/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

January 2008
1027569Iron Heart SurgeThings you can do with Iron Heart Surge, including changing the weather, making the sun rise, eradicating gravity, and giving yourself an abortion.D&D, iron heart surge, weeaboo fightan magic, tome of battle2008-01-17 24 
April 2008
1552633To bad fantasy book covers.We all have some experience with those awful fantasy/sci-fi books. Let's take a moment to appreciate them (or rather, add a humorous commentary).fantasy, sci-fi, book covers, hilarity2008-04-18 11 
September 2008
2505520Ovens and ordersAn IRC Discussion turns into Minmaxing Sandwiches, Weeaboo Cookan magics, and delicous MeatbreadWeeaboo Cookan Magics, O&O, Meatbread2008-09-05 10 
January 2009
3522881/tg/ recommended reading Split off from the Vin Diesel thread. Anon discusses literary works that every roleplayer should be acquainted with. Books2009-01-26 2 
February 2009
3636117BooksMore of anon's favorite books. Lots of love for Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchet. fa/tg/uys everywhere are shocked by the revelation.Books2009-02-07 1 
June 2009
4762354I Love the Whole WorldAnon notes M:tG threads, Anon breaks into the song. boomdiadda boomdiadda boomdiadda boomdiadda...boomdiadda, song, I love /tg/2009-06-04 5 
August 2009
5451781NCIS: /tg/ editionwhat strats as a question of permissible actions in RPGs swiftly gets sidetracked as two murders are investigated and a third one seems imminent. Agent Gibbs and company are called in to help work things out.NCIS, murder, collective game, hanging, phonebooth2009-08-14 17 
October 2009
6414098Superhero comics through the agesThe OP suggests a campaign for M&M or other system that starts in the bright and colorful Golden Age of comics and becomes progressively more dark and gritty, as comics did.comic books, superheroes, Mutants & Masterminds, writefaggotry2009-10-25 3 
November 2009
6801575Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Discusion and Campaign IdeasWhat starts out as an anon asking for info on Starks Pokemon Tabletop quickly turns into discussion about Mystery Dungeon, The Movies, Legendary's, and Glitch pokemon. An Anon promises to deliver a splatbook for glitches and Aura users (among other things) once Stark releases the game.Pokemon, Tabletop, Aura, Mystery Dungeon, Glitches, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark2009-11-21 14 
6896047/tg/ literature and suggestionsGood reads and books beyond DEE ENN DEE and WORHOMMORbooks, literature, approved, tg2009-11-27 1 
December 2009
7170900Kingdom Hearts Homebrew SystemSome weaboo faggot shows up with a system for- HOLY SHIT I CAN BE A NINJA THAT KILLS EVEYONE USING ONLY A PEN AND GETS AN ASSLOAD OF EXTRA ACTIONS A TURN?Kingdom Hearts, Weaboo, Ninja, Homebrew, System2009-12-17 0 
January 2010
7379393Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers Whos that? Bearing a gift of the new year? Why it is Dr. Mr. Stark and he does not disappoint.Pokemon, Tabletop, Aura, Mystery Dungeon, Glitches, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark, Epic, Zip, Adventuers, Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers 2010-01-02 24 
7507054BOOK!Book! Or, books, rather! For insertion into your campaigns.Books, dm resource, list, literature, writefaggotry2010-01-09 2 
7829896Pokemon Tabletop AdventuresStark comes to celebrate 5th gen's announcement and releases features for every class. What a king.Pokemon, Tabletop, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark, Epic, Zip, Adventuers, Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers 2010-01-30 18 
February 2010
7996799Who uses the books? DM or Players?Discussion of games where the players don't read the rulebooks, and various levels of DMs doing most of the work for them.GMing, play styles, running styles, Players, GMs, books2010-02-09 0 
March 2010
8705790Grailquest 1: The Castle of Darkness/tg/ begins to explore the first of this classic gamebook series.gamebooks, chickens, merlin2010-03-22 1 
April 2010
9063660Champion: The EscalationA discussion on the merits of Princess: the Hopeful (there are none) turns into a surprisingly engaging discussion of how to handle heroes the World of Darkness way.World of Darkness, weeaboo, homebrew, shit gets done2010-04-09 2 
9408898SUCK THREE DICKSWhat began as a simple edition war troll became an enlightening discussion about ascertaining the culinary qualities of various dicks.dicks, edition war, Mr. Rage, three, books, cocks, dick, cock2010-04-25 11 
9437724/tg/ recommended Science Fiction reading/tg/ recommends a ton of great SF books.Books, sci-fi, SF, Science Fiction, sci fi, literature2010-04-26 4 
May 2010
10143721Books with more appropriate titlesCovers of books with titles more telling of what's actually insidebooks2010-05-30 1 
December 2010
12992914Weeaboo QuestQuest where all weeaboo desires are unleashed.Quest, Quest Thread, Weeaboo Quest2010-12-02 6 
January 2011
13510901Aliens love humanity.After generations of listening to human pop culture the zenos love us.Humanity, Weaboo, Culture2011-01-14 22 
13538330Chaos of CrimeChaos gods from Warhammer 40k reimagined as comic book crimelords.warhammer, chaos, tzeench, slaanesh, nurgle, khorne, comic book2011-01-16 11 
13604229/tg/ Share ThreadClearly, /tg/ hasn't been sharing enough recently. It would be perfectly rude to start a thread like this without contribution, so I'll display my wares./tg/, share, files, rpgs, many many books, games2011-01-23 5 
13607740Ultimate 3.5 SRDAnon decides to share a collection of 3.5 sourcebooks. Worship ensues.sourcebooks, collection, dump2011-01-23 9 
March 2011
14298774Nobilis 3E Art ScandalWeeaboo art from Nobilis 3E gets busted as tracedNobilis, weeaboo2011-03-19 -1 
