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!Q7t.srvWZ6 02/18/12(Sat)15:51 No.18001889 File: 1329598263.jpg-(133 KB, 500x313, 4213074808_78b5f0f7e9.jpg)
(Sheet hasn't changed since late thread, so you'll have to go there to see it for now)
You drink your beer with Prof Blackstone, who you have a sudden urge to call 'Boss'. He muses into his mug "Guess I can teach you some basic theory, then. You're the researching type, I can tell, Alice, but I'd best make sure you don't blow yourself up." Right, well, if he wont stop calling you 'Alice' you're gonna have to call him 'Boss' or 'Chief' or something.
"Magic can be divided a lot of different ways. Some do it the Elder Scrolls way, some do it the DnD way, others make up their own divisions. I learned it pretty simple. There's Rituals and Hedge Magic, which anybody can learn, and there's Flashy Stuff, or evocation, which only a Magister could use. The divisions are mostly arbitrary, a tool people use to wrap their mind around magic. So, you feel free to raise whatever divisions you need to stay sane and organized." He reaches under his desk again (Jesus, what all does he have down there? Does he get Starbucks?) and pulls out a brown leather satchel, which looks a little beat-up, and places it together with your new ritual book. "Here, a Ritual Kit. One of my old ones before I needed to start carrying a bigger bag." You take the satchel and examine it, finding a couple lumps of chalk, a small copper bowl, a handful of incense sticks and a cone-shaped package powdered incense, an old combat knife, and a lighter. "These are your basics. Expand and alter the kit as you need. Ritual work is easy, mostly works on magic circle theory. I will teach you the most basic trick in the book." |