/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2008
1684465Dungeon Keeper D&DA DM running the equivalent of Dungeon Keeper in D&D for a "party" of 5 liches asks /tg/ for help with ideas for adventurers to attack, and also talks about how he's been running this game.dungeon keeper, stronghold, evil, lich, variant2008-05-08 5 
April 2009
4254061Ghost ShipsDiscussion of the idea of a flying ghost ship for a campaignGhost Ship, Airship, Lich, D&D2009-04-12 16 
June 2009
4984127Who ya gonna call, Ghostbuters!OP asks where he should set his Ghostbusters campaign. Wacky Hi-jinks ensue.Ghostbusters, Humor2009-06-25 8 
July 2009
5249757Awesome NPCsITT: DMs share their best NPCs. Contains several merchants, lovable rogues, and even some sad stories. NPC, D&D, Dungeon Master, Merchants, Pathfinder, Eberron, Mafia, Great White Hunter, Ghoul2009-07-25 10 
September 2009
5736328Ghost System HomebrewAnon shares homebrew system for ghosts RPs. Awesome system inside.ghost system homebrew woooooo awesome2009-09-06 2 
April 2010
9391381Peasant? QuestA surreal trip through the dreamscapes of RICK! the peasant, or possibly hero, in something vaguely resembling classic text game format.Peasant? Quest, quest, Ghoul2010-04-24 1 
October 2010
12366631Paranormal Legends in SpaceAnon asks for a bunch of urban legends he can use for a space setting, /tg/ delivers ghost stories, songs, and win.Ghost Stories, Space,2010-10-09 5 
12459131Cyber Dungeon QuestAfter nearly five hundred years of dormancy, an autonomous machine awakes on a crippled space station, desperately seeking answers.Cyber, Punk, Dungeon, Quest, role, interactive, robots, ghosts, disaster2010-10-16 3 
February 2011
14035934Ghostbusters Quest pt. 1We start up our branch of the Ghostbusters, pick out a fallout shelter as a base, hire a team, and clean out our base of unwelcome squatters/ghosts.Ghostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-02-25 32 
14048466Ghostbuster Quest Pt. 2The players finish clearing out the New HQ, and deal with the Gremlin population problem.Ghostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-02-26 23 
14062278Ghostbuster Quest Pt. 3The next installment of Ghostbuster Quest. The Team fixes up the HQ, and Returns the Father Gremlin to his Wife at the JunkyardGhostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-02-27 21 
March 2011
14161747Ghostbuster Quest Pt. 4The Ghostbuster get a call to the local Post office in Pinebox, and begin taking care of Business. Ghostbusters Quest, quest, collective game, Ghostbusters2011-03-07 21 
April 2011
14542980Ghost Space SphereA game of canon that results in a fairly interesting setting. Beware, contains tripfaggery.canon, game, setting, fluff, Ghost Space Sphere2011-04-10 0 
September 2011
16168943Beyond Re-AnimationOP asks for ways to make skeletons more than just XP fodder. Soon branches out into such magnificently macabre creations is the Matryoshka Nesting Ghoul (aka the Undead Turducken) and the epic Mega-Lich-Zord.skeleton, zombie, ghoul, megazord lich, undead turducken2011-09-04 6 
January 2012
17421533Enter The Shadowside (rules, comics, info)OP of this new RPG discusses rules, fluff and crunch.new, enter, the, shadowside, ghosts, paranormal, comics, thelema, rules2012-01-04 11 
April 2012
18757653Enter The ShadowsideA comic, and all organizations of a new RPG systemshadowside, ghosts, paranormal, indie2012-04-18 5 
June 2012
19361738Chapter Quest Reborn! IIThread I is not archieved due to everyone expecting everybody to archive but nobody does. We are the Ghosts of Retributions, and we shot melta to the knee, suitcase inferno grenade, and fedora wearing scoutsCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot2012-06-04 5 
19371507Chapter Quest Reborn! IIIWe explore the ice world of death, and bust kneecaps. Ghosts of Retributions endureCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot2012-06-05 5 
19384480Chapter Quest Reborn! IV - FoundingMore players are joining, The Don is the charisma monster, manly tears - manly tears everywhere. A stranded Sergeant from Crimson Fist is requesting help, and we are being a bro with the Machine CultCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot2012-06-06 3 
19397364Chapter Quest Reborn VGhosts of Retribution conclude their alliance with Adeptus Mechanicus and go on a joint mission against the Orks on Varda in search of lost STC from Dark Age of Technology.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Orks2012-06-08 4 
19445178Chapter Quest VIFinal stages of battle on Varda against Orks. Session was cut off because OP couldn't post in /tg/.Collective Game, Chapter Master, Orks, Chapter Quest, Space Marines, Ghosts of Retribution, STC, Adeptus Mechanicus, Tactical Battle, Power Garrote2012-06-12 5 
19483194Chapter Master Quest IX - The Most Dangerous GameOutnumbered, outgunned, and butt naked, we prevailed. If Guardsman has Tactical Genius, Marine has Strategic GirthCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-06-15 11 
19491451Chapter Master Quest X - Don't Touch The Red Button!Dropped onto a foreign planet full of diverse life and interesting cultures, our heroic Chapter Master meets some Ogryns and tries to learn about ship reactors... the hard way.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-06-16 7 
19505552Chapter Quest XI - Returning HomeChapter Master finally comes back to Chapter Monastery, but finds out that during last 4 years many things have changed...Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-06-17 5 
19566182Chapter Quest XIIWe make some plans and gather information, but OP falls asleep on us before we get any significant work done.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-06-21 5 
19594155Chapter Quest XIIIWe got Magos Fram from eccelciarchyCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-06-23 5 
19635119Chapter Master Quest XIV - Path of HitChapter master learn the way of hit, gaining hand-to-hand prowess and skills. The twisted humor creeps out of the warp to claim its due.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-06-27 7 
19658521Chapter Master Quest XV - BetrayalWe tried to lawyer ourselves out of injustice. Hijinks ensued, also SpidersCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-06-29 7 
19672238Chapter Quest XVI - From wolf to bearWe managed to clear suspicions of our heresy only to be caught while trying to steal some illegal xeno drugs. Now we are at the mercy of the Inquisitor and it seems that he is planning to use our muscle for something dirty in exchange for silence...Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Xeno Drugs, Heresy, Inquisition2012-06-30 5 
July 2012
19709082Chapter Master Quest XVII - Don't open the book!We took a mission from an inquisitor, it was all downhill from there.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Xeno Drugs, Heresy, Inquisition2012-07-03 8 
19724048Chapter Quest XVIII - Darkest Hour / A New HopeEMPEROR PROTECTS!Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Xeno Drugs, Heresy, Inquisition2012-07-04 5 
19748429Chapter Quest XIXChapter prepares for the enemy invasion of their homeworld. Manly tears are had in the end when Chapter Master tells about the doom that awaits them and brothers promise to die for him.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Manly Tears, Speech, Exploration, Invasion, Preparation2012-07-06 5 
19764338Chapter Master Quest XX - Mormark CampaignChapter Master deliver epic speech, tons of reinforcement from Admech and Guardsman equivalent come to our aid. We show Faceless who's bossCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Manly Tears, Speech, Exploration, Invasion, Battle, Mormark2012-07-07 5 
19780964Chapter Master Quest Deatwatch Ed IAs a filler, we are playing Eleigon serving his time in Deathwatch. Operators operating in the jungle, fun times aheadCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Manly Tears, Deathwatch, Eleigon2012-07-08 5 
19808531Chapter Quest Spin-Off II: PrisonerAfter the boarding action against Adeptus Sororitas Brother Montus is mistakenly listed as MIA in by his brothers while in truth he is taken prisoner. He there meets Sister Judith with whom he gets bonded in a very strange way... No, it's not a fapfic.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, torture, neuro-whip2012-07-10 11 
19833002Chapter Quest Spin-Off III: Chasing Dark EldarBrother Montus and Sister Judith are sent with a strike force of Adeptus Sororitas to the Feudal World of Lituanica to stop the Dark Eldar slaver party. Everything goes better than expected, until they get into an ambush... The events that follow end the quest in a place a lot further away from monastery than anyone thought, A LOT FURTHER.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Spin-Off, Adeptus Sororitas, brother, sister, prisoner, Big Daddy, Dark Eldar, Feudal world, webway, Commoragh, slaves, rape, Sororitas2012-07-12 10 
19860304Chapter Quest XXI: AeternumThe 'leviathan' described in the prophecy is revealed to be Men of Iron that Ghosts by accident awakened and summoned. Over the course of 2 and a half month and 3000 miles, 900 000 soldiers die, but Ghosts are pushing the enemy... Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Men of Iron, DAoT, Invasion, Grand Strategy2012-07-14 5 
19969075Commoragh Quest IBrother Montus dives into the webway, trying to save Sister Judith from her Dark Eldar captors, however instead ends up in Commoragh, while on the way creating a personal warp spawn in the form of an Chaos Ork...Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Soulstone, Chaos Orks, Arena2012-07-21 6 
19981203Commoragh Quest IIMontus participates in a deadly battle royale in Death Arena.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Soulstone, Arena, Wytches, Battle Royale2012-07-22 6 
20007819Commoragh Quest IIIBrother Montus awakes to find yet another sentient tinkering with things in his chest! Emperor protect his soul, Montus is forced to negotiate with the vile xenos to continue his quest to save Sister Judith.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2012-07-24 8 
20059417Chapter Quest XXIIFight for Mormark continues, and Chapter Master ambushes a column of Titans...Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Men of Iron, DAoT, Invasion, Grand Strategy2012-07-28 5 
20075193Commoragh Quest IVThe trials of Montus continue as the Wytch Xynthia begins tormenting him. Though Sister Heidra's trapped soul is returned, the Wytch slays the enslaved guardsman Marcharius and tricks Montus...Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2012-07-29 6 
20089837Chapter Quest XXIIIThe ambush on the Men of Iron begins, but chapter master is overtaken by a heinous warp entityCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Men of Iron, DAoT, Invasion, Grand Strategy2012-07-30 5 
August 2012
20115334Chapter Quest XXIVChapter Master fights Men of Iron AI inside Reaver Titan 'Imperator Invictus'.heinous warp entity Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Men of Iron, DAoT, Invasion, Grand Strategy2012-08-01 5 
20135355Chapter Quest VXynthia cries.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches, Slaves2012-08-02 4 
20194318Commoragh Quest: Astartes CreedMontus' assassination mission goes off perfectly, and when he returns Xynthia is more than grateful. Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2012-08-06 13 
20223200Commoragh Quest VII: Assassins after SexMontus is interrupted from cuddling with his Mistress by another assassination attempt and realises that their attackers are ex-Elysian Drop Troopers...Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2012-08-08 10 
20322001Chapter Quest XXVOverpowering the Men of Iron's AI.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Men of Iron, DAoT, Invasion, Grand Strategy2012-08-15 4 
20478611Pax Americana Quest 1What if, instead of carrying out a psychotic quest to genocide every mutant in the world, half the Enclave rebelled and fled to the american midwest, encountered Brotherhood of Steel outcasts and set out to rebuild America in the image of the old world?Civilization_Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Fallout, Enclave, Brotherhood_of_Steel, Alternate_History, Power_Armor, Vertibird, Robot, Super_Mutant, Ghoul, Human, Cyborg, Mutant2012-08-26 15 
20485061Pax Americana Quest 2The American Union expands its borders, both in terms of territory, and socially.Civilization_Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Fallout, Enclave, Brotherhood_of_Steel, Alternate_History, Power_Armor, Vertibird, Robot, Super Mutant, Ghoul, Human, Cyborg, Mutant, Squirrel Force Recon, Intellapuma2012-08-27 18 
20495977Chapter Quest 28Ground is lost to the Men of Iron as ships are sent to call for aid and the Imperial Fists arrive. Also, Heresy. Lots of it.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Men of Iron, DAoT, Invasion, Grand Strategy2012-08-28 3 
September 2012
20581977Chapter Quest 29The vault is open at last and the abominable intelligence's attempt diplomacy Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth, Men of Iron, DAoT, Invasion2012-09-04 6 
20611402Commoragh Quest XWe continue our preparations to regain Judith from Vorl-Xolanth.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2012-09-06 3 
20689152Stikers '89 3Hop 1Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, 2012-09-12 25 
20776399Stikers '89 4Bach volleyball! Santa's burgers! Something something dogfight!Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, 2012-09-19 27 
20868033Stikers '89 5We meet merlin's family! we also get flashbanged in the shower. fun times. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-09-26 27 
October 2012
20931608Chapter Master Quest XXX - Yipikayee MotherfuckerOne does not simply stroll into the mothersip, except THE DONCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, die hard, yipikayee, motherfucker2012-10-01 8 
20950082Stikers '89 6In which we prank some witches with Slider and get to meet CINCPAC Richard M. Nixon.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-02 21 
20966045Stikers '89 7We get make Ace in a day and rescue a russian defector. Also, our RIO is amazing.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-03 33 
21002344Primarchs' Daughters and Warhammer HighSomeone else., DarkMage, and Ahriman's Aide return to begin wrapping up their current projects.awesome, someone else., writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, ROAD TRIP!, primarchs' daughters, trip into hell, ghosts of rage2012-10-05 12 
21027842Chapter Quest XXXI: New beginningsChapter Master attempts to manage the repercussions of the Men of Iron invasion, but Inquisitional suspicion hampers efforts.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man2012-10-08 4 
21059163Stikers '89 8Merlin almost leaves us! Nixon is a better pilot than we thought! Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-10 24 
21183174Stikers '89 9We do some airshow antics and get some bad newsCollective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-19 21 
21196988ROAD TRIP!: Homeward bound.Someone else. and Ahriman's Aide try to wrap up their projects as Ghosts of Rage resumes.awesome, someone else., writefaggotry, 40k, warhammer, whh, warhammer high, ROAD TRIP!, primarchs' daughters, trip into hell, ghosts of rage2012-10-20 7 
21203058Ghost Ships, 2012OP from /k/ spawns a setting about ghost ship hunters in the 21st century.ghost, ship, setting, fluff, locker, reds, religion, exorcism2012-10-20 24 
21223804Chapter Quest XXXII: That's No MoonContinuing efforts towards the recovery of Mormark lead Chapter Master to start plans to build a large orbital Space Station.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-10-22 3 
21258093Strikers '89 10In which we learn we may be kinda sorta dating the Granddaughter of the Adorable Cossack. Also new plane [SQUEE!]Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-24 22 
21359030Stikers '89 11In which I forget a title, and we move to alaska. And meet col. BitchtitsCollective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-10-31 25 
November 2012
21462619Stikers '89 12Furballs over Alaska's interior, Russian POWs and war news. just what the day called forCollective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-07 25 
21487311The Boys in Grey Quest 2 EndThe conclusion of the Hollin Apartments haunting. Ghostbusters, Quest2012-11-09 2 
21490758Stikers '89 sidestory- tanks in polandWe're Jacob Bishop, US Army. and the reds are coming across the border in force. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-09 24 
21535408Chapter Quest XXXIII: Prothera BurnsTraitor marines have made planetfall on the crucial agri-world of Prothera, a planet vital for feeding half the subsector, it cannot fall.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-11-12 3 
21569102Chapter Quest XXXIV: The Fortress of VengeanceOn the burning agri-world of Prothera, the Ghosts of Retribution encounter a powerful Chaos Marine Sorcerer as they thunder towards the besieged Adeptus Arbites Headquarters.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-11-14 3 
21568897Strikers '89 13We start the day trying to figure out what the soviets are up to. we end the day dropping cluster bombs on them and shoving missiles up their jets. a good dayCollective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-14 26 
21658592Stikers '89 14We talk to Ice, and we're there when it all goes pear shaped. we recommend sad music at the end!Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-20 29 
21704587Stikers '89 - Ice quest! Fronk went down Yesterday and the squadron is falling apart. are you enough of a feels machine to fix it?Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, 2012-11-23 31 
21779735Stikers '89 15-1Part one of our recovery- Hospital time and getting a new fighter! oh, and presents for the squadron!Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-28 31 
21786203Stikers '89 15-2The thrilling conclusion of this week's thread! We're the ghost of Christmas presents, apparently. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-11-28 31 
December 2012
21890304Stikers '89 16We take the new bird up for a spin, get in a mock dogfight with maverick, and find out something big is brewing....Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-12-05 31 
21920219Chapter Quest XXXV: Storm RisesDark conclusion to the invasion of Prothera.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-12-07 5 
21964834Chapter Quest XXXVI: FireworksAs a devastating mega-hurricane ravages Prothera, Chapter Master thinks of an insane yet brilliant solution to the inclement weather. Once the skies are cleared, the search for the Traitor Space Marines continues...Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-12-10 6 
21998084Stikers '89 17We roughhouse with Slider, Katya, and Ice, plan our load for the mission, call home, and take off. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-12-12 33 
22074347Chapter Quest 37A short session where we finally work on supplying Mormark with food. We also have shenanigans occur during negotiations.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-12-17 5 
22087603Strikers '89 18We bomb a soviet airbase, and they return the favor.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-12-18 24 
22188287Chapter Quest XXXVIII: Warp ShenanigansThings were going pretty well, all things considered. Then we decided to Warp to another planet....Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-12-24 7 