14374990Magical BurstOP said... "So, the guy that translated Maid RPG watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, liked it, and used it as inspiration for an RPG, Magical Burst." And as it was written, it was done.puella magi madoka magica, loli, magical girl, mahou shoujo, despair, horror, magic, wishes, dark, maid rpg, anime, manga, weeaboo2011-03-29 1 
April 2011
14457593Japanese/western art/animation discussed in detailA civilized, reasonable and detailed discussion of comic and animated art from the east and the west. Complete with many visual examples and a surprising lack of bigotry. You don't even need the other boards.civility, disscussion, animation, anime, weeaboo, comics, cartoons2011-04-03 7 
14730253Boone QuestCF does a quest thread involving a terribly powerful psyker PC. just kidding, it's Boone.Boone, Quest, CF, MC,40k, draw2011-04-27 39 
May 2011
14986132Boone Quest 2CF returns from an unconscionably long absence. We pick up party members and continue through the cell block.Boone, Calliban, Quests, Collective Game, Collossal Faggot, Culexis, drawfag2011-05-20 34 
14990314BOONE QUEST 2 part 2Continuation of the second part of Boone Quest. Involving acid, Genestealer infestations, and techpriest nookie!Boone, Calliban, Quests, Collective Game, Collossal Faggot, Culexis, drawfag2011-05-20 29 
14999401Pathfinder Ultimate Magic/tg/ discusses the recently released Pathfinder supplement called Ultimate MagicPatherfinder, splat book, supplement, Ulitmate Magic2011-05-22 -1 
15079271Other settings reimagined as 40kWhat if other settings and premises were in 40k? Here are the results.40k movies books2011-05-30 0 
June 2011
15182129Boone Quest part 3Boone and gang return to kill rampaging 'nids and kick some balls. Several times.Boone, Calliban, C-16, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Culexus, drawfag, Quests2011-06-07 31 
15190094Boone Quest Episode One Part 4Seb gets ruined, Caliban gets the girl, and C-16 plays hangman.Boone, Quest, Colossal, Faggot, 40k, c-16, Caliban2011-06-08 35 
15363262Halloween 80's Movie CampaignOP posts some cool ideas about a game to be played annually every Halloween, as kids in a Midwestern town. Clever ideas and suggestions abound.halloween, homebrew, boogeyman2011-06-23 6 
August 2011
15870437Boone Quest Episode 5After a lengthy absence, CF returns. We do some backtracking and find out the fates of our missing squadmate.Boone, Collective Game, Boone Quest,2011-08-09 28 
15882549Boone Quest - Episode 6Our heroes encounter the Big Bad Heretek... will it blend?Boone, Collective Game, Boone Quest, Collosal Fagot2011-08-10 26 
September 2011
16157599Boone Quest Episode 7Boone advances towards the surface, encountering an actual miner for once. Leo gets a new toy.Collective Game, Boone Quest, Boone, Psyker, Quest, Colossal Fagot, Mr Culexis2011-09-03 26 
16182136Boone Quest Ep. 7.1We continue where we left off, encountering a cultist and promptly losing him, and getting a chance to speak to someone who isn't asleep or evil.Collective Game, Boone, Boone Quest, Mr. Culexis2011-09-05 26 
16414965NechronicaA Japanese RPG where you play a zombie girl. /tg/ attempts to unlock its mysteries.zombie, horror, japanese, weeaboo, animu, translate, nechronica2011-09-25 13 
October 2011
16726263*BOOM* *BOOM* *CRASH**BOOM* *BOOM* *CRASH*BOOM,BOOM, CRASH2011-10-24 20 
November 2011
16862657Boone Quest Episode 8NEL has joined the party!Boone, Collective Game, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, Collossal Fagot2011-11-07 28 
January 2012
17589231Zerg Quest LXIXSomebody rapes Moria, and then we tear part of reality open. Yikes.Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Bernie, Earth-shattering kaboom, Rape monsters, Scheduling changes, 69 Dudes!2012-01-19 10 
17647683Boone Quest Episode 9MINHELM joins the party, and an evil animated hand runs loose.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot2012-01-24 27 
17660603Boone Quest Episode 9.2In which our heroes flush melta bombs down the toilet.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot2012-01-25 26 
17674594/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 1While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Hilarity Ensues.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Harry Potter, Benny Hill, X-Men, Bootleg Metaquest 2012-01-26 8 
17678634/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 2While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Common sense turns out to be not so common!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Harry Potter, Benny Hill, X-Men, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg2012-01-26 5 
17689732/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 3While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Shit gets fucked up and significantly more complicated.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Harry Potter, X-Men, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, COMMON SENSE, Mario, Digimon, Street Fighter, Sailor Moon, Warcraft, Wakfu, Pokemon, Vocaloid, Neckbeard2012-01-27 6 
17701253/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 4While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. With a sufficient plan, we LOOT. DOWN. EVERYTHING.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Harry Potter, Benny Hill, X-Men, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Raidah, Kali, Lesbian 8-way2012-01-28 6 
17704904Planning and 2nd Mission Start4th light bulb! First loot!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Half Life2012-01-29 6 
17716944/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 6While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Rise and shine, Mr. Freeman. Rise and ... shine.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Half Life, G-man, Starcraft2012-01-29 6 
