/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2010
8587949Mecha musume gone grim darkA "This is your <x>" thread goes horribly wrong in all the right ways involving girls in war machinery.grimdark mecha_musume mecha loli war2010-03-15 2 
May 2010
10161398Lego Starships & MechasLego Starships & mechas dumplego starship mecha 2010-05-31 2 
January 2014
29772158Path of War & Psionics. Or: The platonic ideal of Sword.OP shares Dreamscarred's Path of War book. Anon explains the deliciousness of the Soulknife Swordsage. Much discussion and planning ensues.psionics, pathfinder, path of war, tome of battle, swords, stat me, Fate/Stay Night, magic, galorion, mecha barbarians, martial arts, swordsage, monk, soulknife, dreamscarred press, preview, complete psionics, wilder, win, attempted derail, D&D, fluff, d202014-01-26 5 
May 2014
32000669Mecha Musume Quest #1Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-09 7 
32142597Mecha Musume Quest #2 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-16 7 
32287421Mecha Musume Quest #3 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-05-23 6 
June 2014
32592293Mecha Musume Quest #4 Most thought the war would be over in a year at most. You are seeing now how wrong they are. You were recruited by the Imperial Alliance to fight for them, among thousands of other Witches and countless millions of soldiers. You are a Witch.Collective Game, War, Mecha Musume, Tanks, Cute Girls2014-06-06 5 
July 2014
33214746Gundam Wing Quest 03: The Sword of DamocleThe Sword Falls upon Deikm and War is DeclaredGundam Wing Quest, GardenMaster-NORG, Gundam, Alternate Universe, Mecha 2014-07-06 5 
33503541Gundam Wing Quest 06-2: The Demon EpyonHeero Recovers from his time in the Gundam-00 Universe, Treize Calls us out and Zech's pulls a Char.Gundam Wing Quest, Collective Game, Gundam, GardenMaster-NORG, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Sci-Fi, Mecha 2014-07-19 5 
April 2015
39419774Peasant Mecha Commander QuestThe peasant finds an ancient mecha during his nettledick gathering trip.Peasant Mecha Commander Quest, Collective Game, PeasantDrawfag2015-04-19 12 
39438531Peasant Mecha Commander Quest 2The Peasant Explores the Golem and recruits a town with MANLY SHOUTINGPeasant Mecha Commander Quest, Collective Game, PeasantDrawfag2015-04-19 12 
39467215Peasant Mecha Commander Quest 3Peasant tries to make a speech, goes alpha on the bakers' daughter and is - maybe - about to get his arse kicked.Peasant Mecha Commander Quest, Collective Game, PeasantDrawfag2015-04-21 11 
July 2015
41335901Combat Armor Quest 01The story begins. Our team kicks ass at the tournament finals and we meet our manager before getting a terrible phone call. Collective Game, Combat Armor Quest, Mecha 2015-07-20 2 
February 2016
45279676Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 3The Caramel Camel Corps undertake their biggest mission yet: An attack on an Anuncian FOB servicing a giant land carrier.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool2016-02-08 3 
45308607Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 3 part 2Despite multiple setbacks and horrendous bad luck the Camel Corps grind the Anuncians into the dust, but at what cost.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-12 3 
45516067Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 4The Caramel Camel Corps get a taste of real war and sustain their first casualty.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-22 3 
45583238Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 4 part 2The 3C finish off the 2nd wave. Back at base they pay tribute to their fallen comrade and decide their next move.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-02-26 3 
March 2016
45798844Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 5The Caramel Camel Corps take on some police work from the IF and move to apprehend an arms dealer.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-08 2 
45882007Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 5 part 2The Arms Dealer escapes, but the 3C still get a decent payout.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-11 1 
45945451Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadMore stuff to buy and the 3C is approached by some mysterious new employers.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-12 1 
46052428Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadMore shopping and rules clarificationsMecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-17 2 
46096012Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6The 3C decide to do the IF's dirty work.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-20 3 
46165453Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadThe 3C get contacts in the black market and promptly buy illegal things.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-26 2 
46311613Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6The 3C deploy to protect the Principality and face an onslaught of tanks.Mecha Mercs,mecha, mercs, mech, Cognis, Collective Game, tacticool, skirmish2016-03-30 1 
April 2016
46347842Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6 part 2The battle for the Principality continues and the despite inflicting massive casualties on the enemy, the defense line starts to falter.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-04-03 2 
