/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

February 2010
8235493MercQuest 2Mercenary begins to investigate into a friends murder.Quest, mercenary, investigation2010-02-23 1 
March 2010
8515581/tg/ talks planesOP asks which aircraft to buy in a fighter pilot merc game. /tg/ delivers and finds out about an awesome game premise.aircraft, planes, mercenary2010-03-11 33 
8562185Tg talks planes IVOp goes off to fly first mission with last minute advice from tg, then comes back for a debriefplanes rpg mercenary2010-03-14 14 
8598508/tg/ talks planes VOP shows up again, and has a new mission come out. Details are sketchy, but the general consensus is that the French are a bag of dicks. Flanker vs Raptor, Troll VS Awesome Homebrew.Planes, homebrew, flanker, raptor, Mercenary Air Squadron2010-03-16 14 
8618962/tg/ talks planes VIIOP brings plane stats, /tg/ brings discussion. Thanks to our help he's the richest in the group and looking to buy a new plane.aircraft, planes, homebrew, mercenary, awesome2010-03-17 12 
8633908/tg/ talks planes and mercenaries VIIIWhile OP is off flying his mission /tg/ imaines how that might go, posing some important new questions. And still no homebrew system/rules...aircraft jet plane air mercenaries2010-03-18 15 
8651744/tg/ talks planes IXOP returns with the third session's results. /tg/'s fears of ambush prove unfounded as an excellent tale of JUST AS PLANNED unfolds. More writefaggotry is planned.aircraft, planes, mercenaries, mercs, Steve, F-42010-03-19 14 
8663665/tg/ Air Mercenary fanbois XThis one is slow, but OP relays Steve info. plane planes jet jets aircraft aviation mercenary sky skies F-4 Phantom2010-03-19 12 
8690201Air Mercs XIIThis thing is going south! OP reports about his war crimes...mercenary air plane aircraft jet2010-03-21 8 
8711026/tg/ talks planes / Air Mercs XIIISlow one, bit of writefaggotry and general discussion. Not much noteworthy, mainly including for completeness.planes, mercenaries, jets, homebrew, air combat2010-03-22 7 
8750800/tg/ talks planes / Air Mercs XIVOP reports on the mission for the arms dealer. False flags, explosions, and international incidents ensure.aircraft, planes, mercenary, homebrew, awesome2010-03-24 12 
8787569/tg/ talks planes XVIOp brings us the awesome UK furball, complete with supersonic missile runs, Tornado pilot with balls of steel, and plenty of britfag butthurt in the comments as ops group does better than expected.planes, awesome, mercenaries2010-03-26 10 
8825955/tg/ talks Planes and Mercs XVIIOp is back after a hiatus, Steve is making them pick contracts: Russia or China. Discounts or better paycheques? Discussion of economics of mercenaries ensues, trip guy shows off his mercenary air squadron game. PLane fappitude reigns supreme.planes, awesome, mercenary air squadron2010-03-28 8 
April 2010
9028091Planes and Mercs XIXOPs group runs a successful mission. Which is surprising. Limited collateral, a garden shed and some ducks. Everyone expects horrible things to happen on next mission. Secret drawfag dumps some awesome as well, including OP bombing a cruise ship.Planes, awesome, mercenaries2010-04-07 13 
9091532/tg/ talks Planes and Mercs XXIDid somebody just say 'warcrimes'? Because I think I heard someone say 'warcrimes'.planes, awesome, mercenaries, warcrimes2010-04-10 11 
9133174Planes and Mercs XXIIMission Planning again. Unsurprisingly, the Russians want even more warcrimes. Also, Sukhoi plays "identify the plane".planes, awesome, mercenaries, warcrimes, jets, homebrew2010-04-12 10 
May 2010
9772662Planes and Mercs XXVOp appears from out of nowhere, and gives us a fantastic description of how the gang helped Russia invade a sovereign nation. We're just happy he's back.planes, awesome, mercenaries2010-05-12 8 
June 2010
10363067Planes and Mercs XXVOP returns with a new mission briefing. Looks like the gang are heading back to Africa, employed by the FFL once more.Planes & Mercs, planes, mercenaries, OP, Baron, Steve2010-06-08 11 
July 2010
11177137Planes and Mercenaries XXXIIOP returns with his latest AAR. Heavy damage taken, but over all a succesful mission. AtA kills include an AIM-120 AMRAAmPlanes & Mercs, Baron, OP_again, Steve, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-07-17 12 
11211605Planes and Mercenaries XXXIIINew mission from OP, FFL vs Liberia.Planes & Mercs, Baron, OP_again, Steve, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-07-19 11 
11270831A Mercs & Planes Ruleset Rules & fluff generation for a planes&mercs style RP.Planes & Mercs, Sukhoi, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-07-22 5 
September 2010
11912396Planes and Mercs XXXVI OP returns with tales of taking on BARSPlanes & Mercs, Baron, OP_again, Steve, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries2010-09-02 14 
October 2010
12372468Planes and Mercs Quest DiscussionRequest for info regarding P&M turns into quest planning threadPlanes & Mercs, planefaggotry, planes, mercenaries, quest, OC2010-10-08 -1 
December 2010
13012344Planes & Mercs Quest #1After a delayed start due to a power outage in the GM's city, the quest finally gets under way and the team chooses its first mission: Flying air support for a daring prison break in Burma funded by Amnesty International.Planes and Mercs, planes, mercenaries, spin-off, jets, air combat2010-12-03 8 
13043559Planes & Mercs Quest #2OP still not back, but discussion continues. Mostly on related music and sexy sexy fightersPlanes and Mercs, planes, mercenaries, spin-off, jets, air combat, music2010-12-08 1 
13100396Planes & Mercs Quest #3OP still not back, but discussion continues. Mostly on related music and sexy sexy fighters. Some discussions on the Malasian air force, and some writefaggotry about a guy named Pierre and explosions Planes and Mercs, Planes, Mercenaries, spin-offs, jets, 2010-12-12 2 
March 2011
14424699AK-47 The GameOP gives /tg/ an introduction to a tabletop that simulates the brutal brush wars of subsaharan africa with a tongue in cheek look. Awesome is had.Africa, mercenaries, ak47, 15mm, wargaming2011-03-31 6 
July 2011
156352452006 AK-47 Republic released!Anon teases us with a pic of the aforementioned rules on a scanner: shortly, he delivers. Accompanied by glorious Osprey and silly flags.Getting Shit Done, scan thread, delivery, AK-47 Republic, wargame, mercenaries2011-07-21 6 
15727525P&M Revival? Could it be that OP returned?Planes & Mercenaries, Planes & Mercs, P&M, OP, Baron, Steve, OCPlanes, P&M, Planes & Mercenaries, Steve, OP, OPagain, Baron2011-07-28 -2 
September 2012
20654901Tales of MCF IncOP tells tales of a group of mercenaries that always royally fuck up their missions.storytime, D20 Modern, guns, fuck ups, mercenaries2012-09-09 11 
December 2012
22023659Mechwarrior Quest ReduxThe Baker's Dozen fight off a pirate attack, and while one of their mechs is lost, choice salvage is acquired. We also tail one of the retreating pirates to their base.Mechwarrior Quest Redux, Collective Game, BattleTech, Mercenaries2012-12-14 2 
22040157Mechwarrior Quest Redux #3We get into position to mop up the remaining pirate base. The fight goes well until Megamek gives us some hilarious dice. Or depressing, depending on your angle of view.Mechwarrior Quest Redux, Collective Game, BattleTech, Mercenaries, Saladin2012-12-15 1 
22101713Mechwarrior Quest Redux 4We finish up the pirate contract, tell the Baker's their son is dead, and Tom's old friend Hartmann joins up as the new commander of Baker's Dozen.Mechwarrior Quest Redux, Collective Game, BattleTech, Mercenaries2012-12-19 2 
July 2013
25770783Ghost Quest 2.5We do a little piracy and get ourselves some resources and some recruits. Then we immediately go risk our lives. Again.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Mercenaries2013-07-02 21 
26232720MERCWORLD:Thread 5.5The Worst Part's of TG Come to light once again, Ideas are Rejected... Creation comes from Flexibility, not rigidity.worldbuilding, Mercenary, homebrew, fantasy, science, 2013-07-27 -2 
26260125Worldbuilding: Seratartes Homebrew Project Thread 6More work and some fluff is done, slower than usual due to the project reaching the point of concepts being polished.worldbuilding, homebrew, mercworld, mercenary, FATE2013-07-29 1 
September 2013
27010157DeadPool Quest #1We meet Death, get our powers, get snkitbub as a mount, and make Francis dead. Also MojitosDeadpool Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Marvel, X-men, Mojitos 2013-09-04 11 