22252243Stikers '89 19-1We're going to a christmas ball, and our new place is swanky. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-12-28 23 
22259791Stikers '89 19-2We get visited by the little sister of doom. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2012-12-28 24 
22304738Chapter Master Quest 40Ghosts finally confront Silent Guardians and in the end decide to sell out their Rogue Trader ally for some loot from a forbidden planet.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2012-12-31 6 
22308210PokeQuest: The Journey of Tomas GreenIn this quest OP gives /tg/ the control of a farm boy going to see his uncle in the capital city. He brings a Gastly and goes down the main road. Steals a Zorua, and somehow mcguiver a guy into giving them a Tower.Pokemon, Quest, collective game, Ghosts, Spiders, 2012-12-31 7 
January 2013
22340803Strikers '89 2119-2 was actually 20. We get our blues from our parents, and check out Aberdeen and Baltimore, then get back to DC for the ball.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-02 20 
22349911Stikers '89 22the second half of thread 21! We go to a Christmas ball, talk shop with the president, and learn some bad news. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-02 21 
22357735Chapter Quest 41We meet Ultramarines and become vassals of the Sector Lord.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-01-03 3 
22434029Chapter Quest =42=Slow session. Chapter works out some logistical matters and tries raising some income. Being a space marine isn't just about glorious lasts stands afterall. Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-01-07 3 
22476262Stikers '89 23at least, I think it's 23. We talk to Merlin, head back to Alaska, and run afoul of craziness not our own. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-09 23 
22484158Stikers '89 24The second part of the night's adventure! we talk to Goose and wonder about Ice. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-09 21 
22607598Stikers '89 25WE kill the soviet flying carrier, but at what cost? Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-16 21 
22615341Stikers '89 26The second part of the night's thread. We find out our new friends are not people to irritate. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-16 21 
22660094Chapter Quest XLIII: Traitors in the RanksHaving arrived on Inaria to question the actions of the rogue 3rd Captain Arcon, Chapter Master is dragged into a war for the very planet against his former Battle-Brothers.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-01-19 7 
22740120Strikers '89 27We make some breakfast, trade snark with the Princess, check out the boneyard, and meet the new additions to our squadron.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-01-23 23 
22791409Chapter Quest XLIV: The Blood of our BrothersDelving into the Inarian melee, Chapter Master discovers more about Captain Arcon's status, and the Ghosts of Retribtution are forced to kill their own as the conflict deteriorates.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-01-26 13 
22825729Chapter Quest =XLV=Chapter finally confronts Arcon and unveils the whole web of lies that was clouding everyones eyes.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-01-28 8 
22865866Strikers '89 28We watch the star-lit sky, watch some Ghostbusters, and get into a wrestling match with Ice.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches, Ghostbusters2013-01-30 27 
February 2013
22917447Fantasy Quest XVIThe Bard meets the Ghost and makes ready to infiltrate the den of depravity.Fantasy Quest, Fantasy, Quest, Collective Game, elf, girl, elf girl, bard, infiltration, ghosts, suddenly, sneaky, sneak, sneaking2013-02-02 13 
22944423Commoragh Quest XIIWe jump onto a speeding skimmer, massacre a few Dark Eldar and stomp on a few knees, you know, typical weekday in Commoragh.Collective Game, Commoragh Quest, Chapter Quest, Dark Eldar, Ghosts of Retribution, Commoragh, Dark City, Wytches2013-02-03 7 
22997253Strikers '89 29We wake up, and find out we're being assigned back to a carrier. We also finally give out the Christmas gifts we had bought.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches2013-02-06 25 
23089966Chapter Quest XLVI: A Champion is BornWe bid a sombre farewell to Arcon, who must go on crusade with his company to re-earn their place in the Chapter. Meanwhile, we get shiny stuff from the AdMech and Sergeant Harmantos becomes Chapter Champion.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-02-11 5 
23130246Strikers '89 30On the way to the Saratoga, we end up helping the IJN fight off a new Soviet fighter called the Vampire.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches2013-02-13 26 
23223077Supernatural AmericanaOP wants to discuss supernatural stories of the United States. Multiple good stories and anecdotes are relayed. folklore, US, United States, America, Cowboys, Ghosts, Monsters, Tall Tales, Weird West2013-02-18 14 
23227575Chapter Quest XLVII: A Spy in our MidstThings are finally going pretty okay but then we discover one of our marines is spying on us on behalf of the Sector's Ecclesiarchy.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-02-18 2 
23331605Chapter Master Quest -48-Still alive. A very short session where we determine what we're going to do about a space hulk.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-02-23 2 
23345736Chapter Quest XLVIII: Healing Old WoundsSome representatives from Mars show up and we fix the Protheran weather cathedral which was destroyed by a Chaos Space Marine raid we failed to prevent 6 years earlier.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-02-24 5 
23362561Chapter Quest XLIX: The Veil is LiftedWe discover that Ashkenor the Wrathbringer, our hated nemesis, is on Prothera and is preparing to sacrifice a captured Eldar Farseer to create a portal to a Daemon-world.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-02-25 6 
23400549Strikers '89 31The Soviets and possibly China stage a surprise attack on Japan, and we run into crazy Russian witch totally obsessed with us. And no, it's not Katya.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches2013-02-27 29 
23408682Strikers '89 32We help repel a massive Chinese air attack on Tokyo.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches2013-02-27 24 
March 2013
23528553Stikers '89 33We talk to Ice about lawn ornaments, Merlin about stealth Yandere witches, and inadvertently hit on Katya. oh, and Jessica shows up, that too. Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-03-06 31 
23584756Chapter Quest 51Chapter Master speaks with Farseer Adriel speak, and the witch is bathed of the filth from her capture and rescue. Turns out the Dremont boys pulled a bait and switch on us and stayed around the battle barge as chapter serfs. Damned kids sneaking around and bathing xenos witches. Never make a joke around the GM.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man2013-03-09 3 
23616921Chapter Quest LII: Killer Piano RiffWhile chatting with our Farseer friend, a little bit of poetic warp fun turned into a deadly cock up thanks to a terrible roll. Fortunately this is followed the best roll ever in the game and we finally discover the location of the elusive Vindicare Ceiron.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man2013-03-11 5 
23634299Chapter Quest LIII: Marriage WoesChapter Master decides upon the fate of a marine who wishes to marry a human Noble, followed by a little bit of money-making. Then we arrive at Tartarus station, to recover Vindicare Ceiron.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man2013-03-12 5 
23649700Chapter Quest LIV: Mob RuleArriving at Tartarus station, Chapter Master has a brief chat with the Council of Captains and takes on a bounty job. Then we make contact with Ceiron and arrive in the middle of a gangster squabble.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man2013-03-13 2 
23647545Strikers '89 34We give Rand a dressing down when she can't keep her cool when trolled, and get a letter from our Russian psycho-stalker.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision2013-03-13 22 
23654184Strikers '89 35in which, we discuss the possible supper-soldier-witch Ms. Stalin, reminice about flying in friendly skies, and Ghost becomes the star of a dime-store bodice ripper.Collective Game, Strike Witches 1989, GhostDivision, Strike Witches2013-03-13 23 
23774440Strikers '89 36WE get our next mission brief and talk to Jess... and find out we're headed places. and under orders to write the yandereGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-03-20 23 
23795054/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 6"What are the Editors?" "LA LI LU LE LO." We find a crashed Terran Wraith. Chuck Norris, Space Ghost and GI Joe take down several Pony SUEs of the Conversion Bureau with our assistance. The Editors finally reveal themselves, and what they plan to do with Meta-Earth, and especially with the library. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, Ponies, MLP, Starcraft, Conversion Bureaumobs, mob mentality, book burning2013-03-22 3 
23880874Chapter Quest LV: Forever UnluckyAlmost straight off the bat we roll the worst number possible. What follows is both as painful as it is predictable, things go from bad to worse.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man2013-03-26 5 
23878366tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 7We escape the subway and slow down the angry mob with explosives. As the mishmash team escapes on GI Joe land vehicles, they finally find the library, defended at the front by a certain Sayaka...Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka2013-03-26 1 
23896465Strikers '89 37WE talk to Slider, find out our Witches are scared for us, and decide to become the last gunfighter. and run into Stalinka againGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-03-27 25 
23913055/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 8The Editors declare Martial Law. It's a fight for the last trove of free knowledge. While multiple sides fight each other without end, more Joes pour in and the Editors deploy killer robots to quell resistance. We also learn the secret behind the Sue-pocalypse.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-28 0 
23930866/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 9We get pushed back under the Editor onslaught. The Library begins to collapse. We try to hold out until we can.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-29 1 
23966643Chapter Quest LVIChapter Master and his shadow guard make their escape from Tartarus station...Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man2013-03-31 5 
23951129/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 10The end. The battle. The aftermath. Things turn around for us, or not. And yet there is a silver lining waiting for us. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot, Equilibrium, Grammaton Clerics2013-03-31 4 
April 2013
24018911Strikers '89 38We tangle with our Yandere Soviet witch and nearly fly the wings off our jet. then we get called communal property and crash on the floor. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-04-03 30 
24038234Chapter Quest LVII: Entombed HeroWe escape from Tartarus station with a badly wounded Horim. We manage to get back to Mormark in time to inter him within a Dreadnought. Meanwhile we discuss and clarify some geneseed experiments.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man2013-04-04 3 
24151868Strikers '89 39We get a weekend pass and go to reclaim our bike from our Uncle. We bring Katya along. she meets our dog, flusters our cousin, and learns what a mall isGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-04-10 21 
24283419Strikers '89 40We finish shopping with Katya, sit down for a home cooked meal, and decide to leave Rufus home. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-04-17 22 
24422434Strikers '89 41We eat at a roadside country diner, talk to viper, find a box waiting for us when we get home, and find out Merlin's figured 'it' out. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-04-24 22 
24430407Strikers '89 41.5We go to Santa's with Ice and Merlin. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-04-24 23 
May 2013
24554439Strikers '89 42We write that letter, talk to Merlin, then lounge by the pool. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-05-01 23 
24610127Chapter Quest 59Chapter Master returns, has an interesting encounter upon Tachion Primaris, and gets zerg rushed by the 10 Iron Warriors he had made. Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, gib xp pls2013-05-04 6 
24687785Strikers '89 43We learn a bit more about the jet, find out some things about the new network stuff, and Merlin goes full witch. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-05-08 24 
24828864Strikers '89 44We may be a witchbattery, no one's sure, and Fun is had at the Pool with Ice and the sharks.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-05-15 25 
24961666Strikers '89 45We get some mail! Merlin has a boyfriend? Ice gets Slider tackled, and the Saratoga gets hit. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-05-22 26 
25075082Chapter Quest LVIIVoid Squad is recovered and an Iwo Jima style orkish stronghold within a mountain is purged from Varda by 6th Company. The orks were kind enough to locate gold within their stronghold. Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-05-28 3 
25096595Strikers '89 46We go up for that dogfight, Ice can register on infrared and we owe Merlin all the cakes. forever GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-05-29 26 
June 2013
25243777Strikers '89 Jess quest!We're Jessica bishop, and our overriding goal in life is acquiring more coffee. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-06-05 22 
25381742Strikers '89 47We watch Tales from the crypt with Slider, learn about Ice's daddy issues, and get whiskey from a southern reenactor for a very sick witch. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-06-12 25 
25513330Strikers '89 48We talk with Slider, Fluster Ice, get more letters from the yandere Russian, and call Jessica about her adventures in Japan. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-06-19 25 
25644759Strikers '89 49Early archive. Rufus arrives, Goose gets screentime. Possibly. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-06-26 22 
July 2013
25742875Ghost QuestYou are a ghost operative of the Terran Dominion, under Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. Your Codename is Delta Phoenix. Possibly, was Delta Phoenix. At 1200 hours you received a transmission from Korhal. "The Emperor is Dead. Long live the Emperor. " Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-01 33 
25764480Ghost Quest 2We continue to be a badass even with broken fingers. We also increase our combat effectiveness by liberating 3 spaceships. Plans to fix the Goliath Class Battlecruiser is delayed even further.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-02 23 
25770783Ghost Quest 2.5We do a little piracy and get ourselves some resources and some recruits. Then we immediately go risk our lives. Again.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Mercenaries2013-07-02 21 
25773465Ghost Quest 3Dark Phoenix gathers the last resources to repair the Hydron. Henderson proves himself again. Will we ever know what was in the box?Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates2013-07-02 16 
25779165Strikers '89 50Thread fifty! early archive. We visit the colonel with Rosalie and GooseGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-07-03 21 
25780411Ghost Quest 4: Uh Oh.Wherein trousers are browned.Collective Game, Adjutant, Ghost Quest2013-07-03 18 
25787209Ghost Quest 5: Grave over JestosThe remaining zerg pose an issue. SCV deployments are confusing. Repairs are made to the Hydron, and a blind jump is made.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Zerg, 2013-07-03 21 
25800902Ghost Quest 6: FreedomJump is successful but resources are scarce. Delta Phoenix deals with the ghosts of the past. A hostage is taken. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates2013-07-04 20 
25806765Ghost Quest 7: Death RaceDelta Phoenix attempts a solo mission as Corporal Henderson races to save the love of his life, Mia Rodriguez. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Pirates, Space Bikers, Vulture bike,2013-07-04 21 
25820987Ghost Quest 8: Money, Money, Money. (July 4th Special)The Daluke jumps to Muric, an idyllic paradise compared to the trials so far, and receives a tempting offer...Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, MURRICA, FREEDOM, USA, USA, USA2013-07-05 16 
25825835Ghost Quest 9Delta Phoenix does some ghost things to get her crew some property of their own.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, MURRICA2013-07-05 16 
25840292Ghost Quest 10Recruitan' an' minin'. That's what we do here. After a mission and a night full of nightmares, Delta Pheonix talks to only other person who may be more screwed up in the head than she isCollective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft,2013-07-06 15 
25847799Ghost Quest 11: Dark Wings SpreadDelta Phoenix rescues some civilian ships at Kilaro, and helps rebels fight the Dominion. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Poor decision making2013-07-06 15 
25852526Ghost Quest 12: LossDelta Phoenix loses her suit, and can't cope. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, 2013-07-06 17 
25878409Ghost Quest 13: Delta Phoenix's New GrooveDelta Phoenix trains with Kassix, and murders an Ultralisk 1 on 1. A course is set for Murric. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ultralisk2013-07-08 15 
25895335Ghost Quest 14: Liberty or DeathDelta Phoenix returns to Murric under siege. We get a look through the eyes of our crew. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Wraith, Goliath, Firebat, Marine,2013-07-09 20 
25899479Ghost Quest 15: Ghost Quest 15: Don't you let me Die in SpaceHelldog Mercenary squad takes the bridge of the Aeron. Delta Phoenix kills an old squad memeber. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Marine, Battlecruiser2013-07-09 27 
25915177Strikers '89 51Early archive. Ice approaches us about us having mental cracks. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-07-10 23 
25937168Ghost Quest 17: All Along the WatchtowerThe XO does his best to keep Delta Phoenix's forces alive.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Battlecruiser2013-07-11 16 
25953890Ghost Quest 18: From The Ashes. Delta Phoenix speaks to Charlie Phoenix, repairs to the Daluke and Murric begin.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, 2013-07-11 10 
25977043Ghost Quest 20: High NoonDelta determines whether or not to become a Spectre, and hunts bounties on New Albuquerque.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-13 9 
25976618Chapter Quest 65: A New FoeAfter liberal bribery and a sweet roll we finally discover who has been supplying the escaped prisoners on Kruun with their weapons, a separatist human empire known as the Styrian Triarchy. Brief plotting ensues.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-07-13 2 
26017586Ghost Quest 21: Bounty HunterDelta Phoenix completes her bounties on New Albuquerque. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft2013-07-15 13 
26036993Bleach Quest 23In which Ichigo...NEGOTIATES...as big beautiful big tittied women fall out of the sky.Collective Gaming, Bleach Quest, Bleach, Raining Bitches, Ghost Mexico2013-07-16 38 
