/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2009
4113143Khorne QuestCan't be any worse than bread punsKILL, MAIM, BURN2009-03-28 24 
June 2009
4782803Collateral DamageEveryone has had sessions where enormous amounts of collateral damage were inflicted. /tg/ tells about sessions where we've witnessed this in action. Property damage inflicted in the pursuit of an enemy, explosives thrown around without proper forethought, villages destroyed to save them, and shit that isn't the intended target generally being ruined.collateral damage, overkill, oops2009-06-06 7 
March 2010
8587779Cybernetic spider invaders writefaggotryWritefag delivers a long but very satisfying story about the human resistance fighting against cybernetic invaders guerilla-style. Thankfully lacking in the humanity FUCK YEAH department, yet still manages to be badass. Includes a guy tackling a killer robot and attention to in-universe technical detail.writefaggotry, awesome, grimdark, killer robots, la resistance, tl;dr2010-03-15 5 
May 2010
9933783AssassinsDiscussion of the game "Assassins" and creative ways of "killing" peopleAssassins, real life, college, games, killer, paranoia2010-05-21 8 
November 2010
12776514Epic KillsOP requests fa/tg/uys tell their most epic or just lucky kill. /tg/ does not disappoint, delivering story after story of extreme badassitude.storytime, epic win, epic kills2010-11-13 8 
July 2011
15759678Pirate lords of 40k IIwe get the results of the first playtest, have a debate about the rules, revise movement to be faster, and get in an argument over weather 'nids, Knights, and sisters should be allowed. We also create a dedicated forum, swap shanties, an theres a pic of a parrot with pauldrons.Pirates, 40k, 40k pirates, homebrew, warhammer, space, sci fi, space pirates, skirmish, kill team, battlefleet gothic2011-07-31 3 
August 2011
15797809monkeybro 2: the broner/t/g continues to help the OP get his vengence for monkeybro and topple the furry empiremonkey, bro, vengence, furry, kill em all, conquer2011-08-03 11 
September 2011
16298685Zerg Quest LVIIIRaynor continues to hunt Kingston like the dog he is. Kingston, I mean...Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Raynor, Starcraft Noir, KINGSTOOOON!, FUCKING KILL HIM ALREADY2011-09-15 11 
March 2012
18249865Tales of PC logicTales of Player Character logic resulting in amusing and often fatal consequences.stories, storytime, PC logic, TPK, total party kill, funny2012-03-08 5 
May 2012
18950122NearFuture Cyborg Quest 8We learn a bit more about . . everything, get some upgrades for our 'drites, and finally get a badass coat and helmet. Then we discover a new bad guy, visit Abel and Ishelda, and get a call from Grayson.Collective Game, NearFuture Cyborg Quest, Cyborg, Exabyte, Futurestompykillbots2012-05-03 15 
June 2012
19314624Mass Effect Quest Filler Arc 5We find out the entire story on how Briggs and Haskill joined Cerberus, we regain control of Geronimo and make a big decision.Mass, Effect, Quest, Geronimo, Collective Game, Illusive, Briggs, Haskill, Karrigan2012-06-01 5 
19432606Mass Effect Quest Part 6Geronimo let's Karri in on what's happened with Briggs and Haskill. Preparation for the coming storm.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Illusive Man, Karrigan, Briggs, Haskill, Biotic2012-06-10 5 
19486735Mass Effect Quest Part 7Geronimo completes his training with Karri, it's a success though she feels like he's become more aggressive since the training. We meet Jack Harken and start unraveling who Volkov really is.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Karri, Briggs, Haskill, Biotic, Harken2012-06-15 5 
19645782Generation 40Kill/tg/ reflects on Only War games degenerating into Generation Kill for 40K.40K, Generation Kill, Only War2012-06-28 10 
December 2012
21845316Dawn of Worlds 2Most of the world is built and multiple races are created. Then suddenly killer vegetables.dawn of worlds, gods, world, creation, Killer Vegetables2012-12-02 1 
22116080The paladin who killed DeathA dumbass paladin decides to kill the Reaper to save everyone from death. This has its consequences. World-ruining consequences.DND, Paladins, Death, Undead, Alignment, Godkilling2012-12-19 -10 
July 2013
26010101Monsterrape Quest 8Don't worry, its just IRONICALLY shitty!Collective Game, Rape, Gangbangs, ERP, Twilight, You have killed the joke and dragged this gag out longer than a Family Guy sketch2013-07-15 2 
August 2013
26485147Kill QuestIn which OP kinda blows our minds. Everyone is sad.Collective Game, Kill Quest, Sadness, Desperation, Oh god what, Hobos, Paramedics, People dieing horribly2013-08-07 27 
October 2013
27715975Blood SnowmanSometimes you just have to make an extradimensional horror into a snowman.Blood Snowman, Steampunk, homebrew, overkill, bend over campaign, henderson'd2013-10-13 5 
March 2014
30536823Wop your wad.Started as a stat me thread. Turned into money. Loads of money.money, wop your wad, Kill la Kill2014-03-01 24 
30658703Kill la CYOA ThreadMemorable conclusion to a CYOA seriesCollective Game, Kill la Kill, Ryuuko Route2014-03-06 21 
30719838Kill la Kill CYOA: Quest 2 Pt 2 of an opening of a new Kill la Kill QuestKill la Kill, Collective Game, CYOA, Manly2014-03-09 12 
30740094Second Kill la Kill CYOA continuationAnaru is swarmed by his fans and meets with Nonon. His pompadour is in danger.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Nonon Task2014-03-10 13 
30761951Third Kill la Kill CYOA ContinuationAnaru tries on a Five-Star Uniform, remembers his Pa, and wakes up to meet a blonde sharkgirl.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Dog Task2014-03-11 11 
30768308Fourth Kill la Kill CYOA ContinuationAnaru meets with Sanageyama to complete his final task, and walks the line between life and death in an explosive, hot-blooded battle!Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Monkey Task, Hot-blooded2014-03-11 12 
30836664Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru StoryAnaru wakes up after getting beaten by Sanageyama, drinks some tea, and then punches a blind guy in the face.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Hot-blooded2014-03-15 13 
30858482Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 2Anaru struggles to accept Sanageyama's reckless sacrifice and just can't do it. Flying fists, damaged pompadours, and a suplex. Stand aside, Sabin.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Hot-blooded2014-03-16 12 
30874429Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 3In which we see another pompadour, make a new delinquent friend, and have our minds blown by the usual Drawfriend crowd.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Hot-blooded, Drawfag2014-03-17 12 
30881453Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 4A very brief continuation of the previous thread, in which hearts are fluffed and then immediately crushed into tiny pieces as Anaru and Satsuki grow close.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Depressing, Drawfag2014-03-17 13 
30899318Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 6Gamagoori is sneaking around with snacks, and we can't help but follow him around.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Depressing, Drawfag2014-03-18 12 
30905437Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 12Anaru returns to the student council chambers today to face Satsuki. Kill la Kill, CYOA, Quest, Collective Game, Pompadour2014-03-18 10 
30935919Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 13Anaru continues his conversation with Satsuki.Kill la Kill, CYOA, Quest, Collective Game2014-03-20 11 
30959331Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 14Anaru follows a strange teacher into the sewers.CYOA, Collective Game, Kill la Kill, Quest2014-03-21 11 
30973421Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 15Anaru catches up on his duties as guidance councillor and talks to sharkstits.CYOA, Kill la Kill, collective game, quest2014-03-21 11 
30981339Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 16In which Anaru checks up on the fight club's members' progress.Kill la Kill, CYOA, Quest, Collective Game, Imouto2014-03-22 10 
30986654Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 17OP and Snake Pliskin takes us long into the night with an exciting moonlit encounter with Satsuki-sama. Kill la Kill, CYOA, Collective Game, Quest, sleep deprivation2014-03-22 10 
30997848Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 18Anaru steels himself as greed threatens a precious friendship, and he gives comfort to a wounded heart.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA, Depressing2014-03-22 11 
31004026Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 19Anaru parties with the devas and has an idea.Kill la Kill, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA2014-03-23 10 
31010195Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Quest 20OP tries to continue writing a story while completely sloshed and get a ton of shit for some reasonkill_la_kill, Quest, Collective_Game, CYOA2014-03-23 5 
31020357Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 21With the Naturals Election going on Anaru and Uzu head to his old house to bro it up and meet Pompadad.Kill la Kill. CYOA, Collective Game, Quest2014-03-23 7 