27073514Deadpool Quest: Issue 2: Strange BrewIn which we go searching for the good Doctor, do wheelies in a helicopter, and get the hell out of Weapon X's facility.Deadpool Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Marvel, X-men2013-09-07 7 
January 2014
29404310Sexual Encounter QuestYou are Miranda Rook, math genius and 26 year old virgin. Your coworkers invite you to go bar hopping and maybe get laid. You decide to buy an army instead. Collective Game, Sexual Encounter Quest, Mercenaries2014-01-10 39 
29546162Sexual Encounter Quest 2You are Miranda Rook, math genius and 26 year old virgin. You contact a lawyer for his services, and get prettied up in preparation for a meeting.Collective Game, Sexual Encounter Quest, Mercenaries2014-01-16 37 
29671473Sexual Encounter Quest 3You are Miranda Rook, math genius and 26 year old virgin. You perform some identity theft on a colleague and get a fancy new suit.Collective Game, Sexual Encounter Quest, Mercenaries2014-01-21 24 
29913013Sexual Encounter Quest 4You are Miranda Rook, math genius and 26 year old virgin. You kick a mugger in the dick, pick up a sharp new suit (OOHHH BARACUDAAAA) and ask your boss for a raise.Collective Game, Sexual Encounter Quest, Mercenaries2014-01-31 26 
February 2014
29961570Sexual Encounter Quest 5You are Miranda Rook, math genius and 26 year old virgin. You finally get to meet Captain Koojimans and discuss the acquisition of Peregrine Immediate, get to know the good Captain a little bit more and pick up a tail.Collective Game, Sexual Encounter Quest, Mercenaries2014-02-02 25 
June 2014
32606315Interstellar Monstergirl Mercenary Quest Part 1After being dishonorably discharged from the Galactic Navy, Tucker Keating locates gainful employment. His first job: to kidnap a young lamia.Collective Game, monstergirl, mercenary, IMMQ, Interstellar Monstergirl Mercenary Quest, KN Eureka2014-06-06 11 
July 2014
33659918Warhound QuestJack, an elite mercenary, kills a whole bunch of people for money.Collective Game, Mercworld, Warhound Quest, Mercenaries, Eyepatch Girls2014-07-26 13 
33780124Warhound Quest: Hunters HuntedWolf takes his first assignment as team leader. He hates his new positionCollective Game, Mercworld, Warhound Quest, Mercenaries, Creepy Twins2014-07-31 4 
August 2014
34042265Warhound Quest: Hunters Hunted 2Archive of first partCollective Game, Mercworld, Warhound Quest, Mercenaries2014-08-11 5 
34256329Warhound Quest: IntermissionThe first of hopefully many intermissionsCollective Game, Mercworld, Warhound Quest, Mercenaries, Elfs2014-08-20 6 
34489978Warhound Quest: IntermissionWolf bites an elf. Gets away with it.Collective Game, Mercworld, Warhound Quest, Mercenaries, Elfs2014-08-30 4 
December 2014
36925711Mercenary Company Quest OPAnon !!qn3w6KeP/lzMercenary Company QuestCollective Game, 1, 369257, Mercenary Company Quest,2014-12-23 4 
36945453Mercenary Company Quest 2We hire our first employee, encounter out first battle, and complete our first job.collective game, mercenary company quest, OPAnon2014-12-24 4 
37005399Mercenary Company Quest 3We "deliver" a letter, find out more about our attackers, hire another employee, and fight off another group of thugs!collective game, mercenary company quest, OPAnon2014-12-28 3 
January 2015
37495342Mercenary 2030 Quest PrologueBad things happen, then they get worse. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-01-20 39 
37708597Mercenary 2030 Quest 1Will goes to meet his new life, meets some interesting people. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-01-30 32 
37727037Sellsword's Quest Part 1We are introduced to Eirik, our hero who was banished from his homelandSellsword's Quest, Sellsword, Collective Game, Quest, Mercenary,2015-01-31 8 
37753120Mercenary 2030 Quest 2John gets to know the people of MMS a little better and finds out more about Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-01-31 31 
February 2015
37755599Sellsword's Quest Part 2We meet Valka, and orc warrior and get acquainted with out weaponsSellsword's Quest, Sellsword, Collective Game, Quest, Mercenary,2015-02-01 6 
37778952Sellsword's Quest Part 3Eirik and Valka decide to kill some bandits.Sellsword's Quest, Sellsword, Collective Game, Quest, Mercenary,2015-02-02 5 
37842101Sellsword's Quest Part 4We burn downn a house, kill Po and find some secretsSellsword's Quest, Sellsword, Collective Game, Quest, Mercenary,2015-02-05 3 
37862743Mercenary 2030 Quest 3William meets his first morning with MMS. Then kills some people. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-05 30 
37955478Mercenary 2030 Quest 4Will returns to Fort Riley from the ranch, some interesting things go down. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-09 39 
38043378Mercenary 2030 Quest 5Will has a day to himself and meets some people. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-13 31 
38180099Mercenary 2030 Quest 6Will and the the MMS girls try out the new meat. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-20 30 
38270379Mercenary 2030 Quest 7Will and the others camp out for the night, then head back to Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-23 32 
38292615Mercenary 2030 Quest 8Will and company actually make it back to Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-24 39 
38359072Mercenary 2030 Quest 9Will has a day around Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-28 29 
March 2015
38397186Mercenary 2030 Quest 10Dealing with things around MMS, start of the next mission. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-01 29 
38408091Mercenary 2030 Quest 11Continuation of thread 10. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-02 31 
38488760Mercenary 2030 Quest 12Morning of the next mission. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-05 26 
38503291Mercenary 2030 Quest 13Scouting mission.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-06 28 
38586748Mercenary 2030 Quest 14A few days after the scouting mission, Will meets some new people. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-09 31 
38813283Mercenary 2030 Quest 15Will wakes up after drinking too much. Things happen. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-20 29 
April 2015
39406597Mercenary 2030 Quest 16The attack on Salinas begins. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-04-17 25 
39413145Mercenary 2030 Quest 17Will and company take over the hospital. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-04-18 28 
May 2015
39942008Mercenary 2030 Quest 18Aftermath of the raid on Salina.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-05-14 26 
June 2015
40481070Mercenary 2030 Quest 19Campfire talk and more. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-06-09 24 
40648991Mercenary 2030 Quest 20Heading back to Fort Riley and time after the raid. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-06-17 23 
40615049Undead huntersAnon asks is there a way to write a good, decent and/or original backstory for a character that hunts the undead.fluff, hunter, mercenary, oc, original content, smite, undead2015-06-23 3 
40786500Mercenary 2030 Quest 21MMS deals with the mass of men heading towards Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-06-24 24 
40871545Black Company QuestIn world where the races of the Free Alliance are beset by a myriad of Warlords, Tyrants and Dark Mages, hard men with hard steel fight for cold silver. The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The new employer of the Black Company is decided upon, our gear and corps is selected and a new squad is formed.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Mercenary, Quest, 2015-06-28 30 
July 2015
41347770JOHN CENA QUEST 1You are John Cena. We hit the gym and get in a match. And go through 3 QMs.Collective Game, BRRRRR APPLEDOUGH, CENAWINSLOL, John Cena, Cena2015-07-23 7 
41438768Mercenary 2030 Quest 22The attack on Fort Riley commences. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-07-25 26 
41470462JOHN CENA QUEST 2You are John Cena. You hit the ring and defeat CHAOS INFUSED demonic basketball players while Donald Trump is ignored by almost everyone. Collective game, John Cena, Cena, Wrestling, Demons, CENAWINSLOL, BRRRRRAPPLEDOUGH, Basketball, wtf 2015-07-26 3 
41549968Mercenary 2030 Quest 23Aftermath of the attach on Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-07-30 24 
August 2015
41653676Mercenary 2030 Quest 24Will learns where kids come from. Morrigan tries not to die of embarrassment. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-08-04 24 
41693836Mercenary 2030 Quest 25Timeskips, growth and the start of cold. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-08-06 25 
