/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

August 2008
2284596/tg/ falls into a Wyld Pocket in Creation!All manner of noneuclidian weirdness ensues.Weird, Exalted, Wyld2008-08-02 5 
September 2010
12180900Space Weirdness threadSome surprisingly original and creepy ideas for a campaign set on a possibly-haunted spaceship. Space, Horror, weirdness, 2010-09-22 17 
12189134Space Weirdness Thread 2Some more surprisingly original and creepy ideas for a campaign set on a possibly-haunted spaceship. Space, Sci-fi, Horror, Eldritch, AI, weirdness, mindfuck2010-09-23 6 
12207011Death QuestOP breaks in his new tablet with a cutesy quest where we play Death. Or maybe his son. It's fun and really weird.Death Quest, DQ, Cute, Drawfag, Weird2010-09-24 6 
October 2010
12430453Space Horror threadA bunch of great ideas for how to run a horror game in space.Space, Sci-fi, Horror, weirdness, mindfuck2010-10-14 3 
March 2011
14184815Uncommon monstrosities in modern horrorOP asks for uncommon monsters for an urban setting, many ideas were given.monsters,urban,uncommon,horror,weird,scary,ideas2011-03-11 6 
May 2011
14957599Surema: the flavors of magic/tg/ accumulates fluff and lore until world, which can be described only as "bizarre", is born.world building, fluff , setting, weird2011-05-18 3 
October 2011
16588974Random Encounters/tg/ discusses random encounters before morphing into /x/ of old.creepy, random, encounters, weird2011-10-11 13 
November 2011
16827147/tg/ Shares DreamsDreams are shared and discussed, everything from the crazy to the nightmarish. Great campaign idea fuel.dream, storytime, storytiem, creepy, awesome, scary, weird2011-11-04 5 
February 2012
18015384ITT: things on character sheets you have witnessed/tg/ has seen many weird things on charsheets. This is their stories. Awesome, lulzy and weird descriptions ensuelulz, character sheets, weird, descriptions2012-02-20 7 
June 2012
19684953Weird West QuestOur name is Karl Butler and we just tracked down the gang that killed our family. They're going to pay in blood.Weird West Quest, Collective Game, Western2012-06-30 2 
July 2012
19724081Weird West Quest - IIWe plan our attack and pull it off successfully when the Hunter boys roll into town.Weird West, Collective Game, Western, Supernatural2012-07-03 2 
August 2012
20376298Civ Game: Weird EditionPlant parasites begin growing the grove and trying to find their place in the world.Collective Game, Civ Game, Weird, Quest, Grove, Parasite, Plantling2012-08-19 9 
January 2013
22715392Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 1We are Wyatt Brown, specialist in Applied Dimensional Mechanics and Summoning. We have been tasked to rebuild Team 108 after they disastrously went rogue. We go to grab the first member of the team, and land right in the middle of some Lovecraftian shit they've uncovered.Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Occult Intelligence, Lovecraft Mythos, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Science2013-01-22 5 
22745010Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest 2Doc Brown assembles his team, performs SCIENCE!, interrogates a prisoner, and fights shoggoths beneath Grand Central Station.Sci-Fi Fantasy Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Occult Intelligence, Lovecraft Mythos, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Weird Science2013-01-23 5 
February 2013
23098241Alexander Crackedmind: A Real Life BBEGA thread start out fairly innocent, but brings forth an individual who has shattered his own mind using tulpa in the pursuit of fame and recognition. Seems to be a real like BBEG.BBEG, Alexander, Crackedmind, real, life, tulpa, weird 2013-02-11 15 
23223077Supernatural AmericanaOP wants to discuss supernatural stories of the United States. Multiple good stories and anecdotes are relayed. folklore, US, United States, America, Cowboys, Ghosts, Monsters, Tall Tales, Weird West2013-02-18 14 
February 2014
30291979Incredibly dumb/weird players' deedsPart 537. Featuring Pokemon RPG storytime from perspective of DM and one of players.dumb, weird, Pokemon, collateral damage2014-02-17 21 
June 2015
40355430Weird West Quest 3Jonathan and his rope fight the evil Boss Tull who would have made a better comedian than a werewolf.Collective Game, Weird West Quest, Western, Fantasy2015-06-03 0 
August 2015
41670248Weird World Quest #1In which our Dwarven protagonist stumbles to work after a drunken night, and realizes that he should have called in for back-up.Weird World Quest, Modern Fantasy, Dwarf Protagonist, Collective Game2015-08-05 4 
41729767Weird World Quest 2Rowyn Thorekson exchanges bullets with museum thieves, OP is dead after the first round.Weird World Quest, Modern Fantasy, Dwarf Protagonist, Collective Game2015-08-08 2 
September 2015
42683544Homeless Mutant Quest #132Apparently baking a birthday cake gets you some acid trip dreams. Goddamn.Homeless Mutant Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Homeless, Mutant, marvel, hobo, stealth, knights, Vagrant, weird ass dream2015-09-23 25 
April 2016
46620511Nowhere QuestWe take Billy through a wild ride in nowhere and try to find our way outQuest, collective game, nowhere quest, drawing, drawn, nowhere, alone, weird, Billy, 4th wall2016-04-12 3 
October 2016
