/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2008
2709834Sniper buildSome people build a crossbow sniper in 3.5Sniper, 3.52008-10-01 0 
January 2009
3314896RubyQuest SketchUp 3D map.The currently explored area of RubyQuest (almost) completely recreated in SketchUp.Ruby, 3D2009-01-04 30 
3332798RubyQuest DiscussionA continuation of the last thread, with new 3D environments and a possible game in the works too.Ruby, Fanart, 3D2009-01-07 32 
3373976Ruby Fanart and PaintchatTOM LOOK! Fanart, paintchat screenshots. Discussion and lots of love.Ruby, Fanart, 3d2009-01-12 29 
May 2009
4585088Law vs Chaos: SANDCASTLES!When two celestials argue about law and chaos, it comes down to naked sandcastle building to decide the winner.Sandcastles, 3E, angels, awesome2009-05-18 23 
4650108HomebrewanA setting for 3.5 with all the neglected classes is messed about with. Later devolves into MOREPIG discussion.incarnum, 3.5, DND, Shadow, 2009-05-26 1 
4670303Homebrewan IIMore things get discussed, mostly class roles. Less trollan this time, but still slow. D&D, 3.5, Shadow, Incarnum, Psionics2009-05-27 1 
4678012For the love of the gameSomeone who enjoys 3.5 and 4e gives their thoughts on why people can still love 3.5 despite 4e being popular. Then, eventual trolling.meaningful, discussion, 3.5, 4e, fun2009-05-27 2 
June 2009
4793876Epic D and D discussionTalking about how epic D and D games can work.3.5, epic2009-06-07 1 
4887950yet more random stuff another thread of random objectswarehouse 23 random awesome 2009-06-16 0 
July 2009
5090159Unnamed Story Part 33rd part of the ongoing storyunnamed, story, part 3, selene, adahn2009-07-04 7 
August 2009
5314820Dread MariachiMexican musician 3.5 homebrew class. Would make a fantastic all-mariachi party campaign.Dread Mariachi, Bard, homebrew, 3.52009-08-02 5 
September 2009
5863733The Doctor Is InPlayer wants to make a surgical genius as a character in 3.5 D&D. Advice ranges from Experts to Rogues to the home brewed Chiurgon Class. surgery, homebrew, 3.5 classes, get shit done2009-09-15 3 
5889885The Doctor Is In 2The return of the homebrewed Adventuring Physician class, made overall better by /tg/.surgery, homebrew, 3.5 classes, get shit done2009-09-17 3 
October 2009
6164865Touhou HelpTouhous last thread autosaged and this in the continued3.5, Help, Touhou, Broken, D&D, DnD, Dungeon and Dragons, Advice thread 2009-10-07 1 
6163100Heavy Weapons Fightercharacter / item theorizing for a D&D3.5 variant paladin with a very very expensive crossbow.D&D, 3.5, charopt, TF2, heavy, keen crossbow, 220500gp in 12 seconds2009-10-07 1 
6395170Team Dungeons 2The TF2 gang argue over which game (and edition) to play.tf2, /v/ crossover, DnD, exalted, 3.5e, 4e, edition, roleplay, avatarfaggotry2009-10-23 17 
6482781Siegeball RulesThe fa/tg/uys continue to iron out the rules in their new sport for DnD 3.5e. Also contains chicks with balls.DnD, RPG, 3e, sport, homebrew2009-10-29 2 
November 2009
6569122Homebrew Part 1D&D 3.5 Homebrew Plot Pt.1 People have stated interest in reading this. Shitty spelling, silly pictures, serious plot."D&D 3.5" "Homebrew" "Silly Pictures" "Bad Grammar" "IAMGRATEDEE'EM"2009-11-05 2 
6608237Getting into D&DA new player wants some help with getting into D&D...and /tg/ actually helps. WITHOUT EDITION WARS.D&D, 3.5, 4e, helpful, reasonable2009-11-08 3 
January 2010
7716847Ice AgeAnon asks /tg/ for help making a frozen world and, shockingly, shit gets done.3.5, Dungeons and Dragons, Homebrew, Frostburn2010-01-23 7 
7848192Colony 13 Ep. 4More underwater shenanigans, a sunken ship, and further ship explorationColony 13, quest2010-01-31 0 
March 2010
8370137239 Backstories239 character portraits with backstories about all of them.239, Backstory, Backstories, Back Story, Back Stories2010-03-03 6 
8571551Player's Handbook 3 Homebrew ErrataHomebrew errata for the PHB3.D&D, 4e, PHB32010-03-14 1 
April 2010
9143051/tg/ is trapped in a mind loopA discussion about religious text and edition wars turns into something more sinister.bible, edition wars, 1e, 3e, 2e, 4e, mind, infinite loop,2010-04-12 3 
May 2010
9534697Wizard/Memory loss Epic Quest ThreadFantastic thread that starts out looking pretty boring and normal-- but the OP's use of "There is nothing strange about this." makes the thread paranoid and ends up with some epic foreshadowing; either way. Damn. Nice thread and a do want to read again.9534697 wizard memory loss thread2010-05-01 6 
9710181Sane editions discussion!It's clearly the end of the world!Editions, 4e, 3.5, pathfinder, fantasycraft, no fucking way2010-05-09 0 
August 2010
11732554Edition Wars DistilledThe cast of Futurama, Freakazoid, and Pinky and the Brain summarize every 4e v. 3.5e thread for your convenience.Funny, 4th Edition, 3.5 Edition, Futurama, Freakazoid, Pinky and the Brain2010-08-20 15 
September 2010
11956946DM runs a D&D game for a biker gang.A brave DM shares a story of a D&D 3.5 session he ran for a biker gang. D&D 3.5 bikers dm kobolds2010-09-05 91 
12219097Awakened housecatDiscussion of ways to play Awakened Cat in 3.5DnD, 3.5, Awakened, Cat2010-09-25 21 
October 2010
12403221SS13 StorytimeSpace Station 13 stories, many of them hilarious. I don't even play it and this thread was well worth the read.SS13, Space Station 13, storytime2010-10-11 29 
12440149Slice-of-Life Magical AcademyOP tells us about his 3.5 campaign based in the concept of an adventurer's school. D'awww ensues.Dnd, D&D, 3.5, School, Academy, Adventurer2010-10-14 9 
12561850Symbol LichesWhat starts out as an idea for more abstract phylacteries turns into a group of lichs who created written language, paladins who speak in 1337, and cultists with added alliterative appeal.Lich, letters, symbols, unknown armies, dnd, language, 1337, cultists2010-10-25 13 
November 2010
12785312Jester ThreadA discussion of Jesters are archetypes, player character, historical figures, and also as a reoccurring figure in media. Filled with historical anecdotes and tons of Harley Quin pictures.D&D, 3.5, jester, fool, harlequin, Harley Quin, fluff, story, funny, roleplay, character, discussion, character, history, anecdote2010-11-15 7 
January 2011
13448007Warehouse 23, BRITFAG EDITIONAnon proposes a Warehouse 23 thread , populated by underused and cheesy '60's scifi relics. Awesome ensues.Warehouse 23, science fiction, magic items, artifacts2011-01-09 3 
February 2011
14067052Dragon Quest XXXVIIIMuch planning, little action. Cut short by server problems.dragon, quest, dragonquest, dragon quest, XXXVIII, 382011-02-28 23 
March 2011
14222798Iron GURPSIron GURPS is where you take three d100, roll them, and then look up the result on a table of GURPS books. Then you take the three books and combine them in a mashup for a setting for your game.Iron GURPS, GURPS, Campaign settings, Campaigns, Campaign, 3d1002011-03-13 3 
14364205Bulette APC and Undead Clones/tg/ creates plans for duplicating yourself, creating zombie Bulette APC's and there are a few decent resources posted as well.3.5 zombie necromancy awesome d&d2011-03-25 1 
April 2011
14594217Stat LeechOP describes a character encountered in his game, with the horrific ability to absorb others' stat levels.character, game, what do, stats, 3.5, girl, DM, Pun Pun, overpowered2011-04-15 4 
May 2011
14769805What I Made, What the DM saw, What I Playedpeople post pics of what they set their characters out to be, how the DMs interpreted/misunderstood them, and what compromise they eventually reached. funny, cool, D&D 3.5 2011-05-01 2 
14979045SS13 Tips and Tricks TG Station ServerTips and Tricks for SS13, The TG Station ServerSS13, Space Station 13, Tips, Tricks2011-05-19 1 
July 2011
15662705Art Deco MarinesA very original idea for a new Space Marines chapter is developed when OP comes with plans to build a 20s/30s themed army.Art Deco, 1930s, Space Marines, Greaser Orks, The Architects 2011-07-22 7 
15672017Space Station 13 story time 2A collection of tales from space station 13 SS13, space, station, 13, space station 132011-07-24 12 
August 2011
15981439Crocodile Quest IIIRenekton, gifted with his new form and awesome hat, slew some fishermen. Now on a mission from Set, he goes North.crocodile quest, sobek, three, III, 3, Renekton, Set, Nile, Egypt2011-08-19 3 
15998909Tips for D&DRecovering Powergamer enlightens us with good tips for players and DMstips, tricks, D&D, dungeons & dragons, tabletop, RPG, 3.52011-08-20 5 
16103044"I recommend you delete the thread"Someone asking about their campaign - then a tripfag logs on and implodes. the post-by-post is sweet on this one. It's like watching prison rape in slow motion - like, 10 anons just gape this fucker. it's so awesome.tripfags, uchiha, itachi, porn dump, pathfinder, 3.52011-08-29 17 
September 2011
16264580/tg/ helps the OP kill off his former party.Good trap ideas ensue.Dnd, 3.5, traps, mary sue, TPK2011-09-12 6 
October 2011
16580545Ar tonelico RPG Thread/tg/ tries to make the magic system from super-weeaboo jRPG series Ar tonelico work in DnD3.5e. Succeeds.Ar tonelico, DnD, RPG, jRPG, Getting Shit Done, 3.5e2011-10-13 7 
16658369Primarchs in D&DWhat first seems like a disappointing piece turns out to be awesome writefaggotry. tweest, primarchs, warhammer, 40k, d&d, 3.5, awesome, writefaggotry2011-10-18 12 
February 2012
17846817Nokia Exterminatus"What if Exterminatus is actually a Nokia 3310 dropped to orbit by an Inquisitor?"Nokia, 3310, Exterminatus, funny, 40K, humor2012-02-08 27 
17927799Eldar, adoption, and baking.Do Eldar adopt cross faction? What if Vect's daughter was raised by a Baker?Dark, Eldar, d'awww, Lofn, Writefag, Baking, <32012-02-15 6 
March 2012
18485978Rave And DieA setting in which holographic raves spawn eldritch monstrosities. An organisation has been formed that issues agent with their own visualisation device, producing their own creatures to fight hostile entities. All the while fighting for the support of the crowd.homebrew, RAD, Rave And Die, 3DJ, Pocket Rave Monsters, Music2012-03-29 5 
May 2012
19283964Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding.Bord Empire, discussion, drawfaggotry, Eastern Continent, evo, evo game, evolution, evolution game, FortuneHost, Gaghiel, Gantu, Govkar, Gwiliak, Indonesian Gentleman, Jungle Fever 3, Kaze, Nad, namefags, NO TRIP, nongent, Onolkeshan, Primordial Evo, SHOGUN GLUND, Silith, Skulks, Solomon, stupid sexy Skulks…, tribal, Zal'zaz'siel2012-05-30 6 
