/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2009
3339817ores and stonesUp in this motherfucker.stones, ore, bismuth, UP IN THIS MOTHER FUCKER2009-01-07 6 
February 2009
3784614Afterlife Gaming/tg/ realizes the truth about life, the afterlife, and what it all really is. Civility, afterlife, gaming, lich kings on behemoths2009-02-22 13 
February 2010
8208190Pokemon Quest. Get your nostalgia gogglesHello there! My name is Oak. Some people call me the Pokemon Professor. This world is inhabited by creatures we call Pokemon! Some people play with Pokemon, while others battle them. I study Pokemon. I am here to serve as your guide through the world of pokemon training.Pokemon, Collective Game, Gary MOTHERFUCKING oak, Treecko, Quest2010-02-21 -3 
8210509 Pokemon Quest 1b. Get your nostalgia gogglesYou are Sarah a 12 year old pokemon trainer from pallet. Having received your brand new Treecko your are now battleing Red and Gary your childhood friends. Red has a Hoot Hoot named Dr. Hoo and Gary a Whismur. You are Jungle Jack , your pokemon, is on the ground trying to ward of as series of peck attacks from the good doctor as whismur charges into the fray having now deflated to normal size.Pokemon, Collective Game, Gary MOTHERFUCKING oak, Treecko, Quest, Battle2010-02-22 -4 
May 2011
14975796Totemist QuestWe are a totemist. The first line of defense against large creatures that our normal village soldiers can't handle. We have a few things to learn still and with the death of our mentor, it's not going to be easy.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-05-19 39 
15001904Totemist Quest 2Shhh... Be vewwy vewwy quiet, I'm hunting Rock Turtles.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca, Osyki2011-05-22 35 
15076360Totemist Quest VIWe finish our experiments, make a pact, don't have a mermaid problem, and pick a fight with a massive, overpowering opponent again.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-05-28 25 
15097150Totemist Quest VIIWe pick a fight with that thing that was bigger than us and our bluff fails. Anon, as usual, takes forever saying the same things over and over. It's no wonder Diarca has time for naps between posts.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-05-30 25 
June 2011
15129074Totemist Quest VIIIWe spend most of a day doing research and playing local politics. OP falls asleep.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-02 27 
15185593Totemist Quest 9We start our dinner with the elders, get our business with getting the protection totems squared away, and are given permission to take on not one but TWO apprentices. Short thread due to unavoidable circumstances.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-08 23 
15234659Totemist Quest XWe succeed in our goal to make Elana blush beet red and get the rest of our plans set in motion.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-12 25 
15257977Totemist Quest XIWe start defensive preparations and are immediately distracted by a fight. Modi proves to be a murderous bastard, Walther proves to not be completely useless, and OP needs sleep.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-14 25 
15375225Totemist Quest 12The totem masks are made and placed. Quinn begins his first steps to becoming an apprentice totemist.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-27 25 
15415754Totemist Quest XIIIWe greet Elana and watch Quinn make an ass of himself in front of Boand. Further issues with OP's medicine.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-06-29 24 
15427458Zerg Quest XLVIIThe big, glowy crystal spits out a scary Protoss? Diplomacy check!Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Diplomacy, TossTalk, /tg/ dice, Back from the dead motherfucker!2011-06-30 16 
August 2011
15889450Night of the Giant MothWhen you pass the man, his head explodes, and a giant moth crawls out. What do you do?Collective Game, Night of the Giant Moth2011-08-10 9 
December 2011
17333485Totemist Quest 14Our hero teaches Quinn his first lesson in practical spiritual ettiquette and gets a very cryptic vision.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2011-12-26 25 
March 2012
18518020Zoids Quest: Episode 2Fight Bandits, help bro to hangar.zoid, zoids, zoids quest, collective game, zoid mother2012-03-31 7 
April 2012
18639910The Wraithsun ProjectOr, how to create a supermassive black hole with the souls of the dead.black hole, game mechanics, physics, holy mother of god2012-04-09 6 