31025450Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 22Anaru and Matoi face off in the thrilling conclusion to the Naturals Election.Kill la Kill, CYOA, Collective Game, Quest, depressing2014-03-24 6 
31031074Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru StoryAnaru uses "that", hype intensifies.Kill la Kill, CYOA, collective game, quest2014-03-24 7 
31037223Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 24Anaru witnesses the thrilling battle between Matoi and Sanageyama, and makes what is arguably the dumbest move in the history of mankind.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA, Drawfag2014-03-24 8 
31043765Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Story 25The Naturals Election receives an unexpected visitor, and the arena is stained with the blood of the fallen.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA, Depressing2014-03-25 11 
31048498Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Quest 26The Naturals Election comes to a screaming halt as Anaru valiantly defends his waifu.Kill 2014-03-25 5 
31051077Kill la Kill CYOA: Anaru Store FinaleThe thrilling and heartbreaking conclusion to Anaru's story...or is it?Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, Depressing, Drawfag2014-03-25 28 
31123529Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 1Ryuuko strays from canon, meets Satsuki in elementary school, and becomes her companion.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-03-29 32 
31143439Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 2Ryuuko meets Nonon, trains a lot, and makes a blood oath.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-03-30 18 
31150015 Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star 1Adventures of a no-star sewer rat, alligators and landmines, allso being late for class Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-03-30 8 
31164481Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 3Satsuki and Ryuuko talk business, make breakfast, kick ass, and recruit Devas.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-03-31 12 
April 2014
31185590Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 4Satsuki conquers the school, and recruits Gamagoori. Ryuuko prepares a surprise for Satsuki with Nonon, and makes fun of Iori's hair.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-01 11 
31204353Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 5Ryuuko dreams of her nonexistent pompadour, fights Sanageyama, and saves Satsuki's life.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-02 11 
31224704Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 6Satsuki recovers from the accident. Ryuuko gets upset over slums.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-03 11 
31243588Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 7Ryuuko receives her new uniform, and learns the truth from Satsuki.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-04 11 
31261903Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 8Ryuuko and Satsuki talk about their childhoods. Ryuuko decides to visit Isshin.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-05 11 
31280023Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 9Ryuuko talks to Isshin, trains with Sanageyama, and has a makeover with Satsuki.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-06 11 
31302752Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 10Ragyou visits Honnouji, and sees through Ryuuko and Satsuki's secret... partially.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-07 14 
31325263Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 11Satsuki tries on Junketsu. Ryuuko explains uniforms to Mako.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-08 11 
31346639Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 12Iori analyzes Junketsu. Ryuuko trains Mako, gets called home by Isshin, but what she sees is not what she expected. Also, there's no data on the computer. None.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-09 10 
31367177Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 13Where data gets a great revival after being killed yesterday.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-10 11 
31388814Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 14No-Late Day begins. Ryuuko punches the button. No-Late Day begins.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-11 16 
31410576Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 15No-Late day ends, this time for real. Ryuuko sends Mako on a quest of violence. Iori does data things and fails at security.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-12 10 
31431702Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 16Ryuuko finally uses her uniform... to shatter Sanageyama's pride.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-13 10 
31449993Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 17Ryuuko gets a rematch with Sanageyama, and shows him he's living his life inappropriately.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-14 12 
31471577Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 18Ryuuko meets Nagita, and teaches Mako having too much money can be bad.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-15 11 
31483010Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 4Fate talks to Sarge, fights an anti-elf conspiracy, and takes over a factory with help from Nui.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-15 5 
31492061Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 19Mako intrudes on Ryuuko and Satsuki's week-long slumber party. The final day of Naturals Election arrives.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-16 11 
31504362Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 5Fate gets a nice apartment, a bottle of wine named Sir Nicholas, and a "housewarming present" from Nui.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-16 5 
31517557Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 20Round one of the tournament passes by very quickly. Inumuta dicovers Nagita is not very honest about his identity.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-17 10 
31528700 Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 6Fate and Nui go to the ball, meet a mysterious stranger, infiltrate a factory, and the truly unexpected happensKill la Kill, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA2014-04-17 10 
31540184Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 21In which the entire thread enters SQUAD BROKEN mode. Also, loud german chanting.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-18 10 
31549296 Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 7Fate and Nui start putting their heads together, Fate takes responsibility for Rei's hangover, Borscht does more than fix a hangover, and Fate becomes a man with the power of BORSCHTKill la Kill, CYOA, Collective Game, Quest2014-04-18 11 
31561228Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 22Ragyou and Ryuuko test each other's skills. A Very Important Plot Deviceâ„¢ gets used.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-19 10 
31570913Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 8Fate wakes up after Nui's wild ride, Nui and Fate go on a piggyback adventure through REVOCS and antagonize guards, curiosity nearly kills the Fate. The wheel of Fate is turning, Rebel 1, ACTION!Kill la Kill, Collective Game, CYOA, Quest2014-04-19 10 
31583681Kill la Kill : RequiemBeginning of a new Kill la Kill quest, complete with business suits, strange apparitions, and exposition.Kill la Kill, Hinode, Quest, Collective Game2014-04-20 7 
31591194Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 9Fate and Nui further develop their mental link, Fate is sent on an assassination, Tactical Nuispionage Stealth ensues, Fate faces doubt and reassuranceKill La Kill, CYOA, Collective Game, Quest2014-04-20 10 
31601195Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 23An unexpected addition to Satsuki's team arrives. Nerd shit happens. Ryuuko wakes up in REVOCS HQ.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-21 10 
31623673Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 24Featuring unhealthy amounts of exposition.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-22 10 
31630563KlK CYOA: Mad Irish Steampunk Edition #1Mad magic Irishman wakes up at a the Honnouji tower and proceeds to make the tower his.Writefriend III, Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-22 5 
31644354Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 25Bad things happen. Also, new uniforms.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-23 10 
31663580Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 26Things were supposed to happen, but technical issues get in the way.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-24 10 
31684053Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 27Sanageyama doesn't job. Takarada does.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-25 12 
31707690Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 28Ryuuko wanders around the manor, rides some more elevators, talks down Kuroido, and gets her own personal maid.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-26 10 