46489044Mecha Space Pirate Quest 1In which our hero Roarke Susan "Dude McCool" Starwind acquires a name, a backstory, and builds a mech in a crater with a bunch of scraps Mecha Space Pirate Quest, quest thread, mecha2016-04-06 35 
46548855Mecha Space Pirate Quest 2In which our hero, Roarke Starwind, pistol-whips a mugger, plays checkers with a senior citizen, and is reunited with his squad.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, quest thread, mecha2016-04-09 27 
46573862Mecha Space Pirate Quest 3In which Roarke Starwind, Space Pirate, scores his first onscreen victory in a mech against the UJCIDF. Roarke acquires a fan.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-10 22 
46599011Mecha Space Pirate Quest 4In which First Mate Roarke Starwind becomes Captain Roarke Starwind, discovers the pedigree of his mech, and fixes it.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-11 21 
46656446Mecha Space Pirate Quest 5Waifu Wars begin. Roarke's first real raid. Knuckle Kaiser shows off its new power by putting the fear of God into Martians via criticals.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-14 21 
46697892Mecha Space Pirate Quest 6Our first two-parter. Roarke kidnaps a girl and makes money. A weeaboo appears, but he can't dattebayo.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-16 20 
46632314Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Mission 6 part 3The NORD armored assault is repelled and the 3C consider their next move.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-04-17 1 
46720807Mecha Space Pirate Quest 6.5The battle with Captain Oda ends, and he makes a truly strange request in exchange for agreeing to become Roarke's subordinate.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-17 19 
46759645Mecha Space Pirate Quest 7In which Roarke Starwind fulfills Oda's request, adds Martians to his Crew, and has a date with Karen.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective game, mecha2016-04-19 16 
46822873Mecha Space Pirate Quest 8In which Roarke Starwind returns to California Station, hangs out with Yoritomo, has another critical hit, and prepares for his date.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-22 15 
46845191Mecha Space Pirate Quest 8.5The second two-parter concludes. Roarke goes on a date, a cute girl's smile is protected. We learn more about the Green Skulls and UJCIDFMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-23 13 
46887543Mecha Space Pirate Quest 9In which Roarke Starwind greatly improves his crew's mecha, angers Rashad, double-upgrades the KK, and Red Siren makes A HEROINE'S ENTRANCMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-25 13 
46930317Mecha Space Pirate Quest 10Trouble with the law. The invasion of Suleiman 1 begins, Roarke personally murders eleven of the Green Skulls' Harpies by himself.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-27 16 
46950986Mecha Space Pirate Quest 11In which someone other than Roarke is briefly the protagonist. First starship combat, and Samantha joins the team for now.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-04-28 13 
May 2016
47010491Mecha Space Pirate Quest 12A breather episode, massive upgrades to the KK. An unholy alliance is formed. Roarke gets laid.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-01 12 
47068941Mecha Space Pirate Quest 13A scouting mission turns into a rescue mission. Roarkemania runs wild. The new upgrades earn their points in a two-on-one brawl.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-04 13 
47122506Mecha Space Pirate Quest 14The S-Tarrasque appears, much to everyone's dismay. It's very rad. Roarke is kind to children and haughty Martian heiresses.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-07 14 
47140268Mecha Space Pirate Quest 15Roarke wades knee-deep in the blood of the Green Skulls. Shit blows up everywhere forever. Starships and superweapons alike lose to FISTS.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-08 16 
47147361Mecha Space Pirate Quest 15.5The previous part 15 thread becomes the longest yet and sinks into autosage, Wong is forced to make a second. End of the Introductory Arc.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-08 13 
47174869Mecha Space Pirate Quest 16Roarke arrives at Auditorium and tries to get some R&R. Video games are won and lost, and a terrifying ultimatum is made. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-10 13 
47206627Mecha Space Pirate Quest 17Turn your sorrow into anger! Roarke gets laid twice...at least. Emotions run high, but the Admiral is battle-ready at the end. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-12 14 
47257394Mecha Space Pirate Quest 18Waifu wars erupt again, Red Siren hatches a plan to save Roarke's reputation, Oda's moneymaking scheme is revealed, a raid begins.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-15 12 
47273446Mecha Space Pirate Quest 18.5Roarke and Red Siren defeat many enemy mecha, including new grunt units. Then, Roarke gets to be on television and seduces the audience.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-16 13 