41873664JOHN CENA Quest #3Cena trains to beat Cena at WWE SUPER SLAM, but no one takes over as QMJohn Cena, Cena, John, Cenawinslol, BRRRRAPPLEDOUGH2015-08-16 -3 
September 2015
42563060Mercenary 2030 Quest 26Guide comes back, we head east. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-09-17 23 
42689781Metal Gear: Rise from Ashes #1Mother Base falls, but the Junkyard Dogs rise.Collective Game, Mercenary, Metal Gear, Metal Gear: Rise from Ashes Quest, Private Force 2015-09-24 14 
42805466Metal Gear: Rise from Ashes #2Burgers and haram. Collective Game, Mercenary, Metal Gear, Metal Gear: Rise from Ashes Quest, Private Force 2015-09-30 14 
November 2015
43610316Mercenary 2030 Quest 27William gets on a train and learns some new things. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-11-12 29 
43727808Mercenary 2030 Quest 28Guard duty on the train, Will learns some new things. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-11-19 26 
December 2015
44232610Mercenary 2030 Quest 29 Sitting on the roof of a train is cold, just like icicles. Mercenary 2030 Quest, Collective Game, Guide2015-12-18 25 
March 2016
45743161Mercenary 2030 Quest 30Will and company fight off an ambush. Nobody saw this coming, clearly. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2016-03-01 22 
45881557Mercenary 2030 Quest 31Aftermath of the battle, Will gets talked to some more. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2016-03-08 21 
May 2016
47189226Mercenary 2030 Quest 32Will wakes up then the team proceeds to New YorkMercenary 2030 Quest, Collective Game, Guide2016-05-11 25 
85592Early 1700's Adventure Part 1Young farm girl turned mercenary dreams of buying Iceland and learns to never trust cute swedes. Schizophrenia, Mount and Blade, Protestants are scum, 1700's, mercenary, Swedish treachery, Pirates.2016-05-12 1 
80902Mercenary Quest V2A scorpiongirl mercenary in Soviet Russia during WW2 where everyone is monstergirls. We befriend a hellhound after breaking her arms.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-15 2 
47326259Mercenary 2030 Quest 33Will makes it to the Big AppleMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2016-05-19 22 
111214Mercenary Quest V2 Part 2We informally adopt an elf child, and discover that a job was a trap for a blood-crazed centaur.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-19 1 
133463Mercenary Quest V2 Part 3We enter the town hall and head off to a train to protect rockets bound for Tskov.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-27 1 
151647Mercenary Quest V2 Part 4We team up with a minotaur, and attempt to assassinate an Ushi-Oni.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-28 1 
166454Mercenary Quest V2 Part 5We attempt to run and fight several Russian soldiers under a corrupt Spidergirl Major and are getting forced to join the Secret Police.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-29 2 
190538ChromescoreMercenaries look for artifacts, while fighting monsters in an abandoned BerlinCollective Game, Mercenaries, Monsters, Dystopian2016-05-31 4 
June 2016
208086Chromescore: The Artifact Quest #2Recon team returns, captain is wounded in Bulldog pack fight, gains Phoenix nickname, arrive at Green Sea, Tag's bloodthirstiness comes outCollective Game, Mercenaries, Monsters, Dystopian, Captain Phoenix, gene modifications2016-06-04 2 
221616Chromescore: The Artifact Quest #3Atto and Widget get the giant machine working. The troop finds an old world military complex and begin to explore it.Collective Game, Mercenaries, Monsters, Dystopian, Captain Phoenix, gene modifications2016-06-07 3 
246009Chromescore: The Artifact Quest #4.StartExplore an abandoned military base - only partial quest session...Collective Game, Mercenaries, Monsters, Dystopian, Captain Phoenix, gene modifications2016-06-13 1 
47776581Mercenary 2030 Quest 34Will and company do New YorkMercenary 2030 Quest, Collective Game, Guide2016-06-15 21 
47826089Mercenary 2030 Quest 35Dreams and a day in New YorkMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2016-06-18 22 
268611Chromescore: The Artifact Quest #4.5The team explores the bunker, finds ancient weapons but fails to disable the security system. Undead attack but are repelled.Collective Game, Mercenaries, Monsters, Dystopian, Captain Phoenix, gene modifications2016-06-24 1 
309752Cyborg Mercenary Quest: Thread IWe're introduced to our go-getter cyborg heroine, cause chaos in a night club and are stylish as hell. At least five people die.cyborg mercenary quest, cyberpunk, masheenQM2016-06-30 2 
July 2016
321081Cyborg Mercenary Quest: Thread IIWe meet some of our associates, get a new contract and buy some upgrades. The QM also wrestles with their Internet connection a lot.cyberpunk, Cyborg Mercenary Quest, masheenQM2016-07-03 1 
August 2016
448853Nanosuit Merc QuestMother of all shockers: a raid goes fucking south. We shoot some dudes and get attacked by Flubber's evil cousin. Oh, we also get a nanosuiCollective Game, Nanosuit Mercenary Quest, Nanosuit2016-08-07 2 
452818Life of a Bastard QuestAdventures of Ser Lucerys Waters, mercenary captain and slaver, in the service of LysMercenary, Slaver, Westeros, Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones2016-08-08 -4 
469409Nanosuit Merc Quest 2We escape a burning building and bitch about heights some more. Also nanosuit powers! All one of them!Collective Game, Nanosuit Mercenary Quest, Nanosuit2016-08-14 1 
48972595Mercenary 2030 Quest 36Will and Morrigan have another talk. Possibly more embarrassing than the last. Mercenary 2030 Quest, Collective Game, Guide2016-08-24 21 
501742Magical Girl For Hire Quest #1The tales of Miranda Styles- A mercenary Magical Girl. We finish an easy mission by killing a demon dog then help a kid find his sister.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-08-28 37 
513191Magical Girl For Hire Quest #2The tales of Miranda Styles- A mercenary Magical Girl. We embark on our second mission in a sword-and-sorcery setting.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-08-29 26 
September 2016
529049Medieval Mercenary QuestYou are Griffith of the Golden Lion, a mercenary band leader in the war-torn medieval land of Kivan. Medieval Mercenary Quest, Quest, Low Fantasy, Medieval Fantasy, Dark Fantasy2016-09-09 1 
551196Nanosuit Merc Quest 3We get debriefed by the boss lady herself and learn that our shit is royally fucked up.Collective Game, Nanosuit Mercenary Quest, Nanosuit2016-09-11 1 
542992Magical Girl For Hire Quest #3The tales of Miranda Styles- A mercenary Magical Girl. We get challenged to a duel and investigate Alban's darker side.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, magical girl, collective game 2016-09-13 24 
565617Magical Girl For Hire Quest #4We continue plotting against the church of Alban secretly, and learn a couple of things about some of the locals.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-09-14 24 
591020Magical Girl For Hire Quest #5The tournament begins, and we deal with various issues during it- including an encounter with a zealot hero.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-09-23 24 
612754Magical Girl For Hire Quest #6After a lot of struggle, espionage, combat, and irritation, Miranda completes her contract in the sword and sorcery world.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-09-25 23 
October 2016
634647Magical Girl For Hire Quest #7- InterludeMiranda goes back to the intersection, and takes some time off to hang out with friends. She also meets a vampire girl.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-10-05 23 
670405Magical Girl For Hire Quest #8We, as a scary celestial-looking bug thing, get started on whipping some youngster heroines into shape. There's...a lot of work to be done.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-10-10 24 
700544Magical Girl For Hire Quest #9Early Archive. Round 2 with the Shining Hearts Squadron in hopes they learn a thing or two.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-10-15 24 
735546Magical Girl For Hire Quest #10Ultimate battle is joined between the heroic Shining Hearts Squadron and the 'villainous' MC. We put on an acting job worthy of ShakespearMagical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-10-23 24 
742179Magical Girl For Hire Quest: Izumi #1Side-story: Izumi Yayoi, friend of Miranda, is tasked with helping a certain student of a Dark Academy through a dangerous trial.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game, Dark Gate Academy2016-10-24 24 
November 2016
