After witnessing a particularly shitty thread get archived, I realized I hadn't purged it in a while and have taken a cursory swing at the lowest votes. I really need to just kill everything under a certain value but the more personal touch lets me save things that deserve saving elsewhere before giving it the axe. Here's the latest list; as usual, anything deleted is put into the graveyard for a time. All graveyard items previous to these have been deleted.
- 4017868 (-12 of 14 votes): ZALGO PART TWO - ZALGO ̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔ ̕̚̕̚ HAS R ̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔ ̕̚̕̚ISEN ̡̢̡̢̛̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔ ̕̚̕̚ (broke HTML, shit)
- 1290570 (-1 of 11 votes): Johniass...again - Another Johniass thread degrades into posting dragon-girls (/tg/ — Vorephilia amirite)
- 2289155 (-13 of 15 votes): The Torture Thread - ITT: we post epic ways to torture the player characters. (like we don't have enough of these)
- 1529653 (-12 of 21 votes): Telemachus' Tale, continued - The continuing story of Guardsman-turned-Chaos-turned-Tau in the Free world of Imber. (A Love Blooms Again spin-off) (a ripoff of a ripoff of something a lot of people hate? I wonder why it's downvoted)
- 1881756 (-12 of 12 votes): Deus Volt 3 - Continuation of Deus Volt (continuation of "no one loves you")
- 3394467 (-12 of 12 votes): Troll Thread - In which it is discovered that the way to prevent /tg/ raging over WoW is to post lots of WoW porn CG. (itt morons. banned user)
- 2071498 (-11 of 21 votes): The Reckoning - When the Emporer seek vengance upon wrongdoings, writefags display their worth in GRIMDARK fashion (crap writing, also nerdfight over fluff)
- 3401473 (-11 of 13 votes): DUNGEON LEGACY - It's just fucking awful. Seriously, it is some shitty, hideous comic that is shitty and hideous and shitty. (imagedump, but snagging images because holy lol is this awful)
- 3686700 (-11 of 11 votes): Musclegirls Rise Again! - -4 STR is dead. Again. (die in shit. again. user banned)
- 3754022 (-11 of 11 votes): drr - drr (test thread)
- 3755037 (-11 of 11 votes): drr - drr (test thread, I suck at this whole "clean up" game)
- 802484 (-10 of 22 votes): Touhou Thread (see below) - Your average Touhou thread... (... is shit)
- 1005206 (-10 of 16 votes): A Commissar and his Hat - Recent scribblefaggotry about a commissar who loses his hat. (a commissar and his thread are soon deleted)
- 3231631 (-10 of 12 votes): Michael de Jong - When a totally weeaboo anon asks for advice on his Tau army, a kind man gives him a nice Tau spreadsheet. Using this, a clever anon finds out his name, and Michael de Jong is turned into a new n- (nicely done shithead, you were so busy posting your ridiculously wordy description that you neglected to put in the right thread number. asshole.)
