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!Q7t.srvWZ6 04/27/12(Fri)17:19 No.18887544 File: 1335561583.jpg-(26 KB, 400x400, advicedan7.jpg)
After talking to Anna, you decide to head home and finally sleep. Roxane is still asleep in the chair, and not wanting to wake her, you tell Captain Skinner to tell her you left when she wakes up. You head back to your dorm room on foot, taking a meaningful, introspective walk, pass all the cordons and police tape put up around the impact craters, and crash in your bed, and sleep about seven hours, waking sometime after 1 in the afternoon.
While you were asleep, the news story broke, and the city gave an official statement to the press, going with what the Government said to say. The city was then force to swallow their pride, and thank the Miss Mystery, the US Navy, and several civilian heroes who "wished to remain anonymous". Then they turned it over to the FBI, who were force to thank the city for their cooperation in the ongoing efforts to capture Dr. Moreau, and those same anonymous heroes. The Ashwood family also gave an official statement, neither 'confirming or denying" their involvement during the "dashing biplane duel with a dragon". That afternoon, while you have brunchfast, Johnny's version of the story breaks in the school newspaper, upselling "Javelin's" involvement, and the aide of a body of mystically oriented students. All in all, while not denying that the city was in danger, all the statements do downplay how close the world came to destruction, and also trying not to make the whole situation a witchhunt for Anna.
And of course, campus buildings are closed for the rest of the week, for repairs.
>If you'd specifically like ask what happened to a specific character, or do something specific in the next couple days, say so. Otherwise we're skipping ahead a few. |