26054538Strikers '89 52Early archive! the boss and Katya want a flight in a steelwing fighter...GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-07-17 23 
26101639Ghost Quest 22: Viva la RevolutionDelta Phoenix finishes her work on New Albuquerque. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-19 8 
26108936Ghost Quest 23: A Duel of PoliticsDelta Phoenix attempts to organize the New Albuquerque rebels to overthrow the corrupt government. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-19 6 
26118210Ghost Quest 24: The Open SkyDelta returns to the Daluke with Lakas' family and Enrique. Whiskey and November report the lottery mission is successful. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-20 6 
26116254Chapter Quest LXVI: Return to the Dark Sister.A brief spate of riots on Templos are swiftly put down, our fleet master goes pirate hunting (results pending), and we board the Space Hulk 'Dark Sister', looking for shiny things, and other....things....of that nature.....Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-07-20 2 
26134023Chapter Quest LXVII: Into the HulkExploring deeper into the 'Dark Sister', we ambush some heretics and find some loot, bur unfortunately Ashkenor gets wise to our presence, so we bitch out like a little-girl, only to have a change of heart when he taunts us. We close the session preparing to engage him in a mind-duel, shenanigans are bound to ensue.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-07-21 2 
26154893Ghost Quest 25: Gambling ManDelta Phoenix finishes her macromanagement on Murric and heads to other Fringe World locations. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-21 4 
26194901Strikers '89 53early archive! we get visited by NixonGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-07-24 23 
26255694Ghost Quest 26: Shout at the Devil Down BelowNovember is dead. Charlie is critically wounded. The few survivors of New Ares are aboard the Hercules. And so is something else...Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-26 4 
26271076Chapter Quest LXVIII: Unleash HellThe Battle of the Dark Sister.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2013-07-28 5 
26275827Ghost Quest 27: FUBARDelta Phoenix and other squads attempt a mission on a Dominion battlecruiser, while Zerg are attacking it.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-28 4 
26292705Ghost Quest 28: 3 Weeks LaterDelta Phoenix's crew has recovered from the last mission, but worlds are falling across the sector. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-29 2 
26342580Ghost Quest 29: ExpansionistDelta Phoenix establishes a base on a Jungle World, then looks to unite the fringes. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-07-31 2 
August 2013
26360853Ghost Quest 30: Fade OutArmed with new Technology, Delta Phoenix must now determine her next move against the Dominion or Broodmother.Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-01 2 
26376516Chapter Quest 70Chapter Master meets with the sector Arch-Cardinal Astrobelus Kest and is tempted by the Iron Monk side...Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, gib xp pls2013-08-02 1 
26396664Ghost Quest 31: Double TakeThe fringe continues to burn. Dominion fleets mobilize. Zerg disappear mysteriously. Delta Phoenix is slowly becoming the last hope these planets have. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-03 3 
26394814Chapter Quest LXXI: Oh Fu-We decline the Iron Monks offer of alliance, and literally EVERYTHING just goes completely to shit. It would appear the Sector now hangs on the brink of a potential civil war.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, gib xp pls2013-08-03 3 
26418227Ghost Quest 32: Round HouseDelta Phoenix destroys the PRNA capital building, but their army seems invigorated by it. The crew of the Daluke prepares for a longer war than they anticipated. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-04 2 
26414976Chapter Quest LXXII: Betrayal at VardaI am the Chapter Master, protector of a butchered planet, commander of murdered brothers, and I shall have my vengeance, in this life or the next.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, gib xp pls2013-08-04 6 
26437759Ghost Quest 33: Fast PaceAn uneasy peace settles over New Albuquerque. The Dominion tightens their grip, and lays siege to Kilaro. Zerg forces mysteriously abandon Dick's Paradise, but are now spotted on Corendis. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-05 2 
26473561Strikers '89 54Early archive, We visit the macks, Georgette and Nicholas. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-08-07 24 
26478946Ghost Quest 34: Cocked PistolDelta Phoenix has destroyed the Dominion's fleet and found out information on their bases. However the Zerg and Protoss wage a shadow war on Corendis. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-07 0 
26530430Ghost Quest 35: MidnightThe Daluke is upgraded at Skorpia shipyards when Delta Phoenix receives distress beacons. All of them. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-09 2 
26537791Ghost Quest 36: CheckThe Zerg invasion has crushed worlds. Delta Phoenix attempts to rescue surviving Protoss, while hunting another changeling threat. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Ghost, 2013-08-10 3 
26605568Strikers '89 55Early archive! Weapons selection, sherktwanz, that sort of thingGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-08-14 22 
26738051Strikers '89 56Early archive! We're back aboard the super Sara for transit through the panama canal to join up with the fleet. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-08-21 21 
26863339Strikers '89 57Early archive! we're sitting alert with Rosalie , on the way to Virginia. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-08-28 21 
September 2013
27009304Strikers '89 58Early archive! The fleet forms up, and some new witches arrive on the Saratoga. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-09-04 21 
27147399Strikers '89 59Early archive- Our first flight over Iceland as the Marines go ashoreGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-09-11 21 
27284959Strikers '89 60Thread sixty! early archive. Either we take Putin up on his relayed offer or we stay with the fleetGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-09-18 24 
27407662Magical Industry QuestSir Roderick William Gallowglass negotiates with elves for a slice of prime real estate.collective game, magic, industry, quest, pinkerton, gho, gallowglass2013-09-25 18 
October 2013
27522759Strikers '89 61Early archive! Adventures in a secret Russian base. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-02 22 
27646984Strikers '89 62Early archive! More adventures in a secret russian base, with our faithful sidekick the adorable psycho. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-09 23 
27762038Strikers '89 63Early archive. Back aboard the Saratoga, and people want to hear about our trip. and if Putin's managed to weaponize funk. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-16 21 
27767654Strikers '89 63.5Early archive of the second half of tonight's runGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-16 21 
27885880Strikers '89 64Early archive! High placed visitors hours before a major op? Always good news, right? GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-23 20 
28007819Strikers '89 65Early archive! Merlin's been working on the jet of her own accord. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-10-29 21 
28009567Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 1We ain't afraid of no ghosts.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan2013-10-30 39 
November 2013
28057330Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 2We learn how to hold a particle accelerator, count to 10, and is that a flying flaming table?Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Okiku2013-11-02 29 
28125406Strikers '89 66Early archive. The battle for Berlin, and our small slice of the chaosGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-11-06 22 
28132768Strikers '89 66.5Early archive! Battle for Berlin continues. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2013-11-06 22 
28163102Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 3We meet priests, paramedics, and Peck; get attacked by china in Japan; and slime and plot thickens.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Seto Taisho2013-11-08 30 
28254481Strikers '89- 1945 miniseries #1We're John Kazanski, and our old war buddy has just called us up with an offer....GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-11-13 21 
28274432Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 4Doomsday desperate deals with devils, and a side of exploding cakes.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai2013-11-14 27 
28362262Obnoxious Ghost QuestA man is haunted by limericking ghosts, attempts to find them a bodyObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-11-19 14 
28383163Obnoxious Ghost Quest 2We commit another double homicide and escape to an abandoned farm, where we make a macabre maskCollective Game, Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Humor2013-11-20 9 
28381487Strikers '45 part 2Air to air combat in the Bat over occupied France- just how good are 6 37mm cannon, anyway?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-11-20 20 
28404543Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 4What better way to top off a date and a movie than encountering apocalyptic cultists, a trip to the land of the dead, an iconic well, and the ghost of a virulent long dead plague? Also we're less one star.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Smallpox2013-11-21 26 
28433806Obnoxious Ghost Quest 3We get a Bone Rank Up and meet our future antagonists, the PoGADObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-11-23 8 
28477298Obnoxious Ghost Quest 4In which we get a skele-bear familiar, fall down a pit, and terrify a small childCollective Game, Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Humor, Limericks2013-11-25 9 
28514619Obnoxious Ghost Quest 5In which we kill zommaids, lose Aurelie, and get very drunkObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-11-27 8 
28534341Strikers '45 part 3Ice's grandparents hook up, we help the twins with a dispute, and we're being rebased to Berlin. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-11-28 20 
December 2013
28620988Obnoxious Ghost Quest 6In which we meet Professor Becherski, hit on a Zommaid, and fight the PoGADObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-03 7 
28640335Strikers '45 part 4Some dawww, some Combat, some Theodore Roosevelt, some Good Feelz, and one hell of a heirloomGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-12-04 20 
28661138Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 6Defeating devious decadent degenerates and deranged diseased damsels. Also we find a rock.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Rock2013-12-05 25 
28679869Obnoxious Ghost Quest 7In which we teleport away, fight a bear, and visit build-a-waifu. Not in that orderObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-06 7 
28720015Obnoxious Ghost Quest 8In which we get triangulated, kill a knight, and beat a girl in a fight.Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-08 7 
28739770Obnoxious Ghost Quest 9In which we have an interlude with an intersectional chruch, fight a beetle, and become town heroObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-09 8 
28761778Obnoxious Ghost Quest 10In which we appoint ourselves as leader, become a contract monster hunter, and lose KatrinaObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-10 7 
28783585Strikers '45 part 5Early archive! The war's over and we're in New York City in time for the victory parade. Oh, and maybe we're gettin married, that too. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-12-11 20 
28804452Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 7We agree to help a lady from out-of-body opera and become the cure to a dreaded disease.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Rock2013-12-12 23 
28856957Obnoxious Ghost Quest 11In which we nearly double-die, get paralyzed, and hang with the ProfessorObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2013-12-14 6 
28971501Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 8We find out about Akira's history with the incorporeal and find evidence from the ghost in the machine. Also, we fortify our headquarters as the First Night falls...Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai2013-12-20 23 
28988933Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 8 Part 2We speak to a ghost of a ghost and find out that she has no faceCollective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, 2013-12-21 23 
29061312Chapter Quest LXXIV: Glory to HulkAfter the Betrayal, Chapter Master strikes back at the offending vessel. None can stand against the fury of the Aspera Dominus.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2013-12-25 5 
29065389Strikers '45 part 6A son is born and christmas occurs. unrelated events, in this case GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2013-12-25 17 
29080294Chapter Quest LXXIV ContinuedThe Aspera Dominus and the Ecclesiastic fleet manoeuvre into advantageous positions and exchange ordnance.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2013-12-26 5 
29097402Chapter Quest LXXV: War in HeavenThe Ecclesiarchic fleet approaches the Aspera Dominus and true broadsides are exchanged.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2013-12-27 7 
29112640Chapter Quest LXXVI: First PassFirst broadsides are inconclusive. The crew of the revolting enemy frigate take control and pledge their loyalty to us.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2013-12-28 5 
29114845Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 9Got a little bit of everything today. Started off with a bit of comedy, transitiones into a police procedural and end up in a gameshow. It's like we were really watching TV. Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2013-12-28 22 
29154687Chapter Quest LXXVII: Victory on VardaAfter the coward Dreifus flees, we support ground forces on Varda and take a look at our spoils.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2013-12-30 6 
January 2014
29197814Chapter Quest LXXVIII: Blood in the HillsAfter the victory in orbit, Chapter Master turns his attention to the Varda ground campaign.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-01-01 5 
29216710Strikers '89 Ice quest 2Early archive! Ice quest 2 commences. Frank's on the USNS mercy and you've been transferred to castle barin. woo?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-01-02 20 
29213190Chapter Quest LXXIX: RetributionAfter making planetfall, the Ghosts of Retribution enter a fierce and bloody ground campaign. After several days of merciless battle, the Space Marines emerge victorious.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-01-02 6 
29237291Chapter Quest LXXX: Aggressive NegotiationsIn the aftermath of the betrayal, we start to rebuild; and start to place the blame....Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-01-03 6 
29277149Obnoxious Ghost Quest 12In which we meet Asta, snub the Bitch Squad, and make a plan.Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-04 6 
29299509Chapter Quest LXXXI: Court proceedingsOne cannot cause THAT much damage without incurring a similar volume of bureaucracy.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-01-06 8 
29320515Chapter Quest 82The Ghosts of Retribution make their first moves at the conclusion of the trial over the Iron Monk's Betrayal at Varda.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, gib xp pls2014-01-07 6 
29350405Strikers '89 S2E1Early archive! Our first day at Castle Barin. How much we get done is questionable. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-01-08 22 
29364825Obnoxious Ghost Quest 13In which we repeatedly crit fail, become a Dark Knight of Privilege, and slay a LindwurmObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-09 7 
29376558Pokemon Quest #6Adventures to and in a haunted house. We catch a new Pokemon and manage not to be lewd for oncePokemon Quest, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, ghost, 2014-01-09 27 
29414600Human Ashes as Basing Material: How to Get Cursed and Annoy Dead RelativesOne soon-to-be-haunted anon has the fantastic idea of using his dead father's remains as basing material. He also asks for other possible uses for the ashes of his dead family member.Respect for the Dead, Ghosts, Why, Cremation, Miniatures2014-01-10 37 
29485937Obnoxious Ghost Quest 14In which we get drunk, crit fail when it doesn't matter, and make friends with KatrinaObnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-13 7 
29517039Strikers '89 S2E2Early archive! more adventures in a castle we swear we've been in beforeGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2014-01-15 23 
29685625Strikers '89 S2E3Early archive! Katsumi is on the island, and she brought another familiar face....GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-01-22 22 
29855775Strikers '89 S2E4Early archive! Long overdue chats with people we know. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-01-29 22 
29876181Obnoxious Ghost Quest 15In which we fight some Goblins, terrorize a Social-Justicar, and the QM puts the quest on hiatus Obnoxious Ghost Quest, SpiritGuided, Collective Game, Humor, Limericks2014-01-30 6 
February 2014
30020971Strikers '89 S2E5Early archive! WE meet the OTHER Matron from the US naval academy, our mental state is degrading and we're apparently a fan of TNG. go figure. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2014-02-05 22 
30172984Strikers '89 S2E6Early archive! We've got a uprated Wyvern platform to try out. Nothing could possibly go wrong with this, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-02-12 22 
30327589Freelance Ghost Quest #1Gamma 4 makes his way off of Tarsonis and seeks refuge on a jungle planet.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-19 14 
30349650Freelance Ghost Quest #2Where Gamma 4 becomes Artemis, we get ourselves a job and talk to a xenobiologist who offers us her couch to crash on.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-20 11 
30376501Strikers '89 S2E7Early archive! Merlin's off with Kenji, the boss is suffering from sleep dep, and the matrons are hounding us to start flying against their agressors. just another day at the office. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-02-21 23 
30372380Freelance Ghost Quest #3Where Artemis visits the biodome, and discovers an armoury.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-21 10 
30391896freelance Ghost Quest #4Artemis got some clothes, had to deal with particularly aggressive foliage to protect his Wraith, and had dinner with the Doctor.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-22 8 
30411564freelance Ghost Quest #5Where artemis gets Lisa a live Stalker specimen, modifies his suit and makes his official entrance into the village of Frontier.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-23 9 
30458308Freelance Ghost Quest #6Where Artemis comes clean with Lisa about his past, has a mental call and battle with Primus and commences his expedition of high adventure.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-25 8 
