/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2008
2584447/tg/ Declares War on the WraeththuSome abominations cannot be allowed to stand. And now, /tg/ mobilizes against its most Mary Sueish enemy yet.Wraeththu, Metal Slug, battle, roleplay, rolefaggotry, 40k2008-09-16 10 
August 2009
5510014Vampires vs LichesArchived for the most epic and righteous rebuttal delivered by DJ Phylactery.rap, battle, lich, vampires, dj phylactery2009-08-19 27 
September 2009
5968425Adventure Trail? Dungeon Trail? Something like that. Anonymous starts work on a "Oregon Trail/Dungeon Keeper" style game, is co-opted by talk about video gamesOgre battle, homebrew, dorfs2009-09-23 1 
January 2010
7624876DJ Phylactery inciting rap battleDJ Phylactery starts a /tg/ style rap battle.rap battle, d&d2010-01-17 20 
March 2010
8613796Combat Chart PrototypeOP submits a combat oriented writefaggotry roll chart. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the rest of the fa/tg/uys take it further.Writefag, Chart, Battle, Roll2010-03-16 0 
May 2010
9885402L5R Poetry BattleContains rap battles, haiku battles, and rocking pandas. Although that last is kind of anticlimactic.L5R, Legend of the Five Rings, Rap Battle, Haiku, why are there pandas here2010-05-18 5 
October 2010
12300799Sororitas QuestYou are a Sister of Battle. You are in training. This is your final test...Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, 2010-10-03 26 
12307838Sororitas Quest IIYou have completed your final task but at a terrible price. What does the future hold? Only one thing is certain. The body count has only just gotten started.Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, 2010-10-03 18 
12319589Sororitas Quest IIIShit gets real when the terror moves from the planet to your ship. Will /tg/ be able to beat the baddies and save their waifu?Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, 2010-10-04 15 
12329208Sororitas Quest IVThe clash of giants. /tg/ fights a champion of chaos... shit gets fucking awesomeSisters of Battle, Sororitas, Quest, Collective Game, Awesome2010-10-05 18 
12601958Sororitas Quest 2: The Oncoming Storm VIIThe attack has finally begun on Ophelia VII. /tg/ declares their loev for their pet daemonette who just somehow KEEPS GETTING FUCKING CUTER!!!Sororitas Quest, collective game, quest, Sisters of Battle, cute2010-10-30 15 
November 2010
12801416One Spell Left/tg/ uses a random spell generator to see how fucked they are.BBEG, Final Battle, Magic, Generator2010-11-15 15 
December 2010
13147755The Emperor's Day MartyrThe Big E is at it again when he spies the heroic sacrifice of a young Battle Sister.Emperor's Day, Sisters of Battle, Writefaggotry2010-12-14 7 
March 2011
14252095/tg/ Rap-OffSword n' Board returns and engages in a rap-off with newcomer and character optimizer Master Cleave. A shitstorm ensues.Rap, Rap-off, Rap-battle, 2011-03-16 13 
14341016Random Encounter turned Insane StoriesWhat started as a normal random encounter thread is quickly derailed when a poster begins talking about his girlfriend, who is apparently both ex-Mossad and extremely angry. Entertainment is had by all, along with discussion of whether one beatdown was justifiablestorytime, Sister of Battle, random encounter, crazy woman2011-03-24 8 
April 2011
14540230TG RAP BATTLETry as they might, to keep up the fight, Monk pwns them all day and night.Rap battle, TG, monk, pedo cleric, gunslinger, samurai2011-04-10 3 
May 2011
15032725Eyes of Mordred Spess MahreensNew chapter creation thingyChapter Creation, Eyes of Mordred, 40k, Rites of Battle, Space Marines2011-05-24 2 
15052515ANGRY MARINES DEATHWATCHCreating playable Angry Marines via Rites of Battle. Rites of Battle, Angry Marines, Fuck, FUCK, Deathwatch, Chapter Creation, Space Mariens, Angry2011-05-26 7 
15053294Scary MarinesWe take the scary marines and flesh them out some using rites of battle.Scary Marines, Children of Istvaan, Rites of Battle, Space Marines2011-05-26 0 
15086952Rites of HeresyA fa/tg/uy posts his corrupted Rites of Battle tables.Rites of Battle, space marines, chaos, heresy2011-05-29 13 
June 2011
15107319Sometimes you just give it to themInstances when a DM just gives a character something/Non combat awesome storiesElfbeard, Bearded Elf, Cook Battle, Bakery, DM, Stories2011-06-01 15 
August 2011
15972097Board Quest VWe finally get to have fun storming the castle, and play tennis with a lich!Collective Game, Board Quest, Quest, Lich, Boss Battle, Tunnels, About Fucking Time2011-08-18 15 
February 2012
17858278Warhammer 40K: heretical love part XXIIContinuation of SoB thread from previous.Warhammer, 40k, quest, heretical love, papa-n, heresy, sisters of battle, quest thread, warhammer 40k, writefaggotry, max decarus 2012-02-08 25 
March 2012