31719208Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 10Fate closes the case on his kidnapping victim before opening a line of interrogation with his mind link. Ragyo gets mad because Fate got good. Nui and Fate go on a date and Fate discovers that many things can be wallets.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-26 10 
31729914Kill la Kill: Requiem CYOA 2MC attends a board meeting, gets a warm welcome from lost family.CYOA, Collective Game, Kill la Kill, Requiem, Hinode2014-04-26 6 
31734098Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 29Satsuki calls upon the supernatural power of solving misunderstandings like adults.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-27 11 
31743849Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 11Fate receives an unexpected call, the experiments with Fate's mind link continue, Ratdad meets a terrible Fate, and Nui's true intentions and loyalty are called into question.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-27 8 
31753499Kill la Kill Quest: Requiem CYOAHinode wakes up in a hospital, and sustains more injuries than he came in with; also catches up with family.Quest, collective game, hinode, kill la kill, CYOA, requiem2014-04-27 6 
31760238Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 30Sanageyama finds out just how serious business ice cream is.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-28 12 
31767705Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 31Where it almost happens, but OP gets tired at the worst possible time.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-28 10 
31781286Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 32Certain "circumstances" occur, and "that state" is achieved.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-29 10 
31803274Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 33Ryuuko argues over names and titles, does lots of talking, and bullies Nonon.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-04-30 10 
May 2014
31823840Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 34Ryuuko and Satsuki reconcile with Nonon. Preparations for the festival are complete.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-01 11 
31846413Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 35Ragyou finds out what a shish kebab is first hand.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-02 10 
31866651Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 36Villains become player characters, while player characters become unconscious.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-03 7 
31887480Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 37The worst of them all.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-04 6 
31896880Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 12Fate learns more about Nui, Ragyo is an asshole, and Fate takes a beating to make a pointKill la Kill, Quest, CYOA, Collective Game2014-05-04 10 
31905844 Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 13The ride never ends, Fate accidentally crashes Anaru's funeral, Fate and Satsuki trade blows, Fate and Pompadad trade words, Fate finds his fiance where it all began, and even more motives begin to come into question.Kill la Kill, Quest, CYOA, Collective Game2014-05-04 10 
31910758Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 38Skeletons are better than dice. Nobody gets the rape cage.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-05 6 
31918196KLK CYOA: Requiem Quest #4We reconnect without getting stabbed. Hooray!collective game, quest, requiem, CYOA, Kill la kill, hinode2014-05-05 8 
31935526Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 39Tsumugu doubts the sisters' trustworthiness. Lots of planning occurs.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-06 10 
31956169Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 40More like what if Seinfeld had Japanese schoolgirls in it amiriteKill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-07 7 
31975706Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 41Ryuuko bullies Junketsu, and attempts to bully Satsuki. Takarada steps into action.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-08 7 
31997042Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 42Takarada makes Satsuki an offer she violently refuses. Tsumugu reminisces about his sister.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-09 6 
32004400Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 43A brief continuation of the previous thread, again.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-09 5 
32017232Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 44Mako discovers a new power in her uniform, and breaks it in the process.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-10 5 
32027784Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 14; SEASON 2 PRIEMIREFate plays with Life Fibers, intimidates the biggest guy in the room, and realizes that everybody hates him, especially Ryuuko.Kill la Kill, Quest, CYOA, Collective Game2014-05-10 10 
32037805Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 45Ryuuko does something really stupid, and practices control over her mental link with Satsuki, while reminiscing over the past.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-11 7 
32050690Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 15In which the dice fuck everything up.Kill la Kill, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA2014-05-11 8 
32061350Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 46Ryuuko's underwear is tight. That is however the smallest problem of the day.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-12 7 
32070317KLK CYOA: Requiem Quest #5Hinode wraps up his sisterly visit, has a few nightmares, and lives a few of them.collective game, quest, kill la kill, hinode, requiem2014-05-12 5 
32082113Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 47Ryuuko and Satsuki arrive at the school, just in time to save the one student remaining. Ragyou reflects upon her goals.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-13 6 
32102732Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 48Ryuuko and Satsuki's facade rapidly crumbles upon contact with the Devas.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-14 6 
32108076Cripple la Kill CYOA QuestYou are Yuuto Courtmanche, a paraplegic, and it's the start of your first day at Honnouji Academy.Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill2014-05-14 5 
32122244Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 49Iori has a brilliant idea. Mako decides love can bloom on a battlefield. Or that you can eat ice cream, at least.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-15 10 
32129526Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 50As usual with second threads, not much story involved.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-15 6 
32140742Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 51Ryuuko tells Nonon how it is. Nonon does not appreciate that.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-16 7 
32160522Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 52Nonon learns to have some faith in her friends.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-17 16 
32169239KLK CYOA: Requiem Quest #6MC breaks a promise to a cute blonde girl and feels bad about it.collective game, quest, kill la kill, hinode, requiem, CYOA2014-05-17 2 
32181010Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 53Ryuuko defeats the Three-Stars without landing a single blow. A task force heads out to investigate Honnouji.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-18 7 
32189726Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 16Fate trains, Discomilf decides to make an entrance, Fate calls out Satsuki then laughs.Kill la Kill, Quest, CYOA, Collective Game2014-05-18 7 
32199822Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 54The investigation of Honnouji takes a turn for the unexpected.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-19 10 
32221027Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 55Nui has some explaining to do. So does Ryuuko.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-20 10 
32240727Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 56Souichirou tests his invention, to no avail. Weird things happen, again.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-21 6 
32261156Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 57What goes around, comes around.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-22 7 
32283474Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 58Instead of the bad touch, Ryuuko and Satsuki get story time.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-23 7 
32306768Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 59Ryuuko and Satsuki make three bad decisions too many. Iori gets curious about Souichirou's research.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-24 6 
32316517Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 17Fate tries to get a job, Gamagori is confused and enraged, and Nui disapproves.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-24 6 
32331667Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 60Iori catches wind of Souichirou's rather questionable exploits.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-25 7 