760264Magical Girl For Hire Quest #11Miranda begins her latest gig- with an ally. We cowgirl up and head to a magical Wild West. Then the QM's work schedule futzes things up.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-11-02 23 
780811Magical Girl For Hire Quest #12Miranda goes monster hunting and meets a strange native. She and Lorelei also defend a ranch from tactically sound beasts.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game, western2016-11-07 23 
803162Magical Girl For Hire Quest #13We head out on the trail to take on the gluttonous giant beast Monstro. It's a rough fight!Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, Magical Girl, Collective Game, MGHandler2016-11-14 23 
831701Magical Girl For Hire Quest #14We take down the giant stomach, Monstro, and switch perspectives to Miranda's partner Lorelei, who instantly finds herself some trouble.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-11-20 23 
856654Titanfall Merc Quest - Character CreationThe first stage of character creation. Middle class scrub turns into Vinson Dynamics Operative turned Cyborg after borking a mission.Collective Game, Titanfall, Mercenary, Merc2016-11-22 5 
858926Titanfall Merc Quest - Character Creation FinaleYour name is Morgan "Shrike" Isaacson. And this is how you became a Merc.Collective Game, Titanfall, Mercenary, Merc2016-11-23 2 
880840Titanfall Merc Quest - Session 1Where we explore parts of our new ship, meet our squad mates, and accept a clandestine mission.Collective Game, Titanfall, Mercenary, Merc2016-11-29 4 
December 2016
903322Titanfall Merc Quest - Session 2The job is done, a new crew member is earned, and merc things happen.Collective Game, Titanfall, Mercenary, Merc2016-12-05 2 
892945Magical Girl For Hire Quest #15Lorelei asks around town about the suspicious people in blue, then we switch back to Miranda, who is accosted by would-be heroes.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-12-12 24 
929789Magical Girl For Hire Quest 16Back to Miranda.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-12-18 24 
939519Titanfall Merc Quest - Session 3Morgan and company complete their mission, and head to Liberty station where the Captain gets a message from an old friend, and much more.Collective Game, Titanfall, Mercenary, Merc2016-12-23 2 
952725Magical Girl For Hire Quest Thread #17"Avoiding collateral is a flat 25% increase on top of the base contract."Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-12-28 23 
967206Titanfall Merc Quest - Session 4In which we recruit three new mercs. Tell an NCO to get the fuck off our ship, and so much more!Collective Game, Titanfall, Mercenary, Merc2016-12-31 2 
January 2017
1005758Magical Girl For Hire Quest #18Miranda lets herself go to jail, and some poor shumcks get called in to do her work for her.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-01-12 23 
1035505Magical Girl For Hire Quest #19"I hope we get another opportunity to draw a dick on that guy's face."Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-01-22 23 
1067611Magical Girl For Hire Quest #20"If nothing else, we avoided saddle sores." We wrap up the mission in the old west.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-01-28 23 
February 2017
1095150Magical Girl For Hire Quest #21We shop for supplies, get an interesting job offer, and engage in friendly date shenanigans.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-02-06 22 
1162223Space Merc Quest 1In which Alex Navaal joins the military, dies, and then wakes up.Space Merc Quest, sci-fi, Athinar, Alex Nevaal, mercenaries2017-02-16 2 
1133809Magical Girl For Hire Quest #22Called 21 because QM can't keep track of his shit. We finish up date shenanigans, and the sky's suddenly the limit!Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-02-17 22 
1173237Space Merc Quest #2In which Alex goes on a job with Dimitri, and gets shot in the head.Space Merc Quest, sci-fi, Athinar, Alex Nevaal, mercenaries2017-02-20 2 
1159652Magical Girl For Hire Quest #23Called 22 because the QM still can't keep track of his shit. Miranda splits the party and things go downhill from there.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-02-20 22 
1180616Magical Girl For Hire Quest #24Last of the misnamed. Miranda barely stops things from getting worse, and has a strange meeting with the enemy.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-02-26 23 
March 2017
1208816Magical Girl For Hire Quest #25Miranda has an intriguing conversation with the enemy and prepares for a stealth operation.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-03-08 23 
1244344Magical Girl For Hire Quest #26Miranda spars with Izumi and deals with an enemy pursuit the only way she knows how.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-03-15 23 
1268129Magical Girl For Hire Quest #27Miranda and company seize a hidden laboratory with surprisingly little fuss, and Lorelei develops body problems, as in can't stay in hers.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-03-20 24 
1283919Magical Girl For Hire Quest #28Miranda gets two new hires for Silver Eye Solutions, and blows up a floating island. These events are extremely related.Magical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-03-24 24 
1296978Magical Girl For Hire Quest #29- IntermissionTo celebrate another finished job, the girls have a Bad Movie Night, and Izumi proves that 'Don't Try This At Home' warnings are for chumMagical Girl For Hire Quest, mercenary, MGHandler, Magical Girl, Collective Game2017-03-24 23 
April 2017
1321693Mercenary 2030 Quest 37Will, Bellona and Cath go sightseeing.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-04-01 22 
1384496Mercenary 2030 Quest 38MMS goes to a fancy party.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-04-21 18 
May 2017
1413103Bastard's Boars 1The Bastard's Boars first mission.Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Mercenaries2017-05-01 13 
1420443Planet MercenaryLong wait and then some players show up and make characters and a Mercenary Company. Start of Job 1Planet Mercenary, RPG, Mercenary, Black ICE, ForeverGM2017-05-08 1 
1455606Bastard’s Boars 2The Boars defeat the Badger and and their last employer, Barrand of the Black Suns. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Mercenaries, Bastard's Boars2017-05-16 4 
June 2017
1567595Free Space: MercenariesYou are Alex Nevaal, a former soldier that currently works as a cyborg mercenary. Free Space: Mercenaries, sci-fi, combat, mercenaries, Alex Navaal2017-06-17 1 
1584339Mercenary 2030 Quest 39Will and Koko are captured. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-06-18 12 
July 2017
1608565Bastard’s Boars : Spring CleaningThe Boars clean up their base. Then promptly make a mess of it again Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Mercenaries, Bastard's Boars2017-07-04 2 
1647138Mercenary 2030 Quest 40In which Will escapesMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-07-08 12 
1671337Mercenary 2030 Quest 41Aftermath of MMS night out.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-07-16 12 
1689771Mercenary 2030 Quest 42In which a decision is made.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-07-22 14 
1716657Mercenary Quest 2030 43In which Will learns even more.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-07-29 12 
1705238Magical Girl For Hire #30With a new employee in tow, Miranda learns she's moving on up in the world. So she goes drinking.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-07-31 23 
August 2017
1720445Freelancer Quest 1In a world under siege, where magic and science are one, you and your fellow Freelancers are humanity's last defenders.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-08-09 18 
1727688Magical Girl For Hire #31The new hire gets her outgoer license and her trial-by-fire mission is to assassinate evil captain planetMGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-08-09 23 
1754458Magical Girl For Hire #32Investigations started, shots hit and missed, rookies panic- it's kinda like XCOM.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-08-18 22 
1777967Magical Girl For Hire #33Miranda and crew blow things both old and new up. and by that I mean a museum and some heroes (and a villian.) A job well done!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-08-24 23 
1793077Freelancer Quest 2The Freelancer recruits are soon called to their second mission, the defense of a mobile mining arcology against Scav raiders.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-08-29 10 