- 2123168 (-10 of 22 votes): DM Horror Stories, Cannibalism, and Baron Von Blimp - A rambling discussion that started out talking about DM Horror Stories then ended up in a discussion about Cannibalism and BARON VON BLIMP and his CLOWN ZEPPELIN with CRANE HANDS (and some more DM Horror Stories) (how many of these do we really need, goddamn)
- 2222320 (-10 of 10 votes): Massive Artwork Thread - Lots of inspiring artwork (image dump)
- 2237988 (-10 of 12 votes): Warhammer 90k redux - /tg/ once again discusses what will happen in the Grimdark future of Warhammer 90k spoilers:Orks win (spoilers: gw wins your money)
- 2244386 (-10 of 22 votes): Coca Cola weaponry - Initial real life olive-related failure somehow gets derailed into Coke-related awesomeness. One of the most refreshing threads we've had in a while. (yes you should)
- 2265111 (-10 of 20 votes): Maid RPG, the Second Coming - Usually Random returns to continue promoting the Maid RPG with IRC one-shots. (it's out)
- 2267284 (-10 of 20 votes): Maid RPG, the Second Coming, Part Two - Reports of the Maid RPG playtests from the front lines. (it's out)
- 2322526 (-10 of 18 votes): 40k Open Mic Night - Ich...someone get the Khaine. (short and to the point, too bad the point is stupid)
- 2759596 (-10 of 10 votes): Edward Cullen Heresy - Edward Cullen brings a bad reputation to vampires. Kain is requested to silence him, and brings various debates of Kain's awesomeness. Plus the Emperor wielding the Soul Reaver? (I hate you so much)
- 2504091 (-10 of 12 votes): What are your sins, /tg/? - /tg/ discusses all the things they have done that can be considered 'sins' against /tg/, Forgive me, /tg/! (no, die in shit)
- 2944525 (-10 of 16 votes): Request for Dragon turns to porn. - Protip: Never post tits when asking for something. (protip: you're a moron)
- 3108200 (-10 of 22 votes): Dakka dakka dakka - OP, you are the most talented troll I have ever seen. You instigated a 150 post pissing contest over whose contry is the best in the world by mispronouncing ork language. ORKS AREN'T EVEN REAL. 10/10. (another troll thread, why thank you, you're so thoughtful~)
- 3320215 (-10 of 10 votes): -4 ST? - Big thread about gender dimorphism and statting. Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls. (user banned, no witty comment, just... I hate you so much)
- 3370681 (-10 of 10 votes): The DM's Job Is To Rip Off Content - According to a "professional" dm... (yum yum)
- 3397588 (-10 of 12 votes): Meanwhile - in /tg/... (meanwhile, in /b/, they're missing a same text different pic thread)
- 3555447 (-10 of 16 votes): Flare Porn - For those seeking flareporn. (/tg/ — Guro. user banned)
- 3715644 (-10 of 16 votes): Centaur Porn, part 2. - What's not to love about a sexy woman, with a big ass, who never wears pants? (the fact that you archived it, is what)
- 3810138 (-10 of 10 votes): Hey Faggots! - My name is John, and this thread is so cash. The best variants on a "classic" pasta dish. (hey! eat shit!)
- 3819229 (-10 of 10 votes): The Greatest Troll, or the Worst Retard. You decide. - Hundreds of posts about stealing from a LGS. If a troll, 10/10. If not, kill yourself. Racism and morals rear their ugly heads. However, despite all the arguing, /tg/ agrees: OP is a faggot. (I vote for "you're a moron")
- 3842747 (-10 of 12 votes): The furries /tg/ loves to hate - what part of Flame does /tg/ hate? many apparently... also chocolate golem babes filled with cadburry's caramel. (no no no no no no, banned user)
- 3846256 (-10 of 12 votes): Are centaurs furry? Because I would so hit that. - /tg/ pretends it's /b/. Hilarity ensues. (ffff, banned)
- 4034225 (-10 of 10 votes): I must have this woman, /tg/. - Caution, hot lust for dead women, computers, Barney the dinosaur and Vasquez inside. (you must be chemically castrated)
- 2272497 (-9 of 23 votes): Maid RPG, Second Coming, Part Three - A second game happens, and so we have another thread for it. (out)
- 1289125 (-9 of 9 votes): /tg/ 40k fluff recap - /tg/ does an accounting of its current fluff. (shitty even before it was outdated)
- 1377589 (-9 of 13 votes): Eclipsion Starchild X Lil' E shotafic - Eclipsion Starchild and Lil' E engage in swordfighting. (the only thing creepier than fetishising little girls is fetishising little boys)
- 2266914 (-9 of 15 votes): Sex and D&D - DM asks how he can improve his erotic D&D game. After some discussion and ideas, it all boils down to 'lets us all join'. (gb2/d/)
- 3428728 (-9 of 33 votes): 3.5e sergal discussion 1 - An anon delivers on his promise for a page, only to have a flawed page delivered. /tg/ tries to help. (WhoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CARES!)
