/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

March 2008
1380255Being sent for reeducationA player complains about a crappy D&D session and spirals into a thread involving brain washing conditioning from 1984.torture, color, D&D, 1984, 4 lights2008-03-22 3 
October 2008
2811761How to Make a Good CharacterAnon posts 10 tips to avoid making a shitty roleplaying character. More advice is added, and wisdom is dispensed. Something most fa/tg/uys should read.advice, how to make a good character, 10 tips2008-10-16 6 
November 2008
3052437GameScience Dice vs Cheap DiceAnon posts a very interesting vid featuring the good Colonel from GameScience explaining why most /tg/ dice aren't in face random.dice, die, cheap, machined, casino, d20, d16, d4, polished2008-11-24 3 
March 2009
3938847World War I CrusadesA picture plus a quick paragraph of story sparks speculation about what if the Crusades had access to World War I chemical weapons.world war 1, crusades2009-03-12 11 
4139522Fantasy trench warfare/tg/ creates the beginning stages of a fantasy world caught in the throes of WW1 style trench warfare.worldbuilding, homebrew, WW1, alternate fantasy2009-03-31 11 
June 2009
48809461984 and Late-Night Philosophy/tg/ attempts to turn 1984 into a viable setting for gaming. The goal may have been accomplished, but it's lost under a torrent of mostly shit- turning into a surprisingly candid and polite discussion on the philosophy of safety over freedom.philosophy, 1984, george orwell, justice2009-06-15 1 
July 2009
5160269True Heroes Part 10The end of an arc, the 10th part.True, Heroes, Part, 102009-07-15 1 
October 2009
6163100Heavy Weapons Fightercharacter / item theorizing for a D&D3.5 variant paladin with a very very expensive crossbow.D&D, 3.5, charopt, TF2, heavy, keen crossbow, 220500gp in 12 seconds2009-10-07 1 
6470755WW1 Fantasy settingAnon asks if anyone has ever played a WW1 based fantasy game. Ends with System generation.WW1, Trenchwarfare, homebrew, awesome, brewfagging2009-10-29 5 
November 2009
6558083Exalted 101Despite a little meandering, this topic soon became quite the primer for anyone asking after Exalted.Exalted, Exalted 101, newbie seeking help2009-11-04 2 
6741973Death to DruidsA monk comes to /tg/ seeking advice on defending a mining village from genocidal druids and his treacherous ex-party. /tg/ provides it.Monk, villagers, level 1, advice2009-11-17 12 
6844197Death to Druids: The AftermathDeath to Druids thread after the fated encounter. The noble monk failed massively in his attempt to hold back the PCs and NPC Druids.Monk, villagers, level 1, failure2009-11-24 3 
December 2009
7107438Wormy and Dave Trampier.A little trip down nostalgia lane.Dragon, Dragon Magazine, Cartoon, Comic, 1E, Art2009-12-13 1 
January 2010
7848192Colony 13 Ep. 4More underwater shenanigans, a sunken ship, and further ship explorationColony 13, quest2010-01-31 0 
March 2010
8382189Gav and BobA Tale of two Ogryns.Ogryn, 10k, Manly tears, grimdark2010-03-03 79 
April 2010
9143051/tg/ is trapped in a mind loopA discussion about religious text and edition wars turns into something more sinister.bible, edition wars, 1e, 3e, 2e, 4e, mind, infinite loop,2010-04-12 3 
May 2010
9662846Sleep Is DeathSleep is Death, a story telling gameSleepIsDeath, Sleep Is Death, v14c, Geisterfahrer, Jason, Rohrer2010-05-07 2 
June 2010
10663689Alt1977 WritefaggotryAlternate history writefaggotry in which supercomputers in the 70's change the course of history.Alt1977, Alternate History, Writefaggotry2010-06-22 5 
October 2010
12403221SS13 StorytimeSpace Station 13 stories, many of them hilarious. I don't even play it and this thread was well worth the read.SS13, Space Station 13, storytime2010-10-11 29 
12561850Symbol LichesWhat starts out as an idea for more abstract phylacteries turns into a group of lichs who created written language, paladins who speak in 1337, and cultists with added alliterative appeal.Lich, letters, symbols, unknown armies, dnd, language, 1337, cultists2010-10-25 13 
November 2010
12867375System of ROCK/tg/ gets shit done by making a system. Ends up revolving around bands, d12s, and has sex, drugs, and Rock & Roll as stats. Glorious/tg/ gets shit done, homebrew, d12, Rock and Roll, Metal, Heavy Metal2010-11-21 5 
December 2010
13339292d12 Eberron Character CreationOP let's /tg/ have a go at his homebrew system for making deep Eberron characters using only d12s. Everyone worries about the safety of Wera d'Kundarak fortune.Character generation, d12, Character, Homebrew2010-12-30 0 
January 2011
13393514Social Failure."Professor asks in class what the council of Nicea was." "Its when the Emperor forbade the use of Psykers." "What?"Fail, funny, humor, derp, natural 1, Omnissiah, STORYTIEM, stories, story, RPG, Real Life, IRL, AFK, Traditional Games, Nat 202011-01-04 38 
March 2011
14222798Iron GURPSIron GURPS is where you take three d100, roll them, and then look up the result on a table of GURPS books. Then you take the three books and combine them in a mashup for a setting for your game.Iron GURPS, GURPS, Campaign settings, Campaigns, Campaign, 3d1002011-03-13 3 
14424699AK-47 The GameOP gives /tg/ an introduction to a tabletop that simulates the brutal brush wars of subsaharan africa with a tongue in cheek look. Awesome is had.Africa, mercenaries, ak47, 15mm, wargaming2011-03-31 6 
April 2011
14637058Horror in the Trenches/tg/ talks about horror in the trenches of the Western Front of World War 1. Some great ideas and inspiring images.world war 1; horror; trenches; depression;2011-04-19 13 
May 2011
14925632ISSAC (+ Nespresso-J112 Quest)An excellent story about the development of A.I. through its perspective. After the story ends an anon (Nespresso J112) takes it up to run a quest: "despite rapid advances in computing and robotics, humanity has died out, and devices fallen into disrepair. You are a Nespresso-J112 Coffee machine, given sentience by a bug in the code. Your goal is to acquire Coffee and Coffee Filters, and if you need to rebuild civilisation yourself to get some, you'll do it."ISSAC, AI, writefaggotory, QUEST, Collective game, Nespresso J1122011-05-15 17 
14979045SS13 Tips and Tricks TG Station ServerTips and Tricks for SS13, The TG Station ServerSS13, Space Station 13, Tips, Tricks2011-05-19 1 
June 2011
15182129Boone Quest part 3Boone and gang return to kill rampaging 'nids and kick some balls. Several times.Boone, Calliban, C-16, Collective Game, Colossal Fagot, Culexus, drawfag, Quests2011-06-07 31 
15190094Boone Quest Episode One Part 4Seb gets ruined, Caliban gets the girl, and C-16 plays hangman.Boone, Quest, Colossal, Faggot, 40k, c-16, Caliban2011-06-08 35 
July 2011
15662705Art Deco MarinesA very original idea for a new Space Marines chapter is developed when OP comes with plans to build a 20s/30s themed army.Art Deco, 1930s, Space Marines, Greaser Orks, The Architects 2011-07-22 7 
15672017Space Station 13 story time 2A collection of tales from space station 13 SS13, space, station, 13, space station 132011-07-24 12 
15695453Basic Mechanic, by dirigibleSome namefag talks about his roll-under system, and it's actually half-way decent. There's another good system being referred to, by _ (no seriously, that's his name), and an autist tries to ruin the party.dirigible, d10, homebrew, 2011-07-26 5 
August 2011
1599967816m GETDoctor Dre's dead, and locked in my basement. Well, at least it isn't 40GAY40K, 40Gay,16000000, 16M Get, get, rap, Dr. Dre, best thread, not DH2011-08-20 15 
October 2011
16545159Diterlizzi AD&D Monstrous Compendium Annual Vol. 1Descriptions and pictures of Diterlizzi, the man who made AD&D what we picture it to be today.Diterlizzi, 90s, 1990s, AD&D, artwork2011-10-08 8 
16677642Zerg Quest LVIIIThe mighty, conquering Swarm asks, "Yo, Bromo Sapiens. What's up?"Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, d100 botch, Far too silly, hilarity ensues2011-10-20 10 
16776536On Cyberpunk and Art DecoA lovely thread full of brainstorming and fluff ideas for a 1920's punky setting.fluff, worldbuilding, setting idea, 1920s, cyberpunk2011-10-31 6 
December 2011
1710907511 - Aura of FailureShas'o R'myr regalis /tg/ with yet another of his amazing Deffwotch threads, about a Deathwatch squad of orksOrks, Deffwotch, 11, Warhammer 40K, Epic, Campaign2011-12-06 10 
17379345Artemis 11 (or 'Help me design Call of Cthulhu In Space')OP asks for help fleshing out his concept of a CoC setting in the far future, where humanity has colonised other planets and Earth has been quarantined due to the End Times. The Carter Family owns Silver Key Incorporated and produces gates for long-distance transference, mankind is getting ready to venture toward space and the centre of the universe, and more.Call of Cthulhu, space, Artemis 11, horror, setting, game ideas, Cthulhu, Lovecraft, Mythos2011-12-31 6 
January 2012
17397637What was the best thread of 2011?2011 was a pretty rockin year for /tg/. Anon recounts their favourites. Anagrams, Rap Battles, we have it all. Come take a trip down memory lane and welcome in the new year by reliving glories past./tg/, tg, 2012, 2011, memories, awesome, epic, win, 40k, homebrew, storytime2012-01-02 24 
17458366Memory Lane 2011 Part 2Come join us on a walk down memory lane! The best threads of /tg/ 2011. Linked and listed for your reading pleasure. Who needs other boards?/tg/, tg, 2012, 2011, memories, awesome, epic, win, 40k, homebrew, storytime2012-01-08 5 
February 2012
17846817Nokia Exterminatus"What if Exterminatus is actually a Nokia 3310 dropped to orbit by an Inquisitor?"Nokia, 3310, Exterminatus, funny, 40K, humor2012-02-08 27 
17978601/TG/ BOOTLEG Meta Quest thread 12Vaults:8, Crypts, Elf Halls, chat with gods, people fail at scrabble.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Bootleg Metaquest, Bootleg, Crawl, Stone Soup, DCSS, Orb of Zot, Zot, Scrabble, Elyvilon, Writefaggotry, SCP-18922012-02-17 5 
April 2012
18837867Magical Girl DystopiaMagical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuufffffluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-04-24 21 
May 2012
18927361NearFuture Cyborg Quest 6In which SHOPPING SPREE! We get lots of cool stuff, all three AI are awake, and we have a job to do tomorrow.Collective Game, NearFuture Cyborg Quest, Cyborg, Exabyte, Mysterious nat100 futuregirl2012-05-01 15 
19085077Magical Girl Dystopia IIIMore fleshing out about the girls and the resistancefluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-14 5 
19117954Gaming Club Despot / Economists and EpochsOP begins by asking how to keep his gaming club pure, and is quickly revealed as a god-tier troll. /tg/ responds by derailing into a homebrewed setting where martial arts cults pay homage to the warring gods of Economic Theory.troll, OP, faggot, god-tier, 10/10, rage, derail, tg, /tg/, Economists and Epochs, gaming club, homebrew, setting2012-05-16 22 
19119894Magical Girl Dystopia IVThe setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud.fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-18 2 
June 2012
19413594/tg/ does OmegleAnons invade Omegle and fight glorious battlesOmegle, Khorne, 19F, Freddy Mercury2012-06-09 32 
19642562Mahou Shounen Quest 140Locked up in the brig with Yuki. Kyon goes into "papa bear" mode. He mad. So mad. "Cast in the name of God, Ye not guilty"Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, still mad after 12000 years2012-06-27 12 
19659667Only War Quest: The 156th Junonan Siege/tg/ makes a regiment, then explores the adventures of Sergeant Scrange and his motley gang of criminal misfitsOnly War Quest, 156th Junonan Siege, Only War, Collective Game2012-06-29 10 
August 2012
20151472Blue and the Scraplootas: Part 9More development for the clan and it's heroes, and a familiar Imperial Guard regiment shows up... Tau, Orkz, Blue, Gretchin, Boris, Fizzgutz, Scraplootas, Writefaggotry, 1st Membranes2012-08-03 5 
20214188Mahou Shounen Quest 169Reunited with Nanoha. Do our diplomatic duties. Find out why time was lost. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, getting spacelaid, 169 threads 7 months and you're still mad? I like your dedication.2012-08-07 5 
20317317SS13 - The Cluwne FactorySS13 thread grinds to a halt after one Anon posts the story of the Cluwne Factory - the most epic derail of a SS13 game ever seen.SS13, cluwne, butts, butt factory, wtf2012-08-15 48 
20446029Strike witches 1989 queststarting off with a midair collision Collective Game, Strike Witches 19892012-08-24 36 
September 2012
20521280Space Station 13: The Storytime-iningMany a man tried to discuss SS13, but few returned alive.Space Station 13, SS13, Storytime, Storytiem2012-09-03 7 
20599444Strikers '89in which we share a C-141 with paratroopers. Collective Game, Strike Witches 19892012-09-05 31 
20689152Stikers '89 3Hop 1Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, 2012-09-12 25 
20776399Stikers '89 4Bach volleyball! Santa's burgers! Something something dogfight!Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, 2012-09-19 27 
20868033Stikers '89 5We meet merlin's family! we also get flashbanged in the shower. fun times. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-09-26 27 
October 2012
20950082Stikers '89 6In which we prank some witches with Slider and get to meet CINCPAC Richard M. Nixon.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-02 21 
20952162Zerg Quest CVIThe battle continues, except for when we're busy making silly puns. The battle waits for puns.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Puns, /tg/ dice, botched nat 20, double 11s, Khas pops out of a cake, STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY REALITY2012-10-02 7 
20966045Stikers '89 7We get make Ace in a day and rescue a russian defector. Also, our RIO is amazing.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-03 33 
21059163Stikers '89 8Merlin almost leaves us! Nixon is a better pilot than we thought! Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-10 24 
21183174Stikers '89 9We do some airshow antics and get some bad newsCollective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-19 21 
21190429That Feel: The Saddest Thing I KnowOP needs a tragic background story for a character. Halfway through the thread a Dane tells the story that he calls 'The Saddest Thing I Know', /tg/ doesn't have time to brace before the impact and is blown away by what can only be described as possibly the worst feel ever.That Feel, The Saddest Thing I Know, First World War, World War 1, Denmark, Danish, Dane, worst feel ever, feels, sadness, storytime2012-10-19 22 
21258093Strikers '89 10In which we learn we may be kinda sorta dating the Granddaughter of the Adorable Cossack. Also new plane [SQUEE!]Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-24 22 
21359030Stikers '89 11In which I forget a title, and we move to alaska. And meet col. BitchtitsCollective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-31 25 
November 2012
21465581Castle Gygar pt 10/Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 2Continuing the journey into the Caverns of Quasqueton started in the previous thread.Collective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-07 0 
21462619Stikers '89 12Furballs over Alaska's interior, Russian POWs and war news. just what the day called forCollective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-07 25 
21473698Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 3Continuing their exploration of the caverns of Quasqueton, the party loots some tapestries, finds the wizards lab, and disturb an ochre jellyCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-08 1 
21490758Stikers '89 sidestory- tanks in polandWe're Jacob Bishop, US Army. and the reds are coming across the border in force. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-09 24 
21488593Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 4Further exploration down into the Caverns of Quasqueton.Collective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-09 2 
21568897Strikers '89 13We start the day trying to figure out what the soviets are up to. we end the day dropping cluster bombs on them and shoving missiles up their jets. a good dayCollective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-14 26 
21578739Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 6After a long hiatus, the party returns to Quasqueton, fighting spiders and looting a trophy roomCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-15 0 
21594751Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 5The party experiments with the magic pools, fights a bunch of orcs, and make another attempt at the maze in the northeastCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-16 0 
21658592Stikers '89 14We talk to Ice, and we're there when it all goes pear shaped. we recommend sad music at the end!Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-20 29 
21669733Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 8The party battles gnolls and barbarians, and ends up finding The Gym of Rogahn.Collective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-20 1 
21684291Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 9The party gets confused by teleporter rooms, and finds the underground treasure roomCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-22 1 
21702426Castle Gygar Thanksgiving SpecialAfter Mistamere is cursed with a magical sleep after eating too much of the Plymouth Roc, the party goes to seek aid from the elven maiden MayflowerCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 1, Thanksgiving2012-11-22 1 
21704587Stikers '89 - Ice quest! Fronk went down Yesterday and the squadron is falling apart. are you enough of a feels machine to fix it?Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, 2012-11-23 31 
21710520Castle Gygar Thanksgiving Special pt 2: Thank HarderFighting their way through Castle Wa'ul*mat the party must now help the Order of Toys for Tots kill the manager permanently, to end the curse of Black Friday once and for all!Collective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 1, Thanksgiving2012-11-23 1 
21736035Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 10The party follows Mr Fuzzyboots, the wizard Zelligar's familiar, into the desert where they find the lost city of the Cynidiceans.Collective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-25 0 
21733324Tank Witches Quest '89 2Technical issues, followed by cityfighting! YAAAAYStrike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-11-25 22 
21744911Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 11Otab betrays the party for no good reason, and they head back to clear the last level of Castle GygarCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-26 0 
21752308Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 12The party fights a shadow beneath the castle, and Echo seduces Scylla the Medusa.Collective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-26 2 
21779735Stikers '89 15-1Part one of our recovery- Hospital time and getting a new fighter! oh, and presents for the squadron!Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-28 31 
21779620Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 13The party goes after the blade Anguriel, get swallowed by giant toads, and fight an undead elfCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-28 0 
21786203Stikers '89 15-2The thrilling conclusion of this week's thread! We're the ghost of Christmas presents, apparently. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-28 31 
21797105Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 14The party picks up the elf Deedra Helfrick, and meets with the Magi of Usamigaras within the Cynidicean ziggurat.Collective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-11-29 1 
December 2012
21823965Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 15The party finds a shortcut to the fifth level, fight an owlbear, and meat some mysterious twinsCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-12-01 2 
21840743Tank Witches Quest '89 3Starting with amazing breakfast, ending with briefing, ROUNDED OFF WITH FUUUHHHTTBAAAWWWLLLLStrike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-02 25 
21890304Stikers '89 16We take the new bird up for a spin, get in a mock dogfight with maverick, and find out something big is brewing....Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-12-05 31 
21904423Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 16Angbard and Drogo join the party, fight some giant beetles, and discover several crates of fireworksCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-12-06 1 
21952184Tank Witches Quest '89 4Fightan with Special Forces! Executan Witches! Not staran at boobs! Strike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-09 22 
21950087Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 17Drogo tries to rob the Brotherhood of Gorm, and joins with Leod to watch a goblin drug deal go downCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-12-09 0 
21998084Stikers '89 17We roughhouse with Slider, Katya, and Ice, plan our load for the mission, call home, and take off. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-12-12 33 
22010594Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 18Some new players show up and head down to level 4 of the PyramidCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-12-13 0 
22041637Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 19Ragnar and Drogo fight their way through the tomb level, and come back with a massive haul of gems!Collective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-12-15 1 
22044002Tank Witches Quest '89 5Let's see, combat is scary, girls are worried, Wittmann is a bitch. yep, sums it up.Strike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-15 22 
22056811Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 20Ragnar and Drogo go bandit huntingCollective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-12-16 0 
22087112Grea/tg/ary Hex 1 pt 21Ragnar heads down to the Cynidicean undercity, deep below the pyramid. Collective Game, Quest, Castle Gygar, Old School, Grea/tg/ary, Hex 12012-12-18 0 
22087603Strikers '89 18We bomb a soviet airbase, and they return the favor.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-12-18 24 
22157399Tank Witches Quest '89 6In which we fly to France, and get some awesome and or bad news. You decide!Strike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2012-12-22 22 
22252243Stikers '89 19-1We're going to a christmas ball, and our new place is swanky. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-12-28 23 
22259791Stikers '89 19-2We get visited by the little sister of doom. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-12-28 24 
January 2013
22340803Strikers '89 2119-2 was actually 20. We get our blues from our parents, and check out Aberdeen and Baltimore, then get back to DC for the ball.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-02 20 
22349911Stikers '89 22the second half of thread 21! We go to a Christmas ball, talk shop with the president, and learn some bad news. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-02 21 
22418098Tank Witches Quest '89 7New witches! Theories on our troopers! French cuisine!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-06 22 
22476262Stikers '89 23at least, I think it's 23. We talk to Merlin, head back to Alaska, and run afoul of craziness not our own. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-09 23 
22484158Stikers '89 24The second part of the night's adventure! we talk to Goose and wonder about Ice. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-09 21 
22551116Tank Witches Quest '89 8In which we arrive in Saudi Arabia, and are met with all THOSE problems.Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-13 23 
22607598Stikers '89 25WE kill the soviet flying carrier, but at what cost? Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-16 21 
22615341Stikers '89 26The second part of the night's thread. We find out our new friends are not people to irritate. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-16 21 
22682833Tank Witches Quest '89 9Another day in Saudi Arabia, another group of people pissed off!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-20 21 
22740120Strikers '89 27We make some breakfast, trade snark with the Princess, check out the boneyard, and meet the new additions to our squadron.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-23 23 
22793207Tank Witches Quest '89 10Training! Yelling! Nintendo! Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-01-26 22 
22865866Strikers '89 28We watch the star-lit sky, watch some Ghostbusters, and get into a wrestling match with Ice.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches, Ghostbusters2013-01-30 27 
February 2013
22922303Tank Witches Quest '89 11FINALLY, back to the action! Fighting in Khafji!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-02-02 22 
22997253Strikers '89 29We wake up, and find out we're being assigned back to a carrier. We also finally give out the Christmas gifts we had bought.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches2013-02-06 25 
23034426Tank Witches Quest '89 12Blankets bein' stolen, deserts bein' driven across, and us getting in fights with a whole lot of nope.Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-02-08 22 
23130246Strikers '89 30On the way to the Saratoga, we end up helping the IJN fight off a new Soviet fighter called the Vampire.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches2013-02-13 26 
23205516Tank Witches Quest '89 13Tank combat! Wooooo!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-02-17 21 
23400549Strikers '89 31The Soviets and possibly China stage a surprise attack on Japan, and we run into crazy Russian witch totally obsessed with us. And no, it's not Katya.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches2013-02-27 29 
23408682Strikers '89 32We help repel a massive Chinese air attack on Tokyo.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches2013-02-27 24 
March 2013
23501569Who?A derailment of singularly large proportions/tg/, Master Stroke, 10/10, YHBT2013-03-04 80 
23528553Stikers '89 33We talk to Ice about lawn ornaments, Merlin about stealth Yandere witches, and inadvertently hit on Katya. oh, and Jessica shows up, that too. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-03-06 31 
236180211d4chan Updates and Q&AThe fellow in charge of /tg/'s personal wiki, 1d4chan (1d4chan.org), makes his presence known and holds an open forum to talk about updates to the wiki, upkeep, potential improvements and well-wishing.1d4chan, wiki, /tg/, Wikifag2013-03-11 18 
23647545Strikers '89 34We give Rand a dressing down when she can't keep her cool when trolled, and get a letter from our Russian psycho-stalker.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-03-13 22 
