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!Q7t.srvWZ6 02/28/12(Tue)21:43 No.18142223 File: 1330483412.png-(293 KB, 1500x1000, ThermicLance.png)
"Okay, your turn, I guess." You say, as you climb some stairs. "Right, well," She begins. "Problem with these fuckers is they don't tend to hit places that have enough security to put up a fight. In fact, Sun/Moon was the first time they hit a place with much of any security at all. So, anyway, since most civilians run and hide when they come rolling up, I wanted to ask you about them. Y'know, how they acted, what their tactics were like."
You consider for a moment. They seemed pretty organized for dudes with automatic weapons and random face-wear. They also knew how to prioritize targets, and some things about close-quarters combat. "They were decently trained, not just street thugs. They knew what to do, even if they didn't do it very well. I mean, once they saw me, they started focusing on me right away, even if 'spray and pray' didn't work. Plus they had that thermite lance." She stops short, grabs you by the shoulders, and spins you to face her. "They had a what?" You look and feel confused. "You didn't know? I mean, I know it mostly blew up, but they fired it at least once, did some damage." "Did a lot of damage." She replies. "But nobody saw the lancer. We're still sifting through the security camera footage, and the secretary who was in that office with you, I guess, didn't actually see the weapon." Huh, who knew. She lets go of your shoulders and puts a hand to her chin, and thinks. "If they have that kind of war-time ordinance, they're a lot better funded than we though. Plus, Cyrean weapons are all genome locked. They must have gotten someone to launder it." |