/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2010
9692576Frost Giantess Quest 49Frost, Giantess, Frost Giantess, Collective Game, QuestWe're resistant to the forest Shoggoth's madness-inducing fog, but not immune. Fortunately, the Shoggoth isn't at all resistant to thermite, and runs away with it's tail between it's legs. 2010-05-09 14 
June 2010
10417479Doppleganger Damacy XVII Doppleganger Damacy continues. We find some clues to who we are. Also, food. :)Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Doppleganger, Quest, Growth, No stealth any more good job with the lizards guys2010-06-11 43 
November 2010
12834871Zerg Quest XX20 threads of mutation! The Brood decides to rush the DNA scanners, and all hell breaks loose. As usual. TUCAMP announces Terran Quest. Another planet is glassed. We go through so many!Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Planet Glassing, Down with the Bourgouis Confederacy!2010-11-18 13 
January 2011
13585573Zerg Quest XXVIIThe Zerg actually sit down and talk with VoidGate, the not-quite-Skynet-but-basically-Skynet. In the end, Anon blows the shit out of some Terrans, like strategic superiority is an afterthought, or something.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Diplomacy, Skynet, Are we actually talking with people now?2011-01-20 11 
August 2011
15897590/tg/ lives in spaceold spacers, engineers and pest controlers share storiesshort stories, sky filled with thunder and fire, space, sci-fi2011-08-12 12 
16095404Let's play Musical AlignmentsI know, I know, it's an alignment thread, started by a tripfag. but I mean, there are some good thematic songs in here. Hell, it has its own public youtube playlist http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAFFA2BBD38B0A1ED also, White knight fags are now called Don Quixote (plural - Don Quixotes). deal with it.espagnoll, music, alignments, deal with it, youtube2011-08-29 4 
February 2012
17866317Baby ShowerOP posts a picture of his baby daughter. Fa/tg/uys immediately turn into a bunch of cooing women and start giving child-rearing advice. Threat is turned into impromptu baby shower.baby, deal with it2012-02-09 16 
17914370Devil-In-TrainingA demon comes to /tg/ for help in landing his first "sell your soul to the devil" Faustian bargain. The neckbeards flex their BBEG muscles and offer what help they can.deal with the devil, demon, devil, evil, Faustian bargain, Punisher’s daughter, Screwtape, sell your soul, Wormwood2012-02-13 10 
March 2012
18204910/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 14Waiting for players. Waiting for player input. Bump for input. Still waiting for players.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Editors, Waiting, No players, Dead game, Zero participation, Bump for input, OP playing with himself2012-03-05 5 
18520407Strike Witches Quest 59ESCAPADES IN DA MOONLIGHT SONATAs with both hands-" strike witches, Strike Witches quest, ww2, planes, Collective Game2012-03-31 28 
May 2012
19302123Biotech? Biotech.How to biotech.WITH FETISHES!, AND LASERS!2012-05-31 5 
July 2012
20115677Blue 3: Da ClanIn a nutshell: Blue is a young Earth Caste Tau, found by the Orks during an attack on a Tau habitat. After being mistaken for a Gretchin, she began working with the Orks, eventually becoming very popular due to her impressive knowledge of engineering, and ability to add more dakka to ANYTHING. Eventually taken under the wing of a big Mek, she became a popular and well liked part of Ork society.Tau, Orkz, Cute Mascot, Blue, Dakka, Gretchin, Squig Drone, Looted Chaos Titan, Random Generation, Solving Arguments With Randomness, Scraplootas2012-07-31 16 
August 2012
20268058Zerg Quest XCVIIIThe tests suddenly ramp up in difficulty, stretching across the sector.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, -A- Bernie is back, Labbrate to the rescue, What have you done with my Cerebrates!?2012-08-11 6 
February 2013
22919633ERP OmgeleIn which OP is a faggot.Nope, live with your shame.2013-02-01 24 
June 2013
25569558Final Fantasy Quest 3The one that comes after 4, but only in America.Collective Game, Final Fantasy Quest, Spiky Hair, Pizza Cutters do not make for good swords, Its not quite the same without the soundtrack2013-06-22 7 
July 2013
25795660Party Betrayalfa/tg/uy describes machiavellian plot to murder teammate's love interest, discovers teammate posted the same story earlierbetrayal, worst part was, we, worked, with, fencer, rival, rivals, dead, blood2013-07-05 8 