23654184Strikers '89 35in which, we discuss the possible supper-soldier-witch Ms. Stalin, reminice about flying in friendly skies, and Ghost becomes the star of a dime-store bodice ripper.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches2013-03-13 23 
23657708Alternate History India 1915Anon tells us of his amazing game where he and his fellows are mages helping Glorious India throw off the yoke of the British Empire in the middle of the Great War, and we discuss how best for India to liberate itselfAlternate History, Mage, White Wolf, India, 1915, AH, storytime, gaming, roleplay, advice2013-03-14 18 
23667754Tank Witches Quest '89 14In which maus isn't dead, and we learn things about our witches! Also, off to Aberdeen!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-03-14 21 
23774440Strikers '89 36WE get our next mission brief and talk to Jess... and find out we're headed places. and under orders to write the yandereGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-03-20 23 
23896465Strikers '89 37WE talk to Slider, find out our Witches are scared for us, and decide to become the last gunfighter. and run into Stalinka againGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-03-27 25 
April 2013
24018911Strikers '89 38We tangle with our Yandere Soviet witch and nearly fly the wings off our jet. then we get called communal property and crash on the floor. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-04-03 30 
24076679Tank Witches Quest '89 15We're back stateside! We check up on Rockfield, and call home!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-04-06 21 
24116667Shadow Quest 1The quest begins. The shadow seeks lost memories and battles a mighty dragon.Collective Game,shadow,quest,1,dragon2013-04-08 40 
24151868Strikers '89 39We get a weekend pass and go to reclaim our bike from our Uncle. We bring Katya along. she meets our dog, flusters our cousin, and learns what a mall isGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-04-10 21 
24209210Tank Witches Quest '89 16We talk to General Lindsay, and get a new toy!Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-04-13 21 
24283419Strikers '89 40We finish shopping with Katya, sit down for a home cooked meal, and decide to leave Rufus home. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-04-17 22 
24342513Tank Witches Quest '89 17In which we get blue balled before testing our new tank. Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-04-20 21 
24366615Shadow Quest 10The Shadow plays a game of stones with Duke Vellik.Collective Game,shadow,quest,10,master2013-04-21 27 
24384781Tank Witches Quest '89 17.5Maus returns to finish the thread from Friday night.Strike Witches 1989, TW89, Collective Game, MightyM0use2013-04-22 21 
24387908Shadow Quest 11Duke Vellik hears the Shadow's final word on his offer. But things don't go as planned...Collective Game,shadow,quest,11,master2013-04-22 39 
24398393First D&D Campaign StoriesAnons share stories of the disasters that were their first D&D game.First game, D&D, nat 12013-04-23 5 
24422630Shadow Quest 12The airship makes a landing.Collective Game,shadow,quest,12,master2013-04-24 25 
24422434Strikers '89 41We eat at a roadside country diner, talk to viper, find a box waiting for us when we get home, and find out Merlin's figured 'it' out. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-04-24 22 
24426897Shadow Quest 12 Part IISupersonic.Collective Game,shadow,quest,12,master,part,2,II2013-04-24 27 
24430407Strikers '89 41.5We go to Santa's with Ice and Merlin. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-04-24 23 
24445057Shadow Quest 13The shadow arrives back in Jacob's Field.Collective Game,shadow,quest,13,master2013-04-25 26 
24498987Shadow Quest 14The battle for Evinbrook begins with restoring power to the failing Velarion.Collective Game,shadow,quest,14,master2013-04-28 27 
24517289Shadow Quest 15The battle of Evinbrook continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 15, master2013-04-29 28 
May 2013
24554439Strikers '89 42We write that letter, talk to Merlin, then lounge by the pool. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-05-01 23 
24576348Shadow Quest 17The duke manages to pierce the shadow shield.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 17, master2013-05-02 25 
24607023Shadow Quest 18The battle continues to continue.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 18, master2013-05-04 24 
24611818Shadow Quest 18 Part IIThe battle for Evinbrook comes to a conclusion.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 18, master, part, II, 22013-05-04 24 
24617099Shadow Quest 18 Part IIIAn angel, a paladin, and a living shadow walk into a bar. Spaghetti flies everywhere.Collective Game, Shadow Quest, Shadow Master, shadow, quest, master, 18, III, 3, CONSUME2013-05-04 31 
24655141Mahou Shounen Quest 193.5continuation of yeterday's thread.Invisibility potion still being tested. Green Goo analysis. WE CHEMISTS NAO. Collective Game, Mahou Shounen Quest, Butler, Landing Gear, Today's show is brought to you by the number: -12013-05-06 6 
24651656Shadow Quest 19Pasta in the aftermath of the battle. The journey to find Adavan and Abigail begins.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 19, master, shadow quest2013-05-06 34 
24687785Strikers '89 43We learn a bit more about the jet, find out some things about the new network stuff, and Merlin goes full witch. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-05-08 24 
24712147Shadow Quest 21Worms and golems and constructs, oh my.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 21, master, shadow quest, part, shadow,quest2013-05-09 26 
24828864Strikers '89 44We may be a witchbattery, no one's sure, and Fun is had at the Pool with Ice and the sharks.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-05-15 25 
24961666Strikers '89 45We get some mail! Merlin has a boyfriend? Ice gets Slider tackled, and the Saratoga gets hit. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-05-22 26 
25096595Strikers '89 46We go up for that dogfight, Ice can register on infrared and we owe Merlin all the cakes. forever GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-05-29 26 
June 2013
25243777Strikers '89 Jess quest!We're Jessica bishop, and our overriding goal in life is acquiring more coffee. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-06-05 22 
25305374Shadow Quest 31The Shadow is backed into a corner.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 31, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-08 25 
25311944Shadow Quest 31 Part IIThe Shadow desperately seeks help from an ally.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 31, master, shadow quest, part, II, 2, shadow,quest2013-06-08 26 
25364736Stormtrooper Quest: Part 1The story of a stormtrooper beginning his glorious career with the Empire!Stormtrooper Quest, Part 12013-06-11 10 
25381742Strikers '89 47We watch Tales from the crypt with Slider, learn about Ice's daddy issues, and get whiskey from a southern reenactor for a very sick witch. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-06-12 25 
25513330Strikers '89 48We talk with Slider, Fluster Ice, get more letters from the yandere Russian, and call Jessica about her adventures in Japan. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-06-19 25 
25630658Shadow Quest 41The archmage Yi Fang plots revenge on the Cheung family...Collective Game, shadow, quest, 41, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-06-25 26 
25644759Strikers '89 49Early archive. Rufus arrives, Goose gets screentime. Possibly. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-06-26 22 
July 2013
25779165Strikers '89 50Thread fifty! early archive. We visit the colonel with Rosalie and GooseGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-07-03 21 
25915177Strikers '89 51Early archive. Ice approaches us about us having mental cracks. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-07-10 23 
26054538Strikers '89 52Early archive! the boss and Katya want a flight in a steelwing fighter...GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-07-17 23 
26179800Shadow Quest 51Shadow journeys into the maze of his own mind.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 51, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-07-23 28 
26194901Strikers '89 53early archive! we get visited by NixonGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-07-24 23 
August 2013
26473561Strikers '89 54Early archive, We visit the macks, Georgette and Nicholas. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-08-07 24 
26532634Tank Witches Quest '89 18In which we go out shopping, pick up Sushi, and 'talk' with the Baltimore PDStrike Witches 1989, Army, Tanks, TW89, Collective Game, Tank Witches Quest, MightyM0use2013-08-10 21 
26534970Another day on SS13Space station 13 story, chaplain teams up with clown to create religion then kill everyone.Space station 13, clown, SS13, storytiem, storytime2013-08-11 11 
26605568Strikers '89 55Early archive! Weapons selection, sherktwanz, that sort of thingGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-08-14 22 
26667057Strike Witches '89 Quest: Deadliest CatchYou are Cyril Raskova, a proud witch of the Soviet Air Force who ends up stranded in the perilous Bering Sea.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, Strike Wtiches Deadliest Catch2013-08-17 21 
26684929Strike Witches '89 Quest: Deadliest Catch part 2Still reeling from the loss of her leg, Cyril now has to deal with being "captured" by a crew of Alaskan crab fishermen.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, Strike Wtiches Deadliest Catch2013-08-18 21 
26738051Strikers '89 56Early archive! We're back aboard the super Sara for transit through the panama canal to join up with the fleet. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-08-21 21 
26775464Space Station 13 StoriesSpace Station 13, where you can make as many sadistic or epic moments as you are robust. >Space simulator >More like CLOWN RAMPAGE/virus/space crazies simulator.SS13, Space Station 13, Storytime, Clown, Mime2013-08-23 5 
26799728Nintendo Pulp AdventuresIn which Nintento games as pen-and-paper campaigns are discussed, and five people from the 30's end up in the Mushroom Kingdom.Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Hollow Earth Expedition, Storytime, Nintendo, 19362013-08-24 2 
26863339Strikers '89 57Early archive! we're sitting alert with Rosalie , on the way to Virginia. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-08-28 21 
26915564Shadow Quest 61Where's Abigail?Collective Game, shadow, quest, 61, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-08-30 26 
September 2013
27009304Strikers '89 58Early archive! The fleet forms up, and some new witches arrive on the Saratoga. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-09-04 21 
27147399Strikers '89 59Early archive- Our first flight over Iceland as the Marines go ashoreGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-09-11 21 
27168502Tales of Spac Station 13Need we say more?SS13, Space Station 13, Epic2013-09-13 10 
27284959Strikers '89 60Thread sixty! early archive. Either we take Putin up on his relayed offer or we stay with the fleetGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-09-18 24 
27288856Rune Magic Thread 4: Repeating Fireball EditionRune arrays, as far as the eye can seerunes, game design, homebrew, magic, we've been at this for 15 hours2013-09-18 6 
27492988Princess Guard Quest 17Reinhold gets paid, prompting a discussion about finances.Collective Game, Princess Guard Qust 172013-09-30 26 
October 2013
27522759Strikers '89 61Early archive! Adventures in a secret Russian base. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-02 22 
27613145Shadow Quest 71The Shadow stands in the council chamber.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 71, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-10-07 31 
27646984Strikers '89 62Early archive! More adventures in a secret russian base, with our faithful sidekick the adorable psycho. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-09 23 
27762038Strikers '89 63Early archive. Back aboard the Saratoga, and people want to hear about our trip. and if Putin's managed to weaponize funk. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-16 21 
27767654Strikers '89 63.5Early archive of the second half of tonight's runGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-16 21 
27885880Strikers '89 64Early archive! High placed visitors hours before a major op? Always good news, right? GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-23 20 
27991461Starship 515 QuestYou awake on the floor, naked, next to an open cryogene-unit.Collective Game, Starship 515, Starship 515 Quest, Quest2013-10-29 6 
28007819Strikers '89 65Early archive! Merlin's been working on the jet of her own accord. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-29 21 
November 2013
28125406Strikers '89 66Early archive. The battle for Berlin, and our small slice of the chaosGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-11-06 22 
28132768Strikers '89 66.5Early archive! Battle for Berlin continues. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-11-06 22 
28144203Shadow Quest 81The Shadow explores the island Aurora.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 81, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2013-11-07 24 
28181927Tank Witches 89 19Finally we talk to Top, though a few other options are presented...Strike Witches 1989, Collective Game, MightyM0use, TW892013-11-09 21 
28254481Strikers '89- 1945 miniseries #1We're John Kazanski, and our old war buddy has just called us up with an offer....GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-11-13 21 
28292906Tank Witches '89 20We choose our next theater of operations and have a run in with the Military Police.Strike Witches 1989, Collective Game, MightyM0use, TW892013-11-15 20 
28311828Pararescue Witches '89 Part 1Captain Pierce finds out he's due for a transfer, gets a new subordinate, and responds to a very dire emergency.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-11-16 20 
28381487Strikers '45 part 2Air to air combat in the Bat over occupied France- just how good are 6 37mm cannon, anyway?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-11-20 20 
28443098Pararescue Witches '89 Part 2Pierce finds out the details of his new unit.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-11-23 20 
28534341Strikers '45 part 3Ice's grandparents hook up, we help the twins with a dispute, and we're being rebased to Berlin. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-11-28 20 
28569583Pararescue Witches '89 Part 3Captain Pierce ventures deep in to hostile territory to meet his subordinates.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-11-30 20 
December 2013
28589730Pararescue Witches '89 Part 4Pierce and the girls decide to do a bit of shopping.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-12-01 20 
28640335Strikers '45 part 4Some dawww, some Combat, some Theodore Roosevelt, some Good Feelz, and one hell of a heirloomGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-12-04 20 
28693952Text Adventure Quest: Rogue Chapter 1Where Jack "The Stabber" McStab becomes a princesses guard, fucks an angel, a whore, a bargirl, two catgirls and the princess (Eat that Mr Bones. And it's only episode 1)Text Adventure Quest Rogue Chapter 1 Jack McStab 2013-12-07 21 
28696329Freighter QuestSean Newell is made. The Master of a Steam-Powered Break-Bulk Freighter. He picks up his first cargo and brings a passenger to a deserted island. Freighter Quest, Collective Game, Ocean, Adventure, Horror, Low-Fantasy, Merchant Seamen, Post-WW1, South Seas, Alternate Earth2013-12-07 5 
28712359Text Adventure Quest: Rogue Chapter 2Where we head into the forest, meet some centaurs and lose the princess.Text Adventure Quest Rogue Chapter 1 Jack McStab Collective Game2013-12-07 17 
28725885Pararescue Witches '89 Part 5Pierce and his squad finally arrive in Europe, and reunite with an unexpected acquaintance.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-12-08 20 
28738068Freighter Quest Pilot part 2Sean Newell gets off the beach and delves into the mysteries of FumoaFreighter Quest, Collective Game, Ocean, Adventure, Horror, Low-Fantasy, Merchant Seamen, Post-WW1, South Seas, Alternate Earth, Romance2013-12-09 5 
28749811Pararescue Witches '89 Part 6Pierce and his unit embark on their first joint operation, but things don't quite go as planned.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-12-09 18 
28783585Strikers '45 part 5Early archive! The war's over and we're in New York City in time for the victory parade. Oh, and maybe we're gettin married, that too. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-12-11 20 
28827988Pararescue Witches '89 Part 7With Pierce out of commission, Red has to step up. Does she have what it takes?Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-12-13 14 
28870683Pararescue Witches '89 Part 8Red finds out that there's going to be a lot of partying in her future.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-12-15 14 
28900304Text Adventure Quest: Rogue Chapter 10We introduce the Dragon girls to the princess, and hitch a ride on a dragon.Text Adventure Quest Rogue Chapter 10 Jack McStab Collective Game2013-12-16 8 
28973800Pararescue Witches '89 Part 9Two words. Drunk Witches. That is all.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-12-20 15 
28987458Text Adventure Quest: Rogue Chapter 11We travel the barrens, encounter a spider girl cave and meet Imm.Text Adventure Quest Rogue 11 collective game Mr Bones2013-12-21 5 
29043873Text Adventure Quest: Rogue Chapter 12We don't do very much at all, then OPs house sets on fireText Adventure Quest Rogue Chapter 12 Jack McStab Collective Game2013-12-24 2 
29048785Monster Hunter for Table Top ApplicationMonsters killed with improbable weapons! Great Swords that are nothing more than sharpened pool tables, horns so big, they crush things when they hit. Crossbows used as support weapons! Speed and Combos Monster Drops! And more Crafting than you can shake a stick atMonster, Hunter, RPG, game, Design, Tables, d1002013-12-24 6 
29065389Strikers '45 part 6A son is born and christmas occurs. unrelated events, in this case GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-12-25 17 
29068672Pararescue Witches '89 Part 10Pierce deals with the aftermath of the PJ party, and ends up going to another one set up by Bree.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-12-25 16 
29103461Stormtrooper Quest Part 1: Tatooine HeatIn which we join the Imperial Inquisition and hunt for rebels.Collective Game, Star Wars, Stormtrooper Quest, Stormtrooper, TK-881, Inquisiton2013-12-27 9 
29119130Pararescue Witches '89 Part 11Pierce and his unit prepare to be sent on a dangerous covert mission.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2013-12-28 13 
January 2014
29216710Strikers '89 Ice quest 2Early archive! Ice quest 2 commences. Frank's on the USNS mercy and you've been transferred to castle barin. woo?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-01-02 20 
29264985Pararescue Witches '89 Part 12Pierce and his unit drop into Russia for an important extraction mission.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-01-04 14 
29350405Strikers '89 S2E1Early archive! Our first day at Castle Barin. How much we get done is questionable. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-01-08 22 
29424834Pararescue Witches '89 Part 13Pierce and his squad attempt to evade the murderous Colonel Volgin and his supertank.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-01-11 15 
29517039Strikers '89 S2E2Early archive! more adventures in a castle we swear we've been in beforeGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2014-01-15 23 
29591824Pararescue Witches '89 Part 14Pierce and his unit get new toys! Yay! But more dangerous missions! Boo!Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-01-18 13 
29685625Strikers '89 S2E3Early archive! Katsumi is on the island, and she brought another familiar face....GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-01-22 22 
29761648Pararescue Witches '89 Part 15Pierce meets some new and old faces, and a very new helicopter.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-01-25 12 
29773185Shadow Quest 91Homecoming.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 91, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-01-25 32 
29855775Strikers '89 S2E4Early archive! Long overdue chats with people we know. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-01-29 22 
February 2014
29933903Pararescue Witches '89 Part 16Pierce and his crew do their part in the Battle of Berlin.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-02-01 11 
29945344Imperial Top GearAnd for tonight's Celebrity in a Reasonably Priced Starfighter, please welcome...BARON FEL!Star Wars, empire, Top Gear, awesome, fel, ST-1662014-02-02 7 
30020971Strikers '89 S2E5Early archive! WE meet the OTHER Matron from the US naval academy, our mental state is degrading and we're apparently a fan of TNG. go figure. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2014-02-05 22 
30090263Pararescue Witches '89 Part 17Pierce and his crew try to pickup the pieces left behind after the Battle of Berlin.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-02-08 12 
30172984Strikers '89 S2E6Early archive! We've got a uprated Wyvern platform to try out. Nothing could possibly go wrong with this, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-02-12 22 
30245388Pararescue Witches '89 Part 18Pierce deals with the aftermath of the Berlin rescue op.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-02-15 11 
30347627The 90sAnon who grew up in the 90s asks /tg/ to help him design a setting set in the 90s. What follows is a discussion on 90s pop culture, music, movies, entertainment, and everything else. Warning, Nostalgia.The Archivist, homebrew, setting, worldbuilding, modern, 1990, 90s, nineties, world building, nostalgia2014-02-19 22 
30376501Strikers '89 S2E7Early archive! Merlin's off with Kenji, the boss is suffering from sleep dep, and the matrons are hounding us to start flying against their agressors. just another day at the office. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-02-21 23 
30402120Pararescue Witches '89 Part 19Pierce goes on a new mission with a new toy!Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-02-22 14 
30485745Strikers '89 S2E8Early archive! Early morning in the castle leaves us a rare chance at some freedom for a day. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-02-26 22 
30479545Freighter Quest Episode 2: Sean Newell and the Frozen IslandOn Sean Newell's Second Adventure he investigates the mystery of a freezing island while facing off against a cold Rusky.Freighter Quest, Collective Game, Ocean, Post-WW1, Adventurer, Low-Fantasy, South Seas, Alternate Earth, Merchant Seaman, Mystery2014-02-26 5 
30510054Shadow Quest 100Conflict is never far away.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 100, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-27 22 
30534454Shadow Quest 101Calamity strikes, but the Shadow marches on.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 101, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-02-28 20 
March 2014
30556264Pararescue Witches '89 Part 20Pierce and his unit get up to some pretty dark business.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-03-01 16 
30597710Shadow Quest 102Let's see what happens...Collective Game, shadow, quest, 102, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-03 23 
30636268Strikers '89 S2E9Early arvhive! Katya's back, she brought familiar faces and an old service record book....GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-03-05 22 
30641120Shadow Quest 103The Shadow recovers and contemplates his plan of action.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 103, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-05 23 
30700345Shadow Quest 104Yi Fang makes a move.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 104, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-08 24 
30701920Pararescue Witches '89 Part 21Pierce and his unit gets a chance to go back to the States.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-03-08 11 
30744550Shadow Quest 105Just before the biggest meeting yet.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 105, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-10 22 
30766974Shadow Quest 106The Shadow works on preparing himself and his forces before the meeting.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 106, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-11 22 
30783014Strikers '89 S2E10Early archive! back on the ground at barin, Ice is a bad loser, and people were watching over france. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-03-11 22 
30823904Shadow Quest 107Planning for war.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 107, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-14 23 
30841952Pararescue Witches '89 Part 22Pierce gets a chance to go home, if only temporarily.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-03-15 12 
30902834Shadow Quest 108With war ahead, the Shadow considers his strategy.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 108, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-18 23 
30918946Strikers '89 S2E11Early archive! Katya outlines a plan to help ice and Georgette is apparently everyone's favorite grandma.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-03-18 21 
30984065Pararescue Witches '89 Part 23Pierce spends some leave time with Janice.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-03-22 11 
31027932Shadow Quest 109A discussion with a mage after a brief trip to Kan-Abar.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 109, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-24 22 
31064798Strikers '89 S2E12Early archive! Leave in London with Ice. Hopefully things go well, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-03-25 22 
31082200Shadow Quest 110A double date with the Fang of Archon and the Black Lady.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 110, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-03-26 25 
31128483Pararescue Witches '89 Part 24Pierce spends more leave time with Janice.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-03-29 11 
April 2014
31206121Strikers '89 S2E13Early archive! Impromptu Family reunions in London with our PJ brother and a stealthwitch . GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-04-02 21 
31229667Shadow Quest 111After the date, the Shadow gets back to business.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 111, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-03 23 
