/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2010
7589122Uzumaki, The Eternal SpiralStats for the Lovecraftian monster from the manga Uzumaki.D&D, Stats, Lovecraftian, Elder Evil2010-01-15 23 
February 2010
7965941I Was a Teenage Elder brain starts a riveting tale of mind flayersGame, quest, mind flayer, elder brain2010-02-08 10 
January 2011
13522237The Elderscrolls LoreStrange and lesser known elements of the lore of The Elderscrolls are explained. Elderscrolls, Lore, Morrowind2011-01-15 11 
13687958ScrollhammerFa/tg/uys talk about Elder Scrolls as if it were a Warhammer-style wargame. Epic lolz ensue.warhammer, elder scrolls, fallout2011-01-28 8 
February 2011
13841580Morrowind Lore ThreadOriginally a request for Morrowind mods, becomes a lore thread where Alpharius basically answers anything. And Vivec's "spear" is discussed.Morrowind, Elder, Scrolls, Vivec, Lore2011-02-10 5 
13968113Morrowind Fiction(not sure if original)Incredibly intense Morrowind stuff, either some very good and easily-missed stuff from the actual game's books or just some fucking AMAZING original writing.Morrowind, fiction, ALMSIVI, nerevar, vivec, Elder Scrolls2011-02-20 6 
13986767Assorted TES LoreDagoth Ur singing Queen, then TES general, then dumped TES books, including all the Seven Flights of Aldudagga. Ho ha ho.morrowind, elder, scrolls, elderscrolls, lore, dagoth, ur, TES2011-02-22 0 
April 2011
14475678How anon ran a game for elderlyWell, this kind anon volunteered to host a "game night" at the local old folks house. Although he was supposed to play Scrabble, he decided to run DnD instead. A fun night ensued, with badass old men and lots of people remembering the Biker DnD thread. The thread features the epic storitiem, /tg/ never changing, Watership Down, some guys being faggots and lots more. Surprisingly, no edition wars.DnD, elderly, veteran, storytiem, storytime2011-04-05 22 
August 2011
15980491Elder Scrolls Lore Discussionturns out Bethesda's TES series isn't just for loli porn mods! who knew!elder_scrolls skyrim morrowind2011-08-19 3 
October 2011
16676293Let's Discuss Fantas-PH'NGLUI MGLW'NAFHGATHER SACRIFICES. Also, some interesting discussion on elder gods and eldritch horrors.cthulhu, shoggoth, elder gods, gods, horror, slaanesh, sacrifices, discussion2011-10-20 5 
January 2012
17402654Dragon Priest Quest!I'm Dragon Pete! King of the Dragon beat! An enjoyable romp through much of the Elder Scrolls, with many a meme added for humor.Collective Game, Dragon Priest Quest, Alduin, The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, memes, humor, Quest Thread2012-01-03 17 
17476855Are mind flayers confused by children's scribbles?A question about the written language of the mind flayers turns into a discussion of the Illithid's art and culture, mental greentext, and a psionic internet.illithid, mind flayer, qualith, elder brain, internet2012-01-10 11 
17508586Alternative Mind Flayer FluffInspired by a thread the night before, writefaggotry is made concerning insane Elder Brain supercomputers and the Mind Flayers who came to worship them.Illithid, Mind Flayer, Elder Brain, Writefaggotry, Dungeons & Dragons2012-01-12 10 
September 2012
20576660Elder Scrolls Lore DiscussionA trip into the crazy world of the Elder Scrolls. I am and I are all we, /tg/.Elder Scrolls, Lore Discussion, TES, CHIM, Amaranth, Vivec, Lorkhan, lore2012-09-03 8 
December 2012
22117884Politics of SkyrimA heated discussion of Stormcloak and Imperial politics during, before, and after the Skyrim timeline. Lots of debate as to which side was in the right. Everyone drinks mead and feels good afterwards. tes, The Elder Scrolls, skyrim, ulfric, stormcloak, talos, politics2012-12-19 5 
February 2013
23116382Aftermath 1 (argonianquest)You're an Argonian forced into exile to the north. It's... really cold in skyrim.Aftermath, Collective Game, Quest, TES, the elder scrolls2013-02-14 13 
December 2013
28617703Times your group has had to end for the nightTimes a campaign has had to restart, be rewritten, or put on hold because of silly bullshit players pull. Also a small bit of advice on worldbuilding.DM, GM, DMing, GMing, worldbuilding, story, stories, storytime, PC, GMPC, DMPC, bard, paladin, seduction, cancer, Elder evil, EE, BBEG2013-12-02 5 
April 2014
31691845Elder Scrolls GeneralLots of Dunmer talk. elder scrolls, Morrowind2014-04-26 0 
October 2014