1930207830 Days of Worldbuilding - Day 1The 30 Days of Worldbuilding month kicks off, with the guide being shared and some great links posted. Day 1 - Climate and Variety30 Days of Worldbuilding, worldbuilding, 30 days, thirty days2012-05-31 6 
July 2012
19835955Warhammer High: ROAD TRIP!Writefag Someone else. surprises /tg/ with a new Warhammer High story. It involves warp travel, and lots of it.Someone else., writefaggotry, warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, rule 632012-07-12 12 
19882126ROAD TRIP! ContinuesYet more faggotry from Someone else.Someone else., writefaggotry, warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, rule 63, ROAD TRIP2012-07-16 10 
19962789Mearls and 3.5Hot Man to Manual actionman on book action, erotica, epic, writefag, storytime, DnD, 3.52012-07-20 15 
20058837ROAD TRIP! Once moreThe Nocturne leg of the trip concludes. Ahriman's Aide and Darkmage submit subsequent chapters of their own stories.Someone else., writefaggotry, warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, rule 63, ROAD TRIP2012-07-28 13 
August 2012
20275472ROAD TRIP! Part TresThe party leaves Nocturne for the land of more wolfs Someone Else, Writefaggotry, Warhammer high, Primarchs' daughters, storytime, Rule 63, ROAD TRIP2012-08-13 11 
20317317SS13 - The Cluwne FactorySS13 thread grinds to a halt after one Anon posts the story of the Cluwne Factory - the most epic derail of a SS13 game ever seen.SS13, cluwne, butts, butt factory, wtf2012-08-15 48 
September 2012
20521280Space Station 13: The Storytime-iningMany a man tried to discuss SS13, but few returned alive.Space Station 13, SS13, Storytime, Storytiem2012-09-03 7 
December 2012
22286905Rule 63 Harry Potter/tg/ examines what the Potterverse might be like in a genderswapped world. Discussion and laughs ensue.rule 63, Harry Potter, discussion2012-12-30 10 
January 2013
22578223175 miles to the LAWWherein /tg/ decides that the strange alignment mechanics of the Outlands means you can turn a planar gate-town into a roving weapon of mass destruction if you only you can apply enough LAW.D&D 3.5e, Outlands, Planar Mechanics, Alignment, LAW, Speculah2013-01-14 13 
22799333How To Kill A TitanBarbarian Rage, Teamwork, All Aboard The Avalanche ExpressDnD, 3.5, Dowjin, Storytime, 2013-01-26 7 
February 2013
22940280Teeje, god of chances and luckWhat seems to be a simple game suddenly turns into something more sinister as the number 3 continues to appear.Three, 3, god, Teeje, dice2013-02-03 24 
23011737Tucker's Kobolds 2.0: The Critiquingso, /tg/, my FLGS is having a dungeon design contest, and I want to win that motherfucker. its any system, mid-level, judged on storyline, playability, and creativity (based on levels, traps, treasure, creatures, etc). I'm thinking of submitting a "Tucker's Kobolds"-esque idea I've been working on for a while, with a laundry list of nefarious (and surprisingly simple) traps, and a fuckload of Kobold legionnaires. System will be 3.5/PF. I've got about a week and a half, and most of my traps thought out. I would like to ask you, dear /tg/, to help me refine this idea into a gem worthy of a gamestore plaque and $25 gift card. TL;DR please help me critique and refine my kobold dungeon for a contest submission.Kobolds, Tucker's Kobolds, Dungeons, D&D 3.52013-02-07 11 
April 2013
24155743Shadow Quest 3The shadow seeks out Sir Flint.Collective Game,shadow,quest,3,Flint,Abigail2013-04-10 35 
24215245Beginner Guide to Dungeon MasteringAdvice on how to DM. Templates, instructions, and intermediate advice also.dnd, dnd 3.5, dm, dungeon master, dungeon mastering, advice, help, newbie, beginner, dowjin2013-04-13 14 
24445057Shadow Quest 13The shadow arrives back in Jacob's Field.Collective Game,shadow,quest,13,master2013-04-25 26 
May 2013
24617099Shadow Quest 18 Part IIIAn angel, a paladin, and a living shadow walk into a bar. Spaghetti flies everywhere.Collective Game, Shadow Quest, Shadow Master, shadow, quest, master, 18, III, 3, CONSUME2013-05-04 31 
24795163Shadow Quest 23The Shadow and Flint hang out with Kirt.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 23, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-05-13 26 
24907330CnC3 Quest #1/tg/ plays command and conquer, surprisingly doesn't worship immortal bald guy.CnC3 Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Tiberium, Tiberium Wars, Command and Conquer, CnC32013-05-19 33 
24962299CnC3 Quest #2We get back to the base and prepare a counter-attackCnC3 quest, Quest, Collective game, Tiberium, Tiberium Wars, Command and Conquer, CnC32013-05-22 17 
June 2013
25224953Most insane thing your party ever did/tg/ remembers the most batshit crazy things they've ever pulled in a gamestorytime, character, epic gaming moments, awesome, drow, 3.5, Exalted, Paladin2013-06-04 6 
25243712Shadow Quest 30The Shadow delves into the Palthair mines.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 30, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-06-05 28 
25252354Shadow Quest 30 Part IIThe Shadow continues its journey through the Palthair mines.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 30, master, shadow quest, part, II, 2, shadow,quest2013-06-05 33 
25305374Shadow Quest 31The Shadow is backed into a corner.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 31, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-08 25 
25311944Shadow Quest 31 Part IIThe Shadow desperately seeks help from an ally.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 31, master, shadow quest, part, II, 2, shadow,quest2013-06-08 26 
25323379Shadow Quest 32The Shadow meditates on life and shards.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 32, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-09 26 
25329092Shadow Quest 32 Part IIMichael confronts the Shadow once more.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 32, master, shadow quest, part, II, 2, shadow,quest2013-06-09 26 
25349111Shadow Quest 33The Shadow makes its way below the city.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 33, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-10 39 
25363764Shadow Quest 34The Shadow battles above the Ringed City.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 34, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-11 33 
25405389Shadow Quest 35The Shadow speaks with his allies and takes stock of the situation.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 35, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-13 27 
25420118Stormtrooper Quest Part 3: It WAS a trap!You Our story continues with loss, promotions, and more bar fighting!Stormtrooper Quest, Part 32013-06-14 13 
25442200Shadow Quest 36The Shadow scouts around Tarun Gakth.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 36, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-15 27 
25478399Shadow Quest 37The Shadow arrives in Archon.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 37, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-17 30 
25506817Shadow Quest 38The Shadow goes to class.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 38, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-18 26 
25513613Shadow Quest 38 Part IIThe Shadow deals with the Suen family.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 38, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2013-06-19 25 
25520300Shadow Quest 38 Part IIIThe Shadow learns new things.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 38, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2013-06-19 27 
25537573Shadow Quest 39The Shadow anoints his first Servant.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 39, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-20 29 
25665415Shadow Quest 43The Shadow launches his attack.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 43, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-27 31 
25725242The Story of LarryAnon tells the story of a horrible sex offender That GuyDnD, D&D, 3.5, 3.5e, That Guy, Neckbeard2013-06-30 9 
July 2013
26243119Shadow Quest 53The Shadow sets out into a brave new world.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 53, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-26 31 
26245330The Tale of Daies 3Meet Hitsito's new character Tyranis. Daies reveals his next nefarious plan.storytime, writefaggotry, rpg, dnd, dnd 3.5, daies, dowjin, tyranis2013-07-26 4 
August 2013
26496572Shadow Quest 56 Part III (real thread)The Shadow and Abigail try to escape a warped plane.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 56, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2013-08-08 28 
26531617Sims Storytiem with the GarysAnon entertains us with stories of 8 evil, insane clones living togetherSims, 3, story, storytiem, Gary2013-08-10 33 
26534970Another day on SS13Space station 13 story, chaplain teams up with clown to create religion then kill everyone.Space station 13, clown, SS13, storytiem, storytime2013-08-11 11 
26548645Sims Storytiem with the Garys Part 2The epic continuation in which the Garys burn down their house to kill their neighbors.Sims, 3, story, storytiem, Gary2013-08-11 12 
26667739Shadow Quest 58 Part III[Revving intensifies]Collective Game, shadow, quest, 58, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2013-08-17 25 
26775464Space Station 13 StoriesSpace Station 13, where you can make as many sadistic or epic moments as you are robust. >Space simulator >More like CLOWN RAMPAGE/virus/space crazies simulator.SS13, Space Station 13, Storytime, Clown, Mime2013-08-23 5 
26799728Nintendo Pulp AdventuresIn which Nintento games as pen-and-paper campaigns are discussed, and five people from the 30's end up in the Mushroom Kingdom.Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Hollow Earth Expedition, Storytime, Nintendo, 19362013-08-24 2 
September 2013
27170456Shadow Quest 63The Shadow attempts to explain himself.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 63, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-09-12 26 
27168502Tales of Spac Station 13Need we say more?SS13, Space Station 13, Epic2013-09-13 10 
October 2013
27711093Shadow Quest 73The Shadow's shards are reforged.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 73, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-13 25 
November 2013
28152327/tg/ discovers how to go fastOP realizes that with a simple multiclass, a 3.5 character could achieve insane speeds. Later posters discover you could MACH 10 with these stats, and Ded-Ex is invented.3.5, dnd, dungeons and dragon, 3.x, min-maxing2013-11-07 9 