30485745Strikers '89 S2E8Early archive! Early morning in the castle leaves us a rare chance at some freedom for a day. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-02-26 22 
30502899Freelance Ghost Quest #7Where Artemis psionically meets Quartus, and the expedition gets attacked by a pair of stalkers.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-27 8 
30524456Freelance Ghost Quest #8Artemis arrives at the temple and gets mind-raped/scanned by an ancient Xel'naga device, which also seems to have removed all the effects of the mind wipes.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-02-28 8 
March 2014
30546493Freelance Ghost Quest #9Where Artemis discovers a breeding chamber, and the expedition gets into a fight while trying to destroy it.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-01 8 
30610844Freelance Ghost Quest #10Where Artemis discusses things with Haverdam, socialises, meditates on his ghost conditioning, and interacts with another Xel'Naga device.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-04 8 
30636268Strikers '89 S2E9Early arvhive! Katya's back, she brought familiar faces and an old service record book....GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-03-05 22 
30653943Freelance Ghost Quest #11Where artemis tries to get used to the changes he underwent.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-06 6 
30674848Freelance Ghost Quest #12Where Artemis returns to Frontier, and spaghetti is narrowly avoided.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-07 8 
30783014Strikers '89 S2E10Early archive! back on the ground at barin, Ice is a bad loser, and people were watching over france. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-03-11 22 
30799973Freelance Ghost Quest #13Where Artemis recovers the last of his memories, gets to know his psychic powers a bit better, and talks to a psychic cat.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-13 6 
30918946Strikers '89 S2E11Early archive! Katya outlines a plan to help ice and Georgette is apparently everyone's favorite grandma.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-03-18 21 
30961767Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 10I survived a Japanese gameshow edition.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2014-03-21 22 
31064798Strikers '89 S2E12Early archive! Leave in London with Ice. Hopefully things go well, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-03-25 22 
31104958Ghostbusters: Japan: Episode 11We go hunting for the Gentlemen's Club with Sachiko, find some stockings, and meet a vampire.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Gameshow2014-03-28 22 
31140037Freelance Ghost Quest #14Where Artemis lets Murphy start modding the Wraith, finds out Weissdammer is an arms dealer on the side, and breaks into the armoury again.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-03-30 8 
April 2014
31206121Strikers '89 S2E13Early archive! Impromptu Family reunions in London with our PJ brother and a stealthwitch . GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-04-02 21 
31200821Chapter Quest LXXXIII: Chapter ManagementAfter displaying our mercy at the Trial of the Blade, we attended to the Chapter's logistics before meeting with a new ally on Folkvangr.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, gib xp pls2014-04-02 3 
31219867Chapter Quest LXXXIV: Tracks in the DustWe being construction of a new city to cope with millions of immigrants flocking to Varda. Then we investigate the downed Thunderhawk on Sygma-477 to discover it is completely unmarked, and contained similarly unmarked Astartes. To make matters even more strange, rough tracks made in the dust decades ago lead away from the wreckage into a forbidden zone.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, gib xp pls2014-04-03 4 
31247263Ghostbusters Japan Episode 12 We turn an ambush right back onto a bunch of apex predators in a train station. Legacies, evolution and mysteries are discussedCollective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Chinese Vampire, Jiang-shi, 2014-04-04 20 
31348765Strikers '89 S2E14Early archive! We're stateside for another round with Longstreet, except this time she's on her home turf. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-04-09 20 
31346784Chapter Quest LXXXVI: EisenhornWe meet with Inquisitor Eisenhorn and plan a jailbreak of the Inquisitorial prison of Nobis.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-04-09 4 
31386846Chapter Quest LXXXVII: WetworkWe infiltrate the Inquisitorial stronghold and after much bickering.....so much bickering....manage to struggle our way to our weapons and armour, and Eisenhorn's little gift.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-04-11 6 
31390768Ghostbusters: Japan Episode 13We get in a fight with one of our teammates before an assault on a hidden lair of sorcerers. Also, we slime another teammate into revealing some embarassing secrets. Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Chinese Vampire, Jiang-shi, Sorcerer2014-04-11 20 
31412353Chapter Quest LXXXVIII: In the Line of DutyFully armed, we slaughter the prison guards doing their jobs. Hijacking their Chimera we remove evidence of our infiltration and prepare to enter the Low Security wing, and initiate a large-scale prisoner breakout.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-04-12 7 
31493048Freelance Ghost Quest #15Where Artemis trains more psychics, tries to cook and teaches Lisa a bit about being a psychic.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-04-16 7 
31497487Strikers '89 S2E15Early archive! We return to London with the chest, it gets opened to heirlooms and letters, among other thingsGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-04-16 20 
31493346Chapter Quest LXXXIX: Here we go againOur old friend 100 shows up and gives us a nice foreboding outcome. Then we push into HighSec, punch out an Inquisitor and get fucked up by a Grey Knight. YayCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-04-16 6 
31582683Freelance Ghost Quest #16Where Artemis meditates, meets the Protoss in Dreamland again, trains his shooting some more and does Diplomancy with Mittens and Haverdam.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-04-20 6 
31649157Strikers '89 S2E16Early archive! Leave comes to a close after some range time and a talk with the matron london. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-04-23 21 
31645147Freelance Ghost Quest #17Where Artemis talks to Murphy about the wraith a bit more, buys a computer, trains Lisa's psionics some more and gets a family visit.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-04-23 7 
31685036Freelance Ghost Quest #18: Shit is happening edition.Where Artemis confronts Primus.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-04-25 8 
31692537Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 14We bust the Gentlemans club, conduct the overture at the met, take half a soul and the body, and get paid in paperwork for our troubles.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Chinese Vampire, Ikiryo2014-04-25 20 
May 2014
31827337Chapter Quest XC: That Must Have HurtWe manage to half-blag half-rant our way through the Grey Knights to Deiron, but when we reach him we realise it's not going to be a textbook interrogation.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-05-01 3 
31851561Strikers '89 S2E17Early archive! The return to the castle, meeting some folks sent up, and selection of our first opponents. Should go smoothly, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-05-02 21 
31852498Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 15We have a date at the Library, discuss the feasibility of laying siege to a haunted house, interrupt a priestess' ritualistic soap-opera, have a ghost party at our house, drink with our buddy Akira, and on the whole roll phenomenally well. Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Library, Party, Yurei, Akira2014-05-02 15 
31911707Freelance Ghost Quest #19Where Artemis chases after Primus and has a mental duel.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-05-05 8 
31976628Freelance Ghost Quest #120Where Artemis gets a new suit, has exposition spouted at him and invites Lisa and Murphy to his new battlecruiser.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-05-08 7 
32002159Strikers '89 S2E18Early archive! Our first flight against an Aggressor witch- Youngspawn returns. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-05-09 21 
32001236Chapter Quest XCI: InterrogationAfter bringing the Daemonhost Deiron to Inquisitor Eisenhorn, the questioning begins....Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-05-09 4 
32003403Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 16 We scout out the location and it's beyond bad. Meetings with the priestess and GB Worldwide have lead us to a plan. We're gonna stike it at its Corrupted EssenceCollective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Akira, GB Worldwide,2014-05-09 14 
32069848Chapter Quest XCIIGhosts of Retribution are invited to join EisenhornCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, WH40K, Power Garrot, Strategic Girth2014-05-12 5 
32108235Strikers '89 S2E19Early archive! Our second aggressor flight! wonder who it is...GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-05-14 20 
32146528Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 17We head up to an abandoned temple and discover that's it has new inhabitants. But its the old inhabitant that puts sharp object to people's necksCollective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Akira, Sachiko, Temple, hostage situation2014-05-16 13 
32165332Chapter Quest XCIII: Birthday PartyWe open up with some nice birthday presents from Skargan, before we plan out strike force and travel to Farness Beta, to eliminate the heretic Quixos.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-05-17 5 
32186423Chapter Quest XCIV: PlanetstrikeArriving at Farness Beta we bombard it from orbit and deploy troops. As per usual this sound tactical action corrupts our soul because some fool decided to [shock] make a light-hearted joke out of character! [/shock]Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-05-18 6 
32245704Strikers '89 S2E20Early archive! We're stuck on the French Riviera for a day. tragedy of tragedies. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-05-21 21 
32292567Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 17Shingeki no Obakeyashi. Now with 100% more logical dilemma and risk of death.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Akira, Kayako, Haunted House, Logical Dilema.2014-05-23 12 
32400008Strikers '89 S2E21Early archive! We head back to barin, do our next agressor selection, and watch witches bash their heads against things that don't make no sense at allGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-05-28 18 
32445395Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 18In the Dark Heart of the Grudge, we battle.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Akira, Kayako, Haunted House, 2014-05-30 12 
June 2014
32528147Cute horror-like supernatural happenstancesOP posts the idea of creepy/adorable stuff. /tg/ delivers with OC in the form of Merlin Township. Heartwarming results.horror, monsters, cute, ghosts, haunted, ghost puppy, merlin township2014-06-03 58 
32553509Strikers '89 S2E22Early archive! Our hop against Katya, revelations about Mav, and other assorted shenanigansGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-04 20 
32560864Strikers '89 S2E22.5Early archive of the second thread of the night! We chat with Katya post fight a bit, and find out a bit about witchery. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-04 20 
32582835Cute Horror-Like Supernatural Happenstances 2More spooky-cute stories of happy hauntings and musings on the magic and mysticism of Merlin Township are to be found in this second thread. Come sit a spell in the Bluebell Diner, have yourself a slice of pie and a damn fine cup of coffee and enjoy.Horror, monsters, cute, ghosts, haunted, town, heartwarming, Merlin Township2014-06-05 26 
32594382Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 20Saving Sana from Sexual Sociopaths Selling to hopeful Soap Opera Stars. Somebody actually dies edition. We accept payment in advance from a ghost we plan to bust. For tracking purposes, of course.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Fury2014-06-06 12 
32632301Ghost titan and predator blimpThree new Dark Heresy xenos are generated, with mindblowing results.dark heresy, aliens, monster, kaiju, sneaky blimps, toxic punches, ghost2014-06-08 5 
32697325Strikers '89 S2E23Early archive! We fend off Jessica, talk to Georgette, and generally try to take it easy. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-11 17 
32713947Freelance Ghost Quest #21Where Artemis introduces Lisa to Quartus, starts work on treating the Omega's crew and an unexpected guest interferesCollective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-06-11 4 
32740152Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Part 21"Come on Yasuo, get it together" edition. He gets ensnared by a hot fox, literally.Collective game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yasuo, Bubbles2014-06-13 15 
32800538Freelance Ghost Quest #22Where Artemis gathers his allies, plans his moves against Weissdammer and starts the fight.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-06-15 4 
32811308Shaman King Renegade 2: FateThe seeds of fate have been sown, and Claude unleashes the fires of hell in a dreamworld.GardenMaster-NORG, Shaman King, Alternate Universe, Collective Game, Ghost2014-06-16 -5 
32845271Strikers '89 S2E24Early archive! Ice warns us about all the medals, and Our hop against Slider. Girl's got some moves. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-18 21 
32852767Strikers '89 S2E24.5Early archive! the rest of the Slider fight, and the aftermathGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-18 16 
32859581Freelance Ghost Quest #23Where Artemis takes down and captures Weissdammer, deals with some of the conflict's aftermath, and gets a warning from a protoss.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-06-18 7 
32884535Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 22A sibling reunion almost ends in tragedy. Oiwa. Will. Pay.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Kaede, Kappa, Kuchisake2014-06-20 16 
32939351Freelance Ghost Quest #24Where Artemis arranges a cover story about Weissdammer, waves off Lisa and Murphy, looks for info about ghost conditioning and spars with Quartus and Sextus.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-06-23 6 
32983486Strikers '89 S2E25Early archive! back on the ground, merlin and the factory team have toys for us, Slider has words for us, and Georgette's got an invitation for us! it's like christmas come early, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-06-25 15 
33027920Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 23Ghostbusters meets The Raid.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Mitsuko, Tengu2014-06-27 13 
July 2014
33130907Strikers '89 S2E26Early archive. New toys for the wyvern, aerospace suits, and aggressor selectionGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-02 15 
33130478Chapter Quest XCV: Storm the FortOur forces plough into Quixos' base, massacring enemy resistance. A sharpshooter empowered by the warp slows the advance for a moment, but the Hammer of the Emperor does not relent and he flees the scene.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-07-02 6 
33139342Strikers '89 S2E26.5Early archive, second thread of the night. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-02 20 
33170051Chapter Quest XCVI: Delving DeeperAfter securing the outer areas, we move further into Quixos' base, where we encounter an enemy psyker. After resoundingly beating him down, we gas the lower levels in preparation for our next assault.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2014-07-04 4 
33171481Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 24I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a Proton pack, powered by a backpack nuclear reactor and will blow you head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Oni, Kitsune2014-07-04 12 
33206948Freelance Ghost Quest #25Where Artemis finishes the spar, researches protoss a bit and goes off to a science vessel.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-07-05 3 
33249865Freelance Ghost Quest #26Where Artemis downloads data while having fun with a small zerg hive.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-07-07 4 
33275478Strikers '89 S2E27Early archive! Mav gets some screentime! Maman Brigitte cooks, and Merlin is trying to move into her workshop full time. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game2014-07-09 16 
33283782Strikers '89 S2E27.5Early archive! Somehow we ended up exploring an old fallout shelter under barin with mav while looking for somewhere to set up a moonshine still. yep. just another day at barinGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-09 22 
33320485Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 25After a surprisingly civil conversation with a pair of Oni, the Ghostbusters come up with the best, worst plan ever.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Oni, Mitsuko2014-07-11 12 
33335993Freelance Ghost Quest #27Where Artemis escapes the derelict, unlocks his full psionic potential and picks up Lisa.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-07-11 3 
33430530Strikers '89 S2E28Early archive! We catch some leftovers with Mav and the sherks show up to bother us. that's always a good sign, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-16 22 
33476163Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 26We give lil'Mitsuko the spanking of her unlife.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Mitsuko2014-07-18 12 
33515341Freelance Ghost Quest #28Where Artemis decides what to do with Weissdammer and has dinner with Lisa.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-07-20 4 
33588333Strikers '89 S2E29Early archive! Nixon delivers a deadline to the matrons, Merlin's shop is leaving the castle, and we're given an early out if we want it. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-23 17 
33632523Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 27We pay off our debts to the supernatural yakuza and embark on a job in the sewers. And then a miracle occursCollective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Oni, Mandala, Lucking out2014-07-25 13 
33722800Oversized Weapon Quest 493spooky5me: Critfail EditionCollective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, ghost house2014-07-28 11 
33753565Strikers '89 S2E33Early archive! Our last flight at Barin, vs. Natalya. She's young, it shouldn't be hard, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-30 16 
33765118Strikers '89 S2E30.5second thread- 33 is really 30. Post-flight chat with Natalya, maybe some Brigitte or Jess time. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-07-30 12 
August 2014
33803409Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 28The first (and hopefully not only) Gankoji Sachiko episode.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Miko, Sachiko, Vampire2014-08-01 12 
33917649Strikers '89 S2E31Early archive! The long-awaited Paris week begins. "Surprise Russians" only really applies to your roomate. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-06 14 