18758684Big Motherfuckin' Crab TruckersGreatly entertaining thread of some Big Motherfuckin' Crab Truckers play.Collective Game, Crabs, Motherfuckin', Truckers2012-04-18 9 
May 2012
19128969Zoids Quest #13MOLGA STRONG Tactics are used once again, and surprising backstory chatter is done.zoids quest, zoid mother, zoids, mecha,Collective Game MOLGA STRONG2012-05-17 12 
19243498Zoids Quest: 14We get started on finishing up our Red horn, help out a town by building a canal and smashing some rocks, try to fix the situation with Sarah and are evaded by some stealthy stoners.zoids quest, zoid mother, zoids, mecha,Collective Game, MOLGA STRONG2012-05-26 7 
August 2012
20136340Zoids Quest 19As we scout the uncharted lands we strike gold and capture a wild zoid.zoid, zoids, zoid quest, zoids quest, zoid mother, collective game2012-08-02 6 
20346545Overlord Questtg/ liberating a desert nation while honoring the memory of your mother, the previous Overlord.Collective Game, Overlord Quest, Mother2012-08-17 7 
20407758Totemist Quest XV: Before the BeginningAyren Overwake, Master Totemist, slays a behemoth.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca, Before the Beginning2012-08-21 25 
20419741Totemist Quest XVIOsyki speaks with his bound Stalker, hides his true name from the world and plays with children. Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-08-22 27 
20445994Totemist Quest XVIIOsyki begins his journey through the swamp to speak with the Mother. It is a dangerous journey.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-08-24 24 
20514001Zoid Quest 20We decide to go up against the Guylos Empire to get our Wild Liger back.Zoid Quest, collective game, quest, quest thread, Zoid Mother,2012-08-30 7 
20537322Totemist Quest XVIIIOsyki learns how to walk between worlds, and negotiates with the Mother of the Swamp. Silver Tongue is back in force.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-08-31 27 
September 2012
20544766Totemist Quest XIXOsyki spends a night in the swamp and returns to the forest.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-01 25 
20614130Zoids Quest 21We return home to find we've been set up with a new match already. Our opponent - The Coyotes. Also we have a nice 'chat' with Tom. zoid, zoids, zoid quest, zoids quest, zoid mother, collective game2012-09-07 9 
20636286Totemist Quest XXOsyki spends some time upgrading and repairing village totems, and heads to the mountains to negotiate with spirits.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-08 24 
20655039Totemist Quest XXIOsyki discovers truths about Elana and his master, and trains his mind.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-09 24 
20702555Zoids Quest 22We return home from our victory, look at some new jobs and watch as Eri does the Zoid Pilot testzoid, zoids, zoid quest, zoids quest, zoid mother, collective game2012-09-13 7 
20715108Totemist Quest XXIIThe village's defenses get a serious upgrade, and we begin training Terra.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-14 24 
20803149Totemist Quest XXIIIOsyki ventures into the forest, meets with Sylvia, and helps Quinn bind his first spirit.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-21 25 
20802515Zoids Quest 23Strange shenanigans going on in the nature preserve we were hired to protect. zoid, zoids, zoid quest, zoids quest, zoid mother, collective game2012-09-22 7 
20900001Totemist Quest XXIVHaving helped Quinn obtain his first totem spirit, Osyki performs some experiments in his workshop.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-09-29 24 
October 2012
20931608Chapter Master Quest XXX - Yipikayee MotherfuckerOne does not simply stroll into the mothersip, except THE DONCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, die hard, yipikayee, motherfucker2012-10-01 8 
20936444Totemist Quest XXVOsyki experiments with earth bindings, makes totems, and flirts with Elana.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca, Experiment Thread2012-10-01 24 
20994946Totemist Quest XXVIWe make a date with Elana before having a conversation with our resident stealth spirit Thane. He may be more than meets the eye...Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca, Experiment Thread2012-10-05 24 
21109875Totemist Quest XXVIIWe discuss stuff with the Elders and finally take that hike with Elana!Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-10-14 25 