- 774827 (-8 of 10 votes): I DO COLD MEDICINE - /tg/ speaks with great sophistication. (*monocle*)
- 837912 (-8 of 12 votes): The worst 40K fanfiction. EVER. - In which fa/tg/uys are subjected to what may be the Repercussions of Evil of the 40K universe, except unfunnier. (wonderful)
- 966151 (-8 of 10 votes): The Coming Year - [In which a generic thread is created] ([generic hate])
- 1339433 (-8 of 14 votes): John Eversor is SO cash - John Eversor lectures fa/tg/uys on how to be cool, then Macha gets him drunk in an attempt to get laid. Hilarity ensues. (meh)
- 1396113 (-8 of 14 votes): Fexy and Kauyon - A Tyranid and Tau WIP pornfic is saged while the drawfag tries to get pics done and the writefag tries bumping the thread. (an author *and* a drawfag can't keep this thread afloat and yet you archived it anyway? you are dumb)
- 1414447 (-8 of 12 votes): Samus fluff - The Lost Primarch has her fluff expanded for manly tears. (no one cares)
- 1653298 (-8 of 32 votes): Kuwatian Prince lurks /tg/ - And he wants pics of awesome armour. But seriously, Kuwatian prince? It's a small world after all. (basically imagedump, no one cares)
- 1782585 (-8 of 14 votes): Corporis Sisters Rise Again - Repoast of stats, with some writefaggotry (statme + boring writefag)
- 1881944 (-8 of 14 votes): WoW 4E Stats - Wherein, someone stats WoW races for use in 4E (do I have to even say why this is shit)
- 2236721 (-8 of 14 votes): I Know Kung Fu - Does that really surprise you? (congratulations you can rhyme)
- 2604552 (-8 of 28 votes): What's it like to hold the Femperor in your arms? - A bunch of ronery fa/tg/uys try to cyber with each other, but are repeatedly foiled by a sadistic interloper. (why do you live)
- 3979668 (-8 of 12 votes): Grandpa Dreadnought and Lina Inverse - A simple chat with Grandpa Dreadnought is sent into chaos by a big-breasted invader. But it's nothing the totally-not-a-chaos-sorceress Lina Inverse can't handle! (lina inverse = automatic fail)
- 999999 (-7 of 13 votes): WAAAAGH GET - WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH (you missed)
- 1319933 (-7 of 9 votes): Epic FF Stat Me Continued - Continuing from >>1301249, this thread produced several of the Summons, The Red Mage base class, A Gambler Prestige Class and the Archaic Summoner Prestige Class. (meh)
- 1334167 (-7 of 9 votes): Final Fantasy Stat Me 3 - Continued from >>1319933. More epic win conversions for the ever-growing file. (bleh)
- 1411079 (-7 of 9 votes): Chosen and Women - Chaos Chosen Thread turned to Women shitstorm turned to EPIC MUSICAL ABOUT PENIS. (wat)
- 2471347 (-7 of 29 votes): A Lone Sororita - You enter the sauna after a long days work of battling the emperors foes. But you are not alone Damn basturds didn't archive the other Sororita thread (you enter the sauna after a long day's work battline the Emperor's foes, and are promptly eaten by a grue)
- 3650770 (-7 of 25 votes): DAT XENOS ASS - A collection of HERETICAL material. (eat shit)
- 3677242 (-7 of 23 votes): Centaur Porn - A selection of sexy woman, with a big ass, who never wears pants? (god fucking damnit die in shit motherfuckers)
- 3847060 (-7 of 7 votes): Exalted fag hates sergals - An exaltedfag, likely a troll, gets ridiculed by /tg/ before the thread devolves into trolling... (come on guys)
- 2212143 (-10 of 12 votes): Reposting from Adventure thread - Someone started reposting pic's from a drawfag thread involving dragon born and tieflings (dragonborn porn, yay)
- 2303035 (-10 of 10 votes): Just as Planned - Tales of precisely executed revenge. More or less. Typically involves bodily fluids and flames. (just as shitty)
- 2423625 (-10 of 14 votes): D'aww wut - Thread starts out d'aww and good-day, and quickly turns IG and Horo (if a thread completely derails, why would you bother archiving it)
- 3627188 (-10 of 10 votes): Fucking hirsuits - begins as a thread about whipswords, ends as a thread about Major Maxillary's love for fat chicks and hairy armpits. (I hate you)
- 3842747 (-10 of 12 votes): The furries /tg/ loves to hate - what part of Flame does /tg/ hate? many apparently... also chocolate golem babes filled with cadburry's caramel. (didn't I already delete this one? oh... I did, didn't click delete though. whoops)
- 3536827 (-10 of 12 votes): Blood, Sweat, and Tears... also cum and piss. - A rather unusual discussion on using alternative bodily fluids as spell components, instead of just blood, blood, and more blood. (uhh...)