17739341/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culture/tg/ discusses peasants, cuckholding, pastries and japanese culturethe slightly overweight redheaded baker's daughter, weeaboos, cuckholding, pastry, NPCs, peasants2012-01-31 -12 
17725651/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 7While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. Common sense is very common, and we walk out with massive amounts of Dosh.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Half Life, G-man, Starcraft, Quake2012-01-31 6 
February 2012
17753957/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 8While metaquest is on hiatus, we play as a requisitions looter team. We bum about in the base for a while. Nothing happens.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Interlude, Writefagging, Writefaggotry, Mastermind, Kali, Butthurt2012-02-01 6 
17768050/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 9OP sleeps while we argue about the next mission; mainly requisition debate and we cement our choice for dungeon crawlbootleg, Metaquest, Metaquest bootleg, mastermind, Collective Game2012-02-03 2 
17795386REBOOT: INFLUENCE 1In the midst of the long war against the Fae, the Grand Empire of Rust gains a new sentient weapon, a supernaturally accurate musket.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-04 10 
17818018REBOOT: INFLUENCE 2Westing tests his abilities on some unassuming archery targets and has his first encounter with the enemy.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-06 9 
17843846REBOOT: INFLUENCE THREAD 3Some more shopping and another confrontation with our enemies.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-09 5 
17899658REBOOT: INFLUENCE THREAD 4In which things are not what they seem.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-12 6 
17901201/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 10Dwarf Fortress dwarves invade Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup. We defeat the dwarves, and make progress towards looting the fuck out of the dungeon.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Crawl, Stone Soup, DCSS, Dwarf, Fort, Fortress, DF, Fuck the world lever2012-02-12 7 
17932126REBOOT: INFLUENCE 5Things become a little more convoluted, both between Ceran and Westing, and Humans and Fae.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-14 6 
17931031/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 11The players loot the Shoals, Orc mines, Vaults, and part of the Dungeon. Absolutely nothing else happens after that.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Crawl, Stone Soup, DCSS, Orb of Zot, Zot, Scrabble2012-02-15 5 
17978601/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 12Vaults:8, Crypts, Elf Halls, chat with gods, people fail at scrabble.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Crawl, Stone Soup, DCSS, Orb of Zot, Zot, Scrabble, Elyvilon, Writefaggotry, SCP-18922012-02-17 5 
17991681/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 13Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup completed. Witness the shocking final confrontation with the final boss!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Crawl, Stone Soup, DCSS, Orb of Zot, Zot, Author, Self, Insert2012-02-18 5 
18015463REBOOT: INFLUENCE 6A little more about our past is revealed, as well as startling implications of the war between humans and Fae.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-20 5 
18030569/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 14Since the mission was done, we looked around at base. We found out what was going on, had to talk to a giant little girl, played diplomat with a bunch of assholes, and more!Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Sailor Moon, SMAC, Goldshire, Second Life2012-02-21 5 
18044520Boone Quest Episode 10Turns out we're not dead! We link up with some survivors from our unit, and learn that Raege is incoming.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot2012-02-22 27 
18042860REBOOT: INFLUENCE 7The conspiracy widens, and we wait for Fear to arrive. Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-22 9 
18107565REBOOT: INFLUENCE 8The meeting with Fear goes as well as could be expected, and we have a meeting with Madness.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-02-27 5 
March 2012
18151250REBOOT: INFLUENCE 9Technical difficulties caused problems with getting this session started. We talk with Fear and Breaking.Collective Game, INFLUENCE, Influence Quest, Influence Reboot2012-03-01 5 
18204910/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 14Waiting for players. Waiting for player input. Bump for input. Still waiting for players.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Editors, Waiting, No players, Dead game, Zero participation, Bump for input, OP playing with himself2012-03-05 5 
18340884Viking QuestWe are Urist McHammerfist, last of the vikings! And we begin our journey to find a wife.collective game, viking quest, viking, dragon, jotun, iceland, barbarian, punch, fist, badass, awesome, boobs2012-03-16 12 
18399415Boone Quest Episode 11Featuring coin stealing, heretic decapitations, and psyker-on-psyker sexual harassment.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Mr. Culexus, Colossal Fagot2012-03-21 26 
May 2012
19029468Boone Quest Episode 12In which our protagonist runs over heretics with a car, brings warm beer to a catatonic Britishman, and gets locked in the freezer.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus2012-05-09 27 
19172753Eastern Continent Evo Game pt 2Picks up where thread one leaves off. Eastern continent: The savage land of swamps and mountains.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Higitain, Boomer, Joord, Azrach, Tapascu, Vindra, Ngung, Dahon, Ribboner, Ramel2012-05-22 1 
