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!!UjNzln6KLxU 04/09/12(Mon)00:09 No.18633304 File: 1333944591.jpg-(131 KB, 800x601, 1327293764616.jpg)
Blinking, you find yourself in some form of temple. Torches burn in their fixtures, casting shards of light on walls of carefully-fitted cyclopean masonry. The air is stifling. It’s not too hot or humid… but still… in some way… it feels hard to breathe. This place just feels… ‘wrong’. Shrugging, you step forth, exploring your strange new surroundings. Wandering about, you find the columns decorated with eerie unknown symbols. Looking to your right as you enter a hallway, you find the wall carved with a relief of an ancient fertility god being tortured and killed by a demon wearing a pinstriped suit. You tear your gaze away from that and examine one of the statues scattered about this temple… It’s crudely made from sandstone, but captures the rough essence of the person… Pressing forth, you step deeper into the darkness, smelling the unpleasant scent of oil combusting from the torches. Eventually, you come into a large circular room laden with debris. As you wander into it, you detect a labored breathing and stop dead. From behind a large chunk of stone, some… creature wanders forth. You’re at a loss for how to describe it. Like a lion, but hairless… And skinless. Its bloody, exposed muscles glisten with wet blood as it pads out from its hiding place… It turns its head to you, emitting a pained growl as it registers you, baring a maw comprised of multiple rows of fangs.
>Sanity: 5 [] Run [] Kick it |