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!Q7t.srvWZ6 02/19/12(Sun)19:21 No.18018479 File: 1329697290.png-(131 KB, 800x800, Magic_Circle_by_Vylen.png)
First, you unpack your ritual kit, laying out the plush lion, the robes and gavel, the compass, and the paper, and getting out one of your sticks of chalk. By the time you're done, Johnny shows up, wearing a fancy hat, his own red sunglasses, and carrying his "danger" cane. He observes your summoning materials, but says nothing, just raising an eyebrow at you.
"Ladies and gentleman, if you wouldn't mind spotting me," You say, as you get to work. Using the chalk, you carefully draw four summoning circles, roughly arranging them in a pattern matching the cardinal directions. At the center of the four, you draw a fifth, plain circle, which has an edge touching all of the others. According to your own notes and Jeanne, this should allow you to do all four summonings roughly simultaneously. Thus prepared, you carefully place the required materials in the exact center of the circles. You sit crosslegged in the central circle, and talk steady, meditative breaths, as you prepare to cast your spell.
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