/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2010
7423974To Warlord or not to WarlordA collection of information about warlord titans as well as templates to build your own titans, also OP decides to get back at his aggressive tournament runners with a Creed-bound warlord titan.Warlord, Titans, Creed, Tournaments, Lists, Templates, 40k, Revenge.2010-01-04 1 
February 2010
82422604e Character Builds, Bonus Thread: A Lazy, Lazy Clever CommanderA build for a warlord who never makes attacks.D&D, 4e, warlord2010-02-24 4 
January 2011
13385827Why /tg/ cannot be trustedA DM comes to ask /tg/'s advice on his players' genocidal behavior, only to find that one of his players very recently came to /tg/ for the same purpose! hilarity ensues, and much aid is given by the most beneficent board.Orcs, Pathfinder, Genocide, Massacre, Warlord Mustache2011-01-04 10 
September 2013
27242257Warlord QuestThe hero is Esalar, a steppe nomad near a crumbling Empire. As the call to arms echoes to his homeland, he decides to raise his own troops, and make his own way in the warring world. Collective Game, Warlord Quest, Nomad, Warlord2013-09-16 15 
27262429Warlord Quest 2Esalar leads his men to the rescue of a band of Imperial gentry, chooses to visit friendly tribes and deal with them honestly, and is rewarded with an attempted lashing and a spell in detention. Collective Game, Warlord Quest, Nomad, Warlord2013-09-17 7 
27332710Warlord Quest 3Esalar is surprised to turn from prisoner into guest. Having learned much news from Dokas, the noble hosting him, he then becomes an accomplice in Dokas' plan to get what he deserves... Collective Game, Warlord Quest, Nomad, Warlord2013-09-21 7 
27364809Warlord Quest 4Esalar suggests a plan, and goes on a mission to achieve it, only to be betrayed. After taking heavy losses, he wreaks vengeance on the Sparrow tribe. Collective Game, Warlord Quest, Nomad, Warlord2013-09-23 8 
27417248Warlord Quest 5Esalar participates in the battle between two tribes, moves south, learns how to read Imperial, and occupies a massive, fortified pass. We are now in the Empire!Collective Game, Warlord Quest, Nomad, Warlord2013-09-26 6 
October 2013
27519382Warlord Quest 6Esalar's men win an easy victory, come across some very, very phat loot, and he finally learns to read. Well, minimally. Also, a new village is in the works. Collective Game, Warlord Quest, Nomad, Warlord2013-10-02 5 
27625514Warlord Quest 7Esalar's base at Nienshari Pass comes under siege, and he carries out a counterstroke. Collective Game, Warlord Quest, Nomad, Warlord2013-10-07 7 
October 2014
35398922Assassin School quest 7 part 2Lyla's African adventure continues, her guide dies to mysterious circumstances (Layla), and invades the camp of a warlord, things quickly go sour and the hunter becomes the huntedAssassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, African warlord,2014-10-09 10 
November 2014
36181067Orc Warlord Quest 1A young orc hunts, loots tombs, and plans treachery.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-11-16 40 
36244890Orc Warlord Quest 2Ur'shal seizes control of his clan with the aid of two good friends and a big axe.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-11-19 31 
36254106Orc Warlord Quest 3Ur'shal, Chieftain of the Stonetusk Clan, celebrates his victory.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-11-19 27 
36285129Orc Warlord Quest 4Ur'shal organizes his new clan and prepares to head north against a potential threat.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-11-21 27 
36390759orc warlord quest 5We bang an ogressorc warlord quest, collective game2014-11-26 29 
36429479Orc Warlord Quest 6The Stonetusk Clan celebrate their victories and plan their next move.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-11-28 27 
December 2014
36523119Orc Warlord Quest 7Koz'rak launches a raid on the human Cloud Tribe for slaves and loot.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-12-02 25 
36565590Orc Warlord Quest 8Ur'shal goes out hunting strange creatures spotted on the borders of his clan's lands.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-12-05 26 
36662484Orc Warlord Quest 9Ur'shal leads his clanmates in pursuit of a necromancer hiding out in The Wastes.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-12-09 26 