1809362 Abhuman Quest: Issue #1In our first thread we meet our protag, and escape the facility that held him.Abhuman Quest, SleepyQM, Abhuman, Child Soldier, Bio-Powers, Mega Corps, Mercenaries2017-08-30 10 
September 2017
1801665Magical Girl For Hire #34Miranda gets back, tries to work on a new technique, but...Interdiction wants words with her.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-09-03 24 
1833610Magical Girl For Hire #35Miranda gets a call about one of the newbies. Due to QM issues, that's about it.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-09-11 22 
1880552Magical Girl For Hire #36Miranda (reluctantly) goes to a recruiting event in the Intersection, and has a very interesting fight...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, MGHandler, Collective Game, mercenary2017-09-28 22 
October 2017
1898870Freelancer Quest 3The Freelancers are tasked with raiding valuable supplies from a Scav encampment, and have their first encounter with enemy spellcasters.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-10-01 10 
1920396Black Company Quest #31The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Four. Training, talking, bathing and speaking. Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary2017-10-08 14 
1928352Magical Girl For Hire #37The fight ends prematurely, and as a palette cleanser we take on a new job- and become a wolfgirl who becomes a vengeful spirit.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-10-11 22 
1954921Magical Girl For Hire #38The new hire notches her first blood, and Miranda gets a bit childish after. We also prep for a solo job!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-10-21 22 
1994212Magical Girl For Hire #39Miranda embarks on a mission to remove a mob family. We intimidate, inquire, and sneak.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-10-31 24 
November 2017
2043470Magical Girl For Hire #39.5Miranda begins her task in earnest, and in just a couple days, takes down her first mark. Aaand now the mob boss is coming. Big steps!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-11-15 21 
2080474Magical Girl For Hire #40We play poker, and pretend we're slightly less magical than we really are.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-11-27 24 
December 2017
2096431Black Company Quest #32The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Big One, Day Four. Holy warriors are slain, an ex-pirate falls.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Pirate2017-12-03 11 
2081952Freelancer Quest 4To prepare for future assaults on the Machine City, the company must establish a green zone by reactivating an old defense battery.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2017-12-03 13 
2104611Magical Girl For Hire #41Miranda takes an odd job in order to do her actual job. It's very very odd.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-12-10 22 
2152691Black Company Quest #33The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince does not fall to the dark side, he leaps in feet first.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, PROMOTIONS!2017-12-17 11 
2130898Magical Girl For Hire #42Miranda has to deal with some creeps, and some (not so) doity rats.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2017-12-21 23 
January 2018
2192615Mercenary 2030 Quest 44Will and Co assault a hideoutMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2018-01-02 14 
2162806Magical Girl For Hire #43The situation rapidly changes. Miranda now needs to stick and move.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-01-05 22 
2203313PriPri MG Quest 7Doing some legal work, doing some illegal work, the usual for a merc-gentlemanPrincess Principal, Collective Game, Steampunk, Mercenary2018-01-06 1 
2180662Black Company Quest #33.5The Black Company is good at avoiding paperwork and skirting duties. Not a whole lot is achieved in this thread. But that's okay.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Punished Kid2018-01-08 8 
2223983Black Company Quest #34The Black Company is good at avoiding paperwork and skirting duties. LT Prince breaks not one, but two legions. Today is a day for Eagles.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Eagle, Hail to the Prince2018-01-14 8 
2205946Magical Girl For Hire #44Miranda's too hot to handle! Not literally, though. There IS fire involved, however.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-01-16 23 
2233703Magical Girl For Hire #45More members of the Giogionne Crime Family are swatted down, but then, as soon as we get a lucky break...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-01-28 22 
February 2018
2265195Magical Girl For Hire #46The job is finished- albeit only partially. We return to The Intersection- and decide to go back to where it began.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-02-11 22 
2267270Freelancer Quest 5The Freelancer company assaults a Scav depot to impair the alien reinforcement efforts, and for the first time must directly engage a Thane.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-02-12 8 
2302362Freelancer Quest 5.5The slugfest in the Scav reinforcement center comes to a end as Thane Elsis falls.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-02-18 6 
2296157Black Company Quest #35The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. 7th Platoon cements their reputation as the Best at what they Do.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Highlander, Double Crits2018-02-19 11 
2299314Magical Girl For Hire #47We are Lorelei. Lorelei gets into robo-fighting! MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-02-24 22 
March 2018
2334978Magical Girl For Hire #48Lorelei gets her first win on a clueless kid. No, not via his virginity. She also sets up for her big tournament debut!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-03-08 21 
2370750Black Company Quest #36The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. In the wake of a great victory, LT Prince plans a vampire raid.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Vampire2018-03-10 10 
2369221Magical Girl For Hire #49Lorelei fights officially, WITH and then unofficially- AS a robot. And THEN things get weird.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-03-19 22 
2400110Magical Girl For Hire #50Prima gets a new look, and Lorelei is become the life-bringer, the soul-giver. There are hugs aplenty.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-03-30 22 
April 2018
2430570Magical Girl For Hire #51We end the bot battling, but NOT the bot buddying! As Prima and Jago come along with us, we prep for a major outing taking some ruins.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-04-02 23 
2433024Black Company Quest #37The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince leads the first ever draconic vamp-air raid.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Closed Waifu Route2018-04-08 10 
2442745Artificer Quest Thread #20 ft MGFHThe first AQ&MGFH Crossover thread. Miranda, leading a full team, journeys to an unnamed deathworld to secure an Airship for a mafia family.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-04-12 28 
2469358Artificer Quest Thread #21 ft MGFHThe second AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. A boat ride is taken, and a Ruin that is far more than it first seem is slowly explored.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-04-25 22 
May 2018
2504819Artificer Quest Thread #22 ft MGFHThe third AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. Enemy mercenaries are engaged, secrets are slowly unraveled, and a nightmare is unleashed.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-05-07 22 
2574568Mercenary 2030 Quest 45Will and Co. continue clearing the houseMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2018-05-19 8 
2539082Artificer Quest Thread #23 ft MGFHThe fourth AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. The Scourge, the Shadow, and the Sanctum.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-05-19 23 
June 2018
2577676Artificer Quest Thread #24 ft MGFHThe fifth AQxMGFH Crossover Thread. With some spare time on hand, the team continues investigating the frigate and the final team arrives.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-06-03 22 
2618113Artificer Quest thread #25 ft MGFHIn this thread we fight off the last team and their big axe wielding girls, kill a giant monster, And talk with Izumi about things.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGhandler, StorytellerQM2018-06-18 21 