31267326Shadow Quest 112The Shadow looks to Fang for his next move.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 112, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-05 23 
31267536Pararescue Witches '89 Part 25Pierce spends his leave with ALL the witches!Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-04-05 13 
31332736Shadow Quest 113The Shadow regroups with Duke Vellik.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 113, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-08 23 
31348765Strikers '89 S2E14Early archive! We're stateside for another round with Longstreet, except this time she's on her home turf. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-04-09 20 
31353080Shadow Quest 114The Shadow speaks with Raphael.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 114, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-09 23 
31390426Shadow Quest 115The Shadow returns to the Nemesis.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 115, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-10 23 
31397623Shadow Quest 115 Part IIThe Shadow spars with Abigail.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 115, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-04-11 23 
31460328Shadow Quest 116Emergency meeting before the battle.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 116, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-14 23 
31497387Shadow Quest 117The battle at Evinbrook Basin commences.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 117, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-16 24 
31497487Strikers '89 S2E15Early archive! We return to London with the chest, it gets opened to heirlooms and letters, among other thingsGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-04-16 20 
31505830Shadow Quest 117 Part IIContinuation of thread 117Collective Game, shadow, quest, 117, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-04-16 25 
31522816Shadow Quest 117 Part IIIThe battle at Evinbrook Basin continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 117, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-04-17 23 
31549949Shadow Quest 118The Shadow consults with friends before leaving.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 118, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-18 23 
31586807Shadow Quest 119Through the Void.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 119, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-20 24 
31592419Shadow Quest 120The island in the Void.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-04-20 38 
31649157Strikers '89 S2E16Early archive! Leave comes to a close after some range time and a talk with the matron london. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-04-23 21 
31650380Shadow Quest 120 Part IIThe Shadow finds his answers.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-04-23 20 
31655496Shadow Quest 120 Part IIIIn the depths of the island.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-04-23 20 
31665144Shadow Quest 120 Part IVConflict in the island's depths.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 4, IV2014-04-23 20 
31670307Shadow Quest 120 part VA continuation of part IVCollective Game, shadow, quest, 120, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 5, V2014-04-24 23 
31762823SS 13 Thread with a Custom Server?Some right fa/tg/entleman is planning on his own server. Anons of /tg/ begin to Robust the thread something fierce with storytime and screencapsSS132014-04-29 2 
May 2014
31851561Strikers '89 S2E17Early archive! The return to the castle, meeting some folks sent up, and selection of our first opponents. Should go smoothly, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-05-02 21 
31893639Shadow Quest 121Abigail and allies reconvene in Arland.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 121, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-05-04 21 
31933457Hellborn Quest 1Follows Blood, the promising young acolyte of the East Side Cobras, as she uses her demonic powers to fight a gang war.Collective Game, Hellborn Quest, 12014-05-06 39 
32002159Strikers '89 S2E18Early archive! Our first flight against an Aggressor witch- Youngspawn returns. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-05-09 21 
32072070Fallschirmjager Witches '89 Part 1You are Elsa Konig, a German sniper witch sent behind enemy lines to kill Russians and blow shit up. Premature end due to board issues.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches, Fallschirmjager Witches2014-05-12 11 
32108235Strikers '89 S2E19Early archive! Our second aggressor flight! wonder who it is...GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-05-14 20 
32210579Fallschirmjager Witches '89 Part 2Elsa continues her mission to secure a cache of stinger missiles and help her squad destroy some important targets.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches, Fallschirmjager Witches2014-05-19 11 
32245704Strikers '89 S2E20Early archive! We're stuck on the French Riviera for a day. tragedy of tragedies. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-05-21 21 
32281447Hellborn Quest 10Beatrice gets served, Sierra gets chased by dogs, and the QM does battle with his lawn.Collective Game, Hellborn Quest, 102014-05-22 21 
32294055Hellborn Quest 10 (Part 2)Dogwalker gets his comeuppance and Sierra is reunited with an old friend.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 10, Part 22014-05-23 22 
32305408Hellborn Quest 11Sierra learns about her heritage.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 112014-05-23 21 
32382313Hellborn Quest 12Sierra gets some new duds, and anti-stalks a vampire.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 122014-05-27 23 
32400008Strikers '89 S2E21Early archive! We head back to barin, do our next agressor selection, and watch witches bash their heads against things that don't make no sense at allGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-05-28 18 
32444254Shadow Quest 122The party is a step closer to containing chaos, but darkness looms closer...Collective Game, shadow, quest, 122, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-05-30 20 
32438024Hellborn Quest 13Sierra goes camping, fights dream battles, and learns dragons are not entirely fictional.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 132014-05-30 23 
32451811Hellborn Quest 13 (Part 2)Sierra goes to find the source of Borislav's power, and comes across an old memory instead.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 13, Part 22014-05-30 22 
June 2014
32514000Hellborn Quest 14Sierra taps into her latent druid potential and gets sunburns.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 142014-06-02 21 
32533709Hellborn Quest 15A storm brews on the horizon, and Sierra asks Rowan for a favor.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 152014-06-03 22 
32553509Strikers '89 S2E22Early archive! Our hop against Katya, revelations about Mav, and other assorted shenanigansGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-04 20 
32560864Strikers '89 S2E22.5Early archive of the second thread of the night! We chat with Katya post fight a bit, and find out a bit about witchery. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-04 20 
32574774Shadow Quest 123Ila fights within the dark bowels of Xile.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 123, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-06-05 20 
32586045Hellborn Quest 16Sierra gets tacticool.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 162014-06-06 22 
32620976Shadow Quest 124Darkness is on the horizon.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 124, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest2014-06-07 20 
32671180Hellborn Quest 17Sierra and the whole gang fight Cordeliate and Ranthix.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 172014-06-10 21 
32681930Shadow Quest 124 Part IIBattle above the Nemesis.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 124, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 2, II2014-06-10 20 
32684440Hellborn Quest 17 (Part 2)Sierra takes care of a last request, and has an unexpected conversation.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 17, Part 22014-06-10 22 
32697325Strikers '89 S2E23Early archive! We fend off Jessica, talk to Georgette, and generally try to take it easy. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-11 17 
32731950Hellborn Quest 18Sierra goes to art class and learns the secrets of eastern medicine.Hellborn Quest 18, Collective Game, 182014-06-13 22 
32743369Pararescue Witches '89 Part 26Pierce and company are back in action, this time headed for the exotic eastern land of Japan!Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-06-13 14 
32753831Hellborn QUest 19Sierra figures out a Halloween costume and discovers Moriah's dark secret.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 192014-06-14 23 
32810197Pararescue Witches '89 Part 27Pierce gets adjusted to operating in Japan.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-06-16 11 
32838552Hellborn Quest 21Shenir Argis steals a holocron, and Sierra goes home for the nightHellborn Quest, Collective Game, 212014-06-17 23 
32845271Strikers '89 S2E24Early archive! Ice warns us about all the medals, and Our hop against Slider. Girl's got some moves. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-18 21 
32852767Strikers '89 S2E24.5Early archive! the rest of the Slider fight, and the aftermathGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-18 16 
32889099Shadow Quest 124 Part IIIThe battle on the Nemesis continues.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 124, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, part, 3, III2014-06-20 20 
32947906Pararescue Witches '89 Part 28Pierce begins the long journey from Okinawa to Tokyo.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-06-23 11 
32949055Shadow Quest 125The Shadow plans to finish things once and for all.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 125, master, shadow quest, shadow, quest2014-06-23 20 
32983486Strikers '89 S2E25Early archive! back on the ground, merlin and the factory team have toys for us, Slider has words for us, and Georgette's got an invitation for us! it's like christmas come early, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-25 15 
32988497Shadow Quest 125 Part IIA meeting of great powers.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 125, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, shadow, quest, part, 2, II2014-06-25 20 
33031132Shadow Quest 126The inner core.Collective Game, shadow, quest, 126, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, shadow, quest2014-06-27 33 
33053128Shadow Quest 127Shadow Quest wrap-up: The Happening EditionCollective Game, shadow, quest, 127, master, shadow quest, shadow,quest, shadow, quest2014-06-28 35 
33094145Pararescue Witches '89 Part 29Pierce finds himself in the middle of a heated dogfight off the coast of Japan.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-06-30 14 
3309684010th CrusadeThe year is 2034. Over the past two decades fundamental Islamic groups have risen to power across the Middle East and North Africa, establishing a new United Islamic Caliphate. Terrorist activity has risen dramatically in Europe, and the UIC has begun training jihadi armies in preparation for an invasion of Europe and eventually, world conquest. The West braces itself for war, and the Catholic church is no exception. Pope Alexander IX decides to re-establish The Order of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, more commonly known as the Knights Templar, to serve as an elite force of warriors to help defend the Church and Christendom against the coming storm.10th Crusade, worldbuilding, oc2014-06-30 6 
July 2014
33130907Strikers '89 S2E26Early archive. New toys for the wyvern, aerospace suits, and aggressor selectionGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-02 15 
33139342Strikers '89 S2E26.5Early archive, second thread of the night. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-02 20 
33204664Hellborn Quest 31Derek is disappointed, and Cassandra reassures Sierra that her horns are just fine.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 312014-07-06 21 
33275478Strikers '89 S2E27Early archive! Mav gets some screentime! Maman Brigitte cooks, and Merlin is trying to move into her workshop full time. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2014-07-09 16 
33283782Strikers '89 S2E27.5Early archive! Somehow we ended up exploring an old fallout shelter under barin with mav while looking for somewhere to set up a moonshine still. yep. just another day at barinGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-09 22 
33430530Strikers '89 S2E28Early archive! We catch some leftovers with Mav and the sherks show up to bother us. that's always a good sign, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-16 22 
33435542Pararescue Witches '89 Part 30Pierce and his unit continue on their way to Tokyo.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-07-16 20 
33546511Pararescue Witches '89 Part 31Pierce begins his contribution to the liberation of Korea.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-07-21 14 
33588333Strikers '89 S2E29Early archive! Nixon delivers a deadline to the matrons, Merlin's shop is leaving the castle, and we're given an early out if we want it. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-23 17 
33610203Hellborn Quest 41Moriah and Sierra chat a little bit, and later Sierra drops by McDonalds and eats it.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 412014-07-24 20 
33710877Pararescue Witches '89 Part 32Pierce is given the choice to put a stop to China's plans for biological warfare.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-07-28 14 
33753565Strikers '89 S2E33Early archive! Our last flight at Barin, vs. Natalya. She's young, it shouldn't be hard, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-30 16 
33765118Strikers '89 S2E30.5second thread- 33 is really 30. Post-flight chat with Natalya, maybe some Brigitte or Jess time. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-30 12 
August 2014
33875302Pararescue Witches '89 Part 33Pierce and his crew head out to raid a Chinese bioweapon lab.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-08-04 13 
33917649Strikers '89 S2E31Early archive! The long-awaited Paris week begins. "Surprise Russians" only really applies to your roomate. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-06 14 
33926877Strikers '89 S2E31.5Early archive! Round two! ding! Also: French surprises are buildings, apparently. and DGSE operatives with a sense of humor. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-06 16 
34014942Oversized Weapon Quest 51In which Shax is the most demureCollective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, old natty 12014-08-10 12 
34047276Pararescue Witches '89 Part 34Pierce meets some familiar (and not so familiar) faces.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-08-11 13 
34045757Hellborn Quest 51The party concludes and time passes to late Decemeber.Collective Game, Hellborn Quest, 512014-08-11 21 
34092038Strikers '89 S2E32Early archive. Paris in the summer with Katya. Could be interesting, but there's an awful lot of allied brass around the cityGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-13 15 
34217458Pararescue Witches '89 Part 35Pierce deals with more shenanigans on base.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-08-18 11 
34257880Strikers '89 Brigitte oneshot!Early archive! We're Brigitte, and the powers that be want us to raid a soviet R&D base. All in a day's workGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-20 15 
34258027Salami Sandwich Quest.A salami sandwich quests to save his lover, Miss bologna who has been kidnapped from the kitchen, things take an un expected turn as the dark wizard plans to change all sandwiches as we know it. Action, Adventure, Romance, This story has it all!Comedy, Salami Sandwich, Agro, Brain, Romance, Lewd, Action, Suspense, Drama, Collective Game, Quest, The best fucking thing ever, HotSandwichlove, Funny, Great, 10/10,2014-08-20 8 
34266736Strikers '89 Brigitte oneshot part 2!Early archive of the second half of the thread. AKA: Ghost struggles to keep this a oneshotGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-20 14 
34378001Pararescue Witches '89 Part 36Pierce has to go out to rescue some friends who have some valuable intel.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-08-25 12 
34395445Tank Witches Quest '89 21HOLY FUCKING MOSES MAUS IS BACKStrike Witches 1989, Collective Game, MightyM0use, TW892014-08-26 15 
34419588Strikers '89 S2E33(r)Early archive! The real 33, this time. haha. Shopping in Paris with Katya, maybe a ball? who knows?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-27 13 
34427064Strikers '89 S2E33.5(r)Early archive! Second half of tonight's thread- 'enjoying' a formal event at the invitation of the Parisian witches. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-27 13 
September 2014
34543914Pararescue Witches '89 Part 37Pierce gets a very rare day off to do whatever.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-09-01 11 
34583506Strikers '89 S2E34Early archive! We visit the Louvre, among other attractions. At least Katya is enjoying herself, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-09-03 15 
34679134Hellborn Quest 61Sierra goes to the mall and meets with Frederick.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 612014-09-07 21 
34708871Pararescue Witches '89 Part 38Pierce and his crew end up having to rescue a VIP trapped on an enemy held island.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-09-08 12 
34754078Strikers '89 S2E35Early archive! The last Barin thread, and probably the last time we'll see Georgette and Nick for a while. Probably. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-09-10 17 
34872835Pararescue Witches '89 Part 39Pierce has an awkward reunion with Raikov.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-09-15 14 
34914288Strikers '89 S2E36Early archive! We return to the front with a new base near a Polish town. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-09-17 12 
35027381Tank Witches Quest '89 22Short quest, we're out on recon.tw89, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, MightyM0use2014-09-22 14 
35031451Pararescue Witches '89 Part 40Pierce goes on some hospital visits to see some wounded comrades.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-09-22 12 
35184746Pararescue Witches '89 Part 41Pierce decides to assist on an operation to take down the White Butterfly.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-09-29 13 
October 2014
35224532Strikers '89 Sharktwin oneshot!Early archive! We're Frank's wingmate and we have a day off for weather. Let's see what kind of trouble we can cause. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-01 17 
35313602Towergirls System TrialA test of a d10 success system in a FTL/Oregon Trail style game. Goes a bit off-kilter the further things progress, but had a solid idea behind it. Some NSFW near the end.collective game, tower girls, towergirls, d10, test, trial, development, game design, smut, drawfag2014-10-05 4 
35332182Pararescue Witches '89 Part 42Pierce tries to figure out what to do with their new prisoner.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-10-06 13 
35371527Strikers '89 S2E37Early archive! I think we've all heard a sabaton song about this, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-08 26 
35491119Pararescue Witches '89 Part 43Pierce finally gets briefed on the specifics of Operation Blue Dragon.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-10-13 11 
35529193Strikers '89 S2E38Early archive! At least we weren't out as long this time, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-15 23 
35637423Pararescue Witches '89 Part 44Operation Blue Dragon finally kicks off.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-10-20 12 
35674026Strikers '89 S2E39Early archive! We're still medically grounded from combat, but we've got a pair of hacks and a ground crew who'd really appreciate a beer run...GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-22 15 
35682289Strikers '89 S2E39.5Early archive! second half of the cookout thread! Think steak and beer will bribe the flight surgeon?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-22 17 
35714073Sick With Love QuestHideki Saito, Hideki Saito, Hideki Saito you love him, he loves you too, right? he's just perfectCollective Game, Yandere, 72oOCCJ12014-10-24 2 
35733098Sick With Love Quest 2The stunning conclusion to Sick With Love Quest. Ms. Matsubara... and your beloved Hideki? Time for that bitch to pay...Collective Game, Yandere, 72oOCCJ12014-10-25 0 
35781599Pararescue Witches '89 Part 45Pierce assists the Marines as they continue to push inland.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-10-27 12 
35794495Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 1The story of an operator and his (crazy) hostage. Will they? Won't they? Only time will tell.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, !!72oOCCJ1+cj2014-10-28 12 
35817577Strikers '89 S2E40Early archive of the 100th thread! Round 2 against the night bombers. Hope they brought friends with them this time, you sure did. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-28 17 
35814187Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 2Our hero talks with and investigates his charge. Also, some people samefag a decision to wipe a girl's butt.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-10-29 6 
35823281Strikers '89 S2E40.5Early archive! second half! Oh boy, spec ops with Brigitte. well, maybe. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-29 12 
35832462Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 3Our protagonist investigates his captive, who continues to throw herself in his general direction.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-10-30 4 
35855993Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 4Our hero finally fucking unties his victim. Also, some people get shot.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-10-31 4 
November 2014
35875195Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 5Investigations, drama, and the truth is almost in sight... at least Maxine has called off her goon squad!Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-11-01 6 
35927084Pararescue Witches '89 Part 46Pierce accompanies Hessler on her push into North Korea.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-11-03 12 
35962759Strikers '89 S2E41Early archive! Bit of our backstory for curious people and some nighttime troubles. Pretty soon they'll start calling you a vampire. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-11-05 15 
35969696Strikers '89 S2E41.5Early archive! Our newest witch makes her combat debut. She's... kinda creepy. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-11-05 15 
35997978Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest 6Our hero wins and gets the girl.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Kidnapper Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-11-07 6 
36002593Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 42 What has one hand, an RPG, and is trying to kill you? Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, YOMI-1, RPG, Stumpy2014-11-07 16 
36080307Disquiet Quest 1Our hero, a hyperactive boy, tries to woo Daisy Miller, a shy girl with pyrokinetic powers and a controlling, fundamentalist mother.Collective Game, Disquiet Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-11-11 12 
36102347Pararescue Witches '89 Part 47Red faces off against Raikov again, with a comrade's life at stake.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-11-11 12 
36100876chen questthe fantastic adventure of chen Collective Game, chen, cirno, 11/11, touhou, draw quest, drawquest, 2014-11-11 26 
36105269Strikers '89 S2E42Early archive! Faces we haven't seen since Alaska, Breaking bad news to Wendy, and it's probably unhealthy the amount of interest Sakamoto has in Merlin.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-11-12 11 
36101867Disquiet Quest 2Our hero continues his quest to woo Daisy Miller! But many an obstacle comes in his path... will he come out of this one okay?Collective Game, Disquiet Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-11-12 4 
36112317Strikers '89 S2E42.5Early archive! Adventures in Berlin and Wendy, apparently, has poor form in her new strikers. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-11-12 12 
36123142Disquiet Quest 3The thrilling conclusion! Will Daisy and the MC stay together? Read to find out!Collective Game, Disquiet Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-11-13 6 
36165055Tank Witches Quest '89 23Intel and recon missions intensifyStrike Witches 1989, TW89, MightyM0use2014-11-15 13 
36215323Pararescue Witches '89 Part 48After a successful mission, Pierce and his squadron take a chance to catch their breaths.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-11-17 12 
36227142Paranormal Romance QuestOur heroine meets a smexy vampire boy who seems really into her. Then the OP gets banned for a URL in a post without a URL.Collective Game, Paranormal Romance Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-11-17 1 
36248611Paranormal Romance Quest 2Is our heroine going to have to shoot a bitch?Collective Game, Paranormal Romance Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-11-19 0 
36268235Paranormal Romance Quest 3The thrilling conclusion to the series.Collective Game, Paranormal Romance Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-11-20 0 
36362000Pararescue Witches '89 Part 49Pierce must help fend off a massive Chinese armored push.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-11-24 12 
36358932Hellborn Quest 71Sierra likes flowers and meets Orias.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 712014-11-24 21 
36353393Epic Quest 4Zach meets with a recruiter, then is sent to school. He then plays capture the flag.Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game 2014-11-18 1 36330052 Epic Quest 3 Zach picks up a small child to join him on his extremely dangerous quest and fight the KKK. Then they eat ice cream Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-24 6 
36377276Strikers '89 S2E43Early archive! We have to find a present for Wendy, right? well, that's no problem, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-11-25 21 
December 2014
36497528Pararescue Witches '89 Part 50Pierce and his squadron find themselves being sent back to the States.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-12-01 12 
