
Reviews and Ramblings
    by PurpleXVI - 12/12/16
    by PurpleXVI - 12/12/16
    by PurpleXVI - 12/12/16
    by PurpleXVI - 12/12/16
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What if you\'re not prepared?
    by PurpleXVI - 09/19/14
GM Startup Guide
    by PurpleXVI - 06/10/09
Weave: The Threads of Reality
    by PurpleXVI - 01/30/09
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Jachin Akhenaton: Epic Death in Two Sessions
    by PurpleXVI - 11/10/08
DF Let's Play - Episode One
    by CAPSLOCKGUY - 11/06/08
    by CAPSLOCKGUY - 10/19/08
Razamon, Barbarian of the North
    by MxSavior - 10/17/08
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[#] Ultima Online: The MMORPG Version of PnP Gaming
10:29am EST - 11/19/2008
So, upon reading the subject line you're gonna ask: "LOL PURPAL MMORPGS IS ABOUT GRINDANS AND LOOTANS HOW CAN THEY BE ANYTHING LIKE A PNP GAME HUR DUR I'M GOING TO GO CHOKE ON A DICK RIGHT NOW?" Because, hey, I know you people. This is what you're like. Crazy for dick and retarded.

But, merciful that I am, I am going to tell you how Ultima Online is fucking awesome and worthy of your attention.



Surprise! This was a trapped .jpg!

[#] Jachin Akhenaton: Epic Death in Two Sessions
11:09am EST - 11/10/2008
So, what's more epic than a character who steps in, kicks a ton of ass, delivers some awesome one-liners and rides away with the girl at the end?

A character who goes out with a bang while saving the party, the world, the girl or all of them. Especially if he gets a fucking set of RESPEC' KNUCKZ from his deity afterwards.



Why do half my characters end like this?

[#] HeroClix Exposed Part II
03:09pm EST - 11/09/2008
HeroClix Exposed Part II

Last week on HeroClix Exposed, I introduced you all to HeroClix, a collectible miniatures game that revolves around building teams of your favorite superheroes (or villains) from the DC or Marvel universes. Now, while there are figures from such series as 2000 A.D., B.P.R.D., and Alien vs. Predator, we’ll focus mostly on the heroes and villains coming from DC and Marvel HeroClix. Today, we’ll be discussing powers and abilities.



hurdur look at me I'm a faggot nurse

[#] Board Games in the Hizzle, Yo
09:03am EST - 11/06/2008
So hey, board games. Most /tg/ folk love them, I mean, I'm pretty sure you could recruit most of us for a game of chess, checkers, Ludo or whatever. Still, there are less traditional games out there which nonetheless manage to be fucking fun. Let's have a look at some, shall we?



Best part of Doom? Making the chainsaw sounds.

[#] HeroClix Exposed
05:11pm EST - 11/04/2008
When I browse the /tg/ front page or walk into any LGS I may pass by on the way to work, there’s always one war-game that’s constantly on display. With the vast number of miniature/wargames out there, Warhammer is the most dominant franchise out there. However, Games Workshop’s cash cow is being threatened by none other than a ‘clix’ game. One that sold out of its new booster set five days before its release.




[#] First DM's, now Players
05:33pm EST - 10/29/2008
So, I dropped some HARDCORE ADVICING on DM's a while ago, but while they have a lot of the responsibility for whether a game works out or not, it's ultimately just as much(if not more) in the hands of the players.

Let's say you're a Player(Not a Playah, though that's entirely a viable type of Player in some games...), what can YOU do not to fuck up the fun? And what should you definitely not do? Plenty of shit. Let's get started.

(Disclaimer: Most of these issues are things I've personally encountered, I'm sure I've missed a lot and am exaggerating others simply because of how much they've pissed me off.)



I've got nothing clever to put here.

[#] Max Payne
04:43am EDT - 10/22/2008

Max Payne, one of the quintessential action games from the golden age of shooters. It was the first game to include the oh-so-popular bullet time, and used super slick noir comic book style cutscenes to bridge the gap between shooty bits. It was hailed as an amazing game, and was successful enough to spawn an even better sequel. So how's the movie? Well… pretty good!