26033613Worm that Walks Lich/tg/ realises that a worm that walks can also be a lich. /tg/ then realises that the worms that make up a worm that walks can also be worms that walk.worm that walks, lich, phylactery, fun with templates, D&D, DnD, Pathfinder2013-07-16 7 
September 2013
27328051Veterans of the Second Dragon WarAn 'Ask a veteran of the Second Dragon War' thread evolves into reminiscence of the war and it's horrors roleplay, second dragon war, not world war two with dragons, elves, lizardmen, lich, dragons, second dragon war, veterans2013-09-21 8 
October 2013
27591004Friendless QuestIn which an attempt at Haganai fanfiction gets derailed with LESBIANS. Welcome to the /tg/ experience, Nemo.Collective Game, Friendless Quest, Lesbians, LIVE WITH YOUR SHAME2013-10-06 26 
27607884RuneQuest kicks all kinds of assA pitiful attempt at trolling backfires, and /tg/ ends up talking about how awesome RuneQuest is.glorantha, discussion, Glorantha, RuneQuest, don't fuck with the ducks, King of Dragon Pass, king of dragon pass2013-10-07 5 
27938758Abandoned Spacestation Ideas/tg/ gets together to brainstorm ideas on stuff to find in a space derelict. Both spooky and hilarious answers follow.Traveller, Stars Without Number, Diaspora, space, game ideas, sci-fi2013-10-26 10 
January 2014
29832663Monster Girls Quest 101Monster Girls Quests, Collective Game, Monster Girls, QuestWhere we deal with the aftermath of battle, too much things to do for a single man. 2014-01-28 5 
March 2014
30587349Oversized Weapon Quest 16Finish up a raid! Get loot! Get lost!Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, So Lost Without You, Goblins2014-03-02 27 
30754093What /tg/ does with the drunken sailorWe have discovered a horrifying reality. There are people who have never heard that song and new versions are pitchedSea Shanty, Songs, What Should We Do With The Drunken Sailor, The Drunken fa/tg/uy, Cowardly Guardsman, Muppets Treasure Island2014-03-12 9 
April 2014
31431666Pokemon Quest #41We convince Vance to go for Jeanine, have a date with Robin, and run into a burning buildingand buy moonshine, and set up a date with Robin Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer2014-04-13 21 
31584149Renegade Prince Quest 4Collective Game, Renegade Prince Quest, Renegade VoiceMC wakes up with a hangover2014-04-20 2 
May 2014
31891756The Knights of FalconwoodA mysterious shower of magical energy kills off every last female human in the world. What follows are are a surprisingly civil discussion, GALLANTRY and tanks. Also conan.worldbuilding, battletanx, gender, post-apoc, apocalypse, magic, settingbuilding, setting building, world without women, SCIENCE, artificial humans, gallantry, modern knights, matriarchy, conan2014-05-05 0 
31983078Pokemon Quest #49We get dressed up, play a drinking game, spend quality time training and decide to head to Sandorpissues, and play dress-up with the crew Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Cosplay2014-05-08 22 
32359019Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 2Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, Manliness, Anaru, ToothpicksA fallen hero rises from the battleground and enters a fight that only he can settle. With a little help from Mako, of course.2014-05-26 6 
July 2014
33149919Faggot Dragon Waifu Greentext Thread 2SO KAWAII! SO TSUNTSUN! SO UGUU! SO TWO!Dragons are for faggots, Waifus are for losers, Shame is for living with, This will never be good2014-07-03 10 
August 2014
34331215Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 1.We get intouch with our inner psychopath, in this thrilling tale of murder, romance, and Honkery. Gotta catch them all.Collective Game, MFSKQ, Quest, Murder, Obduction, Funny, Comedy, HONK, Elf Pokemon : Gotta Catch Em All : With Clowny Clownerson, please read this quest its actually really cool i promise guys,2014-08-23 5 
34346184Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest. TwoOur killer strikes again! We get cought inside some "Family trouble" And cook our captives some "Chicken fingers" Because we're totally nice and sane people. Stuff happens too, and then other things. We also get higher'd to kill a russian mafia guy or something, READ IT TO FIND OUT!Collective Game, MFSKQ, Quest, Murder, Obduction, Funny, Comedy, HONK, Elf Pokemon : Gotta Catch Em All : With Clowny Clownerson, please read this quest its actually really cool i promise guys,2014-08-24 7 
34498343Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1)We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style)MFSKQ, Edgy, Dark, Murder, Funny, Limblesslivingonaholeteasing, short thread, no dice, OP slightly off his game, Nobody gets shot with a 22., Collective Game, Quest, Modern Fantasy Serial Killer, 2014-08-30 1 