36530880Strikers '89 S2E44Early archive! We get told just Brigitte's favor entails, and Give Wendy her first birthday party in years. Of these things, sadly, only one involves cakeGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-03 23 
36632437Pararescue Witches '89 Part 51Pierce and his squadron take some time off in Washington DC.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-12-08 11 
36645459Teacher's Pet Quest 1Our protagonist gets in a relationship with a teacher and keeps getting blue-balled before he can fuck her.Collective Game, Teacher's Pet Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-12-09 25 
36663875Teacher's Pet Quest 2In a world... where the protagonist still can't get his dick wet... what lengths will he go to to have some sweet, sweet loving?Collective Game, Teacher's Pet Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-12-10 11 
36682325Teacher's Pet Quest 3Our hero meets his teacher's parents, but not how he'd like, and has a heart-to-heart before blowing his load down her throat.Collective Game, Teacher's Pet Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-12-11 8 
36705896Strikers '89 S2E45Early archive! We meet the team and return to some old stomping grounds- which could prove interesting in all the wrong waysGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-12 14 
36702180Teacher's Pet Quest 4As our hero approaches the conclusion, an evening of passion descends into the depths of debauchery.Collective Game, Teacher's Pet Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-12-12 5 
36711538Teacher's Pet Quest 5The conclusion of TPQ. Collective Game, Teacher's Pet Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-12-12 7 
36769903Pararescue Witches '89 Part 52Pierce gets his Medal of Honor and hangs out with famous people.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-12-15 12 
36781754Bottle Baby QuestWherein /tg/ is the blueballing former assassin turned high school girl wench.Collective Game, Bottle Baby Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-12-16 5 
36800441Bottle Baby Quest 2Our hero scores a date, cons her boyfriend's parents, puts her assassin skills to use, and rewards herself.Collective Game, Bottle Baby Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-12-17 2 
36819607Bottle Baby Quest 3The thrilling conclusion.Collective Game, Bottle Baby Quest, 72oOCCJ12014-12-18 1 
36841571Strikers '89 S2E46Early archive. Jumping out of airplanes into blizzards is not our idea of a good time. Dogfights against impossible odds in the mountains, though, now that sounds funGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-19 14 
36907062Pararescue Witches '89 Part 53Pierce and his squadron return to Japan with new toys.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-12-22 12 
36925711Mercenary Company Quest OPAnon !!qn3w6KeP/lzMercenary Company QuestCollective Game, 1, 369257, Mercenary Company Quest,2014-12-23 4 
36959566Strikers '89 S2E47Early archive! Post-mission downtime with the SEALs. Pilots can part just as hard as specfor, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-25 15 
37031479Pararescue Witches '89 Part 54Pierce has a fateful encounter with a certain VIP.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2014-12-29 12 
37069252Strikers '89 S2E48Early archive! Back to Poland, Merlin has some propositions for us, and we see some old friends. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-31 11 
37076168Strikers '89 S2E48.5Early archive! Part two of the night's threadGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-31 13 
January 2015
37170441Pararescue Witches '89 Part 55Pierce begins to wonder when his squadron will be sent back to the front.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-01-05 10 
37182390Sanguine Quest 1Our hero becomes a vampire, necks his friend-zoned BFF, murders a random girl, drains another random girl to near death, and gets to go steady with his crush.Collective Game, Sanguine Quest, 72oOCCJ12015-01-06 0 
37206154Strikers '89 S2E49We chat with some of the others about getting the VDNI- opinions are mixed. Witches- no help at all. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-01-07 13 
37202178Sanguine Quest 2Our hero murders a witness, secures another blood doll and generally acts like a complete shit.Collective Game, Sanguine Quest, 72oOCCJ12015-01-07 3 
37223601Sanguine Quest 3Our hero nails his BFF, confirms he's got it on with Madison, and is generally a sociopathic cock. Also, he takes it up the ass to cover his ass.Collective Game, Sanguine Quest, 72oOCCJ12015-01-08 3 
37321528Pararescue Witches '89 Part 56Pierce and his squadron are finally put back on the frontline.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-01-12 17 
37354909Dictator Quest 1President Baako consorts with dark powers to shore up his rule.Collective Game, Dictator Quest, 72oOCCJ12015-01-14 2 
37358157Strikers '89 S2E50Mav's got a still going, Young's helping her, and there's a comic about Ice. great. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-01-14 17 
37424204DBZ Human Quest #36In an alternate future, a pair of cold-blooded killers eliminate the Z Fighters one by oneCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Android, 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku, Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo2015-01-17 12 
37446325DBZ Human Quest #37Kaguya and Gohan face the Androids once again. And one of them pays with their life so the other can live.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Android, 17,18,Seventeen,Eighteen,Nappa,Gohan,Piccolo,Vegeta,Goku, Frieza,Krillin,Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu,Yajirobe,Kami,Popo2015-01-18 11 
37473592Pararescue Witches '89 Part 57Pierce is forced to land at Strana Mechty, where he meets some interesting characters.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-01-19 12 
37511909Strikers '89 S2E51We have a long conversation with Bitchtits, and find out she's mellowed, then indulge in watching Merlin practice dead martial arts!GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-01-21 14 
37598189Strikers '89 S2E52Nixon shows back up, assuages some fears and gives us an impossible job. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-01-25 11 
37625334Pararescue Witches '89 Part 58Pierce returns to base to cool down after meeting Putin.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-01-26 11 
37663057Strikers '89 S2E53Weapon selection and Drunk Katya. Really, every guy's dream, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-01-28 12 
37733076DBZ Human Quest #49A stranger from the future brings a warning of terrible things to comeCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Human, Saiyan, Android, Trunks, Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Nappa, Vegeta, 17, 18, Red, Ribbon, Army, Doctor, Gero2015-01-31 13 
February 2015
37784884Pararescue Witches '89 Part 59Pierce tries to survive a KPA attack on Seoul.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-02-02 13 
37823985DBZ Human Quest #56After intense training, Kaguya suffers awful nightmares, and devises a plan to help Goku and Gohan become Super SaiyansCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Namekian, Earth, Namek, Frieza, Vegeta, Nappa, King, Cold, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Androids, 17, 18, Kami, Popo2015-02-04 13 
37821838Strikers '89 S2E54First half of the night's events! a fight is brewing over the black sea...GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-04 15 
37829654Strikers '89 S2E54.5Second half of the night's thread! the twins get shot down, but on the other hand, we captured two more fandances. too bad that doesn't count for kills. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-04 11 
37938973Pararescue Witches '89 Part 60Bree tries to deal with a very busy day.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-02-09 10 
37978206Strikers '89 S2E55Nixon trolls us, and trolls us hard. Plus, apparently we're a father figure now. We're not sure how to take the news. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-11 13 
37984550Strikers '89 S2E55.5Rest of the night's thread- we meet Jean-luc at the ceremony. at least we're not alone up there.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-11 13 
38075303DBZ Human Quest #68The Androids appear, and a fierce battle beginsCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Nappa, Goku, Gohan, Tien, Vegeta, Yamcha, Bulma, Piccolo, Krillin, Yajirobe, Android, Androids, 19, 202015-02-15 10 
38087959DBZ Human Quest #69The fearsome battle with the Androids continues, and Vegeta shows up with a surprise for everyoneCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Android, 19, 20, Trunks, Vegeta, Gohan, Goku, Nappa, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Yamcha, Doctor, Gero, Wolf, Fang, Fist, Destructo, Disk2015-02-16 10 
38094331Pararescue Witches '89 Part 61Bree takes her new squadron out on their first mission.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-02-16 11 
38092897DBZ Human Quest #70Androids 19 and 20 are defeated, but more of Doctor Gero's creations are on the looseCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Android, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Doctor, Gero, Vegeta, Krillin, Tien, Piccolo, Goku, Gohan, Nappa2015-02-16 10 
38091101Hellborn Quest 81Sierra tells her friends all about her abilities.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 812015-02-16 21 
38096066DBZ Human Quest #71The Z-Fighters prove no match for the Androids, and a desperate plan is made by PiccoloCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namekian, Vegeta, Trunks, Android, Piccolo, Kami, Goku, Gohan, Nappa, Android, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Doctor Gero, Krillin, Tien2015-02-16 10 
38139870DBZ Human Quest #73In an alternate timeline, Kaguya and Gohan struggle to defeat a deadly pair of cyborgs.Collective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Cyborg, 17, 18, Gohan, Trunks, Bulma, Vegeta2015-02-18 10 
38135513Strikers '89 S2E56we take the girls out to find civilian clothes, and run into the actor playing Tomaso Montana. Merlin is thrilled, we're ambivalent. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-18 17 
38255480Pararescue Witches '89 Part 62Hessler leads an assault into Russian lines.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-02-23 11 
38295827Strikers '89 S2E57We take the girls to Santa's. apparently, this is their first burger ever. they're ruined for burger places now, for sure. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-25 13 
March 2015
38410498Pararescue Witches '89 Part 63Developments in Europe come back to affect things in Asia.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-03-02 10 
38451147DBZ Human Quest #89Kaguya returns to the farm and speaks with his parents, then spars with Haya and faces Cell in the Pendulum RoomCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Videl, Hercule, Android, 16, Cell2015-03-04 7 
38449181Strikers '89 S2E58We finally get VDNI, and go from father figure to father GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-04 11 
38457492Strikers '89 S2E58.5Laika's our instructor in VDNI flight. this should be fun. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-04 10 
38543439Strikers '89 Mav Sidethread!We're Patty Mitchell, the only person who sees Goose on a day to day basis, apparently. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-08 10 
38569905Pararescue Witches '89 Part 64Pierce needs to decide how to handle a troublesome politician.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-03-09 11 
38611208Strikers '89 S2E59Landing is harder than we'd thought. Also, the twins still have no idea who bounced them.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-11 10 
38619685Strikers '89 S2E59.5The sharks get harpooned, and we try out VDNI in the Wyvern proper.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-11 10 
38712021DBZ Human Quest #100In the far North, the Z-fighters face off against a trio of mechanical killersCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Saiyan, Human, Android, 13, 14, 15, Cell, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Yamcha 2015-03-15 8 
38732251Pararescue Witches '89 Part 65Pierce proceeds to embark on yet another secret mission, this time on home turf.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-03-16 10 
38736171DBZ Human Quest #102The Cell Games beginCollective Game, Quest, DBZ, Dragonball, Human, Saiyan, Namek, Android, Pirozhki, Caroni, Hercule, Satan, Videl, Icarus, Nappa, 16, Gohan, Goku, Yamcha, Cell, Junior2015-03-16 11 
38772992Strikers '89 S2E60We introduce the girls to everyone and break the Ice. again. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-18 5 
38808660Closeted Mutant Quest: LoreleiA teenage mutant who can turn into gas helps solve a murder.Collective Game, Closeted Mutant Quest, 72oOCCJ12015-03-21 5 
38880270Pararescue Witches '89 Part 66Pierce moves to clean up Japan once an for all.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-03-23 12 
38893478Miai Quest 1Our hero goes to meet his future bride, but what's this? A murder?!Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Miai Quest2015-03-24 5 
38916746Strikers '89 S2E61The eastern front's winding down, it seems like. Enough, at least, for us to talk to Ice at lunch and Colonel Wilkins- and learn that Slider is using the girls against us. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-25 6 
38912880Miai Quest 2The conclusion.Collective Game, Miai Quest, 72oOCCJ12015-03-25 7 
39017749Pararescue Witches '89 Part 67The Germans move to secure their gains after the Battle of Minsk.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-03-30 12 
April 2015
39051232Galge Quest 1Our protagonist wakes up in anime land, kisses his childhood friend, pisses off the ojou-sama, finds out the transfer student is half-yokai, and enlists the aid of the chuuni in escaping from this realm of terror.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Galge Quest2015-04-01 6 
39134729Galge Quest 2Our hero has a flashback with his childhood friend, kisses the tsundere ojou-sama, and gets the shit kicked out of him by transfer student's dad.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Galge Quest2015-04-05 2 
39179947Pararescue Witches '89 Part 68Elsa cruises around the new Polish countryside.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-04-06 11 
39202504Strikers '89 S2E62In which the Fronkbowl is decidedGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-04-08 6 
39200607Galge Quest 3We accidentally marry Natsuki and Aiko becomes an angel?!Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Galge Quest2015-04-08 4 
39210228Strikers '89 S2E62.5Second half of the decision. We're totally in over our heads. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-04-08 5 
39241090Galge Quest 4Natsuki kills Minato's father for being Illuminati, Aiko tries to seduce the MC, and Yuki's parents approve of him.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Galge Quest2015-04-10 2 
39265295Hellborn Quest 91Sierra decides Frederick is not a terrorist, and spies a unicorn.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 912015-04-11 20 
39312713Pararescue Witches '89 Part 69Pierce tries to deal with an emotionally vulnerable witch.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-04-13 13 
39347694Strikers '89 S2E63The consequences begin, until Ghost's life intervenesGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-04-15 5 
39344956Galge Quest 5Protagonist deflowers Natsuki and Minato, comedy ensues.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Galge Quest2015-04-15 1 
39385063Galge Quest 6Players do some really stupid shit and die.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Galge Quest2015-04-17 9 
39492722Pararescue Witches '89 Part 70Pierce tries to train a new member of the squadron.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-04-22 10 
39487713Dheljos Quest 1Protagonist robs a dude, gets powers, hangs with her otouto, kills some dude that breaks into her apartment.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Dheljos Quest2015-04-22 2 
39528052Dheljos Quest 2Our heroine evades the cops, her boss discovers she's host to a dheljos, and she shows off her dress to her otouto.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Dheljos Quest2015-04-24 1 
39596286Pararescue Witches '89 Part 71Pierce continues his daring cruise ship rescue.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-04-27 10 
39585415Will of the Ice Quest #3Randal buys supplies, learns more about the gods, prays to Tor and then has a conversation about their love with TristaQMChills, Collective Game, Will of Ice Quest 2015-04-26 3 2015-04-27 5 
39631157Dheljos Quest 3Our heroine robs a party, gets chased by High Inquisitor, escapes, gets massage from bro, finds out she's still being investigated.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Dheljos Quest2015-04-29 2 
39634795Strikers '89 S2E64Fronk receives full approval for his lewds, then Mama Tabby has to explain her lewds to her daughters. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-04-29 2 
May 2015
39669902Dheljos Quest 4Noc gets kidnapped, Noc gets saved, Dhena blows up a Flatliner thing.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Dheljos Quest2015-05-01 2 
39733479Hellborn Quest 100Sierra mugs a guy and speeds into the future.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1002015-05-04 21 
39738610Pararescue Witches '89 Part 72Ghost goes on some exciting adventures with Rex!Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-05-04 11 
39773405Strikers '89 S2E65In which we head for a furball GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-05-06 1 
39779606Strikers '89 S2E65.5Second part of the night's thread! Something, something, Belka. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-05-06 3 
39837549Hellborn Quest 101Sierra rides a bike, and discusses sea monsters.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1012015-05-09 17 
39919289Strikers '89 S2E66We discuss things with Nixon... and get coerced into taking the girls to Berlin. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-05-13 1 
39921752Hellborn Quest 102Sierra makes Wolfgang a deputy hero, and practices blood magic.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1022015-05-13 16 
40023118Pararescue Witches '89 Part 73Pierce receives some very bad news regarding the European front.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-05-18 12 
40021796Hellborn Quest 103Sierra goes to save Luce, and winds up changing the plan.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1032015-05-18 14 
40056611Strikers '89 S2E167We make it Berlin, meet Lady Dowding and Matron Longstreet, find out what not to talk about in front of the girls, and meet their 'big sister', who thinks we're a monster. and it's not even noon. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-05-20 1 
40116518Hellborn Quest 104Sierra tags along with Sattler, then becomes the shadow walker.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1042015-05-23 15 
40202306Strikers '89 S2E68Frank meets the brass, then shit happens. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-05-27 1 
40216143Hellborn Quest 105Sierra makes friends and meets up with Satt.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1052015-05-27 13 
40216514Novice Heretek Quest 41We shoot, we run over, we drown and in general we kill a good amount of fukken Kroots.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ412015-05-28 10 
40265005Hellborn Quest 106Sierra talks about tongues and meets Lucifer.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1062015-05-30 13 
June 2015
40311380Pararescue Witches '89 Part 74Pierce witnesses the results of a nuclear holocaust up close.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-06-01 11 
40344217Hellborn Quest 107Sierra gets an offer and zaps around town.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1072015-06-03 13 
40351162Strikers '89 S2E69We track down the wayward witches and watch one of them have a breakdown in the middle of the street. Emotional, not MechanicalGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-06-03 1 
40435905Hellborn Quest 108Sierra plans a road trip.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1082015-06-07 14 
40461649Pararescue Witches '89 Part 75Pierce touches down in the irradiated Ukrainian border to rescue a squad in distress. Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-06-08 12 
40514515Hellborn Quest 109Sierra's last day.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1092015-06-10 14 
40565584Hellborn Quest 110Sierra says goodbye to Wolfgang.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1102015-06-13 17 
40578518Captive Princess QuestA young princess is captured by an evil dragon. Can she escape?Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Captive Princess Quest2015-06-14 2 
40611156Pararescue Witches '89 Part 76Pierce and Red continue into the hot zone to find survivors.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-06-15 11 
40609009Hellborn Quest 111Sierra leaves on a fantastic adventure.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1112015-06-15 16 
40646474Strikers '89 S2E70Stasya ain't having no shittalking of Frank happen around her.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-06-17 1 
40746914Pararescue Witches '89 Part 77Pierce wonders what to do with the Little One.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-06-22 13 
40744607Persona 2129 Quest 1A protagonist arrives. A world is loaded and ready. A girl is met. The decisive game begins.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-06-22 32 
40762479Former Operator Quest 1In which an operator shoots some fuckers and picks up a lady.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cyberpunk2015-06-23 2 
40766325Persona 2129 Quest 2Takashi Wakui, a boy without a Persona, encounters the Blackened Void for the first time. The tutorial stages of the game begin. Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-06-23 21 
40771974Persona 2129 Quest 2 Part 2Continuation of previous thread. Involves safehouses and reunion.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-06-23 21 
40784564Strikers '89 S2E71Early archive! the girl's talents seem to be creating ragnarok in the kitchen. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-06-24 1 
40782276Former Operator Quest 2Getting cash together, escaping the country, and then it all fails.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cybrpunk2015-06-24 0 
40785725Persona 2129 Quest 3Takashi returns from the nightmarish world of the Blackened Void and tries to explain his disappearance. Then there's a party.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-06-24 21 
40788530Hellborn Quest 112Sierra visits some graves and finds out her dad was an immigrant.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1122015-06-24 16 
40800573Former Operator Quest 3The thrilling conclusion.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Former Operator Quest, Cybrpunk2015-06-25 1 
40822954Persona 2129 Quest 4Takashi and Celeste take a tour of their new academy together. Then AETHER resumes its machinations...Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-06-26 21 
40890887Pararescue Witches '89 Part 78Pierce gets some R&R at Nungesser's villa.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-06-29 15 
40888008Persona 2129 Quest 5Takashi chats with his sister, meets some strangely familiar vendors and begins his mission to rescue Celeste.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-06-29 21 
40910481Hellborn Quest 113Sierra goes to Sierra National Forest and finds a landwell.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1132015-06-30 17 
July 2015
40931848Strikers '89 S2E72As it happens, Dr. Reeds worries about Infections are true. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-07-01 1 
40953358Persona 2129 Quest 6Celeste's rescue reaches a resolution. A new bond is formed. Episode 2 ends.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-07-02 21 
40988119Novice Heretek Quest 51In which we take control of Juliannus and get ready to capture a Zoanthrope.Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ512015-07-04 10 
41028238Age of Sigmar and-oh fuck me.You still have not learned and I am ashamed.The whole reason I stopped coming to /tg/ was because for all your self-aggrandizing shit like this happens, that's why I shitpost on the archives, coming out of retirement, I haven't done thsi since 2013 so I don't know who this other faggot is, please learn to recognize shitposting and how the report function works, it takes two seconds of your time, consider developing a better policy on quest threads and CYOAs too, thanks, sincerly LWYS, XOXO2015-07-05 21 
41058697Persona 2129 Quest 7Takashi's first day at Akumachi-Kirijo Academy for the Supernaturally Talented begins. Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-07-07 21 
41073536Hellborn Quest 114Sierra claims wells, visits a lake, and heads on to new horizons.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1142015-07-07 15 
41093641Hellborn Quest 115Sierra talks with Moriah and goes to Porthcawl.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1152015-07-08 16 
41188149Pararescue Witches '89 Part 79Pierce has to decide what to do with some very distressing intel.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-07-13 11 
41206605Persona 2129 Quest 8Takashi's first day at school continues. His predecessor is revealed and a secret is confessed.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-07-14 21 
41334337Pararescue Witches '89 Part 80Pierce reunites with the rest of his squadron, but needs to deal with an old enemy.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-07-20 13 
41330588Persona 2129 Quest #9Akumachi City is explored, social stats are increased, a Social Link is gained and the plot is advanced.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-07-20 21 
41357111Hellborn Quest 116Sierra takes a hold of the situation and makes a beeline for the exit.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1162015-07-21 15 
41374979Strikers '89 S2E81We meet Slider's family. They proceed to embarrass her. repeatedly. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-07-22 1 
41389934Hellborn Quest 117Sierra and friends make their getaway.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1172015-07-22 14 
41488061Pararescue Witches '89 Part 81Pierce goes on a dangerous mission to rescue Laika from Volgin's clutches.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-07-27 14 