21291736Totemist Quest XXVIIIWe do Q&A and timeskip a few days!Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-10-27 22 
November 2012
21394687Totemist Quest XXIXWe went ahead to check the new humans in the swamp. Then Diarca passed out, hopefully he returns after this archival.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2012-11-02 22 
May 2013
24984907Totemist Quest XXXDiarca returns! Osyki communes with the night to hide his name. Preparations are made for the morning's adventure.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2013-05-23 24 
June 2013
25178914Totemist Quest XXXIWe begin the trek to the canyon, battle off Basilisk Wyrmlings, and enjoy a nice lunch with the Elder.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2013-06-02 24 
25399008Totemist Quest XXXIIIn which the dice gods smile.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-06-13 23 
25532492Totemist Quest XXXIIIIn which we discover our Crystal Spear focus plays with Thunder.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2013-06-20 23 
25661185Totemist Quest XXXVOsyki dives into the heart once more.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-06-27 23 
July 2013
25795963Totemist Quest XXXVIWe finish off our vision quest, and briefly frolic in a field of flowers before inspecting the giant corpse cloud hanging over the mountains. Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-07-04 23 
26212719Totemist Quest XXXVIIIIn which Osyki is insufficiently prepared.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-07-25 22 
August 2013
26354361Totemist Quest XXXVIIIWe push ourselves too hard, get some rest, get wings, and then prepare for the journey to face the Iron TyrantTotem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2013-08-01 23 
26513155Imp Quest 2Our little Imp goes to earth, and there he finds a loving family, a loving family which he will tear apart and mold into something much more interesting.imp, quest, collective game, collective, game, devil, demon, daemon, abaddan, The HypnoJew, evil, souls, summoner, summoning, conjuration, damn, damned, damning, Wrath, Homicide, Cannibal Mother, corrupting, corruption2013-08-09 12 
26584679Totemist Quest XXXIXOsyki meets a mysterious foe in the mists between worlds. But is she an enemy after all?Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-08-13 23 
26623284Totemist Quest XLOsyki takes his first foray into the Tyrant's Wasteland.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-08-15 21 
26719733Totemist Quest XLIOsyki discovers Pointsmar, the city beneath the wasteland.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-08-20 23 
26753041Totemist Quest XLIIOsyki meets the Iron Tyrant. Negotiations are open. Investigator Osyki: GO!Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2013-08-22 23 
September 2013
27148972Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 4We've gathered enough resource to unlock lower unexplored base. Unbelievable rewards in store. Addition of two new factions and heroes, Richard the Cyborg and the Broodmother.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Cyborg, broodmother2013-09-11 5 
27408005Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 15OP is busy, so mostly discussion. Later returns, and another close call happens. Ironically, peace is restored as we slowly settle into living the perpetual Battle of the 4 armies. New Ghoul hero.Collective Game, Mutants, Civ Quest, Hivemind, Broodmother, War2013-09-27 5 
August 2014
34104780Mothfolk homebrew/tg/ homebrew fantasy race made out fluffy mothkin. Deep history included.moth, mothfolk, mothkin, homebrew, homebrew race, writefaggotry, fae2014-08-14 7 
34302752Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 31 The grandsmothers try to find a wife for Daisuke, parents aren't much use and we look like a pedophile as young girls think ghostbusting is wicked cool. Until a foxy witch rescues us just like in the movies. Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Kitsune, Grandmothers,2014-08-22 13 
34485139Totemist Quest XLIIIAfter a year-long absence, Diarca makes his triumphant return. The Dice Gods attempt to kill Osyki while fighting a laser centipede before continuing his investigation of Pointsmar.Totem Quest, Monsters, Behemoth, Collective Game, Quest, Totem, Diarca2014-08-30 28 
September 2014