36700399Orc Warlord Quest 10The Dead Fall. The Fire Rises.Orc Warlord, Collective Game2014-12-12 24 
36741834Orc Warlord Quest 11A study in proper warbeast care and the dangers of unexpected weather conditions.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-12-14 26 
36798584Orc Warlord Quest 12Ur'shal battles a rock troll and celebrates with his clan in the traditional orcish manner.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-12-16 25 
36837092Orc Warlord Quest 13Ur'shal plans his next move against rival clans and learns more about one of his slaves.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-12-19 25 
36935575Orc Warlord Quest 14Ur'shal makes plans for his conquest of the Stormhowler and Goatfoot Clans.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-12-24 25 
36941707Orc Warlord Quest 15Ur'shal prepares to challenge the Stormhowler Chieftain and reaps the benefits of strange magics.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-12-24 25 
37005877Orc Warlord Quest 16Ur'shal duels Ya'zada, chieftain of the Stormhowler Clan.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-12-28 25 
37066341Orc Warlord Quest 17In which Ur'shal negotiates complex inter-clan politics by way of bloody duels to the death.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2014-12-31 24 
January 2015
37107613Orc Warlord Quest 18Ur'shal organizes his rapidly growing clan and has a good night ruined by strange magic.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-02 24 
37138699Orc Warlord Quest 19Ur'shal faces down a horror of the Abyss and deals with the real world fallout of his impromptu dream quest.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-04 24 
37201141Orc Warlord Quest 20Ur'shal organizes his clan and goes to recruit the Wargriders and Wyrmkillers before his enemies can destroy them.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-07 24 
37243700Orc Warlord Quest 21Ur'shal battles the undead to defend his newest clanmates, and fate proves most unkind to his mate.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-09 23 
37251259Orc Warlord Quest 21.2Ur'shal returns from his mission with new clanmates and finally gets some time to relax and unwind.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-09 24 
37284555Orc Warlord Quest 22Ya'zada, lieutenant of the Stonetusk Clan, fights off an abyssal parasite in a very strange place.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-11 24 
37393227Orc Warlord Quest 23Ur'shal, chieftain of the Stonetusk Clan, prepares for his first go at the time honored orcish tradition of raiding elf villages.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-16 24 
37438066Orc Warlord Quest 24Ur'shal enters the jungle and launches his attack on the elven settlement.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-18 24 
37448031Orc Warlord Quest 24.2Ur'shal battles a dangerous adversary, narrowly cheats death, and finishes his first ever raid.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-18 23 
37505504Orc Warlord Quest 25Ur'shal returns to his camp with the spoils of victory, but encounters another foe along the way.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-21 24 
37549625Orc Warlord Quest 26Ur'shal organizes the spoils of his clan's raid and gets to know his new slave a little better.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-23 24 
37587295Orc Warlord Quest 27Ur'shal celebrates his victory with his clanmates and slaves, and learns more about the lands to the south.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-25 25 
37658640Orc Warlord Quest 28Ur'shal holds a council to plan his clan's next move.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-01-28 23 
February 2015
37752291Orc Warlord Quest 29Ur'shal finishes up the council meeting and we take control of Vor'zal hunting down his clanmate's mysterious killer. Cut short due to internet issues.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-02-01 22 
37769775Orc Warlord Quest 29.2Vor'zal, priest of the Stonetusk Clan, hunts a strange creature in the mountains to avenge the death of a clanmate.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-02-01 23 
37818481Orc Warlord Quest 30Contact is made with the Skyhunter Mining Camp, and a betrayal is planned.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-02-04 23 