September 2014
34703313Speak with AnimalOP wonders what sort of personalities animals should have when Speak with Animal is used. Hilarity ensues, with people each giving their own interpretation of how animals would speak and act.speaking with animals, interpretations2014-09-09 10 
October 2014
35348532The Weapon of Humanity (Quest) 1A young girl with massive Psionic potential is tossed into the middle of the Alien War, narrowly avoiding abduction before being captured by a shady paramilitary organization.Collective Game, XCOM, X-COM, Enemy Unknown, Enemy Within, Psionic, EXALTED2014-10-07 14 
35459645The Weapon of Humanity (Quest) 2The MC makes it to extract.Collective Game, XCOM, X-COM, Enemy Unknown, Enemy Within, Psionic, EXALTED2014-10-12 13 
35612707Weapon of Humanity Quest 003We have a strange dream, officially join EXALT, and follow our new companion to the hospital.Collective Game, XCOM, X-COM, Enemy Unknown, Enemy Within, Psionic, EXALTED2014-10-19 6 
December 2014
36856528Bitch Angel Quest 1Heels, the prideful bitch angel, get thrown out of heaven, commandeers a bike and rider, and visits church.Collective Game, Bitch Angel Quest, PSG, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, Anime, Quest2014-12-21 4 
February 2015
38134108Horrific monstrosities of the deep sea/tg/ talks about some of the real-life abominations native to the deep sea, concludes that Aquaman is actually pretty badass. Also worldbuilding.Deep Sea, Monster, CoC, Terror, Abyss, Kill It With Fire, Abomination, Aquaman, Mermaids, Merfolk,2015-02-19 10 
38172946Abyss Thread Two: Aquatic VorealooContinued discussion of the horrors of the abyss, both real and /tg/-made.Deep Sea, Monster, Abyss, Terror, Kill It With Fire, Merfolk, Abomination, Cute Girls Doing Terrifying Things, Underwater Vore Dimension2015-02-24 3 
38277831Abyss Thread Three: Abyss HarderMore discussion, more worldbuilding, more fleshing out the mermaids of the deep.Deep Sea, Monstergirls, Abyss, Terror, Kill It With Fire, Merfolk, Abomination, Cute Girls Doing Terrifying Things, Underwater Vore Dimension2015-02-26 1 
March 2015
38971390Extranatural Enforcer Quest #1Jason has to save some newbie's asses, is very aware of the dangers of windows, and then hooks his basebal bat up on a few dates with some elves and an ogres nutsacks.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Mittens Made With Love2015-03-28 10 
April 2015
39180728Extranatural Enforcer Quest #3Jason emulates a cosmetics sales agent when he visits a drug dealer who turned on LL, which is to say he gets into a fight, throws magical crack everywhere and then gets into a car chase. Back at the office he finally gets some info out of the Druid in the basement.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Mittens Made With Love2015-04-07 10 
39200202Extranatural Enforcer Quest #4Jason goes to see Uncle Frank and then heads back to the office to have a chat with his favorite magic crack fiend who decides that he would rather live with bowel and prostate cancer and gives up the goods on his operation. Then Jason finally goes and burns Kendall’s fucking magic crack-den house down. Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Mittens Made With Love2015-04-08 7 
39428640Extranatural Enforcer Quest #8Jason goes full Vaas on some surprisingly well learned drug dealers, finds out he'll be working with the men in black, and then gets his Vader on for meeting the men in black.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleVinny, Mittens Made With Love2015-04-19 6 
39471839Extranatural Enforcer Quest #9Jason sets out to reconnoiter where the raid will be happening, has a close call with a fae hound, then goes for a swim before finally calling his Ma. He then chats with the LT about contingency plans.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Mittens Made With Love2015-04-21 8 
39550009Extranatural Enforcer Quest #10Jason navigates the minefield that is flirting with a terrifying and horny cougar who knows how to slice you up and stich you back together in order to get medical assistance for the upcoming raid. Amber then kicks the festivities off at the raid by well ventilating the roof and several fae hounds, seriously woman, remember the fundamentals and use your sights.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Mittens Made With Love, Goddammit Danzig2015-04-25 6 
May 2015