2658234PriPri MG Quest 9After snooping around some estates, Henry A Browning takes up a distraction job that's more of a fight than anything... Princess Principal, Collective Game, Steampunk, Mercenary2018-06-23 1 
July 2018
2664025Artificer Quest Thread #26 ft MGFHThe seventh AQxMGFH Crossover thread. Out of enemies to kill, all parties enjoy the remainder of their time in the Ruin before returning.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-07-03 21 
2701298Artificer Quest Thread #27 ft MGFHThe eighth and final AQxMGFH crossover thread. Returning to Shirahoro, the team enjoys a day and night off before the end.Artificer Quest, MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Crossover, MGHandler, StorytellerQM2018-07-11 21 
2726139Black Company Quest #38The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. LT Prince crushes the Free Alliance and meets his dread Employer.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Undead2018-07-15 10 
2729876Magical Girl For Hire #52: Home Sweet HomeMiranda and the gang finally get back home, just in time for Miranda to find different duties await her there...MGFH, Magical Girl, Collective Game, MGHandler, mercenary2018-07-29 20 
August 2018
2764223Black Company Quest #39The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The Black Company is Victorious. This means recruits and paperwork.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Undead, PROMOTIONS!2018-08-02 13 
2799665Black Company Quest #40The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. The contract is fulfilled. When the dust settles what is left?Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Dragon, Undead, PROMOTIONS!2018-08-12 10 
2767668Magical Girl For Hire Quest #53Settling the kids in and showing them around.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-08-13 22 
2787035Freelancers 6After weathering an aurora cascade, the strike team continues their work against the Scavs, only to encounter some uninvited guests.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-08-18 8 
2802242Magical Girl For Hire #54The kids try a simulated job.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-08-25 21 
September 2018
2838695Magical Girl for Hire #55In this short thread, Miranda reminisces about beginners mistakes, then brings the kids over to HQ to meet Owlia.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-09-07 21 
2875199Magical Girl For Hire #56: We Are (Not) A BabysitterWe introduce some younger kids into the life of an Outgoer, and then set off on a job to be a servant to one. Life ain't grand sometimes.MGFH, Magical Girl, Collective Game, MGHandler, mercenary2018-09-22 21 
2894607Freelancers 7With the next objective located in a hot zone where Scavs and Worms are battling it out, the Freelancer team must fight on two fronts.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-09-26 6 
October 2018
2939616Freelancers 7.5The conclusion of Operation Lightning Rod.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-10-08 5 
2939571Magical Girl For Hire Quest #58The first two tests, a side mission, and things aren't as simple as they appear.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler 2018-10-14 20 
2965630Magical Girl For Hire #59: Work Hard, Play HardMiranda decides to take to training her client a bit. But the carnival waits for noone...MGFH, Magical Girl, Magical Girl for Hire, Collective Game, MGHandler, mercenary2018-10-26 20 
November 2018
3000444Magical Girl For Hire #61Miranda and Lysan take part in some carnival games. And then get games played on them.MGFH, Magical Girl, Magical Girl for Hire, Collective Game, MGHandler, mercenary2018-11-04 20 
3025368Magical Girl For Hire Quest #61.5Thread marked #61 is actually #60, this is #61. Some reading, the Test of Mind, a not-date, and the start of Test of Might.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-11-18 20 
December 2018
3055956Magical Girl for Hire #62We finally come to the last test of the mission, a classic fighting tournament.MGFH, Magical Girl, Magical Girl for Hire, Collective Game, MGHandler, mercenary2018-12-07 20 
3073025Freelancers 8Foxhole comes under attack by worm biomorphs, and the Freelancers must scramble to defend their outpost against an overwhelming force.Freelancer Quest, Collective Game, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-12-14 6 
3096345Magical Girl For Hire Quest #63Finishing the tournament, and finishing the job.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2018-12-22 20 
3109617Freelancers 8.5Base defense mission continues. Reinforcements are near, but the Freelancers first must survive a last desperate hold against the worms.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2018-12-24 3 
January 2019
3125252Magical Girl For Hire Quest #64Errands back at the Intersection.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-01-02 21 
3149224Magical Girl For Hire #65Miranda finishes up her errands, gets to know a new item, and gets stinking drunk. The sudden lost of a lot of motes means job time!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-01-13 20 
3176457Magical Girl For Hire Quest #66We fight more shadows, help bears fight shadows, upgrade a disused weapon, and show why monologuing is a bad idea.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-01-27 20 
3204875Magical Girl For Hire Quest #66.5 Q&A thread, including discussion about the learning/upgrade system.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-01-31 20 
February 2019
3218112Magical Girl For Hire #67Miranda meets an overeager archer, hears news of a regime change, meets a pair of elite lizard warriors, and fights berserker elves.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-02-11 20 
3252162Magical Girl For Hire #68“Push me closer! I want to kick them with my giant rabbit feet!”MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-02-21 20 
March 2019
3287541Magical Girl For Hire Quest #69Talking with spiders, a sidequest for books, and the rat city.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-03-08 21 
3324140Magical Girl For Hire Quest #70Finally testing the Gauntlets, and a little more backstory. These are completely unrelated. Also investigating a warrior Blackweb.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-03-17 20 
3345097The Brass Companions #1Kanard, the son of a horse-breeder from a small village in the country Logiti, sets out to joined a famed mercenary company. TheCompanionMercs, Mercenary, Low Fantasy, OC2019-03-23 5 
3334373Freelancers 9Preparations complete, the grand assault on the citadel begins. The Freelancers will become dragonslayers, or die trying.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-03-24 11 
3357954Magical Girl For Hire #71Taking care of an ambitious spider, letting Gartoum do his thing and recruiting for our spider's coup d'etatMGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-03-30 21 
April 2019
3407805Rogue Pilot Quest 1A not!soviet pilot is on the front lines as the not!cold war goes hot one chilly spring night. Explosions, stunts, general badassery abound.fighter,jets,military,collective game,planes,mercenary,rogue2019-04-06 11 
3375369Freelancers 9.2The battle becomes bloody, and reality itself frays around the Freelancers in their desperate fight against the dragon and its priests.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-04-07 11 
3392457Magical Girl For Hire #72Short thread, we start figuring out a flamethrower spell, check in with Carrang, and listen to her ramblings.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-04-12 20 
3403803Brass Companions #2: Into the Goblin’s den Kanard delves into a nest of goblins, kills a few, find one big and nasty hobgoblin and kills him too. He saves a few innocents on the way.TheCompanionMercs, Mercenary, Low Fantasy, OC2019-04-13 5 
3417865Rogue Pilot Quest Episode 2We meet the base staff, dodge a wrench, and go on a scouting mission with some extreme flying that goes hot.Collective game, fighter, jets, realistic, mercenary, Rogue Pilot Quest2019-04-13 6 
3436558The Brass Companions #3 Explorig Gabriel’s RestAfter waking up in the surgeon’s wing, Kanard gets a few days rest and relaxation around the city of Gabriel’s Rest.TheCompanionMercs, Mercenary, Low Fantasy, OC2019-04-27 5 
3431273Magical Girl For Hire #73Miranda gets a new accessory, Gartoum meets our clients, and we meet Topi and Bechel, bounty hunters extraordinaire!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-04-28 20 
May 2019