18286800Planetary Governor Quest Part TwoWe uncover a Genestealer infestation under our capitol and begin containment. Sisters of Battle and Ultramarines are called in and we begin preparation for Operation NapalmCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, Warhammer, 40K, Eldar, Guns, discussion, Ultramarines, Sisters of Battle, RT, Rogue Trader, Genestealer2012-03-11 23 
May 2012
19243277Planetary Governor Quest: Part EightWe hammer out space-combat, acquire several ships that we were apparently supposed to have the entire time, come to an agreement with the Sisters of Battle regarding setting up a Mission, visit the site of the Chaos Raid, and have a Zombie scare. Also Homesteading and Editor dropping more epic speeches.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle2012-05-26 13 
19255653Planetary Governor Quest: Part NineAnother short session. Not very much is accomplished, but we do lay the groundwork for future plans and start on building the Sisters a moon base.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle2012-05-27 12 
June 2012
19330283Planetary Governor Quest: Part TenIn which we get the lowdown on local politics and factions from the Arbites Judge, make more plans, argue about Power Weapons, and learn a bit of Daysimir history and the background of the Iron Dragons.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Space Battle2012-06-02 11 
19445178Chapter Quest VIFinal stages of battle on Varda against Orks. Session was cut off because OP couldn't post in /tg/.Collective Game, Chapter Master, Orks, Chapter Quest, Space Marines, Ghosts of Retribution, STC, Adeptus Mechanicus, Tactical Battle, Power Garrote2012-06-12 5 
19497943Planetary Governor Quest: Part TwelveThe first decent session in a while. We continue dismantling the Space Hulk, Get Skitarii help, and fight a mob of "evolved" Cyborks with huge, angry squigs and a really messed up mutant Warboss.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Zombies, Fungus, Space Battle, Orks, warboss, Blood Axes, Fang, Dreadnought2012-06-16 20 
July 2012
19764338Chapter Master Quest XX - Mormark CampaignChapter Master deliver epic speech, tons of reinforcement from Admech and Guardsman equivalent come to our aid. We show Faceless who's bossCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Manly Tears, Speech, Exploration, Invasion, Battle, Mormark2012-07-07 5 
19885035Planetary Governor Quest: Part 14.5We get off to a late start and are forced to move threads after a mod slaps down an early autosage.Collective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Space Battle2012-07-15 12 
19886971Planetary Governor Quest: Part 15The continuation from 14.5, we bro it up with insect Xenos, piss of the SOB, and finally finish with that HulkCollective Game, Planetary Governor Quest, 40K, Warhammer, Space Marine, Chaos, Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Hospitaller, Space, Quest, Space Battle, Orks, RT, Rogue Trader, HTML, Space Hulk, Politics, Spiders2012-07-15 13 
August 2012
20259461TG cries over Metal SistersWhat happens when a new release is impending? The Metal Sisters get melt! /tg/ cries like babies.sisters of battle, warhammer 40k, rumors, sad2012-08-10 10 
September 2012
20759908Codex: Sisters of Battle I/tg/ takes a look at the sisters and awesome ensuessisters of battle, game design, codex, sororitas, awesome, act of faith, acts of faith, sensei, living saint2012-09-18 9 
20824331The Iron CrusadeWhat starts of as a mediocre Chapter Generation Thread become awesome, when we roll Crusading Iron Hand descendants, searching for The Grail, which will revive the lost heroes of the past!The Iron Crusade, The Iron Blades, Iron Hands, Deathwatch, Rites of Battle, Crusaders, Bard2012-09-23 14 
20863758Hangover Mechanicus 2The second thrilling installment in Vyrius' quest to not piss off an order of Adepta Sororitas. Turns out he's pretty terrible at it. 40K, writefaggotry, Sororitas, AdMech, Techpriest, Sister of Battle, alcohol, butthurt2012-09-26 10 
October 2012
21015642Lich's Employee Quest pt 5Daniel find the city of Kerm, and makes a dynamic entry.skeleton quest, Hydra, Kerm, battle, demon, undead2012-10-07 17 
December 2012
21826031Drawfag requests some fapfic for a comic. /tg/ delivers.Inquisitor Arken visits the Covenant of St. Jezebel the Magnificent. Shit gets hot, heavy, and then downright heretical.Lewd, Writefaggotry, Arken, Sisters of Battle, HERESY, fapfic2012-12-01 16 
21888636Civilization Game Part 45The tribe finally gets to the battle! Bloodshed is still pending, but the GM seems to be having fun watching everyone squirm.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-05 2 
21922212Civilization Game Part 46The battle continues... So damn slowly. The first casualties occur however, on both sides of the battlefield!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-07 5 
21996577Civilization Game Part 47The battle rages on and casualties climb. Also, the gods have a sense of ironic humour... That's never good news.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-12 3 