39695078Extranatural Enforcer Quest 11Wherein Reinhardt breaks everything: Petunias, Pelvis', and Promises to Promiscuous Physicians.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Mittens Made With Love, Goddammit Danzig2015-05-02 6 
39714420Assassin School quest 40Maria wants to run a Pen and paper Rpg, so Layla decides to invite all her "Friends" to it, and things quickly get out of hand.Collective Game, Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Vampire, Catgirl, Game within a game2015-05-03 11 
June 2015
40628621Extranatural Enforcer Quest #12Jason is all healed up and gets some new tats as well as some new runes on his beloved bat, then goes to see the LT and her fancy new mahogany desk to get his next task; getting a mage on the payroll, and sets off to interview the first candidate who turns out to be a magical flying dwarf NEET.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Mittens Made With Love2015-06-16 6 
40742300Extranatural Enforcer Quest #13Jason finishes up interviewing the not so mundane candidates for LL's magical vacancy by interviewing a wannabe rockstar Geothurge who's hair gel is likely seeping into his brain and reacquainting himself with a familiar Elf Druid who is afraid of wood chippers.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Mittens Made With Love2015-06-22 6 
July 2015
41319771Yet Another Fetish Worldbuilding ThreadThis time it was spawned by Weekend Smut Thread, no lessTransforming Giantess Vore Robots, The shame we all live with2015-07-19 10 
41354878Extranatural Enforcer Quest #17Jason stops by his favorite vertically challenged mage's family's home for dinner and apple tart, then LT interrupts his evening before he can get to the apple tart to talk business and politics, I bet she stole it for herself.Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Mittens Made With Love2015-07-21 10 
August 2015
41735474Extranatural Enforcer Quest #18Jason is so good at his job, our enemies outsource to us to threaten our own boss. Collective Game, Extranatural Enforcer Quest, UncleGino, Mittens Made With Love2015-08-08 5 
May 2016
67044Melancholic Quest 2Delilah, our unfortunate runaway continues to find her place in the world. This is made a little harder by the whole drinking blood thing.streets without getting violated. Melancholic Quest, aCowboyNamedSue, homeless, Delilah, blood, depressing2016-05-10 16 
June 2016
242036Herding With Lamb-tan QuestLamb-tan begins her adventure to find her lost sheep, starting with her SHEEPdogHerding with Lamb-tan Quest, Collective Game, Lamb, Lamb-tan2016-06-10 1 
267277Herding With Lamb-tan Quest 2Lamb-tan conquers Spiral Mountain and overthrows its kingHerding with Lamb-tan Quest, Collective Game, Lamb, Lamb-tan2016-06-17 2 
September 2016
49273753Final Solution of Quest Question Quest 47A mod cracks, loses control of their life at 4AM server time, sneakily banning quests 4ever. Conclusion of his long-run quest thread series.Autism, Samefagging, Ignorance, Incompetent Management, Zero Wage, Live With Your Shame2016-09-10 23 
November 2016
798209Starborn Quest 21: We Happy FewWith the dice fails of the past we instead look to party cohesion. With a divine chat, party tension and we cap it off by voting lewd.the dice gods are on board with her until they aren't. Luc Quest 2.0 anybody? Collective Game, Purps, Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Brutal, Woun2016-11-09 2 
August 2017
1789052Storm Warrior's Quest #2Jack continues his hike and picks up a lizard chick.Cyberpunk Demonslayer, Storm Warrior's Quest, stop with the incest you fucks2017-08-29 6 
1785586Funtron Space Adventure: Round 6In which Funtron concludes.Funtron Space Adventure, Collective Game, LEGO, sci-fi, Fun with Lego2017-08-29 3 
1793475Alien Resistance Quest 1Tactics were used, aliens were slayed, and mutants made from alien weapons turned into our weapon. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-08-30 2 
September 2017
1812398Sburb Quest - Part 1Valve releases a new game on steam. A silver haired bug enthusiast buys it. bad anime is mentioned. The power of air pressure is utilized. Homestuck, sburb, sburb quest, quest, collective game, part 1, pesterlogs are boring without color, Garzey's Wing is the best anime ever2017-09-01 1 
1814822Alien Resistance Quest 2We did some research and found out what happens when mutants stay locked up.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-05 1 
1840538Alien Resistance Quest 3 A chemist took some alien drugs, a mutant became to smart, and we survived a supply raid. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-18 1 