34650189Totemist Quest XLIVCompleting our investigation of Pointsmar, we finally confront the Iron General.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-09-06 21 
34977218Totemist Quest XLVOsyki finally returns home with Saeri in tow. To everyone's surprise, the village is NOT on fire. Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-09-20 22 
35050795Totemist Quest XLVI Preliminary negotiations are set with the Elunein representative before we get back to our favorite past time - binding with dangerous, mysterious monster bits.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-09-23 21 
35131312Totemist Quest XLVIIOsyki makes one hell of an entrance.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-09-27 21 
October 2014
35324070Totemist Quest XLVIIISiperco asks us to take care of a 'little' pest problem which brings us one step closer to unlocking Ayren's drawers.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-10-06 21 
35430625Totemist Quest XLIXSparring with Quinn & Pierce, training with Terra, and visiting the Stone Emperor. Such is the busy life of a Totemist.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-10-11 21 
35588213Totemist Quest LOsyki nearly blows himself up. Twice.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-10-18 21 
35729272Totemist Quest LIIn search of the Avatar of Hunger, Osyki must return to the place of his master's demise - the Lair of the Basilisk Wyrm.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-10-25 21 
November 2014
35876412Totemist Quest LIIThere is no rest for a Totemist as Osyki is dragged into the realm of Shade.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-11-01 20 
36018476Totemist Quest LIIIIt's back to the daily grind as Osyki returns home with his bag of loot. New bindings and training for Quinn & Terra.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-11-08 20 
36162467Totemist Quest LIVA visit to Boand leads to a new power and old memories.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-11-15 20 
36308104Totemist Quest LVEluneia is ready to negotiate, but first Osyki must deal with an ornery cobra.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-11-22 20 
December 2014
36585750Totemist Quest LVIA chance encounter in the Mists leaves its mark on Osyki as he arrives at Eluneia.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2014-12-06 20 
April 2015
39418379Leechfolk DiscussionWe've done mothfolk, we've made flyfolk, now we brew up some Leech people. Their relationship to blood, and foundations of their society. homebrew, race, leech, leeches, hirudo, leechfolk, mothfolk, 2015-04-19 15 
May 2015
39695411Insect/Bug RacesDevelopment of Hirudo, Miga, and Mothfolk is resumed simultaneously.homebrew, race, bugs, insects, mothfolk, miga, flies, hirudo, leeches2015-05-04 8 
39741879Insect/Bug Races Part 2Continuing development of /tg/'s bugs.homebrew, race, bugs, insects, mothfolk, miga, flies, hirudo, leeches2015-05-08 5 
July 2015
41283686The Elder Scrolls: Moth Priest QuestYou start your journey to the Black Marsh.collective game, elder scrolls, arena, skyrim, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, moth priest, quest,2015-07-18 5 
41351148The Elder Scrolls: Moth Priest Quest: Chapter 2You continue on your journey until you are harassed by Thalmor.Collective Game, The Elder Scrolls, Moth Priest Quest, Chapter 2, Daedra2015-07-21 3 
41375559The Elder Scrolls: Moth Priest Quest: Chapter 3You finally enter the Black Marsh.collective game, elder scrolls, arena, skyrim, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, moth priest, quest,2015-07-22 2 
41414930The Elder Scrolls: Moth Priest Quest: Chapter 4You finally reach Gideon.collective game, elder scrolls, arena, skyrim, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, moth priest, quest,2015-07-24 1 
August 2015
42146440Totemist Quest LVIIOsyki wanders the strange Moon GardensTotem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-08-29 20 
September 2015
42278191Totemist Quest LVIIISome down time, some new bindings.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-09-04 21 
42434868Totemist Quest LIXHAPPENINGTotem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-09-12 20 
42566852Totemist Quest LXOsyki VS The Magus (Splinter) - Round 2. Is he sufficiently prepared?Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-09-18 20 
42719406Totemist Quest LXIBlood loss gets us an express trip to the inner world.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-09-26 20 
