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!Q7t.srvWZ6 04/14/12(Sat)20:28 No.18714789 File: 1334449693.png-(359 KB, 1121x745, 1328939711103.png)
You get down to the central police station, and manage to get in the front door, past security, but then have a slight problem. Which is that random civilians normally don't get to talk to people in holding. So, you need to figure out how to get in to talk to Miles.
You decide your best bet is to see captain Skinner, so you head over to a duty desk, and ask the clerk if you can see the captain. You waste about five minutes talking back and forth with the rather terse looking clerk before she is convinced to allow you to speak with the Captain, and you're directed to her office, passing through the bullpen of detectives, before coming to knock on her door.
Another couple of minutes, and you've explained what's up, and what you plan is, as she stares levelly at you over her desk. "Short answer, no." You open your mouth to object, but she stops you with her steely gaze. "Long answer, I don't think I can do that, legally speaking." "What, I can't just visit him?" You ask. "Well, okay, technically, you can just talk to him. But I suspect his lawyer will mind. I mean, if somehow Miles gets away scott free, not likely mind, he could try and counter-sue you for assault, or something." "So let his lawyer supervise." You reply. "Well, then he wont say anything. It'd be admissible and all that." You sigh. "Look, can I try talking to him anyway?" She sighs, looks away for a second, then back at you. "Alright, I'll take you down to holding, and you can ask him questions. Try to impress on him this is all off the record, though. His lawyers'll flip otherwise." |