47325301Mecha Space Pirate Quest 19The first segment of the UJCIDF interlude. We meet Caesar, Caesar gets savage, spills spaghetti, and meets a nice girl.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-19 13 
47341924Mecha Space Pirate Quest 20Caesar's savagery continues, he goes on a date, spills spaghetti, and finds out that Naomi likes pasta. Assertiveness leads to pillaging.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-20 13 
47375522Mecha Space Pirate Quest 21Caesar and company get their orders and prepare for their mission. Fairchild gets angry. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-22 13 
47393859Mecha Space Pirate Quest 22Another two-parter. Caesar discovers sabotage, knows Morse Code, and is challenged to and wins a duel with an unwilling foe.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-23 12 
47401044Mecha Space Pirate Quest 22.5Part 2. Captain Oda gives some information to an initially reluctant Caesar, who takes Mohammed back to the Jaburo. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-23 11 
47413601Mecha Space Pirate Quest 23Roarke returns, to deal with the fallout of the duel and negotiate with the UJCIDF. Includes a long discussion on starship combat tactics. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-24 11 
47429692Mecha Space Pirate Quest 24Metal Gear Mohammed. Brave Mohammed engages the Boss in CQC. Division amongst the UJCIDF becomes apparent and the Terran appears.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-25 13 
47478207Mecha Space Pirate Quest 25Roarke Starwind versus the Green Skulls' First Mate. That's all that needs saying.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-28 13 
47494450Mecha Space Pirate Quest 26The glorious climactic space battle against the Green Skulls. Possibly the end of an arc.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-29 12 
47531402Mecha Space Pirate Quest 27Part 1 of a 2-parter. The shortest thread yet, mostly discussion due to Wong having to leave early. Samantha and Roarke discuss the futureMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-05-31 11 
June 2016
47546996Mecha Space Pirate Quest 27.5Roarke negotiates and solves problems. He also wins one duel and loses another, but ends up being fussed over by the Double Girl Alliance.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-01 14 
47597903Mecha Space Pirate Quest 28Roarke learns who defeated him, signs autographs, gets an upgrade for his ship and has a touching moment with the siren.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective game, mecha2016-06-04 10 
47615167Mecha Space Pirate Quest 29Clemmy versus Red SirenMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-05 11 
47652930Mecha Space Pirate Quest 30A rescue mission turns into a deadly ambush, Roarke and Red Siren against SOUL B.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-07 13 
47700146Mecha Space Pirate Quest 31Dialogue and duels, mostly duels, a running battle that leads into the second direct confrontation with the First Mate. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-10 13 
47747749Mecha Space Pirate Quest 32Roarke learns the truth about many things from Doctor Clancy, then is forced into a high-stakes duel with the Butcher.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-13 14 
47793814Mecha Space Pirate Quest 33Roarke deals with Captain Ashta and encounters a familiar but ominous mech. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-16 11 
47810334Mecha Space Pirate Quest Discussion 1The first discussion threadMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-17 6 
47844530Mecha Space Pirate Quest 34Another breather. Waifu wars erupt IC. A very Fatima episode.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-19 13 
47947377Mecha Space Pirate Quest 35Part 1 of another 2-parter. A farewell to Fatima, an encounter with Avalon, and revelations.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-25 12 
47962003Mecha Space Pirate Quest 36End of the two-parter. Roarke finishes tea with the Duke, rejects the offer to aid Avalon, and begins training with the UndefeatedMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-26 10 
48033181Mecha Space Pirate Quest 37Training from hell! Roarke gets stuck in a tiger trap. A wild Karen appears.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-06-30 11 
July 2016
48062617Mecha: The Rebellion 1Mallory Arget gets created but QM calls it early due to low activity. So Sad.Collective Game, Mecha, Mecha The Rebellion, SixWingZombi2016-07-02 1 
48024743Mecha Mercs Skirmish Quest: Hanger ThreadAfter a long hiatus, 3C is back, and it's members organize for the next mission.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-02 5 
48081075Mecha Space Pirate Quest 38Training continues. Roarke gets the Taser Knuckles upgrade, and decides to rescue Fatima. Schemes are generally revealed.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-03 14 
48151529Mecha Space Pirate Quest 39Roarke fails to punch a boulder to death, experiences popularity, and rejoins his crew. The new Rhinehawk is unveiled. A plan is hatched.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-07 13 