28276026Shadow Quest 83The Shadow ponders his next move over fried fish.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 83, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-11-14 24 
28362785The Eater of the Dead OP makes several foolish mistakes while playing Dominions 3, and unleashes an ever-growing eldritch horror upon an unsuspecting world. Fa/tg/uys watch its rampage in awe.Dominions 3, apocalypse, undead, Ermor, PC game, OM NOM NOM2013-11-19 149 
December 2013
28661282Shadow Quest 86 Part IIIThe Shadow runs from Steward 002.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 86, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2013-12-05 25 
28720238Text Adventure Quest: Rogue Chapter 3Where we infiltrate the sewer to rescue the princess and meet some slimegirls.Text Adventure Quest Rogue Chapter 3 Jack McStab Collective Game2013-12-08 17 
28807942Shadow Quest 87 Part IIIThe battle in Va'ad continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 87, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2013-12-12 24 
February 2014
29934269Shadow Quest 93Dinner at Dobshire.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 93, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-01 27 
29944697Shadow Quest 93 Part IIDinner continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 93, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-02-01 27 
30026703Shadow Quest 93 Part IIIDinner continues to continue.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 93, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-02-05 26 
30178223Shadow Quest 93 Part IVDinner continues to continue to continue.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 93, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 4, IV2014-02-12 23 
30389899Warforged StorytimeFeaturing Tim and Jim the Warforged brothers, Lichforged, Nanoforged, the 3/4ths golem, the Iron Giant, and an obscenely corny yet somehow endearing story of friendship and slapping death's shit, among other things.story, time, storytime, warforged, Pinocchio, lichforged, nanoforged, nanohaforged, 3/4ths golem, FRIENDSHIP, Iron Giant, character concepts2014-02-22 9 
30439410Text Adventure Quest: Psion Chapter 3Where we attempt to escape from the guards after a blatant murder.Text, Adventure, Quest, Psion, 3, collective game, Mr, Bones,2014-02-23 3 
March 2014
30641120Shadow Quest 103The Shadow recovers and contemplates his plan of action.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 103, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-05 23 
30807502Subject 23 Quest - Mass EffectWe meet our protagonist, Eric, who has been kidnapped along with his brother and taken to an unknown facility. After finding out his brother died, Eric is forced into a death match with a frail girl, and tortured until he kills her. He meets 90, a psychopathic rapist, and is taught about the facility.Subject 23, Quest, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Grimdark2014-03-13 22 
31058461This goddamn moment from a game you can't forgetMemorable moments that define tabletop gaming. Crit successes that shatter the plot, crit fails that cause TPKs on the first enemy encountered, everything's here.Story, storytime, stories, nat 20, natural 20, DnD, D&D, 3.5, 4, Crit, Crit fail, fail, awesome, epic2014-03-26 10 
April 2014
31332736Shadow Quest 113The Shadow regroups with Duke Vellik.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 113, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-08 23 
31522816Shadow Quest 117 Part IIIThe battle at Evinbrook Basin continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 117, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-04-17 23 
31655496Shadow Quest 120 Part IIIIn the depths of the island.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-04-23 20 
31762823SS 13 Thread with a Custom Server?Some right fa/tg/entleman is planning on his own server. Anons of /tg/ begin to Robust the thread something fierce with storytime and screencapsSS132014-04-29 2 
May 2014
31997443Hellborn Quest 3Sierra spends the night with a family of demon hunters, wins dreaming forever, and spends quality time with Mrs. Hallow.Hellborn Quest, 3, Collective Game2014-05-09 27 
32008063Hellborn Quest 3 (Part 2)Sierra returns from her walk and wonders why these people are being so irritatingly nice.Hellborn Quest, 3, Part 2, Collective Game2014-05-09 25 
32438024Hellborn Quest 13Sierra goes camping, fights dream battles, and learns dragons are not entirely fictional.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 132014-05-30 23 
32451811Hellborn Quest 13 (Part 2)Sierra goes to find the source of Borislav's power, and comes across an old memory instead.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 13, Part 22014-05-30 22 
June 2014
32574774Shadow Quest 123Ila fights within the dark bowels of Xile.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 123, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-06-05 20 
32569160t/g/Magical Engineering. Op asks how to create siege engines in 3.5e and smar/tg/itz deliver.science, awesome, magic, technology, 3.5e2014-06-05 1 
32876977Hellborn Quest 23Sierra slogs through a telephone conversation and then tries not to panic.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 232014-06-19 21 
32889099Shadow Quest 124 Part IIIThe battle on the Nemesis continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 124, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-06-20 20 
July 2014
33124643Hellborn Quest 30Sierra gets patriotic and makes a break for it.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 302014-07-01 21 
33204664Hellborn Quest 31Derek is disappointed, and Cassandra reassures Sierra that her horns are just fine.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 312014-07-06 21 
33235193Hellborn Quest 32Sierra gets ready for a party and plays some Treason.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 322014-07-07 20 
33247159Hellborn Quest 33Sierra dances off against Draco.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 332014-07-08 20 
33256218Hellborn Quest 33 (Part 2)Sierra meets up with Wolfgang.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 33, Part 22014-07-08 20 
33270046Sora no Y&#333;kush&#257; Quest 3Sora no Y&#333;kush&#257; QuestSora no Y&#333;kush&#257; Quest2014-07-09 9 
33295612Hellborn Quest 34Sierra dances the night away, and gets a tip on Meckor's whereabouts.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 342014-07-10 20 
33333152Hellborn Quest 35Sierra meets up with Waldric.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 352014-07-11 20 
33397547Hellborn Quest 36Sierra fights all kinds of zany demons.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 362014-07-14 20 
33403440Hellborn Quest 36Sierra and company showdown against Meckor.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 362014-07-15 20 
33458018Hellborn Quest 37Sierra jumps off an overpass.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 372014-07-17 29 
33490124Hellborn Quest 38Sierra wakes up in bed, and it was all just a dream.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 382014-07-18 21 
33512642Hellborn Quest 39Sierra meets with the Crowthers, and also somebody else.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 392014-07-19 20 
33648060Hellborn Quest 43Sierra hunts down Ranthix.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 432014-07-25 20 
August 2014
33833352Cursed_Apprentice_Quest 2We get some nice threads, hit on a bar maid, trick a pickpocket into touching our dick, ruin our threads after we get shot,befriend pickpocket,and figure this cult shit outshota, Cursed_Apprentice_Quest, 360noscopearrowthrow, wenches, magic, Collective game, quest, brainexplosion, hugs, brown elves, nopumpkins,2014-08-02 10 
33971823/tg/ fixes 3.x castersnewbie OP asks how to fix casters and /tg/ delivers with suprisingly good ideas that workcasters, 3.x, 3.5, pf, dnd,2014-08-08 2 
34143262Hellborn Quest 53"BECAUSE I AM PESTERING AND INSULTING YOU FOR MY OWN AMUSEMENT" - RanthixCollective Game, Hellborn Quest, 532014-08-15 20 
September 2014
34686000Curt's CivThread 2: Episode 1The start of the game.Collective Game, CivThread 2: Year 30002014-09-07 0 
34847499Curt's CivThread 2: Episode 2The Second episode, in which an antimatter explosion goes off.Collective Game, CivThread 2: Year 30002014-09-14 0 
34868679Hellborn 63Sierra teaches Harvey about looking cool and shows Moriah a drawing.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 632014-09-15 21 
35009127Curt's Civthread 2: Episode 3In which only one turn gets done because Curt is the worst.Collective Game, Civthread 2: Year 30002014-09-21 0 
October 2014
35310917Curt's CivThread 2: Year 3000: Episode 4In which Austalia releases swirls of armored locusts.Collective Game, Civthread 2: Year 30002014-10-05 0 
35464063Curt's Civthread 2: Episode 4A tale of Tentacles and Bicycles, Demons and Loansharks, Aliens and Lube, and Curt finally gets his new computer, Collective Game, Civthread 2: Year 30002014-10-12 0 
35616941Curt's Civthread 2: Episode 5War is accidentally declared, Grav Ball is invented Politics are tiring and the scary jellyfish have awesome mining drones now!Collective Game, Civthread 2: Year 30002014-10-19 0 
November 2014
35904651Curt's Civthread 2: Episode 7A teenager posts about dogs on Tumblr.Collective Game, Civthread 2: Year 30002014-11-02 0 
36048215Curt's Civthread: Episode 8The eighth thread. I'm much too tired to think of something funny to put here.Collective Game, Curt's Civthread: Year 30002014-11-09 0 
36353393Epic Quest 4Zach meets with a recruiter, then is sent to school. He then plays capture the flag.Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game 2014-11-18 1 36330052 Epic Quest 3 Zach picks up a small child to join him on his extremely dangerous quest and fight the KKK. Then they eat ice cream Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-24 6 
36474665Curt's CivThread 2: Year 3000. Episode 10Where hands are stuck in magma, crazy feasts are had and the science gets done.Collective Game, Civthread 2: Year 30002014-11-30 0 
December 2014
36805440Hellborn Quest 73Sierra is surprised, and gets a call from Frederick.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 732014-12-17 21 
36925711Mercenary Company Quest OPAnon !!qn3w6KeP/lzMercenary Company QuestCollective Game, 1, 369257, Mercenary Company Quest,2014-12-23 4 
January 2015