41484072Persona 2129 Quest 10Akikazu treats Takashi to ramen. Persona augmentation is revealed. A thoughtful talk is had with Shizuka. Then AETHER updates...Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-07-27 21 
41527610Strikers '89 S2E74The girls meet Rufus and the colonel. Things go better than expected. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-07-29 1 
41551686Hellborn Quest 118wingsHellborn Quest, Collective Game, 118, wings2015-07-30 25 
August 2015
41630144Persona 2129 Quest 11The Forlorn Abyss is unlocked. Also Shizuka teases Takashi about girls.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-08-03 20 
41651713Hellborn Quest 119Sierra and Xan talk about guys and proceed to Vancouver.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1192015-08-04 20 
41673592Strikers '89 S2E75We begin having dinner before having to end early.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-08-05 1 
41674144Persona 2129 Quest 12It's time to rescue Akikazu. Pyre Ruin Valley awaits! But before that, more vendors!Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-08-05 20 
41714799Hellborn Quest 120Sierra & Ro + Roger & Co VS. Thin MintHellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1202015-08-07 15 
41735966Hellborn Quest 121Sierra plays 20 questions with Roger.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1212015-08-08 16 
41807911Hellborn Quest 122LC2015 continues and Sierra makes a new discoveryHellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1222015-08-11 16 
41813035Strikers '89 S2E76Wendy asks Fronk for a "favour."GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-08-12 1 
41848773Hellborn Quest 123Sierra goes to Peyto lake and meets a Cthulu.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1232015-08-13 15 
41916716Persona 2129 Quest 13Miniboss battle. Random encounters. Death Social Link!Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-08-17 15 
41936406Hellborn Quest 124Sierra deals with dragons.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1242015-08-18 17 
41959132Persona 2129 Quest 14Mondays: mapo tofu, Death Tarot explanations, eternal sunset and new Personas. Same as usual, then.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-08-19 21 
42033477Strikers '89 S2E77There is no Slider here, only snek.GhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-08-23 1 
42054279Persona 2129 Quest 15Akikazu's rescue comes to an end. Episode 3 concludes.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-08-24 18 
42070690Disquiet Quest Renewal 1The protagonist and Daisy go to college.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Disquiet Quest Renewal2015-08-25 7 
42090242Disquiet Quest Renewal 2Our hero takes down the villain and finally fucks Daisy.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Disquiet Quest Renewal2015-08-26 2 
42088907Hellborn Quest 125Sierra Beckhoff and the legend of the forbidden landwell.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1252015-08-26 20 
42135687Hellborn Quest 126Sierra goes through some old junk.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1262015-08-28 17 
42199986Persona 2129 Quest 16A week in the life of Takashi Wakui goes by. Stat boosts, new Social Links and shitty drama plays ahoy!Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-08-31 18 
September 2015
42237328Novice Heretek Quest 61In which we kill thousands by violently sending them into the gaping maws of hell and then we pimp our bike and name it "Promethia"!Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ612015-09-02 10 
42334930Strikers '89 S2E78Frank calls up his dad to let him know how he's doing. And about all the grandkids. GhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-09-07 2 
42335694Persona 2129 Quest 17Takashi takes Celeste on a small tour around a city. It is not a date, no matter what his older sister says.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-09-07 17 
42358094Hellborn Quest 127Sierra evades authority and winds up in Vegas.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1272015-09-08 17 
42466050Hellborn Quest 128Sierra comes home, and receives a message.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1282015-09-13 17 
42482289Persona 2129 Quest 18Even more Personas, mysterious item drops, a quirky shopkeeper and a new friend. What's not to like?Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-09-14 18 
42603826Hellborn Quest 129Wolf tells Sierra something, and she says something back.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1292015-09-20 21 
42611643Bleach Side-Along QuestA new adventure in the forgotten past of Soul Society. How Will Saikou Tsurugi leave his mark? Collective Game quest, bleach Past, 14th, alternate history2015-09-20 1 
42609166Princess In Love QuestA princess is in love with her body guard, but she's definitely not supposed to be.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Princess In Love Quest2015-09-20 2 
42631991Persona 2129 Quest 19Can it be? A person in AETHER who isn't trying to viciously murder the Players? Let's go and check it out!Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-09-21 18 
42630013Strikers '89 S2E79Merlin sneaking in flights and talk of the future interrupted by the present.GhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-09-21 2 
42742488Hellborn Quest 130Sierra roots out treason.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1302015-09-27 21 
42783853Ojou-Sama Quest 1You are an ojou-sama. There is an obnoxious baka tomboy who doesn't know her place.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Ojou-Sama Quest2015-09-29 3 
42801857Ojou-Sama Quest 2Chiyoko deals with the aftermath of the battle and learns a bit about being a magical girl.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Ojou-Sama Quest2015-09-30 5 
October 2015
42854150Ojou-Sama Quest 3Our hero makes a heartfelt apology and the session ends because the QM is sick.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Ojou-Sama Quest2015-10-03 3 
42874041Hellborn Quest 131Sierra redeems Waldric.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1312015-10-04 17 
42893356Strikers '89 S2E80Once more unto the breachGhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-10-05 2 
42892098Persona 2129 Quest 20Time to catch up on all those Social Links. Also, high intensity exam preparation action. Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-10-05 21 
42910673Ojou-Sama Quest 4Fighting a monster, Yukiko becomes a magical girl, the end (?).Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Disquiet Quest Renewal2015-10-06 3 
43021013Persona 2129 Quest 21More Social Links up in this bitch. Also, swimming. Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-10-12 18 
43035145Novice Heretek Quest 71The Battle against the Mutated Karelia continues! Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ712015-10-12 10 
43057699Strikers '89 S2E81In which we link up with old friends and see the Shield. GhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-10-14 2 
43123016Hellborn Quest 132Sierra decides how to deal with her new enemy and encounters a friend of her father's.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1322015-10-17 13 
43148286Strikers '89 S2E82 (End)Shall DefendGhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-10-19 19 
43287729Pararescue Witches '89 EpilogueAll wars end, and when they do, new life begins.Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2015-10-26 20 
43359102Castlevania: Dracula War 1977 Quest 1It is April 4, 1977. One month earlier an earthquake tore through Romania with the epicenter being in Vrancea County. As an operative for the United States Government you are being sent into Soviet aligned Romania to investigate what may be the Kremlin's newest weapon. A large structure, codename SKYSCRAPER, has appeared at lake Vidraru's deepest point...Collective Game, Castlevania, Dracula War, 1977, Quest, Metal Gear 2015-10-30 4 
November 2015
43641150Hellborn Quest 133Sierra accelerates plans for mad gains at Borislav's recommendation.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1332015-11-15 14 
43657670Persona 2129 Quest 22Yes, it's finally here. The payoff has arrived. It's time for Takashi to swim (in a competition).Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-11-16 18 
43693561Persona 2129 Quest 23Celeste makes good on her promise. Things then take a left turn into crazy town. Episode 4 colludes.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-11-18 24 
43724585novice heretek quest 81We continue in the Arena. Veni, vidi, vici Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ812015-11-19 9 
43743271Persona 2129 Quest 23.5Ended suddenly due to QM sickness, but has stuff about ramen and summoning.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-11-21 14 
43775493Persona 2129 Quest 24Area 019, Fumika's sector, is open for business...Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-11-23 22 
43799509Hellborn Quest 135Sierra invites Wolfgang to a family barbeque and gets help from Isaac.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1352015-11-24 13 
December 2015
43912895Persona 2129 Quest 25Takashi returns to Area 019 to try and rescue Fumika. Things do not go as planned...Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-12-01 14 
43920642Persona 2129 Quest 25.5Continuation of previous thread.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-12-01 12 
43994941Post Apocalyptic Civ Thread #1Set after mankind falls and after the Petroleum WarsCiv, Quest, Post, Apocalyptic, Crucible, one, 1, thread, number, #, #1, Collective Game, Post Apocalyptic Civ Quest2015-12-05 1 
44023893Persona 2129 Quest 26Fumika's rescue reaches its end. More chatlogs are had. Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-12-07 16 
44154737Persona 2129 Quest 27Golden Week Part 1.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-12-14 18 
44230663Persona 2129 Quest 28Golden Week Part 2 (and exams)Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-12-18 18 
44250139Persona 2129 Quest 29Exam results and a duel against Celeste.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-12-19 23 
44258255Persona 2129 Quest 29.5END OF PART 1Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292015-12-19 21 
January 2016
44628812State of the 1d4chanWikifag makes his more-or-less-annual status thread, getting some praise and whining.1d4chan, archive, status, Wikifag2016-01-08 24 
44668495Hellborn Quest 135Sierra makes sure she and Wolf are on the same page, and then enjoys a family barbeque.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1352016-01-10 16 
44823343Hellborn Quest 136Sierra prepares for a night by a lakeHellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1362016-01-17 12 
44841376Persona 2129 Quest 30BEGINNING OF PART 2Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-01-18 20 
44852820Trench Quest #1Where WW1 is still going, the protagonist gets resurrected as a Trench Walker and butchers the enemy.Trench_Quest WW1 Sci-fi Collective_Game undead2016-01-18 4 
44877320Novice Heretek Quest 91We become some parricides and try to hunt down our own mother...Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ912016-01-20 6 
44902100Persona 2129 Quest 31Justice and Hermit. Also, huge opening posts.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-01-21 15 
44992721Hellborn Quest 137Sierra, Harvey and Orias nerd over Davids weapons. We learn many things.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1372016-01-24 16 
44991383Persona 2129 Quest 32Classroom chaos and a short trip to the Hazebound Woodlands.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-01-25 16 
February 2016
45138816Persona 2129 Quest 33Forlorn Abyss Act 1Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-02-01 12 
45148600Persona 2129 Quest 33.5Forlorn Abyss Act 1 part 2Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-02-01 11 
45201333Damsel Dagger Quest #1We become a cursed armor, and attack the enemy's base from within with the help of an elf who has become a shield.Collective Game, Quest, Damsel Dagger, 1shot2016-02-04 4 
45283996Persona 2129 Quest 34The Observer is insufferable, as expected. But at least Takashi gets some sweet gains.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-02-08 14 
45294328Persona 2129 Quest 34.5Continuation of previous thread.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-02-08 11 
45309116Hellborn Quest 138Sierra and her motorcycle gang stop at McDonalds.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1382016-02-09 12 
45342946Persona 2129 Quest 35In this thread, Takashi learns that women can be both adorable and utterly terrifying. Those Social Links are quite nice, though.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-02-11 16 
45406438Hellborn Quest 139Sierra learns she has an apprenticeship in the works, and that she is allegedly double-invincible.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1392016-02-14 12 
45423986Persona 2129 Quest 36Akikazu is a real cool guy. Also, Valentine's Day 2016 Special. The QM can't believe he wrote it, either.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-02-15 13 
45432719Persona 2129 Quest 36.5Continuation of previous thread. That is to say, the Valentine's Day Special.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-02-15 14 
45480559Persona 2129 Quest 37Takashi runs into the student council president of Akumachi-Kirijo Academy, Eriko Ozaki.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-02-18 17 
45561065Persona 2129 Quest 38What's that? Kozue Yusa wants to play a game of make-believe? Say no more, Takashi and his friends are on the case!Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-02-22 16 
45707966Hellborn Quest 140Sierra talks to Cat and enters duel of self.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1402016-02-29 12 
March 2016
45727541Persona 2129 Quest 39Investigating Chikashi Yone and heading back to Area 019.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-03-01 15 
45733738Persona 2129 Quest 39.5Continuation of previous thread lacking the decimal.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-03-01 11 
45847966Hellborn Quest 141Sierra concludes a deal and claims a prize.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1412016-03-07 18 
45865625Persona 2129 Quest 40Takashi vs delinquents. The result is obvious...or is it?Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-03-08 14 
45855689Dark Power Quest #1An adventure for Agoth, a young farmer to rid a curse that has plagued his family.Dark Power Quest, 1, Curse, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Adventure,2016-03-10 3 
45928645Hellborn Quest 142Sierra opens a gift, sleeps all day, and talks guns with Cass.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1422016-03-11 13 
45962850Novice Heretek Quest 100: The EndEnd thread in which I explain why I cannot run anymore and how I would have wished for it to end. Good bye to everybody. Collective Game, Axsisel, Novice Heretek Quest, Warhammer40k, techpriest, Heracor Nahive , NHQ1002016-03-12 6 
45992152Hellborn Quest 143Sierra chats with a dead guy and warns Mori.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1432016-03-14 13 
46015456Persona 2129 Quest 412016 White Day Special, along with confronting Chikashi Yone in a fast food place.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-03-15 14 
46023252Persona 2129 Quest 41.5Idol shows, cooking with nee-san and a fun night with video games.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-03-15 14 
46098456Chicago 1920 (Quest) Case 001There's a new detective in the Windy City, the case is presented, and things get hairy.Collective Game, Chicago, Noir, 1920, Prohibition, Crime, Detective O'Hara2016-03-19 4 
46163815Persona 2129 Quest 42In this thread, Takashi has another chat with Eriko and anons roll too many useless 20s.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-03-22 11 
46172099Persona 2129 Quest 42.5Chikashi, you...Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-03-22 12 
46206375Persona 2129 Quest 43A real boss battle begins.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-03-24 14 
46215731Persona 2129 Quest 43.5Hurry up and make your decision, Takashi. You don't have all day.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-03-24 15 
46249703Chicago 1920 (Quest) Case 002The thread was pretty slow at the start, and had an anti-climatic ending, after fumbling too much OP decided to call it early.Collective Game, Chicago, Noir, 1920, Prohibition, Crime, Detective O'Hara2016-03-26 1 
46293705Hellborn Quest 144Sierra changes bandages.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1442016-03-28 12 
April 2016
46394015Blood Marked "Quest" 3We suffer a massive identity crisis as every new post gives us a new name. In the story we kill a man and plan to post pictures on the web.Collective Game, Blood Marked, Lucy Cook, Eldritch Abomination, Evil, Villain, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD, Insanity, April Fools 20162016-04-02 1 
46393420Hellion Quest 145Wolfgang and Sierra intimidate spies.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1452016-04-02 16 
46464316Persona 2129 Quest #44Takashi spends an entire day with Fumika. This may not be as pleasant as it sounds.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-04-05 15 
46596231Hellborn Quest 146Sierra uncovers the mysterious circumstances of Mr. Crowther's untimely disappearance.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1462016-04-11 12 
46760275Hellborn Quest Collective Game 147Sierra calls in backup.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1472016-04-19 11 
46758247Persona 2129 Quest 45Takashi and Aria interact again. It is rather heartwarming.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-04-19 14 
46766658Persona 2129 Quest 45.5The continuation of the previous thread. A new character is introduced.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-04-19 13 
46792454Hellborn Quest 148Sierra Actual gets an invitation from Sulkrasph, and begins operation 'TRAPCEPTION'Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1482016-04-21 13 
46886521Persona 2129 Quest 46Shizuka heads off to Tokyo, leaving Takashi alone for a month. What will he do?Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-04-25 15 
May 2016
47005545Hellborn Quest 149Sierra confronts Anatu-Allatu.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1492016-05-01 16 
47047744Persona 2129 Quest #47Takashi finally gets the chance to duel someone. Isn't that wonderful?Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-05-03 17 
47053020Persona 2129 Quest 47.5Shhh...Yoshino is sleeping.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-05-03 15 
68958Hellborn Quest 150Sierra continues to confront a large woman.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1502016-05-06 13 
85592Early 1700's Adventure Part 1Young farm girl turned mercenary dreams of buying Iceland and learns to never trust cute swedes. Schizophrenia, Mount and Blade, Protestants are scum, 1700's, mercenary, Swedish treachery, Pirates.2016-05-12 1 
137470Hellborn Quest 151Sierra faces off with Anatu in a contest of will.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1512016-05-16 13 
47411963Persona 2129 Quest 48Hateful, disease-ridden elf madmen. Not even once.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-05-24 15 
174393European Dragon Quest 1After awakening in a cliffside cavern, you, as a Noble white dragon during the Cold War, seek to learn more about the world.European, Dragon, Quest, 1, Collective Game, Dragons, Europe, Cold, War2016-05-24 12 
47428381Persona 2129 Quest 49More elves. When will this madness ever end?Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-05-25 15 
June 2016
47808441Persona 2129 Quest 50Takashi finishes visiting Aria and argues with the student council president.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-06-17 13 
273615Hellborn Quest 152Sierra cuts a deal and begins extraction sequence.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1522016-06-19 11 
47861322Persona 2129 Quest 51Takashi gets to duel someone who isn't a complete bitch.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-06-20 13 
47945568Persona 2129 Quest 52Takashi spends a night (chatting) with Fumika and then more stuff happens.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-06-25 15 
301639Hellborn Quest 153Sierra evacuates an island and bids farewell to Wolf.Hellborn Quest, Collective Game, 1532016-06-26 15 
July 2016
48047940Persona 2129 Quest 53Forlorn Abyss Act 2.Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-07-01 12 
48149253Persona 2129 Quest: THE END.The final thread of Persona 2129 Quest. All is revealed. Thanks for playing, everyone!Collective Game, Persona 2129 Quest, Persona, P21292016-07-07 20 
374849Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 2, TransferedWe board our transport, meet our new comrades and find out that CINPAC wants us for something. Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989,2016-07-18 7 
382282 Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 3, New everything We get our briefing, go into town with the girls, buy presents and buzz the tower. Cut slightly shorter due to tables.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-07-19 2 
393182Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 4, Flight OpsWe get into our first large-scale fight with the F-14D. The Air Force doesn't play nice but we kick their ass regardless.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-07-25 2 
413882Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 5, The one before the beach episodeWe watch CINPAC get angry, transfer to TOPGUN and break a few of our wingmates along the way. Huge delay caused by crap internet providers.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-07-29 3 
August 2016
435763Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 6, The beach episode.In which, we deal with a stalker, talk about another one, play volleyball, and get mail from family and an ex.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-08-03 2 
455542Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 7, Back to the FightersWe fly another training op, find out something interesting about CINPAC, tempt fate and go to Frank's.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-08-11 2 
447985BioArmor Quest: 1st VHS80's cult classic Bio Armor Manu Beetalion presented in glorious low definition. Contains all of episode one and part of episode two.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-08-16 9 
484690Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 8In this thread, we fly a training op and open a box. That's about it.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-08-18 2 
499203Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 9In which: Thunderhead miss-numbers the thread, Razor picks out a new jet and patches things up with an ex.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-08-25 2 
519130Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 10Razor performs a daring recon mission over soviet territory, tries to make a Soviet defect and learns something about his sister's new unitPilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-08-31 3 
September 2016
532106Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 11Razor meets his sister and his unit, has a dogfight with them and gives them a few pointers.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-09-06 2 
515559Himehorn 911!asdasdasdasdHaremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-09-06 3 
513726BioArmor Quest: 2nd VHSIn which we continue our marathon of the early 90's OVA classic Bio Armor Manu: BeetalionCollective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-09-12 10 
552815Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 12Razor attends a briefing, addresses some rumours and performs a recon flight over a Soviet fleet.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-09-12 2 
551599Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "I can't smell myself."Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-09-18 4 
593931Pilot quest 1989: Thread 13In which, Razor and the rest of VF-21 embark on a dangerous mission for the CIA.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-09-20 2 
606293BioArmor Quest: 3rd VHSIn which we finally become the BioArmor.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-09-23 13 
620215Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 14In which, Razor chats with his wingmates hand has a nightmare about them dying... Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-09-25 3 
590644Himehorn 911!Why!Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-09-29 4 
October 2016
648093Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 15World War 3 starts and Razor makes ace in a day.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-10-03 2 
636642Himehorn 911!"State your emergency" "I can't count without my fingers"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-10-06 4 
652318Himehorn 911!"State your emergency" "How much for two medium pizzas?"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-10-06 3 
668227Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "I can't make phone calls!"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-10-11 3 
678002Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "Where is home?"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-10-11 3 
693678Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "Give me my money back!"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-10-17 3 
701286Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 16Razor helps thwart a Soviet airborne invasion.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-10-17 2 
724720European Dragon Quest 34: 2016Ren travels to a dimension where there is only war... No, not 40k you neckbeard cis-shitlord scum. And Ren gets accused of RAPE.European Dragon Quest, 2016, Collective Game, QuestingQM2016-10-24 1 
712319Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "How do I go reverse with a hovercraft?"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-10-24 3 
733363Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 17In this, extra-long run. Razor helps a sqaudmate with some troubling news. Intercepts another Soviets flight and forget to turn his swag offPilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-10-25 2 
697511BioArmor Quest: 4th VHSIn which we take a quick jump into a possible future, a future of hunger and desperation.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence, Post-Apocalypse, 2016-10-25 1 
730505Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "I've got all this time! Help!"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-10-29 3 