- 1372073 (-9 of 9 votes): Classy Marines - Top hats and monocles and bears, oh my!! (pip pip, eat a shit)
- 1206615 (-6 of 6 votes): 4chan Tournament #2 - Each board on 4chan chooses a representative for a battle to end all battles. (except it never actually happened)
- 1211692 (-6 of 6 votes): 4chan Tournament (BrawlChan) - Part III - Part III of the saga of /tg/'s planning for BrawlChan, now with more 1st-level commoner Pun-Pun cheese. (didn't happen)
- 1201506 (-3 of 3 votes): 4chan Tournament - Each board on 4chan chooses a representative for a battle to end all battles. (failure)
- 1155656 (-6 of 6 votes): CRAWL - A discussion on Dungeon Crawl that almost immediately dives into a flamewar about Dwarf Fortress, with a happy end. (oh good a flamewar, that sounds like something that isn't happening on /tg/ 24/7)
- 1167426 (-6 of 6 votes): Pictures of a fa/tg/uy - Wherein, /tg/ falls for shoops, then gets tits. (wherein I hate you)
- 1193419 (-6 of 6 votes): Rapture Academy in Pictures - OP asks /tg/ about its favourite eroRPG. Anonymous matches paragraphs from Rapture Academy to pictures from his hentai collection. (ihateyouihateyouihateyou)
- 1303360 (-6 of 8 votes): Delicious Ruby/Kane slash. - Never post anything remotely fapworthy when asking a question. (die)
- 1355402 (-6 of 8 votes): Final Fantasy Stat Me 4 - Continued from 1334167. Degenerates into a Kefka vs. Sephiroth flame war after a while, but it gets back on track with all the epic epic win conversions we've grown to love. (why are you? just... why are you existing)
- 1395912 (-6 of 10 votes): /tg/'s ideal male - Inspired by /co/'s ideal male, fa/tg/uys attempt to create an ideal male to represent the board. (you used the word "epic", die)
- 1565139 (-6 of 14 votes): Malkavians in Power Armor - Honestly, the title says it all. (it says "please delete me")
- 1829222 (-6 of 16 votes): 4E leak - Awesome anon is awesome and uploads the 4E DMG, PHB, and MM. Rage, touhou, fapping and skub ensue. (no longer relevant)
- 2772075 (-6 of 10 votes): Anthromorphic Slivers - A sliver idea turns into a sliver discussion turns into d'aaaaaaw little slivers! (uhh ok)
- 2768800 (-6 of 12 votes): You've been turned into a Dryad, what do you do? - Same old boring question gets turned around into a dryad image dump and Horrific wood puns. (DO YOU MOTHERFUCKERS EVEN THINK FOR HALF A FUCKING MOMENT BEFORE ARCHIVING THIS SHIT)
- 3720644 (-6 of 16 votes): Girly girls, butch girls, and reverse-traps - The resident fa/tg/uys debate on if a woman can be sexy without relying upon "feminine" traits and appearances. Much appreciation of androgyny is displayed, as well as plenty of sexy women in short haircuts and masculine attire. (ffff)
- 3977449 (-6 of 16 votes): NO JOHN YOU ARE THE FURRIES - Starts off as as an Advice Poke thread, until a certain post turns everyone into a furry. (argh)
- 3980727 (-6 of 8 votes): Grandpa Dreadnought and Lina Inverse 2 - The chaos continues (hate)
- 4072463 (-4 of 8 votes): As Requested: Candyland Rape Fic - Sooooo damn hot (fuck. you. banned user)
- 4129071 (-6 of 10 votes): Sergal Bird Buddies - Handsome OP asks for homebrew help, inspires rage (you archived this sergal-related thread just to be a contrary asshole, thanks. banned user)