37495342Mercenary 2030 Quest PrologueBad things happen, then they get worse. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-01-20 39 
37708597Mercenary 2030 Quest 1Will goes to meet his new life, meets some interesting people. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-01-30 32 
37753120Mercenary 2030 Quest 2John gets to know the people of MMS a little better and finds out more about Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-01-31 31 
February 2015
37862743Mercenary 2030 Quest 3William meets his first morning with MMS. Then kills some people. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-05 30 
37955478Mercenary 2030 Quest 4Will returns to Fort Riley from the ranch, some interesting things go down. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-09 39 
38043378Mercenary 2030 Quest 5Will has a day to himself and meets some people. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-13 31 
38180099Mercenary 2030 Quest 6Will and the the MMS girls try out the new meat. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-20 30 
38182552Hellborn Quest 83Sierra talks to Orias.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 832015-02-20 21 
38270379Mercenary 2030 Quest 7Will and the others camp out for the night, then head back to Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-23 32 
38292615Mercenary 2030 Quest 8Will and company actually make it back to Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-24 39 
38359072Mercenary 2030 Quest 9Will has a day around Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-02-28 29 
March 2015
38397186Mercenary 2030 Quest 10Dealing with things around MMS, start of the next mission. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-01 29 
38408091Mercenary 2030 Quest 11Continuation of thread 10. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-02 31 
38488760Mercenary 2030 Quest 12Morning of the next mission. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-05 26 
38503291Mercenary 2030 Quest 13Scouting mission.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-06 28 
38586748Mercenary 2030 Quest 14A few days after the scouting mission, Will meets some new people. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-09 31 
38712021DBZ Human Quest #100In the far North, the Z-fighters face off against a trio of mechanical killersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Android, 13, 14, 15, Cell, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Yamcha 2015-03-15 8 
38813283Mercenary 2030 Quest 15Will wakes up after drinking too much. Things happen. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-03-20 29 
April 2015
39406597Mercenary 2030 Quest 16The attack on Salinas begins. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-04-17 25 
39413145Mercenary 2030 Quest 17Will and company take over the hospital. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-04-18 28 
39454083Hellborn Quest 93Sierra escapes Zorr, and teleports back home.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 932015-04-20 21 
39587525Novice Heretek Quest 32We speak with the Inquisitor about what our mission entrails and also with Juliannus to learn more of the strange culture of the Astartes. After that we go to the Skitarii temple and start managing it to shape them into the warriors we desire.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ322015-04-27 10 
39585415Will of the Ice Quest #3Randal buys supplies, learns more about the gods, prays to Tor and then has a conversation about their love with TristaQMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest 2015-04-26 3 2015-04-27 5 
39629434Novice Heretek Quest 33In which we do a shitton of stuff and then somehow end adopting a eight year old girl.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ332015-04-29 7 
May 2015
39728278Novice Heretek Quest 34We get meet our Generals and get new weapons and toys to equip ourselves with. After that we return to our room and see three lovely little girls sleeping together in our bed.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ342015-05-04 11 
39788031Novice Heretek Quest 35After exiting the warp our ship gets somewhat damaged, they take it to a close SpacePort for repairing and we are given two days of free time while they are at it. We explore a little bit and take our students towards the local AdMech temple. On it we learn their curious cowboy like culture and end fighting with their leader for an old yet not forgotten friend.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ352015-05-07 10 
39871471Novice Heretek Quest 36We break our fucking skull and then meet some space yiffs that give us a wolf skull in exchange of a dead body.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ362015-05-11 7 
39934902Novice Heretek Quest 37We discover what happened between Karelia, her daughters and their sister in law Nalasha while we were with the Space Wolves. After that we discover that we might participate into a xenos hunt and get ourselves once again strongerCollective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ372015-05-14 10 
39942008Mercenary 2030 Quest 18Aftermath of the raid on Salina.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-05-14 26 
40014004Novice Heretek Quest 38In which time flies after we do lots and lots of things including wanting to kill and entire bureau building and shave the armpit of a veteran.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ382015-05-18 11 
40021796Hellborn Quest 103Sierra goes to save Luce, and winds up changing the plan.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1032015-05-18 14 
40090416Novice Heretek Quest 39In which we investigate a secret Sororitas Order and end destroying a really psycho-inducing projector that they had. After that we finally head into the Hunt!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ392015-05-22 13 
40275470Three Word QuestThree is all, all we have. And in three, our story starts. First with one, then with two. Where to next? Not a clue.Collective Game, Three Word Quest, 3WQ, surreal, strange, waifu, /tg/ never changes2015-05-30 21 
June 2015
40449137Novice Heretek Quest 43We travel and meet a mutant Kroot salesman, and then we get ambushed!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ432015-06-08 7 
40481070Mercenary 2030 Quest 19Campfire talk and more. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-06-09 24 
40648991Mercenary 2030 Quest 20Heading back to Fort Riley and time after the raid. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-06-17 23 
40658781Insectoid Civ session 3Recovery after the first goblin raids, and some meta talk at the end, Alates!Collective Game, Insectoid, Civilization, Builder, Civ builder, Ants, Tithonus, Session 3, Alates, Tekton2015-06-18 2 
40786500Mercenary 2030 Quest 21MMS deals with the mass of men heading towards Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-06-24 24 
40910481Hellborn Quest 113Sierra goes to Sierra National Forest and finds a landwell.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1132015-06-30 17 
July 2015
41028238Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me.You still have not learned and I am ashamed.The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO2015-07-05 21 
41136294Novice Heretek Quest 53We capture the Zoanthrope and make a leap of faith. Then we discover that our past crimes were not forgotten...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ532015-07-11 10 
41438768Mercenary 2030 Quest 22The attack on Fort Riley commences. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-07-25 26 
41455802Novice Heretek Quest 54We study some ork tech and create our race trukk.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ532015-07-26 10 
41549968Mercenary 2030 Quest 23Aftermath of the attach on Fort Riley. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-07-30 24 
August 2015
41653676Mercenary 2030 Quest 24Will learns where kids come from. Morrigan tries not to die of embarrassment. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-08-04 24 
41693836Mercenary 2030 Quest 25Timeskips, growth and the start of cold. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-08-06 25 
41848773Hellborn Quest 123Sierra goes to Peyto lake and meets a Cthulu.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1232015-08-13 15 
September 2015
42537382Novice Heretek Quest 64We defeat our foe and then proceed to explore the Lux Illustrans Inventionis on our own.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ632015-09-17 10 
42563060Mercenary 2030 Quest 26Guide comes back, we head east. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-09-17 23 
42742488Hellborn Quest 130Sierra roots out treason.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1302015-09-27 21 
October 2015
42874041Hellborn Quest 131Sierra redeems Waldric.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1312015-10-04 17 
43123016Hellborn Quest 132Sierra decides how to deal with her new enemy and encounters a friend of her father's.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1322015-10-17 13 
43197377Novice Heretek Quest 73We get our new gear and improve our skill with melee combat, then we meet someone that we haven't seen in years and become forced to fight her.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ732015-10-21 10 
November 2015
43388883What if Primarchs were incorruptibleThe question: what would the 40k universe be like now if each Primarch had been as incorruptible as Sanguinius and the other loyalists?Speculation, Primarchs, 40K, W40K, 30K, HH, Heresy2015-11-04 10 
43610316Mercenary 2030 Quest 27William gets on a train and learns some new things. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-11-12 29 
43641150Hellborn Quest 133Sierra accelerates plans for mad gains at Borislav's recommendation.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1332015-11-15 14 
43727808Mercenary 2030 Quest 28Guard duty on the train, Will learns some new things. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2015-11-19 26 
43799509Hellborn Quest 135Sierra invites Wolfgang to a family barbeque and gets help from Isaac.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1352015-11-24 13 
December 2015
43964906Novice Heretek Quest 83The fight against the Nox Vox continues withing the bowels of Telematha. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ832015-12-03 6 
44232610Mercenary 2030 Quest 29 Sitting on the roof of a train is cold, just like icicles. Mercenary 2030 Quest, Collective Game, Guide2015-12-18 25 