33926877Strikers '89 S2E31.5Early archive! Round two! ding! Also: French surprises are buildings, apparently. and DGSE operatives with a sense of humor. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-06 16 
33966144Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 29Into the belly of the giant P-COC we go, looking for clues about a conspiracy unknown.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Miko, Sachiko, Youkai2014-08-08 13 
34092038Strikers '89 S2E32Early archive. Paris in the summer with Katya. Could be interesting, but there's an awful lot of allied brass around the cityGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-13 15 
34087607Freelance Ghost Quest #29Where Artemis departs to the High Templar for training, and hangs out with some zealots.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-08-13 3 
34139675Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 30Evidence gathering in the bad guy's lair and we didn't get mind whammied. Also, we didn't have vegetable stir fry.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Miko, Sachiko, Youkai2014-08-15 12 
34253910Freelance Ghost Quest #30Where Artemis explores a Xel'naga WorldshipCollective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-08-20 4 
34257880Strikers '89 Brigitte oneshot!Early archive! We're Brigitte, and the powers that be want us to raid a soviet R&D base. All in a day's workGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-20 15 
34266736Strikers '89 Brigitte oneshot part 2!Early archive of the second half of the thread. AKA: Ghost struggles to keep this a oneshotGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-20 14 
34302752Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 31 The grandsmothers try to find a wife for Daisuke, parents aren't much use and we look like a pedophile as young girls think ghostbusting is wicked cool. Until a foxy witch rescues us just like in the movies. Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Youkai, Kitsune, Grandmothers,2014-08-22 13 
34343304Freelance Ghost Quest #31Where artemis makes an ancient terminal explode, resists the temptation to push a button and spars with a zealot.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-08-24 2 
34419588Strikers '89 S2E33(r)Early archive! The real 33, this time. haha. Shopping in Paris with Katya, maybe a ball? who knows?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-27 13 
34427064Strikers '89 S2E33.5(r)Early archive! Second half of tonight's thread- 'enjoying' a formal event at the invitation of the Parisian witches. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-08-27 13 
34488561Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 32We are Hasutora Daisuke, disgraced janitor. And we are having an odd night.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Timey Wimey, Janitor2014-08-30 13 
34509195Freelance Ghost Quest #32Where Artemis talks to a depressed probe, possesses a protoss, makes a long-distance call to Quartus and prepares to head back to the worldship.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-08-31 4 
34518545Ghostmaster Quest PrologueQuest about ghosts and haunting places/scaring mortals.Ghostmaster Quest2014-08-31 7 
September 2014
34583506Strikers '89 S2E34Early archive! We visit the Louvre, among other attractions. At least Katya is enjoying herself, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-09-03 15 
34601341Freelance Ghost Quest #33Where Artemis Wakes up and has to deal with a Hybrid.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-09-04 4 
34630427Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 33Yurei leads this episode, showing PAGAN that ghosts aren't the best thing ever. Plans are hatched, and apparently we did a great job. Now if only we could figure out how.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yurei, Rei2014-09-05 13 
34685240Ghost Master Quest Thread 2The next installment of Ghost Master QuestGhostmaster Quest, Collective Game2014-09-07 6 
34702969Ghost Master Quest Thread 2.5A continuation of the thread 2 haunting, cut short due to personal reasons.Ghostmaster Quest, Collective Game2014-09-08 2 
34724605Freelance Ghost Quest #34Where Artemis gets the AI a body, it calls itself Ed, and we have a pleasant talk with Lisa.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-09-09 4 
34754078Strikers '89 S2E35Early archive! The last Barin thread, and probably the last time we'll see Georgette and Nick for a while. Probably. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-09-10 17 
34796705Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 34Reika asks us for help with an unusual patient of hers, a 'polite gentleman' who wants a male doctor to diagnose him. A good impression is not made.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Youkai2014-09-12 13 
34844222Ghost Master Quest Thread 3Continuing the Ghost Master Quest, where the second haunting is finished, and the trapped spirits freed.Ghostmaster Quest, Collective Game2014-09-14 6 
34914288Strikers '89 S2E36Early archive! We return to the front with a new base near a Polish town. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-09-17 12 
34909113Freelance Ghost Quest #35Where Artemis battles the High Templar and heads back to the Omega.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-09-17 3 
34957225Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 35In the aftermath of a PKE explosion (not our fault), the crew raids P-COC HQ for some sweet, sweet intel.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Bomb, EMPRS4EVA2014-09-19 15 
35066886Freelance Ghost Quest #36Where Artemis hangs out with Ed and spars with Quartus and Sextus againCollective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-09-24 3 
35115208Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 36Operation: Rescue Sachiko and Yurei commences! Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Containment Unit, Towers2014-09-26 13 
35178297Ghost Master Quest Thread 4The fourth installment of Ghost Master Quest, we get our next assignment and level up one of our Haunters!Ghostmaster Quest, Collective Game2014-09-29 4 
35219320Freelance Ghost Quest #37Where Artemis takes his robotic buddy out for a tour of the ship.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-09-30 3 
October 2014
35224532Strikers '89 Sharktwin oneshot!Early archive! We're Frank's wingmate and we have a day off for weather. Let's see what kind of trouble we can cause. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-01 17 
35268387Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 37With the help of some unlikely allies, we free Yurei and Sachiko only to end up in the fire.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Sandman, Syren2014-10-03 14 
35326386Ghost Master Quest Thread 5The 5th GMQ Thread, where the promising Ghost Master investigates a massive non-sanctioned paranormal disturbance.Ghostmaster Quest, Collective Game2014-10-06 2 
35371527Strikers '89 S2E37Early archive! I think we've all heard a sabaton song about this, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-08 26 
35367237Freelance Ghost Quest #38Where Artemis cooks with Lisa, has a romantic evening, and goes to war the next morning.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-10-08 3 
35412214Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 38 Gankoji Sachiko's Spiritual Adventure 2: Electric Boogaloo! Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Miko, Sachiko, KM2014-10-10 13 
35529193Strikers '89 S2E38Early archive! At least we weren't out as long this time, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-15 23 
35591031Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 39We make plans and learn some truths while stuck in the nut house.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Insane Asylum, Pokemon2014-10-18 15 
35674026Strikers '89 S2E39Early archive! We're still medically grounded from combat, but we've got a pair of hacks and a ground crew who'd really appreciate a beer run...GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-22 15 
35682289Strikers '89 S2E39.5Early archive! second half of the cookout thread! Think steak and beer will bribe the flight surgeon?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-22 17 
35707386Freelance Ghost Quest #39Where Artemis goes to war.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-10-23 1 
35713454Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 40GB Japan and their allies make plans for WARCollective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, War Council, WH40K 2014-10-24 14 
35687091Surreal Horror Ideas: Highways and Byways EditionWhat sorts of bizarre and otherworldly experiences might a hapless group of characters encounter on a cross-country road trip, an unexpected detour or simply on the way to work?Surreal, horror, highways, roads, cars, ghosts, travel, roadtrip, brainstorming, fluff, Australia2014-10-24 8 
35817577Strikers '89 S2E40Early archive of the 100th thread! Round 2 against the night bombers. Hope they brought friends with them this time, you sure did. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-28 17 
35813522Freelance Ghost Quest #40Where Artemis pushes deep into Zerg Territory.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-10-29 3 
35823281Strikers '89 S2E40.5Early archive! second half! Oh boy, spec ops with Brigitte. well, maybe. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-10-29 12 
35858211Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 41 The curtain rises on the first act of the finale...Or something like that.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Sato, Rei, Kali, Gramps2014-10-31 14 
November 2014
35962759Strikers '89 S2E41Early archive! Bit of our backstory for curious people and some nighttime troubles. Pretty soon they'll start calling you a vampire. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-11-05 15 
35958596Freelance Ghost Quest #41Where Artemis battles the CerebrateCollective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-11-05 5 
35969696Strikers '89 S2E41.5Early archive! Our newest witch makes her combat debut. She's... kinda creepy. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-11-05 15 
36002593Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 42 What has one hand, an RPG, and is trying to kill you? Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, YOMI-1, RPG, Stumpy2014-11-07 16 
36105269Strikers '89 S2E42Early archive! Faces we haven't seen since Alaska, Breaking bad news to Wendy, and it's probably unhealthy the amount of interest Sakamoto has in Merlin.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-11-12 11 
36112317Strikers '89 S2E42.5Early archive! Adventures in Berlin and Wendy, apparently, has poor form in her new strikers. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-11-12 12 
36122409Freelance Ghost Quest #42Where Artemis deals with the aftermath of the Cerebrate fight and rejoins his allies.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-11-13 5 
36246673Freelance Ghost Quest #43Where Artemis takes care of his buddy and goes to meet an executor.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-11-18 3 
36377276Strikers '89 S2E43Early archive! We have to find a present for Wendy, right? well, that's no problem, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-11-25 21 
36392138Freelance Ghost Quest #44Where Artemis returns home.Collective Game, Starcraft, Freelance Ghost Quest, Supervisor2014-11-26 4 
December 2014
36530880Strikers '89 S2E44Early archive! We get told just Brigitte's favor entails, and Give Wendy her first birthday party in years. Of these things, sadly, only one involves cakeGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-03 23 
36705896Strikers '89 S2E45Early archive! We meet the team and return to some old stomping grounds- which could prove interesting in all the wrong waysGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-12 14 
36841571Strikers '89 S2E46Early archive. Jumping out of airplanes into blizzards is not our idea of a good time. Dogfights against impossible odds in the mountains, though, now that sounds funGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-19 14 
36959566Strikers '89 S2E47Early archive! Post-mission downtime with the SEALs. Pilots can part just as hard as specfor, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-25 15 
37069252Strikers '89 S2E48Early archive! Back to Poland, Merlin has some propositions for us, and we see some old friends. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-31 11 
37076168Strikers '89 S2E48.5Early archive! Part two of the night's threadGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2014-12-31 13 
January 2015
37206154Strikers '89 S2E49We chat with some of the others about getting the VDNI- opinions are mixed. Witches- no help at all. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-01-07 13 
37358157Strikers '89 S2E50Mav's got a still going, Young's helping her, and there's a comic about Ice. great. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-01-14 17 
37508893Chapter Quest XCVII: The Arch-TraitorAfter slicing through a horde of chaos mutants we finally meet the Heretic Quixos.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-01-21 3 
37511909Strikers '89 S2E51We have a long conversation with Bitchtits, and find out she's mellowed, then indulge in watching Merlin practice dead martial arts!GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-01-21 14 
37535265Chapter Quest XCVIII: Halls of BloodWe engage Quixos in battle. Things go steadily downhill from there.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-01-22 2 
37598189Strikers '89 S2E52Nixon shows back up, assuages some fears and gives us an impossible job. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-01-25 11 
37639932Chapter Quest XCIX: The Ride Never EndsWe carry on the fight with Quixos, our noble Deadnought Horim pays the ultimate price in close combat with the arch-heretic. Meanwhile we delve into the warp to try and sever Quixos' unholy connection...Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-01-27 4 
37663057Strikers '89 S2E53Weapon selection and Drunk Katya. Really, every guy's dream, right?GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-01-28 12 
37664857Pokemon Quest #61We chat with Schechina the Ghost Gym leader, befriend our mean dream version of ourselves, and begin our 5th official badge battlePokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Ghost, Gym2015-01-28 23 
February 2015
37757778Pokemon Quest #62We battle for our 5th badge, bury our old life, learn Robin's secret and make a promise not to hold back at the league.Pokemon Quest, Pokemon, Gobble, Collective Game, Flute, Punk, Pokemon trainer, Ghost, Gym2015-02-01 20 
37801059Chapter Quest C: Heretics BurnMany have fallen to the Arch-Traitor, but no more.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-02-03 5 
37821838Strikers '89 S2E54First half of the night's events! a fight is brewing over the black sea...GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-04 15 
37829654Strikers '89 S2E54.5Second half of the night's thread! the twins get shot down, but on the other hand, we captured two more fandances. too bad that doesn't count for kills. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-04 11 
37956444Chapter Quest CI: Heading HomeWe wrap up on Farness Beta and find out what happened back home whilst we were gone.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-02-10 4 
37978206Strikers '89 S2E55Nixon trolls us, and trolls us hard. Plus, apparently we're a father figure now. We're not sure how to take the news. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-11 13 
37984550Strikers '89 S2E55.5Rest of the night's thread- we meet Jean-luc at the ceremony. at least we're not alone up there.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-11 13 
38090766Chapter Quest CII: Expected EventsWe wade through all the fun stuff that's happened whilst we were away. The Chapter grows with new equipment and ships, and uncharacteristically good like strikes several times.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-02-16 4 
38113048Chapter Quest CIII: SneakingGeron infiltrates the Ursus palace and we find out a few unpleasant secrets about the Sector Governor.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-02-17 5 
38135513Strikers '89 S2E56we take the girls out to find civilian clothes, and run into the actor playing Tomaso Montana. Merlin is thrilled, we're ambivalent. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-18 17 
38256612Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 43 (FIN)The Epilogue to the Final Chapter that should have been. Ghostmaster returns and brings us resolution. It's been fun.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, End2015-02-23 16 
38295827Strikers '89 S2E57We take the girls to Santa's. apparently, this is their first burger ever. they're ruined for burger places now, for sure. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-02-25 13 
March 2015
38427657Chapter Quest CIV: Following LeadsWe follow up on various pieces of intel, seize Ursus' cogitator, and finally begin the trek with the Ice Wraiths.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-03-03 5 
38449181Strikers '89 S2E58We finally get VDNI, and go from father figure to father GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-04 11 
38457492Strikers '89 S2E58.5Laika's our instructor in VDNI flight. this should be fun. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-04 10 
38543439Strikers '89 Mav Sidethread!We're Patty Mitchell, the only person who sees Goose on a day to day basis, apparently. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-08 10 
38588311Chapter Quest CV: The Icy PathAfter a recap on the last 3 years of CMQ, we finally embark on the Ice Wraith hike. Also contagious mental problems.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-03-10 15 
38611208Strikers '89 S2E59Landing is harder than we'd thought. Also, the twins still have no idea who bounced them.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-11 10 
38619685Strikers '89 S2E59.5The sharks get harpooned, and we try out VDNI in the Wyvern proper.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-11 10 
38751626Chapter Quest CVI: The World SpiritWe complete the Ice Wraith ritual and venture into the spirit world.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-03-17 7 
38772992Strikers '89 S2E60We introduce the girls to everyone and break the Ice. again. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-18 5 
38916746Strikers '89 S2E61The eastern front's winding down, it seems like. Enough, at least, for us to talk to Ice at lunch and Colonel Wilkins- and learn that Slider is using the girls against us. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-03-25 6 
39033186Chapter Quest CVII: The Session Where Everything Actually Goes Pretty GoodWe enact a number of successful Operations and make excellent progress on several other tasks. A rare but delightful day.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-03-31 6 
April 2015
39202504Strikers '89 S2E62In which the Fronkbowl is decidedGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-04-08 6 
39210228Strikers '89 S2E62.5Second half of the decision. We're totally in over our heads. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-04-08 5 
39219998Chapter Quest CVIII: The Wild HuntAfter tracking the Heretic vessel to the Artoria system, we join up with the Imperial Navy and hunt it down.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-04-09 5 