37859446Orc Warlord Quest 31Ur'shal springs his trap on the Skyhunter Chieftain Dra'koz, despite unexpected complications.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-02-06 20 
37972975Orc Warlord Quest 32Ur'shal claims the Skyhunter Clan and spends some time enjoying their former chieftain's possessions.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-02-11 21 
38018856Orc Warlord Quest 33Ur'shal returns to camp and finds out who is the spy.Orc Warlord, Quest, Collective Game2015-02-13 20 
38130692Orc Warlord Quest 34Ur'shal finishes up the interrogation of his captive, and plans for how to deal with a spy. Thread cut short due to IRL.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-02-17 20 
38215578Orc Warlord quest 35Ur'shal engages in a time-honored orcish tradition.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-02-21 20 
38330195Orc Warlord Quest 36The battle with the Tongueripper Clan begins.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-02-26 20 
March 2015
38602906Orc Warlord Quest 37The battle with the Tongueripper Clan is concluded, and preparations are made for the celebration.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-03-10 23 
April 2015
39238405Orc Warlord Quest 38The celebration begins and Ur shares some stories with two of his lieutenants.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-04-10 20 
39382577Orc Warlord Quest 39The celebration continues, now with drunken knife throwing contests.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-04-17 20 
39527186Orc Warlord Quest 40The Stonetusk Clan's celebration draws to a close.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-04-24 20 
May 2015
39669075Orc Warlord Quest 41Plans are laid down for the future of the clan, and Slaagyr's spy is uncovered.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-05-01 16 
39808817Orc Warlord Quest 42The caverns are explored and Ur discovers the value of trading.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-05-08 16 
39868640Orc Warlord Quest 43Ur'shal finishes up his trading and takes loot back up to his clan.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-05-11 16 
39876116Orc Warlord Quest 43.2Ur'shal tests out magic items and makes plans to deal with a troublesome corpse.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-05-11 15 
39951033Orc Warlord Quest 44Ur'shal deals with some issues around the camp, then gathers a force to deal with the Kulakin nest.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-05-15 15 
40092161Orc Warlord Quest 45Ur'shal clears out the kulakin, and makes a poor decision.Orc Warlord Quest, collective game2015-05-22 20 
40099090Orc Warlord Quest 46.2Ya'zada and the survivors of the raiding party make a tactical retreatOrc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-05-22 13 
40239998Orc Warlord Quest 47Ya'zada engages in orcish negotiation tactics, while Ur'shal wakes up on a strange island.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-05-29 17 
June 2015
40387449Orc Warlord Quest 48Ur'shal escapes the dream realm and returns to his Clan.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-06-05 15 
40539388Orc Warlord Quest 49Ur'shal meets with his lieutenants to discuss the clan's future, and reunites with his mates.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-06-12 15 
40835125Orc Warlord Quest 50Ur'shal organizes his clan for a raid on the dwarf camp.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-06-27 13 
July 2015
41028146Orc Warlord Quest 51Ur'shal leads a raid on the dwarven camp and plans for the future of his clan.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-07-06 13 
41519945Orc Warlord Quest 52Ur'shal organizes his clan for their move south.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-07-28 12 
41524794Orc Warlord Quest 52.2Ur'shal gets some first-hand experience of Szar Tzasian culture.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-07-28 13 
August 2015
41666817Orc Warlord Quest 53Ur leads his raiding party into the dream realm for loot.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-08-05 14 
41866507Orc Warlord Quest 54The Stonetusk Clan moves south to the jungle in search of better hunting grounds and new enemies.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-08-15 14 
