/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2015
42501442Midnight in Gotham Issue #1A college aged kid begins to understand the allure of being Gotham's most insane gang leader.Collective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Villain, Midnight in Gotham 2015-09-15 14 
42512575Midnight in Gotham Issue #2Bombs for Babies Collective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham 2015-09-15 13 
42564010Midnight In Gotham Issue #4Showtime at Arkham Midnight In Gotham, Collective Game, Gotham, Joker, DC Comics, GothamQM2015-09-18 9 
42585607Midnight In Gotham Issue #5An accountant is found, mooks are tortured and anti-questfags go REEEEEEEMidnight In Gotham, Collective Game, Gotham, Joker, DC Comics, GothamQM2015-09-19 20 
42687780Midnight In Gotham Issue #8SpellboundMidnight In Gotham, Collective Game, Gotham, Joker, DC Comics, GothamQM2015-09-24 4 
42740613Midnight in Gotham Issue #9MasqueradeMidnight In Gotham, Collective Game, Gotham, Joker, DC Comics, GothamQM2015-09-26 4 
October 2015
42979865Midnight in Gotham Issue #11All Saint's DayMidnight In Gotham, Collective Game, Gotham, Joker, DC Comics, GothamQM2015-10-09 2 
43074672Midnight in Gotham Issue #12Punch & JudYCollective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham2015-10-15 0 
43129356Midnight in Gotham Issue #13Smoke & MirrorsCollective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham2015-10-18 0 
43219606Midnight in Gotham Issue #14Jokerz WildCollective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham2015-10-22 2 
43259762Midnight in Gotham Issue #15 The Man Who Wasn't There (Final Issue)Collective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham2015-10-25 1 
43277898Midnight in Gotham Issue #15 (Part 2)The Man Who Wasn't There (Part 2)Collective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham2015-10-25 0 
November 2015
43826037The /tg/ "Justice" LeagueSuperman comes to /tg/ for help against the forces of evil and /tg/ decides they don't need Superman. Odd god tier heroes emerge and hilarity ensues.DC comics, superman, heroes, fowlweatherfriend, /tg/, Stupidity, Funny, Hilarity, Justice, League, Overpowered bullshit, why is everyone god tier, plz buff superman, too low tier, 2015-11-27 10 
January 2016
44925739DCComics Struggling Student QuestOur young "hero" may partially be responsible for the destruction of Metropolis, so he decides to GTFO quick to Gotham.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-22 27 
44965020DCComics Struggling Student Quest #2Charlie almost gets mugged, meets a girl, controls some sharks, then meets Superboy.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-24 21 
44995154DCComics Struggling Student Quest #3Charlie has a bad dream, fucks up astral projection and then gets questioned by his roommates.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-25 21 
45037561DCComics Struggling Student Quest #4ShazamQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-27 22 
45079127DCComics Struggling Student Quest #5Shazam 2: Billy Batson BoogalooQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-29 21 
February 2016
45185683DCComics Struggling Student Quest #6A Haunting in GothamQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-03 26 
45288629DCComics Struggling Student Quest #7Charlie bests a hellhound.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-08 22 
45366357DCComics Struggling Student Quest #8I Ain't No ThuleQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-12 23 
45466564DCComics Struggling Student Quest #9Man, that cop is a dick.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-17 24 
45566500DCComics Struggling Student Quest #10It's just one email.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-22 24 
March 2016
45748779DCComics Struggling Student Quest #11DCCT fell alseepQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-03-02 20 
January 2022
5086723Batquesy Issue #1: "I shall become a Bat!"Billionaire Orphan Bruce Wayne creates a dark persona to wage war on crime in Gotham City.Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game2022-01-17 6 
April 2022
5180270Batquest Issue #2: "Warriors of the Darkness"From a man turned bat-monster, to mind-reading apes in France, Batman's war on crime continues.Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game2022-04-17 7 
May 2022
5232631Batquest Issue #2.1: Batman International Batman and Nightwing find and unlikely ally and uncover the mystery behind who is arming the French Supervillains.Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest2022-05-28 7 
January 2023
5502453Batquest Issue #3: The Man Who Laughs Part IReturning from adventures in Europe, Batman and Nightwing face a wave of mutated criminals and a new Clown Prince of Crime.Batquest, Action/Adventure, DC Comics, Crime Thriller, Crime Drama, Sci-Fi, Superhero2023-01-28 3 
March 2023
5548812Batquest Issue #4: The Man Who Laughs, Part II The epic conclusion to the Batman's first conflict with The JokerBatman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest2023-03-04 7 
April 2023
5589124 Batquest: The Man Who Laughs: Final Update & AnnotationsThe epic conclusion to Batman's showdown with the Joker and annotations for Issue 1Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest, Annotations, The Hypercrisis Bro2023-04-11 2 
May 2023
5635719Batquest Annotations Part 3Annotations for the Kobra arc of Batquest conclude. Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest, Annotations, The Hypercrisis Bro2023-05-16 2 
January 2024
5851983Batquest Issue IV Part I: Batquest/SuperquestBatman juggles the rise of a new serial killer and the arrival of Superman in GothamBatman, Superman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest, The Hypercrisis Bro2024-01-12 5 
February 2024
5891913Batquest Issue #4, Part II: Batquest/Superquest Batman faces Task Force X with unforseen allies while Nightwing and Poison Ivy fight The Religion of CrimeBatman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest, The Hypercrisis Bro2024-02-27 4 
April 2024
5939841Batquest Issue #4, Part III: Batquest/Superquest Batman and Superman collide as the Riddler's plan enters the endgame. Will the heroes stand as friends, or foes?!Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Superman, The Hypercrisis Bro, Batquest2024-04-11 2 
May 2024
5976805Batquest Weekly Issue #4 Part IV: Batquest/Superquest Finale Part 1Batman, Superman and a surprise ally start the final battle against RiddlerBatman, Superman, DC Comics, Superhero, Collective Game, Batquest2024-05-22 2 
July 2024
6029647Batquest Issue #4 Part V: Batquest/Superquest Finale Part 2Batman, Superman and Poison Ivy face against the secret mastermind behind the Riddler and Waller.Batman, DC Comics, Superhero, Batquest, The Hypercrisis Bro, Superman, Poison Ivy2024-07-27 1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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