22027765Civilization Game Part 48Casualties climb and the tribe puts all its hopes on a planned night assault.Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-14 2 
22103916Civilization Game Part 49The night attack results in horrific casualties to the Riverlands Concord. With the death-toll rising, the tribe begins to look at retreat before it's too late-!Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-19 3 
22139408Civilization Game Part 50The battle of the Sun People village is finally over, the tribe saved by the intercession of a goddess. What woes await them upon the warband's return home however?Collective game, civ game, Civilization, Civilization Game, Prehistoric, Red White and Britfag, Map, Battle, War2012-12-21 6 
February 2013
22949454Sisters of SteelPlaceholder name. /tg/ gets working on a group of Sisters of Battle that work closely with some members of the Adeptus Mechanicus.Sisters of Battle, Sororitas, Adaptus, Mechanicus, 40K, Homebrew, WIP2013-02-05 2 
June 2013
25221138These fine upstanding imperial citizens are in no way xeno infiltrators.Humorous 40k banterwarhammer 40000, 40k, sisters of battle, funny2013-06-04 5 
July 2013
25765853Sisters of Battle video game ideasA fairly normal SoB thread gets interesting when one anon idly wishes for an SoB video game. /tg/ gets to work and brainstorms three of them.Sisters of Battle, SoB, video game, vidya2013-07-02 12 
25952926Stardust/tg/ brainstorms a setting for a battle of the bands transcending time and space.Stardust, lich, setting, homebrew, brainstorm, bands, battle, dance, game design2013-07-12 2 
August 2013
26744169TA GIT DA PREDATORChriz Orksen and his team of grots lure in the sexual predators of the 40k universe, for the good of everyone (and their viewership ratings), waiting for that one predator that'll get their show renewed for sure!Chriz Orksen, Orks, Ork, Predator, erotica, Macha, SoB, Sister, Battle, Catch, Predator, WAAAGH!, 'flamer'2013-08-21 37 
September 2013
27203076A.I. Quest 7 Mourning There AfterOphion learns a little more about humans, as he expands his sphere of control. With a little trading, and some luck, we secure ourselves a rather nice haul, and immediately spend it on lots of goodies.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, repairs, Gas, V.I., Casualties, hack, battle, trade2013-09-14 20 
November 2013
28044523Order of the Obsidian Mirror/tg/ rolls up some sisters of battle and gets CIA/GRU battle spies in space instead.40k, Sisters of Battle, Custom2013-11-02 9 
January 2014
29772158Path of War & Psionics. Or: The platonic ideal of Sword.OP shares Dreamscarred's Path of War book. Anon explains the deliciousness of the Soulknife Swordsage. Much discussion and planning ensues.psionics, pathfinder, path of war, tome of battle, swords, stat me, Fate/Stay Night, magic, galorion, mecha barbarians, martial arts, swordsage, monk, soulknife, dreamscarred press, preview, complete psionics, wilder, win, attempted derail, D&D, fluff, d202014-01-26 5 
29832663Monster Girls Quest 101Monster Girls Quests, Collective Game, Monster Girls, QuestWhere we deal with the aftermath of battle, too much things to do for a single man. 2014-01-28 5 
April 2014
31302417Pokemon Quest #39We engage in a very long battle with Eddie. Nibbles fights for all he's worthPokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Eddie, battle, Nibbles, Tyrunt2014-04-07 22 
31310207Pokemon Quest #39 Part 2We finish our long grueling battle with Eddie and a Pokemon evolves!Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Eddie, Battle,2014-04-07 22 
May 2014
31893745Pokemon Quest #47We fight our gym battle with Clair using a machine that lets us enter our Pokemon's minds.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Psychic, Gym Battle, Clair2014-05-04 22 
32051871Pokemon Quest #100 Part 2We have a quick battle and manage to keep our cool and act mature.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, battle, Magenzone2014-05-11 21 
June 2014
32587931Ryukuza Quest: A Largely Light Hearted Quest About Dragon GirlsRyukusa's best friend is neat. Apparently she stole an oni's rain. HOLY CRAP WE CAN FIGHT!collective game, dragongirls, oni, elemental battle, lesbians, romance, comedy2014-06-05 23 
32832605Epic 40k Rap BattlesITT: Various members of various 40k races talk smack in lyrics.Rap, Battle, 40k,2014-06-17 2 
July 2014
33413732Chaos Sisters Fandex Ep3Third attempt at a chaos sisters of battle fandex after /tg/ sperged out previously.chaos, sisters of battle, corruption, fandex, sperglords, edgy, dull, codex, fan,2014-07-15 -2 
February 2015
37902779Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 1You are Bellatrix Curis, in training to become a Sister of Battle. Some stuff happens, and then some lewd stuff happens with a xeno witch, and she passes out before you can get her name! The nerve!Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM2015-02-08 11 