48195383Mecha: The Rebellion 2Mallory decides on his mecha and discovers its real name. QM again calls it early due to lack of participation.Collective Game, Mecha, Mecha The Rebellion, SixWingZombi2016-07-09 1 
48153739Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 8/9The Mad Kaus are put down and several people step on a mine.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-11 3 
48264740Mecha Space Pirate Quest 40Rosita and Samantha pull a prank. A look into the daily life of General Fairchild. Roarke hangs out with his bros.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-14 13 
48238231Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 9 part 2The Mountain stronghold is slowly and painfully cleared out. Mech, Merc, Collective Game, Mecha Mercs, Cognis, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-15 2 
48297087Mecha Space Pirate Quest 41Mission to MarsMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-17 13 
48300893Mecha Mercs Skirmish Hanger ThreadThe 3C honour their dead and the command structure gets reorganized.Mech, Merc, Collective Game, Mecha Mercs, Cognis, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-17 3 
48377547Mecha Space Pirate Quest 42A boss battle in the desert. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-21 13 
48338349Mecha Mercs Skirmish Hanger ThreadThe 3C consider their options and organize for their next deployment.Mech, Merc, Collective Game, Mecha Mercs, Cognis, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-21 2 
48410333Mecha Space Pirate Quest 43Escape from Mars, handholding.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-23 13 
48386710Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 10The 3C escort a refugee convoy and pwn some bandits.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-25 2 
48451308Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 11The 3C raid a suburban distillery and encounter their first B.O.S.SCognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-07-29 2 
48524399Mecha Space Pirate Quest 44Roarke does it again, immediately returning to piracy, this time preying on an Avalonian Countess.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-07-31 14 
August 2016
48576346Mecha Space Pirate Quest 45The true stage boss emerges, Knuckle Kaiser versus Paladin Anseis. The most difficult enemy thus far.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-02 17 
48516474Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 11 part 2 and Mission 12The second part of the B.O.S.S fight and raid while the recruits get their first mission escorting a Red Crux charity teamCognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-08-04 3 
48610091Mecha Space Pirate Quest 46A difficult choice emerges, negotiations with the Countess and the General. Fatima's treatment.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-04 15 
48696514Mecha Space Pirate Quest 47A plan for the hostage is devised. Fatima gets something long overdue. Roarke meets the new Captains. Red Siren receives a gift. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-09 20 
48653807Mecha Mercs Skirmish Hanger ThreadA nuke has been dropped, nothing is the same and the 3C argue furiously over the course their future will take.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-08-10 2 
48763297Mecha Space Pirate Quest 48Roarke dares someone to hit him and provokes swooning. The sidequest begins, introducing Amos and the blooding of the Pumpkinseed II.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-14 16 
48782951Mecha Space Pirate Quest 49The conclusion of the battle. Amos finally gets his bacon cheeseburger.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-14 13 
48855068Mecha Space Pirate Quest 50Roarke has a busy day with several different girls. Excellent fanart.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-18 12 
48890850Mecha Space Pirate Quest 51Amos attends an emergency briefing, makes enemies, goes fishing, and takes a captive prior to his next missionMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-20 14 
48906618Mecha Space Pirate Quest 52Battle at the Great Zinn Dam.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-21 14 
48844446Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 13The 3C attempt to capture an arms dealerCognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-08-25 6 
48976141Mecha Space Pirate Quest 53Amos versus Shinji, Amos versus Irina. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-08-25 15 
September 2016
49103567Mecha Space Pirate Quest 54The interviewMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-01 17 
49120702Mecha Space Pirate Quest 55The Q&A portion of the interview, along with the unveiling of Roarke's new ride.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-02 13 
49172713Mecha Space Pirate Quest 56Amos wakes up with company, deals with Simon's disciplinary problem and the prisoner, then gets forced into making a very manly decision.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-05 12 
49071539Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 14The 3C prepare to defend the HQ of the International Desert Task Force from a Zanvran assault.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-09-06 2 
