/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2009
6569122Homebrew Part 1D&D 3.5 Homebrew Plot Pt.1 People have stated interest in reading this. Shitty spelling, silly pictures, serious plot."D&D 3.5" "Homebrew" "Silly Pictures" "Bad Grammar" "IAMGRATEDEE'EM"2009-11-05 2 
April 2010
9292029Village drawing RPGOP puts up a picture of a village, then accepts suggestions that would improve it. It develops into a sacrificial demon cult, with an epic ending. Also, awesome art by OP that shows the village's development.Chaos, Evil, Village, Awesome pictures2010-04-19 55 
January 2012
17605586Fat Marine ThreadShwig tells a story of a fat marine.... through dran sticky pictures40k, fat, marine, pictures, awesome, cheesy poofs2012-01-20 28 
March 2014
30805925Real life PCPC who are real peopleReal Life, PC, Pictures2014-03-13 5 
August 2014
33858723Cursed Apprentice Quest 3In this episode we meet a QT spider and make it our familiar, We cuddle it and arwen, We decide to say fuck it with the town and ditch, on a walk to the city, Shit happens.Cursed_Apprentice, Quest, Collective Game, Spiders, Cute, Shota, Fried chicken, brown elf boobage, whyaretherenopicturesofshotawizards,2014-08-03 13 
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