37997548Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 2Bella finds the Eldar's spear, learns that her name is Alirye, puts the moves on the poor pointy-eared gal, and the both of them head into the spooky forest!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Dire Chicken, Spooky Forest, Hylophobia, 2015-02-12 9 
38174648Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 3Bellatrix lectures Alirye on how snazzy the Emperor is, meets a felinid techpriestess, pets said techpriestess, and discovers HERESY.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, TECH HERESY, Necrodermis, Double headpats2015-02-20 6 
38246094Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 4Bella takes a dip, becomes strong like (strong thing), kisses (and gets kissed), gets a Multi-melta for free, and is attacked by an invisible butt!Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Felinid/Catgirl, Techpriest, Mechanicus, Goo, Super-strength, Invisibility2015-02-23 8 
38360172Pokemon Quest #67We arrive at Alloycaster and have a very public battle with the obscenely rich Dick.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, battle, 2015-02-28 21 
March 2015
38403397Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 5Bella and Alirye infiltrate the Ork camp, and Bella promptly sets some tank-thing on fire, then some Orks on fire, then tries to set a building on fire and gets krump'd by a Nob.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Lots'o'fire, Krump'ing2015-03-02 6 
38538049Space Crusade Quest 19We participate in the Space battle and wreck everyoneCollective game, Space Crusade Quest, Scarlet Queen, Space battle, badass2015-03-10 2 
38630544Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 6Bella and Alirye kick some ork arse, Aila performs a super-duper-extra delicate field operation and jams Bella's severed arm back into place, and, most importantly, Bella does some one-liners. Oh, and Aila barges in and ruins the lewd mood Alirye and Bella had been cultivating.Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, Collective Game, Warlock, Hylophobia, Orks, Catgirl Techpriestess, Awkward conversations, mood-ruining, lewd-interrupting, power nap2015-03-12 5 
38723571Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 7Bella takes up the flamer, engages Alirye in a duel of lewd, half-listens to some tech-priests, and finds out that Alirye is a cougar during the cult-purging road trip!Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, ear lewdness, flamer time!, cougars, lewdvengeance, Aila heard all of that2015-03-16 4 
39010444Battle-Sister Quest: Thread 8Short thread (sorry). Bella and Alirye arrive at their destination, talk to some civilians, find the heresy, and have several benches tossed at them. Collective Game, Battle-Sister Quest, Adepta Sororitas, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Inquisition, Forbidden Love, Yuri, Eldar, Dual-wielding, EsperQM, reasonable people, crazy psykers, cultists, spooky artifacts, telekinetically-propelled benches2015-03-30 4 
April 2015
39286823Pokemon Quest #84We battle Arledge, practice the flute, and get lewd in celebrationPokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, battle, lewd2015-04-12 20 
June 2015
40605617Pokemon Quest #97 part 1We battle Vernon, the former champion, then take Meloetta out for that jam session we promised.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, old man, battle, Gyarados, Poliwrath2015-06-15 20 
40769848Sipahi Marines & Luckless SistersIn which Sisters are lost by bet to the White Scars' more Turkic descendants.40k, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Arabs, Mongols, Turks, Sipahi, Custom Chapter,2015-06-23 6 
40775800Sipahi Marines & Luckless Sisters 2The "Mad Mamluk" Biker Marines with their scantily-clad Byzantine Beach Sisters get some colors and fluff, and now with a War Boys PDF.40k, Custom Chapter, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Arabs, homebrew, Mongols, Turks, Sipahi, Sororitas2015-06-24 7 
40808475Sipahi Marines & Luckless Sisters 3The "Mad Mamluk" Biker Marines and the Byzantine Beach Sisters get more colors and even more fluff, now with Trooper Hoplites IG and Desert Tribe War Boys PDF and even some stroytime.40k, Custom Chapter, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Arabs, homebrew, Turks, Sipahi, Sororitas2015-06-28 5 
November 2015
43805023Nuns with glaivesDesign thread for a Sororitas order devoted mainly to melee weapons, writing and drawings in progress.Sisters of Battle, Melee only, No power armour2015-11-25 2 