35337500Elder Loli QuestNila saves a young girl from kidnappers while drunk. Asra is the coolest goddess.Collective Game, Elder Loli Quest2014-10-06 33 
35400195Elder Loli Quest 2Here, kitty kitty!Collective Game, Elder Loli Quest2014-10-09 24 
35522697Elder Loli Quest 3Nila befriends a cat god, gets drunk again, and is cuddled in bed against her will.Collective Game, Elder Loli Quest2014-10-14 15 
35610068Elder Loli Quest 4Guard ladies, enchanted items, magic lessons, and awkward fairy girls.Collective Game, Elder Loli Quest2014-10-19 15 
35762376Elder Loli Quest 5Silly old guys and water spirit fights.Collective Game, Elder Loli Quest2014-10-26 13 
November 2014
35915651Elder Loli Quest 6One long conversation sequence!Collective Game, Elder Loli Quest2014-11-03 13 
36225317Elder Loli Quest 7Mystical trauma-eating rituals and setting out for a new town.Collective Game, Elder Loli Quest2014-11-18 12 
36380664Aerwin the Mon'Keigh ExpertAerwin Stroud, Eldar Explorer, travels all over the Galaxy in order to bring knowledge of the Human Race back to her craftworld brethren. Accompanying her is the Wraithguard Cameraman, Dave, and the Soundgrot, Mike. Featuring Inquisitor Attenborough.Elder, Aerwin, writefag, drawfag, dave, Wraithguard, grot, mike2014-11-26 32 
July 2015
41283686The Elder Scrolls: Moth Priest QuestYou start your journey to the Black Marsh.collective game, elder scrolls, arena, skyrim, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, moth priest, quest,2015-07-18 5 
41351148The Elder Scrolls: Moth Priest Quest: Chapter 2You continue on your journey until you are harassed by Thalmor.Collective Game, The Elder Scrolls, Moth Priest Quest, Chapter 2, Daedra2015-07-21 3 
41375559The Elder Scrolls: Moth Priest Quest: Chapter 3You finally enter the Black Marsh.collective game, elder scrolls, arena, skyrim, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, moth priest, quest,2015-07-22 2 
41414930The Elder Scrolls: Moth Priest Quest: Chapter 4You finally reach Gideon.collective game, elder scrolls, arena, skyrim, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, moth priest, quest,2015-07-24 1 
September 2015
42789070Deep Sea Terror and WorldbuildingA discussion of deep sea wildlife develops into worldbuilding for two original settings. Also, it is reaffirmed that the deep sea is horrifying and our primordial ancestors left the water as the lungfish equivalent of "fuck this, I'm out of here."deep sea, mermaids, worldbuilding, deep ones, great flood, lovecraft, future, elder things, water, sea, ocean, terror,2015-09-30 2 
October 2015
43192350The Elder Scrolls: Dark Brotherhood QuestThe Elder Scrolls: Dark Brotherhood Questcollective game, elder scrolls, arena, skyrim, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, dark brotherhood, quest,2015-10-21 3 
October 2016
699986The Elder Scrolls Quest #1The beginning of the journey of Manius Bentius, an Imperial Crusader born in Orsinium. Quest, Elder Scrolls, LorkhanQM, TESQuest2016-10-15 3 
711189The Elder Scrolls Quest #2Bentius makes his way to Markarth followed by Falkreath and encounters a remnant of an ancient organization.Quest, Elder Scrolls, LorkhanQM, TESQuest2016-10-22 3 
738326The Elder Scrolls Quest #3Bentius gains a new friend, Selas, a Dunmer evoker and they both set off to Kvatch.Quest, Elder Scrolls, LorkhanQM, TESQuest2016-10-29 1 
November 2016
765716The Elder Scrolls Quest #4Bentius and Selas arrive in Kvatch where they search for Whitemane in Ayleid ruins and a prison.Quest, Elder Scrolls, LorkhanQM, TESQuest2016-11-03 1 
850521Elder Scrolls Quest - Alyeid Adventure #1Annoying Cousins and Going HuntingThe Elder Scrolls, Quest, Ayleid2016-11-20 1 
December 2016
881523Elder Scrolls Quest - Alyeid Adventure #2War is ComingElder Scrolls, Collective Game, Ayleid2016-12-04 1 
September 2019
3781479Unbound: From the Abyss to our WorldThe start of a Storyteller system based /qst/ where our character is a recently unbound Daedra that is accidently manifested in "our" worlElder Scrolls, Storyteller Sytem, God Intrigue2019-09-04 0 
March 2021
78142363trilobite civilizationWhat if a sophont species had evolved during prehistory? What evidence would be left today?prehistoric, cambrian period, elder things, civilization, worldbuilding,2021-03-23 2 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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