- 4125309 (-4 of 6 votes): Grimdark Flare - /tg/ makes Flare into something acceptable (more like goddamnit flare. user banned)
- 4001538 (-4 of 4 votes): Touhoufag delivers watermarked PHB II - Touhoufag delivers watermarked PHB II. (outdated PDF links)
- 4001939 (0 of 2 votes): Tripfag delivers unwatermarked 4e PHB2 - Trifag delivers unwatermarked PHB2. Everyone rejoices! (outdated PDF links)
- 1388532 (0 of 6 votes): Immortals Handbook: Ascension PDF - One brave Anon actually bought a PDF of the Immortals Handbook: Ascension. ITT, we help him get the watermark out and upload the PDF. (outdated PDF links)
- 1831699 (-7 of 13 votes): 3rd edition D&D PDFs - Another metric shiat-ton of links (outdated PDF links)
- 1806717 (0 of 14 votes): A metric shiat-ton of links and Codices - Everything you could possibly want (outdated PDF links)
- 3800977 (-1 of 1 votes): Vagina Dentata - An innocent thread about plague marine health care devolves into a series of hilarious innuendos, culminating in clever visual imagery of a commissar chasing winged dicks. (clever for a 12-year-old)
- 4243319 (13 of 35 votes): Ginormoca, 50 ft tall woman, sex toys. - /tg/ gets shit done by designing sex toys for 50 foot tall women. "Gentlemen, we have invented a fucktoy the size of a goddamn combine-harvester." (gb2/d/. banned user)
- 4373122 (-6 of 8 votes): Mirage - /tg/ turns an image of a giant furry pissing on people into a fully fleshed out deity, complete with adventure hooks and plausible reasons for her inclusion. (Wow. Wow. The really terrible part is that this is essentially a tribute thread to an earlier, even worse, unarchived thread. Wow. Just... wow. Banned user)
- 4380358 (-4 of 4 votes): hot stuff - someone heated /tg/ (stop)
- 4381010 (-4 of 4 votes): hot stuff 2 - someone heats /tg/ 2 (adding)
- 4381681 (-3 of 3 votes): Continue the Awesome - Image dump of mostly Western-style cheesecake. (these)
- 4344796 (-7 of 15 votes): 4th Edition Criticism Breakdown - A thoughtful and logical approach to counter-trolling of the fourth edition of the popular Dungeons and Dragons tabletop roleplaying game. Too bad OP gives up in the second post, the twat. I can say twat in the suptg archives, right? (Your summary is longer than the damn thread)
- 4295722 (-9 of 23 votes): How do you get off, /tg/? - Fa/tg/uys share their deepest desires. Turns out /tg/ is even more like /d/ that people thought. (why do you hate me)
- 4282316 (-9 of 9 votes): YIP YIP YIP YIP - Possibly the best campaign setting..ever? (muppet mib this isn't)
- 4258003 (-7 of 29 votes): The Why Do Naga/Lamia Turn Me On Thread - An in depth discussion by /tg/ on why we love snakegirls so damn much. (stop. adding. this. shit)
- 4203372 (-5 of 11 votes): Erotic Traps (not that kind) - The DM of a "erotic" RPG asks for good traps to put in the dungeon. (yet another troll thread yaaay)
Special note: The 4chan Show has also been removed. I'd paid little attention to it, even as I noticed thread after thread appearing in the archives, but when fucking 18 Part 2 rolled around with a Mod showing up to denounce how fucking off-topic it was... Anyone that cares can still get the threads from the graveyard as linked below, but eliminating over 20 unnecessary threads feels good, man.
