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!Q7t.srvWZ6 04/27/12(Fri)01:29 No.18879713 File: 1335504562.jpg-(26 KB, 326x207, ProflowersDeliveryBox.jpg)
Blackstone stands up, puts his hat on, and grabs his staff. "Well, I think I'll be leaving, now that I've done my part. I'm going to have a nice long sleep." He looks at the Captain. "If you need me, don't call before noon." He turns to you, and hands you a small note, in a elegant, spidery hand. "Miss Mystery gives her regards." He tips his hat at you, and says "It's been a pleasure working with you, and I look forward to talking to you in the future." He walks off in a very wizardly way, and gets in another elevator. You read the note. It says;
"Dear Mr. Fortesque,
Sorry I couldn't talk to you in person. Mr. Blackstone spoke briefly of you while we worked together in the Museum, and it's always nice to hear about other young people doing what they can to help, especially when they don't have too. If you're ever in Cali, send me a message at this address, and maybe we can meet properly, and talk some shop. Out of costume, of course.
Cheers, Miss Mystery (II)"
Also enclosed is a fairly nondescript E-mail address. You pocket the note, and look up at the captain, who has her eye closed and is leaning against the wall again. "Aren't you going?" You ask. "Police protection." She says, simply. "I'll be relieved in another couple of hours." You nod. You decide to get up, and get some coffee, or something, offering to bring the Captain back some. She doesn't say yes, but the look of her single cybernetic eye suggests yes. While getting some hospital coffee, you find yourself confronted by Regis. He's dressed as he was, but instead of a sword, he has a long cardboard box, like a flower box.
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