It very loosely follows the plot, but has enough familiar names and settings to keep it somewhat relevant, though there was only one character choice that confused me. Ludacris as Bravura? I'll let it slide since he doesn't do much other than stare at files and then chase after Max. The major plot points are the same, though. Max's family's still dead, Lupino's still crazy and Mona's still a fox. What more could you want? Well there is a few things…



I'm pretty sure he was drunk when he did this.

[#] DM'ing Blunders to Avoid and Miscellaneous Advice
11:07am EDT - 10/21/2008
Now, the way I see it, DM'ing advice is not a review of anything, nor is it exactly a ramble. But it does somewhat fit under game design, since you're designing a campaign world, a story and an experience. If LL disagrees, he can whomp this over. With that disclaimer aside, time to actually get started...

The focus of this article will basically be me, a pretty regular DM(and rare player), pointing out what gets on my tits and ruins my enjoyment of a game when OTHER DM's do it.


TL;DR: Use moderation, don't try to play in your own game, talk to your damn players and motivate the little fuckers.


Yes, I really AM this unoriginal.

[#] Random Chance And You
05:04pm EDT - 10/20/2008
Except for a few diceless games and freeform RPG's, pretty much every game system we use has an element of random chance. Usually it's dice, occasionally it's cards and I wouldn't be surprised if there was something out there which used "Rock, Paper, Scissors" or something even weirder as its random factor.

Some systems are more random than others, some have their dice system specifically for the sake of more mediocre than extreme results and some are completely chaotic and unpredictable once you embark on a course of action that relies primarily on chance for you to succeed.

But how big a place should random chance have?


So I guess the TL;DR of this whole mess is: Too little randomness makes the adventure pointless(they know what's going to happen 90% of the time) and susceptible to DM bias, too much randomness makes the adventure pointless because their actions are kind of meaningless with regards to what actually HAPPENS("You swing your sword and it turns into an angry red dragon. Everyone dies.").


I have loud opinions about polyhedrons.

[#] So, you want to make a game?
07:21pm EDT - 10/18/2008
Got a concept? Awesome. Written some fluff? Perfect! Decided that you want a stat called Asskicking and a skill for Anal Circumference? That's wonderful.

Now throw all that shit out. It's just going to get in your way. When you want to make a game, you should forget EVERYTHING else until you have finished the very most basic part: Resolution.


Anyway, this has turned long and incoherent. Here's the TL;DR version. Figure out how the system works and how you want it to work before you get started on anything else. And shit, don't be afraid to adjust an existing system to do what you want it to. There's no reason to reinvent the wheel.


I figured I might want an avatar that, you know, was vaguely fitting.

[#] Exalted is for fags and Jeans
06:30pm EDT - 10/14/2008
You know what real men play? Lacuna

What's that? You haven't HEARD about Lacuna yet? That's because you're a useless lump of blubber and flesh who couldn't grow a real beard or sideburns to save his life. Good thing I'm here to make a MAN out of you.

The short version? If you've seen the Matrix, imagine yourself as an Agent in the world of Dreams, making the waking world a better place. If not? Here's the long version...



This is seriously from the best zombie comedy ever

[#] I'm liking this old-man reminiscin'...
09:46am EDT - 10/12/2008


Which means that you people get more stuff about 2nd edition AD&D. Topic for the day? Dark Sun. I figured that since I mentioned it in my last post, it would sort of make sense to tell people about it in this post.

So what is Dark Sun? The short description I always resort to is: post-apocalyptic D&D freed from a lot of the more annoying clichés of D&D.



So I'm running out of good horror, okay?

[#] Let's get Old Skool
10:36pm EDT - 10/10/2008


Back In My Day, when I first started playing 2nd edition AD&D, my very first RPG, I didn't start out playing Planescape. If I had it would definitely have scared me the hell away, because I was 12 or something. Planescape ain't for kids, it's not for hacking and slashing, it's not for min/maxing. It's the setting where a clever 1st-level character can do more damage than an Int 3, Wis 3 combat monster with more vorpal swords than digits. When you're 12, you just want to know that you found a bitching sword and how far that orc's head rolled when you cut him in half.

A lot of "modern" gamers missed out on this awesome setting, which was really one of the things that dragged 2nd edition AD&D above and beyond the hack-and-slash stigma that D&D is saddled with by a lot of people...




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