You can pretty much see a timeline of /tg/'s fascination, boredom, and eventual anger at its existence by the score/# votes made. Future authors take note, no matter how awesome you think you are, /tg/ is fickle and will not stand for 20 goddamned threads.
- 3853058 (9 of 15 votes): 4chan Anime - A writefag brings up the 4chan anime again...
- 3856158 (6 of 12 votes): The 4Chan Show Part:2 - more charatorization, board tan pics and overall wankery
- 3857180 (6 of 14 votes): 4chan Show Part 3 - /x/tan image dump, cliffhanger ending to writefag's story of /tg/ protecting /x/, and inane shitstorm over whether /tg/ should be black or not.
- 3883553 (1 of 15 votes): The 4chan show - /tg/ discusses with creative writers and artists on how feature characters, the board mascots, would interact in the setting. Reasonable Discussion ensues! Hopes for flash games and comics based on touring the boarding home appear.
- 3886730 (1 of 13 votes): the 4chan show 2 - more speculation on 4chan show
- 3893093 (0 of 10 votes): the 4chan show 3 - continued writefaggotry
- 3894347 (-1 of 9 votes): the 4chan show 4 - continued character design and writefaggorty
- 3900735 (1 of 7 votes): the 4chan show 5 - /tg/ continues brainstorming ideas for the 4chan Show, and debates both how and when the fights scenes occur and whether or not /tg/'s dice are magic.
- 3903834 (0 of 6 votes): 4 chan show 6 - The plot continues to form, specifically how we handle the fights without influencing the rest of the story overmuch.
- 3918029 (-5 of 21 votes): 4chan show 7 - continued discussion about the building and /d/
- 3929812 (2 of 6 votes): the 4chan show 8 - /tg/ discusses the floor plan and room arrangements of the house.
- 3938073 (-3 of 17 votes): the 4chan show 9 - /tg/ continues the 4chan Show discussion, mostly involving further characterization of boards, especially /d/.
- 3947902 (-3 of 13 votes): 4chan Project X - The saga continues, as the project team acquires a couple of drawfags.
- 3958820 (-5 of 15 votes): 4chan Project 11 - We iron out a couple of characters, and /k/ pulls a fighter jet out of his pocket.
- 3967018 (-4 of 10 votes): 4chan Project 12 - Well, /k/'s Pocket Fighter Jet was great while it lasted. ITT: /ck/, /a/, and Whales on Stilts.
- 3976747 (-6 of 18 votes): 4chan Project 13 - D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww!!!
- 3986750 (-4 of 20 votes): 4chan Project, thread 14 - The battle for /a/'s gender is decided, and some quality writefaggotry is enjoyed by all.
- 3997858 (-3 of 13 votes): 4chan Project 15 - /tg/ makes up their minds as to what their character's superpower will be. This is the second time they have done that. Also: writefaggotry, the Epic Battle, and a little bit of /co/.
- 4008881 (-7 of 27 votes): 4chan show 16 - Discussion on the 4chan show continues.
- 4018576 (-6 of 30 votes): The 4chan show project, thread 17 - Further characterization for /toy/ and /trv/, and everybody admits they have nothing better to do.
- 4025089 (-6 of 16 votes): 4chan show, thread 18 - The project continues, despite the coming of Zalgo.
- 4054156 (-2 of 10 votes): 4chan show, thread 18 - Discussion begins. Anon spams furry porn, ROW ROW FIGHT DA POWAH etc. Mods appear, ban the anon and tell OP to GTFO. OP baaaws. TLDR: furries and mods save the day.
~Lord Licorice