49230324Mecha Space Pirate Quest 57A very Clemmy (and Karen) episode, complete with another look into the daily life of General Fairchild.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-08 15 
49200368Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission 14 part 2The defence is wrapped up and the 3C pause to mull over the implications.Cognis, Collective Game, Mech, Mecha Mercs, tacticool, skirmish2016-09-10 2 
572315Mecha Space Pirate Quest 58Amos vs. Paladin BerengerMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-16 15 
608224Mecha Space Pirate Quest 59Do you hear Qu'liri sing, singing the song of angry cats? It is the music of a people who shall not be paid in pats! Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-09-25 12 
October 2016
636052Mecha Space Pirate Quest 60In which Roarke learns about Alexander Starwind, Bruce Kelly returns, and Roarke has a very near brush with deathMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-10-01 12 
648820Mecha Space Pirate Quest 61A continuation of the last thread.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-10-02 12 
691678Mecha Space Pirate Quest 62Date with Fatima. The raid on 16-Psyche begins. Moe vs Caesar round 2. Tasty meals all around.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-10-15 11 
725195Mecha Space Pirate Quest 63In which Roarke achieves his longest streak of consecutive kills.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-10-23 12 
754025Mecha Space Pirate Quest 64Victory and sorrow, the conclusion of the 16-Psyche raid. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-10-30 12 
November 2016
794947Mecha Space Pirate Quest 65Exploring the inside of 16-Psyche and Dame Gray snaring her prey.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-11-13 11 
835961Mecha Space Pirate Quest 66An attack in the night and addressing the troops. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-11-20 12 
December 2016
861833Mecha Space Pirate Quest 67Amos battles the instigators of a terrible cat-astrophe, both in his mech and on foot.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-12-03 12 
894376Mecha Space Pirate Quest 68A continuation of the last thread.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-12-11 12 
933831Mecha Space Pirate Quest 69Amos is recognized for his achievements by General Fairchild, then demonstrates the potential power of his SOUL mech in the simsMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-12-17 12 
972007Marvel Quest: Rise of Robo-Hitler 1 We choose our hero, who did nothing wrong, to be resurrected once more within the Marvel Universe.Marvel, Marvel Quest, Mecha Hitler, Robo-Hitler, Plague2016-12-25 4 
957157Mecha Space Pirate Quest 70Roarke interferes with a duel, plans his next heist, gets laid, and is trapped in the worst situation a man can be inMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2016-12-27 11 
January 2017
977517Mecha Space Pirate Quest 71Roarke and Red Siren do some kidnapping, rob a museum exhibit, and rumble with the Jovian Praetorian Guard.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-01-01 12 
1028314Mecha Space Pirate Quest 72The conclusion of the museum robbery, and beginning of the final Qu'lir arc. Things go to hell in a handbasket.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-01-14 11 
1055175Mecha Space Pirate Quest 73S-Delphinius team versus S-SquillaMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-01-21 11 
1082116Mecha Space Pirate Quest 74Fungus in the dark.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-01-30 11 
February 2017
1117605Mecha Space Pirate Quest 75Amos versus the last member of the Kestrel Team. Jesus nearly learns something.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-02-09 10 
1146955Mecha Space Pirate Quest 76The last battle of Qu'lirMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-02-18 10 
1179282Mecha Space Pirate Quest 77A tourney discussion thread turns into an interlude thread with the tourney pilots Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-02-27 11 
March 2017
1213620Mecha Space Pirate Quest 78The conclusion of the interlude, a return to Roarke, a look at Avalonian machinations, and the last pre-tourney thread.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-03-06 12 
1241664Mecha Space Pirate Quest 79The first Tournament Thread, comprising the first half of the first roundMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-03-14 11 
1294484Mecha Space Pirate Quest 80The second Tournament Thread, comprising the second half of the first round.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-03-31 11 
April 2017
1336925Mecha Space Pirate Quest 81The return of Caesar between tournament rounds. He makes important decisions, launches a daring plan, and gets into brawls.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-04-11 11 
1361135Mecha Space Pirate Quest 82Caesar becomes a knight and gets into a duel, the tourney resumes with a match between the Jager and Templar despite Wong's ill healthMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-04-21 11 
May 2017
1399295Mecha Space Pirate Quest 83Two more matches of round two of the tourney, before Wong's internet suffers catastrophic failure.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-05-05 11 