651566The End of the Aftermath: A Ryukuza Side QuestA 1-4 shot sidequest, of what may happen in other places after the end of Ryukuza Quest...Collective Game, madness, Hastur, Cassilda, the King in Yellow, Yellow Sign, blood, sex, weird, short, monsters2016-10-02 8 
665271The End of the Aftermath: A Ryukuza Side QuestPart three begins with Cassilda and Nyean parting ways at the shore of Lake Hali....what dangers lurk in Carcosa for the young mystic?Collective Game, madness, Hastur, Cassilda, the King in Yellow, Yellow Sign, blood, sex, weird, short, monsters2016-10-05 5 
October 2017
1939623Incidents at an Orphanage - 1 Hekah is an orphan at Edgewood Home for Troubled Children. Someone is disturbing her fellow orphans; she's going to find out who - or what.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, horror, hand holding, cats2017-10-07 11 
1957197Incidents at an Orphanage - 2Hekah recovers from an illness; meeting friends and talking with enemies; dreadful things.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, comedy, hand holding, cats2017-10-12 6 
1984855Incidents at an Orphanage - 3New neighbors; assisting Lyrica; the situation becomes more dire. Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats2017-10-19 6 
2012717Incidents at an Orphanage - 4Hekah seduces a sorceress; Jake is confronted; Lyrica pays her dues.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-10-26 6 
November 2017
2033930Incidents at an Orphanage - 5Jake spills it; graveyard visitations; lessons in time.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-11-02 6 
2054970Incidents at an Orphanage - 6Lovin' your twins; hunting haunts; grave situations.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-11-09 7 
2076808Incidents at an Orphanage - 7New friends, old enemies, and grave errors.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-11-17 7 
2097871Incidents at an Orphanage - 8Confrontations; Rules and rights; hunting the haunters.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-11-25 6 
December 2017
2113401Incidents at an Orphanage - 9Darkling vs Vampire again; what happened to Crookie; revenge and final death.Incidents at an Orphanage, collective game, horror, nightmares, orphans, weird, magic, urban fantasy, blood, hand holding, cats, nudity2017-12-01 8 
August 2018
2833062Big Iron: A Gunslinger's Second ShotHe's the law and he's here to do some business with a big iron on his hip, Big iron on his hip.Big Iron, Cowboys, Weird West2018-08-31 2 
September 2018
2843938Stranger Quest #1A Stranger finds himself involved in something far beyond his paygrade.Stranger Quest, Weird Fantasy, 90s America, Religion, Supernatural, Collective Game2018-09-09 3 
2857893Big Iron: A Gunslinger's Third ShotHe's the law and he's here to do some business with a big iron on his hip, Big iron on his hip.Big Iron, Cowboys, Weird West2018-09-13 1 
September 2019
68341253Trains on a deathworldFeaturing post apoc america, weird occult shit in the background, steam trains of all sorts, and a giant land squid working as bouncer.trains, post apocalyptic, weird, squid, world building, post apoc2019-09-13 2 
February 2020
4077618What The Fuck Quest #1Gary's a 4chan anon isekai'd to a world with random weirdness, crazy girls, and dangerous flora and fauna. He finds a crystal & an ally.What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ, ShortTrip, Gary, random, weirdness,2020-02-16 14 
March 2020
4128279What The Fuck Quest #2Gary's journey in a world with random weirdness, crazy fairies, and the odd skeleton sets out again with greater understanding.What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ, ShortTrip, Gary, random, weirdness,2020-03-09 9 
4166313What The Fuck Quest #3Gary braves the random weirdness, crazy fairies, and sharp-toothed elven waitresses as he tackles the continued threat of orcs pursuing him.What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ, ShortTrip, Gary, random, weirdness,2020-03-31 8 
April 2020
4201527What The Fuck Quest #4Gary continues north, facing random weirdness, crazy fairies, and eyeless golems as he strives to make something of himself in this world.What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ, ShortTrip, Gary, random, weirdness,2020-04-18 7 
May 2020
4245808What The Fuck Quest #5In Arbor, Gary juggles random weirdness, a witch's coven, and a demon loli guardian as he tries to make something of himself in this world.What The Fuck, WTF, WTFQ, ShortTrip, Gary, random, weirdness,2020-05-10 8 
August 2020
74556346Weird SuperpowersSome brainstorming is done about unorthodox powers that wouldn't look odd in a Doom Patrol comic.superpowers, signs, chalk, magic, weird, powers, abilities, superhero2020-08-27 3 
March 2022
83616992Fae as Old OnesOP requests help fleshing out his fae folk themed campaign with ideas for weird, eldritch horror. /tg/ obliges.Fae, Fairy, fantasy, horror, folk, weird, worldbuilding, DMing, ideas, Aberrations, roleplaying, rpg, RPG, Fair Folk2022-03-18 11 
April 2024
5946861The Inside PlaceUnderachieving renter finds a mysterious, impossible tunnel in his storage room.Quest, Modern, Modern Fantasy, Weird fiction, liminal space, One-Shot, drawquest2024-04-14 4 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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