41872348Orc Warlord Quest 54.2Zaria's past. It's not a fun tale.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-08-15 13 
41971022Orc Warlord Quest 55Ur'shal leads his raiding party into the southern jungle.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-08-20 12 
41977241Orc Warlord Quest 55.2The Harpies are finally raided, salt is had, and the harpies don't mind (yet?)Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-08-20 12 
42105954Orc Warlord Quest 56Ur'shal returns to his camp following the raid, and sets off into the Deep Wastes.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-08-27 12 
September 2015
42234513Orc Warlord Quest 57Ur'shal continues his journey to the ruins in the wastes.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-09-01 13 
42433300Orc Warlord Quest 58Ur'shal leaves the ruins, which proves to be a lot bloodier than getting into them.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-09-12 12 
42663397Orc Warlord Quest 59Ur'shal returns to camp with the new addition to his clan.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-09-22 13 
October 2015
42847877Orc Warlord Quest 60Ur'shal spars, sets his clan to work preparing for new arrivals, and takes some time to relax.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-10-03 12 
42856617Orc Warlord Quest 60.2Ur has an unexpected visitor and prepares to potentially walk into a trap.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-10-03 11 
42922065Orc Warlord Quest 61Ur makes a deal with a completely untrustworthy individual, and inducts the new orcs into his clan.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-10-07 13 
43122554Orc Warlord Quest 62The stonetusk clan prepares for its raid on the dragon cultists and heads south into the jungle.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-10-17 12 
43177535Orc Warlord Quest 63The assault on the dragon cultist compound continues.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-10-21 13 
43187139Orc Warlord Quest 63.2Ur'shal secures the cultist compound and celebrates his victory.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-10-21 16 
November 2015
43575749Orc Warlord Quest 64Ur returns home from the raid on the cult compound and ambushes some pursuing adventurers.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-11-11 21 
43789904Orc Warlord Quest 65Ur'shal sends scouts into the tunnels in preparation for a sneak attack on the Shifter camp.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-11-24 12 
December 2015
44056530Orc Warlord Quest 66Ur enters into a contest with Aza'ra to pass the time until the Shifter raid, and takes his second visit to a dream realm, this time for more pleasant reasons.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-12-08 21 
44243892Orc Warlord Quest 67Ur puts his plan to deal with the shifters into action.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-12-19 21 
44342153Orc Warlord Quest 68Ur duels the shifter alpha.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2015-12-24 18 
January 2016
44644203Orc Warlord Quest 69Sascha begins her infiltration of Slaagyr's forces.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-01-09 11 
45067949Orc Warlord Quest 70Sascha arrives at Slaagyr's camp and begins her investigation.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-01-28 11 
February 2016
45598329Orc Warlord Quest 71Sascha's investigation of Slaagyr's Camp continues.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-02-24 10 
45699941Orc Warlord Quest 72Ur sends his scouts out investigating his enemies, and potential allies, in preparation for the battles to come.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-02-29 11 
April 2016
46412265Orc Warlord Quest 73Ur'shal and friends go hunting in the jungle while they await the return of the clan's scouts.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-04-03 16 
46499191Orc Warlord Quest 74Ur returns from his hunting trip and hears back from two of his scouting parties.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-04-07 13 
46567800Orc Warlord Quest 75Sascha carries out her very first assassination on behalf of the Stonetusk Clan.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-04-10 14 