October 2015
42849899Totemist Quest LXIIThe silver tongue returnsTotem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-10-03 20 
42975802Totemist Quest LXIIIOsyki discovers the joys of shopping.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-10-10 16 
43104284Totemist Quest LXIVOsyki returns to the village with a new focus. We experiment tons.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-10-17 15 
43253612Totemist Quest LXVWe experiment further with the 4th, and delegate village fortification tasks.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-10-25 13 
43371063Totemist Quest LXVIA date with Elana. Thread is called early for Halloween.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-10-30 13 
November 2015
43623257Totemist Quest LXVIIWe explore the other side of the workshop.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-11-14 11 
43741174Totemist Quest LXVIIIOsyki deals with Hesheza Zahn, spirit of the first totemist.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-11-21 13 
December 2015
43987072LXIXOsyki returns from Azeo Sicros and learns some uncomfortable truths.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2015-12-05 11 
January 2016
44502974Totemist Quest LXXWe upgrade our first ally with the Hall of Reflection. Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-02 11 
44646243Totemist Quest LXXIWe test Amal's new power and make a major breakthrough.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-09 10 
44791647Totemist Quest LXXIIOsyki ventures deep into the Ikrin Peaks in search of materials. Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-15 10 
44961106Totemist Quest LXXIIIOsyki makes a losing bet on the strength of his spirits.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-24 7 
44974771Totemist Quest LXXIII pt. 2Osyki slugs it out with Hunger. Anon freaks out.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-24 10 
45111687Totemist Quest LXXIVOsyki meets with a dark passenger and refocuses his efforts.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-31 8 
45124597Totemist Quest LXXIV pt. 2We continue to fill out the binding bingo board and poison ourselves a little.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-01-31 9 
February 2016
45397848Totemist Quest LXXVA tense confrontation with an unknown quantity reveals a clue to Ayren's past.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-02-14 11 
45557756Totemist Quest LXXVIOsyki begins to lay the groundwork for his Behemoth hunt.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-02-22 11 
45679775Totemist Quest LXXVIIThe salt must flow. We head into the mines.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-02-28 10 
March 2016
45679194Mountain Civ Quest 1Varkton settles down into a cave in the middle of a vast mountain range, discovering their new home with each step.Collective Game, The Motherfuckin' Mailman, Mountain Civ,2016-03-02 1 
45818013Totemist Quest LXXVIIIAnother slumbering threat is pushed aside for the question of true import: who is best girl?Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-03-06 11 
45812664 Bug World I/tg/ discusses how might a setting of just bug-people work?Bug World, World Building, Moth, Hornet 2016-03-06 6 
45964357Totemist Quest LXXIXWe skip ahead a few days and get shit done. Diarca has computer trouble.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-03-13 11 
45844874Bug World II: Moth People Edition /tg/ continues building Bug WorldBug World, World Building, Moth, Beetle2016-03-14 2 
46268589Totemist Quest LXXXMer-Osyki vs. the forces of the shallow sea.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-03-28 11 
April 2016
46565721Totemist Quest LXXXIRods from God beat sea monsters.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-04-10 12 
46711439Totemist Quest LXXXIIA meeting with King of Eluneia proves enlightening.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-04-17 12 
May 2016
47004608Totemist Quest LXXXIIIDowntime in the village and plans for the future.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2016-05-01 20 
September 2016
49163480Basing your hero/villain on Mother TeresaIn which Anon has surprisingly in-depth discussions on the Church, utilitarian vs absolutist morality, and ethics in general.Religion, ethics, morals, discussion, debate, Mother Teresa, Catholic, Christianity2016-09-05 2 
March 2018