January 2016
44668495Hellborn Quest 135Sierra makes sure she and Wolf are on the same page, and then enjoys a family barbeque.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1352016-01-10 16 
44823343Hellborn Quest 136Sierra prepares for a night by a lakeHellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1362016-01-17 12 
44992721Hellborn Quest 137Sierra, Harvey and Orias nerd over Davids weapons. We learn many things.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1372016-01-24 16 
45049681Novice Heretek Quest 93The King is down...now its time to kill the Queen.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ932016-01-27 5 
February 2016
45309116Hellborn Quest 138Sierra and her motorcycle gang stop at McDonalds.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1382016-02-09 12 
45406438Hellborn Quest 139Sierra learns she has an apprenticeship in the works, and that she is allegedly double-invincible.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1392016-02-14 12 
March 2016
45743161Mercenary 2030 Quest 30Will and company fight off an ambush. Nobody saw this coming, clearly. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2016-03-01 22 
45881557Mercenary 2030 Quest 31Aftermath of the battle, Will gets talked to some more. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2016-03-08 21 
45992152Hellborn Quest 143Sierra chats with a dead guy and warns Mori.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1432016-03-14 13 
May 2016
47189226Mercenary 2030 Quest 32Will wakes up then the team proceeds to New YorkMercenary 2030 Quest, Collective Game, Guide2016-05-11 25 
47326259Mercenary 2030 Quest 33Will makes it to the Big AppleMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2016-05-19 22 
June 2016
47776581Mercenary 2030 Quest 34Will and company do New YorkMercenary 2030 Quest, Collective Game, Guide2016-06-15 21 
47826089Mercenary 2030 Quest 35Dreams and a day in New YorkMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2016-06-18 22 
301639Hellborn Quest 153Sierra evacuates an island and bids farewell to Wolf.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1532016-06-26 15 
July 2016
341062 vampire: Metamorphosis Roman ages III We complete the tower, make a ghoul and meet vasilVampire vtm 32016-07-10 1 
August 2016
48972595Mercenary 2030 Quest 36Will and Morrigan have another talk. Possibly more embarrassing than the last. Mercenary 2030 Quest, Collective Game, Guide2016-08-24 21 
October 2016
77184630-Days #1The Quest in which a newly animated Guy has 30 Days to kill a man.30-Days, Collective Game, Divine Assignement2016-10-31 9 
November 2016
79389530-Days #2The second part of 30Days. We find a mysterious note and feed the troll.30-Days, Collective Game, Divine Assignement2016-11-07 2 
828251Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 1Intel Drops the ball and we try to pick it up. Only us and the Japs left standing; let's kill some teenagers!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,Eddie, Jerry, C455132016-11-15 13 
866635Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 1James has some slice of life, then some management sim, then shit hits the fan.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,Eddie, Jerry, C45513,2016-11-28 6 
December 2016
880502Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 2Well Chem is... quarantined and probably dead. But in better news, the monster is HYPE.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-01 6 
504729843DC Thread/tg/ begins to create a system, and asks the most important question: Do Double Dubs Count?3DC, Game Design2016-12-01 9 
892922Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 3This ritual just will not end. Also, the world might be teetering on the apocalypse. But we meet SPOILERS for the first time this quest.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-04 3 
50480250Do Double Dubs Count?: Thread 2The setting is expanded upon, with additions to the culture and mythos of the inhabitants.D3C, Game Design2016-12-04 5 
923655Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 4With a Dragonslayer on board, we get brutal and go on a rampage. We ocmplete the ritual, but at what cost? Conspiracies abound!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-13 2 
January 2017
1018938Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3A despondant James returns to the facility as a changed man; a father! We deal with new staff before a tie and real life medical problems.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, New Guy, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-09 4 
1029919Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 2TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! We send albino waifu off to war with her sons in hand while James becomes the leader he could be.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-14 2 
1012240Gunsmith Quest Thread OneChi Long Qua the best GUNSMITH this world has ever seen. Also hopefully isn't dead.Gunsmith, Quest, Chi Lonq Qua, Research, Song Dynasty China, 13 Century China2017-01-14 1 
1043980Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 3TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! We send albino waifu off to war with her sons in hand while James becomes the leader he could be.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-17 4 
1057812Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 4We spend most of the time playing as Valentina and Hunter Squad, but the ritual is moving forward.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-19 2 
1067416Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 5I didn't fall asleep shut up. Oni gets him some whilst the bugs hunt people.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-24 3 
1085557Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 6The longest ritual ever continues, James begins to feel a little isolation while OP gets sick.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-26 2 
February 2017
1111121Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 7The Part where Star comes back only for life to take him away again.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-02-02 2 
1174034Kobold Quest #1A group of Kobolds has been ousted from their previous home, and now must make dew in new lands if they hope to survive and get revenge.Kobold Quest, Brushwood, Kobold, Quest, 3d6, Giant Enemy Crab,2017-02-25 2 
March 2017
1200568Kobold Quest #2An encounter with some Bullywugs puts Khum and his tribe on the path to adventure. Also waifu's.Kobold Quest, Brushwood, Kobold, Quest, 3d6, Snooter, Bullywug,2017-03-04 2 
1223871Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 8We complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513, 2017-03-05 2 
1236904Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 EpilogueWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-03-09 2 
1263983Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Epilogue FINWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C455132017-03-14 2 
1244320Kobold Quest #3In which Brushwood only lasted 30 posts before tapping out. VERY short thread.Kobold Quest, Brushwood, Kobold, Quest, 3d6, Snooter, Bullywug,2017-03-15 1 
April 2017
1321693Mercenary 2030 Quest 37Will, Bellona and Cath go sightseeing.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-04-01 22 
1324313&#12469;&#12452;&#12458;&#12531; academy questGiant space beetles have an April Fools surprise.psion academy quest, &#12469;&#12452;&#12458;&#12531; academy quest, anime, drawquest, battle academy2017-04-02 5 
1322643Space Station 13 QuestA lone Spess man pranks the Clown, and has a run in with a wizard. Short thread.Space Station 13 Quest, Wendigo-Chan, Space, Space Station 13, spess2017-04-09 1 
1384496Mercenary 2030 Quest 38MMS goes to a fancy party.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-04-21 18 
May 2017
1423172Persona Quest Rebooted #1, Pt. 2Ryoma meets a sukeban, forms new Social Links, explores a Shadow nest, and runs away from death.Collective Game, Persona, Persona &#8203;Quest Rebooted, Velvet Room Host2017-05-06 2 
53129838Warmasters TriumvirateWhat starts as an Astartes Legion Creation Thread starts being developed into another AUspace_marines, warhammer 40k, 40k, AU, WT, W3, Warmasters Triumvirate2017-05-12 3 
53181029Warmasters Triumvirate IIThe AU continues to be developed, the name is settled on, the seperatist start getting some developmentspace_marines, warhammer 40k, 40k, AU, WT, W3, Warmasters Triumvirate2017-05-13 3 
53211711Warmasters Triumvirate IIIThe legion list is almost filled up and the reasons for the Brotherwar start getting fleshed space_marines, warhammer 40k, 40k, AU, WT, W3, Warmasters Triumvirate2017-05-15 3 
53238307Warmasters Triumvirate IVThe 21 legion slots are filled up, the SepMech makes it's first appearance and the Council of Nikaea gets discussed space_marines, warhammer 40k, 40k, AU, WT, W3, Warmasters Triumvirate2017-05-17 5 
53271527Warmasters Triumvirate V!Flushed out more of the Legions, ponder on the finer points of Inter-Legionary Politics and Closed out the current Legions at XXIWarmasters Triumvirate, 40k, AU, WT, W3, space_marines2017-05-18 3 
53298379Warmaster's Triumvirate VI: Horrific Casualty Rate EditionIn which no casualties are had, legions exchange hands and the debate on technology within the Sepratists begins.Warmaster's Triumvirate, 40k, AU, WT, W3, space_marines2017-05-20 3 
53336365 Warmasters' Triumvirate VIISeventh thread for the 40K AU where there's traitor primarchs who aren't really Chaos.Warmaster's Triumvirate, 40k, AU, W3, space_marines2017-05-22 5 
1478563Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 4 PrologueA changed man; James Fucking Henderson wakes up ready to do what he does best. Kill teens and save the world. Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson, Jerry, C45513,2017-05-23 3 
June 2017
1584339Mercenary 2030 Quest 39Will and Koko are captured. Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-06-18 12 
1581585Saiyan Conqueror Quest 3Karn and the gang barely save Nappa, hide out and recover, Meloka and Karn get some quality time, and you kill a terminator and get a ship.Saiyan Conqueror Quest 3, Saiyan Conqueror Quest, Karn, Meloka, Tatsu, Leyas, GrandDragonQM, DBZ, /qst/, 2017-06-19 29 
July 2017
1647138Mercenary 2030 Quest 40In which Will escapesMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-07-08 12 
