/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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January 2013
22448820Lego Time TravelUnderwater time-travel lego quest.transparent orange chainsaw, lego, Collective Game, LEGO Quest2013-01-08 17 
August 2014
33785942Karl Pilkington ClericKarl Pilkington is a Cleric in Eberron. What could go wrong?head like a fucking orange, Karl, Pilkington, DnD, Cleric, Atheist2014-08-01 3 
October 2017
1945478Song of Ice and Fire House Creation DM - GenieAfter talk and skill. We made a leader of men, grower of oranges, and a man of 3 children. Now Lord Norbert Melrose, enlighten thyself.Song of Ice and Fire, Genie, A Song of Blood and Oranges, 2017-10-12 2 
1961313Occult Mafia Quest #IYou are Alexei Sokolov, scion and heir to the Sokolov Crime family. Your family has a long tradition of dealings in the occult.Occult, Mafia, Occult Mafia, Occult Mafia Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, Alexei Sokolov2017-10-16 3 
1953716House Melrose Quest 1Finished some paper work on the castle banner, chatted with the Mrs of our house, and meet with the smallfolk of land we had claims on.Song of Ice and Fire, Genie, A Song of Blood and Oranges, 2017-10-21 1 
1991099Occult Mafia Quest #IIWe are still Alexei Sokolov. We care for our sister and plan about Moscow.Occult, Mafia, Occult Mafia, Occult Mafia Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, Alexei Sokolov2017-10-24 2 
2015872Occult Mafia Quest #IIIWe are Alexei Sokolov. We go to Moscow and reclaim the Sokolov safehouse...Occult, Mafia, Occult Mafia, Occult Mafia Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, Alexei Sokolov2017-10-30 2 
1983203A song of Blood and Oranges: House Melrose Quest 2 Sent out a letter for archmaester help, pushed a claim for land, and filled our kids stat sheets.Song of Ice and Fire, Genie, A Song of Blood and Oranges, 2017-10-31 2 
November 2017
2039654Occult Mafia Quest #IVWe are Alexei Sokolov. We escape the Abomination and run into the Moscow night...Occult, Mafia, Occult Mafia, Occult Mafia Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, Alexei Sokolov2017-11-07 2 
2024362A song of Blood and Oranges: House Melrose Quest 3 Slade met our friend Falkner. We got an Archmaester's help reviving the Godswood in the Small Castle. Then set sail to pay our respects. Song of Ice and Fire, Genie, A Song of Blood and Oranges, 2017-11-12 1 
2059806Occult Mafia Quest #VWe are Alexei Sokolov. We reach the Kremlin and take shelter from the unknown attackers...Occult, Mafia, Occult Mafia, Occult Mafia Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, Alexei Sokolov2017-11-14 1 
2079395Occult Mafia Quest #VIWe are Alexei Sokolov...briefly.Occult, Mafia, Occult Mafia, Occult Mafia Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, Alexei Sokolov2017-11-24 1 
2096521Reboot Quest #001//boot... //online You are a mobile factory, sealed beneath the ground after a starship crash...Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2017-11-28 1 
December 2017
2117012Reboot Quest #002//booting main... //retrieving command logs... We explore the wreck of the starship with our newly constructed drone.Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2017-12-09 1 
2135192Reboot Quest #003//Archiving command log... //Complete We continue exploration of the bridge, activate and kill a turret, and reveal...something.Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2017-12-11 1 
2152061Reboot Quest #004An incredibly short session sees us examine the central command console from last session.Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2017-12-23 1 
January 2018
2207933Reboot Quest #005In another short session, we move on from the bridge into the dark area that was opened with the destruction of the plasma turret...Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2018-01-08 1 
February 2018
2245002Rainbow Tribes 2 #1game starts, new tribe is added, green gets rekt by blue & red. red and blue get cursed.Fogsworth, Rainbow Tribes 2, Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Black2018-02-01 2 
April 2018
2436660Reboot Quest #006We recover the torpedo core and continue exploring...Space, 4X, Collective Game, Sci-Fi, Robot, AI, Orange Juice, Reboot Quest2018-04-02 1 
2453506Reboot Quest #007Piercing deeper into the mystery of the wrecked starship, we happen upon engineering - and something hostile...Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2018-04-17 1 
July 2018
2756625OVERLORD QUEST IAwaken, Master! Your slumber is ended, and it is time to conquer once more!Fantasy, Collective Game, Overlord, Dark Lord, Evil, Magic, Orange Juice2018-07-25 1 
October 2018
2962353ODST Quest #1We are ODST. Feet first into hell, we ride knowing we will cheat Death of his victory and rise again victorious. ODST, Halo, Sci-Fi, Collective Game, Space, Orange Juice2018-10-15 1 
July 2020
73880485MTG Card design derailed by schizoSomeone derails a boring Custom Card General with surprisingly well thought-out 10-color Magic schizophrenia they found on the internet.MTG, Magic, purple MTG, yellow MTG, brown MTG, orange MTG, pink MTG, deeplore, color-theory, color theory2020-07-22 3 
August 2020
74398585The Omnisssiah invents AM:tGSasha Vyoks-childer/The God-Emperor's Waifu fixes WoTC's cowardice.MTG, Magic, purple MTG, yellow MTG, brown MTG, orange MTG, pink MTG, deeplore, color-theory, color theory, cyan MTG, cinnabar MTG, cream MTG2020-08-19 -1 
74432909ADVANCED Magic the Gathering shitpostingOmnissiah is Sasha Vykos' IRL/Sims-childr, Digimon is darkMTG, Magic, purple MTG, yellow MTG, brown MTG, orange MTG, pink MTG, deeplore, color-theory, color theory2020-08-23 -1 
April 2023
88282893How do you deal with Ice Planet, /tg/?"/tg/ discusses the state of the Lego wargame, moans about Ice Planet being op, dies of nostalgia overloadLego, worldbuilding, Sci-Fi, fictional wargame, pure imagination, transparent orange chainsaw, space, castle, awesome, childhood, nostalgia2023-04-07 7 
May 2024
5995477Tales from Thulzar 3Fhor is on a hunt, but a strange being is making her feel and remember things. Very nice things.Sword & Sandal, Drawquest, Fantasy, Alt History, Melons, Orange Massage, Triple Fun2024-05-08 10 
August 2024
6077358Orange Lantern QuestThe story is about Eliot Grayne as one of the newest Orange Lanterns in the entire universe. Ready to take what is rightfully his! DC, Superman, Metropolis, Orange Lantern Corp, S.T.A.R. Labs, Green Lantern Corp2024-08-16 -1 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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