32341112Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 1After 9 long weeks, OP finally returns to continue the epic tale of Ondori Anaru with an explosive beginning!Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Manliness, hype2014-05-25 15 
32352331KLK CYOA: Requiem Quest #6.5The man named G materialized.collective game, quest, Kill la kill, hinode, requiem2014-05-26 3 
32374803Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 61Ryuuko and Satsuki make some reasonable decisions, for once.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-27 7 
32378958Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 3Questions, relief and hope in the wake of the battleKill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, Manliness, Anaru, Toothpicks2014-05-27 10 
32394084Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 62Iori confronts Souichirou about his experiment. Ryuuko and Satsuki wake up after passing out, again.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-28 6 
32401661Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 4The cat has a pompadour, too? And Anaru finally receives the answer he's been seeking.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Manliness, hype, pompadour2014-05-28 7 
32403356Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 63Ryuuko and Satsuki invade Nonon's privacy, and assess the situation they're in. They don't like it.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-28 6 
32417347Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 64Sanageyama stops Mako from doing stupid things, again.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-29 7 
32425235Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 65Ryuuko is just too tired to care.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-29 8 
32424236Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 5Anaru steps out for a bit to see to his little sister.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, Manliness, hype, pompadour2014-05-29 7 
32439472Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 66What happens when you run for 10 hours two days in a row.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-30 8 
32445868Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 6OP does his delay thing at first, and then shit gets real and we do it NOT FOR HONOR BUT FOR YOOOOUUUUUUU. Nui gets bent and her taste in men falls into question.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-05-30 5 
32459067Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 67Ryuuko and Satsuki get fed up with Ragyou's fashion sense, and find a present from dad.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-05-31 10 
32468817Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 7In which Ryuuko gets thrown in a room, then dragged out for a field trip. Anaru comes face-to-face with a rainbow rapist and fights to resist attacking her.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-05-31 5 
June 2014
32481469Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 68Nothing.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-01 10 
32488626Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 69Ryuuko and Satsuki experiment with their mind link, again.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-01 11 
32490238Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 8The fun and games are over. It gets heavy in here, and not everyone can handle it. Least of all the one who it affects the most, Ondori Anaru.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-01 7 
32494369Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 18Nui learns the consequences of her actions. We revisit Fate's dad, Satoru, as he is taken to meet an old acquaintance.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-01 5 
32506096Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 9Two warriors, two paths. At long last they meet, and the story carries ever onward...now with two perspectives instead of one. Anaru seeks his humanity, but standing in his way is...!Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-02 6 
32506401KLK CYOA: Requiem Quest #7Hinode's luck turns around as he is able to convince his sisters isn't such a bad guy.collective game, quest, kill la kill, hinode, requiem2014-06-02 2 
32518672Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 10Anaru attempts to reclaim his human body, but Nui and Fate show up to put a stop to that. However, is this what Fate truly wants?Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-02 6 
32517726Killer Queen QuestA young assassin finds herself in over her head when she ends up being a target for her rivals.Killer Queen Quest, Collective Game2014-06-02 11 
32512139Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 70Ryuuko and Satsuki prepare to make their getaway.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-03 8 
32548542Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 71Ryuuko ponders the importance of society's standards in her life. Some other things happen, too.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-04 13 
32549188Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 11Exploding elevators, alcoholic beverages...and an inexplicable situation that leaves our friends in Honnouji reeling from the impact.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-04 5 
32569088Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 72Ryuuko and Satsuki get away in style. Almost.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-05 7 
32569852Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 12Anaru runs away from Honnouji and his mistakes, becoming Ryoma and beating up golden crabs in the process.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-05 5 
32579189Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 13Anaru really did die to death, and now the two most important people in his life must learn to live without him. Ragyo's shadow looms...Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-05 7 
32577484Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 73The Naked Sun sets sail.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-06 8 
32594532Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 14Satsuki begins to reconcile with a certain someone, and must also endure a familiar hardship. All while thinking of the one she has lost.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-06 7 
32610945Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 74The Devas rescue Ryuuko and Satsuki. That's what happens.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-07 11 
32613080Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 15An unparalleled new evil makes its debut in the world, threatening Satsuki's plans at the most critical time. And far away, beneath the Earth, Anaru slumbers.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-07 7 
32632427Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 16Ryuuko walks in on something she definitely didn't need to see, and the fake Anaru happens upon some interesting information.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-07 5 
32632659Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 75Ryuuko and Satsuki show off their new clothes.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-08 11 
32653291Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 17Anaru's imposter chases a cosmic ball of yarn throughout Honnouji, Gamagoori buys flowers, and Barjoke Anon delivers yet again. Oh, and Dr. Weird makes an appearance in the thread. GENTLEMEN, BEHOLD!Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-09 6 
32655631Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 76Nonon throws a fit, and exercises her pimp hand on Satsuki.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-09 11 
32663598Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 18Preparations for the Cultural and Sports Grand Festival are underway, and Matoi Ryuuko faces off with who is arguably her most fearsome opponent yet...Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-09 7 
32677057Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 19It's happening on an unprecedented scale. Decapitations, Big Red Buttons, DYYYYYNAMIC ENTRIES, and wedding crashers. The ride hasn't even begun!Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-10 7 
32657210KLK CYOA: Requiem Quest #8Hinode finally leaves the hospital. Smiles all around! People also come back from the dead!collective game, quest, hinode, requiem, kill la kill2014-06-10 1 
32692249Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 77Satsuki struggles to regain control, and helps Ryuuko do the same.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-11 11 
32695819Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 20The fires of hope are rekindled at long last.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-11 14 
32691751Cripple la Kill CYOA Quest: 8Yuuto dicovers that not all are as it seems with his belongings and for his trouble is haunted by his dreams. Later Yuuto bares witness to the battle between the Council president & the Exchange Student and decides to do something about it. Plot thickens.Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill2014-06-11 4 
32712934Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 78Senketsu gets his hug.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-13 8 
