Except for Sakamoto, that is. She's walking around your Black Widow as Ian and Sean gush over the new features to her.
"Ah. Our man of the hour," Sakamoto says loudly, making all three of you wince. "Relax. Perrine's in the dorms, primping."
Ian glances around the cavernous hangar suspiciously and edges closer to the plane.
"You can trust her," you assure him. "Sakamoto has a funny way of knowing everything that's going on."
Sakamoto throws her head back and laughs in that booming way of hers, then leans closer to you and lifts her eyepatch to reveal that strange retina of hers. "I see all. I hear all. I know all!" She turns to Ian. "Don't worry, I won't tell Perrine until you're in the air.
"Actually, could you give us..." you think, guesstimating the time-to-altitude of your new engines. "About fifteen minutes?"
Sakamoto grins at you devilishly. "No problem."
She's about to leave you to your devices when one last thing hits you. "Ah, Sakamoto, about Minna..."
She stops, and doesn't turn to face you. "Yes?"
"I'm picking up some treats for Sanya and Yoshika. Minna... she isn't that bad, we just got off on the wrong foot, and..."
"Yes?" Sakamoto asks again, and her tone is unreadable. |