1867223Alien Resistance Quest 4Recruiting, it was once a simple thing. Now a weapon to surpass gauss. X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-09-25 1 
October 2017
1896296Alien Resistance Quest 5Went to down to the office for some paper work. Ended up kicking the hornet nest. Called in weeds to help. Ask the base to deliver roundup.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-10-07 1 
1923264Alien Resistance Quest 6Not much to say. We killed the plants, we got the info, and now we gotta get our boys home. If the game ever gets picked back up.X-COM, Mutants, Genie, Getting shit done with mutants2017-10-12 1 
1938867Emily Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Emily's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy, elves2017-10-19 5 
1956530Emily Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Emily's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy, elves2017-10-19 5 
February 2018
2317999Star WarMachine Minds Quest Act One: Episode IIAdmiral Spider E. Lee learns about the power of friendship and crazy mando chicks, and many boarding actions are had. ALL HAIL THE NCR!!!Star Wars, MachineMinds, out with the CIS, in with the NCR2018-02-18 12 
2328351Machine Minds Quest Act two: Dead Man's SummitIn which we meet space Big Boss and 0070 faces off with space scaramanga.Star Wars, MachineMinds, out with the CIS, in with the NCR2018-02-24 7 
March 2018
2347526Overlord Lair Quest 1 Welcome to the DungeonThe Magi who sought forbidden knowledge. Made a deal at a fine price. A Dungeon core was given placed in a magma Ocean and Goblins summoned.Genie, Overlord, Dungeon, Worried Dungeon with to many goblins, Of Goblins and Mecha2018-03-14 4 
2344072Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 1In which our party begins their adventure.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy 2018-03-15 5 
April 2018
2452672Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 2In which our party runs afoul of various NPCs.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy 2018-04-21 2 
May 2018
2466480Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 3In which our party dabbles in art and commerce.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy2018-05-02 2 
2504055Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 4In which our party searches for various artifacts.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy2018-05-08 2 
2534694Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 5In which our party faces the final boss.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy2018-05-19 2 
2572851Fungeon Crawl: The Tomb of the Entombed, Round 6In which our party's tale concludes.Fun with Lego, Fungeon Crawl, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy2018-05-31 2 
June 2018
2608381Sophie Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Sophie's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Sophie Jones, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-06-17 1 
2627611Sophie Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Sophie's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Sophie Jones, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-06-22 1 
July 2018
2703206Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Rosalyn's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-07-19 1 
2722361Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Rosalyn's quest continues.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-07-29 1 
August 2018
2759681Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part ThreeIn which Rosalyn's quest continues, again.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-08-11 1 
2803616Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part FourIn which Rosalyn's quest approaches its conclusion.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-08-27 1 
September 2018
2838579Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part FiveIn which Rosalyn's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-09-08 1 
January 2019
3131597Fate Quest Pt. 3: Arrows and GunsIn which we save our ally's ass from being ripped to pieces, find out that Assassin's not dead and turn Assassin's Master into a Vampire.Fate Quest, REDthunderBOAR, Puppets, Ibaraki, Vampire Autism, Fuck Off Caster of Red With Your Bullshit2019-01-05 1 
April 2019
3407625Panzer Commander QuestAfter more than a month time skip, Richter is returned to; aiding a foreign army, riding in a tank, and being beaten up by a tomboy.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, major problems with milk, taking a bite out of crime and thighs2019-04-16 5 