39328365Chapter Quest CIX: Scions of the Plague GodAfter our victory above Artoria, we assess what damage the filthy heretics have on the surface before crushing what Nurglites remain beneath the might of our Thunderhawks and Bombardment Cannons. Then we turn our attentions to a more insidious threat lurking beneath the surface.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man, 2015-04-14 5 
39347694Strikers '89 S2E63The consequences begin, until Ghost's life intervenesGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-04-15 5 
39471626Chapter Quest CX: Burning the TaintOur luck holds as we plough deep into the lair of the foul Nurglites and we purge the traitors without mercy.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-04-21 5 
39511732Chapter Quest CXI: Wrapping UpWe conclude out business on Artoria before the year turns and we sort out some management.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-04-23 6 
39612341Chapter Quest CXII: The Plague LairWe explore the hulked remains of the traitor vessel. What first seems to be a routine mop-up mission rapidly devolves into combat.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-04-28 6 
39634795Strikers '89 S2E64Fronk receives full approval for his lewds, then Mama Tabby has to explain her lewds to her daughters. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-04-29 2 
May 2015
39773405Strikers '89 S2E65In which we head for a furball GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-05-06 1 
39779606Strikers '89 S2E65.5Second part of the night's thread! Something, something, Belka. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-05-06 3 
39919289Strikers '89 S2E66We discuss things with Nixon... and get coerced into taking the girls to Berlin. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-05-13 1 
40056611Strikers '89 S2E167We make it Berlin, meet Lady Dowding and Matron Longstreet, find out what not to talk about in front of the girls, and meet their 'big sister', who thinks we're a monster. and it's not even noon. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-05-20 1 
40202306Strikers '89 S2E68Frank meets the brass, then shit happens. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-05-27 1 
June 2015
40351162Strikers '89 S2E69We track down the wayward witches and watch one of them have a breakdown in the middle of the street. Emotional, not MechanicalGhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-06-03 1 
40476242Chapter Quest XCIII: Oh How We TryWe attempt a number of tasks, those that don't fail are pending results.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-06-09 6 
40626483Chapter Quest CXIV: Snooty Space ElfAfter some operations on the world of Folkvangr, we have a chat with the Eldar we rescued from a fate worse than death. Naturally, he is an asshole.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-06-16 5 
40646474Strikers '89 S2E70Stasya ain't having no shittalking of Frank happen around her.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-06-17 1 
40762166Chapter Quest CXV: Non-Snooty Space ElfA short session in which Ixadiel reveals to us the messages sent through the Ursus cogitator; and if that wasn't all, his attitude improves considerably.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-06-23 5 
40784564Strikers '89 S2E71Early archive! the girl's talents seem to be creating ragnarok in the kitchen. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-06-24 1 
40907261Chapter Quest CXVI: Hidden ThreatAfter taking care of some administrative business and expected events, we intervene in growing civil unrest on the distant world of San Larion. However it soon becomes apparent that much worse than simple rioters dwell on the accursed world.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-06-30 6 
July 2015
40931848Strikers '89 S2E72As it happens, Dr. Reeds worries about Infections are true. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-07-01 1 
41374979Strikers '89 S2E81We meet Slider's family. They proceed to embarrass her. repeatedly. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-07-22 1 
41527610Strikers '89 S2E74The girls meet Rufus and the colonel. Things go better than expected. GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-07-29 1 
August 2015
41673592Strikers '89 S2E75We begin having dinner before having to end early.GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-08-05 1 
41813035Strikers '89 S2E76Wendy asks Fronk for a "favour."GhostDivision, Strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-08-12 1 
42006676Surfer Ghouls Setting WorldbuildingOP proposes a setting in which a nonhuman intelligent species of "ghouls" appears in the modern world, claiming to be fleeing something. Worldbuilding results.ghouls, ghoul, surfer, beach, colors, neon nightmare, worldbuilding, setting,2015-08-21 18 
42020487Surfer Ghouls Setting Worldbuilding 2: The Neon NightmareA second thread discussing the arrival of hippy-surfer-slacker "Ghouls" on Earth, the friendships they make and the secrets they keep about their native culture and the fate of their old home in the Neon Nightmare.ghouls, ghoul, surfer, beach, colors, neon nightmare, worldbuilding, setting,2015-08-23 13 
42033477Strikers '89 S2E77There is no Slider here, only snek.GhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-08-23 1 
September 2015
42334930Strikers '89 S2E78Frank calls up his dad to let him know how he's doing. And about all the grandkids. GhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-09-07 2 
42375987International Ghoul QuestThe first OP leaves, only for a new anon to pick up the quest. We make a main character and proceed to accept our friend's proposal of leaving the country. Good bye, Tokyo.Collective Game, Tokyo Ghoul, Lilycat, International Ghoul2015-09-09 6 
42630013Strikers '89 S2E79Merlin sneaking in flights and talk of the future interrupted by the present.GhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-09-21 2 
42782771Chapter Quest CXVII: Under the SkinAll communications have been lost with Kronos and his marines on San Larion. Chapter Master investigates, and after a brief talk with the planetary governor it becomes obvious something sinister lurks on this cursed world.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-09-29 8 
October 2015
42893356Strikers '89 S2E80Once more unto the breachGhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-10-05 2 
42906131Chapter Quest CXVIII: SkreeAfter more investigation it becomes apparent that San Larion is infested with a genestealer cult. A sortie to recover half a dozen of our lost brothers quickly descends into farce as the critical failures fly thick and fast.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-10-06 13 
43057699Strikers '89 S2E81In which we link up with old friends and see the Shield. GhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-10-14 2 
43148286Strikers '89 S2E82 (End)Shall DefendGhostDivision, strike witches 1989, Collective Game, Strike witches quest2015-10-19 19 
43247321Skull-Mask Monster Species WorldbuildingOP posts a picture of a weird creature and asks /tg/ for ideas for backstory. Interesting wordbuilding and sentient mystical hivemind algae result.species, monster, worldbuilding, skull, mask, ghosts, sentient mystical hivemind algae,2015-10-25 1 
November 2015
43831239Tokyo Ghoul Quest 1We create the character, and establish the environmentTokyo Ghoul Quest, Collective Game, DarkTart2015-11-26 11 
December 2015
44193369Chapter Quest XIX: Burning the InfectionWe plough into the genestealer cults stronghold where our closest brother and 1st Captain is almost killed in mortal combat with an enormous genestealer. Seeking vengeance the rest of our brothers purge the patriarch without mercy.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-12-16 8 
44210755Chapter Quest CXX: The Years Go ByWe wrap up on San Larion, deal with a number of expected events and prepare to investigate the disappearance of the Belisarian heirs.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man,2015-12-17 7 
44253034Ghost Master Quest RebootA reboot of the original Ghost Master QuestGhost Master Quest, Collective Game2015-12-19 3 
44303344Chapter Quest CXXI: Electoosphere's Broke AgainWe start to work our way through a number of tasks but GMs internet breaks. Why live.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man2015-12-22 7 
44427392Chapter Quest CXXII: Caught by the FuzzOur spy 'master' Xyptus has got himself caught by some hive cops. After getting his dumb ass freed from prison we find the Belisarian heirs have already slipped from our grasp.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium of Man2015-12-29 8 
January 2016
44651724Ghost Master Quest Reboot Part 2Finishing out the first haunting of the reboot.Ghost Master Quest, Collective Game2016-01-09 1 
44711721Chapter Quest CXXIII: Between the Administratum and a Hard PlaceWe found out just how hard it is to hunt down a ship when you're not allowed to just blow them out of the void.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2016-01-12 9 
45099672Ghost Master Quest Redux 3Third installment of the Ghost Master Quest RebootCollective Game, Ghost Master Quest2016-01-30 1 
February 2016
45383682Ghost Master Quest Reboot Part 4Part 4 of the Quest, closed early due to lack of participation.Ghost Master Quest, Collective Game2016-02-13 1 
45563908Tokyo Ghoul Quest 2We hunt for the first time, and have a confrontation with a familiar CCG memberCollective Game, Tokyo Ghoul Quest, DarkTart,2016-02-22 7 
April 2016
CollectionDoghoused QuestThe first Quest ever on /qst/, completed successfully. It's a doggy dog world for us all, will you be a Good boy?Doghoused Quest2016-04-27 11 
May 2016
169688Black Company Quest #8The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We spend ALL our double pay, and fail at both boxing and flirting.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Double Pay, Fist of the North Longhorn, Smoking Kills, Flattery Failures2016-05-23 24 
47446534Red Throat Ghoul Quest: RecapJyoti returns to tell the tale of the Red Throat Ghoulscollective game, red throat ghoul quest, undead, ghoul, graveqm, 2016-05-26 5 
June 2016
47662245Chapter Quest CXIV: Boltgun DiplomacyAfter a little application of excessive force we recover the Belisarian heirs. Who said negotiations were boring?Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2016-06-07 6 
47685771Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 1A hiatus is ended and the Tribe observed. A sighting of an old friend leads to a fateful meeting and an Enlightened must fast her guilt.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-09 5 
47626919Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 1In which we wake up to the demon in our head and the vampire in our room.Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Collective Game, Vampire, Questguy2016-06-13 5 
47759952Chapter Quest CXXV: RumoursA short session where we investigate a few matters that have been on-hold for awhile.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2016-06-14 6 
47762522Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 2Investigations into the Rippers begins. A new Enlightened is welcomed and diplomacy attempted with old prey.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-14 7 
47915157Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 3Rain falls on Meldric as the Ghouls hunt and search for their enemies. New mysteries are discovered and cruel experiments are continued.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-23 5 
48015314Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 4Fear and Claw have a meeting with the Lord-Governor while the Ghouls discover they are not alone at the mansion.quest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-06-29 3 
July 2016
47972619Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 2In which the date begins, our relationship builds, and werewolf problems are discussed.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-07-01 4 
48082160Red Throat Ghoul Quest Redux 5The Tribe meets with the Snapped Anvil to discuss their futures and get a potential convert and Fang bribes the goblins to help the tribequest, ghoul, fantasy, horror, undead, red throat ghoul quest, collective game2016-07-03 2 
48126844Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 3In which we choose our destiny and prove our culinary chops.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-07-09 3 
48208432Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 4In which we rumble with the werewolves.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-07-13 2 
48325016Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 5In which we save and rekindle friendships all before pizza and find out who our superintendent is.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-07-20 3 
August 2016
48553472Sibella Quest Day 2 Thread 6Talking to catnun (who turns out to be pretty cool) and generally working out some issues.sibella quest, ghoul quest, vampire, quest guy, Collective Game2016-08-02 2 
48671418Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 7In which we finish up the meeting and enter an intense sparring session with cat nun.Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Collective Game, Vampire, Questguy, Beating up the superintendent2016-08-10 2 
48917014Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 8In which we continue to wail on our supervisor while our angel partners grow closer together.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-08-25 3 
49043935Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 9In which we finish our sparring match and catch up with Sibella while our two angel partners not-date.Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Collective Game, Vampire, Questguy, Beating up the superintendent2016-08-31 3 
September 2016
638529Commoragh Quest XIV: Not Dead YetThe Ghosts of Retribution saga returns with a brief revisit to our long lost brother Montus.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Commoragh Quest, Ghosts of Retribution2016-09-30 10 
October 2016
668981Commoragh Quest XV: #SaveHarambeWe blitz our way through the Commoragh skies and a gang of biker punks to rent ourselves a Jokaero.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Commoragh Quest, Ghosts of Retribution2016-10-07 10 
673434Commoragh Quest XVI: Monkey BusinessHarambe makes us a few toys. Some more useful than others.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Commoragh Quest, Ghosts of Retribution2016-10-08 10 
737515Chapter Quest CXXVI: Emissary's ReturnThe year turns and our mission to Terra returns.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2016-10-23 11 
711316Sibella Quest Day 2 Episode 10In which we help our best friend score with his catholic catgirl gf.Collective Game, Ghoul Quest, Sibella Quest, Questguy, Vampire2016-10-26 6 
November 2016
50240157Original Races besides the traditional orcs/elves/dwarves comboOP asks /tg/ for their ideas for new player races. Interesting worldbuilding and in-setting mythology result.races, species, worldbuilding, monsters, setting, mythology, ghouls, neon nightmare,2016-11-18 8 
January 2017
1005656Kant-O-Celle Quest- Hate GaidenHate brings the German shipgirls back to baseCollective Game, Planefag, ships, admiral, WWII, Kantai Collection, Kant-O-Celle Quest, GhostDivision2017-01-04 13 
1026936Chapter Quest CXXVII: Killer RobotsWe attend Lord Admiral Hagen's birthday party, and things get far too hot for comfort.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-01-10 11 
1054020Chapter Quest CXXVIII: Party CrashersAfter dealing with the immediate threat we investigate the cause.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-01-17 11 
1049202WinnieQuest Bout 1: Foxes and Wolves 2We play pinball with Winnie and have some adorable moments with White Fell.Collective Game, Questguy, Ghoulquest, Winniequest, Werewolf, Pinball2017-01-28 3 
February 2017
1116234Chapter Quest CXXIX: Duels & PlansWe track down the culprits of the Dominus Convoy attack, receive new ships and speak to our Black Templar guests.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-02-02 12 
1167890Chapter Quest CXXX: A Sister's SuspicionWe have a chat with Canoness Amelia Engel over the state of Sector Command.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-02-17 11 
1111204The HauntingThe story of the Holler Family and their Guardian Angel. Can the angel save the family?Collective Game,The Haunting Quest, Ghost, Lovecraftian2017-02-21 4 
1212778Chapter Master Quest CXXXI: Slush FundsThe Chapter's first new spy networks in decades are set up with a large cash injection, and our spy master does us proud. Also Chaos FleetsCollective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-02-28 11 
March 2017
1263918Chapter Quest CXXXII: Bad Dog!Our search for Hagen leads us to a Death Cult of 2000+ assassin women. Meanwhile our ex-Arbites contacts deal with some criminal scum.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-03-14 11 
May 2017
1442668Chapter Quest CXXXIII: Shattered HulkWe investigate the remains of the chaos light cruiser we hulked over Sictix.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-05-10 11 
1486684Chapter Quest CXXXIV: The Deer HunterNever play Russian Roulette.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-05-23 11 
June 2017
1540830Chapter Quest CXXXV: Rats in a BarrelThe assassin closes in on Lord Admiral Hagen.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-06-06 10 
1618862Chapter Quest CXXXVI: The Lord InquisitorWe meet Lord Inquisitor Garant and discuss important matters.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-06-28 11 
July 2017
1657409Chapter Quest CXXXVII: Tainted LoveAfter saving Cagirates from the underhives we grill him for information. What we learn is as disturbing as it is alarming.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-07-11 12 
August 2017
1743573Metahuman Quest: Issue #5Time flies as Morgan readies himself to be a full fledged hero. Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Social Links, Teen Titans2017-08-07 8 
1766710Metahuman Quest: Issue #6Gray Ghost successfully completes his first mission with the Teen Titans, and meets a new friend? Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Miss Martian, Ravager, Fearsome Five, High Roller2017-08-13 6 
1772600Chapter Quest CXXXVIII: DemandsWe investigate the old crash site on Sygma-477 and hear the demands of the sector's institutions for their support of a coup against Ursus.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-08-15 11 
1817746Chapter Quest CXXXIX: Awakened BrotherWe find an old marine in suspended animation on Sygma-477, along with a mysterious xenos artefact.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-08-29 11 
September 2017
1878374Chapter Quest CXL: Tide BrokenThe long-overdue 4th company finally returns, and we investigate the spook production on Noctis while launching another recon op on Kruun.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-09-19 11 
October 2017
1937908Spooky Girl Quest #0Alice Cherna is an average girl. Well, an Average spooky girl. Her life sucks, but something strange is in the autumn air. Something spooky.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, halloween, autumn, haunted2017-10-09 10 
1948764Chapter Quest CXLI: Ancient SecretsWe continue to work on the coup and discover some interesting info dating back to the Horus Heresy.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-10-10 11 