2298775Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 1Another Post Apocalyptic Game begins, run by Strelok with the system developed by GenieStrelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-03-03 2 
2337270Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 2Nat 1 makes us black out for 5 turns and our giant serpent brain to leave, control all the zombies, and fight monsters from the deep caves.Strelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-03-12 1 
April 2018
2393470Post Apoc Mutant Tribal Civ Quest 3As the Grave Tribe is returning to normalcy, we sense a target of opportunity and send our hunters, but things are never simpleStrelok, Civ, Post Apocalyptic, Zombie, Mutant, Tribal, Bandit, Fungus, Swamp, Headhunter, Brewed Mother, Psionic. Hybrid2018-04-04 1 
May 2018
59266224Planeforger IV: PheroxaWe rolled up a plane with dice, made a map, and created a post-phyrexian world with a twisted history that views yawgmoth more positively.Magic the Gathering, worldbuilding, Planeforger, MTG, art, phyrexia, yawgmoth, fluff, crunch2018-05-02 4 
June 2018
60492600Setting Worldbuilding "Moth Balls"Crazy mishmash of postapo, bio and cyberpunk, eldritch horrors, kaiju making a unique setting began in:archive.4plebs.org/tg/thread/60471109settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax_holiday, moth_balls, megacorps2018-06-27 5 
60529899Moth Balls The ThirdFunny/Disturbing Write-faggotry is deployed and some of Moth Balls' more bestial inhabitants are described.settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-06-30 5 
July 2018
60587793Moth Balls The FourthNations other than the US get a little screen time, the nature of the Mega-cities is discussed and the Cyber is put in Cyberpunksettingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-03 4 
60647720Moth Balls the FithMore Beasties. More Writefaggotry. More Moth Balls. At least, until the thread is ended prematurely and shoved to /qst/settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-06 2 
60784267Moth Balls The SixthThe Church and the Powers get more detail, we meet some more nasty beasties, including some Kaiju and more general miscellanea is described.settingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-07-18 3 
August 2018
61049391Moth Balls The EightIn which there are a series of long, in-character, religious arguments and a certain amount of dickwavery. Seventh thread died far too youngsettingbuilding, worldbuilding, post-apocalyptic, fantasy, grimdark, tax holiday, moth balls, megacorps2018-08-02 2 
November 2018
3043519The Tainted Horde - 1OP puts us as the leader of the Darkspawn in an alternate world where all the old gods are dead. Also we get a brood mother. And crap WIFI.Key, Collective Game, Darkspawn, Dragon Age, Broodmother, The Tainted Horde.2018-11-19 3 
3057371The Tainted Horde - 1.5We continue where we left off. Meet some demons, and gather a raiding party. Yay!Key, KeyQM, Collective Game, Darkspawn, Dragon Age, Broodmother, The Tainted Horde.2018-11-25 1 
63266622can a lack of humans work in a rpg setting?namefag asked some anons if such an act is possible. a lot of bug pics ensue.bugs, moths, no humans, humans, bugfolk, worldbuilding2018-11-30 2 
December 2018
3076055The Tainted Horde - 2We raid a Wilder village. Make a human Broodmother, and find out we're about to be attacked by Dwarves.KeyQM, Collective Game, Darkspawn, Dragon Age, Broodmother, The Tainted Horde.2018-12-03 1 
March 2019
3325514999 Quest, A Blue SkyBlue awakens within an abstract void, fights against some broken shades, meets a man in red and faces a bunch of really nasty spiders.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, SMT, Destiny, motherfucking darkness2019-03-26 1 
April 2019
3386927The Big Bad Wolf Quest #1Selling nude photos of high school girls is hard work, and totally professional!Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-02 6 
3401882The Big Bad Wolf Quest #2Mary's a fellow woman of the trade, Goldilocks is a pervert, and Little Red Riding Hoods has become leashed! Also, cleavage factory.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-08 2 
3395169Totemist Quest LXXXIVOsyki embarks on another adventure to find a guardian spirit for his village.Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2019-04-09 20 
3416319The Big Bad Wolf Quest #3Morioka starts to break minds, grab ass, grope titties, and make love for eight hours straight.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-13 1 