1440794Mecha Space Pirate Quest 84In which Roarke meets someone even more dangerous than he is, is given an offer he might not want to refuse, and accepts a bountyMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-05-18 11 
1471715Mecha Space Pirate Quest 85The conclusion of Round Two, and a legendary teamup between two female aces who hate each other.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-05-27 11 
June 2017
1522051Mecha Space Pirate Quest 86Roarke straightens things out, and then Round Three happens. Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-06-08 10 
1571158Mecha Space Pirate Quest 87Rosita finally is reunited with Irina, a dark deed is committed, and the tournament reaches its conclusionMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-06-21 11 
July 2017
1605714Mecha Space Pirate Quest 88A short thread with more of Caesar's Avalonian shenanigans, introducing Turpin.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-07-01 11 
1636692Mecha Space Pirate Quest 89King meMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-07-14 11 
1661860Mecha Space Pirate Quest 90The duel against Cabot commences.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-07-18 12 
1684163Mecha Space Pirate Quest 91The Avalonian delegation departs, and Caesar vows to prove his mettle assailing a prison colony on Titan.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-07-28 11 
August 2017
1728579Mecha Space Pirate Quest 92The return of an old foe mars Caesar's victoryMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-08-09 10 
1773355Mecha Space Pirate Quest 93Roarke and the Knuckle Kaiser versus Colonel Stern and the S-Lionfish. Also, Roarke versus the Gauntlet of Women!Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-08-22 10 
1799311Mecha Space Pirate Quest 94In which Roarke gets married and fights a mech with his fistsMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-08-30 10 
September 2017
1824912Mecha Space Pirate Quest 95In which General Fairchild's chickens come home to roost and the situation with Lysa and Rebecca is explained fully.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-09-07 7 
1857639Chevalier Mecha QuestWe meet our protagonist Hunter Everett who faces off against his rival, has some angst, and then tries to rescue an alien girl. Chevalier Mecha Quest, Collective Game, mecha, 2017-09-12 14 
1860104Chevalier Mecha Quest #2Hunter talks to an alien princess, names his mecha, goes out drinking, humiliates a popular girl, and then TRAINS!Chevalier Mecha Quest, Collective Game, mecha, 2017-09-14 13 
1845985Mecha Space Pirate Quest 96The introduction of Rudolph Merrow and Pope Joan II.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-09-17 8 
1878091Chevalier Mecha Quest #3Hunter has an encounter with the Emperor of the Vaahl, and then some dramatic stuff happens with Ahri and Sam. Hunter is confused.Chevalier Mecha Quest, Collective Game, mecha, 2017-09-19 6 
1885073Mecha Space Pirate Quest 97The Summit for the junior partners of the Solar System League, and everything that goes with it.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-09-28 6 
October 2017
1926642Mecha Space Pirate Quest 98rules of nature Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-10-11 6 
1953006Mecha Space Pirate Quest 99Caesar sees Naomi againMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-10-19 10 
November 2017
2027838Mecha Space Pirate Quest 100Thread 100! Roarke invades California station and fights a space battleMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-11-10 5 
2071222Mecha Space Pirate Quest 101Roarke and Clemmy go dancing and the space battle shifts in Roarke's favor.Mecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-11-20 6 
December 2017
2100980Mecha Space Pirate Quest 102Roarke runs from an awkward conversation into new danger, then confronts the Hextarchy and Captain Marx of the Five Man BandMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-12-08 5 
2129773Mecha Space Pirate Quest 103In which Caesar loses to a GIRLMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2017-12-18 5 
January 2018
2200946Mecha Space Pirate Quest 104Caesar deals with a mysterious attack on the trainMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2018-01-14 5 
2236903Mecha Space Pirate Quest 105Caesar makes a fateful deal, and Roarke makes a fateful mistakeMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2018-01-28 3 
February 2018
2270688Mecha Space Pirate Quest 106Roarke solves the problem and meets a kidMecha Space Pirate Quest, Collective Game, mecha2018-02-13 3 
February 2021
4593843Solar Era Mecha Quest #1Soldier Maxim Russo finds himself the pilot of an experimental mecha as the colony he lives in is attacked.Solar Era Mecha Quest, Collective Game, mecha2021-02-04 3 
March 2021
4649236Solar Era Mecha Quest #2Maxim helps ward off the invaders, and gets roped into helping the investigation of the mysterious girl he met.Solar Era Mecha Quest, Collective Game, Mecha2021-03-17 1 
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This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

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