May 2019
3495586Cinderella and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Cinderella's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Cinderella, Lego, fantasy, elves2019-05-24 1 
June 2019
3527420Cinderella and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Cinderella's quest continues.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Cinderella, Lego, fantasy, elves2019-06-04 1 
3577871 RepairBon Quest part 1Withered Bonnie wakes up, greets some new arrivals, and has a showdown with an age-old rival.repairbueno, collaborative game, five nights at freddys, fnaf, 5n@f, withered, toy, bonnie, repair, robots, dark, spooky atmosphere2019-06-16 4 
66715619Interesting Warlock Deals/tg/ asks for original and interesting premises for warlock deals and their payments.worldbuilding, magic, plot hooks, deal with the devil, warlocks, the house always wins,2019-06-18 6 
January 2020
3997796Joker Quest: Episode 166Frost Cestus has finally climaxed and Kazuya feels the weight of being a hero.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Bonding time with best girl2020-01-07 10 
July 2020
4302436One Year with OsanaHasome Senki is a normal high school student, juggling with the elements in his normal high school life.One Year with Osana, Collective Game, slice of life, drama, AtisE2020-07-05 10 
September 2020
4396376One Year with Osana 2.Hasome Senki is a normal high school student, trying his best to not piss off his childhood friend in front of her friends.One Year with Osana, Collective Game, slice of life, drama, AtisE2020-09-02 10 
November 2020
4503169One Year with Osana 3Hasome Senki is a normal high school student, adept at unwilling becoming the center of attention.One Year with Osana, Collective Game, slice of life, drama, AtisE2020-11-19 10 
December 2020
4527900With Great Power: A Cape Quest #1Meet Eric Miller, a super hero teen on the gritty streets of ChicagoWith Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2020-12-06 57 
4562374With Great Power: A Cape Quest #2As Hotspur continues his fight against the Chicago underworld, he encounters more super powered individualsWith Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2020-12-28 41 
January 2021
4591798Mutant!Quest #8 In which Elise attempts to take control of her berserker mode, John does a nope, and the Huber conference happens.Siren_QM, Collective Game, Action, Urban, Superpower, Mutants, Slice-of-Life, Quest, Drawquest, Now with improved art! 2021-01-19 6 
4590540With Great Power: A Cape Quest #3CARNAGE ON THE HIGHWAY. Hotspur and Misfit battle a deadly biker gang on route 1-88, while the mystery of the Chicago Explosion deepens.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-01-24 36 
February 2021
4591143One Year with Osana 4Hasome Senki is a normal high school student, finding himself in a sticky situation just as the day startsOne Year with Osana, Collective Game, slice of life, drama, AtisE2021-02-03 10 
4619780With Great Power: A Cape Quest #4Ambushed on the rooftops of Chicago, Hotspur battles the deadly HOUNDMASTER. Meanwhile, Eric's relationship with Kay grows deeper.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-02-13 35 
March 2021
4665322With Great Power: A Cape Quest #5THANKSGIVING EDITION. Between crimefighting and personal drama, Eric needs a break. Why not a family reunion in Indiana?With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-03-19 25 
4651642One Year with Osana 5Hasome Senki is a normal high school student, easily whisked away by those with unknown intentionsOne Year with Osana, Collective Game, slice of life, drama, AtisE2021-03-20 10 
April 2021
4706757With Great Power Quest #6Secrets unravel as Hotspur plunges into the darkness surrounding Chicago, with horrifying consequences.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-04-15 26 
4712259One Year with Osana 6Hasome Senki is a normal high school student, pounded by the usual string of abuses a normal high school student would experience.One Year with Osana, Collective Game, slice of life, drama, AtisE2021-04-24 10 
May 2021
4755171With Great Power: A Cape Quest #7THE NEW YEARS DAY WAR. Carnage on the docks of Chicago as Hotspur's enemies converge. Meanwhile: 808s and Heartbreaks.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-05-08 24 
June 2021
4818800With Great Power: A Cape Quest #8KIDNAPPED! Hotspur races against time to rescue Ayesha from the deadly HOUNDMASTER. Meanwhile, Eric makes new friends and meets new enemies.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-06-06 23 