32740079Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 21Anaru wakes up in a world of darkness and a crestfallen commander appears and attempts a crippling blow against REVOCs.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-13 12 
32738112Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 79Ryuuko and Satsuki confront Souichirou about his experiments. Satsuki decides to have a heart-to-heart with Nonon.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-14 10 
32743384Garden Quest 08: FireworksThe exiting End to the Delphinus Beach Arc. Bonds are forged...GardenMaster-NORG, Collective Game, Garden Quest, Final Fantasy VIII, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Kill La Kill, Avatar, Korra 2014-06-14 6 
32782010Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 22Anaru thinks back on the events that lead to the Month of Darkness, and the ultimate parental battle ensues. In addition to that, many who are excited for the inevitable "football pumping" decide to test their might and come up with ways to make it happen.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-15 6 
32778032Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 80Satsuki tells Nonon a story of Ragyou telling her a story, and resolves some long-running issues.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-16 7 
32799742Kill la Kill CYOA: Requiem Quest #9The brother almost reconnects with his sisters. Almost.collective game, kill la kill, requiem, CYOA2014-06-16 2 
32799667Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 23Some stuff happens and Anaru fights his clone, and he rescues a couple kids and that's great, but then IT FINALLY FUCKING HAPPENS AFTER COUNTLESS PROMISES AND THE FOOTBALL. IS. PUMPED!!! A thread to remember.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-16 21 
32822410Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 81Ragyou puts her good parenting skills to use on Nui. The sisters and their Kamui discover the wonders of fabric softener.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-17 8 
32851038Cripple La Kill CYOA QUEST: 11Yuuto dreams of foul things, Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill, Kill la kill2014-06-18 4 
32840627Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 82Not much, really.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-19 6 
32864511Anaru Quest: Re-Birth 24Dawn of the 11th day. The month of darkness is as dark as ever, but no light may be stamped out forever. Nonon finds her way home with some help, and the final Deva just might be as lucky. But, as for Yuuto...Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-20 5 
32878509Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 83Talking, more talking, and Ragyou talking menacingly.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-20 6 
32900752Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 25A score is finally settled and, keeping in line with ancient tradition, /tg/ decides to press the shiny button. ALL NINE OF THEM.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-21 3 
32912941Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 26OP wants to be kill but 4chan won't let him. Also, Senketsu gets a day off! Top Gun ensues.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-22 6 
32901711Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 84Ryuuko and Sanageyama have one more sparring before shit goes down.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-23 7 
32939479Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 27We awaken to a world shrouded in darkness, blood and distant screams, our NB allies having been possessed by our enemies. Meanwhile Yuuto chews on some chocolate, but is interrupted.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-23 6 
32960896Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 28Only halfway through the Month of Darkness, and already people are beginning to lose hope. Is there no end to Ragyo's deceptions? Can there be no respite for those wallowing in pain, crying and reaching out for someone, anyone...ultimately alone?Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-24 5 
32978810Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 86Previous thread only available at foolz, sadly. Ryuuko takes care of Nui, while Satsuki attempts to confront Souichirou.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-25 6 
32984908Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 29References and CUH-RAZY situations abound as Senketsu and Anaru carry out their most important missions yet. But someone isn't coming home, and the month is nearing its end...Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-06-26 5 
33005467Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 87Aikurou makes a ridiculous reveal. Meanwhile, Souichirou converses with Ragyou.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-27 7 
33044651Kill la Kill CYOA: Requiem Quest 10The group is interrupted in route to the castle by Frankenstein. Fire was banned, so we just bite off his nose.collective game, requiem, kill la kill, quest2014-06-28 1 
33064083Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 88Ryuuko gets a little sister of her own.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-06-29 13 
July 2014
33109356Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 89Nui finds a new occupation, and makes herself a new outfit to match.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-03 7 
33164493Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 90Perhaps Hououmaru is a bit too efficient in this quest.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-05 6 
33229680Kill la Kill CYOA: Requiem Quest 11A nice walk, a little conversation, maybe even some tea.collective game, CYOA, requiem, kill la kill2014-07-07 1 
33206658Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 91Ayako fends off Hououmaru with the power of knives. In the absence of a big weapon, Gamagoori uses a lot of weapons.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-08 5 
33252147Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 30The blood of the fallen stain the ground as Anaru and his sister-in-law storm Ragyo's new residence.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-07-08 4 
33294588Kill la Kill "Corporate" Espionage Quest 4In which Heinrich decides that he'll be friends with Ryuko, and gets badly wounded to prove it. But what about Mako...?Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-10 1 
33276407Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 31Sand Castle get's cold fibered, Yuuto is Disarmed Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-07-10 4 
33271495Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 92The last batch of Three-Star uniforms is deployed into action. Also, copious amounts of King Crimson.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-11 6 
33346160Kill la Kill "Corporate" Espionage Quest 5Heinrich tracks down Mako's kidnappers to an abandoned warehouse. Fists fly, and things seem grim, before he awakens a strange new power...Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-12 1 
33320255Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 32Kinue's role in REVOCS is revealed, as is the true nature of her relationship with Kiryuin Ragyo. And all throughout, as the battle on the Naked Sun rages...something approaches.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-07-12 2 
33344428Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 93The Three-Stars arrive to save the day, all the while acting chuuni as fuck. Bad things happen in King Crimson.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-14 6 
33391088Kill la Kill "Corporate" Espionage Quest 6When Gamagoori decides that Heinrich needs punishing, he's forced to go through No-Late Day the hard way! All aboard the Ruse Cruise! But who's the one being rused...?Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-14 1 
33376032Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 33At long last, Kamui Nekketsu arrives on the scene. Taking the sea by storm, Anaru and Satsuki become one in order to stand against a corrupted Senketsu and by proxy, Ryuuko. When all is said and done and reconciliation is achieved, much fun and embarrassment is had as Nekketsu and Senketsu's Day Off begins!Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-07-15 1 
33410655Cripple La Kill CYOA QUEST: 12Yuuto continues his No-Late Day Operation, the stakes get higher, teamwork abounds, and shenanigans are underway.Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill, Kill la kill2014-07-15 2 
33413180Kill la Kill "Corporate" Espionage Quest 7Heinrich intervenes when a strange man attacks Ryuko and Mako, bearing weapons similar to his own. He confronts Mikisugi, who reveals his employer as Nudist Beach-and Heinrich's own family legacy of Nudists.Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-15 3 
33399230Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 94The Naked Sun takes flight. For several seconds, before falling back down. And it was all part of the plan.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-16 6 
33429510Kill la Kill Espionage Quest 8Enter Kristopher Kristoph, Nudist Beach top field agent, and his mission to retrieve Rose Cumberbatch, a scientist on the verge of creating a Life Fiber-empowering serum completely accidentally.Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-16 2 