43821682Order Of The Armoured Heart-Nuns With GlaivesMore writefaggotry and drawfaggotry in this second installment, now with the adventures of Canoness Superior Boudicea!Sisters of Battle, Melee only, No power armour, Order Of The Armoured Heart, Drawfaggotry, Writefaggotry.2015-11-26 3 
November 2016
822486The Raiders - Part 1A gish and her dragon enjoying some time between raids are interrupted by the possibility of capturing a princess of their very own....Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2016-11-13 16 
851071The Raiders - Part 2Akko indulges herself, while Gero causes her trouble. But Akko needs one or two more people for her cadre to be complete....Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut, lesbian2016-11-20 12 
869633The Raiders - Part 3Akko consoles her friends post-possession, seeks out information, and meets a potential cadre member.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut, lesbian2016-11-26 10 
December 2016
900733The Raiders - Part 4Aeuna agrees to the duel; Akko assesses two potential recruits Falna offers; and rest time occurs before the duel.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut, lesbian2016-12-04 9 
50572576Sisters of Battle as Daemons of the Emperor/tg/ writes a new backstory for Living Saints and other warp-spawned manifestations of Imperial faith. An army of Imperial Daemons results.worldbuilding, daemons, sisters of battle, imperial cult, ecclesiarchy, chaos, warp,2016-12-09 15 
927752The Raiders - Part 5Yashi shows up at an inopportune time; spells are prepared; the duel is set to begin!Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut, lesbian2016-12-11 9 
951597The Raiders - Part 6Akko, Yzia, and Aeuna in the Garden of the Dead Gods...Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut, lesbian2016-12-18 6 
January 2017
1000966The Raiders - Part 7How does one discipline a dragon? Preparation for the Raid. And what about your slaves?Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut, lesbian2017-01-02 6 
1022255The Raiders - Part 8Akko faces off against unknown assailants. Gains new strange abilities. Calls in a LOT of favors.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut, lesbian2017-01-08 7 
1047880The Raiders - Part 9Akko comforts Kteine as only she could. Yzia offers a present. Resting should happen soon!Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut, lesbian2017-01-15 6 
February 2017
1158822The Raiders - Part 10Akko hosts a party for her cadre...an interesting and eventful party.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-02-13 6 
1187646The Raiders - Part 11A draconic Akko plays games with Yzia; Rana gets what's coming to her in a couple of ways.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-02-21 6 
April 2017
1331965The Raiders - Part 12The Raiders returns after a too long hiatus with the spanking of an ifrit, an exploration of jewels and glass, and a lesson in teaching.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-04-03 6 
1354848The Raiders - Part 13Jiyua gets her rewards, good and bad; Yashi and Rana help your pretty slave; Tzanzi makes her appearance.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-04-10 4 
1396870The Raiders - Part 14Tzanzi arrives as Akko and friends 'fix' her mindbroken slave...Siobhan seems terribly amused.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-04-24 4 
May 2017
1419099The Raiders - Part 15Akko faces off with Her Majesty's Inquisitor. Tzanzi - the real one - arrives. Biting.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-05-01 3 
1463823The Raiders - Part 16Falna gets what is coming to her; Kteine makes a decision; Tzanzi gets what she wants.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-05-15 3 
1489673The Raiders - Part 17In the aftermath of Tzanzi's lusts, Akko researches a variety of things, and explores the possibilities before her.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-05-23 2 
1516054The Raiders - Part 18Akko achieves a new level of power, and makes some heavy decisions; preparations for the Raid truly begin.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-05-30 3 
June 2017
1568752The Raiders - Part 19Draconic world Problems; The Master Smiths; The Conclave of Dunzamn.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-06-13 2 
1615492The Raiders - Part 20The Conclave begins; meeting other Leaders; your Cadre assembles.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-06-26 1 
1617969The Raiders - Part 21: Three PrincessesA Raiders Side Tale concering three princesses; in honor of 21 threads.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-06-27 1 
July 2017
1637636The Raiders - Part 22Last minute details; The Twins Blades; Dunzamn and Akko; making a place in the Lair.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-07-04 3 
1656187The Raiders - Part 22 Redux Last minute details; The Twins Blades; Dunzamn and Akko; making a place in the Lair.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-07-10 5 
