/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2011
14883954Creepy ApartmentAnon requests things that would happen in a creepy apartment. /tg/ delivers.horror, creepy, apartment, modern2011-05-12 1 
September 2012
20707552Floor 11BGuys, I thought our apartment only had 10 floors.../x/, roleplay, scp, creepy, apartment, floors, butthurt fun nazis2012-09-13 10 
October 2016
49744075Pathography - Forgotten Places, Lost Spaces The OP proposes a setting in which the United States is secretly a patchwork of both real and surreal places, states and territories.Original Content, Brainstorming, Metaphysics, Paranormal, Worldbuilding, Setting, Campaign, Department of Transportation2016-10-13 41 
November 2016
50129254There's Something Strange About Your Apartment Building...Your PCs have started to realize that the old, rundown apartment building they live in is far stranger and more exciting than they thought.Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2016-11-07 45 
50159577There's Something Strange About Your Apartment Building 2: Urban UneaseA second thread is had to discuss the idea of a rundown, old apartment building that is home to both creepy and comfy paranormal happenings.Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2016-11-10 30 
50184198There's Something Strange About Your Apartment Building 3: Urban UneaseA third thread brainstorming ideas for creepy/comfy paranormal occurrences in an old apartment building. Also peeps argue over canonHorror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2016-11-17 24 
March 2017
52021034Urban Unease 5Christ Imprisoned A Maid Inspiring Images of The Living Infomercial. Next thread, more commasHorror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2017-03-08 6 
April 2017
1339543Mana Khemia Quest #1We meet Beliphous and his workshopmates on his first year at al-revis acadamyCollective Game, Mana Khemia Quest, RTM quests2017-04-08 2 
1360717Mana Khemia Quest #2We finished our first field class as well as our first hands on approach on synthesizing. We then took up a side-job to make money.Collective Game, Mana Khemia Quest, RTM quests2017-04-15 2 
June 2017
1541412Fate/Distortion#1We are Andy Talbert, and we get caught up in the holy grail ware with our servant, AssassinCollective Game, Fate/Distortion, RTM quests2017-06-11 1 
1576116Fate/Distortion#2Not much happened due to irl stuff and other thigngs. We took out another masterCollective Game, Fate/Distortion, RTM quests2017-06-22 1 
July 2017
1627189Fate/Distortion#3In this thread we take Kelly into our home, learned our origion, and planned against the green AssassinCollective Game, Fate/Distortion, RTM quests2017-07-08 1 
1693529Fate/Distortion#4We found a guillotine blade, sadly not a lot happened this thread due to qm's IRL problemsCollective Game, Fate/Distortion, RTM quests2017-07-28 1 
October 2017
55992067Urban Unease 6Mall Edition Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease2017-10-23 3 
May 2018
2544190Starborn Quest Intermission; Beach ThreadThis is a non canon beach thread. It contains dragons, swimsuits, fanservice and more!collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, Hona, Minerva, Beach, Thread, Non Canon, Jo, Dragon, Ynthal, RTM, Meridas, Octavius2018-05-16 1 
2544328Guy in Gensokyo#0We begin the quest with some chargen, we are Huritt, a thunderbird that recently moved to Gensokyo.Collective game, Guy in Gensokyo, RTM Quests2018-05-18 -2 
June 2018
2593938Starborn Quest Intermission; Beach Thread 2Life's still hell, have more filler arccollective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, Hona, Minerva, Beach, Thread, Non Canon, Jo, Dragon, Ynthal, RTM, Meridas, Octavius2018-06-07 1 
November 2018
3031049Cyberpunk Operative Quest: Department 7Main character Deltorian Tessan deals with a terror attack at the English Canal Mag Rail tunnel.Cyberpunk Operative Quest, Department 7, Sci-fi, cyberpunk, action,2018-11-10 1 
December 2018
3062367Cyberpunk Operative Quest: Department 7, Part 2Del shows some rookies around Department 7.Cyberpunk Operative Quest, Department 7, Sci-fi, cyberpunk, action,2018-12-19 1 
January 2019
3170833Supernatural and Liminal Response Department Quest #1Michael has to fight a chupacabra, we get introduced to some people, and we get some time off from work.Collective Game, Supernatural and Liminal Response Department Quest, SLRD Quest, Handler2019-01-14 1 
February 2019
3215743Supernatural and Liminal Response Department Quest: Thread 2We have a dream relating to our time in the service, and we enjoy some time at the range.Collective Game, Supernatural and Liminal Response Department Quest, Handler2019-02-07 1 
October 2019
69059343Urban Unease: It returns!New urban unease with an attempt to spread into disaster shelters.Horror, Apartment, Apartment Building, City, Neighborhood, Surreal, Brainstorming, Urban Unease, images2019-10-30 5 
February 2023
5521410Voidship Bridge Simulator #1Assemble your crew Acting Captain Annon, your Voidship awakes.Collective Game, Voidship Bridge Simulator, Chartman, Space, Sci-fi2023-02-16 13 
5572653Voidship Bridge Simulator #2Prepare the ship for battle, Captain, the enemy closes in.Collective Game, Voidship Bridge Simulator, Chartman, space, sci-fi, drawquest2023-02-19 12 
April 2024
5940353Voidship Bridge Simulator #3 - AwakenYou wake up from your simulated nightmares and find out that this has all happened before. Time to investigate.Collective Game, Voidship Bridge Simulator, VBS, Chartman, Space, Sci-fi2024-04-09 2 
July 2024
6029381Voidship Bridge Simulator #3.5 - AwakenLCdr. Dallas Annon and his loyal crew continue to investigate the Voidship's mysteries and run some Not-missile command and not-starfox simCollective Game, Voidship Bridge Simulator, Chartman, space, sci-fi, drawquest2024-07-27 2 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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