33427745Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 34The infamous Senketsu and Nekketsu Day Off arrives, punctuated by a concert in which we somehow have the Pick of Destiny. Top it all off with a visit from Junketsu and a prank that goes horribly wrong and you, sir, have yourself an amazing night before the final battle.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-07-17 5 
33443918Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 95Nui saves everyone, because Ryuuko would be sad if they died.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-18 6 
33480746Kill la Kill Espionage Quest 9Kinagase Tsumugu is routed thanks to some clever teamwork from Ryuko and Heinrich, a Two-Star is put down before they can even fight back, and Houka Inumuta takes personal interest in our transfer student.Collective Game, Kill la Kill, "Corporate" Espionage Quest2014-07-18 1 
33474203Anaru Quest: RE-Birth FinaleEverything comes to an end, and through endless persistence, a new beginning.Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, CYOA, Anaru, RE-Birth2014-07-19 8 
33490956Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 96Ragyou dons Shinra Kouketsu, and the sisters lose their temper.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-20 8 
33534295Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 97Souichirou takes an old book at face value. It doesn't end well.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-22 6 
33571230Cripple la Kill CYOA Quest: 14The battle for his fashion intensifies, Maiko is trapped by her own personality, and Gamagoori learns that there is more to the Cripple than meets the eye.Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill, Kill la kill2014-07-22 1 
33581927Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 98 Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-23 8 
33605630Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 99Why not both?Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-25 7 
33635774Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Part 100Fusion isn't always the way to go.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-26 7 
33700184Kill la Kill What-If Quest: What Now? Part 1Well, what now?Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-28 7 
33731977Kill la Kill What-If Quest: What Now? Part 2Nonon sees more than she bargained for.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-07-30 7 
August 2014
33949201Cripple la Kill CYOA Quest: 15Cripple la Kill CYOA Quest: 15Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill, Kill la kill2014-08-07 4 
33911963Kill la Kill What-If Quest: What Now? Part 3Not a whole lot, unfortunately.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-08-08 6 
34072336Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 21Nui tries to handle the consequences of her actions, and then everybody cheats.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-08-13 5 
34122836Cripple la Kill CYOA Quest: 16Yuuto is fast on the trail of the Mohawked man after he ambushes Ryuuko. Stuck between working with Gamagoori and getting real answers, Yuuto makes a daring move...Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill, Kill la kill2014-08-15 1 
34182807Kill la Kill What-If Quest: What Now? Part 4A second attempt at the epilogue, as well as some King CrimsonKill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-08-18 6 
34352287Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 22We look at a red thing in a basement, and act alpha.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-08-24 5 
34498343Modern Fantasy Serial Killer Quest 3 (Part 1)We get down and dirty with some ruskies and talk to a goblin, we currently considering how to or not to teach the goblin the electric boogaloo (Part 2 tomorrow after I improve format and get a new dialog style)MFSKQ, Edgy, Dark, Murder, Funny, Limblesslivingonaholeteasing, short thread, no dice, OP slightly off his game, Nobody gets shot with a 22., Collective Game, Quest, Modern Fantasy Serial Killer, 2014-08-30 1 
September 2014
34483595Kill la Kill What-If Quest: What Now? Part 5Ryuusuki, having received her name, prepares not to kill Sanageyama.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-09-01 5 
34563712Cripple la Kill CYOA Quest: 16-2Yuuto finally encounters Tsumugu head on and learns of a new weakness in himself. All amid a dark vision of a past before time...Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill, Kill la kill2014-09-02 0 
34686049Cripple la Kill CYOA Quest: 17Montblanc finally rears his ugly hat and Yuuto discovers his true thorns. As ever The Elite 4 are ever watchful.Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill, Kill la kill2014-09-08 0 
34846345Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 23Culture & Sports Festival and Rebellion happen. Fate is too weak and as consequence, loses control. Fate is now the single most dangerous threath to the world.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-09-15 5 
34918192Cripple la Kill CYOA Quest: 18Yuuto takes advantage of the empty school to explore it further and it's high time our friendly Janitor spilled the beans.Collective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill, Kill la kill2014-09-17 0 
35000654Kill la Kill What-If Quest: Why Not? Part 1Too many offshoots, too little time.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-09-23 5 
35066018Kill la Kill What-If Quest: What Now? Part 6Everybody wins. Or everybody loses.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-09-27 5 
October 2014
35290407Cripple la Kill CYOA Quest: 18-2Yuuto reaches the end of his longest day yet. He acquires a ruined Two-Star and looks into the face of mortality. The struggle between himself and Jakazure intensifies, and he finally encounters a certain photographerCollective Game, CYOA, Quest, Cripple la Kill, Kill la kill2014-10-04 0 
35308995Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 24We learn about our good friend Patton, reflect on Fate's childhood with his father, and laugh at some god-beings.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-10-06 5 
November 2014
36044167Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 25Fate rampages, we play as Nui trying to make him less crazy.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-11-10 6 
36262068Prince Killer Quest 1MC smites a prince and apparently has an affair with Lady Luck. Collective Game, Prince Killer Quest, Ciollonz2014-11-19 11 
36303078Prince Killer 2We meet our merry band of mercs and try to make something outta them. Collective Game, Prince Killer Quest, Ciollonz2014-11-22 6 
36347668Prince Killer 3We continue training our group, motivating them and making them into a real team. Also deception! Collective Game, Prince Killer Quest, Ciollonz2014-11-24 5 
36443099Prince Killer Quest 4We go through our last day of training before having a nice supper with our team. We get the mission and prepare for departure.Prince Killer Quest, Collective Game, Ciollonz2014-11-28 2 
36464473Prince Killer Quest #6Intrigue and assassination after a hard day's work.Prince Killer Quest, Collective Game, Ciollionz,2014-11-30 2 
December 2014
36543904Prince Killer Quest Episode 6Wilmond Hemmels survives the accusation and drops spaghetti before he can ask Nikan on a datePrince Killer Quest, Collective Game, Ciollonz2014-12-04 1 
36876315Kill la Kill CYOA: The No-Star Quest 26Nothing works out, but that isn't anything new.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA2014-12-22 5 
February 2015
37903610Cripple La Kill Quest: Re-Spin 1The decision is made for CLK to be rebooted. What lies in store now?CLK, Cripple La Kill, Quest, Kill la Kill, KLK, Cripple2015-02-08 -2 
38134108Horrific monstrosities of the deep sea/tg/ talks about some of the real-life abominations native to the deep sea, concludes that Aquaman is actually pretty badass. Also worldbuilding.Deep Sea, Monster, CoC, Terror, Abyss, Kill It With Fire, Abomination, Aquaman, Mermaids, Merfolk,2015-02-19 10 
38172946Abyss Thread Two: Aquatic VorealooContinued discussion of the horrors of the abyss, both real and /tg/-made.Deep Sea, Monster, Abyss, Terror, Kill It With Fire, Merfolk, Abomination, Cute Girls Doing Terrifying Things, Underwater Vore Dimension2015-02-24 3 
38277831Abyss Thread Three: Abyss HarderMore discussion, more worldbuilding, more fleshing out the mermaids of the deep.Deep Sea, Monstergirls, Abyss, Terror, Kill It With Fire, Merfolk, Abomination, Cute Girls Doing Terrifying Things, Underwater Vore Dimension2015-02-26 1 
March 2015
38377878Cripple La Kill Quest: Re-Spun 2-2Yuuto makes it onto Paris, but what dark secrets does this ship contain?CLK, Cripple La Kill, Quest, Kill la Kill, KLK, Cripple2015-03-01 0 
May 2015
39826188Minotauress Quest:Part 19We slay a hell(pun intended)of a lot of demons!Collective Game, Minotauress Quest, Ven, Sorceror, Castle, rekt, kill demons, free slaves2015-05-10 5 
June 2015
40406241Loli Serial Killer Quest 1We're a Loli, and God tells us to kill people. We comply, and kill a grandpa.Loli Serial Killer Quest, Quest, Collective Game2015-06-05 -8 
July 2015