1676559The Raiders - Part 23Akko's Cadre takes their place in the lair; planning for assault; making good on some lovely threats.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-07-17 2 
1700230The Raiders - Part 24Tzanzi's issues; the blade and the illusionist; setting up shop.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-07-24 2 
1703809The Raiders - Part 25Yzia focuses on Auena; arranging for assistance; preparations and resting.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-07-25 2 
1726760The Raiders - Part 26Carnal dreams, charnel dreams....who knew how much difference two letters would make? Silver Swords to your acolytes! Battle plans.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-07-31 3 
August 2017
1753400The Raiders - Part 27The Ceremony....and then The Raid Commences!Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-08-08 3 
1797480The Raiders - Part 28The Raid begins in earnest; elves everywhere; the capture.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-08-22 3 
1816772The Raiders - Part 29Alliances achieved, slaves settled in, and companions pleased. Now the work begins.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-08-28 3 
September 2017
1829728Starborn Quest 35: The Sunset at DawnPurps and Lexington have a minor disagreement. Then they arrive into a warzone. Starborn Dice.Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-09-04 2 
1839519The Raiders - Part 30The elves try and figure out what hit them, as Akko and her cadre take their first steps into kidnapping a bunch of elven youth.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-09-04 6 
1857148The Raiders - Part 31The githyanki invasion of the Elven Home Tree continues; a discovery is made; Yashi's Dilemma.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-09-11 5 
1901398The Raiders - Part 32The aftermath of Yzia's rage; deeper into the Home Tree; a true Challenge for Akko.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-09-25 5 
October 2017
1924897The Raiders - Part 33Negotiations with the elves; transportation issues; unpleasant truths.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-10-02 3 
1917579Starborn Quest 36: Paint It RedThe aftermath of a tragedy sends Purps over the edge. Darna Must Die.Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-10-04 2 
1947566The Raiders - Part 34Akko makes her decision; the slaves are put in their places; the aftermath of the first raid.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-10-09 3 
1977038The Raiders - Part 35Akko returns to her cadre to deliver rewards above and beyond; the slaves are seen to; preparations are made for the next sortie.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-10-17 3 
1974284Starborn Quest 37: Enemy UnknownMido continues to prove War is Hell. Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-10-20 3 
2001716The Raiders - Part 36Akko deals with her cadre members first post battle euphoria; making more deals; Dunzamn calls.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-10-23 2 
November 2017
2045553The Raiders - Part 37Akko meets with Dunzamn; Tzanzi renders her decision; the issue with Falna.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-11-06 3 
2069521The Raiders - Part 38The plans are made and revealed; the reactions to them; and a fateful meeting.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-11-14 3 
2108533The Raiders - Part 39With Falna dead, her mate's fate lies in Akko's hands; the Elan's Offer; dragons.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2017-11-28 5 
January 2018
57282638 PTU storytime pokemon tabletop unitedGM shares a short game they ran. Follow the story of two sisters venturing out into the world to become Pokémon trainers.Pokémon, pokemon, Ruth, PTU, storytime, chikorita, scyther, Kate, Bree, Fey, Gloria, rules, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., forest, battle, survival, map2018-01-07 3 
2211502The Raiders - Part 40Akko indulges herself and Yzia like; a serious question is asked; recruiting the new warrior. Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-01-08 3 
2251089The Raiders - Part 41Collecting a new warrior for your cadre; causing a little more trouble; decisions on how to deal with a githzerai killing machine.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-01-22 2 
2269429The Raiders - Part 42Akko bullies and elf; recruiting another cadre member; knightmares.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-01-30 2 
February 2018
2284844The Raiders - Part 43Rescuing fair maidens; actually resting; playing mind-games with dangerous creatures.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-02-05 2 
2306776The Raiders - Part 44Welcoming Lywedra to the Cadre; scaring the neighbors; the Elan problem.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-02-13 5 