749877Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "N-no bully!"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-10-29 3 
November 2016
765560Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "WHY AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOOOORR...?!"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-11-07 3 
791142Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "This couch is far too comfortable. Help."Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-11-07 2 
788414Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 18Razor makes a few phone calls and bombs an airfield.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-11-07 2 
806304Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "How much time should I leave the tea bag in the water?"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-11-12 2 
828251Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 1Intel Drops the ball and we try to pick it up. Only us and the Japs left standing; let's kill some teenagers!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,Eddie, Jerry, C455132016-11-15 13 
798977Thug Quest Part 1In a city much like 1980s Miami, Johnny the thug takes a job. Things escalate quickly.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-18 21 
810055Thug Quest 2On the run from the cops and the mob, Johnny and Alex infiltrate a high-class nightclub, and make some new acquaintances.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-18 13 
824162Thug Quest 3Johnny steals a boat to steal a helicopter. He also rediscovers the joy of dakka.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-18 12 
830577Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." " H911's first season is over!" "Elaborate?"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-11-21 2 
836043Thug Quest 4Johnny starts to realize just how fucked he is. At least he manages to rescue a friend.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-21 12 
852622Thug Quest 5Johnny versus gimps.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-24 12 
863297TravelingCircus Quest #1A new quest sets off!!Traveling Circus, 0NullUnd1Eins2016-11-25 2 
862322Thug Quest 6Johnny the thug takes a day off in between from murderous crime sprees.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-11-27 10 
866635Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 1James has some slice of life, then some management sim, then shit hits the fan.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,Eddie, Jerry, C45513,2016-11-28 6 
865861TravelingCircus Quest #2talking headsTraveling Circus, 0NullUnd1Eins2016-11-28 1 
December 2016
880502Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 2Well Chem is... quarantined and probably dead. But in better news, the monster is HYPE.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Kongamato, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-01 6 
892922Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 3This ritual just will not end. Also, the world might be teetering on the apocalypse. But we meet SPOILERS for the first time this quest.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-04 3 
876375Thug Quest 7Catherine reveals the job to the heist crew. Zero confronts a rival.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-04 10 
887763Thug Quest 8Johnny gets high, eats pizza, and watches television. He also steals a black-market EMP from Black Spear.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-04 10 
900425Thug Quest 9Johnny buys a strange weapon and meets a strange person.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-08 10 
902973 Pilot Quest 1989: Thread 19Razor wakes up with another woman, and finds out that another one is doing something stupid.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2016-12-12 2 
913264Thug Quest 10Johnny and friends begin the heist on the Triads' skyscraper fortress, Dragon's Nest.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-12 10 
923655Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 2 Part 4With a Dragonslayer on board, we get brutal and go on a rampage. We ocmplete the ritual, but at what cost? Conspiracies abound!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan,DRAGON, Jerry, C45513,2016-12-13 2 
933850Thug Quest 11Johnny and friends continue their assault on Dragon's Nest. Soon that vault will be theirs for the taking.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-18 10 
952745Thug Quest 12Johnny faces one of the Five Elements alone, and encounters a twist of fate.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2016-12-26 10 
966128Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "My Witch device only gets one channel"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-12-28 2 
974045Himehorn 911! "State your emergency." "Do carrots count as snacks?"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112016-12-28 2 
January 2017
974148Thug Quest 13Could Johnny really be dead? The QM wouldn't kill the main character, right? Zero and Alex try to find out.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-01-05 10 
984317Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "State your emergency." "Elaborate?"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-01-07 2 
1002925Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "You will pay for my ship someday, I swear it!" "..."Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-01-07 2 
1013721Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "FUCK Galapago turtles." "Elaborate? Is your ship under siege?"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-01-07 2 
51022369WW1 turns post-apocalypticSomeone posts greentext of their latest campaign set in a much more destructive WW1. /tg/ likes the general idea and starts worldbuilding.ww1, trench warfare, post apocalyptic, horror, worldbuilding,2017-01-09 11 
1018938Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3A despondant James returns to the facility as a changed man; a father! We deal with new staff before a tie and real life medical problems.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Murder, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, New Guy, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-09 4 
989932Nomic #1We're rule-making niggers, faggot.Nomic, qstNomic, qstNomicD1, faggot2017-01-10 1 
1031204Thug Quest 14Johnny wakes up in a Triad drug-testing dungeon. Despite his injuries, he tries to escape, with some help from a new friend.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-01-13 10 
1029919Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 2TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! We send albino waifu off to war with her sons in hand while James becomes the leader he could be.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-14 2 
1012240Gunsmith Quest Thread OneChi Long Qua the best GUNSMITH this world has ever seen. Also hopefully isn't dead.Gunsmith, Quest, Chi Lonq Qua, Research, Song Dynasty China, 13 Century China2017-01-14 1 
1015393Pilot Quest: Thread 20Starting off with a bang! Razor blows off some steam, makes a decision and investigates a ship.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-01-14 2 
1043980Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 3TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! We send albino waifu off to war with her sons in hand while James becomes the leader he could be.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Horror, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-17 4 
51220893WW1 Setting adventures with supernatural elements and weird scienceWorldbuilding and adventure hooks.World War One, WW1, setting, worldbuilding, adventure hooks, plothooks,2017-01-18 6 
1057812Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 4We spend most of the time playing as Valentina and Hunter Squad, but the ritual is moving forward.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-19 2 
1035351Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "He's taking me out tonight, I don't know what to weaaaaar...!"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-01-20 2 
1054206Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "Just checkin if my phone worked." beeeeeeepHaremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-01-20 2 
1040688Pilot Quest: Thread 21We fly, we land, we fly again!Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-01-21 2 
1067416Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 5I didn't fall asleep shut up. Oni gets him some whilst the bugs hunt people.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-24 3 
1085557Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 6The longest ritual ever continues, James begins to feel a little isolation while OP gets sick.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-01-26 2 
1068538Pilot Quest: Thread 22We begin to engage the soviet bomber formation, but then Thunderhead disappears on medical.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-01-30 2 
February 2017
1111121Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 7The Part where Star comes back only for life to take him away again.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-02-02 2 
1103078Thug Quest 16Out of action for a few weeks, Johnny gets his friends to work on the investigation. Two new helpers are big trouble in small packages.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-02-04 10 
1147915Thug Quest 17Johnny receives some visitors in his new home, and continues to investigate the conspiracy.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-02-15 10 
1149248Pilot Quest: Thread 23Thunderhead returns and we finish the dogfight, have a dream and rope in some help on a certain issue.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-02-20 2 
1179499This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #1You are Lieutenant Commander Reynolr, of the Citadel Empire, recently-promoted captain of the CAS Brora (PS-4-917), an armed trawlersea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-02-22 33 
1181077Thug Quest 18Johnny accepts Catherine's request to act as her bodyguard for a social event at Enigma. What could go wrong?Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-02-23 9 
1193605This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #2The crew explores the ruins of Rinyak Island, speak at length with a prisoner, and find intelligence that leads to the Battle of Sbvysek. sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-02-25 25 
1203720The Coldran Odyssey: Book 1 Thread 1We wake up, discover some things about the world, and start our adventure!Collective Game, The Coldran Odyssey, Fantasy, Lance, 12017-02-26 1 
1170888Pilot Quest: Thread 24Razor's trip into Tokyo begins, Durendal teases Svetlana and we meet the eternal enemy of the soldier... the press.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-02-26 2 
March 2017
1205444This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #3Reynolr travels to Scrap Bay after the Battle of Sbvysek, learns more about the enemy Republic, and meets two scientists and Céleste Chapuissea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-01 25 
1209432Zatch Bell Quest #12Kidnapping shenannigansZatch Bell, Drachtma, Collective game, part 122017-03-01 1 
1223871Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Part 8We complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513, 2017-03-05 2 
1236904Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 EpilogueWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C45513,2017-03-09 2 
1223626This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #4Reynolr attends the celebration ball with Céleste, settles some business, and learns more about some strange jewels and the Old Empire.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-10 23 
1226466Pilot Quest: Thread 25Shopping part 2, now with food!Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-03-11 2 
51980267Frontier Freaks Setting WorldbuildingA setting which can basically be described as "biopunk wild west" is invented.worldbuilding, western, wild west, bioengineering, biotech, biopunk, bioshock, transhumanism, Pasteur, 1800s pseudoscientific beliefs,2017-03-12 5 
1263983Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 3 Epilogue FINWe complete Ritual 3 amidst trying circumstances. The scope of this year's collateral damage is staggering.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson,Susan, Breach, Jerry, C455132017-03-14 2 
1226125Great War Era Nation GameAbandoned by the eternal faggot known as OP. The thread was saved, because there were some interesting nations that were created.Collective Game, Nation Builder, WW1, Great War2017-03-14 1 
1234271Thug Quest 19: Retired Yakuza QuestKen stakes his life on a daring rescue mission.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-03-14 10 
1238687Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "They keep staring at my eyebrows."Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-03-15 2 
1280473This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #5Reynolr parts with Céleste, disposes of his Republic prisoner, and fights a brutal battle to a draw south of the Kraegsk, in the Interim Seasea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-20 4 
1260105This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #5Reynolr parts with Céleste, disposes of his Republic prisoner, and fights a brutal battle to a draw south of the Kraegsk, in the Interim Sea sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-03-20 24 
1251932Pilot Quest: Thread 26We fly a strike mission with the chair force, escort a broken bird back home and nearly break our own bird while trying to kill some reds.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-03-22 2 
1270580Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "What does Mr. Wallace looks like?"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-03-24 1 
1283310Himehorn 911!"State you-" "Does he look like a bitch?"Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-03-24 1 
1281089Thug Quest 20Johnny begins his recovery from another brutal battle. He receives visitors both welcome and otherwise.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-03-27 9 
1297199Himehorn 911!"State your emergency.""I can't stop thinking that my lips look weird when I talk."Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-03-29 2 
1263683God of Edge: The Beta Uprising part 1A diety quest that very quickly falls into untold levels of degeneracy.Deity, prometheus, fantasy, rape,edge,nc172017-03-30 2 
April 2017
1324313サイオン academy questGiant space beetles have an April Fools surprise.psion academy quest, サイオン academy quest, anime, drawquest, battle academy2017-04-02 5 
1306379Thug Quest 21Johnny has the law show up on his doorstep while he's got a young woman tied up in the spare room. Awkward.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-04-03 9 
1324989Zatch Bell Quest 15Dizzy, would you and your friends pls stop breaking things?Zatch Bell Quest, /qst/, Collective game, Part 15, Drachtma2017-04-09 2 
1322643Space Station 13 QuestA lone Spess man pranks the Clown, and has a run in with a wizard. Short thread.Space Station 13 Quest, Wendigo-Chan, Space, Space Station 13, spess2017-04-09 1 
1339417Himehorn 911!"State your emergency." "...hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing..."Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-04-15 2 
1345969This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #6The wounded Brora seeks refuge in from the storm in a leering fortress, and Reynolr discovers some horrors and wonders of the past. sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-04-17 23 
May 2017
1413759This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #7Reynolr embarks on a stealth mission to sink a capital ship, and encounters moral questions and strange old world machinery along the waysea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-05-15 20 
1461953Sum of your parts- 1In which we bang a a spider monster and eat some pie. Collective game, quest, romance, pie, Love and Passion juice..., part 12017-05-19 2 
1478563Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 4 PrologueA changed man; James Fucking Henderson wakes up ready to do what he does best. Kill teens and save the world. Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson, Jerry, C45513,2017-05-23 3 
1483167Thug Quest 22Taking a break from crime, violence, mayhem, and girls, Johnny invites the guys over for beers and barbecue.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-05-29 9 
June 2017
1497329What is VA-11 Hall-A?Pretty please don't fuck this timeline too.Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-06-03 2 
1539908 The Great War Quest Ferdinand Von Brant, Son of Fredreich Von Brant, Joined the Clankers Navy boot-camp and makes friends.GreatWarQuest, WW1, Collective Game, Leviathan Series, HerrAdmiral2017-06-09 4 
1521639This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #8The Brora fights another sea battle, and Reynolr joins a drunkard's quest by airship to loot an ancient spire in the north.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-06-10 20 
1545492What is VA-11 Hall-A?Seriously.Haremhorn, HSC, Himehorn9112017-06-16 2 
1566834The Great War Quest # 2A Celebration for graduation. Ferdinand Von Brandt get invited to a party and decide to woo some noblesGreatWarQuest, WW1, Collective Game, Leviathan Series, HerrAdmiral2017-06-17 1 
1568628Thug Quest 23A few weeks after Burger Night with the bros, Johnny is back in action as he and the girls take on a gang of street racers.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-06-23 8 
1584383This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #9 Reynolr returns to scrap bay and meets an old friend.Heartfelt conversations are had as he uses his leave to embark on a personal adventure.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-06-27 20 
July 2017
1619056This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #10Violence and intrigue aboard the airship Maitresse.sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-07-08 12 
1637468Thug Quest 24It might actually be possible for Johnny to spend an entire day without getting caught up in brutal violence.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-07-10 8 
1624643Hyperion-1314 factions hotly contest a planet rich with material vital to construction of fusion drives. Corporate espionage ensues. hyperion, 131, infiltration, espionage, council, space, francium, corporate2017-07-10 2 
1650644Cabin Control Quest: Ritual 4 Part 2The escalation of The Shadow Organisation Shadow War against the Saboteurs continues. It's not looking good for the world.Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Cabin, Woods, Bug Hunt, Maxi, Control, Monster, Director, Stable, James, Henson, Jerry, C455132017-07-11 1 
1630619 Great War Quest #3The end of the party. Von Brandt got caught in the machination of the higher noble and he finally decide to be in the Black FleetGreatWarQuest, WW1, Collective Game, Leviathan Series, HerrAdmiral2017-07-13 1 
August 2017
1698144This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #11 wThe Maîtresse reaches its destination. Reynolr and his team explore an auxiliary port. sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22017-08-04 11 
1744629Wicked Waters Quest 1We were given a golden ticket by our grandpa. Soon used it to become our own boss in a new world colony, with our skills as a shipwright.Golden ticket, 1800esk, Exploring New world, Genie, Swole of body and mind2017-08-17 1 
1755372Shellstorm mech Quest #1: The Iron EaglePrivate Brandon Crowley returns from the front and his first real engagement victorious along with the surviving Bravo Company.Mech, WW1, Alt-History, Endless war, Collective game, CursedQm2017-08-19 3 
September 2017
1812398Sburb Quest - Part 1Valve releases a new game on steam. A silver haired bug enthusiast buys it. bad anime is mentioned. The power of air pressure is utilized. Homestuck, sburb, sburb quest, quest, collective game, part 1, pesterlogs are boring without color, Garzey's Wing is the best anime ever2017-09-01 1 
1814888Thug Quest 25The crew attempts a daring assault on the Heat City FBI office, the only place they can find intel on the elite fighters they face.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-09-09 8 
1858627Thug Quest 26Johnny punches some Russians, then gets together with the crew and sets a game plan: punch more Russians.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-09-23 7 
October 2017
1978805Oddyssey - Dreams of going off worldEvelynn is a dirt poor scrub who dreams of a better life, one that will take her away from the block. Oddyssey, Sci-fi, Science Fiction, Fiction, One, 1, First2017-10-21 1 
November 2017
56200296Demon Hunter Halloween 2017 Aftermath/tg/ counts casualties and takes inventory of survivors. It does not look good.halloween, 2017, aftermath, demons, skellingtons, spooky, scary, skeletons, survivors, demon hunters, hunters2017-11-03 3 
2027196Thug Quest 27We finish our battle at the slaughterhouse, and agree to do a job to help Roxie with her money troubles.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-11-07 7 
2044263Thug Quest 28Johnny and friends hit a riverboat casino to make some cash. Afterwards, the crew answers reader mail for Thug Quest's 1-Year Anniversary.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2017-11-12 6 
2077564Pilot Quest: Thread 27Razor and co attend a party, and things go surprisingly well...Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-11-24 2 
2095960Pilot Quest: Thread 28VF-21 helps to intercept a bomber formation.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-11-30 2 
December 2017
2120134Thug Quest OriginsIn the year 1969, a young army recruit from Heat City lands in Vietnam to fight America's war against Communism.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s, Vietnam, 1960s2017-12-05 10 
2114136Pilot Quest: Thread 29In which a we return from our first fight, a squadmate goes missing and Razor has to do without in the next fight.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-12-09 2 
2109440War of the Roses #1Duke Will Seymour of Somerset makes plans and conducts war on his enemies. Who will claim the crown of England?War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2017-12-09 7 
2134188Strikers 2016 1Starting off with a carrier landingGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892017-12-10 15 
2131604Pilot Quest: Thread 30We find out what happened to Svetlana, and help out if finding those responsible. Oh, and we go on patrol.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-12-14 2 
2140770War of the Roses #2The fight for Bridgwater begins, Duke Seymour has to pull on stops to defend his fief.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2017-12-17 4 
2142928The Greatest War #1We meet our soldier of the great German Empire, romance the childhood friend, and pass graduation. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2017-12-22 15 
2147446Pilot Quest: Thread 31In which we tangle with Soviet BARCAP and take some prisoners. Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-12-24 2 
2165878 Pilot Quest: Christmas BluesIn this festive edition of Pilot Quest, Razor meets his old RIO.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2017-12-26 2 
2163822The Greatest War #2We do something that no other soldier would have, making a long term friend in the process. We then learn about the horrors of war. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2017-12-28 6 
January 2018
2190212Strikers 2016 2Our RIO arrives and we meet the SquadronGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-01-02 10 
2164874Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 1As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic.Youjo Senki Quest, Saga Of Tanya The Evil, Collective Game, World War 1 2018-01-03 4 
2184271Pilot Quest: Thread 32The patrol continues, and we get into another fight before returning to base.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2018-01-04 3 
2182202War of the Roses #3Plans are laid for the invasion of Devonshire, and plans are made with your wife.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-01-05 3 
2180869Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 2As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic.Youjo Senki Quest, Saga Of Tanya The Evil, Collective Game, World War 1, Blitzweeb 2018-01-07 2 
2210236Strikers 2016 3In which we start bringing the Fenrir's systems onlineGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-01-08 7 
2182505The Greatest War #3We find ourselves in a horrifying place, and the Banshee's Choir calls to usGreatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-01-09 5 
2233134411Alright, here's the 411, some gangsta just walked in and started dissing your fly girl! What are you gonna do about it, eh?Collective Game, 411, the simpsons2018-01-16 5 
2231662Strikers 2016 4Unreasonable requests and learning more about the guy we replaced.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-01-17 8 
2219307The Greatest War #4Jäger meets back up with Seven, and has a friendship confirmed. A brief run in with The Choir follows. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-01-21 5 
2221499War of the Roses #4Harold declares himself rightful king, Devonshire is attacked, plans for the war continueWar of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-01-22 3 
2249917Thug Quest 29Johnny and friends begin their assault on the Triads' holdings, hoping to draw out their elite fighters.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-01-26 4 
2249725Strikers 2016 5We chat a bit and get ogled atGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-01-26 6 
2230836Early Space Colonization Builder Part 1Nibbas in spaceearly, space, colonization, builder, part, 12018-01-28 1 
February 2018
2257833War of the Roses #5Meeting with your family and preparations to receive Duke Harold for Christmas, as well as the siege of PlymouthWar of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-02-03 1 
2265634Strikers 2016 6Morgan catches up with Stasya, then has an interesting dreamGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-02-03 5 
2255978The Greatest War #5We do what's best for Nixie, and get to the rear of the front. We also try to help Siegfried as best we can. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-02-07 4 
2246094Pilot Quest: Thread 33With another attack incoming, Razor has to decide between dogfights and fuel consumption.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2018-02-08 2 
2282922Strikers 2016 7Plane gets a name, and we talk to KimGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-02-08 5 