46667304Orc Warlord Quest 76Sascha returns home and Ur prepares for the assault on Slaagyr's camp.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-04-14 14 
46750368Orc Warlord Quest 77Ur'shal begins his assault on Slaagyr's lair.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-04-19 12 
46814677Orc Warlord Quest 78Ur'shal and the Stonetusks fight Slaagyr. Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-04-22 10 
46820603Orc Warlord Quest 78.2Ur'shal explores the remainder of Slaagyr's lair.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-04-22 14 
46941066Orc Warlord Quest 79Ur finishes investigating Slaagyr's lair and clears out the rest of the tunnels.Orc Warlord Quest, Collective Game2016-04-27 11 
November 2016
842771Low-Fantasy Warlord Quest 1Our (anti-)hero carefully considers his first steps into the world of killing and pillaging.warlord, low fantasy, durwin, outlaws, medieval2016-11-19 5 
January 2017
998777Star Wars: Warlord Quest #1EPISODE I: Character creation, and a job for a Hutt. Then, a homecoming, to Carida, where a battle rages...SWWQ, Star Wars, Imperial, Space, Sci-Fi, Star Wars Warlord Quest, Collective Game2017-01-05 6 
1009967Star Wars: Warlord Quest #1.5An overflow thread, continuing the last one.SWWQ, Star Wars, Imperial, Space, Sci-Fi, Star Wars Warlord Quest, Collective Game2017-01-09 5 
1035175Star Wars: Warlord Quest #2EPISODE II: In which there are politics, dogs, and war plans.SWWQ, Star Wars, Imperial, Space, Sci-Fi, Star Wars Warlord Quest, Collective Game2017-01-17 2 
1054931Star Wars: Warlords Quest #2.5We win the battle over Carida, at heavy cost. From there, we decide to head to Phaeda, by way of Anobis, where a civil war rages...SWWQ, Star Wars, Imperial, Space, Sci-Fi, Star Wars Warlord Quest, Collective Game2017-01-21 1 
1073579Star Wars: Warlords Quest #2.5.5TRAINING MONTAGE!Star Wars, Star Wars Warlords Quest, Empire, Space, Sci-Fi, Collective Game2017-01-26 1 
February 2017
1099138Star Wars: Warlord Quest #3Mystery and intrigue abound as we go planetside to track down the dissidents. We go to a town, and learn of a man called Silaf...SWWQ, Star Wars, Imperial, Space, Sci-Fi, Star Wars Warlord Quest, Collective Game2017-02-04 1 
1165276Star Wars: Warlord Quest #4OJ returns after a long slumber. We blitzkrieg into Silaf's estate, where a Rebel taskforce awaits...SWWQ, Star Wars, Imperial, Space, Sci-Fi, Star Wars Warlord Quest, Collective Game2017-02-22 1 
March 2017
1192635Star Wars: Warlord Quest #5We catch Silaf, but he loses his head in the interrogation. We hunt down two snipers, and take one of them to the miners...SWWQ, Star Wars, Imperial, Space, Sci-Fi, Star Wars Warlord Quest, Collective Game2017-03-04 1 
February 2018
2284435Warlord Quest #1Arch Magnus returns to wreak havoc upon the lords of the Moon and their puny knightsWarlord Quest, Warlord, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus 2018-02-12 17 
2301844Warlord Quest #2: The RaideningMagnus sets out to raid and pillage and other warlordly things. Giants are befriended and berserk sheriffs thoroughly rektWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-02-18 12 
2322657Warlord Quest #3: Magnus RisingArch Magnus leads his warparty through the valley of the moon, bedding a pair of lovely new Thralls and dueling everyone.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-02-22 11 
2332276Warlord Quest #4:Bloodsoaked CasanovaMagnus gets to his share of MoonBend's treasure, gets to know Keera and gets really drunkWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-02-26 10 
March 2018
2344340Warlord Quest #5: Spiritual Steroids.Magnus spends some time at home, upgrading his skills and gear before being cockslapped in the soul. OP delivers some tasty loreWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-01 7 
2351106Warlord Quest #6 Poached Eggs editionArch Magnus and Co. go hunting for beasts and make like foxes in the roost. Only a few griffins were punched.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-06 7 
2364213Warlord Quest #7 Batshit CrazyMagnus has bad dreams, a conversation with a shaman and hunts a giant bat monster. OP sucks a lot of dick but shit gets done.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-13 4 
2383901Warlord Quest #8 Tribal BeatdownArch Magnus and Co. encounter rival tribals and maybe start a small war. Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-19 3 