41185840Black Company Quest #3In a world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Corporal finally does what he does best, which is kill people for money. Something worse than skeletons are found in the cultist's closet.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Quest, Kill People Acquire Currency2015-07-13 23 
September 2015
42791701Broken World, the Kill Six Billion Demons RPG - Abaddon VisitsThe debut of Broken World, a new PBTA RPG that is being created by Abaddon, the artist and author of Kill Six Billion Demons. The author shows up to discuss the game and respond to feedback.rpg, webcomic, kill six billion demons, homebrew2015-09-30 11 
December 2015
43935237Exterminator Quest #32We meet a nice barber and make enchiladas. Also, we get files!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites2015-12-02 5 
44194960Exterminator Quest #33Simmons attempts to calculate Vince's cash on hand.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-16 3 
44344879Exterminator Quest #34We're unsure about our luck.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-24 5 
44448125Exterminator Quest #35Fire anon returns in grand style.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-30 3 
January 2016
44589126Exterminator Quest #36We defend the honor of our racing clan, things get a little hairy.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell,racing2016-01-06 6 
44776697Exterminator Quest #37Archived early, we might get Jeremy back.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2016-01-15 5 
44964980Exterminator Quest #38We go to court but the thread is culled early, as every QM in existence decides to run at the same time.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, court2016-01-24 5 
45035464Exterminator Quest #39We testify in court!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, court2016-01-27 3 
45053766Exterminator Quest #40The big 4-Oh. We race in the Underground GP and do great! Until we don't.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, grand prix2016-01-28 3 
February 2016
45181004Exterminator Quest #42In which the Grand Prix is completed impressively and Simmons declares a dread hiatus.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, grand prix2016-02-03 5 
May 2016
169688Black Company Quest #8The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We spend ALL our double pay, and fail at both boxing and flirting.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Double Pay, Fist of the North Longhorn, Smoking Kills, Flattery Failures2016-05-23 24 
January 2017
991432Banished Quest 208Mik does some shit inside Fulvia then there's a timeskip. Soma fucks off yet again. Next thread never.Collective Game, Somas, Banished, Quest, Banished Quest, Kill yourself Soma2017-01-05 18 
April 2017
1341539European Dragon Quest: Double the TroublwIn this episode, Charlemagne decides to MAN THE HELL UP and takes care of some of the nation's degeneracy, meet Not Alex Jones, and gnomes.European Dragon Quest, Kill All Gnomes2017-04-13 1 
December 2017
2109440War of the Roses #1Duke Will Seymour of Somerset makes plans and conducts war on his enemies. Who will claim the crown of England?War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2017-12-09 7 
2140770War of the Roses #2The fight for Bridgwater begins, Duke Seymour has to pull on stops to defend his fief.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2017-12-17 4 
January 2018
2182202War of the Roses #3Plans are laid for the invasion of Devonshire, and plans are made with your wife.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-01-05 3 
2221499War of the Roses #4Harold declares himself rightful king, Devonshire is attacked, plans for the war continueWar of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-01-22 3 
February 2018
2257833War of the Roses #5Meeting with your family and preparations to receive Duke Harold for Christmas, as well as the siege of PlymouthWar of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-02-03 1 
2312979War of the Roses #6A relaxing Christmas with the family full of drama and intrigue.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-02-23 1 
March 2018
2351933War of the Roses #7Final preparations to begin the Middlesex Campaign and trouble in Bristol.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-03-02 2 
May 2018
2532401Metahuman Quest: Issue #17Morgan gets the cold shoulder and has a talk with KaldurQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, The Flash, Martian Manhunter, Killer Frost, Aqualad2018-05-17 5 
June 2018
2591998Serial Killer QuestYou are a serial killer but anons would rather that you were a rapist.Collective Game, Autism, Rape, Serial Killer2018-06-03 2 
September 2018
2902215NEET Quest #3We killed 3 robbers, save the grocery store, became both infamous and famous overnight, save mommy, got Jewed, landed in jail, made friends.Collective Game, Neet Quest, Neet, NeetQM, Adventure, Quest, Sandbox, California, Killed, Jail2018-09-25 10 
November 2018
3015612Slasher KillerA final girl who survived a slasher attack dedicates herself to hunting down and killing other slashers.Slasher Killer, Halloween, Horror2018-11-04 5 
February 2019
3225229Serial Killer (episode 0)Elliot Graves was obsessed with purity and burning women. We acquire our first target before OP ditch the questSerial Killer, TheHunger2019-02-12 1 
325434480s Horror Film Villain QuestI'm back and doing another awful questCollective Game, Autism, Rape, Serial Killer2019-02-13 1 
May 2019
65960580Realms of Lord Killblood DeathbaneA fairly metal science-fantasy setting with battlemutants and hover-longship riding void-vikings.Lord Killblood Deathbane, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Science Fantasy, World Building, brainstorming, Brainstorming, mutant, 2019-05-03 14 
3507592Strike Mech '90The elite, international mercenary company, Edgeline, engages in operations in Cameroon using their combat mechs.Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-05-17 8 
3526616Strike Mech '98 #1Eight years after the slaughter at Barnake, we join Sparks and Reznick at the start of a new chapter in Edgeline's history.Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-05-31 2 
June 2019
3558983Strike Mech '98 #2Sparks makes a date with Sheila, Reznick gets to know his team, and the mission at El Gancho gets underwayMecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-06-14 2 
3588776Strike Mech '98 #3Scythe Team is dispatched for the fighting in MexicoMecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-06-28 2 
July 2019
3622314Strike Mech '98 #4The mission at El Gancho is concluded, tempers flare and crew let their guard down. A colelctive 'letting off of steam'Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-07-06 1 
November 2019
3889492Slasher Killer 2The survivor of Blackwell Asylum dedicates herself to a new cause, while in the dark woods of the Ozarks, a hunter stalks his prey.Slasher Killer, Halloween, Horror2019-11-02 6 
January 2020
4002433Kill or Be Killed Quest #1In which our protagonist acquires a shotgun and a groupie, only to lose both soon after.Kill or be Killed, Quest2020-01-12 -1 
4003968Akame ga Kill #1Join us as we start our conquest of the Empire as the great demon of the sixth heaven Nobusada Oda.Akame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM, 2020-01-21 1 
February 2020
4055008Akame ga Kill #2Nobusada finds himself picking up party members left and right on his roadtrip to get stronger.Akame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM, 2020-02-20 0 
March 2020
4131360Warhammer 40K: Blood CovenA fresh Imperial Guard regiment deploys for battle on a world beset by Chaos.Warhammer, 40k, Imperial Guard, Astra Militarum, Blood Coven, TimeKiller QM, Dark Imperium2020-03-19 1 
4123488Akame ga Kill #2.5Nobusada discussing and embarking on his most dangerous challenge yet. Part One of the Oarburgh Saga.Akame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM,2020-03-28 1 
April 2020
4186844Akame ga Kill #3After goofing off, Nobusada arrives at the capital and makes some new friends. Part Two of the Oarburgh SagaAkame ga Kill, Collective Game, AU, Lord TyrantQM, Jumpman2020-04-26 0 
June 2020
4287883Threefold Oblivion - Warhammer 40kWe learn about the world of Texalar and its problems and make efforts to clean the planetWarhammer, 40000, 40k, Planetary Governor, Threefold Oblivion, chaos, Dark Imperium, TimeKiller QM2020-06-24 0 
October 2020
4439592CobraQuest - Tape 1 - Appetite for DestructionA crusade for global domination begins! We fill the shoes of Cobra Commander and lead Cobra from relative obscurityCobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM2020-10-04 7 
75185467Nechronica Thread: Spooky Mech Edition | Port Storytime Finale | Red Planet Storytime | Entombed Class releasedTranslation team releases Entombed Class. The Finale of Port Storytime. Red Planet Storytime continues. Anon seeks feedback on custom class.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Port, Protoca, Tachi, Class, Entombed, Red Planet, mars, space, parents, settings, custom, skills, parts2020-10-07 2 
November 2020
4480550CobraQuest - Tape 2 - Venomous IdeologyWith new allies in high places, Cobra Commander enacts his plan to destroy EAGLE.CobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM, Cobra2020-11-04 5 
4506798Slasher Killer 2.5Sarah and Grace prepare for their showdown with the Hunter.Slasher Killer, Halloween, Horror2020-11-27 1 