19228305Chinaman Quest IIIIn which rednecks are battled, a new weapon is acquired, and a new mission is begunChinaman, Quest, Weaboo, Don't Want No Trouble2012-05-26 16 
19218964Eastern Continent Evo Game pt 3Things get wrapped up, and the LemUy stiol prove to be a driving force in this world.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Higitain, Boomer, Joord, Azrach, Tapascu, Vindra, Ngung, Dahon, Ribboner, Ramel, Skulk, LemUy2012-05-27 1 
June 2012
19447851/tg/ Meta Quest 81DRIVE ME CLOSER! I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY LOGIC. Lots of progress is made in solving problems through talking.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Orz, Ah! My Goddess, Ahriman, Warhammer, Belldandy, Skuld, SUE, Logic, Rynex is a Weeaboo2012-06-12 13 
July 2012
19897335Boone Quest Episode 13In which our heroes attempt vehicular homicide on a rogue psyker, recruit an Emperor-fearing mutant soldier, and unearth Demogirl.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus2012-07-16 27 
19962789Mearls and 3.5Hot Man to Manual actionman on book action, erotica, epic, writefag, storytime, DnD, 3.52012-07-20 15 
August 2012
20324988Boone Quest Episode XIVAfter a brief skirmish with some of Sapp's goons, we have a psychic confrontation with Waldrip.Boone, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, quest thread, collective game2012-08-15 29 
20432613Mahou Shounen Quest 178Round-robin storytime with Yuki and other stuff.Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting booklaid2012-08-23 8 
September 2012
20802078Boone quest FifteenWe head out to the scholam and break in, searching for the last batch of clues.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2012-09-21 26 
20860329Boone Quest Episode 16Boone regroups with the rest of the squad to new upgrades and party members before returning to the mining facility. Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2012-09-25 27 
October 2012
21258695Boone Quest 17We finally activate our coin necklace, and battle a giant Heretek.Collective Game, Boone, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege, boss fight2012-10-24 27 
November 2012
21660129Boone Quest 18In which our heroes finally achieve Krieger Hug.Collective Game, Boone, Boone Quest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege, krieger2012-11-20 30 
January 2013
22743481Mage Quest pt .5The First Half of the First Thread in what will hopefully be a long running series.Mage Quest, Imp, Richard, Story Book, Collective Game2013-01-23 4 
February 2013
22900106The city of Dis is a hellhole. Literally.OP lays out system setting for a Hellish Noir game. Angel Feathers as money, buying your way out of heaven, Demons fighting Fallen Angels, and Satan as a Corrupt City Mayor figure playing everyone for fools.Hell, Noir, Mafia, Angels, Salvation, Bootlegging2013-02-02 8 
23310317/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 5We get past a mech fight, leave one of our guys, piss off a frenzied mob, and discover a surprise at a crash site.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, mobs, mob mentality, preacher, book burning2013-02-23 0 
23348526Victorian BogeymenGo to bed on time, don't play in the dirt, and don't talk to strangers, or Nicky Nocks, Mr. Sweeps, and Penny Pinchfingers are going to pay you a visit.Boogeymen, Bogeys, folklore, horror, fae, creepy, steampunk, Victorian, England, goblins2013-02-24 15 
March 2013
23744813.hack//QUEST Ronin Vol 1. chapter 4Kenichi parties up with some new friends and experiences an interesting server error.Collective Game, .//hack, Ken Smith, weeaboo, CC Corp Admin2013-03-18 17 
23791694Boone Quest XIXAfter a long hiatus, we take out our newest ally for a spin and try to control amorous impulses. In the process, we get a fighter jet.Boone, Boone Quest, fagot, culexus, commissar, raege, Collective Game2013-03-21 28 
23795866.hack// Quest Volume 1 Ronin Chapter 5Seeing nothing inherently odd with Muramasa's texture as of now, Mifune carries on as it's nothing. The party continues on with the "Destroy the Buried Treasure!" Quest, slaying Ghost pirates!.hack, Collective Game, CC Corp Admin, Ken Smith, weeaboo, 2013-03-21 15 
23795054/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 6"What are the Editors?" "LA LI LU LE LO." We find a crashed Terran Wraith. Chuck Norris, Space Ghost and GI Joe take down several Pony SUEs of the Conversion Bureau with our assistance. The Editors finally reveal themselves, and what they plan to do with Meta-Earth, and especially with the library. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, Ponies, MLP, Starcraft, Conversion Bureaumobs, mob mentality, book burning2013-03-22 3 
April 2013
24430166CritonomiconSome guy finds a copy of the Critonomicon, /tg/ loses its shit.critonomicon, scan, fabled lost book, the hunt comsumes all2013-04-24 91 
24496610Boone Quest 20 part 1After our attempted paramour takes a tumble, we begin poking around the Admech temple for food and info.Boone, Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Raege, draw, Culexus2013-04-28 22 
24502474Boone Quest 20 part 2Continuing the story, our heroes acquire phat admech lootz.Boone, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Raege, Culexus2013-04-28 22 
July 2013
25771591Techpriest Birthday GiftsIn which an honoured Techpriest opens his vault upon the anniversary of his birth to share much knowledge and Ad Mech art with /tg/.filedump, techpriest, sororitas, .pdfs, 40k books2013-07-02 11 
26314711Boone Quest 21In which Boone tries to hold her own in awkward elevator small talk with Raege. Boone, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Raege, Culexus2013-07-30 22 
August 2013
26358922Boone Quest 22Where we back track. Cause that's FUN.Boone Quest, Collective Game, CF, Warhammer, Weeabbo, Psyker2013-08-01 24 