1624643Hyperion-1314 factions hotly contest a planet rich with material vital to construction of fusion drives. Corporate espionage ensues. hyperion, 131, infiltration, espionage, council, space, francium, corporate2017-07-10 2 
1650644Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 4 Part 2The escalation of The Shadow Organisation Shadow War against the Saboteurs continues. It's not looking good for the world.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson, Jerry, C455132017-07-11 1 
1671337Mercenary 2030 Quest 41Aftermath of MMS night out.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-07-16 12 
1689771Mercenary 2030 Quest 42In which a decision is made.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-07-22 14 
1716657Mercenary Quest 2030 43In which Will learns even more.Mercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2017-07-29 12 
September 2017
55048815Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVIIWe get to see more faces, we make terrible movie references and we pick up the slack on the Soaring Host and Emperor's DragoonsAlternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate, WT, W3, AU2017-09-03 2 
55195803Warmasters' Triumvirate XXVIIITwo anons come two blows, and Frederic and the Dragoons are brought up to snuff after a new anon picks them up. Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate, WT, W3, AU2017-09-10 3 
55473948Warmasters Triumvirate XXXFluffing out some Iron Crusades 'nd shit/w3/, 40k, AU,2017-09-29 2 
October 2017
55623873Warmasters Triumvirate XXXIThe last regular thread.Alternate Universe, Horus Heresy, 40k, Warmasters Triumverate, WT, W3, AU2017-10-02 1 
1972084Sburb Quest - Part 3In which we meet even more people, and time travel happens. Homestuck, sburb, sburb quest, quest, collective game, part 32017-10-21 1 
December 2017
2109440War of the Roses #1Duke Will Seymour of Somerset makes plans and conducts war on his enemies. Who will claim the crown of England?War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2017-12-09 7 
2140770War of the Roses #2The fight for Bridgwater begins, Duke Seymour has to pull on stops to defend his fief.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2017-12-17 4 
January 2018
2192615Mercenary 2030 Quest 44Will and Co assault a hideoutMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2018-01-02 14 
2182202War of the Roses #3Plans are laid for the invasion of Devonshire, and plans are made with your wife.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-01-05 3 
2221499War of the Roses #4Harold declares himself rightful king, Devonshire is attacked, plans for the war continueWar of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-01-22 3 
February 2018
2257833War of the Roses #5Meeting with your family and preparations to receive Duke Harold for Christmas, as well as the siege of PlymouthWar of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-02-03 1 
2312979War of the Roses #6A relaxing Christmas with the family full of drama and intrigue.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-02-23 1 
March 2018
2351933War of the Roses #7Final preparations to begin the Middlesex Campaign and trouble in Bristol.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-03-02 2 
May 2018
2574568Mercenary 2030 Quest 45Will and Co. continue clearing the houseMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2018-05-19 8 
October 2018
2976614Beings of Creation 3 #1The Era of Daemon has come to a close, as the world is reborn anew. The cycle of gods and men is upon us once-more.Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, Daemon, God, READ, THE, RULES, boc, boc32018-10-29 10 
November 2018
3021045Beings of Creation 3 - #2op fucking diesCiv, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, Daemon, God, READ, THE, RULES, boc, boc32018-11-19 6 
May 2019
3460002Beings of Creation 3 - #3op the third fulfills the prophecyCiv, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, Daemon, God, boc, boc3, portent2019-05-11 5 
3494872Beings of Creation 3 - #4A new God joins and, elsewhere, [Communication] occurs. Civ, creation, gods, freeform, hexcrawl, multiplayer, Daemon, God, boc, boc3,2019-05-26 5 
July 2019
3660660Body Horror Quest - 26th VeinShu lays B'ni to rest, feasts with her family on level-ups, and meets the Hexane race face to face. Goodnight, Isabelle.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 32019-07-20 15 
August 2019
3693736Body Horror Quest - Ischemia Intermission Intermission Thread Between the 26th and 27th Vein, Anons contribute write-faggotry and discuss the future. Bhop prepares for the next vein.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Ischemia, Intermission2019-08-02 11 
3729692Body Horror Quest - 27th VeinShu says goodbye to the Midnight Crew, goes to meet Good SHODAN, finally lets go of Sam, takes in a good Doctor, and prepares for THE HUNTBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Sam, West, Francine, the hunt2019-08-15 15 
3765579Body Horror Quest - 28th VeinShu meets a Polish meme girl and a posse of Hyenas with Assless chaps; then finds prey, only to find she's not the only hunter on the prowlBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Polish, hyenas, assless chaps, Protean2019-08-25 12 
September 2019
3780059Body Horror Quest - 29th VeinShu’s catch of the week: 1 Silver Fish, 1 Stealth Panther, and 1 Frost Wolf. FuzzBuzz gets adopted by Ants, and unexpected visitors arrive.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, the hunt, Ants, FuzzBuzz, bamboozle2019-09-08 12 
3805827Body Horror Quest - 30th VeinShu has tea with Charon, talks to a 4-D Doggo, chats with many dream daughters, and tells a story about Ants to Amara.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Ringo, 4-D Doggo, Charon, Amara, infodump2019-09-16 15 
October 2019
3848948Body Horror Quest - 31st VeinA simple visit to Madam Yurei’s Mansion to talk about her proposal for the Crucible turned into a ballroom blitz of escalating violence.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Madam Yurei, Ballroom Blitz, Violence, boss phases2019-10-05 12 
3863033Body Horror Quest - 32nd VeinShu and family dive into a ghost's past to lay her to rest, and a certain bunny comes back from the dead to start her road to redemption.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Madam Yurei, exorcism, redemption, B'ni2019-10-16 14 
November 2019
3894141Body Horror Quest - 33rd VeinShu entertains a variety of guests in her house, from the Barbers to the Dream Daughters, with a phone call from 'Mother' Ozmas in betweenBody Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, dream daughters, slice-of-life, slow thread2019-11-07 14 
3917562Body Horror Quest - 34th VeinToday was a good day. Shu got to meet the Ant Queen and took her family on a relaxing day trip to Laoc...until a flying kaiju came along.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Francine, slice-of-life, Laoc, Ant Queen, a good day2019-11-19 14 
December 2019
3933303Body Horror Quest - CapillaryAn Interlude where bhop explores the perspectives of other characters in the Crucible world: Featuring: Sam, 'A', and Isabelle.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, interlude, Capillary, slice-of-life, Isabelle, Sam, 'A'2019-12-02 12 
3955275Mercenary 2030 Quest 46MMS recovers from their last missionMercenary Quest 2030, Collective Game, Guide2019-12-06 3 
3951968Body Horror Quest - 35th VeinHunger Riots are the worst. They can easily swallow up a town like Laoc whole if Shu doesn't put down the hunger-mad fast enough. Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, Hunger Riots, town event, combat, hunger-mad, a good day2019-12-12 13 
January 2020
4006160Body Horror Quest - 36th VeinAnd now for the tedious part after the Laoc hunger riots: cleaning up , level-ups and some heart-to-heart talks for those who need it.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, a good day, clean-up, Julia, Gemma2020-01-13 13 
4038281Body Horror Quest - 37th VeinShu leaves Laoc to kill a giant anteater for Ants, and helps out a pair of lovers before being gently reminded that they are being HUNTED.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Laoc, Ant Queen, a good day, the hunt, hexane2020-01-30 11 
February 2020
4067810Body Horror Quest - 38th VeinShu meets a big-name Skinternet streamer, asks google “how to stop a Terminator”, and has dinner with her family.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, Francine, skinternet, planning, level up2020-02-13 11 
March 2020
4105787Body Horror Quest - 39th VeinShu destroys Dr. West's Skynet, West Alpha forces them to flee their mountain home, and an ally becomes a rogue terrorist. End of Act 3.Body Horror Quest, Body Horror, bhop, BHOP, Female MC, Gore, Horror, Act 3, West Alpha, Magpie, skynet,2020-03-09 11 
April 2020
4178618Ganondorf on Earth1st questZelda, Ganon, WWII, 19372020-04-12 2 
August 2020
74251433Nechronica Thread! Gravel Storytime & Port Storytime. Crazy letter generator.A-team hunts for the big bad bugs. Tachi confronts herself, Showdown with Abbadon, & someone is left behind. Anon shares a font of madness.Nechronica, Storytime, Story Time, Gravel, Adrian, Altina, Aida, Port, Tachi, Protoca, B3, story, violence, bugs, russians, crazy letter2020-08-16 3 
November 2020
44860033QM-NRP#1 - the beginning3QM-NRP is a Semi-Freeform game where you roleplay as a fantasy nation. The point of the game is not to win, but to create stories and a liv3QM, NRP, daddy, map-game2020-11-09 6 
4510838The 2nd Primarch QuestThe 2nd Primarch's destiny is changed! Now named Lieren, the young primarch seeks to bring prosperity and plenty to all people of ShangralaCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2020-11-12 60 
December 2020
4531257The 2nd Primarch Quest 2Lieren brings prosperity to the Lands of Gao, Creates a school of philosophy, slays Lord Gao, and enters into a war against the Yan nobilityCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2020-12-13 41 
45266143QM-NRP#2 - Electrum Bogaloo3QM-NRP is a Semi-Freeform game where you roleplay as a fantasy nation. The point of the game is not to win. This time lot's of nightmares.3QM, NRP, daddy, map-game2020-12-14 4 
January 2021
4568748The 2nd Primarch Quest 3The war rages on as Lieren braves the bone devouring forest alone, meeting both tribes of bloodthirsty warriors and their bestial enemies Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-01-11 31 
