/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2010
9596971NyarlathotepGame ideas RE: Nyarly. Many horrible (in the good way) scenarios. cthulhu, nyarlathotep, call of cthulhu, lovecraft2010-05-04 2 
April 2012
18640517Haiyore! Nyaruko-sanNyaruko-san will wuv yuu!nyarlathotep, cthulhu, anime, japan2012-04-10 13 
September 2013
27146876Persona QuestWhere we play Persona 4: Nyarlathotep editionPersona Quest, Collective Game, Nyarlathotep, Yu Narukami2013-09-11 15 
November 2013
28111981Lovecraft Horror Discussion/tg/ discusses Lovecraftian horror as a genre, considering descriptions, the uncanny valley and the author as an individual.Lovecraft, Horror, Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep2013-11-06 6 
March 2015
38388054Cthulhu has been murderedCthulhu's mangled form has washed up on a beach, whomever killed him/it is still at large. Who did the deed?Cthulhu, Write-fagging, Lovecraft, Waifu Nyarlathotep2015-03-03 4 
June 2024
6015486Dark Investigation: Rabbinic Tunnels (Mythic RPG)Investigating the Chabad-Lubavitch tunnels to find missing children.Call of Cthulhu, Conspiracy, Google Street View, Horror, Modern, Mythic, Nyarlathotep, Paranormal, RPG, Wux2024-06-22 5 
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