1931644One Piece Starter Quest 1A Three Eyed Boy joins a unique pirate crew, sails to a nearby island, and eats a mysterious devil fruit.One Piece, Starter Quest, Ghost, Devil Fruit2017-10-12 12 
1918516TanisQuestIn which you are a teach of the Darkest Art, Style! And a lesson takes an unexpected turn.Collective Game, Questguy, Ghoulquest, Tanisquest2017-10-12 2 
1970305Chapter Quest CXLII: Old Friends & New EnemiesWe dispatch several parties to recover loot and brothers lost. Meanwhile a new foe ambushes us in the Kruun system.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-10-16 11 
1966723Spooky Girl Quest #1First day back at school after your friend joined you. Your friend helps you try to improve your life.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-10-17 6 
1998427Chapter Quest CXLIII: Spy GameWe escape the Kruun ambush and continue to gather information on the Ursuses, before finally dealing with the Vardan gang problem.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-10-23 11 
2014030Spooky Girl Quest #2Alice meets people in a graveyard and makes plans for Sam and EllieSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-10-29 3 
November 2017
2034808Spooky Girl Quest #3Alice hangs with Sam and Franz and learns more about her friend before Ellie comes overSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-11-03 3 
1955529One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 2Three eyes get plant powers, collects plants to study and cuts off his foot!Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2017-11-04 4 
1983385One Piece Haunted Pirate Quest 3Three Eyes watches a fights, Doc Sicko goes besetting, the Captain’s Devil fruit get stolen and he goes in a rampage.Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2017-11-04 3 
2043528Chapter Quest CXLIV: Know Your EnemyWe receive more intel on Deidara Ursus and get to work controlling her supply of Spook, and Magos Fram's Tuskbear research concludes.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-11-06 11 
2024027Tanis Quest 2In which we negotiate with the Egyptian goddess of cats and try to find out what she knows. Then its werewolves vs vampires for Halloween.Collective Game, Questguy, Ghoulquest, Tanisquest, Halloween2017-11-13 2 
2036971One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 4Three Eyes goes to the North Pole, after the Captain, then gets in a fight with Krakens, collects some plants, & fights in the Arena.Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2017-11-13 2 
2084304Chapter Quest CXLV: Shadow CourtWe develop our spy networks further before holding a conference with the ringleaders of the Ursus Coup.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-11-20 11 
2070777Spooky Girl Quest #4Alice learns more about her friend, hangs with Sam and Zack Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunte2017-11-22 3 
December 2017
2114236Chapter Quest CXLVI: GatheredA short session where the coup council answers some more questions.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-12-02 11 
2092863One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 5Three Eyes beats a Brute, gets a working vacation, and starts a recruitment driveCollective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2017-12-07 2 
2134188Strikers 2016 1Starting off with a carrier landingGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892017-12-10 15 
2124350Spooky Girl Quest #5Alice finishes hanging with Zack and sets her sights on meeting Cliff Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2017-12-17 2 
2168214Chapter Quest CXLVII: DepositionWe continue to enact the coup against the corrupted Sector Lord and his witch wife.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2017-12-23 11 
2148023Metahuman Quest: Issue #8Morgan deals with a deluge of villains in Gotham's chilly night air.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Batgirl, Robin, Firefly, Mister Freeze, Man-Bat, High Roller, 2017-12-23 6 
January 2018
2190212Strikers 2016 2Our RIO arrives and we meet the SquadronGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-01-02 10 
2197895Self-Assisted SuicideQuest #1A young girl named META 1 begins her absurd quest by entering the shadow-like reality of Traversal.SASQ, Self-Assisted SuicideQuest, METAGHOST2018-01-04 1 
2178632Spooky Girl Quest #6A meeting with Cliff is scheduled again, some truths are discovered about Franz and your Friend.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-01-04 2 
2175741One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 6 Three Eyes tries his hand at recruitment.Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2018-01-07 1 
2210236Strikers 2016 3In which we start bringing the Fenrir's systems onlineGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-01-08 7 
2184021Metahuman Quest: Issue #9Morgan gets let in on the secret and spends a normal day doing normal things.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Batgirl, Robin, Wildcat, Slice of Life2018-01-10 6 
2223630Chapter Quest CXLVIII: Storm the KeepWe invade the governor's palace itself with two full companies of troops. What follows is bloody and brief as the chapter takes control.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-01-13 11 
2231662Strikers 2016 4Unreasonable requests and learning more about the guy we replaced.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-01-17 8 
2218443Metahuman Quest: Issue #10Morgan begins his dive into Metabrawl.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Roulette, Short Thread2018-01-17 5 
2216220Spooky Girl Quest #7Talking with Chad, Cliff, Friend, and a secret admirerSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-01-18 2 
2242698Chapter Quest CXLIX: Mopping UpWith the palace in the chapter's hands we consolidate. However, something else lurks within the Aspera's hull. Something bad.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-01-20 11 
2245440Metahuman Quest: Issue #11Morgan finishes the fight in Vegas.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Roulette, Royal Flush Gang 2018-01-24 5 
2249725Strikers 2016 5We chat a bit and get ogled atGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-01-26 6 
2226962Ghost Loli QuestThe adventures of our protagonist Leonardo as he goes through a boring school life. He also yells at ghosts.Ghost Loli, SlimeAnon, Quest2018-01-29 1 
2253281Spooky Girl Quest #8School, a strange encounter, reading about Goat Gods, and hanging with SamSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-01-31 2 
February 2018
2275954Chapter Quest CL: WryyyyyAfter effort and blood we manage to drive the Eversor from our ship.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-02-03 10 
2265634Strikers 2016 6Morgan catches up with Stasya, then has an interesting dreamGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-02-03 5 
2282922Strikers 2016 7Plane gets a name, and we talk to KimGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-02-08 5 
2262486Metahuman Quest: Issue #12Morgan spends a day with his friends, almost gets shot with an arrow, and spots a cyclops.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Artemis, Batgirl, Robin, Slice of Life, Deathstroke2018-02-12 5 
2266931Ghost Loli Quest #2Leo wakes up somewhere he doesn’t know. A voice calls out to him before he wakes up covered in blood.Ghost Loli, Quest, SlimeAnon2018-02-16 1 
2315906Chapter Quest CLI: Under New ManagementThe coup is finally finalised with the removal of Drakkon Ursus.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-02-17 11 
2302340Strikers 2016 8Dinner with family, graveyard chats, and our first patrolGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-02-18 5 
2301604Metahuman Quest: Issue #13Morgan spends some quality time with Megan, spars with Dinah, and prepares for the next battle.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Megan, Dinah, Wildcat, Teen Titans, Slice of Life2018-02-20 7 
2308311Spooky Girl Quest #9Hanging out with Sam and texting boys.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-02-21 2 
2323527Strikers 2016 9Talking with Frank and MerlinGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-02-26 5 
March 2018
2347556Spooky Girl Quest #10Alice hangs with Sam, talks with Michael, and has a strange dream.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-03-02 2 
2323875One Piece Haunted Pirates Quest 7 really!The real haunted pirates! After recruiting Sword Boy, Three Eyes and the crew attempt to escape the marines on the island.Collective Game, One Piece, Ghost, Starter Quest, Haunted Pirate Quest, Devil Fruit2018-03-03 0 
2342479Strikers 2016 10Morgan avoids the baitGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-03-04 5 
2360014Strikers 2016 11A wild Sakamoto appears and after being told to prepare for new arrivals we learn it's straight to Japan instead.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-03-11 5 
2364361Metahuman Quest: Issue #14Morgan wins a boxing match with a gorilla, and is struck by lightning.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Kid Flash, Gorilla Grodd, Speed Force2018-03-11 5 
2371411Underworld Quest Episode 1Follow a mortal soul as it explores the strange depths of the Underworld and causes shenanigans along the way. Collective Game, quest, demon, ghost, soul, comedy, supernatural 2018-03-16 3 
2395716Metahuman Quest: Issue #15Morgan needs to get back.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Batman Beyond, Future2018-03-25 5 
2400004Strikers 2016 12We arrive in Japan and are greeted by our aunt Katsumi. Of course where aunt Katsumi is, aunt Jessica isn't far behind. GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-03-26 5 
April 2018
2423173Metahuman Quest: Issue #16Morgan's makes it back to the past and the Titans earn their Tower.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Future, Batman Beyond, Gorilla Grodd, Slice of Life2018-04-01 5 
2404152Underworld Quest Episode 2Follow this lost soul as he travels the dark depths of the Underworld and meets strange people waiting for him in the shadows Collective Game, quest, demon, ghost, soul, comedy, supernatural 2018-04-02 2 
2468842Spooky Girl Quest #11Alice wakes up in the woods, at night, alone. Then later she deals with the presence in Zack's cabin.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-04-13 2 
2457698Strikers 2016 13Catching up a bit with our Aunts and then things start kicking off.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-04-16 5 
2452469Underworld Quest Episode 3Follow this lost soul as he explores the ancient depths of Old Hell, uncovers ancient secrets, and makes new friends. Collective Game, quest, demon, ghost, soul, comedy, supernatural 2018-04-16 1 
2503142Spooky Girl Quest #12Visit the occult bookstore, then hang out with Zack Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-04-30 1 
May 2018
2496911Underworld Quest Episode 4Join this lost soul as he enters the fiendish bowels of Agony, faces his greatest torture yet, and learns about economic opportunities. Collective Game, quest, demon, ghost, soul, comedy, supernatural 2018-05-04 1 
2545065Spooky Girl Quest #13Alice finished her date with Zack and has an unexpected encounter.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-05-10 1 
2521307Strikers 2016 14Our first dogfight and Ghost announces a hiatusGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike witches quest, strike witches 19892018-05-12 5 
2532401Metahuman Quest: Issue #17Morgan gets the cold shoulder and has a talk with KaldurQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, The Flash, Martian Manhunter, Killer Frost, Aqualad2018-05-17 5 
2576664Metahuman Quest: Issue #18Morgan takes on a mission of supernatural causes.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood, Short Thread2018-05-28 5 
2585942Spooky Girl Quest #14Alice deals with the after-effects of talking with Rot and goes to the mall.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-05-28 2 
June 2018
2605742Metahuman Quest: Issue #19Morgan fights a blood cult in his efforts to find the source of the nightmares.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood, Short Thread2018-06-09 6 
2644993Spooky Girl Quest #15Alice finishes her "Date" with Michael and talks with Rot and Friend.Spooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-06-18 2 
2683119Spooky Girl Quest #16Things build toward a conclusion and the dance approachesSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-06-30 2 
July 2018
2680058Metahuman Quest: Issue #20Grey Ghost and the Teen Titans infiltrate the Church of BloodQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood2018-07-04 5 
2739695Spooky Girl Quest #17Halloween. The dance and the finale decision. This is the End of Spooky Girl QuestSpooky Girl, High school, possession, ghosts, goth, dark, Halloween, autumn, haunted2018-07-20 3 
2732793Metahuman Quest: Issue #21Grey Ghost and the Teen Titans end their bloody night of combat and stand victorious over the Church of Blood.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Blood, Raven2018-07-22 5 
August 2018
2776079Chapter Quest CLII: And We're BackA recap and regroup session. We clean up the last few details left over from the coup then look forwards to the Triarchy and Triot.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-08-02 11 
2788556Chapter Quest CLIII: Mission ControlWe plan for the next several years, enacting multiple operations and deployments. Meanwhile the Chapter expands greatly.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-08-06 13 
2750920Metahuman Quest: Issue #22The Teen Titans get some help from Black Canary, Morgan learns more about himself and starts looking for a cure for Killer Frost.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans2018-08-08 5 
2796500Metahuman Quest: Issue #23Morgan avoids a fight, has an interesting chat, and targets the head honchos of Gotham's criminal underworld.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Robin, HIVE, The Black & Whites2018-08-21 5 
September 2018
2916236Chapter Quest CLIV: ReclamationThe Triot Campaign begins.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-09-25 13 
October 2018
2896803Metahuman Quest: Issue #24Morgan fights an assassin, encounters a certain cat-themed thief, and successfully captures the Black & WhitesQuest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Robin, Cheshire, Catwoman, The Black & Whites 2018-10-06 5 
2952557Metahuman Quest: Issue #25Morgan begins his job mandated downtime with some work on his tool set.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost2018-10-22 5 
2992260Chapter Quest CLV: The Green TideThe war against the orks escalates as tribes are set against each other and the Ghosts of Retribution deploy fully in a daring gambit.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-10-23 11 
November 2018
3028483Chapter Quest CLVI: Hold the LineThe Greenskins fall upon the Ghosts of Retribution, and heroes fall to break the tide.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-11-06 12 
3015203Ghoul Quest: Trick or Treat 1Trick or Treat part 1!Ghoulquest,Halloween, collective game, Ghoul Quest, Questguy2018-11-18 1 
3063452Chapter Quest CLVII: Captains' CouncilWe meet Alexander Kerr and several others above Mormark, before continuing with Triot and new year resolutions.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-11-24 12 
December 2018
3063626Metahuman Quest: Issue #26Morgan continues his days of down time. Today, he talks about his feelings and gets a little closer to Donna.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Wonder Girl, Counselling2018-12-04 5 
3101985Chapter Quest CLVIII: Chasing GhostsWe catch up with a slew of events and negotiations, before pursuing the MIA Operation Stormchaser.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2018-12-11 13 
3119477Metahuman Quest: Issue #27The Gray Ghost decides to spy on Rose Wilson, only to save her when mystery assailants strike.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Rose Wilson2018-12-31 5 
January 2019
3127848Ghoul Quest: Trick or Treat 2 Trick or Carol!Trick or Treat returns! Who's at the door? Open it and see!Ghoul Quest, Ghoulquest,collective game, Halloween, Christmas, Holiday, Questguy2019-01-08 1 
3178979Chapter Quest CLIX: Distant Star IWe take control of Chaplain Axon as he finds himself stranded on the edges of the mysterious ghoul stars.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2019-01-14 13 
February 2019
3223401Chapter Quest CLX: Distant Stars IIChaplain Axon starts to learn the disturbing truth behind the faith of this lost world, and perfidious Eldar ambush us without mercy.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2019-02-02 11 
3206573Metahuman Quest: Issue #28Grey Ghost decides to work with a retired soldier and has a brief brawl in the Shadow Realm.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Rose Wilson, Shade2019-02-05 5 
3220749Strikers 2016 Reboot IWe meet our protagonist (again), and do a bunch of paperwork. Also family reunions.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-02-10 14 
3259941Strikers 2016 Reboot 2Surprise Maman, chatting with Merlin, and meet one of our SIO candidates. We even get our first Wyvern flight in!GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-02-24 11 
March 2019
3294238Metahuman Quest: Issue #29The ever evolving situation with the brother of Deathstroke begins to reach it's conclusion.Quest, Metahuman Quest, Collective Game, DC, SleepyQM, Gray Ghost, Teen Titans, Rose Wilson, White Martian2019-03-08 6 
3302867Strikers 2016 Reboot 3Hop 1 is done, mistakes are made and we prepare to make THE Chili.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-03-10 10 
3345657Strikers 2016 Reboot 4We receive advice from our trolling sibling, consume The Chili, and have our meet and flight with PHOENIX-Chan.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-03-24 13 
April 2019
65430512The Brazen Chains creationCreation of a chapter of Ghost Riders. Move along.Ghost Rider, Chapter Creation, Astartes, Space Marines, 40k, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Brazen Chains.2019-04-01 8 
3384752Strikers 2016 Reboot 5We see the flight surgeon, talk with some VIPs, and have dinner with PHOENIX-Chan. Also Merlin makes a decision.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-04-06 11 
3423499Strikers 2016 Reboot 6We meet Best Hippie, give Thirstiest Imouto life advice, and have our mission with Bestest Hippie.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-04-20 10 
May 2019
3460580Strikers 2016 Reboot 7We have our debrief and dinner with THICC Hippie, go for Round 2: Electric Boogaloo with the Wildest Weasel, and make a fateful decision.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-05-05 10 
3529207Chapter Quest CLXI: Distant Stars IIIThe Eldar surround Axon's squad and the Astartes are forced to parlay with the xenos.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2019-05-25 11 
3509831Strikers 2016 Reboot 8We get to know the AWOO, talk with Merlin about the upgrade plans for our fighter, and educate some cadets about the program. Also shiken.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-05-26 10 
June 2019
3540632Strikers 2016 Reboot 9We decide to install Unlimited Boom Works, meet the AWOO's family, and are called out on our obliviousness by Best Onee-chan.GhostDivision, Strikers 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-06-08 10 