2263052This Wretched Sea: Trawler Quest #12Reynolr decides this exploration is no place for an honest sailor and opts to leave with the Maîtresse sea, drawquest, ship combat, Wretched Sea, trawler, salvage, WW1, WW22018-02-10 6 
2275247Pilot Quest: Thread 33.5The second part of Thread 33, Razor helps a wingmate home, finds out that a friend is in trouble and attends a briefing. Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2018-02-14 2 
2302340Strikers 2016 8Dinner with family, graveyard chats, and our first patrolGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-02-18 5 
2295902The Greatest War #6We do what's right, and find our selves punished for it. The Unit takes on a new mascot.Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-02-20 2 
2311991Evo 2k18A more traditional style evogame. Featuring bone-headed eels, something that swims with its tongue, and the weirdest boner.Collective Game, Evolution, Evogame, 2k182018-02-22 7 
2312979War of the Roses #6A relaxing Christmas with the family full of drama and intrigue.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-02-23 1 
2323527Strikers 2016 9Talking with Frank and MerlinGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-02-26 5 
March 2018
2331690Evo 2k18 Part 2Introducing plants, extinction events, and a second GM.Collective Game, Evolution, Evogame, 2k182018-03-02 5 
2351933War of the Roses #7Final preparations to begin the Middlesex Campaign and trouble in Bristol.War of the Roses, War, England, Alternate History, Richard III, 1930s, World War 2, Medieval Politics, TimeKiller QM2018-03-02 2 
2315944Pilot Quest: Thread 34Razor visits Svetlana, and blows up a UN base.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead,2018-03-04 2 
2342479Strikers 2016 10Morgan avoids the baitGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-03-04 5 
2325958The Greatest War #7We push the front, and show the others what Sturmtruppen can do. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-03-05 5 
2360014Strikers 2016 11A wild Sakamoto appears and after being told to prepare for new arrivals we learn it's straight to Japan instead.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-03-11 5 
2352850Evo 2k18 Part 3Continuing the traditional evogame, with development of the land based animals.Collective Game, Evolution, Evogame, 2k182018-03-13 5 
2370435Pilot Quest: Thread 35Razor returns home, comforts a wingmate, then goes right back out againPilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead2018-03-22 3 
2380790Evo 2k18 Part 4Land-based evolution continues and new continents emerge.Collective Game, Evolution, Evogame, 2k182018-03-25 5 
2400004Strikers 2016 12We arrive in Japan and are greeted by our aunt Katsumi. Of course where aunt Katsumi is, aunt Jessica isn't far behind. GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-03-26 5 
April 2018
2439558Pararescue Witches '16Laika is ready to test one of the Air Force's newest fighters.Strike witches 1989, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2018-04-02 12 
2411939Pilot Quest: Thread 36Razor fights fighters, stops a convoy, and continues to fight fighters.Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead2018-04-06 2 
2457698Strikers 2016 13Catching up a bit with our Aunts and then things start kicking off.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-04-16 5 
2465234Thug Quest 30Hitmen break into Johnny's house. The poor fools. Later, we go on a swamp adventure, and bring the twins on their first job.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-04-16 4 
2451132Pilot Quest: Thread 36.5The second part of the SAR mission. Razor removes sukhoi and pounds ground. Pilot, Jets, War, Pilot Quest, Pilot Quest 1989, Thunderhead2018-04-22 3 
2483926Olbaria QuestA WW1 style army is destroyed in a foreign continent by a bunch of germanic style tribes. Surviving units gather to live another day.WW1 tech, WW1, Olbaria, Army, Collective Game, Civ, Civ-like, Typhus, Typhus QM 2018-04-25 1 
May 2018
2490138The Greatest War #8We shoot a bitch and it inspires fan art.Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-05-07 2 
2521307Strikers 2016 14Our first dogfight and Ghost announces a hiatusGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-05-12 5 
2521130Evo 2k18 Part 5.1The game gets split into region-specific threads due to having too many creatures.Collective Game, Evolution, Evogame, 2k182018-05-13 4 
2568332Thug Quest 31: Operator QuestAlex does what she does best: the job.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-05-22 3 
June 2018
2579278Evo 2k18 Part 5.2Evolution continues on the continent of Solitudinus.Collective Game, Evolution, Evogame, 2k182018-06-03 4 
2660264This Life of Mine: The Quest #1The wordy prologue where we decide on who our character is and how he wants to present himself to the world with his new found morality.This Life of Mine, Quest, Collective Game, 12018-06-19 2 
2643985Umbra City QuestQM has rocky start but tries his best to maintain. Thread died due to lack of interest before the action could pick up, sadly.cyberpunk, biopunk, action, henshin, henshin heroes, tranformation, original setting, original quest, 1/1, Taleteller, Bio-Armor2018-06-21 1 
2632296The Greatest War #9We finish off our battle, and the levity of Hauptmann's situation dawns. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2018-06-27 6 
July 2018
2664848Evo 2k18 Part 5.3As we move away from Solitudinus, we begin guiding evolution on Florainsuram.Collective Game, Evolution, Evogame, 2k182018-07-03 2 
2693728Thug Quest 32Johnny hits the streets in a new ride with a serious impact: The Patriot.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-07-07 3 
60774398Baseball Samsara: 108 StitchesBaseball and Buddhism combinedBaseball, Samsara, 108 Stitches, Buddhism, game ideas, setting2018-07-12 3 
2700761Evo 2k18 Part 5.4Florainsuram gets covered in chlorine, many species die.Collective Game, Evolution, Evogame, 2k182018-07-16 3 
September 2018
2859436Thug Quest 33In the aftermath of the tank job, the crew argues and becomes divided. Johnny is ambushed while alone.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-09-07 6 
61828369Cassette FuturismA thread discussing retro-futuristic sci-fi aesthetics of the 1970s and 1980s.Retro-Futurism, Retro, Sci-Fi, 1970s, 1980s, Brainstorming,2018-09-08 5 
61850335Cassette Futurism 2A second thread discussing retro-futuristic sci-fi aesthetics of the 1970s and 1980s.Retro-Futurism, Retro, Sci-Fi, 1970s, 1980s, Brainstorming2018-09-08 1 
61864819Cassette Futurism 3A third thread discussing retro-futuristic sci-fi aesthetics of the 1970s and 1980s. Retro-Futurism, Retro, Sci-Fi, 1970s, 1980s, Brainstorming2018-09-11 1 
October 2018
2970563Thug Quest 34Alex faces the consequences of her actions, makes new contacts, and escorts a cranky girl to a date.Thug Quest, Collective Game, Crime, Urban, 1980s2018-10-21 3 
November 2018
3034076Ben 10 QuestA young man named Wade Wakeman obtains the Omnitrix and absolutely stomps some alien robots.Ben 10 Quest2018-11-12 17 
3044883Ben 10 Quest #2Wade visits an Animal Sanctuary and faces two fanatical villains. And Wade's date with Julie is rudely interrupted by alien bounty hunters.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2018-11-20 8 
December 2018
3064430Ben 10 Quest #3Wade battles a powerful witch in New York, befriends Kevin Levin, and he discovers a shocking revelation about his past.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2018-12-02 6 
3068873ShellStorm Command: The African FrontCursedQm returns! We embark for the African front to assist the exiled French against a German offensive!CursedQm, Shellstorm, shell Command, mechs, dieselpunk, Althistory, ww1, strategy, collective game 2018-12-02 2 
3083697Eldritch Evo 1anons play god in the worst way possibleevolution, Eldritch Evo 12018-12-03 10 
3090697Ben 10 Quest #4Wade gets abducted by fake aliens and makes some real alien friends. He also comes in contact with a sinister alien entity.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2018-12-11 6 
3108760Ben 10 Quest #5Wade acquires his eleventh alien, battles Vulkanus, makes a new deal with Verdona and fights some freaks at a carnival!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2018-12-19 3 
3121804Ben 10 Quest #6Wade acquires a mentor, battles his childhood heroes, goes on a date, chases after some southern carjackers and fights the Forever Knights!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2018-12-29 3 
January 2019
3149184Ben 10 Quest #7Wade teams up with the Secret Saturdays, battles mythical monsters, befriends the Omnitrix's A.I., and encounters one of Kirby's old foes.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-01-15 3 
3165795Fornicator 9001The adventures of a sex robot in a post apocalyptic wastelandsex robot, post apocalypse, fornicator 90012019-01-28 4 
3187139Ben 10 Quest #8Wade meets Kirby's wife, obtains a new charm, breaks into Incarcenon, meets his creator, and confronts Empress Attea.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-01-31 4 
February 2019
3220749Strikers 2016 Reboot IWe meet our protagonist (again), and do a bunch of paperwork. Also family reunions.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-02-10 14 
3230446Ben 10 Quest #9Wade returns to Earth to reunite with his family, find Kevin's mother, save his friends from the Forever Knights and fight the Negative 10!Ben 10 Quest, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-02-12 3 
3225396Dream Catchers: Blackout (Sixth Dive) [Skirmish]The party takes to a realm of secrets stored deep within a hidden warehouse, discovering strange experiments with mysterious intentions.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, area 51, warehouse, karz, jojo reference2019-02-15 2 
3259521Ben 10 Quest #10The Ultimate Albedo Special is held! Wade visits his parents and finally meets his twin sister.Ben 10 Quest, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-02-21 3 
3259941Strikers 2016 Reboot 2Surprise Maman, chatting with Merlin, and meet one of our SIO candidates. We even get our first Wyvern flight in!GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-02-24 11 
3264611Traditional Evolution Game Part 5.5Ice age begins, also people get interested in the mountains2k18, Evolution Game, evogame2019-02-26 1 
March 2019
3289851Ben 10 Quest #11Wade finally gets together with K8-E, joins the Plumbers on patrol, deals a devastating blow to Evo-Corp, and becomes an internet sensation!Ben 10 Quest, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-03-04 7 
3286838The Greatest War Quest 12Jäger returns from the French lines, reunites with Siegfried and Hauptmann and sets out on Operation Gottzunge after resting with Nixie. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-03-06 3 
3302867Strikers 2016 Reboot 3Hop 1 is done, mistakes are made and we prepare to make THE Chili.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-03-10 10 
3320609Ben 10 Quest #12Wade receives a mission from the Galactic Council in order to prove his loyalty.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-03-17 2 
3321529The Greatest War #13Jäger finds out the secret of the Uhermacher, and his newly formed unit run into EXCAL. Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-03-23 2 
3345657Strikers 2016 Reboot 4We receive advice from our trolling sibling, consume The Chili, and have our meet and flight with PHOENIX-Chan.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-03-24 13 
3354140Ben 10 Quest #13Wade travels to a desert planet, makes friends with a genie, obtains a new costume and pursues his case to the outer rim of the galaxy.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-03-27 2 
April 2019
3396468Pararescue Witches '16 Part 2Andy Pierce finds himself paired with an unusual witch on an unusual mission.Strike witches 1989, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Pararescue Witches2019-04-01 11 
3384752Strikers 2016 Reboot 5We see the flight surgeon, talk with some VIPs, and have dinner with PHOENIX-Chan. Also Merlin makes a decision.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-04-06 11 
3389290Ben 10 Quest #14Wade closes out the corruption case, gains the rank of Deputized Agent, finds Iden and pursues his twin sister!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-04-11 2 
3423499Strikers 2016 Reboot 6We meet Best Hippie, give Thirstiest Imouto life advice, and have our mission with Bestest Hippie.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-04-20 10 
3423011 Ben 10 Quest #15Wade protects plumber HQ, Returns to earth, and sets off looking for asmuthBen 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-04-23 3 
May 2019
3452480Spec Ops Witches 2016First ever quest thread also very brief, we meet our MC and find out we are in for a painful mission during the briefing.Strikers 2016, Collective Game, Spin-off, Strike Witches 1989, Strike Witches Quest2019-05-04 1 
3460580Strikers 2016 Reboot 7We have our debrief and dinner with THICC Hippie, go for Round 2: Electric Boogaloo with the Wildest Weasel, and make a fateful decision.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-05-05 10 
3507592Strike Mech '90The elite, international mercenary company, Edgeline, engages in operations in Cameroon using their combat mechs.Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-05-17 8 
3482855Ben 10 Quest #16After a harrowing crash, K8-E must take the place of an injured Wade and defend him until he recovers, for only he can defeat D'Traxus!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-05-20 2 
3514945Young Justice: Meta Human Slave QuestWe create our character, fight for our life, meet a princess, and go to villain school.The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game2019-05-25 17 
3509831Strikers 2016 Reboot 8We get to know the AWOO, talk with Merlin about the upgrade plans for our fighter, and educate some cadets about the program. Also shiken.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-05-26 10 
3526616Strike Mech '98 #1Eight years after the slaughter at Barnake, we join Sparks and Reznick at the start of a new chapter in Edgeline's history.Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-05-31 2 
June 2019
3496847The Greatest War #14Jäger begins his engagement against EXCAL Greatest War, LukaLuu, World War 1, Grim, Collective Game2019-06-01 2 
3523159Ben 10 Recap ThreadEon orders one of his servants to keep an eye on Wade, and she witnesses the birth of a hero as she closely observes his actions.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-06-02 1 
3529455Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 2We learn how to become a Big Guy, expand our (literal?)gang, learn about the conspiracy to brainwash us, and butt heads with Snowball. The Monitor of E-16, Meta Human Slave Quest, Body Horror?, Cape Shit, Collective Game, Fuck Psychics, Shape Shifting, 2019-06-03 7 
3540632Strikers 2016 Reboot 9We decide to install Unlimited Boom Works, meet the AWOO's family, and are called out on our obliviousness by Best Onee-chan.GhostDivision, Strikers 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-06-08 10 
3558983Strike Mech '98 #2Sparks makes a date with Sheila, Reznick gets to know his team, and the mission at El Gancho gets underwayMecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-06-14 2 
3547710Ben 10 Quest #17One year after his battle with D'traxus, Wade encounters an evil entity unlike anything he's ever seen before!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-06-20 1 
3553097Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 3Where we visit Caitlin in the hospital and OP flakes.The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave quest, Cape shit, not!prototype/pillarman protag, Fuck HIVE, Collective Game, RIP2019-06-22 6 
3571524Strikers 2016 Reboot 10In which we hang out with Best Spook Onee-chan, have dinner with more of the Imouto's, and get to see intoxicated AWOO. #9 in OG 89 tag.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-06-23 10 
3588776Strike Mech '98 #3Scythe Team is dispatched for the fighting in MexicoMecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-06-28 2 
July 2019
3622314Strike Mech '98 #4The mission at El Gancho is concluded, tempers flare and crew let their guard down. A colelctive 'letting off of steam'Mecha, mercenary, war, combat, TimeKiller, Strike Mech, Strike mech 90, cyberpunk, retro-future, 1990s, 1980s, World War Three, WWIII2019-07-06 1 
3605311Strikers 2016 Reboot 11We become one with the AWOO, recreate The Greatest Cake Ever for Best Aunt, and learn more about the AWOO. Also Valkyrie makes an appearanceGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-07-07 10 
3591218Ben 10 Quest #18Wade begins to question his sanity when he starts having bizarre flashbacks of events that will have lasting changes on his future!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-07-07 2 
3632642Ben 10 Quest #19Wade teams up with Charmcaster in the past to defeat Mother, and he wakes from his flashback to a shocking discovery!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-07-20 1 
3646135Strikers 2016 Reboot 12In which we arrive to the first ship in our tour. We then get scrambled to fly top cover. Something something misuse of Navy resources.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-07-21 10 
August 2019
3690495Striker 2016 Reboot 13In which we set up our run on the ISIS inviso-witches, and discuss Valkyrie. GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-08-03 10 
3684033Ben 10 Quest #20Max Tennyson must survive in a hostile desert wasteland, while uncovering a secret that could possibly lead to the Earth's destruction!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-08-07 1 
3730817Strikers 2016 Reboot 14In which we kick ass, take names and then a terrible fate befalls Ghost.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-08-15 10 
3730728Ben 10 Quest #21Wade rescues Wendy, encounters the Samurai, meets another clone of Max and falls under the effects of powerful spell!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-08-23 1 
3760834The Expedition #2Henry McDermond continues his journey to Cape Town, and gets into a fightExpedition Quest, Collective Game, 19th Century2019-08-31 3 
September 2019
3768904Strikers 2016 Reboot 15+Merlin QuestWe play a day in the life of Best Aunt while Ghost gets back in the swing of things, and get settled in on the USS George H.W. Bush.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 1989, Merlin Quest2019-09-02 11 
3774561Ben 10 Quest #22Wade is split into two entities, talks to Z'Skayr once more, and is critically wounded by mystical archers!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-09-10 1 
3797857Strikers 2016 Reboot 16In which we listened to The Doors too much, have a stare-off with a familiar-looking Russian, and get recalled for a traffic accident.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-09-16 10 
3820796The Expedition, Part IIIHenry learns the fate of La Gloire, and descends into the depths of the ocean blue.Expedition Quest, Collective Game, 19th Century2019-09-26 2 
3828090Strikers 2016 Reboot 17In which Flight of the Valkyries intensifies, we acquire a wonderfully British wingmate, and the AWOO expresses her dominance.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-09-29 10 
October 2019
3806599Ben 10 Quest #23Wade meets up with Iden and Anaris, and begins his assault on Elena's factory!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-10-01 2 
3865892Strikers 2016 Reboot 18In which we adopt a rescue puppy of sorts and meet the Instigator Imouto.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-10-19 7 
3849747Ben 10 Quest #24Wade acquires an upgrade for his aliens, battles Demongo, boards the treasure train and begins his final battle with Aku in the past!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-10-20 1 
3848369Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest # 4 Qm comes back, we make some sweet gains, and we get Cait to open up about her traumaThe Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta human slave quest, Cape Shit, collective game2019-10-20 2 
November 2019
3872017The Expedition, Part IVHenry saves the Frenchmen, and then presses onward to Lemuria. Expedition Quest, Collective Game, 19th Century2019-11-01 4 
3874844Young Justice: Meta Human Slave Quest #5We spar with Caitlin. That's about it since OP was too "busy" to update much. The Monitor of E-16, Young Justice, Meta Human Slave Quest, Cape Shit, Collective Game, 2019-11-04 2 
3888123Strikers 2016 Reboot 19In which we meet some other Wyvern crews, shoot down an "observation satellite", and have a surprise Maman visit.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-11-04 5 
3882137Ben 10 Quest #24.5Wade and the gang go on a Halloween adventure in the middle of July! But like any other day in Wade's life, things get a little out of handBen 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-11-06 1 
3910784Strikers 2016 Reboot 20In which we have a nice dinner and then suddenly it all pops off.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-11-18 7 
3920351Wild Orange Islands #1A day in the life of a Psyduck living on the Sunburst Island.Pokemon, TM21, Wild Pokemon, bro2019-11-20 0 
3914279Ben 10 Quest #25Wade dives back into his work as a full-time hero, and he's invited to join a team of Multiversal Omnitrix users!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-11-30 1 
December 2019
3921751The Expedition, Part VHenry reaches Lemuria, and discovers more about the vile Scarab. Hijinks ensueexpedition quest, moreau, 19th century2019-12-01 1 
3935545Strikers 2016 Reboot 21In which there's a war on and we have no time to be second guessing our choices.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-12-03 6 
3946925Ben 10 Quest #26Wade teams up with Birdie to take down The Rogue Element, and he finally meets up with the mysterious Omnitrix owner from China!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2019-12-19 1 
January 2020
3979724Strikers 2016 Reboot 22In which we finish our first day in theater.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-01-02 6 
3988139Ben 10 Quest #27Wade goes on a holiday adventure during the summer, and he finally encounters the cult that worships the Great One!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-01-14 1 
4011657Strikers 2016 Reboot 23In which we explore family dynamics.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-01-19 6 
4015445The Expedition, Part VIHenry and his friends explore Lemuria, and prepare to bring their vile enemy downexpedition quest, ErrantQM, 19th century, Henry McDermond2020-01-24 0 
4037519Strikers 2016 Reboot 24In which we rescue some witches, mark our territory and discuss possible upgrades with Best Aunt.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-01-30 6 
February 2020
4034246Heat City Nights 1It was a setup. The boss is dead. Make them pay.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2020-02-01 26 
4025410Ben 10 Quest #28Wade defeats the Great One, encounters the Heir, and travels to Dimension-63 in order to assist his teammate Gwen!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-02-01 1 
4048986Heat City Nights 1.2Crashing the Jacks' party at Nebula. Cutting through punks isn't so hard, but their leaders are made of stronger stuff.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2020-02-04 25 
4066667Strikers 2016 Reboot 25In which we're grounded for security reasons, make a decision on livery, and cook for the in-laws.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-02-13 6 
4062134Ben 10 Quest #29Wade battles Eon's Knights, learns a very useful skill and travels to a distant planet to assist Kilik and Dr. Animo on a mission.Ben 10 Quest2020-02-26 2 
4093880Strikers 2016 Reboot 26In which we have dinner with the in-laws, discuss Wendy's concerns, and escort Kyou's sister to her quasi-exile.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-02-29 7 
March 2020
4089683Expedition Quest, Part VIIThe Scarab is close, and the company raids his palaceExpedition Quest, 19th century, ErrantQM2020-03-15 0 
4116964Strikers 2016 Reboot 27We meet the japanese Valkyrie candidates, then Ghost announces a break!GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-03-15 6 
4110276Ben 10 Quest #30Enter the world of Omnipunk, where alien Megacorps reign supreme and everyone holds the power of the Unitrix in their hands!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-03-22 2 
April 2020
4153899Strikers 2016 Reboot 28+Tiny Morgan AdventuresThe second part of Tiny Morgan Adventures and then we're back to the main story, talking with folk, and feeling people out.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-04-02 5 
4178618Ganondorf on Earth1st questZelda, Ganon, WWII, 19372020-04-12 2 
4158414Ben 10 Quest #31Wade saves Ghirgost, redeems Dr. Animo, deepens his bonds with Kilik and returns to Earth!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-04-13 2 
4161154The Expedition Quest, Part VIIIContinuing the fight against the Scarabexpedition quest, 19th century, errantqm2020-04-16 1 
4179600Strikers 2016 Reboot 29In which we test our new equipment and launch an airstrike on a Chinese shipping facility.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-04-19 5 
May 2020
4209172Strikers 2016 Reboot 30In which we have a debrief for previous flight, discuss potential upgrades, and chat with the witches.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-05-05 5 
4207345Ben 10 Quest Recap: FOR REAL THIS TIME!Olivia, Wade's cousin, manages to recap Wade's adventures thus far!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-05-12 1 
4238429Strikers 2016 Reboot 31Discussing how we're going make a choice regarding the Japanese Valkyrie candidates GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-05-19 5 
4262638Strikers 2016 Reboot 32In which we discuss things with Wendy, talk about more upgrades with Merlin, and go and meet the marines. Featuring Special Guest Hellgoose!GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-05-30 6 
June 2020
4256874Ben 10 Quest #32Wade decrypts Cooper's drive, meets with Wendy and discovers the huge secret that his sister's been hiding from him!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-06-06 1 
4290665Strikers 2016 Reboot 33Mission planning for the next flight and conversations with the crewGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-06-23 5 
July 2020
4298404Ben 10 Quest #33Wade goes on Wilderbee's talk show, partakes in Khyber's Last Hunt and travels to Charmy's dimension!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-07-05 2 
4319319Strikers 2016 Reboot 34In which we stir up the hornets nest to see what comes out to playGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-07-07 5 
