
[#] Archive Cleanup
10:53pm UTC - 7/31/2008

Stiiiiiiiiiiill waiting.

I've taken the day off from work (since it's pretty slow today and some of my particular projects are dead in the water due to required people being on vacation), so I'll have a lot of spare time today. I think I'm going to finally clean out the archives. (Whatever happened to "end of month cleanup?" More like "end of every three months or more" amirite?)

I'm going to pretty much kill everything in the red. If you have suggestions on threads to keep or delete, drop by the IRC and let me know. This is going to be a fairly significant culling this time around. There are a lot of really awful threads in there and I just haven't gotten around to deleting them... so today is their last day. I'll post an update with the statistics and list of deleted threads when I perform the removal.

Update 7:06pm: Here is the list of my first pass on the thread archive, which means deleting pretty much everything under -6 votes and anything with the word 'rape' in it:

Pre-culling: 778
Post-culling: 726

The threads have been moved to a 'purgatory' for a couple days, after which they will be permanently deleted. If there is a thread you believe deserves redemption, shoot me a message and I'll review it. Update 7:38pm: Now with humorous commentary!

~Lord Licorice

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over how awesome my moustache is.


1 elite insurance
07:52am UTC - 12/11/2010 [X]
Hey Althea, are you sure???

Fondest regards,

2 hosting_best
12:08pm UTC - 4/27/2012 [X]
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3 AndrossITB
05:20pm UTC - 5/13/2012 [X]
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