October 2013
27529778Teef ( a 40k short story)A Cunning Imperial Navy Officer plays the zenos off against each other.Imperial Navy, Freebooterz, Tyranids, OC, fiction2013-10-02 8 
November 2013
28504338Loser QuestJohnny Jellison is a born loser. Experience his terrible, empty, loveless life.Collective Game, Loser Quest, Wizard, Weeaboo, Loser Magic-User Quest2013-11-26 10 
December 2013
28926658 Rum & Booty Quest 1We're a pirate, and we find booty to plunder.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-18 8 
28984840Rum & Booty Quest 2In which we trade and help a fellow pirate out.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-21 6 
29042703Rum & Booty Quest 3We get into a bar fight and get summoned to the mysterious council of pirates.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-24 5 
29151376Rum & Booty Quest 4We find a ship seemingly abandoned. But what is it doing out here?Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2013-12-30 6 
January 2014
29257135Rum & Booty Quest 5We almost die after boarding a ship.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-01-04 6 
29464754Rum & Booty Quest 6The trip to Tortuga!Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-01-13 7 
March 2014
30657462BooneQuest #23Boone and company rush to stop Spokane from doing whatever it is Hereteks do.Boone Quest, Collective Game, CF, Warhammer, Weeaboo, Psyker2014-03-06 22 
31172536Boom De YadaIt's that time of year and /tg/ lets the geek flag fly!Collective Song, Boom De Yada, Board Initiative2014-03-31 20 
May 2014
32420966Rum & Booty Quest 7new recruits and a few bounty huntersCollective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-05-29 10 
32478933That Guy AuthorsAmong fantasy writers, who would be the worst DM (and why is it Terry Goodkind)?that guy, that guys, literature, books, 2014-05-31 7 
June 2014
32507172Rum & Booty Quest 8We set sail to the Atwoods Keys.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-02 5 
32659321Rum & Booty Quest 9We board the Repentance.Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-09 6 
32736594Rum & Booty Quest 10We reach the Atwoods!Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-13 7 
33024516 Rum & Booty Quest 11We fight Captain Gorne, find a chest and get a shave. Collective Game, Rum & Booty Quest, Quest, pirates, ships2014-06-27 5 
August 2014
33858723Cursed Apprentice Quest 3In this episode we meet a QT spider and make it our familiar, We cuddle it and arwen, We decide to say fuck it with the town and ditch, on a walk to the city, Shit happens.Cursed_Apprentice, Quest, Collective Game, Spiders, Cute, Shota, Fried chicken, brown elf boobage, whyaretherenopicturesofshotawizards,2014-08-03 13 
September 2014
35094410Boone Quest #24The adventure continues! Boone faces off against Waldrip and climbs a ladder.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, raege2014-09-25 21 
October 2014
35488327Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter FiveOrbital Supremacy is ours. We deceive a Slaver Lord, get intimidated by our Mercenary dressed up like a Pirate, talk to our BOLO, and instill respect in some Hacker bitches.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Fuck Yeah2014-10-13 7 
35533796Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, The Real Chapter SevenWe do Governor things, put ourselves in (more) debt to build future tourist attractions, some of which are pretty Metal. We also open the ILLEGAL GOODS MYSTERY BOX, discover some hints of a forgotten Black Operation gone wrong, finally kill our pet Slaver Lord, and have a brief encounter with spooky aliens.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2014-10-15 6 
35574609Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter NineWe deal with Traders, take too long talking again, get some intel on our mystery cats, and wind up dropping everything to head off violence between heavily armed space cowboys and the New YakuzaGovernor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky, Yakuza, Cowboy2014-10-17 10 
35617055Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter ElvenWe clear out our to-do list, start getting ready for a visit from Gubmint' Folk, hatch a nefarious plan to gain pet Pseudo-Arachnids and argue like coked-up monkeys about voting and samefagging. Also BOLO VS Plasma Bug action.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Fuck Yeah, Starship Troopers, faggotry2014-10-19 8 
35738075Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter TwelveWe deal (somewhat) with an overstressed power Grid, get some unsettling news on pirates, discover that our Megacorps supply ship has been taken over by brain spiders, and get a line on an old BOLO in Outlaw space.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2014-10-25 7 
November 2014
35925856Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter ThirteenWe deal with bureaucrats, some better at ignoring reality than others, FUSION UP, and annoy a Safety Bureau Inspector.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2014-11-03 10 
January 2015
37171170The Book of SauronOP makes a "Sauron did nothing wrong" joke thread. /tg/ proves untrollable and starts worldbuilding the Book of Sauron and his possible return.LotR, Sauron, Worldbuilding, Writefag, Book, City, Dystopia, Horror2015-01-06 6 
37386972Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter 14Back from hiatus, a very short thread. On the plus side, we went to local bars to talk with our citizens, and raise our popularity.Governor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky2015-01-15 6 
February 2015
38370843Boone Quest Episode 25Boone finally faces off against the mastermind behind everything.Boone, Boone Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Colossal Fagot, Mr. Culexus, Raege, Sapp2015-02-28 27 