4348252Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of AingstgaardCooli tried and tried so hard that a mech quest materialized.mech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot2020-07-13 8 
4346667Strikers 2016 Reboot 35Cass drops on by to chat and we agree to taking a Japanese witch as an additional Valkyrie wingmateGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-07-22 5 
August 2020
4344838Ben 10 Quest #34Wade defeats Malgax, saves Charmy's dimension, celebrates his 17th birthday, confronts the Lenopan impostor, and visits Alan's new school!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-08-07 1 
4368508Strikers 2016 Reboot 36Talking with Merlin while Kyou shows off Muninn, load planning for the landing, and we make Wendy an offer.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-08-10 5 
4353278The Expedition Quest, Part IXHenry manages to defeat the Scarab, and attempts to woo his lady loveexpedition quest, errantqm, 19th century2020-08-12 0 
4384165Heat City Nights 2The Dirty Dogs biker gang's clubhouse, out on the edge of town, is the next target of the gang's bloody rampage.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2020-08-16 22 
4394197North of Nowhere Quest #1Dr. John Kay moves to the far north, severs a mutated arm, experiences mind control, and witnesses the supernatural.Doctor, Supernatural, 19th Century2020-08-24 10 
4400615Strikers 2016 Reboot 37We learn we're headed back to Miramar after the Marine landing, get a flying battleship thrown at us, and have an AI screw with the team.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-08-24 5 
4421709Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.5Second part of the wacky adventure of Zaur Givi and his crewmech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot, cooli, mug, cegremo, bbwhen, rebuidnbs2020-08-25 7 
September 2020
4392315Ben 10 Quest #35Wade unravels the true nature of Michael Morningstar and goes on a thrilling adventure with the Birds of Paradise!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-09-01 1 
4422113Strikers 2016 Reboot 38Back stateside discussing upgrades, the return of Chef Morgan, and seeing a side of Wendy we haven't really have seen beforeGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-09-07 5 
4428487Heat City Nights 3The crew has a line on a stash house in the projects.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2020-09-14 22 
4443056Strikers 2016 Reboot 39In which we talk witches, Lovelace pops on in, and we check out our new cannon.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-09-22 5 
October 2020
4462162Strikers 2016 Reboot 40In which our sister Christina drops on by and then Ghost announces a break.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-10-02 5 
4433925Tribes Civ Quest Diferent tribes and races have to survive in this new world, progressing with each age. Civ QM1, QM2, civilization, civ, rock age, neolithic 2020-10-02 15 
4435360Ben 10 Quest #36Wade learned a new form of magic, busted The Fourth Kind's latest operation, attended Steel's rally and saved some people in the process!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-10-04 1 
4455735North of Nowhere Quest #2Dr. John Kay has a friendly sleepover, shadows a hunter at work, and consoles his assistant.Doctor, Supernatural, 19th Century2020-10-08 4 
4495689Cooli's Mech Quest - Siege of Aingstgaard 1.7Finalémech, military, future, d100, platoon, mecha, oneshot, cooli, mug, cegremo, bbwhen, rebuidnbs, whereismycommission2020-10-17 3 
4492069Strikers 2016 Reboot 41In which we get shanghaied to talk about Korea, talk about the Navy's plans for Valkyrie and pick our IG witch. We also cook!GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-10-23 5 
November 2020
4478005Ben 10 Quest #37Wade accepts an offer from a dubious government agent and attempts to negotiate with the Omnivore and her Gourmet Guild!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-11-04 1 
4510809Strikers 2016 Reboot 42In which we spend time with our sister Tatyana, hear our IG witch is enroute and learn Merlin and Kyou have been using MIU to relay data.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-11-10 5 
4539084Strikers 2016 Reboot 43In which we get fed up with our sister being a brat, have a chat with Maman, and meet up with Lotus and Spears again!GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-11-30 5 
December 2020
4523354Ben 10 Quest #38Wade returns to Hong Kong in order to prevent Red from falling prey to the clutches of a sinister alien, with a devious mind...Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2020-12-09 1 
4572483Strikers 2016 Reboot 44Lotus' crew comes over for dinner, Merlin drinks after getting bad news and we experience a day in the life of Natalya.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-12-30 5 
January 2021
4591083Frostpunk 1921The Great Frost stopped WW1. Can you lead your nation through it?frostpunk1921, frostpunk, strategy2021-01-03 2 
76782537Trench Rats and where to find themA thread about ratmen during the great war, surprisingly beautiful.Worldbuilding, ratmen, ww1, trenches2021-01-04 20 
4570083Ben 10 Quest #39Wade gets his Omnitrix repaired, confronts Albedo and teams up with Gwen and Charmy to save Hong Kong from the Forever Knights!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-01-16 1 
4590497Space Station 13 Quest: Station 1A new quest in the world of the infamous game of the same name.Otome QM, Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Lizard, Weed, Trip, Cyborg, Anime Girl, Douglas MacArthur, Goblin2021-01-18 8 
4587404Strikers 2016 Reboot 45In which we test out our new cannon, have a Wendy quest interlude, and make a few phone callsGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-01-18 4 
February 2021
4611224Space Station 13 Quest: Station 2A new station, a new adventure for our new cyborg MC.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Lizard, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Changelin2021-02-02 5 
77298086Trench Rats ReduxA new thread is had, discussing the "Trench Rats" specifically and weird WWI ideas generally.Worldbuilding, ratmen, ww1, trenches, brainstorming, supernatural, horror, setting2021-02-06 11 
4622491Strikers 2016 Reboot 46In which we have discussions over dinner, pickup some stuff for Merlin, and our 2nd Yellowstone test takes a spooky turn.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-02-13 3 
4631602Space Station 13 Quest: Space Station 13 Quest: Station 3 - Booze StationThird time's the charm or so they say.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Space, Clown, Cyborg, Mechanicus, Weed Monster, Slime, Tesla Ball, Russians, Vodka2021-02-18 3 
4609406Ben 10 Quest #40Wilderbee sets off on his own personal adventure and dredges up his past, but unfortunately, we don't get to finish this one.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-02-19 1 
March 2021
4657411Strikers 2016 Reboot 47Start off with Liz and Akemi quest, we learn we're headed back to Japan sooner than expected and meet up with some of the other Wyvern crewGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-03-07 2 
4664076Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4, High Security Nuking.McSnickers Dickerson attempts to advance the field of science and his faith. But can he survive the Syndicates deadliest ops team?Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, McSnickers Dickerson2021-03-20 0 
4666442Eleventh Primarch QuestThe Fate of the Eleventh Primarch is changed and Kolinasi's adventure begins.Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-03-23 12 
4659757Ben 10 Quest #41Alongside his new allies, Wade returns to his home in Bellwood, only to discover that Sublimino had attacked him on a more personal level...Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-03-26 1 
4686103Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4.5, Rust In Peace. . . McSnickersMcSnickers spreads disease like a dog, discharge his payload, a mile high rotten egg, air of death, wrestles syndi nostrils.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, nuke, space, Mechanicus, Tesla engine, maintenance, Nuclear Holocaust, MacArthur did nothing wrong, Revenge2021-03-26 0 
April 2021
4697706Strikers 2016 Reboot 48Second half of the WCT meet and then its back to Japan.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-04-01 2 
4705736Space Station 13 Quest: Station 5, Mining Station Inquisition.McSnickers gets a feel for his new warmachine body and joins the Inquisitorial Emergency Response Team.Badmin QM, Space Station 13, Mechanicus, McSnickers Dickerson, Cult, monster slaying, Inquisition, Russians, lavaland, one month hiatus2021-04-11 0 
4690442Bringe1-D exoplanet EVO 2.0Once again we are at the delightful exoplanet that is Bringe 1-D. this time near the equator in a land where the dusk is eternal. Collective game, Evogame, Evolution, Bringe1-D exoplanet2021-04-11 0 
4708445Eleventh Primarch Quest TwoKolinasi forges alliances with the witches, and steals a vesselCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-04-23 10 
4711588MANAGER, HELP! Another Facility Management QuestYou are the Overseer. You must make PRODUCT. You also may have nuked yourself on the first shift. Overseer, Manager, Collective Game, Facility Management, Anomaly, Lobotomy Corporation, SS132021-04-23 15 
4729785Strikers 2016 Reboot 49In which Wendy furnishes the house, Morgan and Mori interview a Valkyrie candidate, and Merlin agrees to cut back on energy drinks.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-04-25 2 
4722935Wings Over Atlesia5th Thread. Stanislaw continues his night defense of Baldir Base. Later, Chimera joins Werewolf Flight in a daring rescue mission...Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron, 2021-04-25 4 
May 2021
4723174Ben 10 Quest #42Trixy gets a cybernetic body, and Wade has a heart-to-heart with K8-E. Also...Olivia's in danger!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-05-05 1 
4746140GG Quest Vol. 1 Iss. 1The Green Goblin fights the Avenging Spider-Man in the skies over Manhattan. But wait, why's he the hero? This will be explored.Marvel, Earth 1962, Spider-Man, Green Goblin, Weeaboo, Collective Game2021-05-05 7 
78914526Trench CrusadeAnons discuss about the horrific setting created by Mike Franchina.Trench Crusade, worldbuilding, WW1, Trenches2021-05-10 5 
4764605Wings Over AtlesiaThread #6. A vicious encounter with the Phantom ends in an ace going down. After, Stanislaw and buds head to town. And a new mission beckonsPilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron,2021-05-14 6 
4766680Eleventh Primarch Quest ThreeKolinasi discovers an underwater hive, makes a new ally, and prepares for battle.Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-05-25 6 
4799219Heat City Nights 4Following a lead from the stash house, the gang breaks into a secret underground drug lab to loot and destroy.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2021-05-28 24 
June 2021
4810271Wings over Atlesia#7Stanislaw deals with death. We learn our enemy moniker, and the clock ticks down. The attack on the enemy airbase begins! For Konerland!Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-06-05 2 
4818565Strikers 2016 Reboot 50In which we prepare for and then proceed to strike the PLAN task force off Incheon. Afterwards Kyou speaks to us about the flight.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-06-06 5 
4795729Ben 10 Quest #43In an attempt to thwart Sublimino's plot, Wade risks losing those which he holds dear to him.Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-06-08 1 
4834046Eleventh Primarch Quest FourKolinasi personally takes the fight to the slavers and goes off into space.Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-06-23 7 
4853581Wings over Atlesia#8Stanislaw comes inches within death. We fight a war of the past. A very fat man invites us on his ego trip, and we uncover a traitorous talkPilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-06-25 2 
July 2021
4885447Strikers 2016 Reboot 51In which we spend time with MerlinGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-07-13 2 
4863868Ben 10 Quest #44Wade spends some quality time with the family and goes on a journey through Wendy's memories!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-07-15 1 
4890459Wings over Atlesia#9Chimera Flight takes matters into their own hands. Stanislaw and the others track down an alleged traitor, as tension builds...Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-07-16 1 
4892767Heat City Nights 5Tracking down the Triads from the drug lab leads to the Golden Tiger restaurant and adjacent kung fu school.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2021-07-21 22 
4887480Eleventh Primarch Quest FiveKolinasi takes the something fierce to Nuceria, and his life changes Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-07-29 7 
August 2021
4919985Wings over Atlesia #10The time has come. Stanislaw and Chimera engage Foudre Flight. Exams get in the way. Short thread. Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron2021-08-05 1 
80648267Shadowrun Tale: Chapter 7, HOLY DIVERFrom the worst plane trip in existence to an ever worse underwater treasure hunt, Shortfuse and his group are in for an epic fight!Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Tale, Shortfuse, Wolfhound, BYTE, Dice, Airplane, Douglas, Pirate, Treasure Hunt, Kraken, Sp1r1t2021-08-06 2 
4919401Heat City Nights 5.2In the back office, the gang discovered Spider, the man they were looking for. He escaped in a car, and now the gang is chasing after him.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s 2021-08-06 22 
4920363Strikers 2016 Reboot 52Discussions regarding our third Valkyrie slot and interviewing two candidates for it.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-08-20 5 
4946638Wings over Atlesia#11The Bloody Red Angel vs the Black Lightning. A battle to the death. The end of Part 1. Forwards, pilot!Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-08-26 1 
4916896Ben 10 Quest #45Wade returns home, only to receive an enticing offer from Steel, as well as additional information on the Ghost of Khoros!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-08-27 1 
September 2021
4941492Eleventh Primarch Quest SixKolianaisi bonds with Angron and defends a cityCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-09-11 10 
October 2021
4982043Ben 10 Quest #46Team Wakeman attempts to deal with a mutant pest problem in Bellwood's subway tunnels, and the day of Jess-E's wedding finally arrives!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-10-27 2 
5003363Strikers 2016 Reboot 53In which the Valkyrie candidates are narrowed down to twoGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-10-27 5 
November 2021
4992613Eleventh Primarch Quest SevenKolinaisi helps Angron with NuceriaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2021-11-02 10 
5031026Mechanicus' Primarch QuestA son of the Emperor is found adopted by a pair of Techpriests and raised on a Forge world.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, 2021-11-20 46 
December 2021
5039447Ben 10 Quest #47Wade hangs out with K8-E and the Chrono Spanners, encounters The Heir, and loses his memories!?Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2021-12-17 0 
5065826Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 2After creating the first of his sons Tal0S goes on a crusade against the Plastoids.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, 2021-12-26 29 
January 2022
5088713Ben 10 Quest #48Wade defeats The Founders, recovers his memories, discovers a new friend in the amnesiac Ken Tennyson!Ben 10 Quest, Collective Game, sci-fi, action, adventure, slice-of-life, Saturday Morning Action2022-01-29 1 
February 2022
5098704Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 3The glorious beginning of the Federal Empire of Lucius.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan,2022-02-06 28 
83424106Nechronica Thread: Homebrew & Sanctuary Storytime 1.PortAnon's Sanctuary Storytime begins with a boat trip into the unknown. Dinosaurs. Multiple Anon's post homebrew. Homebrew is discussed.Nechronica, Homebrew, parts, class, position, Storytime, Story Time, Sanctuary, M3LT1E, Meltie, Sofia, story, time, undead, Port2022-02-23 2 
March 2022
83635837Nechronica Thread: Homebrew, drawing & Sanctuary Storytime 2.An artfag makes art. Sanctuary Storytime part 2. Anon posts a custom class. Nechronica, Homebrew, parts, tokens, class, position, Storytime, Story Time, Sanctuary, M3LT1E, Meltie, Sofia, story, time, undead, Port2022-03-15 2 
5146906Eleventh Primarch Quest: Chapter 10Kolinaisi goes on a raid and deals with necronsCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-03-15 5 
5154586Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 4The war of the Empire of Lucius and the Mitu Conglomerate burns hot. The fleet commences a raid and pillage campaign through alien spaceCollective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-03-24 27 
April 2022
5197797Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter ElevenAngron begins his raid, Kolinaisi prepares for OlympiaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-04-27 5 
May 2022
5208383Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 5As Lucius burns and the Blackstone Fortress activates, the Great Crusades arrives.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-05-04 30 
5255409Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 6Tal0S has a vision Machine God and goes on a pilgrimage to gather allies in preparation for a crusade of his own.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-05-27 28 
June 2022
5249560Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter TwelveThe fight begins on Olympia and NuceriaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-06-13 6 
5285621Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 7The pilgrimage arrives at the Holy Planet and the 2nd legion is reunited with it's primarchCollective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-06-20 28 
July 2022
5303618Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter ThirteenThe Battle on Olympia begins Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-07-20 6 
5309562The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 1st DrinkIn which a drunkard can't get drunk because of a creepy alien he wakes up to discover in his house.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person, 2022-07-22 6 
5310880Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 8The Reconquista crushes the Ork hordes before marching towards the Mitu Collective.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-07-26 26 
August 2022
5352204Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 9The shadow of the Blackstone Fortress hides the Reconquista on the Mitu CollectiveCollective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-08-11 25 
534933011th Primarch quest Chapter 13 part 2 Electric BoogalooThis time Kolinaisi Stands against A TitanCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-08-11 6 
5344524Final Girl QuestA small town with a dark past. A sprawling mansion. A party gone wrong. A maniac with an axe. Help Stephanie survive the night.Final Girl Quest, Collective Game, Horror, Slasher Movie, Teen Drama, '80s, Female Protagonist, Violence, Gore, Strong Language, NC-172022-08-27 17 
5348054The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 2nd DrinkIn which alien tries out new cocktail dresses as she and the drunkard run and hide away from an federal agent. The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-08-28 2 
September 2022
85795737What would the state of the world be like after centuries of industrial warfare?Worldbuilding for a thematically different post-apoc game from a more standard nuclear wasteland.ww1, ww2, world war, worldbuilding, setting, trench, dieselpunk,2022-09-08 7 
October 2022
5387464The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 3rd DrinkIn which the drunkard brings a crate of brandy and gin for the alien visitor and then shares a dream with her.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-10-14 2 
5389739Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter FourteenKolinaisi heads back to De'lormosa after helping PerturaboCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2022-10-18 3 
5392504Final Girl Quest - Chapter II There's a storm raging outside, and someone's at the door. Twenty bucks says it's not the pizza boy...Final Girl Quest, Collective Game, Horror, Slasher Movie, Teen Drama, '80s, Female Protagonist, Violence, Gore, Strong Language, NC-172022-10-22 12 
5395761Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 10TalOS returns to Mars in triumph, and becomes the new Fabricator General of LuciusCollective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-10-26 22 
November 2022
5443267Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 11Meeting fellow Primarchs, not all went well.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan2022-11-29 22 
December 2022
5439483The Drunkard And The Alien Quest - 4tg DrinkIn which Elmer and One Two go on a detour.The Drunkard And The Alien Quest, YouAndYourWaifu, Noir, Sci-fi, Prohibiton, 1920s, Male Protagonist, Male MC, Alien, Waifu, 2nd Person,2022-12-04 1 
5493690Mechanicus' Primarch Quest 12'What shall be done, which cannot be taken back.'Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, Pariah2022-12-15 22 
January 2023
5478100Final Girl Quest - Chapter IIIPower's out at Hughes Mansion, but it looks like the cavalry's on the way. Will Megan and Sarge get there in time...?Final Girl Quest, Collective Game, Horror, Slasher Movie, Teen Drama, '80s, Female Protagonist, Violence, Gore, Strong Language, NC-172023-01-04 10 
5496202Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter 16Kolinasi Begins the work of unifying De'lormosaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-01-20 5 
February 2023
5541910Eleventh Primarch Quest Ch16 Part IIKolinaisi continues his quest to unify De'lormosaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-02-27 6 
March 2023
5542073Mechanicus' Primarch 13Time starts to pick up as the Great Crusade begins filling itself with the Primarchs upon its ranks. Half of the Primarchs found, the other Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, Pariah2023-03-03 20 
April 2023
5585079Mechanicus Primarch Quest 14The Horus Heresy nears as a Primarch meets a true Ancient. Said Ancient is quite cranky.Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, Pariah2023-04-06 18 
5607307Heat City Nights 6Word has it Spider's hiding out on a boat at the South Harbor docks. A gang of Marielitos, Cuba's worst criminals, stands in the crew's wHeat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2023-04-09 22 
5600133Eleventh Primarch Quest Ch 16 pt 3Kolinaisi makes discoveries uniting De'lormosaCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-04-23 2 
May 2023
5627299Mechanicus Primarch Quest 15The Horus Heresy begins. TalOS becomes the Omnissiah. Perturabo is sent to Lucius and TalOS goes to rescue Mars from the traitors. Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, Pariah2023-05-15 20 
5636366Final Girl Quest - Chapter IVThe carnage at the Hughes House is broken up by the arrival of an alcoholic rookie cop and her trusty canine companion.Final Girl Quest, Collective Game, Horror, Slasher Movie, Teen Drama, '80s, Female Protagonist, Violence, Gore, Strong Language, NC-172023-05-24 6 
June 2023
5682932The ODALISQUEPRELUDE - We shall sit together by the river, beneath the summer trees. collective game, mystery, horror, Victorian, Edwardian, 19th Century, occult, mannerpunk, ww1, poetry2023-06-08 1 
5649344Eleventh Primarch Quest: Chapter 16 finaleKolinaisi confronts a scared necronCollective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-06-11 2 
5666785Mechanicus Primarch Quest 16: Siege of TerraThe End has arrived. Collective Game, WH40K, Warhammer, Primarch, Forge World, Techpriest, TalOS DAV1S, The Machine QM, Acillian, Skitarii, Titan, Pariah, Ends2023-06-19 21 
September 2023
5720288Europe 1000 A.D.The nations of Medieval Europe contest each other between long wait times and rolls. Alliances are forged and two power blocs emerge.Collective Game, Skirmish, Nations, Europe, Medieval, Middle Ages, 1000ADMapGameHost, Christianity, Paganism, Multiplayer, Crusade2023-09-05 0 
5746899Heat City Nights 7The crew robs a bank, acting on a tip from none other than their sworn enemy, Spider. It's a shady lead, but there's money in it either waHeat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2023-09-19 25 
5739559Eleventh Primarch Quest Chapter EighteenKolinaisi forms a unit. Collective Game, Quest, 11th Primarch Quest, Primarch, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer 30k, Horus Heresy, Great Crusade, AU, Old Man,2023-09-25 2 
November 2023
90974614Oceans 11 A.D.Anon tells a number of excellent stories from his group's long-running all-thief campaign.Oceans 11 A.D., Oceans 11 AD, thief, thieves, campaign, storytime, epic, acks2023-11-19 186 
5792714World of Darkness: Chicago Quest #1A day at Ryan Moore's life! A meetign with his co-workers at the Tabloid during day, and a celebration with his best friend at night.Collective Game, Quest, World of Darkness, WoD, Chicago, Mortals, Oracle19902023-11-22 2 
December 2023
5859064Fate Catastrophe/Superposition #2After a heart to heart with Avenger, Marshall finds out he is to head off to Russia. Meeting the competiton before his plane crashesFate, Fate Catastrophe/Superposition, Grail War, Servants, Hassan of 1,000 IP Addresses2023-12-23 0 
January 2024
5839149World of Darkness: Chicago Quest #2Ryan Moore wake up next day and talks with his work friend about a weird sensation.Collective Game, Quest, World of Darkness, WoD, Chicago, Mortals, Oracle19902024-01-08 0 
5854340Heat City Nights 8While the gang is still figuring out their next step, the main safehouse comes under siege from Heat City's finest.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2024-01-19 21 
February 2024
5896061Heat City Nights 8.2The crew is bloodied and the safehouse is burning, but the cops are paying in lives for every inch of ground.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2024-02-24 21 
April 2024
5935291Final Girl Quest - Chapter VMiles survived, Sheriff Campbell's on his way, and Stephanie is about to unmask the horned brute. Is the nightmare finally over...?Final Girl Quest, Collective Game, Horror, Slasher Movie, Teen Drama, '80s, Female Protagonist, Violence, Gore, Strong Language, NC-172024-04-07 5 
June 2024
5991241Heat City Nights 9The Yakuza are holding out at the Sakura Garden. They're all that's left of the syndicate. Take them out.Heat City Nights, Skirmish, Crime, Urban, 1980s2024-06-09 9 
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