2402444Warlord Quest #8.5 Tomb Raider EditionArch Magnus and Co. murder the dogfuck out of some Servants of Nyx. Sick insults are tossed and a carefully crafted miniboss is rekt. Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-03-22 4 
April 2018
2410420Warlord Quest #9: BloodthirstArch Magnus upgrades his spirit and OP sails the oceans of faggotryWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-04-15 3 
May 2018
2478352Warlord Quest #10 Jolly CoooperationMagnus consults Throth and sets out on a joint raid with Dagmar and his boi'sWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-05-02 3 
2501118Warlord Quest #10.5 Jolly Cooperation Cont.Magnus continues on his journey with Dagmar and his increasingly cuntish boi's. Real life arises and OP's free time is slainWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-05-02 3 
June 2018
2629825Warlord: sidestory-oneshotThallos the defiler adventures with ultraviolence. GuestQM.Warlord Quest, Warlord, Collective Game, Fantasy, Thallos2018-06-11 5 
2646930Warlord Quest #11 Life in The ValleyArch Magnus returns! A mysterious woman is immediately boned and Magnus skates through a duel yet againWarlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-06-20 3 
July 2018
2682683Warlord Quest #12. Bloody CrescentWe improve our relationship with Urhost, claim a steed and begin the assault. Anon sees the future but cannot change his fate.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-07-05 3 
2706205Warlord Quest #12.5 Brush with DeathMagnus fights in the raid of crescent hall, performs his best Koolaid man impression, fights some more and very nearly bites it.Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-07-08 3 
2719724Warlord sidestory: 2, its not a oneshot at all!Thallos is back, and visits a familiar face.warlord, collective game, ultra violence, fantasy2018-07-17 2 
2737556Warlord Quest #13 A Beast of Iron, A Lady of the WoodArch Magnus has a vision of a terrible warlord in the north. Cameera's blossom is planted and Magnus recieves big newsWarlord Quest, Warlord, CursedQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-07-28 2 
August 2018
2765962Warlord Quest #13.5 Dreams of BloodMagnus visits the villagers of the Wolves Belly and is pulled into a dream of ancient battle. Cursed is forced to leave, once again .(Warlord Quest, Warlord, WarlordQm, Collective Game, Fantasy, Arch Magnus2018-08-08 2 
2767976Warlord sidestory: 3The adventures of Thallos and son. I am dissapoint.Warlord Quest, Warlord, Collective Game, Fantasy, Thallos2018-08-12 2 
October 2018
2946268Petty Conqueror QuestIn the aftermath of an eldritch apocalypse, narcissistic monarchist mutant Malcardor Grey attempts to conquer the HimalayasCollective Game, Petty Conqueror Quest, Post-Apocalyptic, Eldritch, Warlord2018-10-17 2 
March 2019
3300768Warlord Quest 14:Short and continuedMagnus awakes in the valley and engages in some arm wrestling to prove a pointArch Magnus, Warlord Quest, CursedQm, Fantasy, Collective game, Command, Role Play2019-03-06 2 
3321250Warlord Quest 14. 1:Shorter and continuederMagnus takes a short walk and visits some old friends.Arch Magnus, Warlord Quest, CursedQm, Fantasy, Collective game, Command, Role Play2019-03-17 1 
July 2019
3687743Warlord Quest #15: A return to ArmsMagnus returns to the Valley of the Moon, upgrades his shield a bit and ventures off to reclaim a ancient fortressArch Magnus,CursedQm,Collective Game, Warlord quest, collective game, Fantasy2019-07-30 2 
August 2019
3706668Warlord Quest 15.5: The Gathering StormMagnus and Co. venture to the fortress of Grimspear to confront a growing threat. Magnus punks out a ancient god and becomes ThorArch Magnus, Warlord Quest, CursedQm, Fantasy, Collective game2019-08-11 1 
3739270Warlord Sidestory #4 Restless DreamsThallos the Defiler makes his way further north in search of his fate. Fury sees him through a hellish dreamscape where he accepts his pastThallos, Warlord Quest, Warlord Sidestory, Collective Game, Nongent, Fantasy 2019-08-12 1 
October 2023
5762853Warlord's LegacyDagur Khan leads a small horde of nomadic horsemen across a sea of golden grass.Warlord2023-10-15 10 
December 2023
5809593Warlord's Legacy #2Tarkhan annexes the Erkin Tribe and takes his first concubine.Warlord2023-12-11 5 
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