July 2015
40996717Ork creation Ork freebootah klanCreation Ork freebootah2015-07-07 1 
January 2016
44889550Spell book as an art project/tg/ discusses how to design a spellbook.spell book, magic, runes, fluff2016-01-26 0 
February 2016
45541220Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 2)The air was filled with smoke. And blood. And tea.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Emi, Rin, reboot2016-02-21 26 
May 2016
47285141Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 5#1 Worst DadsBookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-05-17 10 
47508773Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 6stressful feelings fly and shopping is done.Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-05-31 10 
June 2016
224914Elf QuestEnter the shoes of a half human, half elf, completely hated, and very pissed off individual. What path will he carve out for himself?Elf, Drama, War, Grim, Dark, Genocide, Boo2016-06-06 2 
210554Genocide Quest, Part 7A strange dream? or an ill omen. The general orders the unthinkable, while Leo becomes suspicious. What could the truth be?Genocide,Fantasy,War,Magic,Elf,Drama,Action,Demon,Undead,Gore,Romance, Boo, Bee2016-06-06 4 
July 2016
48259863Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 7Mostly a shopping day. We purchase clothes, enjoy friendship, shop for weapons, and pick up a new hire. Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-07-14 7 
48371330Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 8The fight with our newest scarf wielding foe is completed, along with a suite of upgrades. Also, dancing.pick up a new hire. Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-07-21 7 
48485618Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 9Hacking is done, and strangers are talked to. Our parents neglected to mention whether we should talk to strangers.Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-07-28 6 
48519018Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 9We visit a cop, and draw rad notebook doodles.Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-07-30 6 
August 2016
454161Yankii Reform Quest 1ReBoot: The delinquency begins again as asses are kicked and the journey begins Fresh. Rebooted from /tg/'s YRQ; new start new content.Yankii Reform Quest, Reboot, delinquent, collective game, yankii2016-08-08 4 
477919Yankii Reform Quest 2Brought Taro to Nurse's office were we caught up with his lil' sister 'n Tease-sensei before getting into a fight!Yankii Reform Quest, Reboot, delinquent, collective game, yankii2016-08-21 2 
September 2016
49132860Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 11We finish up with cops, and move on to arms deals and angry dads.Bookmaker, Collective Game, Mechagirl, mecha, girl, pit fighter, mechagirl pit fighter2016-09-03 8 
49216454Bionicle Quest 1The Great Spirit descended like a burning star from the heavens. Arrival -> Kini-Nui -> Mount Ihu.Collective Game, Bionicle Reboot Quest, Tumahti2016-09-08 3 
502078Yankii Reform Quest 3FUll Rage: Finally go full RAGE on some thugs and meet Red... the weirdo... then we finally get to class and meet Masumi.Yankii Reform Quest, Reboot, delinquent, collective game, yankii2016-09-10 1 
568527Bionicle Quest 2Mount Ihu looms before you like an upthrust sword. Ko-Wahi.Collective Game, Bionicle Reboot Quest, Tumahti2016-09-17 2 
November 2016
806555Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 12In which we help out Ash and get rebuked by our Dads.Collective Game, Mechagirl, Bookmaker, Questguy, Robot, 2016-11-21 8 
December 2016
916851DC Universe QuestIsaac is born, we reveal our water and ice powers and shut down a chain of BlockbustersDC Universe, Comic Books, Collective Game, Superheroes2016-12-09 7 
909512Paper Mario Quest #2Boobert prepares for his journey, goes to Flower Fields, and gets mugged by a stonerCollective Game, Paper Mario, GRANDMASTER, Boobert2016-12-15 6 
506112454Chan in the time of 40kIn the The Grim Darkness of the 41st millennium, there are still Neckbeards, Autists, Weeaboos, Virgins, and shitposters 4Chan, Warhammer 40k, 40k, 40kchan, guelaboo, kriegers, Eldar, Orkz, Roleplay, 4chan is the Eye of Terror2016-12-15 9 
915293Mechagirl Pit Fighter Quest 13In which we help Ash heal and get to play as a Cat Samurai and her captive.Collective Game, Mechagirl, Bookmaker, Questguy, Robot, 2016-12-19 6 
949682DC Adventure QuestIsaac hits the road for LA, we hit the stops along the way we only stop for the best.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-20 4 
976678DC Adventure Quest 2Our grand tour across america ends early with some help from Blue Beetle and we reach LA.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-27 2 
961893Fortune Evolution: Reboot/tg/'s old Fortune Evolution Game gets a /qst/ reboot.Collective Game, Fortune Evolution, Evolution, Reboot2016-12-28 3 
989432DC Adventure Quest 3We meet our dad and he tells us how we came to be.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2016-12-30 1 
January 2017
1002053DC Adventure Quest 4We take on the role of our father in a flashback to our true origin.Collective Game, DC, Comic Books, Superheroes2017-01-02 2 
1040639You are a warhammer 40k cultist #1 v2The harbringer of doom returns and with him a new warhammer quest. We now play a brave guardsman descended into the depths of depravit.Slannesh, harbringer of doom, 40k, boot camp, cultists,no pain no gain 2017-01-17 2 
May 2017
1409350Persona Quest Rebooted #1Ryoma Shizuhara moves in with his grandpa, meets a friendly metalhead, and then weird shit happens.Collective Game, Persona, Persona Quest Rebooted, Velvet Room Host2017-05-02 1 
1423172Persona Quest Rebooted #1, Pt. 2Ryoma meets a sukeban, forms new Social Links, explores a Shadow nest, and runs away from death.Collective Game, Persona, Persona ​Quest Rebooted, Velvet Room Host2017-05-06 2 