3429492The Big Bad Wolf Quest #4Morioka experiences a special Saturday and Kitasawa finally arrives, neatly packaged. Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-19 1 
3433358Totemist Quest LXXXVOsyki continues his descent into the Oubliette and finds his goal, but hits a snag on his way out. Marisol steps up to the plate. Totem Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Totemist Quest, Totem, Totemist, Diarca, Monsters, Behemoth2019-04-22 11 
3445322The Big Bad Wolf Quest #5A decadent-breasted clash between Hanami and Mary has begun at day, Kita's Robin Hood reveal at night! Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen2019-04-23 1 
3456685The Big Bad Wolf Quest #6Goldilocks shows a sign of Morioka's consequence. He later ends up having sex with three of Hanami's personas.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-04-29 1 
May 2019
3470733The Big Bad Wolf Quest #7Morioka might've brought a dark elf to his world. But that matters not -- the N.R.O. has come!Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-04 0 
3481461The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8Morioka begins tested copulation with Kitasawa. But QM gets a warning and the thread is archived for some reason.Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-04 1 
3483261The Big Bad Wolf Quest #8.5Morioka is given a late night surprise! The tower is attacked! Mother Goose, The Big Bad Wolf Quest, modern fantasy, fairytales, ecchi, shounen, hentai2019-05-09 1 
August 2019
3755939Samurai widow quest 1Your name is Kasumi soon mother to twins. Your husband and lord are dead. That calls for revenge.Samurai widow quest, Samurai, mother, Collective Game2019-08-22 3 
September 2019
3770032Samurai widow quest 2Planning for revenge Samurai widow quest, samurai, mother2019-09-15 0 
October 2019
3864555Hunter Quest: A Slayers JourneyA unnamed hunter ventures into the forest to slay a foul beast. A child is saved, monsters are poisoned and barmaids wooed. Hunter Quest, MoTH, Slayer, Monster Hunter, Fantasy, Collective Game, Monsters2019-10-19 2 
June 2020
4287846Body Horror Quest - 44th VeinQM BHOP finds out his mother's health is in critical condition, and stops the session early. Feels are shared, Anons send their condolencesBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 5, irl INTERRUPT, Mother, feels, 4 is death2020-06-12 7 
March 2022
5175718Body Horror Quest, 50th VeinShu engages in tough negotiations with Two of the Three Apocalypse Amalgams, one of whom has delivered an Ultimatum.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Apocalypse Amalgams, Ziz, Leviathan, Behemoth, Negotiations, Lore bombs2022-03-18 5 
May 2022
5207193Reptilian Infiltrator Quest Vol. 13The half-human agent of a dark dynasty returns home to her people, brings a race to ruin, and inscribes her lasting legacy forevermore.ReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, romance, motherhood, duty, villainy, victory, sacrifice, destiny, endings, coom2022-05-01 5 
January 2023
5493004Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #1A PMMM quest that takes place in Buenos Aires. QM is an effortposting beast, great times all around.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, Waterpark, Wooly Mammoth2023-01-12 12 
April 2023
5610047Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #2After two fucking months the story continues. A new meguca is born, our girls find what the Magical Relay is and start flimsy alliances. Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, SEAnannigans is DEAD, no Wooly Mammoth, being Emma is suffering2023-04-25 10 
October 2023
5765175Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #4In which the story of Lucinda and her mammoth is explored from its beginning, climax, and end. The QM calls an official end to the Royale.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, Lumina Canima, Wooly Mammoth, the bird call cliffhanger hurts2023-10-18 6 
5776609Moth Agent QuestFollow the adventures of a humanoid mothman that works for a company dealing with supernatural shenanigans. You also have a cute pet.Alphabet Soup, Mothman, Moth, supernatural, USA, Gunslinger, anomaly, pet2023-10-31 7 
June 2024
6002986Moth Agent Quest #2You are a mothman. You have a gun. You are shooting gas masked bastards in a sewer then the thread became sparse. Alphabet Soup, Mothman, Moth, USA2024-06-18 2 
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