2346293The Raiders - Part 45The new cadre member; dealing with the elan; a strange decision. Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-02-27 2 
March 2018
2361829The Raiders - Part 46Akko explores a life that never was in trade for healing Tzanzi; a strange dragon is dealt with.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-03-05 3 
2422399The Raiders - Part 47The Temporral Dragon Soliqui shows her hand; Tzanzi is healed by the elan; Akko make a point....Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-03-27 5 
April 2018
2444474The Raiders - Part 48Akko decides on an investigation into the githzerai monk in the astral plane, and discovers a veritable nest of trouble.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-04-03 5 
2452247Ryukuza Quest: Protector of Smiles and Criminal WarlordWith presents delivered, other things recieve valuable attention: family, warriors, guardian spirits, and pregnant loli-dragons.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-04-06 6 
2482401The Raiders - Part 49Akko and Tzanzi take on the githzerai monk who guards the human princess; a secret is revealed.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-04-17 5 
May 2018
2520598The Raiders - Part 50Akko's death proves a chance to meet with Siobhan on her terms; rising from death Akko lays waste to her enemies.Collective Game, The Raiders, githyanki, intelligent weapons, lesbian, blood, battle, dragon, sexy sword, princess, smut2018-05-01 4 
April 2019
3406624Levy QuestThe story of a humble peasant levy beginsMedieval, Battle, Levy Quest2019-04-16 7 
3438306Levy Quest #2The levy becomes a slave.Medieval, Battle, Levy Quest2019-04-28 3 
May 2019
65977935Predator Marines Part 2A continuation of the first Predator Marines thread fleshing out the glorious clusterfuck of a sector they're based in.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Predator Marines, Iron Hands, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, 40k, Writefaggotry2019-05-01 12 
3466746Levy Quest #3The slave becomes a gladiator, the gladiator becomes a farmer againMedieval, Battle, Levy Quest 2019-05-03 5 
65998356Predator Marines part 3ITT, we finally get around to rolling the ork klan. Also, cyborg Xenomorph combat servitors and Jew Necrons.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Predator Marines, Iron Hands, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, 40k, Writefaggotry2019-05-03 10 
66035693Predator Marines part 4We continue working on the Venaro sector, Jewish dark mechanicus, and move towards Genestealers.Chapter Creation, Space Marines, Predator Marines, Iron Hands, Sisters of Battle, Imperial Guard, Inquisition, 40k, Writefaggotry2019-05-09 5 
August 2019
67952063The Battle For Arazonia SecundusThe Americus 10th Mechanized scour the desert of foul xenos. Featuring; Ork Cowboys, Eldar Tavern Wenches, Tempestus Scions, Stoner Tank 40k, writefaggotry, IG, Orks,Tau, Necrons, Eldar, Sisters of Battle, Daemonette, Krieg2019-08-29 3 
September 2019
68113304The battle of Damnatum Lutum, part 4With winter rolling in and the Tau having settled down, the anons of the thread worldbuild with some giant battles on the side40k, writefaggotry, world building, IG, Eldar, Tau, Rogue Trader, Chaos, Orks, Imperial Fists, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition2019-09-10 6 
October 2019
68704690The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 5In the thick of winter, the Imperials try to advance into Tau territory but old and new enemies appear to complicate their plans.40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition, Grot2019-10-12 6 
November 2019
69181640The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 6As winter ends, deep fog engulfs the region, and all sorts of spooky enemies appear40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Inquisition, Genestealers2019-11-11 5 
December 2019
69925790The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7First part of the final chapter in the DL series. Nids show up and are fought with a mix of nukes, volcanos, guns, and good ol' melee comba40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tyranids, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Inquisition, Orks, Tau2019-12-22 3 
January 2020
70060601The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.5Part 2 of the final thread. As another nuclear explosion goes off in the distance, our remaining heroes continue to fight the Tyranid horde.40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tyranids, Tau, Chaos, Inquisition, Orks, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar2020-01-03 4 
70248496The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.5.5Part 3 of the final thread, the forces of Chaos return in force while our heroes struggle to survive across the map.40k, writefaggotry, IG, Tau, Chaos, Space Marines, Navy, Sisters of Battle, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids, Inquisition2020-01-05 2 