45702973QM-NRP#3 - will the Shogun die already???3QM-NRP is a Semi-Freeform game where you roleplay as a fantasy nation. The point of the game is not to win. This time we fought da Shogun3QM, NRP, daddy, map-game2021-01-14 5 
4590497Space Station 13 Quest: Station 1A new quest in the world of the infamous game of the same name.Otome QM, Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Lizard, Weed, Trip, Cyborg, Anime Girl, Douglas MacArthur, Goblin2021-01-18 8 
4627439Black Company Quest 2230AD #1The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. A newly minted Black Company Sergeant assumes command.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary2021-01-30 33 
February 2021
4611224Space Station 13 Quest: Station 2A new station, a new adventure for our new cyborg MC.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Lizard, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Changelin2021-02-02 5 
4603602The 2nd Primarch Quest 4The Yan army suffers defeat after defeat. Lieren mourns the loss of a friend, teaches strange students and finds a living ship named kanzeonCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-02-14 30 
4653078Black Company Quest 2230AD #2The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. SGT 'Snake Eyes' Natalya raids a Yibrak space statioBlack Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary2021-02-15 23 
4631602Space Station 13 Quest: Space Station 13 Quest: Station 3 - Booze StationThird time's the charm or so they say.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Slime, Tesla Ball, Russians, Vodka2021-02-18 3 
77704221Saving Private Mon'KeighWhat if cupanon was a craftworld Eldar?storytime, Writefag, eldar, 30k, time travel, not as planned2021-02-24 53 
March 2021
4691532Black Company Quest 2230AD #3The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The Captain considers lucrative offers of employment.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary2021-03-12 22 
4651156The 2nd Primarch Quest 5The end of the war is upon the horizon. Lieren ambushes an enemy general and through his memories, learns of the true wickedness of the Yan.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-03-16 30 
4664076Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4, High Security Nuking.McSnickers Dickerson attempts to advance the field of science and his faith. But can he survive the Syndicates deadliest ops team?Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, McSnickers Dickerson2021-03-20 0 
4666442Eleventh Primarch QuestThe Fate of the Eleventh Primarch is changed and Kolinasi's adventure begins.Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-03-23 12 
4686103Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4.5, Rust In Peace. . . McSnickersMcSnickers spreads disease like a dog, discharge his payload, a mile high rotten egg, air of death, wrestles syndi nostrils.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, maintenance, Nuclear Holocaust, MacArthur did nothing wrong, Revenge2021-03-26 0 
April 2021
4705736Space Station 13 Quest: Station 5, Mining Station Inquisition.McSnickers gets a feel for his new warmachine body and joins the Inquisitorial Emergency Response Team.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Mechanicus, McSnickers Dickerson, Cult, monster slaying, Inquisition, Russians, lavaland, one month hiatus2021-04-11 0 
4696713The 2nd Primarch Quest 6As the final battle of the war is waged, Lieren travels alone to the Yan capital, slaying princes and facing his most deadly adversary yet.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-04-11 30 
4708445Eleventh Primarch Quest TwoKolinasi forges alliances with the witches, and steals a vesselCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-04-23 10 
4711588MANAGER, HELP! Another Facility Management QuestYou are the Overseer. You must make PRODUCT. You also may have nuked yourself on the first shift. Overseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, SS132021-04-23 15 
May 2021
4785536Black Company Quest 2230AD #4The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. Gunrunning, infiltrating and starting brushfire wars.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary2021-05-03 20 
4737591The 2nd Primarch Quest 7With the defeat of the Yan's hellish Patron, The war against tyranny comes to an end. Lieren begins work to heal the lingering wounds of waCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-05-07 30 
4766680Eleventh Primarch Quest ThreeKolinasi discovers an underwater hive, makes a new ally, and prepares for battle.Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-05-25 6 
June 2021
4849264Black Company Quest 2230AD #5The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. A daring operation, the slave rebellion builds steam.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary2021-06-02 20 
4795070The 2nd Primarch Quest 8Lieren battles against an enemy most foul and with new knowledge and wisdom mends the damage of left by the war both material and emotionalCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-06-05 30 
4834046Eleventh Primarch Quest FourKolinasi personally takes the fight to the slavers and goes off into space.Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-06-23 7 
July 2021
80126761Word Bearer Isekai Thread 2Orator-Anon continues the adventure of Anon as he and the Word Bearer to change the course of Warhammer 30k. storytime, writefag, time travel, word bearers, Warhammer40k, Warhammer30k2021-07-04 30 
4854357The 2nd Primarch Quest 9Lieren establishes a school, meets his brother Magnus, battles alien bandits. Jinhai is crowned king of the Long Jia dynasty and kingdom.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-07-06 30 
4906081Black Company Quest 2230AD #6The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The slave rebellion Dis continues to grow and learn.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary, Free League of Dis2021-07-06 20 
4887480Eleventh Primarch Quest FiveKolinasi takes the something fierce to Nuceria, and his life changes Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-07-29 7 
August 2021
4950856Black Company Quest 2230AD #7The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The Royal Savis Empire strikes back.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary, Free League of Dis2021-08-09 20 
4906959The 2nd Primarch Quest 10Lieren, now the Grand architect of Long-Jia, meets three threats more dangerous and wicked than any he's overcome before. Love bloomsCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-08-14 31 
September 2021
4941492Eleventh Primarch Quest SixKolianaisi bonds with Angron and defends a cityCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-09-11 10 
5008040Black Company Quest 2230AD #8The Black Company is good at what they do, and they do it at affordable alien prices. The ant hill has been kicked, now to get out alive.Black Company Quest, 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM, Sci-Fi, Mercenary, Free League of Dis2021-09-25 20 
4957715The 2nd Primarch Quest 11Lieren overcomes the tribulation of the five lords of chaos, meets his father and hunts down the sorcerous tyrant Kamal Kanan.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-09-26 31 
November 2021
4992613Eleventh Primarch Quest SevenKolinaisi helps Angron with NuceriaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-11-02 10 
5008985The 2nd Primarch Quest 12Lieren meets The butcher King Nitya Sinha, learns of the origins of Kanzeon and her sisters, and meets his Brother PerturaboCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2021-11-19 31 
December 2021
5044699Eleventh Primarch Quest: Chapter 8Kolinaisi leaves Nuceria and makes an interesting discovery Eleventh Primarch Quest, Warhammer 30k, Primarch, 40k, AU, Old Man, Kolinaisi2021-12-18 7 
5059400The 2nd Primarch Quest - Thread 13A goddess descends from the heavens, her sister freed, and the war against the Butcher King for the soul of Shangrala begins.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2021-12-25 30 
January 2022
82847470We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #3Ghost and Kyrus become separated after fighting Drukhari, they now advance their missions, alone.Story time, write fag, Warhammer30k, word bearers, time travel, daemons 2022-01-16 27 
5091359Elventh Primarch Quest Chapter NineKolinaisi and Robute Guilliman fight the Black Judges and find someoneEleventh Primarch Quest, Warhammer 30k, Primarch, 40k, AU, Old Man, Kolinaisi2022-01-30 8 
February 2022
5107800The 2nd Primarch Quest 14The War against the butcher king rages, a white tiger is slain, the rivers of the gold dragon are forged by Lieren, Magnus and Perturabo Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-02-12 30 
83424106Nechronica Thread: Homebrew & Sanctuary Storytime 1.PortAnon's Sanctuary Storytime begins with a boat trip into the unknown. Dinosaurs. Multiple Anon's post homebrew. Homebrew is discussed.Nechronica, Homebrew, parts, class, position, Storytime, Story Time, Sanctuary, M3LT1E, Meltie, Sofia, story, time, undead, Port2022-02-23 2 
March 2022
83635837Nechronica Thread: Homebrew, drawing & Sanctuary Storytime 2.An artfag makes art. Sanctuary Storytime part 2. Anon posts a custom class. Nechronica, Homebrew, parts, tokens, class, position, Storytime, Story Time, Sanctuary, M3LT1E, Meltie, Sofia, story, time, undead, Port2022-03-15 2 
5146906Eleventh Primarch Quest: Chapter 10Kolinaisi goes on a raid and deals with necronsCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-03-15 5 
5161767The 2nd Primarch Quest 15Lieren and his sons fight side by side as the final battle of the butcher's war begins. Heroes of Long-Jia battle the devil of black ironCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-03-29 31 
April 2022
5197797Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter ElevenAngron begins his raid, Kolinaisi prepares for OlympiaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-04-27 5 
May 2022
5212382Return of Forgotten QMForgotten announces his return to civilisation and the pending resumption of StV and BCQ 2230AD. We’re finally getting of the boat…Sworn to Valour, Black Company, Black Company 2230AD, Collective Game, Forgotten QM2022-05-05 6 
5211138The 2nd Primarch Quest 16The bloodiest war on Shangrala's history comes to a close, and Lieren set's his golden eyes on the horizon.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-05-11 31 
June 2022