3463915Magical Girl For Hire Quest #74Telling lies to dumb driderkids, meeting and defeating Khaom, yet another drider prisoner, and where's that big black portal thing going toMGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-05-10 20 
3507592Strike Mech '90The elite, international mercenary company, Edgeline, engages in operations in Cameroon using their combat mechs.Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-05-17 8 
3524911Rogue Pilot Quest 3.5RPQ returns and runs a short session to wrap up Chapter 3, before moving on to Chapter 4! Also, the crew FINALLY leaves Airbase 8842.fighter, jets, military, collective game, planes, mercenary, rogue, fulcrum, flanker, realistic2019-05-26 3 
3499038Magical Girl For Hire #75Miranda and Izumi cheat to kill- ahem, Miranda and Izumi pragmatically resolve the situation with Lord Kolm with minimal loss. Explosively.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-05-27 20 
3526616Strike Mech '98 #1Eight years after the slaughter at Barnake, we join Sparks and Reznick at the start of a new chapter in Edgeline's history.Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-05-31 2 
June 2019
3532263Rogue Pilot Quest 4The airbase packs up and heads to Rabati. Creative radio usage lets the crew gather some intel on the world.fighter, jets, military, collective game, planes, mercenary, rogue, fulcrum, flanker, realistic, apocalypse2019-06-12 3 
3534271Magical Girl For Hire 76Doing various things in The Intersection and going on a run with the two bots.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-06-12 20 
3558983Strike Mech '98 #2Sparks makes a date with Sheila, Reznick gets to know his team, and the mission at El Gancho gets underwayMecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-06-14 2 
3550734Freelancers 10Accolades, promotions, and recovery follows the dragonslaying. Graves sets up an intrasquad arena match to keep skills sharp in the offtime.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-06-19 6 
3575114Magical Girl For Hire Quest #77Getting acquainted with this world and its inhabitants.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-06-27 20 
3588776Strike Mech '98 #3Scythe Team is dispatched for the fighting in MexicoMecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-06-28 2 
3584974Freelancers 10.2The friendly PvP bout has become something else entirely now that aliens have crashed the party.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-06-29 6 
July 2019
3622314Strike Mech '98 #4The mission at El Gancho is concluded, tempers flare and crew let their guard down. A colelctive 'letting off of steam'Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-07-06 1 
3603685Magical Girl For Hire #78Blowing up a secret laboratory on our second mission for Aegis, we meet some of the locals.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-07-11 20 
3632994Broken Empire QuestThe Emperor is dead. The Empire has fallen into anarchy. The noble turned mercenary captain Ursula von Sternberg begins her journey.Broken Empire Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Adventure, White Dragons, Ursula, FeMC2019-07-16 4 
3658046Broken Empire Quest Thread #2 We move towards a large town and meet new people and recruitsBroken Empire Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Adventure, White Dragons, Ursula2019-07-27 3 
3658718Magical Girl For Hire #79Short thread, where Miranda tries blind fighting in the pit and going on errands for local Scrappers.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-07-29 20 
August 2019
3699759Magical Girl For Hire #80Miranda ends things with the Scrappers, and returns to her ACTUAL job to get promptly chewed out and punished. We turn lemons into lemonade.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-08-14 20 
3704249Broken Empire Quest Thread #3A contract is formed, paid in silver and enforced with steel. Broken Empire Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary, Adventure, White Dragons, Ursula2019-08-16 4 
September 2019
3745994Magical Girl For Hire Quest #81In this short thread, we discover Prima is Magic!(al), test Owlia's universal communicator, and prepare for the next mission.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-09-02 20 
3803941Magical Girl For Hire #82Miranda, Prima, and Jago discover a long abandoned military facility...which seems to have more than a couple of secrets.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-09-30 20 
October 2019
3847549Magical Girl For Hire #83After the job is accomplished, the clients decide they'd rather not pay. This does not end well for them.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-10-15 20 
November 2019
3872501Magical Girl For Hire #84Girls Night In, with poker and movies! And then we join Izumi's mission.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2019-11-01 20 
3897255Magical Girl For Hire #85Izumi gets closer than she'd like to one of targets, we meet a shocking contact, and a stakeout goes south. MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-11-20 20 
3915052Freelancers 11A new chapter begins. The company is hired to establish a new outpost by powering up a golden age facility, deep in worm territory.Freelancer Quest, Freelancers, Skirmish, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Magitech, Mercenaries2019-11-22 6 
3899969Discount Space Mercenaries QuestBrett Kesel begins his new life as mercenary pilot.DSMQ, Discount Space Mercenaries Quest, Space Mercenaries2019-11-23 2 
December 2019
3955275Mercenary 2030 Quest 46MMS recovers from their last missionMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2019-12-06 3 
3927372 Magical Girl For Hire #86We interrogate people, capture people, and do Paladin things. Things are going well, but for how long?MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, Magical Girl Revenge Quest, MGHandler2019-12-07 20 
3941872Discount Space Mercenaries Quest Part 2The assassination mission turns disastrous and Brett goes from the frying pan and into the fire.DSMQ, Discount Space Mercenaries Quest, Space Mercenaries 2019-12-16 1 
3955945Magical Girl For Hire #87We figure a lot out in a short amount of time, and promptly kick things into high gear with some kidnappings. We're competent like that.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2019-12-23 20 
January 2020
3978303Magical Girl For Hire #88The Queen finally comes over and gets punched across the forest. Ladies and gentlemen - we got 'em.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler, Magical Girl Revenge Quest2020-01-08 18 
4004903Magical Girl For Hire #89Bit of a short thread. Teaching the kids about merchants, looking into a spate of layoffs, and learning about some A-list Outgoers.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-01-21 17 
February 2020
4039631Magical Girl For Hire #90In this short thread we learn more about the Intersection and it's inhabitants.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, MGHandler, collective game2020-02-10 15 
March 2020
4076277Magical Girl for Hire #91Managing our home front: team training, new hire and learning more about the strange events in the Intersection. Then it's job time!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, MGHandler, collective game2020-03-02 15 
4113541Magical Girl For Hire #92We meet our clients and wander around their flying magic school. Then we relieve them of violent giant birds and some dangerous contraband.MGFH, Magical Girl For HIre, magical girl, mercenary, MGHandler, collective game2020-03-24 12 
April 2020
4148358Magical Girl For Hire #93The team arrives on the island and delves into cultist's dungeon. Things go really well at first, but...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, MGHandler, collective game2020-04-11 12 
4184381Magical Girl For Hire #94Owlia's headache continue, Cylica chops a bear in half, Nura visits the informant, and we head back home with a nice fat bonus.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, MGHandler, collective game2020-04-26 12 
June 2020
4303639Blood and Coin: A Blade for hireExiled outlaw Bagal Rattan takes a job rooting out cultists with questionable methods. Op has to leave unexpectedly but returns in chapter 2Monster hunter, Bounty hunter, medieval, fantasy, collective game, horror, magic, mercenary, CursedQm, Slow paced2020-06-27 1 
July 2020
4355321Bastard's Boars IThe Boars fight against brigands and a surprise guest. Skirmish Quest, Collective Game, Drawquest, Mercenaries, Bastard's Boars2020-07-23 2 
August 2020