1450754Persona Quest Rebooted #2Ryoma doesn't make the grade, joins clubs, runs into sibling rivalry, and makes friends with an arms dealer.Collective Game, Persona, Persona Quest Rebooted, Velvet Room Host2017-05-16 1 
1473049Persona Quest Rebooted #3Momoko gets taken to the Reflected World, Ryoma fights some creepy spider Shadows, and performs his first Persona fusion.Collective Game, Persona, Persona Quest Rebooted, Velvet Room Host2017-05-22 1 
1485715Persona Quest Rebooted #4The Liberators fight a boss and qst dice fuck us over so hard that VRH has to intervene.Collective Game, Persona, Persona Quest Rebooted, Velvet Room Host2017-05-26 2 
June 2017
1583084Persona Quest Rebooted #5The Liberators continue their search, Momoko's Persona awakens, and the fight against the Shadow Yankiis begins...Collective Game, Persona, Persona Quest Rebooted, Velvet Room Host2017-06-25 4 
1599400Paper Mario Quest #4Boobert slaps Hazy Pinto. That's itPaper Mario Quest, Boobert2017-06-25 1 
July 2017
1626586Persona Quest Rebooted #5, Part 2The Liberators defeat the Shadow Yankiis, Ryoma practices judo and solves a mystery.Collective Game, Persona, Persona Quest Rebooted, Velvet Room Host2017-07-09 1 
1681447Slayer Kaiju Attack [Testfire]Bootleg monster hunter in a skirmish format. Get your carves now!!!!fenster, collective game, skirmish, monster hunter, kaiju, slayer, attack, bootleg2017-07-27 1 
1701511Persona Quest Rebooted #6Ryoma meets a new student and establishes 2 new Social Links.Collective Game, Persona, Persona Quest Rebooted, Velvet Room Host2017-07-30 2 
September 2017
1865916Fantasy Officer - Resurrection - Thread 2Wherein Kazimir launches a four-way attack with nothing but low-key convicts and militamen to save an entire city.Collective Game, Manus, military, commissar, reboot2017-09-26 1 
October 2017
1904520Persona Quest Rebooted #7, Part 1Ryoma eavesdrops on an argument, eats way more ramen than he can handle, and begins exploring Xinaian again.Collective Game, Persona, Persona Quest Rebooted, Velvet Room Host2017-10-01 1 
1928478Hell's Artbook QuestThe granddaughter of avid satanist practitioner, Julia Piral, is thrown into thrown into a world of apocalyptic calamity.Image Heavy, Fantasy, Magic, Hell's Artbook Quest2017-10-10 1 
1971482Hellsing Quest: Reboot 1Chaos Mcsirman revives a quest of old, a character is selected, eldritch times are had, we meet Baron Samedi, Lycaon of Arcadia and kill faeHellsing Quest, Hellsing, Reboot, I Did The Thing2017-10-23 5 
1976638Hell's Artbook Quest Ch. #2We find ourselves in the Mid-Realm LIVING QUARTER, with our main guy, Curtis Mire. Image Heavy, Fantasy, Magic, Hell's Artbook Quest2017-10-26 1 
November 2017
2096521Reboot Quest #001//boot... //online You are a mobile factory, sealed beneath the ground after a starship crash...Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2017-11-28 1 
December 2017
2117012Reboot Quest #002//booting main... //retrieving command logs... We explore the wreck of the starship with our newly constructed drone.Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2017-12-09 1 
2095221Monster QUest Reboot: Slime TimeThe slimes start to fight backBurden, Collective Game, Monster Quest, Monster Quest Reboot, Slime2017-12-11 1 
2135192Reboot Quest #003//Archiving command log... //Complete We continue exploration of the bridge, activate and kill a turret, and reveal...something.Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2017-12-11 1 
2152061Reboot Quest #004An incredibly short session sees us examine the central command console from last session.Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2017-12-23 1 
January 2018
2207933Reboot Quest #005In another short session, we move on from the bridge into the dark area that was opened with the destruction of the plasma turret...Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2018-01-08 1 
2170398Monster Quest 2: Reboot !A dron awakens in fire, and seeks to find their place in the harsh ManawastesBurden, Collective Game, Monster Quest, Monster Quest Reboot, Dron2018-01-13 5 
2193968Monster Quest 2: Reboot 2Having escaped Snow, the Dron seeks to find a way to escapeBurden, Collective Game, Monster Quest, Monster Quest Reboot, Dron2018-01-13 1 
2235285Monster Quest Reboot Thread 3The dron finds himself in a ship, aids a new ally and fights some golemsBurden, Collective Game, Monster Quest, Monster Quest Reboot, Dron2018-01-31 1 
February 2018
57632629Kamigakari Thread translation and storytimesAnon comes through with scans. Help with translation and character sheet use and development. Misfits in Osaka continues Shizune is awkward.Kamigakari, character sheet, translation, books, scan, google docs, storytime, Ito, Misfits in Osaka, Akira, Shizune, stats, demons2018-02-01 2 
2274694Monster Quest Reboot 4: Back to BasicsDust and his fellow Dron manage to escape the airship, ending up in a forest far from his homeland, yet he now faces a mysterious enemy.Collective Game, Burden, Monster Quest, Reboot, Dron, Baron, Evolution.2018-02-14 2 
March 2018
2354018Kaleidoscope Quest 2There is an unparalleled amount of discomfort.Kaleidoscope Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Lack of Book Eating2018-03-05 5 
April 2018
2436660Reboot Quest #006We recover the torpedo core and continue exploring...Space, 4X, Collective Game, Sci-Fi, Robot, AI, Orange Juice, Reboot Quest2018-04-02 1 
2453506Reboot Quest #007Piercing deeper into the mystery of the wrecked starship, we happen upon engineering - and something hostile...Reboot Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Orange Juice, SciFi, Space, AI, Robot, 4X2018-04-17 1 
December 2018
