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!DowN/N3yMY 04/24/12(Tue)11:49 No.18842695 File: 1335282548.jpg-(42 KB, 640x360, 640px--SS-Eclipse-_Hayate_no_G(...).jpg)
"Well... It seems I have the ability to manipulate data, like how I befriended Ted, and Lo. Made them more than simple battle constructs, gave them the ability to think, and have personalities beyond what they originally had. It... It seems I was doing it with Naru, too. She kept... She kept going, after the simulation was supposed to be shut down. The Director said, she said, if I couldn't wake her, and... maintain her form with my majaik, she'd have to... to purge Naru, and the 'errant simulation'. I guess... I guess I just wasn't good enough." "Wait, So she became self aware?" She asks you. "Yes. She was alive." you tell her. "But I wasnt able to keep her that way." "I wasn't able to save a friend. I saw so much of myself in her. I was in that situation she was in, betrayed, abandoned, and just going through the motions of life. That's when Mike found me, and gave me a way out that I hadn't realized I had been looking for." You tell them dejectedly. "What good am I if I can't do something as simple as that."
The girls say nothing more and wrap their arms around you. The next thing you know, you were home at the resort.
With no more words said between the five of you, the girls and you head to the bedroom to retire for the night.
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