4814233One Year with Osana 7Hasome Senki is a normal high school student, sharing some precious moments with his childhood friend.One Year with Osana, Collective Game, slice of life, drama, AtisE2021-06-11 3 
July 2021
4862429With Great Power: A Cape Quest #9THE RED WIZARD RISES! Meanwhile, tensions between Chicago and the para-folk community come to a boil, with Eric caught in the crossfire.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-07-02 23 
August 2021
4907855With Great Power: A Cape Quest #10With friends in peril and the city gripped by paranoia, Hotspur struggles to carry the fire.With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-08-03 25 
September 2021
4944490With Great Power: A Cape Quest #11THE BURNING DEAD! Hotspur and the Red Wizard fight for their lives! Meanwhile, Eric realizes his true feelings, if only they were simpleWith Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-09-05 23 
October 2021
4997936With Great Power: A Cape Quest #12THE COUNCIL OF CRIME MEETS, FIREWATCH STRIKES! It all leads to this, an explosive assault on Chicago's underworld!With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2021-10-26 22 
November 2021
5015811One Year With Osana 8Hasome Senki is a normal high school student, hearing the grievances of his fellow classmatesOne Year with Osana, Collective Game, slice of life, drama, AtisE2021-11-24 3 
December 2021
5045064Body Horror Quest, 49th VeinShu hears a Dragon's confession, relaxes at Ikea, talks to a Rumia face-claim, and gets into a sword-fight with one of God's messengers.Body Horror Quest, bhop, BHOP, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, touhou, ikea, swordfights with an Angel, Old Testament Angels, archeology2021-12-10 6 
January 2022
5067215One Year With Osana 9Hasome Senki is a normal high school student, making company with various interesting folks in his schoolOne Year with Osana, Collective Game, slice of life, drama, AtisE2022-01-05 0 
February 2022
5115099With Great Power: A Cape Quest #13Hotspur is back! Three months after taking down the Council of Crime, the Patriots strike! Can Eric protect the fledgling para-community?With Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2022-02-14 24 
March 2022
5134647One Year With Osana 10Senki Hasome is a normal high school student, getting acquainted with the student council One Year with Osana, Collective Game, slice of life, drama, AtisE2022-03-07 0 
5164482With Great Power: A Cape Quest #14Investigating the Guardians summer camp, Eric discovers deep secrets and confronts an old foeWith Great Power Quest, Collective Game, Capes, OC Setting, Bullpen, Super Hero2022-03-18 23 
December 2022
5433671HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #6After almost half a year of silence, you go back to being the Administrator to put down some fucking cowboys.Administrator, Collective Game, Lobotomy Corporation, Fan Quest, Coffee Addiction, no more long hiatuses without due notice2022-12-02 6 
January 2023
5478018(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 5It's devilish work, kidnapping hotties and dirt-napping bodies. But someone's gotta do it. Mayor Jack Kinov's daughter Joy joins the hareBob, Vagene, Velton, Fae Smelter, Craigslist, Killer, Joy, Kinov, Mandie, B, Reckin-Dwith, Black, Rose, Geraldina, Cooper, Camping, Forest2023-01-02 1 
May 2023
5654217Archimedean Quest: IIIn which a great War starts, a noble Lady enjoys a Leisure Cruise, receives a Piece of Jewellery, and has to deal with a boarding Action.Archimedean, Alchymy, Steam Powered Flying Battleships, Airships, The Great Game, Secret Despatches, Gallivanting with our Tits out2023-05-21 10 
December 2023
5829969Cyberpunk Quest #1Kai's father, an NCPD netrunner, is killed during a cyber psycho attack on New Years - A conspiracy is afoot, and Kai seeks the truth.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, flirt with cars, nomads2023-12-27 24 
April 2024
5944098Cyberpunk Quest #2Kai continues his search for answers, but mostly just finds more eddies and problems.Cyberpunk 2077, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk RED, Night City, Cyber Psycho, Eddies, Netrunning, AI, Edgerunner, flirt with cars, nomads2024-04-15 10 
June 2024
6013758One Life #1Johan, an amnesiac and taxi driver, navigates a world that feels slightly off.Johan, Lucian, Taxi Driver, Noir Detectives, Sailors, Fugue Amnesia, Hotel, Etheric Color Dynamics, The QM Without A Name2024-06-28 1 
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