3119583Sokka Quest IIn an AU where Sozin's comet doesn't exist, Sokka travels to Ba Sing Se, meets some girls, and fights the power.Sokka Quest, ATLA, Blood, Politics, Boomerangs2018-12-23 10 
January 2019
3129832Sokka Quest IIAfter a fight with the pirates Sokka returns to the South Pole, and the QM dissapears.Sokka Quest, ATLA, Blood, Politics, Boomerangs.2019-01-07 5 
June 2019
3537263Body Horror Quest - 21st VeinOne shot, one opportunity, to save everything they love from the Crucible-Ender that is SPIRALING FEAR. Will they kill it?.. Or let it slip?Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Defiance, SPIRALING FEAR, Mountain, Midnight Crew, bamboozles2019-06-01 20 
July 2019
3637465Body Horror Quest - 25th VeinAn unseen Bamboozle that breaks the plans of many. A desperate battle that breaks a broken B'ni. Act 2 ends with a bittersweet taste.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 2, Bamboozles, B'ni2019-07-13 15 
September 2019
3780059Body Horror Quest - 29th VeinShu’s catch of the week: 1 Silver Fish, 1 Stealth Panther, and 1 Frost Wolf. FuzzBuzz gets adopted by Ants, and unexpected visitors arrive.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Ants, FuzzBuzz, bamboozle2019-09-08 12 
November 2019
69163263Nechronica translation update, PDF, and storytime threadNechronica's unofficial English translation gets an update on Halloween and The tale of the Siren Songs of Silent Space Storytime updates.Nechronica, update, book, rules, storytime, Nia, Juliette, Merry, Dominic, halloween, space, ai, horror, trolls, translation, Nechronica PDF2019-11-02 5 
February 2021
4606545Astraplex Quest #1Jonovan Solaris, a 12 year old boy with dragon wings, embarks on a quest.weeaboo, cultivation, weebkitsch, astraplex2021-02-08 0 
4616114Astraplex Quest #2Jonovan learns about his past life, ransacks the Entropist hideout, and retrieves a severed head.weeaboo, cultivation, weebkitsch, astraplex2021-02-23 0 
April 2021
78322310Is this that Nechronica thread? ( Yes, with Storytime. )Anon asks about finding players and being a reliable GM. Gravel Storytime! The Africa arc wraps up and we begin transitioning to the nextNechronica, recruiting, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, necromancer, necromancy, book, A-team2021-04-01 0 
May 2021
4746140GG Quest Vol. 1 Iss. 1The Green Goblin fights the Avenging Spider-Man in the skies over Manhattan. But wait, why's he the hero? This will be explored.Marvel, Earth 1962, Spider-Man, Green Goblin, Weeaboo, Collective Game2021-05-05 7 
August 2021
80785841Nechronica thread. Translation Update: Armed Set.Armed Set, a short 3rd party sourcebook for the Japanese TTRPG Nechronica, gets an unofficial English translation. Anon asks how to Chariot.Nechronica, update, book, rules, spiders, armed set, translation, Thanatos, Requiem, Stacy, armaments, Chariot, class2021-08-21 0 
October 2021
81712351/tg/ recommended literature threadA good and civilized discussion on books to get inspiration from.literature, books, discussion2021-10-27 0 
April 2022
83841016Astraplex RPG Zoomer OP requests feedback for his homebrew RPG system and is met by helpful advice and nostalgia for the 2000s internet.worldbuilding, system, homebrew, RPG, anime, shonen, weeaboo2022-04-05 8 
5199735Paper Mario TURBO!!Broke-ass Bowser and his motley crew must rescue/kidnap all of the Star Spirits so he can fulfill his wildest wishes! Turn-based RPG action!FaeSmelter, Fae Smelter, Mario, Paper, Bowser, Turn-based, RPG, TURBO, Kammy, Grubba, Doopliss, Waluigi, Wario, Luigi, Boo, Quest, Dice 2022-04-25 1 
July 2022
85297222OP is going to prison as a sex offenderOP starts off asking about old-school play-by-mail games, but people quickly realize he’s asking because he might be headed BACK to prisonPrison, prisons, play by mail, play-by-mail, gamebook, gamebooks, game book, game books, solo rpg, solo rpgs, homebrew, homebrews2022-07-16 -22 
September 2022
85845122>would you like to upgrade your roll to a Nat20™ for $1.99?/tg/ pontificates on the games-as-services hellscape that WotC plans to implement in the near future.dndone, 6E, WotC, corporate bootlickers, dndrones2022-09-02 3 
November 2022
5411624Urist Fonderferson and the Slit of SecretsUri Fonder is the Dwarf with a cursed cock! It's DnD meets Hogwarts, but raunchy! Smelty picks up after a flaker, but has no clue how to DMDnD, 5e, Fonderferson, Dwarf, Fae Smelter, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, r34, Bootyholder, Myhernee 2022-11-14 -6 
April 2023
5588130NOW HIRING: Still Another Facility Management Quest You are the MANAGER. You must make PRODUCT. In the remote facility with an ocean view, a guy transforms into a giant stone giraffe.Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-04-08 3 
May 2023
5636870NOW HIRING: Still Another Facility Management Quest #2In a facility by the false ocean shores, the Manager showboats for a shrimp farm, we talk with Ed, and a centipede knight is captured. Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-05-27 3 
June 2023
5681456The Difficult Life of a K-Pop CEOThe wastrel son of a South Korean is gifted his own K-POP company, and immediately turns it into a black company.Koreaboo, idol management, Korean culture, sex, abuse, villain quest, slice-of-life, oneshot2023-06-25 -9 
September 2023
5737416NOW HIRING #3: Still Another Facility Management Quest:A few works are done, a zipper is seen, nothing much else happens. a centipede knight is captured. Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, Alphabet Soup, Reboot2023-09-20 2 
January 2024
5858896Errant Knight QuestThe High Middle Ages of Europe:You are Roland von Fritzlkeller, Knight-errant from the Kingdom of Teutonia travelling for fortune and glory.ESL_QM, Unteralterboot Prequel, Knight, UOHH, Romantic Idealism, Mild Schizophrenia, Medieval Germany2024-01-23 1 
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