4362744Magical Girl For Hire #95After a time away, we catch up with Miranda, and have a bit of a ice cream outing with...scary results. Sorta. Then we dragon up for a job!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-08-12 12 
September 2020
4399412Magical Girl For Hire #96Miranda begins searching for the Lockstones to free her boss. The first is easy enough. The second...proves more complicated.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-09-02 11 
4429379Magical Girl For Hire #97Miranda continues to assault the keep for the second Lockstone. Soldiers and strange things abound. Oh, and we pop some pills.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-09-21 10 
October 2020
4447628Mercenary's WrathA quest about a mercenary companyquest, Mercenary, Mercenary's Wrath2020-10-09 0 
4457993Magical Girl For Hire #98Synth-Seither...not even once...We snatch the 2nd Lockstone, recuperate from crash and travel to Alminia, where the 3rd Lockstone is hidden.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-10-20 10 
November 2020
4497628Magical Girl For Hire #99Miranda finds out the general location of the next Lockstone, and goes searching for it, winding up in a small, sleepy village...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-11-17 10 
December 2020
4538871Magical Girl For Hire #100Thread #100! It's mostly an in-character Q&A, along with small blurbs about Intersection life.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-12-07 10 
4547582Magical Girl For Hire #101We skip puzzles by letting the young do-gooders do all the hard work, beat them up and snatch the Lockstone. Then it's side-mission time!MGHF, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2020-12-27 10 
January 2021
4627439Black Company Quest 2230AD #1The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. A newly minted Black Company Sergeant assumes command.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary2021-01-30 33 
4588635Magical Girl For Hire #102Bad news: the locals have corrupted our client's shadow magic, causing our direbat mount to strain itself and crash-land on a minor island.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-01-31 10 
February 2021
4591947Mercenary Monster Hunter Quest #1The journey of a Gessellment Yaeger of the Guild begins with the hunt of a Vielfrass. First thread cut short by QM getting temp-banned.Quest, Collective Game, Mercenary Monster Hunter, Yaeger, Vielfrass2021-02-01 0 
4653078Black Company Quest 2230AD #2The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. SGT 'Snake Eyes' Natalya raids a Yibrak space statioBlack Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary2021-02-15 23 
4612320Witches' MarkFrauke's journey begins.Witch, Magic, Spellcraft, Drake, Mercenary, Frauke2021-02-20 2 
March 2021
4632129Magical Girl For Hire #103We manage to talk our way out of issues with the clergy, and set sail. Also fight a Kraken.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-03-06 10 
4691532Black Company Quest 2230AD #3The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The Captain considers lucrative offers of employment.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary2021-03-12 22 
4679565Witches Mark IIFrauke crosses the eastwall with the Drakes, exploring ancient imperial ruins and battling brigands and malevolent spirits.Witch, Magic, Spellcraft, Drake, Mercenary, Sprite, Frauke2021-03-30 2 
April 2021
4681541Magical Girl For Hire #104We talk to an old dragon, and head off to a dangerous island in search of the next stone. Problem is, someone got there already...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-04-07 10 
May 2021
4785536Black Company Quest 2230AD #4The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. Gunrunning, infiltrating and starting brushfire wars.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary2021-05-03 20 
4725648Magical Girl For Hire #105At the end of our island tour, we run into a bit of a...complication. Now where's that DAMN fourth Lockstone...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-05-06 10 
4782770Magical Girl For Hire #106 After a mid-air fight and an assault on an ancient temple, we finally acquire the fourth Lockstone. Now all that's left is the last...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-05-30 7 
June 2021
4849264Black Company Quest 2230AD #5The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. A daring operation, the slave rebellion builds steam.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary2021-06-02 20 
4838171Magical Girl For Hire #107Darkness and death blankets the land as we finish the tasks of our dark master. And then we go home and fret about our new pet.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-06-25 7 
July 2021
4906081Black Company Quest 2230AD #6The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The slave rebellion Dis continues to grow and learn.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary, Free League of Dis2021-07-06 20 
4886989Magical Girl For Hire #108Miranda gets involved in the movie business. Also engages in petcare and childcare.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-07-31 7 
August 2021
4950856Black Company Quest 2230AD #7The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The Royal Savis Empire strikes back.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary, Free League of Dis2021-08-09 20 
September 2021
4929917Magical Girl For Hire #109Hanging around the Intersection, we take our talents to the movies. Only to find ourselves in a mystery...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-09-04 9 
5008040Black Company Quest 2230AD #8The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The ant hill has been kicked, now to get out alive.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary, Free League of Dis2021-09-25 20 
October 2021
4982139Magical Girl Fore Hire #110We solve the crime, and then hold a team meeting to get our crap straight.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-10-20 8 
December 2021
5029050Magical Girl For Hire #111More management stuff, then Miranda visits the Coven's HQ for favors and spooks, and an 11 year old vampire competes in an eating contest.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2021-12-10 9 
January 2022
5075063Magical Girl For Hire #112Izumi decides to help her friend Ai, which leads to her and Miranda taking a joint mission with Flashpoint. It's job time!MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-01-16 8 
February 2022
5113819Magical Girl For Hire #113Miranda, Izumi, and Zipper raid a house of the dead, charge through a city full of biohazards, and clear a gang with rather dark souls.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-02-11 9 
March 2022
5160214Magical Girl For Hire #114Strange strangers cause strange happenings, causing us to relive the past and more.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-03-28 9 
May 2022
5206666Magical Girl For Hire #115Our delivery girls slay a giant beast on their path to the Avion City and encounter local survivor factions.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-05-08 8 
June 2022
5248759Magical Girl For Hire #116(In-thread number is mislabeled.) The mission is completed...but Izumi has a bit of a souvenir from it that she has to take care of now...MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire Quest, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-06-10 7 
July 2022
5295171Magical Girl For Hire #117Movie Making and Making Moves in The Intersection. We're a busy girl.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-07-09 8 
August 2022
5326152Magical Girl For Hire #118Short thread in which Miranda goes through her ever-growing list of to-do's.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-08-06 6 
September 2022
5358723Magical Girl For Hire #119We go on a job as part of a bargain we made. It's only somewhat spooky, really. But game shows are their own special brand of horror.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-09-04 5 
October 2022
5393091Magical Girl For Hire #120Miranda takes part in game show subterfuge.MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-10-22 5 
November 2022
5446598Magical Girl For Hire #121Magical Girl For Hire #121MGFH, Magical Girl For Hire, magical girl, mercenary, collective game, MGHandler2022-11-01 4 
February 2024
5885634Redhorn QuestYou are the ever-proud APPRENTICE of the great assassin BLANCHEFLEUR DE QUINQEROI, who encounters a suspiciously-similar travail.drawquest, assassin, mercenary, apprentice, Greenhorn2024-02-21 5 
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