70300545The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.6Part 4 of the final thread. The story comes to an end with an epic titan fight. Epilogue in another thread.40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition, Tyranids2020-01-22 4 
70585421The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, EpiloguePosters discuss the fates of their characters, their favorite parts of the seven month saga, and next steps.40k, writefaggotry, worldbuilding, IG, Tau, Eldar, Chaos, Dark Eldar, Space Marines, Admech, Sisters of Battle, Inquisition2020-01-27 6 
July 2020
73737103The Sister and the CommissarAnons come up with some silly interactions between Sisters of Battle and other characters and OP sketches up some of them40k, writefaggotry, Sisters of Battle, Commissar, Admech, Tau, Chaos, Space Marines, Orks2020-07-16 11 
73774964Silly Thread (Silly Sisters of Battle Thread Part 2)Continuation of the previous thread, a group of Sisters continue to post snarky comments at each other on an anonymous image board.40k, writefaggotry, Sisters of Battle, Admech, Chaos, Space Marines, Blood Ravens, IG, Krieg2020-07-16 2 
73781135Silly Thread 2 (Silly Sisters of Battle Thread Part 3)In case you didn't get enough snark in the last two threads, the Sisters return for more name calling and bizarre updates40k, writefaggotry, Sisters of Battle, Chaos, Space Marines, Blood Ravens, IG2020-07-18 2 
August 2020
4386142Decree Passive: A 40k QuestSister Martha is born. Imperial strike forces begin to assault void shield emitters on a traitor world; Martha leads a small command.40k, Sister of Battle, Decree Passive2020-08-25 3 
May 2021
4772746MEGA BUG BATTLESA group of anons get together to create their own insect fighters, and duke it out in a tournament to find out who's the best Bug battler.Collective Game, Bugs, Pvp, Battle, tournament2021-05-11 3 
December 2021
5069403Broken Empire QuestFergus Proenza, an impulsive, rash and skilled commoner in the 32nd century dominated by nobility, tries to prove his worth.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles2021-12-16 15 
February 2022
5090290Broken Empire 2Fergus Proenza moves up the social ladder and engages in some proper warfare, he also nearly dies.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles2022-02-01 8 
March 2022
5147449Broken Empire 3Fergus Proenza fights against the Raisat Star League. Meets an interesting "person" and starts to hunt audacious pirates.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles2022-03-19 5 
May 2022
5199923Broken Empire 4The hunt for the pirates continues. New friends are found, and new debilitating injuries are received.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles2022-05-01 5 
June 2022
5250953Broken Empire 5The piracy campaign is concluded. The final battle is waged and losses are suffered.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles, NewbQM2022-06-13 3 
July 2022
5303476Broken Empire 6The final battle is over and the aftermath has begun but it`s all cut short by NewbQM going on hiatus because of a work trip.Broken Empire Quest, Broken Empire, Scifi, Sci-fi, sci fi, space battle, space battles, NewbQM2022-07-16 4 
March 2023
5561322Local Lord Quest VIIOur local lord travels to meet his liege, fights strange Lombards, gets quite drunk, is jailed, and then must explain himself while hungoverLocal Lord, Medieval, Mudcore, Fantasy, Intrigue, Battle, Nearly Naked Guelphs2023-03-11 11 
August 2023
5692091Pokemon Trainer Quest 18You relaxed after the Barrier Islands events, trained, Rusty began to shed, battled and got burned.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Saltcoast, Training, Battle, SuperBusy2023-08-01 3 
January 2024
5851704Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 22You made camp on the way back to Silveridge, dreamed, trained and started a battle with a bug catcher.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Camping, Butt, Battle, SuperBusy2024-01-17 2 
March 2024
5896046Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 23You battled two boys, made it back to Silveridge, trained some of your team, met back up with Jean and her group and battled a Hex Maniac.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Silveridge, Battle, SuperBusy2024-03-02 3 
May 2024
5981694Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 25You headed back to Saltcoast, battled a farmer, Queenie evolved and spent the night with Fie.Pokemon Quest, Towel, Battle, Queenie, SuperBusy2024-05-22 4 
September 2024
6064653Pokemon Trainer Quest Part 27You trained Volta and Fluffy, did some self-reflection, talked with Martha and began a double battle. Pokemon Quest, Towel, Battle, Camping, SuperBusy2024-09-10 1 
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