3571524Strikers 2016 Reboot 10In which we hang out with Best Spook Onee-chan, have dinner with more of the Imouto's, and get to see intoxicated AWOO. #9 in OG 89 tag.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-06-23 10 
3562913Undying King Quest #1In which we awaken to insolent adventurers and a broken kingdom.King, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Addventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-06-25 3 
July 2019
3605311Strikers 2016 Reboot 11We become one with the AWOO, recreate The Greatest Cake Ever for Best Aunt, and learn more about the AWOO. Also Valkyrie makes an appearanceGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-07-07 10 
3615503Undying King Quest #2A much shorter thread, in which we arrive at a riverside fort, get kingnapped, and then used as a flailKing, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Adventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-07-12 1 
3646135Strikers 2016 Reboot 12In which we arrive to the first ship in our tour. We then get scrambled to fly top cover. Something something misuse of Navy resources.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-07-21 10 
August 2019
3690495Striker 2016 Reboot 13In which we set up our run on the ISIS inviso-witches, and discuss Valkyrie. GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-08-03 10 
3730817Strikers 2016 Reboot 14In which we kick ass, take names and then a terrible fate befalls Ghost.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-08-15 10 
September 2019
3768904Strikers 2016 Reboot 15+Merlin QuestWe play a day in the life of Best Aunt while Ghost gets back in the swing of things, and get settled in on the USS George H.W. Bush.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 1989, Merlin Quest2019-09-02 11 
3797857Strikers 2016 Reboot 16In which we listened to The Doors too much, have a stare-off with a familiar-looking Russian, and get recalled for a traffic accident.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-09-16 10 
3828090Strikers 2016 Reboot 17In which Flight of the Valkyries intensifies, we acquire a wonderfully British wingmate, and the AWOO expresses her dominance.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-09-29 10 
October 2019
3839015DC: Henchman Quest #1We enter the employ of a ghost, walk like an Egyptian, make some interesting friends, and set up a meeting with a mysterious contactDC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2019-10-11 33 
3875158Chapter Quest CLXII: Distant Stars IVMysterious foes awaken from beneath the earth and Axon is forced to fight alongside the Eldar to best this new monster.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2019-10-17 11 
3865892Strikers 2016 Reboot 18In which we adopt a rescue puppy of sorts and meet the Instigator Imouto.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-10-19 7 
3865692DC: Henchman Quest #2We make some friends, pull a museum job, meet a Bat, and learn some new tricksDC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2019-10-28 28 
3896839Chapter Master Quest CLXIII: Family PlanningWe try to engineer the population of Varda.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2019-10-30 11 
November 2019
3888123Strikers 2016 Reboot 19In which we meet some other Wyvern crews, shoot down an "observation satellite", and have a surprise Maman visit.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-11-04 5 
3896633DC: Henchman Quest #3We raid a convoy, take a dive, meet a spectre, learn Jack's endgame, and investigate a murder.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2019-11-17 26 
3910784Strikers 2016 Reboot 20In which we have a nice dinner and then suddenly it all pops off.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-11-18 7 
December 2019
3935545Strikers 2016 Reboot 21In which there's a war on and we have no time to be second guessing our choices.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892019-12-03 6 
3952503CMQ: Xyptus QuestWe take control of our spy master for a brief aside.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2019-12-05 11 
3932255DC: Henchman Quest #4We infiltrate a secret society, have a boss fight, encounter a Bat, and get hammered. DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2019-12-08 22 
3966350DC: Henchman Quest #5We do a fair bit of training, receive an ominous letter, join Bane's militia, and protect an arms shipment. DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2019-12-31 22 
January 2020
3979724Strikers 2016 Reboot 22In which we finish our first day in theater.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-01-02 6 
4000585Chapter Quest CLXIV: Into the StormNew Decade, same Quest. In search of his brothers, Chief Librarian Trianon delves into dangerous and unknown space.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-01-04 12 
3997280DC: Henchman Quest #6We fuck up our daily training regime, join Genghis for a tournament in The Pit, and after some long fights, win koolaid.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2020-01-12 22 
3990614SQR: Different Life, Same SoulThe quiet life of Yoshikage Kira continues in the world of ghouls.Stand Quest,STANDOQM,Spin-off,Tokyo Ghoul2020-01-15 6 
4011657Strikers 2016 Reboot 23In which we explore family dynamics.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-01-19 6 
4036816Chapter Quest CLXV: Lifeboat ServiceWe rescue the Interimus from their precarious position above the system's tumultuous star, before moving onto Chapter business.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-01-20 11 
4037519Strikers 2016 Reboot 24In which we rescue some witches, mark our territory and discuss possible upgrades with Best Aunt.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-01-30 6 
February 2020
4040749DC: Henchman Quest #7We handle some business for Blockbuster, meet with Bane, and begin our assault on the Iceberg Lounge.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2020-02-10 22 
4066667Strikers 2016 Reboot 25In which we're grounded for security reasons, make a decision on livery, and cook for the in-laws.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-02-13 6 
4096377Chapter Quest CLXVI: Conspiracy?We review the disturbing discoveries of Operation Stormchaser before investigating Tartarus' unusual activities.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-02-20 11 
4093880Strikers 2016 Reboot 26In which we have dinner with the in-laws, discuss Wendy's concerns, and escort Kyou's sister to her quasi-exile.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-02-29 7 
March 2020
4083462DC: Henchman Quest #9We smoke a few costumed freaks, finish the Iceberg Lounge op, make a covert handoff, and prep for our next expedition.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2020-03-10 21 
4116964Strikers 2016 Reboot 27We meet the japanese Valkyrie candidates, then Ghost announces a break!GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-03-15 6 
4159828Chapter Master Quest CLXVII: Setting the BoardWe infiltrate Tartarus station and continue our planning for the Styrian Crusade.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-03-28 11 
April 2020
4132921DC: Henchman Quest #9.5We go sightseeing in Ercolano, an Intergang digsite, and an ancient library.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2020-04-02 22 
4153899Strikers 2016 Reboot 28+Tiny Morgan AdventuresThe second part of Tiny Morgan Adventures and then we're back to the main story, talking with folk, and feeling people out.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-04-02 5 
4179600Strikers 2016 Reboot 29In which we test our new equipment and launch an airstrike on a Chinese shipping facility.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-04-19 5 
4207014Chapter Quest CLXVIII: Distant RumblesA few interesting events occur at the turn of the year, as we keep planning towards fighting the Styrians.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-04-21 12 
May 2020
4209172Strikers 2016 Reboot 30In which we have a debrief for previous flight, discuss potential upgrades, and chat with the witches.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-05-05 5 
4248911Chapter Quest CLXIX: Cursed ReturnVoid Squad returns from their daring mission into The Grave, but dark things lurk with them on the way back.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-05-11 11 
4262184Chapter Master Quest CLXX: Styria UnleashedWe investigate the distress beacon from Vargerod, to find the entire main Styrian Fleet waiting in the void.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-05-18 13 
4238429Strikers 2016 Reboot 31Discussing how we're going make a choice regarding the Japanese Valkyrie candidates GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-05-19 5 
4232367Ghost EvogameCreatures known as 'Spectral Entities' (Ghosts) arrive on earth and begin evolving to better feed on the fear of humans, and on each otherCollective Game, Evogame, Evolution, Ghost, Paranormal2020-05-25 0 
4262638Strikers 2016 Reboot 32In which we discuss things with Wendy, talk about more upgrades with Merlin, and go and meet the marines. Featuring Special Guest Hellgoose!GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-05-30 6 
June 2020
4291126WraithWW1 Ghost storyGhost, Supernatural2020-06-04 1 
4290665Strikers 2016 Reboot 33Mission planning for the next flight and conversations with the crewGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-06-23 5 
4329320Chapter Quest CLXXI: Victory in the VoidAfter successfully outmanoeuvring the Styrian Fleet until relief arrived, the Ghosts of Retribution take stock.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-06-30 13 
July 2020
4319319Strikers 2016 Reboot 34In which we stir up the hornets nest to see what comes out to playGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-07-07 5 
4346667Strikers 2016 Reboot 35Cass drops on by to chat and we agree to taking a Japanese witch as an additional Valkyrie wingmateGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-07-22 5 
August 2020
4388224Chapter Quest CLXXII: Sibling RivalriesThe Silent Guardians request aid against heretic and the Ghosts of Retribution answer.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-08-05 13 
4368508Strikers 2016 Reboot 36Talking with Merlin while Kyou shows off Muninn, load planning for the landing, and we make Wendy an offer.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-08-10 5 
4400615Strikers 2016 Reboot 37We learn we're headed back to Miramar after the Marine landing, get a flying battleship thrown at us, and have an AI screw with the team.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-08-24 5 
74472758spacefaring undeadOP suggests that spaceflight becomes much more convenient once you no longer need life support. Then the writers and worldbuilders show up.space, undead, liches, blindsight, carmen miranda's ghost, dawson's christian,2020-08-26 5 
September 2020
4432210Chapter Quest CLXXIII: Lion TrappingChaplain Tempestos sets off on penitence while we prepare a trap for Silencius- former Chapter Master of the Silent Guardians - on Tartarus.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-09-02 13 
4422113Strikers 2016 Reboot 38Back stateside discussing upgrades, the return of Chef Morgan, and seeing a side of Wendy we haven't really have seen beforeGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-09-07 5 
4443056Strikers 2016 Reboot 39In which we talk witches, Lovelace pops on in, and we check out our new cannon.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-09-22 5 
October 2020
4462162Strikers 2016 Reboot 40In which our sister Christina drops on by and then Ghost announces a break.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-10-02 5 
4480319Chapter Quest CLXXIV: Quixos' LegacyWe talk to Silencius and delve into the web of conspiracy and lies that surrounded the Inquisitor Quixos and now surround us.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-10-06 12 
4492069Strikers 2016 Reboot 41In which we get shanghaied to talk about Korea, talk about the Navy's plans for Valkyrie and pick our IG witch. We also cook!GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-10-23 5 
November 2020
4510809Strikers 2016 Reboot 42In which we spend time with our sister Tatyana, hear our IG witch is enroute and learn Merlin and Kyou have been using MIU to relay data.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-11-10 5 
4506423Paranormal Playboy QuestCasper Deetz finds a model for a playboy magazine for ghosts.Paranormal Playboy Quest, drawquest, ghost, paranormal, horny2020-11-12 5 
4519790Chapter Quest CLXXV: Kill TeamA squad of Chapter Veterans is deployed to the underhives of Noctis to assist the Inquisition.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-11-23 12 
4539084Strikers 2016 Reboot 43In which we get fed up with our sister being a brat, have a chat with Maman, and meet up with Lotus and Spears again!GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-11-30 5 
December 2020
4570803Chapter Quest CLXXVI: The Coming StormThe Chapter goes through its final preparations before the commencement of the Styrian Crusade.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2020-12-15 12 
4572483Strikers 2016 Reboot 44Lotus' crew comes over for dinner, Merlin drinks after getting bad news and we experience a day in the life of Natalya.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892020-12-30 5 
January 2021
4593959Chapter Quest CLXXVII: Styrian Crusade - Act 1After years of planning the Great War against the Styrian Triarchy finally commences.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2021-01-04 12 
4587404Strikers 2016 Reboot 45In which we test out our new cannon, have a Wendy quest interlude, and make a few phone callsGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-01-18 4 
4621024Chapter Quest CLXXVIII: Styrian Crusade - Act 1 continuedAs the war on Kruun devolves into attrition, the other half of the Crusade forces turn their attention to Subsector Mortis itself.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2021-01-25 15 
February 2021
4622491Strikers 2016 Reboot 46In which we have discussions over dinner, pickup some stuff for Merlin, and our 2nd Yellowstone test takes a spooky turn.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-02-13 3 
March 2021
4657411Strikers 2016 Reboot 47Start off with Liz and Akemi quest, we learn we're headed back to Japan sooner than expected and meet up with some of the other Wyvern crewGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-03-07 2 
April 2021
4697706Strikers 2016 Reboot 48Second half of the WCT meet and then its back to Japan.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-04-01 2 
4729785Strikers 2016 Reboot 49In which Wendy furnishes the house, Morgan and Mori interview a Valkyrie candidate, and Merlin agrees to cut back on energy drinks.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-04-25 2 
June 2021
4818565Strikers 2016 Reboot 50In which we prepare for and then proceed to strike the PLAN task force off Incheon. Afterwards Kyou speaks to us about the flight.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-06-06 5 
July 2021
4852983Panzer Commander Quest #71The persona of Sleepwalker is commanded, and his mission undertaken. The dead speak.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, Ghosts of Panzer Past2021-07-08 2 
4885447Strikers 2016 Reboot 51In which we spend time with MerlinGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-07-13 2 
August 2021
4920363Strikers 2016 Reboot 52Discussions regarding our third Valkyrie slot and interviewing two candidates for it.GhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-08-20 5 
October 2021
5003363Strikers 2016 Reboot 53In which the Valkyrie candidates are narrowed down to twoGhostDivision, Strike Witches 2016, Collective Game, Strike Witches Quest, Strike Witches 19892021-10-27 5 
December 2021
5070512DC: Henchman Quest #10We kill some phantoms, claim a mystic scroll and begin the adventures of Jonah Thema, Supernatural P.I.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2021-12-18 24 
February 2022
5116237DC: Henchman Quest #11We handle the S.T.A.R. Labs heist, begin our search for the Ace of Winchesters, and make some ambitious choices.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-02-18 21 
April 2022
5170625DC: Henchman Quest #12We strike numerous enemy targets, bite off more than we can chew, and suffer the consequences.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-04-09 21 
May 2022
5228803DC: Henchman Quest #13We launch our raid on the embassy, make a startling discovery, flee into familiar territory, and prepare for a siege. DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-05-29 22 
July 2022
5290058DC: Henchman Quest #14We survive our jaunt into the desert, pick up a new hobby, get sent on a new mission, and the QM flies too close to the sun.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-07-07 22 
August 2022
5330698DC: Henchman Quest #15We break free of our shackles, return for a rumble in the jungle, and launch the final takeover.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-08-08 23 
September 2022
5369036DC: Henchman Quest #16We conclude our overseas operation, lay the foundations for something greater, and embark on a well-deserved vacation.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-09-21 22 
November 2022
5411064DC: Henchman Quest #17We see the sights, broaden our horizons, cause some trouble, and go grave-robbing (again).DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-11-07 22 
December 2022
5457786DC: Henchman Quest #18We continue our whirlwind tour of Europe, get into even more fights, make a bittersweet farewell, and set out on a hiking trip.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2022-12-23 22 
February 2023
5556904Chapter Quest CLXXIX: The Styrian Crusade: BrohmidaeAfter defeating the Styrian Defence fleet we find ourselves plunged into Brohmidae's internal politics.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2023-02-05 12 
5518581DC: Henchman Quest #19We successfully summit Mount Olympus, make an interesting discovery, and become an unwilling participant on Set’s wild ride.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2023-02-13 21 
March 2023
5569223DC: Henchman Quest #20We resolve a standoff, commit another instance of verbal assault, go fishing, and begin the last leg of our vacation.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2023-03-19 20 
April 2023
5624532Chapter Quest CLXXX: The Purification of ArdeaWe take control of the Sisters of Battle as they fight to cleanse Ardea of Styrian forces.Collective Game, Chapter Quest, Chapter Master, Chapter Master Quest, Ghosts of Retribution, Space Marine, Warhammer 40,000, WH40K, Imperium2023-04-02 8 
May 2023
5611421DC: Henchman Quest #21We visit a hole in the middle of nowhere, get spiritual in more ways than one, and enter the final spot on our vacation.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2023-05-04 20 
July 2023
5666638DC: Henchman Quest #22We smash up some criminal operations, make a few new friends at gunpoint, and brace ourselves for a showdown.DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2023-07-06 20 
August 2023
5705822DC: Henchman Quest #23We say goodbye to Pandion violently, purchase equipment, and take a job for an unknown employer. Quest may be closed indefinitely. DC, Henchman, AxisQM, Gentleman Ghost2023-08-26 26 
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