5249560Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter TwelveThe fight begins on Olympia and NuceriaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-06-13 6 
5286089Eastern European Post-Apoc CivOP rips off Genie & Others. Faction is former military in the Saint Petersburg Metro. Players scared of Communists, Cultists, WomenMetro 2033, Metro, Russia, Post-Apoc, Post Apocalyptic, Modern, /civ/, 2022-06-20 1 
5264486The 2nd Primarch Quest 17Lieren and his sons bring prosperity to the people of the Zoroast, while seeking to protect another of Kanzeon's sisters. Liberty soars.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-06-21 31 
July 2022
5324475XXI Primarch Quest #1After the death of Guilliman, a Primarch is made and sent back to the Great Crusade Era. Collective Game, Warhammer, 40, 30K, Great Crusade, Horus Heresy, Primarch. 2022-07-12 1 
5303618Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter ThirteenThe Battle on Olympia begins Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-07-20 6 
5311231Eastern European Post-Apoc Civ (WrapUp Thread)Gustav stops being scared of women and unites the other stations for war, QM is obviously tired and struggles at times to update, Metro 2033, Metro, Russia, Post-Apoc, Post Apocalyptic, Modern, /civ/2022-07-22 1 
5311436The 2nd Primarch Quest 18Lieren uses his verbal prowess to win more unlikely allies amongst the eldar, and begins his work to free his enslaved brother Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-07-24 31 
August 2022
5350642The 2nd Primarch Quest 19Lieren Continues his adventures on the planet of desert sands and Frees the Lord of the Red Sands personallyCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2022-08-11 31 
534933011th Primarch quest Chapter 13 part 2 Electric BoogalooThis time Kolinaisi Stands against A TitanCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-08-11 6 
October 2022
5389739Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter FourteenKolinaisi heads back to De'lormosa after helping PerturaboCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-10-18 3 
5388225The 2nd Primarch Quest 20Angron's psykerist training begins as to does his war against the high riders. A fog panther stalks Nuceria, and Lieren brings prosperity.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-10-18 31 
November 2022
5411624Urist Fonderferson and the Slit of SecretsUri Fonder is the Dwarf with a cursed cock! It's DnD meets Hogwarts, but raunchy! Smelty picks up after a flaker, but has no clue how to DMDnD, 5e, Fonderferson, Dwarf, Fae Smelter, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, r34, Bootyholder, Myhernee 2022-11-14 6 
December 2022
5437071The 2nd Primarch Quest 21Angron and Lieren achieve victory in battle against the tyrannical highriders. Reinforcements from mist swept lands arrive upon Nuceria. Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2022-12-08 31 
5439713Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter 15Kolinaisi returns to De'lormosa.Eleventh Primarch Quest, Warhammer 30k, Primarch, 40k, AU, Old Man, Kolinaisi2022-12-10 4 
January 2023
87277920Saving Private Mon'Keigh #2Mon'Keigh Eldar's attempts at preventing the Horus Heresystorytime, writefag, Eldar, Great Crusade, Not As Planned, Time Travel, 30k2023-01-09 38 
5489667The second Primarch Quest 22Lieren Spars with his brother and updates his FatherCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal,2023-01-14 31 
5496202Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter 16Kolinasi Begins the work of unifying De'lormosaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-01-20 5 
February 2023
5533342The 2nd Primarch Quest 23As the two primarchs battle against the high-riders to end their tyranny, a hidden, second war begins as Chaotic influence is discovered.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-02-21 31 
5539838Skirmish of the incel deitiesIsekai'd incels escape their imprisonment in a facility for reeducation camp.skirm jam 2023, fantasy, SchizoQM, skirmish2023-02-23 3 
5541910Eleventh Primarch Quest Ch16 Part IIKolinaisi continues his quest to unify De'lormosaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-02-27 6 
5538522Skirm Jam 2023 pt2The second thread of the 2022 Skirmish Jam in which the votes are tallied.skirmish, jam, Collective Game, SkirmJam, skirmish jam, 20232023-02-28 0 
March 2023
5577442The 2nd Primarch quest 24Lieren topples a tyrant as ancient as the sands and faces a dragon above the crypt of a technological horrorCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-03-27 31 
April 2023
5597141The Kamen Rider of 30XXA new legend for an old hero. (BD set includes Episode 1: Awakening, and Episode 2: Cannon)Kamen, Rider, future, action, adventure, Kamen Rider, 30XX2023-04-11 5 
5600133Eleventh Primarch Quest Ch 16 pt 3Kolinaisi makes discoveries uniting De'lormosaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-04-23 2 
May 2023
5617021The 2nd Primarch Quest 25Beneath sands long undisturbed, two sons of the emperor face off against the shadow cast by a race long deadCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-05-05 31 
5645252The Kamen Rider of 30XX Disc 2The Returning Kamen Rider fights for the future. (BD set includes Episode 3: Prison break and Episode 4: Caretaker)Kamen, Rider, future, action, adventure, Kamen Rider, 30XX2023-05-29 3 
June 2023
5649344Eleventh Primarch Quest: Chapter 16 finaleKolinaisi confronts a scared necronCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-06-11 2 
5655464The 2nd Primarch Quest 26 With the subjugation of the ancient alien abominable intelligence, Lieren turns his hunter's eyes towards the city of Desh'ea.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-06-17 31 
July 2023
5679711The Kamen Rider of 30XX Disc 3The Homebody Kamen Rider reunites with family! (BD set includes Episode 5: Arrival, Episode 6: Storm and Episode 7: Mirror)Kamen, Rider, future, action, adventure, Kamen Rider, 30XX2023-07-19 3 
5689526The 2nd Primarch Quest 27Lieren's forces infiltrate the city Desh'ea in advance of Angron's rebellion only to find their worst suspicions confirmed.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-07-31 31 
August 2023
5693368Eleventh Primarch quest chapter 17Kolinasi begins work with his legionEleventh Primarch Quest, Warhammer 30k, Primarch, 40k, AU, Old Man, Kolinaisi2023-08-06 2 
September 2023
5726794The 2nd Primarch Quest 28Lieren thwarts chaos' schemes and frees an ancient tortoise spirit.Angron takes De'shea and unshackles Nuceria from High Rider dominanceCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-09-13 31 
5739559Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter EighteenKolinaisi forms a unit. Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-09-25 2 
October 2023
5743532The Kamen Rider of 30XX Disc 4The lost Kamen Rider reads a map (BD set includes episodes 8 and 9: Untraveled roads.)Kamen, Rider, future, action, adventure, Kamen Rider, 30XX2023-10-01 0 
90441338We are have the same mind, this Word Bearer and I #4Ghost slowly becomes acquainted with being with Perturabo. Kyrus furthers his psychic might by training directly under Malcador.Story time, Word Bearer, write fag, time travel, daemons, Warhammer 30k, isekai2023-10-03 26 
5762768The 2nd Primarch Quest 29Lieren returns to the misty valleys of Shangrala, uplifts the remaining cultures once hidden in its fogs and encounters two new abhumansCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-10-10 32 
57747542023 AD: After AmericaElaine Rosewood ventures out into a post-nuclear North Virginia in search of a cure for the plague.dskQM, 2023 AD: After America, Post-Apocalypse, Survival, Quest2023-10-25 8 
November 2023
5785343Eleventh primarch quest chapter 18: crusade interludeKolinaisi makes a decision, meets two new brothersEleventh Primarch Quest, Warhammer 30k, Primarch, 40k, AU, Old Man, Kolinaisi2023-11-07 0 
5787162The Kamen Rider of 30XX Disc 5 The travelling Kamen Rider closes in on the journey home. (BD set includes episode 10: Wander)Kamen, Rider, future, action, adventure, Kamen Rider, 30XX, Collective Game2023-11-12 0 
58127352023 AD: After America 2Elaine and Rudy get closer, arrive at Hubcap, and meet the Samaritans.dskQM, 2023 AD: After America, Post-Apocalypse, Survival, Quest2023-11-12 4 
5790368The 2nd Primarch Quest 30His wedding nearing, Lieren ventures to Ulthwé once again to seek Eldrad's wisdom on a variety of topics.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2023-11-22 31 
January 2024
5838743The Kamen Rider of 30XX Disc 6The defending Kamen Rider fights for home and hearth. (BD set includes Episode 11: Homebound and Episode 12: Avert)Kamen, Rider, future, action, adventure, Kamen Rider, 30XX2024-01-04 2 
5842357The 2nd Primarch Quest 31 Lieren passes the trial given to him by the memory of a hunter long since departed from this world, and spreads his forgotten wisdom.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-01-07 32 
February 2024
5884650The 2nd Primarch Quest 32Meditating on ancient wisdom, Lieren destroys a slave trading hub of Dark Eldar and meets new alien life on the journey to his wedding.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-02-17 33 
March 2024
5928711The 2nd Primarch Quest 33The mist wrapped world of Shangrala is host to a family reunion of unprecedented scale and importance, as scattered brothers reunite.Collective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-03-30 34 
April 2024
5940124Horus Heresy Quest #1Alpha Legion renegades emerge, swindle a hive planet, then meddle with fate on Prospero...Warhammer 30k, Warhammer, 30k, Horus Heresy, Horus Heresy Quest, AurebeshQM, Sci-fi2024-04-13 4 
May 2024
5965303 The 2nd Primarch Quest 34The imperial family reunion on Shangrala continues, interplanetary colonization plans are discussed and four of the ten thousand appearCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-05-13 33 
June 2024
6003068The 2nd Primarch Quest 35Vows are spoken promises are made, and Lieren and Kanzeon's wedding is at last concluded upon a now peaceful ShangralaCollective Game, Quest, The 2nd Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Malal2024-06-16 24 
6006235Horus Heresy Quesy #2Captain Alpharius agrees to Magnus' gambit, but things suddenly go very wrong when he summons Kairos Fateweaver...Warhammer 30k, Warhammer, 30k, Horus Heresy, Horus Heresy Quest, AurebeshQM, Sci-fi2024-06-24 1 
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