December 2020
4520808CobraQuest - Tape 3 - Bullets Bombs and Bigotry Freed of his previous predicament, Cobra Commander sets his sights on the final prize.CobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM, Cobra2020-12-03 5 
January 2021
4563341CobraQuest - Tape 4 - Year of the SnakePreparation begins for Cobra's plan to destroy EAGLE and Duke once and for all.CobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM2021-01-05 3 
4601889Operation Miletus Thread 1In Which the Colonial Suffers a terrible setback.BSG, BodyKiller, Miletus2021-01-29 2 
April 2021
4697729Neon Terminus Evangelion - 01 - The Same as it Ever Was2017 AD. Seventeen years after Second Impact. The Angels have returned. It's time to fight back.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-04-05 7 
4754821Saber and Musket: The Battle of Shedford DownsA one-shot gunpowder period war game. Legitimists face the Chartists in their first major battle of the Aerthyian Civil WarCivil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM2021-04-22 5 
4731368Neon Terminus Evangelion - 02 - Heaven's ServantEthan deals with the fallout of the fight against the Sixth Angel and Sayid delves further into Nerv.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-04-30 5 
May 2021
4790721Neon Terminus Evangelion - 03 - Who Can Stand Against A GodNerv lays plans for the future, the pilots grow closer together. Aaliyah prepares for a dangerous mission.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-05-30 5 
June 2021
4819167(You Are A) Craigslist Killer QuestYou're a young detective in Southern USA who can't stop and won't stop abducting and mutilating the local women. What will Velton County Fae Smelter, Gritty, Killer, Serial Killer, Detective, Rape, Sex, Depravity, Toothpaste, Tooth paste, Occult, Crazy, Insane Lincoln, Velton2021-06-16 2 
July 2021
4870603Neon Terminus Evangelion - 04 - The Great BelowKorine finally sees combat, Aaliyah infiltrates Nerv and finds what they're hiding.eon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-07-14 5 
4880552(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 2You're a sick young son of a bitch who abducts women, violates them, then mutilates their corpses. Your body count? Two and a half. For nowFae Smelter, Velton, Gritty, Killer, Serial Killer, Detective, Rape, Sex, Depravity, Toothpaste, Occult, Crazy, Insane, Part, 2, Two2021-07-24 2 
August 2021
4937880Kill La Kill Quest: 1 "Rise of a No-Star"A lowly No-star takes his first steps into becoming something greater! Making some new friends along the waykill la kill 2021-08-13 13 
4918924Saber and Musket: The Foebadyn Campaign #1General Belmonte leads the Army of Antary on campaign in enemy territoryCivil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM 2021-08-17 5 
4923765Neon Terminus Evangelion - 05 - The Weight of a SoulAngel attacks increase in number and severity. Nerves fray. Attrition takes its toll. What is the weight of one life?Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-08-19 5 
September 2021
4969194Saber and Musket: The Foebadyn Campaign #2The Battle of Heiland in all its bloody glory Civil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM2021-09-27 4 
October 2021
4984611Kill la Kill Quest: 2 "Friends and Allies"Anon decides to build his relationships all over the school. At least until the appearance of an unexpected enemy throws him for a loop!kill la kill2021-10-20 7 
4995537Neon Terminus Evangelion - 06 - The Abyss's GazeAn Angel is detected in the depths of the Pacific and an operation is launchedNeon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2021-10-23 2 
December 2021
5063144Saber and Musket: The Foebadyn Campaign #3The defenses of the city remain to be dealt with. The campaign concludes.Civil war, gunpowder, muskets, war, war game, TimeKillerQM2021-12-17 5 
82642938Dark Forest cosmology game ideasHow would you run a game in a setting that adheres to the Dark Forest theory of alien civilizations?scifi, cosmology, fermi paradox, dark forest, the killing star, Charles Pellegrino, George Zebrowski, three-body problem, Liu Cixin2021-12-27 0 
January 2022
5073713Star Wars: Traveller QuestAdventure gets underway with Vela Rax, a simple man trying to make his way in the universe.Star Wars, TimeKillerQM, Traveller, Candorian Cluster2022-01-06 0 
February 2022
5124869Neon Terminus Evangelion - 07 - See No EvilThe recovery operation is complete and the fleet returns home. Katya faces another Angel. Truths are revealed.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2022-02-25 2 
April 2022
5182912(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 3Here you go, abducting hotties and dropping bodies again! Blackmail, lies, corruption, rough sex, and murder, all hiding in plain sight!! Fae Smelter, Serial Killer, Skeletor, Toothpaste, Rape, Sex, Detective, Cop, Harem, Coom, Thriller, Twist, Blackmail, Velton, USA, Swamp2022-04-06 2 
May 2022
5266294Choose Your Own Faction, The Second Superweapon ( /civ/?)Experimental Format, 2031 Alt-His Setting, Turns into Wargaming as Democratic RussiansCYOF, Cyberpunk, Civ, TZAR Setting, Alternate History, Alt His, Alt-His, Near Future, Wargaming, Kill or Be Killed2022-05-24 2 
July 2022
5301379(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 4 A depraved killer hides in plain sight, but behind closed & triple-locked doors, there are no limits on his wicked lust or savage butchery.FaeSmelter, Fae Smelter, Serial Killer, Police, Rape, Sex, Velton, Detective, Cop, Harem, Killer, Thriller, Craigslist, USA, Fae, Smelter2022-07-14 2 
September 2022
5367434Neon Terminus Evangelion - 08 - The Waltz of Life and DeathKatya faces her fears. Ethan strengthens his relationships. A mystery develops and a storm is brewing.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2022-09-05 1 
October 2022
5381067Shapeshifting Lizard Person QuestA shitpost quest revived with effort into about being a magic lizard man (trans) out to save the world so he can conquer it.We are here to kill The Destroyer, We must kill The Destroyer, My quest is to kill The Destroyer, The Destroyer will die, I can't fucking (2022-10-02 2 
5395411Kill la Kill Quest 4: "In the Eye of the Beholder"Anon forms a club and things start to get complicated!kill la kill2022-10-18 5 
5397658Neon Terminus Evangelion - 09 - Everywhere at the End of TimeHurricane Delta approaches New Tampa. The resistance are contacted. Plans are revealed.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2022-10-20 1 
December 2022
5429443ULTRAQUESTThe Finest Robotic Chef the world's ever seen goes to become The Finest Robotic Chef Hell's ever seen.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks2022-12-03 10 
5456890Kill la Kill Quest 5: "Friend or Foe"Anon begins to fight a friend, and his clothes plot behind his back!kill la kill2022-12-21 5 
January 2023
5478018(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 5It's devilish work, kidnapping hotties and dirt-napping bodies. But someone's gotta do it. Mayor Jack Kinov's daughter Joy joins the hareBob, Vagene, Velton, Fae Smelter, Craigslist, Killer, Joy, Kinov, Mandie, B, Reckin-Dwith, Black, Rose, Geraldina, Cooper, Camping, Forest2023-01-02 1 
5488208ULTRAQUEST IIAfter having found his way into Hell (and the QM got sick), the finest robotic chef Hell's ever seen finds himself at the end of the path.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks2023-01-13 10 
February 2023
5531937Kill la Kill Quest 6: "Fight for your (School) Life"Anon fights Ryuko, starts to notice Maiko's 'assets' and prepares for a battle royale!kill la kill2023-02-22 5 
5563412Neon Terminus Evangelion - 10 - Right Where it BelongsThe Dance under the Sea.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2023-02-28 2 
March 2023
5561828ULTRAQUEST IIIFollowing a nice boat ride, The Finest Chef Hell's Ever Seen starts rummaging around for information.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks2023-03-12 8 
April 2023
5594651Neon Terminus Evangelion - The End of EvangelionIt all returns to nothing.Neon Genesis Evangelion, Evangelion, NTE, Neon Terminus Evangelion, multiple protagonists, TimeKillerQM2023-04-09 6 
5599422ULTRAQUEST IVThe Finest Robotic Chef Hell's ever seen becomes bloodthirsty and gets directions to New New York.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks, New New York2023-04-23 2 
July 2023
5681084Ultraquest VThe Finest Chef Hell's Ever Seen goes on indefinite hiatus/is canceled.Ultrakill, quest, Ultraquest, hell, demons, demon, robot, robots, pizza, machine, machines, husk, husks, New New York2023-07-15 5 
August 2023
5710411Kill la Kill Quest 7: "School's Out for The Battle"Anon Meipan returns and the thread dropped off the board woops.kill la kill2023-08-30 3 
February 2024
5886364Kill la Kill:Threads of Fate #1A coming of age story between a girl and her sentient, symbiotic school uniform.Kill la Kill, Collective Game, Quest, CYOA, Female Protagonist, ProfessorQM2024-02-08 2 
September 2024
6071053Cleaner Quest #7 You dealt with the Handler's ex, met an anomaly version of yourself, and killed a gigaspook and doppelganger in District 9. Life's a bitchCollective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, Quentin and Lex are best boys, Kill all Glowniggers2024-09-12 3 
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